Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 21, 1900, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Sll.Ull MK.NTIO.
IJavIs sella gins.
"Mr. Riley," &-cent dear.
Una fixtures and globes at Illxby s.
Fine A. U. C. tx-er, Noumayer's bolol.
Wollninri, pcl9nttnc optlclun. 409 U'a y.
II. M. Ltffrrt. expert optician. KS Udy.
Bchmldt's photos, now ami lutest styles.
Cab. photon Sl.CO doz. Williams. 5 Udy.
W. J. Hostuttrr, dentist, Ualdwin block.
lamp's beer, yachko Uoysnn, solo agent
J. O. 4 V WooJward. urchltcots, K3 Udy.
Drink Hudwelscr beer. 1 Itosenfeld, ait.
II. Ii White, employment agency, 613 nay.
Kihlblt nnd &ulo of Olbson pictures.
Alexander & Co , 333 llroadway.
Mrs. T. A. llurker ImH gone to Colorado
Hprlngn for si visit with friends.
Oct your work dono ut the popular kagle
laundry, VA llroadway. '1'hono 157.
W. l Kstcp, undorlukor, 2S Pearl street.
.Telephones Ofllce, 07; rusUWice, 33-
Tho Uiily Macciibix'M will mct Tuesday
afternoon at tho usual time and place.
V R draff, undertaker nnd licensed em
baltfmr, 101 Houtli Main street. '1'hono r.0C.
Mls Myrtlo Honeby Is reported to bo
iierlously 111 with malaxlal rover at her
lionio on lionton street.
Wblto Hoho castlo, Iady Highlanders,
will meot Wednesday afternoon at tho resl
flenco of Mm. J. II. Cralgmlle. 1621 Eighth
Members of tho Thivosophlcal society will
neM Wednesday afternoon at tho residence
pf Mrs. R. N alerrlam, Ml Logan street, at
John namer. living flvn miles northeast
vt the. city, reported to tho police yenier
lay that a horse hail been stolen from Ills
liiu-n (iiiio tlmo Friday night.
T C, I.ooablll. living n.-ar Mynster
HprlngH. reported to tin; police yatcri ty
tho theft of a prize bred Jersey cow from
Ills premises during Friday night.
Lloyd Forgruve commenced suit In the
district court yeaterday for dlvorco from
Hadlo Forgrave, whom ho married In this
olty January ;n. isai. ""c6tn
i.Kil..l I.I.m In 1VI.V
pvi ...... .
ri... - t i,, ir vnuii ncrnJtiHt ihf Union
i Jill ill AJ. . .- , .,...
J.and and Improvement company and John
w. l'aul. which Is ..xpected to occupy the
whoio of next week In tho district cojrt, is
net for Mommy uiiernoon.
i.i I 111.. tt.v.tiir.nlil Ron Of Motor
....... i..,r,..u m.w.v wiih run over whllo
crossing Uroadwiiy yesterday afternoon by
IJr. Macrao's carriage. Tho boy was ome
vliat bruised uboilt tho face.
Martha. C. UeM!oy, administratrix of tho
Mtatn nf th late. William I'. Wlchti.ian.
luui (lied notlco of nppeal from tho decision
of Judtfo Mney nllowlng tho claim of Austin
mi Miirv Wlirhtman aitaJnst tho estate
Tho Avenuo A and First avenue foot ball
trams playod yesterday afternoon at Sev
enth streut and First avenue, thu siirnu re
suiting In a tie with a scoro of 7 to 7. At
tho Lincoln avenuo Held tho Duck Hollow
team defeated the Lincoln uvonuo cloven
by a scoro of 13 to 0.
Andrnw F.lllott, a former member of
Coxoy's army, who rewarded John Turner s
......... I.. t 1.1... ,. annf.fA ( 111
Klliunrn.i jii hiviiik linn 'iul" ..."
stmiUiiK sunury arucies oi weiiriiiK up
nnml m n.ll'.'lHi'll frillll till! CltV JOll VeS
terday with Instruetlona to strike out for
tho nearest town without delay.
M. V. Kohrcr, prexldont of the. public
Horary, nnu .Mrs. uaney, iiiimriiiu, iu-iiii-ii.
.l vui nnlii v from Hiniiv CItv. where
ilmv nttmuliNl tho nnnnal meet I II it of tho
Iowa Htato Library association. Mr. Kohrer
wan mado chairman of tho executlvo com
inlttei;. lln urned Council Uluffs as th
place of mectlnK for next year, but tho as
sociation decldeil In favor of IhirlluRton.
Amendwl artlclen of Incorporation of the
rottawattumlo County Farmers; Mutual
Flro Insuranco conuiany were ill with
tho county recorder yesterday. Th amend
tnont provides that no suit shall be bro'iK"ht
on any claim ror iohs unin same iui wi-u
aulimltted to arbitration nnd that tho
amount recoverable shall not exceed the
net proceeds of an assessment against tho
members in irood standing.
Joseph McOlnnls, whose marital troubles
wero recently iilrrJ in tho dlvorco court
hero, caused tho arrest (yesterday of u
woman nar.ied Ida. Henderson on a charjro
ot larceny from tho person. McOlnnls al
leged that tho woman had stolen his watch
Titd chain, valued nt J'.'o. Tho womnn re
fused to trlvo bail or securo nn attoruov
and was conimlttel to tlio county Jail to
await her preliminary hearing which has
been set ror Monday In Justice Vlcn's
David IllgKlns' great southern play. "At
Plnoy nidge.," which Is now in Its fourth
souHon of uninterrupted rucccss, will bo tho
ittraotlou at tho Dohany theater tonight.
It Is u dnuiiii of far moro than ordinary
power. Its story is strong in henrt Inter
est, nnd It is told with a slmplo, direct
forco that gives to it a convincing air of
realism. Tliero Is a generous comedy vein
ami tho play Is beautifully mounted, an en
tirely dlrferent setting being provided for
jacli of Uio four acts.
N. Y. Plumbing Co., telophono 250.
Ed Turk Qete a Lesson, but Almost Loses
His Life by It.
Fonnd l,yln on tht Floor oi ...s with the Ilurnrr Turntu on
Full nuil All tli- Doors
TlKhtly Closed.
that It had boon forwarded direct to rintu
mouth to snvo time. Smith was recently
bound over to tho grand jury on the charge
of stealing coal by tho wholesale from
Mayor Jennings' and other yards. He, was
rolcascd on $100 ball, hut after his alleged
connection with tho theft of tho Jowclry
kipped town. Tho county attorney will
apply to bnvo his ball In tho coal case In
creased to $1,000.
To be happy uso the Hadlant Homo base-
burner. Sold by I'cterson & Bchocnlng,
Mcrrlara bloek. .
"Well, I may be from tho country, but 1
less I have seen gaB before and I nln t
Jay enough to blow It out, so u
nut worry about mo.
'in,u i. what. Hd Turk, a youug farmer
of Croscent City, said to Landlord Matthews
of tho Ogdon hotel, Friday nigui, .,.:.
tho latter showed him to a room uu .a
plalnod tho usual mothod of putting out
.i,. YMtnrdav monilng Turk was
discovered partially asphyxlateu by gas and
It took the combined enoru oi uio iium
lord and n physician for two hours to re
store him to consciousness. When he i d d
eorao to Turk admitted to landlord Mat
thews that ho did not unow so mucu iii
gas after nil. ....,.,.
Turk ciinio to council inuun rimj
1 I .. ... Annlll-miil lltlll
noon wltu inrco ioiui m
by evening had managed to dluposo of
two of them. Falling to find a purchaser
for tho third ho engaged a room for tho
night at tho Ogdcn house Vvueu l-anu-
lord Matthews Mioweu nun io ma mum
Matthews noticed that tho lip was miss
ing from on of tho gas burners. Ho
called Turk's attention to tho fact and the
latter took offenso at onco and intimated
that ho hnd been around some nnd knew
a thing or two oven If ho did not llvo In
ii rltv.
Yesterday morning, when Matthews went
. iii nnniiw.r niiest on tho samo floor ho lnud breathlug from Turk's room
Sneitrtni? a chair ho looked In through the
transom, but could not see anything ot
n.n nrennnnt. Ho then promptly broko in
n,n ilnor. The bed had been used, but Turk
was nowhoro to be seeu. Ouldcd by tho
anund of heavy breathing Matthews looked
under tho bed, whero ho discovered Turk
unconscious. Tho room was full of gas
which was pouring from the burners, which
had been loft turned on.
Matthews promptly Bent for the police
and a doctor nnd after two hours of hard
work ,Turk was brought back to conscious
ness. Turk was unablo to explain how it
haonencd. but was posltlvo thut ho had
not blown out tho gas. Ho confided to
Landlord Matthowa that the next tlmo he
was forced to sleep In town ho guessed ho
would go to bed by tho aid of tho moon
Several moro carloads of furniture re
ceived by Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam
block, during tho past week.
Ladles' desks, center tables and extension
tables. These aro elegant pieces oi mr
nlturo. You can own cither plcco by pay
ing Keller & Dand, 407 Broadway, 1 n
week until paid for.
, Church Xiitr.
St. Paul's Episcopal church. Itov. Qeorgo
Walk, rector. Nineteenth Sunday aftor
Trinity. Holy communion nt 8 a. m.; morn
ing prayer und litany nt 10:20 o'clock, nub-
Jcct of sermon, "Inventory of a Saint's
Possessions." Evening prayer and sermon
nt 7:20 o'clock.
At tho First Congregational church this
morning tho pastor, Uov. J. W. Wilson, will
take as tho subject of his sermon, "Ho
Cnroth for You," At tho evening worship
ho will preach a short sermon, "Tho
Ministry of Personal Influence." Sundny
chool wilt bo at 12 o'clock nnd meeting of
Christian Endeavor society nt 6:30 p. m.
At draco Episcopal church this evening
at 7:30 o'clock Messrs. Phillip Potter,
Charles Reynolds and Robert Dalloy of
Omaha will speak to men. Tho other serv
ices will be as follows: Sunday school at
MS a. m. and morning prayer nnd sermon
by the roctor, Itcv. It. L. Knox, nt 11
Tho First Church of Christ (Sclontlst)
will hold services at 10:45 a. m. today In
room 403, Sapp building. The subject of
tho lesson will bo "Everlasting Judgment."
Jxperlonco meeting will bo hold Wcdnej-
duy evening at 8 o'clock.
Row O. W. Snyder Is homo from a trip
to tho eastern part of tho state and will
occupy tho pulpit of St. John's English
.uthcran church today at both morning
and evening services.
Rev. Isaiah Held of Des Moines will
preach today at 3 p. m, and 8 p. m. at tho
owu IIoIImbs mission hnll, 146 Rrondwny.
Mount Zlon Uapttst church, Rev. E. D.
Wilson, pastor, will hold services at 11
in. and 8 p. m. today in the Farmers'
hall at the county court house.
Wo ran glvo moro satisfaction to tho It
spent In our storo than any other houso on
tho Missouri slope. Try us nnd bo con
vinced. Peterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam
Acorn baseburnors, hot blasts, cooking
stoves, air tlghta and steol ranges, the best
stoves niado. Sold by Keller & Hand, 407
llroadway. You can own one ot theso
Btovns by paying ft a week until paid for.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf' cures coughs, colds.
Commonwealth 10-cont cigar.
Honrlct Fever Cnnrm,
Tho health authorities aro becoming Borne-
vrhat alarmed over tba number of cases ot
ncarlet fovor reported among children at
tnndlng the public schools. Tho mother ot
one of tho children reported sick with tho
fevur Krlday has complained that tho child
was exposed to tho dlseaso In tho Wash
ington Avenuo school, and tho authorities
nro now Investigating. Tho Hoard of Health
has received Information that thcro are bev
oral cases of scnrlct fovcr which have never
beon reported, as tho parents of tho nflllcted
chlldron object to hnvlng their houses quar
nt Ined. If such cases nro found to exist
quarnntlno will bo promptly established nnd
tho persona rcepoiiBlblo for the failure to io
port them will bo called to task. Tho law
requires that all cases ot Infectious dls
raso must be reported to tho Hoard of
Health by tho attending physician and that
neglect to do no U punlshablo by a flno.
City Physician Jennings, who has given
the matter his attention, Is not Inclined to
bollovo that any of the cases reported within
tho last fow days aro caused by exposuro at
the Washington Avenue school, but has tho
junlter still under Investigation.
Tho cascH reported show that the dlseaso
Is not confined to any particular Bcction o
the city. The city marshal nnd his deputies
have been Instructed to nee that the quar
ntlno regulations nro strictly enforced In
every Instanco, as tho authorities nro do
tennlned to uso every effort to prevent any
epidemic of tho scarlet fever as far as it
lies In their power to do so.
For Men and Women at
Ca can't bo bent
ZPOOvf at uny prleo.
Negotiated in Eastern Nebraska
ami Iowa. James N. Casudy,
lit' Main 8t Council Illuffs.
Save Your Money
1V3 l'eurl k'traetj Cuyncil BlasTa, I
wnn inn
if you wnnt to Bee something fins in tho
lino of furnlturo look over the big stock of
Peterson ft Schoenlng, Merrlam block, and
compare prices with thoso of other stores.
Augusta Orovo No. 1 will glvo ft dance
on Thursday evening, November 1, In Wood
men of tho World hall. Admission, 25o per
couple. Extrn ladles, 10c.
iiKiirclur (icncrnl oimMcnii ry
Ciiiiiiiituv I a IllKh ciiiniiiiintMii.
"Tho best company wo havo Inspected
yet of tho Flfty-llrst regiment nnd It Is
doubtful It any o tho others beat or even
como up to It."
This was tho statement mado lnst nignt
by Colonol J. A. OlmBtend, Inspector gen
oral of tho Iown National Guard, after ho
nd Mnjor A. L. Rule, nBslstant lnspecto
general, had put Company L through
hard drill and Inspection. Colonel Olm
tead also complimented Captain Mat Tin
ley on tho Bplendld manner In which hp
handled tho company and tho showing
mado by his men. This praise by tho In
pector general Is the moro appreciate
by tho members of Compnny L. since dur
lng Colouol Olmstead's tour of Inspection
ho has recommended that Companies H
ot Des Moines and Q of Crcston be must
erod out of tho sorvlce fcr .lnoillclency. The
marking of Company L gavo It 04.4 por
Colonel OlniHtead nnd Major Rulo spent
tho entire day In the city, tho morning
and nftorr.ion being spent In examining
the equipment of tho company belonging
to tho etato and tho armory. Tho equip
ment was found In tho best of condition
and Colonel Olmstead was pleased to find
tho boys had ouch a good armory, although
ho expressed tho opinion that the hall
was a ltttlo small for drill purposes.
Thu Inspection of the company at night
opened with guard mount, followed by
drill and the manual exercise. At tho
closo of the inspection Colonol Olmstead
and Major Rule held a nhort school of
Instruction for tho non-commissioned
In commtntlng on the drill put up by
tho company, Colonel Olmstond said: "Tho
wholo drill showed snap and precision,
which shows that tho men tnko nn Inter
est In tho company nnd tcflects great credit
on Captain Tlnley. Tho equipment Is in
excellent condition, which Is very satisfac
tory, and I am glnd to notlco from tho
nurabor ot cltltens present tonight that
the pcoplo of Council Bluffs evidently tnko
pride In tho company. Unless the town
takes nn Interest in Its company It Is no
iibo hnvlng a compnny and tho sooner It Is
mustered out tho bettor."
From hire Colonol OlmBtead and Major
Rulo will go to Qlenwood, where on Mon
day they Inspect tho company thore.
Davis Bolls paint. x
Wurk on .Vimv 1 1 1 all School.
Contractors Hughes' bond for the faithful
performance of his contract for tho building
of the new High Bchool arrived yesterday
from tho guaranty company, but owing to
tho nbsenco from tho city ot President
Henry no meeting of tho Hoard of Educa
tion to approvo will bo held until Monday
The work of excavating for the foundations
is almost completed and the laying ot brick
will bo commenced early this week. Con
tractor Hughes has a quantity of material
already on tho ground nnd, with favorable
weather, expects to havo the building well
under way before winter sets In. Ho has
erected an ofilco building on the ground
and will havo a tclepbono put In so that he
can make It his hcndquartcrB during tho
progress of tho work.
When the board meets Monday night It
Is expected that the question of tho rejec
tlon of the subcontractors by the nrchltects,
Messrs. Cox & Schoentgon, will bo brought
up again and somo action on the part ot the
board insisted upon.
erne, Jr. The party was in honor of Mrs.
Wright's sister, Mrs, Clifton C, Coldren of
Miss Lizzie Hutton ho returned from n
thrco months' visit to Ireland. On her way
home sho visited tho Paris exposition.
Mrs. II. A Colo of Oakland avenue ex
pects her sister, Mis Ella I'cnn. of Mount
Pleasant, Io., to bo her guest this weok.
Mr. ond Mm. William McCurdv of Par
kersburg, In., are tho guests of their
dauchtcr, Mrs. 1,. 0. Scott, of Union street.
Mrs. N. P. Dodge gave a handsome course
lunch yestorday, covers being laid for ten.
Tho decorations wero American Beuut
roses, palms and ferns.
Mrs. W. M. Frederick of Glen avenue was
tenderod a surprise party Thursday night
by a largo number of her friends In cele
bration of her birthday,
Mrs. W. J. Davenport and Mrs. Anna Al
bright have losued invitations for n enrd
party to bo given nt the homo of tho former
next Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Ida Wcls-Scybcrt entertained the
members of tho Progresslvo Kuchro club
Monday evening. The club wns formerly
tho Humlltou Whist club.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Henry went to Red
Oak yesterday to meet their flster, Miss
Ella Henry, from Chicago, who will accom
pany them homo tomorrow.
Mrs, W W, Wullaco nnd dnughtcr, Miss
Jessica, of lltuff Btreet aro homo from a
threo months' visit with friends and rela
tives along tho 1'aclllc coast.
The assembly given last Thursday night
nt Odd Fellows' Iiall by the Elite Dancing
club brought out a large crowd and a most
cnjoyablo dauco was the result.
Mrs. Knto aray, who lias been visiting
the families of her nephews, L. CI. and O.
II. Hcotu left yesterday on a visit to her
Bister, Mrs. O. II. Scott of Loup City, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Halrd are home from
their extended European trip, during which
they visited most of th prominent cltiei ot
tho old world and took in tho Paris expo
sition. Miss Florence Shea of Washington ave
nue entertained a number of her young
friends last uvunlng at cards. Dainty re
freshments wero served during tho progress
of the games.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Shepard celobrated
their giving tin housekeeping for tho winter
Tuesday night by eutertulning a number of
tholr friends nt cards. Supper was serveu
ut the closo of tho games.
Tho Onnvmeiln nnrt fwl clubs both en
tertained their members nnd friends at
their resnectlvn cltih rooms last night with
smoking concerts. Iioth affairs wero largely
attended und much enjoyed.
.iihu .Mime urunam, uuugmcr or Air. ana
Mrs. D. O. (liulnim. 21 North Sixth Htreet.
iintortiihicil a niimlwir of lur vounir friends
yestoriluy In celebration of her eighth blrth-
uny. tho little hostess was the recipient or
many presents from her young guests;.
Mrs. Thomas Metcalf. sr.. eiiti rtatnod a
nelghborhrod card party Thursday night at
ner nomo on liiurr street, tho puriors wero
prciuiy ueeorutca witn cunnus. mtb. a.
Jackson won tho women's tirlzn and that
ror uio men was ennturcu ty ia. c onepara.
Miss Harriett blood, former supervisor
of drawing in tho city schools, whose wed
ding Is announced for next month, was
tlio guest ox honor Tuesday nt a luncheon
given by tho teachers of tho Madison Ave
nuo school. Bhn was tlio client of honor nt
a similar function given by tho teachers of
uie iiuru tsireei scnooi iTiaay nnernoon.
E. H. McGlIl nnd Miss Lena Asmusscn
wero married InBt Wednesduy afternoon at
tho homo of tho brldo'B parents, Mr. und
Mrs. Asinus H. Asmusscn, 1125 Avenue E.
Itov. Myron C. Wnddell of the llroadway
MethodiHt church officiated. Miss Selma
Asmusscn. sister or the br de. wan brides
main nnd Stymrst Stevenson wns best man.
Mr. and Mrs. MeGltl left the same nventnir
for Missouri Valley, whero they will make
their future home.
Clydo C. Copcland und Miss Agnes E.
Alien wero married last 'i uesuay uner
noon ut the homo of Mr. und Mrs. John
Alien on Avmiuo E and Twenty-third street.
i no ceremony was performed by llev. E,
. l'.ricKson, pastor or tho Fifth Avenuo
church, in tho presence of only Immediate
relatives und a few Intlmatn frlHmia- Mr
und Mrs. Copcland left the same ovcnlng
for Crcston, la., for u short visit, nftor
which nicy win muKe ineir nomo in this
William L. Thickstun, tencher of piano
bOZ Avenuo H. '1'hono CI6.
Itrnl KMiite Triiimf em,
Tho following transfers wero filed yester
day In tho nbstruct, title nnd loan ofllce of
J. W. Bqtilro. 101 Pearl Htreet;
Jens M. Nellsen nnd wlfo to Wnldc
ranr Nloholnis en, lot 10, block 4, Tur
ley's add, w d $ t00
Waldemnr Nlcholalson nnd wife to
Jen M Ntlls"on, lot 13, block 1,
llroadway Plnco, w. d W0
Maggie Jensen to Peter Petersen, lot
11, block !. Mynstor'B add, w, d POO
N. P. Jensen nnd wife to Philip
Slaughter, lots 1 and 12, McGels' sub
dlv. block S), Hughes & Doniphan's
add, w. d 400
E. H. Lougeo and F. -J. Day. referees,
to II. N. Sucksdorf, vi rw'i 6-74-41,
ref. d 6,200
Ida G. Craig to Clamlo L. Crnlg, un-dlvl-3
of undlvS-15 soH 1S-7M0, d... 190
Administrator of Isadoro E. Crnlg to
Clnudo L. Crnlg, uiidlv Z-1S of ceU
18-71-40, administrators' d fu2
Samuel Haas nnd wlfo nnd M. D.
Hartlott to Jennie M. Diulen nnd
Minnio E. Ives, lot 8, block 9, Hall's
...1,1 n r. il 2
Mlnnlo E. Ives and husband to .Tennlo
rinninn nti.l Imchnml to Peter Lewis.
lot 8, bloct 9, Hall's add, .v. d 4 0
A big lino of hardware at Peterson &
Schocnlng's, Morrlara block.
Don't burn your old wool mattress. Mer-
gnn & Klein will do them over by tho new
proceBB better than now 122 South Main
one lllir llnllj.
Chalrmnn Wright of tho republican comity
central commltteo Is planning for ti grand
rally meeting, to ho hold nt tho Dohnny
opera house on tho ovo of tho election, ns
a wlndup to tho campaign. Tho principal
apcakor of tho evening will bo Hon. John
N. Haldwln. Hon, Walter I. Smith, Charles
M. Harl, Colonol C. O. 8aundors, president
of tl0 McKinley-KooBiivolt club, and
Spencer Smith will also bo on tho progrnra
for adrtrcslcs. Overflow meetings will bo
provided for In several othor places In tho
city nnd tho rally, It Is expected, will be a
fororunner ot tho ratification hurrah that
will take placo tho following night when
the returns como showing the election of
President McKlnlcy nnd tho entire rcpub
licnn ticket.
It you wnnt to furnish your houso aeo
tho furnlturo nnd houso furnishing goods
at Peterson & Schoculug's, Merrlam block.
Carpets, rugs, mattings, otlclottu nnd
linoleum at Keller & Hniid's, 407 Hrond
way. You can own either by paying $1 n
week until paid for.
No Ilriiorl Yet.
Receivers Hcrcsholm nnd Murphy havo
not yet filed tholr report of tho condition
ot tho Olllcer & Pusoy bank, much to tho
disappointment ot tho firm's creditors. Thu
doors of tho bank wero kept closed all day.
It was Intimated that tho receivers desired
to submit tho report to Judgo Macy of tho
district court beforo filing It, and tor that
roason, owing to tho hitter's nbsenco from
tho city, are ho'dlng until ho returns to
morrow afternoon.
Only n fow claims against the bank were
filed with tho clerk ot the district court,
tho total amount aggregating about 91,100.
Clalmi In about tho boiho atuouit wero
nieu ugainsi iuo umcer oaiaio.
Mlkfl Hmlth Cumra Ilnnk.
Detectlvo Weir returned from Plattsmouth
last evening having In custody Mike Smith,
wanted here to answer to a chargo ot lar
ceny In connection with tho recent theft
ot Jowelry by Archie Wulker, who Is In the
county Jail awaiting the disposition ot
his caso by tho grand Jury. Dotoctlve Wolr
went to I'lattimoulh on receipt of a tele
phone message from Lincoln that Governor
Poyator had granted the requisition and
Total nlno transfers
. 9,165
Clinrlea Dudley Warner.
HARTFORD, Conn., Oct. 0. Charles
Dudley Warner of literary famo nnd one
of tho owners of tho Hartford Cournnt
died suddenly this nftcrnoon.
Mr. Warner had a very severo attack
ot pneumonia two years ago whllo In New
Orleans nnd had never recovered from It
Lnst spring he had pneumonia ngaln whllo
nt his homo and this had weakened hi
heart. Of lato ho had been much better.
At noon today ho nttended a luncheon
to bid farewell to some friends nbout to
leavo for tho Mediterranean. Mr. Warnor
wns cheerful nnd gavo no Indication ot
Ulucas. After tho luncheon Mr. Warner
started on a walk. Among hla acqualu
lances was a negro, to whom ho gave
books to encourago his deslro to read, par
tlcularly books connected with tho hi
tory of tho negro rnco, upon which Mr,
Warner was un authority. Mr. Warner
probably Intended to call on this man, us
ho was In tho neighborhood of his house
when ho was stricken. Probably feeling
111, ho linked permission at a house to sit
down, requesting to bo called In ten min
utes. Whon tho woman of tho house went
to call him ho was dead. News ot his
suddon death spread rapidly and wns a
great shock to his many friends.
Many FeouHar Facta Are Hevealed bj In
vestigation of Iowa Uouipnny.
JHn Aouulrr If nowlcim hi
i:iilolvc iu Working on ChtoniiO
Cnnwl nuil U " I'"'"1
Sufe CrcUcr.
D1IS MOINES, Oct. 20. (Special Tote-
gram.) Tho Dnnkcrs' Mutual cusiiauy
company of thlo city lias recently mado
nn Investigation of tho causes of so inauy
bank robberies In tho last few months. At
the present rato bank robberlca of this
year will malto tho losses of tho casually
companion five times ns heavy ns In any
previous year. Tho results of the Investi
gation by tho Hankers' Casualty company
hero reveal some peculiar facts. Moat of
tho robberies aro mado not by experts, hut
by common hoboes. Hanks In smalt towns
aro Invariably the victims nnd safes uro
blown open by nltro-glyccrlne. it appears
from tho Investigation conducted by Pluk
crton detectives that a lnrgo percentage
of tho tramps aro currying nltro-glyccrlne.
Thoso who havo bcon takeu In custody In
mony cities ot the middlo west, among
them Minneapolis, St. Paul, Kansas City
and other towns of less size, aro almost In
variably found to havo nltro-glyccrlno on
their persons In considerable quantities. It
has been found that most of Hicbo worKCd
on the Chicago drainage canal, whero lnrgo
quantities of nltro-glycerlno wero used.
Practically nil of tho employes becumo ia-
miliar with Its uso and since that work Is
completed many of them have taken to
tho road und used tho knowiedgo they navo
acquired In cracking safcu In small villages,
where old-fashluned safcB wore used. Ad
ditional proof Is cstubllBhed by the fact
that of nineteen convictions for bank rob
bery secured by tho Hnukerfl' Casualty
company Bovontcen havo been ordinary
In tho case of tho estnto of Frank S.
Law ngalnst Frank Stnrzlngor tho supremo
court affirmed the decision, dismissing the
action, which was for $5,000 damages. It
was alleged by A. F. lllssell, administrator
of tho iBtate, that Law drank himself to
death. Tho action was brought on the
theory that tho liquor seller wns responsl-
bio for tho death. It wns proved that
death did not result from liquor, but the
courts hold that Law must havo consented
to taking tho liquor.
Supreme Court Opinions.
Today's opinions were:
Cornelius Ilvnn. lr.. ncnlnst City of Du-
ImmiA lltiVituitin rilntrlpt reversed.
Htato against Charles Uishop, Mitchell
rilntrlnt! nlllrmml.
Charles MeGlnsscn ngulnBt John T. Scott,
judge, Mahaska district; reversed.
Stnto against Mrs. II. M. Jameson, Cass
district; amrmca.
A. F. Hissoll, udmlnlstititor. ugainst star
slm-nr. Tolk district! ntllrmoil.
Wayne bicnnett, nummisiruior, agninsi
First National Dank of Red Oak, Mont
Comerv district: reversed.
Wayno Stcnnott, udmlnlstrator, ngalnst
lieu uaK invcsimeni company, .uoiukuhi
ery district, reversed.
Word was received today by George
Ragsdalo of this city of tho death of his
nephew, Uortrand Rngsdale, formerly of
Albla, Ia. For tho last four years Uortrand
haB been acting ns United States marshal
at Tlon Tsin, China, whero his father, W,
S. Ragsdalo, acted as United States consul
Tho Information received today is to the
effect that Hertrand contracted n dlseaao
during tlio slcga of Tien Tsln. He re
covered somewhat from his illness and wao
moved to Nngasaki, Japan, whero he was to
spend a month. During his stay at the
latter point ho died.
Two telcphono companies filed articles
ot Incorporation with tho secretary ot state
today. Tho Sioux Rapids Telcphono com
pany, with headquarters nt Sioux Rapids
has a capital of $10,000, and tho Huchanan
County Telcphono company, whoso prlncl
pal place of business Is Independence, has
a capital stock of $50,000.
Treynor & Gorham's Announcements
Another Deep Cut.
Wo must civo up our storo room to tho Nonpnroil on Deo. 1st,
and our stock nnd llxturos must bo closed out nt onoo.
We ninkp another DEEP GUT commencing Monday, Oct. 2id.
We will have $12,000 worth of goods and buyers can get good
selections. Wo quote only a fow prices, but tlio unheard of re
liction extends to the entire stock.
Mnquettcs and Axmlnsters
ut 60c to
llody Drufcpols nnd Velvets,
nt COc to
Tupcstry Hrussels,
nt 40c to
All Wool threo-ply,
Oh ten no Wnrrhoime IliiinnKrrt.
CHICAGO, Oct. 20. Flro In the twine
gan the specchmaklng nt tho third day o
ing company, Hluo Islund avenuo and
Lenvttt Btrcot, caused $50,000 damage today,
Tho blazo started from a lighted cigarette
which had been thrown Into a pile of wasto
No damngo was sustained by any other part
of tho plant.
Tho Radiant Homo basoburnor, sold by
IYterson & Schoenlng, Merrlam block, la
conceded by these who nro fortunato
enough to havo them to bo great fuel
pavers, at tlio sumo tlmo radiating moro
heat than nny other Htovo they over had.
It 13 warranted not to crack.
Loeiil Soeloty ilotrm,
Mrs. W. II. Smith Is visiting friends ut
I'apllllnn, Nob.
Miss Lillian lllngmnu Is visiting friends
nt Norfolk, Neb.
Mrs, W. A. Hlghsmlth Is homo .from u
visit at Ccdnr Rapids, la.
Mrs. W. 11. I)utl)ev of Sixth Btreet Is en
tertaining Mrs. S, M. Neoly of Manilla. Ia.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J, T. Oliver of I'ark uvonuo
entertained informally at cards und music
last msnt.
Mr. und Mrs. C. AJtors nro expected homo
from .their trip to Kurope, tho eulJy part
or una wcex.
Mrs. I. C. Uonham of North Second
streot has us her guest Mrs. Joseph AVearln
oi iiiisunss, nil
Mrn Frank 1'. Wright of South Seventh
Btrcot is entertaining ner sister, .Mrs. C. U
Coldren of Chicago,
Tho Knights' of l'vthlns gave a most en
juyuuio aim lurguiy i
Hughes' hall lust night
Miss llrcta Jeffcrls has returned from
MiiwauKcc, uccomnumeii by miss lirota
Sprlukman, who wilt bo her guest.
Mrs. A. S. Ilazelton of Seventh avenue
entertained at two Kensingtons Monday
anil iTiaay aiicuioons pr iasi weeit.
Xfm T f! !17n Inrtnnn nt Cniitli Blvtli
street relumed yesterday from a month's
visit witn ner Bisicr ui rsorioiK, .-seu
attended dunce, ut
Mrs. James iloUlnger hns us her guest
Mrs. m. A. watr ot uavenpori. who
her way homo from u visit In Denver,
Mrs. Frunk P Wrlalit entertained nt a
hnndsomely appointed card party Tnurs
day afternoon. Thcro wer sixteen tables.
Mrs. August liereshelm curried ore the nrpt
prize, while Mrs. Dillon Ross captured tli
I,. M. llrnnett.
L. M. Ilennctt, a veteran resident of tho
city, died suddenly last evening at his
home, 401 North Twenty-second Btreet. Mr.
Dennett wnB of qulto nn ndvnnced age, 71
years, and had been troubled with heart
(license for several years, Ho hnd been ap
parently In his usual health during tho day
and had attended tho matinee nt n local
playhouso In tho nftcrnoon. Upon arriving
homo In tho evening ho complained of n
slight attack of pleurisy in his left. breast
and was assisted to bis room to rest' before
dinner. Later ji maid went to summon him
nnd found him dead on tho floor. Mr. non-
uott wns one of tho early (settlers of Omaha
and had nn active hnnd in Its railroad and
banking Interests for many years. Ho wns
for n number of years superintendent of tho
l'ulliaan I'alaco Car company. Mr. Dennett
was n member of tho state legislature In
1S79-1SS0 nnd In tho latter year was chalr
mnn ot tho finance, ways and mcaiiK com
mittee. He also nerved aB one of tho first
Hoard of Flro nnd I'ollco Commissioners In
Omaha In 1SS7. At tho time ot his death
ho wns vlco president of tho Omaha Savings
bank. Mr. Dennett was born In Genesee
county, 'Now York, In 1S20.
Mi'M. .Miiudiilrnr Mnvrimou.
Mrs. Magdalene Stovenson, S3 years old,
wife ot A. G. Stevenson, died Saturday,
nftor u protracted Illress, nt tho home of
her daughter, Mrs. 1). W. Shull of Flor-
ouco. Mrs. Stevenson, who was born nnd
married In Scotland, was one of tho oldest
settlers of Douglus bounty, coming here
111 isr. Sho leaves n husband, three sons
and two daughters to mourn her loss. Tho
sons nro John uud Orson Stevenson of
Omaha, and the daughters, Mrsdnmcs I). W.
Shull und K. Gibson ot Florence. Mrs.
StevciiBon's husband built tho first house
In Florcnco and conducted tho first ferry
across the liver at tl point.
Funeral of W. (i. Mt'Diinnltl.
I'IKRCE, Neb,, Oct. 20. (Special.) Tlio
funeral services ot the lato William Gar
rctt McDonald wero held In tho Congrega
tlonal church yesterday afternoon, con
ducted by the pastor, Uov. C. I). Gearhart,
nuslsted by Rev. J. G. Shlc't of the Meth
odist Kplscopnl church. Tho deceased was
a constant sufferer from rhoumatUm evor
since the fall ot 1S92. Iu April he was
sotzed with the grip, which ended in
Illicit Water nt Muaimtluc.
MU8CATINR, In., Oct. 20, Tho Missis-
stppl rlvor today reached tho highest Oo
tober Btago known for years, reaching
twelve and a halt feet above low water
mark. Many thousands ot acres of corn
second, tho third falling to Mrt. Dan Ma- lds "nior water
Score In Checker Mutch.
TIOSTON. Oct. 0. Darker turned the
tunics on Jordan In tho world's checker
championship, winning In 31 moves. Tho
uttcriioon gumo was drawn. Tho scoro Is
Darker, 1; Jordan, l; drawn, l.
.MovctiicnlR of Ocrnn VpsspIk Oct. -1
At Now York Arrived California, from
ninsirow: Minneapolis, from London: ITm-
briu, from Liverpool. Sailed Anchorln, for
uniBgow: unn irio, ior iiamuurg, j.ucauin.
ror Liverpool; aiinneiinnn, ior i.onuon.
At Hamburg Arrived Atigusto Victoria
from Now York: serarmis. irom can Fran
Cisco, via London.
At Jvooo Arrivcn i.enno.i, inim i-ori
lanil. Ore., for Manila.
At Liverpool Arriveu ucorgiu, rrom now
At Cherbourg Arrived arosse Kurfurst
from Now Yorit. ror liremnn.
At Viadlvostock Arrived Tyr, from
l'ortland. Ore.
At Antwerp Sailed Frlesland, for New
At Havre Sailed L'Aqultalne, for New-York.
At Queenstown Arrived Htrurln, from
Now York, for Liverpool.
At Liverpool Arrived Ktmrla, from New
i oric.
House of D rooms, cellar, city water nud
bath, 4 blocks fiom V. ()., J1.4Q0.
G-room houso on Mynster St., $1 ,C00.
8-room house, pantry, closets, city wotor,
cemented cellar, nice lot, fruit and Hlnul
trees, ' blofcks from 1'. O., $1,000.
Good fi-room houso, with bath nnd closet
cellnr, city water, cistern, good barn; only
l,C00. ,
Houso of 4 rooms, pantry, cellar, conl
houso, city water; ?S50. $50 down, balance
C-room houso and room to finish two more
rooms, city water, good repair; $1,100. 100
down, balanco monthly.
Fine houso ot 10 rooms besides basemen
bath, closet, gas, furnace, laundry room
water on three tloors, choice location.
100-acre farm, nearly all In cultivation
bouse, bnrn, well, etc, $25.00 per ncre.
Johnston 6c Kerr
415 Broadway, Co DIuffs.
Sunday, Oct. 21
At Piney Ridge
A powerful and fascinating romanco of
tho picturesque mountains of Tennessee
A life-picture of persistent Interest, spark
ling with rich comedy. Intcnso and strik
ing climaxes magnificently acted. Hcnutl
fully btaged with a carload of scenery and
electrical effects.
Trices, 25c, 8Ec, COo and 7Gc
All Wool two-ply,
At 40c to ,
C. C. Ingrains,
Union Ingrains,
Agate Ingrains,
nt ,
Ingrnin Art Squares at one-linlf former prices.
Curtains and Upholstery Goods.
Our slock of CUKTAINS nnd upholstering goods are still quite
complete nnd we now offer them nt one-half price.
All window shades In stock nt 25c.
Shades to order at a corresponding reduction.
Treynor & Gordon.,
Odd Fellows' Building, Council Bluffs.
Art Garland
Aro Just what you want to keep penco in tho family. Do not annoy your wife
by using Inferior goods. We guaranteo tho nickel not to tarnish. It Is the most
economical, durable and finest In design.
Used a 300 Art Garland for six years, heating four rooms, using
but two tons of hard coal each winter. It Is tho most cheerful
and economical and gives a moro oven heat than any other base
burner I ever used. I cannot speak too highly ot tho Art Garland.
'Phone 87.
825 North Seventh Street.
Afront forMnjctttic Stool
RniiROS, nicliardcon fs
Doynton Co. Furnaces.
Council Bluffs, Ia.
F. C. De VOL
Before you
Havo your teeth attended to call and
get our prices and eee for yourselves
how very reasonable they are. Remem
ber it costs no moro to havo good work
than it does to havo poor.
. ..Telephone 115
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Bluffs.
30 Pearl St. Grand Hotel
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In a body for sale t a very reasonable price, Thtst
lets are located In Omaha addition and lie high and dry. They
vtll make a splendid location for eorao factory. Several othsr lots
suitable for building purposes one of them especially will make
a fine location for a home, being within one block ot the motor
, line ana within two blocks of a school house and churca locaUd
In tba western part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
DAY & HESS, 39 Pearl St.. Council lUull's,
Ilnvc for Mile ii Inrm- lint it I Iniprii veil furiim, clilrkrii rii iii'Iioh, fruit nnd
vi-mrtiililo Innitni nlno rcNldviion nnd lnikliicMn (iro.M'rly In Ciiiinirll III urTu
anil Oiuiiliii. SOMi: l'.Mt.MSi
160 acres Hnzcl Dell twp., 11 miles no C. B.,
good buildings, tlu per acre.
SO acres near Crescont, well Improved, $15
per acre
CO acics 5 miles cast, good buildings and
fruit, $30 per ncre.
60-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improve
ments, $1B0 per acre.
30'nerc fruit frm adjoining city, 10,000.
Tin nliuvr Is only n sumplr of nnr lll
r. per cMit Intfrrxt. Telephone H44.
ICO-acres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles si
city, J4U pee acre.
600 aero stock farm near KnrllngTSelby Co.,
S20 acres in Silver Crrck twp., J50 per acre;
well improved.
213 acres flno bottom land In Rocklord twp.,
$ pot acie; well Improved.
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly occupied by The Bee at
01 fl Fnrnam street will be vacant November 1st.
It lias four stories and a basement, which was
formerly used ns The Bee press room. This will i
be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply
at once to O. C. RoHewnter, Secretary, Room 100
Bee Building. t j
Ready November First
I'so I3cll"s Rheumatic Cure, a suro and
prompt remedy for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sclntlca, lumbago, gout. Has cured tliotis.
ands will euro you I'rlce 60o a box; small
slzo SCc, at druggists or mulled.
Council lllaflv, Iowa, Agenta.