THE OMAHA DAILY TJEE: St'ND AY, XOVTCMttTCT? 1, 1000. BIG LEAD. FROM LANCASTER Lincoln Republicans Expect to Give the Ticket a Strong Lift. FUSION TACTICS PROVE BOOMERANGS Dlshouiirnhlc Cnninnlitn Method Will Itesult In nil liiorcnicil Voir fur Uvrr) hody fruni McKlnley to the l.nut .Mini. LINCOLN. Nov. 3. (Special.) As the day of election draws nearer the Indica tions become, more and more conrluslvo that Lancaster county will contribute Its full shure of votes toward the success of all republican candidates. In the cam paign that Is now practically closed the one especially noticeable feature has boon the disposition of tho fuslonlsts to sacrifice tho Interests of the national and Btato tickets for the benefit of the lcglslatlvo candidates, Tin fusion campaign In Lan caster county has been characterized by deception and underhanded methods. In the cause of "reform" thousands of an nonymous letters and circulars of a crim inal nnd libelous nature have been cir culated among tho voters of the. county. Among voters generally, without regard to politics. It Is believed that Ilryan will be a candidate: for United .States sonator In the event of his defeat In the nntlonal election. Fuslonlsts hero do not look for him to win In the nntlonal race and con cquently they are exerting every pos sible effort to elect the Lancaster county popocratlc candidates for the legislature. To accomplish their desire they havo re ported to dishonorable means, which, ap parently, havo only reacted against them (iiiilrninn Coclirniie Coiillilcnt. "I am averse to forecasting the results of election." said Chairman Cochrane this afternoon, "but I feel perfectly safe In predicting that not a candidate on the republican ticket will get less than 1,500 plurality In Lam aster county. I base this prediction onl on Information of a tnost reliable character and a thorough houKO-to-houso poll which Included every precinct In the county. I also feel safe In saying that the legislative candidates will not fall behind the balance of the ticket; In fact, there are strong Indication that they will run ahead of some of the other candidates. Tho fuslonlsts havo centered their fight on the republican can didates for the legislature, but I have Veen tumble to detect any serious effect ao far '"I believe the vote In Lancaster county vlll exceed the vote cast In 18'j6. Wo have made a special effort to get our voters out for registration ami we will not civet look them, on election day. It will b n exceedingly difficult thing for n repub lican to stay twny from the polls next Tuesday. "Troiii what I have been able to see of the light being made by the opposition It appears that they are trying to carry the legislature so that V. J. Ilryan may be elected I'nlted States senator. The fu slonlsts cannot possibly pet a majority without tho seven delegates from this rounty nnd consequently the fusion com mittee of this county Is being backed by the state nnd national populist organiza tions, for they have apparently given up hopo of electing Ilryan president. The next legislature will have to redlstrlcl the elate Into legislative. Judicial and congres sional districts. If (ho opposition con trols the legislature they will bo able to reduce the representation from Lan caster county nnd Increase tho representa tion from fusion districts. This and tho election of Ilryan are tho paramount Issues with them and they are resorting to all kinds of scandalous and anonymous communications, flooding the mall with barges that no man dares to sign nnd nro even Rending out circulars purporting to come from (his committee. Such dls reptitab'o politics are only used as a last resort. They mean to win by fair means or foul Every fair-minded man, regard less of politics, should stamp with his vote the disapproval of such methods, and I think they will do so. Every man on our ticket Is an honorable man and deserves the support of all republicans." Ti'lrriih Service ut llrim'n Home. Election returns Tuesday night will bo given (o the public at the auditorium, both theaters, at populist national, state and congressional headquarters and at repub lican congressional and county headquar ters. Private returns will bo received by soveral clubs und lodges. Four telegraph operators and as many private wires will be kept busy on tho night of election In the home of W. J Ilryan. One wire will connect with tl.o prlvnto ofllco of Senator Jones, chairman of the national democratic committee. This wire Is for the exclusive ise of Ilryan and Jones and will not bo liroken for any consideration during the evening. Two wires will convey election leturns from tho stnto and nation and Mil! another wire will be used for mis cellaneous messages. Half a score of telegraph messenger boys will be assigned to duty at the Ilryan homo for the use of newspaper crrrcspondents. If he follows his usual custom Mr. Ilryan Till go to tho county clerk's ofllce on tho morning of election and there tako oath that he was unable to register because of absence from tho city. The afternoon he will spend at home. It Is expected that returns will begin to come In from Now York state at 2 o'clock. Mr. Ilryan will receive these direct from the hand of the telegraph operator. tuslonlsts have proposed a dem onstration In the form of a parado for Hryans precinct on the morning of elec DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers Is sure to know of the wonaerful cures made by Dr. I. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver li and bladder remedy, r It Is the lr-:lt tni4l. faf, , ", - iiiuinuii ui inc nine- teenth century; ais iil covered after years of -JU scientific research hv i-SQ Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is wonderfully successful In promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Brlpnt s Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer s Swnrnp. Root Is not rec ommended for everything; but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found Just tho remedy you need. It has been tested In so many ways, In hospital work, irr private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful In every case that a special arrangement hss been made by which all readers of this paper who luvc not already tried It, may have a sample bottle sent free by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this cenerous oiler in this paper and f send your address togrtTyT ur. Kilmer a co.,blng-ttOTRwi'i ' hamton, N. Y. TheiEOiM regular fifty cent and rtcmont sLnp-noot. dollar sl:es are sold by all good druggists. ML- Hon. If the Idea Is put Into effect the Hrynn clubs will escort their champion from hl homo to the court house snd thence to the polling place. ItitfTnlo ( oiiiKy MiirlKnAi'ii KEAHNEY, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special.) Following are tho mortgages, filed and re leased In Iluffalo county during the month of October. Chattel mortgages filed, US; amount, JC9, 135.04; chattel mortgages re leased, 131; amount, 167.743.93, farm mort gage filed, twenty-five; amount. M9.591.3S, farm mortgages released, twenty-five; amount, !3,l49.!t5; city mortgages filed, eight; amount, J2.007.32, rlty mortgages re leased, fourteen: amount, 5,507.W. Admits Count)' MurlunKC". HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special.) During the month of October the following number of mortgages and their amounts were filed anil released In Adams county; Farm mortgages filed, 19; amount, $15, 673.55; released, E0; amount, $31,313.20. City mortgages Sled, IS, amount, $0,2C7 OG; released, 15; amount, $10,205.67. Chattel mortgages filed, 103; amount, $43,709.35; re lououd, 111; amount, $34,315.20. Cluiir I'notor.v for HnMltiRs. HASTINGS, Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special.) Hastings Is soon to have another new largo cigar factory. It Is understood that It will do strictly a wholesale business and will employ a largo number of hands. Mr. John Sink Is at the head of tho enterprise nnd hopes to have the factory In operation within a short time. llelntlics Offer Kcwnrtl. IIEATIUCE. Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) The relatives of Fred Schlate, who was murdered near I'lckrell, this county, this summer, have offered a reward of $300 In addition to tho rewnrds now offered for the iipprehensinn of the murderer. l'nyntcr Honors Ilcqiilnltlmi. LINCOLN, Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) Governor I'oynter has honored a requisi tion fro'ii Iowa for the return of William Lunney. now under arrest at Seward. Tho man is wanted at Montgomery to answer to a charge of grand larceny. Ciinn County MnrliciiKi'i. I'LATTSMOt'TH, Neb., Nov. 3. (Spe clnl. Tin- Cass county mortgage record for October Is Just a little bettor than any other county in the stale. Farm property flltd, $22,773; released, $2C,0fi0. City prop erty tiled. $ti.t)20, released, $14,03'.'. NAILS DOWN EVERYTHING iillonnl Cliiilrniiiii llilmlsteii of I'ro lile's I'ltrt)- Claims llryuii's Kli'i'llnn nn Crrtnlu. LINCOLN. Nov. 3. The ooicl.tls of the populist party tonight gave out the follow ing forecast of Tuesday's flection: iiEAiKi'Ain'i:itt? roiTi.isT nation- AL KXI'.t'CTlVK COMMITTEE. LIN COLN, Nov. 3. The people's party ex pects everyone of Its members to do his full duty. The executive committee everything In Its power nnd the re sponsibility now rests with t li precinct committeemen nnd the Individual voters. We teeniest nil our people to cast their votes before noon, so that In the nftc" noon they can get the Ingnrd voters to the polls and look out for fraud. , We counsel nil our workers to see that the election Is carried on In a fair and or derly manner; at the same time we insist that you shall stand up for your rights. Have soeral tiervj and determined watch ers at every polling place to see that no Illegal votes nre east; to see that every man votes who has the right to do so and to see that there Is an honest count. He ready to maintain your lights. All wo ask Is fair play and we ak all our workers to see that this is accorded to us. We have received unmlslnkiiblo evidence tbut the republican committee Is dis tributing n large corruption fund In every western state. There am one or two agents In every precinct to handle republican boodle. We ask you to locate these men. keep your eyes on them und It' they nre caught attempting to bribe a voter or try ing to Influence an election board that they be dealt with as the case demands. The reform forces of this country have won this election and we propose to main tain our ground and to see that the will of the people Is registered. The time hns come for American man hood to assert Itself nnd to rule this coun try Instead of money, Intimidation and fraud. We hnve every confidence of the result. We will hold our own and make gains west of the Mississippi anil east of the Missis sippi there will be a landslide that will place Mr Ilryan In the White House. Wo are at the dawn of the new century und above the sunrise siunes ttie star or victory. Yours for the republic. J. II. KDMI3TEN. Chairman. J. A. EOClEIti'ON. Secretary. In addition Mr. Edmlsten, who la chair man of the state committee, summed up conditions In Nebraska. He predicted a plurality of 15,000 for Ilryan; said the fu slonlsts would elect every state olllcer; would control the legislature and win In four of the six congressional districts and perhaps In all six. This, Mr. Edmlsten sr.ld, was a conservative estimate. CCH.OM'.I, TOHIim'.S OIMI'H'T I.K.SSO.V. ''minus HoiibIi Itliler llnx Personal l?xierli'iit'i Willi I'Vep Slhfr. LONG PINE, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) Colonel Jay L. Torroy, after spending sev eral days here looking after tho extensive cattle business near here In which he Is In terested, has returned to Wyoming to as sist In closing the campaign and to cast Irts vote. Colonel Torrey, In an Interview before his departure concerning the polit ical outlook and tho Issues of tho cam paign said: "I havo a letter from tho chairman of our stnto committee In Wyoming and he assures mo that the republican ticket will be triumphantly elected In every county of tho state. This Is Indeed very good uews, as tho electoral vote was cast for Colonel Ilryan at the last Kcueral elec tion." A very convincing bit of sound money argument has conio Into tho possession of Colonel Torrey in the ordinary course of correspondence. It Illustrates tho differ euco between the financial system of this country and of Old Mexico, where they havo "free and unlimited coinage of silver without reference to any other nation.' What Colonel Torrey snld upon this sub Ject was as follows: One of the boys who was In our reel meut nfter It was mistered out went to tho City of Mexico. I'nfortunntelv he cot Into trouble nnd borrowed $10, which under me pecjiiur circumstances or the case I thought best to pay. Accordingly I sent to the one from whom the money was bor lowed a New York draft for $10. Iletweon tho time of my remittance and lis arrival he lutd liorowed $5 more. I'pon the receipt of my draft It was taken to the b(.nk and tht ie whh received for It in Mexican tnniiev J20.45. With this amount tho 215 was n.ild 1.111I my correspondent had rtmalning $5. 45 tc my credit. This, however, wns In Mexi can money, for which a draft was seiu me for $.' C4, so that the account shows that with $7.3'l I have pnld $1" and the exchange both ways. This sounds like a tlminclnl speculation on my part. Thnt Is. I havo pntd an obligation of $15 with less than half th amount. if President McKlnley Is re-e'ectnl our prosperous limes will bo continued: If Colonel Ilryan Is elected conditions for 11 time, at least, will be chaotic, with results wh'ch no human can foresee. 1 have great confidence In the (rood sense of the peoplo and hence anticipate with eonlldenco the re-election of tho president. Debute on I'olltlcnl Imhui'n, I'LATTSMOCTH. Neb.. Nov. 3. (Spe clal.) Waterman's hall was filled to over flowing to hear tho Joint debate on tho po lltUal Issues of the campaign by Attorneys II D. Travis and C. A. Itawls. each a I'lattBmuuth giant In debate. Tho meeting was presided over by tho chairman of the democratic central committee, W. D. Wheeler, and George L. Farley for the re publicans. Tho oudlenco gavo the best of attention from start to finish and each of tho speakers wns frequently nnd heartily applauded. Imperialism, militarism and all other kinds of Isms were thoroughly discussed and the debate will long be re membered by the I'lattsmouth people. tM'OTftV I) 1 1 I V P til 11)1? M MM MA A huLlKL Lincoln Voters Decline to Either March or Listen to Eerge. REGISTRATION OF THE CITY IS LARGE Otor Set en Tlioiinitnil Nimics , Listed with tlw Itepulil leant Far In the I, end titer Ml In Impression of I'nrlj A III 1 1 it I ci ii . LINCOLN. Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) One hundred nnd seventy-four persons, by actual' count, were all the fuslonlsts could muster In th's tlty tonight for their last p.i rado of the campaign. This number Included two bands that were hired to march In the procession. After the pnrndo George W. Ilerge, the fusion candidate for congress man, spoko In the Auditorium to u crowd that only half filled the building. The event was under the ansplces of the fusion congressional ami county committees. It wns heralded In, udvance as the greatest rally of the campaign and, as Mr. Ilerge had not spoken In Lincoln. It was expected that a good slied crowd would turn out to hear him. The whole nffalr Is a disappointment to the fusion managers. At the Auditorium the speaking was delayed until after 0 o'clock In the hope that people would come In and fill up the vacant Bents. After announcing from the platform that he was going m be elected, Mr. Ucrge told his hearers how he would nsslst In smashing all the trusts In tho land, how he would voto to pull down the ling from tho Philip pines nnd, If necessary, how he would voto fcr the 16 to 1 proposition. In all respects the rally was a pronounced failure In which less Interest wns manifested than In nny po litical affair of a similar nature for several campaigns past. Iteiclstrntlon of the City. From the expression of party affiliation In tho three days' registration In this city It Is evident that the uverage republican plurality In Lancaster county will be about 2,000. In the several city wards 7,012 voters registered, 'and of this number 4,403 de clared for the icpubllcnn party. Of the bal ance 1,504 declared for fusion nnd l,Ffi2 re fused to state their politics. The election last year demonstrated that about 0 per cent of those refusing to state their politics vote ) for republican candidates. If the same rule holds good this year tho republican plurality In the city, taking the registration as a ba sis, can be estimated at 1.S47. The country precincts muy be relied upon to bring this number past the 2.000 murk. The registra tion also shows that the vote will exceed that of any recent campaign. In 1806 the total vote wns less than 7,000, and last year only 5,400. The following shows the re publicans, fuslonlsts and those who have not given their politics In each ward: Not Wnrd. First ... Second . Third ... F.uirtli . lifth .. Sixth .. Seventh Hep. I2:i 37S sir. KK WM 393 Fus. 170 li 317 S07 :wm lo'J 115 O I veil it; 1KM 3 S ;;..n 2' 7 1S5 310 Totals .4.403 1.501 1 its The remained of. the votes were scatter ing. WIM. CST HIS VOI'i: I'Olt M'KIM.KV Prominent Wayne Mnn Tells Why lie Is In Itepiihllciiu IlnnUN. WAYNE. Neb.. Nov. 3. (Special Tele gram. ) W. M. Wright, n prominent real estnto dealer of this city and who was a delegate to tho free silver republican con vention at Kansas City, delivered an able address before a largo audience at tho Republican club room here tonight, giving his reusons for returning to tho republican party nnd why ho would support President McKlnley. The speaker said that the only time the democratic party had been on the right side of the question since the time of Jefferson was In 1806 and then because of defeat tho party hunted for new Issues and got on tho wrong side of them as usual and that, said the speaker, was the reason why free sliver republicans were returning to the republican party. Ills speech was listened to with close at tention throughout, being frequently greeted with applause. His discussion of the Philippine question wns clear and log ical and ho did much good for the repub lican cause. It was another' black eye for fusion In Wayne county. AMiiiinit 11 skin taki: is xAii.r.n. CKIzpiin of Schuyler Protest Ann lint Sliitciiicut In Worlil-Itcrnlil. SCHUYLER, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special Tel egram.) William Robertson, who. with William Forrlll, was charged by the' fu slonlsts with linvlng received $2 for riding In a McKlnley parado Thursday evening, was seen tonight and made a positive r.nd emphatic denial of having received $2 or any other sum or offer of any sum. He stated further that he wns and he hail always been a republican und thnt ho would vote for McKlnley and Roosevelt. This charge of selling themselves wns made against the two men In a recent article printed In the Onriha World-Herald. William Kerrlll has made tho following signed statemunt In regard to the story: I. William Kerrlll of Schuvler. Neb.. formerly of Edholm, stale that I nm 2.'. 1 years or uge. 1 am 11 Mourins man and a repubhenn and Intend lo cast mv voic lor William McKlnley and Theodore Hoos' velt. I Wds In the parade mentl med n the World-Herald ellppliK. I am v.-.y sorry any of my friends 1 bought I cnui.l be purchased fir 2. I din not iccclvc J or any other sum. WILLIAM FKRHILL. Itnlly ul (IncpoIii. OSCKOI.A, Nob., Nov. 3. (Spednl.) Hon. Will (iurley of Omaha und Hnbert E. Douglass of Chicago addressed the repub licans of Osceola and I'olk county. In tho largest public building In this city. 11 was ono of tho best meetings that has ever been held In I'olk county nnd hundreds wero turned away, not finding standing room even. Tho parado was very flue, be ing led by tho Osceola Woodman band. There wero tho Kough Klders from Platte precinct and tho Woman's McKlnley club from the same precinct, all on horseback, be sides a largo line of carriages from out In tho country. Tho line was formed at tho head of State street and marched into tho city with drums beating and Hags wav ing In tho breeze; It was a grand sight, and tho thousands that witnessed It were well pleased. CIokIiik HiiII.v nt Kiiicrxon, KM I2USON, Nob., Nov. 3. (Special Tele gram.) The republicans closed tho cam nalgn here tonight with a rousing meeting. William M. Wheeler of Wakellold, repub lican, made a short address on general Is sues and commending the work of J. .1. McCarthy In the last legislature and urging his re-election. I'. A. Sawyer of Sioux City and John It. Hays of Norfolk dis cussed the Issues at length to nn enthu siastic audience. The burning of a wagon shop stampeded tho nudienco during the speaking, but no one wns hurt and most of tho people came back anil remained to tho dase. llrynn Clnli In n lion. PAWNER CITY. Neb., Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) The Hrynn club meeting here toiili.'lit was a great treat. Fred Hassler expelled C. i:. Williamson by n unanimous voto nnd supplanted (irant Lackley ns president by electing O. R. Hull. JThero Is lota of fun ahead for Tuesday among the untcrrltled. Politics nt Kim Creek. RI.M CHKRK, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) In 1S06 tho vote for president In this town- ship was Hrynn 117, McKlnley 58, but the opinion of conservative people Is that this year the result will be too close for com fortfor the fuslonlsts. The republicans number among their most nctlvc workers some who four years ago were Just as ardent followers of Ilryan, besides a good many who are not saying anything. There are also several mid-road populists who, while claiming not to be republicans, say they have a little too much patriotism left to vote for Ilryan. The slanderous letter on Mr. Dietrich Is acting as a boomerang hero nnd will make. Instead of loss to him, votes. The local fuslonlsts are making a frantic effort to hold their men In line for Bryan nnd tho stnto ticket. HONEST MEN ARE DISGUSTED Dietrich's Majority Will lie Largely liiorenseil liy Cnuiptilun Method of the I'lislonlstn. HASTINGS. Neb, Nov. 3. -(Special )-A reaction has set In throughout tho entire Fifth district which will be greatly In favor of Dietrich next Tuesdny, as the political lies circulated by the World-IIcrald are acting us a boomerang nnd nre making votes for the republican candidate for gov ernor. Many of tho lending democrats In Hastings nnd Adams county who have herotoforo been counted as I'oynter men hnve come out openly nnd declared them selves for Mr. Dietrich. The lice corres pondent Interviewed nearly 100 democrats of this city during tho past few dnys and each and every one of them expressed themselves as being thoroughly disgusted with tho manner In which the fuslonlsts are conducting their cnmpalgn against Diet rich, and In almost every Instance they hnve raid that If they hud not uven thought of voting for Mr. Dietrich before they cer tainly would cast their ballot for him now, as thev could not, nnd would not, see an honest, unrleht nnd hlghlv respected cltl ten so basely slandered without coming to his assistance. The action taken by the city council whereby the members of that nugUBt Loily passed a resolution, signed by every member regardless of his political affiliations, denouncing the slanderous, war llko methods udopted by the fuslonlsts In llielr ambition to defeat Dietrich, has had a tendency to thoroughly stir up tho busi ness men. There were many ministers In Hastings this week, who came hero to get tho truth concerning Mr. Dietrich. Every one of them hnd been Informed Hint Mr. Dietrich had been separated from bis wlfo nnd wns not llvlug with her. These minis ters were escorted to Parkview cemetery, where stands a magnificent granite monu ment which hears the nunie of Mrs. Charles Dietrich and the date of her death. This was a genuine surprise to every minister, as tliey hnd been told that Mrs. Dietrich was ullve. but was separated from her hus band. After having made this Investigation and having 'ntervlowcd the business men of the city In regard to Mr. Dietrich's char acter they expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with tho Information they had obtained nnd said that from the In formation they hnd bad before coming here they had been led to believe that Charles Dietrich's character waB as black as was possible to be, but they were now prepared to denounce reportB along this line ns not alono false, but mean and contemptible lies gotten up for political effect, and politi cal effect only. nn: .101 vr HAi.i.v at siMii;riKi,n. Iteiiulillcnns of Snrpy nml Ciism I'nllc In (irnnil llcniniiMrn t Ion, Sl'llINGKIELD, Nib., Nov. 3. -(Special Telegram. ) Tho republicans of Cass am' Sarpy counties doubled teams tonight In a monster rally, Including u torchlight procession, rough riders and shotgun bri gade, red fire, bunting, flags and all that go to make a big bIiow. Several hundred were In line and what was probably the largest demonstration In tho history of the town was successfully pulled off. I'apll llon nnd Louisville bunds headed tho pro cession. After the parado speaking was held at the opera house, which was en tirely too small to Hccommodate tho crowd, and those who were unable to get In con gregated on the streets nnd discussed the political Hltuatlon with their fusion friends. The best of feeling prevailed except when Marshal Keaton undertook to arrest Thomas Untidy, an enthusiastic Ilryan shouter, for making a disturbance alono the line of march. Dundy's friends promptly came to his rescue, claiming that ho was not In the wrong and took him away from the marsh.1! and after a considerable amount of talk on both sides things as sumed their normal state and the parado went on. Tho speakers of the evening were Georgo L. Douglas of Chicago and Judge W. W. Slabaugh of Omaha. In the afternoon Hon. D. H. Mercer addressed a fair-sized audlenco at tho opera house. AMIHKWS "WIMJS I I' AT ASIII.VM). (iniliiK Hulllc of iltr Similiter County I' I plil Held Vcsl-riln . ASIIKAN1J, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special Tele gram.) The campaign of 1M0 In Ashland closed today, both republicans and Hry anltcs holding meetings. This afternoon a small crowd listened to the wall of ca lamity ns dealt out by W. M. Morning of Lincoln nnd I. J. Dunn of Omaha. There waB scarcely tho average Saturday crowd of fnrmers In town this uftornoon and not near all of them heard tho fusion speakers. Tonight the streets of Ashland presented an animated picture. Crowds lined both sides of Silver street and Simlngton's opera house was crowded for more than two hours. William K. Andrews of Has tings, nudltor of tho Treasury department, was the speaker and held the close atten tion of nudienco from tho start. Louis H. Reynolds, vice president of tho Ash land Ilopublicun club, was tho presiding oftlcer. Al the beginning of tho meeting ho proposed three cheers for McKlnlciy prosperity and tho cntlro republican ticket and three-fourths of tho large nudienco gave vent to Its pent up enthusiasm. A quartet consisting of F. H. Jerome, H. Chlckerlng, Miss Muttln Penny and Mrs. Kntherino Dullols sang "America," tho audlenco Joining In tho song. Tho Young Ladles' Ida McKlnley club of Ashland marched In nnd occupied the gallery of the opera house. IIlK inlo Arc lieiiortcd. CAMMUD0E. Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) A careful canvas of this county shows great gams for tho republicans over four years ago, when Ilryan cnrrlcd Furnas county by u plurality of 310. This year Ilryan's plurality will not only bo wiped out, hut tho republicans will carry tho county. It Is the same In Frontier, tho county on tho north. Tho republicans will completely overcome Bryan's plurality there cf 250 four years ago. Monday, November ft, will bo republican day for Cambridge. Hon. W. R. Andrews will speak In tho afternoon nnd evening. Other speakers will bo hero and an en thusiastic and successful rally will bo tho result. Itciiiiiimt ration lit llnliy. Ul'IiY. Neb. Nov. 3. (Special. )-ny far tho greatest rally ever hold In this com munity wns pulled off at this place Fri day night, November 2. Fully 500 peoplo were present, which is about twice tho number that evor gathered hero beforo to attend n political meeting. The Ilurllncton furnished a beautiful coach for tho accommodation of .Mllford people, who turned out splendidly. Thero wns also u largo delegation from Seward. Tho Mllford Young Ladles' McKlnloy club under tho captaincy of Mr. Holllngs worth executed a special drill In a very creditable manner. Mr. Taylor, the prlcclral speaker of the lelley, Stiger Mid-Season Essentials Cloak and Suit Department. Ready to wear We assure correct fitting garments. Coats $10 Bargains Kersey cloth, Skinner s satin lined, storm collar, perfect tailoring nnd stitching castor, red. nnvy nnd blnck. Kersey half fitted Box Coats $12 Host Imported cloth, highest grade throughout, perfect lit guaranteed -red. 1,1 vy. castor and blnck Ideal Tailor Skill Coat $16 Kino kersny clcth. tnn. castor, red, navy nnd black, i!c gant satin llnlig, best finishings throughout, velvet -ollar. Automobiles and Coaching Coats The best the market nffotds can bo found In Jiir stock. Oxford, black, castor, mode, tan, J1S. $20. $2.. to $b3. For Misses, ages from 12 to 18 years. Half fitted box coats, storm collar, silk lined, pretty pearl buttons, stylNh tailoring, new pretty shades $10, 12 at I SIR. Cor. Farnam and I5th Furniture Bargains Tlic satisfaction and pleasure in selecting from ti utcck such us wo uro thowliip nml high churnctur of degn nre still further enhanced by tho attrticlivc prices at which tho jjoodH aro nmrked. Mnny of our now jrooilt. were purohnsed boiow tho market and our "Spcclalb" this month will command tho attention of nil. Folding Beds. 3.1 1-3 tier cent discount on nn enormous I shipment of Folding lleds, purohnsed direct irom uio tactory-one-third oil for ensh. Bird's Hjc Maple Mahogany - (iuldcn Oak. NO 3tr.'-FOI.OINO Hi:i. -tjunrter unveil oak, upright design, French beveled plate l.sxli), tlnest hand polish - ,v regular $iV lied-prlrc , . OViUU NO n2 MANTI.i: HUD tjunrter sawed oak. bookcase top. with two doors, bev eled French plate mirrors, size VJi v handsomely curved ami hand polished swell front u bed to sell for rf. ti $13.00 our price .iJU.UU NO. S0-COMHINAT1ON HRH-Uookciue desk und w.irdrobe front, mirrors lSvls, iiuurter sawed golden oak; u il t t $50.00 bed for 411. UU NO. f.l MANTI.K FOLOINC. HRD-Quar-tor sawed g.oldeu oak. swell front, line carving, hand polished, baud- o j rt some design, $10 value for ... . yJ) NO. liffi DHRSSINO TAHI.i: Mulingnnv. ;oldeii oak. blrdseye map'e, hand pol ished, length or top :u-inch, French legs, round glass 20 x 20; a $11 () ta ca value for .. (JtiJxt NO. 37 Al.I.-HItASS HHP- Kxtrn value, swell front, highest quality brass, dain ty iIchIkii: these J2S solid f 7c brass beds for IIJ.O Good Iron Bed $1.00 No. 74 Iron lieu llric-s rail head nd foot, full ln' 1 nil", solid brass knobs; a bed Mild all iirouuU us for $7X0 our i Kfl price 'au These are hut .'eiv of the mrr.y nttrnc tlve fileccM In our iicm stocU purolinM ed tor Him I i'hiIi hiiiI priced eremel' Ion. eTenlng, addressed all" the people who could get Into the hull, while Judge Hol land and Ike Nelhardt of Seward ami the two candidates for representative. Fetter mnn and Ileekly. entertained the overflow by the light and warmth of a big bonfire. The meeting closed with fireworks nnd firing of ennnon and thus passed into in blstorv of tho community tho greatest po-! Sunday and Monday: Ulcn BUtl erlng Tcr assembled In Huby I For Nebraska-Fair; cooler Sunday; Mon iiucui hu h fnr. w(ndg becomlnK northerly. 1-m.lon llully nt I.elKh. Kor Western Texas. New Mexico, Okla- I.RIGH, Nob., Nov. 3. (Special.) Tho fusion forces closed their cnmpalgn here last night with a speech at tho opera houiio by Willis R. Heed of Madison. The meet - Ing wns well advertised and an attempt was made to havo a parado nnd torchlight r.i., 1.1,1 Itiinn.Mt u'nn Inst befoi'O I""1-' . . . tho tlmo camo and tne wnoie annir con- iMird of a counlo of pieces of music by the band nnd the speech nt the opera, house. The hall, was well filled with poo- de. Interest of a demonstrative nature Is very low In this part of tho county. lloth parties claim tho precinct, but tha opinions of tho most conservative nro that there will be substantial gulns for the re- publicans. . , MelUtcJohn nt Cenlrnl lly. , CENTHAI. CITY. Noh., Nov. 3. (Special.) -For more than two hours Inst night Hon. Georgo D. Melklejohn held the closest at- tentlon of the largest audience that has assombled at this place during tho cam- palgu. M". Melklejohn produced facts and figures to satisfy even tho most fnstldlous that the policy of tho administration was In tho Interest of Americans. Ho showed beyond question that tho Hryaiiltos' claim that the administration ratified a treaty with tho Sulus recognizing slavery and rinloirnmv was without foundation and wns simply used for campaign thunder also tho claim taat tho Hag had been hauled down nnd territory surrendered In Alaska. it ...... 1. 1 1 ...... M Hull I'll Mnlorllr .1.1 itnpif Vnh N'ov. 3. (Soeclal.l Ono of the largest and most ' enthusiastic j known parties, a number of which were ro- j morn and moro upon this simple hut safe republican rallies over held In this place eclved hero "to my friends In Douglas and I ami effective remedy to accomplish a corn occurred last night, the speakers being I Lancaster counties": I ploto euro and It novor disappoints In any Congressman R. J. Hurkett and Judge J. 1 1 hnve seen tho nddre&H sent out from J form nf P"8. whether protruding, Itching or 11 eirmin of I incnln All tho marching Omaha by perrons by me unknown Thero blooding. II, btrodo or Lincoln. All tno n arcn ni, 1 Thomas V Wood of R1R 17th mreet clubs wero out In force, also the Gun club, u, t)lt) ,,,,,, lf , v,,,, , origins r 1m- I c I nomas I., wood of 818 17th street, and tho display of fireworks by tho Flam- caster county I would vole for every re- Sacramento, tab, writes: "It affords me beau club has never heforo been equaled publican nnmlnnn upon the ticket, leglsli- much pleasure to Btato that after using only In this locality. Tho music was furnished jfHlSt''wItnoutT.wilnH1,..!0 Lanclt's" c, "nt box of Pyramid Pile Cure, I was by tho Rlk Creek band and tho Table Hock tor counties. There Is nothing that I cm , cured of Iho painful nnd annoying disease, Malo uuaret. Iloth speeches were highly f tilnk of V,rr," !'"lllvA,!!r" '.'."'iniii'v-1' VotB I aftcr hnvlnB ,""'for(,(, from P'1 fr thirty complimented nnd liberally applauded. It 1 11 """"-I". oursHn,c,' iu 'hs'rll. I ycurs uml trle(1 l'very thl"B aml co''l Is confidently expected that tho republican majority In this county will approximate, D00. "III for Mclvliilcj. WYMOHR, Nob.. Nov. 3. (Special.) Al- exander Hoaglnnd, tho "newsboys' friend" nnd famous for his efforts In behalf of tho curfow law. delivered two lectures hero yeBterdny. Ho leaves today for his homo In Louisville, Ky., where ho goes to enst a republican vote. He thinks lae u.iul)- llcan party otfors much moro opportunity to young men. Ho gavo It an his opinion 1 town. Tho west Is republican. 1 presslon that possibly It might contain that Kentucky would go republican by 25,- j opium, cocaine or somo similar drug, but a 000. ' I'luii the CIokIiik Hull-. careful and frequent analysis of tho remedy , HASTINGS, Nob., Nov. 3. (Special.) has proven It to contain no Injurious drugs liooilwln ut (iciiritnicr. The republicans of Hastings and Adams j whatever, but It cures by ai.trlngent pro- CLRAUWATKIt, Nob., Nov. 3. (Special county will close their campaign Monday ' pertlea and healing oils, Telegram.) Hon. L. Goodwin addressed a ; night with the largest political demon- 1 Tho Pyramid Pile Cure In told by drug large nudlonco at Fraternity hnll hero this 'titration ever witnessed In this part of gists everywhere nt CO cents for full aired afternoon, making one of tho best political the state. Four or five brass bands havo package. speeches we have had hero during this been engaged to furnish music and several , Each package contains a llttlo book on campaign, which was highly appreciated by hundred dollars worth of fireworks hnve I cause and cure of piles, together with testl all, and the results next Tuesday will been purchased for tho occasion, After monlals from thousands of cured patients show that Mr. Goodwin's work hero has tho grpnd parade tho audience will bo from every part of the United States and had good eftect. enterlulned In tho Kerr opera house, where Canada. iihitmdc, JWwituk; a of Special Interest to Couches. Ilrlght new stock of Couches to select from bargains every one of them. NO. 109 COPCII-llest upholstering, deep soft tufting llnest velour covering, res ulnr tW.W value; special lot JO 7E to select from nt I A. O NO. 373 TAPHSTUY COI'i'lI Mahogany ball feet, no frame showing, very sty!. Ish design, fancy upholatcrtd work, u ery hUh-grade Couch; tft tZCi $3S.I1 vn'ue. for IV.OU All kinls of l.enlher Couches ut special prices this mouth. NO. 113 VKt.orit COt'CH-Well made and full sine, your choice of nny color uphol stering, best springs and well tufted; others get tS.M) for this Couch; E Cf1 our price I,,J" NO. It! PAOAMOIli: LKATHRU COCCI I Very graceful rococo frame, either oak or mahogany, ollv or maroon color, nm cola shnpe, extra wide und ex- Of trn long; n great Imrgulii (If you need n leather couch see this.) NO. M DHKSSHH- Ulrdeve maple, triple serpentine front, French legs, beveled French pinto mirror "N.3I. hand poll-di-cd, neatly carved dresser, made OA to sell for $38; special NO. 153 rSHNt'.INK MAHOC.ANY OIlF.SS 12R Mirror ovnl shape, triple sei -pontine lront. shaped top, dainty cnr- U) .()() log; regular $30 dresser, for Nil. I22S MOIlltIS CMAIH-Of excellent do sign and llulsh. strong frame, Hllk tapes try cushions; chulr worth $12; 5.75 0 special lot for ' NO 212 HHimOOM KCIT-Quarter sawed golden oak swell front dresser and com mode, bevel French, plate m rror. fiino' shaped top. hand jmllshed. suit 42.25 made to sell for $: special. . FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Indication for Nchrnulm Are for Full In Teinpcriitnrc und Westerly Winds. WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. Forecast for ( lloma i(an Territory nnd Arkansas Fair 1 Sun(1y and Monday, variable winds, Kor Illinois Fair Sunday nnd Monday; 1 f,.cgn westerly to northwesterly winds. j,-or i0wa Fair Sunday; cooler In northern nn,i western portions; Monday fair; north- .. ..... .i...i. "C"1- '""" . . 1(-or mihsouN and Kansas v air numm ' an.i Monday; variable winds j.-or Colorado Fnlr Sunday anil Monday; 000lcr Sunday In eastern portion; variable wn,iSi f ,-or Wyoming Fair and cooler Sunday; , .Monday fair; northerly winds. j i,-or Montana Generally fair Sunday and 'Monday; west to north winds. 1 l.ociil llccord. oFFICR OF TUF. WKATHRIl nUHRAU, OMAHA. Nov. 3. Official itcord of tein- iK iaturc and precipitation compared with corresponding day of the last threo ,,urH' inoo.lSW.lMW.IMt7. Maximum 'emperatuie... 72 4K 7;l 71 k & .r,.(,,ntatioii 00 00 00 00 itccoril ol temperature nnd precipitation uomuha for this day und slnco March 1. "lir-m., tcmnernturc f.xccs for the day 15 ;;V,mIVIItl;oA,"r'"t, ' Wnch Snc forU1hcW' :e Inch Total rainfall slnco March 1. .23.03 Inches I'.M'I'MS MIIK'tl .OIlll'll l.wt mniii'l Ocllclency for cor. period, . InchtM Deficit ucy for cor. period, 1K)S. .3. W Inches AiixwcrN n I'olltlcnl (irciilor, SCHUYI.KIt. Nob.. Nov. 3. (Special Tel I egram.) Tho following is un answer to an I nnti-Ilosowater circular sent out by un- I'lml 'o One to Addrenn, 1 CKAWFOIU), Neb., Nov. 3. (Special Tol- egram.) Haywood, fusion candldnto for ' .. Hpnator. and Coffee, for ronresenta tlv, W(ro nneiI to HIU,ak Il0n, ltllH nrter. noon nt Fireman's hall. Tho town was crow,u,(t wth farmers and voters. The speakers went to tho hall nnd In their anxiety rang tho fire, nlarm, but not n p(rsol, WPnt ,lsido tho hall. At dusk tho candidates sneaked awav without uttorlnc n wor,i an,i took a separate train out of & Co. Tailor-Made Suits $10. $15. $20, $22.50 and $25. Extra special values at $10 and $15. Cheviot nnd Venetian Cloth, best workmanship. At $20 and $25 The best valua that can be offend, high grade throughout, best Imported cloth, cheviot. Venetian, homespun, nnd worsWds For $30 and $42.50 UnsitrpaMod inelegance and of the very moment na to fashion. New Velvet Russian Blouses are read for your Inspection. New Flannel Wnists $2.85, $4, $5.50 New hndes, t'ne plnln flannel nnd silk embroldere.l (rtal 1'reneh flannel.) Walking Skirts Wo iro showing a very complete lino of skirts, golf piald cd. tweed Mid cm viol and plain worsteds $7.60, $10.00, $11.00, $12f.O nnd $11.00. Furs A large variety of the popular furs at moderate prUui, la collars for stormy days collarettes, scarfs and mutt. Streets. November Buyers tho superior tucrlt in construction Upholstery ilrrcrrlrcil Curtnlna JfJ OB fringed; pair iJV,C SIIU IIiikIikI Ciirtuln- pnlr Tiiictrj- Curtnlns cord edge, pair TiicKlry Ciirtnliia lteiiiilssniico design, pr CKiin Portleren fringed; pair , Tnppslry Cnrtnlns fringed; pair Cortl I'ortlcrrn pair Tistry Couch Co er CO-1 mil llrnlin Couch Covers for Sofll l'llloW ClMT- Indla prints Sofa Pllloiv Covers McKlnley or Ilryan .... 15.00 7.75 12.50 ..7 00 ..3.75 3.25 5.75 ...1.50 50c 25 c Newest foreign nnd domestic fnb rlcs suitable for door and window draperies, wall hangings and cov erings. F.XCHPTIONAIj OFFF.UINOS IN Lace Curtains Irish I'alnt. pr.fa, fll.nS, fO.OB ltrnnlmncc C'rl'n, pr.5, S.8B IlrnnseU Ciiriln pnlr It5.75, fT.OB, fll.SR Arabian I.nce, pr ..10, 17.Tr; I'Mrc Screen, ech f l.OO Charles J. Greene of Omaha will deliver an addrebs. lleutrlce Ilcpubltcnna Ioj. DEATItlCR. Nov. 3. (Special Telegram ) Tho republicans hold a big experience meeting In tho auditorium In this city tonight. About thirty prominent citizens delivered short addresses. A Joint debate between Karl Wenver and Harry Kicmuud, republicans, nnd Karl Macvln and Merlo Tebbets, democrats, wns held tonight nt democratic headquarters. The debato was well attended nnd tho debaters wero enthusiastically applauded by their respective parties. Attorney tSeuerul lit, Wymore. WYMOHR, Neb., Nov. 3. (Special.) At- I lrl-nnv flnlinpnl C I KmvMl llln rrpnl nntn. , , ' , , pus hunter of Nebraska, mado n fusion speech hero last night. Ho spoko In tho opera house, which was woll filled. It was tho biggest fusion demonstration of tho campaign, but It was not an overly enthusiastic one. For moro than two hours tho speaker told of tho good qual ities of tho great fusion party and of tho awful disaster which would follow McKln ley's election. Joint llehate nt Lincoln, LINCOLN, Nov. 3. (Special Telegram.) Representatives of tho M. I.. Hayward and Illmctalltc clubs of tho State Untver- j slty debated political questions nt tho I Auditorium tonight. The republican sldo I of tho argument wns presented by Uart, linker nnd O'Connell and tho democratic ! sldo by Harris, Morrill and Craft. Money, I trusts and Imperialism were tho subjects discussed. ARK VKRY FKW. The Cnscs thnt Irninld Pile Cure Will Not lleauli. Tho cases that Pyramid Pile cure do not J reuch urn so few that physicians aro doing laway with operations for piles nnd depend get temporary relief. I waB advised by two of the best physicians In California to have an operation and I did and suffered almost death, but the piles returned nnd my HUffer Ing at times wns so great I was not able to walk until I saw an advertisement of the Pyramid Pllo Cure. I got It at once and was relieved from the first application. I nm so grateful that I feol Ilko recommend ing It to any nnd everyone afflicted with piles." Tho prompt relief nnd rapid cure which i follow of this tcmedy gave the Im I