It 12 THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: SATVHDAY, OCTO BET? 27, 1900. WHERE WAS MR. SHIELDS? Likewlss, Where Is William Wendover, Under Arrest for forgery? OMAHA MERCHANTS WANT TO KNOW ll'liey Pnlil to llrliiK llic Mnn Who Ilnd Vlfllmlacil 'i'hnii from 31 1 tif tt MI In "nil MT lie Ik (time. William Wendovor, hound over under four complaints of forgery nud wnntod In Dcs Moines and eluuwhcro on slmllnr chaws. Is at largo nnd hlH whereabouts unknown. Omaha merchants who wero the victims of tho forgories mado up a purso to bring Wcndovor hack from Minneapolis and he llovo that their money has been spent In vain. They are much dtssatlsned with tho manner In which the prosecution of tho caso has been managed. On the consent of County Attorney Shlolds Wendovor was cnt to St. Joseph's hospital suffering from a supposed attack of tuberculosis of tho lungs. Tho movo was provisionally sanc tioned by County I'hyslclnn Van Camp. "I was told tho man waa In bad shape," said Dr. Van Camp, "and ho certainly ap peared to bo. So ho was sent to tho hos pltnl on October in, and I expected to mako a thorough examination n few days later to determine whether ho really had tubercu losis. What was my surprlso to sco In tho noxt morning's paper that Wendover had left tho hospital." Dr. lllloy, In charge at the hospital, says that no Instructions were given him as to keeping thu patient under restraint and ho permitted him to leixvo when his hemor rhages and fever had subsided. Ho docs not know where Wendover went. James C. Klnalor, attorney for Wendover, Kays his client camo luto his ofllca a few clays aftor tho county attorney had con sented to his trnnsfor to the hospltnl. Mr. Klnslcr advised Wendovor to bo back to tho hospltnl and added that ho would ex pect to so his client appoar for trial. He has not seen Wendovor since. Poller Arc Cliiiicrlnril, The police nre much chagrined that their efforts In socurlng Wendover should have been brought to nothing by weakness In the prosecution. Whether or not the prisoner Is ever seen ngaln thu merchants concerned feel that their Interests havo not been properly guarded. Kd V. Pickering re marked: "Thu young man came Into my store and offered a check for J 15 signed with tho nnmo B. K. Bruce In favor of his Ben, 13. K. Uruco, Jr. Tho youth claimed to have been absent at college for four years. I cashed the check and so did l'ease Ilros., William Ostrnnder, Morltz Meyer and Oscar Klpllnger, for tho same amount. So when wo heard that Wendover had been caught In Minneapolis we threw In $10 nplcca to bring him back. Now ho has dis appeared and whether ho Is ever Been again Is n question I wouldn't lay a penny on." In tho last number of tho Detective, pub. llshcd In Chicago, Chief Donahuo of Omaha has an artlclo on local criminals In which ho Includes Wendover and describes his offcctlve method of Impersonating the sons of prominent citizens. "Wo had a hard tlmo to get hlra In Minneapolis, as Dcs Moines ofllccrs had started habeas corpus proceedings to take him there,',' tuld Chief Douahue. "Wo sent two additional com plaints to tho county Jftll In caso Wendover fthouldibe admitted to bonds on thu four others, but I understand they were 'uollo pressed.' Wendover nppoared hero two years ago, when ho impersonated the sons ot Klrkondnll and Androgen. Wo had turned him over to the county attorney aud knew nothing ot bis disappearance." Operation In Fort Wuyne. Chief Donahue recoivod a lettor yesterday from Homer A. Oorsllne, superintendent of police of Fort Wayne, Ind., saying that Wondovor had exploited extensively in thnt city In tho spring of 1399. Seven forged chocks had been passed thore, says tho su perintendent, by a ninn whose methods and description nre Identical with those of Wendovor. Knch check was for $15. One of thoso forged Instruments was inclosed nnd It was observed that tho handwriting Is tho Bamo ns that which appears on the checks passed in Omaha by Wendovor. Tho check, which Is on tho Klrst National bank of Fort Wayno, bears date of April S, 1803. It Is mndo payahlo to E. F. Ynrnelle, Jr., and is Hlgned "Mnssman, Yarnello & Co.," being tho name of a prominent firm of Fort Wayne. Chief Donahue has also received word of Wcndovor's operations In Des Moines, Louisville nnd Detroit. I.MI'OIITUIJ (JI.OVD STOCK 1IOLOIIT. HnroVn llrnn, Pcrurr $15,000 Worth I'liiml l'mii-h Kid (ilovrn nnd PUT THEM ON SALE SATURDAY AT 750 1'AIIt. Ono of the biggest retail deals In gloves ever made In Amrlcfl. Over Sl'i.OOO worth best nnd most fashionable gloves were se- fl.lli.nlHM t ' .. I I. n largest ami most prominent glove men in the American trade was compelled to sell his entire stock of high grado Imported French kid gloves. Hayden Ilros. secured them for spot cash at -less than half their wholcsalo value, tho sale bolng forced on account of time. Ilought direct from tho French merchnnt who brought them to this country, Intures their newness nnd style. Thcso gloves havo n finish, fit nnd quality not to bo found in tho domestic glove, or oven tho usual Italian product. Thoy rep resent tho most artistic creations In gloves. This great purchase Includes nil sizes and all the nowest and most fashlonablo shades. All on sale without rcscrvo Saturday. They nro worth from $1.20 to $2.00 per pair. This purchaso enables us to sell them ,nt 75c. Every pair warranted and fitted. Tho greatest value In flno gloves ever given in Omaha. Como early Saturday. HAYDEN DFtOS. LETTERS ANNOY HOTEL CLERK MUalrrn Purporting Comr from n Juent Prrdlot the HitrnliiK of the llnuxr. William Ilubliel, clork of tho Clarendon hotol, Twolfth and Castollar streets, 1ab ro ported n peoullor com to the pollco In which figures a crank letter writer. Ho has re ceived altogether flvo letters, he says, within tho last three months, each of which con tains n prophecy that tho hotel will burn on tho night of Novombor 1C. Those letters nro now In tho hands of tho detectives, who aro working nu the case. Tho missives aro written in a femlnlno hand with a fine pen on dnlnty stationery, und thcro Is evident an attempt to disguise tho handwriting. Each Is Hlgned: "Yours truly, A Ouest." The author claims to have received n forewarning thnt the hotel will bo burned on tho date given nnd to be moved by friendship for Mr. Hubbel to plnco him on his guard. As the hotel numbers porno twenty women among Its guests the task of singling out tho writer presents eomn difficult phuses. Tho clerk sayB he fenrs this prophot of evil will attempt to fulfill her own predlctidn and so wants her placed lu restraint. Koniltnrr Opr nlnir. o Sen il In Sunday new of Bhlvorlck Furni ture company's grand gift opening Tuesday October 30. ' NIGHT SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY IVrnoiin of All Asm Will Ho Allowed lo Attend nnd lint ruction Will lie of the llest. Night schools will be opened at Comenlus nnd Cass schools noxt Monday night and will continue until tho closo of tho winter torm, late in March. As In former years, persons of school ago will bo allowed to at tend thcso night schools nnd Instruction will bu given In all subjects taught In the public schools, with tho exception of High school work. Three teachers will bo as signed to do tho work nt Comenlus and four nt Cbsb, nnd tho number will bo In creased If tho attendanco demands. The averngo attendance nt night school Inst year was 110 and Superintendent I'earse expects n larger number this winter. A largo per cent of tho persons who havo attended tho night sessions in tho post have been between the ages ofM2 aud 21 nnd boys huvo outnumbered girls about two to one. It has been found that most of tho pupils would attend day Bchools wero they not compelled to work. Aitiipugii tho school laws of the state do not grant educational privileges to per sons more than 21 years of age, by com mon consent such pursons havo been per mitted to attend night schools. It Is no uncommon thing for persons 33 or 40 years of ago to learn to read and write In a class of young children. Many colored people, who wero born in southern states and deprived of educational advantages, attend. Several years ago a colored woman moro than 40 years of ago euterod ulght school and bgun work with classus which were learning their letters, lleforo the end of the term sho had finished tho third reader and was able to read tho papers. Many adults of foreign birth attend the night schtols for the mimosa nf Imrnlnr English. All tho schools are graded care-" ruuy anil special provision Is mado for the adancemenl of pupils who learn rap Idly. Tho work will bo In chargo of ex perienced teachers and no effort will bo spared to usslst ambitious pupils. Teach ers who hnvo work In the night schools will bo required to toach only half time In the day schools while conducting night sussious. .OTlCB TO VOTI3HH. To Knrii More, I.ram More. FOR SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST. Get Into Tho Bee's Frco Scholarship contest and learn a profession that will Insure you a good salaried position. You can becomo a mechanical draft. inau, architectural designer, civil engineer, chemist, illustrator, school ographer, bookkeeper, olcctrlclnn, etc., by winning ono of tho Free Scholarships In tho international uorrespondenco Sahooln nf Scranton, Pa., nnd studying at homo dur Inn your leisure hours. Hundreds of young men nnd ladles havo dono so and vnu ran do tho same. No books to buy, as all text books, drawing outfits, etc., aro furnished ireo with thcso courses. Get your, name on tho list, so your friends can vo'to for ou. Remember that the cholcn tho one getting the greater number of vcicb, etc. Following is tho score to ilntn? John W. Mulr. 2513 N. 20th street 420 Emma Rood, Telephone exchango 312 is vv. uostllng, Nebraska City ........ 1S4 R. E. Muller, Fisher & Lawrlo t,. 144 WntBon Perkins. 1911 8. 34th at runt on F. II. Holbrook, 1108 Harney street... 5S uaisy Hickman, Bennett's department store an Henry L. Cnssell, 2230 Meredith avenue. 24 u. u. van a very, ioo Capitol avenue.. 14 Emll Fleschcr, FIcscher Hlcycle works. 3 Charles Sward, Boston store 2 Heo our window display In Continental Clothing corapuny window, on 16th street, showing tho text books, drawlnc muni. etc., and enter the contest. You have ten chances to win. AiuiouncriiieiitN of thm Theaters, The regulnr Saturday family matlnen will bo given at tho popular Orpheum today. Tho bill has made a big hit tmd being well rnsninneu ror llio cntcrtaloaient of ladles and children will probably nack thu hon Commencing Sunday the mysterious "Olrl wun mo Aunurn Hair" will be tho head lines nt the Orpheum. niinlneN Pemoiinl, Tho Rochester Shoo Co., successors to the Howe Shoe Co., have secured a lease on the building, 1016 Douglas, for three years. The Interior of tho building will bo remodeled. Nothing but the best shoes will be carried and most of the lines will be mado especially for them. Sam'l Burns. 1318 Farnam, Is aelllir a porcelain toilet set, $4.75. UIKII. TUYL-E.. nged 74. at his residence, 3510 Jackson street. Thursday. October 25 Funeral from residence Hnturdny ut P, m. NO DOUBT ABOUT WYOMING State Sura to Go for McKlnley by a Big Majority. LEGISLATIVE TICKET IS ALSO SAFE Cntlle llnlnern Coniinre Price of I'our Venrn An with Those 1'rcrnlllriK nt the Present Time. "The majority for McKlnley In Wyoming will, to lnrger than In any state In tho unlo'n In proportion to tho voto cast," said J. A. Van Orsdell, chairman of the Wyoming stnto republican committee. "We gavo Bryan a slender balatico ot 300 votes four years ngo, and this year without the least question McKlnley will hnvo a lend of 5,000, which Is doing pretty well In a total ot 21,000 votes. Owing to tho comparatively small number of voters In tho state wo havo been able to mako an exhaustive poll through our county committees and nre able to tell pretty accurately what tho result will be, "Tho issue which appeals most forcibly to tho ranch owners nnd shtcp men In Wyo tnlng is that of good markets and high prices for wool and beef. 'Four years ago,' said a prominent cattle ralsor to mo, 'Wo simply had to beg packers to take our calves nt $1.60 or $2 npleco at weighing time. Now I havo Just sold two 6-months-old calves for $16.50 aplere and get from $S to $12 for thu ordinary run. Thero has been the s&me In creaso In the price of horses. Animals which would not brlnn $30 In 1S96 aro worth $100 to mo now.' " Mr. Vnn Orsdell was no less sanguine In regard to tho lcglslatlvo ticket, which Is running strong throughout the stale. "It will surprise me," he said, "if the demo crats got flvo members in tho next legisla ture." Cheering; Xotra from the Country. Another bearer of good tidings to the state headquarters yesterday was Fred Olmsted of Hnstlngs, candidate for the legislature from Adams and Webstor coun ties. "I spoke nt Stockvlllo last week," remarked Mr. Olmoted, "nnd tho hall was about half big enough for tho nudlencc. I spoko thore four years ago nnd could not raise a corporal's guard. They hooted nnd stamped and would not let me talk. I am well acquainted there and In tho audience this tlmo I saw seven men wearing Mc Kinley buttons who had assisted In driving me out before. "I havo been nil through the western part or tho state and you may put It down as certain that Dietrich Is nlrcndy elected oven If Douglas county should go demo cratic by 1,000. No matter how many sleuths they put on his track they can't catch hlra. Tho national ticket will run but little behind the voto on governor and If Douglas and Lancaster counties will only do tbotr share McKlnley's success In Ne braska Is certain." "I'm going to stand the expense of send ing you a wire on election night that Harlan county has gone republican," remarked County Committeeman Blddeo of Orleans this morning, "nnd since wo can overcome a majority of 42S thore Is no reason why every county In the state should not go republican. We have had eighteen changes in our precinct at Orleans alone and they are so solid that Bryan and all the fuslon Ist hosts could not lure them back. Wc told them befpro they came over that If thoy didn't Intend to stay wo didn't want them nnd they are with us to stay. Sixteen of our workers came down to Omaha to hear Hanna and they havo since taken oft their coats and gone Into the field with new-energy." JUDGE'S TELEGRAPH TAPPED Police Court Officer Intercepts a Men uae to u Pronpeetlvc Client. The rule in police court against lawyers soliciting clients came ioar being violated yesterday. Tho casp of John Burns, charged with assault and battery, was ahout to bo called. Burns sat upon one end of the long bench In front and at the other sat "Judge" Julius S. Coolcy, while bo twoen them were a dozen or more wit nesses. The court room was full of spec ulators as usual. Suddenly tho eagle eye of Court Officer Davis caught sight of something being pnssea rrom nand to hand along tho lino of spectators on the second bench. It oc curred to him to investigate, so he tanned tho human telegraph line and Intercepted mo message, which read: "Call for Julius S. Cooley, lawyer." The communication was confiscated. Cooley blushlngly retired from the room and Burns stood trial without counsel. ' Bhlverlck Furniture company's grand gift upt-mng i-uesaay, ucioocr ay. see advertlso ment in Sunday Bee. Wllllnmn X, Smith C!n ..,,. it.. arrival of fall and winter woolens. HE SAID SO- Til tl I fiA Ytrna .linrl n t ,-.,.. 1 . I j nnv nnvr warv Thai'. tm I. - . .1 tt. ...... ...... ...... n iiiiiu in: I.I1I1I, lie wanted some medicine churged. If he wnnts 11 1111111 us no must wiui until pay day. That's our system nnv when vim vnt it Crnmer'a Kidney Cure tna Hehaefer'a Con Kb .Syrup 211c Ilr. Karl Gramer'a Pennyroyal Pllln nun .'immrna rnloiim I'nnilrr Wine of Cnrdul Cnrter'n I.lver Pill Aycr'a Hnlr Vlgror Iliirry'H Mnlt .Whlnkey t do. S-icr. Quinine Ciimnl.i 1 doit. !l-jr. (lulnlne Cnpnnles. . . . i niii, a-tsr. nomine Capaulea. . . . S. 8, S tt Myron of Klira Mllea' N.rvlnr Pleroe'a Prescription noan'a Pllla Uncle Ha 111 'a Tnhncoo Curo " SCHiEFFR CUT 1KIC,: wwiiHhrbii nnnr.r:ii:T o. w. cor. 10th anil Chlcaxo. 12c 7oo 15c 7ric Hoc 7c 1 Of- inc 7Bc On 7Bc 7Bo -Ilia OOo Ladies' Storm Boots, Ladies' Cuban Boots New Creations, $1.68, $2.38. Men's Finest Shoes. Ladies' Patent Enamel, Ideal Kid Patent Mdeal Kid uait, Jiox ualf, Vici Kid, Fosters, SATURDAY. Ladies' Box Calf, all ana widths welts, only sizes ana widths ei 10 THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO successors to The Howe. 1515 Douglas Street. Children's Shoes, tan, ren, Diack, 39c. Misses' Storm Boots, Misses' Box Calf Shoes, Misses' Vici Kid Shoes, $1.98, $1.69, 98c SATURDAY. Hoys', MiBees, Little Gent's, Children's Pat. Calf, of Ti tri.i 11. . Meti s Shoes. Pat. Ideal Kid awellfiHt rWs $1.38. $1.68, $1.88, $2.18. THE ROCHESTER Sample lines, sizes G to 8, tan "no mack, run nnd Wintcr wear, $2.18, $1.59, 98c. Men's Clothing lien's Fall Overcoats Made like (o order. They are nil cut on generous lines, ample and good iitting, stitched like made to measure, trimmed and finished ns if specially mndo. We gunrantee everything nbout them inf the broadest way. No Failures, No Fancies, No Fakes in our line of clothing. All mndo for nnd sold by this store exclu sively. Men's Fall Overcoats $5.50 Men's Fall Overcoats $7.00 Men's Fall Overcoats $7.75 Men's Fall Overcoats $8,00 Men's Fall Overcoats $9.00 Men's Fall Overcoats $10. Men's FaJl Suits. We are ns nmbitiousio please our cus tomers, as we nre to make the sale. Consequently clothing only made for selling nnd advertising purposes find no place in this store. If from any cause you cannot trade with us we'd be pleased to havo you give us a look nnd get posted Men's Fall and Winter Suits $4.50, Men's Fall and Winter Suits $6.50. Men's Fall and Winter Suits $7.00. Men's Fall and Winter Suits $7.50. Men's Fall and Winter Suits $8.50. Men's Fall and Winter Suits $9, $9.50, $10, $10.50, $12, $12,50 and up. Men's Fall Style Hats You as k rule pay $3.75 for n black derby. Perhaps by looking uround you could And one nt $3.74. Now, what's the use of paying $3.71 or $3.75 or $5.00 for a hat to wear you through the winter when wo can sell you a good black derby for $1.60 then for $2.00 and $2.50 they're just us Rood as Mr. Hatter cau sell you for doublo the money. ".Nebraska Hats" are known all orer the west ns the best values getatable. All the styles but old ones. All colors but off ones. Six Saturday Speciads In the Cloak arvd Svtit Dept. TALES OF THE INSURANCE MAN HE BEGAN TO THINK. Here Is a llttlp story of a Kuitsun City man and thero nre others right hero In Omaha: Ho wanted to get his life Insured. Ho had lived a pretty fast life, drank a great deal, never used cigars only to smoke, lutd stayed up late nights nnd played some pretty stilt gnmes of poker, nnd one day, ufter lm had lost heavily the night before, he begun tn think. Ho wus well and strong, had a good business, but hudn't saved much money. Ho hud u wife nnd two chil dren nnd what would they do If anything should happen to him, for ho wouldn't leave them much' Why not get his life Insured? Good Idea! He'd do It, and straight ho went to tho olllco of a well known llfo Insurance man. He carries a liberal endow ment policy In tho Kiniltable now und a few stacks of blues do not mako so much differ ence ono way or tho other. His fnmlly Is provided for In nny event. You'll feel the samo way with a policy In tho Kquitnble. No need to worry when you think of that surplus of over $61.000,cmo, Those Gold lie. bonturo Kndowinent Policies bent a government bond -Just as safe puy a belter rato of Interest. See us nbout It. THE EQUITABLE. II. D. NHKI.y, MnnnRcr for JVebrmtUn. 00-208 nre nulldliiK, OMAHA, Scofield's Sale of Fine i Fall Jackets $5.00 Usual price $10, to $15. I Greatest bargains over offered. All now shapes In black nnd stylish colors. Sain commences Saturday. A few wrappers Saturday ut 50c each usually sold nt $1.00 to $1.50. flL'SCOFIELD tl IXciojiasuiTco. 1510 DoiikIhh St. Cheap Rates Northwest Only $2S to Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, Portland and. Vaicouvor. Only $15 rouud trip. Return limit, 30 days. Only $23 to Ogdan. Salt Lnke City, Ilutto and Helena. Only $40 rouud trip. Itoturn limit, SO days. . Tuesday is the Day Better stop In and ask about these bargains. ' TICKET OFFICIO, 1502 FARNAM STREET. TKI.. 'MO. lU'm.INfiTO.N NTATIO.V, IOTH AND MASON STS. ti;i i;:h, Some Drug Prices That Save You Money. Tho now drug storo ! full of money inn. 50o Syrup of Klgs (Oenulne) BOii i lllrney Cutnirh Cure $1.00 l.lsterlno (Lambert's) 50o Morrow's Kld-ne-olds 5"o Dohu'h Kidney Pills 50o AJux Tablets ' Allegretli & ltubel's Choeolntei 5lw llny's Hair Health fi'io Hlocum'M Ozojell Mn C'ancarctn , , 60c Tarrant's Holtzer Aperient 50o Cutlcura Salve . $1.00 Hnvlnlne (Ijirgo Size) $1.00 Fnlrchlld's Popl. ,Mk Powder.. 50o Hromo Ho'tzer im h,enrH,ur a K'iKllsli Pennyroy Wrlto for Outaloguo. Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go in iew moro ai mm and Dodge nl lOi: 40v 40c fife 4ii n0 7Bo Wo .$1.76 GUNTHER'S GUNTHEITS GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S GUNTHER'S Italian Chocolates Assorted Chocolates Bon Bon Chocolates just received at J. A.FULLER & GO. Hth a .id IlnuKlna Sin. Uifi 411 Mulit. Kldneycura. acnilKft all Kidney ache, etc. At 1rue ?lsts. or by mull, Tree book. al Tlcc, etc. ot Dr. I). J. Kay, jr", N. V. Special No. 1. 50 Ladies' Tailor - Made Suits. $12.75 1111 U1U NWWIf $2.90 Mado of lino Venetian, jackot tnflota lined, trimmed with taf feta straps, now flaring taffeta trimmed skirt, a very pretty stylish suit, worth $18.00. Saturday Special No. 2. 65 Ladies' Sample Waists Ihey aro mado of fine quality taffeta, in all the want- ame snaaes, Hemstitched and tucked. Somo slightly soiled waists worth from $5 and up to $10. Choice Saturday. . . Special No. 3. 50 LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS, Mado of heavy plaid back golfing material in light grays only. Skirts worth up to $5.00. Saturday for Special No. 4. 25 LADIES' SILK DRESS SKIRTS, Made of a good quality taffeta Eilk, inverted plait oacK, naring nouom,44 yards wide, trim med witli 4 rows taffeta ruching; a skirt well worth $12. For Saturday Special No. 5. 50 LADIES' SAMPLE GOLF CAPES, $2.90 .1VCILCU piillU $7.90 $5.90 Made of tho best plaid golfing material, somo slightly soiled. These capes are worth from $8 to $15. Choice Saturday Special No. 6. 40 REAL MARTEN SCARFS, Trimmed with 6 tails a scarf Bold QO everywhere for $6. 00. Saturday ipcJ.Vl - Saturday Specials Saturday Will be Couch Day. We havo gathered to gether a num ber of extra special values for this Sat urday's Spu cial soiling. Couch elegance and couch comfort Is what you get If selected from opr utock. For a couch, full nprhiK edged and end covered In flno grado figured velour, 6 foot 2 Inches long, 25 Inches wldoJli Cf"fc a couch regularly soli at $8.75, for Saturday, eactZpO. O " For a couch with pretty mahogany finish, frnrao covered In heat velour, your cholco of colors and patturnu, deep tut- C tod tops, a $11.60 valuo for Saturday, each 1. O Iiuys n bis couch mado In the best manner, covered In finest flg urd valour, deep tu.'ted top, 30 Inches wide, C feet 8 Inchos long, nnroco design, full spring odgo and end has largo rosette on each everywhere ftt $16.00 our prlco for Saturady $6.50 $9.75 $1200 side ot head, sella only fl-f 00 Knr " finp larK1 Turlils!l couch, made with host springs, has S jJJ J mJ tawn deep tufted top, covered In host figured velour, 30 Inehen wide, 6 feet 8 Inches long, pretty mahogany finish lV -4 frcme, nn ..IS value, for Saturday special, only 3510 XT QQ Huys a heavy massive oak framo couch, richly carvnd, frame nf jjJJ best quarter sawed golden oak, SO Inches wide, (i feet S Inches long, S rows deop tufted top. best figured velour un- i -4 hclsterlug, It's a $20 couch, for Saturday , tplO Store open Saturday Evening until 9 p. m. WALK IN AND LOOK AROUND. ORCHARD & WILHELM CARPET CO,, UM.MI6.M8 DOUfiLAS STREET. Selecting: a Wife. ...and a Stove or Range are quite alike. The handsomest may not be the best, but when you do find both these qualities together... It's an Awful Nice Combination. W Charter Oak Stove and Range. Bold lay DEALERS made Charter Oak Stove & Range Co. ttf m The Best Always TO TAMI'KR WITH I'OOIl llK.VriHTHV I I.S 1'OI.I.V I The material used In our JS.00 nlates la I absolutely tho beHt and fully wnrrunted, HOLD PROH'Nfi $5.00 (iOI.U KH.MNO J1.HI OOOU HUT T13KTII $5.00 TaH's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 7WO QUALITIES