Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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DIm.INi, I? Ml Til BET
cuu Howe Tuavsu-j Jytiicate to 3i
Biases IUktmi.
tcar M. IVrnfl ttflnc tincon rntl nii
Report if the Hcsutt of 111
(nnvalK lmr 1 th
ii .tl4..,.i . ,.
Monday aacraisg w
oV arid several other sini bouse
fTitns tjr Lad facc44 IB ("ollwt
r on It $(!.. TV- tiW ar hi bfa
IKiid with H. rrenaaa cath'er of
tb Plrtt XillOM! Ub). la ta C'tr Tb
aaoB-)- raited by frc b4 a acoefif-1
f ixittioa of tbf wtf r aud If tb blscc ,
U j.r-rntpd any titn befort d-yrtioa 4ay
It )m r m- arrrtd Mr TrenwB Mkid
tH if'rtwn tfeat ir bad to rtody att-r
J to ater on rttsllar baatc Tb SI
it o.Twd b? a b;cao brakpr ad a
b n-ri'tfa frifod ia tals city taat bf
'! :c-r! ta' arootiat if aay eaB
b- fouad
l'u.ia.i.:. a, a. Mta.M.r tiut
J1T of ".. rot.. t Up to .. o-iloe f' ,,l"!f' in ..
Iliiaoi. ai a omibthd Mtf aad raairaaa ! I Tl ,bf of? tc 2.rjoi
E1BHM.-B of ta ofxtUai Mtioaal oMamlt- tbond i Im.u. it MrS wn to
t. .b ot,t Mltrut f-rt tbat it j raw" t dairy lnurett by
o,;id rft a awdorlty te for tb- HrruB t-C'"B Nerti. who it a tdldt
l-torh It as on tb- itrfbrta af tbti ,of -a 'aU dlatrtet. b tbonld be
7or,-caM Tbat Mr frW acaoja.H ta fa rJ',''7'"2 ..T'' f""r
lobbv of tbr Uadfll hotel arrf-ra day r Klflkall. rravbHrat. faldatf for
tbat b. vould wacr from no to U.OW that 'n U diatrtrt. it tnakin: capital
I-Kiiya irajwlty tb-T- nould aot ou' '-" Usiaai of tb
out Tf. b k mas fco bru th tirl j '"
Mil fc aould ake ta- bet and Mr PMr-' "" ;-! le Xtakad has oj u.l
rrd to pat ua ta-H.OW tb-at day. At , xsaitit Willlaas NVnii Id th
th. ,K-tn tmt Mr , ta pro- "ppor; Bf dairymrB. H aa
C' -b- monrv fad i- . ch n in- 0M-Wly in tho dairy butla to a
drfimt, tiio0 of timr jiinre rxttt for a cumb-T of yett.' If
tod t. oacTti It would b to bit f
..-ri.inii rr t lllfiiultitril. , ouElary Interval -o advaof the cium of
Vir Kraft of ib? editorial MatT of tho tb dairyi&oa vol) m nould be fate -Illln-oi
tit Anrrtrrr bo has b-'t dotap , duty and pieasuro to wrvp Mr-iirr ia elf-
raaaalcB work ia Nbraka for atTeral atom ot bta t nttltiH-nrr
fV f war la tbo dty today ad wblle br , Mr Kntrb: n Xtor wholly uaaalboi
mid b rtir. tr tatr would er ropab- ttod by ta? National tialry asloa. It
lifts at tho It rtb'Omlst oloo'ton a wrlttea ultbotit knowlodgo or c-obccbi
I hire irately oor tir-b of tb terrl- f tho oSrcr of the aaaortattoe or lit
tort of tho Pirt at.4 Pootd roarreaaloaal aMaarlac hoard kt toon at a copy of the
iJiKTiru and i f'-H rnatly oarourared byjlettor catno 1st tb band of N. P Mc
b' I bar oorn " ho Mild "1 bare Wa DonaM of tait n;y. rbclrmaa of tie to
unibu to find an- dinfTf-tior ameac Gor- pubJloan ooacre-aalona) romaiitrco It trat
r-nf 1 baro mad rporlal oCcrts to forwardod to Hoa. W J Hal nor of Aarora.
end trlV to tho riormatt rotora and I raa ho Its rire pro?idf rt of tho IHlry union
trutbfuilt My tbat ihor l notblnc la tho Pollowiac i hie roiy
ropen that tbo ar ijatnlac; thtlr poll- AT PSORA. Nh Oot . !': Hon N 1
t i-tt- t-ortur of ttf cry of ailltarim.' 1 McOinald. ihatrman Koarttry. Neb D-ar
m .nnUun thai V.Vuri. . will r- ktrV
am roahdoat that Sebrai.Ua will co atok
1r'o tbo fepobilran ro)i:n.n
Ir twV:tac of ibe potitiral OBdit.on ia
fou'b TaV.ota a U WolfonharKr of tb!
r-tv bn ba jun ootapietol a tonr of tbat
naif in lb Interest!, of tie prohibition
, .m,A ... i.JUr. -j,., rwi...
'irkrt Mid I brtlevo tbat Sow.h OaVoU
wil. a majority oto for the JirHisley
r 1 am inclined to the opinion, bow.
er tbt tbo .u'eratt control the
Ucifle'tir . thy are anVlac teelal ff
fortu in beb&lf of ibetr lecialatue tioVetf
VoTertbelts oondltlOD in tbat t-tate a.e
tnotie ana t sere ran d no ornamij- unin
the vr.te le counted 1 llt'o thf prohibi
tion o'c In South Iitkoi will be foar or
T.- ttmef a larse an V was in I'M The
rirtv hf ir "n'ir tlV:e tbre national.
..... ..,i..i ..j , .-..i,
ute end conrrewior.l-and an orcsnlred
f.cbt l beinr ''e all along tb line "
l.lneln' "rti eri l'fitofTlce.
Neer ir. itn h'jtory nucb a larce buf-
lnet trmrattxi in th I.inroln iMjftaCice th
tiurlsc 'be liift fiscal tear eodlac June So.
M romparod rltb tte bujlnej. of four
'"T . .a . . .
year aro the bowlnc if uapralleld. In-
fiireticc a ceoeral trtitlBft-f growth which
U beyond all preeodea, i. a
comparison of cash petal receipt for three
7 nr
Year endlnc Jui . lffS
Tear en.tlnc June 3. w
Tear erdinn June 3i. 1!H
::. tun
Receipts durinc ibe jnontb of Jasc in tic
fame years show the nme remarKable
rotal receipts June. 1?W
Postk' reelnts Jjne. 1S
I'nstal Jui-e. lis. .... l.-2?
n.v,.r -r,r, t the nxiii service
. , . ' . .. . . .
in this city show a stallar iocreai-e dart:;;
the last fcjr yar la the rectetry dp-
Iartnest the fcllow-inr rrd is shown la
letters aud parcel is the repiMered mall j
titn mo iths ndlnc J ne 1 S.S2S
Six m. ih i.s Jvne : ISn. T l44 .
Jteslsterett ltters receld MX months .
endini: June ' W, a. Mi )
rterifterd letters received flv 8onth
ndln; J ine if 11 W
It -sill b seen from the Set res above'
tbat the reslstn- division has double Its.
bus'aens la four years jD special delivery
letters tb increase has lea from Ofio la
JRI6 to f -. for the last fiscal year, while
in the forarii3F department the orders
bae Dorr than doutled ia the last two
Iiie Priiirlpnl (aur is tumble lint
.o!iornll er-loolrt.
Mat? thia;s may cause deafness, and
ery often it Is di.(ult to trace a cause
Pome people inherit deafness Acute dis
rases like scarlet fever sometime cause
deafness But br far the mast camm-on
.ause of loss of beariue is catarrh of the ,
head and throat. from McKlalty electors to road overseer
A promiatat iperialist oa ear troubles Aa old-time lovefeast participated la by re
Elves as his opiaioa that alae out of tea publicans will be held oa Saturday evea
cases of deafness Is traced to throat trou- , lS- R- W W Joaet. A Weller aai W W.
ble thl is probably overstated but It Is ' Aaaess will be the principal speakers
certainly true thit more than half of all
aes of poor hearing were caused by ca
tarrh Tbe .atarrb secretion ta the nose aad
throat finds its way into the Eustarhla
tube and by clogging it up very soon af
ects the bearing and the hardening of the
secretion makes the loss of hearing per
rnaarnt. ualess the catarrn which caused
tbe trouble is cured
Those who are hard of bearing may
think this a little far fetched, but aay one
at all observant must have noticed hew
a hard cold la tbe head will affect tbe
bearing and tbat catarrh if long neglected
w.l) certainly impair tbe sense of hearing
and ultimately cause deafness
If the nose aad throat are kept clear aad ;
free from the unhealthy secretions of ca- I
tarrh the hearing win at once greatly im- '
prove and anyone aaSerlng from deafness ,
and . atarrb can satisfy themselves oa thla
potat by using a fifty cent box of Stuart's 1
Caiarrb Tablets, a new catarrh cure, which
'a the pat year baa woa the approval of
tb usaad of catarrh euScrers as well as
physicians because it is la renvenleat
form to lite, contains no cocaine er opiate
and It as safe aad pleasant for children as
for their elders
Stuart s Catarrh Tablets Is a wholesome
combination of Blood root. Guaiacai, Ba
caluptol and similar antiseptics and they
cure catarrh and catarrhal deafness by
act, on upon tbe blood and raucous mem
brane of tbe nose and throat
s oae physician aptly expresses it:
You Jo not have to draw upon tbe im
agination to discover whether you are get
ting benefit from Stuar' Catarrh Tablets:
Improvement nd relief arc apparent from
the first tablet taken
Ml druggists sell aad recommend them.
They cost but fifty cents for full slxed ' rertitiag a populist rally to be held here
package and any catarrh sufferer who has ' November i Toe city marshal, a demo
wasted time and money on sprays salves pop went rouad this meratsg and tore
and powders will appreciate to the full them all down It hts created great ex.
tht sent ef Stuart s Catarrh Tablets. J elttatet aad iadiraatJca.
ine re ; :d f nr ttj
ordi"a paid:
Fremont tonnel! vleMlnc.
mtMONT. Neb. Or;. 51 i3pclal..
, The city rover U held a regular meeting
, last eveataa- and tranaac'.'-d considerable
bunneas. A committee af cittten frog tbe
J northeaster part of the First wart wanted
soaaihlnc oa- towards cetUnr rid of
I pool of tunui ter a Platte Unt'
aa J Kteveatb street, which for two btorks i
,hf' ?" iaa4mM. Tbe
idboe will either b- rl4 or Slleo :
pwif. of tor
"" " ont-rr.. lunni ui
trlft lirt mi Kjil-tl.- frii
C linrlr. Kiillit.
, KEARNH cb . O ?i itl A
Ictttr bf tnt. id1y fir latd xsm-'jC
4l.-)a of ib? ltb coarr-vjioMl dl- '
trlrt. it u ?l:tta br Taarlw T. Ktlibt.
tcfftary of .a SattaiMl I Jury utii-ic. iron
rbJr' Ta l:trr aarpom ta b tSfial
"r-i 1V .Ur KIHT til J 4nr lO m -I
,f Pl-,un,k.n ye.rin?: w. '
the iinaturo rf Charle V Knlcbt. arr-
lary of '.n l-lr union. nd
reatnrj m u. In the 5 xth ooncre'Munal
nt-not it, tnt Mr kvem af.t-mj't t
tnaae n ippear tnat Ju.ia- .nomiic i tne
aiolfl frtonj of the dalrv Interen. whi'
jU(l4.e Kinn lls tnJ ,hit ,h
Xatlona! Dalr uimhi Ip adocatlnc th
' n of Jui?e Neville y i nrxi ai-
a xi(N pr rjH,.1J ,,, th- N-itu,r Ttr- ,
union Tbl '.otter t proPly fraudulert i
rui mlKleaalnc. trurh trhap not Inten-
kaW (!i not Kn nrtrv ,,f dlr,. itr4.,.
and the fervire of Judce Nvl..e In furih
erlnc dslry lFllat!or Is trolly exatcer-t.-d
In th hWwtrl nine. ft r.n nf fhn nftMrn
r,i jbe National Dairy union, which If en-
tlrel non-rwrtlsan In w- work. 1 Know
that It ha taken no action whatever "e-
wtlnc ,hc car.diafcr, of ar)y T,erM(n ai
that nvitht-r Krlcht -.or an other ir-
arm ba the .Tithorlty to iii-e the name of .
' 'he National Wiry union to bolster up the
ranataary i juace reue or any oincr
f,Cfr, f the National Hairy union are
republirai. will vote the tralrht repute
Zt2 V' aVSi fllim,1,y Tdtv'' S1 LfrUi?'
Ucan succet-t. thl fall .nil alone the Hue t
re. esar tt. maintain the pp'on.lld
tniMness and economic cotdltion and thit
faj&r&n oPuTe .
ni,ie conditions we had tri-.m l'J to i;T
We have escai-d from the "soun house
ra broucht Nul by su'-b allecej states
men af Rryan and Neville and no Ota'r-. -mat
Is intern t-d In brlmrinc about Its le-tur-
Uesides It Is a well known fact that effl
elent detrj" l-pislatlon has been champ.on-J
most efHdertly bv republicans and rHuh-
llcar. :ejwlrs The s-ronctst opposition 1..
su.-h lecislatior has aleayi" ben bas"1
upun the yp-ious plea ol states rttrhts ar.d
the r.nrti'f.r of cctt. mpeed oil ard
other yneclal tntererts of the south I stn-
cf-el hope tnat no iairvmun or frind if
a.ry ntres.s w-i! b .. .ived by Mr
Knicht let'er Ver trulv yours.
lr. Lease nt Itril riouri.
RCD CLOVI) Neb.. CK t tSpocial.i I
Mary Elliabeth Lease adressed a larpe j
and enthutlastir audience, mostly voter, j
la the opera house here Monday etealsc. 1
covertas tb campaiga 1s a masterly ma ri
ser and to the evident satisfaction of '
her hearers This mecttrR. romlac as it
did on the same evtaiac of the day she
spoke to a?res of people at Guide Rock. ,
atilr twelve ?ails distant sad to which - '
larce number of our people had rene. cad
the packe houe a w-eader
Webster county will cove a rood account
of ttslf on November 6
Political Dclcjint Ions rompnreil.
DVNBAR. Neb. Oct. SI (Special i Ia
coatrast to the delegation of elFhty-Sve
republiraas tc the rally at Nebraska City
Moaday fvenlnp. oae loae democrat went
dowa to the popocratlc rally at tbat place
last night. This is an Indication of how
the vote la Delaware precinct will co. 105
majority for the entire republlctan ticket, i
Mr. Lease Makes Prediction.
HOLDREGE Neb. Oct Jl (Special )-
Mary E Lease arrived here this morning
ronj ljM tmtt t0 TArzKOOd
ahe whs to deliver a political address in tbe I
evening In a brief interview at the Ar- j
llagtoa hotel here Mrs Lease predicted the
re-eieciloa o: rresiant McKlnley by a
Urgely Increased majority. She stated that
she bad been talking to unusually larr !
audiences dnrinr the present campairn '
and tbat nearly every meeting was fol
lowed by announcements of conversiccs
to McKlnley
Vchnrnun at lirnria,
GENEVA Neb . Oci Jl u'peclal I Ye.
terday President J G Sehurmas spoke to 1
large crowd here. About CK) met him tt ,
tbe depot, the Republican clnb. Rough I
Riders, members of the Grand Army of the '
Kepubllc aad Company G, with a number ,
of women aa.l altbcugb it raised r 11 tht
af'ernooc and evening stH! 'here were!
crowd in town la tbe evening speakisg
was in tbe court room aad the crowd lis
tesed till nearly mldalgbL The Imperial
anartrt entertained all la a happy scan
ner j
llnllj at liraTnard. I
BRAINARD. Neb.. Oct- 51 iSnacial.) I
Hon. F. N Prjt republican candidate for
ittomvy getiral. spoke to a Iatr-s4ad
audience at tbe opera house here laat olcnt.
Mr Prout ia a good speaker ana wa well
rocelved by all proitnt. Owing to tbe
heavy rc.n uid it.uddv mlt Im r ti,
' far are. -s ecald not turn out
Tear Ilxmii Populist Hill..
ciai 1 j.r. Bryant 01 Norfolk v . here
vesteruay and posted a lot af bills ad-
J t i to .uc
Awituit Secretin tf "n t: Ttlit 'a a 3ic
Crowd 7Lr.
l'lnt lot to tf rrm'r tbr Hrne.
fil f l:ltlnc loritj nnrl
llir fooStxhlM't nf l"nlnn
NOlPOUt. Neb. Xt SI 'Spec Al Tei
Sral. Man. Oeofpe I) Meikleiobn. h
lHant rtar of tr. addfetot4 oe-
f the larretM political ajsetiac InM la
S ci -folk Uiif raaaptlpa. Hi p-ci m
aloti ta line of mtioaal lues but did
not to-jch state i- we He compared Me
Klcley i ndtriBHtratioa with former ad
taiaiafa iona. sboalac prtat la'-rewiet of
pric under protection eoaapared with
f- trade prieec aad that it had cowe
f-o the poller of the republican party
He fbc c ! that the wares paid and labor
ctorlc 'i Mniar proteeioB have been dfaM
ht they sjiitsined under free traie aad
labor la te-tura baa eip-ader us wares In
t vyias AtBtricaa fans praJucs. Oood
waeea ipcreaee roeruaipttoB of ftrta pro
ducts and lacreaaed coosuaptloc aaakes
rood prica Cora today is worth twice
ahr.t It was ia UK htt one sad oar
half titter aa auca. bore are t per cent
hlcher a ad cattle n p .- buadrtdwelrbt
biSbr. He said cheap Urb wire makes
cheap hor. cheap lurcher snakes cheap
farms: cheap oarncs tcuke cheap bors$.
If the age-ork are paid ctod wages
the p-oduc- of their labor must be hlcber
aad food w?c pail t.-eadwiaaert mean
befer j-rv-e fo- farm prodacti. He stated
that the first p!aak acaiast illegitimate
cotntlsatioBi of capital la 'be platform of
aBy rr" writtea by McKialey. whes
chairman of the committee oa platform at
the national coaaeetion in He then
quoted MrKialey's tneeeace to the latt cos
rres reeaimeacltc Itris atlon ara.ost enm
btnatioBf ot capital for purpose of rais
ing prices aad preventing competition, uau
eaowed bow the platform of was car
ried oat in by the pa stare of the Saer
maa ant i-trust iav
1 the last cona-reai he aaid. a jotai
resolution as tstrojucc by the repjtllcass
for as ameadmeot to the censtituticB ririns
creator power 10 concret to oa
trusts The was supported by rrpublicaot
and opposed by democrats and populists aad
failed of paetare Mercer aad Burbett. re
publicaB. supported this measure while
Robinson. Stark. Neville aad Sutherland,
demo-rats and populists, opposed He
t-bowed tbat this artioo was followed by
the introduction of a bill ia the house by
republicans uoendmc the Sherman law aad
maktac lu provisionr more elective by
chan rl uc the maximum penalty to aiaimum
and tbat any one darnac-d by reason of
a rise la prie of any product eootrol!ej
by trusts shall rt-oer judemeat r,f at least
fIVi irrespective of tho damaces. iaeludlar
attorsty fees and costs
Touchlac imperialism, be showed that Mr
Klaley has controlled territory. ac?utre3
from Spain, as Jefferson coatrolle-i Louisi
ana. Jackoa Florida. Polk raltfernla wid
every othr pretldeat has coatrolled
Alaska That Instructions to the Philippine
commission had riven more freedom 'o tae
Inhabitants of these islands thaa Spain had
riven in SM yea.-.' that the election of Mc
Kialey and eadorsemeat of h! admlalstra
tloa would cause tnsurreetlci: to collapse
as did the rsbellloa aftr L'.acola t electloa.
tha-t Imperialism was a wornout cry raised
by the opposition siace the days of Wash
ington. Here he quoted Lincoln. 'There's
no dancer of the people loiar their liber
ties, this is the cry of demacocues and no
one will listen 'o it let the Ignorant." He
showed that Brysa's protectorates would
simply cive natives a rhaace to arm and
fort'fy themselves aad should any outbreak
orcur as in China forelcn powers would
look to Wasbiarton for restitution. He
showed that the charce made tbat McKlnley
endorsed slat err la the Sulu Islands was
fals and that he specifically directed Gen
eral Otu to Inform the sultan that that
part of Tae militarv agreement relattsr to
slavery was disapproved rs it was ab
solutely prohibited by the th rteeath amend
ment to the oons't'ution
Men Helled t pon to fnrri District
for I'nslnn Cnnrililnte run
no I tome.
LINCOLN. Oct H Special Telegram .
The Ptrst autrl-t fusloa cosrressloaa!
committee is discouraged over the pros
poets for Georre W Berre's ele'tloa. The
masagers this afteraooa were notified that
the Nebraska trip of Seaator Welllsgtoa.
bo was srheduled for six speeches la the
First district, had been canceled. The
fusloalfts. hid rlled oa hla to close tb
campairn. aad now that his dates have
been ctnreied they have riven up all
bop of carrytnr the district. Mr Bryaa
will deliver only one speech la the dis
trict, that one at Lincoln S o'rloeV Mon
day afteraooa
nepnbllean Doctrines Expounded.
SYRACUSE. Neb. Oct Rl (Special. 1
At the opera bous last aight occurred a
rppubl can rally, at wci'h Hon E C. Fitch
of Chicago. Hon. C H Dietrich, candi
date for governor, aad David Browa of
Nebraska City, candidate for float repre
sentative for Cass and Otoe counties, talked
to the people. The aight was dark aai
raiay. the mod la the roads was deep
bat la spite of all thit the turaout was
good tsd every seat was occupied. Mr
Fitch was introduced by Hoa O Home ta
a neat speech and tbe Chicago geallts&s
maintained his reputation as a convincing
rtump speaker. His comparison of lfcM
and 1MK) was a remarkable effort. The
cent learn is possessed of a clear, far
rei.cb.iag voice and it is a pleasure to
listen to him- His exposition of the Phil
ippine. 1 run and militarism questions d
noted ibe careful student of public ques
tions. He fully answered Min arguments
advanced by Senator Alien at this place s
few days aga
Mr. Dletricl surprised everybody by the
force of bis remarks, their perfect fltaeas
ta the situation and proved beyond a
shadow of a doubt tbat he is tbe right mea
for ibe place. He exhibited that he was
uabuorf with srerllng good sense. Mr. Diet
rich rii accorded hearty rppltuse and all
were glad to see and hear tbe next gav
rraor. David Brown, ga old eittiea of
forty years, rev briefly the situa
tion and severely triiMscd aome of tb
fuaioa Uetica ued 'o defeat Mr. Dietrich
and proved them to be mere emanations oj
the slander mill new helnr overworked by
uowrupulou- fuaic diets.
J ude Tucker on Cnnjpaiun Issues.
NAPONKE. Neb.. O- si .Special -Altbouch
tbe weather was very unfavor
able. Judge Tucker jI Humboldt spoke t
a crowded kotup a' this place Mondav
erentag H held his audience for ever
two boars while be dtaused the paramouct
uteae. ptoaper'ty or adversity Tbe judge
showed tbe fallacy of Bryan s paramount
issues and prove beyond question, by
qnottsc Bryas s own words, that these
fabrications were trumr.d up for this
seat-on stcly as something aew was needed
tq catch votes
After Judge Tucker s address the young
women ef the Bioommgton High school
delighted 'he audiea.e wi'h a number of
ttifi Juice Gailen a Icrmtr re ilitnt ef
r - ! t .'.t- ' r ' 1
,n trief 'b described i b bards h p
endured hy th early settler of -h es'-
rti country man of whom hf i a:' !
name Among thjse who hav by hons:y
prevrna'e and sterling tn'errrt i.r
fo" themselves the eteem of tb'r f;',rw-
be tnentend bit comrade it hard
ship and fc.f friend ta rrosper.-i- .
llastliies Man Mkr Anidatlt l)r.
Inc n iarn Prlnlt-il In the
j Wi.rld-llcrnlH.
! HASTING? Net. Oct. SI -.Spexntl .
The fcllowiar ai&davtt of Pred Butrirus of
thit place explode aaotber falsehood
' prcmulrated by the WarM-Herald
State of N'braalta. Cmtr c.f Adam. :
PrHl Butalme. blrr flrM duly sworn d
tKee and sav that he has been a recide-it
i.f the 'it f Hastlnc in nPl county ;nd
14a te and has lrn for tnlrteet iear last
Jinst That h M well nil 1 vreonllv c-
. quatrt'-'l with C. 11. Pfetrlclt republlca-i
candldat for poverimr; tlt he has real
what purports to I an laterrtew with him-
, lf and prints in the Omaha World
Herald of ih-' laue c-f October S. !. n
the seot.nd pace of .-sd letH . that h- i; i
t make the statenetit with which h' t
therein acered ted that he I r ; now a-id
never ha b-n a member of th 'Jermiti
If'are t.f Knlchts of Pythias an! heO no
hid nor Infljence in lt nrren't'W.n that
he tvr mad the statement to in person
that Mr Dvtrieh oondder- hlmswlf at"e
, German nor any te that h! esp1-
' etce with Mr Ptriob ha lrn that h '
a tralchtf'.rward. caraable bulres man
1 henen in all his deavUnrs with whom h
may have busine-- and p all his buH-x"
ep-rne and oVallnpe with the Mid '
! H Wetrlcb be bas always n trea ed
with falrne and ec-ttslderatlorv.
State of Nebraska. Adams C..urtj s
I'ersiona'.'y appeared before me a M Bern
hard, a notor public. In and for ail
curty Fred Butxtrus. known to m t.. be
the Identical person maltlnr th ff.rcoii
aSldavlt and uu-rtted aad made his at::
c'svlt that th fact therein cortalned sn
Notar Public.
epnper trj of liepnlillrnn lu)i
I'ancl ( rentes titneinent.
FREMONT. Neb Oct n .Sj-clal The
Icar account :o this mornlrg's Wcr'd-Hertll
of the big ' -.lush fund" which they claim
, has bees received from Chairman Haaaa by
I Treasurer L I) Richards of the republican
state central committee, has. created cob-
1 Ude.-able amusement amoac republicans
here, who remard it a. toe bic a fake to
f takea The writer evidently
did aot kaow that all moaeyt received aad
expended by the c&mpalga committee of
any party must pass through the binds of
the treasurer aad that be i. obliged to file
an account of the same with vouchers for
the amounts disbursed by him The re
publican tate committee has not had any
large s.ums at its. disposal durl&c this
campairn aad has never had over a few
dollars baltmcr on haad From all indica
tions the fusionlste have plenty of monev
Tbey have not bad many speakers out In
this count rv but have conducted a s'lll
hunt campairn aad -ery politician knows
tbat takes, money "If we had the mony
they appear to have.' said a prorrlnen'
republicaa politician today, ' we would to
sure of carrying the state and natioaal
ticket by big maJorl'ls."
The heavy rams of the past two days
, have prevented 'trmers'from husklac corn
plowing or dieting teivnfeaseq'.'eatly there
have been a few more farm hands la town
thaa usual on worVingtlajs but If the
World-Herald man was not a stranger he
would se that the buUcfof them were
men who had beta known, bj the towus-
' people hre for years Bf
-Mitnj- Nclcliliorlnt Town .loin in 11
Monster llepubllenn ltnll.
Gl'IDE ROCK. Neb. Oct SL (Special.)
Monday was the occasion of ont of tb
rreatest t.clitical demonstratioas ever held
in this part of the state and the stanch
republt ns of Guide Rrx fc aad vicinity aad
the sound money democrats who stand
with them are eongratula-'ng tbemselvcn
on the success of aa affur that was ar
ranged on about a week a notice A pa
vilion to accommodate S.ttrf) people was
hastily constructed, the McCook haad. the
MCook Drum corps the Rd Cloud quar
to' tb Bloomlcrtor Mtribiar club. Cap
tain Hollister's Rough Riders of Red Cloud
aad the Blcden band were secured as at
tractions aad In spite of unfavorable
weather ia the morcing when Mrs Lease
tepped 03 the platform shortly after aooa
the pavilion was filled to overflowing and
more than 1.60 people wbo could not Snd
scats crowded arouad the opea sides of tbe
pavilion aai as the weather rleared sbout
aooa it was -ttmatcd that there were T (Kn
people la the town before night The
tpeaklnr had been preceded by a rraed
parade by tbe binds, marching clubs and
companies of Rough Riders from Red
Cloud. C.arSeld and Guide Rock, and in tbe
evening this vias repeated, with tbe addition
of torrhlirhts rockets Roman candles, etc .
maklar a display that visitors from neigh
boring tnwss pronounced the best of the
campaiga to date This s the town aad
precinct that is credited with having over
fcrty democrats aad populists who will
vote the republicaa ticket aext Tuesday
Ills f ronrl Greets Carle;.
TBCVMSEH Neb. Ort SI. 1 Special I
Dlsrecardlrg a very ra'n coadltloa of the
weather a crowded house greeted Hoa Wil
liam Gurley of Omaba ia bis address here
last evealne. And tbe people feel amply
repaid for turning ou: aotwithstaadlag the
laclemext weather Mr Gurley is a very
laleated speaker Besides posserslag much
ability of aa oratorical character be is
also a rood logician and hat oa his tongue's
end a wonderful store of facts and firures
coaeeralsg political history tad is thor
oughly read oa the issues of the day. He
made a very able adlress and was ac
corded rouad after rot nd of applause from
t pleased audit-are
Itepnlillcan Meetlnc nt Molirnrn.
1 NIOBRARA. Neb. Oct. II. (Special r
Hons. W. s Summers aad John R. Hays
j spoke to a Urge audience tonight. Mr.
1 Sossaaers aroused a deep interest in the
, issue aad his Illustrations were to tbe
point and very telling- H was one of tbe
beat pe-, as ever delivered in Knox
I county. He was but or re Interrupted.
I when about fifty young people from a cos
I cert came ia. to Sad caly siaadisg room,
j A large torchlight procession paraded tb
streets is the cveslag headed by the band
Hulls at npf rlr.
Sl'PEMOR. Neb.. Oct. SL (Special I
Judge E M. Bartlett of Omaha and Hoa.
, S J Halner cf Aurora addressed a large
: audience at th opera bouse last night
I Judge Bartlett's renarks were mainly con
I filed to an expose of the boric of ' im
1 perial'sm' and to telling the truth about
' tbe trusts Mr Hcmer made an eveellent
speech In whi'b he tombed on all tbe d.s
1 pated issues cf tbe campaign
I mtie--pelmn n.
1 CENTRAL CITY Nel Oct tl (Special
, Te!eg-am 1 Varr ei st St Michael's rbjiee
j in this city thu mormnc. Rev Father
j Belfosse oSiclatmg. Dr Clement Stone c '
1 Doniphan and Miss Hasella Spelman cf
; this city The groom was bora is this
city and graduated from Creigfatsn Meli.a:
; college in tbe class of 1W The bride 11 cr
1 of our papular young ladies the da-.-ch-er
' of Courty Treasurer J P Spelman
Iv lan.oulder.
SIDNEY Neb Oct JL iSpecii, Te,e
1 gram At tbe borne of the bride s parecs
at Camp Clark Seb Mr Emmons V.vlan
let Bayari was married to Mai Buictc
- r ' V. T f it 7b
""- -4t ( . . :,cc-J a " K
M. tc tiii h -c of th j rb h"
pb tb ritf fitf Tb I Md l tfrr
pular m . t cf i-.f iS Vl f tbf
unittier enun r m llentj l.nln in
th- Output (Iter Itiet
tif IvtMt.
CINCINNATI. O Oj-t Si 1 Special Tele
cram 1 The Price Curreat says There is
aot much pain ta urrent movement of
bora Westers cV.ib for the week u
in.', compared with 4S? 000 the preceding
week aad nor. last year. Tae eicfat
months siace March 1 Indicate a total af
lt.JW.ot-o. or 7i.f more that the Price
Curreat lacomplete returaa aaeeested.
the total betar ;K.aoa ia ece of laat
year Promraeet place compare as fol
lows lWi. 1'
.LIKU'rt l.sW.-'t
.l..f l.a.
AMU .."
KaiMNae city .
t. Jo-eph ...
St Lout. ....
Indianapolis .
cettar Rapids
Sou City
St P-ul
tt rc-i t
M J- It.
ta ii
1 .!'
r. .
Sr. (
riv .
lileiulor mill I'lnnl.
HENHERSON Kv Ol SI -The grals
elfvator and plan: of a-on Waller & Co
was destroyed bj fre today entallmc a kiss
of IISOW lnurtare M
i'iiKi. ui;ti:k ti:Tiii.
War urlor Hrmemliered b the
(if nr ml itttx eru mcnt.
WASHINGTON. Oct SI 1 Special 1 The
following pensions he been granted
laeue o' October i:
Nebraska orlctna I James H Vancleate
Himer . ilenrv Harjr. Allen ii In-rf.-(-harl.
L--eder. (maha J'
Iowa 1 'rtclnal Oe'.rge W ireene. Mar-
shailtowti. K. Schmidt Lupfrte cttx
Seth H Curtis. Wasilnrt..r. ft.. David
V Dickey Marshal!!.-'- t'.. James S
leoe. Kectta. J J-see I.newell. Wellma;.
Sr. Iveanldas Kirkpatrlik. Belle Plalne
In. reas Andrew h Sh'tmati. Ccknluf
Junction. IS. Josej.h W David Ald-r. J'
Samuel W klinin V -itot. Luther V Wlnthrop. tK Ells5 M -re. Bej
!"td K4. Jtnp' M Frame I J
Edwin Rhe.df "n t itr.w 1:4 'a.rer I'f.
er V'Tf I
lrtlioiI. Mlshiips In rlon.
TRENT1"' N ?' J n -The Bc.s.rr. !
P.lshr;- . ' NJtb .dist E;ls - .pa . hur .
f Atr- ?. b-rir Us s-m:-ar -'..a i seji.n
h r. t ""d rp .r,c mutters that wil
m. ; r ! '-net : th T'.hmli.r '
tithr.;.s 1 t r.-sil. b'. 'b ri'fT.rert . -,f-r-..
'tr i , 'h. irtr ttw."n jai
n r ' r r i ; t, x- war
'1 linrsilnv nnd rrlda trr vpl to lie
I'eilr in olrl.ii. vlth VV li.l
WASHINGTON Oct 11 Fareraft for
Thursday and Frldav Nebraska Kansas. '
Wyoming aad Moataaa. fair. Thursday aad
Friday, variabl winds
Illinois fair ia tbe northwest, rata la
southwest portion. Thursday, cooler Fri-
day. fair to brisk northwesterly winds
Oklahoma and Indtan Territory, fair
Thursday aad probably Tridty variable
New Mexico fair aad warmer. Thursday.
t Friday, fair, variable viads.
1 Westera Texas, reaerally fair. Thursday '
1 and. Friday, warmer la northtra portion
1 Thursday
Eastern Texas, fair Thursday, with cos4er
I ia southern portloa. Frldaj. fair, fresh
northwesterly winds
! Miasouri and Iowa, fair in westera por
tion, rain and 'ooler :n eastern Thursday
Friday fair brisk northwesterly winds
North Dakota fair Thursday and Friday
westerly winds
South Dakota, fair Thursday aad Friday,
warmer In western port le a Tburslay, north- '
westerly winds '
l.ocnl llecnrd.
OMAHA. Vt SI -Official record of tern- '
pemture and precipitation compared with
the corresponding da of the last three
lH 1S&5 m:
Maximum temperature . il c & 5c
Minimum temperature 40 3D 3
Average temperature 41 cs i 41
Precipitation . M .cr. np t
Record of temperature and pr eel pita tier)
at Omaha for thla dav and since March 1
N..rsial temperature '
ficfi'ieni- fr th dj ;
Total exc-ess aince March 1
Normal prc-1 pita t ion w inch
Excess for the day . . . 4:, inch
Total ralnfa!' since March 1 f3 inche
Excey sir"e March 1 . ... Winches
Deficiency for cor pc-riod. l'S 4 4 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. ISSft S 10 Inches
Hepnrt from tntlnn nt P. l.
f h e t
-3 -s t
Us I
3 !: 7
4S 4C V
. 45 Tu
411 4 1
44 4
fVi If
t U t
. 42 e
7: 74 T
U 1
. 45 ri u
(S TO It
44 &s :i
4 10 i
. 4 65 IK.
. k a O'
. 71 7S 1
Omaha, cloudy
North Platte, cltar
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake, cloudy
Rapid City. c!ar
H-rnn clear
Williston. clear
Chicago, cloudy
St Loutr. cloudy
, St Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
: Kansas City, raining
. Helena, clear
Havre, clear
1 Bismarck, clear
I Galveston, cloudy
T Indicates trace of predpttaUon.
Local Porecast OfSrtal.
.Vcivcmbrr Arrragsi, 1
Tbe following data, covering a period of
twenty-nine years, have been complied from '
the weather bureau records at Omaha fori
the month of November.
Mean "r i...rmal temperature K degrees,. I
Tbr inirst mtmth w-as ihat nt lS4f. with 1
an average of 47 degrets Tbe cold est I
month wus that of IK with an average of j
J degrees The highe, t temperature was
S decree im November 1. lis" Tbe lowest I
temperature was n degree Below- rero on
November Tl. 17 Average date a which
1 "hilling '.ccirrej in autumn. Sep-;
t ember t'l Average .late on which laat
"killing" frost occurred in spring. April. Ii.
I Average for month. 1 OS inches.. Averace 1
number of day with .01 of an Inch or more,
I I Tbe greatest monthly precipitation was 1
I 4.J6 inches In 1S7 The least monthly pre-
clpltation wan .11 of an Inch in 134. Tbe '
1 greatest iroojnt of precipitation recorded
1 In any Jl consecutive houra was i.f$ inches
' on November T- and ifW The greatest
I amount of anowtaH re'.jrded la any Si aourr
' was irchea on November It MM.
Average t..mber of clear davs. U. partly !
cloiidv ds 1' i !. t.Jy da.s. t i
Tbe pre.!ir,g w.nJi have beer, from tte '
iii.r'rwi Th- velr.. ' , t the wild was Ii '
rr.le fem th- '.r'r.r;t or. S. emt'r '
r -st 1 ffl. ia:
Horsiord's Acid Phosphate
Taken just before retiring; quins the
nrrves, nouri&hgs the tired and con-
fused braia and indactr; refreihiag iJeej
OtsgvEt ti.-i aae H-risers I oa v-rapjer.
5:c Spefiroli: Parttlt izi BirbfCBs Art
Arras rod For.
.'lnlc. I'eastlni: nnd peeehtnaUlnic
W ill llrliis the Last Campnlcn ot
the I'Mftitleth Centurj
to an lind.
A special committee frost the Douglas
Coaaty Ceatral McKlaley and Roosevelt club
met yesterday to la; plaat for the a sal
ekmllltloii af republlcaaism oa the aight of
Notacaber I- The committee, composed of
M H Collins. M. J. Xcaaard aad R w.
Rl: hardsell, will have the co-ope ratio a af
the county csatral eommlttee and the ward
executive ofhecrs. The fuactiaa will ope
with a spectacular parade. 1b which every
ward aad p.-fctnet will be represented by
marching republicans, makiac up a column
af a: least &.M0 mea Their way will be
made bright with torches aad fireworks aa
emphatic with various aoiees reaching to
the limit of the explosive ordinance E&ch
ward club win meet at Its headquarter? aad
march to a readetvout not yet located
The commute bat secured the service
of tea bands and two drum corps, the more
distlsculthod of the latter beinc made up
of civil wtr veterans. The Omaba Guards
and Thurstoa RiSes U1 add a military
touch, and otter guests of the etening
will be flambeau clubs from Lincoln. Have
lock aad Council Bluffs aad a Rough Rider
company from Waerley. Three hundred
local trateliag men will be ia llae under
the direct loa of Prcttdest J L Houston of
the Traveling Men's Republican club with
other df.ega: ots from out of -.he cf The
plan of beading :hc parade with ? South
Omaha mruL'.ej icwbcy was a:adoned he
cause of the ex;e-'e-1 dir. and latnor and
It is p-ebat!c tta- ro -arrage wil ;.-eel.
the marchers fo- tt same reasor
The iro' t:rse a'ech
Pure Blood
V:th tr.ow.ni7 hea th a., tfc.njrs are
nothincaess and real are batt.ed
blessed n-ith perfect health are a constant Je i
tothena.!ve.Bad all around them The
which health alone can wttke permanent is
crown which raises a woman above ctie
women. Such leauty is always accompanied
by a sweet disposition, for snappishness
sure sirn of ill-health and ieaves it
quickly on the features.
It seems to be the fashion for women to
ignore health and sacrifice it to the l.tkie
every-day trials, or oSTer it up on the a.tir
of devotion to daily tasks Then saln
the nervous organization of women is con
stantly attacked by woman's natural ex
periences, so that it is practically impossi
ble for her to retain the beauty which
nature jrave her. unless she has discrisoi
natinp advice and nsrbt support
Dr. Greene's
for the Blood and Nerves
Tr.als and troubles are easi y overcome
tne women tvnose atrenptn s tie pen
strength of perfect health. I).-. Greene s
vura blood and nerve remedy, bridges
chasm that separates the sickly woman 1
happiness It fills her reins with blood
pure and clean.
Mr. WM E BosfE, of Farr.npton
Flushing. L. I . says .
" In regard to my-lf. I have suHered for
wjth diae. having tiea troablad wiih
vounes. fmale complaints, mdig-saon.
great weakn-i." and pr-tranon I did not
have strength to do mu'i of anyrhins Know
in; the great value of bltb "and treagtii
1 consulted dotors and tco many medi- .
ctn.. but thy all fml-d u cjt- me,
and I zrew wcirsr rcthrr than ,K"'r . -
1 hap;in?d to se in tb pa;.- bew ?l'
bio .i aai nerve musdy. wtvj d'ing m
r-Kormg to balth everrbadv wtc t'jok it.
and I thought I w ould trv a battle I uswi
it and to my surnn? 1 lgan to gain strength every dav ha tbanlr'-t: that I tri3 it '
It is (vrltinOv the most ex'-elleat toni' and strength cver I r-tirnrxifna it very highlv
and wuh that other pcopl- wbo are troubled in any -ki would tak- warning Lai use Ik" "
At all the stages of a woman s ife Dr Greene s Nervura blood and nerve
remedy, is shown u be efficient to ward oS the rcsuits of nervousness, or over
work, or impure blood From early girlho'ed to advatyed years, this world
renowned medicine builds up the forces destroyed by dseac. grief, or over
exertion, and the effects of this great medicine are quickly fe.t and permanently
retained. Let women guard well their health, and consult Dr. Oreene freely".
Kothmg they can possibly do will so surely keep them strong and well, or re
pair the exhaustion from acute illness, nothing will work so continually to the
preservation of beauty as the great health-giving Nervura Iir Greene's office
is at 35 West 14th Street. New York City, where he- may be consulted either by
personal call or by letter Women bit write in perfect confidence, and get
Dr. Greene's adncc free.
a woman's diary
of the weeks of terror and danger in the British
Legation while bombarded by Boxers and
Chinese soldiers. Mrs. Lowry, an American
missionary, wrote down from day to day what
took place, and vividly described the fears and
sufferings of that brave little band which with
stood the Tartar hordes with bravery, courage
and devotion never surpassed. As a simple
record of a critical period in modern history
this diary is a human document of the most
intense interest. Every page is a record that
will deeply impress every human heart. It
is true. It is terrible. It is instructive.
for November
$1.00 a Year
."-t s s.-ee-s we a ma teeth Son
f -e w .. j -ot Is sra.'t whi e the inartbe-s
nj their friends are setter w.:a de'.nipjt
tef roasted or the grcuaia x bari '
ai:y-Ire jiece wi, ro through w- h a
tbr-n coaoert priram from a raised ;
form aai a nun.r c' tet:-ainute a'
dreaaes from rroaa bc n.nns will fo,:cw
l.lvelj lcctlnt at 1 r n t j -l 1 1 Ii and
Xtnlnnt tililressf il ii lie
pnblioaii neaki-rs.
At a well attended Bei'iat of the Pclis
Republican club of the Seventh ward a
Twenty-sixth and Walnut street lat nicb
the pnncl;al s;eaker of tbe evening ws
Anton It da. who devoted bit time a
dlecussloa of the local issues, making
strong appeal to bis bearers to rite loya
support to tbe whole ticket, bat to make
eepecial elcrt for tbe aucc ea of tbe I. r 5
latlte and county tickets. He dwelt upcf
the good work Mr. Hose at r baa 4hh ; r
tbe Slavonic ritliena of Nebraelta. an '
stated that every mas of tbe race o ed b tr
a debt of gratitude, which should now he
repaid by loyal support of the caadkia'
of tbe republican party.
Speeches were made by Pfea M. Youngs
Vaclav Bureah. candidate for tbe lerlsU
ture and by Anton Kment. randMate for
member of tbe school bnard Mr. Kment
appealed to hi bearer to support even
nominee of tbe republican party fram th
top of tbe ticket to tbe last man on th
ballot Joeepb Lancer .-atdtdate for elector de
livered an address Hi Oermas. ta which he
dlcu!-ed the issue af the campaign a
length. howing the abaurdlty cf the tries
of lm;rtallstn and mlliurtem. Frank
Johnson. anJldate for aaaeasor spok'
Tor an appetiter cook's Imperial Ext-a
IiV? champagne leads aU For V years
has taken tbe lead fc r lit ..urity
Uri.n Itlnlrr (nnilclril.
VM;... .. t -Hurin Krl
" " ' 1 ' - ' 1. This is ir.
' -' ' . r f.. m , -ei.-d
osa r- e sraa araorasces fa-'e icto !?cjiJuuy caca who are
10 Cents a Copy
hat 3 exxxsjf ftA - i-rm