10 TTTTC OMATTA DAIIA BEE: FTttDAY, TsOV.EMBEK 2, 1000. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Tnrni Heavy on Weak Cables and Liquidationi. CORN IS FIRM AND CLOSES UNCHANGED ! Up liil-t nml Hie Triulr l.nrnrly of n l.oeiil Cliurm'trr Pra Isleim .Moilrmlel r Active nni! IJa lillilt n Mruim nilertonr. CHICAOO. Nov. 1 -Wheat wan erratlc loday, but llnully turned heavy on wi-tn'C i.ihlcs and liquidations, as well an out ,ido apathy, Uecember clulnr 7-so lower. Corn and outH unchanged mid hog products 10 to 12',4rlC- higher. December wheat at tho opening noli! slm tiltiuicniisly from HW3. eomparod with yesterday's close at 74fi7Sc. 'I'ho depression wiih I tic to a dotllne at Liver pool In tho fan- of the strong udvunco hre yo.tcrdny. While there wiih plciits of long stun for sale, tin) bears wcro rnutloui of getting on tiio short mIiIh. A recover lollowoil on Argentine, advices, olio report ing 30 per cent damage and tho other cs HmiittiiK a crop of only b.OyMW bushela front that portion of the southern netnl sphero. On robuying hy early sellers ..ii' sumo of the bull!!, December rallied shurpl to 74V The fulling off In primary receipts and tho prospect of u .l.creue In Hie VH bio atnf as a support near the top or the bulge Later there was considerable ItUi .latlon, largely of November, on the aok or outside support, and December declined Jieavlly to 73Vn73. J losing "fcc tinder lorday at 73,'i7lo Deliveries mi Novem ber rontraeM were l.noo.ooo bushels, form ing a minor Inlluenee In tho opening ' "region New Vork reporjeil twenty-tho loaiN taken for export. Beuboanl Ic' unees In wheat and Hour were Mill il to C2il bushels Pilmary receipts were (..-. Wi bushels, compared with Mm'1 laM vear Minneapolis and Dulllth le .orir,f a77.n..n., against till hist 1-8 a venr ago. 1-ocal receipts wore 101 rur" six of contract crude .... corn was llrm without any iM'l';. u tv of activity Supporting factors wore llM'i rountry acceptance. VVet weather '. Mph S cables made the receipt and a fair shl : tiIiik demand Elevator people were goid Oliver of November, December n d be tween 3ti, and r.ic. closing at .!..'. Re- '"w''ry ....let nnd the trade largely of 11 local character, but the pr oe 1 eld firm. The only Incident wan the Inly ing of Uecember by a Baltimore sh pper. fihlpn outs were 706.000 bushels against III. orln 1 bushels received, December m.i lb t w ceil 22 and zi'w ano cior-uu ..:t..i..t..u nira mrwlern tel V netlVe and fxhlblled a. dec dedl xtromr nrioeru.... The market opened at 2'i'Bc hlKher on h.W r ccelptH. llUtcr than .-xj.ectcd am 1 n ndSnnce In prices at the yards. A t"' S. vnnce followed on a MrniiK i;ih There was u uood deniund for rverjiliin. on tho list, but particular for bird .la : " n Pork sold between $1122 , am 3 1 , (T.U'rtr. and close.l 12Wi He lilKllcr : it JU -; ran X, .lanu.iry lard between S.fi7l and J7r,.-closing 111 in. nt 1175 and JnHarv rlbM between $...f7(4 and Jn.V-'t with "to rlon 10c hlKher nt M-Vfi. ,h.,( Intimated receipts tomorrow. A heat. JO!) 'cars; corn, lf-5 'arH; oatn. 110 cars; ho. 5';n?o lending futures mimed im followw: ArtlclcH.I Open-rUlKlu -"0'' YSV'. Wheat Nov. Dee. .Ian. M'oru Oct. Nov. Dec. May. ().ltH Oct. Nov. Dec May. J'ork net. Nov. .Ian. J.ard - net. Nov. Dec. Jan. 3llbH- nct. Nov. Jan. I ' 72'473'i! I73i74.1 74i,75HI I I I ! 73H "2 72J 73'iTi7 7II 73ii73'T71'7:ii'!3, 74'7li(flTfcl 7IWIT S7V4 3.') 3fl',i 21',4 2iv; 3rtV.5liTHfl37 34';ii3.-,' :i-.m 36!,'lUI3t,4'(:!ii MM 31' ' I I 21 ',4 1 23'il 21 i I 22' il 2U4I wl j S'i! i. 21 24 IVii:! . . . .' 20 00 I 75 I 1ft r.5 r. I it 20 I ..I. Ki fin I 11 22H! 10 75 11 35 I id r... i I U 22!', I I. 7 10 I fi S7V' fi 75 I I I 7 OT.OI 11 S7'4' fi 73 I 7 05 fi ft7's fi SO fi U5 fi 40 IJ 15 5 7 05 f, 82'4' 6 07H 7 05 I fi 82V..' fi Gi'ii I I. fi 25 1 5 07V4' -.'.I C 05 I C 27Vj, C 05 ! i !l7'4 fViaii'iuotatlons were as follows: I.-LOUH Klrm; winter patents, KM: stralKlits. JS.1PJT3.M: ;U-ar. ,3.704f $3,001? pat ..." ',.1,.I.T.. .'.J... i 'V..L ti iviT.n in- li-ikt-rn 'tltH, 3.IH'IU. Mll.HK""". " SnJ2KAT-No. 3. IM7t)i-; No. 5 re.l. 7SV4 ,frOHN-No. 2. 37Wi37c; X. 2 yellow. R'f)ATS-No. 2. 22145(221,4c: No. 3 white, 21'ift t"'Vi ... ...... . n,iMiiF. inciUf. ItAltl.l'jl I'llH l" II 'llir i,p. 9KKD-No. 1 flax. Jt.7fi; No. 1 north wont a SI 7BM1.77: prime timothy. $1.10. Clover. mftl :...'.J,...t rrrtnle. $10.0010.25 PUOVIHIONS JIi'HH pork, per bbl fti 1 W. Lard, per 100 lbs.. S7.IOft7.12'4. . i -i,i,. l oose). Sfi.ftMHI.S0. Dry , $11.25 Short salted Hhoulders (l)oxeil), $0.7rafi.RO. The followltiK are the receipts and shlp- ",Sr!rcl,eHlny: HecelptH. Shipments riV.iir lib H 22,000 17.000 AVheat. im.:::::::::: jw. t ',,.1 llll l,l.l,- v-v. Oats, bu llye. bu. llnrli.v llll rw.lHJII 700,0(10 I .in HI l.(XH) On tho Produce cxohaime todiiy the but ter market was steady; creameries. VJe ter market wiih (ulet: creameries. 15'd.W; 1-:kbs, firm; fresh, ll'-r MOW YOIUC HKHnAl MAIIKBT. iintntloii of 4 Iip Iny on Vnrloii Com moil I tic. SHV YOUK. Nov. 1. I'LOm Hecelpl, r.4,445 bills.; uxportH, 42,5TiO bblH.; sales, l"0 pkgH. ; market was less active, but well HUHtalned on yesterday'H biiHls, notwiUi stundlng the drop In wheat: winter pii. ents. S3. 'm 1.00; winter stralRhts. $.t.50if 3 CO; winter extras. $2.ftV3.00; winter li w grades, $2.l51f2.fio; Minnesota piitenls, SI no (ill 35. Minnesota bakers, $:t.rxr:i.40. Hyo flour. Hlow; sales. BOO bids.; choice to fancy. S3 25113. fiO. IUlckwheat Hour, quiet, $-'.1511 In'C'KWHKAT-DllU at 601ii2c, c. I. f. New York COHNMTlAli- Steady, yellow western, KSe. city. SSc; Urandy wine. $2.451i2.WI. nYK- ICasler; stale, Bl(Tt52c. c. I. f. Now York. BAULKY Dull; feeding. 421ilCc, malting. 57firflc. c. I. f. P.uffalo. HAUL1CY MALT Dull: western IV! I MAT ItecHlntM. 27.750 llll.: Huffalo; fiSTnWo. exportH, V44.513 bu.: sales, 3,'.l75.Oii0 bu. futures, I'OO.ooo bu spot. Spot. Hteadv: No. 2 red. 79'. c I. o b. alloat. 77e eleyator; No. 1 northern, Duhlth. 85i' atloat; No. 1 hard. Dulllth. Mc f o. b. alloat. Options wero Irregular nil day on conflicting Argentine news. First reportH were more favorable and weak ened our market Hhnrnly A later recovery followed on renewed billlsh ndvlccn from there, after which in the late session u second break occurred under disappointing export trade and small clearances Closed weak nt "if net decline. March, NSMisPno. closed nt S2io: May, S2MiS2V closed nt k'!le. November. T7.vii7i4r closed at 77Tc; December 7S l5-161i7rHic. closed at "9c. COHN- Hecelnts. 9I.S25 bu. ; cxpotlH. :vi,. 327 bu. : sales. 70.000 bu. futures. 320.000 bu. snot. Spot, wteaily. No. ?v elevator. 4fio f o. b. afloat. Options dull all day, lint rather flrnr on heavv seaboard clearauoes, xport demand and wet weather west. Closed sternly at a partial ic advince. May. 41 13-UV. closed at IPsc; November closed nt 43'-jc; December. I2'i,(it42'4i', closed nt 42Uc. OATS Hecelpts. 03,S'X1 be ; exports. 10.114 bu Spot, quiet; No 2. 25c; No. .1, 2fc; No. 2 white. 2Se; No. 3 white. 2. Up; track, mixed western. 2.VJ2i)Vio: track, white western nnd stnte, 271T33C. Options quiet bat sternly with corn. FHKD-Steadv; snrlng brnn. $16 lOlilfi 50; middling, $17.0019.50; winter bran, $l7.ooff 19 00; city, $17.00(317.50. HAY Oulet, snipping, 731i7i!ie: good to choice. S2V..(If:.c. HOPS-Steadv; state common to choice. 1S99 cron. 101113c; old olds. 2iir.e; Pacific coast. crop, Hmii.ic; 0111 0111s, .j7c. IIIDKS-Bteady; Oalveston, 20 to 25 lbs 1Ro, Callfomln. 21 to 25 lbs.. IS40; Te:cas dry. 21 to 30 lbs.. 13Uo. Ll'JATl I I'.H Steady; hemlock sole, ltuenos Avres. Unlit to nejivy weignts, 2214112340 ncld. 22'l'.'3'.e. VOOIi Dull; domestlo lleece. 25(iJ7c; Texas. IMfltV. PHOVISIONS-Iteef, stenilv; family. Jlrt.M fffll.OO; miss, S3.iwn'.).tti: peer hams, J20.0Off J1.00; packet. SlO.mV.i 10.50; city, exfa mess, SI6.0iXil7M. I'ul mealH, steadv; pickled be. lies. P'llillc; pickled shoulders, 6'(u,6,c: pickled lin in, 94li9'ic. Lard, western steamed, $7 eil; October closed, $7.50; nom Inst- refined, dull: continent. $7.fi0: com pound. iC.lSMiii.SS. Pork, dull; family, Jbioo fllfi.r.0: mess, jr. win 3,111. POTATOES-oulet; Jerseys, Sl.30-fj1.3H4: New York, Sl.C55jl,fi2'.4; Jersey Hwects, Sl.,Wtf " 01). HICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 48 4'tc, ti-nRinilTS-Dull: cotton by stenm. 7r. CliEESE-HccelptB, 9,U4 pkEs.i steady; arse white. ii.MHlr, small white, lie; lare colored. l-4 lie , small colored, lie MOLASftKS-Stendy, New Orltans open kettle, Rood to choice, 43lfi:c. , t A HIl AO KH--Quiet; Loni? Island, per 100 head, S1.D0112.25. TALLOW-Dull and weak; ulty (li per pk,7';!il'.i luunlry (pkKs. free), 4jff4c- IH TTf;it-necelpts. 9,425 pkus.i Ilrmi ereamer. l6M22'ie, June crenemery, ISifilf, factory, I3i6c KfiriS-Hecelpts ,533 pkK. . steady; western, rcKUlar packliiK, at mark. 15WUc; western, loss off, 21c .MIJTAI.S Tin In the local mnrket for metals experienced inilte a setback. fallltiR off some linijf, points under disappointing cabliH and ti scareltv of buvers. The tlos was easy at J27 Wii27.7rt. Tin In London was 1 lower at J-'l26 5s for spot. Ljlw copper was dull and iinchniiRed at SIS.i ki 17. m. The exports for tho month of Oc tober amounted to 13.IW tons. All Iron mnraeis were ciilli, except i-uimouik i ine marKei was nrni imi uncnaimeu. ruled dull nt tl.3714, with the exports for October reaehtliR the unusual total of Mil tons. Hnelter was unlet and unchanged nt Sl.10ti4.ir.. The brokers' price for lead Was $1 and for caliper $16 S7U- OM.tllt WHOM'.SAM: .MAHKI2TS. ( onillllon of Trndp nml C(tiontlons on Ktniile nml I'miey I'roilare, KOtLS-Ilectlpts lli;ht; cood stock, lGHiP 17c. LIVI-: I'OI'LTHY-Ilcns. fifi6'4e; roosters, 31 4e; sprhiK ihlckens. 7'(i7ljc; ducks, 6Q7e; Keese, 0'i7c; turkeys, 3'!k ritKHII DUKHSfCD I'OfLTItV-Hens, m K'.c. roosters. 51(',c; ducks und ceese, 91lOt; broilers, per !oz., 3; sprlnR cnlckens, jier lb, Misisc: turkeys, 12'jc. flA.MM- Prairie chickens, per doz., $3.iOTf 4.50. mallard ducks, ptr doz., $3; teal, SI. 1.75; mixed, SI Riff I 50; Jncksnlpe. S1.2T.'(il.f0. III'TTKH -Common to fair 12'4c; choice, 151 6e separator, 21c; gathered creamery, IMiMc I'lti:SH OVRTKHS-rirst Rrade, solid packed, New ork counts, per can, SSc; ex tra selects. :Ccj sliindiirds, 2r.e. Second Rrade, slack t.lled, New York counts, ncr can. 30e; extra selects, 24c; standards. 10c. PlfJKONS Live, per nz., We. VKALS-t'liolec, fifilOc. 1IAY--Prlce (inoted by Omaha AVholesale I lav Dealers' association: Choice upland, SV.Vi; No. I upland. SS; medium, S7.50; coarse, $f,.f,o. Itye straw. $J. Thefie prices aro for hav of Rood color nnd quality. Demand fair. Kecelpts, 4 enrr. OATS-No. 3 white, 2Ce. CtiitN- No. 3. 3c. IIP.AN-SI3, VKOKTAHLKS. Crcr.MMKHS-Per dor... 101?25c. TIMtNIPS-l'er bu. basket, 50c. IIIOKW Per bu.. fiOc. CAR HOTS Per bu., 00c. I.K1TITR -Per doz., 101715c. HA DISH ICS-Per doz.. 15c. HKANS Wax. per 1-3 bu. basket. Mc; ntrliiK, 75c. POTATOKS-Per bu., 401J50c; Hweet pota toes, per bu., 75fi90o; Idnho, per bu., 75c. CAHIIAOK-Per lb., J'2c; Holland seed, VoMATOKS-Pcr vbl. basket, 6O0. ONIONS Per Im.. TofiCOe. CKLHHY-Nebraska nnd t'tnh, SOfltSe. Kltt'ITS. PKACIIKS-Calirornlii rrcestones. S1.25. Pl.r.MS- California, per c rate, Jl.lOffl.iS. PIIAHS-Per box, J2.fiOJf2.2ri. (IHAPICS Delawnr- mil Niagara, per B lb. basket. 15c; eastern Concords, 17iflSc. WATKHMI:LONS-As to l7.c, IOBIBc each. APPLIOS-Natlve, ;Bc1i1.00 per bu.; per bbl.. $2.50; eastern. $2.50'ii3.Oi. CllANin:HHIIV-I'cr bbl., $7; per crate, THOPICAL FUITITS. nHA NO KS Mexican, per box, SI. E0. LU.MONS-Calirornla, extra funcy. $4.50; choice, S4. IIANANAS Per bunch, according to size. $2.0011 2.50. KIUS California, new cartons, Mc; lay ers, SOc. MISCKLLANHOUS. NL'TS Kngllsh walnuts, per lb., 13c; filberts, per lb., 13t; almonds, per lb., 1S1f 2i'c; raw jieanuts, per lb., B5'4c; roastod, GU1i7'.je; Itrazlls, 13c; Pecans, anidc. HIDi:S N. 1 Rreen, 7c; No, 2 green, 6c; No. 1 sailed, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, S to 12 lbs., fcc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., tic. St. I.oiii ; mi 11 unit Provision. ST. LOt' IS. Nov l.-WIIKAT-Lower; No 2 led, cash, elevator, 70M.C: track. 73islr7t'ic; November. 70i4c; December, 721f72iic; May. 7Sc; No. 2 hard, iWi70e. KLOrH-l'nchamrcd COHN l'lrm; No. 2 35' 1I1 35' ( : Novemtier. caih, 30'ic; track, 34Vic; December, 31i..c; May. .!5'ic. OATS- IIIrIu r, No. 2 e.-1Kh. 23c; truck. 23'4e; Novembi r, 22ie; December, 23c; May. 2lie; No. 2 white. 26c. HYK lletter; IS'iC. SKKDS-Tlmoth . steady at S3.751j4.20; flax, higher 11 1 Sl.74. COHN.MICAI-Steady nt $2. ltllAN Lower: sucked, enst track. iSc. HAY-Steady: timothy, $!.25ffl2.00; prairie, $lo. YII1SKY-Steady at $1.27. 1 HON COTTONTIKS-$1.35. IIAOOINO-JS.OOJis.Sj. HUMP TVINi:-!o. PHOVIHIONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing Lard, nominal nt S6.S5. Dry salt (boxed lolHI. steady; extra shorts. $13.00. men Is S7.25: clear rlns and clear sides, boxed, lower; extra shortn, $7.37'4. Hiieon. clear ribs nnd clear Hides, J..2.. MKTAI.S-I.ead. lower; Spelteri lower: $1.00. $4.201f4.,J2H. rui ii ill -I'irm; cnicaens 6c; young, 5c; uiiKcys, I'i'i XiC.S-FIrm; 16c. HI TTKll Steady creamery, lS122Hc; iinirv, Ii'iiim". HKCKIPTS-Flour. n.noo bbls.; wheat, fiS, Mi bu.; com. 50,000 bu. ; oats. 13,000 bu. SlIIPMKNTS-FIour. lO.OoO bbls.; wheat. 47," bu.; corn. 55,000 bu.; oats, 46.000 bu. KmisiiH ( Ity (imln and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1.- YHKAT De cember. 65'iC May. C9i'u69"4e; ensh, No. 2 hard. (Re : No 3, iV141i66c; No. 2 red, (i9fi70c; No. 3, fiTiffftiSViC. COHN Dccomber, 32T4e: May. 34'ic; cash. No. 2 mixed, :13434o; No. 2 white. 35ijc; No. 3. 31c. OATS-No. 2 white. 24'41i25c. It YI'7 No, 2. 454c. IIAY-Cholce timothy. $10.0)1fl0.50; choice prairie. JS.oOliS.Wi. Ill'TTKH-Creamery. 1S1i20c; dnlry. fancy, lCc 1JOOS Finn; fresn Missouri anil Kansns Htock, lfic dozen, loss off, cases returned; new while wood cases Included, 4c more. RKCLIPTS-Whcnt, 52,OuO bu.; corn, 10,400 bu.; oats. Bono bu si 1 1 p.M TS w Heat. 1S5.K00 tin.: corn. 11,200 bu.; ontH, 9.000 bu. Liverpool (irnln and Pro vinlons. LIVLHPOOL. Nov. 1.-VIIKAT-Ste.u1v! No. 2 red, western winter, steadv. fin Sd: No. 1 northern spring, steady, fis 341; No, 1 California, steady. Cs 4d; futures steady: uecemiier. i.s iu; roiiniory, 6s lRi.il. COHN -Snot, dull: American mixed, new 4s 241: futures steady; December. 4s: Jan uary, ,.s 10d. PHOV S ONS-Lard. American retlnert steady, ,1Ss fid. Bacon, short clear backs steady, 12s; clear bellies, firm, 51s 3d. Toledo .Mnrkrt, TOLF.DO. O.. Nov. l.-WHRAT-Didl nn.l weak; cash, 76Kc; November, 76'4c; De cember. 77'lc; May, S2He. COHN Dull and steadv: cash. 37e: n. Celllber. 35V OATS-S toady; cash. 22Lc: December. 23' ic HYli-r-tc. CLOVnilSHnn-Dllll and firm: ISM nrlmn $ii.'.'(P; December. $6.95; Mnrch, $6.90. Plillnileliihln Produce Mnrkrt, PIIILADKLPIIIA. Nov. 1. III'TTKH Firm and good demand; fancy western creamery. .m'sc; inncy wesiern prints. 27c. IHIOS-Searce and llrm; fresh nearby and western. 22c; fresh southwestern. 20c: fresh Houiueiii. ii'. I'llliKSH nteiuiy: mjw otk, full creams, fancy. 11L4T114C; New York full creams. good to choice, 101i11c. Dlltnlh lrUrl. DI'Ll'TH, Nov. 1.-VHEAT-Cash. No. 1 hard, iMic: isn. 1 northern, 76'ic: No. 2 uoruii'iu, h'ic; .-no. .1 spring, sine; Decem- ner, ii'c; .liny, r.",jc. OATS-23',5(23c. COHN 37c Mlhwmkei. ;raln Mnrket, MILWAFKKF.. Nov. l.-WHKAT-Dull: No. 1 northern, u41i.Cc; No. 2 northern, 74 111 UC. HYK Lower; No. 1, 50o. llAHLKY-FIrm; No, V, Mc; sample, 413 i.w. II 1 11 11 en pol la Wbent Mnrket, MINNKAPOLIS. Nov. l.-WHKAT-Cash 75"c; December, i4'c; May, 77Tic On track: No. 1 hard, 77Te: No. 1 northern, lO'hc; nii. . iiuiiiirru, i.i'c. IIHAN-In bulk. $1L501U.75. I'oirlun I "I ii 11 no I ill. LONDON, Nov. 1. The weekly Htatemeut of the Hank of F.tiglnud shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decrease, X'SfiO, lK); clrcu'atlnn. increase, JJSS3.0i); tmlllon, uecrease, i.in,w, outer securiues, increase 51,1VJ; other deposits, decrease, 693,000 notes reserve, decrease. 730.000; govern. inont securities, decrease. 500,000. Tho proportion or ine mini; or rcng and s re servo to liability la II.SS per cent. Last week it was 42.S9 per cent. Unto of ills- count, unchanged, ul 4 per cent, L'ncer- ta nty wns 1110 Keynote or t he money mnr ket today. TI10 tendency was lower, now that the month end Is turned. There was considerable movement (n connection with the payment 01 over 4.ooo,0oo in dividends nnd Interest, Half a million will ho shipped from Simla to Loudon November 3 to re- place 500,000 expended on sNver for the col im bo or rupees. Discounts were firm owing to the uncertainty of the outlook HHHLIN. No 1 On the bo .rse today the outlook was good, the easiness of money Inducing purchases. Foreigners Im proved moderately Hanks were supported nd mines were active, and Improving on favorable reports from the Slleslnii Olyclan coal dlstrtetF mid a rumor that the tin plate combine was an accomplished fact. Americans and Canadian Paclllrs were steady, Kxchnnge on Ixindon, 20m 4Hpfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills. 4 per cent; three months' bills, 4 per cent MOVKMK.MVI OF .HOCKS A N II HOMJS. Pentin; Iranln llnllroinl Httrn Dltl lonil Cnuses Sonic lUclllnelll, NKU" YOHIC. Nov 1 -A striking evldeno of the constraint upon speculation was given by the action of the market today on the announcement upon tlin declara tion of an extra dividend of 1 per cent or. Pennsylvania railroad stok. Previous to th announcement the stocks had been lifted n point and then reicted. V!i ;i the news was bulletined there was 1 spasmodic rise In the stock to 1364. hut onlv one sale was made at that pnre. nffer which It fell linek. Knrly In October Pennsylvania sold below 12S. It has been actively traded lir by energetic bull ln"r ests, and yet n vnrletv or nseri0iis hav.- been made to the forthcoming benefits tp the stock. It was alleged, for Instance, that the stock would certainly be plncel upon a fi per cent basis. Another story In 1 It that a distribution would bo most of n larro portion of the great ourolus In the Pennsylvania's treasury. On the other hand, the belief has preval'ed irenernllv that the!o Hsertlnnn were exclusively for stock Jobbing purposes nnd that the company would persist In the regulnr dividend into of 24 per cent seml'iinnunily, which has prevailed ever since, 1591, Hevlewlug thesf past conditions, It Is fair to nsstime that today's action was n disappointment to somo of the nctlve hulls In the stock, wt lie It was certainly nn agreeable surprise 10 the conservative element In the street Hut when It Is considered that the net earnings of the Peusylvanla railroad and of the lines directly operated by It have IncrenFed nine months 'if the vear $6 000. 000 over the coirespondlntr period of list year, last year's rate of distribution seems moderate. The extra dividend will Involve the disbursement of a little over $to,5'O.(00 The stock's net decline was nnd the trading was remorknoly quiet. Them wis considerable show of strength in Sug'ir The ndvance was attended hv rumors tint n break In the prices of refined sugars is Imminent. Hulness In the market at large was too small to have miv Import'tnt effect on prices, thntivh :he market closed with the level somewhat above last nlirht after having been at on time a slinri" lower A single lot of Lake Shore soli Just before the cloe at 140. after felling yesterday nt 210. The bonds weto quoted at 2101-4. Nothing could be learned to fic count for this stnnll but urgent demand The repression of speculation N still nt trlbuteil to what ts culled the "con trolling Inlerssts" In the market. The rlso In the call loan rate today to B per cent may have some bearing on the extrenn dullness of tho speculation. Stock mar ket demnmlf. upon tho money market dur Inir the week have heen extremlv moderate. Tho receipts today of Imported guid nroiigut tnti total up 10 nearly on Hint account. Not a dollar has been transferred to tho Interior through he sub-treasury slnco last Friday. That call loans should have stiffened today under thoso circumstances argues some special demand on the money market. The de mand Is probably due to the mnktng of arrangements for November divided dW- mirscments and win, tnereiore, 00 tem porary ami followed by abundant return to this market within 11 few days. Tin- liniwl market shared 111 the dill ne,.1 of stocks and prices moved Irregularly. Total sales, par value, $1.240.W. Flitted States bonds were unchnnged on the last call. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablenram says: There was no movement of gold here today, but Itlillu Is shipping to London on Saturday .LBou.OOO to replace the recent expenditure In sliver for coinage. The copper fortnightly statistics show stocks Increased 159 tons and supplies Increased 269 tons. Tho following nr the closing prices on tho New York Stock exchange: Atchison , 32 il'nloll PucltlO .... . 71 do pfd . 75 I Wabash , M'4 do pfd , 53 .Wheel. & L. 12.. . 30 I do 2d pfd . 11 Wis. central .... 127s, Third Avenue ... 2'i Adams 13 x C14 7E, i'a 1SS 94 2111. 12-; lus 130 150 4K 127 IlT 91 54 L'i 40 P"k4 111. 17 2V". 744 iiJv 325, M 130 ll- (),, :iv4 26 i hi fiT4 142 , 51 ,100 , 204 , 66 . csi; . 354 . !'U . ISVj . 90 . 2'4 . S74 .122 . 15?4 do prd Haltlmore & O c.mtiillnn Pac, Canada So dies. & Ohio., Chicago O. W.. C. II. & Q Chi. I nil. Ii.. do pfd Chi. A K. Ill Chicago & N. W. 51 American Kx n t I- u l?v li'JIt. VVnll'o.l.'ll rifll Us. 1;., k. 1. i- C. C. C. & St. L Colorado So ,10b4 Amer. Cot. Oil... fi2,4 do prd 54 Amer. Malting .. 3.1 , do pfd 54 Amor. S. & It.... li:: . do prd do 1st prd do 2d n I'd Del. & Hudson. De . I., .v W 175 Amer. Spirits .... Denver & H. .. l.'.i 1111 im fio Amer. S. Hoop... do Pfd Erlo do 1st pfd Ot. Nor. pfd n-'i uo pin 15'i.Amer. S. ,t W... lfil4' do pfd Hocking Coal ... 1& Amur. I ill I'liue. IT.-' .! ,.f,l Hocking vnlloy. Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... do pfd Lake Krlo & W. .11S4 Amer. Tobacco.. . 1M do pfd . 41 .Amu. .Min. -.. It, 1. 1.... i w 1 III IHJI.I, 11 11. do pfd 1ft Cnli, l.'iiid x.- I I.ako Shore L. N Manhattan L.... Met. St. Hy Mex. Central ... Minn. St. L... .110 Con. Tobacco . 758 do pfd . i Federal Steel . . . ,LS do pfd . l.!?iOen. F.lectrlo ... . Ti iOIucoso Sugar .. . 974 do prd . 644 Inter. Paper . !!9 I do pfd . 1i'3i Laclede Gas . 31 National Htscult .135 , do pfd , .1324 National Lead . . 364 do pfd 7i",4 National Steel .. . B7'.S do pfd . 7J' N. Y. Air Ilrnke . 21v No. American .. . 42 ,1'nclflc CoaHt ... . 76 do lnt pfd .135!,1 do 2d prd . 174 Pacllic Mall .... . B7i People's Oaa . . . , 274 Pressed S. Car. . 5it do pfd . 90 "Pull. I. Car... 11' a i p. T1 do tud Mo. Paollle Mobile & Ohio. . M.. K. & V do pld N. .1. Cnntrnl ... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk & V... do pfd No. l'aclllo do nfd Ontario & W... Oro. llv. & Nov . 5(i . S . fi'i . 42U . 9."4 . 434 . S14 .ISfi . B4 .1234, .1154 . 544 . lls . 704 . 314 oiu do prd Pennsylvania . . Heading do IhI prd do 2d prd nio a. w do pfd St. L. & S. F... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd St. Paul do nfd . 674 Sugar . Xi3, do pfd .. 14 Tenn. Coal & T . 32 V. S. Leather llf.l. llll tlfd .1714 I'. S. Rubber ... i.)12 do pfd St. I. & Omaha 37'h Western 1 nlon. US Republic I. & S Bi'4 do pfd 164 P. C. 0. & St. L SC'i 1.1 56 52 So. Paollle So. Hallway .... do pfd Texas & Pacific ""Offered. Kx-dlvldend. York Money Mnrket. ....... v. 1 rrKTt.v ,,,,11 Nri llIWV, I. ........ii. .vti -..,. easy ai i"sU l",r ' . " prime niercnntlle paper. 51t per cent. STF.HLINO KXCUANOK-Kasy. w-lth ac tual tmslliess 111 llHimera "inn , , , 1 ... tl LAI . fit I Sfta. fill olVtl' ilflV (icuiaiiu nun ' "1 . 1 d posted rates, S4.Sl1i4. 814 and $i.S.: commer cial Dins. H.UVSOI . SILVKR Cerllllcates, 644ft4('; bar sli ver, 044o; Mexican dollars, W4c. HO.N IJM loveriiiiiuuiCT, pivumj , it - regular; rntlroad, Irregular, Tim closing prices on bonds today are as follows: V. S. rer. 2s. reg.104;. N. Y. C. Is... .1094 .123 . iSi llO COUpon a. V . eu. im .... .... ...... I.rtti. ln lii.lln ltd OS, li'H . '," do coupon ....1094 do 4 s.. . ......... do new 4s. reB1J4 N Y. C & St L 4s .103S, 1. li (7 . 974 do coupon ....i.siis em. . 1. " ilo out is, rcB. . ii 1 4 vm. -. 4- do coupon ... Hj'4 do 4s.... do 5s. ri'B 115', O. S. L. i,s . .... do coupon ... U2I4 , do consul 5s. . .. ,, ..... it.,1.. l).,n,ll,.,r i.i.ti la 1111 103 1274 111 S-TU isiT 1094 1'! 171 jj 01 I., u nm 1, 73 ...r. ' Atch. gen. 4s luu Hlo O. . Is.... Canada So. 'is! blue's gt L & S F g. 6. C .V t) 4"8 111I'4 il. I -unn,t.T. llS't llO OH im ; 1 C A N.NV. c. 7S.1374 do Bs do S F deb. f.s.1174 So. IMcillc 4h ... n 1. 1 .... im r'i- ill 0''l Kfi. RllllwaV DS.. 1104 li.S-4 114?i fi'i in.-,; D. & It. 41 1 F,r general s... hij no .n. . I. ..." 1. 11 ii 1D 'II tt,lnn lni. in 1' . , e; u. . ,i..s . . ....... Gen. Klectrlo 6s. US Wabash Is ,115. la. Ufliurni is....u,-4 I,. & N. unl. 4s.. 99 West Shore 4s.. 10.' U24 M K. 1. -s... irf wis. vuiniiii 1 f . do 4s. . . . viyaiF.,'Ll!Ir.'?-.-""Kx-lnterest. 904 t York Mlnlna: Stock, NEW YORK, Nov. 1. The following nro the closing quotations for mlnlnr shares today: Chollar Crown Tolnt ... Con. Oal. ei Vn Deadwood Gould & Currle 1 Ontario .... Ophlr Plymouth . yulcksllver .BOO . 75 . 10 .12.1 AM . 20 .335 . 12 . 12 12 9) 10 ti do prd.. Halo & Norcroas. 22 ISIerra Nevada , HomestnKo l-ilaniiarl Iron Sliver 65 1'nlon Con Mexican 27 Yellow Jnekot . riniiiii'lnl Nolo. CHICAGO, Nov. 1. -Clearings, IH.HS.VI; balances, $2,091,952; posted exchange. SI.Silw'1 4.S5; New York exchange, 3no discount. CINCINNATI. Nov. l.-Clearlugs, $2,491. 200; New York exchnnge, 15o discount; money, Sistifi per com. I'HIIiAIM:L1M1IA. Nov. 1 OleUrlngs, $6, 191. 4SS; balances, $2,fi03,375. HALTlMOHi:. Nov. l.-Clearlngs, $3,3;J, 395; balances. $61S,0fc2, HOSTON. Nov. 1. Clearings. $23,12,3I2; balances, $2,170,06:1. ST. LOl'IS, Nov. l.-Clearlngs, $5,329,424; balancep, $3C6,551; money, I' per cent; New- York exchange, 60c discount bid, 4'c dis count asked N'P.W Vnlik v... 1 i't.,rl... iiim ;i. 4J6. balnttces, j7.ros.36Ti. Iliistoii Stock tjiiotntlons. HOSTON. Nov I -Call loans. 3l1f4 nor cent; time loans. 4456 per cent. Clo.iina. I'ricrni A., T. & 8. F .. do pfd Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. Tel Hoston Alb'y. Ronton Llevatcd Hoston .t Me .. H. Dominion Conl .. do pfd Federal Steel ... do pfd Fltchburg pfd... On. Klectrlc do prd Kd. Kiec. Ill .... Mex. Central . .. Mich. Telephone, N. K. G. i C. .. Old Colony 314 Villon Parltlc 734 Tnlon Land . 12J4 Atelilson 4s... 6I4 1J4 1004 03 !' 24 9i4 23 320 u IIS'J i. li. u. a: v.-. Bs 147 115 1W I9i) Adventure Alloiiez Mln. Co Ainnl. Copper .. Atlantic . .. .. Hoston & Mont. Ittitte ft Hoston CiU. & Ilecla Centennial Franklin 1.7, S9l, 11.1 37V 17 II 714 4I 156 fi 2.V, 31 3 414 i;?4 i.e iH'.llilboldt H24 Osceola ii" Parrot '.'13 yulney 124 Santa Fo Copper. S5 Tamarack 124 rtnli Mining .... 202 Wlnotin 214 Wolverines 304 Old Dominion .. Rubber louthl.v )llnl Ntiitenirnt. WAHIIINTllTllV V,. I TI,o metilhlv statement or the lilrector of the mint shows the total coinage at the mints of the t 'tilled States during October, 1900, to hnve been $9,5OS,6l0. as follows; Gold, $5,120,000; silver, SI.IIS.WO; minor coins, $2(0,610. Condition uf Hie Treasury. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-Today's state ment of the treasiirv balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the S150.o0o.O0O re servo fund In the division of redemption, snows: Available cash bnlnneo, si37.i,uu; gold. 192.670.174. t'ntlon Mnrltci. NF.W YORK. Nov l.-t'OTTON-The cot ton market opened .ibn-.it steady and un changed to 4 points ndvance. A nervous feeling soon took possession owing to pre dictions of frost over tho southwestern section of the belt. Shorts commenced to cover quite freely and the market be came excited. There WHS U little foreign buying and earlv orders from the south Reuerally went to the long side. Rut the mnrket had Improved only 2 or 3 points oer tho opening call when 11 local selling movement set in because outside specu lation was very slack for the buying sort. Prices declined B'jiS points from the best. Tho murkot wns tlnnllv quiet und steady at 11 net loss of 2fifi points, except nn Sep tember contracts, which closed at 8.12c bid, against .s.25e bid the previous day. The movement wns smaller, but rainy weather In tho southwest exiilalned that feature Fiiigllsh advices finally showed a partial decline of 14 sixty-fourths on futures, which wns dlsapiuilntlng. Cotton fitures closed quiet but steady; November. 9.04c; December, 9. We; January. 9.0Sc; Febrtinry, 9.0Sc; March, 9.10c; April. 9.10c, May, 9.11c; June. 9.10c; July, O.O.so; August, 9c; Septem ber. 8.12c. Spot closed quiet; middling up lands. 94e; middling gulf, 97e; sales, finO bales. ST. LOFIS. Nov. l.-COTTON-Steady; middling, 9 1-lfie; sales, 200 bales; receipts, 9.712 bales; shipments, 7.S92 bales; stock, 46.CS7 bales. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1.-COTTON-Snot, In Increased itomnnd and prices tinner; American middling, fair, 6il; good mid dling, 5 1.1-324; middling. 5 5-lfid; low mid dling. 5'd; good ordinary. 4'd; ordinary. 44d. sales. 12.000 bales, of which BOO was for speculation and export und Included 9.100 bales American; receipts. 22,000 bales, nil American. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet; American middling, Novem ber, 510-i'dd. sellers; November nnd Decem ber, 5 4-6l1ifi 5-6ld. sellers; December and January. 5 2-W1i5 3-64d, sellers; January nnd Febrinry. BJC l-fild. buyers; February and March, 4 fi3-old, sellers; March and April, 4 61-fiitM fi2-64d, sellers; April nml May. 4 00-6ITi I 61-lild. sellers; May und June. 4 59-6 Id. buyers: June and July, 4 5S-fi4d, sell ers; July and August, I 56-64111 57-64d, buy ers; August und September. 4 u2-fild, buyers. CofTee Mnr net. NF.W YORK. Nov. l.-COFFF.K-Spot. Rio, quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 8o. Mild, quiet; Cordova. 94TTI3I4C. Futures opened quiet at 51)10 points dec'.ine und ruled Inactive, with feeble undertone, Havre being closed, Hamburg lower and receipts at Hlo and Santos heavy. Trading was entirely local and small. Closed steady at net unchanged prices to a decline of 5 nolnts. Tolnl saler were S.500 bagn, Including November at 7.201i7.25c; December, 7.::oe; March, 7.45c; May. 7.551t'7.fi0e; J ily, T.fioii 7.65c; September, 7.70 7.75c. Xcw York liry 7ooil. NKW YORK. Nov. 1.-l.tttlo activity has been noted in the market, the general Indi cations being to hold off until after election. Agents generally are quiet, with no tend ency toward weakness in any lino. Stocks tn second hands are light nnd there Is diffi culty In securing deliveries according to contract. Jobbing cordittoiiH arc unsatis factory and will continue so until after election. Oil Market. OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov. l.-OILS nnces, $1.10; certlllcates, no bid S5.961 bbls.; average. 91.347 bills, 125 bbls.: average. 97.W9 bbls. -Credit bal- : shipments, . ; runs, 153,- -Cottonsoed, Petroleum. NHW YORK. Nov. l.-OILS-easy; prime yellow, 334134c dull. Rosin, quiet. LONDON. Nov. 1. OILS - Turpentine spirits, 30s 9d. California Dried Fruits. NF.W YORK. Nov. 1. -CALIFORNIA DRIF.D FRFITS-Innctive; the market for evaporated upplcH continues quiet and un changed, state. lliCc; prime, 41i54c: choice, 54Tfio; fancy, tH64o. Prunes, 341 S4c per lb., as to slzo and quality. Apri cots, Royrl. lbfillc. Peaches, peeled, I6I1 20c; impeded, 6li9c. Sonar Murtief. NF.W YORK. Nov. l.-SI'GAR-Raw. quiet; fair refining. 4c; centrifugal, 96 tost, 44c; molasses sugar, 3c; rellncd, quiet. CONDITION OF IRON TRADE V I nil ten 1 1 11 11 h of 11 Revival SIkiiIIIcuiiI Contract for ".Vork for Mxporl. NKW YORK. Nov. 1. The Iron Age today says: Conditions in tho Iron trade nro Improving. Increased dcmund for steel bil lots has resulted In an advance of $1 per ton at Pittsburg. From nil quarters como tho reports of active buying ot foundry irons, the tontingo already plnced having been large, while tnero aro still very Important requirements iiiisatlBlled. Somo of the sales were ef fected nt low prlceB, and, while no advanco has yet taken place, It Is a fact that a num ber of rollers hnve withdrawn, bolng well filled for Borne Mine, to come- Thorn has been somo movement, too, In Hcseomer pig lu Pittsburg and in basic, pig in eastern Pennsylvania. This nctlvlty In pig Iron has caused a better feellnc in all markets, nnd It Is nil tho more n trustworthy Indication of improvement since it Is frco from the sus picion of any rigging hy any combination, association or consolidation. Tho totul tonnage for ntcd mils thus far placed Is about 400.000 tons. There aro rumors that an advance In the price may be announced nt an early date. KngllBh newspapers ndmlt that builders In this country hnve captuied tho bridgo contracts for tho Uganda railway lu South Africa, tho quantity Involved being about 8,000 tons. As yet, however, this has not been authoritatively confirmed hero. It is true however, that the American llridgo company lias tnken a small but significant order that Is liable to crento a stir In flcr mnny. H Is for tho erection of shops nt llremen for the North German Lloyd Steam ship company. Tho quantity Involved Is about 00 tons. Tho plate trade has had a very great sur prteo in tho form of an ndvance to 14. Pittsburg, for tank, brought Hbout by an agreement among the mills. Some very heavy sales have been made east and west during the past two weeks, the require ments for shipbuilding being large. Tho demand for structural material gen erally is nctlve nnd the bar mills In all parts of the country are rushed for work. The wlro trade Is reported to be nctlve and there Is porno senrcity of spot tin plate In Chicago. After exposuro or when you feel a cold coming on, tnke Foley's Honey and Tar. It never falls to euro, and will prevent pneu monia or consumption If taken In time. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's drug store, South Omaha. tiriieral Wood l,rnvr for Cuba. MIAMI. Hlo.. Nov. 1. -General Wood, commander of the department or Cuba, ar rived hern and was Immediately trutiHrerred to the dispatch boat Kanawha, which left at once for Havana. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Cattle Rather Dull and All but Good Feeders Were 81ow Sale. HOG MARKET REGAINED A NICKEL iooil sheep nnd I.nmlis Mrniljr. but t o 111 111 11 ti Stock Motv nml Wrnk nml SHiiir Miiy Mr nlil of lnler. SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 1. Receipts wero: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftlclnl Mi.ti.tnt. ... 1 T40 2.7S1 S.107 Ollleinl Timmliiv " 4.77 7.152 9.712 Ollleliil v...t.,..-',l,... n ir.s H.9S2 4.U.9 Olllclal Thursday i.ost 4.C2I 3.'.2S Ffillr ilnvu lttlu ii'.w.l.' IC ,! 21. Ml IS MU 27.I59 "5.717 25.616 46,'H 4S.S.2 Same days last week "!il6,(74 Same week betorc 19,(62 name threo weeks ago. .21,293 27,916 ,511 oiiiiiu itur wecKS hk",.-Ii,;,i - AVrrnn ...,l f,. fllT UlG lllllt several days, with comparisons: , . 10W. U39,l89i.ilS37.IVJS.lW 4 02V I 3 69 3 H 3 19i J 4 72 4 201 I 3 59 , 3 20 3 .0 4 4i 4 161 S 701 a 23 3 70 4 Mj 4 7k 4 74 4 9 4 61 4 65 451 2-51 4 lf.i 3 7.1 ' 3 M 3 261 3 5" 457 3-51 4 14 3 71 3 51 3 2' 1 , u 4 It t I 4 604) 4 16 4 614, 4 14 4 48 I 4 13 i I ID 3 55, 3 53 3 25 3 50 Ml 3 63 3 26 ? 49 4 f- 4 66 4 44 S 16 3 16 3 61 3 HI 3 M 3 t7 3 3S3 17 I 3 421 3 13, 3 44 S 3 3 15 3 39 3 31 3 17 3 36 ' 3 19 3 40 3 29 3 12! 4 4 V9 3 37 I 3; 4 41 I M 3 54 1 4 4 I01 .1 4 I 10! .1 t2 1 3 54 I 091 4 03 ,1 56 I 01 1 3 53 I 4 614 4 t4 4 464 4 MV Indicates Sundny. The nRlclal number of ears of stork brought In today bv each road was; Cattle. Hogs. Sli p. H'er. I . P. system 25 II f .V N. W. Hy 2 F. . ii. Ai M. V. R. R.. 15 23 4 S. t ,i P. Hy 1 1 f . St. P , M. ,t O..,. 20 .1 it. ti M. R. H. R 4S 22 9 (, It. Ai IJ. Hy 2 1 K. t' it St. .1. Hy.... 3 Illinois Central lly... I .. .. Total receipts ....113 67 13 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waji as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number of head Indicated: Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 13 1 G. II. Hammond Co 50 743 Swift and Company 179 1.22S .. . Cinlahy Packing Co 739 l,ll 670 Armour A- Co 321 1,377 Omnha P. Co., K. U i.s R. Ilecker .V Degan 135 J. L. Carey 121 Lobmnn & Co 227 W I. Stephen 161 Ronton & Cndcrwood.... 67 Hnmllton & Rothschild.. 225 L. r. Huss 10 It. F. Hobblck 11 A H. Mnwhlnney lss Oilier buyers 544 .... 3.HO Totals 3.352 4,749 11,773 CATTLK There was a fair Thursday run or cattle here today and while prices were about steady on most grades, the market did not seem to be any too nctlve. The pro portion of fat cattle was again quite large, about thlrty-llvc curs being reported on sale Huyers did not tnke hold of beef cattle with as much life today as they did yestirdnv. and tho market was dull and tho tooling rather weak. Some of the kinds that suited buyers were picked up lu the morning at Just about steadv prices, but tho rest of tho cattle they hid rather mean nn and In somo cases went back on their early bids, so that tho market could best be quoted ns steady to a little lower. riiero wero only about llfteon cars of cowh on sale and tho demand for the bet ter grades was In good shape. The bulk of them changed hands nt about steady prices and a few sales were mnde that ookod 0 trllle stronger, but tho commoner kinds seemed to bo rather hard to move at yesterday m prices. Kverythlng, however, was sold 111 good season. The feeder trade was none too active, though tho more desirable grades brought practically steady prices. Yard traders seemed to bo rather careful about getting very many or the commoner kinds on hand nnii the market on those grades was 11 little druggy and the tendency of prices lower. Stock cows and heifers were in light supply again and iih u result they brought good, steady prices. Stock bulls also sold In yesterday's notches. There were almost no western beef cattle on salo today, but such ns were offered brought good, steady prices. Western gruss cows sold fully ns well us they did yesterday, if the quality was good, but If it was not. It was dltlleult to get as much for them as they would have brought yes terday. The belter grades of feeders were In fnlrly good demand at steady prices, but the commoner kinds were Inclined to drag and the market was none too firm. Representative sales: IlF.KI' STFiRRS. No. 1O0 21 . 61 16 80 36 .17 21 18 19 No. 1.... 41.... 27. . . . 1.... 63. . . . ?9 K8.... 63.... 01 12"!! s.... Av. IT. Av. Pr. .1151 5 20 .1000 $3 50 876 919 4 111) .1189 5 20 1 il 4 no 4 IV5 I 70 4 75 4 95 5 00 5 10 .1232 .1278 .1357 .1321 .1301 .1301 .1312 .1360 6 10 5 25 6 25 5 10 5 10 5 40 5 10 5 !0 610 120s 100.1 1103 1195 1019 970 5 10 1 50 1 50 COWS. 1 1 1 1 14 3 3 3 820 790 9.VJ 930 .816 1 1 4 1 1 5;!.';;.'."; 3 12 1 .119(1 . 970 .1100 . 910 .1110 .1100 . 970 . 910 .1210 . 98S .1380 .1200 .1186 .1220 2 85 2 85 2 90 3 Ou 3 CO 3 00 3 15 3 25 3 35 3 35 3 75 3 75 .1 :i 4 00 3 90 2 (0 2 (11 2 M 2 "."i 2 35 2 40 2 f.0 2 50 2 60 .. 9X1 .. 956 .. 910 .. 860 ..1030 .. 680 ..1140 . . 855 ..1100 1 1 1 1 3.. 1.. 2 85 .1 to 893 ;no COWS AND IIKIFFRS 41.... 3.... 9.... 4.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 9 1 u 3 i.i IIKIFKRB. 2 60 1 2 IK 1 670 613 730 890 570 790 602 3 "0 3 25 J " 3 00 HULLS. ..1360 2 1 ..1210 3(0 1 ..1250 3 10 CALVES. . . 220 5 50 STAGS. ..1010 3 26 STOCK CALVKS. .. 460 3 Oil 2 .1520 . 8,10 .1 "0 .1 25 1.. 1.. 4.. 16.. 360 426 .190 .102 3 60 3 85 4 00 . . 29J 3 00 . . 177 3 2a .. 31S 3 10 .1... I... 64... 4 85 42o ;i mi 121 ;i:m j STOCK COWS AND IIKIFKRS 518 2 90 3 i;u 3 05 425 3 50 121.. nruL iMiiin ajvii v KKul "H. 710 2 60 3 00 12.. 13.. 633 3 65 960 , 99i 966 680 740 , 650 310 , 485 701 757 662 855 970 840 881 970 838 883 3 I.", .1 '5 3 85 3 85 3 85 3 85 .1 90 4 10 I 16 4.... 3.... 3 10 3 15 3 20 .1 10 3 60 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 60 9. . 4.. 20.. 34.. 20.. 66. . IS. . 9.. 1 3 17 4 13 steers. 11 steers. 3 cows. . . 2 cows. . . 875 i ..122.1 NKHRASK'A. 3 8.1 1 steer 1020 jj ..109 .1180 ,.1HS5 4 15 3 75 2 70 2 COWS. 2 cows. I cows. .1100 .1055 .1115 . 820 . 915 . 933 1075 .KM . 975 . S65 . 80S 3 25 2 90 3 85 1 25 1 25 2 SO .1 30 2 85 2 60 .1 00 3 90 I rows.. 920 4 feeders.. !"" 3 25 1 25 2 80 40 3 30 2 60 3 9i I 3 cows 2 cows 3 cows.. . . 2 cows. . . . 2 cows.... 2 cows.... 2 feeders. 64 feeders. DAKOTA. 27 fefdei's. II cows 806 7 cows 1 cow 15 cows. . . . 2 cows 64 feeders. 3 feeders. 58 feeders. 1 steer 1 feeder.. 1 feeder. . 10 feeders. 2S calves.. 30 calves. . 7 cows. . . R cows. . . 680 .1168 , 91l . 821 . 72.1 . 79S 3 00 3 90 SOI'TH .lfW) 92; 3 i .1 40 3 SO .1100 3 00 3 00 3 50 27 feeders. If 190 . 910 . 791 . 330 . 3'0 .1107 .1162 .. 765 , 951 . 910 25 feeders.. 6.19 COLORADO I 60 1 bull 1320 1 bull 1010 3 75 3 00 3 60 2 70 .1 85 3 85 3 I'l 2 85 2 75 3 25 3 25 2 bulls 1410 1 stag 14'0 1 fieder. . .IPO 2 feeders.. 1015 I heifers.., 7 feeders. . 26 feeders.. 1 heifer. ... 4 feeders.. 1 heifer.... H M Woodell-Neb, 890 3 50 sjeurrg. 45 411 S77 3 65 1 yearling. 610 3 00 i.70 2 70 2 vearPgs. 115 'J 20 1 Hlo r rane ,ioni 59 rows . 37 cows. . 5 cows. . 7 cows.. .. 926 2 1., 37 COWS.. 3 SO 24 cows. . D. Johnson Neb 2 60 1 cow..., 2 no 1 row... . McLean Neb, 4 n- 1 cow... 1 2 2 cows.. 'rto !)2 3 10 .1 i) 2 00 1 50 2 35 2 'J5 .. 991 W. ..U.6 .. 970 J 8 SO SSO 22 feeder. .1016 2 feeders.. 885 ..10-KI ..1135 11 12. .lohnsnu Neb. 21 ffders..1119 4 15 3 feeders.. 1C66 COLORADO. 3 70 3 80 3 00 30 cows 834 2 35 6 steers.., 48 cows 988 3 00 1 steer..., 1 steer 1110 3 Oil William Mahler-Colo. 1 bull 1010 3 10 I row 1 cow 1210 3 00 7 feeders. 1 cow 1070 1 50 2 feeders 1108 1420 1120 632 5S5 3 00 3 75 3 75 Oct. 15... Oct. 16 .. Oct. 17.., Oct, IS.. Oct, 19 ., Oct. 20... Oct. 21... Oct. 22... Oct. 23.. Oct. 21... Oct. 25. . Oct. 26.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 2S.. Oct. 29.. Oct. .., Oet. ,11... Nov. 1.. 2 cows. 1090 2 M 6 calves 36 S 75 1 cow. . "60 2 u'i 1 heifer 720 .1 20 1 cow 980 1 50 4 heifers... 515 3 20 W. D. Johnson Neb. 6 cows 1066 2 6o 7 cows... .IM 30 1 cow M0 2 ("l 1 heifer ... 870 2 .0 1 cow S0 1 60 7 cows. ... 970 2 00 H. K. Johnson Neb. 21 feeders 1118 4 15 1 bull IM 2 SS 3 feeders 1066 3 70 1 bull 1600 2 23 J. McLean -Neb. . . 1 cow.. ..IttM 2 35 2 feeders.. 885 .1 2fi 2 cows . ..tlli 2 35 22 feeders.. 1086 4 Oj 1 cow 1210 2 35 Henrv Rubaoh-Colo. 3 feeders.. 9.11 3 70 1 bull 1266 2 .5 3 feeders.. 920 3 25 1 heifer.... 730 3 20 18 feeders.. 673 3 65 2 steers.... 885 3 20 . V.. M. Senrles-Neb. 24 feeders.. Mil .110 2 cows SW 3 00 1 feeder... S10 3 20 . . Clark Hros. Neb. 6 heifers. ., 691 3 20 1 heifer.... M 2 60 2 cows. . . . 985 2 60 C. N. Morse-S. I. 2.8 feeders.. 78J 3 65 1 feeder. . .1670 S CO .1 feeders . SI6 3 on HOGS-The ruppiv of hogs this morning was eceptlo:ia'ly light for this time "f lliu week, and, us other points tout favora ble reports, the marKet here opened U!J close to 5c .Uglier than yesterday s gimr-il market. The hogs sold mostly from, JleO to J156 and as high 11s JI.574 was paid f';r n prime load of llghtwclghtn. Yesterday. " will be remembered, tho bulk was from $1.45 to $4.50, With u lop of $4 63 III l J'.' of tho higher prices today the tm.rket i"-I not seem to be particularly ai tlvc Sellers wero holding lor good, strong prices and buyers weie slow to pay thn adviitiee They kepi selling, however, and the light supply brought the market to tin early close. There was no particular chango in the market fioni start to lliilsh and, as will be seen Irom the tnble ot average prices, the sales average up close tn ,1 nickel higher than yesterday. The uvuime cost Is now i.farlv back where It wiiji tti" first of the week. Representative sales. No. Av. Sb Pr No. Av. Hit. I'r 10 98 . .1 90 73 279 . . 4 i24 42 .. .165 120 I 70 r ....261 200 4 52 4 72 . . IM 80 t ," 70 ....211 4') 524 72. .251 320 I 50 73 258 HV1 4 524 VI. . ..2IS SO I oO 63 217 120 4 52 4 71 221 ... I 60 iU 236 ... I 624 61 264 120 4 60 if.' 250 80 I 624 65 304 8M 4 .VI 85 168 . . 4 52 4 51 29.1 120 I (jij T.'i 257 80 I 6C". 67 24 9 80 4 Ml 03 2S7 40 I 624 51 312 NO I ,Vi 59 297 sii 4 624 59 252 80 4 5n 56 2n) 120 4 624 86 2.13 20ii I 50 70 .. ..216 210 4 524 5 342 ... 4 50 10 252 ... 4 5i4 Mi 273 80 I .VI 33 213 . 4 524 62 253 80 4 .VI 63 211 160 4 52 4 65 169 Ilia t 60 87 20.1 . 4 624 39 311 160 4 1V1 62 262 120 I 524 47 31 1 40 4 .VI ivi 276 . 4 624 41 326 ... I TO 77 259 40 1 624 9S 172 80 I 60 72 20.1 120 l '24 61 .103 to IM 65,.... 337 wi 1524 63 2.16 210 4 .'0 72 236 200 4 62 4 rti 283 280 I .VI 85 217 .. 4 524 22 282 ... 4 45 06 26S . 1524 24 329 ... 4 60 71 231 40 4 624 63 ... I .VI 279 .80 4 02 ij. 66 253 80 I 60 IV. 311 80 -J 50 77 2.12 200 4 50 61 312 120 4 M 71 KRI . 1 I'i'j OS 272 120 4 624 79. ... 242 40 I 55 05..... 277 40 I C5 :7 311 ... 4 50 70 23S 120 4 SS 241 160 4 52W 53 275 80 1 65 68 281 ... 4 62 4 82 234 120 4 Ki 45 317 ... 4 62 4 62 216 120 4 65 87 25S SO 4 624 15 270 . 4 55 S6 202 160 t 5211. 79 221 120 4 65 61 262 80 4 62 w. 85 170 .. 4 674 03 22.1 120 4 52X SIIMKP-There were very few sheep line today und sucn as did arrive were nnutly of rather poor iiuallty. Tho better grades of killers were bought by the packers at Just about sloailv prices Lambs sold as lllgh as J5.0O and sheep sold at $3 75. Theie was nothing 011 the market that could be called choice. Packers claim they lire nut getting cumuli choice Inmbs to meet their demands, an.l, as 11 result, they ate goo 1 buyers of that class of stun. Tile comm 111 stuff was, of course, slow sale and prl--1 wink. Feeders were rather dull this mnrnln.-T. but there wns very little good stuff hen The few that were ofTer-?d brought about tho same prices they have been selling fir all along. The common stun was weak nn 1 dull. Quotations: Choice western grass -wethers. $3.00if4.00; choice crass yearlings, $360 514.00; choice ewes, $.1.S5ii3.60: fair to good ewes. S3.00A3.25: cull ewes, C2.E0il3.Ort; choice spring lamb", 5.COT5.20; fair to good spring lambs, $4.755.00; feeder wethers, $.1..151f1 15; feeder lambs. $l.0O5J4.40. Repn bcntutlvo sales: No. Av. Pr 75 Nebraska feeder ewes 79 3 .10 52 Nebraska feeder wethers 75 $3 70 S Nebraska feeder wethers 107 3 70 152 Nebraska feeder wethers 76 70 53 Nebraska feeder wethers 92 .. 70 3o Nebraska feeder wetherx ... 6S 3 70 ii Wyoming feeder wethers 89 3 70 307 Wyoming feeder wctliers.... 11 J 01 415 Wyoming feeder wethers 77 3 70 520 Wyoming wethers 91 ." 75 1 Wyoming feeder liimti.... 60 61 4 iM 61 Wyoming feeder lambs... 102 Wyoming lambs 4 30 5 00 61 CUM . l,lF. STOCK MtltKIVr. v t'linloc Medium Slerrs About Stniil) Hon Act I ve Slier i Higher. CHICACJO, Nov. l.-CATTLK-Heceipts. 9,500 head; choice medium steers uli" it steuilj ; others s"low to U'c lower; butcher stock steady to slow; thin light stock slower; natives, best 011 sale today, am. carload at $5.80; good to prime steers. J5.IU i55.9l; poor to medium, $1,351(5.35; selected feeders, slow, $1.80114.15; mixed Htock- rs, weak, $2.761f1.85; cows, $2,601(4.25: heifers, 51 .5o'i2.l.O; dinners. $2.60'K 1. 61); bulls, choice steady, others lower. $2 50ti4.l0; calves, $3.10 ti.no ; Texas fed steers, $l.00ji 1.85; yrass steers. $1251(1.10: bulls, $2.501(3. 25. ItOOS Hecelpts today, 2s,0n0 head; to monow, 23.000 estimated; left over, 4,t"K); active and fully 6c higher; top, $1.85; rilM'd and butchers, $4,151(4 85; good to chnl"t heavy. $l.651i I.S5; rough heavy. $t.40li l.50; light, -.l.3jjl.K0; bulk of sales. Sl.OOIj 1.75. SHF.I'P AND LAM HS Receipts, 10,"00 heiiil; market 10'ul5o higher; good to choice wethers. $3,851(1.15; fair to choice mixed, $3. 50113.95; western sheep, $3 90'p 1.15, Texas sheep, $2 501(3.50; native Inmbs, $1. 2515. M, western Inmbs, $4.761iS.40. Hecelpts during Oototior, 1900: Cattle, 283.361 head; last year, 243,307 head. Increase, 40.054 head; hogs, this year, 739.093 head; last year. 606.596 head; Increase. 72.467 head: aheep, this year, 373,778 head; last year, 350,760 head; Increase, 23,018 head. Kiiiiniiii City Lite Sloel.. KANSAS CITY. Nov. l.-CATTLH-Receipts. 5,800 natives, l.ooo Toxans, 4(0 cal is; light supply stimulated values, tilt desir able offerings selling 6T(Wc higher: witl'o steers, 1.6'J1(5.fi0: stockers und feeders, ,?,1 00 ii4.35. butcher cows and helfors, $3.0011.1.1,11; caliners, S2.5afi3.00; fed westerns, $.'!.. 7f( ". ( , Tesans. $3,0011.00; calves. $3.60f5.25. 1 1 Of JS Receipts, 9,300 head, trade verv active, oiiened 51110c higher, closed Htr.'llis at 10c advniice. heavy and mixed, $1 iki(j 4.72H-: light, $I.65UI.72'4: pigs. $4.40'al.65. SIIIIKP AND LA. MRS Receipts, 5,0,10 1, .....I Ilr-lit Rilnnlv vi-lil,.li nr.1,1 ., I fl.. prices; lambs, $1.50115.25; muttons, M Ui'-c I 1.10: stockers and feeders, $:!.25'o 1.00; iuIIp, ' l2.MI3.Si. St. I,o 11 1 p. l.lve Mui'U. ST. LPCIS. Nov. l.-CATTLi:-IecelplH, 3,70i) head, Including .'I.OtiO Texans; market steady; native shipping und export steers. $1.7.Vf5.85; dressed beef und butcher Hteern. $l2016.6O; slevrs under 1,000 His., $3 HHfO 30, Mockers and feeders. $2.151 1.4m; cows and lienors, $2.uoi( 1. 7f : dinners, ji.jj 85, hulls, $2.20i( 1.00; Texas and Indian sti-nrs, $3.31 4.55; cowh anil heifers, $2.7nf(3 15. IlilltS Hi IptH. 7.0IHI heud: market 6c higher: nigs nnd lights, $4.00'H 1.65. unckers. $1,651(1.70; butchers. $1.701 1.80. Hlll';i-;P A.NI) I.A.MIIH- itece nts. E'rt head. market steady; native muttons. $.'!.601i l.od: lambs, $4.6111125; culls and bucks. $ooi, 1.110; Htocliers, $:.501i2.75. M. .loeili Live Sloel.. SOfTII ST. JOSKPII. Mo.. Nov. I. -iSpe- clal.l The Journal ouolcs .is follows CATTLi: - Rec-olntH. UOU head. market 1 steiuh to easy, nnthes. $1 IH4..35. TcMms ' and westerns. ?3.251(5 35, cows and helfern. ! J'J.iwfH.fiii; bulls and sl.igs, $J.0u1i4.i. yeni- HngH und 1'iiivo", j.i 2.1I1 1.3.1; stockers and feeders, $3.00114.111; euls, $1 mi'. (0.25 UOflS Receipts, 2.41m head; market 71 ..ft 10c higher: closed strong; all ar.ules. SI. 11 in 4.72',4; bulk of Miles. $I.02V'( 1.67' . H1IKKI' A.NIJ I .A .11 IIH- lliielpts, 31m heiiil: market steadv; lambs, $1 6nsi,i Hi; sheep, $3.60T( 1.00. imt lurk LI i Sloel,, NEW YORK. Nov. 1.-HEEVEH- Re ceipts, 551 head; no trade of importance, nominally steady, cables steady; thin mollis, 5i3 cattle and 4.4" 1 quartiiis of beef CALVES-Rerelpts. 89 head, steady; nil sold; veals, $.V0OU8.5O; grnssers, $3. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 2.:yj head: dull and generally stendx ; sheep $2,251(3.50; choice. $4, culls, jLfiOI'2.01' lambs, $4.62,i5.40; culls. $3.00'4.00. I IOOS Receipts, 3,011 head, one deck on sale; steady reeling; pigs llrm. Slneli In MkIK. Following are the receipts at the four principal wesiern markets for November p , , !!". llo,'H- Sheep: South Otnalia 3.086 1,1m j Chlcag j 9.6im 2s,ikn) p.'ooo Kansas City 6,8fm 1,31m 5 Wj0 St. Louis :.7'"i 7,00) '.VjO Totals 23,086 4S,9.'I 19,123 Sues Hie' Elevntetl Ciinitaiif m CIIICAOO, Nov. 1. Suits for ilumagca cs tlmnted at nn aggregate of $760,000 to $1,000,000 iere filed in the circuit court hero today by the school board against tho elevated railway companies, whnie tracks and trnftlc are nlleged to havo damaged school property. As tho declarations have not yet been II lid It Is Impossible, to stato tho exact amount of tho dnmnges nuked. It Is claimed that aside fioni Injuries to the butldltiKH themselves, pupils nro greatly hindered In their work by tho noise made by the trnlns. The defendants to tho suit are The Metropolitan West Side Rail road company, tho Lake Street Klevntnl Railroad company, tho Northwestern Ele vated Railroad company nnd the South Side Rapid Transit company. Here's Health to Ymil That is tho motto of Cascarrts Candy Cathartic, and an Iron-clad guarantee goes with It to those who use tho magic tab lets. Druggists. 10c, 26c, fiOo. L noli SueeeeiU lloitnrll . INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Nov. l.-dtnos H. Lynch, the new president of the Interna tional 1ypographlr.il union, today sue ccedcil S H H..nnelly, the retiring presi dent lleadqii.iriers of the union are In this clt BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Gai Senlci Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It.ai tl rlctally digests the food and aids Nat tiro Ju Btruni-thctiiug and lecon structlug the exhausted digestive or gans. It lsthe latustdlscovercddlgcst ant and tonic. No other prciiunttioti can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly rellevesand permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Fhtulmee, Sour ytoinach, Nausea, Sick Headache, Oastralgla rraiupsanrt U other results of linpt'rfectdigcstiou. rrlcoDOo.nndSt. Larcslzccontaliis24 times Bniullslis. HookaU-itiouidyspf planuliolIn Prepared by E. C DsWlTT . o Chicago. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURER OF OSVSAHA DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. T Importers nd Jobbers of Dry Goods, Furnishing Goodt AND NOTION'S. BOiLEii AuJ ortCiil' iriuil WUrtrt Qrake, Si WrviSaiTjs successors Wllion & Drake Manufacture boilers, eniolte stacks and brccchlngs, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard hnu water tanks, poller tunes con stantly on hand, fecond hand boilers bought and sold. Special and piompt attention 10 ren ilrs In city or 'ountrv 19th und Pierre. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestem Electrical vv Company Electrical Supplies. Electric Wiring Hells and Gas Ltehtlnr, Q. W JOHNSTON, Mgr. 1510 Howard St. sAFE AND IrtON ivORKi. and Iron Works G. AN UK KKS, Prop. Maltrs n specialty of I i' 12 KSCAPI2S, M. IIJ HIICTTEHS. And Burglar Proof Safes tz Vault Doors, ett (III) S. Mtli St.. Iliiiiilin. Nrli. Davis & CowgSI! iron Works. MANUFACTI'RIIRS AND JOBBERS OF MACHINERY. GENERAL RISPAIRINQ A BPBCIALT1 IRON AND BRASS FOUNDKR8. 1601, man niid ir.OtS JnoUson Street, Omnha, Nrb. Tel. .',:S8. E. Zabrlskle, Agent. J. B. Cowdll, Mr, roalta ashine Works Pattern Makers and Model Builder-. J! Manufacturers and Deulers Steunt hy Fittings, I'.tevator Supplies, Strum Lnilnrs and Boilers, Gasoline En gines, Cream Separators. Machin ists Supnlles. High Orado Repair Work a Specialty Kaeior.v nnd officii 60C-14 South Tenth St. Phone 23.0 EI.EVAlO.i SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Improved Quick and Easy Rlulng Steam, Electric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATES. Send for catalogue KIMBALL BROS., COUNCIL BH'FFS, U. 1M 9th Street. Telephone 149. c 13. Davis & Son Aitrnts for the Itlolimon.l Snfrty fintes nnii Klrr Dour. Elevator Hydriullc and Hnd ICIeTator. Elevator rcpalriuc a specialty. Leather Valve Cups for Elevators, Engines nnd Trlntlng Pressses. JAMES E BOYD & CO., Telephone lOUil. Omaha, Nsl COMMISSION, GRAIN, 1'KOVISlONii and STOCKS 11 OA no of tiiauic. H.RPKmiEYa co. HOOrMM'f" LirC BUG. BRAHCH 1036 tUt CMAHA tlta UiKCLfl fit CJIliGO