Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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I5mis sells glass.
"Mr. Itilcy," G-cent clear.
Gas fixtures nnd globes at Ulxby's.
l'lno A. II. C. beer, Neumuyer's hotel.
Wollmnn, scientific optician, 4(0 H'd'y.
II. M. Lcffert. expert optician, 238 Hdy.
Hchmldt's photos, new nnd latest styles.
'.ftb. photo Jl doz. Williams, 611 Hdy.
?A'. J. Hosletti r, dentist, Haldwln block.
lamp's beer. Hncnke Hoysen, sole agent.
J, !. & W Woodward, architects. 623 Hdy.
Drink Hudwclser beer. U Hosenfeld, aRt.
II. 13. White, employment agency. C19 Hdy.
Horn, to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Gehrig of
North Klrnt street, n Bon,
Don't fiTRi-t the speclnl milt 'ale nt
Bmlth & Jlraillcy'B today.
Exhibit and mle of C.lbson pictures.
Alexander fc Co , :! Ilrondwny.
Mrs, 'J' A. Unrker bus gone to Colorndo
(Springs for a lslt with friends.
Oct your work done nt the popular Eagle
laundry, 721 Hroadwny. 'I'hono lm.
W. O. Estop, undertaker. 23 1'cnrl street.
Telephones; ofllec, 07; residence, 33.
W. I'. (Iraff. undertaker nnd lleened em
balmnr, lul .South Main street. 'Phone Mr,.
The font ball game scheduled by tho High
school for this afternoon hns been declared
Mrs, H. Hough nf Magnolia. In., Is the
Kuest of .Mrs. 8. lllackincr of l-.nat Plerco
Mrs, .1 II. Wheeler of Chicago Is visiting
Jier mother. Mrs. J. T. Haldwln, 702 First
livnnun, .
Whllo Itose Hebekah lodge No. SU fnn
rendent Order nf Odd Fellows, will hold Its
regular meeting tonight.
An unoccupied shed at IW3 Avenue A wns
destroyed by Urn Thursday night. '! ramps
tire (bought to havo been the cnupc.
Miss .1 V.. Iinjr. local innnnger of the
Postal Telegraph company, left yesterday
on a visit to friends In Dwlghl, 111
A guest nt the Hevere house named Hnrk
hnir complained to the .ollc yesterday
morning that his new winter overcoat bad
beon stolen.
The motor company Is Increasing the
height of the dam nt Lake Mnnawa four
feet with a view to proportionately Increase
the wuter In tho lake next summer.
Mrs. II. O. Uunnlng will leave the tint
nf I lie. week for a visit with friends at
Atchison. Kan. after which she will go to
Colorado Springs to spend tho winter.
William Kohl, wanted In Omaha to an
swer to a chmge of burglary, changed Ills
mind yesterday nnd accompanied the otll
cers across tho river without requisition
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Itrown and daughter
of Now York are the guests of I,. W. Tilt
leys nnd family on Park avenue. Mr. Hrown
rna formerly engaged In business with Mr.
Tulleys In this city.
Tho habeas corpus proceedings In the su-
furlor court Involving tha possession nf n
Ittlo 2-year-old girl, were dismissed yester
day by agreement and tho uhlld glen ba-k
to Mrs, Kate O'Hrlen.
Tho llollues'i society will open Its new
hall nt 111) Hrondway this evening, when
lie v. Isaiah Held of Ocs Moines will be pres
rut nnd preach. Ttuv. Itei I will also prean
Sunday nt 3 p. in. and S p. in.
Ilev. d. M, Hnyder and wife will rctur'
today from their trip to the eastern part
of tho state nnd tho former will occupv
Ids pulpit nt both services nt St. John's
English Lutheran church tomorrow.
HI caves of scarlet fever were reported
to tho Hoard of Health yestefdny as fol
lows: Abdlll, child. 742 Washington avenue;
four Hardy children, Trwtevln street be
tween Eighteenth nnd Nlneteeeutb stivnt;
Hello Cooper, Avenue, D nnd Twentieth
Hmlth Hradlev will hold a special suit
snlo today, nt which a special representa
tive from A. H. Anderson of Chicago will
show a line of snmplcs for suits, overcoats
nnd trousers consisting of ov? COO sam
ples. Sultn to order from JI3..V) to
TrouserH form J3.5'J to J7.00. Call and look
them over.
Tho Intensely Interesting drama, "At
Tliioy Itldge,' will be the offering nt tho
Dohany theater for Sunday night. Tho four
nets nro tilled with deep sentiment and rich
comedy. Tho slory dents with southern
life and the nenory Is beautiful und true
to that part tit tho country.
Tho cases ngulust Arnold nnd Klsscll.
charged with npproprlatlng a iiunntltv of
ties, tho property of tho Suburban Motor
company, havo been dismissed In Justice
Illef's court at Mannwti. The ties were
returned to the company by the defendants,
who claimed they had permission to take
James Flnnnlgnu was arrested lato Thurs
day night for being drunk, when his friend,
Mlko McCarty, Interfered nnd tried to pre
vent the olllcrrs taking him to lull. Mc
Carty also spent tho night In Jail unilhe
nnd I'Tnnnlgnn were ouch lined J10 nr.d
costs by Judge Aylesworth yesterday morn
ing. They will both bo forced to board tho
lino out.
Assistant County Attorney Kimball re
turned from I'lnttsmnuth last evening,
where ho attended tho habeas corpus pro
ceedings In the case of Mlko Smith, tho
young man wnnted hero to answer to a.
chargo of the theft of Jewelry. Mr. Kim
bnll succeeded In Inducing tho Nebraska au
thorities to hold Smith for ten days longer
nnd In tho menntlmo It Is expected that the
reuulsltiou will bo granted by dovcrnor
i'oynter. '
N. Y. numbing Co., telephone 250.
Eloquent Young Senator Will Not Speak in
Pottawattamie County.
Will Xot Send Spcnliers to Convert He
liulillcmii, liut Will Work Among
the Lnregeiierute lit Other
Chairman Wright of the republican
county central committee returned yester
day morning from Dea .Moines, his mis
sion to secure a number of speakers from
tho statu central committee for this county
during tho lost week of tho campaign prov
ing unsuccessful. Ho was also greatly
disappointed to learn that Senator l)ol
llvcr, who had been promised far a speech
nt Avoca In tho cast cud of tho county
during tho Inst week of tho campaign,
would be unablo to llll tho date. Senator
Dolllvcr has notified Chairman Weaver of
tho state central committee that thp na
tional committee has Imperatively assigned
him for a scries of speeches in Illinois,
Indiana nnd Michigan and that being tho
case, all of his dates in lowa after Oc
tober 27 must bo canceled. This an
nouncement cornea as a great disappoint
ment, as plnns for a monster rally at Avoca
were In preparation and Chairman Wright
has received Inquiries from all parts of
the cotitjty as to tho dato of tho Dolllvcr
meeting, Indicating that great Interest wn3
being taken In It and that there would
have been an Immense turnout of repub
licans from all oer 1'ottawattnmto to
greet the senator,
Thcro Is hope, however, that Senator
Dolllvor'n place may bo lllled by some
speaker of national reputation and that tho
big meeting as planned for can be held.
A. K. Dawson, who has cliargo of tho
speakers' bureau of tho state commlttoo, Is
endeavoring to securo somo speaker to till
tho dato left open by tho Inability of Sena
tor Dolllver to bo In this county.
Tho state committee lnformod Chairman
Wright that It could not supply any speak
ers for this county. Tho state Is perfectly
safe, and the only question that remains
Is tho size of tho majority that I'resldcnt
McKlnley will receive. This being the
situation, nil the prominent speakers have
been called upon to go Into other slates
where conditions aro not so sure. There
will bo practically no further speaking
campnlgu In tho state, except as previously
arranged and such as tho county cont
inuities can arrange for themselves.
Tho stcond poll of the county has been
completed nnd the reports show that tho
republicans will carry I'ottnwattatnlo by at
least 1,00(J and possibly by 1,500, and that
tho ontlro ticket will bo elected from top
to bottom.
Tho second poll of tho city was com
menccd yesterday nnd Chntrmnn Wright ex
pects to bo nblo to announce tho result by
ho llrst of next week.
(leorgo Urulngton. committeeman from
Carson township, wns In tho city yestor-
ay and reported republican jwlns. The
ntlre ticket, ho said, was perfectly safo
n his township. '
Don't burn your old wool mattress. Mor
an & Klein will do them over by tho now
process better than now 122 South Main
OMIeliil llitllnt Out.
A sample of tho ofilctal ballot for tho
general election next month was received
at tho county auditor's offlco yesterdny
from tho secretary of state. It Is qulto
a lnrgo affalrt being about twenty Inches
long nnd twdnty Inches wide, nnd oven
when folded is so cumbersomo that It Is
doubtful if tho ballot boxes In sorao of
tho city precincts whoro tho vote Is big
will bo nblo to hold them. Thcro nro
novcn different pnrty tlckots on tho bnllot
In tho following order: uopubllcnn party,
democratic party, prohibition party peo
ple's party, socialist labor party, united
Christian pnrty, social democratic party,
Tho following tickets nppenr In each
column: National, state, county nnd
township. Tho thrco propositions on
which tho electors of this county will bo
called upon to vote will bo on a scpa'rato
bnllot. They nro tho proposition to hold
blcnnlnl olectlons henceforth, for n con
ventlon to nmond tho stnto constitution
nnd for bonds with which to purchaso a
poor farm. Sepnrnto boxes will bo pro
vldcd In this county for these ballots.
.Not hi II gr us tiOIIlt
As homemodo candy. Purity Candy Kitchen
238 Ilrondwny, hns n special sale today,
firing this add nnd recclvo a bag of nngcl
food taffy freo. Ynnkco pennut nnd butter
scotch 10 cents n pound, angel food taffy 12Uj
cents n pound.
K. P. dnnco nt Hughes' hall tonight
"Whalcy's orchestra.
The Best Dressed People in
the City Wear
i5 H O E S
And They Save $1.50
. Negotiated In Eastern Nebraaku
unu lowa James N. Casiidy, Jr.
126 Main St., council uiuna.
With tho
Xaa Irl Mice!, Council lllu, Im.
Save Your Monty;
Davis sells paint.
than a year, having emigrated from Den
mark, and wero not familiar with the Eng
lish language. Through somo mistake, for
which both aro unablo to account, tho mar-
rlago records gavo Hoffman's Christian
namo as John, Instead of I'oter, whllo In
one placo the bride's nnmo wns entered ns
Christina Hansen and In another as Chris
tina I'otcrson. Her right name, it now ap
pears, was Cbrlatlno Uosen.
Condition nf Affair nf Ofllcnr A
I'lisey HiiiiW .Not Mndc l'llbllo.
Hocolvors Iloreshelm and Murphy failed to
file their report of tho ossota and liabilities
of tho banking firm of OQlccr & 1'uscy yes
terday nnd nono now Is looked for until
next week. When asked laBt evening Ho
celvor Murphy stated they oro Btlll busily
working on It, but ho could not sny
definitely when It would bo completed.
Claims aggregating about $10,000 against
tho bank wero filed yesterday with tho
clerk of tho district court.
Judgo Macy Issued thrco orders yesterday
In connection with tbo administration of
tho estate of tho lalo Thomas Olllcer.
Charles Odlcer, tho administrator, was
authorized to employ an expert to npprala
tho mining property, which composes part
of tho estate. Ho wns nlso authorized to
mako certain necessary repnlra on tho farm
in Monona county.
Tho books of the bnnk show that tho
account of tho lato Thomas Ofllcor wns
overdrawn to tho extent of $3,500 and
Charles Ofllcor with tho consent of tho other
heirs was authorized to pay Into tho bank
from tho rash on hand an amount su indent
to cover tho apparent ovcrdrnft.
(ilrl Wit n to llrlnir I H "I llnck to
I'olltleul Sunlt).
Among tho largo volumo of mnll re
ceived dally by Chairman Wright of tho
republican county central commlttco wns
a letter yesterday from young woman
who was apparently much exorcised over
tho fact that her sweetheart, formerly
n republican, hnd been Induced to switch
to llryun. Sho evidently Intends to try
to reconvert him, ns sho nsks for lltcra
turo wjth evidently that end In vlow. Tho
letter, omitting names, reads ns follows:
George M. Wright, Chairman Hcpubtlcuu
County Committee: Donr Sir 1 under
stand of collego was for
merly a republican, but changed on tho
I'hlllpplno question. S6mo good llternturo
might bo of use? In restoring his reason, If
vou havo iinv conies of tlin Sulii Ireittv (mi.
called) plenso mnll one to following ndilrcss,
vours lor sounti money, noilor nnd pros
perity, CITY.
Mr. Wright wrote the young woman an
encouraging nnswer, thanking her for tho
Interest sho displayed In tho republican
cnuso nnd expressed tho hopo that more
young women would cmulato her example.
Commonwealth 10-ccnt cigar.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf cures coughs, colds.
Cost of Speelul Hlrctlon.
City Clerk I'll 11 1 1 pa completed yesterday
his estimate of tho cost of tho special elec
tion last Tuesday nnd It amounts to JC09.GO.
Tho clerks and judges each recclvo $.1.50 and
this amounts to $210. Tho registrars re
ceive $10 each, making n total of $240. The
rent of tho several registration places
amounted to $47 nnd tho rent of tho pol
ling places lo $7C.ri0. Miscellaneous ex
penses footed up to $35.60. Tho cadh to meet
theso expenses was deposited by tho Illuff
City Klectrlc Light and Gas company before
tho election nnd tho city clerk Is now pro
pared to meet all bills.
VlKlitinniiM riit a Verdict Attalnnt tn
Hntutr of n lteln(Ie.
Judgo Macy adjourned district court yes
terdny until next Monday afternoon nnd left
for Harlan to spend over Sunday with his
Austin nnd N'cfllo Wlghtmnn, who sought
o cHtnbllsh a claim for $1,300 against tho
cstato of the lato William I". Wlghtinan,
wore granted $700. Mr. and Mrs. Wight
man livo In New York stnto and based their
lalm on tho grounds that at tho request
of William Wlghtnmn they had cared for
uis uroiner, Israel wigntman, a former
resident of this state. After Israel Wight
man's death William Wlghtman declined to
pay the bill. After tho hitter's death they
filed the claim ngalnst tho estate, but It
was disallowed by tbo administrator.
Mrs. Hattlo E. Strong commenced suit
for dlvcico from George H. Strong, whom
ho macrlcd In this city February 1, 1SS9.
Sho alleges that her husband has beconu.
an habitual drunkard and asks to be
awarded tho custody of their 13-months'-old
baby girl,
Tho November term of court will bo con
oned by Judgo Green Tuesday, November
. Tho following petit Jury has beon drawn
to nerve at that term: P. G. Mlkesoll, H.
'lack, James Hunt, Christ Golstler, It. It.
Hendricks, Ed Asponwall, P. II. Meegher,
James Snoddorly, Council Illuffs; T. C. Pe
terson, Hazel Doll; E. P. Olson, Gcorgo Ol
son. Georgo H. Darrlngton, George Dom
mlck, lloomer; II. C. Copelnnd, J. E. Laugh-
lln, Hockford; P. J. llndlgan, Norwallt; S.
U Martin, Sliver Creek: John Itnhrberg,
Thomas UaBch, Keg Creek; John McDonnld,
Ncola; H. S. Wntklns, MInden; Henry Tay
lor, H. Durch, Washington; Phillip Hot-
ricK, York.
Judgo Gnen notified the ckrk of the dis
trict court yesterday to summon tho petit
Jury for November 19, instead of Novembor
In tho case of Adeline Witt against A. C.
Jensen In the superior court the Jury yes
torday afternoon returned a verdict for tho
defendant. Tho parties to tho suit live
near Neola and tho plaintiff sought to re
cover for alleged damaga to hor farm,
which sho had rented to tho defendant.
Xot the linker "Wanted.
Deputy Sheriff linker and F. C. Lougoo
went to Lancaster, Mo., Thursday, as
they hnd received word that a man was
under arrest thero who exactly nnswered
tho description of tho party who swindled
tho firm of Lougeo & Lougce out of
$S00 about two yeurs ago on n bogus farm
mortgage. Sheriff Cousins received a tel
egram yesterday afternoon from llakor
saying that tho man under arrest was
not tho right party.
llcnl Bntntp Trmmfrra,
Tho following transfers wero filed yester
day in tho abstract, tltlo nnd loan ofllco of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Kntban Merrlnm nnd wlfo to F. T.
True, lot 2, Purvoy's subd.'v, o o d.. $ 2
J. Hex Henry to V. T. True, lot 0.
block 3, Street's add, q c d 2o
Kxecutors of Clnra I. Henry to F. T
True, lot C, block 3, Street'.i add. q c d 25
Ernest Kindle nnd wlfo to August
Turk, nwVl nw'.i 27 nnd wV4 Bw'i 22-
70-41 nnd accretions, w d 2,000
Kenneth McICenzIo nnd wife to Donald
McKenzIe, nwU S-74-S8, w d
Same to Anna Dean, s!4 seii 8-71-3S,
w d
Will Now Oonfino Their Efforts in Attempt
to Elect Congressman,
So I'nrtlier Attempt, "Will Xorr nc
Mnn to Incrrnse the Vote on tlic
Head of tbo Ilrntocratlo
Xntlonnl Ticket.
DES MOINES, Oct. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) The democrats have decided to
allow McKinloy's majority In Iowa to bo
ns big as tho republicans may caro to have
It nnd will bend every energy to enpturo
congressmen of tho Second nnd Sixth dis
tricts. This decision was reached about
the tlmo of tho Wotorloo meeting, when tho
democratic committee saw enough to con
vince it that It would bo wasted effort to
attempt to lower tho majority given Mc
Klnley In 1S90. Tho republican state com
mlttco today recolved Information from the
Second and Sixth districts to substantiate
fully tho claims that no further effort will
bo mado to Increase the vote on the head
of tho democratic national ticket, but that
Hryan votes will even bo traded for votes
for congressman whoro such trades can
bo made. It U anything to elect tho mom
bcrs of congress. In tho Sixth district tho
members nro making a determined effort
to defeat Lncoy and elect Stock. Demo
crats nro making a systcmatla canvass by
precincts and are devoting themselves to
nil republicans known to bo tho least bit
lukowarm toward I.acey. Especial atten
tion Is being paid to Mahaska and Wapello
counties, the centers of population, nnd tho
cunning maimer In which tho democratic
campaign is being conducted is meeting
with success uccordlng to democratic state
ments. Tho democrats aro also directing
themselves lo etlrrlug up nnd ronowlng
animosities that have slumbered for years
nnd every man who has evor had a griev
ance, real or fancied, ngalnst Congressman
Lacoy Is out and reminded that now Is tho
tlmo to get oven.
James F. Howard, a young attorney of
Webstor City, today had his Ucciibo to prac
tice In the courts of tho stato suspended for
two years, on account of unprofessional
conduct. Disbarment proceedings wero bo
gun In Hamilton district last year, S. M.
Weaver, Judge, finding it appeared from tho
record In tho caso of George' Ilarber against
George Olmstead, that there was a reason
able ground to to revoke or suspend the li
cense becauso of a conspiracy to cheat or
defraud Barber.
Tho two opinions handed down this morn
ing wero:
G. It. Macklnson against J. 1). Locke,
Polk district, afllrmcd.
State ngalnst Jnmcs F. Howard, Hamilton
district, afllrmed.
III Itreord In Xi'lirnnka mi I'.vlilrnoe
of AVhnt He AVI 1 1 Ilo for tke
Six trnnsfers nggregatlug $i,052
Chancellor of XelirnsUii Unlremlty
SpenUn Ilefore lown Stnte
Library AMNoelutlon.
Myntery of Martln'H,
J. Mnctln of Park avenue reported yester
day that burglars had ngaln attempted to
rob his residence on Park avenuo Thursday
night, but had been scared away, lcavlno
behind them considerable plunder which
they had gathered togother. Tho number
of rccont attempted burglaries at tho Martin
homo Is most mystifying to tho police und
thoy nro beginning to suspect that thero Is
something else- besides robbery accountable
for those Boveral midnight visits, although
Thursday night, whoever the visitors were,
they had gono to the trouble of gathering
together In tho (lining room a number of
urtlcles, oven Including tho washtub and
Entrance to tho house was Brcurcd through
tho dining room window, on the outsldo of
which a ladder was founfi. Martin was
aroused by the nolso his unwclcomo nnd
unbidden guests mado while going through
the downstairs rooms and he" proceeded to
Investigate. Tho Intruders mado their exit
through the sntuo window by which thoy
entered. This makes tbo fifth attempt that
supposed burglars havo , mado to enter nnd
rob the homo within the last few weeks.
SIOUX CITY, la., Oct. 19. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho Iowa Stato Library associa
tion, which has been In session in Sioux
City for two days, adjourned this after
noon. Ilurllngton was chosen as tho next
placo of meeting. The following ofllcors
wero elected: President, A. P. Fleming,
Dcs Moines; vlco president, George W.
Wakefield, Sioux City; secretary and
treasurer, Miss Harriet L. McCrory, Ce
dar ltaplds; oxecutlvo commlttco, M. F.
ltohrer of Council niuffs,- Miss Heleno T.
Georgo of Sioux Falls, S, D., and the ofll-cers.
Among tbo resolutions passed was one
which favorod legislation regarding tho
proximity of saloons to public libraries,
Tho association would give to city coun
cils tho right to keep saloons halt a nillo
away from libraries It ,tho peoplo desired
such a regulation. Tlioso who addressed
tho meotlng today wore: A. P. Flomlng
of Des Moines, Mrs. llosa A. Oberholtzor
of Sioux City, Mrs. M. A. Hern of Chi
cago and Miss Agnes Ilobcrtson of Cher-
Tonight nt the High school bulldlnir
Dr. E. Ilonjamln Andrews, chancellor of
tho Stnto university of Nebraska nt Lin
coln, addressed a largo gathering. The
meeting Just closed was woll nttonded
nnd hos been successful In every par
DES MOINES. Ia.. Oct. 19. 1900. To the
Editor of Tho Hoc: That Associated Press
dispatch from Nebraska City explaining
Hryan's application of trutts nnd hla ef
forts to closo the stnrch factory, thereby
closing n market for tho corn raised In tho
county and throwing- t'lt of employment
hundreds of honest Inhering men, has had
the effect to convlnco thousands of voters
In Nebraska, Iowa nnd clsowhero of Hryan's
recklessness and ignorance In tho protec
tion of homo Industries in his own state.
Had Bryan fostered and encouraged the lo
cation of manufactories In Nebraska there
would bo at this moment at least ten
largo starch factories In operation. Ho
used theso sumo methods for closing up th3
enly hemp manufactory when ho ought to
hnvn known that Nebraska grows hemp
equal to tho best grown in Kentucky. Hnd
ho protected that mill thero would now bo
In tho stnto at least a dozen more nnd No
brnska wculd today be tho leading hemp
producing stnto In tho union. The destruc
tlon of tho starch and hemp Industries did
not satisfy Mr. Bryan. Ho went for free
trnde and free wool and ended with soup
houses nnd universal bankruptcy nnd his
services In that campaign drove 3,000,000
fhoop out of Nebraska worth under protec
tlon $1 each to tho fatmer. It's a common
saying Just over tho Missouri rlvor In Iowa
with somo lines of manufacturing In every
town, "Why don't you peoplo In Nebraska
sturt up fnctorles?" Our answer Is, Wo
havo been doing our best on that score, but
Hryan and his party closo them Op or run
them off. Supposo tho domocrats of Ohio,
Indiana or Pennsylvania had banded to
gether to clo8o up tho factories of their
states and made as good progress as Bryan
has mado In Nebraska, d.o you supposo thoy
could got tho support of their neighbors
for any office, much Icsb that of president
of the United States?
K. P. dnnco nt Hughe'
Whaloy's orchestra.
l.Ml tonight,
Corrected Mnrrlaire Ilerord,
After twcnly-Ovo years of wei'.dod life.
Peter Hoffman and his wlfo of this county
havo succeeded In having tho record of tholr
mnrrlngo eorrrcted through tin order ob
tatned from .ludgu Macy In district court
yestorday. Thoy wero married In this city
In 1S76 by F. A. Ilurke, then a Justice ot the
peace. Both bad been la tbla country less
Child's Itcmarkalile Escape.
WASHINGTON. Ia., Oct. 19. (Special.)
As tho express train from Chicago, due hero
at 12;C2 a. m., wns leaving Alnsworth tho
7-ycar-old son of Mrs. William Barrett of
Vernon, 111., walked off tho train. Mrs.
Barrett was asleep at the time. On awaken
ing she found him gono and ran through
tho train calling for tho conductor. By the
time ho was iound tho train was hero. Sho
got oft and waited for tho cagtbound ex
press, which goes through hero at 2:52. Two
men kept a lookout from tho train and
found tho boy standing by tho track near
Alnsworth. Ho was taken to Columbus
Junction, where his Injuries wero examined,
Ho has a black eye and a few scratches,
but otherwlso Is nil right. They camo horo
this morning and continued their Journey
Attorney Given II m 1 Advlre.
ATLANTIC, In., Oct. 19. (Special.) Max
Zimmerman, who for n length of tlmo Bold
stock food In this vicinity, has left for dis
tant parts, In order, apparently, to get away
from tho disaster which has been Impending
over slnco he was bo unfortunato as to
take tho advlco of an attorney who was not
posted. A letter Bent to Zimmerman somo
tlmo last month from Itcd Oak was for
warded from here to Walnut, where ho had
gono. Through error It was given to a man
by tho samo namo living ten miles from
town. It contained a draft, and In Its fall
uro to reach tbo right man, Zimmerman was
unablo to pay tho salesman whom ho bad
employed, wheroupon his horses were at
tachod and he was put to great lnconvenl
ence. In tho course of a week the letter
was returned to tho Walnut ofllco by the
Zimmerman from the country, and was sen
from there to tho party who wrote It, at
lied Oak. Thus the monoy was not lost
Zimmerman, tho stockman, was not satis
fled, howover, nud mailed a written demand
on tho Walnut postmaster, A. K. Klncald
for $23 to cover his dnmago. In this h
fell down, for It was a threat to securo tho
punishment of tho postmaster and tho
farmer unless ho was reimbursed, and to
send such a letter through tbo malls )
criminal, .
Teitliniiuy In Illee, Cane.
NKW YOnK. Oct. 19. Tho preliminary
examination of Albort T. Patrick and
Charles F. Jones, charged with attempt
ing to defraud the estato nf W. M. nice
by n forged check for $25,000 drawn In
Patrick's favor on Swenson ft Sons, bank
ers of this city, wns resumed today. The
greater part of the day was taken up with
examination of handwriting experts.
I'ntnl Aecldent with Gun.
IOWA CITY, Ia.. Oct. 19. (Special Tele
gram.) C. W. A. Hall, a prominent grocer.
while cleaning a Bhotgun at 9 o'clock thl
morning accidentally shot and killed him
self, tho dlflchargo penetrating tbo abdomen
Hill wus superintendent of the Episcopal
church and had lived in Iowa City a llttl
over n year, Yestorday was the first an
nlversary of his wedding.
llaln und NontlieuNlerly Wind I'eu-
tured for Xelirnnka by Wuli
luicton I'roirnostlvator.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Bain and colder except In
southeast portion Saturday; Sunday, occa
slonal rains with colder In southeast por
tlon; southeasterly winds, becoming north
For Illltola Fair Baturduy; warmer In
Ease your burdens
Lot your head Bavo your hnndu.
Lot Gold Dust do tho work for you.
It mnkcB glad tho hearts of those
who aro not hnppy unless everything
is clean. Gold Dust is womnnV
bout friend, dirt's worst onemy.
" Housework is hard work without Gold Dust."
- J
southern portion; Sunday generally fair ex
cept possibly rnln In northwest portion,
brisk southeasterly winds.
For Oklnhomn, Indian Territory nnd Ar
kansas Fair Saturday and Sunday; south
erly winds.
For Western Texas nnd Now Mexico Fair
Saturday; probably rain In northern, fair
In southern portions Sunday; southerly
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Saturday;
probably rain nnd cooler Sunday; south
easterly winds.
For North and South Dakota Haln nnd
colder Saturday; occasional rains Sunday;
southorly winds, becoming northwesterly.
For Kansas Probably rain nnd cooler In
western, fair In eastern portion Saturday,
Sunday, fair la westem, rain and colder In
eastern portion; southeasterly winds, be
coming variable.
For Colorado Bain nnd colder Saturday;
Sunday, cccac'onal rains; north to enst
winds. ' ,
For Wyoming nnd Montana Haln nnd
colder Saturday; Sunday fair; northerly
Local Itreiirit.
OMAHA. Oct. IP. Olllclnl record of teni-
pertituro ami precipitation compared wuu
the corresponding dny ot tho lust throo
loon, isno. isn?. 1S97,
7i m ;;o ct
r.i r. xi 12
r,i r,a r,i
(00 . 0) .00 .01
Maximum temperature.
Minimum temperature..
Averago temperature...
iteeoril of temncraturo anil nroelmtutloil
nt Oniniui for this dny und slnco March l:
Normal temperature M
Kxcomh for tho duv 11
Total excess slnco March 1 C9I
Normal precipitation , OS Inch
Deficiency for tho day ns Inch
Total slnco March 1 :.r..01 Inches
Deficiency slnco Murcli 1 1.70 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. ISM... r. (10 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 1S9S... 2.71 inches
lienor! from Million nt 8 1. .M.
v 3 til
i 3
: 3
Omahu. clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, clear
nail i.ane, nuuuy
Hapld City, partly cloudy...
Huron, clear
Wllllston, partly cloudy
Chicago, clear
il. I.UUIK, Ill-Ill
Kt. Puul, partly cloudy .....
Tln ..onnnf nlniir
Kansas City, clear
lfnlntin flnllllv"
Havre, cloudy
HlsmarcK, clear
Galveston, partly cloudy....
CS1 ") .CO
ffl 70 .00
fill IIS .00
CO fii?1 .02
CI 7K .03
ft? k:) .oi
fit SJi .00
f,S 71', .0)
CA 7'J .00
CI 71 ,.01
cc r: .m
C0 .0?
Ct 72 A
02 74 .(Hi
74 791 ,0i
Clear white pearl buttons,
2 doz. on card
S-oz. bottlo machltio oil,
Todiiy is the last dsiy of our Jtsirgain Carnival. If you have
not KPciircd some of the rare offerings join the crowds today and
get your share.
Bargain Carnival Prices on Notions.
Flannelette Gowns,
A Rood flannelctto Kown, lonK, wido QOp
and full, worth 60c, this sale JUu
A hotter gown, with trliumlnR, cut KfP
full, worth, 65c, this snlo uUU
A heavy flannelotto Kown, collar and yoko
trimmed with IlnlshlnK braid, wldoTCp
skirt, full length, our special I uU
. Sheets and Pillow Cases,
Illenchcd pillow cases, Ironed, hemmed Q
nnd ready for use, 42x30 Inches UU
Unhlenched sheets, mado of the
sumo muslin, samo size
nieached pillow cases, mado of An
chur brand nuts
Illenchcd pillow cases, mado of tho
mine muslin, 15x30 Inches
Greatest of all Bargains-
Outing flannels of dark color plaids
and stripes, per yard
Unbleached canton Ilanncls
per yard
Heavy straw tlrklnp;. plain nnd fancy 7I
stripe, per yard I ou
Standard npron check Bingham
per yard
Whlto outing flannel,
per yard
Uest linen cambric,
per yard
?d sheets, mado of Now Yrli1Qn
n, wldo hem, S2x90 Inches 40b
nscs, made of An- 10 In
tin, 42x30 inches.. IZau
Safety pins, all sizes,
two papers
Hump hooks and eyes,
two dozcu
Hat pins,
3 for
Illack bended toilet pins;
per box '.
Oold-eyed needles, 25 In paper,
Kvcr ready dress stays,
per dozen
Angora wool,
per ball ,
I.lslo clnstlc hose supporters, with velvet
buttons, lndlcH and children's, Jjn
per pair UU
Rare Ribbon Values,
Lot 13 to 4',6 Inches wide, all silk taffeta
ribbon, worth 25c, this sale, iCn
tier ynrd I Oil
hot 2 Nor. 3 to 9, all silk, satin ribbon Cp
In colors only, por yard Jll
Lot 3 .No."i. 7 and 0, all silk fancy hair
ribbon, worth 10c a yard, Cp
this salo UU
Every lady bringing this ad (o our store between Hie
hours of 0 to JO this morning will receive a pretty photo Avell
worth coming after.
T Indicates traco of precipitation.
I,. A, WRl.SH.
Local Forecast
Little Liver Pills.
Must Br Signature f'
tm FcSlaille Wrapper Below.
uull mmA bmh
mm ma
Sunday, Ocl, 21
At Piney Ridge
A powerful and fascinating romanco ot
tho plcturcsquo mountains of Tennessee,
A llfo-plcturo of persistent Interest, spark
ling with rich comedy, Intenso and strik
ing climaxes magnificently acted. Deautl
fully staged with a carload of scenery and
electrical effects.
l'rlces, 2Cc, 35c, COo nnd 75c.
Vso Hell's ltheumatlo Cure, n sure and
prompt remeily for rheumatism, neuralgia,
helutlca. lumbago, gout Has cured" thous-nnds-wlll
cmo you 1'rlco n- boxi umall
slzo 'Sc, ut druggists or mailed.
Council Iltutln, lotto, Agent.
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly occupied by Tho Bee at
916 Farnam street will be vacant November 1st.
It haH four stories and a basement, whicii was
formerly used as The Bee pres room. This will
be rented very reasonably. If interested, apply
at once to O. O. Hosewater, Secretary, Room 100 '
Bee Building. jj
Ready November First
Who Sells Cote's Original
lot Blast iircniirBiuffs?
The People Who Used Them
for tho last six winters do tho sclllng-wo put thcrn tip.
Our references on our guarantee to give CW3ANLINKSS
and EVEN HEAT equal to hurd coal aro people using
them. Sen names below
Mn. Illack, 119 Pierce Street
Wo used Coio'h Hot Ulast nil Inst winter. Heated four
rooms nnd hoiiso wus perfectly comlortiiblu night nnd day.
Wo kept plants nil winter and never had to tnko them from
windows, our bous.. walls and ceilings weru loft uleutirr
and tho Hot Ulast makes much loss dirt than any hard coal
stovo wo over used. Tim oven, sternly heat with iioft conl
wns a crcat surprlsn to us nnd wo only gnvo tho stovo at
tention three times dally It proved very economical Indeed.
lt.lliiuil iiii-.u i..... i Mim iipouii.i ,,,
........ ...,..
4IMain St
Council Bluffs, la
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In a body for aale at a very raasoaible price. Thei
loti are located Ic Omaha addition and II high and dry. They
will make a splendid location for soma factory. Ssveral other lots
sultablo for bulldlnc purpoita on ot them aipecUUy will moka
a fine location for a home, balcc within on block of the motor
line and within two blocks of a school husa and church locat4
In th western part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.