Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bovb' Knee Pants
good wearing,
per pair, at
Boys' Reefers, good union boavor,
Qeti Good Orowds and Hears Somo Mora
Oolloga Chaffing.
Paja Ilo I !Vt Kit li lln In tlin Sen
ate) llromme of II In l'ltiun
clnl nml llinlnomi
HOCHKST1SU, N. V Oct. 19. lion, W.
J. llrjun reached tula city at 9:5a to -
night and mado two speeches hero. Tho
Bret of thuso was made from u balcony
In front of the Powers houso nnd tho
Hocond in Fltzhugh hall. Preceding tho
speeches there was a stroot parade from
the New i ork Central depot to tho comer
of tho olty and It na ono of tho most
elaborate as well as ono of tho most en
thustastlo demonstrations that bus yet
been mado In honor of tho democratic
candidate. Ho was escorted by bunds and
marching clubs and tho broad streets of
the etty vy,ore bo crowded, with people
that It was extremely dlllicult for the
pollco to force a way for him.
Mr. llryan addressed a son of human
beings lu tils opening meeting. They re
ceived him with loud cheers and lisi.nad
Ha well aa such n multitude could for
about twenty minutes, during which time , closed with n meeting nt Itochostcr late
Mr. llryan presented tho Ibsuis of tho tonight. The mcotlngs of the day wero
campalgn. It was 10 o'clock beforo ho'gouorally ell attended and those- at
reached Fltihugh hall. There ho met
n densely packed nudlenco, which bad
ivnttnri tvn hnurs for htd cnmlnir. lit) waj
received with prolonged ehcer3 and re -
celved close attention and much fipplauso
from start to finish, Tho speech was a
presentation of the questions of tho cam-
palgn nnd Mr. llryan said ho believed
that .when theso questions' wero as well
understood In tho cast as they are lu tho
Cutnrrk Out Ilo Cm roil.
Catarrh Is a kindred ailment of con
sumption, leng conaldored Incurable; and
yet there Is ono remedy that vylll positively
cure catarrh in any of lt3 stages. For
many yonrs this romcdy was used by tho
lata J)r. Stoveus, a widely noted authority
on U1 diseases of tho throat and luugs.
Having tested its wonderful curative pow
ers In thousands of cases, and
relieve human suffering, I will aend free
of charge to all sufferers from Catarrh,
Asthma, Consumption, and Nervous
Diseases, this recipe, In German, French or
Kusllsh, with full directions for prepar
ing ant using. Gtnt by mall by addressing,
with stamp, taming this paper, W. A.
Moxso. Stt l'owvra' block, Rochester, N. V.
Not only the
Good wearing
and Covert
125, equal in ovary way to custom tailoring
all this season's best styles
Marvelous Values in Boys' Clothing
perfection in
Boys' Vestee
material, ages
3 to flat
Boys' Long
19, in wool ma
terial, single
or double
breasted, at. .
west tho democratic contention would bo
as popular hero an there Mr, llryan
MP olio for nn hour nnil twcnty-llva min
utes, concluding his speech at
o'clock. Tho entire nudlenco remained
until tho end.
Collide MllU Cornell llo.
Colonel Bryan today experienced hlB
socond encounter of tho campaign with
collcgo Btudonts. It occurred at Ithaca
and tho students wero from Cornell. Tha
Incident was not bo exciting as nt Ann
Arbor, for tho reason that tho young
men were not no persistent, but thora
was ono fcaturo of interest not noticeable
at Aun Arbor. This wan tho participa
tion of young women in tho affair. A
hundred or moro members of the opposite
sex were stationed nt tho windows Just
1 back of tho stage nml they disturbed tha
! proceedings by lowering posters bearltig
, pictures of 1'rcsldcnt McKlnley. Tho
' young men greeted these with yells, A
j largo percentage of tho students wero In
I sympathy with Mr. Ilrynn nnd some
, shouted lUBtlly for him when his replies
to tho questions of their fellows were to
their liking.
Tho day 'was rendered Interesting by
n (spirited meeting at Auburn, the home
during his lifetime of Secretary Seward,
and by Mr. Dryan's pointed reference In
his speech there to tho mauagur of nn
tmportunt manufacturing enterprise lo
cated ut that point, which he Intended
should have greater than local applica
tion. Speeches wero made during tho day
at Cortlaudt and Ulnghamton nnd sor
eral smaller places. Tho day's work
1 Ithaca nnd Ulnghamton wero especially
large. Probably the ltlughaniton meeting
1 wns thn innRt pnthiiflLftftlc of Mia iIrv.
1 Mr. Bryan's Breech nt Cortland was ad-
; dressed almost wholly 'to tho fanners, and
ho tlicro expressed the opinion that ono
tanner out of 100 was benefited by re
publican policies. Ho pleaded to his audi
tors to throw off the yoko of partisanship
i nnd assort their Independence. Ho declared
tno farmers wero every year owing moro and
owning less of tho wealth they create.
At Ulnghamton, hern Mr. llryan had tho
largest and imut enthusiastic nudlenco of
tho day, ho took especial notlco of the fast
that came of tho manufacturing plants of
that town wero closed, saying: "It Is strange
to mo that It Is necessary for you people
to havo an empty and silent tnnucry and
match factory In a town nud not ltuow what
a trust means nnd will do. It socras to mo
that every man w UU tho powerUo think,
that every ono with reason ought to know
that Industrial monopoly means tbo closing
of factories, tho throwing of men out of
employment and the making of slaves out of
thoso employed."
Shoot It Into l)ei(MV.
In rosponso to a question In tho lllngham-
ton fl'ccch, Mr, Ilryau announced himself
Today, Saturday, beginning the second week of the most remarkable
purchase and sale of $58a000.00 worth new fall
Three of America's greatest wholesale clothing houses have sold us their entire surplus stock of men's boys' and child
ren'fi garments nt less than GOo on the dollar. The immensity of this gigantic deal and the resulting astonishing values make this sale utterly without competition. Think of
men's, children's and boys' clothing at less than 50c on the dollar not more than the cloth alone would cost.
and $26,000 Worth of Men's, Women's, Misses', Boys', Child's and Infants'
best shoes that money can purchase, but better shoes for the money than any other store in America will offer yon. It fact, we
will give yon back your money at once if you can duplicate our shoe bargains for twice the. money anywhere else.
nii moaNr bsiw rnmxm &mM wstm mim
At Less Than Maker's Price.
All wool Suits, well made, well
finished and good fitting, at . . ,
Worsteds, in faucy checks and stripes,
plain lino woolen cassi meres and cheviots,
worth up to $15.00, go for
Men's Suits elegant auburn meltons,
rough cheviots and thibets, all now styles
and makes, at . . . . ,
Finest dress and. business suits, in all
the newest imported fabrics, equal of
any merchant tailor's work, at ,
Thousand Men's Fall and
black and blue Union Beaver
Overcoats at . . . .
Stylish oxford or tan covert overcoats, double
or full lined, warranted to bo worth $10 to 312
go at.........
Imported kersey and heaver cloth overcoats,
full und short length, tho proper fall styles
Men's finest ovorcoata which should sell at $20 aud
Suits, all of choico
JUllE, till Ul
Btyl ca to select from
many with doublo
bi ousted silk vests.
Pants Suits, ages 10 to
ns favorablo to tho election of United States
senators by direct volo of the pcoplo and
mado this attack on Senator uepew: I
think If there la any state In tho union that
needa that prlvllego It is New York. When
John Qulncy Adams became a member of
congress he sold nil the atock he had in
the national bank on that day, because he
said ho did not believe a man in congress
hhonld bo Interested In lluanoea. Refer that
to Chauncey M. Depow and lot him resign
his position as senator or president of a
railroad. How can ho bo on tho people's
slilo when ho In Interested on tha othor side?
Is thero a man In this audlcnco who would
try n c.iso beforo a Juryman with Interest
In tho caso7"
DoiIkck tlir Salt Uucntlon.
SVItACUSE, N. Y.. Oct. 19. Mr. llryan
waa In oxcollont spirits when he left here
this morning. Ho was lmmetifcoly pleased
with yesterday's demonstrations, ho said.
Ho Invited Charles N. nulger of Oswego to
remain with him to the end of the trip and
Mr. llulger ncccpted. Mr. nulger was to
havo Joined John I). Stanchflcld In Ilrooklyn
AUIIUUN, N. Y., Oct. 19. Mr. Ilryan's
first stop today was ado nt Solvay, a
suburb of Syracuse, whom ho spoko briefly
to soveral hundred peoplo congregated at
the railroad station. Ilo mado no more
direct reference to tho great salt Interests
of tills plnco than to Bny that ho "did not
know enough nbout tho local conditions to
bo able to discuss tho things that his
auditors wero thinking about."
In connection with trusts, ho said: "I
do not believe that It is a good thing for
Iroland to havo n fow landlords and tho rest
of tho people tenants. Nclthor do I bollovo
that It will be a good thing In this country
to have a few men standing at the head of
great lnduatrlci and all the rest merely
clerks under thceo Industries "
Ho again referred to tho Increase In the
biro of the standing army, nnd (aid that
upon the prosont basis of 100,000 Boldlers the
cxpenso would not bo less than J'5,000,000
n year for tho establishment, or an averago
of $1 for each Individual or ?5 for each
AUHUKNj N. Y Oct. 10. It was a largo
and enthusiastic, crowd that greotcd Mr
llryan at Seward park, whore he dovoted
most of bis time to the trusts. A printed
statement credited to K. Mctcalf, super
intendent of D. M, Osborn & Co., to the
effect that In case Mr, llryan was elected
tho Osborno shops, ono of tho largest manu
facturers of agricultural Implements In the
cauutry, would bo closed, received Mr.
Ilryan's attention. Ho declared that Mr.
Motcclf's announcement was Intended to
coerce the voters, a thing which was done
by many four years ago, and ho warned the
people that this was but onto of the many
methods the republicans wero employing of
denying to the common peoplo the freedom
guaranteed them by the constitution.
For ii Col4 In tho llruil.
Winter Overcoats
Made possible by this
3-pieco suits,
ten different Pi
-ul- $
Young men's top coats, bwoII cov
erts, oxfords, vicunua, silk faced or plain, at
5.98 & 8.50
S minimi-)- of (lie l'olIliiK ( l'r-il))-
tcrlcn on (lie Crvvil of
the luireli.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 19. The vote of
the presbyteries on tho question of tin)
revision of confession of fallh us thus far
reported Is an follows:
For revision only, 30; declaratory state
ment, 2; revision and supplemental creed, 10:
BUbstltuto creed, f; dlsmlesal of tho whole
subject, 33; total number of prosbyterlcs
voting, 110.
There are 232 presbyteries, Including
tWonty-ono lit foreign lands, most of which
will not vote In tlmo for tho report of the
couimltco, nnd thero nro eight or ten pres
byteries which havo only ono meeting dur
ing tho year, In tlio spring.
A report will bo presonted by tho com
rnttteo to tho general assembly, which
meets In this city next May, with recom
mendations. Tho votes of two-thirds of
tho presbyteries will bo necessary for tho
assembly to send down any overtures tin
tho subject. Tho presbyteries voting for
rovlslon deslru ns a rulo modification of
certain expressions, such as "elect Infants
dying In Infancy," which they nsk to havo
changed so as to read "Infants dying In
lnfnncy nro Included In tbo election of
graco." Tht majority of these presbyteries
ask that the lovlslon bo along the lino of
tho reports submitted by tho revision com
nilttoo of 1892.
Presbyteries which voted for a declara
tory Btatomont deslro to havo such an ex
planation of disputed poluts In tho con
fession as wns adopted in May, 1S79, by tho
United Presbyterian church of Scotland,
which, In connection with tho question of
salvation of Infants, has adopted the fol
lowing. "In accepting tho standards It la not ro
quired to bo hold that any who dlo In
lufancy are lost."
The advocates of a supplemental creed
do not deslro to do anything with thu
confession, but simply tn add to the con
fession a brief statement of Calvlnlstlc
doctrlno In slmplo language.
I milium Are Olr:i-ntlnr.
LACHOSSK, Wis., Oct. 19. Hundreds of
Indians nro holding a. dunce nml near
Turtle laKO, win., Ill me viciiiuy iu wnicii
great cranberry mnraiiej rurm u means or
livelihood for iv larga proportion of tin
rmlsklnH. Tho nuw-wow III held 111 celebra
tion of the end of n Buccessful cranberry
Reason and other events known only to
those who pay to pnrtlclpnto In them. For
soveral days past many Indian? have
passed through this city on their way
from Iowa. Nnbraskn, the Dnkotaa nnd
other western Mates to nttond the dance.
Ilrnrlnir for Oleninnrunrlne 1'lmit.
CHICAGO. Oct. 19. Tha offlcors of the
oleomargarine pinnt raiueu lien- vmieruu,
on tho BTound that it was Illicitly con
ducting its buslnens will havo u hearlntr
before tho I'nlted Stntcs eommlsHloner Oc
tober :o unjess tho federal grumt Jury acts
on the rane buforo that dato. The concern
Is k-wn as the Furtllo Valley Creamery
.company. , -...i.-
OCTOBER 20, 1i)00.
All the
Luuo and con
Kvett), mado to
noil for up to
92.60, ten dif
foront stylos,
ull sizes tako
your choico
All tho Men's
Shoes in blaok
and tan, ovary
made to sell
for up to 14. CO,
go at
All tha Men's Shoes in blaok and t&n, pat
ent leather, pateja.'. enamel, rid kid, box
calf, yelour calf, In all the different and now
tyl of toe, elnclo, double and triple sole,
inado to sell for up to JC.OO, to at
Sample Sale
Vestee Suits
Entire eample lino of Now
York manufacturers' exclusively'
patterns in child's vesleo suits,
values from S3(& H rv I
to 5, extri
ra 4
General .IIiiiiiikct linker Sityn II Im
Comnnii)- Will .Not fto Into II I it
Tclrtcrmpu Triint,
NEW YOIHv, Oct. 19. Vlco President nnd
General Manager W. H. Baker of tho Pos
tal Telegraph company made this state
ment todny;
"Persistent rumors aro In circulation re
garding n ponding combination of tho Pos
tal Telegraph Cablo company, the Commer
cial Telegraph company, tho Western Union
Telegraph company nnd tho Amerlcnn Dell
Tolephono company, with tho Telephone,
Telegraph and Coble Company of America.
Olllcors of tho Postal Telegraph Cable com
pany and tho Commercial Telegraph com
pany deny emphatically that either com
pany li contemplating nny euch plan nnd
state that tho Postal Telcgraph-Oablo com
pany nml Commercial Telegraph company
are not for sale."
Tent I moil)- tn Kerrell Ciine,
MAUVSV1I.I 11. O., (let. 19. Mrs. Ella
CI M. .1,.. .I-... ..Itn.l ..-win..
In tho trial of Hosslvn II. Ferroll for Wio
lHlltti,. rt Pvnrrtui Tpnnnirr I. nni. Klu.
Idcntllled Ferroll nn the mini who Htnyed
. ... . ..... i.. .1... ln),
Ul liiu liuit'l lo l l.lio i.y "ti tiiu itiftui 111
the murder. She teHtllloil that she fur
nished tha Hiring with which the package
expressed to New York wuh tied.
A. U. Wft kit. li i- oiuinmin ruueemnn,
next pnvo teitlmony im to mitninnrtiint do
tall In coiinei'tlon with the lludlng nud
removal of I.ano'a body. Tho prisoner's
betrothed declares ln-r faith In him and
expresses contldence In his acquittal.
Hold .Htcitm-t for Ileiiulkltlon.
NKW YOKK. Oct. 19. Hurry Hllllnrd
Rtownrt, arrested hero on Wednesday ut
the request of tho pollre olllclals of Cleve
land, wus nrrnlgncl today nnd held for req
uisition papers to arrive from Cleveland.
Stewart fins boon Indicted by tho Suyahogn
county (Ohio) grand Jury, charged with
tho killing of his 3-nionths'-ol(l baby.
Best Dining Car Service
The Ladies'
All the Ladles' Shoes which were made to
nil for up to J2.00, go on sale
In basomont for... JL jC
All tho Ladles' House Slippers, plain and
warm llneJ, made to sell for up r" f
to $1.00, go at OyC
All the Infanta' Soft-sole Shoos, fancy col
ored, made to tell for tOo, go at r"
10c and Ji3C
All the Children's Shoes, sizes up to C, go
at 28c, 29c. COo - g-
and OVC
AH the Children's Shoes, si see 6 to 8,
turn, go
59c and 75c
All the Children's sprlng-hrol Shoes, sizes
SH to 11, worth up to 13.60, go at
79c, 89c, 98c, $1.25 and $1.39.
All the Misses' Shoes go at
89c, 98c, $1.15. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
$1.98 and $2.25.
All the Dors' and Youths' Shoes go at
79c; 89c. 98c $1.23, $1.50, $1.75
and $1.98.
All the Ladles' Shoes of every description,
black, tan and wine colored, hand turn and
hand welt, made to retail for up to 8.00,
$1,98, $2.50, $3 and $3.50.
Men's blue averallsand apron,
: dint ciji uijt
made of 0-ounco
Men's all wool dl-fl -jfl r
tricot long pantsH' 0 1
Hoys' wool knee
pants, strong
material, . . . .
All Private Diseases
an! Disorders of Men
12 Years In Omaha.
ew, never' falls,
ttlng, pain or
CVDUII I Ccurrdforlltoand tbepolsol
vy b s s -ivthorciuglily clranned from
tho system, Soon every nlgn and Kyinptoui
illHuppeiir-i completely Ktul forever. No
"MKE.VICINO OUT" of theiltsease ontheskln
or f ach. Truatment coutklns no dangerous
drugs or Injurious iiiedli-liies.
WEAK MEN ("hs or Manhood from i,
. , I, J: cesses or Victims loNrnvocs
atAUAL.LT DnniLi-rr or Kihaustiom,
Wasting Weakness iHvoi.UNTAnv I.oshUH,
Trlth Utiu.v1 Dkoat In Yoiimh and Miudi.k
Aged. Uclt of vim. vigor und htreuglli, with
sexual organs Impalrtd und wt-alc.
STRICTURE ltdlrlly rurrd rrlth a now
,h e kt1"11 Infallible Home Trent,
nna cuttl inent. NnlnstrnmpntK.nopaln,
no detention from IiusIuhis, aunurrhotn,
Kidney and IllmMcr Trenhlrs.
CimiCS UlMltANTr.lCl).
Conmltatlon Free. Trcatmrnt by Mall.
Call on or address 0 g. 4tn St.
Or. Searlcs&Soarlos, omai.a, Nob.
Kjou hare timll, korKini,
lout uuwrr ur wraLrmutf ilruiiu,
our Vacuum Ortftin I'ovolrtH-r wilt
rntor you without dniir or
elccirlcllTi tl.000 lu uii nut una
failure, nut un nu o I) fraud i wriufur
iHirtlruUm. -nt f alfU In pUIn ruv.lope.
LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. 414 Cninu Hist.. Denvtr. Coin
cr. HI-pliiknoM. tc CAntel itj orttr
Koik aa lmljuMlluiK. "lhru nuUttv
unit furrfy titoi Lost VlUlltr lu 014
or joaog.nan lit r. ma for iudr, toil-
or uUura. rrvvent Iniuintr and
1 ViM.nnirjtiou If taLiin In tits. Tl.fv
uth'owiiain'ilitli imnrimul jd tffwtaCUBU
MLore nil otlirtll. luiltt UjqI.uiiuj tbestnuln
AJaxTablxta. 'i'tnj hum curml tliounnili agiinll
rur jou, Vi a elf u poalttf a orlttou suaraatM to tt
livt i. euro In acl ca ur rafaod tho mono, l'rlci
CM rle i1" !J"1"a i'J. fix vfW&t .ifu t'
OUUOi Uiunt) for $3.60 li mall, luplalu nrapuq
ouori rvoali't of pric. -lreuiirafra.
AJAX REA1EDY CO., 7?:E$'2.
For sale in Omaha, Mob. by Jan. Fnmyth,
f02 N HtH, Kuhn i Co.. 16th nud Uouelas,
und In Council lilufTn by J, C. OoIIuven.
UlU till fl Tnr llnnatnil
dlicliartn. Indamua-loai,
Irritation ur ulrtrationl
of rnuouua rsonibtaixa
Pulolem, auit i.ul aitrla
IfHlEM'llCHtUlCUCo. n Pti.
I aoiu ir urtiKBUIa.
'or nt lu plain wrapper
hi i i. npl'l. In
tl.m. sr i Uttlta. U.7J.
UueuiM tan i vu raaou)
CTJIIKS all Kidney
I Of, l L.
uclio, rte. At true
(flats, or by uad.
Ii l-t boob, ad
vice, etc., of ur, 13. J. Kuy, Kuru.', N. Y. m
' I'tf.lltt Jl It ill ,
W. WW Method B
Mini VT.J without cu
14, ,. ll lnslinf tltni
eff.V la l u 4 4)i. TB
r1 frtTiaii ctouiiaa
Men and Boys
IjMch's paper hanger and
I Ullll
painter s overalls,
extra heavy,
Mien's capo
strlutly waterproof
Boys' vestee suits
Plages 3 to G,
hMm awar4M ha OJtAXD
mil tat aalitttai ulla all
other Aamrtcj s.l7t mt tha
Paris Exposition.
Tho (IIUNIl VU1X Iv a Ita nunia
nltlM. tha Onuut JTW-tlia hlfh
est aw.rV Othar blcyolo were
uwardod told. aJltiar nai bronM
medals and "honorubla mention,"
but there was only one Rnuisl
prlia mid the Columbia, won It.
The llleycl haa
itt,' i,.tr m txen In many
K&S Induetrlal x
. iKWlUon and
It has never failed to win first
place whenever und wherever
award have been made accord,
tun in u
itusin ornoic, iiaiitvord, ct.
Nebraska Cycle Co., Jstt"
Omaha Bicycle Co,, &oari,r.
It not, you have mlssou a iood thing.
This ezqulelle mult beverage stand on a
unique basis. It sells ttaolf. Its fame an 4
reputation is the envy of many. The palate,
tho beneficial resulta aehloved "within" the
Inner man ate the only and real Judges ot
Its merits. Approved ot by tbem, It tr.
umphantly enters Innumerable households.
Where Cabinet enters, doctors and drug
bills exit.
Kui:i icuLKi nai; co.,
I'ht'ie -IUn. OUAHA. NIC II.
a UKII "4 livid utlallU Uih ,,u
lu MMriaua 'lakaaaalhar. slarHae
llasrru HabatllaUana ea4 lml.
tlua. HJ f 7ar Prai tl w Mai 4. la Ht l'artlalar. Teaalaaealela
aa4 "Krll.r fWr 1a ( fcSi?. a?!T
Ivra Hall. I n,euu TaUanalali. IhMtr
all L.ruf
ewauta tan tun
MaDIaaa Heave. t-kOiZfU t