THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: "WEDNESDAY. OOTOBETl 2f. 1900. SCATTER GUN EXPERTS MEET Championship Oontcsta Utder Wnj at tho P.mlico Grounds, DUPONT TROPHY WILL BE DISPOSED OF omr Mrr AVnrk Dunn In tlir Ttro 4 SiTirtiatnkr mill thr Pliiillt'u llundlcuii nt Flftren Wril Yeslrriliij. nALTIMOIlR, Md Oft. 23.-A plreon bhootlriK tournament, In which many of the ciack shots of tho country will participate and during which tho famous Dupont cup will bo shot for, Wan horn tortny at the grounds of thn Jlaltlmoro Sbootlw? nasocla lion, tho Dupont rup was first shot for lti this Pity flvo years nRo, when It was won iy Fred (Illbcrt of Spirit Lake, la., Since then It passed through tho hands of several "winners, tho last being Captain J. A. It. J'JIIott of Kansas City. Under the terms Governing tho rup tho Dupont company may at any tlmo pay tho holder of It 1103 end put It up to he shot for. On this oc casion the man who Brasses tho most birds out of twenty-five will get tho prize. lie. Ides this event the program Includes biany rich handicaps. Tho tournament will tontlnuo for threo days. Among thn out-of-ton entries arc: Fred lllbott. Spirit Lake., J. A. It. Elliott, Kaman City; K. D. Fulford, t'tlra, N. Y.. ml tho vcterun Captain John Hrcwer of New York. Thcro was a larn crowd of shooters nt tho grounds toduy. Threo events were concluded, tho first ut teven birds, I" cn Hancc, tho second ut ten birds, $10 en trant and tho 1'lmltro handicap nt fifteen tlrds The work of llallowell, who earnes sl dean score In nil three events was tho feature. Tho scores made were as follows: 1st. ''d.i 1st. Id. Jlull.iwell .... J'urley Ult-k Mosher IMkt.r V F Dupont. 10 Ilu7.nrd, No. 1 V Paul It ArtnstroiiK 7 !i .Morphey 7 8 Knstiui ' S Hood 7 (I I. flloLru n 7 lftirv ' 7 10 Martin 7 lliii.-rt 7 in Fiilfnnl 7 1 j'rnv S D'lliruy I i 10 Masscv 7 10 I ,;i rut 7 1 I clroo C R 10 Invwnrd t l Mnlimn 1(1 Jturkn . . .. J W lluild. Td( ALiti'licy lliilstuil ... I .Unit KiUilllMK ti lllnellZ C l'lmllteo handicap, llftern birds, cntrnnto f 15, six inoneyH, ties to lie divided: llallowell (.10 vds.) 1.1 RntinltiK (31) 11 1'arliy (1!7 Ill Armstrong ;,) ICS- 11 Mustier (SfO (luckier C'7) . . .. 1' F Dupont (2Ti). Jlobbs (at) llenry (' (llltieit cr:i ,eroy (.TO) Jturkn C-Jt f W lliidd C8).. MrMiirehoy (33).. lltilutnriil l,Mll l:l liirnliov (.TI I . 12Hood ('Jit) 11 V .Martin (BU) it IS Fulford (30) I II 12 11 n 11 13 It lu 13 15 Musscy (2S) H llnywnrd (2S) l&aeltz (27) 12 German (27) 13 nixnrd. No. 2 (27) II 'Trillin (27) 13 Heron (30) 11 Miiloue &) . 1.1 1 mil (28) I!!lf rmifflp I'.'.Vl Klllott (.111 ....... Dnublot (13) 14 iiiany ui moan who iurucimiuu m j 1111- (Ico will contest for tho trophy which will m sliot for tomorrow. The handicaps ro- Jelvcd In today's event will Kovcrulu tho )upont contest. KEENE LOSES GOOD HORSE Pt. Cloiiil, Klrknl nt Post by The Chnnilirrlnlii, Ilrruka l.eir nrnl Una to Up Destroyed. NEW YORK. OctTiSA card of six ovei lilpht events was decided today at tho Kinplro City race track, but home fair rport was enjoyed by a r.ood sited crow J. Tim track was iikhIii lightning fuHt, as shown lu the handicap at a mile and :i furlong, which Ht Slmontan won easily Jn l:f2 2-B, but a fraction of a second moro than tho wurid'ti record of 1:W for the distance. An unfortunitn nccldent happened In tho pecond race. While at tho post Tho Cham berlain, kicked Ht. Cloud, unci In the llrst few yards of the raco Ills leg broko; tho nulmal running- fifty yards 011 three !e-o before tin could be pulled up. He limped off tho track to tho puddock, where .1 bullet put him out ot his misery. It wn ?. sevoro loss to lili owner, James H. Ceutic. Miss Hanover won the nice by a head from lluffcon. Mussotte won tho llrst race, ridden out, lu fast time. Hhe mado all tho runnlny. Only one favorlto was successful, Cresson, In tho llfth rnco. Hummary: KlrMt race, about six furlongs: Mussetto, 112 (Odom), I to 1, won; lllmtlne, 112 tit. Nvilllumni 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, second; I'n iniiHkod, 120 (Henry), 4 to 1, third. Time: J.OfV I.a Toseu II, St. Klnan and Gold l.iicd also ran. Hecond race, ono mllo and a sixteenth, felling: Miss Hanover, 0.1 (11. Michaels), a to 1, won; HulTnon, 103 (Jlt('u), ao to 1 und 8 to 1, second; Klaxsjilnnnr, 10S (Hunis), f to 1. third. Time: l;',i. Tho Chamber lain, Mlllstrcam, Dan Cupid and Ht. Cloud ulso ran. Third rnco, flvo and a half furlongs: Oueon Carnival, 101 (Hums), 0 to 1, won; Kr.therlnn, 109 (Llttletlcld), fi to 2 nnd 7 to G, second; Muimthen, 107 (Odom), 15 to 1, third. Time: 1:07. l'rlnco lSvelyn Ani mosity. Mintage, Agnen 1), Spry, lialloon, All's Well, Samls and Sporting Duches-i ulso ran. Kourth race, ono mile and a furlong: St. Blmonlan, 101 (McCue), 6 to 6, won; Annoy. FOR THE CHILDREN. To Keep Their Dluestloim Perfect .Votlilnif In Ho Snfe unit I'lrnsinit us Stuart's Dyspepsia Talilcts. Thousands of men and women havo found Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets thn safest und jnoat reliable preparatluu for any form of indigestion or stomach trouble. Thousands of peoplo who are not sick, but ara well und wish to keep well lake Stuart's Tablets after uvory meal to tnsuru porfoct digestion and avoid trouble, Hut It ts not generally known that the Tabids are Just hb good and wholcsomo for little folks as for their ciders. Llttlo children who aru pale, thin aud liavo uo appetite, or do not crow or thrive, should uso tho tablets after eating and will dorlvo great benefit from thorn. Mrs. 0. II, Crotsley, 638 Washington St., llobokon, New Jersey, writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Just fill the bill for chil dren, us well as for older folks. Pvo had tho beat of luck with them. My threo-jenr-old girl takes them as readily as candy. 1 lwvo only to say "tablets" and Rho drops everything else and runs for thorn. A Buffalo mother n short tlmo ago who despaired ot the life of her babo was so de lighted with tho results from giving the child these tablets that alio weut before tho notary public of Krlo Co., N. Y., nnd made the following aflldavlt: Clcutlcmen: Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets were recommonded to me for my two-months'-old baby, which was sick and puny aud tho doctors Bald was suffering fr m In digestion. I took tho child to the hospital, but thero fouud no relief. A friend men tioned tho Stuart Tablets and I procured a box from my druggist and used only tho lurgo sweet lozenges In tho box nnd was de lighted to find they wore Just tho thing for my baby. 1 feel Justified In saying that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's life. MRS. W. T. DKTHLOPE. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 12th day of April, 1897. HUNRY KA1US, Notary Public In and for Urle Co., N. Y. For babies, no matter how young, or delicate, the tablets will accomplish won ders In Increasing flesh, appetite and growth. Use only the large, sweet tablets In every box. Full sized boxes are sold by all druggists for CO cents, and no parent should neglect tho uso ot this sato roniedy tor all stomach and bowel troubles It tho child Is ailing In any way regarding Its food or assimilation. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been known for years as the best preparation for 1 all stomach troubles, whether In adults or JntanU, 113 (Miles), 3 to 1 and even, second; Mar Ld of Dare, 110 (Odom). C to 6. tMrl. Time: 1621-5. King llarlcycorn und War renton also ran. , Fifth rare, llvo fur'ongs: CresIon, L2 (8hw), 6 to , won, t'amellan, 112 (Little field), 15 to 1 and t to 1, second; Mark Lane, 12i (O'Connori, to 1. third. Time: 1 Oi'i. Alcyons II, Advocator, O .Idllla, Pigeon Post, Tour, Sunro. Kavronette, Isaac lup pfcr and Proot also ran. Sixth rare, one mile and seventy yarls: Water Cure. 10 (Llttlefleld). 3 to S. won; As'iulth. Ill (Hums), S to 6 nnd 2 to B, second: Hammock, 111 (O'Connori, 0 to 2. third. Time: l:tJi. Witbers nlso run. Holiert Wmlilell Huns (inod Itnec. CHH'AC.O, (Jet. 23 -Two odds-on favor ites and an even money choice were beaten In ono-two-three order at Harlem this aft ernoon and second choices took the purses In each avent. . .. , Tho most Interesting contest of the day was the meeting of A! lirown and Robert Waddell. Al Drown was mnde to 10 nnd Waddell was backed from I to 1 to 7 to 2. Al Drown took the lead Immedlalelv and bad r"erul 'ctujths to spare. At the three uuurters he had Increased It to live. Then ltobert Waddell showed his ilnss, ra'ned rapidly and nt tho turn for homo was only u neck away. The game little youngster simply ta i all over Al Drown through the stretch, winning easily by three length'. Drown tired on the last quarter, but beat Wall f'lpht lengths for the place. Weather clear and track slow. Summaries: First raco, live furlongs: Tuskarosa, 112 (Dupen), 9 to 2. won; Kohnwrenth. 100 iDevlu), 6 to 6, second; llubuntti. 105 (Lon dey), 0 to 1. third Time: 1:01 .Ktlwa. Albert Knrlght. Krewer. Rustle Olrl. Regi nald, Milt Campbell. F.mlly Creati, St. SedtiH and's Darling also ran Second race, seven furlongs: Danish, 101 (Domlnlck). 11 to 6. won; Pirate J. Iftj (Devlii), 9 to in. second, Impelled, 100 (Du pee), 11 to 2. third. Time: 1.32. Sail e nado nnd Hop Scotch also ran. Third race, one mile, selling: , Robert Wuddell. 97 (Seaton), 7 to 2, won: At Drown, 9) (Domlnlck), 9 to 10. second; Wall. M (Tally), 10 to 1. lb. rd. Time: 1:44 1-5. Nor ford. Hurry and Nina D nlso tun. Fourth tace. mllo nnd 100 mrds: Th fnknown. 95 (Domlnlck), 2 to I. won: Louis ville. US (Tally), r, to 2. second; Molo. 100 (I.andey), 13 to r. third Time: l:r0 1-5. Advance O turd nnd Found nlso rim Fifth race, six furlong": Kenllworth, IDS (I.andey), 9 to 10, won; Tyr. 10S (Dupee). fi to 1, second; Rio do Alter. 103 (Martin). 12 to 1, third. Time: 1:15 1-5. Royal Victor and I lylo also run. Sixth race, mllo nnd one-eighth, se'llng: Hold f, 109 (Devlni, 5 to 1. won; Obsidian 116 (Tally). 3 to 1, second: Phidias. Ill (Weber), 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:59 4-5. Senator Thompuon, Little Singer, Qtiitnnuh Parker, Cnrrlo Davis, Chauneey Fisher. Dnil Steele. Old Mike. Terrene, Marylund Reserve and Joo Shelby ulso ran. ItenilltH 11 1 eiort. CINCINNATI, Oct. 2S.-OH0 of the most exciting llnl8h"H ever witnessed ut Newport occurred In the llfth nice today, when four "-ycnr-nlds crossed the line In such n close buiu'b that It was a dllllcull matter to nick the winner. Tho decision was given to Likeness, an 8 to 1 shot. Dratich won tho hnudleup. nt 11 mllo nnd fifty yards, lu hnndy fashion. Ills victory brought quite a shock to the form players. Weather de lightful und track fast. Results: First nice, llvo nnd one-half furlongs: Prlmu. 107 (Coburni, 3 to 1, won: P. Alex Pearson, 1C (J. Wlnklleld), 0 to i Bccond; Longflo. 110 (II. Wilson). 13 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:C9'4. Orrlo Conn. Rainy Day, Itramble Rush, Little Henry, Lady Idrls, Mc.Manus. Jim Winn, Senator Heverldge, Senator Dlnglcy and Dairy ulso ran. Second race, one and one-quartur miles: Flag of Truce, I1.9 (MiQuade), 2 to 1. won; Colbert. 100 (Knight 1, 4 to 1. second; Untiled, 91 (J. Hicks), 4D to 1. third. Time: 2:09k,,. Peter Duryeu, Httu, Jack Telling und Fly lire also ran. Third race, six furlongs, selling: Fair I5e eelver. 105 (Column, 5 to 1, won; Forbush. 10.1 (Miller), 10 to 1, second; Dlenhelm, 107 (Michaels). 2 to 1, third. Time: l;M.s. Rice, Kutlo Rutherford. Ollle J. Crinkle, Soudan, Dr. S. C. Ayres, Headlight and Isaac Marks also ran. Fourth raco, ono mile nnd llfty yards, handicap: Dranch, ICS (J. Wlnklleld). 13 to 5. won; Donna Seay. 92 (Wondcrly). 16 to 8, second: Hohut. 9S (May). 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:44. Major Dixon und Miss Soak also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs: Likeness, 95 (Itlrliaels), 6 to 1, won; Klngraluc, 105 (Co burn). 5 to 2. second: Imp, Albula, 108 (Mil ler), S to 1, third. Time: 1:144. Darbara M, Prince, Llcf Jr., Port Wine und Erema nlso ran. Sixth rnce. six furlongs: Princess Thvra, 106 (J. Wlnkflold), 9 to 2, won; Nancy Till, lS (Coburn). 61 to 1, second; llrulare, 10S (Miller), 5 to 2. third. Tlmo: l:53i. Ona mastus and Juko Weber ulso ran. Two Favorite Win nt Klnlnrh. ST. LOL'IS, Oct. 23. Domsln nnd Will Fuy wero tho only winning favorites at Klnloch park this afternoon, three seoond choices nnd hii outsider won brackets In tho other events. Stnrter Jack Chlnn will leavo Friday night for Cincinnati to do the starling nt Latonla. Ills son. Christopher (Kit), will replace him nt Klnloch nark, lrnck slow. Summaries: First race, seven furlongs, purse: Ten nyson, 102 (Dale), G to 1. won; Profit. 101 (liatslnger). 30 to 1, second; HI Nockur. 99 (Wedderstrand), 7 to D, third. Time: 1:32. Sl'l'lmnn, Oliver D, Camuge, Ida und lleefet also ran. Second race, live furlongs, 2-yenr-olds: Censor, PS (W'dderstrand). 5 to 2. won; Relna del Cel a, 10.1 (UasHlngcr), 3 to 2, nicrnd; William Dover. 101 (Dale), 7 to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:04. Hello ot Klgln, Scorpo h'tta LIII Sparks, Mnggio Michael. Miss Theresa, Dick Ilobson und Miss Zura ulso ian. Third rnce. selling, six furlongs, 2-yenr-olds: Poyntz, 112 (Dasslngcr), 2 to 1, won; Cunl (U'.lock. 114 (J. MutthewH), 9 to 1, second- Seething, 103 (Dale). 5 to 1, third, 'lime: 1:17 Ida Cycalla, Harry Pulllau nnd Rednur ulso ran. Fourth raco. selling, seven furlongs: Leo King, 100 (13. Mathews), 7 to 2. won; Gray less. 101 (Weddcrstrand). 7 to 5, second: Morris Volmer. 101 (ICnos), r to 2. third, ilmo: 1:32. Dill Jackmun, Papa Harry, Shllllngbum. Cathedral, 1311a Mnrtln II, Armand, Crest und Rushflelds nlso run. .l l.Cth rac''- "Cling, one mile: Will Fnv. 93 (13. Mntthows.h 3 to 2, ,won: Percy R, 114 (J. Mntthews). 10 to 1. second; Hnriica, 93 (Dale), 5 to 1. third. Time: 1:45. 131 C.hor. I ago, Forrol, Sylvian, Mascngul, Water crest and Can Robert nlso ran. Sixth race, selling, mllo nnd one-sixteenth: Dotnslo, lof (Hnsslnger), 1 to R, won; Miss Patron, 101 (Knos), 8 to 1, neo ond: Innuendo, 105 (Dale). 3 to 1, third. Tlmo: 2:0a. Waldeek, Judgo Stcadman nnd Nun Dora also ran. Atnerlenn .lot-keys Win, LONDON, Oct. 23. -The American Jockeys opened tho day nt tho Nownmrket Hough ton meeting today In lively fashion, being placed llvo times In the llrst two races, the winner In each event being piloted by an American. Tho Trial plate of 200 sovereigns was won by 11. Hardy's Hlddo, ridden by Maher. Tho "ie wuviu 11 was seconu ana Sir J. Hlundell MupleB' 6-ycar-old chestnut B',1'nR Je, I'llman, with Sloan In the UniMlA lllllulln.l LIU.) MflllPr nlun rmla lli iirlntmn 41.. Scarborough 1 stakes-Sir J. Miller's Marconi. .nviwiu viuaers encstnut gelding Tho Scotchman II, with L. Relit up, finished In second placo, and Old Ruck 11, Lord Wil liam ItprRt'nrirM li-u,,,,., .1.1.1... 1... J- Relff, ran third. .'j",,' stnkes wns enptured by Lord Wlllttim TtnrA.if...iu -1.1..:. by J. Rtiff. ' "uue" Hull Team rop Cnlm rV'',.Jcn ' UK- l)al' UMn and Donl fn.M,i.LI,,0,?;n. T'""'';hl" '' O'Hrlen ot Pittsburg. Cullnban und Donnhuo of Chi engo, Harry of Hoston, Mercer Dovlo Davis. Hlcktnan, Grady, Foster, UnwIeV; Oleason and possibly Seymour of New ork. 1 honins Sltnpon. nsslstnnt secretary of the Hrooklyn team, will look out for tho finances. Tniirniuneiit 11 ( Onntm. W. D. Townsend left lust evening for Onawa. la . where the gun cluli of that iiinco holds an amateur shooting contest oday. November 13, 14 und ID' a live bird nnd tnrgut shoot Is to ho held ut Mlndcn. Neb. The sportsmen of Missouri Valley. In.. rfSJi'VHr1 a,,J."n c,,u1' w,Jh twolvo members Monday night nnd on tho samo night tho gun club of Sprlngileld, Neb., was organ ized with twenty-two members. w,a fintUfnetor)' to I.lnton. , LONDON, Oct. 23.-Slr Thomas Linton hns cabled ns follows to J v s. 6dd?o secretary of tho New- York Yacht club: 1 Thoroughly satisfactory. Pre" ous Sligg?7uo1n.i!'' rt,BttrUs d"tlon was merely It Is exnspcratlng to ono who knows Foley's Honey and Tur, and knows what It will do, to havo a dealer recommend some thing else as 'Just the same." or "Just as good" for colds, coughs, croup, la grippe, eto. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dil lon's Drug Store, South Omaha. Kiiiklini Aiiiliiissiitlnr Arrive. NHw 1 mv uct. :3.--An nrrlvnl on the Knlser Wllhclm was Count Cnsslnl, the Russian ambassador, and his niece. They will remain here two days before going to Washington. They wero greeted at tho pier by Haron Sehllppenbach. consul at Chicsgoj M. de Wolant. chnrgo d'affnres. nnd by tho Russian consul general nt New York. Tho nmbassador refused to sneak HUVU, ltU.BH4 UI.W VtltllVBC UlliUlS. JSLW YORK', Oct. 23. -The bnso ball team nt rilV?. t.h0 1fow Y,rk' "rooklyn uiS other teams to play 11 series of gnines In Havana .will sail for the Cuban capital till" 'HTI, J III? HIUYCrS U in 11-111 tr.k no... tr.t POOR GIRL ABUSED TO DEATH Mies Jessie Bofccliioter tho Victim of a Grime Too Hovolting to Describe. RENDERED UNCONSCIOUS BY DRUGS U'lirn Her Pour Asxutlunts 1'lnil Their ledin Is Demi Tliry Curt Her Rod) .iiu- to tin KoaiUlde, Where It li 1'oiiuil. NKW YORK, Oct. 23. Todaj s develop ments show that the clrcumataucts surround ing the death ot Miss Jesslo Ilosschester of Patcmon, N. J., was one ot tho most ro oltlug crimes that hns ever been brought to light in this section. Tho police havo tho live persous more or Ices concerned lu tho affair In custody. From statements and confessions mado they havo been able to traco tho course of the girl from S:30 Thursday evening until rho met death and tho travels of her body uftcrwnrd aro fully us well known. Shortly after S o'clock Miss Uosschietcr passed Kent's drug store In Puterson und near It met Andrew Campbell. Thcro was a short conversation and then tho pair walked down Main street. Bomowhcro en routo they were Joined by (leorgo Kerr, Walter McAllstcr and William Death. Tho four ontercd Christopher Sanl's saloon. Here drinks wero served. Finally ono ot tho men telephoned to the Krle depot for a cab and August Schulters responded. This cab man has been tho main source ot Informa tion. It was In the neighborhood of 10 o'clock when tho four men lifted the partly un conscious gltl Into tho rig. It Is alleged that after tho hackman had been called ono of tho men asked for another round ot drinks and into that served to the girl poured tho contents of a vial. The men di rected tho cabman to take them to a road house, but they found tho placo closed and repeated rnpplugs produced no results. Tho party then started back toward tho city. Muck Mfipv lu Lonely Spot. In a lonely spot tho hack was stopped and tho girl lifted out of It and luld on u blunkot on the roadside. In what followed tho hnckmnn and ono ot tho four, It Is said, had no part. Tho story Is too revolt ing to describe. Tho hackman claims that ho did not leave bis scat on tho cab. lie was uuablo to say whether tho girl was dead or ultvo when sho wus lifted back Into tho cab. IIo remembers that ho was told to drlvo down by tho river bank, lloro tho girl, apparently lifeless, was lifted out of tho cab and her head and face bathed with river water. After a loug tlmo spent In trying to rovlvo her tho men held a consultation. Their victim was again lifted Into tho cab nnd the hackmun was ordered to drlvo like mad to Dr. Wiley's house. Dr. Wiley wns not at home and tho party hur ried to tho rcBldcnco ot Dr. Townsend on Paterson street. Tho physician wns aroused and told to como downstulrs at once and glvo atten tion to a woman who had been Injured. IIo was told not wait to dress. Ho slipped on a bath robo and wont out to tho carriage door. IIo felt ot thn girl's pulse uuj stepped back, saying his services wero not needed as tho girl was dead. Ono of the men commanded him to revlvo her. The doctor turned and Btartcd back Into the house. Tho men thou changed their de meanor and begged him to do something for tho girl. Ho ngalu assured them It was usoiess, ns the girl was boyond help. Thn carrlago then drovo away, but camo back In a few njInutcB and thn men urged Dk Townsend to resort to anything to bring the girl about. IIo then explained that tho girl was beyond medical aid. Tho doctor wns offered any amount of monoy If ho would try, but he persisted it was useless to try as death had corns long bo fore. Lor Corpse Abont the City. Tho carrlago then drove away. Thero was n consultation nmong tho men. One wanted to tnko the body to tho girl's horns. Tho other threo refused to consider this nnd Insisted upon dropping the body upon tho roadwoy. It was finally resolved to drlvo out Into Bergen county by way o tho Thirty-third street bridge. When the bridge was reached the driver was agaltt ordered to stop. A portion ot tho girl's clothing had been torn off. When tho party left tho sceno of the crime, one man had n portion of her clothing In a pocltot of his coat. Whon tho stop was mado at tho river bank to bathe her head, ho comb and pins wero romoved. These wcr In McAllstor's pocket. Tho two portlous. ot tho garment and tho combs and halt, pins wero dropped from tho brldgo Into, tho Passaic river. Tho carrlago was driven n short distance along the rood Into Uergen county. Tho spot was decided on as n good place to drop tho corpso. Tho body was drugged out of tho cab. nut Just then a wagon was heard approaching, und one of tho men hurled tho body back Into th cab. Skull Crushed by Full. They drove on to a placo near Allca'a Mills. Hero McAUster caught tho girl hy tho feet and dragged them outward. Another man grabbed tho shoulders, nnd as the hips renched the sill tho two men stood tho body upright for n moment and let It go. This event wns not foreseen by tho men disposing of the body. The hack man received J 10 for the night's work. This was paid by McAUster. This Is tho story as detailed by Detectives Titus and Taylor. The four men directly concerned In this affair and the hack- men nro prisoners, Tho hackman has told all ho knows and two nt tho others con firmed his story. It Is said that Denth nnd Campbell nre tho two others who told nil and that Kerr has also confessed. Mc AUster nlnnn denies tho story. Walter C. McAUster Is n member of the firm of Jnraes McAUster & Co., Bilk throw sters. Oeorge Kerr Is n member of the J. P. Donlcavy Paint company. Andrew Camp bell Is a bookkeeper employed at the Hand street silk mill. William A. Death Is a young man who wns married two months ngo. Mrs. Dcnth's friends nre endeavoring to conceal tho story of tho details of her husband's nrrest and she Is convinced that a mistake hns beecn made. Assiillniit All Prominent Men. Tho men Impllcnted were hold without ball after n hearing before Recorder Senior today. Jud?e Kerr, brother of ono of tho prison ers, In married to a sister of Mayor Hlnch llff, the millionaire brewer of Paterson, Ho is nlso n relatlvo of John Johnson, demoeratlo nominee for congress In the Paterson district. Tho funeral of tho dead girl was held this afternoon. To avoid a crowd It was announced that services had bean post poned by thn coroner. It Is clatraod nt Paterson tonight that tho nffalr Is only one ot n series In which mill girls of that city havo beon victims, but this is the first known case In which any ot tho girls have lost tbdr lives. ICentncky Una More Trouble. NKW YORK. Oct. 23. The new battleship Kentucky, which Is bound for the AslnMo station to rotinve tno buttie-hlp Oregon, and which snlltd on Saturday, but returned tho snmo night to the anchorage off Tomn klntAillo owing to ono of tho big guns In tho forward turret not working properlv upon neing trieu on nanny iinoK, sailed ncaln today, rnsslna out of Sandv Honk at 9:30 a. m., but returning to tho anehorago orr TompKinsvnin enny in the nnernoon, After the vessel's return It was said bv cue of Its officers that it had gone outside today merely to test certain nuns. As to the result of the test the officer sntd ho was not at liberty to cpeut, 3 South Oiiiahu News . Mayor Kell.v has attached his slgnnture to tho ordinance vacating certain parts of streets and alleys In the northern part of tho illy, which wns passed by the coun cil Monday night. This land vacated Is for tho uso of tho Chicago & Northwest ern railroad nnd Improvements will com mence at one. It Is ascertained that nt least M00.000 will bo spent by the railroad com pany this fall In grading, laying tracks and erecting buildings. In connection with this ordinance tho mayor enld yesterday that the streets and alleys vacntcd were of no use to tho city nnd he wns pleased to be In n posltlou to assist In tho growth of South Omaha by signing nn ordlnnncc which raeunt eo much In the lino of Improvements. At tho time the sugar bect project wus on hero some years ngo nn attempt wns mado by the land company to have theso streets and nlley;? vacated so that the ground might bo plowed and sowed with beets. Mem bers of tho council thought favorably of the scheme, but wnuted somo assurance that a sugar beet factory would be lo cated here before agreeing to tho proposi tion. As tho sugar beet people did not glvo this insurance the council paid no moro attention to the request. Now that thn Chicago & Northwestern has secured rights and privileges here the next thing on the tapis Is the granting of a similar concession to tho I'nlon Pacific Rallruiid ccmpany. For n year nnd a half tho Union Pacific has tried to secure the vacation of the stub ends of certain streets In the northern pnrt of thn city nnd also n portion of Rnllroad avenue. At tho time tho first rcitie3t was made It was in serted that the Union Pacific would spend fSOO.OOO In Improvements between here nnd Omaha, but ns the council held back until Injunction stilts were commenced Presi dent Hurt used tho money impropriated for this work on other portions of tho road. Citizens gonerally nro pleased at tho pros pect of another railroad entering South Omaha, ns the moro roads running In here means nn Incvrnso In business. Should thn Union Pad do bo able to securo tho con cessions asked for a new passenger depot will bo erected nenr the foot of N street and tho drenm of u viaduct ncross the network of trucks between Railroad avenue nnd tho stockyurds will bo realized. It Is stated on what Is considered reliable au thority that no effort will bo mude by the railroads to construct a viaduct until thi tracks between Omaha nnd South Omuha nro renrrauged and tho now depot Is erec ted. Tho city council, so It Is stated, has it In Its power to call up tho Dcnnott Injunction at any tlmo nnd have tho enso disposed of. Whon this Is done thcro will he nothing In tho wny of the council granting tho same concessions to tho Union Pacific that it granted to tho Chicago & Northwestern. CoiiKrcssniun CoiinIm Co 111 1 11 it. On Thursday Congressman Cousins of Iowa will deliver the prlnclpol address nt the rally to bo held at Ilium's hall under tho auspices of Swedish-American league No. 2. Ah nearly every ono knows, Mr. Cousins Is an eloquent speaker and no doubt a great many will turn out to listen to him. Four years ago Mr. Cousins spoke In tho republican tent on Twonty-fourth street aud received a most cordial recep tion. President Heck of tho Young Mon's Re publican club has issued a call urging all of the members of tho club to turn out nnd attend this meeting. Harney Greer, president of tho Third Wnrd Colored Re publican club proposes to bring all ot his followers over, aud with tho other clubs In attendance It Is thought that the hall will bo crowded to Its utmost capacity. All of the candidates on tho state ticket as well ns Congressman Mercer will be pres ent nnd deliver short addrosses, Tho Omaha quartet will bo In attendance at this meecting and a reception commit tee composed of young republicans will meet Congressman Cousins nnd escort him to tho ball. C. L. Mullen, president of tho Norwegian Republican club, which meets nt Frnuek's hall on Thursday night, has declared his Intention of adjourning tho meeting of his club early In order that the members may bo given an opportunity of listening to Congressman Cousins. It is expected that other club of tho city will do tho samo in ordor that tho dis tinguished statesman may be given n rous ing reception. KcclMcr Frlilny. Friday of this week will bo the second dny of registration and it Is expected that nlmost the entire voto will bo registered then, leaving only a few Btragglers to como In on tho last day. Thn first day's regis tration wns 2,ori7, this number brenklng all previous records. On account of tho great Interest taken by politicians of nil partlcu In tho affiliation record, Mayor Kelly has decided to request tho members of tho Hoard of Registration to mako n pencil notation at tho bottom of each pngo of the number ot republicans, democrats, populists, etc., who register. At tho close ot tho polls tho party auiUatlons can bo given In a moment without tho neces sity for glng nil over tho books. Tho mayor says that ns a rulo there Is plenty of tlmo to keep up this count during tho hours the polls, are open nnd If his plan ts enr rled out the press nnd others Interested can havo this Information within a very few minutes after 0 p. rn, As he may not bo nblo to find tlmo to write each member of the Hoard of Regis tration In regard to this matter the mayor desires that notice of his request bo given through the newspapers. Tho Mtfht Fire. The residence of J. C. Dally, Nineteenth and U streets, whs nearly destroyed by flro last night. On account of tho condition of tho roads the flro department was neces sarily slow lu responding. Tho cause ot this flro Is supposed to bu unknown. Tho loss will amount to between ?250 und 300. Somo damage wns done to tho property of R. O. Watters hy water, but this will not nraount to n great deal. All of tho prop erty Involved Is Insured. Tho second nlnnn of flro camo In Just as tho hose companies wero returning from Drown park and the run to Thirty-fifth and X streets was n long ono for the tennis. The residence of Ed Hnnlcy wns burned to the ground for tho renBon that thcro was no water nvallablo, although Chief ISttcr nd the force at his command did everything posslblo to quench the flames. Somo of tho portable property In tho houso was saved, but the loss may ho virtually considered a total. Neither Mr. or Mrs. Hnnlcy wero nt homo at tho tlmo of tho flro. Tho loss will probably be $1,000, Second Wnril llepiihllenn Unity. A rally of tho Second Ward Republican club was held nt Kubat's hall, Twentieth and S streets, last night. Thero was a good attendanco and although the crowd num bered only about fifty n great deal of Intor ent was manifest. With tho exception of an Interesting nddress by H. McCny, ono of tho young republicans of tho city, tho bal ance of tho tlmo allotted to speakers was given to candidates. Messrs. Hurosh, Schultz, Wilcox and ono or two others spoka tn the lnterost of tho republican party. It was plainly shown to the laboring men present that they were In a much bettor condition than four years ago and In this all present ngrccd. Want Itallroutl to Maintain Mulit. A short time ago tho city council ordered an olectrlc arc light located In tho center of the L street viaduct, but so far the mayor has not approval of tba rssolutlon. In this connection be says: "The light at j the center ot tho viaduct U no doubt Surgical operations nnd flesh destroying plasters are uscIcm, painful and dangerous, and Uetidcs, never cute Cancer. No tnntter how often a cancerous ore is removed, another conies at or near the tunic point, and always in u worse form. Does not this prove conclusively that Cancer is n blood dira&c, uud that it is folly to attempt to aire this deetvsentcd, dauceromi blood trouble by cutting or burning out the sore, which, after all, is auly an outward sign of the diaense n place of e5it for the poison ? Cancer runs in fainiliea timnigh many generations, and Ujom: whose ancestors have becu nlllicted with it are liable at $mr time to be stricken with the deadly malady. ' Only Blood Diseases can be Transmitted from One Generation to Another -further proof thnt Cancer in n disease of the blood. To cure a blood disease like this you must cure the entire blood svstem remove every trace of the prison, NotMrtR- carw Cancer effectually and permanently but S. S, S, " S. S. S. enters the circulation, searches out and removes all taint, and stops the formation of cancerous cells. No mete tonie or ordinary blood medicine can do this. 3. 6. S. goes down to the very loots of the disease, nnd foiucs out the dcndlv poison, , allowiuf the sore to heal naturally and permanently, b. b S. at the same time purifies the blood und builds up the general health. am Cancer on niv luw. which that I could net live more irur, a Chi una g ivrn up in a Plion lime mauc a l splendid, lep la rtfreahtng la fact, am enji Our medical experience, who nre or information wanted, vre make no charge whatever for this service. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY ATLANTA GA needed, but tho necessity of both the via duct nnd the light Is cieated by the rail road companies and I think that If tho mat ter was properly presented to tho railroad companies they would provide the means necessary to Insuro the maintenance of the light and thus insuro the safely of tho public. In order to nllow this proposition to bo presented to tho railroads I propose to request that the resolution locating a light on this viaduct ho rescinded." A communication will doubtless bo sent to the railroads within tho next few days urging that the cost of maintaining this light be borne by tho roads aud not by tho city. OrcnnlzliiK rioiiril of Health. In connection with the organizing of a board of heulth, Mayor Kelly has this to say: "As hcveral cases of diphtheria have been reported recently and Inasmuch ns thero nro frequently cases of contngious dlsenscs In tho city, I greatly desire tho or ganization of n board of health, whoso duty It shall ba to tako thn necessary Bteps to prevent tho spread of contagious disease, and I recommend that tho mnttcr bo taken up by tho council In tho nenr futuro with tho view to tho establishment of such a board." Whllo Sanitary Inspector Jones is doing good work, It ts deemed advisable to create a loard of health to havo full charge of the sanitary conditions of the city. Kspeelnlly will tho board bo of great vnluo should thero bo an epidemic of nny sort or another outbreak of smallpox. Ilrniulii of Itii.iiutiaioii Arrive. Tho remains of Nels J. Haamusaon ar rived here yesterday from Japan. The de ceased wns a prlvato In the Thirty-ninth United Slates Volunteer Infantry and had been serving In tho Philippines. Ho was enroute home on the transport Grant when ho died at Nagasaki, Japan, dysentery being tho cause. Tho funeral services will bo held at Brewer's undertaking rooms on Sunday aft ernoon nt 4 o'clock. Interment at Lnurcl Hill cemetery. Magic City tlosslp. J. A. Kline. Twenty-first nnd 7. Rtreets, reports the birth of u son. A Son WflH linrn vafnr,1it. tn Tr n .l Xfro H. Wnlsh, Twenty-third and N streets.' A mngnzlno club will be organized nt Dr. Volfo's ofllce nt 4 o'clock this afternoon. 11 1 A Vntr., Vn. nl..t. ...Ill .rt.,u n -... .u..c ....... ..... h UMl.villh party nt Odd Follows' hull on Friday nlxht. mth. j. i). .Montaguo or Ht. Joseph, Mo., Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melchcr. Chnrlcs K. Winter spoke to the colored republicans of the First ward nt Ilium's hall last night. City Attorney Lambert will return from Stella, Neb., toduy, where he has been visit ing his parents. Tho city council will meet nt noon todny to take somo action on n proposed fuiKflng bond onllnnncs. A bright boy with a pony can secure u paper route by culling nt The Heu otllce In the city hall building. 13. K. Itldgewuy, formerly with tho Ham mond company, has uccepted a responsible position with C'uddlngton ft Wilcox. Theodore Fotrle. nged St, died ut his home, Nineteenth nnd O Btrnots, yesterday. Tho remulns will Do sent to Mllford Center, O., for Interment. All Aililril liiterrnt is given to enrd games in tho homo when our new packs aro UBed, with our soldiers' and sailors' faces on the court curds. Qllt edged, round corners, Indexed, nssortcd bucks, highest quality, In leatherette enso. Send 25 cents monoy or stamps for each park, to Malt-Nutrlnn Dept., Anheuscr Iiusch Drowlng Ass'n, St. Louis, Mo. Hereford Sale Continues. KANSAS CITV. Oct. 23,-Tho salu of reg istered Herofords continued here today. There were some notablo' sales ma Jo. Among them the following: Columbus XVII wns started nt $1,000 by fleorge I.elgh of Aurora, 111. The noxt two bids sent him to ll.ftio. Mr. otham of Chllltcothc, Mo., then bid U100 nnd 2.C00. Clem Graves of Indiana bid $3,000 nnd then tho light settled down between Henry Htovons ot Texas nnd William Ilumphtey of Ashland, Neb. They sent the price un $100 at a clip. Humphrey bid $5,000 and Stevens $5,0M. Then Mr. Stevens stepped Into tho ring and announced that tho real buyer wus Frank Rockefeller. Tho next best price wus $1,0110 for Weston Stamp XVII, a yearlln bull owned by Cornish & I'ntton of Osborn, Mo. Ho was bought by Uenton Gabbert of Dearborn, Mo., after exciting competition with Charles CUdgoll of Independence, Mo. Two other head sold at $1,000 each, Heaii Donald XXVIII. a bull calf bred by W. II Curtice, Kmlnence. Ky., going to M. W. Rogers, McCook, Neb., nnd lleslod LVIII. a "J-vcnr-old bull, to William Humphroy of Ashland, Neb. Other good Miles were: Blackstone, yearling bull, K. W. Zander, Heecher, 111., $CO0. Duko Ililtton, yearling bull, William Powul!. C'hannlng, Tex . $ii."0 Ilountlful, 2-yeur-old heifer, William Humphrey. Ashland, Neb., $.100. dimming Ileau Heal, 6-yciir-uld cow nnd calf, William Humphrey, Ashland, Nob., 1430. Ileau Donnld XX. yearling bull. It. D. Chlsman & Son. Windsor, Mo., $130. SPEAKING of . QUALITY BLATZ BEER Tho Star Milwaukee holds fast to public favor, Tba honest and delicious flavor of malt and bops and the del icate aroma ot tbeas beers will satisfy tho most fastidious. Blatz Malt - Vivino (Non-Intoxicant ) An Invaluable Tonic All Drugslnts. VAL BLATZ BREWING CO.," MILWAUKEE. OMAHA BRANCH, 1412 Doualas St. TEL. 1081. rw nuic j.iuiyic, iwviiik wuii or inoie, a lump in me urcast, a cut or bnttse that refuses to heal under ordinary treatment, should all be looked upon with suspicion, as this is often the bcKUiniur of a bad form of cancer. Mrs. Ksrah M Keelinc, 4t Wlmltor Axe;, BtUtol. Tenn., write I it vest old, slid for three vnrs had nuffered with a merrtr i,. ,.t the doctor! In tbU cltv uid ti lururihi. i than six months, I accepted their Kintcmriit an nope oi rvcr uciog tcii again, when mv dntr. glM. knowing of luy condition, recommended it. 8, S. After taklnr a few bottle the aore began to heal, muck to the turprlte of the phyalcUtif and cummcic cuic. i ditc gained lu n?na, my AptlMHe "Joying perfect health ' department is in charne of rthvslcians of lnu esneciallv skilled in treatiur Cancer nmT A Splendid Wholesale Location The building formerly occupied by Tho Bee nt 016 Pnrnam street will be vacant November 1st It hna four stories and a basement, which was formerly used ns The Bee prens room. This will be rented very reasonablj-. If interested, npply nt once to O. O. Rosewater, Secretury, Koom 100 Bee Building. Ready November First THE FIRST LIKK" Sn)H Dr. IlcmiPtt, "In die t liiiln r IlUrnir In n Clin tereil ervoun i -trm 111 tin- (IrKiinn of the llmly l)c lieml I poll the cn e-, I ( in urn litre r.lrotrlrlt , iin Aiilleil li- M lllrc-ti-le Hell, to ( inc Any n ml All WruUnrrxfi of .Mm mill Women." Thr Doctor' Melliiii?') of Aipllli;v Klrt'trlclly nre III.- Own Invention, mill the I, ii Krai tntc Cinrriiini'iit IIiim llcttiirdrd II Im Ilexm roll unit Study by (ilvllilt 111 lit HvoIiimIvo I nt; of His DlNfovrrlrfi He I'mit luni luti AKiilimt Poor lmltutttnm. If you arc n. weak mnn or womnn you do not need something to stimulate tlt nerves, tint you uo need something to supply the dctlcloncy of nervo vitality. Von need something to cause tho organs to perform their proper functions; that Is, you need force In the- nervous system and in the blood something to oquiilli.e the circula tion of the blood und restore vitality nieotrlclty-which Is It Is properly applied It will permanently restore your nervo force nnd equullzo the circulation If properly applied; then vour orenns will get thnt vigor that nature Intended them to huve, nnd health, strength Is yours and weaknesses have vanished. Or. BENNETT'S ELECTRIC BELT Puts a steady, even, strong current Into your system while you sleep. Tho weak ened nnrve gradually absorb the current and you get up In tho morning Invigorated nnd Just ono day closer to a perfect cure I have known for mnny years that Klec trlclty wns tho greatest curutUo agent that would ever bo known If tt could be applied right 1 havo found tho true method of npplylng It Guaranteed to cure Sexual Impotency, Lost Manhood. Varico cele and all Sexuul Disorders In either sex; restore Shrunken or 1'ndnvelnpcd Organs and Vltullty; cure ltheuuiutlsm in uny form Kidney, Liver and llladder Troubles Con stipntlon, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints, etc. My licit hns soft, silken, chnmol covered, water-chamber fjiongo eloctr,des that do nwny with thnt frightful burning cnuscd by nil other makes ot belts (If th'-y give current!, which have bare metal e!-c-trodes. Verdigris, a deadly poison, ncouni ulates on bure metal electrodes. My licit can bo renewed when burned out for only 76c; no other belt can bo renewed whn burned out, nnd becomos worthless. My Klecrical Suspensory for the perfect euro ot men's weaknesses free to each mule patient. Beware of concerns covering bare metal electrodes with chamois or felt. Klectiiclty cannot puss through covering, but verdigris can. Sly I'lrctroiles unit tlir rrnewlnur trntiire of my llelt lire my rxolnslvr Iintent (Letters patent Now. IKIII.O I I and (Jtll,7U;t und arr nurd on no otltiM' belt or Hiillanor, When others cluliu tbrlr belts will not linrn tliry are uttrniitliitf to luiltate my patents n nil when they do this do not you think they Indorse my methods f Thr fart thnt thry nttrntnf to counterfeit my elertrudm la tlir neat advertise ment I have, for nil articles of merit are counterfeited but counterfrlta are no s;uod. Look out (or tlir trick or "rnteh" In "Kree Trial" and "l'-i When Cured" ndvr rlUemrn U. AVrlio to me and I will explain the ayatrni. I will refund the fee puld me If my llelt will not lunt n lifetime aud the current never diminish. Call or wlto to-day. I havo written n book, "Tho Finding of tho Fountain ot Ktcrnnl Youth," sent free, postpaid, f ir tho nsklng. Cook will tell you nil nbmit It. Advlco or consultation without c st. Sold only by fir BCMMCTT Electric Bolt Uli ULUHLI I Company, Hooina 18 to Si, Douicliia HlocU, Opposite Hoydens' Uodife uud 10th .HIh,, OiiiiiIiu, Veil. Ol'HN SlJ.MJ.tVM 1(1 to I. Fronting on Farnam Street is n ground door office which Is very choice has n very lnrgo vault and Is connected with another room which faces on tho court and will bo rented In connection with this ofllcii or without It, to suit the tenant. It is occupied now, but will be vacant Novem ber 1st. R, C, Peters & Co, Rental Agents iiki; ui' 17th aud I'urnuiu Ms. CURKS all Kidney DleuBs, Ruck- -I Mr, Kifl Kldneycura ache, rto. AUrti I-.LH. or tir mull. 1 ii r rro btxj. ' Wee, etc., f Dr. V. J. KJ, Bura, N. V. I Kreo book, V w Gasmoi to Gut Out or Rtnoir!d with Piasters ,,n,. i,i..i .u ,..,. t BICYCLE haa been nvrnrderi thr (J It AMI IMtlX In t;ottietttlen with all other American bluyelea at the Paris Exposition. The OHAND I'KIX Is. as Its nnmo aig uilles, the Grand Prize tlm high est nwnrd, Other btcyclas were awarded fold, silver aud bronz modals and "honorabla mention," but there was only one grand prlca and tho Columbia won It. Tba llloyele haa beon tn many ' Industrial ax- ... ... positions and It hns never fnlled to win first place whenever and wherover awards huve been made accord ing to a FlXtO STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE. IIO.MK OKFJCIC, HAItTFOHD, CT. Nebraska Cycle Co,, gW Omaha Bicycle Co,, Stormor Ouulora. OMAHA, NEB JOBBERS & MANUFACTURER OF OMAHA DRY GOODS. E. Smith & Go. T Importers 2nd Jobbers at Dry Goods, Furnishing Ooodi AND NOTION'S. BOILER ANJ oHUiif IRON WORK Buccraaora Wllaoa Jt Drake. Manufacture boilers, smoks stacks and brcrchlnss, pressure, rendering, sheep dip, lard an J water tanks, boiler tuoes con tunty on hand, second hand bolters bought and sold Special and piompt attention to repairs In city or country. 10th and l'lerce. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Ucstern Electrical V Company Electrical Su)plics. Electric Wiring Belli and Qs IJehtlif. O. W. JOHNSTON, Mur. 1L10 Howaul St. iAFE AND IKON vvORiCS. ha Omaha Safe and Iron Works G. ANDKI-KN, Prop. Makta a specialty of XAXJVJL BIlUTTlillfl, And Hurg-lar Proof Safes & Vault Doors, et (IIO .s. Mth St.. Omaha, .!. Davis & cowgill Iron Works. ur jnjvjiiiig,KX, GENERAL IlISI'AmiNQ A SPECIALTY IKON ANIJ BRAB8 FOUNDERS, 1001, lBOa and lr.OB Jaokaoa fitraat, Omaha, .Neb. Tel. 038. B. Zabrlskle. A-eut. J. 13. Cowjlll, Mgr. maha Mashine Works Pattern Makers and Model Builders. Manufacturers and Dealers-Steam l-'lttlnxH, Elevator Supplies. Steam ijninos anu nonrrn, uusouns un nines. Cream Hapnratois, Machin ists Supplies, High Ordde Repair Work a Hpeclatty Factory and office OX-14 Bouth Tenth Ht. Phone 23:6. EI.EVAl'O.i SUPPLIES. ELEVATORS Impioved Quick and i:ay Ilislne Steam, Eloctric and Hand Power Elevators. AUTOMATIC HATCH CATE3. Stand for catslnrue, KIM BAM. TIROS., COUNCIL llMJFFfl. U. 1001 th Street. Telephone lt. r H. Davis & Son Vbi Agenta for thr IllcUaioa,! lately (intra nnd Klre Doara. Elevator Hydraulic and lUnd Elavator. Elevator repairing n specialty. Iistber Valvn Cups for Elevators, Englns and Prlatlne 1'resanea.