t THE OMAHA DATLY UliJB: TJITIISDAV. OCTOJB13R 23, 1000. 1 1 V . I s SPECIAL NOTICES Adverllaementa for these column rrlll lie lkrn nntll 12 m. for the renins; edition and until 8:30 p. an. (nr tnnrnliiK Sunday rdltlon. Italcs, 1 3--o a rrnrd flrat Insertion, lo a word thereafter. Nothing tnkrn for leaa thun a.'c fur the flrat Inaer tloiit These advertlaements moat lie ran consecutively. Advertiser, hy renneatlnir a nom tiered chrek, can have nnatrera ml dreaaed to a numbered letter In care of The Iter. Anarrera an nddreaaed will lie dellrrred oa presentation mt the check only. WANTED SITUATION, LADY bookkeeper ami atenogrnpher; sev eral yeurs' experience in largo wholesale house: first-class references. Address, A 22, Bee. A-M&-a WANTED, position ns first-class r!.;rk In general More, groceries, bookkeeper, ofllco clerk, nnlcsmnni nix yenr' experi ence; best refcrencoH! go any place, Box 34, Mlllcrsbirg. Iowa, A-MH"3 27 WANTED JIALI2 HELP. WANTED, we have steady work for a few goul hustler of good h;iMt nU appear ance. C. r. Adams Co, .7)3 Howard. St. l- -1 BARBER trado taught thorough y In short tlm; catalogue and particulars free. Address Western Barbcri' liutltule. Omalift, Neb. WANTED, teams for 11. It. work In Mis alsslppt; freo transportation for outllts. Wlckham. Phi-Ian & Co., 19 Bcott iitreet, Council lllurts. la. B-620 WANTED, reliable salestnun to sell com lilato lino ot paints, lubrlcntlng oils, etc. Llbcrnl tcrniH and good position for man of. ability. Address the Atlantic IlennliiR Co., Cleveland, O. H Q-20 VAJTl.?n mlnl.. r.m.l,i,i,ira tr lb 1'Iilllpplno Islands Schooner Mildred. K win leuvn nenuio aoouf upccmuer i. rur full particulars address D, H. Andrews, manager 1'hlttpplnu Exploration company, basement I 1. building, Second nvcnuo and Cherry street,. Seattle, Wash. D-MI4Q 31" SALESMEN, to sell offlco specialties; line sldfl Hun; iiHed by all merchants; rata lORUe free. Model Mfg. Co., Box B, South llend. Ind. B-MIM Novl'i SALESMAN for tho city. Apply before 9 a. ni. Tho Hlnger Manufaclurltig Co., 1820-1622 Douglas st. H-M53I 2.. WANTED, men to barvrst sugar beet crop. Address or upply In persan to II. O. .Mur phy, Murphy, block, South Omaha. H-M5S2 WANTED, a llrst-clasH retoucher and printer; glvo refereiice.v Wages T u week. AddresH E. WeylO, photographer, Ijiramle, Wyo. H-M745 21 WANTED everywhere, liuatlers to tack up fllgnH, dlstrlbuto clraularit, etc. No can vassing; good pay. Stump for reply. Wrltn Olobo Advertising Ilurcan, Omaha, Neb. H-M741 WANTED. Experienced city nollcltnr: steady employment. Pnrtlculara Cat Uco bilKdlng. H-M739 23 WANTED Electricians are alwayH In de mand. A 1 1 fin I o.tr school ami receive nn education In "Electricity." Call or write to Northwestern. School of Engineering. Ofllc-o I02 WooJlrt.in of tho World Hldg., NorthcaHt corner 15th and Howard Sts. 1176321 WANTED, young man about 21 for collect ing: salary J10.00 per week; refurenccs. A 37. Ilee. . . , H-761 24 -4 RIIOH Nalenman wanted: a yoilne man. experlunceil In tho shou bUBlni"n, one that can speak either (Jcrman or llohemlan jirt'fprrod. A Sternly position with good wngru. Address II. 8., 1. O. Hox 154, Crete? Neb. U-753 21 SLES.MEN wanted to sell our goods ly sample to wholesale and "retail trnde: we nro the' largest and otr'.v manufactures In our linn In the world: liberal salnry paid. Address, CAN-DEX Mfg. Co., Savannah, Oa. 11- WANTED. Ilrst-class cloak nnd dress gondH salesman: stato age, experience, reference, salary expeeted hnd If mar ried. Westenhavdr lltos., Oskaloosa. Ia. H-M7S6 23 MEN tq loam barber trade: only eight weukH renulrcd: sticclnl lnducoments n npplluauts from distance: our mithod nf freu clinic and expert liistruutlous afford our Htudcnts nu opportunity of jconstnnt pnictico tnai run not tie. nail, eisowncro wo give lcclurt'H on hair nlul oklu dls eases, also lllustrnto nu sterilizing, etc. wo grant diplomas that are recognized everywhere nnd guarantee positions In shniis or traveling with our demonstra tors; wo allow fre,o transportation to our colleges ai i iiicuk". i.ihiis or Amine nimlls: see. our . beautifully Illustrated eatalngun and our method of employing graduates, mailed frc?. Address Mobjr llarber College Heiireacntatlve, 162.1 Fnr- t.nm nt., umanu. n-.iiiw v COATMAKER wanted, nt once. O. Koe- hernn, .Madison, wen, u jittt .j' TRAVEL1NO salesman wanted tn carry llrst-class California gloves ns sldn linn, on commission: references trnulred. Ad dress M. A. ., ' 423 California Ht., San Francisco, i;ai. n Jii7ti30' WANTED, a flrat-class salesman and pro moter. Address "A 40, Hee. 1I-M79'J 29 FOR iRRNT, a lovely modern S-room homo, furnished or will rent part to desirable parties. A 12, Hee. Rt-MSOO 20 SALESMAN wnnterl by oldest firm In tho trade to sell to physicians; also, ono for central .iscnrasKii; permanent position; main exiHTienco iiuiy, i'. ii. nox Phlladulphla. 11-MSOl 23 WANTED, twenty union brlcklnyers nt Des Moines by Capital City Hrlek nnd I'lpo CO. H-JJ810 31 WANTED. Intelligent gentleman or lady tint ,ifli'ira.t tn IrnVAMnt, na m u ola t ..... . good salary and opportunity to learn pro! lessiou; mum imvii nun niiniireii iionnrs, iiiuruiiKiuy in uicwivu ity piuck lltsiril nionts, etc. Address A 44, Hee, H-MSU 2S WASTBU FK51A1.U IIKI.P, WANTED, 200 glria. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 876. C 627 19 girls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Douglas , U 623 WANTED, cook, best of wnges. 116 So. S2d ave. u 244 (JOOD girl for general housework, family of 3; wages 14. ' 2602 Poppleton ave. c at &M OOOD competent girl for general house work. Mrs. S. D, Hochstetler. 416 S. 38th sireew u .MijNf 2S AOENT8 wanted for Hnlleck's extracts permanent protltnlilo, easy work: refer ences reoiitriHi. Tho Abilene Drug Co. Abilene, Kansas, rj WANTED, mlddle-aRcd Ucrman or colored womnn, general housework, small' family. 4V . PI. W AltM alii WANTlSl). Indies to manicuring and faco treatment: only four weeks reunited; our method of practlcil experience and expert Instruction saves ono vear's tiPDrenttceshln: wr i7iinrnntn employment In sstatillshiueiUs or travul- ing Willi our uciuuiiHiraiors, a method or employment that offers graduates good ikiv and nleasant work: llrst iivn mmii. cants free; class November 1st: call or write ut once. Moler Collet, lt.2.1 Farnam sireei, suite iy. i. .-Mist i-j" WANTED, cpmpetent girl at 1105 Park Ave, V TK7-2U WANTED, ulrl to do general housework good wages. Enijulro of Mrs. Slmeral mb .orui sstn Htreci. u ;y -r (II HL for general housework; small family good wages. 312S Chicago St. C-791-29 IF you want your houaes well rented place them with llenawa & Co. D-63J CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks cleans and lays carpets right. 71 S S. 14. Tel. fil, D 454 02j ALWAYS moving H, H.goods. Pianos mil,,. 1,1,1.' 1 " L! . V, , I ,rrn "-.n Olllcc. 1S11U Furnum St. Tel. 1ES9 nr S63. D-630 HOUSES for rent tn all parts of tho city iciumii-L.vvu v.u., ii nu, um nu I i D 031 HOUSES, stores. Heinle, Pax ton block. D-CU J OR RENT, line 6-room modern cottages In the Sinnford circle. 13th and Vinton streets: convenient to South Omaha and urn Hircvi car lines. The Dyron Heed Co., 212 S. 14th St. D-137 KOll HUNT HOUSES. CHAS, E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam. D 631 FOR UENT, house 8 rooms, 8. W. Cor. Park ave. and Leavenworth. Modern ax ccpt furnace. Key at cottage- In rear. D 105 FOR KENT, October 1. to small family, a desirable seven-room cottage. 22nd and California street; water In kltohen; 121 per month. Inqulra at C07 N. 19th street. BEE HENRY D. PAYNE, (Ml N. Y. LIFE. D 633 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead. 1514 Dougla.'. D 637 NICE 6-room modern cottage. 2110 Decatur $22. D-SOO 2216 LANDON Court, 10 rooms, modern, In line condition: rent 115.00. OMAHA LOAN 4 TRUST CO.. 16th & Douglas fits. D-216 FOP. HUNT, 11-room modern houso and bnrn, 41st nnd Davenport, J30. Modern 6-room furnished cottage, close In. 33. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D-233 f-ROOM house, modern. Monroe & Co., 811 N, 10th. D-271 S-ROOM, modern, and barn, 24th and Har ney; Cor. 26th and Hamilton, modern 0 room new houso. F. V. Wail, lGth and DouVlas; D-M5U9 FOR RENT, strictly modern Hat In'Dav Men building, opposite city hall. JOHN W. HOUUINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. D IW HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker lllk. D 13 CHOICEST flat In Winona apartment houso. Apply C. S. Elguttur, 322 nee bklg. FOR RENT, S-room modern house, corner 15th and Vinton. Inquire llll Vinton D MalS Za C-ROOM Hat. C19 S. 16th. Clark E. Powell, 310 N. Y. Llfo.Uldg. D-M510 SC. H. 2ST1I ST., 10-room modern brick. VOH RENT 2I1S Capital avenue, 6 rooms, modern, with furnace. Tho O. F. Davis Co., 150S Fumam hi. u- DETACHED house 12 rooms In llrst class neighborhood, nu modern conveniences, lino yard, J45 per month. Apply It. J. Windsor, 1518 Pod go St. D-733-26 IN Kountze Place, a D-room. all modern house, with bnrn. In best nclghbomood, only $33. Payne-ICnox Company, 1st floor is, v. i.iro mug, uMaw .j CLEOANTLY furnished, Including piano, teu-rmim mciiiern House. Willi coou i) arn. very choice neighborhood nnd good loca tion, West Fnrnnm district: will rent fur nished or unfurnished six months or lon ger; references required. Address, with family, a uce. u .msu.-s- I'Olt HUNT FUHXISIIEI) ROOMS. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. Ii zv NEWLY furnished rooms, private family, modern. 2iut uougias. xu uu-io- W1T11 or without board. 2576 Harney. is .msuu rs2i 1'L'HMHIIEI) HOO.MS AND DOAHD. OLENCAIRN,translents,$1.25day. 1C09 Doug, OOOD board, private family. DOS So. 25lh avenue. vmom T UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-4W TO RENT, 1 furnlBhed, 2 unfurnished roomu, with board, In prlvnto family; quiet neighborhood, near Hanscom park. can 2SK1 wooiworui live. xmhi NICE warm rooms, good board, rcanVniablo raies. 'ine nose, .v.u iiarney. F-260-N12 NICE south room. Tho Pratt, 212 S. 25th ! MUM THE MERRIAM, good winter home. 23th nnu uouge. v on FURNISHED rooms with board, private liunlly. modern; nrst class rererencos. 2I0 CUss St. F-734-2S Foil ItF.VT XIMMIIMSIIEI) ROOMS. DESIhThLE, Jnrgn front room, light, ctean, qmei; uiuurnisnea, cneap. zaii uaiuwon, less man two uiocks irom car. 0-751 25 FOIl HUNT STOHI5S AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, Btoro In flrst-clnss location; rent reasonaoio. Appiy it. -. retera a Co., ground lloor. lice bids, I .09 FOR RENT, the building formerly ocupled uy ino ueo at viii f arnam street, it nns four stories and a basement which was formerly used ns The Ueo press room Thin, will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Hose water, secretary, room 100, Bee Hutldlng. 1 .'til STORE for rent at 316 So. 15th St. Llud qulst. 1-665 20 Atiu.vrs wavi'ed. AGENTS Artlelo of absolute necessity In every uuiiiung; no compuuiiou; uig pro ms; exciutivo rigiits; laiiure impossible. Agency jjept. 312, .'i wiiuam st.. s. y. J M223 Nil ONE MILLION will bo sold; agents of venerating gasoline tamps uu commit our way; no generating lamp will a- U alongside of the "Perfection;" the only guHoltno gas lamp that does ifot require generating; lights like gas; a brilliant 100-candlo power light at n cost of only lo per nfght. Live agents wanted evory- !.. . .,.,..,1 tn- nlpllllnr llurlnnftnil nilt'tU. DCIlIt ,U V..WU....O. X ... IVLIIUII Incandescent Qua Lamp Co., 111!) Farnam j;t., umana. J WANTED, canvassers for tho genuine Jus- uco iircwers worlds ucst urations. "Tho Stnndaril" nnd tho phenomenal seller; beware of Imitations; liberal terms; exclusive, territory. Address the publisher, I'. Knlsur, Dept. 11, St. IOUIS, -MO. J .MlS 20- AOENT8 WANTED, with supply, of Hayes iMoiaiuc idinuer nroa tor rocKing-cnairs you enn mako J1W per month nroflt. Ad. dress J. C, Hayes, 418 E. Locust st.. Des .Monies, in. J MS02 27 WAXTKU TO 11I3.T. NEED more houses, for good tenants: Hit with U, O. Wallace Brawn blk. K-M47S STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. fit? Hit Jcties, general storago und forwarding -612 Oni. Van Stor. Co,, Hlli Farn. Tela, 106!).f(3 i WAM'KU-TO UU. fc WANTED TO BUY A second hand cam era or kodak, must be In good condition and choan Aiiurcss i.oj. uee. is ajt Al,b Kinus Ol I1UU3UI1UIU kuuus, I1UIUI9, civ.. In largo and small quantltlos. Chtcuga Viirnllnrn ?n ' 1Mt10 line Inn. Tel Sift). N-013 WILL purchase a limited number of Omaha Savings bank accounts. Brennan i,ove uo., .y bo. 13111. w 614 IIOIJSES, to be moved. George O. Wil Ittce, UTOWll D1K. SkUii WANTED, to buy Jl.000 of Omaha Saving nana uccounis tor casn. Address A 16, nee omce. N ilWS WANTED, to buy, a good-slied safe: glvi insiuu uimensiuns anil price. Addresa urawer ivm, Lincoln, xseb. N M775 23 RANTED, to buy a utrlctly flrst-clnsa uaKery aim coniecuonery for caoh. Ad ureas n. n. wananu, west point. Neb. N-MS07 31 KOll H A I, E F U It X I T f It E , ,FOR SALE cheap, furniture In 6-room flat, milium new. Apply a. It, jester, 410 N mil hi., aru noor. , U 763 2 FOR SALE HORSES, VElllCl.U. UTC. NEW and 2iUI. vehicles at marked down prices, Harry Frost, 14th & Leavenworth. P-6U FOR SALE, a horse and buggy cheap. In quiro at sus ei. Murj a art, I1 Mi!i 'Oil HALE HORSES, V IHI 1C I.l'.M, ETC PAIR of young mares, city broke, single or double, gentle. Wind Charley, 1412 So. win. i' ivj vi' GOOD horse, harness and concord wagon, very encap, a f. TUKey, Hoard or Tr.ide. P-75S 25 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FINE Voso upright piano at great sacrifice; ........ 1 ...... I . . .1... , ...l i n. r i jii Ky ivaiiiB vii .luuii'sa x u, lice olllce. Q-137 N9 HARD and soft foundation .piling; hog tences anu cnouing, vui uougias. ytui CUTTERS of drug, prices. Sherman & Mc- uonnen urug i.o., uor, ibin ana uouge. Q-618 2DHAND safe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnam. 2DHAND wheels, $3 to 110; new wheels, J13. umana uicycio v.o., ibiu & t-nicago sts. U-631 SAFES; buy, sell, ex'go. Schwartz, 114 So. 13. BECOND-HAMD Callgraph (new) for sale. can at omce cierK district court. Q-C31 DON'T ,mlss the opportunity to Inspoct our niocK. e carry me inrgcsi nnu most complete Una of 2mlhand stoves in city; prlcen low. Don't forget tho place. Enterprise Furnlturo Co., 102-4 So. 14th. Q-216 NU FOR SALli, planer shavings for putting up swcoi potatoes or ice, or tor norse pcu lng. Omaha Tank Mfg. Co., 7th nnd Doug las sts. Q M524 25 FOR SALE, sidewalk boards. Omaha Tank it... r.n t. n.,,,i... . r i r -"r. nr. i4. (hii uuu uuuftiaa dis. iumj .o FOR SALE. 1 150-H. P. HolTman ft Hillings Corliss engine In good condition. Call r address Scc'y of Hee Hldg. Co. Q Vjl FOR SALE, gas stove, good repair. Ad- oxess a 33, uce. y o is- MISCnLLA.nOU". NOTICE, country dealers, 2dhand furniture anu stoves at lowest prices, carload lots or lees, Chicago Furniture Co., 1406-10 Dodge. H 637 CLAIIIVOYAM'S. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 North 16th. s 2U MME.QYLMER genuine palmist. 2C0G Doilga a -mi 2i GALVESTON'S Famous Medium, happy inurriiicH, uivorccs, iosi and nitiuen treas ures a specialty. Prof. Flint, 1707 Cass St. 8-735-26 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors. 615 S. 16th, second floor. 1 JyVl iM-a MME. AMES, 1613 Howard, room l. 2d floor; niae .agar, assistant. t xubx sa- MRS. EDGAR. 217!4 North 15th st flat E, iuu, apungo anu vapor uams. T-M783 30 PERSONAL DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superllu- ous iiair removeu oy eicciricuy. n, ri, Frcuzcr block. U 6M VIA VI. woman's way to health. 246 Uio bldg u .Ui TURKIBH baths, massago baths, electric cuius, xor mates only; -sKiiica women massage operators; tlnest equipped baths In tho city. Henstrom Bath Company. Rooms 216 to 220 Bco Bldg. U-C64 RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no uungur; scnu lor circulars, cminro iiup turo Cure, 932 N. Y, Life bldg. Omaha. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before & dur ing conunement; names auoptea. ivm in. up. -U666 PRIVATE homo before and during confine ment; oauiea adopted. Airs, uurget, .i.-u Burdettc. U 669 voun oi.n siotit Can be altered to look new and atvllsh by using ono of our b-aautlful FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATED FLOUNCES Any kind complete from $1.00 'tfp. AL TERATION PATTERNS AND IN3TRUC TIONS FREE. Accordion nnd side pleat ing by the yard. Send for circulars. M. GOLDMAN & CO. tOO Douglaa Blk., 16th and DoJge SHAMPOO, 33c; halrdress. 23c; manicure; wc: scaip treatment, .'uc; electric mas .ago or acnlp treatment, 33u. F. M. Schadell & Co., 1522 Douglas. U-M557 029 LADIES' Jackets and tailor mado suits al tered, cleaned, repaired. M. Fogel. 307 S. 17. u BIS- SEWING In private families. 673 N. 45th. U-2H n.u- I'LEATING nnd skirts, nil kinds; buttons maue to mutcn. umuiu ricanng 10 1521 Douglas. f?-6S SEWINO machines rented and repaired; rent K per month;, supplies for all lands of machines. Tho Singer .Manufacturing to., lo.u-it... uougias st. Teiepnone -lis. U-M523 NO OTHER PROFESSION today tiffers tnn nnvantages to young men as mat or "Electrical Engineering." Attend our school und educate, yourseir ror tins pro fession. .Write or call on Northwestern School of Engineering. Olnco 4U2 wood man of. tho world Building, Northeast corner loth and liowara sts, u 767 .'4 THE NORTHWESTERN SCHOOL OF ENG1NEERIISO oners the only practical training school of ."Electrical Engineer ing" In Omaha. Term begins November 10, 1900. Call at onco or write. North western School of Engineering. Office 402 Woodman Ot tho World BulMing, X' ..... V ,, . n-nnm fllli nn.l ll, ... I 1 1 . 7 U-766-24 CHILDREN boarded or ndopted. 813 N. 23d street. u Hi3 N23 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL KSTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and westert Iowa farms at b uer cent: borrower nun pay J1W or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brennuu-Love Co., 309 DO. jjiii pi., urnuiH, ieu. wbiU MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urcnnan-iove uo., so. 13th. W-671 11,000 nnd upward to loan on Improved city property and farmu. W, Farnam Smith & uo., 13M i-arnam. wtii: WANTED, city loaiw, bonds and warrants. ueorgo & company, iwi f arnam ut. W-673 MONEY In any amount at 6, D',4. 6 per cent I J, W. UUlitil.NB 6i t'O,, IHJ; 1'Alt.MAM H I, W-674 MONEY to loan on farm and city property: loweBt rates. O. F. Davis Co,, 1503 Farnam. W 675 MONEY to loan at 6 nnd CU per cent on umana property, w. u. jueiKic, tui , ibit V 676 PRIVATE money, D, 614, 6 per cent; no de- my. unrvin urus., lew rarnam, w oh WANTED, city and farm lounaj also bonds nnd warrants. H. o. Peters & Co., i703 I'uiimiu di., ueo liiug, w OjJ PRIVATE moiity. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. W til!) FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Taxton block. w ow MONEY to loan on nrt.plnia Imnrnved nttv property or for building purposes. Payne Knox Co., New Yorh Life. W-631 PRIVATE money to loan. J. II. Sherwood, (W M V T.lt ii- mo MONEY TO LOAN-UiIaTTLKS. PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPL1- On their plain nota without security. No charges for papers. Lower rotes. Easier payments. Confidential treatment as sured. Wo want your trada. AMERICAN LUAIN iu., ilUUIll IWl ucu UlUg. X-742 Aiursc.! louneu uu iiiaiiiiv, iiiriiiiuie, am- monds. watches, privately. Derger's Lo.in Co., 15M Farnam St.. upstairs. X S40 MONEY MONEY LUAiSflU SA1HIU,L) I'KUfUK, No rndorsei or mortgage reaulred. LOWEST HAYES, EASY PAYMENTS' and bimui ia Lurif lur.n i iAU OMAHA CREDIT CO.. Room 626, fifth floor. Now York Life Hllg, MONEY loauod on pianos, furniture, Jew. elry, horses, lows, ete. C. F, Reed, 1, lis n. 13, .MUMJV TO LOAN-CIIATTIILS. MONEY TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horses, cows, etc. You to Keep in Property. MAT. amy LOANS to people permanently employed on their own names, wunoui uiuuiucr ur mortgage. We loan from J10 up. Ve charge notli lng for making papers nnd we keep noth ing out ot tho amount you ask for. You may repay tho money in one, month, or tnko 2, 3, 4, 6, 6 months or more In which to repay It. Our rates are as low as the lowest, our business Is eonlldoiitlnl and wo always try to please. OMAHA ilUlllUAUt. LUAN CO., Established 1S93. Wtt S. 10th St. X-M7J1 MONEY loaned salnrled people holding per manent iiosiiioi wiiii rf.iijunsiuie concern upon their own names without security; easy payments. Tolmuti, 706 N. Y. L. Hldg .v i MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds. watcnes: payments .conii'ieiwai. umana Chattle Loan Bank, 220 S. 15th, upstairs. X6.U MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hoMoa, cows, jewciry. uuu; ureen, ii.s, uarKer ihk X-Av5 SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. J W. TAYLOE, 218 First INttl. uanK Hldg. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. No mortgage or publicity. Papers free. .mVE9T HATES. EASIEST PAYMENTS SURE. H. R. employees receive time to suit convenience. Loans of other companies taken un. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. room 30S Paxton Ulock. X M521 BUSINESS CHANCES. S150 CASH or easy payments ouys 23 strictly inwtui (niCKPi) slot macinncs ior urinas. cigars or cash: will earn J? and upward weekly each. Earl, Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, 111. Y-M7SI BUSINESS CHANCE BARGAIN-Wo have bargain in n confectionery anu tona.co storo and barber shop combined, together with lot nnd storo building In n lively Ne braska town settled largely by Bohemians, which can bo bought for much less than It Is worth. Sen Uu. J. W. Robblni Co,, 1S02 Farnam st. Y-M523 25 "ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING." "MEt'lIAXVlt'AL l'J IS Ul.fci milieu. Comnleto Courses. Catalogue on Application. iorinwcsicrn mciiooi m jngiucrniiK. Om 4M Woodman Building. Northeast Cor. Fifteenth and Howard Sts, Opens November 10, 19W. Applications should bo filed at once. Y-764-24 CIGAR STAND, must he sold this weak; In- ventory; good reasons for selling, au dress A 39, Bee. Y 76S-24 WANTED, republican newspaper, county seat, mat is on laying oasis, wun cinmvo of enlargement of business, llrst-class property wanted;' investment not to et Cecil $5,030; mako propositions bed-rock, hi confidence, to American Press Associa tion, Omaha. Y MS06 2i FURNITURE and undertaking stock for sale ill uvo inwu; hiuck uu new uuu uu-uu, a good paying business; n rare chnnce;, ...... ,1 1 i. n i. ,i i i.i, II.U.KIII lijr '11UK, iiiukiiii uur.ii iiitiiiiii T. S. Richardson, Fullcrton. Neb. Y-MSOI 27 FOR SALE REAL KSTATE. GOOD opportunity for a combined farmer nlul stocltman; how acres in .-orin iexas. 18 miles from town of 12.000 people; 230 acres cultivated, balance In hog and cat tle pasture: living wnter, good market: price, f.12.30 per ncre; $1,000 cash, Wrlto 11. D. Gruy, Gainesville, Texas. RE-333-20 DELIGHTFUL home In Hanscom Place for sale at a liberal discount. M. J KennarU & Son, suite 310-311 Brown Blk. HE-lSii FOR SALE cheap, largo lot and threo cottages. J. A. Lovegrcn, 4th floor Pax ton block. RE-M510 PAYNE-ICNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS for REAL ESTATE BARGAINS: LOW- EftT KATES on LOANS; SOUND IN SURANCE; HOUSES,, FLATS. STORES, for, RENT. First lloor, N. Y. Life Bldg. t l.- i:n RANCH AND FARM lands for salo by the union I'aclllc Hnllroad company, ij. a. McAUaster. land qomi'nlssloncr, Union Paclllo Headquarters; Cmaha, Neb. ,., , . RE C97 HOUSES, lots, farms. Innds, loans; also Are insurance, uemis, raxtpu uik. iv-.-i SEE nENRY" B. PAYNE. 601 N. Y. LIFE. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St A ItAHrtAIV TV VACANT Southwest corner 20th and Castellar, lftOxSO feet, street naved and paving tnxea paid In full: water, sewnr and gas; owner asKo si,6w, but wnnts casn oner. the uxitu.N nnnu t-"u.. 212 S 14th St. '-i RE-M52'! FINE east front lot, threo blocks south acpnis, ivwi si. inuuim iui .1"'" - RE M517 23 a nnnn 1KVR9TMEOT. 3 cottages In South Omnha for W.A. rent- lng ror 3i.w per inoiiiu, win sen hkv nrately or on monthly payments; also one C-room cottage at No. 2916 Dupont street, Omaha: all In flrst class condition. Omaha Lonn d. v Building association, G. M. Nattlnger, Scc'y. Bee Building. J. 11. ICopletz, yigt., South ma,lnnE531 N3. C. F, HARRISON. BARGAINS. 913 N. Y. L, . Hh 538 N-a LANDS. C. B. Burrows, Norfolk, Nebraska. 111 IW XJW, 6 C. F. HARRISON offers for ten days, 8-r. all-modern house, paving paid, soulh front, near High school, J4.250: possession given. N. B. 2,EO0 loan on Uils can remain Indefinitely nt 5 per cent, requiring only $1,150 cash for lino home, RE-72S A N1CI3 full ncro ground, n. w. cor. 26th nnd Sheiiccr; un old frame house, and burn; have been uoiaing unn at i,bw.., Eastern owner saya- submit an oner, w H. Gates, 618 N. Y. Llfo. RE-752 25 160-ACRE farm In Iowa for $27.50' per aero nr will exchange for a shock or groceries. V. S. is., Iock box 64, unsworn, in. HE-M77S 2S HERE is one of the best bargains in a small homo in mo city: Mia i.urimoro Ht. (Monmouth Park). 5-room house, well. rents. $G, $000, on paymonts; discount for cash it sold within a wcck, Georgo G. Wullace, 313 Brown Blk. HE-796 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 12-room house, 5 lots,, lino location. Address or call II. Martin, Ji- orin mm cji. itu iv.'-su A NICE bulldlnc corner, lots 2S nnd 29 Fnlrmount Place, on easy terms. Wrlto to i. ii. ivappon, MiiwauKee, win, RE MEDICAL. LADIES out of health find prompt relief. Box 232, Omaha, Neb. Confidential. 7UJ LADIES, Golden Seal Is a never falling regulator; removes irreguicruies rroni any cause In II vo hours; sent sedure from observation, Jl. Cattolu Medicine Co., St. lOUIS, AIO. ii 0S3 U23 LADIES, Cure for WHITES, etc.: perfect resulator;end $1,00. Box 290 Omaha, Neb, 784 Mf, LADIES, $1,000 for a casa old Dr. Jackson's monthly regulator fails to tellove In 24 nours, or money retunaca; no ergot or tansy pills; many saved from suicide. By mall $3.00. Dr. Jackson Remedy Co., ueju. vj iaj ucaruorn nu, wiucago, in. -906 NC VIRTUAMA cures impotency resulting from Indiscrotlons or debility, gives vl talltv. vlcor. restoring desires, ambitions. aspirations of youth, health, tlttjng for puiwau, iiuiipniens in uusiuess; pruies slonal. social, married llfo: $2 or 3 for S3. Sent anywhere prepal I on receipt of price, ino iviuu urug v;o Kigin, in American Ofllco, retail, wholosalu, Myers. Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; M, A. Dillon South Omaha: Duvls Drug Co,, Councl Bluffs, Full line rubber goods. LADIES! Chichester's Encllsli wmnnival I'llls are th beat: aafe, reliable; take no otner. Ciena 10 stamps ior particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Aak your druggist, Chichester .nemica v.o,, rnuaacipnia, 1'a. IjADIEB, 11,00 for any case my Monthly Regulator falls to relieve In 43 hours; Hure and safe, price $3, used 40 years tn my nractlce. Write Ilr Hmlth rnnm .11. OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 516 N. T. L. Bldg Tel 1M1' A lira tnhn,nn II n ll.. dept.; Uld E. Johnson, Ostcopatliist, Mgr. -7M M. E. DONOHUE, D. O., of Still school. IVlTKSMlie, .HO. Wl I'OXlOIl lilK. xci. lt7. -701 FAYETTE COLE, D. O., room 413 Dee bldg. SlS iB- N. M. McMURRAY, D. O.i Mrs. J. It. Mu- sick, li. u,, suite biii-js uco plug, -1511 N7 SHORTHAND AND TVl'EWIllTWfl, A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Life. 703 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. UCO XJIUK IVU NEBRASKA Business nnd Shorthand Cot. lege, Boyd's Theater. 707 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 18 & Doug. i.ij HORSES WINTERED. HORSES wintered at Omaha Driving park. WANTED, horses to winter: can take 5) head; nu uox stalls; two artesian well: Frlce, from $4 to 18 per month: will call or them and deliver in the spring, Ad dress II. & H, Stock Farm, C. V. Cole, manager, Springfield, Nob. M230 31 WANTED HOUSES TO HRKAK. WANTED, horses to break nnd train: will inito tins worK nt reasonaoio rates: nave good winter quarters, Addrens Gcorga Davis, 226 Bco Hldg., Omaha, Neb. . -&- Nt PAWNIlROKnilS. EAGLE Loan 'Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an business conuuontui. 13 Jl uouciis -70J LOANS, II. Marowltz; low rates. 418 N. 1C. 701 LOST. LOST. Elk's pin, B. P. O. No. S9. Reward tor return to w. J. unraaer. t,ost hi LOST, largo black and red brlmlle cow. with horns, strayed rrom pasturo tjunday morning. For any Information telephone W, 11. Hullsbury, caro Drexel Shoo Co. Reward. Lost 730 MUSICAL. MISS MINNIE LOVL teacher of piano. Studio, 015 N. 17tll St. J1504 2S FREE scholarships to piano students. Prof. iirauu, mm ltamge jjik. mi DANCING. NEW classes now forming nt Morand's ill. a nven, . utnu.il uiik a'.iuu. j r. 12 lessons, ladles $6, gentlemen ii; vpcclal prices to clubs; assemblies Wednesday. 435 023 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION and side pleating, cheapest, nest, quicKcsi. .Mrs. a. .miitk, y i'at- tcrsou Blk., 17th and Farnam Sts, -436 TAILORING. HIGH class tailoring, moderate price, latest .1 .. I .1 T 1 1 .. I .. I .. 1 . 1, I ... u ..... UUOie,!!'?. " . . XJIUUCHUn, lOII X'Ullltklll M471 novlS HOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, penmanship, arithmetic; nay una evening, rseu. huh College, Boyd's Theater. is2 BIRDS AND TAXIDERMY. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1C03 Leavenworth. 717 M union FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered. 70S N 16 711 PIANO TUNING. WE tunc your piano for "$1.60. Rose's Art Storo, 1521 Dodge. Tel. 1915. ' 936 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 21U Cuming St. 71S ACCOUNTANT, CHARLES E. WALTERS, 326 Beo bldg M7Ki) nnv 1 STOVE REPAIRING. STOVE, furnace, range repairs; water con nections. Om. Stovo Rep. Wka.,-1207 Doug, Tel. 960 1-714 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547, -712 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps und chandeliers replnted, Om. Plating Co., Bco Bldg. Tel. 2535. 716 ENGINES. HOILEHS, KTC. I- C. Sharp Mach. Wka.; motors, dynamos -713 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th ana uixe ois. am STAMMERING AND STUTTERING CURED, Julia Vaughan, 430 Ramge Bldg, 710 TICKET BROKER. CUT rata tickets everywhere. P. II, Phil bin, 1506 Farnam. Telephone 784. 709 DRHSSMAKINo. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 So. 26th . M3.1S4 PLAIN SEWING. WANTED, plain sewing. 1033 S. 22d st. M790 N23 POSTOFFICE NOTICE. (Should be rend DAILY by all Interested, ns changes muv occur nt anv time.) Foreign malls for the weok ending October 27, 19W, win ciose ti'itOMl'Ti.y in all ruses) at the General Post Olllce ns fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS closo ono hour earlier than closing tlmo shown bo low. Parcels Post Molls for Germany close at b p. m., monuay ana weancsuay. Transntlnntlo Mnlla. THURSDAY" At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per . a. Kaiser Frledrlch, via Plymouth and Hamburg (mall for Franco, Switzer land, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, , . , fl.1,1.1. T .. ,1 1 ...... . . J-.KyfcJl, .uiikioi, mum uuu iorciizo Xf(,riii7 vln Pnernnlircr. mitat 1,a lipanin.i Marquez "npr h. i, a. Kaiser Frledrlch"): at 6:30 a. or FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, f. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY 111. IUI - a , , i IthUliA JJ, ITALY, SPAIN, PORTUQAL, TURKEY EGYPT. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO r , nmjtf ..am T ,. 1 , . . .. .. hiaiiuui'i ru. p. " "a jhuiuuiiu, Havre (mall for other parts of Euro la must bo directed "per a. s. La Hretagne SATURDAY At t a. m. ror EUROPE, per p. p. wiuuriu, u wucciidiuwii III s H. for NETHERLANDS, per b. b. Statend in. lam (mall must be directed "per s. h. Stuten- aain ), ui a u. in. iui mini, er s. s. Wcrra, via Naples (mall must bo directed "per s. b. Werru"); nt 10 a. in. for SCOT- W Ulltri.fc, 'v a. a, WUUI1 111 bo directed "per s. b. Astoria"). ust PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer takes Printed Matter, Commercial Papers and Sumplcs for Oermany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Kuropo win not uo sent uy tins snip un less sneclally directed by her. After the closing of tho Supplementary Trnns-Atlantlo Malls named above, ad ditional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing ot steamer. Mnlla for South and Centrul Anierlcn, 'West Indira, elc. THURSDAY At, 2:30 a. m, for JAMAICA, per s. H, Admiral Sampson, from Phila delphia nt 11. a. in. for BRAZIL, ner s. it. Syracuaa (mall for North Brazil must he OF. 'ICE NOTICE. (supplementary 1.30 p. m.) for BAHAMA ISLANDS, SANTIAGO nlul GVANTAN A MO, per e. s. Santiago;, at 1 p. tn. for MEXICO, per s. s. Ntngnra (mall must bo directed "tier s. ii. Nlueiira"). FRIDAY At 10 n tn. for ST. UITTS. BAR- HA DOS and DEMERAHA, per s. a Filer. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, URAOl'AY nnd PARA GUAY, per s, s. Coronda; nt 9:30 n. nt. (supplementary 10 n. m.) for ST. THOMAS, ST. CROIX, LEEWARD nnd WIND WARD ISLANDS nnd DEMERAHA, per t. s Fontnbello (mall for Grenada nnd Trinidad must bo directed "per s. s. Fontnbello" ; nt 10 a. in. for PORTO RICO, per s, s. Ponce; at 10 n. m. (sup plementary 10:30 n. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVANILLA, CAR THAOENA nnd GREYTOWN, per s. . Alleghany (mull for Costn Hlca muit be directed "per s, a. Alleghany"); at 10 n. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for VENE ZUELA and CURACAO, per s. s. Mara calbo (mall for Savnnllla nnd Cnthngen.t, via Curacao, must bo directed "per b. b. Mnrannlbo"); nt 11 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Havana. Mnlla for Newfoundland, by rail to North lydnoy. nnd thciico by steamer, close nt llht nnin. ilnllt n , fi.'til ,1 tn ...iii.iAdtld closo hero every Mondn v.' Wednesday nnd cioso ncro every Mondnv, Wednesday .and Haturdny). Malls for Mlque!on, by rail to llnltnn. ntid ftiA,1.n lit ln,im,. nlnA nl nns oiiico uany nt s:30 ti, tn. .Minis tor Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., nnd thenco by steamer, close nt this office dally nt 7 n, m, (the connecting closes are on Sunday, Wedncsdny nnd Friday). Malls for Mexico City, overlnnd, unless specially ad droMeil for dispatch by steamer, cloo at nun uiuuti tinny ui n. in. mui .;" p. in, Mails for Be'lze. Puerto Cortez nnd Guate mala, by rnlj in New Orleans nnd thenco by steamer ,rlo?e nt thli ofllco dnllv at 1 . ... , -.1 .. 1. , !... .. w l. in. vv.'uurviiiiH fiuavn ni-iu .iiuiiii.ijn for Belize, lMerto Cortez nnd Guatemala). r 1 1 1. r-A.M ii,.. ... ..ll , r..1.llM ii, . mill iit,i, u iuu ... .uwii.n kla nnd thenco by steamer, closo at this hnrh n . n . T.....1.'. 1. 1 1...I. I r.,1 tn M ....v. . I urriiuj . iirhini'.iv.i himi closes ut 6 p. in. previous day. TriMisnni'lflo Mnlla. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip- lumi isiantis, via nn i-rnncisco, ciono hero dally nt 0:30 p. tn. up to October 2t Inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. City of Pekln. Mitlli for Australia (except West Australia), New Zealand, Hnwall, FIJI and Samonn Islands, via San Francisco, closo here dally at 0:30 p. m, nfler Oc tober "ll nnd up to October 27, Inclu sive, or on day of nrrlvnl of s. b. Cam pania, duo nt New York Oetober "It, for dispatch pr b. b. Alameda. Mnlla for Hawnll, Chlnn, Japan and Phlllpnlno IsliindM, via San Francisco, cIomb here dairy nt 6:30 p. m. up to October 2St. in clusive, fer illspntru per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for China nnd Japan, via Van couver, close hero dnllv nt 6:30 p. in. up to October 30, Inclusive, for dl-ipiitch per b. a. Empress of Japan (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver"), Malls for Hawnll. via San Francisco, close hero dally nt 6:20 p. m. up to November 9. Inclusive, for dispatch per b, b, Aus tralia. Malls for Australia (except West Austrnlln. which goes via Europe, nnd Now Zealand, whlrh goes via S.in Frnn elsco), nnd FIJI Islands, via Vancouver. cloo here dally nt 6:30 p. m. up to No vember 10. Inclusive, ror dispatch per h. s. Wornngl (supplementary malls, via Seattle, c'oso nt 6:30 p. m. November 11. Transpacific mnlls are forwarded to nort of sailing diil.'y nnd tho scliedulo of closing Is arranged on tho presumption of their un- luierrupieii overinnu transit, "iiegisiorcd mall rlo.'t nt 0 p. m. nrcvlous dny. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. PostmaBter. Pnstofllce, New, York, N. Y., October 19j 1900. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. rmTCArin nnei.- ?qt and & Paclllc Railroad -ino ureut Hock Isl nnd Route" City Tick et Olllce, 1323 Farnim Rtrf.nl. 'IVlA.il.nn. ,Oll Depot. Tenth & Marcy ois, icivpiione, uj, T ... ... Des Molnc.f and Daven nort I.oenl . n 7rtt . ... nfilnno-n lvnre nil.,,: . D.irt i:" Chicago I nst Express.. a 3:00 pm a 1:23 pm Lincoln, Colorado ape.. uenver, rueuif una Des Moines. Rock Isl- n nil urnd PttlinrFt n T .1 r h - r .pa r.Ai....;. p. m.'.?. ,V.""'v J" " ?:?V I'm A ,i 4CAI,!,1 4 lycr.u u;io pm a ji:io am u uuuj. u uuiiy except uunuay, MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offlccs Southeast Corner 14th nnd Douglas Sts. Telephono, 104. Depot, Union Station. 1 Leave. ArrtV St. Louis & Kansas City Express .alO:00 nm n 6:30, pm K. C, St. L. Express. ..al0:10 pm a 6:13 am Leave from 15th and Webster Streets; Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Witter. h 4:15 pm nl0:43 nm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & St. raul Hallway city Ticket Olllce, 1561 Fnrnnin Street. Telephono 281. Do pot, Tenth and Mason Streets, Telephono, 629. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex.... a 6:00 pm n 8:05 am Chicago & umana ux...d i:i; am n a:u pm a uauy. b uany except aunuay. BURLINGTON & MIS sotirl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" uencrai uil ces. N. w, Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Hts. Tlekot omce, 16o2 Farnam St. Telenhono. 250, urllncton station. Tenth and Mason Sts Telephone, lzs. . jjuavu. i Arriv". Lincoln. Hastings and McCook a S: 10 am a7::s pm Lincoln, Denver, Colo rado. Utah. California, a 4:25 nm a 3:00 pm Lincoln fi iiiaux tuns,, a pm a pen Montana, l-net ouna,.a vtau pm Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 pm Denver Colorado, Utah and California u Daljy, a 6:15 nm a!0:35 am a 6:45 nm KANSAS CITY. ST. JO - ,,.,. J,'. Pnnnnll nl.itt. IIIM i hll Rallroad-"The Bur ns iMMOfTamUllJI ton Routo" TIcltet ntiipn (1502 Farnam St. Tele phone, 250. Depot, Tonth ind Mason Sis, Tcle- linouc, in. L,eavo. Arrive, Kansas City Day Ex.... a 8:50 am a 6:10 nm Kansas City Night Ex..h10:15 pm a 6:15 am HI. Louia r iyer ior or. Joseph and St. Louts, ,u 4:55 pm ail:l5 am a uauy. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & Qulncy Itallrnnil"Th Burlington Route" Ticket unite, iov. rarnam st Telephono, 200, Depot . I. fliuson uts, luieununo, is, Leave. Arrive uuyngiu vuicugo spe cial a 7:00 am Peoria Expreaa a 9:25 nm Chicago Veatlbuled Ex, .a 4:00 pm a 7:45 nm Chicago Eocal ExprcBs.a 8:50 am a 4:05 pni v.iiiv;uhu iiuuicu ll I iiu lll u v;J Qm Paclllo Junction Local,, a!0:45 arn Paclllc Junction Extra,. a 7:00 pm Fast Mall a 2:43 pm ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street, Telephone, 245. Dopot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express all:W nm a 4:03 pm Chicago Limited a 7:45 praa 8:15 am Minneapolis and St. ... Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Minneapolis and St. Paul Limited a 7:4j pm a 8:15 am Fort Dodge Local from. ... Council Bluffs b 4:30 pm blOilC am a Dally, b Dally except Eundiy. UNION PACIFIC'THB OVER, land Routo" Ocneral ortlces. N. E. Cor, Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce, 13.' 4 r arnam mreei, leionuoue, siu. Depot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, C29. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited. .a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm Tho Chicago-Portland Special a 8:20 am a 7:35 pm The Fast Mall a 8:fn am a 3:25 pm The Colorado Special. ,,all:3S pm a 6:50 am The Fast Mall a 4:35 pm Lincoln, Beatrice and Stromsburg Express,, b 4:10 pm b!2:25 pm i liw I'ltcuiu JAprcnn,.,,u pni Tito Atlautio Exnress... a 6:50 am b 9:30 am Grand Island Local!. ...b 5:30 pm a Dallv. U Dally except Sunday SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad Tho North western Line" Gener.il Ofllces, United States National Bunk Bulldlnit, H. W. Corner Twelfth An.l n .-.. ... .! . .. n.l.l,.. . .tu A-dtiiuiii nia. 111ACk POST MiLWAuxm i9H 1 uince. ivji r arnam st. yoiepnnnc, tel. De pot, Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone, 6M. . i,,. Leave. Arrlv?. Twin City Express a 6.56 am nl0;25 pm Twin City Limited a 7:35 pm a 8:15 am Sioux city Luctu a 6:10 am a 4:20 pm k Dally, , WOMEN NEED NOT REGISTER May Vote for School Board Members Without that Formality. CANNOT VOTE ON BOND PROPOSITION Clnmr In .Statute Auent nrslv trillion Does .Vot Apply to Women In the City of Oiiinhn, lu tlio oplnlou of City Attorney W. J. Cou ncil women who dcslro to voto for members of tho Board of Education at tho comlue election need not register. In fact, Mr. Cou ncil holds that women cannot register lo gatly In a city of tho metropolitan' class be cause tho sections of tho codo which set forth. tho school laws for metropolitan cities provl'do that women uro entitled to a voto for members o;' tho Hoard ot Education alter swearing that they aro 21 years of ago, that they havo been In tho district forty days and that they cither pay taxes or have chil dren of school ugc. Tho law specifically states that women shall voto only for mem bers ot tho school board and Mr. Council says that they cannot bo permitted to vot on tho High school bond proposition to ba submitted nt tho coming election. Contusion concerning tho registration ot women as brought about by an amendment to Bcctlon No. 4 under subdivision No. 2 ot tho school laws of Nebraska. This section applies, In tho opinion ot tho city attorney, to school districts other than thosa In met ropolitan cities. Tho amendment Is as tot lows: "All electors In school elections la cities whero registration ot voters Is re quired shall comply with tho provisions of such registration law beforo thoy shall bo entitled to vote." Although Mr. Council admits that tbo author of this amendment may havo In- tonded that It should rcquiro tho registra tion of women voters lu Omaha ho says that it docs not apply to Omaha becauso It Is hot Included under tho subdivision prepared es pecially for tho regulation of school clec tlons In cities ot moro than 100,000 popula tion. At tho last school election this samo ques- Hon wna In dlsputo and there were many nrgumcnts presented on both sides. The re sult ut tho agitation was that all women who wero entitled to a voto exercised tho fran chise regardless of registration. Mr. Cou ncil cxprctsod at that tlmo tho s.tmo opinion which ho holds now nnd snys that many at torneys who formerly contoudod for tho reg istration of wonion now accept his Interpre tation of tho law and ngrco that tho amend ment was not made to tho right subdivision ot tho school law to bo ctfccUvo In Omaha. A Thousand Tongues. Could not express tho rapture of Annls E. Springer of Philadelphia when Dr. King's New Discovery cured hor of a hacking cough that for many years had mado llfo a burden. Sho says: "After all other rem edies and doctors failed It soon removed tho pain In my chest nnd I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely remem ber doing before. I feel liko sounding Its praises throughout tho universe." Dr. King's Now Discovery Is guaranteed to cure all troubles of tbo throat, chest or lungs. Price, SOo and $1.00. Trial bottles freo at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. WANT CARS TO FORT OMAHA Rrnl Blnlf Men Will Aak I.o nt puny lu Give Serrloo to, Hint Point. General Miles stated, whllo on a recent visit to this city, that old Fort Omaha Is too valuable a property to stand 4dlo and should bo utilized by tho government for military purposes, lie stilted that Its valuo would bo enhanced und tho probability of Its uso by tho government would bo In creased If tuoro wero direct street enr con nections between Omaha nnd the old fort. At yesterday's meeting of the Real Estate exchango this matter wus taken up and, act ing upon tho suggestion of General Miles, a resolution wns Introduced and passed unanimously asking tho street car company to run Ur cars through to Fort Omaha. John, Gallup, a real estato man from Den ver, waB a visitor nt tho exchange's meet ing and delivered an Interesting address on tho topic of real estate Ho compared tho Bltluatlon existing In Denver and Omaha nt tho present tlmo and expressed It as his opinion, formed after Inquiring Into ths v conditions of both cities, that thn two cities uro much nllko In regard to real cstatn uffiilrs. Millions drink Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagno overy year nnd the numbers aro rolling up with a rush. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. FREMONT, ELKHORN & Missouri Vnlley Railroad 'Tho Northwestern Line" General OIllccs, 1? nttcd States National Bank Bldg., S. W. Cor. llcket Olllce, 1401 Furnuni St. Telephone, tul. Deiot. 15th und Wolmtor Sts. Tele- nhone. nr. Black Hills. Dcadwood. lA'UYUi irrivi. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pin e 5:00 pm Wyoming, uaspar uuu u JOUglUB .d diCO pm Hustings, York, David city, Superior, Geneva, Exeter nnd Sownrd....b 3:00 pm b 6:W pm Norfolk, Verdlgre und Fremont b 7:20 am bl0:26 urn Lincoln, Wuhoo and Fremont b 7:30 am b!0:2o am Fremont Local o 7:S0 nm a Dallv. b Dally except riunduy. c Hun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday, CHICAGO & NORTH westcrn Rullway "The Northwestern Lino" City Ticket Ofl!ce, HOI Farnam St. Telephono. 661. Depot, Tonth und Muson fits. Tolephone, , Leave. Arrlvs. i-iiiuuyo ope- n T.Art nll!3) nm cnicugo Passenger a 4:15 pm a 8:10 am ij. mui n impress, uos, Molncs, Marshalltown, Cedur Rupldu und Chi. cagt, a10:55 am a 4:05 pm uuisiurn j.imiteu, Chi cago und LaBt a 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm i uov iuaii, unicago to l lmn lin Omaha-UhVcago'speciaV.a 7:45,pm u S;w un a 2:45 pm u Dally, CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis & Omana Hallway "Tim North western Ltni" aunoral Ofllces. Nebrusku IDIvl xlon, 15th nud Webster C?t. ll... ,I1,.I.. r.MW. "Ql Fttrnam St. Telephone. GUI. Depot, , uuu uiiuoici ma, , Leave. .Arrlva. Twin City Pas5enger....a 6:00 am u 0:10 nm Omaha Passenger allsio fim Bloux City North east Nebraska 3:45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, OMAHA & HT. LOUIS RAl '.uulJr"w,nu"lli Kansas f'lty & Eastern Railroad "Tha MjWiUNI .fc-ltlrnamytrVe: IBMalMM phone, 623. St. Louis Cannon nail Arr,v' K&"?l,y andguincya im 8:20 Local a 7:00 am a 9:00 pm a Dally, , WAIIASH RAILROAD -Ticket Omce, 1504 Farnam Street. Telephone 895. De pot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Telephone, 629. TjtmiA A --I . . - 629 Daylight 3sm St. Iyjuls "Cannon Ball" ExiireHs , a 5:05 pm a 8:20 am a Dally. Hi Dearborn St., Chicago, III. -M778 30 directed "per s. a. oyracuga-jj at l p, m.