8 THE ILLUSTUATHl) JUSK. November i, UHK). LIFE WILL BE EASY A ftor Election, Because tlio Nervo Tension of ii Prolonged Campaign Will Bo Ended. BUT WHO WILL BE ELECTED? New Departure In German Schools Nil Mnllfr Tiii-niIii Will Tell Mi'Hii lillc (In- IIiiiiI.itn llcn'ni' Will tin On Wi'lllnu IIiinI iii'nh. I. Iff III tllOHO Ktri'lllKMIK ('llllipalKII pI'lillllH " more nr Iohh burdensome. 'n tn pa Ikh fiiinlH nri! collected mill cxpcnilt'il. Caiii palKii lies lire concocted ami exploded Campaign spcechoH an1 made and delivered Mvi-ry t Ii I tiK Iiiim 11 campaign llavnr, frmii ilu soda pop to tln Manhattan cocktail 1 1 Milken Our I'll rj . if course. KliTt Ion come loo ofli'li bill we may an well lie noodnaiurci over It U'f bemoan I hi' ilcni'iH'iai y of tlir llnii'i because an elocHnn coh(h iih time Ii a'i f I o iino. lino to ouch of tin- ureal out rat i lib, pnrtleK Vet ue go li year afler year i mil rllmi lug from i.ur Nebraska ro.sour' -xi.r.ipo.iiiiii.oii in t niii t hnIi 10 the eaHlilli life Insurance imiKlliin - We leave with them permanently IMiiKinoo every year. We kiss It uood-liye noli i lialam-e that Ih Hurpiislui;. iht.tigh a lltMt forethought and a little attention lo hu:il IICHH prliielpp h w III hIiow linn I :ti m i I We I 'oil III l'l II mi that iIiIh I ri'ineiiiliiiiK nulun if nun h n led eiiHli I'lin he urrosloil It'll I1 up homo life Insurance companies lv ki in.; to I lit He IiihI II ill Ioiih the premlniiH ue now send out of the Hlale. Nothing Ih h i mi pi i r nothing inure certain If we 1 : 1 1 1 f I more than we expert the balance of trade Ih ugntnst iih. The lllllllliee ol' 'I'lllile In NcIii'IInI ii Ih ugulnHl iih on IIiIh life Insurance propo hIIIoii In a Mil lit cM'cciIIiik tl.iiiio.Oiin an milt 1 1 y How long will II I a lie our popnla t Ion. Hllghlly exceeding I.OIMI.IIIIO, to ex pend III ciihIi iih lunch money ih I. I. .Ioim'n or Mo rl lliiiiini; The llaliliei'H HcHcrve preHcntH a policy JitHt iih good, Just iih liberal, J iih I iih re liable iih Unit of any cnHtcrn life insurance company and In Home rcHpcctn It Ih Hiiperior; the company belleveH It Iiiih the Pent pollclcH In the world ami II. II. MoIiImoii, I'lenliteol of the Hankers lli'servo, Ih llrinly of the opinion that NobrnHkniiH aie waking tip to Mie Importance of maintaining at home (hose great llnanclal liiHtlt ill Ioiih. Until IIiIh young, vigorous and hiii HHfnl com pany, chrlHlened 'I'lic llllllLcrs llt'Ni'i't I, He. begun to write more business in Nohmr.ka titan any single compelitor In the Htate 11 wiih dllllciill lo make NobrnHkniiH uildor Hland that It wonhl he possible to put an end to the bad llnancleiing which run Hlantly Ueep a balance of trade against IIH. Write lo II. II. ItoblHotl, MeCngllo building. Omaha, for lerniH and pnrtlculurs. The Difference . . . Si 'till' heels ale biewcil With III" cl bi H I nil t ft In Ih. but the water lined Is not wlui II H h l II It I be. belli e tile beer latlllot he i .lilt ll pel'ft t I Many (lermnii school hoyH and girls, be stdcH lotirnltig lending, writing and arithme tic, have regular finsaos In cabbages and potatocH. Sometimes on Wednesday after itoon and sometimes on I'rlilay whole ('hisses of neatly droHxod, yellow-halrt'd children may bo seen marching through llio streets with their teacher at tho head of the pro ceHHlon, on their way to the school garden. Many (iermnn cltlen, but especially I.elpHle and I'laiien, In Saxony, have net aHlde a plot of land not far from I he hcIiooIh where all HortH of vegcinbliH and plants ate grown Those aflerniion r.pent in gnrili ning are really tin In at Km 1 1 of varaMoiiH and tin with notices forbidding anyone to enter The hcIiooI gardens are open all day long and every day hut Sundays and holidays and they are very carefully attended by skilled gardeners, ho that they may be models of perfection for the children to follow. These gardens are found In many (Ierinan, Swedish and French towns, and there are a few elsewhere In nnropc. but the Americans have not yet taken up the Idea and American boys anil girls lose one of the great Joys of hcIiooI life. The gardens, of course, cost much mono, hut the (ierinan believes that his children Hhrtild be thoroughly trained ill Hie hools .VHfaMbilia -j PURE RYE Full M Quarts Direct from Distiller to Consumer. Our entire product Is sold direct to consumers, you thus avoid adulteration and mid dlemen's profits. If you want pure whiskey for medicinal purposes or otherwise, read the following offer. It wilt Interest you. We vill send four full quart bottles of llayncr's Seven Year-Old Double Copper Dis tilled RyeWhiskcy for $3.20, Express Prepaid. We ship in plain packages -no marks to indicate contents. When ou get it and test it, if it is not satisfactory return it at our expense and ue will return your $3.20. r WHISKEY .20 for $ 3 Express Charges Prepaid, HAYNERS gtVDI-YEAn-DL il Iff Mm itAYNERDSTILLlNGCO 5 One hundred and fifty thou sand customers throughout the United States use our whiskey. Ample testimony as to Its purity and quality, Is It not? Save the enormous profits of the middlemen. Such whiskey as we offer for $3.20 cannot be had elsewhere for less than $5. Our distillery was established In 1866. 33 years' reputation Is behind our whiskey. Krfrrcnrr-Statc Nat'l Bank, St. I ouisl hird nt'l Hank, Da) ton, or any of the I vpress Companies. Orilrrn for Aril,, Cnlo., rut,, l V.... KT... W Ore, t'tnti, Vnh Wyr muni cull lur uiiuunn iy irt'iKiit. Drcpnui. WRITE TO NEAREST ADDRESS. TnC UAYMPR niQTII I IrMfl PO 305-307 S.SovonthSt.,St.Loul8,Mo. lit. Iin I llbll UIWI IbklllU UUl 220-232 W. Fifth St., Dayton, Ohio. We cunrnntcc tlio nbovo Company will do Just as tt nsreca. KniTOR. WITHOUT A HEADACHE Green River Whiskey M. WOLLSTEIN & CO., DISTRIBUTORS. At All First-Class Bars and Hotols. . . . OMAHA. I at wrmic with the i'itoi'i:ssou Iiij-k ami kii'Ih ujn them lnmeh llni' lliey learn how to tiiiusplimt treeH, linn to how nil Mutts of illll'ereut HeetlH. why tilt' eiililniKt' Ih Hint eoiisiu to the eaullllouei' for with the Kiinlt'iiliiK they are iniiKht litilany wlien t utiiips Hlitnilil he pulletl ami how to tell when n ineliiu Ih ripe. Not only tin they have useful veKi'tuhle In tlii'He KiirtlcilH. hut uti'ils nre alnn iilanletl, each variety lielni; pioperly Inheletl, so Unit evt'ry hoy will know its nuiiie. Then tliero nre poiFou ivy ami other pohimniiH pliiutH In u plot hy theiiiHelveH. anil eneh pupil lenrus lo lei'OKUie I hem mi Unit he may avoid them In llio wootls. At Hie Ht'liuol Kiirtlen III i.elpslt' thele Ih alHn a lienutlful little pond full of water philils of many vnrlelieH, with a pavilion near it t liaml, where the Iiovh anil Kills limy 1) I ii I shelter if a shower IiIowh up. II is a wonderfully liiterestliiK sIkIu tin a IiiIkIiI aftel'lioon to see tills l.elpslr nartlell HwiiruiiiiK with ehiltlren. some pIckltiK struw lierrleH, with the teiu'her epliiluliiK what stniwherrleH really lire hotnnienlly, how they put out runners ami how they should he transplanted, eull Ivaled and pro -teetetl In winter. Ami sometimes, though Iht'Hti (lerinun hoys are wonderfully well he- I luivetl. a strnwherry sllis Into u small mouth. Others may he seen cateliiiiK culi I liaKi' ii I t'tpl I in I'M. others lioehiK ami rakiut;. All this not only hrliiKs vlnor and Inter jest to (lie pupils, but it inspires them to I start little aniens at home where they I lake the greatest Interest In puttliiK their learning Into prattlee. (lenuan ehllilron ko lo school Ioiiki'I' ilurlni; the year than j Ninerlians. having only four weeks of va cation in suuiiuer. ulthoiiKli tlicy have two weeks at Christinas, two at Master anil a full Miiatlon of two weeks in Oclolier. ho Unit these school Hardens help lo kIvo them more outdoor lift'. ICvcry two weeks the Knrdcucr has a circular printed and ills trihiitetl telling what plants nre in lilooiu, what frullH are ripe anil ho on, so thai evi ry ehllil may Hce them, in tills wa learning botany hy actual observation on the ground. This Is the more neceHsary because (Ierinan city children have very little opportunity of seoliiK hnw the wild plnntH grow. heciiUHe most of the forests ami Ileitis which are uninhabited are pisled for an that KieatcHt (ierinan, HlHinarck, has Haiti "The nation that has I lie schools has the future." Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sovenlli INikc.) aski'tl thu executioner which head lit'longetl to it. lie replied, i will nee,' and ho picked up one of the heads anil laid It on the neck." "'Oli!' he said, witli a laugh, 'this Is a misfit.' "He then threw II down anil plckt d up another. It was also a mlslit. the head bavng been cut somewhat on the slant. The third head llttctl exactly " I'linlMlrnif ni of Hie Ciinmii'. One of Hie mildest anil most coninu n of Chinese pimlshniontH Is the eunguc. The caugue Is a fr.imcwnik of lioartls alioui four feet square, with a hole in the center Just large enough to bold a man's neck It is so nude that It can he opened ami locked upon tlio shoulders. Sometimes it Is weighted with Iron, it Is always decorated witli Chinese characters ment Inning tlio crime for which it Is worn. 1 have seen a dozen men ami women with cangues on their necks all chained together They were convicted of the same irlpie pad had to wear the caugue for u'onlli A few days ago when I saw two men con demned lo wear die caugue for twenty days weighted chained to the walls of a native drug sti re. Tiny had br ken Into the store anil stolen some goods and were con outside as a warning to others There Is one species of the (iinguc made In the shape f a ban el with a hole in tlio top. The head of the criminal Is outside I lie top, hut his hotly is squeezed Inside bis neck just lllliug the hole. In such pun ishments there are often holes fur the criminal's hands In the Hides of Hie barrel The holes are Just large enough for the wrists. They do not penult the man to scratch his nose or feed himself. Ills friends or relatives must have charity upon hint, nr he Is liable to die before the pun ihlimen! is over. I'ltANK (1. CAUl'HNTHIl BREVITY IS THE SOUL OF WIT. GOOD WIFEI YOU NEED SAPOLIO ? Do You Ever Drink Beer I "l" 1 Do you llko a rich, snnppy bovorttge, clear puro nnd sparkllnu? If you tlo Try Metz Bros. Tho best Is none too pood for our customers, and "best" Is the only word which describes our lino bottled beer, Hrewed from selected hops nnd best malt for tho homo trade. If you have u discriminating taste, If you wnnt a healthful tonic, you cannot tlo better than order a enso of vour denier or METZ BROS. BREWING COMPANY TEL. 119. OMAHA. It is illll'ereut with tnir popular HI. I K ItlllllON bottled I. ,rr The materials w use In (he production nf this famous bran ore the vi ry best In .iialitv and the wale tiHeil Is direct from our own artesian wcl Insuring a pure, perfect ami wholestuii beer IMIUNK l.r.a DM VII IIIII'.U IM; VSMM'I V'lillN. pnrr by rrtmn null, lull tlrtrriniivp rncc do iii.mi "i ,ii miii) h tin- I'ltucil I n tlur nlc in ill rtNH lltlll tall I'llll'lll I'lllllllU. Ki msi ii to Dm i 'I he liiuiiil.aitui uiii).il of i.i it'iuilif K.muriit col Out; dtn tiltiullt Ml (If, illy utltl pi- git . I v ih.it tiny Lilly ot (irtl bun tut Hirtu e i .til c.i .'iv nml imt k 'M ittrnt ill it"V Mle, uuiiiv nir.ta ,1110 ler 1, mile... Cliililri'ii. t, SI I'll llllll HllJM, t!,lflllrnl i:i.ie,tnicnl Iti lil priffctl) with our tiiintr eti A k .wtrtlce of thr MimhIi Si si tm won It ,i furl tint lo nn 1.1,1 V l'lnms.tntli i.l t .irtl tltrltt.ikr. iw r llirir n. -i l I lie ,lnly Shlrni Ayrnls wanir.l. IHOOIIY iV CO., P.O.IIns 31(10. eincltuinll n VOUR LIFE AN OPEN BOOK 1 1 y kiiomiiiu ymir imiirM )tni run (trn tmrn for lMtt unit Ihh i tint nuuttitiH. (Inin tipullh. wtmlthi ltutt frint-lii uiitl itntMi'Hrh) . at) ut riiUtu Ll'ilI i-hitri ul )otir lift Mill rnvfitl IIih hiiiinthM I'liHiitrt'M jou tthotitil iintkH htm tn liikt t-niHof tiur lifiiUh Mint iiiuUm thoH jno wi-h.ti) Iuvh j o' 'In tin in on t rut m mi uhtiiiv tn rirMiiiit iniir future. finl liV , diito of hlrth ami -tiun' to I'mC U'lllartl. 11 nIum ir U..rl....i.l. Endorsed by best Teachers of Cookery Ask your Grocer lo show you a package All the I.ndles Ent Gold Medal Chocolate Bon Bons Hy Bxiremi, 1, ', It, and 1 pound boxes, flOe pniinil. W. S. Balduff, 1S18-20 Farnam St., Omaha. Ncli. RED CROSS WHISKEY 4Kts CO00 SbS for S3 y I'UIDAV AKTKKNOON IN Till-: POTATO ( , SS. Cake Secrets Booklet Contains more inforinntitm nliout mnklni; fine Cakri than many IiikIi pricetl cookbooks It will heaven PPrp Fo' L'T""1 Time with I Ii L- L. each pjckaije told of IflLEHEART'S SWANS DOWN PRUPARGI) CAKE FLOUR Not sflf-risliiK Ciootl nil the year rmmd Made only by Iglehoari Bros., Evansvillo, Indiana. Dcpartinent V lltrnnl In rnticilt,inr Kxircss cliarKus prepaid. Recommended lending physicians, A puro and nutri tious stimulant for family use. Such whiskey as we of fer for $3,00 cannot he purchased els -whore for $.",00, We ship In plain packages no marks to Indicate contents and If not per fectly satisfactory return at our ex penso and wo will refund money at once. References: First National Bank of Omaha or any Fx press Company. DISTILLING CO. OMAHA. WESTERN Solo Ownors