The Omaha Daily Bee. Haiaift ESTABLISHED JI'XJE 19, 1811. POSITION OF POWERS fclF TREASURY REP0RT Aligsmcxt oa Anglo-Gem tn Agreioect Now Complete. THIRD CLAUSE PROVES STUMBLING BLOCK UtiteQ Etatts, Snreui md France Befnue to Commit Thenie..Tef. on That. 'iTTaaaaatt. pc nMyhaJt Oifr the farplu. of .Million. KAISER'S TROOPS REFUSE TO GIVE QUARTER WASHINGTON THp-The monthly comparative talcmf-nrU the gnvorntaen'. receipts und expenditure issued at ttie Treasury drpartmeat loday shows that the total receipts for the month of October were Hl.fiifi.KT and the expenditures I4T.M2.fS7 leaving a surplus for the month of M.fiJt.. rtody .r More Than Three enre Celestial fattened Incrlhrr by Their (Ih'iim anil Ttirn Shut Den a Like llnct, I tM A TT I'm n n - r . - .. ?i VOTERS TO BE PROTECTED SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS HORRIBLE TALE OF CRUELTY EeTtEtj-Trar Chinese PriiBss. Ecporteu to Here Beea Pajmetca bj Germans, 4941. Tbe receipts for the month were oter J4.Wd.WiC IB circss of those for Octoler last year. The expenditures ahow about the same Increase over October. l&Sft. The ri- MlfMl. U IV. ....Ml . I are givca n follows- Customs, tSft.WS.MS; Inorrase over Octo ber. 1M. tl 74S.00. Internal revenue. tST,CSl.14; Increase, tl.- MtsceilaBooaa. SMfil,.M : Incrrnse, 11,110.- t'00. The sr wal item of expenditures are glvon a Mtof CMrll end miscellaneous. 111.714. 40; In crease. S1.100.U00. war. SH.168.r2S. Increase, SJ.TO0.60ft. Navj. J4,ati.2.k. decrease, USI.Oeft. ltit.atia, IMS.Mfc, lucre asc, Slf6,00 PeWthHia. S10.64K.SO0; decrease, 110.10. Intern. S4.7MM71, Increase. SStc.W During the last four month the receipts WASHINGTON, Not. J. The Ulgtiniint exceeded those for the same period laJ-t. of the powers on the British-German agree- rear ltj- Sk 74,O'J0 and the (xpradttarrr e x mist U cow complete. I reeded those of ibe same period last year Aside from Italy and Austria, whole ad- by S7 7SB 000. bf recce to the agreement was cxpecteo ovlag to their many, Japan ITALY, AUSTRIA AND JAPAN ARE SATISFIED UH Accept Propodtioa of Open Door and Ittofrity of China, REPLY OF THE CZAR REACHES LONDON Covernrarnt at Wa.hlnaton Will .ol Take Initialise In Any At tempt to Acqulrr Terrllorj . ir pontic rei.uons with oer-, ISLANDS IN THE WRONG PLACE ,(n0BDe Is the only power pvinc ud ur' Ptttallon cocdltloiia to the aprenmenL A the rcatter now stands five of the powers are united In all the terms of the agree ment, viz. Great Hiitaln, Germany, Ital) Austria and Japan, three of the powers the TJnltud States. Russia and Pranee oe- .! en tl fir a tlcitt Miott fharl. Int of ihr Parlflp U 1 err Inarrtiratr. BBRL1N, Nov. 1 Considerate Iropa tlenee at the mtarerneM of the news from China is finding eiprwssloa here. The Inference is that German ceasorshlp ornr Mioh laformauon is tei? su-Mt. Lttur from privates In China hsclo to find tbrtr way intn the social democratic papo's sbow Icc thst the German troop do not sire Quarter, i be nrewen Bumper Zrttnne pub lishes a lr4tr from a soldier In Pckln. who said he saw slxty-etKut rapttve. same of them not yet adults, tied tojrether by their queues, heaten Mohly by Germans, compelled to dtf; thrtr own craves and' finally bhot enmasse,." The Halh-rsuder Volks Ze4tnr prints a communication from Pekln, m which the writer rays "No prisoners ure uken. All are shot or. preperaWy sabred to sare tm monition. On Sunday afternoon we hail to nayonet seventy-four prisoners. or onr patrolmen. An pursued them and captured it was cruel, it was Ransom in His True Colors. ndcar Howard In rapflilon Times. Aprill, 1M7. On li flr.t dfiy of tbe IcziMn Utp ciskin the Tlnif pk-kctt S-n-ntorn ItanwitB anfl Uowdt uy the lenlTi at thf corporation cnnttti prnt In thiit lodr. The irklnz vs not nn rvldrncc of (.msrt on onr part, for, Itxkfd. nnr mnu who ha? wntohod thf crttir.-e ef ihoff worthies In rwnt jpr! erniW nntl would have done aj, veil ft we did. Spenklnr of Itnn wm and Howell, what a dl praee lb- jialr ha lK-n to 1he free silver tartv wheh elect (Hi them. Hand Jn hand In every scheme to jaM in cor- , oratlon roWterr, tiacK to liack ro J j BermMv-aa Campaign Managers FBI Sit ' Allow Democratic BalHozing. CROk'ER'S MEN MUST NOT INTERFERE Any Attempt at Intimidation hy the Itryanltr Cohort Will lie JHel by the Mrnnc Arm of (he 1 Jt m , CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Talr with Variable Wind. lemperatnre at Ilonr. Dee. r a, m ..... , nd Omaha Vesterrtayi Nom, Iea. a. in , 7a.m. a. m , f a. m . lo a. m , It a. m IS in., . , . , .KI nr as All 1 p. m 2 p. m. . . . H n. m . . . . , r. tn f p. in ... , P. n 7 p. m , , S p. tn . , . . , p. m As M r.w Ml r.s r.n r.i NBW YOriK. Nov. 1 -The rentibHoan national comtatttee lsrned a formal state- mini lo TOIOTS as follows: CroK''"- the bead of the demo SHf f,.rHtfn In New York ha er aered his subonrat to p&Umr In force at the poll BMtt Tuesdav and In mm they w-e the resalt of the (v.unt cMnc fcpntnsl ineni to eject the , nf tat. wma. fifht apaln.t the s.harp ,hafi. of i fxt T lnrc Th, . i J-r aa "eeji en- pamblers' Wile to passnec Shame's crown for shame 1 tbc fact that these traitors lor the democratic name. ooreeti arm AMirnviJ in- c.. . i.. t alrm of the democratic national com J 1 mtttee , The repulilloan partv has always stood , squarely for a fair vote and an honest , roiMiL A dishonest elerOon Is IK.fl.-lbl" t only throuph tlolence eueh as la now iinrairnpj dj :ie o mo r ratio REED DIES OF HIS WOUND Omaha Man Mint 1,, tienier 1'ollre. man llvplre at the onntj Hnpltal There. DENVER, Colo., Nov. 1 -l-pedal Tele Cram.) Henry Reed of Omaha, who was shot last nlRht try Policeman Charles So crest, died at i orlork t&ls attoraon at the rouoty hospital. The ball entered bis stomach and lodged In tie back. Secrett was arrested and Is still In Jail. The shbetl&c took place about "M o'clock In the saloon of Daniel HltVry at Ml Larlsoer atreot. Secrest was off doty aa4 eJoylK hlseif la ike saloon with a party of friends. He was leant r uthii wu I. " ' .......... u. . trr Hrnwcriur ifnof rx rc-- . t. . cruse an qual number of Inspectors from r r rH-a ho was unknown to ' 'm r"u,tlr' PrUs Is prs-ent at eiery , entered Reed koem Srtl by TALKS AT IPITTSBURG . KST ST&SS , ".'.Vtr,.'" loc-HMiy aeriara now to to ovenr the "S- "trfi replied "You moat It I hare't ma4e . l. ... ' . . 'iit-r. m rln. . , ... - . MT iu urrrpn Rr ue : r. joey --r nmpumf ill to , ini-per-iors wnerjerer their party extRencles notty ' ww a . . r. I awmal Ob . S. t a a 1 I en- I l aiianinropuy or frarueelr vlr..;I' seventy-four alive. ; lndeseribable and Others; r,letit tnterf ern. NotwlUmtaodlnc: the annouDrement of month mast pinch la LABOR HEARS TRUTH Dinner Bncktt Brigade Lines Up at Iti Own Particalar Ballj. MEN WHO WORK CHEER FOR M'klKLEY Policj Tlat Gitm ZapJojaest ud Fagea Wannlj Eadcrscd. WHAT PROSPERm' MEANS TO THEM 0arpntfir Coj Contrasu Conditions efl8S5 iti Tboie ofTodaj. E. R0SEWATER ON LABOR'S DIGNITY Man Who II.. t.en ,rnm nu, f llmplnje to Position of Kraplorr Artare.r. the Omaha Workers. WaKe-worker of Omaha had thrtr tnnltt l the pre? est campaign last nishl. They tarred oat In sach t-.UM ,y., . . ball waa taied to frai.s the SAN TfUNClSCO. Nor 1. Disco erles of mat value are reported bv the t'nltid cetit the i;li,iiiti! reliiLlncr lo the often floar i tale feta wimniiuiiin rA.uv.4 ,n..,.M. i and the territorial inlecrtty of China, but j which has Just returned from a fourteen- j withhold action on the third clause relat- ' months' cruise In tbe south seas and 1a lnc to future procedure in rase any po er Japanese and Alaskan waters. The offirrrs I aelres territory of the vessel state that nearly all of the i transport ldho wit, ri v, Neither the State department nor the south sea Islands are mlhchulnd anywhere ( bcrs of the Canadian oontinccnt bo par Russian embasry has recelvi-d Information -rom two to a doxen miles. maklnK steertng . tloipated in the war in ou'h Africa of Russia a answer, thouch the Associated j bj chart reme4y da.nEerou. The ex- reached Its Jork here toda. "The Idaho re rress, in its London dispatcher, announces eeptlnns are tbe rill groups, owned by Great ! ported that ail on board were well and A wraari enJ between tha rU. .1" . lWM!,tl this drmocratic policy of terrorUta Voter. . a Reed remarked with marh aro. . '.7 w eoa and buryurlztnc the ballot lxrs, th re- . faalty that he would cat Sec reus heart iXrT I. 7 ? tsf lrtkUr ct puhlictn national committee t wl -wrs neart labcrlnjr act to tha nrr vvui. ... . " " - ,,. .r-.----. -- - mi. i He BOiieesi.n ' M ri. . .ni comusiasm past all creocdenia the ht-h ni ine rrpuoiiran ' A. . - - Kirn incm employment acd lle.i s... Vni IINTPPDC PCTIIDkl unnr Founder s dav of Caroe . ' r?Bppr' """n-k d local havet" flrl 4 V: to the Soor sen- dinner patls to tLe hrt, t, . ' VULUNItcKb KcTURN HOME ,i "F"11" to,ll"ll Ukeo weorurcs to Insure the protecMon of . -nty wounded. U was. needless '""'. .ia " 0a the , - IZ." "-o " . .r"dnK This is the storr of ihe ,..., "puoiican aeellnc and Acri.iei.1 to Shtp', 1-ror.riirr rei, . "uiiaiaR at schcnley juttk entrance . "1 ...iS"1. -in. .y0J T 1 h th. fcaai.. . JT ware ie men present wh - - r-rvvwmi TU WHS PITTSBrP.G. Pa.. Nor. J-With a crate tn Ship. I'roorller Delat the Transport ilth Cnna (llnna iib lloaril. HALIFAX. N. 5, Nov 1 The oierdue I HuSalo buildlac at Schcnley tiark entranr. I rW,k'1 "d that the votes t Imcre than people thro inelr I ToLlthfor oast o had a dmnalshes all I Itacsaed the ajfatr. The hartesrt a few hours before laid down their tool that tbo reply has been received at the. Btitlbh toreicn oftlre on October .10 and un reservedly accepted the first two clauses In regard to the third clause, Russia re ferred the two contraclinR parties to the Russian circular of April JK. sarins that it would modify Its attitude according to cir cumstances The chief effect of the cxrhance has been la brlncinc five of the powers to an agree ment to respecting the "open door" and the uruain, and the Tahiti troun. owned bv France. New nd accurate sailing direc tions for use amonc the islands have been proparefi. In atxwt tbe middle of nerinc lea the that the delay tn arrivlnc was cansed by an accident to the propiller. two blade of H-Vilat. A I H " iiou itu ronira t , . .. . ' ' The Idaho was erected with a ihrn. '"II. ' U Jikraea. Serrc- e f . , .v,. ; I "r Hardtn Churih road letter. .luun-wvinrar tneir i man twi re aeirrrral hy I ever, I Sets U that Onrro.t irarf i - ..uuiBri oi ta ra appreciation, to tbo dUtlnirulshed cuts; , -SS."" lrPm the rlchts j .,hBfc v, ... " J . r ' toe certainty of the re-ejectlna f of the dav Mtnlntar tp ttJ. " V of -u.Trape on next Tuosdav. for every 1 " r""d aa hoar later only pr.,,jf-. wnii.r, vivi.i . ' brmaL 1, ! . - cl oc- their cturen Is entltl5 by law to thK his hlch chamber of his revolver was empty ' .Vl.Ve If ;;tlluia MfKJnley assures the Ihcmafce and of the treasures of art ana prtHlea-e. and vie shaJI see to it that Witnesses aaree that Ke.Tw.. drnav ! i C t-a cp "p!s r tBHT year. iarSTSSr " THEY PROVE IT ONCE M0RE ST' KSaT 5Su' i-r-te v,7, c t L?rHH;- ,F?fF- Frederick Archer. Alter the Arm, 1. io lie t .ej i... r k ?en a? beat cf the camnalm. n .. i .. i nu, uriuut a m punin . a I roar of oannon from the citadel, by baa- Aiuaiross discovered a hank iut 2M . j.... . . . 1.1.1.. v . .lV,.. . , , - . ' i 'iraai ui;wer ana ice caeers charts showed J.W.ft fathom depth. This WM thlpR ln JK)rt. bnnk is from five to ien miles tn extent. . A v-orld'h rerord tor din net ilnpplnr I Indehf eilnea. Itnna Into Milling. was made about fifty intir. ,ast of the PARIS Nov. 1 Fnrtbor details rtrwdlnr 6 KH ,urnwl dcreoa. The ainiter wa of rrrret from Pre-Mfla MrKitley At hnp n.r h..... 1 . . . r'.'iurui jiri ."-im&aiaai " rrrw. tireftiiaat ar v. 3 - tlmldale ljihor. rusioay aaa could nuke no statement erf tbe affair. This moraicr he VPR- Tosi; v. , r- r- i '44 tnt Rp Wi sboolote itraacer r vt.a2.ei . J Kx-Governor Stone to htm and be had no Idea -why ha should r Missouri, who is ln caarre of th New .ni- v.- 11- ' . York branch af .1 u " '. "e oiy snot AH of the men who ec-nie - the Matfona and all of th. speakers, witr. ths exception of DJward Raaowatcr. are working aochicica and proalncat repre Cat tie.. a, av ... r -.te. lnt7 XTA::. ". ,.1 Sn eft'haa-aeIy;;- thf bcrs rri'"!; ehyaVa,fX?r ""a-, inicBTuy oj uim, ana to censuu amonr innra croup of islands in latitude SO de- I tae appointment of Geotce J. Gould ar ! "u ProBKea appumsf. "JZ"..,ca newspaper urr . 3ee-et becaa tn .w vi ,v... . . .v.. . I . . .... . ... . ..... . .1 Tha rarn c . .... . cnMelatnC Mr Arrin f.-ir n,.iinri.. CTl "Tli"B aouso DISS wnen .uw,i;n a Mir luui lu ic iiurraru k. n- iwvia. npacimrni. ni tnartna lira vera ; uhmpc jor D15 sister, ice eoBnief.. nj rTAktei 1 . . , ( ubhitb rnriaa-ri . w.. .v : - " - ,,. J'-rnor Kooaevelt and other republi -an j Reed admKtod lac drunk and said If any other power souphl to take territory, brought up from a depth of 4,i0 fathoms, or Tbe negotiations, as nrw shaped, include ' nearly five miles the United States, 3ranre and Rua aliL. At. tn tha lnlteil Rttc th.rn H I I n f rrl I n c Lener Mall. Is no possibility of an Initiative ln taking i WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 Marine Hoipital territory, so that tbe terms of the third t armicnaei. at Honolulu, clause would anneal ln Prnnre anrt Rii.rf. ,n a report to Surgeon General and would bring about concurrent action I u" nDP'tl In 'he leper island llolokoi says o: the five powers 1c case either of these r,'""1bly safe plan has been adopted to anufht to extend their domain in China. ' nro,a tnp df,,RJ' Incident to sending mail to me quarantine station. All mail from the leper settlement will be disinfected with sulphur dioxide at the settlement and then transferred directly to the steamer and re ceived aboard in clean and disinfected Racks furnished by tbe postofflce authorities. At Honolulu ice mail will b taken ln these lane, show the indebtedness of Count Bon I and his wife to be abaut J3.M.000 fraocs. Of this sum thero waB expended on real estate In ronne'tion with the charity baxaar It showed that the aj ," V . V iTZ. 1? i1.? mwutraon of faleptrg """' w tae tcuae ttiat fol , , , . " ' "' -waatcnea , 7 'TITT,,'-' arm-- on me country ana lowca rrest y&ot tttn hwij i.iien oi the -"-uu,u. i- J. copenharr.. J. c. Roiio wTm." f.vVmter Cf e F. A Willis of the pressmen. Wir.lata .VeKeana of the sterootyper.. JVank Coy of the carpenters. Thomas B. MeQovera of the bollermakers. Wllllaa An.M f ,v. i aad their nrlvafe hnma on th. i,.,. previoas jar. Ttr nmW U ,.,.. .v. I - Meat is a retnjbllc.n ! the Tirnhmin U.. -..... . t"n. ,a . Tfr1 i active engineer?, r r , T,- .. I.. U..-..I I """.M" i .w. . '",,. , atatvrfa Mv. .1. Z-.r.M. I atrap-y. ) llliam JOCCS. COier-d. would ..... . " "". . O vv ":; "l":irmJrnn.i yrhl mnf. iSu.; chatm.. ror K.iJii'v. killed Mm. as he had his revolver !S:i'V.".M"M?'rr Youngs " ' ; -" irauci mans ana trtocsmen s men,: " ",r'ra oi iw.wki over the i ,mmittee on mlutary f.fralrs aad tn the! now contain IK Km raters c issued for come use 000 volumes, an lac w vatiHao. There were i 'TPi tr"' statement thai it waa to tw . e dartnc the ta.- iu , 'uti,o oar lurce citk-s arl used t,. . JfLi Mr 4f- lyerowe worktacroen .NVrerthcleM. Mr. f .ease of UCtHV. over tbe 1 ;yn Is right. Senator Han ley cf Pon- Reed doeled uslnr katfe aad no weapon cf this kind was found on him or ln the saloon. Policeman Seret has been in sveral APPOINTMENT FOR ROCKHILL Srtttlsry ItarTamea IMm aa Conn cSIInr of American Lrg. Iloa at rekln. 4.1fil).4n5 francs, and on an and bric-a-brae I nrcTlos year. .ni,-u i.iia. as ae caa nis revolver Rf,,,,. oi t 7 . ' j Tainted at htm aad wa, ready to shoot when , c,rta it! n , t"1 " VkrA' - C dealers. 9.100,000 francs. M. Werthelmer. who Is one cf the art dealtrs interested, claims goods were bought, then taken back and then resold to the amount of t. 000.000 franc and that ln these transactions there now remains due him ths sum of 2,000,000 francs. WASHINGTON, Nov. 1. Secretary Hay ! novrtrltoa nn the Ocean. LONDON. Nov. 1. It is announced Lhat ; sacks directly to a room ln the nnttnftra ' today cabled Commissioner Rockhlll an an- . . . ?""clPCU.n r"rpo'- ana flisin- iacemasers airea ny r.w.V r,r.m ' .1- . ",p,,a th formaldehyde before rtmoval John Alexander Dowie. the Zionist, of Chi legation at Pckln He has been directed ,roin thf ar: !n wh,ch ""Melved on the CR- s-l trom Southampton October 51, . ji . c, L. , ! steamer at the leper settlement All i?t or Ztoa City. Th? Ucittd Rtttf't eonnular au 1. WLIT aVk UUtT! ii UU1 OUaDEUKl IO J PK 1 3 1 1 . . . . .Uk,ul i Ul IT I Of HJf( to assist Minister Conger in that capacitr f"ttfTS re ,Ttontt,a or lh(' corners clipped ! authorities think that undoubtedly the nea , first class (gold), carrying with it .... ... 1 at the t-ettletnent Kfn.. tbl v- . pome Tinker tha n,nrl,lnn. ,f - . . . . . ..... . anoiaer cacr arpeared ln time to save ecrest s life. oar. Tb report speak, in glow'- iTI!?1" ,h" charge of the senate irtll al of the sacc-s of the e-tt lln""eaing th- army and made a itrong . an reeltaiT V vf' A ?l 1 Iech in fa or of it. On March K :K & an recitals bv Frederick Archer , Senator Hawliy sit, made s stxt-rh hr..-e ' i imnra:in incisiature ana said anirnr i n 4 . other thing: "Then amtmc other thing' I "e"rT born la Omsha tweaty- Itte. l.atll several weeks ago. when he sold out his Interest, h was a partner la :ce grocery firm of R,?4 Erot, 1117 Leaven worth street. He tad beea in Denver lust a month whes he was shot, HIa pareata, I if Te the next aoralng's breakfast hwerta, Hal Derebecer 7.1 tw..1 !,.'4mT,,,;,H M.lrr. "n. E."naw:aad asd William Richelieu. lng terms of the organ r.d of the Pittsburg orchestra under the i lJ?Z ropett Mr Ft.w: ,7 vlrl. , t. . ' ,h.?i countries murt think of are the i n ro and had mided here all his - unci irssj Atmrewi ". Dnreaaor.jTic mrarection hthi mobs. Carnegie, la it, he said wag ng, J,' was a -wise thing for the merchant of proprtale tcTlnVIte the CKinae i tn snv' tra"T t 3f;'1 to the r.fc- sneiv t ,v , ,P BlllUtT to'.lonal governraecU wnlch tnr.lfied it aad speak and added that the American people t is now callert Fort Snrridsn We have do not appreciate the Chinese as tber ' ?wu"' ' dlsturbanoe? ln Chicago. We hope ,v,u . ... " however that we int hlire a ,. rr J. : 'r. . lDt clk ihtt lcrates. fjt we kxw the 1t wav rot to h'ar ihe-n two brothers aad a sitter reside in 1 to cone from. Thl, v.., .v,- ,.vr": u".:w...ra .t 10 tDP fternstlonal ts to rrenared for them. So I ty we i and another brother is la Lo, Acrele.. ! l Prosperous and enn.. V." '.: r.m-u nrc-p a large army- xo STancJ bi-K of I tk. ,.. t-j . r,.. .. . . . 4 . 7 IP' he last resort If1 .u-a.u nr, , coanrcira wim - --s m one n conttcued Not Kaur Veara Ati. .Tr Tw lr OMtlac f this kiei -said Chairman Shram in calling the gath ering to order, -would .have beta attended by many with empty stomachs, tbreadba dothlng and laciltg the .towloin art exhibition then followed President Pre announcing them as follows In tl in the negotiations for a final settlement ! 1 miort cisiniection. no The nurnose to anrolnt ComTnl,innrr ,w tae surgeon reports. Has iMuuaiiiuk i u tm as Tfti intrt . ., i " . - r . a. . - j . i u linns pnfMTii fit av v h n. an. o - .m-w . t n a i r n a .t e n . twh - j . . nnsri a a. . . Andre D.uchea. Paris ,be medal of tha ro the" "e. "0, or 10 It rln. frM , .. .. : pans.a thev Vnntr th.r Vk :.;; 1 " at -,. I icixe SICfea , We tr an awtril ' l,,r' anew aey are men wno nol tj. 4n v , . v. . . ,rf , when ordered to. It Is simply s bulrte i Tfcf -s-ill be hrobght to this city for In- yet been discovered amonc the nostofflee etrployc.s, although non-disinfected mall from tha leper settlement has been handled by tbem for many years. Rockhlll and General Wilson fellow com missioners with Mr. Conger to conduct the negotiations was abandoned only because It appeared that no other power was to ap- ""-"""uur. I-ree He vrrr k.rrl.. ti-JI priccc xTl DC iajonn-r a at-r WASHINGTON. Nov. 1. (Special Tele .ChAShS TO BE IMPORTANT RTm)-D. J. Smith has been appointed i rural free delivery carrier at Webster City 'TSaSrd Claaae of Anarlo-ncrnian Aarree- land Oicar L. Chapman at Muscatine la. " neat Sot Opermtlir I'ntll All Powrri Accrpt It. BERLIN, Not. L The Post of this city, ocal-offldally made the following aanouncc yoest today: "Aa the third clause, of tbe Anglo-Gorman Rural free delivery will be established at Storkham, Hamilton county. Neb., on November IS. Service will embrace tn area of forty-five square miles, with population of r.00. T. Shcich. Jr., Is appointed carrier. ine contract for making changes in agreement la now, it docs not operate ln j the first floor and basement of the Omaha tao ovtint of one powor acting in opposl- public building hae, been awarded Charles uon to tae principles laid down. It ceases Glndele of Chicago, at 54 ,200. to bo Important, until all the powers uc- j Tl I PnUIUP uoatrr mnu rnr man I vuminu nuniE, rnum inc. WAIt tbt. ( Twenty Americana AVho ronght Sor Oom Tanl Arc Now at (Copyright. 1W). by Press Publishlnc Co.1 TRIESTE, Austria, Nor. 1. (yew Tork come uaoer tne provisions of the contract , of Il.F.00 for his r,iptiir. ..nt,i t-T, rJlt" fra,,,Tfl ,0- 11 '7i? ouslses. j inw Corrcspondcace on the subj. t has Gatherers." S!MhTutr o? "reK1-m,m ,B r'en i-np'u wricru uoaaou ana dotting ban consulates and the latter is communi cating the matter direct to Washington. Ben Foster. New Tcrk the medal nf the sreona ciast (silver), carrying with It aa RFTTINR PIIRF award nf tl inn v.i. OfclllHU IUI1L London ftoronch niertlona. LONDON. Nov. 1 Elections for the mem bers of the new borough councils, which sipersede the old vestries, are proceeding thronrhotit TiTldfin tnri.r TV.. M,M.Kti. win Ecreuter consist of twentr-elcht i ...u. uaauua., conorable municipUltles. each having a mayor. There I mrn"ra his picture entitled "All Hands are nearly candidates for the l.SBI Misty Moonlight Night. be.-rtant Kendall. New Tork. the medsl of the t.lrd class fbroniei cnrrylng with it an award of WOO for his picture entitled jne tna or Day." counclllorships and aldermanships. The con tests are being fought largely on political lines. Ueavwr Lotn at Life Reported. PARIS, Not. L The ministry of 4neen Approve. Appointments. LONDON, Nov. 1. Queen Victoria has approved the appointment of Lord Salts bury as premier and lord privy seal: the mfarrtnlc r,f T ,4.-. . .... . . . . i -. w. w.-.k.r a rrrrrurr oi riaie i , . . . ... ... . . ,ui luicipa auairs, .Mr. VMUiam St. John Brodtrick as secretary of state for war, the earl of Selborne as first lord of the ad miralty and Mr. C. T. Richie as secretary of state for home affairs. colonies acre baa no confirmation of the atory published ln New Tork of a typhoon sweeping over Annan and causing serious loso of Ufa. But the colonial ministry did rucclTo on October 24 a dicpatch savlnr xoo lejcgrapn line between Saigon, capital ; or'd Cablegram Special Telegram.) of French Cochin China, and Tonnutn. I Twenty Americans who foncht fnr th. J,U' J10"11610" ProTlnce of tbe 1 Boers in South Africa arrived here today ' government has decided 5v ravorablr lo Government. MADRID, Nov. 1. The latest news of th Carllst movement is more favorable to tb government. It is asserted that the chief of a Berga hand has oSered to surrender u ne is paraonea. hut. It Is added th- on Dk.' Julias Olsson. London. Eng. honorable mention for his picture ictitled "Waterfall ln Winter." W. Elmer Schefiela. Oronotr. Pa., honora. ble mention for his picture entitled "Twilight." AND SIMPLE ON TRAIL OF THE ROBBERS Chlcaa-n Jode Thus De.lirnale the Tranaartlnna of the Chlcaaro Hoard of Trade. 'herlff of TolL- County l in rnr.alt of Marander. Who Looted fhell.,. . - ' OSCEOLA. Neb, Nov. 1 -(Special Tele- CHICAGO. Nov. j -Judce Vail toJay in ' fra!a Sheriff Nuquist of Polk county has cpen that la his opinion dealing oa the Chicago Board of Tirade aad dealing In one of the aao every laboring man should itre.nuj- ine questions at isae. Ha cannot go amiss by voting for the repch. licaa candidates without a scratch." Frank Coy. a carpenter, who franklr I confessed that h- was cot much of 1 i public talker, made an eloquent address in which he compared the condition of .laborers today with those ef foar , ago. He ably answered the charge that -uj sas not be: uaoer tte McKinley rule. 'Mf. he said, -all benefited the members of the board of trade had ttlgmatiied as -'bucket shops" were practically tbe sane. He stated that the same thlsc w en l gambling in the bucket shops, and ine exercises closed with an organ recital . speculation on the toard of trade, but "Marrhe Triumphal," by Mr Archer, after ,nt both "hetUng pure and simple " whir): a reception was tendered to Minister The occasion for these remarka was fur. Wu Ting Pang ln the art gallery, where , nishBd in the dosing of the case brought ' ---- . . -----7 ,m . , j , . ., ... I 'TA . court created a srosatinn hv 1eel.rlne " --a i5ioie taring ine . . u cuajies er ts- la his opinion dealing oa the Chicago I twenty-four hours to ascertain who taT Ploaent, wfcUe four :ean "r '"f roaoers oi tne postoSre at Shelby . l4icrr worg ror nobody. In ti snl and turned the store rooms on Tuesday ' 1 '""orWed at my trade aa a carpcator fcr night. Ke secured the service of the ' ?1 1 ixT 1 ilSa t have any dlnne- ra 1 hounds from the Lincoln Bloodhound ' la thoe dJ" 1 '5a't seed any. My r-jfe company and after they arrived ln Shelby , Klfd ta t,e D? i a little paper pcxa-'a Ust night they took the trail asd started ! tif fc,t et brrd tkt I had to eat at cooa east. This they followed to Rising City. ' sd 1 "-rrlod some molasses along In a where a person who ta supposed to be the ' bstUe- That was all in thote days. N'ow one wanted had secured a team from the 1 tlTe Bf dinner pail fell of pie and cake .... ua.u auu uroTc 10 U1VKJ city. He ' n ics waat !I true Of ae is tbM. T the,-; ousand. of w.klng men ali , with about L00O persons. "against the Board of Trade for ar, initme. - .at. R.e C-"7' b" .btd ant ceased ..." ,V1' A .te ? aolaasea and TRAITOR KINNE ESCAPES of to axiicuuia Jvaaaic. was interrupted owinr ana jert lor Hamburc. There ther -n-m .u damage due to typhoons. j sail for America. Wothlnc eT-t In Airrermrnl. ! Itoera fnplnrr a Train. BKRUN, Nov. L The Rclchsanzelger to- CAPETOWN. Nov. 1. It transpired to day officially and definitely denies that there j 6iT that a Boer commando captured a aro any aocret adjuncts to the latest Anglo- British outpost of nine men ln the vicinity German compact. j of Geneva, October SF. and afterwards held The paper tars: "There is no agreement un E Capetown mall train. looted the a.uaic.cj urjuau ice note, tne full text of I tamagen ana passengers, destroyed the American Soldier Who Deaerted I'lllptnn. and Waa Cancht Break. Out of Prison. SAN FRANCISCO Nov 1 -Three r,rion ers have escaped froa the fnitcd State Jecided to act vlcorouilv I ,i.. ' ' ' . J"" 1 and pardon no one. The Basque provinces 1 A.cairaz luaao. One of , remain quiet. P-onaces ( the escaped prisoners was Frank Kinne. j 1 -- ' i eeaienre ci crteen years Crrtr of British! Mutiny. for "rUoo and treasoa KIcno was BERLIN, Nov. 1. The crew of the British j l,roactt here a few months ago in Irons bark Iredale. eleven In cumber, were ar- J trox Mt:liIa- He had deserted his com rettcd at Cuxhaven today at the Instance aa 53 103 accepted a comnission from the of the captain, who accused them of mutiny. ' ""'l0 army. He was caught leadinr a at to sea from ' cc or the akiuiii ice ooaro oi irase tor an inlunc i v j .. -:.. . .. " ti... .... ; : r I. , . .- ' a.rf mere, upon jaicrmation or :ii i ctnii, tv. .i-v. viLru in urceriL Lne nnarn tmw tfnn I. 1 - ' - - '..l from receivmg ouotaUoss jnd v. XZf'J?'1""1'" trrtei " It- Y to go into the butcher he coMendi-g llloT " P rson and before Information and. b-st of all. Pve Ut the money tte contcaai-g attomeya. reteT.d tna tt, Polk eoutJ. efSee,(i , to pay far th-tc thing... which we looked RPNPR1I ROHTU IM PfiUII a am ' Tbtre v" nodocl)t la tte nld of the offi- I urf a 'nries four years ago. By tha ubNbnAL BUUIH IN COMMAND I " that the person arrested is the one f Oai aal tbe rcrablkaa party us ' who did the work at Shelby. . labcsg people are not going hack to liver Head of the alvatlon Army Comlnic I Tae following Is a description of the ' a1 molanes any more. which was published October 20." CRIME OF BANKERSTERNBERG raaaaa. Caae rterjilled hr Sensational Chararr of Attempled Police Bribery. BERLIN, Not. 1. A sensational Incident occurred here todsy in the second trial of the rich hanker. Sternberg, who was sen tenced laat April to two years' Imprison ment and a three years' loss of honorable citizenship for a crime against morality. JHillce Detective Stienctaedter testified that his superior officer, ThleU offered him 200 - (H0 marks if he would testify in such a way I Last week the Iredale put Hamburg tn a storm, bound for Melbourne. The crea- mutinied ln the North sea. insurcents. In the jber captured by the American troops at l' e lunne was taken were several AB-nraa prisoners. Kinne claimed tn h ALONno"v Tr-"?"1 L cf , ...... ... -citici ..i.tijtaaB wco Vfrv -tt tt J f!i:r..nt; ""l45 tla..d!.p"teh troa ! cltrea be a falsehood, and denounced and Worceatershlre Issued circulars today as to recure the acquittal of the accused ' BanolunclaC rodut-tioa la the price of 20 tad thun leave the country. 1 -""""cs per ton Product, nf German Colonic. I . v.""m" rom,n: PwMponrd. BERLIN, Nor. L-The German Colonise- . ra . 0N' Nov- 1 A atPtch to the Uon eoclety Is Ktitioning for the free ad-! mulu standard says that Lord Roberts, mission of the products of German colonies I . 0 wf ,cl"-5uJed to leave South Africa tn the Gorman tariff. ' -'siher IS. has postponed his departure u""6 io one o: nis daughters betcg a suHcrcr froa fevrr at Pretcrta. malls, set fire to tbe train and decamped en ice approacn or an armored train. Not wishing to he hampered, the Boers later released the prtsoacra tbey had captured. ll.lln.U T I. I . . , . " mr wniiif, iSrtln.T V R W- i n,. t-u- t- v.. I .v . . " BERLIN. Nov. l.-Spires, Worms and 1 7nt Ja ty 4.. i " sa as a traitor and a rebel. Tbe others other Rhine cities have addressed a pet.- XTt oW T ZZJJ "HT. Kl 1 HunUsgto" uon to tne imperial chancellor. Count von I v. 7 . ,7 r , ' sesieare o: ten years, and J M Buelow urging htm to appoint a commission COBnion ealtn oi Australia. j Vftzs. serving five years. to examine Into the question of the pollu tion of the Rhine through sewage. Reduce the Prlee of Iron. LONDON. Nov. 1 In hopes of steaming German and American competition the leading Iron manufacturers of Staffordshire to the tnitrd tatra TaJ-e Clearer. I man Medium height; pale small. Hrht , moustache, burned -jff considerably by I I smoking cigarettes Prosperity I. Jleallrrd. "I Satl.r. I- ,. . . - -...i.e. .u vimy-riiT. i aaoti cf.ut. aocui. no- hA.u . i ... NEW YORK. Nor. 1 -General William I " P"J e' age, wore light, soft hat. drab I reduced to the Mt-eoi.T 1 JI" Vr" Booth, commander-in-chief cf the Salvation'00 0 P"t. hesry light- ! wive, go Vxe raaVor IL !.vTaf army. Is coming here ntxt September to ' colo"'d c-t"-coat. dark blue aackintcth ' eCc. !a iL ThZ l., . 'r ,,"' take practically the control of tha, tad 11 du coat; drives small bay team I ,h..., " !r.""e. ?? T70'1 to go army ln the United States fnr ., i.:.7 J.Z a'tched to top buggy. ,,..7-- J!' ,c.r la fKlnley ad minis . mix , i - iwu p caa l months. This announcement wa. . i... . f- v-i- ... . e lo K0 18 the mayor y&JZJi" who, SENATOR DAVIS IMPROVING liSVZSZ VVZ: .... v, c.n 44 via Msiiaa on tae steamer Teutonic H went there early ln October nrrn ufferlnar from a Caao to invite the general to coae over and Blood Pol.onlnc In assist in the problea which the SalTatioa III. Toot, army is endeavoring to aolve. One of the -. i.r .ia, irxj mat 0 or-I -v i. uancc iate: senator l gantnng aad managing the farm colonies : cuinman r. Davis, who has teen eoaficed I which the aray It establishing in scae of i ,0 hu fc'i ,0 thlt tUr iar the Ust month the states. Edgar Howard's Compliments to Hitchcock. hio-tA ai - iTU with a serious ease of b'ood poisoaing in his foot, is slowly ' rcccverinc At tie present time one chief cause cf trouble Is the natural restiveness of Senator Davis CTer his enforced retirement from the caa. paiga in which he was so deeply Interested. j After returning froa the Maine campaign two weeka at a stretch that I cere- of ; a lick of work and wfc t aia i. .. for SI a day. I aa working cow fcr 40 cents an hour and net Hie a day. The !,.ce cf this campaign for every labertng maa is tread and butter aa if we sicl ouTpr -ent proip-rlty centlnued we have g to w , ,cd TOte the republican ticket s'raight from top to bottom and bury Brya o deep under the avalanche of ballot, that 1 1. 6 th 5eaw-tlc party forever to dig hlra cut. Let, fUck together oa election day and have four years aore Ilk the four year that have goae ty. I believe A cumber of professors, politicians and manufacturers have lsrued a call for the m , . " eCtln l tDr ''- He.ult. In VSrlorla T""00 . ",lRN. 0T -Tbe result of tie , a'UaUVU kU IS liLZi J UiJ . J t'ltVllODB JTJrjnMES,. oryicuL FA per or tub oodstt. raklkavatl votrr rrts st ripiUlaa KtoeaiaC Taa rariLuoa Txass Prarrss Oaarart. aad kawnaf att rar0hf paafflo it -. t j in tae legislative aHM-mWr nf of Max Mulirr. ' ?"ll!tt!v1 l mura of lrty-nve minis- Nor. l-Tbe funeral to- I "-"J-eignt members of the op- ama,i,uu auu io luuepeaaents. TKStaiai fl.SO tor Toar, t adr.rr.. Funeral OXFORD. Eng aay or i-rot. Max Muller. who died on October 2S. was largely attended, those present Including representatives of Queen Victoria and Emperor William of Germ.T. The latter seat a wreath inscribed. "To my JAaVHCWARhX tnir. v dead Iric-nd. i Frl"" c"pr- r" Amerirau Iron r CRL1N. Nor I The WestphalianZeit- yo the North German Llord St earn. esipaay has ordered more than a avl tons of atructural iron in U' tor Its workshop and foundry. "cstphallaa compeUtlra. Ruaalan Crc.i. Urlurr Averaar ST PETERSBURG, Nov. l.-The minister cf agriculture estimates the Russian crops for iWO as being considerably below tbe average. These estimates are based on the reiorts of TJOO correspondents. Count Tol.lnl Injured ST. PETERSBURG. Nor. 1 Count Tolstoi fell October 26 and severely Injured one of his hands. Consequently his Intended r movaj from bis estates to Moscow for ths winter has beta given up. j Thb attaud houso boydlers Uive la. L a. a. I . WfUl SO . TTOELTrtrALD ittt- rigkL TW iaaidr-tity wd tot oa) balATkl erf wrnth ?ajnt Eosrwawr. That "iTbELD-HKiMi.n LKebxaaafct.joartulistn. (Edgar Howard In Paplllion Times. Feb. 25. 1SS7.) Prior to election ds.v that paper's editorial page teemed with a wealth of argument in favor of state control of corporations. Since tbe hour when it became known that the popalM and democrats had won the light and that the day for fulfilling ocr promlf had cone no man has een one line of argument in tbe World-Hemld In favor of redeem- ub uux (Mir,, Pmgn rrffstra to the reflation of corporations Why- J We don't know. ' " , Mr. Hitchcock hits ten appealed to time and strain to brin- the -rest ' Influence of his paper to War upon the corporation lobbv a't Lincoln, but he turns a deaf ear to ali entreaties. The edltar-in-chW o' the I World-HernW; Richard Metcalfe, has a true heart which beats for and tn the Interest of the mas-, but it cannot beat hard enonRh to break I tbe barrier which Mr.' Hitchcock fa rald acalast the critlcUtu of I conKiratlons ln the Worid-Herald. But It Is Idle u how for 1 help from Mr. Hitchcock. We do not MJr that the corporation, hav, ' t-Dught him outright, but we do say without reserve that his attitude ha, led the great bulk of MineUMsts In Nebraska to believe that he has either 1 been bought or a poultice applied bj the wealthy cornoratmn. J closed his editorial eyes. tn. 1... , ' . - he taSered great pain from his foot .Z. " .v.. " . are foretaste of n. -v.... - - '"i are w , pi hu wnere you were to the liver aad his physician performed an operation, sub. i.tVa't on oi WUIUm mTk Z ,1 se-juest operations also being necessary to go back , h, l'" 4 no mood poiscnlng caae froa a sllrht aDrasion oi tne sxis. wtlea was lafcctcd by the dye of the black silk hose. Now the lnjoted member Is rapidly healing. Senator Davis has arranged to be carried to the polling place oa Tuesday in ordar that he aay voto. and his physicians ex pect he will hare fully recoTered before the meeting of congress la December. oldier. Sail for .Manila. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov l-Tbe Usited States transport Sherman sail today for Maalla via Ho.-.o! ilu with -) soldiers and a large number o' raHn rsr.trers raostly wives srrt eh'Wren of officers sta. ttoaecl In the Philippines. oracr ta. MoTerarnl. of Ocean tra.ela Xor. 1. At Plymouth Arrived Kaiser FrieUrleh. from New Tnrlc. for Hamb ira ""en. At New- Tork-Arrtved-Frlederieh der r?.".- Z1?31 ,Brmen. Lahn. from Breme. Salled-L Acjultaine. for HaiTe. New Torkd'n -VrTlve1-M",'r't!t, from At fhimoceskl Sailed Carmen thshire for San Franrlseo a. -t jlJf''st''-p Sa led German's .c -ra aeTi-n fir tc'h ffen LJveroool. ! ThVraa. 'JS'J?'1 d -Kalsrre !Um , V. a es 4n furc!shng the produ I JZ's $25. BreDen StluBpsoa. ccun ry have gra, into a Trua defend the treats I rtcoaite th f.jr Urerpool-EaUo4 Ibsriac, for Ni to coae under the a4ata- you want molasses, vote for Brran .n .-it v.., ..a i. ,. . . ' - oaca and it 11 be a darned ifght wone. "te want sowaj money. Wo wa-t a contlaceave cf the protective tarts." Wa don't care how amy traits are organized iVL"" 7Sal 11 Uw to guide thea. Bat abovo all things else. we want wcrlc at gool wages. Why, Ksn said to ae to. day: Tear years ago I could g3 asd buy the aaae suit cf clothes thai they charge IIS for wiw for SI.' That's right. Clothes may have teen cheaper thee, bat I said to hja. 'My friend, the difference between now and then It that the big majority of mm cUdnt have the S4. tut now we're got plenty of money and I went last week and pali I2J far a salt.' Thoae c3Ue-( ar faalltar to every laboring maa and It would be the Wggest folly to vote for any etaage." Wo't: for an Army of Men. "Today the tta plate factories in th I niteJ States emplny HX atn. It ! true i Ha; the er.'an a r!a-.e aanufjr " -fr v , -ire fa- ,edta iJ(t,.i 't f:r th s trust I don t em a aa aaaaaaaaK.. 1 cvtl that csuat te v:3Xtuci aaa a. BaBaBaaaaaBUHn