THE OMAHA DATTVY "REE: SATURDAY', OCTOBER 27, 1000. Thitelaw & Gardiner, NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MiNoit Mi:vriox. Davis fells glass. "Mr, lllley," 6-cent cigar. Oas fixtures and globes nt IJlxby's. Klna A. 11. C. beer, Neumaycr's hotoL Wollman, scientific optician, 00 U'd'y. H. M I.cffert, expert optician, 23 Bdy. " Hrhmldt 8 photos, new nnd latest styles. Cab, photos JI.50 doz. Williams, Gil Hdy. V. J. Hostcttrr, dentist, Ilaldwln block. Ump'n beer, Bncnke Hoyscn, sole agent. J. C & W Woodward, nichltccts, 172 Uiy, Drink Hudwolscr beer. I... nosenfeld, aa t . K. White, employment agency, .!. . Hoard and rooms. Mrs. Hutchtns, .13 BoUth Seventh street. Mr and Mrs. .1. W French nro visiting friends In Syracuse, Noli. Kxhlblt and mle of Gibson pictures. Alexander A: Co, 333 Uroadway. Ot your work done at the popular Eagle laundry, 724 Hroadwny. 'Phono 157. W. C. Kstep, undertaker, 2S Pearl street. Telephones! Office, 97: residence, 33. W F. Oraff, undertaker and llnsoil em balnier, 101 South Main street. 'I'hono MB. Dr. nnd Mis. John Wray o'1I!,"ro,?I5",r.i-' were In tho city yesterday vlsttln friends, Mrs, I,. J. Patterson nnd Mr V Clark left yesterday for a visit with friends nt CVdar Falls, In. Mrs. Maria Jackson has been r'-pl'.cted secretary of tho grand lodge of Iowa of the Order of the Eastern Stnr. Mrs, Harriot F. Orlswold returned yes. terday from an exten'led visit with rela tives and friends In Colorado nnd yom Ir.p. Don't burn your old wool mattress. J.Ior Kan A Klelll will do them over by the new process-better than new. 1Z2 South Main street. Jlev. II. I.. Morehouse. D. D., of New York Is spending n few days with his brother. U, II, Morehouse of louy Fourth avenue. John It. Grady of the Purine Express foroe at the transfer depot, left yesterday to spend over Sunday with relatives at lown City. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. t.lzzle llarlo was held yesterday morning from the real denre, 233 Vino street. Interment was In Falrvlew cemetery. Howurd Scott, a young fellow well known to tho police, was arrested yesterday morn ing on complaint of Carl llerr. n Hroadwny tailor, who chmged him with the theft of some cloth, J. II. FiirelsperBer tiled suddenly at his home, 1302 Tenth avenue, yeulerday morn ing from heart disease, Ho leaves a wife and dnughter. Notlco of funeral will be given later. Will Smith, a brother of Mike Smith, who resisted Olllrer C"aar when placed under arrest Thursday night for being drjnk, waM fined t! and costs In police court yesterday morning. I(ittl Jensen, better known here as I.ottle Fnddeii, was committed to St. Ber nard's hoNjiltnl yesterday by the 'Hoard of Insanity Commissioners, pending a deter mination In her ensu by the State Hoard of Control, The Ministerial association will hold Its monthly meeting next Monday morning at 10 o'clock, when In addition to arranging for the annual Thanksgiving service the subject, "Tho Minister In Politics," will ho discussed. Mrs. M. Plumer has paid Into the office of the city treasurer a little over $500. being tho amount assessed against her properly for tho brick paving on North Main street. This Is tho llrst payment mndo on this Im provement. The city treasury was enriched yesterday by 43,!tG2.SS. Its proportion of the taxes paid Into tho olllco of the county treasurer dur ing tho month of September. This amount represented 0,m97 regular taxes nnd $3,I7;I.91 special taxes. Robert Pressley, nn nged Individual, who )ias been posing here as n phrenologist, was given two hours within which to get out of the city yesterday by Judge Aylesworth In order to nvold .being committed to the county Jail under the state vagrancy net. fleorgo 1. Davis of l.ea on worth, Kan., republican candidate for county attorney of Douglas county, Kansas, was in the city yesterday. Talking of politics In his state ho expressed the opinion that Kansas voiild surely go republlcrn by a safe mn-Joilty. Mrs. Mary Ottmnn of Underwood was brought before tho commissioners for the Insano yesterday by Constable Gallup, who filed an Information charging her with being mentally deranged. Tho board com mitted her to St. Hernard's hospttnl for ob servation nnd will luvcstlgatu her case today. Children and matches were rcsponjlblo for a ilro yesterday afternoon about 3 o'clock at 1120 West Hroadwny. whero tho roof of tho barn was burned off before the blazn was gotten under control by tho de tiartment. Tho premises belong to the Kvorott estalo ana are occupied uy b Parker. Tito loss Is covered by Insurance James Forsythe, u prominent farmer nnd stockman of Wavoland township und re- YiliKlfrMi t iir..itnt nn,ttil t ..n,.i m i.'h.i I.. tho city yestordaj conferring with Chnlr- man wrigni or inn county central com mlttoc. Ho reported everything In icnod shapo In his district nnd Indications that tlii republicans had made a steady gain mis yeur. Mrs. Hattlo Nicholson, wlfo of C. It Nicholson. 315 South First street, died ves terday morning after an extended Illness. aged SS years. Ilesldes her husband she loaves two cnuuren, urace and Ernest Campbell. Tho funeral will bo held Sunday afternoon from tho residence at 2 o'clock and Interment will bo in Walnut 1111' ceme tery. The services will bo conducted by ltuv. Myron C Wuddell. pastor of the Hroudway Methodist church, of which Mrs. Nicholson was n member. "Quo Vadla," tho entire production, cast, soenory nnd all, will be presented at tho Dohnny theater Sunday night. While It Is described ns a religious play It Is not one that appeals nlono to tho believers In Christianity. Tho samo lights and shaden of characters nnd beliefs which formed the foundation of the popularity of tho novel have been preserved by the dramatist In his play, nnd will cause his work to he wit nessed by thousands a one of the grandest dramatic triumphs of modern times. N. Y. riumblng Co., telephone 250, REGISTRARS ARE TOO STRICT Strain the Law Relating to Foreign Born Citizens Almost to Snapping. MANY OLD RESIDENTS ARE DISFRANCHISED Men Who lime Voted In l'niinnnt. Inmlr County for Forty Venrs Arc Xotr Denied the HIkIiI In Ei-erc-lsc Franchise. Unless tho registrars modify tho require merits that they Insist the law calls for a number of naturalized citizens will probably be disfranchised and unablo to vote at the coming election. In Issuing bis Instruc tions to the registrars, City Clerk Phillips stated that all foreign born citizens In reg istering would bo required to glvo tho dato and place of receiving thplr naturalization papers or else produce tho papers them selves. This la what caused the trouble yesterday and at least thirty old time citizens, who havn either mlslatd or lost their naturallia tlon papers wero not permitted to register. Soveral were able to glvo tho year they re ceived their papers, but were unable to stato tho exact day, which was Insisted upon by the registrars. Several complained to As sistant County Attorney Kimball and unless the registrars modify tho requirement In this respect the matter will be called to tho attention of Judge Macy In tho district court for a ruling. Old Timers Shut Out Several persons who were refused regis tration because they were unable to produce. their papers yesterday have been voters In this county and city for the last forty years nnd this is tho first time they havo been denied the right to register. In ono case nn old soldier who had cast his vote for John C. Fremont was denied registration yesterday because he could not produce his natuarllzatiou papers nnd had forgotten tho day on which ho received them, although he was able to glvo the year to the best of his memory. In tho second precinct of the Third ward the registrars refused to tako tho namo of a man who has been a resident of this county for the last forty years. He Is a Frenchmnn by blrtb, but took out his papers shortly after coming to this country, Ho has voted at every election since becom ing a citizen an.l this Is tho first time that ho has been denied the right to register. His papers wero lost In a fire several years ago and whllo ablo to give the place whero he received them, bo Is now unable to re member the date, S. O. Underwood, one of the old residents of this county, one of the oldest voters In the city, was refused registration, as ho had lost his papors and could not remem her tho exact dato of them. Luckily he was granted his papers in the district court hero and after a search of several hours through the ancient records In the court houso the original entry was found ard ho was thus enabled to give tho dato and secure his name on the registration lists County Attorney Klllpack, when appealed to, expressed tho opinion that the registrars were straining the law somewhat and that It was nn unreasonable requirement to ex pect a naturalized citizen to give tho exact day when he was granted bis papers. He thought it would work a great Injustice on men who, had voted here for years and whoso right- to do so had never before been questioned. Ho will probably tako the mat ter up with Judge Macy today if necessary, Will Mnke a Teat Case. Iast night It was decided to mnlio a te& was the custom of the firm for many years to take pieces of real estalo In tho name of one of the partners, that tho title to tho parcel of land mentioned was so taken In tho name of Thomas Officer, but that In fact, It belonged to tho bank. At the tlmo of a former application of similar character this pleco of property was over looked. The value of the property sought to bo transferred to tho receivers Is not stated. Claims against the bank filed with tho clerk of tho district court yesterday ag gregated about $15,000. Claims to tho amount of about $13,000, wore filed against tho Odlccr estate. Davis sells paint. Senter L'sne floes Ofrr, Thomas II. Senter. was arraigned beforo Judge Macy In tho district court yesterday on the charge of obtaining money tinder fnlso pretenses from Lougoo & Lougee, for which ho was Indicted under tho namo of James I,. Palmer, by the district grand Jury two years ago. Ho entered a plea of not guilty and denied that ho was Indicted undor his right name, which was Thomas It. Senter. Ho said his namo was not Jnmcs U. Palmer and that ho had never passed under It. The court Issued an order exonerating Charles II. Hannan of tho First National bank, from Senter's bond. Senter's trial on this charge will not be held beforo tho Novomber term of district court. Next Monday morning he will havo his prelimi nary hearing beforo Justice Ferrlor on tho charge of uttering a forged Instrument. T, H. Wagner, Senior's attorney returned to his homo in Memphis, Mo., yesterday. Caramels and chocolate creams, 20o a pound nt Purity Candy Kitchen, 23S Broad way. Saturday, our big sale day, every, thing halt price. II luff Team Wins. The first of a series of three matches at tenpins between locnl bowlers captained by Charlos Matthai and tho Clarkson team of Omaha was rolled at the Main street alleys nnd resulted In the locals defeating tho visitors from across the river two games out of three. Score: COUNCIL, Hl'UFFS 1st. Dixon 133 Meyers ITS Cooper 181 Davis 171 F. Cronlan 113 Totals 77 OMAHA, i 1st. Lancaster 124 Brunko 103 Klaglo 120 Denmay .,127 Clarkson 147 Totnls 6 2d. 3d. Total. 130 121 .131 112 140 439 143 170 491 131 150 4.-i. 1(2 136 331 661 77 sTis 2d. 3d. Total. 169 133 416 12S 125 336 101 112 331 170 HO 411 131 142 423 692 65S uH Domestic soap has no equal. HEAVY VOTE WILL BE POLLED Large Registration is Reported in- Nearlj All Sections of Iowa. CAPITAL OF STATE MAKES POOR SHOWING llesnlt Attained In Most Districts Indicate Thnt There Xeeil lie o IV r of Annthjr find That Ite pnllcnn Voter Are Airnke, BOSTON STORE, BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Bargains at Our Store departments Saturday Work on .er IIIrK .School. Work on the new High school Is being pushed by Contractor Hughes, who Is tak ing every ndvantago of the flno weather. Tho excavations nro finished nnd tho work of laying tho concrete for the foundations was commenced yesterday. Laying of brick will be commenced about next Monday. Owing to tho nature of the subsoil It was found whllo making tho excavations that It would be necessury to sink the founda tions on the west side of tho building con siderably lower than was first anticipated. The controversy between the architects nnd Contractor Hughes over tho latter'o subcontractors Is still Unsettled and It was stated yesterday that a special session of the school board would be called to tako some action In tho matter. U. S. Qrant company No. 41 dance this evening at Merrlam block. Foot Hall Gnme Today. The Council Bluffs nnd South Omaha High school foot ball teams will try con clusions this afternoon on the crtdtron case and application will bo mado early t tho Driving nark. Tho Bluffs boys nrom- thls morning to Judge" Aylesworth of the se to put up a good game, having dono American Princess Stylish, Serviceable School Shoes for Girls HAMILTON'S 412 - BROADWAY superior court for a writ of mandamus to compel the registrars to register some for eign born citizen who has lost his naturali zation papers and cannot remember the ex act dato he was granted them. Tho mat ter was Intrusted to Assistant County At torney Kimball and Attorney Ferrlcr, who are preparing tho papers. Last night It had not been decided whether to havo tho writ Issued on the registrars In the first precinct of tho First ward or on those In tho second precinct of tho Fourth ward, but It was thought that It would probably be on the latter. The result of the second day's registra tion was most gratifying nnd at 9 o'clock ast night, when tho registrars closed their books for tho day, It was estimated that tho total registration In the city for tho two days showed about 3,500 names. 'At this rate tho total registration Is expected o reach In the neighborhood of 5,000. Tho registration in most of the precincts up to last night was estimated to represent about two-thirds of tho vote. i Tho registrars will be In session today from 8 n. m. to 9 p. m., after which electors will not have a chanco to get their namei on the books until Saturday of next week. Tho places whero tho registrars are In ses sion In tho different precincts are as follows: First Ward First nreclnct. Victor Jen nings' barn. East Urondwuv: Second nre clnct, 219 East Broadway. Hecoml Ward First nreclnct. Cltv build ing, Bryant street: Second precinct. 720 est Hroadwny. Third Ward First tireelnet. Chleano house, corner Willow avenue and Main street; Second precinct, 9C9 South Main street, Fourth Ward First nrppinet. 520 flonth Mnln street: Second precinct, Kelly hauso, 1212 South Mnln street. Fifth Ward First precinct. County build ing. Fifth avenue nnd Twelfth street: Sec ond precinct. County building, 511 South Thirteenth street. S xth Ward First nrec net. Coimtv Im Id. int. jweuiie i iinn i wrniy-roiirtn street; Second rreclnct, residence of Charles Negc- men, Liocusi cireei, All grocers sell Domestic soap. some good practlco work the last week under Coach Upton. The team has been entirely reorganized since the election of Grason ns captain. T,he game will bo called promptly nt 3 o'clock and the lineup of tho local team will bo this: Left end, Kettrlngj left tackle, Forron; left guard, Cochran; center, Brunlng; right guard, Campbell; right tackle, Ball; right end, Grason; quarter back, Benjamin; left half, Dingman; right half, Treynor; full bock, Aylesworth; substitutes, Fuller, G. Pilling and Van Order. Dohany Theater SUNDAY. OCT. 2S. AIIIK.V HIWKIHt'T'K VADIS QUO as DramntUed by Chas, W. Chase, Positively tho original production. Hxrel. lout cast of characters. Beautiful stago vr?itiiiK". oi'rciui in-run- ior every net. Correct wardrobe nnd properties. Pro nounced everywnero the event of the Prices, 25c, 35c and 50c, RHEUMATISM Use Bell's Hheumatlc Cure, a sure and prompt 4'emeiiy ior rneumiiism. neuralgia sciatlcn. lnmlmeo. cout. Huh cured thoua. ands will cine you. Price EOo n box; small size q, ui 'iriiKKisis or miiueu. KING DRUG COMPANY Council Bluffs, Ions. AtceMta. FARM LOANS Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska ami lowa. James is. uasuay, jr, l.Y Main st . council uiuus. Savi Your Monty - HAVING!, LOAN AND BUILD IN U Ilomr-Mndp Cmuly Oc Pound. At Purity Candy Kitchen, 238 Broadway Bring this advertisement nnd get a Dowey buzzer. Angel food taffy i2Vc pound. Best weight Domestic soap. Wanted Fifty boys nt Dohany stage en trance today this morning nt 9:30 to pass bills for Frank E. Long company. "Watt for the Man." ny Investing ,'itn tn ASS'N, 1V3 I'earl street, Consul! BlnCs, la, application, Charles Officer seta put that It Commonwealth 10. cent cigar. WANT IIAXIC'S noOKS HVVMIMiD Creditors Propose to Ak for nn Ev pert Arcnnntmit to I'hrrk I'll. Talk among many creditors of Officer & Pussy's bnnk yesterday Indicated that they Intended applying to tho court for the ap pointment of an expert accountant to check over the books of tho firm. The report filed by tho rocolvers Is not deemed at all satisfactory In that, while It Hats tho np parent assets of tho bank, It does not glvo any definite Information as to their value From th showing mado by this renort. the creditors are Inclined to believe that the bank had not been solvent for several years. m ..... . uunrn i, uracer. as administrator o tho estate of the late Thomas Officer, nn plied yesterday to the district court for on order authorizing him to transfer to the receivers of the bank the following parcel of Und In Nebraska: Section 21, township si, range i, west, m rierce county. In his DES MOINES, Oct. 2C (Special Tele gram.) Iteports from all over the stato of registration lndlcato a very heavy voto In nenrly all sections. In most of the districts of tho state, the registration Is up to or In excess of tho registration In lfsPG, while In the close districts, the Second and Sixth, decided gains are shown In tho registration. Chairman Weaver went to Chicago, but beforo going expressed regret that tho registration In Des Moines had been so light. "It Is a bad showing for the rest of the state," ho said, "to havo the registration In tho capltnl city fall off from 10 to 15 per cent. As largo a registration propor tionately should have been shown In De Moines an anywhere." The results attained In most districts Indicate that thoro need bo no fear of apathy and that tho republican voters of tho stato are thoroughly alive to the necessity of maintaining tho past large 'majorities or giving tho largest ever known this fall. Tho registration In tho Second nnd Sixth districts Is a matter of con gratulation to tho state central committee. It shows that tho good work that has been dono In contesting tho campaign of Vollmcr Ib bearing fruit and thoro need bo llttlo danger of the result. Tho supreme court handed down an opinion In the fnmous Polk county court houso case this morning, modifying and af firming the lower courts' decisions. Thoy are alllrmod In holding that the board of super visors cannot Issuo negotiable bonds for tho purchase of grounds for the erection of a court house. Tho significance of the modification Is that the county may Incur an Indebtedness for the purchase of grounds and may provide for this by Issuing Us own negotiable evidence and levying a special tax to cnVer a number of years. Though It wns thought by tho interested attorneys today that tho opinion would admit of several Interpretations It 1b generally conceded that tho board may now proceed to buy grounds nnd may levy a special tax as means of providing payment. Todays decisions were: David F. Witter nnd C. O. Nourso ngalnst Board of Supervisors of Polk county, Polk district: mouiiieu una nmrmea. John Dlcmer ngninst Guernsey & John son et nl, Tama district; action to fore close, reversed. Yost Denies Report. C. E. Yost, president of the Iowa and No broska Telephono companies, with head quarters in Omaha, In an interview over tho long distance lino this morning, denied that there Is any truth In the report thnt the Iowa company had paid $25,000 for the Cen tral Telephone company, nn Independent toll line owning a fourth Interest In the Mutual Terminal company of this city. He em phatically states that the interviews of the owners of tho Independent line that they have completed a deal with tho Iowa people are Incorrect. Tho Iowa franchise here has expired, the council has refused another nnd It was stntcd yesterday that tho Iowa was trying to buy the Mutual to get Its franchise, W. E. Obleness, president of the State Federation of Labor, has been appointed state organlzor and today left for a trip over tho stato In the Interest of his work He will visit Boone, Marshnlltown, Fort Dodge and Webster City, together with all tho river towns, for tho purpose of organ lzlng new unions and othcrwlso making the state organization stronger. Bequests have been coming in for somo time through the state labor commissioner for aid In secur ing unions at different points about the stato. The Stato Federation of Labor at its convention last May requosted tho Na tional Federation of Labor to put an or ganizer In the field. The national organl zation has been Blow In complying with the request, but at last appointed Obleness and the work will proceed now without delay, Articles of Incorporation wore today filed by tho Ilodnoy Lumber company of Rodney, Monona county, with a capital of $10,000 Blankets and Comforters At 65c Good 10-4 grey Cotton Blanket 50c At 11.00 Extra heavy 10-4 Cotton Blankets, In grey and white $1.00 At $1.6011-4 extra heavy grey Blank ets, slightly soiled, wero $1. OS sale price $1,50 At. $1.75 Extra large 11-4 wool mix ture grey Blankets, slightly soiled worth $2.26, sale price, to close out quick $1.70 Woolen Blankets In greys, whites and fancy checks at $1.75, $3.00, $3.75, $4.25 nnd $5.00. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. Snr Dr. Snytlrr. Dr. Susan Snyder of this city was made defendant In two suits brought In the dis trict court yesterday by William H. Mc Klnley and wlfo to recover damages ag gregating $18,000. They charge Dr. Snyder with malpractice. Most for your money Domestic soap. Domestic soap gives best satisfaction. For n Cold In tlif llrnd. LAXATIVE BBOMO-QNININE TABLETS, I.ouln Xtcinplr Found Guilty. ROCKWELL CITY, In., Oct. 26. (Special.) The Jury In tho State of Iowa against Louis S. Btcmple returned a. verdict last ovoulng at 10 o'clock, finding tho defend ant guilty of tho crime of seduction. The grand Jury at the February, 1900. term of the district court, returned an Indictment against the above named defendent, charging him with tho crime of seduction of ono Het tie Riley, nn unmarried female of previously chaste character, during the month of Mnrch, 1899. The first trial was had at the April, 1900, term of court, but the Jury could not agreo and no conviction was had. The second trial began Tuesday morning, Tho Jury was about six hours returning the above verdict. About sixteen witnesses were summoned, most of whom testified. Great sympathy Is expressed for all con cerned, and cspeclolly for the defendant's wlfo nnd llttlo babe. An appeal will most likely bo taken. Judge Church has not passed sentence. KiclutiiKC Shots wllh Itoliber. KEOKUK, la., Oct. 26.f-Thls morning Po llceman Dillon caught a man at work on the safe In the office of !ouIn Sterne, hide denier. Shots wero exchanged, but the burglar escaped. Tho police traced two men tn Alexandria Mo., and arrested them. They gave the nnmes of C. II. Lacy and A. D. Turner, hut the former Is believed by the detectives to be named Burns and to be wanted at Bowling Green, Mo., for shooting an officer; at Louisiana, Mo., for killing nn officer nnd at Hannibal for shooting an officer. Officers of these places will be hero tomorow to see whether this Is tbo man wanted In Mis sourl. Fntul Fnll Irnm Towrr, VAIL, Ia Oct. 20. (Special Telegram.) William Vlnnlck, n day laborer, fell from a windmill tower here today and was killed Instantly. He leaves a family tn poor cir cumstances. Job CoaMn't Have Stood It. If he'd tnid Itching plies. They're ter ribly annoying; but Bucklen's Arnica Salve will euro tho worst esse of plies on earth It has cured thousands. For Injuries pains or bodily eruptions It's the best salve In the world. Price, 25o a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Kuan ft Co., 4rui gists. Comforts. At 76c A good, well quilted Comforter In full slzo 75c At 05c Heavy, fancy Chintz Covered Comforts, good size and extra qual ity filling 05c Extra large Comforts In dark and serv iceable colors $1. If) At $1.39 Home made Comforts, filled with good whlto cotton, were $1.75, on Bale at $1.39 At $1.69 Extra large, well mado Cora- fort with dark check covering $1.09 At $2.00 nnd $2.25 A line of extra qual ity Sllkollne Covered Comforfs, hand tucked, filled with iuro whlto cotton, on sale nt $2 und $2.25 Skirt Patterns. At 69c Oood Flannel Skirt patterns, 42 x82, full line of colors, worth 89c, on sale at (gc At 98c Ladles' black and colored Ready-to-Wear Skirts, stylishly mado with accordion pleated, with corded around ruffles, were $1.60, on salo.... 98c At $1.25 Ladles black mercerized Cot ton Skirt, corded nnd ruffled, worth $1.75 salo price $1.25 Shirt Waists. All wool flannel Shirt Waists, trimmed In braid, In reds, navys nnd blacks, rfy $1 75 At $2.75 All wool Flannel Shirt Waists In blacks and colors, tucked bucks and fronts, at $2.75 At $3.50 All wool polka dot French Flannel Shirt Waists, trimmed with pearl buttons, new sleeves and cuff on sale at $3.50 Cloaks and Jackets. Mlit'UMI IM.OOIt. $3.76 Ladles' Black Jersey Jackets high cnr $3,75 $3.98 Ladles' blnck heavy Cloth Jackets, with applique trimmed reefers, lined throughout $3.98 $4.50 Black and bluo heavy Beaver Jackets with high collar $1,50 $5.00 and $.".75 Black and brown Jackets, with strong lining, a very deslrablo gar ment $5 and $575 $6.50 Kersev Jpeltet. fnnev rnllnr nml I largo reefers, beautiful stylo and lln Ibu $9.50 $7.50 Black and light colored Kersey Cloth Jackets, with Sklnuer satin lining. .$7.SO $10.00 Beautiful lino of bluo, black, tnno and brown, fancy kersey cloth Jackots, with genuine Skinner satin lined. $10.00 $12.00 Black-blue, mode and tnn, extra quality kcrBey, elaborately trimmed with applique $12.00 $12.00 Fancy red Kersey Jackets, trimmed tn velvet and appllquo $12.00 I" $15.00 nnd $17.50 Fancy strapped seams and applique trimmed Jackets, In all new shades full taffeta lined. .$15. $17.50 $12.00 and $17.50 Beaver and marten trim med Kersey Jackets, In tnn, modes and browns $12 and $17.50 Gents Furnishings. Men's Fancy Percale Shirts, open front nnd back nnd closed front, new styles, worth 76c, salo price 50c Fancy striped Percale Dress Skirts, all tho latest colors and styles, worth $1.00, on sale nt 75c Men's ' fast blnck Half Hose on sale, n pair 5c Men's Half Hose, tn black nnd tnn, 10c, threo for 25c A large lino of men's fancy stripo nnd polka dot, In full llao of colors 25c Automobile and Box Jackets. $12.00, $15.00, $17.50 nnd $25.00 These lines comprlso tho swollcst gnrments of this season's styles, In beautiful modes, tans and brown. Ask to sco tho new shaped back box coat. ..$12. $15, $17.50, $25 Underwear. At 37Hc. men'B heavy ribbed nnd fleece lined Underwear, worth 60c, on salo at 374c At 60c Men's heavy wool fleeced under wear, worth 76c, on sain nt 50c At $1.00 Men's silk fleece lined Shirts and Drawers, worth $1.60. n bargain nt.$1.00 Ladies' Underwear. fleeco lined At 25c Ladles' Punts , Vests nnd 25c At 39c-Ladles' extra quality, ribbed Vests, heavy fleeco lined ;)c Hosiery. Lot of fancy colored ladles' Hose, In dots, stripes nnd figures 50c lOc-Chlldrou's heavy School Hoso. wldo ribbed jjj 25c Boys' Blcyclo Hose, Just right for school wear jc Children's Garments. $1.25 Rood quality child's Tweed Jackets, olzes 4 to 12 "years $1.25 $2.60 Children's Cheviot Jackets, trimmed In braid, colors, bluo and red $2.50 $3.25 Extra .heavy Cloth Jackets for chil dren, high collars, trimmed in brnld $3.25 Furs. Lot of beautiful fur garments, consisting of Boas, now Neck Scarfs and Collarettes. A lino of samples from an eminent eastern manufacturer. These samples must bo sold nnd nt a very low price In the next few days. Tho furs comprlso martens, minks, black skunk, opposum, stone mar- .tens, seals nnd others. Pillows. Fnncy sllollno covered Pillows 25c Campaign Pillow Covers, complete with front nnd bad; BOc Fnncy Fato Pillow Covers, In beautiful stamped designs, 75c and $1.01) Down Pillows. Size 18x18, only 25c Slzo 20x20, only jjcj. Slro 22x22, only 59. Size 24x24, only ft. Millinery. Don't forget our millinery department whllo in tho store. The most fully equipped department In our wholo store. Hats of nil dcslgus aud prices. Ask tn see them. Millinery department, second floor. The Stockport Savings bank of Stockport filed articles. Its capital Is $10,000. Kpnorth l.ragne ScsmIou. The hall was crowded hero today at the opening of the Epworth leaguo Btnte con vention. In tho morning It was proposed to change tho meeting Into mass Instead of delegate convention. The proposition was voted down. It wns suggested that the con ventions be mado biennial and this received more favor and was roferred to the com mittee on constitution. Reports nnd nd dresseB were heard during tho remainder of the day and In tho evening Rev. L. B. Palno of Lincoln spoko on "Tho Kind of Folks I Want in My Church." The nominating committee met and de cided to report tho following nominations this morning: For president, Fred L. Mont gomery of Fayette; secretary, C. B. Rob erts of Adelo; treasurer, Oeorgo I. Huffman of Des Moines; vice presidents, Upper Iowa conference, Rev. W. H. Troy of Charles City; Des Moines conference, Prof. C. E. Sheldon of Indlanola; Northwest conference, George Whitfield of Belmond; Iowa confer ence, Miss Louise Hlnsoy of Ottumwa; su perintendent of Junior lnaguo, Miss Susie Mills of Marshalltown. It is probable that all will be elected. Premiums given with Domestic soap. oooooooooooo0oooooooooeoooooooooci WEAK BACK TWITCHING NERVES FAILING MEMORY DIZZY SPELLS ARB PERMANENTLY CURED by ITUDTAN. Can you not see that emethlg la radically wrong when such coBdlttons exist? Kaon you that theee nyruptoms denote serious trouble? If yeu experience these symptoms, with perhaps nervousness, a feellag of lassitude or exhaustion, sedi ment or headaches (Fig. 1) hollow eyes and pu01ne8 under eyes (Fig-. 2), coated tongue or clammy mouth (Fig. 3), backache (Fig. A), weakness of limbs (Fig. (S), r furelltng of ankles (Fig. 6), then be warned, for you may soon find youself a total Invalid. Take HUDYAN. It will cure you. Don't wait until complete prostration, but take HUDYAN now. HBOYAN la a permanent cure for all Kidney and Nervous disorders. Don't become a physical wreck when a positive cure Is within your immediate rench. HUDYAN Is not an experiment It has been tried and tested. HUDYAN makes rich blood, which serves to give strength and build up the system. HUBYAN all 4rugglsts-C0c a package, six pack ages S3.80. If your druggist does not keep It, send direct U the HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY., San Francisco, Gal. Consult HUDYAN Doctors About Your Case o o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 0000000 00 Druggists Kuhn & Co., Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Myers-Dillon Drug Co., J. A. Fuller & Co., Chas. It. Schaefer, J. H. Schmidt, Omaha. Camp Brot., Council Bluffs. Dillon Drug Co., South Omaha all sell and recommend Hudyan. O o o o o o o o o o o i o o o o o o o e o o aaaaafl kaaB O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c c o o o; o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The Irish Girl Is the best there 1st We mean the IRISH GIRL CIGAR. It Is Cuban Hand Mode. The tobaccos used are the finest of Old Vculta Havana. These tobaccos wero purchased before the Spanish war and you know this moans superior to recent crops. It has been known as n brand for 20 years and the mak ers have a reputation to sustain. That Is why thero Is no better 10c cigar In the worl'd McCORD-BRADY & CO. Distributors. Omaha, Neb. Free of Charge. Call or write. Before you Havo your leotli attended to call and get our prices and eco for yourselves how very reasonable they are. Komom ber it costs no more to have good work than it does to havo poor. ' . ..Telephone 145 H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel HHK bWlftnrHM.f!, Physician, .will WW A !'' tmth Back, ImI fe"'"'"",i.M1r"! Ji cLil.ilB.loi aV'HaaT lWlo.ll UwHbrd.yor iilhUrrviuqul:knMuf diwh.rij, ."Kfil ' 2unMtfcS IOWA FARMS FOR SALE DAY & HESS, 9 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, llnve for ulc 11 luruc lUt of liiipruvril fnrnm, clilitUrn rimelirn, fruit anil vrne(nlili) IiiiiiIni 11 1 no residence and business property In f.'ouuull II luffs aadrMtor! ... M .... hid wllh Prostatitis. ?..n"r.",,Jn.!iu"fr ' '' C15?JLT."",.T.." KiV., toVT i& uwUinorilalfc A .n il;; CUPlDlCNtS Hi oqlj ko.wu remd to cur. wllboin a orrilon. .."Si'Ki'S'C.w (for 14. M. u.ranlM rlv.n J nanry rtor1 If tVettt sou ol effect a iwrmment cur. sua isn. AtlureuPAVOI, HKBICINIC Cf,.O.Sox 10W,Baa rrnnctaoo. CaL VOH SAlilO BY MYERS-D1LL02I 6HVQ CO XOTH AUD F.1HNAM. unil Oiuului. SOMK KAIl.M.Hi 160 acres Hazel Doll twp., 11 miles ne C. D., good buildings, UU per acre. .50 acres near Crescent, well Improved, $15 per acre. 60 acres 5 mllea cast, good buildings and fruit, Jf'0 pei acre. 60-ccro fruit farm, near city, good Improve ments, $150 per acre. SO-acn fruit f-rm adjoining city, $6,000. The above la only a aamile uf our 6 pci- vent Interest. Telephono ICO-ncres Missouri bottom land, I miles si city, $40 per aero. 600 acre stock farm near EarllnB, Belby Co., cheap. 320 ncres In Silver Creek twp., $C0 per acre! cll Improved. 213 acres lino bottom land In Rockford twp., HZX'O par acta; well Improved, list, MOMiV LOAMIU OH I'AJIMS AT h Y X 7