TITTS OMAHA DAILY BEE: SrNDAV, OCTOBETl 21, 1000. ALL HOLLAND IS REJOICING Enthuniastlo Wolcomo Given Girl Queen and Hor Future Husband. CONGRATULATIONS FROM MANY NATIONS Wllticlinliin. Will Mnrry the .Mnn She l.otr In Splto of Ihc Combined i:n'orl of All th Courts In Uurupe. (Copyright, 1M0, by I'rca.i 1'ubllshinB Co. tllli HAOUi:, Oct. 20. (New York World Cablegram 8poclal Tolcjtram.) Quotu Wllhelmlna and her betrothed, Duko Henry of MceUlcnburtfSchwcrln, aecotnnanl J by tho queen's mother, arrived her this morn lny and wero onthualastlenlly wulcomed Tho future coonort of the queen was pro ecntcd to the authorities assembled at the railroad Blntlon. Tho royal party then drovo to tho palaco, wheru crowds sang the national authem. Later tho members of tbo diplomatic corps arrived at tho palaco and wero Introduced to tho duke. Tho following tulocram of congratula tions was received by tho duko from Km peror William of Germany: "Tho task you havo taken upon yourself la arduous; but by tho nldo of tho Ornnito princess who discharges her high, duties with steadfast ness und clear eyesight, you will, with Qod's help, succeed In giving happiness to tho sturdy pcoplo of the Netherlands. My thoughts and beat wishes uttcud you and tho dear queen." Throughout Holland publto rojolclng con tinues over tho botrothal of Queen Wlb helmlna. IJecauso tho young sovereign Is attractive in her looks and Is not snobbtiih in her dignity, sho is idolized allko by tho oldest parliamentarian in hor capital and tho humblest villager In her kingdom. Uver alnco tho flrHt omcial announcement wan made ou Tuekday night and upon Duko Hotnrlch of Mecklenburg's arrival at Tho Hague. Amsterdam, Hotterdam and all tho other cities, though unprepared, wore spon taneously and gloriously illuminated as if by magic by tho Dutch peoplo. Tho en thusiasm has been manifesting Itself by tlags flying, tlreworks tnd general merry making. DisUt Is I.lttlo Known. In many of the villages tho whole popu lation has gathcicd dally to sing liyuimi and offer prayer publicly for tho happlnorfs of the royal young couple. It Is a remark able fact that few of tho Inhabitants of tbo Netherlands, even among tho enlight ened classes, seem to know anything about Wllhelmlna's love-ehnscn fiance. The tin nouncument of tho betrothal was so unex pected that very few photographs of her llanco could bo found. Those havo been multiplying fast, but ovon now many Dutch men do not know how Wllhelmlna's future consort looks. Hut they know nil about their beloved girl queen having successfully resisted all outsldo prossuro and even Intimidation, having failed tho combined efforts of all tho Hurnpenn courts, having snapped her finger at ail timorous ndrlco and diplo matic precedents, and now marries lu bap plnoss, having kept her word not to per mit any trading of her womanhood, be causo the quren would never give her hand without hor heart. Tho details of tho royal courting are gradually boromlng known. Duko Henry, who Is an ofllcer of the Prussian guards, stationed at Totsdam, was first prcBonted to Wllhclinlnn when sho visited tho Ger man kaiser thcro last year. Tho duko had little opportuatty of speaking to tho young queen that day, boing a comparatively small personage in tbo brilliant assem blage, but the next morning a slight ac cident happened to tho queen's carriage. Duko Henry, being close by, helped Wll helmlna and her mother out, taking them back to tho castlo afoot. Both wero deeply Impressed by tho short conversation on tho way. The samo afternoon young duko deeply scratched his hand ust nn iron ratling, the blood flowing freely. Im mediately Wllholmtna, who wna standing r few paces away talking to tho kaiser, left the Gorman ruler and, lrnpulslvoly rushing up to Hsnry, wrapped n laco hand kerchief about tho blooding hand. As she d.d this her look of nnxloty, tho duko'a own sudden paleness and tho displeasure of the kaiser wtro nottceablo to everybody. After that Emperor William, whose most cherished ambition was to placo his sec ond son upon the throno of Holland, so nrranged It that the duko had little ehanco to display his manly, brilliantly uniformed parson to the young queen. Hut it 1b said they had read each other's thoughts and tho brave lieutenant managed to approach her privately In the park nt Berlin somo days afterward and boldly and tremblingly avowed his lovo. (tartn Auewrre llrr I. over. From her mother, to whom tho queen de scribed the scene, It was learned that AV11 bolmlna simply answered, smiling roguishly: "Hut th kalr wantB me to nccept Prince Frederick of rrumla'a love. What of him? Ho loves me also." Duko Henry, too loyal to plead his cause against his prince, looked his profound des pair, but silently bowod to withdraw, where upon tho young queon gave him her hand, saying: "I dcolrn to know theo belter." That ended tho conversation. But shortly afterward tho queen and tho queen's mother paid u vitslt to Schwarzburg Rudolstadt to tho mother of Duko Honry. Tnoro tho young Da. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY It makes muscle by making health. It makes kealtb by curing the dis eases if hich undermine the strength. The starting place of physical de terioration and weakness is generally the stomach. The " Discovery " pos Itively cures diseases of the stomach awl orrans of digestion and nutri tion. Take "Golden Medical His covery" and you'll get well aud strong. "I wtih to express my thanks to you for yeur woaderful me Jictne," nrit Mr. Ceo. Loi Dof ttt, of rlcdmout, Greenville Co., 6. ., soi i. "I was almoit pit work iuflerinf o much Irom chronic catarrh sail lndl(citTan. Your'Ooldeu Mlicl Dlscov. cry' tu reeoniintnded. I ud it for three mtfntht, and waa completely cured at iudi Italian aud gieatly tellevnl of catarrh.1 lovers found nmplo liberty to got acquainted. Since that thcro has been a constant ex change of letters, (he duko only coming to Holland twlco incognito. On tho second visit four months ago their troth waa sot cmly pledged In tho queen mother's pres ence. Wllholmlna's unsuspecting ministers wero only notified then, and It was ngred that tho betrothal should be kept the pro foundest secret until diplomacy smoothed the way for tho announcement, which was hound to create consternation In many quarters and especially Bend tho kaiser into a violent rage. When tho German emperor learned of tho engagement, which was represented to hltn as u mcro project cubmlttcd for his ap proval, the kaiser dispatched a special en voy to Holland with a long autograph letter calling the attention of tho queen to the Impression that would bo created when It was known that she had rejected tho son of the emperor far an Insignificant duke. He also appealed to tho queen's pride, saying a Mocklonburg-Schvfcrlner, no matter how el igible personally, was not sufllclently ex alted In rank to pcrpottiate the glorious Orango-Naasau line. Everything waa use loss, for WUhctmlna proved Bteadfast. KUmv Her Firmer, A pretty scono, yet ono full of grandeur, wns enacted when tho royal sweethearts oxcltangod their first kiss Tuesday night, in tho presence of tho whole brilliantly dressed court, uniformed diplomats, mili tary guards nt honor, In the castlo Het Loo at Appoldoorn, where the queen and quecn'u mother arrived that morning and the duko tho samo evening. Heralds with trumphcts announced his arrival In tho court of honor outside Then the duke mounted tho stnlra and wns conducted Into tho largo hall, where the court and ministers awaited him, ranged in scml-clrclo with tho queen and tho queen's mother standing In front cf their thrones. Duko Henri camo eagerly forward, knelt on ono knee before the qucen'o mother nnd kissed her hand. Then ho rose, facing bin pretty royal fiance, who K'o turn her hand with n swcot amllo und a look of lovo In her eyes. Tho duko drew that hand gently toward him, placed his other baok of the girl's head and pressed tho first kiss authorized by ottquotto upon ths virgin lips of Holland's queen. Wllhol niina closed her eyes under this caress, und suddenly forgetting nil about hor queenly bearing, let her head drop against her sweetheart's bosom, hiding her blushes ugalnst his uniform and looking much as any othor brido. I'rluco Henri d'Orlcnns, ono of the many discarded suitors, yesterday telcuraphed his congratulations, which, though tho con tents nro unknown, uiudo Wllhclmlna lnugh heartily. Trcsldent I.oubet was among tho first to send his good wishes. His long telegram wns touchlngly pnternnl, ending: "Yet it la nlmost with regret I received the nows. Thcro was something so sweetly poetical about n girl queen. It Is as though n daughter bad left us to got married. But you will ever remain tho fair bolovcd ward of all tho civilized nations." ORDERS FROM HEADQUARTERS Actlnjf AnilNinnt Miritcun Luilliiutnu In AaNlHiifil 10 Duty un Truua liurt Kllimtrlck. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. (Special Tole gram.) Army orders Issued today contain tho following: Acting Assistant Surgeon I'aul H. Ludlngton will proceed from Omaha to New York for assignment to duty as transport surgeon on Kllpatrlck. Act ing Assistant Surgeon Carroll I). Huclt Is relieved from duty ut Fort Yellowstone nnd will proceed to Manila for assignment to duty. Major Alfred C. Sharpo, Inspector general of volunteers, now at Lako Placid, N. Y., ou sick leave, is relloved from duty lu the Department of Porto Itico und will proceed to Denver, reporting to the com manding gonural of tho Department of Colorado and Missouri fnr Hutv ,. . i. epector general, thoso dopartmentB, to re lievo L,ieuionant uoioncl William II. Hoyle, Nineteenth Infantry. Postofllccs discontinued: Harold, Holt county. Nob., mall to Chambers; Hillings, Charles Mix countv. H. l mnii i.. Furdlnand Schmidt nnd John A. Minor, let ter curriers ai Davenport, la., uro pro moted from JCOO to $S50 each. Itural free dolivery was ordered catnb llfched at Lincoln, Nob., Novorabcr 1. Tho service will embrace an nrea of thirty square mlleu, with a population of S23. O. K. Wilson was appointed carrier. Servico will also bo established at Harlan, Shelby county, In., samo date, ft will cover an area of forty-one square miles, with a population of 700. O. N. Asqulth was ap pointed carrier. Also at Red Oak, Mont gomery county, In., covering an area of forty-sovou square miles, with n popula tion of 810. O. A. Itoeo was appointed car rier. Leonldas J. Henll of Clear Lako, la., was appointed a $900 clork in tho bureau of en graving and printing. W. is, Heurlch Harry Holms and B. L. Kolley of Chey enne, Wyo., wero appointed railway mail clorks. The Citizens' National bank of Des Moines, in., was approved as n reserve agent for tho First National bank of Mar sballtown, la. Pearl L. Kasor waa ap pointed postmaster nt aospcr, Oospor county, Neb., vice Henry Shwondcner, ro signed. START BURNINGTHE WRECKAGE AH Xot Cleared ATy nt nnlreaion to no Conalgned to the l'lntiica. GALVESTON, Oct. 20. The fire depart ment today commenoed the work of burn ing the Immenso drifts of wrcckago result ing from the hurricane of September 8. Many bodies that hare not been recovered from tho drifts and probably thousands of dollars worth of valuables will thus bo In cinerated. After the drifts are hiirni.,1 the work of clearing up tho city is n. pected to bo finished Inside of a week. Tho first electric cars operated slnco tho hurri- enno were run today. OMAHA MAN GIVEN A PLACE C. O. Dully Nnlreicil na Vlrr I'rralilciit of dm .Vnilnutil Lire Murk 13 in h a ii H n. INDIANAPOLIS. Ore. 20. At tn.lnv'u slon of the National Live Stock exchange II, Thompson of Chicago was rn-elected president. The secretary and treasurer wero also re-olroted. The following wore elected vice presidents- O, (J. Dally of Omaha, W, M. Ward of llloux City, W, J. Hroderlck of Hunt Ht. Louis, J. ('. Lovlug of Fort Worth, Horace Wood of Ht. Joseph ami uon runner or Ht Lniilu, The vxchanco Will meet unit war nt Ht Joseph. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Dr. N, H. Mnrcer leaves tntlny for a month's trip on the I'ucllle coast. J. C. Leslie cmd n, 1, Harbor of Lincoln. J. II, Duncan of Hlalr ami J. 1). McLucas of Harding registered at the Mlllnrd. James W. Morrow, representing Haydon Hi us.' Wmslow taffetn, left yesterday for a trip , to the coast In tho Interest of that fabric. Governor I'oynter wns In Omaha yester day In conference with tho officials of the dernorratlo state committee. Arrangements will probably bo mado to havo him appear hero with Altgeld. Nebraskans nt the Merchants; H. HnrrK v. , i .if H.wii( vi. .i. 11 .K.uv, j u u a . Matin, Fronk Carpomcr and W It, HcilJeo or urieans, .v. ji. i. iarr.it anu Airs, J. it, Clarke of Ashland. J. It. Johnser of I.ln. coin, F. O, llnminer of Kearney und Isaac isoves oc waiurioo. &'''eZ'9Z'A''SL.&.ll&.ellliZliZi '''SJS:i.'2E.,CL'i.,i.,2L,i2ji.,i:SL'i.,SL,fi'fil.'fiL'C,ff' '' sr. & & v e: i sr. & c ?r. c ar- & cr- r- r sr- r. r r- p tt- r. r: r. r- r. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr. sr Sri 'iSth 8c FMRNflM i ii J v! lt ALLOW NO LAND CRABBING England and Germany Agree to Protect the Integrity of China. PORTS KEPT OPEN TO WORLD'S TRADE I'rnctlcnt Ainiouni'eiiifiit tliut 1'omct AVhlPh AttrmiitH to Take nnd llolil Trrrttory Will lluic Trouble- uu Un lliuula. LONDON, Oct. 20. Grrmnuy and England havo formed an alllunco tu maintain the territorial integrity of China and to keep the ports open. Tho tsrnia of this agreement, which wero arrived at October 16, between Lord Salis bury und Count von Iiatzfoldt, German ntnbassndor tp England, aro otllclally given out as follows: Tho dermnn Government nnd her Hrltish miiJMBty's Kovvrnnioiit, belna ileslrous to maintain their IntiTesta in China and their rttihtu under exlutlnc treaties, have agrned to obworvo th follfi(tiK prlnelploa resard ln a mutual policy m i hina: 1. It Is u mutter or Joint permanent In ternational InUTent th.it tho ports on the Hvith und littoral of i nlnu Hliould remain free und open to trmla und to ovory other lesitlmate form of economic activity for Hi peoples of all countries without distinction, and tho two covernnients agree on their part to uphold tho tamo lur u.11 Chinese territory as fur us they cun exerclso in flucnco. 2. lloth (fovornments nsreo that they will not on their purt make use of the prnsent compUcutlons to obtain for thomsehon any territorial advantaso In VMn'.f dominion and will direct their policy toward main taining undiminished tho territorial condi tion of tho Chinese empire. 3. In case of another powor makliifr mo nt thn rnmnllratlnns In China In order to obtain under any form whntever such terri Vs. v v v ... Uj W' 'V' torial niivantarea uiu iwo roiuruuuu pnrtlas reserve to themselves the rlnht to como to a preliminary understanding re rardlnc the eventual step to be taken for tho protection of their own Interests In t. hlnn. 4 The two covernmonts will communlc.ito this agreement to the other powers Inter ested, especially Austrla-Mnnrnry, Franco. Italy. Japan, Hussla und tha I'nlted States, and Invito them to accept the principles recorded In It. An Inspired nrtlclo In tho North Gorman Gazette regards tho Anslo-German agree ment as a "reassuring sign for tho peace of tho world," and says that Great Britain, Just as Germany does, expressly denounces all idea of making use of tho complications In Chlua for Its special advantages and adheres to tho prlnclplo of equal rights for all. Germany, it is added, docs not tako upon ltBolf tho obligation of assert ing Its Influence It regards tho agree ment as an important step toward tho early establishment of a sottlrd condition in China, Tho tone of tho nrtlclo sug gests Hint tho ugreemont Is welcomed ns a protection agatust tho exclusive claims of Great llrltalu In tho Yangtso valloy. Cuniiiiriit In WaaliliiKton. WASHINGTON, Oct. 20. Tho Hrltlsh German alllanco attractod much lntorest in diplomatic quarters and was tho chief sub ject of dlscuESlon at the various ombassles and legations. The Franco-Itusslan viow waB that tho agreement did uot add ma terially to tho declarations already mado by Hussla and Franco concerning tho preB orvatiou of Chinese territorial Integrity. Tho Japaueso minister looked upon the agreement as a step in tho right direc tion and catd no doubt It would commend Itself to tho Japanese government and re ceive approval tliero. Tho Gorman charge d'affaires, Count de Qundt, had not been advised of the arrangements and under the .J In the Womerv's Suit Depa.rtmervt CloaJcs, Suits, Skirts, Etc. Tho lnuseago today is as powerful as wo can make it. 0 Jn vinw as ninny jackota followod up by as many skirts. 5ut tho quoslion is not quantity, but quality. Th collection is amazing from every standpoint quantity, quality, price and rtyls and so today ihe exhibition is inspired by tho conviction that this placo answers to all expectation. Our Ruyer has just returned from tho eastern markets, where, on account of tho backward season, ho has collected together for you the grandest as Fortment of ready-to-wear Clothing for women folks, at a price heretofore unknown in Omaha, and, in accord ance with our usual custom, as wo buy, so wo sell. Kemoinber Women's Tailor-Made Suits. Mado of Hi incspun VcnotlntiH, pcbblo chuvlots anil hvi udtiotlm, now blotibo und otun olTtiCtB, plain und trimtncd.HUlts Unit cost to munufuctuio from S0.00 to $15.00, Monday $4.90, $7.90, $9.75, $12.75 Women's Tailor-Made Suits. In flno Vcnotluus, Covcrtx, Zlbollnoa anil lino Ilroudi-luth, ull nmv, luuidi"mo blt'itto und eton ulTcets. Every buit u tnodul uuil oust to launufuotuio from 818.00 t $10.00. Monday, $14.75, $lb75, $22.50, $29.75 Women's Jackets Made of ti heavy curled Uouelc, G-lmtton box front style, boiivy 6ntln Kluultiuiu lined, n jucket that would bo cheap at i7.50. A MONDAY "'OV Onu lot of about 75 Women's Sim pi: Juekots in Kersoys, Montlnues and lloucies, houvy taflcta and satin lined, nil now ehnpes. Not n jacket in this lot worth lebs than $10.00 and up to $15.00. rf t( MONDAY ' 'OV Wc have the most complete lino of Women's Hox Coats and Automobiles in Black, Tan, Castor, lirown and Red, at the lowest prices. circumstances wns not disposed to dis cuss it. Tho Chinese minister rend tho terms of tho alliance with the kecucut Interest und then said: "This Is a most Important movement and I hopo It will lead to a complete settlement. Tho agreement Is ex actly In lino with the American position laid down lu Sccrutary Hay's nolo of July 3, to which all of tho governments gave their adherence. Hut coming ut this time from two such powerful nations tho afjrce inent ought to exert a strotiR influence toward n settlement. In fact, tho I'nlted States, Hussla, Krumu aud Jupun, having taken tho samo position favorable to the territorial Integrity of China, thcro up ptars to bo nothing in the way of u com plete acceptance of this principle. Tho second declaration of tho agreement Is particularly Important and having gone that far I wish that tho two parties to tho ngrocmcnt hud proceeded on tho same llnua, If not to prevent, nt least to deter, other nations from UHlng tho present complica tions as a means of securing territorial otxcnslnn. Still, even In Its present form tho agreement Is a satisfactory develop ment In tho situation. And now that tho nations ara agreed on theso principles lot them net thcra out." PEDDLER PORTER USES KNIFE Vlclnua AwKiiult oil .loliii l.iiuli, n Laborer, llbiiul Appureiit l'ru oration. Kd I'orter, a peddler residing nt the Weiuhartlngcr hotel at Tenth and Howard streets, niudo n vicious assault with a knlfo upon John I.aub, a laborer, shortly beforo midnight Saturday. I.aub asserts that ha entered Wutshartlnger's place to buy a drink and had hardly gotten inside tho door when l'ortcr cut him with tho knife, which mado a loug, deep gash on the chin. Laub snys he had never seen I'orter beforo nnd had not spoken a word to him beforo tho assault. Porter, a tough-looking young follow, re fused to talk about tho matter. Ho was arrested by Patrolmen Klssnuo nnd Mor rison and booked tT assault with intent to commit murder. Owen Porter attcmptod to bar the odlcera out of tho saloon when they camo to get bis brother nnd ho was also arrested, charged with interfering. Laub was brought to the utatlon and held as complaining witness. Tho wound, which is considered quite serious, was dressed by Polite Surgeon Ames. ADOPTS NEW ELECTION LAW Kentucky 1,r ictalnturr ruen SuliNtl tutr fur Cocbel I.uir nml llrclc liaiu Will Hluti It. FRANKFORT, Ky Oct. 20. Tbo two houses of tho legislature thta afternoon pnssod tha non-partisan election law agreed upon by tho conference committee There is no doubt that Governor Ueckham will elen it. Tho democrats of tho House this morning held a caucus nnd Indorsed it as a party measure Tho voto In tho caucus was closo, but when It was put on Its passage In the House, It received an unanimous voto. In tho tenato four democrats voted against it and Senator Dye, republican, in explain'. Ing his vote, said he did not approve the measure, but thought it an improvement over tho Goobcl law, Cuiliili)- Iluya More Proprrtr. WICHITA, Kan, Oct 20 -The Cudahy Pnek'nu company of Chicago has close,! a contract to operate tho Whtttaker packing plant of this city, which hus been Idle for several years. Nearly e. Thousand Sviit Monday, October Women's 0 100 golf capes, mado of tho very best polling materials, in all tho newest . 1 1 .1 ... I t I I a . t a siiuucs, niuuu wun noou anil irunmeu i nun iriiiinieu 3.90 with icorroy straps, not tolo anywiioro for less thtin Si.oO. For Mondav Women's Walking Skirts 85 jjolf or walking fklrts, made of heavy cheviots, meltons and pobblo choviots, properly made, with poekot and the now flaring bottom, finished with 14 rows of stltchinf, u Bklrt that would bo cheap at $5. Monday 3.90 CVCO" BEAR EASY SWEEPING, oif Capes, If! It is easy to keep house with a Bissell. We have them for sale at $2.00, $2.50, $2.60, $2.75 and $3.00. "TOY BISSELLS" at 15c each. These amuse the children and at tho eame time establish habits of neatness. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE COMPANY, 1115-11 17 Fariiam Street. WHEN IN STRONG AGAIN I nS"i T j'i S M A jj r - M vigor to Ihe whole belog. All drains and louts are cheeked firmanrnlty, unless patient are properly cured, their coadltion odea worries themlnto Insanity, Consumption or Deal); Mailed sealed. Price per hoi; 6 bezel, with Iron-clad letjal guarm m cure or rr fund ttu money & n,r.J fnrfAnbAolc. Bold by Kuhn : ro 15th and Dounlaa, Move before it is cold If your ofllco Is locntotl lu ono of tho btilltlliiRS that tho wind blows through you hntl butter move beforo tho wltul 1h nny coltlcr than It Is now. They mny fiirnlnh you hont enough to hoop your fueu warm If It Is turnod toward tho radiator, but this Is tho kind of a placo In which no man cun do his best work. The Bee Building In not only tho best heated, but tho best venttluted building in Omahn. Tho nlr Is kept constantly moving by o current through tho court, and tho beautiful fountain Is not only au ornnment, but keeps tho air moist nnd healthful. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. Women's Walking Suits. If you arc looking for a suit of this kind that is now all the rago, beioro purchasing one don't fail to visit THE NEBSASKA. Wo carry tho most complete line of golf or walking suits in tho west, at prices that simply astonish our competitors. They are mado of heavy cheviots, plnld l ack Holilnp materials i.nd pobblo ehevlota, blouso or titfht fitting, new Muring Bkirt, with 10 to 14 rowa of bUtchlng around bottom. Monday, $9.75, $12.75, $14.75, $16.75 FUR SCARFS. Women's skunk, opossum scarfs, with G largo tails, worth $5,00. O OO Monday AVomen'B real marten f-carfs. with clutter of 8 natural marten tails, worth $11'. 00. MOM Fur Collarettes. Women's skunk opossum derby collarettcH. with cluster of (1 tails, worth 810.00 M ONDAY Women's real marten derby collar ottos, with cluster of tails, worth $15.00. MONDAY 1 The Bissell Carpet Sweeper will liavo a lasting oiroct on your health and temper. DOUBT, TRY Till. tiarivi ,a irmol ye, aiuf luve cured thouuuas o caiet of picrvoui Uucuri, luci l Uebility, Dullness, slcepleii ncn and Varicocele. Atiophy, ftc Ther clear Ihe brain, trenrthe- the circulation, make digestior Address, fFUL n and J, A. Fuller & Co.. 11th nnd VJouirlaii. 2 2d ill Cliibiur ui o nil lu rill worth O )NDAY 1 6.90 9.75 DEATH TO HAIR ROOT AND BRANCH New Discovery By The Misses Bell A Trlnl Treatment PR EE To Any One Afflicted With Hair on Face, Neck or Anns W havo at Ust madu th dltwvery wlilcili Iiuh Indited oheinlntK mid nil other for coiuiirlc. tlint of abnolutelr destroy. Intf tupertliiiiH lialr, root and branch, entirely mul pcrninnently, and thnt too without linpatrluar In isny way tlio flnet or most Hoiisltlvo Uin. It la Qunrctijr follil9 to overHtnte tho Importance of lihdlioovory, or the itrent Rood and HutU. faction It will be to those "filleted with ono of tlio moat dliQirurliiK and arumvat liu; hlnmlslied -that of aii)iprtluniii hair on tho f urn ut women, nhetiiT It trt inus taelie or Krowtb on tho nock, clioekt or arum. Tim Mles Bell bavo tlioronglily tale4 Ita elDcucy and are dMirnua that the full tnerltanf their treatment to which they hnrt iflven tho ilcsuiliithonaaie cf "KI1.U A U,. II A lit" ahall In known to all afflicted. To this end n trial will bfi ent fire of rhartjci. to any lad who will write forlt. Without a mint of coot you can aeefor youniflrea what tho dlacorery la; tbo erhlencn of your own nca will then convince you that tha treatment "RIM,. AI.UIIAin," will rid you of one of the freatMt drawlmoki to perfect JorrllncM, ho irrowth of auporfluoua hair on the face or neok of women, I'Ii'ilw undorataud tlint n personal demoo itrutlon of our treotmont cost yon notlilnv. A trlnl will be neint you free, which you can uo yourrclf and prom our claims by sanding two atamps for mailing-. Tim MI55I3S BELL, 78 & 80 Plftli Avenue, New York Tlie niitet llrll'a Comrl'ln Tonic la linriiileallniilrt foroitrinnl application to tho akin, 11 remort nntliely all freohlea, ninth, btaekheadd, pimpled, and tan, and cilrsm ontlrely acrio nnd rcxema. and tionti 1 tllliM the cnmiiloxlnn. Prim SI on ixsr tinttlo, tlirrn bottles (immlly requlrod to clenrthn noin plni Ion) 12.1h. ' Tli nines Bell's C.rlll. Rrnnva la a tiropitratlou for nntiirnfly reatorlnir gray looUa to their orlclnid color. Capllle ltiinoTU really a Hair Food, and trnntb em ami InvlarnraU-a tlm Mnlr In a natural way, unrl thus rratorea He orlelnrU color. Prim l.(fl perlioitle. The Mli IWII'a Slln I'nod la n loft, rivnmv. nxriinltcy acrnted ointment, for mild coAii of rouithnr, rednrta, plmplort, etc.; It a cure In Itnolf. Ik an excellent toMrlnif crentn lYIre 7ft cent per .Inr. Ths Mlitct llcll'4 l umhi Wniil Soup la mado from pure oil of l.aiiilm' Wool, price 25centa per cake. A cnrnpleto kno of nlmvn ixqullte preparntlmm nro alwnvi kept In stock, aud cau I had Irom our local Bgent. ici 11 v .t cu.. Jtullnblu l'lCNcrlpI tun I'linrnsnnlal Ad Sense A monthly publication full of eood tlilnca ' tersely told. That you may become ac I qualntcd, aend a dlnio coin or atamps for , aainplo copy, If you'o already seen It, you want It; you'll set It for 11 year If you en4 a dollar to Ad Sense, S3 Fifth t., Chicago, FREE TRIAL