Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1900, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
hi m i 1
Statue of Martyred President is Unveiled
at Lyons.
.Expected Demonstration by Socialists Faita
' to Materialize.
Government Takes Occation to Deny Ee
ported Hostility to Eoman Ohurch.
Unveiling l Atlriideil liy .eiintloniil
Hr-lnndc, liiWnonn Mini l.rniiluu I"
llitue of Moiuiiuriit und Cut
tlnu III Tlirnnl.
IjVONS, France. Nov. 4, No disorders
.marred tlio ceremony of unveiling the mon
'urnctit to tho Into President Curnot horn
today, or tins luncheon tendered to Presi
dent I.oubot hy the chamber of commerce
which followed the unveiling. nlthongh die
socialist committee had posted bills cull
ing" upon Its followers to mnke a demon
iitrallon In protest ugutnit thn chamber of
oimimrco, which Is regarded by them ni
clerical and reaetlotinry
M. l.oubet wan greeted with overwhelm
ing acclamation, althmiRh occasionally
along the routo cries of "Vive la Module
rovolutlont" were heard minted with de
nunciations of tho clerical party. A few
groups were dispersed by thn police, but
nothing In the nature of any organized
demonstration developed.
There was an Imposing mobilization of
troops all nlong tho route to the monument.
Cavalry, Infantry nod artillery wero massed
at tho croaB roads anil In tho squares, ren
dering nnothor Curnot assassination Im
possible Tho iiresldent's carriage was
surrounded by cuirassiers. i no onuro
city wna hung with flags and tho crowd
wna Immense. M. Waldcck-ltousseau, the
premier, M. do lJincssnn, minister of ma
vine, and M. Mlllerand, minister of com
merce, participated In tho procession,
which consisted of forty carriages. M.
Valdcck-Hoiisneau and M. Mlllerand were
warmly cheered on their arrival at the
l'laco do la Repuhllque. whole tho statue
Htands. M. l.oubet sat In tho tribune, sur
lottndod by tho ministers, tho mayor of
Lyons and other municipal functionaries.
Members of tho Curnot family occupied
front sealH.
Tho Btatuo having been unveiled, the
mayor upoko of tho glorious traditions or
tho Curnot family and recalled tho fact
that Sudl Carnot hud repressed Houlangor
isni. M. Wnldcck-Rousseau eulogized Carnot's
personal qualities and his devotion to
demooiatlc principles. Cheers followed
his declaration thut "adversaries of the
republic, against whom Carnot struggled
u iS's'o u'ne, VW 1101 - disappeared
nd only yosterday tho government had to
defend tho republic against them."
Tho procession was then reformed and
proceeded to tho prefecture, where tho of
Iclal presentation took place.
Replying to an address of homago by
Cardlnnl l'lorro Hector Coulllo, Archbishop
of Lyons, M. I.oubot said:
"I must seize this opportunity to de
molish tho myth thut tho government Is
tho enemy of nny religion, worship or bu
llet whatsoever. The government takes
too high u Bland not to respect all and to
enforce respect far nil.
"I nm suro that tho clergy on their side
will understand this and will make It un
derstood by all Catholics. This under
fitandlug must havo as a basis a loyal and
romplolo obscrvunco of tho laws of the
"I an convinced that the social pcaco
which you desire will becomo stronger and
utrongor for tho welfare of tho country
nnd Its Institutions, which tho country on
ovory occasion declares a firm Intention to
i Responding to an address by the gov-
ernor 01 mo uepuriiuriii, wcuerui uucuraiiu,
, . . . . . . . 1 1 , r i . . . i .
M. I.oubot said:
"Tho government, as well as myself, has
nlwoys Striven to dlsslpato mlsundorstand-
lngB regarding Hh sentiment townrd tho
army nnd 1 know that wo can count upon
tho army s loyalty and dovotlou."
Tho president then drove to tho chamber
of commerce, meeting thero with a rcccp
tlon that repeated tho enthusiasm dis
played at tho unveiling. After the lun
cheon l:o Epoko In pralso of tho Initiative
of tho chamber In sending commercial mis
sions to tho east and commended Us of
forts to Improve tho condition of labor In
I.y olid.
ItrvlvliiKT KiileriirlNPM of (iit'niirlniii.
This evening I.oubot was entertained at
dlnucr by1 tho municipality. Responding to
tho sentiments of various speakers, he
congratulated Lyons upon not allowing the
"reviving enterprises of Caesurlsm" to gain
ii foothold there and declared that his con
ntunt preoccupation was to fulfill the
double duty of defending tho material In
tcrests of all Frenchmen and at tho same
tlmo preserving Intact tho "moral patri
mony of tho country." The greater part of
his address was devoted to a eulogy of
l'rior to his speech he announced thit
ho hud received the following tolegram
from Uiuporor Nicholas at Llvndla:
Thn unveiling of n monument to one cf
your Illustrious predecessors vlv.uiy re
minds im of tt't- lt"r-tnnt Fervtces ren
dered to .France hv the Into President Car
not nnd his notlve co-operation In tho
great work of brlmtlng timet ner with ca
pentlul paelll" objects our friendly nnd
nllled countries. In henrtlly associating
mvself with Mils ceremony. I beg that you
will ever believe In my sincere ami un
ehnnclng frlendhlp.
After tho applause had subsided M. Lou-
bet said:
Franco Is grateful for the cxnreHnn ft
such sentiment. In my rcnly 1 bellevn I
have been the Interpreter of the' feeling of
all French citizens.
l.oiiln-I'M Heply to Cni'.
M. Loubot's reply to tho car, which was
not read at tho banquet, was us follows:
I am deeply touched by your majesty's
generous thouoht In associating yourself
with the homai'M rendered to tho memory
of farnnt by the cltv or Lyons. KruifH
hluhly appreciates this fresh token of
affectionate sytnnnthy.
Nor docs she, forget tlie part your Illus
trious father took with as you so well
Fay, esi'entlullv paclllc objects. In bring
Inu toeether frlendlv and 'allied countvl;
nnd alio piously unites In her veneration
nnd her memory the mime of Alexander
nnd Cnrnqt. It Is not only In my mvn
immo. but In tho name of all Franco that
T present to your majesty my wurm
An exciting Incident occurred during tho
afternoon. A mlddle-uged man mounted
tho monument unci began speaking to the
crowd. Suddenly ho drew a razor from M
pocket and cut his throat. Ho was taken
to tho hospital In u dying condition.
This evening the city Is brilliantly Illu
minated In honor of the presence of M.
J 871.
His True Colors.
Kdgar tittarl In I'apllllon
April 1, 18S7.
On the llrst day of tho legisla
tive M-xsIoti the Times plekoil Sen
ntors Itiiiisom nmljlowell its the
loaders of the corporation contin
gent In thut hotly. The picking
was not tin evidence of tfninrt
liens (ill our part, lor, Indeed, unv
ninn who has watched the cotirsu
of those worthies In recent years
cotihl and would have done ns well
ns we did. SK.akltt of Han
koiii anil Howell, what a dis
grace the pair has heen to
the free silver forces which
elected them. Hand In liauil
In every scheme to aid In cor
poration lohhery, hack to back to
light against the sharp shafts of
public criticism while pinning
gamblers' bills to passage. Shame's
crown for shame Is the fact that
these trultors bear the democratic
tin inc.
lllne. of Lord ltoliertf' Hiinuhtrr In
iIiiitk II I m to l.fiivf for
LONDON, Nov. C Lord Roberts, accord
lnr to dispatches from Capetown, has taken
his nick daughter to Johannesburg and
Lord Kitchener Is left In command. It
Beems likely Hint he will havo plenty of
work. Ceucral Dewet Is reported to hnvp
made his apnenranro near Frankfort, In
the northeastern corner of tho Orange river
colony, and small bodies of Doers continue
harassing tnetlcs.
It Is asserted that Lord Kitchener Intends
to stop the pursuit of commandoes and
try to settle the colonies by garrisoning
and organizing tho towns for rapid raids
with mounted troops.
"I'rlnco Christian Victor's cud," says a
Pretoria dispatch, dated November 1, "was
sudden anil unexpected, although ho had
been unconscious for tlireo days. Tho
body was embalmed and preparations were
being mnilo to tako It to Kngland when
tho telegram nrrlved announcing the
queen's .desire that the remains bo burled
lu a Boldler's grave. This ceremony was
performed today.
"An Imposing nrray of troops lined the
routo for two miles to tho cemetery'. Tho
cortege Included tho Hoynl Canadians, who
ore about to start for home. Tho pall
bearers were: Generals Kelly-Kenny.
Urazabon, Wood. Marshall, Mnxwcll and
H.tdon-I'owoll. Tho chief mourners were
Lord Roberts, I'rlnco Francis of Teck, Lord
Kitchener nnd Colonel Campbell, Crowds
of tho townspeople attended."
Lord Kosslyn has brought his dispute
with Mr. Winston Spencer Churchill before
tho prlnco of Wales, who Is coloncl-ln-chlcf
of tho regiments concerned, Tho earl
has written tho prlnco to deny that he
Imputed dishonorable conduct to the reg
iment, offering to apologlzo should an
official Inquiry prove that hn has been
Trlbnt Warfare In Admlrulty Inlnmln
Summarily Mettled by (Jer
miiii Corvette,
VICTORIA, . CK Nov. 4. Tho German
corvotte Moewe, according to advices from
tho south seas, has reached Sydney nnd re
ports that It wns called on to quell a tribal
war on one of the Admiralty Islands. Word
was received by her commander that a sec
tion of lighters nrmed with rifles from a
pirate had butchered 1G0 natives, and the
Moewe went to tho scene. Arriving off the
village a landing party, consisting of 120
Germans, put off under four officers nnd
opened lire on the rebellious natives. The
natives made a stubborn stand and returned
tho lire of tho landing party. Fortunately
tholr aim waa bad and only three casualties
resulted, six of the natives being shot down.
Fvcntually tho expedition returned to the
warship, which steamed close Into the beach
and shelled tho vlllngo with destructive re
sults. Miiy He Chief Secretary of Ireland.
LONDON. Nov. 5. Tho Times 'announces
this morning that Georgo Wyndham, who
was parliamentary under socretnry of
Ktato for war lu tho last cnblnet, will
probably he appointed chief sedrctary of
Ireland, it Bays It Is also llkoly that
Walter Humo Long, who was president of
tho Hoard of Agriculture, will become
president of the local government board
nnd that Hobert William Hnnbury, who
was lluanclal secretary to the treasury, will
bo given tho postmaster generalship, with
a seat lu tho cabinet.
According to tho same authority the mar
quis of Londonderry will bo appointed pros
tdeitt of tho Hoard of Agrlculturo and
Austin Chamberlain will bo romoved from
tho post of civil lords' udmlralty to that
of financial secretary to the treasury. For
minor pohts Hugh Oakcly, Arnold Forstor.
Lord Stnnloy nnd Lord Cranbcrne, oldest
son of tho premier, are named. It Is prob
able that Karl Cadogan, lord lieutenant of
Ireland, will defer his resignation for some
Tho seals of offlco will be exchanged nt
a council to bo hold at Wlndsoreastle No
vember 12. "
Ciii'IIhIn Fire to Franee,
MADRID, Nov. 4. An ofllclal dispatch
announces that the chief of the Carllst
band, which had been operating In the
nerga district, has taken refuge In France
nnd that tho band In tho province of Ali
cante has been dispersed. .Arrests of Carl
Ists, particularly priests, continue through
out the country. Tho arrest of a vicar of
a church In Madrid has led to the dis
covery of additional compromising docu
An entire band of Carllsts has neon cap
tured In the neighborhood of Jaon, capi
tal of the provlnco of the sumo name, north
of Granada.
t'lillenu Cabinet Crlnlx Over,
VALPARAISO, Chill, Nov. 1. The cab
Inet crisis was terminated today hy the for
mation of a coalition ministry, mado up In
part as follows:
Premier nnd Minister of the Interior
Marsnno Sanchez Fontoctlla, '
Mlnlstor of Forolgn Affairs Alborto Gon
zales Krrazuriz.
Minister of" Finance Munucl Covarru
blas. Minister of War Arturo Desa,
An to C'urlUt Moveiiirnln.
MADRID, Nov. 4. There la no foundation
whatever for tho suggestion made by ccrtalu
Spaulsh papers that tho departure from
llarcelouu of M. Julius li, Lny, United Slates
consul general there, for Majorlca was lu
iomo way related to tho Curllst movement.
Mr. Lay wires from Uort Mahon this his
Journey is "solely couucctcd with affnlrs of
tho consulate.'
Blaine's Trusted Manager Forecasts Over
whelming Victory for McKinley,
Democratic StHloiiirn l,ll(r Stone, .tic
(iulre nml ( niiiilirll Forreimt Vic
tory lit Kmiilrr State, but
Heftinc lo HUr Flmircii.
NHW YORK, Nov. 4. In tho lino of foro
thadowlng the result of next Tuesday's elec
tion Joseph H. Mnnley, vice chairman of tho
republican national committee, said tonight:
The tide Is In our favor. MeKlnley will
get the largest electoral vote over cust for
nny president. Fcr the Inst two weeks. tho
trend In our fnvor has Increased to such nn
extent that It hus made success doubly fis
sured. McKinley will curry tho following
stutes: Calllornln. 0; Uelewure, 3; Indiana,
IS; Kansas, 10; Mulnc, t!; Massachusetts. 13;
Minnesota, !). New Jersey, 10; North Da
kota, 3. Orcnon, 4; Khnde Island, I; Ver
mont, 4; West Virginia, 6; Wyoming, 3;
Connecticut. 6; Illinois; It: lown, 13; Ken
tucky. 13; Maryland, 8; Michigan, 14; New
Hampshire, 4; New York, 30; Ohio, 23;
I'ennsvlvnnlif. 32; South Dakota. 4; Wiscon
sin. 12; Washington, t. Totnl. 2SI.
Wo will probably carry Nebraska, with
S votts, and I'tnh. with 3 votes, a total of
11, and miiy possibly curry Colorailo,
votes, and Nevada, 3 votes, h total of i.
This will leave Mr. Bryan only 14.ri elec
toral votes. No one who haa studied the
situation and has watched tho develop
ments In the campaign can full to see how
the tide has been setting In toward .Mc
Kinley. Stoni- Full of Coiillilrner.
Vice Chairman W. J. Stone of tho demo
cratic national committee, in chargn of the
eastern headquarters, declined to give any
table tonight, saying thut all tabulated
statements wero Issued In Chicago. He
said, however:
I feel eontldrnt that William J. llrynn will
lie elected nresldent of the L'nlted States.
Tho sentiment In favor of Bryan has been nt the time was sure beyond any reason
Increasing during the last two weeks and able doubt. Since then conditions havo
Is still increasing. 1 base my judgment onico
it'imriM lioill huh Miiiit1, iuw luift, ii.-v
Jersey, Maryland, West Vlrglnlu. Indiana
and other doubtful' states, From sources of
Information that are absolutely reliable l
feel confident In ussertilig that New Yotk
will go democratic by over 25,OiiO plurality.
With tho Kolld vote of Now York and In
dlntm and with the western stntes that are
sure for Hryun bo will bo triumphantly
elected. It is useless to go Into the matter
of llgurcs and ns It Is not my province
to make ii tabulated statement 1 refrain
from doing so
I am going around a good denl among the
people, making speeches and hearing what
Is talked ol, and then1 Is unquestionably
u sentiment lu favor of Hryun which wdll
11ml expression at the polls that thu repub
lican leaders uru not taking Into account,
Oilrll I'reillcli. r.0.1100 .MuJorUy.
Chairman Benjamin B. Odell, Jr., of the
republican stato committee and republican
candidate for governor, In speaking of tho
situation In the state at the republican stato
headquarters today said:
The reports 1 have received up to today
Indicate a very much larger plurality than
my former esllmuto, I wish to say thut my
former Is Mia most conservative thut has
been made by any rcpubllcuu of sound po
litical Judgment.
Take, for example, Krlo county. Tho re
publicans of Hrtr county say they will get
lU.COO plurality there. Now, I do not claim
anything approaching that, us I make all
allowances for enthuslusm. After consider
ing all the reportB and tailing u conserva
tive estimate of them I feel contblent In
asserting that my claim of 100,000 plurality
'or the .ticket 1st I II holds good.
' Chairman AlcOuIro of tho democratic
state committee hus stated that McKinley
will not coma to the Bronx with GO.UOO plur
ality. This statement Is ridiculous. I state
now that every county up the state, with
the exception of Schoharie, will be repub
lican. lu making this statement I feel confident
that I lime underestimated rather than
overestimated tho strength of tho repub
lican vote In New York state.
Kxecutlvo Chairman James K. McGuire of
the democratic stato committee, mudo tho
fo lowing statement:
Bryun will carry tho state of New York
by u pluiallty of 1 mnko this state
ment on the very latest reports and milk
ing allowances for zeal und hopefulness on
the part of the lenders of the vurlous coun
ties'. We will elect within one or two of our
present congressional representation. The
entire democratic state ticket will be
elected mid we will make large gains In
the nssembly. I have hud reports dally
since the lust two weeks from nearly overy
part of the state and every report shows
gains for the party up the stnte.
1 nm oonlldent Bryan will carry tho state
und If he cnrrles the stnte he Is elected
president beyond doubt.
Campbell l'lckw Stunclilleld to "Win.
Frank Campbell, chairman of thofdcmo
crutlc state committee, said tonight:
Not In yenrs, in my opinion, hus such nn
aggressive tight been mado by the demo
crats in tins state as lias neen mane tins
year. A thorough canvass has. been made
of the state nnd tho total democratic vote
has been registered. Our reports show that
In the up-stato counties thousands of re
publicans have expressed tholr Intention to
vote the democratic ticket. I do not care
to give any figures, but I am very hopeful,
almost to thu extent of confidence, that
Bryan will carry tho state.
1 want also to suy that I firmly believe
Mint John B. Stnnchtleld will bo elected
governor of Now York.
Ncv York I'reiieher liiclilriitnlly Forc
eiiHtN Defeat of . ,1, llr) nil,
NKW YORK, Nov. 4. Tho Rev. Dr.
Charles II. Parkhurst at the Madison Ave
nue Presbyterian church this afternoon
took next Tuesday's election ns tho basis of
his sermon. It was Dr. Parkhurst's church
which Mr. aud Mrs. W. J. Bryan uttended
last Sunday when in New York. As Dr.
Parkhurst's toplo for today was announced
a week ago, tho church could hardly bold
tho people who came to listen.
The doctor Bald In part that patriotism
meant tho devoting of ourselves to our
country, rather than our country to our
Beves. No patriotic American could fall
to recognize as one of the perils confronting
America tho strained rotations existing
between tho two competing classes of our
population. He added:
After tho nresldentlul candidate who. to
a eonldtrablo extent, stands as the repre
sentative of industrial disaffection. Ins
been defeated as It Is said he will be Mm
situation no fur will not bo altered at all.
Thn, candldnto has not made the dlsnffen
tlon : It Is tho disaffection that has mudo
tho candidate. And there Is such an in
undation of It nnd In some of its Ingre
dients so rabid and Irredeemable an to
have succeeded In temporarily waterlog
ging a great political party that, when vcll
afloat and Its compass Jn good .working
order exists for benevolent and dlvlno pur
poses. It Is undoubtedly the fact that with
regard to this part of the country nt any
ruto that no consideration Is Jut now op
erating wdth t-uch tremendous effect ks the
consideration of the dollar. I want to say
purenthetlcully, though, that I nm not
speaking now of tho technical economic
properties of thi dollar I nm not a banker
or a political economist, and yet wlthmt
being either and being simply a preacher
of righteousness It Is axiomatic to say th'U
u dishonest dollar Is a national fraud und
that to Indulge In u dollar that makes bi
llevo that It is a whole dollar when It Ii
only half n dollar, would be to transform
our entire people Into .a great American
Ananias. Thut may not be the phrnsenlo,5y
of tho economist, but that Is the Mount
Hlnul of It.
Movement of Oemii Vessel Nov, -I,
At New York Arrls'ed Rotterdam, from
Rotterdam und Boulogne; St. Paul, from
Southampton and Cherbourg; Caledonian,
from Liverpool, Sailed llespcrla, from
Marseilles, Genoa, etc
At Scllly-l'.issed Minneapolis, from Now
York, for London.
At Oueenstown Arrived Umbrln, from
New York.
At Antwerp Arrived Kensington, from
New York, for Liverpool, und proceeded:
Saxonla, from Boston, for Liverpool, una
proceeded. Sailed Lucanlu, from Liverpool,
for New York.
Henegiules assisting the fusion
lnnnnKcrs urc printing for distribu
tion fttlte fit tuple ballots labeled
republican, but containing cross
murks for the fusion legislative
candidates. They arc'also clrciilat
Ine; atiothet batch of scurrilous cir
culars attacking Mr. Itosewatcr.
Itewatc of all these fakes.
a 0 r r--t- t m
Chnlrninn llnlicoek Iiicrcm- Ills 12
1 1 in ii 4 o of Iteiiiililtrnu Mrmbrr
Mlilli to Two lliindrrd.
CHICAGO. Nov. 4. Congiessman Habcock,
chairman of the republican congressional
campaign committee, gavo Jo the Associated
Press tonight tho following statement cov
ering tho expectations of the republicans ns
to tho next house:
Tho conKresslonnl campaign hns reached
n point where tho only uucstlon Is tho lzo
nf the republican mu'orlty. In my stute
menl given to the press on the 27'h uU.. I
sold the republican membership would not
bo less than 18. This number I considered
ntliuieil tn iinnrove. The Croker-Jonu
ndvlce tn democrats suggesting fraud by
the republicans bus done u much n0nd,
for no one can point to a single Instnnco
where n republican member has been
o'ected by fraud, either in the votes east
or In tho count nfter thev were east, wMl
tho majority nf the democratic representa
tion In the house comes from districts
v here the repuli'lcnn vote Is driven from
thn polls by tho shotgun, er. If In nny cn-o
It Is cast. It In counted for the dem crntl
fiindldnte nnd the will of the people de
feated This crv of wolf coming from the
partv thnt stnmls sponsor for fraud of the
wors't tvpe will be relented nt the p- Us.
And I hnve every reason to believe th'U
fu'lv 200 renubllcnns will be elected to the
Fifty-first congress. J. W HABCOCK
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Chnlrman Rich
nrdpnn of tho democratic nntlonnl congres
Blonul committee tonight mode the following
statement as to the next house of repro
fccntatlvcs; Wo are absolutely certain that tho next
house will be democratic and we believe
that tho republican lendeis well know It,
many prominent republicans having ad
mitted It. The majority will be n good snfe
one, lit least twenty-live. This committee
lias not deemed It wdso to bo Into detailed
estimates showing the districts they are
conlldent of carrying, or those that they nre
maklnc n tlsht for. for the renson wo do
not wdsh to Invite greater opposition or
nrouse the republlcnns to concentruto their
forces In those districts wdiere our demo
cratic candidates nre making hopeful bat
tle. The wisdom of this must bo npparent
to every democrat nnd Is certnlnly appreci
ated by every Intelligent man.
The claim? of the rem A!' inns tbat-they
expect to curry the house by a decided ma
jority Is nil for political effect. The promi
nent men of the partv have conceded for
some time past that the situation wns des
nerate and probably hopeless so far us the
house was concerned nnd rlnlms are now
made to keep their spirits tip.
Tn mm any llrpllrs to Mef'iil IntiKli's Hi
linmiri'N vrltli llnllclor.liiK
Poller Order.
NF.W YORK, Nov. 4. Superintendent of
Elections McCullagh tonight s'ent to the
board of police commissioners, tho chief
of police and other officials a communica
tion In which he says he has received In
formation to tho effect that concerted and
organized attempts will bo mado In many
of tho election districts In tho cl'y by
tho lawless element of tho community to
Interfere with nnd lnttnildnto voters en
election day.
Superintendent McCullagh says: 1
I do not hcfltnte to stnte that the ele
ment enraireri In this contomplnted vlo'n
tlon of law has been crently encourared
nnd fortified by tho open ndvocacy of vln
lenco nt the polls reported lu the da'lv
prints by nersons prominent In polltleil
nctlvltv. The Interferences with thn vot
ers Imltrnted In mv lpfo'nm"nn will n
tho hlocVIng of the polls by o-gunlzed gang
tnimedintelv after the opening thereif hv
forming In lino oMteni'ey as v"icrs nnu .ip
plying for ballots under llctitlocs nunicH
arid after being reteeted to reform ngaln
In the rear of the lino."
Mr. McCullagh then says that an open
threat has been mado that his deputies will
bo assaulted if they attempt to do their
Chief of Tollce Devcry today sent the fol
lnstructlons to be used on election dny to
nil the commanders of pollen precincts In
Greater New York:
Tactics nnd methods of Intimidation per
petrated upon respectable citizens who havo
been one ver In tho stnte. four month In
nnv nf the four counties of New York City,
wlio have resided thirty days In an elect'on
district nnd who nre lepal voters by John
McCullagh. superintendent of elections, will
no be tolerated or permitted by tho police
Oovrrnor Spend Millet Sou .lny, but
"Will Nprnlf Attain Till
NI3W YORK, Nov. 4. Governor Roose
velt spent a quiet day at his Oyster nny
home. After dinner ho took a long wall:
through tho woods, reaching homo ngaln
about 8 o'clock. Thero wo'ro no callers
during tho day. The governor eu!d ho had
not received messages of any kind. Ho
says he feels no Ill-effect nf his long cam
paigning trip. Ho was not even hoarse.
Tomorrow night he will speak at tho
republican demonstration nt Oyster Bay
and close tho campaign, Special trains
will be run from all the principal points
of the Island.
On Tuesday tho governor will voto early
and probably will devote tho rest of the
day to his family until tho returns begin
tn arrive In the evening. Ho has mado
no arrangements to receive detailed re
turns at his homo and will depend upon
tho reports that nre received In tho
nx-I'rralrirnt Will On lo the I'oll nt
I'rlnceton Tomorrow und
Cnt 111 Vote.
DETROIT, Nov. 4, Tho Free Press to
morrow will publish nn Interview with Don
M. Dickinson, Just returned frora New
York, In which ho Bays;
"The published statement that Mr. Cleve
land will bo absent from Princeton on a
fishing trip on election day U untrue. Ho
Is nt Greenwich, Conn., whoro ho wont
for a visit to Mr. Benedict on Friday, but
ho will return to Princeton the day before
election and will go to thu polls at his
voting precinct."
JJEJl 5, 11)00.
The Paramount Issue.
The purniuomii issue to bo foujjht out in the battle
of J!)U0 may bo suiiiineil up in live small words, Do yon
want a change?
This is the simple question that every citizen will
ask himself before lie casts his ballot and the verdict
will depend upon the conclusion reached by a majority
of the 10,000,000 voters who will record themselves on
one side or the other next November.
It cannot be gainsaid that the American people are
as prosperous ami well-to-do this year as .they ever have
been. Do the American people want a change? ,
Do the American fanners, whoso products are in
steady demand at good prices at home and abroad, want
a change?
Do the merchants nml tradesmen of the country,
who are doing a larger business in the aggregate than
ever before, want a change?
Do the manufacturers ami employers of labor in
mill and factory, whose products are marketable now
at fair profit, want a change?
Do the professional men, whose services command
higher remuneration than ever before, want a change?
"What would any of these classes gain by a change?
This is the poser which neither .Mr. Hryun nor any
of his chain pious will be able to answer satisfactorily.
They will talk about; the Declaration of Independence,
about the crime of 187,'5, about, the beauties of free silver
coinage, about the disastrous gold standard, about the
menace of imperialism nnd militarism and about the
rapacity of the trusts. Hut nil these subjects are over
shadowed by the question that dominates all men who
are constantly striving to better their condition, but do
not willfully and deliberately expose themselves and
their families to the risk of a relapse to the distressing,
hard times experienced before the advent of McKinley
and the ascendancy of republican policies that have
restored contidence, raised the national credit find set;
the wheels of industrial
mot ion. (Uoprintcd.)
Fnsionists Send Out Circulars Attacking a
Republican Candidate.
I,eKlltlvr Committee of the Stnte
Firemen' AMoclHtlon Hn; the
Chnrjre Falc nml Crovr
It Aertlon.
FREMONT, Nov. 4. (Special Telegram.)
As a lust desperate attempt' to lujuro the
republican stato ticket, the fuslonlsts nro
now flooding the Btato with circulars ud
drcssed to llrcmcn, asking them to voto
against Senator Frank N. Prout of Cage
county, candldnto for attorney general on
tho republican ticket. In the clrculnr U
Ie, set forth that during tho last session of
tho legislature Senator Prout Introduced
fccnato fllo No. 133, a bill to repeal tho Jaw
which tuxes fire lnsuranco companies $5
each for tho bcncllt of the volunteer fire
men of the state.
Tho legislative committee of tho Stato
Firemen's ussoclatlon consists of J. W.
Wilson of Kearney, L. W. Hnguo of Mln
den and J. C. Cloland of Ftemont. Tonlstit
Mr. Cloland discussed tho circular thut
Is attacking Senator Prout as follows: "I
havo been on the legislative committee of
tho Stato Firemen's ussoclatlon for years
and so I urn very familiar with tho lawn
and proposed laws affecting tho volunteer
firemen. During tho last legislature Sen
ator Prout was a member of tho commutes
charged with tho duty of clearing up the
statute book of tho dead letter laws hy
tho Introduction of tho necessary curatlvo
measures. As member of such committee
Senator Prout introduced a number or
bills, among them being senate llle No. 135,
without careful examination, being assured
by their authors that they were almply
curative measures. When his attention
was called to senate file No. 139 and its In
tention ho examined tho section sought to
bo repealed bj It and ut oneo rose In tho
senate nnd mado nu explanation, saying
that ho had hem purposely misled Into
Introducing that hill und mado a motion
Hint lm ho Dermltted to withdraw it. His
motion was adopted, tho bill wlthdrnwn
nnd tho section remains on thu etututo
book uumolcsted.
"These fnqts were Incorporated in our
report to tho Stato Firemen's association
at its last session and by that body adopted.
Tho volunteer firemen of the stato ought
to be familiar with tho fact that Senator
Prout, Instead of trying to repeal tho law
Is In reality responsible for Its being re
tained on tho books. Tho fusionlsta aro
merely lying, ns usual."
YORK, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.) Repub
licans expected tho fustoulsts to send out
somo political roorbacks and sure enough,
true to their guerrilla political instincts,
they sent yesterday n porsonal letter to
each fireman in York and tn tho stato tell
ing them that Senator Prout of Beatrice,
republican candidate for attorney general,
wos against them oud had worked to repeal
a law passed in tho Interest of flro compa
nies, Hoth Mr. Fisher and MolBt aro prnls
Ing Senator Prout for tho work ho did In
tho interest of flro companies.
Two Men Killed nml Severn! Injured
lu ItMllroml Wreck In
RKDDING, Cal., Nov. 4. In the wreck
of a Southern Pacific freight train near
Keswick today two men wero killed and
threo others Injured.
Tho killed:
AD DRYAN, Denver, Colo.
James Hart, Charter Oak, la., leg am
putated. II, Woodruff, Ashland, Ore., compound
fracture of leg.
Charles Alexander of Ohio, ankle
All were riding on a flatcar loaded with
lumber, Tho uxlo of the car broko and
flvo cars wero plied up In confusion.
Tho unknown dead man's body was sev
ered In twain. Ilryan had both legs ebv
ered near tho trunk, He died In ten
minutes Ho said ho left a wife and three
children In Denver, Ho was a llor and
claimed to have been with Dowey at Manila.
4 f
and commercial activity in
1 1 1 1 v I i niuiiiv it iu i tn nin(i in a
-------- --- - --
-- ---- -- ---- -v -
Forecast for Nebraska:
' Fair; Cooler; Northerly Winds.
'I'r m lie nil ii re nt Oiunlin Ventenlii vi
Hour. Deo,, lliuir.
.". ii, in Ill I ii. m.
II II. in -IS 'i l. III.
7 ii. in t :t ii. m
S ll. ill II I l.
ti h. iii iii r. p.
10 n. m nu ll p.
1 1 n. in fill 7 i.
12 in r;t h i.
n p.
in .
Filipino Itt'lielM Atlni'lf Ainerlenn
Troop from Iteur While Fnlse
Orclif-NtrH I'ld)' On.
MANILA, Nov. 4 Last week was de
voted to active scouting. Tho Insurgents,
hnvtng fulled to crush a single, garrison,
nro now experiencing u reaction.
LloutennntH Wilson and Dorlty of tho
Forty-fifth volunteer Infantry destroyed
largo stores of rice, four granaries and a
barracks near Halo.
Captain Atkinson with thirty-four men
of tho Thirty-seventh volunteer lnfantrv
attacked 1!)0 Insurgents under Colonel Va
lencia, recovering two Atnoricun prisoners
nnd cnpturlng u considerable quantity of
ammunition and supplies.
A native orchestra lured tho United
States troops from their qunrtcrs nenr Da
gupan, while the Insurgents attacked the
rear, killing two Araerlcuns and wounding
Today Scnor IUiencnmlmo, representing
the principal ex-lnsurgontR In Manila, re
quested Judge Taft to forward to Washing
ton a signed expression of tholr loyalty.
There Is considerable excitement over
tho approaching presidential election, with
u good deal of betting on tho result.
Citizen of Mil li Kile lil Ilrfiine
t'eriult '.IoiiInI to
MANSPIin.D, O., Nov. 4. A vlgllnnco
comml'.teo of men and boyn captured a
Dowlo elder, Mark I.oblaw of Chicago, ac
companied by a woman, presumably his
wlfo, In tho eastern part of tho city about
noon today. E. H. Dolby, n local Dowlelto
who was with them, waa chased lo a ewamp
und mado his escape. Doblaw and tho
woman wero taken to tho Krlo depot, no
officer being In sight, and nftor being held
there for two hours wero compelled to
buy tickets for Gallon. In tho meantime
another elder, who refused to glvo his
name, waa also brought In by a citizen
and deported on tho sama trail. Hoth
men wero kicked and cuffed hy tho
crowd, whlcfi numbered several hundred,
boforo tho train arrived. While tho un
known eldor endeavored to raako a spoor h
from the rear platform of the train ho
was pelted with stones nnd gravel.
( Fenr Uiilcrliilneil Tluit III en
Amputation Miiy Not Save Sur-
feri-r' Life,
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 4. Tho condition
of Senator C. K. Dnvls Is reported as de
cidedly worse tonight and gravo fears nre
cntertalnod that If his life Is saved, It may
bo ut tVn cost of his foot, or possibly his
right leg. The pus which had formed In
the forepart or his root and for tlio re
moval of which two surgical operations
wero performed has now gathered further
back and indications nre that It Is per
meating the entire limb. His fever hat
returned and dees not yield ns readily to
treatment n formerly. Th surgeons held
a consultation today nnd decided to send at
oncn to Chicago for tho best specialist to
be had. Tho senator was very restless and
suffered much pnln today.
I'tnlnxliui Cnimril liy Dynamite,
PHII.IIM'I, W. Vn Nov, 4. The work of
clearing the mlno nt Herrysimrg proceeded
today so that operntlonn will lo resumed
tomorrow. Tho explosion was canned hv
dvnuntlte nnd not by gas. Tho fourteen
men on tho renalr gniiK with nil white nnd
thev were working during tho night. Mine
Itnii Olllo Mnrki is dead und hi
brother. William Marks, will die. Juini"
Jackson Is not expected tn live. Tho miner"
are nil n'Kroes nnd If the explosion had
occurred during tho dav there would have
been many lives lost Threw mules and six
enr were blown out of tho entry t;innc
with fourteen men. Home of tho bodies
were torn Into many pUces.
All Signs Point to Sweeping Victorj for
McKinley nntl Roosevelt.
National Ootninittco Counts on 204 Electoral
Votes ns Positively Sure.
Pnity of Progress nnd Prosperity Absolutely
Certain of Endorsement.
WnrniiiMiiicn, .Mrrflutiiti, Wnur-Knru-i'r
nml I'll rim-in All llelermtiird
.No I to Com in It hiileldr Kirn
for llrjnn' nUe.
NKW YORK, Nov. 4. The republican
national committee gave out today the fol
lowing final official ststciuent:
"On the evo of election the republican
national committee's forecast of tho resiiP,
based on nbsolutely authentic nnd unim
peachable figures Htid fuels, differs from
Its previous forecasts only In increasing
tho magnitude of tho triumph which Tues
day will bring for tho cnusn of
honor oud prosporlty. All the uourees nf
the committee's Information, Including
many who aro unwilling witnesses, concur
lu IndlcatliiR tho conclusion that Tuesday's
election will prove a crltablo landslide
for McKinley and seal the doom of Hryun
and Ilryiinlsm forever.
"Tho prime cause of this Irreslstlblu and
overwhelming popular revolt agulnst tho
llrynn populist ticket Ih perfectly obvlou
It consists lu tho desire of tho people to
maintain tho prosporlty which they' have
enjoyed und now enjoy under tho policies
of tho McKinley administration nnd In
their well-grounded fenr of public calam
ity In case Ilryan wero to bo elected.
"Tho laboring man, bis wife nnd children,
remember tho poverty, mltsery und despair
which shrouded their lives In the black
years previous to McKlnley's Inauguration,
and they remember with gratitude tho relief
which hus como to them since then, with
abundant employment and largely Increased
"They listen now to IJrynn's luvltntlonr. to
throw awuy their ndvantuges, but tboy re
spectfully dcclluo them.
"The business men of tho Uulted States
remember what happened to them In those
dark yearB and thoy know what tho practical
result of tho election of 1800 has been In
referenco to tho rehabilitation and prosperity
of all llucH of commercial enterprise during
tho last four years. They correctly regard
tho proposition to endorse Bryan and his
free atlver and free trade theories as noth
ing short of lnsautty.
Farmer Will Not ForRrt Kvll I)n
"The farmers are not likely to forget the
evil days when they wero :cduiid to bank
ruptcy and ulmost to beggary, and now with
mortgages lifted, their farm products bring
ing greatly Increased prices nnd their homes
filled wdth comfort and Joy, they do not pro
pose to chango their conditions nt tho behest
of tho false prophet of 1S96 and tho an
archical agitation of 1900.
"All who havo remunerative work to do,
all who havo wages paid them and who hove
a business to protect and develop, all who
have money deposited In Bttvlngs banks or
Invested In homes of their own, huvo been
confronted with a threat tn reduce tlpi value
of their prosperity by ono-hnlf and have
been nsked to ratify this suicidal proposltloa
by their votes.
"As they constitute thn great mass of
the American peoplo and as thoy aro sane,
sensible and honorublo men, tho over
whelming majority for McKinley and
against Ilryan which Tuesday will record
Is thus accounted for.
Ivnoiv I'roierlty When Tliejr See II.
"Tho peoplo know that tho country has
prospered under MoKlnloy; that wngea
havo risen to n higher ruto than over be
fore; that employment 1b abundant for all;
that tho savings of labor havo Increased
half n billion dolhirH; that commercial
prosperity bus been universal aud com
mercial honor safeguarded against tho ad-'
voeatcs of repudiation and so they nat
urally hnvo decided to ro-clect him nnd
contlnun tho present conditions of pros
perity nnd safely.
"Tho commltteo's final forocast claims nt
least tho following states for McKinley:
California, !l; Connecticut, 0; Delnware, 3;
Illinois, 21; Indiana, IS; Iowa, 13; Kan
sas, 10: Kentucky, 13; Maine, 0; Maryland,
8; Massachusetts, 15; Michigan. 14; Min
nesota, 9; New Hampshire, 4; New Jorsey,
10; Now York, 80; North Dakota, 3; Ohio,
23; Oregon, 4; Pennsylvania, 32; Rhode
Island, 4; South Dakota, 4; Vermont, I,
Washington, 4; West Virginia, C; Wiscon
sin, 12; Wyoming, 3; total, SIM.
(Signed) CORNKLIU8 N. DDlfia.
IOWA Tit IK Tl II 1311
MniuiKfrn I.nol; for Heiuilillean
jorlty of at I.eiiHt 75,00(1.
DKS MOINKS. Nov. 4. No now devel
opment!: havo occurred today to change tlm
political nltuutlon in this Mute. If tho full
republican voto Is cast tho stato commit
tee claims tho stato will go 75,000 plural
ity for McKinley and Roosovolt electors.
Rut thero Is a probability thut tho full
voto will not bo cast because of upnthy
on nccount of over-confidence, (n somo of
the larger cities and towns there Is rilHO
danger of tho disfranchisement of u con
sldeiublo num'ier of voters bocauso of tho
change lu tho election law, which compuls
tho polls tn close nt 7 p. m. Instead of hold
ing open until R or 9, as heretofore. Somo
of tho precincts, 11 Is claimed, have so
many voters that It will be Impossible, lo
get nil the ballots east lu tho shorter
Tho republicans also assert thoy will'
return nolld dolcnatlona to congress. The
democrats contend thoy will materially
reduci! tho republican plurality of four
years ago, hut glvo no figures. Thoy also
say they will elect at least two congress
men and possibly four, namely: In thn
First. Second, Sixth and Klghth dis
CoiiKi-rvHtl vrw Kwtlmntn Mujorlly
o Ciini- Will III- Over fl.tllMI,
SAN. FRANCISCO, Nov. 4 Tho campaign
in California closed tonight, Hoth tho re
publicans nnd democrats seem confident
of victory. Colonel Stono, chairman of the
republlpun stato central committee, mndo
tho following statement to an Associated
Press reporter today.
"Wo havo had canvassers throughout the
state nnd tholr reports during tho lust few