THE O.MA11A l)AilV BEE: JflilDAY, OVJCMBER 2, 1900. i 1 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement i for these eolnmm Will be taken '111111 lit ra. for the ittnlng edition anil until .: p. . for murnlnk and Sunday edition. Rates. I l-Vc it word flrt Insertion. 1c a nord thereafter. .Nothlnc taken for less tliun 35c for the first Inser tlon. These adrertlsemeats aot be ran consecutively. Advertisers, T rrancatlaic a nnin fcered checli, can answers ad dressed to a nnntbered letter In rare of The Her. Anancri addressed rrlll be delivered oa presentation, at the check only. WAX "EI MTl'ATIOX. WANTED, by well educated, Inexperienced man. nny position In ncwspater or printing erllcc; willing to start on low saiary, references. Address H 8. Bee office. A-27S r WAVfE!) MALE HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for a few good hustlers of Rood hablti and appear ance. C. F, Adam Co., 1605 Howard St. U 163 BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time, catalogue and panic alar fre. Address Western Haruers Institute, Omaha, Neb H IS WANTED, teams for It R work In .Mis sissippi, free transportati n for outfit. Wlcfchnm. Pheian & Co. . Scott street. Council Hlufis, la. i V- SALESMEN, lu sell office specialties, fine side line; used by all merchants; cata logue free. Model Mfg. Co.. Box : B. Sou.h Hend. Ind. H-MlfrM' WANTED. everywhere, h'Jstlern to tack up signs, uistrinute circulars, uiu. , -," V ," vaslng, gool pay. Stamp for reply. J"le Globe Advertising llurcau, Oma 'muliu. .ru, B-M741 WANTED at once. 2 first-class, collar bucklers; good pay and steady work. I; re tnont Saddlery Company, Fremont, .Neb ) II M136 'THE GALVESTON DISASTER. . pages, 100 Illustrations; sample Tree; Xmoi outfit of 6 bonks for 30 cents, worth Sx W. A. Hlxthbaugh & Co.. Omaha.. 309 Ware btoclo B-MH7 NM PORTRAIT soUcltors. two; salary and ex- renses to first-clans men. Artist, si Iroadway, Council Bluffs, la. IW1W 2 SALESMAN and collector. Apply i'0 9 a. m. The Singer .Manufacturing o.. 1622 Douglas st. YOUNG man who understands bookkeeping and stenography. A. II. Alpln. 913 Doug Us street. H-Mr.2 WANTED, it good pants and vest maker; price for pnnts from I2.5n to S3 nnd vests from S2.15 to KM. Pott Uros., St. Joseph, Mo. B-MW 3 WANTKO. at once, two first-class educated tun fur spoclal work; gfod pay or right parties. Call this evening at r.3 p. m. Ilrlng references. Room 41 Sheely build ing, 15th and Howard Sts. H-2.6 1 T. TED. students In Gregg" Shorthand. W t.'essfui: taught by mall; tlrst leon fr.-e. St. Paul Huslncss College, St. Paul. Nob. B M2B C WANTED, men to learn burber trade. w teach the work In two month", present d.Pyryrom,,i,U?t 'Sw' 'boardnd V "ra.Vr3on"ourKc;ileg"Ja St. Louis or Minneapolis, where we have constant practice that cannot be furnish".! In smaller Cities, c.uaiogue aim jiiii larn mailed free. Moler Harber College Representative, 1C23 Farnam St., Omaha. SALESMAN wanted for our lino of ladles wraps In Nebraska nnd western lowu with references. P. T. Bartholomew J ., Aurora. 111. B-M2KS 4 CARRIAGE woodworker, wanted at onee at the Hoono Carriage. Works. Boone. la. B M29. 4 CALL us for sales or advertising Job. straight ralary. Triumph Co.. Dallas, Texas. U-M2?6 S w.wrKii fbmam: help. WANTED. girls, 1524 Dodge. Tel. 87 C 10 SO girls wanted. Canadian otrice, 1522 Douglas C I OS WANTED, txpcrlenced girl for second work; good wage. '.U37 Dodge St; t,-jiilrfl AGENTS wanted for Halleck's extracts; permanent, profitable, easy work; refer ences required. The Abl.ene Drug 'o., Abilene. Kansas. WANTED Girl for general hoasework; gool wages. Apply at 532 South 2Ui Ave. C 2J5 31 WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. 2204 Webster street. C 2o4 1 GOOD girl for general housework: small family, good wages. Mrs. R. E. Wilcox, ;uk apencer st. C-2S) WANTED, nurse girl; good wages: 2244 lndun Court, C-277 3' A GIRL between 16 and IS to do light work. 3172 Dodgo St. C 2S6 1 WANTED, a young girl to help with light housework: good home. 2233 S. 11th st., cor. Martha. C-M29I 3 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrcsslng, manicuring and face treatment; only four weeks required, one year's apprenticeship saved, we are especially nnxlous to get enough students now to fill the demand for graduates; busy season now: 112 to ti; vr-viv when comuetrnt: sueclal In ducements this month; complete outrtt of tools presented, call or write touay. Moler College, 163 Farnam St.. Room 19. C M29u " FOR It B.tiT HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place tnem wnn uennwa t to. u iw ALWAYS moving H. II. goods. Pianos. OMlce. 151H5 Farnam St. Tel. 1559 or Sl. D-170 HOUSES for rent In all rarts of the city. Brennan-Love Co., 32J So. 13th St. D-171 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-172 FOR RENT, fine 6-roon modern cottages in the Stanford circle. iHh and Vinton streets; convenient to South Omaha and 13th street car lines. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th St. D 173 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 12XI Farnam. D-174 FOR n.E-NT. October 1. to small family, a 'desirable seven-room cottage. 22nd and California street; water tn kitchen; J22 per mouth. Inquire at C07 N. 19th street. D-M23J yOR RENT, house S rooms, S. W. Cor. Park ave. and Leavenworth. Modern ax cept furnace. Key at cottage in rear. D-105 SEE HENRY U, PAYNE. Ml N. Y.'ZlFE, D 175 HOUSES, etc. I D. Wead. 1521 Douglas. D-177 22 LANDON Court, 10 rooms, modem, In tine condition: rent .H5.0. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.. 16th & Douglas Sts. D-174 ROOM house, modern. SU N. lth. Monroe Co., U Si i FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In D3V. idge bulldln?. ,PJt',.,?i,t',.hS,i.. o JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST: D U2 HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwalt, Barker pik. 1 16 WILLIAM St.. 3 rooms, city water, 5. 1107 Marcy St., 3 rooms city water. t. Omaha Loan and Trust Co., 16th nnd Douglas Sts. D i) CHOICEST flat In Winona apartment house. Appiy v. b. t;igutter, K3 nee oiok. i m r.'l V. S4th ft..' 3" rooms." eltv" water. 11 Omaha Ian and Trust Co., 16th and Douglas t. d 706 S. I7th St., 6 rooms, 120. Omaha Loan and Trust i-o., inn ana uougias ots D til ' 4 -ROOM house. 6U Bancroft D-1I9 5 Ft RN1SHED. my residence, 2117 Wirt 8t, to man ann wile vent are acceptable J, J. Gibson, Ml lit Nat 1 Bank bldg D-ltO 4 roil heist holses. H) S. 13TH ST , 'J rooms, modern. D HI 4 8TKAM heat, unexcelled four-room flat. Ml tn.xJtm. TUard. 1 N 21th. D-M162 10-ltOOM. furnished or unfurnished, modern home, with barn; location, west;; winter coal In; at cheap rate; good girl will stay with small family; possession given about November 1st, references required. Ad dress. A Si. Hee. D-12S S-P.OOM house, 27th and Farnam Sts.. nil modern. Call 2606 Farnam or phone MS. D-2S1 KIVK pleasaht rooms unfurnished, modern no children preferred. 21 N 19th st D-M2t7 ! run he.t fihmsheh rooms. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E-140 WITH or without board. S3" Harney, H M96 N24' MODERN, choice location. 12! S. 23th St. E M:i HOOMS, modern. 25V) Harney ft. E M977 10 XKWIiV furnished rooms, private family, modern, nvi uougiaa. r. juis r NEWLY furnished front room, modern, lor : young men. sjz s. mn. tiziw t HANDSOMELY furnished alcove s'Jlto. clos In, with breakfast If desired, for one or two gentlemen; private family, pleas antly situated, references. Address H 6, Hee. E-M302 3 Ft iiMsiii:n ami doaiid. 1609 Done. ? -C35 GOOD board, private family, .avenue. 609 So. 25rh F-M63J UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-4W NICE warm rioms, good board, icasonable rates. The 1. aao Harney. k-:-ni: NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S. 2Sth, F M6S0 THE MERlilAM, good winter home. Kth anu uouge. r hi TO RENT. 1 furnished. 2 unfurnished rooms (or will furnish), with board. In private family; quiet neighborhood, near iianscom parte. ta;i ZVH wooiwonn ave. F-M7 FCRNISHED rooms, with board: private family; modern: rlrst-cla?s references. 2403 Cuss st F Mil? 4' MAE EDGAR, 31TH N. 15th St. flat E. F-M153 6 FOR RENT, nicely furnished room with uoaru in nrlvate famllv: no other board ers. Mrs. Grace Anderson, 202! S. 13th st. r-JuW 2' NEWLY furnished 2313 Douglas. steam-heated rooms. V M2H Dl KOIt HK.NT L'.rrit.M!tHi:i ROOMS. 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, K16 N. 27th. G 2S3 UNFURNISHED, for housekeeping. 2-M4 St. iary s uve. U 2. roil heat stouus a.d offices. 'Voil RENT, store In first-class locatlcn: nl re.onWr Apply n. C. Peters & , lo.. ground Honr. bee oldg. l.xA FOR RENT, the biHldlng formerly ocupled by The Beo at 910 Farnam street. It has four stories and a basement which was lormcnv usea as ine Bee press room. inis win oe reiuea very reasonaoiv, Interested updIi" at once to C. C. H water, aecretary, room 100, Bee Building. i isi AGE.N'l'S WASTED. AGENTS Article of absolute necessity in eve fits every building: no contention: blr pro fits: exclusive rights; failure Impotsible. Agency Dept. 312, 27 William St.. N. Y. J-M225 Nil AGENTS. Indispensable household article; something new; a good seller: sample by mall, postpaid. ISc. De Vol Brothers. 7019 Farnell ave., Chicago. J M100 6 WANTED TO nUT. NEED more houses for good tenants; list with G. G. Wallace. Brown blk. K-M475 WANTED, room and board within walking distance of 16th and Farnam; state price. Address B 7, Be. K M2il 3 WANTED, room and board for man and wife; one large front room or 2 front rooms; state price; private family pre ferred. Address B 6. Bee. K-M256 ! STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 912. 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -442 Om. Van Stor. Co., 1S11H Farn. Tels. 15J9-F63 643 WA.tTED TO BUY. ALL kinds of household goods, hotels, etc. in large and small quantities. Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge, Tel. 2020. N-043 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan Love Co.. 9 So. 13th. N-644 HOUSES, to be moved, lace, Brown blk. George G. Wil-N-M474 WANTED, to buy tl.000 of Omaha Savlcgi bank accounts for cosh. Address A 16, Bee office. N-JJ54J FOR SALE FLnXlTUlE. FOR SALE, cheap, hallrack, large mirror, onyx tables nnd cabinet, polishing lath, grindstone nnd gas fixtures. Address 1513 Howard St., second floor. O 274 1 FOR SALE 110im:S, VEHICLES. ETC. NEW and 2dH. vehicles at marked down prices. Harry f rost, ma & Jcavenwortn. P-SM FOR SALE, a horse and buggy cheap. In quire at ziaf ac iiary s ave, r-MiH FOR SALE, a horse and a fresh cow. 111S S. 6th 8t. T-27I 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FINE Voee upright piano at great sacrifice; party leavlug city. Address Y 36. Bee omce. v 1. .ns HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences'ana cnooing. tui uougias, yt( 2PHAND safe cheap. Deright. 1116 Farnam. Q 4d SAFES; buy, sell, ex'ge. Schwartz. 114 So. IX 2DHAND wheels. S3 to $10: rrew wheels, J15. Omaha Bicycle Co., 16th Chicago Sts. Q-631 DON'T miss the opportunity to Inspect our stock. We carry the largest and most complete line of 2ndhand stoves In city; prices low. Don t forget the place, Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-4 So. 14th. Q-245 Nil FOR SALE. 1 150-H. P. Hoffman & Bllllnss Corliss engine In good condition. Call tr address sec y of uee uidg, co. Q v;i WRITE for catalogue of trusses. suDDort ers Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Omaha tlSCELLA.EOCS. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand fumlturs and stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or less, (.mcago urniture Co.. itoe-m uodee. It 7 CLAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. S19 North 16th. ra MME.GYLMER genuine palmist. IK6 Dodge Mill FLINT, natural clairvoyant; free test. 170? lass o 21 iaj t- ELECTltIC TREATME.XT. ELITE parlors. 613 S. 16th. second floor, MME. ADAMS, magnetic treatment. M7 S, I3tn, room - i iivs .j- pnnsoAL DR. ROY, chiropodist: corns and superflu ous nair removed vy eiciricity. it. jz, Frenxer block, u 3 VIAVI. woman's way to h:a!tru 313 liie bldg u WJ TURKISH baths, massags baths, electric catns, to r ladies only; sKiueu women massacr operators: finest equipped bathi In the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms 118 to t2d Bc lildg. U 4I RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain, no aanger, sena ror circulars, empire uup ture Cure, ?32 N. T. Life bldg. Omaha. U LADIES' jackets and tailor made suits at- lerea, cieanca, repairea. .M. r ogci. mji a. iu U SIS- PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing connnement; oauies aaopieu. iim n. U66 SEWINO machines rented and repaired: rent 12 per month: supplies for all Kinas cf machines. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1620-ies Douglas st. Telephone 411 U MS2J YOUR OLD SKIRT Can be altered to look new and Btyllh ky using one or our -iiesutirui r it r. r u k ACCORDION PLEATED FLOUNCES Any kind complete from tl.W up. AL TERATION PATTERNS AND INSTRUC TIONS FRmE. Accordion and side pleat ing by the yard. Send for circulars. M. GOLDMAN & CO. 200 Douglas Ulk., 16th and Dodge. 'J-4C1 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment, Daoies auoptea. Mrs. uurget, Burdette. V-ca SEWING in private famlllej. C7i N. 45th. U-244 Ml PLEATING and skirts, all kinds: buttons maoe to maica. umana rieating o., 1A!1 IlnilL-liB. Vr.$4 N C5J CHILDREN boarded or adopted. S13 N. 23d street. u .nsj- SILENT or active partner in old estab- usncu Dusinest, n,w) casn. Address a fi, Bcc. U M2S9 S LIEBEN, theatrical, inasuuerade costumer: 101S Farnam. U-2M JIO.VEV TO LOA.N HUAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and westera Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrower can pay JK'J or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brennaii'Lovc Co., 3uv Bo. 13th St,, Omahai Neb. W 570 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha roal estate, Brenuan-Love Co., 303 So. 13tli W-T71 11.000 and upward to loan on Improved c ty property and farms. v. farnam umltr. ft Co., 1320 Farnam. W-$7i WANTED, city loan.4, bonds and warrants. George & Company, lftil Farnam St. W-73 MONEY In any amount at &, iK. t per cent. . J. W. BOBBINS Sc. Co.. 1!02 FARNAM ST. W-7I MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co,, liOC Farnam. W-75 MONEY to loan at S and 6V4 per cent on Omaha property. W. B. Melkle. 401 S. l':h W C7I PRIVATE money, 5, 6. 3 per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 16li Farnam. W-"77 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters &i Co., i702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. V-7J PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 113 1 Douglas. W-S79 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-;0 t MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city i property or for building purposes. Payne ldlnc I Kn03C Co-' New Yorh Le- W-6S1 I PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood, . MA V" - T I . Tt. -10 J1.5C0 TO LOAN on real estate; calt at once. M. J. Kennard & Son, 310-511 Brown block. W M263 MO.VEV TO LOAX CIIATTI.ES. MONEY TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horses,, cows, etc, Tou . to Keep tne property. I SALARY LOANS to people permanently employed on their own names, without Indorser or mortgage. We loan from 110 up. We charge no'Irj. Ins for making paper and we keep noth ing out of the amount you ask for. You may repay the morcv in one. month, or take 2. 3, 4. 5. 6 months or more In which to repay It. Our rates are as low as the lowest, our business Is confidential and always try to mease. OMAHA JlulllUAUli LOAN CO.. Established 1&2. 6 t,. 16th St. X-M731 MONEY v MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. .No endorser or mortgage reaulred. LOWEST RATES. EASY PAYMENTS and HIltlUlLt (.UAtlUCMlAl OilAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 626. fifth floor. Now York Life RHg. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY will pay off your SALARY ASSIGNMENTS And all other debts. , A steady position all .i.uv .a , L,,.,,,, -...'.... , ( k .11 o LJ LOWER CHARGES THAN ANY OTHER LOAN COMPANY. Call and have a private talk with us. ROOM 601 BEE BUILDING. X-222 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per- mincnv jusuiu-i viui i cipuniiiDie concern upon their own names without security; easy paytutnts. Tolman. 706 N, Y. 1.. Bide X-6S7 HONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds. watcnes; payments conuuentlal. Omana Chattle Loan Bank. 220 S. lath, upstairs. X-Ci9 MONEY loaned cn pianos, furniture, cows, jcnciry. uuu mi ecu, u.s, oarmr nut X-5 SAIARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J w. TAH.UB, us f irst rat. iiank Bldg. X-4 LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. No mortgage or publicity. Papers free. OWEST RATE8. EASIEST PAYMENTS SURE. R. R. employees receive time to suit convenience. Loans of other companies taken uo. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. room 103 Paxton Block. X-M521 MONEY loaned on plannj. furniture, dia monds, watcnes, pnvateiy. uergers Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St.. upsloirs. X-940 MONEY loanol on planoi, furniture, jew. elry. horses, cows, etc, u. r itced, 119 H u. X 4B3 Hl'SIHESS CI1A.CES. 150 CASH or easy payments ouys 25 strictly inwiui tniCKOi) sioi macmnes tor qrinKs. cigars or cash: will earn !2 and upward weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers. Chlciio, 111 Y-M754 FOR SALE or rent Muller's Bakery and uonieciionery, n anu i.eavenworin. a bargain. i jisio FOR SALE, stock genl. mdse., clear and new; good reason tor seiung. AuartBj Box 61i. Coon Rapids, la. Y-&53 3 FOR SALE, flrst-class restaurant In Fre mont, rseD. Address j. u. noover. iim FOR SALE, three-chair barber shop, 15th and Webster; cost S2S5; S100 If taken soon. FOR SALE, onlv drug store In town: huild Ing und stoDk sold at a sacrifice; no trades considered: a snap for somebody Address G. J. Kahl, Burr, Neb. Y-M295 2 FOR SALE, blacksmith shop with tools. including norsepower anu engine; nesir able locution. O. A. Danlelson, Wausa, roil SALE HEAL ESTATE. FOn SALE cheap, large lot ad three cottages. J. A, Lovcgren, 4th floor Pax ton block. UK M545 for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW EST RA'iKS on LOAN8: BOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES, FLATo. oTOItEo, for RENT First floor. N. X. Life Bldg. Uli 4 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tha Union pacific Railroad company. It. A. McAllaster land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE 697 HOUSES, lots. 'arms, lands, loans; also (Ire insurance, ucmis, faxton uts. Hiv ji SEE HENRY B, PAYNC.-601 N. Y. LIFE. uis az CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1233 Farnam 8t FOR SALE HEAL I'STATH. A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3 cottages In South Omaha for I3,30o. rent ing for tJ7W per month; "will ttll sep arately or'jn monthly pajments; also one &.rnnm r-nttaee at No. 14 DUDont street. Omaha; all In first class condition. Omaha ; Ijisn x- IititMlnr association. U. M. ' Nattlnger. Sec'y. Bce Building. J. H. Koplctz. Ast., South Omaha. v ' fc RE C3I N3 1 C. K. HA11RISON. BAilOAINS. 912 N. Y L. LANDS. C. B. Uurrows. "Norfolk. .Nebraska. RE 103 Dec. K 1 HERE Is one of the best bargains In a small home In the city: 3316 Larlmore St. (Monmouth Park). &-room house, well. rents IS, J-W0. on payments; discount for cash If sold within a week. George G. Wallace, 313 Brown Blk. C. F. HARRISON, !)13 N. Y. Lire. 11-room house, high and sightly ground, not far from West Farnam district, 2 full east front lots: house well built, cellar, all excavated: good furnace, bath room, etc. chanco for fine home cheap; 33.0M. C. F. HARRISON. M3 N. Y. LIKE. Illi 121 BARGAINS! 7-room house, ground 100-foot frontage: close to car line; eastern owner wants $3?0W property, well located; will pay 12 per cent net on purchase price. J9W mortgage, better than government bond j?'kennard & SON. 310-311 Brown Block. A FEW GOOD THINGS TO BUY AS IN VESTMENTS. VIZ.; , 5 houses and two full lots on South 19th st. 2 houses and half lot. 27th and Douglas. Small house, good corner, 2Id and Burt sts. Vacant lot on Burt, near 21th. Vacant lot. 26th and Chicago. Cottage rnd large lot, 31st and Mnson. 2 good houses and lota In Clifton Hill. 2 good houses and lots in Gramircy parit. House and lot. 2Sth and IMnkney sts. A. P. TUKEY. RE-M270 4 FOR SALE or trade, 60 fine productive farms and 10 flue stock ranches In cast v.,iiriii(ii fnr sAla chean and on easy terms, some of which can be traded for merchandise, naraware, lunuiurc, imple ments, horses and cattle. For particulars address George W. Huttpn. Coleridge, Xeb. HE M26I N3J A NICE building corner, lots 2S and 29. Falrmount Place, on easy terms. N rite to F. II. Kappen. Milwaukee, ls nK R. C. PETERS & CO.. , , 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. LAND BARGAINS. Following Is a Mt of farm lands TAKEN UNDER FORECLOSURE by eastern parties, who are willing to sacrifice on the property if Hold this fall. TERMS CASH or one-third cash, balance 3 to 3 years: No. Acres. 160 7.7.7. i& 160 , 120 itso 4CM 160 160 10) 16) 160 li 160 160 161 160 1W 161 120 160 161 16) 10) 640 16c) 160 100 i County. IState.iPrlce. Antelope. Neb. J 733 do. I 7) do. i.O do. 2,0M do. 750 do. 1,800 do. K tlo. ) do. . do. 7.1) do. 700 do. 0 do. 40) do. 400 ilo. 750 do. 7W do. 40) do. 3) do. 60) do. ' 00) ilo. i 7u0 do. &W do. 65) do, ! S.'i do. SP do. 700 do. 1 1,6.0 do. do. Bjffalo. Custer. ; do. do. dt. do. do, do. do. -do.. do. do. do. do. do. do. do.. do. do. do. Dawson. Howard. L Knox. Webster.; do. For further Information write or call upon H. C. PETERS & CO., 17P2 Farnam St., Beo Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RE M301 2 WE can offer for special oale S:itiirday iv J lino tract or 1. acres just west or umana, near Elmwood park, for 31.65m. It will pay vou to investigate this. Hicks. 32'. Board of Trade bldg. RE-M2M 2' FOR SALE, a two-story brick store build ing, well located. In Pawnee City. Neb., cheap, brings 8 per cent on Investment. Frank J. Novak, Humboldt, Neb. RE-M299 4 MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. box Z32, umana. .Neo. conndenllal. -703 LADIES, Cure for WHITES, etc.; perfect regulator; senu i.w. uox uu umana, .Neo. 7S1 N6 LADIES. Jl.OfO for a care old Dr. Jackson's monthly regulator tans to relieve in -i hours, or money refunded: no ergot or tansy pills; many saved from suicide. By mall J3.C0. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co., Dept. Q 2, 1S2 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. SC6 N6 LADIES' free monthly regulator: cannot fall. Mrs. li. Kowan. .MliwauKee. wis. M-150 N ) GONOVA Is a Frencl. rreatmeni for male and female, for tne positive cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Unnatural Discharges, Inflammations, Irritations and Ulcerations of the mucous membranes. An Internal remedy nlth injection combined, war ranted to cure worst cases in one week, S3 per package or 2 for So. Sent any where on receipt of price. The Kldd Dru? Co., Elgin 111. American Office, retail wholesale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha M. A. Dillon. South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber goods. LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female, regulator, will relieve most obstinate cases of delayed periods In 5 hours: sent secure from ob servation. $1. Dr. Annie Fowler, 205 South 14th St.. St. I,QUl.. Mo. M 2CS N30 OSTEOPATH . JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bid : Tel. 1661: Alice jonnson. u. u., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. -I0J M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still rchnol. Kirksvllle, ilo. t4 paxton uiic Tel. 1367. -704 FAYETTE COLE. D. O., room 413 nee bldg. 9S N. M. McMURRAY. D. O.; Mrs. J. R. Mu stek, D. u., suite us-st uee bldg. -1511 N7 SIIORTHA.VD AM) TYI'KWIlITllO. A- C. VAN SANT'S SchooL 717 N. Y. Life. -7Co BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bee Bldg. NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand ro. lege. Boyd's Theater. -707 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. CoL 36 & Doug. tli MUSICAL. FREE scholarships to piano students. Prof. Braun. 550 Ramge Blk. 6S7 MISS MINNIE LOVI. teacher of piano. Studio 615 N. 17th St. 911-3 Jl.MC B.&SI. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealers In all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty, bdl-503 Farnam. Omaha. Tel.2373. DA.CIG SCHOOL, NEW classes for begtnneru are forming this week at Morand's, Crelghton hall; children Wednesday and Saturday; ndtiitu Tuesday and Friday s p. m.: private les sons dally; assemblies Wednesday: call lor terms; always open. .mjim vi HORSCB WITnilED. HORSES wintered at Omaha Driving park. ij rw IIIRDS AXD TAXIDERMY. STOCK'B Bird Stotu. 103 Leavenworth. ACCOHDIO.V PLEATING. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest. ocst, quieKesi .Mrs A .MarK, I'ai- terson BIK., 17th and Farnam Sts. -43 MCKEL It.ATl.tiG. ',. , ; TTT STOVES, lamps and chandeliers reflated. On. Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 25. I -71 I..V.(; t A (l ES. CHATELAIN Schoot of Languages. BoyJ s theater, will reopen Monday, September P Ml 45 e.(ji.m:s. uoiLuns, trrc. L. C. Sharp Mach. Wks,: motors, dynamos 7lS STA.MJinill.NG AM) STIJTTKIU.NO CURED. Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg, -710 URESSJIAKUSn. IN FAMILIES. St. Miss Sturdy, SIS 8a 20th V N4 TICKET UIlOItEn. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. II. Phil bin, 15.C Farnam. Telephone 784. 709 CAHPIXNTEUS A.D JonilERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 2th and Lake SU. 370 PLAIN SCWIXCS. WANTED, plain sewing. 103S S. 22d st. M790 N23 TAILOIU.N'U. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest designs. S, J, Broderick. 1617 Farnam. M471 novlS WAXTED-IIOIISES TO HHE.VK. WANTED, horses to break and train: will take this work at reasonable rates, hiv. good winter quarters. Address George Davis. 226 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -i Nl BELGIAN HARES. FINE Belgian Hares for rale at common sense prices. D707 Florence Boulevard KS N.5 I HAVE a choice lot of young stock and Drea aoes ror sale cneap. aii peaigreeu Address Ed Hcrvey, 1116 N. 40th. CUnaha M-261 s PA W.tillROICERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13)1 DouClis LOANS. H. Marowltx; low rates. 41S N. 16. 701 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses rcsllvcred. "l18 PIA.XO TC.tilXG. WE tune rour piano for $1.50 Rose's Art Store. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915, 956 KLR.MTLHE REPAIRIXG. TEL. 1331 M- S. Walklln. 21U CumlngSt LAUXDH Y. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, .c; collars. Sc; cuffs. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. N 712 SUES & CO. Patent Lawyers tee Bldg., Omaha, Neb PatontBookFreo PATEHTS ePANTEED POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Novem berTlXO. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Post Ofllce as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time snown oe low. Parcels Post Mails for Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday. TrHimntlantle Stalls. SATURDAY At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Spaarnrtam (mall must be directed "per s, s. Spaarndam ), at n:X a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania, via QJeens toVn; at 1(5 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct per s. s. Furnessla (mall must be directed "per s. b. Furnessla"): nt 12 m. for DEN 2UARK. per s. a. Hekla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Hekla"); at 2 p. m. for AZORES ISLANDS direct, per s. s. Peninsular. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes Printed Planer, commercial i-apers and Samples for Germany only. The same class' of mail matter for other parts bl Europe v. Ill not be sent by this ship un specially directed by her. After the closing of tho Supplementary Trans-Atianiic .m;uio nam uu ditlonal supplementary mulls are opened on the piers of the American, English. French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for South and Central America, West Indies, etc. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA. ner s. s I'reioria: i a. in. tor .w.ut... TINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per b. s. Horace, at 10 n, m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for I- OR TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVAMLLA and CAKTHAGENA. per s, s. A'.tai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s e Altai"): nt 10 n m. (supplementary 10,30 a. m.) for INAOUA and flAITI. per s. s. Andes; at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 C m., for PORTO RICO, VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Carthagena must be directed "per s. s. Caracas ); at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana; it 1 l m. for MATANZAS. CAHIAniEN NUEVITAS, HARACOA and GIBARA. per s. s. Ollnda (ordinary mall only which muBt bo directed "per s. e, Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office daily at 8:33 p, m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Sllque'.on. by rail to Boston, ana inence or steamer, ciuuo m ihl nfflee dnllv at S 3') n. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tamoa. Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally at "7 a. m. (the connecting closes are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially ad dressed for dispatch by steamer close at this omce uauy at z:m a. in. and .: p. m. Malls for Be'ite, Puerto Cortex and Guate mala, by rail tn New Orleans and thence by steamer .closn at this office dally at 3 p. m, (connecting closes here Mondays roc UelUC, t'jeno uonri anu uuirmaw Malls for Costa Rica, by roll to Mobile, Ala., and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally nt "3 p. m. (connecting, closes here every Tuesday. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. Transpacific Mali. Stalls for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip- RIne Is'ands. via San Francisco, close ere dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to October ''ii. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. Gaelic Malls foi China nnd Japan, via Vancou ver, close here dally at 6:30 t. m. Up to October 30. Inclusive, for dispatch per . a. Empress of Japan (registered m3ll must be directed "via Vancouver' )- Ma It for Japan. China nnd Philippine Is'.ands via Tacoma, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to October "31. for dispatch r s. s. Adelaide. Malls for China, Japan and Philippine Islands, via Seattle, close here dally ut C.30 p. m. up to October 31, for dispatch per s. h. Kinshlu MarU (regis tcred mall must be directed "via Sea tl- ') Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close hern dally at 6:30 p. m. up to No. vember "5, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s, Zealandla. Mails for Hawaii, Japan. China anil Phi'lpplne Islands, via ban Francisco.-close hre dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November "S. Inclusive, for dls- Fiatch per s. s. Hong Kong Muru, Malls or Australia (except West Australia, which ies via Europe, and New Zealand which goes via San Franc'sroi and FP.I Is'.ands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6 30 p, m up to November "10. Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s Aorangi (sup plementarj malls, via Seattle, close at 6,30 p. m November "11). Malls forAjs tralla (except West Australia), New Zea land, Haw all j FIJI and Samoan Islands, POSTOFFICE OTlCE, via San, c'ose here dally at t T p m. after November "ll nnd up to No vember 24. lnduslve. or on day of ar rival of s. s. Campanlrt, due at New "iork November "2. for dlspotch per s. t. Sierra. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dal'y ninl the schedule of closing Is arranged vn the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit. Registered mall close at 6 p. m. previous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Pi.sloni.e, New York, N. Y., October 2t, lam RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER land Route" General Offices, N. E. Cor. Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office, 1124 Farnam Street. Telephone, 3li. ' Uepot, Tenth and Mason Sli. ... . f , .. v. r-1 rzz- -n;-,.. ...... The uir and Limited. .a k.20 am a 7:33 pm The Ch.cago-Portland Special a S:20 am a 7:3.i pm The Fast Mall ....a S:50 am a 3. Si pm The Colorado Special. ..all:33 pm a 6:00 am The Fast Malt a 4;SS pm Linoo n. Beatrice and v Strmsburg Express.. b 4:10 pm bl2;2j pm The Pacific Express. ..a 4:23 pm The At, antic Express... a 6:C0 am Grand Island uocal . . b 5:31 pm b 9:30 am a Da.n b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON fc Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route " General unices, N. V. Corner Tenth and Farnim Sts, Ticket Office. 1SJ2 Farnam St. Telephone. j j?ni,B;on s'atlon. Tenth and Mason KtM. Tr ipr.hnr.e. 121 Leave Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook : T I , T -. .. . - S:40 am a 7::5 pm .IliVUIII, k.'l-lCI. VWIW- . rado, Utah. California.! 4:25 ira a 3:00 pm Llneoin .t B.aok Hills a :30 pm n 6:4a am Montana. l-et Sound a 9:30 j.m a 6:5 am Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:W pm al0:Si am Denver Colorado, Utah and California a 6:4o am Bellevuc. PappU. ...... . alO.43 am all :43 am Pacific Junction all 'A am a S.20 am Pacift-1 Junction a 7 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON 4: Qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Ofllce, 1502 Farnam SI. Telephone. 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Sts Te.ephone. 12S. Leave. Arrive. Dinlght Caicago bpe Clal a 7:TO am Peoria Emress . .,,, a 2:r? P"J Chicago Vehtibulcd Ex. .a 4: pm a ..t; m Chicago Local Express. a s. 50 am a Chlcaei Limited a ..50 pm a j.4 om Fast Mull a -J P a Daily. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burllng tcn Route" Ticket Olllco, 1502 Farnam St. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele phone, 12i. i,ratc. Arnvr, Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8:50 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0.15 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for tn. Joseph and St, Louis. .a 4:Co pm all:15 am a Dally. CHICAGO. ROCK ISL and & Pacific Railroad "The Great Iloelc til. and Route" City Tick et umce, 1333 Farnini Street. Ttlenhone. J2S. Depot. Tenth & Marcy sis. leicpacne, Leave. Arrive. Des Moines and Daven port Local a 7:25 am bil:35 am Chicago Express bll:15 am a S:10 am Cl.cago Fat Express. , a 3:00 pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln and rairuur. .a S:30 am a 7:00 pm x,incoin, woioraao spgs., Denver. Puebl end West a 1:30 pm a i:15 pm Den Moines. Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:15 pm a 5:50 pm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:55 pm a 9:15 am a Daily, d uauy except auuuay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road General Offices and Ticket Offices Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas ais. xeicpiiuuc, ivu uepot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. Rt i .. ,i A- Kansas City Express al5:?2 nm 6:30 pm IC C, St, L. Express. ..al0:10 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 15th and Webster Streets: Nebraska laical. Via Weeping Water b 4:13 pm al0:45 am a Dally u uauy except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE st i'aui itauway uity Ticket oracc, 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 24. De pot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone, 29. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:W pm a S:C6 am Chicago & umana t-x...u iiun " a.iv yui a Dally- a uauy excejji Duuuaj, CHICAGO & NORTH western Hallway "Tne Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1101 Farnam St. Telephone, 561. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, t2. Leave. ArrlVJ. Daylight Chicago Spe cial , a 7.-O0 am all:3) pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:f) am Eastern Express, Des Moines, Marshalltown. Cedar Rapids and Chi cagu a!0:5G am a 4K0 pm Eastern Limited, Chi cago and Last. a 4:55 pm a 4:C5 pm Fasr .Mall. Chicago to Omana .. ' a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Special, a 7:45 pm n EWi pm Fast Mall a i:20 am a Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Ral.road - Tha North. western Line ' Offlces. United States National Bank Butid'n.T. 8. W. Corner Twelfth and taruam bts. ..Ticket Office. ivi Farnam St. Telcphore, 561. :ie pot, lentn and aiason sts. 'rciepnone, K3. Luve. Arriv? Twin City Exnres a 6.55 am nl0:25 pm Twin City teo a f:35 pm a S:l. am Sioux City Local. .a h-M am a 4:20 pm a uauy. Missouri VSSy Raflroad "The Northwestern, Line" General nini. 1 United States National Bank Bldg.. S. w Cor. Twelftn and Farnam Km. TicKet umce. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, loh Depot, 15th and W-sbster Sts. Tele K1?00. J.s- , , Leave, Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Spring a 2:00 pm a 5:00 pm T yotnlng, Caspar and Douglas d 3:C0 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York. David City. Superior. Geneva, exfter and ucward....b 3:0) pro b 5:00 pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:CS am Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont ,.b 7:30 am b 10:23 am Fremont Local c 7:3) am a Dally, b Dally except Sui.dy. c Sun day only d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis & Omana Hallway "Th North western Line" Genoral Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Bts. citv Tick n(t,p. 1401 .lufnuni St. TcleDhone. nuat. 16th and Webster Sts. . - Leave. Arrive. Twin City Passenger.. ..a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm uiuiiu -4cucr an. iv nm cioux uuy &. ,-orin- east Nebraska 3:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except tfunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIB RAI In road Omaha, Kansas city & Eastern Railroad "The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of- mssm nee, 1415 Farnam St. Tele phone. 322. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, 623. i-eave. Arrive, St. Louli Cannon Ball Express ..........a 5;05 pm a S;20 am Kaas City and Qulncy Local .a 7:00 am a S;00 pm i. Dally ILLINOIS CENTRAL naiiroad. city Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. Telephone. 245. Depot. Tenth apd Marcy Streets. Iave. Arrive. Chicago Express ...all:l) am a 4.u pm ...a ;:!5 pm a S:15 am St ..b 7:0) am b S:i0 pm St. ...a 7:45 pm a S.15 am Chicago Limited .. Minneapolis and Paul Express ... Mlnneapo'ls and t aui Limited Fort Dodre Local from Council Bluffs b 4:50 pm bl0:15 nm a Dally, b Daily except cunaay. yr i SOME PERILS OF THE STAGE Narrow Etcapca of the Hero and Heroine from Slaying Machines. DEVICES FREQUENTLY SLIP A COG A Stcamalilp Collision the Lulent Stnue Contrivance The Milp rrrerUs, Fire Engines ami llinr- nvis of the Pnst. There was a stage manager not so long ago who said that ho would give well, no matter Just hat he would give. Those little details are always hard to remembor, and It Is of no consequence any way, be cause he probably would not havo given It If bo had been brought to tho test. But he snla that he would glvo a considerable sum to any one who would suggest to him a new sensational and realistic mechani cal act tor the climax of a melodrama. It was his Judgment, based ou experience, that what tho public wanted In the way of dramatic art was to ace some sort ol horrid machine come pretty near killing the hero or quite kill tho villain, or both, and that this machine must be a real one, set right up on the stage. Naturally It grows constantly harder to supply thlt want, as the stock of novel notions gets low. till some device which has been used before becomes forgotten and can be used again. Naturally, also, tne devices tend to grow more and more elaborate. The recent news that thu cur rent Drury Lane melodrama has a ecca In which the ocean steamer runs down a yacht shows to what lengths tho stage manager now feels himself driven. These real'stic effects ate sometimes said to have had their origin In the rail way train In "Under the Gaslight," but this opinion testifies only to the short and self-sufficient memory of those who hold It. Surely the oft recalled real pump and tho real tubs of Vincent Crummies were forerunners of all these things, and they themselves wcro but the caricature of something which already existed. But cer tainly there has been, first and last, a good deal of study and toll lavished on these attempts to pUco Inanimate thlugs oa the sfcige as they are. Mow the Tank Drniim Prospered. Seldom has a complete failure achieved such success as tho tank drama. A few years ago tanks were all the fashion. They represented lakes and rivers, on tho surface whereof real boats could float and Into the depths whereof men could dive. They never looked In the least llkt real river lakes. A scene painter who could not make something to look moro natural would not be allowed to work for the grand opera house of any one night stand In the country. Still, there was the water and It was wet and the boats that were put Into It floated, and, actors being selected who didn't mind, the hero Jumped right into It and brought the herolno out dripping. So those who would not turn their heads to look at a whole East river full of shipping were made happy. Jumping Into tho water to save the hero ine suggests that she might bo saved In other difficult ways. Probably no more Improbable way was ever devised than tho one In a melodrama of a few seasons ago called "The Spaa of Life." Here three acrobats performed something like what Is technically known as a "brother act." In tho brother net thrco or four men stand on one another's shoulders, the heaviest and strongest at the bottom and . the smallest and lightest at tho top. Then the tower of men begins to fall, still holding Itself perfectly straight, and when It looks as If all but the bottom man were to be dashed to pieces on the feather bed they break atari, each turns a somersault and all land on their feet. In, "Tho Span of Life" the three men locked their heels and their heads together with their arms and formed a bridge over a chasm, over which tho heroine walked with her child, while "the vlllala still pursued her" on tha other side. This effect could hardly bo said to be produced by inanimate ob jects, but it really belongs to the same class. FIro Alarms. Houses on fire were a commonplace long oeiore tno real steam fire engine of "The Still Alarm" began putting them out and gratifying the public longing for machln ery on the stage. As soon as the ma chine Ib disclosed at the rising of the cur tain and the actors begin to talk about It the audience knows what Is coming. "So this is the mill in a,lch old Hund muller grinds his celebrated sausages." "Yes. You see how It works. The car casses are thrown whole Into this great hopper. That horizontal wheel, all set with automatic hatchets, makes a million revolutions! a minute and In ten mi.iutes everything that goes Into the hoppw Is reduced to powder. It is to the fact that tho machine thus reduces muscle, bone, hide and balr alike that the sausages owe ' '&elr Steal nutritive power. Thev then pass through this trough to the floor be- low whPrn the nr. . I. . ' r nre compressed by a weight of 10,000 pounds to the square inch. . It is thus that a aincle nunr. i m,,i. equal to a side of beef. The German em peror has lust ordered flfiv , 1 hi. armv The. ah.nini .,,'', ' ' . . 1 .e abS0Re supremacy of America Is ao longer denied anywhere In tne worio." (Great cpplaune.) And If any ono should fall Into that bopperl" (Shudders.) When tho audience hears that It knows .. .. . . . ,l Knows, ' ,"B'' " Be" as If it had sat throuch the. play four times already, that somebody is going to fall Into it beforo the act is over. HuxxsaiT lu Action. There was tho circular saw la "Blue Jeans." It was the hero who wag about to be reduced to stovelengtbs by that and It was the heroine who saved him. an ar rangement which pleases the average audi ence perhaps even better than for the hero to save the heroine. He was thrown swooning across the sliding plank which was moving him against the saw, when the heroiae broke dowa a door and pulled him uui oi onager, tne press ageat sent out occasional paragraphs about how the door reluied to como down or other accideats occurred at certain performaaccs, so that he was all but really sawed in two. The tact was mat the moving plaak stopped of Itself Just before ho reached the kafety limit. r In one of Edward Harrlgan's plays a child Coated down a sluice and was baved Just before she fell upon the turning water wheel. In a more recent drama a sugar mill was the crushing agency. After the audience bad had a llae view under the water In "The White Heather," It was treated to oao among tho clouds In "The Great Ruby." A drawbridge swung around In "Money Mad" and a full sized locomo tive stood still with its wheels still re volvlng In "A Mile a Minute." A house was wrecked by explosion la "The Fatal Card" and a steamboat la "Kit, thi Ar kansas Traveler." Nor Is the device of the colllsloa of the steamer and the yacht la the new Drury Lane play exactly new, RAILWAY TI3IU TAULUS. WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Office, 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 36. De pot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone. 62. Leave, Arrive. Bt. Louis "Cannoc Ball" Express a 5:06 pm a 1:2) am Daily.