Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1900, PART I, Page 5, Image 5

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Hcmert Money Parade in New York Beats
All Former Psireant!!.
UoTtrnnr noonrvelt llerlrws the l'ann
lnc ThousiintU and After It In All
Over Srndn Congratulations
to McKlnlrj.
KBW YOIIK. Nov. 3. Through the 'rouRh
treota made slushy by a continuous fall of
rain which .though not a downpour, was stif
flclent to dampen the clothes, though not
the Bplrltn, of tho marchers, tho parade of
the Business Men's Republican and Sound
Money association passed from Howling
Oreen to Kortlcth street today. Tho man
sen of the parado express tho liveliest sat
isfaction that tbe showing made was such a
magnificent one, and their sentiments may
be best voiced by the following telegram
which Governor Iloosovelt sent to President
McKlnlcy ns the last marcher had passed
the governor's reviewing stand:
"NEW YORK, Nov. 3. President William
McKlnley, Canton, 0.: In splto of tbo un
favorable weather the sound money parade
was an oven more magnificent demonstra
tion than four yenrs ngo. The aroused civic
honest and business Intelligence of the na
Uoa are behind you.
The parade was noteworthy for the dispatch
with which tho different associations formed
Into linn In tho lower part of tho city and
the quickness with which they dropped out
of line. At Fortieth street tho dlsbundmcnt
was particularly worthy of praise. Tho dif
ferent bodies marched first cast, then west
on Fortieth street, leaving always a clear
road for the following club.
Haiti Ciinnot Dninprn Ardor.
The cold rain which most of tho time
drove directly into tho faces of tho march
ers did not seem to dampen tho enthusiasm
one whit or lessen tho number In lino. With
full ranks ihu different organizations as
sembled ut their respective rendezvous pro
pared for n long, wet march. Flags flew
Just as gaily anil cheers were as readily
Iven as If the run were shining.
Thii police wcro In perfect command of
tho great throngs In nil parta of tho linn of
march and at no time wus there tho slight
est crowding or trouble of any description.
In falling In In the down town districts as
soon as one street wnB cleared tho pollco
surrounded tho end of the line nnd moved up
slowly to tbe next street, thus allowing that
troet to become cleared ulso. This method
was followed nil along tho lino until Worth
street was reached nnd tho last organization
was In line. Tho bead of tho parado reached
the rovlowlng stand at 10:55 o'clock and tho
last man patted them In review at 5:48
Tho parado was led by a squad of
mounted policemen which reached the dis
banding point at Fortloth street and Fifth
avenuo at 11:18 o'clock. Two minutes later
the first platoon or division of the Dry
Oooda Republican club, which had the
honor of heading the parndo proper,
reachod Fortieth street, swung west Into
that thoroughfnre and disbanded at Seventh
Ncurly soven hours later the last di
vision of tho parado reached tho point of
dtsbandment and ut six minutes after fi
o'clock tho big demonstration was ofll
otally said to bo over.
Tho crowds In tho lower part of tho
city began to gather early and nil along
Broadway reached, up to Worth street,
from whoro tho parade was to move, thou
sands massed on tho sidewalk and waited
In tho drizzling rain uud cold, raw wind
for the formation to move.
Bhortly after 10 o'clock tho parado, in
which rodo Governor Roosevelt, moved up
the line of march. When he reached the
reviewing stand at tho Worth monument
the governor's cnrrlngo was halted and ho
took his place on tho at,and, where, he re
Viewed tho ranks of marchers.
For seven hours Governor Roosovelt
tood on tho stand with head uncovered
for nearly ull of tho tlmo nnd grouted tho
marchers as they filed past by thousands.
For ench division organization Governor
Roosevelt had n word of pralso or ac
knowledgment; from each he was given a
ohoor and greotlngs, both formal und Im
promptu. Thero was no shelter over tho
reviewing stand nnd the steady drlzzlo of
rain made tho soven hours a terrlfllo strain
tipon anyone Through It all Governor
Roosevelt's smllo nover left his face, and
although his clothing was wot and his
hair glistened with water he stood with
hat In hand, ho Bhowed no lit effects of
the arduous task at tbe end.
Close with III Parade.
UTTSnURG, Ta., Nov. 3. Tho campaign
was closed horo today by tho republicans
With the most Imposing politico-Industrial
demonstration In tho history of this soc
lion. Ctubs and delegations from all parts
Dt eastern Ohio, West Virginia and westera
The Frlnctiml Canae I Curable bat
Generally Over-looked,
Many things may cause deafness, and
very ofton It Is dlttlcult to traco a cause.
Borne pooplo Inherit deafness. Acuta dis
eases like scarlet fever sometimes cauBO
deafness. Hut by far tho most common
cause of Iobs o'f hearing Is catarrh of tho
head and throat.
A prominent specialist on ear troubles
gives as his opinion that nine out of ten
cases of deafness Is traced to throat trou
ble; this Is probably overstated but It Is
certainly truo that more than halt of all
cases of poor hearing wcro caused by ca
tarrh. Tbs catarrh secretion In the nose and
throat finds Its way Into tbe Eustachian
tube and by clogging it up very soon at
ects the hearing and tbu hardening of tho
secretion makes tho loss of hearing per
manent, unless tbo catarrh which caused
the trouble Is cured.
Thoso who are hard of hearing may
think this u little far fetched, but any one
at all observant must havo notlcod how
hard cold In the bend will affect tbo
hearing and thut catarrh It long neglected
will cortaluly Impair tho senso of hearing
ud ultimately cause deafness.
If tho nose nnd throat aro kept clear and
free from the unhealthy secretions of ca
Urrh, the hearing will at onco greatly im
prove and anyone suffering from deafness
nd catarrh can satisfy themselves on this
point by using a fifty cent box of Stuart's
Catarrh Tnblots, a now catarrh cure, which
la tbo past year has won the approval of
thousands of catarrh sufferers as welt as
physicians, because It Is In convenient
form to uso, contains no cocaine or opiate
nd Is as safe and pleasant for children us
for their elders.
Btuart's Catarrh Tdblots Is a wholesome
combination of Ulood root, Guatacol, En
caluptol and similar antiseptics and they
cure cutnrrh and caturrbal deafness by
action upon tho blood and mucous mem
, fcrane of tbo nose and throat.
As one physician aptly expresses It;
You do not have to draw upon the Im
agination to discover whether you ore get
ting beueflt from Btuart's Catarrh Tablets;
Improvement and relief are apparent from
the first tablet taken.
All druggists sell und recommend them,
They cost but fifty cents for full sized
package and any catarrh sufferer who has
wasted tlmo and money on sprays, salves
ad powders will appreciate to tho full
1 merit ot Btuart's Catarrh Tablets.
Pennsylvania were In line and the number
of marchers was variously estimated at
from 30,000 to 40,000. This evening tho
city will bo given over to the democrats,
who havo arranged for a monster torchtlgnt
procession and meeting.
IleKiti l.nnt Day of Caininlicn In Chl
rnit" Midi Speech at In
foi'innt Dinner,
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. W. J. Bryan began
tbe last day of tho campaign with an ad
dress before the Iroquois club at noon to
dny. Ills numerous speeches of last night
did not permit him to retire until midnight
and he did not rise today until 10 o'clock.
Dcglnnlng at noon with an Informal dinner
tendered him by the Iroquois club, Mr. will speak all afternoon In different
parts of the city and suburbs, concluding at
S o'clock this evening, when ho will review
tho final democratic parade ot tho cam
In his address before the Iroquois club
Mr. Ilrynn said In part:
A man amounts to very little In this
world, except ns ho Htaiids for somo prin
ciple. I know that whatever goodwill yui
iiiunucsi lonaru me is not innnircatoil to
ward ttio tut nn Individual, hut in
ward mo tis the represent ttlvo for the tlmo
being of a great party which stands up'in
tho principle which vou believe In. We
cannot tell what the ruturn Is for anyone
or any nation. I have challenged the ere-
ncniims or uiose men wno tmvc been go
lug up nnd down the country pretending
to tull us what the nation' iltiiiv la. I
believe that no man Is able to see the end
from tho beginning. All that Clod rcqulrej
of us Is that wo do our duty as we seo It,
and when we do our duty Jls we see It we
are relieved from further responsibility.
I am glad in this campaign that we have
uie support, ci many wno were against us
before. I do not criticise them harshly, nnd
I did not when they left us, berause I tie
llevo that tho grt-nt majority of them left
becau.'o they conscientiously believed the
country wuk In danger. I did not ngren
with them In that- 1 did not believe th it
tho people or the country would be In dan
ger because of my election, and I make
the ttntomeut to you now that If I Had
been elected wo would not now bo con
fronted by the crisis that la before us.
I believe that thoso who voted ngnlnst mo
were ut least In nearly all cases men who
voted against me because they thought
that they wcro doing their duty to their
I bellevo tho l.iHiio today Is even growler
than was the Issuo of ISO', for then he
(tuextlnii was whether wo should havo ono
republic or two republics; but now the Issue
In thin campaign Is whether we shall havo
a republic.
Our appeal ban been to the conscience
and th Judgment of the American people.
I am glad that this Is the only kind of r.n
appeal that wo could m.iko. If It Is my
destiny to bo the prestdmt of the Unlttd
States I do not want to feel that I am
president because somebody was bought to
vote for mo or compelled to do It against
his will. 1 believe with those who believe
In the principle thnt wo mum! for. that If
1 am elected there is a great work before
me. and If I am railed upon to do that work
I wnnt to feel that I havo behind mo the
hearts of the Ameilrnn people as well ns
their votes, and thereafter my ono purpose
In life will be to dlnuppolnt no honest man
who voted for ine.
I cannot hope that my administration, If
elected, will be free from mistakes, for I
contend thut perfection Is not to bo found
In this world, and that nil that wo enn do
Is to approach It as nearly ns wo can with
tho light before uh und with a sincere tint'
pose to do what Is right. I cannot hope
not to make mistakes, but I promise you
that If 1 am elected there will be four years
In this country when no citizen hero or any
foreigner abroad will have nny doubt that
the Declaration ot Independence Is tho law
ot this hind.
One Thousand IllcRnl It ejclstratlonn
In One Cniiifresslonnl Dis
trict In .St. l.onU.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 3. Wnrrants have been
Issued for tho arrest of 350 men charged
with having registered fraudulently at dif
ferent precincts In tho down town wards
of tho Twelfth congressional district. This
action was taken on Information filed by
Chairman John R. Owen of tho Twelfth
congressional district republican com
mittee Tho committee sent registered letters to
the names as they appeared on tho voters'
list, from rooming houses and saloons In
the districts, and moro than 1,000 ot these
letters havo beon returned with the report
of tho rostofllco department that tho per
sons named do not llvo at tho places
shown on tho registration list. On tho
strength of theso reports wnrrants havo
bcecn asked for tho arrest of moro than
1,200 persons and 350 ot tho warrants havo
been Issued.
Wants Federal Deputies1 Enjoined.
DENVER, Nov. 3. Mayor Johnson of this
city has applied to tho United States dis
trict court to provent tho appointment of
deputies by United States Marshal Dalley
to serve at tho polls next Tuesday nnd
Judge Ilallett has niado an order requiring
tho marshal to show cause on or betoro
Monday next why tho petition should not
bo granted. Tho mayor In his petition
declares that the action ot tho
causes great danger of violence and blood
shed and intimidation of voters, that It Is
In tho power of tho court to remove all
such deputies at Its pleasure and to pro
vent the marshal and his deputies from
Interfering with tho election.
Hot Finish tn Cleveland.
CLEVELAND, Nov. 3. The republicans
closed their campaign here today with a
big parade, which, considering tho enthusi
asm nnd the number of men In lino, sur
passed any political demonstration ever
witnessed In this city. The weathor con
ditions wcro suporb, the sun shining
brightly, nnd the air was cool nnd bracing.
It was estimated that from 50.000 to 60,000
men took part In tho demonstrations, 1,000
of whom wcro mounted.
Speaklnsr nt nialr.
nLAIR, Nob., Nov. 3. (Special Tele
gram.) To a well filled houso nt Germanla
hall tonight "Rov." Chceseman of Ashland
delivered a speech that was a combination
of politics and religion and campaign
speaking with pulpit oratory. Hon. John
L. Kennedy will speak at the opera house
on Monday night, Novembor 5, In Blair
and a rousing republican rally will be held
that evening.
Attention. I'rrvsmen.
All members of Pressmen union No, 32
nro requested to attend tho funeral of our
lato brother J. II. Johnson, at 2 o'clock Bun
day afternoon, from his late residence, 1518
Uurt street. E. A. WILLIS, President.
J. T. HART, Secretary.
Attention, Woodmen of the World!
Alpha camp No. 1 will glvo a card prrty
and entertainment "for men only" cn
Thursday evening, November 3. Admis
sion froo. All Woodmen Invited.
Hnieltlnir IMunt Combine,
ni'FFALO, N. Y.. Nov. 3.-Thrco large
iron smelting plants located In Soutl
HufTalo hnve been consolidated under the
nnmo of tho Huffnlo Unl"n Furnace oo'ii.
puny, which was Incorporated at Albany
yesterday, with a capltul of $1,10) V.
The plants In the consolidation nro: The
nuffalo Furnace company, tho Union Iron
workH mid tho HufTalo Chnrcnal Iron com
pany. The menngement of the new' com
pany will bo in the hands of Frank 8.
M. Orates ot Fnlrbury Is at the Murray.
J. II. Duncan of nialr Is at the Millard.
D. W. Hales, formerly night clerk at the
Merchants, Is now behind the desk at the
K. A. Wethers, manager of W. It. Bennett
company, returned from on cuatern trip
C. N. Uenson, H. "W. Chatters and W. E.
Drannon of Lincoln, S. D. Way of Aurora
and J. N. McDowell of lleatrlco are stato
guests. nt the Her Urand.
Nebraskans nt tbe Merchants: Mr. and
Mrs. C. K. Jackmun nnd F. S. Howell of
Hlulr. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Wllllson of Co
lumbus, J. E, Smith of Fremont. F. Currle
of Whitney, It. R. Hmlth of Chadron. K.
E. Mathews of Lincoln, II. E. Krygsr of
Kearner and C. M. Deck of Qltabeu.
Explosion in West Virginia Pit Results in
Temble Loss of Life.
Cause of Disaster Not Certain, but
It Is Generally Relieved to lie
Due to Accumulation of
1'HILLIPPI, W. Va., Nov. 3. At 1:30
o'clock this morning a terrific explosion oc
curred at tbe Virginia Coal and Transpor
tation company's mines at Bcrrysburg, btx
miles from I'hllllppl. Eleven dead budlci
have been taken from the mines. The ex
plosion was plainly beard In I'hllllppl. H
occurred In tho second left number Blx
room, south entrance. Tho mine owners
refuse to discuss It, saying it was caused
by too heavy t cbnrgo of powder being
used. The miners say It was. caused by
flro damp. It Is not known how many
were killed and Injured. Not until roll
call call this be determined. Ab soon as
the mine had cleared sufficiently rescuers
at once began tho removal of the dead.
So far tbo following have been taken out
The pit boss on duty and his brother,
will Mcrks, were taken out uaconsclous
and cannot possibly recover.
Voting Filipino In Manila nospltnl
Declares Thnt Itebel Leader
la So More.
SAN DIEGO, Cat", Nov. 3. James G.
Husaey of National City has received n
letter from JameB Thompson, a prlvnto of
Company C, Twenty-beventh United States
Infantry, written while ho was In tho hos
pital at Manila and dated September 1, In
which tho writer says thnt a young Fili
pino occupying a bed' next to him nt the
hospital stated that Agulnaldo wus really
shot dead as reported some time ngo, but
that It was to bo kept quiet tor political
WEST POINT. Neb.. Nov. 3. (Sneelal.l
The marriage of Honry Dunker and Miss
Theresa Koupal was celebrated by Rev.
a. ii. Learner, pastor ot tho Grace Lu
theran church. Tho croom Is a rlslnir nnd
prosperous young business man and the
bride ono of Cuming county's successful
teachers. They will co to housckeenlrif In
tho city Immediately.
IVrvr Director Are Named.
KANSAS CITV. Nov. 3. Tho board of di
rectors of tho Kansas City Southorn Rnll
way company was reorganized at a special
meeting ot the offlcors of tho company In this
city today. Flvo of tho old directors wcro
dropped from tho board nnd Ave new ones
selected, Including Georgo J. nnd Kdwln
Gould. The board of directors, as reor
ganized, Is as follows:
E. H. Harrlman, New York; Otto H. Kuhn,
Now York; W. F. Hnrrtty. Phlladelnhla:
John W. Gates, Chicago; S. R. Knott, Kan
sas city; Lawrence Greer, New York;
Georgo J. Gould, New York; Edwin Gould,
New York; S. W. Fordyce, St. Louis; II. C.
Pierce, St. Louis; John J. Mitchell, Chicago;
John Lambert, Chicago; Julius S. Walsh,
St. Louis. Stuart R. Knott Is to bo re
tained as president of tho road.
Ill I. null Deal at Tacnraa.
TACOMA, Wnsh., Nov. 3. The Northern
Pacific Railroad company has acquired all
tho tide lunds of tho Tacoma Land and Im
provement company and all of tho un
platted acreage of tho land upon tho tide
tlats and a largo number of unsold lots
of tho land 'company for a consideration
of i74,000. Tho railway company exchanges
all of its bonds und stocks of tho land
company for property nnd will hold no
further Interest In tho land company.
More Howard and Youtser.
FRANKFORT, Ky Nov. 3. James How
ard and Henry Youtsey, convicted of being
principals In the Goebol assassination, were
taken to Uie Louisville Jail today for safo
War Survivors ?(emenibered by the
tieneral Government.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. (Special.) The
following pensions havo been granted:
Isue of October 16, 1000:
Ncbrnska: Original Charles 13. Thomp
son, Lincoln, K Increase William II. IIoI
llday, Uethany, 150. Original Widows, etc.
Minora of James Slnyman, Falls City, J12;
Clementina N. Lnnmls, Moomaw. IS.
Iowa: Original Jefferson M, Ernst, Lit
ana. J12; Henry Stewnrt, Ottumwn, $S; Wil
liam C. Dalton, Preston, 6; Lucius E.
Cnmpbell. Steamboat Rock, is. Inereme
Patrlck llreon, Dubuque. $12; Orren W. Hut.
terlleld. Crocker. 510; William Hrndiey, Red
field, Jlo; Homer Darrow, Co'umhus Junc
tion, S. Ilelssue-WUIIum W. Hastings.
Nlra, t0. Orlglnul Widows, etc. Margnrot
Kppens, Guttenberg, 8; Emma Uowman.
Davis City, J12; Mary A. Smith, Hurllnj
ton. $8; special accrued, October 18, Mary
J. Law son, Des Moines, S.
Hlver Stennier SlnUs.
MEMPHIS. Tenn., Nov. 3. Tho steamer
Hill City, belonging to tho Hill City Steam
boat company of St. Louis, and plying be
tween 8t. Louis nnd New Orleans, struck
a hidden obstruction In Tennessee chuto
Just below the city at 1:30 o'clock this
morning and sank. Tho wntcr covers tho
lower deck, but the boat lies In a good posi
tion and can easily bo raised.
The Hill City was enroute to New Orleans
nnd had n full cargo, thirty nasengors nnd
a crew ot forty. All got safely ashore in
.Tniien' Mind All HlKht.
NEW YORK. Nov 3.-Charles F. Jones,
secretary-valet of the late William Marsh,
Itlce, nnd who was arrested on n chargo of
forgery, and attempted to commit suicide
In the Tombs by cutting his throat, passed
u very comfortable night. Tho report that
Jones Is mentally unbalanced Is denied nt
the hospital and It Is declared his mind Is
an clear as ever.
Street Car .Strike Serious,
KINGSTON, Jnroulca, Nov. 3. Tho strike
of tho employes of the Canadian-American
street railroad Is uorlous. The business h
almost at n standstill, A few cars are
running under pollco protection and a
strong police forco has been called out to
guard tho works from assault.
Movements of Ocean Vessel Nov. :i.
At Now York Arrived Etturla, from
Liverpool; P.urlu, from Marseilles:
Deutschland, from Hamburg: St, Paul,
fiom Southampton nnd Cherbourg; ci'v
of Washington, from Vera Cruz; Lady
Armstrong, trom Stettin; Richmond Cas
tle, from Yckohama: San Juan, from
Porto Rico; Myrtle Done, from London
(proceeded to Philadelphia): Mereator,
from Progre'so; Dulgnrla. from Hamburg,
Sailed Menominee, for London, Spaardarn,
tor Rotterdam; Campania, for Liverpool;
Sardinian, for Glasgow; Furnessln, for
OIohuow; Graf WalJerseo. for Hamburg
via Plymouth nnd Cherbourg.
At Cherbourg Sailed 9t. Louis, from
Southampton, for Now York.
At Hamburg Arrived Nubia, from New
At Nnples Arrived Allcr, trom ,.cw
York for Genoa.
At LIverpoil Arrived Taurlc, from New
York. Sailed Taurlc. for New York; Lu
canla, for Now York.
At Majl Arrived Inverness, from Ta
coma, for Manila (for coal).
At Antwerp Sailed Westernlaud, for
New York.
At Havre Sailed La Champagne, for
New York.
Kidney dlsense Is the enemy we have most to fear
as a result of tho foverlsh rebtlcssnoss of our much
vaunted modern civilization. It Is a treacherous
enomy, working out Its deadly effoct under cover of
the most trifling symptoms. The first indication ot
changes in tho urino, frequent headaches, digestive
troubles, should bo the signal for prompt remedial
measures. Prickly Ash Hitters Is a kidney remedy
of superlatlvo merit; It Is soothing, healing nnd
strengthening, quickly relieves the aching or tender
ness In the back that always npponrs In tho ad
vanced stages, checks tho progress of the dtseaso nnd
through Its excellent cleansing and regulating effect
In tho stomach, liver and bowels It brings back the
strength nnd ruddy glow ot robust health.
One of that great army of persons who suffer
with Chronic Disorders in the Kidneys, Liver
or Bowels? Do you have Heartburn, Bilious
ness, Headache, BACKACHE, Nervous
Weakness, Disorders in the Urine or a Con''
stipated Habit ? Suffer no longer There is
a permanent cure for any or all of these
troubles in
It heals and strengthens the kidneys, stimulates the liver,
cleanses the bowels, promotes health and regularity throughout
the body.
For 'he serious diseases that attack the kidneys PRICKLY
ASH BITTERS is a marvel. Bright's Discas:, Diabetes and
the painful Bladder Troubles are well within the scope of its
healing influence.
Used as a household remedy to remove and cure Indigestion or
Constipation, or to correct disturbance in the stomach, its action
is prompt and decisive. Saves many dollars in doctor's bills.
SPKCIAL NOTE Prickly Ask Bittern is not ft Modlcnted Liquor, honce
It catmoi bo used ns a drink, It I strictly ft medicine, pleasant tasting and
cITecilvc, nnd is easily borno on tho most dollcnto stomach.
(Continued from First rage.)
ritual murder caso by tho Ilcrlln police has
also showed their completo Incapacity. Ono
paper published n list showing that a ma
jority of tho murderors nnd other big crim
inal enscs during tho Inst decado have been
left undiscovered by tho Berlin police.
United States Consul Mason says regard
ing yesterday evening's Tngcblatt article,
denying tho charges ot Herman fraudulent
practices regarding American trado marks,
that he emphatically reiterates tho state
ments contained In his special consular ro-
port, mentioning Instances.
Tho Ilcrlln press Is devoting much space
to Mrae. Sombrlch and tho Italian Opora
company. Whllo the volco of tho tenor,
Iloncl, Is characterized as phenomenal,
Bravl nnd I'andolllnl, both tenors, nro so
vorcly criticised. Tho "Illgoletto" per
formance Is highly praised by tho press,
but "La Travlata" Is Bald to bo distinctly
Interior to tho Molba performances.
Opiinsltlnn to Sfrr Amrrlenn Clinrch.
Tho Hev. Dr. Dickie, paBtor of tho Ameri
can church here, after obtaining final per
mission from tho Charlottenburg Building
department for the crcctlcn of a now Ameri
can church on a slto Just within Charlot
tenburg limits, now meuta with great diffi
culties from tho Charlottenburg authorities
and courts, most of them apparently with
out reason and Involving much loss of time
and money. Tho Amorlcan colony hero
asks how this unfriendly attitude towards
an American church building plan agrees
with tho emperor's strong desire for erect
ing new churches theio Is evident noed
of them.
During today's proceedings tho Sternberg
case assumed moro sensational features. Tho
evldonco showed thnt Criminal Inspector
von Mnrschcldt Huellesow accepted from
Sternberg 30,000 marks ns a mortgage upon
his houso and a number of other loans. Also
that Privy Councillor Ilomen, whllo still
stutes attorney, accepted favors from Stern
berg. Pollco President von Wlndhelm to
day suspended Criminal Commissioner von
Trcsckowthlol and Olllcor Stlngtaelter. In
court today Trcsckowthlel admitted In part
yestorday's evidence against him.
Tho girl, Woyda, upon whoso testimony
Stcrnborg was convicted on his first trial,
mado a full rotractlon yesterday, charging
Officers Stlcrstuckordotor and Criminal
Commissioner von Trcsckowthlol with hav
ing by Intimidation, Induced bor to testify
Herman nnd English Force Hare a
Brush In a Moun
tain Pass,
LONDON, Nov. 3. The Pall Mall Gazette
this afternoon publishes a dispatch from
Ichow, dated October 28, which says boavy
fighting has occurred in the mountains on
the Bhan Si frontier. An Anglo-German
forco of 1,600 men, commanded by Colonel
Norman, stormed tho Tzchlng Kung pass.
Tho Cblneso occupied a strong position on
tho crest and stubbornly resisted. They
poured a hot enfilading fire on ths advance
party of eighty Germans, under Major Von
Forrester, but tho UrltUh Bengal cavalry
and mounted sappers, dismounting, scaled
tho heights, turned tho enemy's flanks and
relieved tbo Germans.
Consider tlm Time Inouitortane for
MakhiK lc ISflort In
VENICE, Nov. 3. Don Carlos, tho Spanish
pretender, In tho course of an Interview
bad with him, declared that tho present
rising tn Spain Is contrary to his orders
and will retard Instead of promoting his
efforts to secure his rights.
Siberian Crop IlamnKPil.
8T. PETEHSnima, Nov. 3. Official re
ports show the grain has been completely
burned up by tho drouth In portions ot
Siberia. Tbe fields have not been horvMUd
Every Woman
In Omaha should
attend ths
Free Demonstration
of ths
Universal Food Chopper
at our store
All This Week.
Tills machine chops nil kinds of ment raw
or cooked and all kinds of fruit and vcto
tnbleH Into clean cut, uniform pieces ns
Easily Cleaned, Easily Adjusted,
Como In and see It work.
Eton Rogers & Son
14th and farnam.
' ' .rn.,-
A Cheery Fire
Means warmth nnd comfort. How
about your winter coal for cooking
and heating? We handle ull grndes
nnd the price Is right. Tho celebrated
Walnut Hlock at Jl.TD Is hard to beat
clean, bright, no cllnkeni. We nlwuys
glvo full weight. Try us. Have It
weighed yourself.
Johnson Bros.,
1106 Farnam. Tel. .102 5
I Dandruff Cure
B?cause it is the only hair preparation that actu-
ally does kill the dandruff germ.
Without dandrulf hair must grow luxuriant'y?
thin hair will thicken, and Baldness be effectually
and are used for pasturage. The price ot
grain at Bemlpolatlsak is over 1 rouble per
German Paymaiiter I)efanlta.
DEHLIN, Nov, 3. An army paymaster
named Wild, at Darmstadt, has fled and
largo defalcations In his accounts havo
been dlscoverod.
Dickinson, N, D., Nov. 6, 1899.
Dear Sirs. Have beon using New
bro's "Hurpicido," and have used about
two-thirdB of a 81.00 bottle, nnd Uud it
does all, and even more than you claim
for it. It not only cleanses tho scalp
from dandruff and prevents the hair
from falling out, but promotes a new
growth. Have only uped tho quantity
mentioned, and hnve more hair on my
head than I havd bad for ye;trs. I also
find it keopB the hair Boft and glossy.
Very truly yours,
The Cause,
Yi u Remove
The Effect.
Sell Herpicide.
One Dollar.
I.ant of I'laKiie Cases,
GLASGOW, Nov. 3. Tbo last of tho plague
sufferers was dibinlsaed from the hospital
I today.
Monday special arranjred sale of
Mlnses, Children's, Roys' and .
Little Oentlemen fihoes box
calf. pat. cnlf. Ideal kid. vtci kid
Ornndest display ever seen in
The Rochester Shoe Company
SarccHsora to TUB IIOWK."
"Alitn wants but
little here below"
Said a morbid poet
longyetrs ago,
I'm prone to doubt
thut undent sage
When I look at The
Bee's Rreat"Want
Ad" page.