0 C11EICI1T0N ELEVEN SHUT OCT Embrjo Doctors Oompol Them to Tako Bomo Bitter Medicine. CLASSIC ATHLETES WERE TOO LIGHT J'lnyeMl a Dmprrntc (lump, but AVcrc Completely Oulolnssetl by Tliclr Heavier Op ponents. Spurred on to their urealcst effort by the momory of a decisive) defeat last season, tbo exponents of foot ball sclcnco at Crclghlun university met and defeated tht) Oraahri Medics on tho Vinton street Krtd lron Saturday afternoon, by a Beoro of 22 to 0. Tbo sbnrp rivalry cxlstlnii between tbo two schools was evinced by tho bis donations of students who turned out to uro their teams on to success. Urlaht eolorod banners and horna of every con ceivable description In tho hands of excited young tnon and women contributed to a medley of color and sound that was en thusing In tbo extreme. Three bis tally hos wcro leaded down with followers of tho Crolghlon athlotes and tholr occupants! kept up a continual cry of cncourancmcnt for tho university attendants. They were not daunted by tho onc-sldcdncss of tho game, but kept optimistically predicting a victorious rush before the gamo should ond. Crcluliloim AWre Outulnssrtl All throuzh tho struKslo It was apparent that tho CrclRUtons wcro outclassed. Tholr lino wad mi wed down by the terrific rushes uf tholr opponents and only onco during the gamo did It stem posslblo for thorn to even matters up by crossing tho goal lino of their adversaries. This possibility cam; uftor tho Modlca had ploughed through tho field without onco losing tho ball for u touchdown by Kmlth. Then Welch kicked to tho Medics' twcnty-five-ynrd lino and tho Crelghtons got tho ball by reason of tho Medics' fulluro to mako tho required gains, owing to n misunderstanding of tho Hlgnals. Then tho Crelghtons showed some brilliancy In tholr playing. They demon fctrattd that In running nnd In gaining ground by lleetress of foot and perfection of Interference they had thi'lr opponents bested. Walker, Welch, Duller and Shopp pranced dun n thu field with an agility that was umarlng and had tho ball on tho Medics' twenty-llvo-yard lino when time was called and the first hnlf was ended. Tho expiration of tho tlmo doubtless was responsible for the shut-out ndmlnlstcred tho Crclghtons. They had the ball lu their possession. And, hotter still, they wero In tho mood that would have brooked no obstacle; to tho brilliant Mid runs that had carried tho ball well nigh toward tho cov eted goal. Hut tho timekeeper's record was n Imperious thing and couldn't bo doctored to suit tho exIgonclcH of the enso, for tho doctors were ull on the sldo of tho opposi tion. Mt'tllrsj .Monnptillr Hull. in tho second half tho Medics ripped and slushed and dissected things generally about tho field, monopolizing possession of tho ball nnd skating over tho goal at Inter vals sufllclcntly removed from each other to give tho Crolghton rooters a faint spark of hopo that each one might prove to oo the last. A second touchdown was marked up for tho Medics beforn tho second half had been much mora than well started. Tornholm kicked for tho Medics toward tho south goal anil tho result of this kick ac complished Johnnie Devlin's downfall. Devlin was essaying tho duties at left guard for tho Crolghtons mid it was ono of tho proud moments of his life when tho pigskin oame sailing majestically toward him and he called up visions of a sensational run clear down tho Held with the bull In his possession. Dovlln's Imnglnatlon ran riot and when the hnll finally landed, In the exuberance ' of tho moment ho lot It glldo by him and Orlfllth, u medical student, wholly disre garding Devlin's dreams of famn, pounced upon It. Then did Johnnie Devlin realize haw fleeting Is fame. Ho hung his head shamtfacedly aud heeded not tho passloj- ato words of reproval that Captain Welch poured out from tho vials of his wrath. Neither did ho hear Dr. Kuray, who had como oil tho way from Chadrou to see his alma mater win it game, when he rushed out on the Cold and begged him to go ovr outsldo the fenrn nnd let "Hatch" Smith use hltu fo- a punching bug. nt Kiln J' Kvcr Aflrr. Hut (Jrllllth had iho lull ami It was In easy hailing distance of the Crolghton goal. so near lu tact that I.omar rushed through the opposing line with hardly any obstacles to contend with nnd mndo tho second touch down of tho gamo. After that It was easy money for thu Medics. Iloforo the half wai ocr Smith and I.co got ncioss Crolghton's lino for touchdowns nud Captain Mooro mado threo splendid goal kicks, ho that n total scoro of 23 to 0 was rolled up. The llnu-up: Crelghtons. Hulllvun 1-auo Walker Fumy. . ..i . Position. . . Center.. , . .Itlnht uuard Omaha Medics. Toriihnlni Smith UlRIit t ...ltlght ltlght tacklo. Ortlllth eml. ...Bttiurt DovUn. Million.. .lrt guard..,. ....Phut ....Allen Welch Loft tackle Bhopp Loft end Calluhan Quarterback.... McHhane ltlght halfback.. llaltimin Left halfback.. liutler Fullback nefurri: I'urvlH. Umpire ... Duller . . Jl"ur' Karr . ..Lomnr Lee Thomas. Touchdowns: Smith (2), Lemur, Lee. Oual kicks: .Moore, 3. Itllchluiiu, lit I'll ril ur, 0, ANN AUllOlt. Mich.. Oct. 20 -Michigan beat Purdue 11 to H today. Tho first half was n punting contest between Sweely of tho Mlchlgiins and lloblnson of tho Pur dues, with Sweely best man. Neither side count nn in throtmli tho others line. mint bv Purdue. Michigan touched the ball nnd Miller of Purd io grabbed It and made n touchdown. In tho xrroml half Michigan rusluHl the ball down tho Held for-.i touch down. Michigan ngain rushed tho ball down tho lle'.d. but was stopped on P.ir iluu'n ten-yard line. Snow blocked Purdue's punt nnd Wright reii on tho bnll. Illltuiln, l nrl Imi cHtrrii, O, CHICAGO. Oct 20 -The gamo of foot ball between the Unherslty or Illinois and Northwestern unlvcrrltv tenniM resulted In n score or o to o. jsellher goal wns threat ened by the hull, except during two kicks made by Illinois lu the second half Ono was from tho forty-yard lino nnd missed goui or u lew incurs Breaks up Colds that hang on, "77" breaks up Coughs, Colds, Ilron rliltis, Hoarseness, Laryngitis, Catarrh, In- fluenra, Bore Throat, TousllltU, Quinsy Loss of Volco or Clergyman's Sore Throat nnd drip with all Its prostration: Pal a In the Head, Hack, Chest and Limbs. Taken early cuts It short promptly, taken during Its prevalence, preoccupies tho sys tern and provents Its Invasion; taken while suffering gives quick relief and leads to entlro euro." "Seventy-seven" consists of a srooll vial of pleasant pellets; tits tho vent pocket At druggists, 25c. Doctor book mailed free, Humphreys' Hnmcopiithh' Medi I e Co Cue, Wllllum und John Bis , New vrk. rare,, Mi GRIP NEBRASKA DEFEATS DRAKE UlvhN.Vathltiir the Ileoorrt Left Ile hlnd by the CrneU Team from lit Jlolnee, LINCOLN, Oct. "lO.-tfspeclal Telegmm.) In ono of the prettiest and most exciting gnmeri of tho season tho University of Ne braska team this afternoon beat tho Drake collego team at foot ball by a scoro of & to 0. Drake appeared In superior form In the first ha.f and kept tho ball In Nebraska's territory most of tho time. In tho second half their play was not so fast, while Ne braska showed considerable! Improvement, scoring on a touchdown, u goal and a touchback. Koehler nt center nnd Gran dull ut back did good work, while llrow, Westover arid Hyan excelled In defense Bacon played u strong gamn for Drake, but was ruled out for fouling. University kicked off for thirty yards and Drake returned live yards. Drake fumbled on a doubln pass and Nebraska gained two yards through center. Drew went through left tuckle for four yards and Drako lost fifteen yards on offsldo p ay. Crandall nnd llnsw bucked the lino for two yards each nnd pluced tho ball en Drake's flvo-yard line. Drako gained ball on rumble and Miss went around end lor twenty-dvo yards. They failed to get through the line and Nebraska gained thu ball on a fumble, but was uiiuhlo to got through tho line, losing on downs. Drako by a scries of end runs mudo short gains, but was forced to punt. Crandall bucked tho lino for oljht yards, The ball was ex changed on downs nnd Drako was forced to rt punt. Nebraska returned five yards and p j n ted on first down. Drako gained tho ball and sent Dates u round tight end for five yards, but waited to get through center nnd lost on otfslde play. Nebrnska mado short gains around end and ltay inond punted thlrty-llvo yards. Tho ball was exchanged und UUss went around left end for twenty yards, Nebraska, lost fif teen yards on offside pluy and Drako tried a drop kick from Nebraska's llftecn-ynrd line, but failed to score. Nobraska punted from tho twenty-five-yard lino and tuna for first half wns called. In the focor.d half Drake kicked off for thirty yards. Crandall fumbled and Dr.iha fell on tho ball, but failed to break through thn lino and Nebraska gained the ball on downs. Itaymcnd punted sixty yards. Cran dall mado i:iod gains through thn lino nnd ti doubli) n.is to (luarter netted three yards. Nebraska berhit 11 series of fast line rushes nnd Crandall camel tho ball over the goal lino ror a touchdown junker kiokoci goal Drako kicked oft out of bounds and Ne brasku punteil sixty yards. DrnKe w.s forced to punt on dawns and Nebraska failed to gal i through Hue. Drake lint twenty yards f.P a punt nnd wns forced to a touchdown, after which neither sldo scored. Tlmo wus called with tho brll In Drnko'u territory. Hcorc, 8 to 0. Lineup; Nebraska. Position. IJrnkft. Knehlor Captain Hhlll Wurl lllgnt guard VanVorhls Hlliger Left miurd ! !! Westover Itlnht tacklo McOugln 1'IIIsbury, Drew. .Left tucklo (3rasoi ( ortelyou ltlght end McKerren Ityiiu. Johnson ...Left end n.itea Drain Quarter. .Itacon-Mnthews lltew-Montgoincry. ltlght bait Hllss Crandall Left half Younir Itriynuiud Fullb.tek Stowtrt Munstitutv. rsebraslta, Benson; Drake Ma thews, Oelku. Hoffman, lteferce; Cor nell. Umpire: McDonald. REGULAR TAPIOCA FOR PENNSY Ciiliiiiihln'K Foot Dull Auicrrsn t Ion I'uilllili'li'd to (he Tunc of itU to O un FriiiiLllu Field, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 2D -University of Penns lvnnla swamp..,! tho Now York boys on Franklin Held this afternoon In tho preseuco of 12,000 spectators. 1 hero never was u moment daring the twenlv-flve-mln- u to halves when Columbia hud a chunco of crossing tho red and bluo goal. Only three times in tho entire iwnti mil the uiue and whlto hos gain their distance on downs. nud only onco wero they ublo to stop the liuuKers. rennsyivnnia scoreu is in the tlrst liulf nnd 11' In the second. It has not played a better gamo this season. Lino up: Pennsylvania. Positions. Co.jinbuu. Hodgo Left end Blocovltch Horner Left tackle Hmyth Medullar Hare Left guard Freeman McClockoy Center Drlght Teas Higut guaru unice Wallace ltlght tacklo... Austin-Corf on W. Oar-dner lllght end Potts VoiiHoevenberi! Oraves Quarterback.. Sykcs-Iloyscn Davidson Left halfback Morley J, Oiirilner lllght halfback IJrlen McCiuckcu Fullbuek..VouHoovenhrrg ei'ks m TrnA II...... it Mn. Cracken. Uoals from touchdowns: Ifuro, 5, HunttutrK Defeat Kenrnry. llASTINOH. Neb.. Oct. 20. (Special.) Tho Kearney root nan colors wero dragged in tho dust yesterday anernoon at tno col lege ciuniiu.s py tne Hustings poys. wno won out by a score of 5 to o. it wus rather a peculiar game In many respects, lloth teams stuck to line iiucKiug iroin start to finish nnd only two attempts at end runs wero made, and such a thing ub punting wai nover dreamed of. Chrlstcnson scored tho flvo points for Hastings in seven minutes after tho bnll had first been put in piny. nun tne Hastings eleven incKvi! glncer. vet the boys played u safe game tor tnero were no rumiues niauo on tneir part. The Kearney DiicltH wero uulck nn fast, but they fumbled the ball frenuentlv and lost considerable ground by It. Tho teams wero evenly matched ho rur hr weight was concerned, but Hastings shows much hotter team work. Princeton, 5 I.uf nj-ettc, (I. KASTON. Pa.. Oct. SO. Tho Princeton Lafayette foot ball gniue today resulted In a scoro of D to 0 In favor of Princeton and Lafayette s admirers nro much disgruntled They had contldently hoped to win the gamo and had placed n great ninny dollars behind their opinion. The game was full of rough plays. Lafayette was outclassed py tne visitors, wpose oniy scoro was up rectly due to n fumble on tho part of Cure, Morulngntltr mill HimvIkoii Tied. NKW YOUK. Oct. 20-Ora Morutnastnr the Indiana bllllardlst, turned the tables on Leonard Howtson tonlcht. defeating him by tho scoro of SRH to 135. This was to have neon thn uusi niaicn oi ino nauuicap series ror a purso oi inere is now a lie ue tween Moriilncstiir nnd Howlson for lira money and tho pair win ineut tor tno play off Monday. .Inekpy Snrnerr I.oe I.loonne, N1J1V YOUK. Oct. 20. At a meeting of the stewards or tho Joekoy club this after noon tho license, or jockey Hpencer wn rovokrd. Tho stewards present were: Au gust Kelmont. J. II. Uradford. JntucH GuI wny, F. ll. Hitchcock, Junies It. Kceno and Atiurew Miner. Yule, !IS Venlrynn, (I. NHW HAVKN. Conu., Oct. 20.-In the presi'iieo of a largo crowd Yulo defeated Wcstiiyau this afternoon 3S to u. In the first iiuit lute was nine to scoro rour touch downs. Toward tho closo or the game Yal rusueii uiu imii ior gains that wero to great that thu Yale eleven was tiring Itsolf UUl, Neither Side Scorn, NKHHA8KA CITY. Oct. 20 rfWMnl ti pgram.i-A very Interesting gume of root nun wiih inujt-u nnr tnis nrternoon be tween the Auburn High school team nnd win mem iiiii (ciidoi eleven, two thirty mliuto Imlveh were played, Ht tho end o which neiiner suio unci scored. AVUeonalii, Ul t.ppcr Iimto. O. MADISON. Wis.. Oct 20-WNcnnsln thl afternoon rcored cloven touchdowns agam-jt upper luwu universiiy i ne scoie a til to o. tub uawueyes count mako r gulns ngHlnst their heavier opponents and tno ball was in ineir territory an the time. Iiiuii IMrveus Pluy Tie (iiiiur. CICDAll FALLS, In.. Oct. 20.-(Speclal Telegram.) a toot pnu game oetweon the State Normal and Cornell college today resulted In a scoro or U to b. Mclntlrn fullback, scored for Comoll; Wolf, right hair, ror format. Ilnrvnnl, 2 Went Point, O. WHST POINT. N. Y.. Oct. 20,-Harvnrd foot bnll elnven seemed to tind no difficulty In scoring npalnet West Point hero today perore e.ino eninusiastie spectators on tit big parade ground. Scoro: Harvard, 2'J West Point, 0. Foot Hull IteoiittN In llrlef. At Cedar Falls, la. State Normnl, G nell college. 0. Cor At South Hend. Ind. Notro Dame, C5; Cln clnuatl university, 0. At Columbus, O. Ohio State university 4S; Ohio Wesleyiiu, 0. At Mliineapnlls. Minn. Minnesota unl vcrslty. 20; Orlnnell college. 0. At Terro Haute, 1ml. Itoso Polytechnic V, itjjiilliw, V. At Annapolis Naval cadets. C; George town university. 0. At Ithaea, N. Y.-Cornell, 11; Union, 0. At llopklnton, la. ICnox, 21; Coe, 0. At ImiUnola, la. Simpson collego, 6; Des AlUMltru cuiicki, v, ,lnl Cnul'ln't llnvc htuoil It It he'd had Itching piles, They'ro ter rlbly nnnoying; but Ilucklon's Arnlcn Salv will euro the worst case of piles on earth It has cured thousands. For lujurloo pains or bodily eruptions It's tho best salve In the world. Price, 25e a box. Cure guars nttcd. Sold by Kuan St Co., drug guts. BROWN TOO MUCH FOR CHICAGO Maroons Buffer Their First Defeat in Two Years on Thoir Own Grounds. BOTH TEAMS HANDLED BALL LIKE TYROS Ithodr Inlander Scoro I-'Irst Touch down nnd (lUitt In l'lrat Four Jllniites of I'lny, Other Scores HrliiK Mudu lu Second Half. CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Chicago went down to defeat on Us own gridiron today for the first time In two years. Tho Maroons met tho sons of Drown on Marshall Held und when tbo final whlBtlo blew the score wus: Drown, 11; Chicago, C. Tho gamo wus full of Inexcusable tum bles ond Chicago always fumbled to greater disadvantage than Its opponent, Urown cemed light and tho Chicago rooters, who had not Been tho gamo between Chicago and Minnesota, were confident of victory. Defeat enmo in tho first four minutes of play and, although Chicago improved steadily In both offensive and defensive play, It never took tho lead. On tho kick off Urown Beat tho ball to tbo twouty-flve-yard lino, where Chicago fumbled on tho first pluy, nnd Urown started the ball toward the Maroon goal with u whirlwind of tackles back. After four minutes of play, In spite of Chicago's desperate strug gles, Slocum wns pushed through right and eft tacklc3 nnd over for a touchdown. Hates kicked a goal. Drown, C; Chlcnao, 0. Tho half ended without further Bcore. According to Its custom Chicago started the second half with a rush and on a tum ble and hard runs by Petit sent tho ball over In Bhort order. Chicago, C; Urown, C. From this tlmo both teams settled down to Btrong defensive work, with plenty of kicking. Keeno and Mulendy went over. Tho goal was lost by carelessness of tho holder. Chicago, 6; Urown, 11. Tho gamo ended without further score. Lineup: Chicago. Position. I Icuc-ICndredge. . Left end . . . Mc.Nabb-i:rvln..Left tncklo.. Carey Left guard.. Speed Center Flanagan ltlght guard, Urown. ....Slocum . . .Slieehan . . .Molendy . . Wheeler .Wliltmnri mwoou wait tucK e. Leetle Pftll Itlnht end . . . . Ilarth'tt-Ciinn Sheldon Quarterback Wade lit nry- Lord ... Left halfback Hut ry Plnco-IIorton.. lllght half hack Wushburn i on I'ukikk'K nates lteforee: liob Wrenn. Umpire: Darby of Grlnucll. GO DOWN LIKE WELL-HIT PINS Mot n Single 1'lixt of Second Choice Wins nt Slnrrls I'lirk Itcunlnr Old-l'iiNliloneil (irtinvii)- Day. NBW YORK, Oct. 20. Tho fall meeting of tho Westchester Knclng association was concluded at Morris park today In n char acteristic getaway-day muntter. Not n slnglo llrst or even u second choice wns first past the Judges, long Bhots sweeping tho card. Maid of Harlem, with llttlo Slack tip, wun tho Morris Park handicap, which was tho feature of tho card. Imp and Danger wore scratched, leaving only four to go the two and a quarter miles, but It fur nlshcd a stirring .raco. Utholbort was a hot favorlto at 1 to 2, whllo Jack Point was held at 4 to 1 nnd Oonfulon end Maid of Harlem at 7 to 1 each. Thoy wero sent off on tho llrst break and Maid of Hurlem wont out to niukc tho running, with Gon falon second and Jack Point nnd Ethelbcrt, lapped a length awuy. This wns tho order for tho first circuit of tho track, but tho pace was vory slow. As they rounded the near turn tho second tlmo, Sluck sent his mount out and lu n few strides was threo lengths In front; this sot tho other boys to riding and Gonfalon and ICthelbort moved up to within a length of her going up tho back stretch. Jack Point was beaten and soon Gonfalon dropped back and only Etholbort was left to go on nftcr tho Hying lender. At tho head of tho stretch It looked as If Ethelbcrt would como on and win, but when straightened out It wns seen Odom was hard at work, whllo Mnld of Harlem wns still going along compara tively ensy in front. "Etholbert loses was the astontshed cry which wont up from the big crowd, and so It proved. Try aB ho would Ethelbcrt could not got nearer than ono length to Mnld of Harlem and llttlo Slack, after a clever nnd well-judged ride brought her homo by that margin. Jack Point was a bad third und Gonfalon was beaten off. Tho tlmo wns slow. The Whlto Plains handicap was the other tlxture aud thli went to Conroy at S to 1 Ho made most of thu running, with SU- vcrdalo In closo attendance to tho last furlong pole, when ho drew away nnd won cleverly by ,.i length from Garry Her mann, who closed with a rush at tho end Sllverdalo wus third. Summary: First race, steeplechase, about two and .i linlf miles: Homers, 1f0 (Dayton) 0 to 1. won; Cock Hobln, ICS (Hrnzlli, 5 tr. 2 nnd 7 to 10. second; Tumor, 133 (CI. Creep), !' to 1. third Time' 4:M'S. liaby Hill, Trillion unit I'niiu niFo run. Second rare, seven furlong-t, selling: Annie Thotnp.v. p. W (11, Mlclmel.s) tr. in I won; Queen Carnhal. S7 (Plermaun). fo to 1 nun 1.1 10 1. necKim; made nun, 10 1 (Sh iv). o 10 i, mini 1 line: rsrf, .Moor. Tain many Chief, KlmhrrU y. Little DalHy, Scurry. Hlue Skin und Kdircllcld nlnn Third race. White Plutim handicap, iW furlongs: (Vnroy. 118 J loppy i. s to 1, won; Onrry llermai 11 123 rovonnori. 2 to 1 nnd 4 to 6, second; Sllverdale, 110 iMItehelD 2 t.i 1. third. Time: 1:114. Alard Schreck Water Color nnd Mnxlmui ulso rnn. Fourth r..ce, .Morris Park hand'enp two and a quarter miles: Maid of Hnrlem, 'i"i (J. Slack), 7 to 1, won: Kthelhoit 127 (Odom), 1 'o 2 nnd out, second: Jack P d it, 103 (T Hums), I to 1, third. Time: -;05'.. Oonfulon also ran. Fifth race, six nnd a half fiirloiiRs. -cling; Huttzitoiiochtle. 107 (T. WnlMu, 20 to 1, won: Alv.irndr II, 107 (O'Connor), 10 to 1 nnd 3 to 1. sot ond; Wax Taper, 102 (IIui'im). 3 to 1, thirl Time: 1:2J'J. .Mcl.eol of Hare, uxculil, St. Cloud, Ordeal. Can alo Januury, I.fOti FergtiFon and Hnwk'ulso ran. Sixth nice, one mile: Mtuette. 101 (Henrv), S to 1, won; Fuvonlii". 121 ( Pullman 1, to and 3 to 5. Fceond: AkiiiiIHi, fis J Slack'. 13 to 1. thirl. Time: LiVi. Ciren-'.k. Kliu? Parleycom, Oncck Queer, Annoy nud Uou frey also nn. WANT TO MOB ROBERTSON Croud ut ICInloch Park ()bjeet to lllder Put I p un Srviiy In heeonil llncc. ST. LOFIS, Oet.Eo"-At the close of til" fecund event at Klnlock Park a six und .1 half furlong lundlcnp, In which fl-v y. I he favorlto, was beatep it head by Felix Hard, a violent demonstration took place, enured by what seemed a deliberate nulling or Sevoy by Jockey Hobertson In the closing strides of tho rare. Hundreds of excited men Burrounded tho Judije..' stand as the Jockey dismounted. Sevoy'a owner said that Hobcrtsoii lost the raer -oii"h over anxiety. A large amount .if money had been bet on the horse, be said, and when tho llglit-wrlithted Ht Kollor opened up a big gup early In the race Uobertcon, In closing It pumprd Sevoy out nnd he had not tho requisite stnmlnn on which to llnLii. Uunimer was disqualified In the fourth raco for fouling Miss Mae Hay, the favorite. As they were about to round the fur turn Hum mer swerved Into the tllly. caipluc ll r ti tall and roll over severnl times. Jockey Scully received a bad shaking up. but wni soon able to bo about. Magule Davis, who finished second, was given the raco. Sum mary: First nice, selling, one mile: Meddlesome, OS (Cochran), 7 to 1, won; F.lnMcIn, 102 Hint, singer). 7 to 10. seeoptl; May Pine, 19 (It. Murphy. 30 to 1. third. Time; 1:12. Percy It, (luldu Itock, Terra Incognito and Jim W also ran. Jack Adle left at pout Second race, handicap, six and a half fur longs: Felix llurd. M (Dale), 1G to 5. won; Sevov. 112 tltobertsoll), 2 to 1. second; Oo Out, Pfi (Wedilerstrand). 3 to 1, third. Time: 1:20, III Kollor and Master Mariner nUo ran. Third race, seven furlongs, purse; Oni durmau, 110 (I.iP'Ing r 20 to 1 won; Tony lapping, Id) (Hnli ). S to 5, Herond, I-o!el 101 (WediUrstrand). 2 to 1, thir l Tlnu ' 1,2V Volkmnn and Patronds also run. Fourth race, seven furlongs, purBei Dum- Mr, Frederick, Hatter Snjs: "No doubt the secret of our success In plonslUK tho young men Is our ability to rIvo tbem Just what they want In lino headgear from ?l.f0 up to 55.00 wo hnvo hats of nil shnpes In nil colors for ull occasions It's tho ouu at $3.00 Uint teems to nil tho bill oftener than nny other thoy have the mime stylo nnd tone of the higher priced ones and como In nil shapes nud colors our new line of fall gloves Is complete In all the different styles nud shades. FREDERICK. The Hatter, Thn I.ciulliijr lint SI nn of the West, mtl SOUTH FIFT1JU.XTH ST. Making Polictial Speochos is not fo much lit urex l. siiooninn s line as Is the selllnp; of wood shoes he don't sell any but pood shoes -you don't expect to pet much of a woman's shoe for $o.50 at most places-but If you've been n customer of ours you expect and get Just what we say It Isa j-ootl shoe thesu como In volour calf, box calf nnd viol kid with the medium round toe- soles heavy enough for street wear und not too heavy for comfort a happy medium that combines only pood quali ties low common sense nnd IiIkIi mili tary heels with a special high arch that ,'lvos tho foot that dressy appearance. Drexel Shoe Co,, Xtw Ciituluiiiir Itemlj Sent Free for the AnWIiiix. 0 111 ill n'n I ifto-dute 'lint. Iliiimr. Milt FVIl.VVM STIlllHT. litij.s the l!i:.st Ladies' Watch in Copley's Stock It Is also the smallest. Case Is set with diamonds in flor do len or crescent pattern pin to match set with diamonds $15. ;ti:.Mt:.Miii;it Wo have; wntches from $3.00 up and wo will let you select now and put them away until Christ mas. Conic lu und look over tbo stock. HENRY COPLEY, Wares of Gold and Silver. 215 S I6tli St., Paxton Block mer, fO (Cochran), 3 to 1, finished llrst. but was disqualified for fouling; Maggie Uavls, 70 (W. Waldo), 7 to 5, see nul! .Miss Mho Day, CO (Scully), 6 to 6, fell. Tlmo; 1:27(4. Threo stnrtcrs. Fifth raco, live and n half furlongs, purso: Oold d'Or. 112 (Wedderstrand), fi to 5, won; Frank Hell, 110 (Robertson). 2 to 1, second; Dalkeith, US (Hassliigcr). 10 to 1, third. Time: luKHJ. HI Leu ulso ran. Sixth race, selling, ono mile and n six teenth: Innuendo, 101 (Hale), 10 to 1, won; Hotnsle, 101 (Robertson). 3 to 1, second; Lee King. !' (10. Mathows). 20 to 1. third. Time: l.tlt. Linden. Klla, Omellu, Clrey Forgo and Jimp also ran. BESSIE MACKLIN TOO SLOW .Speedy l.lttlr .Mitre'N I '(Tor I to t'upturt Record for Five nnd One-Half FurluiiKH Not Sucurftxfiil. OHIOAC.n, Oct. 20 -TlM feature of to day's program nt Hnrlem was the effort of the sueetlv little mare. Hessio Maekltu. to capture tho wot Id's record for live and a half furlong.) and Incidentally to beat her own time nr that uistnnce. hiio rniitd in both attempts, coming to tho finish In 1.0U3-5. an easy winner over Money Muss, Had sho Lceti In f.iMor company one or potn tho records mignt nave prep touencu The track was fust. Summaries: First race. Mx furlongs' (loul Runner, 109 tIJevlii), 7 to 2, won; Sim W, 107 (Roland). 11 to 2. second: Our Lizzie. 103 (Landry). 11 to C. third. Time: 1:11. Rosa Ulnli, Sir Christopher, St. Wood and Skugatuck also riSecond n" six furlongs: His Krnlnenee, J(J (Martin), 11 to 2, wop; Kazan, 10) (Tally), 4 to G, seclnd; Try. 100 (Waldo), 2 to 1. third. Time; 1:14. Hllnit ami Hoomeruolt nlun ran. Third ra.-o. five nnd a half furlongs; Kmma R. 104 (DomlnlcK). I to .1, won; Goebel, 101 (Tally). C to 2, tecond; Terrorist, KG (Alexander). 40 to 1, third. Time: 1:07 1-5. llortha, Nell, Rlvnl. lJure. John Orlgsby, Mountebank and Heroics uiso run. Fourth race, one mile and a slxteen'h Advance Guard, 112 1 Landry), even, wo'i; I'hionnoua. le.i (Huneni, lu to &. second 'rnvnti 03 (Urmlnleki. 7 to 1. third. Time: 1:43 2-5. '-'liarllo O'Hrleu and Found nlso raj"lf th race, live anil a hnlf furlongs: Il-s uln Mneklln. 112 ( I lotnlplclt). 2 to 9. vn Money Muss, WJ (M.irtlm, 8 to 1, second; eilow i n 11, in. in n nun, iu io i, iiiirj Time: l:nC2; Pope Len also run. Sixth race, ono mile: ohnot 105 (I.tn drv). IS to 1. won: Robert Waddell, St (8".t ton). 5 to 1. second, Wllllum Ack, H (Wnldoi, 2 to 1, thirl Time. 1:10. Pre ciirsnr nnd Flnrlzar nb'O HIP. Seventh r.ne, one pil'o. Chorus Rny, 103 (A. Weber). 12 to , won; .moio, irj iijupe.') 7 to 2, Hceoiid; Ah ha It. uMurtliu 7 t.i 2 tn.ril. Tlm: 1:10 2-5. Iilirfo'ute Cotftno'ie Slrungest, old Mike at d Oododcn also ran. FIRST ROUND OF GOLFTOURiNEY CoutfNt for Cup Is Plnyetl lit fJnle, Wlileli Ve erllifles Periulls tif Seernl UeHlHiit Seort'M, Tho second rontest for the Omaha Golf e'uh cup wus begun yediiril iy by fourt'i'in members of the Countrv club, two losing by default, l.e Rov Austin, who won In tho flr contest, did not enter nud nil aspirants now have au equal chauco to win the three copceune victories neren (ary to ownership of the rup The opeil lng round was played In u high wind, out I the scons were unusually good, the mem- i bcrs arqiaretitlv bpvliiL- accustom 'd tlpin selves to the vicissitudes of iniitch play ' Rlelvird Kimball e"iei 1'illv dl.Ulneill'hPd , hlmrclf bv pi Ing ri ond the emir e in forty-two, a mark which has long been the , "bogy." The ccore Is the best ever mi do I .over the link bv nn amutenr The gulo wot more of nn aid than otnerwi'e in tn. pluv. for ore was able to In at iiBu'nst 't tire'ttv sntlsfaetorllj , nnd coming home Hie wind' bore the bull over tho long dlst-. n'e between holes lp un iimnyintr (ifjlilon. The llrst round resultel ns follows: T Ktmbull won from KMis'tr 4 tin; Morsman from lmlsl, 2 up: Richard Kimball from Haskell. 0 up; Foye from Leavltt, by de fault: l.nwrlii from l.ewli, by default: Miickltigham from Rolini bv default nnrns from Rnneker, l. up; Fslrfe'd from Redl k. S up. Lnwrlo then played Huckinghutn on the second round, wlrring S up. Thn ueeond r"Und W'll lie played befn'e Wedne-dsy, will) the folliwlpv llnc-up: T Kimball and Morsman. T. Klmlxll .ii'l Fuve. Flrlleld unil IJurnn Lawrle Is sare for the third found Tin semi-finals will be plnved before Friday add tho finals 01 Siturday nfternooiK MISS GRISCOM WINS OUT Clitiniplnu Wnninn Golfer Tiiheit Un I tiiKiol till) nt Short IIIIIn. SHORT IIIIL8. N. J. Oct. 20. Miss Frances G Grlscom of Philadelphia clev erlv sustained her reputation und tltlo of cltumplon woman golfer In tho tournament ...l.lf.1, ,i.n u f-,itlfl oilflt .Mirlv thld nflnrnnilli I? IIIIUIII I'l VWl MJ I'.tV ,. l.t. .,.,7 .I.FlllU h. .. It was the closest kind rf a llnlsh. us for tho last four holes tho players wero even and by missing a put, which was within a few Inches of the cup, Miss Rlihop failed to halvo tho hoK and M bs Gricm wjn In coasequenre after having gotten down a carefully pluycd put of some tight feat. on tlm links of th it.iltusrol Golf club. Sho defeattit .Miss Georglniu IllHhop of Hrldgeport. Conn.. In the tlnnl louiul for thn n.irt ll., 111 .-,11 tllA I.AI.in INVALID CHAIRS. Wo carry in stock a largo lino of rolling and reclin ing chairs i'or the use of invalids and cripples, Co" or .Itnit for Illustrated Catalogue) ami Trier. THE A10E & PENFOID CO,, Daformltr llraue Manufacturer. 1408 Fartiam OA1AUA. Op. Puxton Hotel. J. A. KERVAN MERCHANT TAILOR. Ladles' and Gentlemen's High. Class Tailoring; at Mod erate Prices. TEL. 805. 422 SO. I5TII ST A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SI.ME. A. RUPPKRT'S WOULD RE NOWNED FACE BLEACH AL MOST WITHOUT COST NO MATTER U0W BLEMISHED THE SKIN, FACE BLEACH WILL MAKE IT PERFECT Msdsras A. Ituppcrt inyi: "llyruco Ulnacli 1 not ft row, untrlni rcaidy, but 1m been ued by tlui bent people for years, ond for dliolmig nnd removing forever plmplns, frcclilrp, moth ptclios, blackliciul", O'lninn, tu.i, sunburn, allowuois, toiiglinPS-H or redn(i of t lie Bkln, and for brightening and beautifying tho oomplflxion It lui io iMpiul. It U abiolutely ))nrnilcs to tho moil dt-Ucute skin. Tbo mnrvellnim Improvement nftcr n few ppllciitloiu N mof.t at'"urotit. tor thu hUIii liccometm tuituio Intt titled It hIkuiIiI be, fmuotli, clear and vhlte, ficc fitup eery impurity nod blpmlh. 1' cntmot full, fnr tta notion In fuiuli t hat it iIimus thu Itupiirltlca out of tho thin, mid dot i not rover them up, ond U Invcihlo durloif umi. This lithe only tliotoufjh und pcruimient wny. Diirlnc this month, I will offer to nil n tiUI bottle or my world icnowncd l'uco lllcucli, ruiUolcnt to t how thn t it li nil that IcIj'.ui forit,iiiid nuy rriiiler of tliltcnn loud inof.ccntH In stamps or silver, nnd t will yeiid the trial bo'tlo, tveurcly packed in plain )Trnpor, scaled, all cbnrKca prepaid. Mr book 'IIow tnbn nemitlful' will bo mailed frco to nil who will write for It." riADAHB A. RUPPERT, 6 Rast Hill Street, New York rime. Ruppert's dray llalr Restorative actually ruitoiva a-my iinlr to ltn natural color. Can t um:i1oii uny plif.do of Iinlr, and Is not adyu. nud tloci pot dlnooloi' tho sltln nor rub off Perfectly lurmle and alwayB give anl lf not Inn. Mme. Ruppert's Depllatnry removes (iipKrtlnous tinJr In flvo uiliiiiti-s, without p:iln; will not Injure tbo moit dullvato tlcln. rime. Ruppert's Heyptlsn Halm for soft ening and lienlliur tho rnce nnd hands. rime. Ruppert's Hair Tenlc positively reinovritd.iiidriiif, nil scalp dlsosses, slops falllncr halri and In many catcj reetoica hair. Mme. Ruppert's Almond Oil Completion 5eap, mado of pure iilinond nil and wax, Delightful for Ilia complexion und war ranted not to chap the most dnllrnteckin All of llieabovn toilet preparations are always kopt lu Stock aud can bo had from ur local agent. ICtll.N A CO., nriiuuUta, OllAUA, Mill. ftWJJ tea 'ka 'it; . jvcv s Do You Like Candy The good kliul tho kind Hint tastoa Just its good when you nro rntlug the lust piece its It did when you picked out the nicest looking one to begin ou. This Is the kind you will find hero we ninke our own enndlos und know whnt they nro mndo of nnd that's why we know you will like them take homo with you todny n box of our delicious Oold Mednl Chocolate Hon Hons wo '11 gunruntee them to please. W. S. Balduff, 1520 Furiiam St. You Can All Sing- About laiub, lftnib, Iamb but you glvo Uls chile wttt he's got on tits platter an' you can nil have your lamb ills am do kin' o meat my boss lives ou tin', say, It's cooked Jlst right, to, on one of dem Favorite steel ranges wnt he sells fur f'J'd.SO It's tie best range made In Amer ica an' so's his Favorite baso burner wnt he sells fur 51D.S0 an' dcu dero's dat oak stove wat he sells fur $4.l8 den he's got it good cook stove fur $11.00-uii' do "whole Bhootln' match" Is sold on tlo easy payment plan so dere's no 'sense fur you goln' without n stove. A, C. Raymer 1514 Fariiain St. Guitar Players Are Finding Out 'I'litit It Is necessary to Ubo gut strings 1 If they want to obtain that sweet, soft , tone which makes the guitar tho most I beautiful siting Instrument known. Wo have taken tho agency for the cele brated ".Martin" guitars, which are stringed with gut strings exclusively, and wo believe that their world's rep utation will make It eusy to Introduco them In this town, especially as nil the teachers endorse them. Call nnd ex amine the elegnnt and beautiful Instru ments. A. HOSPE, Music and Art 1513 Dourlai. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY $17,500 Every Woman Has Win a Large Prize. THE DELINEATOR, the Magazine of Fashion well known for a genera tion, cclebMtej the dawn of the new century the year 1901 by offering 1901 prizes ranging from $500 to $5.00 to 1901 women. Total of prizes, $17,500. Prizes will be awarded, not to those sending the largest number of subscriptions to THE DELINEATOR, but to those sending the largest number in proportion to the population of each town in which they are tccured. The woman living in the smallest town has just as good a chance to win a large prize as the woman living in a city. To this end all towns and cities in the United States and Canada are divided into seven classes according to population. CLAIM O.NK Includes all oltlea of BOO, UkeMtaati r tftr. In I1.U ! (her are UH prlic to its olou r Iks klgkeit being th Until (6.00. CLARK TWO Indudr. all clHet ttmm ( 800,00 Inksbltaati. In thl. rials t litre urn Its prliee to be gtren nwaj, Iks klgksst being 0400, Ike lontt Ob.OO. CLAHHTIUIKU Includes all rltlsa fram IO.00O 60,000 Inhnbltnnts, In thU ids there are U0N irIi- tu be glrtn nwnjr, lb btgktit being OSkO, the lone it 0b. 00. CI.A1H 1'OI'It IikIuJh nit clttee frn 10,000 la 80,000 Inhsbltanti. In Ihlt rla ) tbcru nre 1)57 prises to be glten awajr, the highest being 0800, the lowrtt 0t.00. t'LANH l'lVf. Intiluilrs all lawni frnm 6,000 to 10,000 Inknbltauta. In thti rlnu there nro SOT prize to be given iwaf, the highest being 0"00, the lot, eit Ow.OO, CLASH MX Include all town from 1,000 t 6,00 Inhabitants, In this elm thtre ' ire D07 price to be gltrii away, the htghct being 0150, the lwct 05.00. CI.AHM HKVIf.V Include alt town of 1,000 Inhabitant sad undrr. In thl rials thiro uro UUl prlie to be shea awaj, the klgheit being 0100, theloneit 05.00. AN TT T IIQTP ATTflH A woman taxing subscriptions In n eltj of vnxm pnpulstlon would be ta ill iLLUJinnuuit 1,'liiMa ., btio wcmiM couiprto with others seiitlhiK siihscrlpltaos from towm of KI.Ui) ponulillnn un tn UI.OO. Him would Iiatii ii optMirttinltv of wtniiltiL tmn of SA? Drier. Mlilili mlit'lit lin m IiIkIi in t.'lllnn'l could nottielrrs In 'i i mibHcilptlotw tUin would u woman uha furwsnlivl 30 from s i or miniuripiiciiiii in iiopuistiun wotii i lie larger. This being lut) Mill "In ntiniri M iy litruo prlci. lu opn of our recent ln I). C.,wou a priio of (U for lecurliiif ouly fourteen subscriptions. Kft rnMTlITinMQ TJie nmo nnrrmu csn win seTejsl Prises In every cIsm liy tnklnir eutiie rlptlons nu tunuiiiuiia it, iiiffcrtnt towns. Hie contest begins with this snnotinceiiirnt snJ will Irniit nstu Kchriinrr 1.1. I!)t)t. I'rovlillnic the nut (inter contain two or inure subai'rlpllnni, tliey will da Hcccptril nt mi I'tniin t ueli. hulnf rlpliunt rtn t' aeut after snl t the W cent rsle until r ehrusry 13, I'Jill. The rrifiilr prlrn of TUB DKI.ISH ATOIt j tl.ru yesr. EuUscriptlons must beclu with .Vovember or Dectiiibcr of l.n), or Jauiury, February or March of 1301, PPnTTTT's UClV ATT J'TrT womsa who falls to win ene of the slmrit prlres, lint who semis aub .. .. nltlt BcriptlooiatasarsnsrtlonooiiBtoeiery'JWliihabltatifsnf a town will h pal J a special prlzo of ten cents on each subicrlpvton secured, In addition to the ten cents sltowed above. WHY DO WE LIMIT THIS OFFER TO WOMEN? frS&YK csn best ircoiniiienil It to women. It l a (treat favorite among them. Hiere erf mm Imire than SfO.ODO subacrlbtra, Jf yon a to not tutcmicJ lu this offer, call tilts attention of your frlemja to ll. AU women In semllne their first nnler of two ormorn autisnrlpttoD" mii't mention that they arc te apply upon Uiu abmr oTer . complete Information rorrilln; Prlsea. tilth order blanlca will be srnt. To thowi who am not ttiorou.-hly acr,ualntd with the merits of ,T1IK UKLI.VEATOIl, full luforiustlou will la scut upon reiueat. Address, THE DELINEATOR 7 (o 17 West Thirteenth Street New York CONAN DOYLE STORIES FREE. The Great Sberloalc llolmrs Detective fltorlea Ursula ts llTcrz Ileadsri sbf This rpr. 1"ho Greatest detective stories ever written In any land or language ere thoao br A. Conan Doyle, the dUftlngiiloiied author, In which hie celebrated character, Sherlock Holme.i. U th centta.1 neure. Theee ateriee altouiul tn myatory, atarlllnsr aurprlasa rirnmutlc altuatlonx ond 'ntenaely melting plots). Tliey are celnbrated wherever tbo 'KnKllsh latiRiitiRe la ioken and have teen translated Into a ntimher of forelgm tontnirs. Wo have collected boiiic of the moat popular of the Khtrlock llolirios st tective Htnrlcn, by A. Conan Uoylc, and now offer them to our eubeorlbera. The Hherlock Holmes drtertlvo atotlea will be eont to you absolutely gratis If you will fowl us at once IK cents for u nix montha' trial subscription to "New York Home Life," ihf KrcJteHt of Amrrkaii magazines, Thla wonderful collection of ntorlMi will he sent freo hftaUBO wr want every reaclrr of thla paper to bo familiar iwith "New Yorn Home I.lfe," which Is the most beautifully Illustrated periodical In the werld. Mcire than 20 nxriualvu feature every month, Crisp. Htartllng gtortea of Now Torat life A new subscriber wrllt-u us "I consider the New York Home l.lfo Magazine tho ttiost Intorfstlntr nml hcnutlful of any 10-cetit or 2H-coiit publication In Amcrlta. Heml i our Si crnts III atainfiH or ellvor today, aa tho edition of this colltcUon at ehorlork llolini's n orlca Ih llmlUxl. Uentlon thin pa per when writing. NEW YOftK LIFE. 1293 fc 1295 Broadway, New York. STEflRNS' H1I5 ELECTRIC PASTE kills RATS, MICC, COCKROACHES nntl all other VERMIN, leaving no odor. At rp all dealers, 25c. ffSfltfV asTA oHiOHroTrt' CNattrh Pehhyrovai, slls IP.VSlrVllArK. lj.ltir.lun. I.4t,.. ... firerr'.t '" cHirHCsrrtifrt i:.N(ji.itJn t..,i ll n. i ki-IU Nudal. i'StiL., fA. a '1.1. t . . . - I. I . . I AM flM n box. re A!r 10 KCII iiM lialj Udaliln kou. ..tl.l JTt ST-W'sl ?'""lM "'' 'l'l.oathee. Hiii TT) jfj tcern fcuh.lliuilen. umi I mil. I fyf ui. a. t rut a, ut trHnil. i I a ' ' I'ltrtlenUr. Tivtlsiailals VV A a4"RcllcrlrJ,dlra,''Hil.iitr,lr. NOT A MATTER OP CHANCB in Prizes an Opportunity to There are No Blanks thin tftn. fslie would nln n larger il;n If the sent n of tm,u), lireami) tier pronurlion rnse. seine very miiiu.ii iiaia e users, a Human In sitilnKton, "Krug Cabinet" If not, you bare roUscu a good thing. Thla exquisite malt beveraco stands on' unique boals. It sella ludf. Its tame aad reputation Is tho envy of many. Tbo palate, tho beneficial results achieved "within" Ue Inner man aro tbo only and real Judgca of Itt merits. Approved ot by tbem, It tri umphantly entcrii Innumerable households. Where Cabinet enters, doctors and druj bilk exit. nUrJWKU IIY I'ltlSIl KltLtJ IIHIJWINO CO I'htto 420. alMAIIA. PJIfiB, CJooli'a luche Tahlnt a are succeaaf ullr used iiioDthlr by nver lOKiO ladles, l'rlce, tl. Hr mail. il.OS. hud 4 ceota for sample ami particulars. The (VioltOo.. a VodwM rvr. , Detroit, Mlr.li. old In Omaba by Ku bn at Oo., 11 Ouuglaa, i