THE OMAHA DAILY HHIv. SA'IT HP AT. OCTOJVBll 20, 1900. HAYDENs Attend th AGENTS FOR THE BUTTE RICK PATTERNS THE BIGGEST BARGAINS YOU EVER SAW, READ OUR CLOTHING AND CLOAK SALES AND NOTE THE NEW PRICES WE MAKE ON FUR NISHING GOODS AND GROCERIES, SATURDAY WILL BE FULL OF INTEREST FOR ECONOMICAL BUYERS AT THE BIG STORE, A e Great Bankrupt Sale of Notions Saturday ( uivncyi w ma Special Sale of New Fall Shoes Saturday. ... T.he newcst tylfs and best makes of Shoes on talc at Ic.s titan wholesale nrk( All Bizcs and widths. Arn(n for Tlir "llrooU llro.' Sliorn for l.iullon. fnH for Tlir "S(r((.n" Mmc for .Men. Dress Goods Sale , Bankrupt Sale LADIKS' I'l.NK 3.00 VJC'I KID LACE ,Mt:N"3 FINK $3 PATENT LKATI1ER DltESS SHOES-with potent call tips I AA uue.s-(.;ongtcs, sorgo I ni I w I -5 pifci'H of all wool t'hockH, i 411 inches wide, regular HOC! value, Hoc yard. Zibolino plaids, in fit) new de signs, regular value 2v. a( J Dr. Sit-idly all wool e( inline.. 40 fall shades, strictly all wool, (termini lieurietta, all shades and blaek, worth up to Toe, only lllc. New arrivals of French flan nels every day. Plain, :58c to 'we; figured and Persians, Sc to $.'5.00 per yard. Groceries The last shipment Just received. .Digger nud better bargains than ever Do not miss this. You may have rend ot bigger rales, but you have never seen them. t Q Spools Holding tiros:' Dest Qunl- 1 n lty Sewing Sill: for l-', W-yard Spool of Richardson's Dest OUUsewIng Silk (blacks only) 1 lr. for vJj 10c Corset Steels 3c 10c Drees Stays 2&e 10c Embroidery Silk lc 10c Knitting Silk 3c r.oc m:w timppmj i i it it tut . . . . inl and flexible soles, for. 1.93 tops ami welt soles, for. LADIES' FINE I3.C0 V1CIKIU WELT I PIS. SOLE LACE 81IOi:Swlth lork MEN S FIM. 3.u 2.43 0 V1CI KID WELT SOLE filled Inner soles, on salo at ' LACE SHOES for "STETSON" LADIES' "IIItOOKS DUOS," ROCHESTER ! Mn-S"t t.MVTt.1 Ultnn.i I ...ow,., ritir. anuns lor I ....... ..... . . All .17... nn.i , SHOES In vlcl kids, vclour calf and en An nn a VJL . 1 . nmel leather, all sites and S3.00, $3.50 and S4.00 I - 2.48 CUSTOM MADE and 5. , Bargains In School-Shoes, BOYS' FINE $2.00 SATIN CALF LACE SHOES on snlo at YOUTHS' FINE $1.50 SATIN CALF LACE SHOES- on aalo at , LITTLE HUNTS' $1.2!i SATIN CALF LACE SHOES on sale at 1.50 1.00 75c GIRLS' SHOES In lace or button, DSc and v. , x WIWTER UNDERWEAR. MANUFACTURER'S SAMPLES OF MEN'S, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UN DERWEAR AT LESS THAN HALF THE REOLLAR PRICE. Men's o0u Merino Shirts and Drawer at L'5c. Men's $1.25 wool and flceco lined ShtrU nud Drawers, In camel's hair and natural wool. In all sized, at I3c. Men'a lino cxlru heavy nil wcol Shirts and Drawers. In plain and fancy colors, that wero made, to sell at Jl.fiO, $2.00 and $2.50. nil In this lot at OSc. Ono lot of men's Shirts nnd Drawers, heavy Jersey ribbed and fleece lined, worth up to $1.00, all In one lot nt 33c. Men's $1.00. Colored Laundered Shirts, with separate cuffs, nt 19c. Men's Flannel Shirts. In blue nnd fancy colors, nt Sc, $1.60 nnd $l.0S. Men's Sweaters nt I9c, OSc and $1.50. Mbn'a' 50c Siispendots, In nil the new styles, at 25c. Men's 20c Half Hose, in plain and fancy colors, ut 10c. 1PECIAL SALE OF LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. 50 dozen children's tine Fleece Lined Underwear on sale at 15c. Dest grades at 20c and I5c. Eighty dozen children's fine camel's hair Underwear on sale at 25e. Rest grades at .'!0e and 35e. Children's Jersey ribbed Vests, medium weight, sale price 10c. Special sale of children's heavy ribbed Hose at 10c, Ue r.nd 25c; worth double. Lndles' fleece lined Hose nt 10n, 15c and 26c. Ladles' outing llannoL Night downs on halo at 60e nnd !'Sc, Mlssea' Shaw-Knit H030 nt 35c pair, three pairs for $1.00. Ladles' flue Jersey Vests and Pants at 25c, 35c and 50c. Ladles' Union Suits nt 50c up to $5.Q0, Ladles' $1.23 Kid Olovca nt 75c every pair warranted anil fitted. -Ladles' extra heavy fleece lined Vests and Pants at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Ladles' extra heavy all wool Vests and Pants, 75c. Big Sheet Music Sale For Saturday Tomorrow we will place on sale tho fol lowing elegant music nt only 10c per copy, by mnll, 11c such cholco selections as tho following will bo told: ' "Flatterer," by Chamtundo; Intcrmczo, from "Cavallcrln Rustlcana, "Last Hope," by Gottschnlk; "Second Hungarian Rhapsody," by Liszt; "At Morn" by Oodard; Flower Song, by Lnngo; "Dohorulan Olrl." by Koltcrcr; "Ilrl dal Chorus." from "Lohengrin;" "Two Larks," by Leschetlzky; "Second nnd Fifth Valscs," by Ciodardt "If I Were a Hlrd," by llcnsclt; "El Trovatore," by Dorn; "Maid en's Dream," by Rohm; "Love Song," by Uohtn;. "Martha," by Dorn: "Mazurka," by Chopin; Melody In F. by Ruheustelu; Min uet, by PadcrowBkl; Miserere, from "Trova tore," "Murmuring Brook," by Splndlcr; "Norma," by Leybach; Pilgrim's Chorus, from Tannehauser; Polish Dance, by Scbar wenkn; Poet and Peasant overture, by Suppe; "Polacco Drllllanto," by Von Weber; "Rondo Caprlccloso," by Mendelssohn; Sec ond Mazurka, by Oodard; "Simple Confes sion," by Thome; Sixth Nocturne, by Ley bach; March, .from "Tannhauscr; "Storm," by Weber; "Trnumerl," by Schuraann;Valsc op. 18, by Chopin; Valso In E flat, by Du rand;Valse, "Caprlte,"by ltubenstein; Valso "Styrlenno alid La Gnzzelle," by Wallen haupt; "Dream of Paradise," beautiful sa cred song, by Gray. All day Saturday only 10c per copy. Call or send for catal ogues, which are free. Exquisite Millinery A SPECIAL SALE FOR SATURDAY. We have just received a large purchase of ladies' new est style street hats, which go on sale for the first lime Sat urday at prices fully one-third less than their regular value. They are the handsomest yet shown in Omaha. Tho new Mexican street hats, regular $1.50 vnlues, at 95c. Tho regular $1.00 crush hats at 60e. A splendid showing of Fedora hats, In all colors, on sale nt $1.00. Trimmed hats In nil tho newest nnd most fashionable shapes and trimmings, on sale at n great saving In prices. A speclnl lino of very prettily trlmmc.1 hats on sale for Saturday at $1.93. A special sale of fancy trimmings at cut prices. See tho great bargains wo are offering In grebes and breasts In nil colors at 50c and up. Angora bonnets for children. In nil col ors, nt reduced prices Saturday. Optical Department DON'T SUFFER WITH YOUR EYES when you can g-t glasses so cheap. NO CHARGE for examination (by skill ful refrnctionl8t). A full line ot frames nnd lcnrcs of tho very best finalities. Repairing a specialty. 17 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00. li-pouml package Superior IJreakfast Food, made from the best Pacific coast while wheat, JlMc package. 2-poiind package whole wheat granules, made from best .Minnesota hard wheat, 112 Ac package. Jersey Cream Flour, 95c sack. I-pound packago self-raising pancake flour, SISc. 3-pouud can Silver Drip Syrup, 9c can. Columbia Cream, 7i4o can. U'hlto onions, per bottle, 8Uc. Sweet or sour pickles, per bottle, $Hc. Condensed milk, Stic can. 3-pouud can grated pineapples, per can, 12Vic. Tall can red Alaska salmon, 124c can. Fancy Oregon prunes, per pound, Cc. Select sugar prunes, per pound, 7Ho. Extra fancy Washington prunes, per pound. 10c. Yellow Crawford penches, per pound, 9V4e. Extra select largo Mulr peaches, per pound, 12V4c. II UTTER AND CHEESE. Country butter, per pound, 12Hc Rest country butter, per pound, 16c and 10c. Good creamery butter, per pound, 19c and 20c. Wisconsin full cream cherse, 12Hc. Now York full cream cheese, 14c. Sap sago, 7c. Saturday the Windup of That Great Sale of Auction Silks. All of the fine silks remnlnlnc from tho big miction sale will positively bo closed out Saturday, nud this great sale of miction silks will be a thing of the pust. This O rand Silk Sale bus created a whirlwind of excitement nnd the prices which wo mak on Saturday should bring such crowds that It will test tho emuiclty of this Immense department. D'nck Pongee Silk, nnd only one dre pattern to rnoh customer, on sale at lfic Tho biggest Taffeta value In tho United States-black nnd all colors, 27-Inch wldo at only ii'c. Cheney Pros. Finest Foulard, from the nuetlon snlo, worth up to $1.50, tit Cc. Fancy Silks for waists. In stripes nnd IIimds. In nil the latest colors, 59c. Heavy Dlack Peau de Sole, all puro slik. 27-lnches wide und worth $2.50, for $l.CV Wo show moro new silks than nny other sltk department In our city, many times over and hnvo put prices down, down, down for Saturday, so don't forgot. Wlnslow Taffeta Is a taffeta with a record, tt tins proven by years of use to bo the best, nnd nny other taffeta represented to you as being us good should first get a reputation, Wo soil for $1.00. Chickens and Meats Fresh dressed spring chickens 9o Fresh dressed chickens 8 Vic No. 1 bacon HHc Rest new bologna ; 6c Short ilbs corned beef Ec Good salt pork SHc 5 lbs. best lard COo Flew Orug Prices Unlversnl silver polish 39c $1 beef, wlno and Iron, per bottle 20c Celery and Cola 43c Sarsapartlla 43c Camphor Ice, per box 8c Juvenile soaps, per cake 3c Fleur-dc-lls fnce powder 15c Toilet soap, per box 6c HAYDE BROS Letting Down Prices on Parlor Tables Wo havo Just secured n fine lot of polished tables and stnuds, nil new designs, ma hogany blrdscyo maple, and golden oak, Saturday you ran buy a high grado flno looking Parlor Table, at a lower figure than similar goods havo over been offered bo fore. Tables ut $1.95, $2.50, $3.46, $3.85, $1.25. $3.50 and $0.00. Flno solid oak ruantlo Folding lied, pen cil weave, spring imported, $12.50. C drawer oak chiffonier, $0.50. Quarter sawed, squaro Extension Table, $5.60. Oak Sideboard, swell front, golden finish, French bevel mirror. $12.60. Special Saturday Bargains 0k ' Did you seo THE REGAL UNIVERSAL. jjUL double heating base buruer, tho finest stove in Omaha. Heats 'em all. Something new this season, tho mirror nickel plntlng, thn greatest heater and fuel saver ninde; sclW jj'jjaJI regular for $17.00 our prlco $39.00. gcagr'ffr . Tim CYCLONE HOT RLAST keeps llro 4&Y&cLyi rSVlMh s l10Urfl' burns conl, wood or nnythlng eS'fMlSw olso' ,8n,, fo.95. luch, $7.95. OSnfr WOOD A 111 TIGHT Hums nil Idivln t,f mwmm . ff4JS THE MEDALLION No. 8 Cook, lnrge 18- mfili&tir ,n n ovon' VPr' nlc'"' smootn casting, nicely JVWjsSiS nlclpl Pln'cL fln bnkcr. $11.95. i.sWS1 6 holn CAST HANOI:, with "fl.lnrh ni..n :t 'J 'l' HA ki - - - " - ' ------ - &ZjfrXSll with pnnme1fil rrsrrvolr. would ln rhrnn -mn.j rf? v- n i ' r 7fr-?Wl&7W&!A for S20.00 our tirldo JJlfi.iD. nrwu i ll Ctarr .B ' nuuaoiuiiiiiMiiK uuuud mmmmmmm i nod. .. " iSaWWX. Stovo Hoards, wood lined t.9c t'XMHrM lflnrtllnir llntnhxt 10,, X" No. 8 Gnlvanlzed Rollers 69o r-SELL3 on qxjaut. K0S?ci.T.:.::;::v:::::::::::::: Z 2-quart Granite Tea Pots 25c Galvnnlzcd Tuba 39a Pott's Iron Handles 5c 60-pound Flour Hlns 00a Leatherette Lunch Hoxes 10c Polished Claw Hammers 9c is: 3 M.'VUJ7U,-l',J-i'fJ.-, not. .SEW USE FOR DERMATOLOGY Husband Changes His Facial Contour and Eccapca Wife's Eccognition. BOARDED AT HER HOUSE FOR OVER A WEEK foraot to I'ny lllr Mill Wlirn Left mill Took llli Little JlitUKlitiT .tuny "Itli Him. He If tho theory ot Mrs. Harriet Vandagrift Is corroct. n now uso has been discovered for dermatology, or facial Hiirgcry, which haillrecontly sprang Into promlnenco In tovMil of tho larger cities. Her husband, sho bays, has had his countenance altered according to this method, nud It so changed his appearance that alio didn't know him. His disguise was complete. Tho surgeon hod changed tho contour of his face ns effectually ns n landscapo gardener mom flcs tho topography of a terrace, and she Is Inclined to bellevo that hl3 mien Is im- nroved. Thus "masked" H. J. Vandagrift entered tho boarding houso conducted by his de sorted spouso, whom he hadn't aecn for two yenrs. shared her hospttalUy for u week and decamped, tuklng with him their llttlo daughtor, Cora, 8 years old. IIo went away without, paying his board bill, but Mrs. Vandagrift ban hla trunk, and It was while rummaging through the old clothes and trash In tho Saratoga that sho discovered tho Identity of her lata guest Mouday a noto appeared In Tho Heo to tho effect that tho child hail uisappeareu Mr. Harriot Vandagrift. who ruus f boarding houso nt 2420 Illalno street, did not at that time connect the disappear anrn nf "Fred Miller." tho stranger, with thut of llttlo Cora, but supposed tho child had run away unattended. It was not until sho began to search through tho trunk ho had left, hoping "to And something of valuo to offset his debt, that she chanced upon sovorul leltord uddressod to II. J. Vanda grift. Tho contents of theso letters cleared away tho mystery. Tho man wno nan in troduced himself to her ns Fred Miller wns her husband who had deserted her in tni cniro two years before. A surgical opera- Hon and a heavy growth nf beard sufficed to mako hla disguise effective Just why Vandagrift saw fit to havo his nhysloKnomy altered Is not apparent though his wife Inclines to tho belief that It was ts aid him In escaping tho responsi bility for some crime. Govern! years ngo she nays, ho was arrested In Chicago on a chargo of forgery and was photographed according to tho rules oi the liertlllon sya tern. His caso nevor came to trial, how ever. It is her opinion that ho has "been In soma moro mischief" and that his vlsai; was modified to elude the dectectlves. Kosfl Completely .Millie (Her, Vaudagrift's uoso wns retrousse; it I now aaulllno. That, ho far as his wiro I able to say. Is tho extent of tho motamor ohosU wrought by tho nurgcon. Tho rest Is naturo's own work nnd consists In n hKiw. full, black beard. Prom hints dronned In ono of the letters found In hi trunk It appoara that ho haB visited one o ih facial Burgeons lu Now York who ad v.rttiin to correct Inartistic outlines of feature, ihako big mouths Binall, stralghton crooked noses, pin 'back protruding enrs removo smallpox marks ana generally ini nrnvo unon naturo's handiwork In tho mitf tor of tho human face divine. Ho has elab orated upon tho Idea of tho dual Identity, From the II. J. Vandagritt witn n turu-u noafl ho has becorao Fred Miner, win. Roman noso. He Is a t-ort of a Jekylt and Hdo monstrosity, but In lieu ot the rastor rlous salt Used by Stevenson'B character the transformation U wrought by the sur iron's scalpel- Mrs. Vandasrlft called at the police station yesterday for the third time this week, tho purposo of -Tier last visit being to report that her child had been ocnted In Coffcyvlllo, Kan., with her hua- and's parents, nnd that , sho had ceased to worry concerning its safety. "Cora Is n smart girl," said she, "and know hhe'd bo pretty near ablo to tako are of herself. Hut in to him (her hus band) ho was a puzzle to me. Of course he reminded me of my husband. A hun dred times whilo ho was In tho house I cuught myself staring at him and trying o reconcile him with tho father of my blld, but a glanco nt thnt profile Invari- bly convinced mo that I was mistaken, Ho seldom spoke, and never onco did ho ook mo square In tho eyes. If he had I bdlcve 1 should have known him In splto f all." Tho police havo ben advised of Vnnda- grlft's curious exploit since Tuesday of this week, nnd have been working quietly on the case upon the theory that he was till in tho city with tho child. So far ns they havo been nble to learn ho Is not wanted" for any crime.. For ii Cold In Die Hcnil. LAXATIVE RROMO.QUININE TABLETS. HEAT. CUTTERS END BOYCOTT limhnrRO l.nlil Ipon I'roilucln nf Swift1 PuokliiK Hoiimo Mr- moved !- I'ltlou'd Order. Word has been received In Omaha that tho boycott declared on the products of tho Swift Packing company hna been raised by the Meat Cutters' union and that tho formal nctlon will be announced at tho meeting of the Central Labor union to night. ThlH action ends oue ot the most prolonged lnbjr contests of thn country, Over two years ago tho trouble between Swift and tho cutters' union started In Chicago and Kansas City. So far as known tho conditions causing tho strike In those cities did not exist In South Omaha nnd ns a matter of fact members of tho union have worked in tho South Omaha houso during tho tluio tho boycott was declared effective. The matter was taken up by the Ameri can FtMierutlon of Labor and nil nmilatcd societies endorsed the action ot tho moat cutters, placing fines upon nil members purchasing tho product of the Swift houses. Tho right wnxed warm for timo, but chunglng conditions In the cities where tho packing houses wero located brought about chnngea lu the houses so that today some ot tho causes ot com plaint havo been removed and others have been lost sight of. The ending of tho strlko cannot bo considered a victory for either side. ('limp Nciir Djjnii. "For threo daya nnd nights I suffered agony untold from an attack of cholera morbus brought on by eating cucum- here, m'8 M. K. Lowthcr. clerk of ths district court, Contorvlllo, la. "I thought should surely ill a and tried a dozen different medicines, but all to no purpose, 1 sent for a bottle of Chamht rlaln'B Coll Cholera nud Diarrhoea Remedy and threo doses rllovcd me entirely, I went to sleep and did not uwake for eight hours On awakening n few hours ago I felt s gratified that tho first work I do on going to tho office is to wrlto to tho manu facturcrs of this remedy and offer them my grateful thanks and say: 'God bless )on and the splendid medicine ,vou make.' Yellow I'orr on Slili1nim-il. NEW YORK. Oct. ID. -Joseph .Mendel nf rhlcaco. n Mrst-chitM enliin ,,nnr nn the ward lino steamer fvi which arrived on Tuesday. October 10. from Havana, was ainone those removed to ti.tfm,,,) tHlanil, for observation I ru plained of feellnp 111 nnd wjh removed, to Swinburne island hospital for treatment Las evening he developed unmistakable symptoms oi ycuuw ifvcr, nr uoty say tho ense Is mild and the patient Is dolni fairly today. t apT to i ! The Great Suit Sale Continues New additions arrive on every train, adding new laurels to our great and growing Cloak and Suit department. Tke Sle Continxies Throvigh Sactvirday aiYa Monday More help today, No waiting, Don't delay your buying and expect to get the choice of the selection, fresh new sntrnients. ih si to to i Lot 1. 125 Women's Tailor Made Suits in homespuiiB, cboviots and serges, all now shapes, plain and trimmed, suits that cost to manufacture from G to $10, go at $4.90, $6.90, $7.90 (0 Remember these suits are not sample suits thrit.have been carried from city to city (ft and handled and rehnndled by merchants throughout the country, but clean W (0 Lot 2. 175 Women's Tailor Made Suits in Venetians, pebble chevi ots and broadcloths, new blouse and eton effects, plain and trimmed suits that cost to manufacture from 12 to $15, goat 9.75, $10.75. $12.75 Lot 3. 85 Women's Walking Suits Made of heavy cheviots, plaid back golfing materials and heavy pebble cheviots, jacket the new blouse or double breasted tight fitting elfect, skirts made with now back, finished with from 10 to 14 rows of stitching at bottom, Buits that cost to manufac' lure from $12 to $18, go at Lot 4. 115 Women's Ta.ilor Sviits in fine Venetians, imported cheviots and broadcloths, all new and stylish, blouse and eton effect1, suits that cost to manufacture from $18 to $25, go at $14.75,$I6.75,$18.75 Lot 5. 100 Women's TaJlor Made Suits in imported coverts, zibo lines and fine broadcloths, every suit in this lota copy of Paris and Berlin models, and cost to manufacture from $25 to $40, go at $22.50,524. 75,529.75 30r6ro6fct6iiia6a $9.75, $12,75, $14.75