November I. 11)00. THE ILLTSTKATIil) 1 1 IS IS. Justice in China Queer Court Customs iCupyrlKlit, 1900, l i i " . 1 1-1 ntt i SHANGHAI, Sept. 12. (Special Cor rcspondotico of The Hoc.) This war will mnko tho mlxeil courts ii feature of every hlg Chinese city. They will bo established to try all disputes between foreigners and nntlvcs. The Chinese In the foreign con cessions will be subject to them and for eign Judges will be needed. Tho foreign concession of Shanghai Is now three times as large as the native city. It has loo.uoo population, of whom only ."i.OOO nro Kutopenns. It has a niKed court, with Chinese and foreign Judges. Tho American Judge Is tho consul geneial, although ho Is usually lopresouted by the Interpreter of tho legation. The unlive Judge Is a man darln of the seventh order named Wang The law and punishments used for cases in which Chinese nnlv are Interested un practically Chinese, the Chinese Judge being allowed to have his own way except whin Kuropcans are Interested. I tsltcd this mixed ckUII the other la Consul Ceneral (loo lliow w tit with me on 1 ltit-o lured too to .Mandarin Wang l'r llarchet. the Interpreter of our colistiln1 who also a-'ti'd u-t Judge, translated fi m anil Mattery, that touch of nature whoh makes the whole world Uln, greased th win el of our conversation. We had n m,. of lea together before going Into the mi' loom, and Judge Wang, feeing my caim rn said ho hoped I wool I take a phoiogiaih of him on the I ench. I icplled that 1 wuM bo glail to do so If there was to be unv bam'inoliig. llambonlng Is the most .on inon punishment here. Witnesses are bam booed to make them confess, anil If tho iloes not serve mote terrible punlshne n. are adopted. .lodge Wang replied that ho would be de lighted to oblige me, but that the usual hour for bnmbrolng was 1 in the afternoon when he hoped I would return. "I am tony, your honor," said I. "but I have an engagement nt I." "Ah!" said tho old Clilni'so mandarin at he rellectlvcly sipped his tea, "In that raw perhaps I can llx It up this morning to sun , you. I have an old thief hero who lias not confessed. I will have him brought in near tho close of tho session and give him J00 blows to loosen his tongue. It will be Just before noon and you will have a fairly good light for your picture." At this moment tho olllcers told us that the court was ready and tho old mandarin invited me to sit on the bench with him. For two hours I watched thieves, burglars, kidnapers, pirates and others dragged In by policemen. They wero pulled almg In chains, Jerked about by their queues and inndo to get down upon their knees beforo us. While thero the Judge examined them and the delect Ives and po licemen gave evidence. Sentences were quickly passed. Some got as much as 300 blows of the bamboo, some were sentenced to the eangiie, others to Imprisonment In chains and seme to hard labor. Itlllllliiiileil lleloie the llllioiii. At last the end of the docket was reached and my victim was brought In. Two vll-lalnoiis-looklng policemen In tall red hats and long red gowns pushed him forward, holding him by tho queue. He trembled as ho entered tho room and fell on Ills knees In front of the Judge, who fiercely demanded his confession. The man pro tested his Innocence, but Judge Wang, In what must have been to the prisoner a terrible tone, said: "You are not telling the truth; you are guilty!" And then to the policeman: "f!lve 1) I in the bamboo and make him con fess." Upon this, two tall Chinese In red coats seized tho prisoner and laid him flat on his face on tho floor. They pulled down his trousers. One held him firmly- by the Rhouldeis and another by the calves, so Hint his fat thighs showed In nil their nakedntss "Thero is your picture." said tho Judge, ns ho ordered a policeman to move n llt tlo tcakwood tnble to the opposito end of tho room nnd clear out the visitors be tween It nnd tho man. I llxcd my camera on tho table, stepped off the distance bo twoen It nnd tho criminal nnd set the shutter. Tho bambooer knelt down be hind him nnd raised his rod nnd nt the first blow tho picture was taken. It proved to bo a success nnd I used it ns nno of tho Illustrations of this letter. After tho bamboolng began I would havo stopped It If I could, but It was In court, nnd this was Impossible. It took four men to glvo tho 200 blows, each man bringing down tho bamboo fifty times on tho bare thighs of tho victim. Tho hnmboo was n strip of enno nbout two Inches wide anil flvo feet in length. It was ns lltho ns solo leather, but so springy that it Boomed to fly back upon touching tho fish. Tho exe cutioners hold It in both hands, bringing It down with n nolso llko n pistol crack upon one slnglo spot on the man's thighs. Thoy never left thin spot, hitting It exactly ngaln and again, ns thoy counted tho strokes nloud. In tho first ton strokes thero wns no chango of color, nlthough tho man howled and groaned. After tho twonty flflh tho flesh wns red, nnd at tho end of the second fifty It hnd turned blnck. When 125 wero reached It was bleeding slightly, the black lino having oxtonded out to n ring nbout tho slzo of your palm. At tho end tho flesh to tho dopth of an Inch was n Jelly. By ChlneBo law no criminal enn bo pun- Ishcd until ho has confessed his guilt. This causes nil sorts of tortures. Tho lnqulsl- Hon was mild In comparison with tho Chi- ccso courts of the present. 1 once saw an alleged pirate brought Into tho native ci urt nt Atnoy. Tho man protested his lnno- cence. Ho had been so tortured that ho was not able to wulk and ho was carried in a bnsket. Ho had an Iron chain about his neck and another about his feet and bands. He was spilled out of the basket upon the lloor In front of the Judge. Ills chains were taken off and he wns assisied to his knees. Tho Judge asked him of 1k wrre guilty Ho replied 'No," and he was ordered away for more torture Time polh emeu then dragged htm to tho BJiliv !!& vHtf :lfcS3P',kr wBflH 3HIiiui.' CL Vv-' ",j rill.NKSH I'OI.ICHMAN TTIII-.K sldo of tho court room. They took a bench much llko n carpenter's snwliorso nnd, forcing him upon his knees, put this saw- horse against him so that the board of the bench rested ngalnst his back between tho shoulders. There was a hole in tho top ot tho board. Through this his queue wns pulled and his head tied by It tight against the board so that his neck wns stretched to its utmost. Ills arms wero bent back and tied to tho upper legs of the horso. Tho man wns barefooted. Tho offlclal:. pulled up his wldo pantnloons to tho thighs nnd. bending his legs, tied them to thb upper legs of tho horso by strings fastened around his big toes, so that tho whole weight of his body rested on his baro knees en tho stone. Now an Iron chain with ragged links ns sharp as though filed was colled up and put undor his baro knees. Ho wns then told that ho would bo lot down when ho confessed. I ennnnt describe tho torture. Tho ninn'a eyes nlmost started from their sockets, his fnco twitched and hls moaning mado mo sick. A Tortured Plrnlr. Here Is nnot'ier pen plcturo ns I took it In the native court at Canton a few weeks ago. I give tho note-i Just ns I wroto them. "I nin In a Chlncso court room. A yellow-faced Judge in a gorgeous gown, with a peacock feather In his cap. sits behind n rod-covered tnble. llesido him nre clerks in silks and satlnH. Tho ofllcers of tho court, drosBed In livery, with tall sugar-leaf hats, stand about with Instruments of torturo in their hands. "Tho lloor ls of stono nnd upon tho cold grnnlte in front of tho bench upon his baro knees Is a Chinese criminal. Ills arms nro stretched out at right nnglcs to his body, They are bound by ropes, twisted round and round them, to a long bar which rests upon his shoulders. Just back of tho neck, "'Why not? Why not?' ho ropllcd. throwing his yellow ngonlzcd fnco to tho 'They deserve It! Thoy deservo It.' " front. Tho bar Is fastened to uprights on In n further chat with Dr. Dykes ho do each sldo, and it servos as a frame to keep scribed a tcrrlblo punishment which ho tho man In position nnd prevent him from witnessed In Kuklnng n few years ago. falling If ho should faint. His head Is tied Said ho: to tho bar by his queue. "I wns riding on horsobnclt on tho walls "Now, nt tho direction of tho Judgo, two of tho city when I saw n crowd on tho of tho court olllclals lake a round stick street below me. I stopped nnd somo of eight feet long nnd of tho thickness of a the men asked mo to como down nnd seo telegraph polo. They lay It down upon tho the fun. I did so nnd found tho crowd wns mnn's legs Just back of tho knees. They gathered nbout two wooden cnges, ench of then catch hold of tho bar to which tho which held a mnn, bnrehended, baro- crlmlnal's arms aro fastened and step with footed nnd disfigured with beatings. Tholr both feet upon the stick. Thoy nro fat and heads wero upheld by shelves Into which tho two must woigh nt least 350 pounds, their necks fitted, so Hint their wholo Their weight Is pressing tho man's baro weight rested upon tho toes. Tho shelves legs Into tho stones. lie cries and thoy In- wero fastened near tho top of tho cages, crease the torture by rolling tho pole under their feet back and forth upon his calves. His toes have been pulled out so that the shins and the whole front of his feet are In contact with the stones and tho men are grinding them Into the granite. "I ask the man's crime. The Judge tells ,m' ls accused of piracy, but that he claims to be Innocent. The Judge tells mo I"1 "HI tortured until he confesses. Ilo eems to laugh nt the pain, and he Is smok- ' water pipe and languidly putting questions as to the case between the I'""""- "At last tlesh and blood can stand It no l""gcr. Tho prisoner nods his head In token "f confession and the olllclals step off. They loosen his hands and he drops In a '"P on the lloor. They men smear a '"lie Ink over each of his palms ami press ""'tn Hat down upon a sheet of paper, nbove which some writing in Chinese has '"'en piin'ed These form his signature to 'ho confession If he should es, ape ho CHAINUI) I'Olt STUAMNd DltUCS. could bo detected by means of them. Tho confession will be sent to tho viceroy and his head bo cut off a day or so later." l.Nieclill.v for Women, Women nre not favored by Chinese Judges. In the court here I heard a nutn- her of severe sentences nronounced. nnd nt Canton one woman was nunlshed with the clapper. Tills seems to bo especially for women. It Is inndo of two pieces of leather, each as thick as a harness tug, but a little wider. They nro fastened to n hnndle In the middle. Tho clapper ls not moro than a foot long, but it Is ns dendly ns though It wero iron. It is used for pounding tho cheeks nnd Hps, often break- lug tho Jaws and knocking out tho tooth. Tho Cnntcn woman was suspected of smug- gllng opium, but claimed to bo Innocent, Tho punishment wns given to induce con- fesslon. Dr. John H. Hykes, tho head of the American lliblo society, onco saw a fo- mnlo thief treated to fifty strokes on the mouth with tho clnpper. He described tho punishment to me. Ho said: "One policeman held tho womnn's head back ngninst his knees whilo nnothor struck her across tho mouth with tho clnp- per. Her Hps bled at tho first blow. After tho fifth they began to swell nnd at tho end they wero ns thick as your threo lingers." "Did she scream?" I asked. "Of rourso sho did," replied Dr. Hykes. "Well, after that," Dr. Hykes wont on, "wo saw n mnn got fiOO blows with tho bamboo. This punishment wns terrible, for tho man's flesh was torn from his thighs. As I looked I nnld to Judgo Tu, tlio mandarin In clmrgo, 'I don't boo how you can etnnd It.' so that when they attempted to rest their toes they hung by the neck The men lud 1 been sentenced to death III the cage for! robbery and outrage. Pasted on the out-' side were placards which warned all per 1 sons not to give them food or drink Tins was in the middle of July, when the heai was Intense. Three days after thai I learned they were dead." The Cruwlim lliiiuhoit. "The ordinary punishment of the b,n,. ,. 's very seere," continued Dr. Ilyk.s. ... I when more than 200 blows nro guru sometimes results In the vleHm's be u maimed for life. There ls consld, r.u-t. science In giving the and the p can make them heavy or lb lit , I'leiwes. In ninny eases the pre...tur the policemen to let them elf cam 11,1,1 11 r"1'' " I" l)' the man who lu 1,0 ""'"V receives the full scutiiu. "Speaking of the bamboo. 1 have heard (,f 11 1'iinlshmotit In which the IIvIiik ' made tho oerut Inner. I have no r (,e, i (his punlsl tnent ami 1 mil told that it i not permitted by the laws of the land Tti. bamboo grows very fast. It Jumps ,i,,w,ir.i several Inches In a night nnd Its M.ill, ln n sharp point which will force lt- w.n through anything. In the growing lu oi. punishment the criminal Is fasten, d t stakes over one of these sprouts and ib plant grows slowly through him, ,.hi.ii Ills d Mill. "While 1 was living nt Kuklnng." said Dr. llykes. "a young man In one of the il luges near by was burlid nllve iim a phihmi tnent for murder. The criminal w,,v n for his Intent temper and getter, tl u r Ii lesmiess. Among his oilier faults u.i, tin lack of lllhil piety, which Is one i.f the greatest of sins in China. He qu.n r. I. , with his father and he usually raihd to Klvo him n present of a iuosh of p.'t-l. the Kith of every month, ns ls the ru-ioni with good sous. One day his father tool him to task for this neglect. I'he t,,.i, ie came nngrj and killed his father with hoe. "The murder caused great excitement for parricide Is here considered the most terrible of crimes. If n man kills a parent not only himself, but all Ills neighbors tmd relatives, are ptinlsheil. The parricide i. tied upon a cross nnd slowly sliced to death. The olllclals of the provl .in degraded and the crime Is an Injiirv to the district for years to come. When the abov murder occurred the lending men of tin community hushed It up nnd asked the family to perforin the S'taMinient There was a meeting of tho murderer's elan and tho result was a sentence that he be burled alive. His own relatives dug the grave and his mother threw the diit into Hie hole upon him nnd trumped It down with hot foot." I'iihNIiiiioiiIn for I'nrrleliles. No one but those who have studied the Chinese enn realize the horror with which they look upon parricides nnd matricides. Nothing will excuse the killing of father or mother by the child. In the l'ekln dn zotto I find numerous instances of lunntlcs who have killed their parents and boon sliced to death, in this slicing not only Is the flesh cut nway bit by bit, lint tho vic tim Is. to a large extent, skinned alive One of the first cuts Is across the middle of the forehead, after which the execu tloneer takes the skin nnd rips It off Next tho cheeks are lorn off, then the arms, breasts, thighs and calves, all cut by cut, the sklu being torn awny until the man is dead. Accidents are no excuse for such kill lug. It was only two years ago that a hoy "f s "vlng in a little town about twenty "'"''s from Shanghai was playing with a K,"l He wns tossing It up in (lie nlr when his mother ran out of the hut mid 'l necldentally fell upon her head and ,(lled her. According to the Inw tho old ('st "K nt which the punishment of slicing tH "l'nth can be Inflicted Is Id. You would 'J1'11' they would have let the boy free They did not. lie wns put at onco in Prison and will be kept there until he reaches Ifi when the punishment will be '""''d. He has nix years more to wait. 1 have never seen a Chinese execution nni1 1,0 nrt ,nv' '"' one the sight. The '"iitallty of tho executioner Is beyond con ('Pthm- A missionary told mo how he ro- '''""tly saw the heads of live robbers cut nSt- "Them were two executioners," snld ho, "ol,( n" export, tho other an amntoiir. Tho sw,'il of the expert went through the necks tis though through cheese. mit ""' amateur bungled his work. The rubbers wore placed on their knees with their heads outstretched. As the sword through the necks tho heads fell to ""' ground, soiuo rolling twenty feet nway Tmo ,,lomI Hpurtod out lu great Jots from '"""es, which, s! range to say, still re innlned on their knees. W Hen nil tho bonds were off I nsked If 1 ''kI- not go Inside (he lino nnd look. J magistrate said, 'Of course; why not? and I went In ! pointed to one body and (Continued on IllghUi Page.) Ill A US-Do You Want a I" I II II I J Genuine Bargain in a Piano? Wa havo liuii'lrnW tf IT rl?M I'lni rrtnrii-i from rfntlnj; ly i-ert'ina moving wht. I m .it u Mi it .f nt mhi ki we (-iniii't makfl r'toiii for tiirtn lit t inr ,tut flu'io f&iini iih lii'lo hlt'litwni htiuhfi tinliif'i Mi hniri ami other well hiH ivn iimkiB Un 1 tlitin itin t I -bit kit. rnii now )tt ull Are 'llrrc at nn en nn u tin. nt f iii ntpi when nw ( rtlit nn lw at Ih .r vu h ma ln nttfiit t rellalilu vrioiii It w i r .lui' ly it w nt 9'' for f rnjrjit tu line cf thf e inin tiii 'l U u New Urtcr kii luahuKHiiy ntiHn, with mniillni alt.n liinint i 5, flit aiiywlit-rw nn iti menta Unti- nt ii't it iuihto lUt Aii'l full iitrtn uluri ) u ran tube n Mtintr h tn ur itiK )uir ianu from u l.wry lnu witrruntvl uiut tly ni te inM I.VON A IIKALVtUI Ailuiim M.t thUuga, The World's Largrtt Music ouif, I r , & HI mm wiM'ii'in wtuiHW itn rn- Tin: 1-1 it m it ,i c u woonw iti m hi rKCTN )l ( III l 'l' I i UIIOi (iiu: ntoMiM'Aci' i m:( cm ST Ti: IIISTOItY OK IOW V 9 Julian ill' A rneii. .Savon Deifirfre DM Mlon. ,trfic.i ,:ilin .SoC'e. 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Root, Printer 414416 South 12tH, Omaha HERTFORD & CO. TEL. I4GI. Cor. IGth nnd Lonvonworth StH. OMAHA. I INLST CABIN LT AND I MAID WOOD W0KK A KPWIAI.TV Picture Framing Antique I' iniltiire ite Mulshed rphnl.stcrlng and Mattress Muk ln. YOU MAKE $500 A DAY EASY Uuhl. Mlwr, Mt Mini Mvtu ritilliiif. At huiitn or trt Ittin, ikHinr'lrr", ulu HUM no-id olHtu(K iiravninr 1olrn tun h -I No qi UV ilti til it I UK Hi it k niiillli, nil liri, OolopMr tP KhiI U ) niMffltla no, rraljr rn wmk TJir Itiiviil. new i1ImIik pf(n)fil quick HI' 1 1' itch Ii " furnlih rrM I). UICAY A CO, i IMiiIIiil' UurLft, l.M'I.VN ATI, O. mm - i . 0 st m v V