THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 27 inOO. J1 SPECIAL NOTICES Adrtrllirtntnli for theae col o mm III lie lakra tmtlt lit in. for tne eYenlnar edition and anlll 8.110 p. an. for rni,rnln and Sandar edition. Hafea. 1 I.Uo a irord Aral Insertion, le a rrord thereafter. .Nothing taken for leia than 25c for the first Inser tion. Tbeae adTerllaciaeala moat be ran eonaeeotlvely. Advertlaera, by reaaaatlng a nam bered check, can have anairer ad. drraaed to a numbered letter In cure at The Dee. .(nintri ao afldreaaed will be dellrered oat prcaenlatloa of the cheek .only. WA.TKU-SITt ATIO.V LADY bookkeeper and stenographer; sev eral year experience It large wholesale house: first-class references. Address. A 22. Bee A-MO-B WANTED, position as first-class e'erk In general store, groceries. brioVkee pT offlc) clerk, salesman, six years' fxp"' ene; Wat references; so any place h1 U. Mlllersbjrg. I..wa. A-M-"3 WASTED HALE I IE-LI. WAVTKD, we have steody woric for a few goid hustlers of good habits and appear ante. C. F. Adams Co., 10 Howard St. H"V 1 BARF.ER trade taught thoroughly la short time; catalogue and particulars tree. Address Western Barbers" Institute. Omaha, Neb. II-471 WANTED, teams for R. P.. work In Mis-J faiLii, lice Udiutwi mil"" . Wlckham. l'helan 4: Co.. 19 Scott street, Council llluftj, la. B-39 WANTED, reliable salesman to sell com rlMe line of paints, lubricating oils, etc. Liberal terms ann good position for man of ability. Address the Atlantic Refining Co.. Clevelanl. O. B iS-26 WANTED, raining prospectors for the Philippine Islands Schooner Mildred L will leave Seattle about December 1. For full portlruisrs address D. 8. Andrews, manager Philippine Exploration company, basement P I building, Second aenue and Cherry street, Seattle, Wash. B-MH9 3V SALESMEN, to sell office specialties; fine sfdi line, used by all merchants; cata logue free. Model Mfg. Co . Box B. South Bend. Ind. H-MI66 Novl6 WANTED, men to harvet sugar beet croc. Add res or apply In persjn to II ". Mur phy, A'urphy Hock. South Omaha. MEN to lean barber trade, only eight weeks reoulred. necial inducements ii applicants, from distance; our m'thod .f ! free clinic mil expert Instruction' afford! our students an oppinunity of conts"" practice that cannot be had eltewherc; we give lecture on hair and skin dis eases, also Illustrate on rterlllztng. etc : we grant diplomns that are recognized everywhere ?nd guarantee potlons In shops or tre1lng with our demonstra- fn., n'n alln'i. free trftnannrtnttAti In mir colleges at Chicago. St. Louis or Mlnne- spoil"; rei) our t?eaiitiriiii.v tiiurtnuti catalogue and our method of employing graduates, nailed free. Address Molr Barber College Representative. 12J Fr .it. Omaha. B-MTW ' COATMAKER wanted, at once. O Ke beriln. Madison. Neb. B-M TR.VELINO salesman wanted to carry flrst-cluss California gloves as sld" line, on' commission t references riulrel. Ail dres M A B., 43 California St., San Francisco. Cal. , n MTTS 3 WANTED, a .first-class salesman iind pro. meter. Address A 40. Bee. B-MTW WANTED, twenty union bricklayers at Des Moines by Capital City Brick and Pipe Co. B-MS10 SI WANTED. 10 clcarmakers. male or female Hene & Co.. tlgar mfrs , ?1 Farnam St. B- T.' TRt'ST WORTHY nihil tTi travel ami" Xp polnf agents In Nebraska; l0 motith.y; exnew-ts. besljcs commlsilon; permant-.t Johrt Crois. .i Dearborn, Chicago. B MbtS IS COATMAKER Wanted. Stephen J. Brd erlck, 1Q7 Farnam. R-M4I S WANTED, three niee-anpearlng. neatly dressed young men. with some buslnes-s ability, for rood positions; salary and ex penses. Call 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Drexel Hotel, room II. B Ml T.' WANTED I'E 51 ALE 1IELI. Wanted. r gins, ihi Dodge. Tel. s:s. CS27 K girls wanted. Canadian office. Vj72 Douglas c-; WANTED, cook, best of wages. 1!5 So. IZi ave. C-:l WANTED, ladies to learn halrdresslns. manicuring and face treatment; onlv four weeks requited; our method of practlcil experience and expert Instruction have one year's apprenticeship; we guarantee employment In establishments or travel ing with our demonstrators, n method cl employment that offers graduates go ! pay and pleasant work; first five anpll cants free: class November 1st: call or write at once. Moler College, Id Farnam street, suite 19. C M7sl 2i WANTED, girl tt do general housework; good wages. Enquire cf Mrs. Slmeral. 876 North 2Sth Street. C 794 GIRL- for general housework; small fumlly good wages. 212S Chicago St. C781-2' COOK and second girl wanted. 2244 Ls.ngd"on Court. C MS1S 2S WANTED. first-Class girl to do general nouji'worK, reiercnces rcquirea. Apply 2561 Dodge St. C ) 2i' 1011 RENT HOUSES. IF'-you want your houses well rented plate them with Benawa & Co. D CS CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks., cleans and lays carpets right. 715 8. 14. Tel. C50. D KA 02i ALWAYS moving H. H. goods. Pianos. Ofilce, UUH Farnam Su Tel. 15U or SO. D-C30 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Breunan-Love Co., 320 So. Uth St, D (31 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-C3 FOR-RENT, fine 6-room modern cottages In the Stanford circle, Uth and Vinton streets; convenient to South Omaha and 13th street car lines. The Byron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th St. D-137 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 130J Farnam. D-634 FOR RENT. October 1. to small fnmltv a desirable seven-room cottage. 22nd and California street; water In kitchen; 322 per D-M23J "Ton RENT, house F rooms. S. W Park ave. and Leavenworth. Modern ex cept lurnace. ivey at coitage in rear. D-10S SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. U HOUSES, etc F. D, Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-C7 NICE 6-roora modern cottage. 2410 Decatur 3246 LAN DON Court. 10 rooms, modern. In nne eonoition: rem mvj. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 16th Si Douglas Sts. D-21S r-ROOM house, modern. Monroe & Co., m , istn. . u-zn l-ROOM. modem, and barn. 24th and Har ney; Cor. J5th and Hamilton,- modern 6 room new house, F. D. Wead. Uth and Douglas. Dnya FOR RENT, strictly modern flat In Day- iiiit.i ouiiaing. opposite city nan. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 12 FARNAM ST. n-tsi HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. CHOICEST flat In Wlnana apartment iiuuar. vppiy v o. r.lguner, nrr ums, D MM DETACHED hiuse 12 rooms In first class neignoornooa, all modern conveniences fine yard, 145 per month. Apply H J .Windsor, 1SU Dodge St, D-7J3-2 WANTED. ever)hexe. litistlcr to lack tip signs, distribute circulars, etc. No can vassing; good pay. Stamp for reply. Write Globe Advertising Bureaj. Omaha, Neb. II-MT4I- KOIl HI.vr-HOCSES. e-nooM fiat, u s uth. curie e. roweii. .10 N. V. Life Bldg i-juw IN Kount-e face, a S-rootn. all modern house with barn. In best neighborhood, only I3S. Payne-Knox Company. I at; floor N Y Life tWr. D-MSOS 23 ELEGANTLY furnished. Including piano. len-roim modern houe. with good barn, very choice neighborhood and good loca tion W'-st Farnam district : will rent fur nished nr unfur.ilshed six month" or lon ger, references required. Address, with family. A . Dee D-MSW ' 6-ROOM modern cottage. Inquire 2710 Parker D-Sll LARGE -room modern house, good condl Hon. Ml 8. nut Ft. D-MM9 1-nno.M modern house In Kountxe Place. nit- 111 ftD ! 10-room elegant house at 1E24 Wirt St., all modern: pood barn. K'l.w. Ilrennan-Ir-ve Company, 2ff) S. Uth t, Omaha. Neb. .' D-MS1S 1 KOH HEM' Ftlt.MSIIED HOOJIS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. e-: NEWLY furnished rooms, private family, modern. 2101 Douglas. E 730-2S WITH or without board. 2ST Harney E-MMO n:i NICE large furrished steam-heated rooms, with or without board; everything mod ern. Pleasant, quiet location; call today N. . cor. 19th and Leavenworth. K-MUO 25 Pl'IlMSHED ROOMS AXD IlUAllD. ULENCAIRN.transienta,L.5"ay. 160 Doug. 5" 531 GOOD board, private family. to So, 3th avenue. X M6S7 UTOPIA, 1T21 Davenport SU F-GW TO BENT. 1 furnished, ! unfurnl-he-1 rooms, with board, In rrlvate family; quiet neighborhood, near Hanscom park. Call ryjJ Woolworth ave. F MI27 NICE warm rooms, good board, reasonable rates. The Rose, iOM Harney. f-:m-ni NICE south room. The Pratt, 212 S. 55th. F-MSm THE MERRIAM, good winter home. 25th and Dud sc. F 41 FI'RNIFHED roomi with board, private family, modern; first class references. Cnss SU F-TJt-a FOll 11 E.T STORKS AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store in ftrt-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters Si Co., ground floor. Bee bide. FOR RENT, the building formerly ocupled by The' Bee at 91S Fariam street. It has fojr stories and a basement which was formerly used ns The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, aecretary, room 100, Bee Building. 1-N1 STORE for rent at 515 So. 15th 8t. Lind qulst. 1-&S 2C AO E.M S WA.NTED. AGENTS Artlcls of absolute necessity In every building; no competition; big prs fits; exciuflve rights; failure Impossible Agency Dept. I1A IT William st.. N. Y. J-Mrs Nil ONE MILLION will be sold; agents of generating gasoline lamps all coming our way; no generating lamp will s- It alougslde of the "Perfection;" the only gasoline gas lamp that.does not reoulre generating, lights like gas; a brilliant HC-candle power light at a cost of only lc per night. Live agents wanted every where; send for circulars. Perfection Incandescent Gas'Lamp Co.. 1119 Farnam St.. Omaha. J-MT42 AGENTS WANTED, with supply of Hayes Metallic Rubber Tires for rocking-chairs, vou can make I1C1 per month profit. Ad dress J. C. Hayes. 115 E. Locust St.. Des Moinos, la. J-MM2 27 WANTED, canvassers fn The Genuln Justice Brewer's World' Bebt OratUu. "The Standard" and, ifr- phenomenal i-eller. Beware of Imitations. LlbeMl terms. Exclusive territory. Address the publisher. F. P. Kaiser, Dept. B. St. Louis. Mx J-MMjra AGENTS on salary or. commission: The crAtet ncents' seller ever produced: ) every user of pen and Ir.k buys It en i sight: 2u) to So) per cent profit: ona agent s sales amountea to in six aays; another X32 In two hour. Monroe Mfy. Co.. X 1C, La Crosse, Wis. J-MS44 2 WANTED TO RENT. NEED more houses for good tenants; list with G, u. Wallace, Brown blk. K M47 STORAGE. FACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., S12- vl4 Jcnes, general siorago ana torwaruing. -642 Om. Van Stor. Co., 151U4 Xarc. Tela. 1559-'6J DM WANTED TO HV . WANTED TO BUY A second hand cam era or kodak, must dp in good condition and cheap. Address X 53, Bee, N 334 ALL kind:, of household goods, hotels, etc.. In largo ana sman quantities, unicag? Furniture Co.. HO5-10 Dodge, Tel, 1333. N-HH3 WILL purchase a limited number of umana &avinics utirjuuu, urcuimii Love Co.. &9 So. Uth. N.-C4I HOUSES, to be moved. George G. Wal lace, urown ui&. . Ji WANTED, to buy 11.000 of Omaha Savlogj bank accounts tor casn. Aaaress a it. Bee office, N-M54S WANTED, to buy. a good-sized safe: give inside dimensions ana price. Aaaress Drawer 1010, Lincoln, Neb. N-M775 WANTED, to buy a strictly first-class bakery and confectionery for cash. Ad dress S. R. Calland, West Point, Neb. N-MM7 31 FOR SALE FURNITURE, FOR SALE cheap, furniture in 6-room flat, almost new, Appiy A. n. jester. 410 N, 16th St , 3rd floor. O 763 27 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. NEW and 2dII. vehicles at marked down prices, uarry f roit, ittn si Lacnnortn, P-6K FOR SALE, a horse end buggy cheap. In quire at n st, starys ave. p mis PAIR of young mares, city broke, single or douDie, gcntie, unna i;nariey, m. o, 13th. P-759 2i FOR SALE, almost now bike buggy, high mare In Omaha; cheap. Address P. o. Box 1273. P-MS17 29 I'OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, FIN'E Vom unrleht nlano at great sacrifice: party leaving city. Address Y 36. Bee office. Q-197 NS HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing, swi uougias. (ju 2DHAND safe cheap. Dertght, 1116 Farnam. CUTTERS of drug prices. Sherman & Mc- Conncll Drug Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge. Q-641 SAFES; buy. sell, ex'gc SchwarU. 114 So. U. 2DHAND wheels, 15 to 110; new wheels, 315. Omaha Bicycle Co.. leth fc Chicago Sts. SECOND-HAND Callgraph (new) for sale. au at omce cieric uistnct court, Q-4 DON'T miss the ODDortunltv to Insnet our stock. We carry the largest and most complete line of 2ndhand stoves In my; prices low, wn t torget the place, Enterprise Furniture Co., 102-4 So. 14th. Q-246 Nil lOR SALE. 1 150-H. P. Huffman k Rllllnra Corliss engine In good condition. Call tr address tec y or uee Bldg. Co. q FOR SALE, gas stove, good repair Ad dress A 3?, Bee. 3-7M 2, FOR SALE cheap, heavy Studebaker team wagon and coal box, cheap. 5707 Florence iiouievara. y is- KOIt JALUMlSCGLLOEOt 5. FOR SALE, three good stoves chap. Call at 110 Emmett St Q-31 rs MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE, country dealers. Idhand fumltur and stoves at lowest nrlees. carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co.. 14O6-10 Dode. R t'UIIH OYA5TS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. JT .North 16th. S 123 MME.GYLMER genuine palrauit. lfc Dodge s-m;:i GALVESTON'S Famous Medium, happy marriages, aivorces. lost and hidden treas ures a specialty. Prof. Flint, 1707 Cass St. S 7K-:6 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. lth, second floor. T-&SS-N-5 MRS. EDGAR. 2T4 North 15th St., flat E. it,., svuge uu vawi oaias. T-M7S5 SO M ME. AMES. 115 Howard, M floor, room L ubi.c jirjnoia, assistant. i iiMS 1" PERSONAL DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. it 32, Frcuzer block. U C2 VIA VI. woman's way to hsalth. SIC lite bide TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, for ladles only; skilled women massage operators; finest eqjlpped baths In the city. Renstrom Bath Company. Rooms :16 to 220 Be Bldg. U 004 RUPTt RE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger, send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, K2 N. Y. Life bldg. Omaha. U 004 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur Ing confinement; babies adopted. 11M N. 17. -CCW PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget. 2(20 Burdctte. U C63 YOUR OLD SKIRT Can be altered to look new and siyllfh by utlng one of our beautiful FRENCH AUCOKUIUS PLEATED FLOUNCE'S Any kind complete from 11.(0 up. AL TERATION PATTERNS AND INSTRUC TIONS FREE, Accordion and side pleat ing by the yard. Send for circular. M. GOLDMAN ft CO. too Douglas Blk., Uth and Dodge. l-4fl SHAMPOO. 35c; halrdress, tic; manicure, Mc: scalp treatment, 30c: electric mas sage or scalp treatment. Sec F. M. Schadell & Co., 1122 Douglas. U-M557 029 LADIES' Jackets and tailor made suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. I-Vce so; s. 17. SEWING In private families. CTU N. 43th. U-I44 Nil' PLEATING nnd skirts, all kinds; buttons made to match. Omaha Pleating Co , 1521 Douglas. N C5S SEWING machines rented and repaired; rent 12 per month: supplies for all klnd of machines. The Singer Manufacturing Co., 1C20-1C Douglas St. Telephone 41S. V-M5J2 CHILDREN boarded or adopted. S N. 23d street. U M7S2 N23 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska "and westeri Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay J1W or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brennau-Love Co.. 2.-j So. 13th St.. Omaha. Neu. W 679 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co., 509 So. 12th W T,l 11.000 and upward to loan on Improved cUy property and farms. SV. Farnam Smith & Co., 13AI Farnam. W 671 WANTED, city loan.i, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam St. ' W-7J MONEY In any amount at 5. f4. C per cent. J. W. ROBE1NS & Co.. litt FARNAM ST. W-671 MONEY to loan on farm and city property; lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1505 Farnam, W-7S MONEY to loan at 5 and SH per cent on Omaha property. W. is. McikU. 401 S. Uth W 676 PRIVATE money. 5, Ki, 0 per cent; no de lay. Garvin Bros., 1613 Farnam. W 677 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. It. C Peters & Co., i702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. ' W 671 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1UI Douglas. V.'79 FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. w GJ MONEY to loan on first-class Improved city property or tor nunoing purposes, rayne Knox Co., New York Life. W-6S1 PRIVATE money to loan, J. H. Sherwood, X3 V. Lltfc. . Vt us IS YOUR boy a genius? If so send him to our training scnooi or "tiectricuy ana Steam Engineering" and fit him for a bril liant business career. Particulars and terms on amplication to Northwestern School of Engineering. Busi ness ome. 402 woodmen or tne world bldg., N. E. cor. Uth and Howard streets. W MS22 26 MONEY TO LOAN-C1IATTI.ES. MONET TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc You to keep tne property. SALARY LOANS to people permanently employed on their own numi0, mwiuut iujuibcf ur mortgage. We loan from 110 up. We charge noth ing for making papers and we keep noth lng out of the amount you ask for. You may repay the money la one. month, or take 2. 3, 4, 5, 6 months or more in which to repay It, Our rates are as low aa the lowest, our business Is confidential and we always try to please. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., Established 1W2. tOC t. th St, X-M7U MONEY MONEY lAJA.iC.U CAUUUI.U trtji-L.)Z, No endorser or mortgage required, LOWEST RAVES, EASY PAYMENTS and OMAHA CREDIT CO., Room 526, tilth floor. New York Life RHg. XS1 PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain note without security. No charges for papers. Lower rates. Easier payments. Confidential treatment as ured. We want your trade. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 601 Bee BlOg. X-742 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per. raanent positlo-i with responsible concern uoon their own names without security: easy payments, Tolman, 706 N. Y. L. Bldg .v O ( MONET loaned on furniture, diamonds, watches; payments confidential. Oraana .natue ivoan uanK, zm a. ism, upstairs. X 633 MONEY loaned on Dlanos. furniture, hones cows, jewelry. Duff Grceu, R.S, Barker BU x SALARY LOANS, CHATTEL LOANS. J w. tailue, as First Nat, Bank Bldg. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. No mortgage or PUbllcltr. Pa Den free. LOWEST RATES, EASIEST PAYMENTS SURE. R. R. employees receive time to suit convenience. Ixans of other companies taxen up. ncuAum i.ut,iJll i u,, room ah t-axton uiock. .v Mail MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, din roonds. watches, privately. Bergers Loan I.O.. ixtH r arnam at., upstbirs. x J MONEY loaned on planoi, furniture, tew. elr'. horses, cows, etc, C. F. Reed, , in a. i. X-4TS3 BUSINESS CHANCES. 1150 CASH or easy payments cays S strictly lawful (nickel) slot machines for drinks. cigars or cash; will earn 32 and upward weekly each. Earl. Clark & Co., Furni ture iiaaui-ciurer. unicago, in Y-M7M WANTED, renubllcan newsDaner. county seat, that 1 cn paying basts, with chm-e of enlargement of business, flrst-c'ass propertK wanted, investment not to ex ceed (5.600, make propositions bed-rock, In confidence, to American Press Assocla. Uon. Omaha, Y-MS06 27 IHHMISS IHME. FI RN1TI RE and undertaking stock for tale In live town, stock nil new and clean, a good paying business, a rare chance, reason for selling, broken down health. T. S, Richardson, Fullerton. Neb. V-M3M rr - .1 FOR SALE, restaurant and confection' ry Am) doing a splendid bulness. Other bu lnes the reason for selling This Is 'I e onlj- place in town. Addriss Box 1. Springfield, Neb Y-MMS FOR SALE or rent Muller's Bakery and Confectionery, ISth and Leavenworth A bargain. Y-MMS 2 ONLY" drug i-tore In section of city having 60 population. Wish to sell soon. No trades considered. Lock Box MS. Lincoln, Neb. Y-MMi r FOR EXCHANGE. HOTEL. JS.ono.O); 30 rooms; clear; In county seat of southeast Nebraska, good town; will exchange for land; will pay difference If any. Grist mill, J7.(O0.W for land, tt.OM.W mort gage. , J4.(UOO stock of hardware, clear, also for farm land. Have two parties wanting ranches. Other parties want farms. W ant good farms to sell. Merchandise stocks. Drug stocks. Money to loan. Over 16 years In business. Henry C. Smith, Falls City, Neb. FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. GOOD opportunity for a combined farmer and stockman; .!f acres In North Texas, 1 miles from town of 12.009 peopl-; 2X) acres cultivated, balance In hog and cat tle pasture; living water, good market; Brlce, J1I.60 per acre: J-4,000 cash. Write :. D. Gray, Gainesville. Texas. RE-iSJ-K DELIGHTFUL home in Hanscom Place for sale at a liberal discount. it. J Kennard & Son, suite 310-211 Brown Blk. RE 1V FOR SALE cheap, large lot a.-d three cottages. J. A, Lovegren, 4th floor Pax ton block. RE M545 PATNE-XNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW. E6T RATES on LOANS: SOUND IN. SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS, STOREtJ. for RENT. First floor, N. Y. Life Bldg, RE 69S RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union Pacific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE o; HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton blk. RE I SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 621 N. Y, LIFE. RE J CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 12M Farnam St. RE CSJ A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3 cottages in Couth Omaha for I3,y rent ing for JJ7.W per montn: will sell sep arately or on monthly payments; also one 6-room cottage at No. 2316 Duponl street. Omaha; all In first class condition. Ornulia Loan & Building association, U. M. Nattlnger. Secy. Bee Building. J. H. Kopletz, Act., South Omaha. RE-K4 N3 C. F. HARRISON. BARGAINS. 913 N Y L. RE K5-N-S LANDS. C. B. Burrows. Norfolk. Nebraska RE-4C-0 Dec 2-J 1C0-ACRE farm In Iowa for $27 SO per acre nr will exchange for a stock of groceries. F. S. B., lock box 64, Grlswold, la. RE M775 S HERE Is one of the best bargains In a small home In the city: 3316 Larlmore St (Vnnmoulh P&rXl. O-room nouae. well. rents J6. JO'O. on payments; discount for cash if sold within a weeK. George G. Wallace, 313 Brown Blk. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 12-room house. 5 lots, fine location. Address or can n. Martin, 312 North th St. RE 792-30 C F. HARRISON, 912 N. Y. LIFE. , 11-room house, high 'and sightly ground, not fat -from'Vest' Farnam district. 2 fun'eatfTjri lots; house well built, cellar, all excavated; good furnace, bath room, "etc chance for fine home cheap; 3o,0. C. F. HABRISON. 913 X. Y. LIFE. RE-S12 2j' K BARGAIN SH acres on Calhoun road. 1H miles norm or Morence. b-room nouse. barn, henhouse, 2 wells, J acres In fruit lust commencing to bear, nearly all level. Price novo If sold this month. The Byron Reed Co., 212 s. 14th st. RE-M521 31 GOOD 9-room house, all modern, within walking distance or business for (200. J. u. Piper, itamge diock. itiv Ais 25 JlSrt.O) CASH and 120 monthly payments of is.o eacn. witnoui interest, tor e-roam cottage and lot near 2th and Lake; war ranty deed nnd clear title. W. L. Selby, tioara oi iraae uiag. i-none, ioiu. RE 535 23 SAVE your money and buy a farm. 100 acres, Hitchcock Co., i75. 160 acres, Holt. Co., 12"). W) acres, uawes o 1G0 acres. Greeley Co.. 3500. 2W acres. Holt Co., TOO. 640 acres, Cheyenne Co., 31.50 per acre, l.Crt) acres, Cheyenne Co., tl.fiO per acre. T.rO acres. Chevenne Co.. 11.50 rer acre. Three 'fine quarters In Cheyenne Co., J2M a quarter. 20.000 acres In western Neb., choice land, J2. 00 rer acre. The best deal ever offered is SO.Cm acres western Neb., beautuui lanu, at 31.75 per ftcre. Fine 12). well Improved fruit farm In Wayne CO., aio., n-u. . Address A 46. Bee. RE S34 26 WE have customers for ten to forty-acre tracts near tne city, bena us a descrip tion and your lowest price as soon as pos sible. Payne-Knox Company, Main floor, jr. Y. Lire Duuaing. ij .mu 370) BARGAIN 5-r. cottage, east front. snimer et na:o, u.t u vmx. RE M?37 27 Jl.SM BARGAIN 5-r. cottage, close in snimer & t-nase, oh uee oiag. RE-MK55 : t3 BARGAIN Full lot on Jackson street. Ehlmer & cnase, oh uee Ding. RE M39 27 FARil BARGAIN ISO acres Improved, near council uiuns, tnimer t t.nas. nn Bee bldg. Jit; mho zj A NICE building corner, lots 23 and 23, Falrmount Place, on easy terms. Write to F. 11. Happen, Miiwauxee, wis. RE MEDICAL, LADIES out of health find prompt relief- Cox 22, umana, -eD. connaentiai. -703 LADIES, Cure for WHITES, etc: perfect regulator; sena u.w. ooi umana. .-eD. n.6 LADIES. JLOOO for a case ohl Dr. Jackson's monthly regulator falls to relieve in 24 hours, or money refunded; no ergot, or tansy pills; many saved from suicide. By mall 33.00. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co., r It? nrhnrn St.. fhlrarn 111 -' N6 VIRTUAMA cures impotency resulting from indiscretions or debility, gives vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, fitting for success, nappiness in ousiness; profes sional, social, married life: 32 or 3 for tr. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of lue ivtuu i,u v., cisin, ill. Amencan umce, retail, wnoiesaie, -.tyerS' Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha: M. A. Dillon South Omaha: Davis Drug Co., Council uiuns. t uii tine ruooer gooas. LADIES, 31.WO for any, case my Monthly PAmililnr fnll in relieve In itf v.a,..., sure and safe; price 13; used 40 years In 1S4 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111. ' M77S SO LA DIES. I positively guarantee Goldcrt eai win relieve mo tonecst ana moj obstinate cases of irregularities wlthnj oaln in five hours: sent secure from nb servatlon; 31.(0. Dr. Annie Fowler, 205 bourn inn et.. oi. iu, mo. ' -MS53 02S' SHORTHAND AND Tl'rEWniTiSC, A, C. VAN BANTS SchooL 717 N. Y. Life, CJO BOTLES College, court reporter principal. NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand Cn lege, Boyd s Theater. 707 GREGG Bhorthtnd, Om. C. CoL It & Doug, iZZ OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Icstttute. SIS N, Y. L. Bldg J dept.; Gld E Johnson, Oiteopathist, Mgr. M. E. DONOHUE. D. 0.. of Still school. T' t. m . . , , i . . , . - 704 FAYETTE COLE. D. O., room 4 Bee bldg. ,5 ,6' N. M. McMCRRAY, D. O.; Mrs. J. R. Mu- sick, u. u., suite nee piog. 1511 N7 HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered at Omaha Driving park. lid N7 WANTED, horses to winter, can take neaa; an dox stalls; two artesian neiu: price, from 14 to 15 pr month, win call for them and deliver in the sprlrg. Ad dress H. & B Stock Farm. C. C. Cole, manager, Springfield. Neb. M30 21 WANTED-HORSES TO IIREA1C. WANTED, horses to break and train; will taxe tnis wotk at reasonaDie rates. nv pood winter quarters. Address George Davis, 22S Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. - SSS Nl PAWNBROKERS, EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an uusiccss connaentiai. izn Dougns -70) LOANS, II. Marowltz; low rates. 413 N. 16. 701 3ICSICAL. MISS MINNIE LOVI. teacher of rlano. studio. ci4 x. i?tn st, y.:H ss FREE scholarships to piano students. Prof. uraun. ko itamge uik. ACCORDION" PLEATING. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, urn. quicKesi. .Mrs a -. .Marx, y rat terson B1k.. 17th and Farnam Sts. -43 DANCING, NEW classes now forming at Morand's tnis weex, -luetaay ana tTiaay. i p. m.: 12 lessons, ladles 16. gentlemen 15; special prices to clubs; assemblies Wednesday. 455 o;s TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest M471 novn BOOKKEEPING. LESSONS in bookkeeping, per.manshlp. arithmetic; aay ana evening. ,eo. u:u. College. Boyd's Theater. US BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1013 Leavenworth; 3IIIIROH FACTOKY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 13 ii PIANO TUNING. WE tune your piano for 31.50. Rose's Art Store. 1521 uoage. rei. isia. FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1321. M. S. Walklln. 2U1 Cuming St, ill ACCOUNTANT. CHARLES E. WALTERS, 326 Bee bldg. , iiitw nov i STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections, um. stove itep. v us., Jiu. uoug, Tel. K0 ' ' LAUNDRA, OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 7c: collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c 17&0 Lcavenworin. xei. at,. -712 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replnted. um, i'lating v.o uee oiut. ia iw. ,16 DEI.GI.VN HARES. FINE Belgian Hares for rale at common- tense prices. 5,07 Florence Boulevard. -S32 N25 ENGINES. nOILERS, DTC. L C. Sharp Mach. Wks.; motors, dynamos. .is CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenaea to. j. a. ucmitree, juiti and Lake Sts. 370 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING CURED. Julia Vaughan, if) Ramge Bldg. 710 TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. 1L PhR. bin. las Farnam, Teiepnone 7t, ,a DRESSMAKINO, IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. SI! So. Sth St, M3 r' PLAIN SEWING. WANTED, plain sewing. 103S S. 22d st. M7W 2i' LOST, RED enameled Harvard stickpin. Return to public liDrary. itewara. Lost-MSIl 27 POSTOfr'FICE NOTICE. (Should be read DAILT by all interested, n rhana-es mar occur at any time.) Forelyn malls for the week ending October 27. 10, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases! at tne uenerai i-ubi umce as 101 lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown be low. Parcels Post Malls for Germany close at 5 p. nx, loncay ana weanesaay. Transatlantic Malls. SATURDAY At Um, for EUROPE, per s. b. Umbria. via Queens town; at S a. m. for NETHERLANDS, per s, e. SUtendam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Staten dam"); at 8 a, m. for ITALY, per s. s. Werra, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. s. Werra"); at 10 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must be directed "per . s. Astoria"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not ta sent by this ship un less specially directed by her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour or sailing oi sicamcr. Mails fur Snath and Central America, West Indies, etc. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URAGUAY and PARA GUAY, per s. s. Coronda; at S:I0 a. m. (supplementary 10a. m.t (or ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX. LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS atid DEMERARA, per s. s, Fontabelle (mall for Grenada and Trlr.ldad must be directed "per s. s. Fontabelle"); at 10 a, m. for PORTO RICO, oer s. s Ponce: at 10 a. m. (sup plementary 10-.SO a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA. CAR THAGENA and GREYTOWN. per a. t Alleghany (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Alleghany"! : at 10 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for VENE ZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Mara. CS.IDO (man tor tsavanuia ana uatnagena via Ruru-io. must b directed "ner s. a Maracaibo"). at 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Havana. Malls for Newfoundland ly rail to North Sydney and thence by steamer rinse at this office dally at t 30 p. m (connecting close here every Monday Wednesday and Baturdayi Mai's for Miquelon, by rail to Boston, and 'thence by steamer, close at POSTOI'FICE NOTICE, this office dally at ) p. m. Malls f"r Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fla . and thenie by steamer, cloe at this oltke dailv at a. m. ithe onnerttng clnses are on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday Mall It Mexico City, overland, unless specially ad dressed for dispatch by steamer, dose at this office dally at 2 3) a. ni. and 2 J" p m Malls for Bellie. Puerto Cnrtez and Giate mala, by rail t- New Orleans and thence by steamer .close at this office dailv at "3 p. m (connecting closes here Momlavs for Hellic, pjerto Cortex nnd Guatemala Malls for Costa Rica.- by rail to Mobdr Ala., and thence bj- steamer, close at th's office dally af 3 p. m. (connecting close here every Tuesday. Registered ma, closes at 6-p, m. previous day. Trnnapaclflc 3tnlla, Mall, for Hawaii. Japan. China ar.d Phl'lp Pino Is'ands, via San FranciU'i. clse here dally at 6.."0 p. m. up to October "21 Inclusive, for dispatch per s s. City cf Pekln. Malls for Australia (except V est Australia'. New Zealand. Hawnll. Fiji and Samoan Islands, via San Francisco, close hero dally at 6-! p. m. after ("? tober "14 and up to October 27, Inclu sive, or on day of arrival of r. s Cam pania, due nt New York October 27. for dispatch per s. s Alameda, Malls for Hawaii, Chins. Japan and Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6 3) p m. up to October . In clusive, for dispatch per s, s Gaellr MaT.s for China nnd Ja-xin. via Van couver, close here dally at 6 30 p m jp to October "S Inclusive, for dlspat-li per s, s Empress of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver ) Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco elAe here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November "i. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Aus tralia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe ntv! New Zealand, which goes via Fan FrHn clco), and FIJI Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally nt 6 3-) p. m. up to No vember 10. Inclusive, for dispatch per . s Aorangl (supplemntnry malls, via Seattle, c'ose at 6:30 p m. November 1L Transpacific malls are forwarded t" pert of sailing dai:y and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their un interrupted overland transit Rerlstered mall c'os at " n m nrevlous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster rostonice, New, York, N. Y . October 39. !". RAILWAY TIME TABLES. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Route General Otlicts, N W. C rner Tenth and Farnim Sts Ticket Offlce. 15.-2 Karnsm St. Telenhone B'rlliigtou station, Tenth nnd Mason Sts. Telephone, 12). iveave. Arrive. Lincoln Hastings and McCook a s:io am a 75 rm Lincoln, Denver Colo- rado. Utah. California. a 4:25 nm a 3.C) Drn Lincoln & niaek Hills, a 9:3. Din a S: Dm Montana. Souna a s.:30 pm a 6;5 m Lincoln Fast Man a i iv pm &io:35 am Denver Colorado, Utah and California a C (i um a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office, W2 Farnam St. Tele p . ne, 250. DetKit, Tenth and Mason Sts. Tele phone, 32i. Kansas City Day Ex ,aS:50am a 6.1 pm Kansas City Night Et alO.15 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and St, Louis..a pm aji:ii am a Dally. CHICAGO. Bl'nLIXr.Tnv & Qulncy Railroad "Tne ! Burlington Route" Ticket vuice, rarnam St. Telephone, 250, Depot Tenth and Mason Ste. Telephone. I2S. Leave. Arrtt-A Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:CO am Peoria ExDress n o-". i-n Chicago Vestlbuled Ex .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 m Chicago Local Express. a 6:50 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 pm u 7:45 km racinc junction i-ocaj..Biu:i am Pacific Junction Extra.. a 7:00 Dm Fast Mali a - a Dally. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St Paul Railwav-City Ticket Offlce. 1601 Farnam Street. Telephone -Si. De. Oot, Tenth and Mason trcets. Telephone, C29. T.iv, Arrti Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:CO pm a fc;&5 a'rn v.nicav' KJIIltXUt .V t.w an v m.iv put a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO, RCCK ISL- and i Pacific Railroad -'The Great Rock Isl and Route" City Tick et Office, U23 Farnam Street. Telephone, 2S. Depot. Tenth & Marcy Sts. Telephone, Ci'. Iaiv. Arrlv. Des Moines and Daren port Local a 7:23 am bll:35 am Chicago Express bll:15 am a S:liam Chicago Fat Express.. a 5:iO pm n 1:25 pm Lincoln and rairbury ...a S:2y ara a 1&j pm Lincoln, Colorado Spgs., . uenver, i'ucdi" jnu West a 1;30 nm a 4:11 nm Des Moines. Rock Isl and and Chlraco. n 7-15 nm n r.-V nm Colorado & Texas Flyer.a 5:55 pm n 9:15 am a uouy. d uany except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAI In roadOmaha. Kansas City & Eastern Railroad 'The Qulncy Route" Ticket Of fice. 1415 Farnam Su Tele phone. 322. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone, C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 5:u5 Dm a &:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a . :w am a s.t'J pm a Dally. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad The North western Line" General Offices. United Slates National Bank Building, 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. TIcVe: Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone. 661. De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 629. Leave. Arrlv?. Twin City Express a 6.65 am a!0:25 nm Twin City Limited a T:ZS pm a 6:15 am bloux (.'ity Loca a :w am a 4:2J pm a uniiy. FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railroad 'The Northwestern Line" General Offices. United States National Bank Bldg.. S. W. Cor. Twelftn iinrt Varnnm Rt Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St, Telephone, WL Depot, 15lh and W-bster Ets. Tele phone, 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Doadwood, Hot Springs a Z:V) pm a 5:0) pm Wyoming, Caspar and Douglas d 2:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David i-uy, superior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 5V.0 om Norfolk, Verdigre and Fremont b 7:30 am bl05 am Lincoln, Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:23 am Fremont Local c 70 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO k. NORTH western Railway 'Tne Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St, Telephone, UU. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telenhone. 625. Leave. Arrivi. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7:00 am all:3) pm ("Thlea vn Ta it,rp,r . n 11?, nm a kfllnm Eastern Express, Des Aioines. Morsnaiuoun. Cedar RapMs and Chi cagi- alC:65 am a 4.05 pm Eastern Limited. Chi cago and Last a 1:65 pm a 4:(5 pm Fast Mai), Chicago to Omaha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 7:(5 pm a I'M itm Fast Mall ,. a 5:20 um a Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL, Minneapolis Sc Omana Railway 'The North western Line" General Offices,' Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster rsis. Ticic-t umee. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone, ML Depot, Uth and Webster Sti. Leave. Arrive. Twin City Piuencer,.. a 6.-00 am a 9:io nm Omaha Passenger ull:10 am tioux t-ity & ,-onn- east Nebraska 2:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4- . WABASH RAILROAD - f?cr Ticket Office. 1604 Farnam fli, Street, Telephone tS5. De- VVJSKtvs T,,n,h CTia Mary - w -l ., Directs, iciepcor.e us. lueave. Arrive, St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Erjirea a 6.05 pm a 1,20 am a Daili:. i fllllWAUKW c3r RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PAt'lFle-'THB QVKR. land Route"-General Oftlle' N K, Cor. Ninth and Farna Streets City Ticket Office. 1 Farnam Street. Telephone. . Depot. Tenth ami Mason & Telephone. Leate. ArrHe i The Overininl Limited a S:9(' am a 7:35 p ' The Chicago-Portland Special a i:20 nm The Fast Mall ft S:M am The Colorado Spevlal .all:3i pin The Fast Mall ''i.. Beatrice nnd Str -mst -jrg Express .b 4:10 nm a 7:x pm n i: prn a 6:50 am a 4:35 pm bl2;25 pm a 6:50 am b 9:W am The Pai-iftV Express a 4.25 pm The Atlantic Express... uran.1 isiami iooai . d i w pm a Daliv b Dally except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC It A I In road General Offices apd Ticket Offices Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone, 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. St . LojIs .t Kansas City Express ..alow am a 6:3) pm Express... a!0:10 pm a 6:15 am Leave from 13th and Webster Streets: Nebraska I .oca I, Via Weeping Water .. b 4:15 pm alO:45 am , a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Rallrpad. City Ticket Of flee. 14-02 Farnam Street. Telephone, 243. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express . Chicago Limited Mlrnrapolls and l Paul Express , Mlnneapnll nnd nil. 10 am a 4 05 pm a 7:45 pm a &.15 am St. ... ,b ": ara b ?:) pm St- a 7:45 pm a 8:15 am from ... b 4 30 pm blO:lf om except Sunday. Paul Limited .. F'rt Drtdoe Local Council Bluffs a Dally, b Dally PRESIDENT QUALIFIED VOTER 1nKe the First Oppnrtnnlly to Itcgla trr In Ills Home City of C'nntnti. CANTON. O.. Oct. 26. President McKin Icy Is now fully qualified to vote in pre cinct "U." First ward. Canton, He regis tered this morning, the first opportunity he has had. butliig been out of the city on the previous rcglstratiop days. The president was accompanied to his polling place by Judge Day, Major Charles R. Miller and Postmaster George B. Frease. He walked to and from tbe polling place, a distance of half a dozen blocks, and greeted many acquaintances. Governor General Wood of Cuba Is ex pected here during the forenoon to confer with tbo president. Governor General Wood reached Canton soon after 10 o'clock this morning. He was met nt the station by Secretary to the President Cortclyou and taken direct to the McKlnley Vnrac. lie will remain until 11 o'clock this evening. Governor Wood came to confer with the president and Secretary of War Root on a number of matters cocnected with Cuban offices. He was secompaniod by Pcrfecto la Coste, secretary of agriculture of Cuba, and bis aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Frank Roos. Another caller at the McKlnley home was M G. Brulbaugh, commissioner of education for Torto Rico. He came pri marily to deliver the president a message from Governor Allen, the nature of which has not yet been made public. He also made a verbal report on affairs of the Island and on educational matters. Mr. Brulbaugh said conditions in Porto Rico are steadily Improving. There is much In terest and considerable excitement over the first election. The contest has devel oped lines similar to those In the United States. The republican party Is in full harmony with President McKtslev and for American administration, while the federal party within tbe last two weeks has en dorsed Bryan, declared for Porto Rlcan and against American administration. The latter party embraces the pro-Spanish cle ment, lie eald, and the former the great In dustrial classes. The republicans, he thinks, will elect a majority of the house, as well as the commissioner to Washing ton. Rapid recovery Is being made from the hurricane distress A 'fliomnnil Tonuura, Could not express the rapture of Annie E. Springer of Philadelphia when Dr. King's New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She says: "After all other rem edles and doctors failed it soon removed the pain In my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remem ber doing before. I feel like sounding Its praises throughout the universe." Dr. King's New Discovery Is guaranteed to cure all troubles of the throat, chest or lungs. Price, 60c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Men Imprisoned In Mine. MINONK, 111.. Oct. 26. Three boilers ex. ploded at the Chicago and Mlnonk Coal and Tile works today, seriously Injjrlng Wll Ham Jackson, engineer, Samuel Hayes, William Hayes and Edward Liston. fire men. The s'Jierlntendent and' 230 miners are down In a mine 660 feet, with no present way to ralp.e them to the surface on ac count of their being no steam power to operate the lift. Ku Vote for Allotment. FORT WORTH. Tex.. Oct, 26.-The gen eral council of Kaw Indians has voted al most unanimously for the allotment of their lands. A delegation of Kaws will leave, In a few days to present the matter to the Interior department and arrange for the opening of the reservation to settle ment. Fur n ('old In the Head. LAXATIVE BROMO-QUININE TABLETS, ALWAYS IN THE LEAD THE M-ST TRACK, THE BEST SERVICE, THE BEST EQUIPMENT, THE BEST TRAINS TO DENVER. . 1 he Union Pacific wns the first line to establish ButTct Smokinfi and I.ihrary Cars to Denver nnd other western points. "THE COLORADO SPECIAL" L. Omaha 11:15 p. m. today, Ar. Denier 1:20 p. m. Tomorrow. "THE PACIFIC EXPRESS" L. Omaha 4:25 p. m. today, Ar. Denter 7:25 a. m. tomorrow. C1TYTICKET OFFICE 1224 TARNAM ST. TELEPHONE Jit. pENHYROYAL, PILLS TJ tfkrT li. Mutt tAim. m tHmtpH Uf.U C.I4 x iti., tl Ml! Uacrra eaWtllana aa latll. (! Ii ,t 7tf firtt,i w MMft. U Hurl f ra.rtln.Un. TrataLU "Rtll-r far IJIm., Mr, ft- r lin MftlL !. TrUiClU . HaBt)auljru ataloa h.avrt, .-aUlM tii