Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1900, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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favts sells glnss.
"Mr. Itlley," 0-cent cigar.
Ons nxturcfl and globes nt nlxby's
rino A. 11. C. bi "T. Noumuyer's hold.
Wcllmnn, scientific optlclnti. 409 H'dy.
Bchmldt's photos, new ami latest styles.
Cab. photos $1.50 doz. Williams, 611 Hdy.
W. J. llostcttrr. dentist, llaldwln block.
lamp's beer. Bnenko Hoysen, sole agent
J. C, &. XV Woolward, architects. 623 iwy.
Drink Utidwclser beer. U R,J?enfe''i',??
II. K. White, employment agency, 613 uay.
Letter!. Jeweler, optician. S3b
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Ward ei-
Utt& rooms. Mrs. Hutch.ns. 713
Hotith Scvchth street. .,.
Inhibit nr.d wile, of nitaon pictures.
Alexander Co . 33.1 liroadwn,
Get your work done at t uf popular bagle
laundry. 721 Hroadwuy. 'Phono Ul.
Plumbing done pro,,., t y nnA propf rl
Tel 6SI V 13, O son, WHJ Main si.
W. C Kste undertaker. 25 Pcaj street.
Telephones; Olllce. 37; residence. 33.
For rent, two furnished rmm. . Parlor
and bedroom, louth front, iff- itn "
i..( rlerk of tho district couri
A valuable horse I'c'n'j'f t
CollC. . . , --. T.tnr.
BThe'funeral of Matlliew IMward- bp
$?Et pftr&W id n win
be In Gieenc's eemetery.
A marriage license w'UM lrs,. yesterday
Vlen performed tho ceremony
... . i.. at. Herman
BoStyvii. fWa.nment
Ktf otSL WrlSTST whany'- oWr?
Itcconl Clerk Cheyne of the district court
rnJes. the number being somewhat below
tho average. ,, i
Tinrrv Itosenfcld's foot ball team defeated
iVub defeated tho First avenuo team by a
similar score. ,
George nones died yestewlny over ite nt
his home on Nineteenth avenue on Wk'1
street. Hired OS years. Three ncughters ant!
fm.r Vons survive him. Notice of funeral
Will bo given later.
Council lUuffB Ilebekah lodge No. J will
visit the South Omnlta lodge next I nlay
evonlngV Tho members will 1-ave their
tall I promptly at 7 p. m. to take tho car
for across tho river.
Tho mayor'H annual message to the city
council and nccomtmnylrig reports of tho
heads of tho several municipal departments
has made Its nppcarunco nt last from t he
printer and copies can bo secured at the
city clerk's office.
Letters of administration In the ?;ta,,J
of tho Into Mrs. Harriett King of Ilatcl
pell township were Issued yef.terday b
the clerk or tho district court to her son,
Charlen II. King, principal of tho schools
or Hattlo Crook, la.
rr,i. I f lnn trn C. Tl. Nlcliol-
pnn will bo held this afternoon at 2;30
o'clock Instead of 2 o'clock as previously
snnounced. from tho family residence, I5
riouth l'lrst street, lincrinom. win uo
Walnut 11111 cemetery.
A special meeting of Trim council No.
m. Knights and Ladles of Security, will
bo held Tuesday evening In the Itoyal Ar
canum hall. W. W. Hubbard, deputy na
tional president of tho order will be pres
ent and a degrco team will bo organised.
Howard Scott, charged with the larceny
of cloth from tho tailoring establishment
nf riori Ttnr- nn nrnadwav. was discharged
In police court yesterday morning on mo
tion of tho assistant county attorney, thero
being no evluelico to coniyjci mm wun mo
missing ciotu.
Aftor Investigating tho case of Mrs. Olt
rr,,. r. nf 1 ! n , 1 ,r vv nil, I rllliriri-ll with bellllT In
sane, tho commissioners yesterday decided
to leavo her for the present nt St. Uer
rant's hoi'pltal As soon as the proper ar
rangements can bo made, a marrlea uaugu
ter has agreed to take care of her.
J; a. Cramer, nrrestcd Thursday night
for being drunk, sobered up sufficiently
vesterday to complain to the police that
he had been lobbed of a gold watch and
chain while taking In the sights of tho city
tho night ho fell by tho wayside. He
thinks tho timepiece was absttacted from
ills pocKet in a saloon on nroauway.
Mrs. Addlo M, Morris, wife or Georgo n.
Morris died yesterday morning nt St.
Jleornard's hospital, aged 67 years. Ho
eldeti her husband she leaves two daugn
ters and one son. Tho funeral will bo held
Monday morning nt U o'clock front the
residence. IS North First street, and Inter
ment will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery.
Captain K. I Martin, who for the last
Hght years has been employed with tho
CMcnpo. Mtlwnukco & 8t. Paul railway aa
special night officer at the local depot, has
severed his connection with thnt company
to accept a position as claim agent of the
?'runslt comimny nt St. I.o.tls, Mo, He left
or his new homo yesterday and his family
will follow In u few days.
Never has a moro wholesrunn play, more
Intelligently acted, come to this city, than
Charles W. Chase's dramatization of "Quo
Vndls." which will bo presented by Alden
Jlenedlct's capable company nt tiio I'o
lany theater tonight, '('he play lw of In
terest not only to those who havo rend
fllenklewlcz's wonderful story, from which
t has been dramatized, 'or It has been so
nrranged that anybody can follow Its trend
unflorstnndlnKly throughout. Its sceuoty
nd stago settings are beautiful nnd ap
propriate nnd the costumes correspond
faithfully with tho period. Kverywhero
perple attend this performance who tcldont
enter n playhoum and none havo been
heard of who have regretted being prcsunt.
Wo nredlct for tho company In this cltv
one of yio most Eueccssful engagement:)
or mo scaoon,
N. . numbing Co,, telephone 250.
For this week nnd for cash only we will
soli a $22 bedroom set for $1S. Wo must
havo tho room for our Christmas goods
that nro arriving dally. Koller & Hand,
407 Drondway.
Domestic soap has no equal.
Fleece Lined v
Slipper Soles
15 Cts.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
anu lowa. Jamea n, unsauy, jr.
i.v .Main at , council iiiurrs.
Save Your Money;
1 With the
iaa iarl street, Coauull Hlaa, la
F W. liallitrt wll enve tins morm iK ...
Iowa City ' wl ero ho has been called by a
Thero will bo ft special meeting or lvin:
Z, llnmcst'aft No. 391, motherhood of
Court Holds Against Their Position on
Naturalized Citizens.
Embargo I.nlil on Foreign-Horn Vot
ers Is Itcmoved hr a Manilnnuin
Which Olvrs Cltlsens it
Itlicltt to Vote.
Judge Aylcsworth of tho superior court
lfltued yesterday afternoon, on application
of Louis Krese, a .writ of mandamus com
pelling Fritz Frohardt and D. J. Whlttnkcr,
the registrars In the Second precinct of tiio
Fourth ward, to enter the applicants name
ou. the registration lists, notwithstanding
the fact that he nas a naturalized cltlarn
and had forgotten tho exact ditto of his
naturalization papers, which he had either
mislaid or lost. This was tho test case
brought as the outcome of the refusal of
the registration boards throughout the city
Friday to register any foreign-born citizen
unlets ho was able to give tho exact date
of his papers or product the papers them
selves. Assistant County Attorney Kimball and
Justice of tho Peace Fcrrlcr appeared for
Frcee, while City Clerk Phillips was pres
ent on behalf of the registrars throughout
the city. In presenting tho caso of tho
applicant the assistant county nttorucy
tcok tho position' that whllo the question
at bar had not been passed upon by the
lowa supreme court, tho supremo court of
Michigan had held a law void which re
quired a naturalized voter to provo tho
date of his papers and place of naturaliza
tion, because nil that could be constitu
tionally required of such a voter would be
his oath that ho was a citizen of the United
States, as Is required of native-born citi
On behalf of the registrars It was con
tended that the law of this state evidently
required where a foreign-born voter could
not swear as to the exact date and place
ho received his naturalization papers that
he should produce them before the reg
istrars could placo his name on tho voting
Another big bargain for cash. A $2.75
rocker goes for 11.75 for this week only.
Keller & Band, 407 Broadway,
Most for your money Domestic loap.
District Court Nntrs.
Judge Macy adjourned district court
yesterday morning until Monday and left
last evening for Harlan to spend Sunday
with his family. Tho arguments In tho
suit of B. W. Nash against tho Union Land
nnd Improvement company will bo com
pleted Tuesday morning.
Yosterday was tho last day for filing
suits for tho November term of district
court nnd a largo number of cases were
entered. '
Tho City of Council Bluffs was made de
fendant In four personal Injury damage
suits brought by members of a party of
Omaha people who on tho night of July
16 were overturned In n carryall on Broad
way near the Thirteenth street brldgo, tho
accident being tho result of tho bad con
dition of the street at that time. The
plaintiffs nnd tho amounts of their claims
are ns follows: Chauncey D. Wilson,
$2,000; Loulso Smith, $2,000; Jesslo O. Itoz
zelle, $2,500; Gideon It. Sutherland, $1,000.
R. E. Itodd filed a petition for divorce
from Josephlno Rodd, whom he married In
Toledo, O., Mny 24, 1898. Ho says she de
serted him five months after their mar
riage. Mrs. Iva Suit asks for n divorce from
John Suit, whom sho married In Omnha
March 17, 1890. She alleges that her hus
band's partiality for strong drink is the
causo of her troubles nnd asks that she
be nwnrded the custody of their nvo minor
Mrs. Almcda J. Wise says her husband,
Wlllard A. Wise, has treated her In a
cruel and Inhuman manner and wants n
divorce. They were married In Lincoln,
Neb., November 3, 1886.
Tmoas D. Thompson commenced suit
against the Woman's Christian association
to recover damages placed at $500 for alleged
injury to .his wife, whllo under treatment
ut tho association's hospital. Mrs. Thomp
son engaged an attorney to bring suit on
her own behalf, but the caso was settled
by the association beforo tho petition was
A motion for n new trial In the divorce
suit of W. A. Peterson against Maggie
Peterson was filed In the district court yes
terday. At the hearing hold at this term
Judgo Macy refused tho divorce.
John Hayes filed original notice of suit
In tho district court yesterday against tho
Chicago & Northwestern Railway company
to recover $1,993, for .alleged personal In
juries. The notice sots forth that he was
Injured by a loose bolt flying against hli
How's this for a cash bargain for this
week only? A, $23 sideboard for $16. Keller
& Band, 407 Broadway.
Premiums given with Domestic soap.
Heavy Henlstrallon llecordrd.
Tho result of the first three days' reg
Istratlon Indicates a very largo vote for
this year. The registration yesterday was
honvy In all of tho precincts and when tho
books were closed at 9 o'clock Inst night
they showed that 4,752 had been registered
up to date. Tho registrars will sit again
next Saturday for the fast timo except
on election day, when they will bo In ses
slou for the purpose only of registering
those votors who happened to be out of
the city on the regulnr days appointed for
registration. The registration by pre
cincts follows, that of tho Second precinct
of the Sixth ward being estimated:
First ward. First nreclnct 421
First ward, Second precinct.... 470
Second ward, First precinct 4C3
Second ward. Second nreclnct 471
Third ward, First precinct 337
iniru wnru, oeeonu precinct , 402
rourin warn, r irsi precinci 358
Fourth ward. Second precinct 3(10
Fifth ward. First nreclnct r.Tk
Fifth ward, Second precinct 376
Sixth ward. First nreclnct , C6
Sixth ward, Second precinct 43
Totnl ,,...4,762
Attend M. W. A. dance, Hughes' hall,
Wednesday evening, October 31,
Best weight Domestic soap.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
More Hooni Needed.
"Had to havo moro room nnd more men,'
said Mr. E. S. Hicks, tho tnilor, at 13 Pearl
street, when asked concerning his recent
addition by which he has acquired the
room adjoining his place nnd which
doubles tho capacity of his tailoring estab
llshment, Mr. Hicks' business has been
constantly on th Increase nnd he now
omploys seven men. The Interior of his
place has been overhauled and the decor
ators have transformed It Into one of the
prettiest store rooms of Its kind In the
city. A large skylight has been added
which lights up tho interior of the building
to great advantage. Mr. Hicks' prosperity
Is due to turning out work that pleases
his customers and In being a thorough
master f that business ho has acquired
a patronage that extends to alt parts of
tho city.
(All grocers sell Domestic soap. .
Church Notes.
St. Paul's Episcopal church, Rev. George
I'M ward Walk, rector. St. Simon and St.
Judo's day. Holy communion t 8 a. m.;
morning prayer and sermon nt 10:30
o'clock. Kvcnlng prayer nnd sermon at
7M3 o'clock.
Services at Orace Kplscopal church to
day will bo as follows: Sunday school at
9:45 n. m.; morning prayer and sermon
at 11 o'clock; evening prayer and sermon
nt 7:30 o'clock. The rector, Ilov. H. I..
Knox, will preach at both services.
At tho First Congregational church at
10:30 o'clock this morning tho pastor, Ilov.
J. W. Wilson, will preach on "Tho Min
istry of Personal Influence." At tho even
ing worship at 7,:30 o'clock his subject
will ho "Tho Crisis for tho Church In
China." Sunday school will bo nt noon
nnd Christian Kudeavor society meotlng
at 6:30 p. in.
Tho First Church of .Christ. Bcjentlst, will
hold services this morning at 10:45 o'clock
at room 401 in the Sapp building. The
experience meeting will bo held Wednesday
at 8 p. m.
Domestic soap gives best satisfaction.
South UinnliR Defeated.
The boys of South Omaha High school
proved no match on tho Driving park
gridiron yesterday afternoon for the Council
niuds High school foot ball tennv The
Muffs boys simply played nil around theni
at every point of tho gnino.nnd when time
was called at tho closo of the second half,
tho gamo stood 27 to 0 in favor of tho home
team. Tho principal play for. the Bluffs
team was dono by Dlngmdn, Treynor and
Aylcsworth, Dlngmnn especially making
tome- pretty runs. Four of the touchdowns
were earned by him.
Tho lineup was ns follows:
Council Dluffs. Positions. South Omaha.
Kettrlng Left end Foot
Fcrron Left tacklo Rout
Cochran Loft guard Orchard
Brunlng Center.... Gray
Campbell Ittght guard BaumletH
Ball Itight tackle Coo
Orason Right end Conroy
Benjamin Quarterback Lott
Dlngmnn Left half Plerco
Treynor Itight half White
Aylcsworth Fullback Lefler
Tho organ In the window of the Bourlclus
Music liouso will bo ono dollar less each
day It stands there. 835 Broadway, where
tho organ stands upon tho building.
Ileal 1nlnln Transfers.
The following transfers woro filed yester
day In the abstnet, tltlo nnd lonn olllce of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pcnrl street:
C. 11. Altchlson to Western Town Lot
comnanv. lot 1. block 17. Hall's addf
s w d $
F. F. Everest nnd wife to C. n. Altch
lson. lot 1, block 17. Hall's odd, s w A
County treasurer to First National
bank of Council Bluffs, lot 6. block
O. Curtis & Ramsey's add. tax d....
Wll!inm Tatro and wlfo to Fred II. C.
Nlehaus, o swU 21-75-41, w d 4,000
Fanny E. Nuzum and husband to
Frederick Ford, part neVi ne'i 25-77-
43, vr d 400
E. H. Lougeo nnd F. J. Day to Lena .
G. Hrockmau, nV4 no'.i 10-71-41, deed.. 4,000
Six transfers, aggregating, $8,8U
District .Sunday School.
A district Sunday school convention will
bo held this afternoon at tho Woodbury
school on South avenue, commencing at
S o'clock. This will be tho program:
Thrco o'clock, tho lesson by classes; 3:15,
children's meeting, led by F. L. Evans;
35, short talk on normal work, Mrs, C.
P. Shepard; 3:45, singing by tho school;
"Tho Sunday School nn Opportunity,"
II. W. Hazelton; 4:15, short talks by Stin-
day school workers.
Pnsscnirer Trains Collide.
Tho first section of the Union Pacific
passenger train No. 6 ran Into the rear
end of the Northwestern local passenger
No. H at tho transfer last night. Tho
Union Pacific engine had Its pilot torn oft.
whllo ono of tho Northwestern's coaches
was somowhat damaged. Engineer Hollen
boclc of tho Union Pacific was somewhat
bruised, but was ablo to continue his run.
Davis sells paint.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colas.
Soclnl TidtM at tlie Week.
Miss Mumo DcVol of Bluff street has rone
to Chicago.
Tho Whist club met with Mrs. Fred Hill
on Tuesdny.
Mrs. Bench of Avenuo E Is entertalntnir
Mrs. HewKt of Des Moines.
Miss Mlnnlo Wentherbce is home from a
four months' European trip.
Mrs. V. A. Street entcrtnlned the Oakland
Avenuo club Friday afternoon.
Miss Edna Snyder left Tuesday for Cali
fornia to spend tho winter with her mother.
Miss Klnsler of Omnha was the Kiiest last
week or Mrs. J. N. CaBady, Jr of Oakland
Mrs. II. H. Van Brunt nnd sister. Mrs.
Downing, loft Friday evening' for a visit to
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Cosndv. tr.. enter
tained at dinner Monday for Mr. and Mrs.
J. Stafford of St. Louis.
Mrs. C. A. Atkins or Fcnrth street en
tcrtnlned Inst evening1 for her niece, MUs
iiion j.umer, in Honor or, ner mrinaay.
Mrs. D, J. Rockwell entertained Wednes
day night tnrormally r i.umber of friends
at a musicnie. iielreshments were served
Mr. and Mrs. Aueust Miller of Dcnnlscm
nrrlved yesterday on a short visit to Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Baker or North Seventh
Mrs. Nat Shenard entertained at a eoursn
lunch Friday for Mrs. Hewitt. Covers wero
laid for twelve. Tho afternoon was spent
wnn music.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Thorn or Avenue Tl
nre entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Armur or uowttt, in., nnd. Mrs. K. II
Thornburgh or Portland, Ore.
Mrs. Wood Allen entertained the Hnmll.
ton Euchro club Monday arternoon. Miss
Key won tho prize. Mrs. Victor E. Vender
wm cniortain xne riuu mis weeK.
Tho Derthlok nlub. whleh nrnml tn Via
a prominent rnctor tn tho scclal world thts
winter, win Kivo lis nrst nuuuo miiBieiie
tomorrow evening at the Itoyal Arcanum
Tho Elite Dancing club gave another or
Its onjoyablo dancing assemblies last
Thursday night at Odd Fellows' hall. A
miinucr oi guesis irom umana wcro pros
Misses Mlnnlo and Lizzie Drnltn tvIII i,iv
this morning for a week's trip to Bluo
Earth nnd Elmore, Minn., and Algonn, la.
They nro to take prominent parts In
musical entertainments to be given In theso
cities this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fuso entertained nt
their home. 1525 Avenue B. Wednenday
evening In honor of Mra. Fuse's birthday.
Tho narlors were prettily decorated with
cut flowers nnd ferns nnd refreshments
woro servpd during the' evening.
Miss Mlgnon Slaynnrd wbb pleasantly
surprised by a number of her friends last
edncsday evening, the ocjnslon being her
birthday anniversary. The evening w.n
enJoyably spent with music and rards and
dainty refreshments were served,
The entertainment nnd dance given Fri
day night at Royal Arcanum hall by the
young women or the Flower mission
brought out society In full force. During
tho dance about loo couple were on ihe
floor nnd tho affair proved mort succeau
rul In every rcEpcct.
Mrs, W. J, Davenport and Mrs. Anna
Albright entertained at euchre Thursd.xy
afternoon nt the home of the former. There
were fourteen tnbles. No prizes were
given, but each ot tho gucstH received
dainty ravors. Rcrreshments wero Eervcd
during the course or Jho games. The roomi
woro darkened and a prettv effect obtnliifd
by the red lamp shades. Palms nnd ferns
In profusion formed the decorntlorts.
Mrs, Eldln II, Lougee entertained hand
somely Thursdny afternoon for Mrs. J. D.
Edmundson, who will shortly remove to
Des Molnon, Euchre was played, thero
btlnc clven tables. The ortiM wtra woa
by Mrs. Atkins nnd Mrs. DeVol. For those
who did not piny cards thtre was a guess
ing game, Mrs. T, D. Metcalf nnd ARM
Snde Fnrnworth carrying oft the prlzoi.
Tho rooms were beautifully decorated with
American Beauty and Meteor rosea and
ferns. Dainty refreshments were served.
William L. Thlckstun, teacher of piono,
802 Avenuo B. 'Phone 516.
I.orenco Stevens in Trial at Sioux City
U I'ound Utility of
SIOUX CITY, la,, Oct. 27. (Special Tel
egrom.)After deliberating twenty-four
hours tho Jury in the case of Lorenzo Ste
vens, chnrged with murder, returned a
verdict at 2:15 o'clock this nfternoon, find
ing tho prisoner guilty. The trial was
hnd nt Elk Point, S. D., near here. Ste
vens shot nnd killed Samuel Livingstone
who had dared to love Stevens' daughter
nnd asked tho old man for her hand. Tho
murder took plnco In n cornfield on Slo
vens' farm some weeks ngo. Tho trial
has been followed closely by people living
In this vicinity. When tho Jury returned
its verdict Stevens' wife and six children
wcro In tho court room nnd tho scene thoy
mado was a pitiful one. Tho penalty wbb
fixed at life imprisonment.
Renernua Offer from Slimmer.
FORT DODOE, la., Oct. 27. (Special.)
A. Slimmer of Waverly has Just made the
city of Fort Dodge an offer to donate $30,
000 for the erection of a city hospital. The
only conditions attending the gift aro that
tho city shall furnish another $50,000, to bo
devoted to tho purpose of a permanent fund
for tho hospital nnd that tho hospital service
shall bo free to persons of ull colors and
Mr. Slimmer Is a man of advanced age and
abundant means nnd is becoming well known
ns a philanthropist. In 1896 he mado a sim
ilar gift to the Flnley hospital at Dubuque,
which was ncccpted, and has resulted In the
erection of a handsome new building In that
The improvement is much needed In Fort
Dodge as the hospital accommodations at
preent are wholly Inadequate. Mr. sum
mer's offer is entirely unexpected, as he has
received no solicitation savo from prlvoto
Writ f Error Granted.
SIOUX CITY. Oct. 27. (Special.) The su
preme court of Iowa has granted a writ of
error whereby D. II. Talbot's suit against
tho Sioux National bank of Sioux City will
hn taken to tho federal court. Talbot
brought nctlons ngalnst both tho Sioux Na
ttonal bank and tho First National bank of
Sioux City and ho has been fighting tho
caso hard. Heretofore the banks havo got
tho best of tho litigation. In 1890 Talbot
borrowed $28,000 from the Sioux National,
and he previously had borrowed $70,000 from
the First National. The loans were secured
by mortgages on Mr. Talbot's large farm
near this city. Tho banks foreclosed the
mortagages because of non-payment of In
terest. Now Talbot charges thera with
Unearth Woman's Skeleton.
FORT DODOE, la., Oct. 27. (Special Tel
egrora.) Street Commissioner Welch un
earthed a skeleton of a woman whllo his
force was working on Eighth street this
rooming. Every vestlgo or flesh and cloth
ing had disappeared and nothing remained
hut bones and an abundance ot long light
hair. The find crented considerable of' a
sensation until later developments indi
cated that this portion of the atreet wan
formerly a Catholic cemetery and tho skele
ton was that ot one of the bodies not ro
moved when the location was changed.
Hlonx City' Itcalntratlon.
SIOUX CITY, Oct. 27. The third day of
registration closed tonight with a total
of 6,600 voters' names on the books. This
is 1,000 more than for the corresponding
three days In 1896 and 200 moro than tho
registration for that year and 345 moro
than tho entire vote of Sioux City in 1890.
The republican county comraltteo estimates
that Sioux City will go for McKlnley by
more than 2,000 votes. According to Its
books 2,800 voters are yet to be registered,
as It has 0,480 bona fide names and ad
dresses scheduled.
Jnmp from Hotel Window,
SIOUX CITV. Oct. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) O. H. Brown, nn employe nt the
Hotol Mondaraln, deliberately Jumped out
or a second story window of tho hotel at
12:40 o'clock this afternoon. He struck on
his head and fractured the base of his
skull. He was picked up and taken to the
police station, where be died at 1 o'clock.
Tho rash act Is said to have been tho
result of a drunk. Brown was a baker by
trade and was 35 years old.
A flew Catarrh Cure Secure Xat tonal
Popularity In Less Than One Year.
Throughout a great nation ot eighty mil
lion It is a desperate struggle to secure even
a recognition for a new article to say noth
ing of achieving popular favor, and yet
within one year Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, tho
now catarrh euro, has mot with such suc
cess that today It can be found in eveo
drug store throughout the United States and
To bo sure, a large amount of advertising
was nocestary In tho first Instance to bring
tho remedy to tho attention of the public
but every one ramtliar with the subjoct
knows that advertising alone never mnde
any article permanently successful. It must
havo In addition absolute, undeniable merit,
and this tho new catarrh euro certainly pos
sesses In a marked degree.
Physicians, who formerly depended upon
Inhalers, sprays and local washes or oint
ments now use Stuart's Catarrh Tablets be
cause, as one of tho moat promlnont stated,
theso tablots contain in pleasant, conven
ient form all the really efficient catarrh rem
edies, such ns red gum, Guaacol, Eucalyptoi,
and Sanguinarla.
They contain no cocaine nor opiate, ana
aro given to llttlo children with entire safe
ty and benefit.
Dr. J. J. Roitlger, of Covington. Kr.. savs:
I suffered from catarrh la my hoad and
throat every fall, with stoppage of the noe
and irritation In the throat affecting ra
voice and often extending to the stomach,
cnuslng catarrh of the stomach. I bought a
fifty-cent package of Stuart's Catarrh Tab
lets at my druggist's, carried them In m
pocket nnd used them falthrully, and. th
way in which they cleared my head ana
throat was certainly remarkable. I had no
catarrh last winter and spring and con
sider my self entirely freo from any ca
tarrhal trouble. .
Mrs. Jeromo Ellison, of Wheellnir. w.
,Va., writes: I suffered from catarrh nearly
my wnoio me nna last winter my two cbh
dren also suffered from catarrhal colds ana
orohroat bo much they wero out of school
a largo portion of tho winter. My brothe
who was cured of catarrhal deafness by us
ing Sutart's Catarrh Tablets urged mo to
try thorn so much that I did so and am truly
thankful tor what they have done for myselr
nnd my children. I always keep a box of tb
tablets In the house and at the first ap.
pearance of a cold or sore throat we nip It
In the bud nnd catarrh Is no longer a house,
hold affliction with us,
Full sized packages of Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets are sold for fifty cents at all drug-gilt.
Largo Number of Student at Ames Suffer
ing from tho Disease.
Old Agrlcnltnral Ilullilliiir Una IJeen
CoMTerted Into a Hosiiltnl One
I'nllent linn Died nnd Number
Are In Critical Condition.
DES MOINES, Oct. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Secrutury Kennedy of tho State
Board ot Health returned today from Ames,
whero ho went to lnvcstlgato tho causo
for tho epidemic or typhoid fever that Is
reported from tho Statu Agricultural col
lege. Dr. Kennedy said: "I mado a thor
ough examination and brought homo with
mo samples of tho water supply of the
college, which will bo examined by tho
chemist and bacteriologist of tho stato
board. This water was examined by tho
professors at tho college, but the manage
ment asked that tho stato board mako a
second examination for tho purposo of con
firming results ulrendy obtained."
Asked it he had any well grounded opin
ions ns to tho causo of tho rover. Dr. Ken
nedy said thero wan no doubt In his mind
tho troublo was caused by milk furnished
tho Institution by a farmer In whose fam
ily wero 'cases of typhoid. Ho said: "Tho
number of patlonts has reached fifty-five.
Of this number ten havo been sent to tholr
homos In various cities and the others are
being woll cared for nt tho college. The
old ngrlculturnl building hns been con
verted Into a hospital, the regular hos
pital building Is undergoing repairs, and
tho best ot caro and nttcntlon Is being
given to all. Ono patient has died and
three others are In a very critical condi
tion, with tho chnncea ngalnst their recov
ery. One bad feature of tho situation is
that the patients with few exceptions have
not yet reached tho critical stago of the
disease and tho fatalities yet to como aro
n matter of uncertainty. But Sho faculty
is doing all that can be dono and we can
only hope for tho best."
Trying to Corner Harris.
Creditors of C. A. Harris, who recently
filed a petition in bankruptcy, aro demand
ing to know what ho did with $8,300 which
ho Is known to have had on hand prior to
tho court's declaring him a bankrupt. At
the time Harris sworo ho hnd lost the
amount on the board of trado through B.
1j. Johnson, a commission merchant doing
business In the Chicago bank building.
Attorneys looking nftor tho interests of
tho Stoncr Wnll Paper company of this
city and the Natlonnl'Wall Paper houso of
Chicago claim to have found cvldenco to
show .that there Is no such person as B,
L. Johnson In tho commission, business.
It Is nleo shown that thero is no such
building ns the Chicago bank building in
Chicago. Tho defensn of Harris will llo
In an effort to provo that his money wns
lost as he bwoto it was and it there Is no
such party In Chicago then tho Des Moines
man was duped and deceived by a party
representing himself as B. L. Johnson and
a plunger on the board of trade.
At today's session of tho state Bpworth
league convention the officers recommended
last night by tho nominating committee
wcro elected without contest. The pro-!
posed change from annual to biennial con
ventions was voted down. Tho noxt meet
ing place was left to tho new ofllcers. The
meotlng will probably be held In southern
Iowa. Des Moines will not bo n candidate
The business was concluded today, but the
convention will not close until tomorrow
Came. Near Dying.
"For threo days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack ot cholora
morbus brought on by eating cucum
bors, " says M. E. Lowther, clerk of tho
district court, Centcrvlllo, la. "I thought
I should 'surely die and tried a dozen
different medicines, but all to no purpose.
I sent for n bottlo of Chamberlain's Collc1
Cholera and Diarrhoea Iioraedy nnd three
doses relieved rao entirely. 1 wont to
sleep nnd did not awake fcr eight hours.
On nwnkcnlng a fow hours ago I felt so
gratified that the first work I do on going
to the office is to wr,lto to the manu
facturers of this remedy and offer them
my grateful thanks nnd say: 'Ood bless
you and tho splondid medicine you make.' "
Ilond or Accused KorBers Tlared at
Ten Thousand Dollars Each
Jty the Magistrate.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Magistrate Braun
announced his doclslon today In tho caso
of Albert T. Patrick nnd Charles F. Jones,
counsel nnd private secretary, respectively,
for the late William T. nico, holding them
to nwalt tho action of tho grand Jury.
Bail was fixed at $10,000 ench. Tho two
prisoners nro charged with having forged
tho signature of Mr. Rice, who died In his
apartments In Madison avenuo under
strange circumstances, to a check for
$26,000 drawn on tho jmnking firm or swon
son & Sons. The check was made payable
to Mr. Patrick.
The check was presented at the bask for
certification and, owing to an error In tho
spelling of Patrick's name, held up by tho
bank's employes. Inquiry at tho homo of
Mr. Rico by telephone disclosed tho fact
that Mr. Rice had died tho day before tho
check was presented.
North Ilnkotn Man Captured vrltli III
Little stake of lfiir.0,000
In Cold.
TACOMA, Wash., Oct. 27. Tho transport
Lawson brings advices that tho special
United States marshal who was sent from
San Francisco by the circuit court to arrest
Receiver Alexander McKcnzle of North Da
koto, has made the arrest and taken charge
of $250,000 of gold which McKenzIo had In
his possession. It is expected McKenzIo
will bo brought down on the Roanoke.
ritttrsed Woman with Kllllutf.
SPOKANH, Wash.. Oct. 27 -Bertha War
drum has been arrested hv Sheriff Cole
a warrant for manslaughter, charged' with
Did you ever try
the ONE-PRICE Shoe Store
when you wanted shoes.
Goodi shoes one price to all. Try him he
wants your trade.
Art Garland
are Just what you want to keep peace In the family. Do not annoy your
wlfo by using Inferior goods. We guarantee the nickel not to tarnish. It
Is tho most economical, durable and finest In design.
Estate Onks and Magic Estate Hot Blast for soft coal,
and will pay for themselves In a chort timo.
T J-o rrk r Broadway,
Telephone 87.
Our Customers
H. Stephenson, 2319 So. 9th sL
Conrad Dcstman, 820 Ave. H.
T. H. Riley, 615 7th nvo.
W. H. Ferguson, 616 N. 7th st.
J. H. Arthur, Washington ave and 2nd st.
W. R. Dalbey, 615 Main st.
J. J. Ferguson, 927 3rd ave.
Mr. Maybeo, Oakland ave.
A. P. Reeves, Silver City, la.
With No. 163 Favorite Base-burner,
heated flvo rooms from October 1st, till
May and only burned 2V4 tons hard coal.
Kept all doors open tho whole winter.
Ono room 12x19; ono room 12x14; two
rooms 10x12; one room 10x10.
120 Sheets of Writing Paper for 10c.
Just to ndvcrtlso our stationery department good folded note pnpnr, the klmj
sold elsewhere nt nbout bIx to twolvo slieets ror 6 cents, next week we will sell
the full quarter ream packages, 120 sheets, for 10 ccijts.
Fools' Cap, :iU slicelM, for Klc.
I.raal Cap, .'1(1 sheets, (or Klc.
tho bush, Wo talk plain English, and we
hnndsomo Slue Dress, with a solid gold laid carbon Diamond Breast lln, which wo
give absolutely free to every pcrfon answering this advertisement who sells only tl
boxes of our Now Ilfo Tablets, the flnoot blood, liver and kidney medicine ever dli
covered, at 25c a box. If you will agree to do this, order Tablets today and we will
send them by mall, when sold you send us tho money and we send you this handsome
present exactly as we agree same day money is received, Wo make this i.xtrnnrdl
nary Inducement to convlnco you wo havo tho best cure on earth and It you comply
with our offer we shall tend you; tho Silk Dress, full 10 to 15 yards, any color you
dnnlro, will bo given absolutely freo. You tnke no chance. Don't pay out your good
money tor a Silk Dress while you can j?et one Freo for selling our remedies. Ad
dress Leonnrd Medlclno Co., Knnsas City, Kan.
Rate I
and all other VERMIN, leaving
no odor. " At
all dealers, 2Gc
a box.
performing a crlmlnnl operation and caus
ing tho death of Miss Clara A. Wegnor of
Spraguo. Wash Miss Wagner died In
Bnoknno on October 19. It is alleged that
the girl had been enred for 'at the houso
of Mrs. Berthn Wardrum, a mid wire, and
that the body was embalmed, Mrs. Jr
(lrum said the woman had died or typhoid
fever. The denth certificate wus signed by
Mrs. Wardrum.
Itubbed the travc.
A startling Incident Is narrated by John
Oliver of Philadelphia, ns follows: I was
In an awful condition. My skin was almost
yellow, yes sunken, tongue coated, pain
continually In back and sides, no appetite,
growing weaker day by day. Throe Physi
cians had glvon me up. Then I was ad
vised to uso Eloctric Bitters; to ray great
Joy, the first bottlo made a decided Im
provement. I continued tholr uso for threo
weeks nnd am now a well man. I know
they robed tho grave ot another victim."
No ono should fall to 'try them. Only SOc,
guaruiitood, at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. ,
.Movement" of Oceun Venue!, Oct. U7.
At Now York Arrived IAquitnlne, from
Havre; New York, rrom Southampton,
Bailed Patricia, ror Hamburg, via Ply
mouth and Cherbourg; Minneapolis, ror
London: Umbrlu, for Liverpool; Btutcndam,
for Boulogne
At Liverpool Arrived I.ucanln, from
New York, Balled Utrurla, for New York.
At Hhanghnl Arrived Oak Branch, from
Bn Francisco, via Murornn.
At Sydney Balled Iarlposa, for Ban
Francisco. , .
At Antwerp Ballod Bouthwark, for New
At Cherbourg Bnllftd-flt, Taut, from
Bouthanauton. for New York.
Those are fuel-savers
Council, Bluffs, lowa,
Sell Our
307 Broadway, Council Rluffs.
Full 10 to 15 yards of beautiful silk,
black, brown, blue, gTeen or pink. In
light or dark shades. Hero Is an hon
est advertisement. No bentltur around
guarantee to pond our gonerouy offer of a
)ohatiy Theater
as Dramatized by Chas. W. Cbnse
Positively the original production. ICxeel.
lent cast ot characters. Beautiful stage
nettings. Special scenery ror every net.
Correct wardrobe nnd properties, pro
nounccd everywhere the event of the
season, .
Prices, 25c, KSo and 60c.
Use Hell's nheumatlo Cure, a sure and
prompt remedy for rhournatlsm, neuralgia,
selntlcn, lumbago, gout. Has cured thous
andswill cute you. Price 60o a box; small
size 23c, at druggists or mailed.
Council muffs, Iovra, Aseuta.
House of 6 rooms, cellar, city water and
bath, 4 blocks from P. 0., 11,(00.
6-room houso on Mynstor Bt., II, COO.
8-room bouse, pantry, closets, city water,
cemented cellar, nice lot, fruit and shade
trees, ' blocks from P. 0 11.600.
Good 6-room house, with bath and closet,
collar, city water, cistern, good barn; only
House of 4 rooms, pantry, cellar, cosl
house, city water; $S50. J50 down, balance
5-room house and room to finish two more
rooms, city water, good repair; 91.100. flOO
down, balanco monthly.
Fine houne of 10 rooms bcsldos basement,
bath, closet, gas, furnaco, laundry room,
water on three floors, choice locution,
100-acre farm, nearly nil In cultivation,
house, barn, well, etc., 125.00 per acre.
Johnston & Kerr
415 Broadway. Co Bluffs.