Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Events of Importanco Breed Expectancy in
World of Tftshiou,
Minn .llllilrril I.ntnnx, Clnrrn of Ak-Snr-niMi,
nnil Mlm (irrlrnilr Oooil
rkli Will lie I'orinully
Social Calendar.
MONDAY Mrs. It. V. Hobcrwm entertains
Hon Ton Cnrd club.
TUESDAY Tuesday Mornlm; Musical club
meets with Mrri. Herman Kounlze.
WEDNESDAY-Mrs. J. 8. Knox ami Mrs.
Hartman entertain Wednesday Lunch
eon club.
Mrs. Chnrles Ford's ta.
Clark-HfUlres wedding. .,.,. .,
Minn Hothsehlld entertains A. O. T. Uowl
Ins club.
Though tho nodal calendar for tha winter
In still Bomowhat Indollnltc, rumor has It
that Bomo time between Thanknglvlng nnd
New Year's thero la to be a nntnblo occur
rence "for sweet charity's sake," possibly a
tlssuo paper ball, iionio novelties In the
musical line, a reorganized dramatic so
ciety, or any one of several other Interest
ing things besides tho Twentieth Century
Though golf still holds precedence, tho
teas, receptions and card parties arc
slowly winning socloty back to Its old ways
nd thcro aro thoso who predict that when
tho smart sot does abandon Its golf trap
pings It will bo more lavish than ever bo
cause of Its long suspension of Indoor for
malities. Moro popular than over this season seems
to have becomo tho fad for each debutante
to Identify herself with somo particular
flower and nu appropriate solectlou of
such blossom has resolved Itself Into an
art. Of courso the flower must be In keep
ing with the tone of tho wearer's personality,
for an Indiscriminate wearing of flowors
too frequently Invites comparison of tho
respectlvo charniB of tho blossom and its
wearer. And so this year the debutanto
finds herself confronted with another prob
lem than that of her gown.
Tho November days will bring about
a number of tmportaut social events, chief
among which will bo the debut of two of
Omaha's most charming girls Miss Ocr
trudo Goodrich and Miss Mildred Lomax.
On November 13 Mrs. . H. Goodrich will
glvo a largo reception at the Georgia, at
which sho will formally Introduce her
daughter. .Miss Lomnx's coming out will
occur November 22, when Mrs. Lomax will
recelvo a luigo number of friends. This
rccoptlon will bo followed by a dancing
party at tho Metropolitan hall, on Friday
ovonlng, November 23, which will be ono
of the fashtonablo events of tho early winter
Woiimn'n CI ii li.
At tho meeting of tho department of
household economics of tho Woman's club
on Thursday, Mrs. T. II. Smith was elected
secretary to 1111 tho vacancy mado by Mrs.
Cox's resignation. After reading greetings
from a number of absent members, ar
rangements were completed for Mrs. Jon
ness Miller's lecture, to bo given at 3:30
p. m. November 27, In tho Auditorium of
the First Congregational church. A special
rato will bo made to teachers and pupils
of the public schools. Mrs. Uotcbenco
gave an explanation of a chapter from
"Human Nature Explained" which tho
class Is studying.
Chemistry Is tho science before tho depart
ment at present, for tho other sciences In
tho course, tho followlng'leaders wero ap
pointed: Chemistry, Mrs. Pugh; nutrtlon,
Mrs. Burnett; bacteriology, Mrs. Wllber;
anatomy, Mrs. Hawvor; physiology, Mrs.
Townscnd; hyglono, Mrs. Mcllvalno; archi
tecture, Mrs. Pugh; sanitation, Mrs.
At tho meeting of the department of
political and social science at 3:45 p. m.
will bo read, "History of Compulsory Educa
tion In Germany" by Mrs. Hoobler and
Monday Mrs. Houdcbust will preBldo. Papors
"Manual Tralnglng" by Mrs. Llowellyn.
(irn-ii mill White Party.
One of tho social events of tho week
past, was tho card 'party, given nt Metro
politan hall on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs.
II. V. Weaver and Mrs. Charles Doss. Pro
gressiva high flvo was tho game, for which
fifty tables were arranged In the ball room,
200 women playing. It was a green and
white party. Thoso colors being carried
out In the coloring of chandelier globes and
the palms und whlto (lowers arranged so
effectively. Miss Lumbard of Dea Moines,
who was visiting Mrs. Weaver, was the
guest of honor. Misses Helens Wyneau,
JJessto Field and Carlton of Virginia assist
ing Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Iloss. Misses
Vivian Hector and Marlon Patterson dis
tributing the tally cards. From tho stage,
Master Wileon Holler announced the finish
of each gamo by a blast from a gaily rib
boned campaign horn. The games wero
finished at 6:30 o'clock, when refreshments
wero nerved.
"WrililliiKM li ml KiiunccniPiitN.
Cards havo been received In Omaha an
nouncing the marrlngo of Mr. Albert II.
Honoy to Miss Edna M. Elchelborger of
Seattle, on October 17. Mr. Honoy grew to
mannood in this city and Is widely known
hero. Ho removed to Seattle less than a
year ago and Is located thoro permanently.
Tho mnrrlogo of Miss Louise Squires and
Mr. Hoxlo Clark, which will occur nt the
homo of Mrs. Squires on Wednesday, No
vember 7, will bo of Interest to u largo num
ber of Omaha friends. Tho wedding will be
quiet, only relatives being present.
Tho marrlago of Miss Alllco Wllklns,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. WIN
1:1ns, and Mr. W. L. Mathls of St. Louis was
solemnized on Monday at St. John's church.
Iter. Charles Herbert Young ofllclatcd. Mr.
and Mrs. Mathls ncnt Immediately to St.
Louis, whero they will live.
An event which elicited much Interest
among Omaha pcoplo was tho marrlago of
Miss Ada Ingcrsou of Sioux City to Mr. W.
A. Webster of Omaha, which occurred le
Sioux City on Wednesday. Mr. Urcnnen of
Omaha acted as best man. Somo twenty
friends of tho young pcoplo went to Sioux
City from hero to witness tho ceremony.
After a western trip Mr. and Mrs. Webster
will return to Omaha, whero they will re
side. On Thursday evening, at the First Pres
byterian church In Council Illuffs, occurred
tho wedding of Miss Evnugolena Lewis of
Omaha and Mr, Ellsworth Munford of Lin
coln. Ilev. F. A. Uarnes performed tho cere
mony In tho presence of relatives and a few
friends. After tho marriage a wedding sup
per was given the bridal couple at tho home
of tho brldo's sister, Mrs. F. M. Miller, In
Omaha. At 7:45 p. m. tho bridal couplo left
for tho cast. The brldo woro a gown of
black silk crepe de chene. Mr. and Mrs.
Munford will be at home to their friends
after November 15 nt 1200 0 street, Lincoln.
At tho house of the brldo's mother, 1819
Leavenworth street, Miss Theresa Harris
and Mr. Edwnrd TJllcry wore married at 5
o'clock Tuesday ovcnlng, Itabbl A. Simon
officiating. A profusion of palms and roses
decorated tho rooms. Tho scrvlco was read
under a hnrscshoo of roses In tho front par
lor. Tho bride's gown was a handsome white
Persian silk with trimmings of chiffon fril
ling, and she carried a shower of brlde't
roses. Miss Alma Moo, ns mnld of honor,
woro an olfectlvo gown of bluo silk mull.
Between tho hours of S and 11 a reception
was given to about Bcventy-flvo guests,
among whom wero Mr. and Mrs. Will Charls
ton of Chicago.
Don't fall to visit if you en
joy tho beat of muBic, or de
Bire to see our most BiiccosBful
horselo83 carriages in operation.
nd Lincoln. Nab.
II Farnnw II. A HOB S. 17th .
! IBM.. 0. K1.
I'lenRiirr l'nnt.
Tho Six-handed Euchro club met with
Mrs. Funkhousor on Monday.
Mr. Charles Metz entertained a box
party nt the Orphcuin on Monday.
Mr. Clifford Smith gave a dinner at the
Omnha club Wednesday evening for Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. nutler entertained
the Harmony club laBt evening at their
homo, 211C Wirt street.
Tho ladles of St. Mathlas church gave
a comedy In two nets at Metropolitan hall
on Friday evening, which was largely at
tended. Tho members of Metropolitan club gave
a candy pull In tho dining room of the
club last Wednesday ovonlng which was
enjoyed by about fifty guests.
Miss Lyman entertained at cards on
Thursday. The guests wero entertained
with u solo by Mrs. Frederick F. Teal and
with harp muslo during the evening.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Hourlgan gave a birthday
sarty on Friday evening for their daugh
ters, Misses Lyda and Etha. Dancing and
games constituted tho evening's program.
Mr. nnd Mrs. P. M. Conklln nnd Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Hutchinson entertained u
number of friends at an advertising party
at Mr. Hutchinson's homo last Friday
Tho Mlsse3 Fltzpatrjck wero given a
pleasant surprlso on Wednesday evening nt
their homo, 2427 Harney street. Tho even
ing was devoted to cards and Hallowe'en
games and concluded with an elaborate
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash gave a luncheon
at tho Omaha club on Tuesday for Miss
Myers of Dubuquo. Tho party consisted of
Mrs. Allison, Miss Myers, Mrs. Fred Nash,
Mr. D. C. Adams of Salt Lake, Mr. Louis
Nash and Mr. Fred Nash.
Mrs. C. O. Peterson of 811 South Eigh
teenth street gave u pretty luncheon on
Tuesday In honor of Miss Mildred Sprngue
of California, Misses Agnes and Helen
Kelly assisting. Tho luncheon was fol
lowed by cards nnd dancing.
Tho young men of tho Church of the
Good Shepherd gavo a novel entertain
ment Inst Tuesday evening in the shape
of an oystor supper prepared and served
by themselves. Tho affair was a completo
success socially and financially.
A few of tho Omaha Cornell men en
tertained President Schurman of Cornell
untvciolty at lunch at the Omaha club
Wednesday noon. Thoso present were:
Alfred Millard, C. C. Ilosewater, Charles
L. Saunders, William Stull nud Dr. Harold
An enjoyable Hallowe'en party was given
nt the home of Miss Adelaide Clark, 3026
Davenport street, Wednesday. Tho even
ing w-ns spent In games nnd music and
numerous prizes woro given. Punch was
served and refreshments of n Hollowo'un
enhracter wero served.
For Mrs. II. M. Ileed nnd Mrs. Julia
Kimball of Spokano, Wash., Mrs. T. C.
llrunor entertained nt cards on Thursday
afternoon. Cut flowers and potted plants
wero prettily arranged through tho rooms
und after tho games an elaborate luncheon
was served.
Mrs F. C. Craig, assisted by Mrs. O. G.
Osborn, entertained the P. E. O. society at
Its regular meeting Saturday afternoon, No
vember 3. After carrying out the program
as outlined in tho year book, the members
and u few guests participated In several
guessing contests. Iletrcshmcnts were
Mrs. Jesslo n. Hendricks entertained a
largo party of friends nt progressive high
flvo at her home, 1709 California, last Fri
day evening. After tho cards refreshments
woro served and dancing and music Indulged
In until a lato hour. The first ladles' prlzo
was won by Miss Jean MacKenzle, and the
gontlcmen's by Mr. Charles Mayer of Falls
City, Neb.
Miss Jeanlo Urown entertained tho Junior
Cooking club on Wednesday, Being tho
first regular meeting of tho year tho
luncheon wub unusually elaborate, tho
tablo decoration being of pink bridesmaids
roses. The youug women present wero:
Misses Swcnsburg, Moroor, Moore, Ethel
Morse, Towlo, Mario Crounsc, Elizabeth
Allen, Peck and Brown.
In honor of Miss Livingstone, who has
Just returned from Jupan with Miss Mo
Kenna, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cartnn gave
a dinner nt tho Omaha club Thursday even
ing. Hugo yollow und whlto chrysanthe
mums woro tho decorations and over the
table from a ropo of smllax were (sus
pended Japanese lanterns nnd odd llttlo
cards with Jnpaucso figures on them wero
nt each place with tho guests' names in
the Japanese lettering.
Tho masquerade party given on last
Wednesday ovonlng nt Erfilng hall by thu
N. A. O. A. T. club wus thoroughly en
Joyed by tho members of tho club and their
Invited guests. The evening was speut in
dancing, followed by a cake walk, after
which the guests unmasked und refresh
ments wore served. Tho committee in
chargo of the 'arrangements consisted of
Clinton Smith. Arthur S. Hardy. Cluudo
Perclval and Earl Hunter.
Complimentary to Mrs. A. C Uoct nnd
Mrs. J. 0. Hoot of Clinton, In., Mr. nnd
Mrs. A. 1. Root gave an claborato dinner
at 6 o'clock Wednesday evening. A bank
of American Beauties formed a most effec
tive centerploco, while the red-shaded can
dles completed a charming effect. Later
tho guests made up a theater party at
Boyd's. Tho part consisted of Mmes. A.
C. Boot, J. Q. Boot, Mr. and Mrs. George
Woolcy, Mr. Earl Stiles, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Boot, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Root and Mr.
ami Mrs. A. I. Root. On Friday evening
Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Root entertained the
satuo parly at a dinner.
.Movements nnil Whereabout,
Mrs. Becson went to Ltncoln Tuesday.
Mrs. E. K. Mackcy has returned from Buf
falo, N. Y.
Mr, W, F, Ourley returned from the eust
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cartan have returned
from New York.
Mr. Raymond Vlcrllng returned from Chi
cago Wednesday.
Miss Marin Crounso Is spending some
tlmo with Miss Brown.
Mrs. J. II. McConnell wont to Chicago
Monday for a short visit.
Dr. Oeorgo Wilkinson Is on a short visit
to his old homo In Keokuk, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whltworth have re
turned from their wedding trip.
Messrs. Albert Edholm nnd A. McNutt
aro fishing near Alexandria, Minn.
Judgo Woolworth and MIsb Woolworth
left Tuesday evening for New York.
Captain and Mrs. Arrasmlth are at tho
Millard, after a month's stay at Hot
Mr. Louis F. Gernhadt has returned from
a visit with friends In St. Joseph and Kan
sas City.
Miss Mildred Lomax goes to St, Louis
this wock to bo maid of honor at Miss
Drummond's wedding.
Mr. Clifford Smith expects to go to Buf
falo on Wednesday, returning lato In No
vember with Mrs. Smith and son.
Miss Fnnnle Wolfe hns returned from n
four months' vacation spent with relatives
hi Canton, Cincinnati and Moscow, O.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. F. Stcpp havo returned
from their wedding trip through tho Rocky
mountains nnd nro at homo nt 171S Mason
Mrs. M. F. Allen and daughter, Miss
Elizabeth Allen, havo gono to Cedar Rap
Ids, la., to attend tho funeral of Mr. M. A.
Mrs. W. F. Allen nnd Mrs. Cleveland
havo roturncd from a six weeks' visit to
Denver. Miss Graco Allen has also re
turned from Chicago.
Soelul Clill-Clinl.
Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Patterson are at the
Ilci Grand for tho winter.
Odin C. Mackay Is now a member of tho
Freshman foot ball team at Harvard.
Tho Tuesday Morning Musical club meets
at Forest hall on Tuesday morning to ro
oigonlzc. Invitations havo been issued by Mrs.
Charles E. Ford for an afternoon tea on
Novcmbor II.
Mrs. Charles Frlce, 2510 Dodgo street, will
entertnln the South Side Whist club Tues
day, November 6.
General and Mrs. Whcnton are nt home
for the present at 2433 Columbian road,
Washington, D. C.
A daughter was born to Mr. nnd Mrs.
Arthur Chittenden Smith In Urookllue,
M.iss., last Saturday.
General and Mrs. Mandersou sailed for
New York last Saturday and aro expected
In Omnha this week.
There will bo an Informal social evening
at the Metropolitan club on Tuesday to
hear the election returns.
Mrs. II. F. Roberson will entertain tho
Bon Ton Card club at her home, 1317 South
Thirty-second street, on next Monday even
ing. Mrs. A. P. Wood, 128 South Twenty-fifth
street, will entertain the Daughters of the
American Revolution Monday afternoon,
November C.
Tho King's Daughters of the Church of
tho Good Shepnrd will give their next dance
on Wednesday evening at tho Thurston
Rifles' armory.
Mrs. H. F. Hamilton's reception, which
was to havo occurred on Thursday, was
Indefinitely postponed on account of the Ill
ness of Mrs. Hamilton.
Arrangements for tho "Twentieth Cen
tury ball" to be given New Year's eve for
the benefit of tho Auditorium fund nro In
charge of Messrs. F. A. Nast nnd E. P.
Out of To it li One!.
Mr. Russell Lemlst was In Omnha last
Mrs. F. Trumlngor of Chicago la the guest
of Mrs. Pinto.
Mrs. E. E. Beujnmln of Grand Island Is
in tho city visiting friends. t
Mr. Henry K. Browning and wifo are vls
lt'.ng Mr. uud Mrs. J. Cameron Anderson.
Mr. J. Sterling Morton and Mr. and Mrs.
Joy Morton were In Omaha over Suuday.
MIkh Mario Emmory of Duluth will spend
tho winter with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kcruey.
Miss Livingston, who has boon Miss Me
Kenna'a guest, left on Friday for New
Mrs. George Abeo has as her guest this
week Mrs. Alexander Arlington of Claxton
Cobbdon, Va.
Mrs. Margaret Matthews of San Diego
Is visiting Mr. O. F. Stephens of 005 South
Twenty-first avenuo.
Bishop Wurthlngton returned cast on
Friday after a short stay In Omaha as a
guest at Forrest Hill.
Mrs. W. O. Scully, who has been tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jumca Fallon, re
turned to her homo In St. Louis Inst week.
Mr. C. O. Smith, Mrs. Fallon's brother,
nluo loft for Moberly, Mo.
Free Scholardshlp contest for piano stu
dent. Inqulro afternoons, 3 to 5 NOT
Monday or Thursday. Miss Julia Officer,
512 Karbach block.
HrcomliiB I'lipuliir with tlir f.uillex.
Tho now stylo Turkish baths given at
Tho Bathery aro becoming very popular
with tho ladles of Omaha nnd the num
ber of patrons who are availing them
selves of tho health and beauty treatment
Is steadily Increasing. And tho reason Is
not far to seek. The baths atone lire do
llghtful, refreshing nud healthful rrid no
thing bus been neglected whlcn might add
to tho comfort und convenience uf ratrons.
The Roustrom treatment for iheumntlsin
and nervouL trouble Is gaining now convem
dally and In every case groat bouollt has
been derived. The beauty treatment has
been a revelation to scores of women, some
of whom have tried nearly all the patent
medicines upou the market and given up
In despair of over finding a sitlsfnctory
remedy for bad complexions nnd worse
figures. Tho treatment given nt the
Bathery for tho complexion, for removing
wrinkles, for developing l ho bust, lor
rounding out tho flguro or tor v Mucins
excessive stoutness is simplicity Itself and
common scnBo personified. nJ that Is the
secret of its success. Massage, (,,'opcr
bathing nud tho scientific application of
electricity will do wonders tor health nnd
beauty. Naturo holds a remedy for every
111, but sometimes it Is no near to us, ro
simple nnd cheap that wo .iro proue to
overlook it wo like to go farther r.nd pay
more. When Bnrnum said and then proved
that the American pcoplo like to bti hum
bugged ho gavo nn Idea tu the pntcnt Medi
cine faklra which has made nany of them
millionaires, Thu Bathery does not solicit
r publish tcstlmonlals-Mt prefori to b
rather exrluslvo In such matters hollovlng
that a trial treatment Is rvoro convincing
than any number of high sounding en
dorsements, Exclusively for Indies, Rooms
216 to 220, Bee building.
Adcll Layer, mandolin, 301 heely block,
OMAHA st m nn.
Hell Ml II,
Mr. C. B. Smith was qulto sick during
lost week.
Mr. and Mrs. Salon are rejoicing over
tho birth of n son.
Mrs. J. A. Morgan has been seriously
HI during tho past week, but Is better.
Miss Kelly camo upfrom Peru nnd vis
ited with her parents over last Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed O'Connor cntcrtnlncd
friends from Norfolk nt their homo on
last Sunday.
On next Friday evening a stereoptlcon
view entortnlnmenl will bo given nt the
Methodist church.
Mrs. E. Smith of Wlnterset, la., has
been visiting for a week at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Morgan.
The final rally of tho democrats was held
nt tho town hall last Friday night. Tho
Irvington band was employe' for the even
ing. Mrs. Bailey and grandson, Chnrley, havo
gone to Kimball, Klmbnll county, to visit
for some time nt tho homo of Mrs, Bailey's
daughter, i
Mr. W. H. Tlndcll, sr., wns appointed ns
dclcgato to represent this chargo nt tho
Mothodlst Home Extension society meeting
In Omnha.
Mrs. Jackson, who has been visiting with
relatives in Benson, left last Thursday
morning for Lynch, Neb., whero sho will
visit somo time.
Mr. O. W. Hawkins has purchased a
couplo of lots Joining on tho south of
Mrs. Qulnn's place and tho lumber Is being
hauled for tho erection of a one-story cot
tage. Tho eclobrators of Hnllowo'en wero out
In full force In this place last Wednesday
night. Tho small boys Indulged In all kinds
of pranks, but no serious damago was
Mrs. W. H. Safford and daughter, MIbs
Margaret, visited with friends In Benson
on last Sunday beforo going to Lincoln last
Thursday, whero they will reside In tho
The Sunday school rally dny exercises
which wero postponed two weeks ago will
beheld nt tho Methodist church this morn
Ins at tho regular church scrvlco hour,
which tho exercises will tako.
Mrs. A. J. Roscnbaum entertained her
class of Sundny school girls at her homo
last Wednesday evening nt a Hallowe'en
party. The evening wns plcnsnntly spent
In playing gutnos, etc. Refreshments wero
Tho women of tho Mothodlst Eplscopnl
church met at tho home of Mrs. Roscnbaum
last Thursday nfternoon for tho purpose
of organizing tho Ladles' Aid socloty. Tho
following officers wero elected: President,
Mrs. A. J. Rosunbaum; vice president, Mrs.
A. J. Markley; trensurer, Mrs. J. A. Keller,
and secrotary, Mrs. Ed E. Hoffman.
Mr. Edgar Powell made a business trip
to Blair, Friday.
Anton Pulto who was married last week,
has gono to housekeeping In Mrs. McElroy'e
house. '
Mrs. George Colo hns been Blck for the
past week, but Is hotter and ablo to bo
Miss Edith Sutherland of Blair Neb,, was
tho guest of Miss Eunlco Tracy a couple
of days this week.
Mr. William Corcoran, an engineer at tho
water works for several years, Is danger
ously 111 at his homo.
Rov. Young of, St. John's Eplscopnl church
ot Omaha, fl.led tho pulpit here In St. Mark's
church Sunday afternoon.
Tho members of tho Christian Endeavor,
wero entertained at tho home of Mrs. T.
Swnnson, Thursday night.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kane, accompanied
by Ira Kane of Omnha, spent Friday visit
ing with tho family of Mrs. Tracy.
Ira Brennan who has been the past wcok
visiting his uncle, James Brennan, loft for
a visit at his old homo at Wellington, Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert, went to Council
Bluff i, Sa urd.y and w 11 attend tho teacher's
Institute there, and visit friends Sautrday
and Sunday.
Chester Lewin, who hap been In tho
west tho past summer, returned homo "Fri
day nnd will romaln hero a whllo visiting
his parents.
L. N. Wnrlior, who has been putting In
somo riprap, of tho David Nenl patent nt
Onawa, la.., returned homo Monday, and will
remain until after election.
A gang of boys did considerable damago
Hnllowo'en night, but their nnmea woro
secured by tho marshal, and they were
mndo to straighten things up.
MIbs Gortio Weber of Wayne, Neb., who
has been here tho past three weoks visiting
relatives went to Teknmah, Neb., Tuesdaj
and will visit frlouds there for a few days.
MIbs Helen Clark, moved to Omaha, tho
first of tho weok to spend the winter, hero
toforo she has lived at tho hotels during
winter In Omaha, but this winter she will
keep house.
Tho people of Florenco listened to a
political speech at tho city hall Friday
night, tho speakers were Klers'ead and Bax
ter of Omaha. This will probably bo tho
laBt speaking here, for this campaign.
A party of ten men left hero Tuesday for
RawitnB, Wyo., whero thoy go to work put
ting In somo water mains, tho most of
them that went from here, are experienced
men having been working for tho water
company, hero for several years.
Court Nnlr.
On the petition of the defemlnnt, Judge
Leo Lstello hns Kranted nn order of re
moval to the federal court In tho case of
the citv of Omaha agaliiHt the Chicago, Ht.
Paul. Minneapolis At Omaha rnllrond. The
suit wus for nn Injunction restraining tho
vSf;n.l,Iant Rradlns or excavating
Llghtli Btrect between Douglas street and
Capitol avenue,
Hermann Holler has petitioned the district
court for $20,000 dnmagca from thu city of
South Omaha, because of an necldent last
August luo to ii defective sldownlk. An
excavation beneath tv walk nt Twenty
fourth and Q streets mndo It unpnfe. Tho
breaking of a rotten board precipitated
Zcller Into tho hole. Several rlbii and a
collarbone wero broken.
11. S. Horton. triiBteo of the Grcnter
Amorlca Exposition company, hns com
menced HUlt In the district court against
Whon dealora keop such initru
montu ns tho
lopresont thorn justiif tliey nro
iibk n price, which tmta thorn In
tho roach of neonlo who upprect- p
uto mubicul iiuallty-it'n natural Vj
for all purlieu to do nautiiiuu.
Absolutely Reliable.
41 Years the' TEST.
Piano & Organ Go.
1316 Farnam Si
four stockholders of the defunct organlza.
tlon to recover tho sum fur which they nro
liable on f lit Ir Mibsicrltitlot.g. Tim il.-friul-
nntfl nro Edmond K. Mufrct. Itonry Hardy,
mo aiercnnnis- nnil .Miuuiraciurers .Mutual
Fire Insurance company mid tho omnha
Furniture nnd Carpet company. The judg
ment nskeil for In ouch suit It $100.
JuiIkp Vlnsoiihnler has issued nn order
of court disposing of certain claims ncnln-U
properties m tno estate ot lliu late William
.T. Mnxwell. Herman Komitze, niftce, J.
N. Ftcld and tho Hoard of FofeiRii Ml:itn
of the Presbyterian church held claims
against land In Cheyenne county nnd mock
iiggreuutliii; Tho sale of the prop
erty by Receiver Euclid Martin brought
only MS.OOo, The Judge ordered that this
sum 1) distributed pro ruta unions the
John Kulml of South Omaha 1ms com
menced n suit In tho district court that
"will be watched with Interest by a good
mnny residents, ns the derision will nffeet
the property Interests of taxpayers In
.several parts of town. Hoeeks to ro
cover Judgment In the sum of U0O0 on m
count of dnmagefl to n lot on Nineteenth
' street, between H nnd t streets. Tho grad
ing in Hie locality last .way ii-ii um nn
twenty feet below tho street level. It s
rontended that in similar enscs tho city Is
llablo for tho resulting dnmago to property.
A Marvelous Monday
In Our CloeJt arvd Suit Store.
People arc led to buy the 11 rat time because they have conlldeiiee in what, t he advertiser
says about his goods. They buy the second time from what they have found by experience
about his goods. One confidence is that created by his words and the other is that
created by the tried and proved merits of his goods. The man or woman don't live wht
reads our advertisements who does notl'ind the goods in the store exactly as we advertise.
Women's Tailor
Made Suits
125 WOMEN'S SAMPLE SUITS mado of all wool home
spuns, Venetians, pcbblo cheviots and broadcloths, new
blouso and oton effects, plain nnd trimmed, suits that
cost to manufacture from $10 to $15
Monday ,
Women's New
Blouse Suits
Made of a very fine Venetian, in Oxford gray, blue. Tan
ami blown; Jackets , new blouso effects, Inffota lined and
trimmed with tnffctn straps; milts worth
up to $20; Monday..
Jackets '
of heavy oxfords, cheviots, kerseys and
boucler, somo heavy taffeta lined, nil new,
up to date garments, not a Jacket In the
lot worth less than $7.G0, many worth $10
Monday $4.90
Women's Stylish
Short Jackets .
breasted, mado of flno English kersey, In
all shades, heavy satin lined nud 16 times
stitched all around tho coat, a very hnnd
Bomo garment, tH Q f
- Cholco Monday IpO!ZO
Women's Swell
best Washington mills kersey, in tan, red,
ifiHtor nnd black, heavy satin lined, a
very nobby garment and one that you can't
match elsewhere for less -fl '"T
than ?1S Monday iplJ. A J
k K Etc.
made of tho best Washington mills kersoy,
handsomely tailored, high btorm collar,
heavy satin lined, come in tau, red, castor
and black, tho best values In America for
tho money
Magrvets for
125 Women's Taffeta Silk Waists a manufac
turer's sample line, bought at less than 50c on the
dollar, made of the best taffeta eilk, in plain and
fancy Btripee, tucked and hemstitched, waists in this
lot worth up to $7.50, some 4 QA
slightly soiled choice Monday ijpi.zrVJ
Fur Scarfs
SCARFS 15-in loiiK,
with large tall sold
all over the city for
V and $8 cholco Monday,
f :
111 j
Fur Col'tte
00 Renl Marten Dor
by linllii cttes, with
o uslerof talN.n col
larette you cannot
cl uil lento nnywlioro
i ....... i,
I.... KM illllll
chulcu Mnnduy.
; $9.75
Wo have tho largest and moat complete
Btock ot Sewing Machines In tho west.
You mav want a Davis Ball Bearing, Stan
dard, or t medium priced racchluo or a
machine for $16.00.
No difference for wo can Bell you a ma
chine of auy manufacture you want and
savo you money.
Wo buy our mn6hlno for spot cash. Havo
no agents pay commissions, but sell them
on a buBlnesa basis.
Wr HI needle for all luui'iune".
We rrnt innplilnen at 7I5o Pr week.
.....,lr anil -ell iinrt of every
iiiulce of innrlilne iiiniuifnoturnl.
Mn,in forenoon wo will give any half-
do'ieu needles to any lady who asks for
them ot our Btore.
For $2.00
w will elve you the choice of TEN dif
ferent machines. They will mako a good
stitch nnd ore genulno bargains.
For $5.00
Choice of TEN othcrB any of which are
cheap at $10.00.
For $10.00
Choice of TEN others. There are high
arm modern machines nnd havo coroploto
Among these 30 machines you can find airy
mako of machine you wunt.
Wo havo a large stock and are telling
them at reduced prices,
For nale at reasonable prlceB or will rent
you ono at 1 per month.
Nebraska Cycle Co
Geo, C. Mickel, Mgr.
Cor. 15th and Harney,
Piano Buyers Attention!
Yo:i aro cordially Invited to inBpect the wonderful
To make room for G carloads of pianos
bought for apot cash ut n Kreat Nacrlllco
we offer tho following great bargalnRt
Nimv Vcirk .Miikurn Liirluht, $7B.OO
.Story A Camp rliiiny -hn? Upright,
IMI8.O0-O. .11. Unity IIprlK!it, Kiiiiit coii
ilUlon, XeW ICiikIiiii.I IfprlKht,
lull .Ur, only If I U.I, OO Vcmr fc Hons,
7 octuvrN, only silJtfi.oo, Brand
;iimv nmlioKiiny, hurl, unlnut nnil
fnnry link rain plunoa nt 1;N,00,
f l.nil.OO, 15 1 08.00 nnil up.
New Stelnway, Hteger. A. It. Chase. Vose,
hrnorvon, Steck & Packard pianos ut 20 per
cent dlHCOUnt from reirulnr nrlfoH aii
on fauy monthly tmyinenlH rent tune, and
repair plunos. Tel. Ifi-M.
Self-Playing Pianola
me um Rename Picno house.
New Dress Trimmings
Appliques in taffeta or velvet
with pit r plain Persian
bands with gilt yard trim
mings, all-overs, boleros, re
vers, brevets, etc.
Ollt Belts In a great variety of styles.
Special prices on Pillow Itlbboa for
Now Flannel Waists coming in every
Special In Hosiery
Heavy cotton hose for children, seamless, 15c a
J !.. .1 ...!.. c... !.. r. ni mt.
pit ir or - pair lur -ie i.--n iu uj. m
Extra Rood quality of ladles' or children's fleece lined hose, 2Ie J
' Ladles' Outing Flannol Oowns 50c, 7Cc, $1.00 and up. m
f'hlldrcn'H, 40c, COc and 75c. J
Children's Night Drawers, with feet, 00c and COc. 2