Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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Iuaooto'i 7otfl Will Bo for MoZinloy by
Tiauaaoia This Tima.
nmm-rr Tt TVI11 On Pvllml u4 nearly
T-TTw-Thtr.ln at It -Will On
Given to ti Kepnbll
amjx Tlnkefc.
LINCOLN. Oct. 13, Opeclat.i Tha arst
lay's rutstratlon In this oltr leaves not a
shadow of doubt thai Lincoln and Lancaster
aunty will caat an overwhelming r-publlcaa
vota at tan forthcoming aloetion. Tan total
number ot voters 'ho retersd U I.SfS
and ot this number practically two-thtrla. or
1.3H. recorded their afflllatlon -with tho re
publican party.
In ISSfl tan total voto on president la tan
clt7 at Lincoln was 1304 and of this number
tha MciClnley electors received 3,Ui and
Bryan but Z,iZa.
Ia Mr. Bryaa'3 prwlnot 113 of 16S persona
who r-gisttr-d recorded their imitation "1th
hn republican party. Tho fusion and other
party voters who r-glater-d In tala precinct
numbered onlr forty-are. Registration Jjt
precincts was:
First Total
H,i Day Voto
Rer Fus.Ana. Total. 1S3S. 1H.
tfirst want
3eond wardt
Third ward:
A CI .-3
3 3
r. ..
it r
Fourth Tint:
Fifth ward:
A ..........
13 J
.Sixth ward:
Seventh ward:
a vtr
H Ml
Totals . - l.Olrt M t.l 5lla
13tmt(Milnt h IJeniofrut.
! lemoeratji hare it the capttol aro badly
disappoint.! 'n tb- action of the demo
ratlc nailonn; .ommlttea In arranging W
J Bryan s Itinerary so that hii -lll not r
funi to Nbraika until thu Unturdny pr
ccllnf ulctlon. Tbla arrannmant will
givn ian dnmorrntla candlduto only tva
day in which to wind up bin camp.ilKa 'a
his horn state. Saturday -ivenlnu ho will
ipU: Hi this flty and Monday voainc
t!i" iilth- faT- election, hn Ul dfllvr
his laet id !.- of th campnla In Omaha.
tvhre pr bitily sevral metln3 will b
Th fuatcniats tad planned to have Bryan
devatH a week or more preceding ulectlon
to i-nmpnlKn work In NVhniilta. U belnn
hoped that h rould rally toother enouan
r.inlonlBta to lr.aure "lctory. t'nder 'he
pre.een arrnaijomi'nt Bryan cannot cover
more than i small section of the state, anil
earning so lata In th. rnrapnlsn hla spHoht!i
will probably hao but very little effect.
Mr Pryan will receive thu ruturnH from
eloctlon over -wo speclnl wires mnnlnK
Into hla homu. A room has beun set apart
In the Bryan reuionca for thH telenraph
operators and Mrs. Bryan or William J.
Bryan. Jr . will carry thumesaoes from
their tables to the reception roou. Thu
election returns will be supplied to Mr.
Brvsn by tlia two t'ompatlni; telegraph com
panies and In addition thors will be two
other wires for the tranamlHalon of private
Tho election erlc H ftirnlahod frea at
chargo by thu teleiiraph corapanlca. In ac
eonlance with thu custom which bus baan
pursutHl ever since Mr. Bryan beun run
nlnij for president. Nor will an:' charge
be made far runnlnn tho wires to hla home.
Tho prlvato meaaunua. jr most of them,
will aomo under thu hem! of "Deadhead
buaineas.' and oonneuantly tho loral tala
uraph manoii-rs du nnt aatlrlpato vnrv
(urun prudtB from their branch alDees In
'ho Bryan horaa.
Ttiey r- Vltilutlnw tlif Law.
The attention of Deputy Attornay f!en
eral Oldham baa been called to tha fact
'liar he has vtoluted ono of tho sections of
the criminal audij. Tho uffenau churned
la that of bottlnn on election. A news
paper published In Tekamuh baa prtntvd
he details of a wafjer made by tho deputy
attorney general. It belni; aaaerted that ho
bet 1100 that Bryan would carry tho statu
by over T.,'00 plurality.
Deputy Attorney General Oldham la not
the only member of the state houso brigade
who Uua bet money on the forthcoralni;
election. Insurance Deputy Prion Is one
of tho most persistant election gamblers
In tha city and for several weaka paat ho
hua dovnted hla tlma- axulualvaly to run
nini? duwn "sura thincs ' and "cinuhea" In
tho form of wagers offered by republicans.
Nearly all of the stato houao oiSclala and
employes have placed small beta an the
electtun, but none at "hum have gone In
so heavily aa Mr Prtce.
Tho law mlutim; tu gambling on election
;a very nlain. It provides that it any per
son shall wager money upon tho event of
any election, held or to be held, under thu
laws of tho stare, or shall make any bet
or wagur on rho election of aay maa to
Writes Come
To many a facs which should still be
smooth and fair Worry doesn't brinff
them. There are no cares and a nineties
to mrrow the face. Thev are the siiia
of physical surTcnnp;, graven by the hand
of Pain. It ia the saddest result of the
diseases vfmcu at-
fect the womanly
organs that they
write plainly the
sad record ot suf
fering on the face
and form. The akin
becomes sallow, the
cheeks arc sunken,
the eyes look dull,
the body falls away.
No woman who
values her health or
good looks should
neglect to use Dr.
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription for dis
eases of the. wom
anly organs. It
cures irregularity,
inilamrnnnon, ulcer
ation and female
weaknesa. It lights
up the eye, bright
ens the complexion,
and rounds out the
sunken curves of the
"I tnlcrgrmt pirn tu re
lit recommending Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Pre
tenptian for faraale
wmliaM." write Mrs.
Sifvmnh Permenter. of TiuU Slorr. HltrlltvCa.,
Texas. "I m trouUlcd with beannif down
pain, in my bck and tiipix rrtn, aaoTt wrots
to Dr Wrrcc for .idvice. I trird hi Favanta
Prcwinilon ' 4nd ixittlc curnl me. t iVrl
lite 4 new persutt, ind I thank Dr Picm tor
my liralth. tlfo ia a b.utlen to any one wtthiim
bcalih. t have told a yreat muny of ray friend
about the great medldnrs I toot
Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, local pages, sent free on receipt
of stamps tn pay cost of mailimr only.
Semi 21 one-cent stamps for Pper cov
ered book, or jr cents for cloth. .Ui
ilrea Dr. 2. V. Pierce. Btufolo, N, Y.
afTke or on 'he etect.on of preldenf or'
' ' o prmident hn person o jffend'ng
shal' be Sued not lss han $5 aor mure
thaa 00.
This law. of course. s very jsnerally
disregarded by citizens who arn Inrllncd 1
to rlak money ocraalonally on election, fttit ,
therj aro very faw Instances on record
where It has been violated by men paid ;
by the state to enforce and not to dlaohey
the laws.
Knn Hettlna Syntllente.
It la a woll known fact that several of
tho most prominent and Influential demo
crats In the state. Including the present
democratic national commltteemaa. James
C. Dahlman. have for thH lust few years
conducted aa election gambling syndicate, j
tho pronta of which have ran Into the
thousands. It has been rumored that the
syadicato has been reoriaalsed for opern
uons In tbla campaign. '
It would bo Impossible to estimate with
aay fair degree of accuracy the amount of i
money wa,tored In Nebraska this year on 1
'he result of the November election, but It ,
would probably be safo to tssuma that It i
wilt exceed that of aay preceding cam
paign for ten or twelve years. The fusion- ,
lata, however, have been very conHerva-1
tlve In placing thoir beta nd those who 1
"bet to win" flgat shy of all wagers on
tho election of governor No one among
tho betting clans contends 'hat Bryan will
rccHlve as targe a majority In Nebraska
aa he did la 1894 and aa a general thing
'hey will not bet. even when odds are of-
fared, on a plurality of over S.OOo.
3n far aa kaown, no beta have been made
la Nebraska on the result of tho nntlonal
election. Tha odds of two and half anil
three to ono offorM on McKlnlcy's re-elec- J
tton by men la tha east have discouraged
tha Nebraska democrats and It would be ax- '
ceedlagly difficult to And many people In j
'hla stato who would rlak money it aay odds
on Bryan's election.
Hnvr Tliey Mike Dope.
It has bf-n frequently urged that the I
fuslonlsta should offer aa largo oddn on Ne
bnutka ,ia the republicans do on tho national
election, but tho fusloniata do not look at
tho situation that way They assert that
aa the republicans claim they will carry tha
sUito rhey should offor even money on either
their presidential or stato tickets. It could i
be said that aa the democrats claim they will 1
elect Bryan they should offer evan money on i
tha national election, but there probably la !
no caao on record whera a democrat haa )
vagnred money on Bryan on that busla. j
In this city oulta a number of nven money
beta havu been mado on tho election of
governor. John T. Dorgan has naked JTOU
on tha election of Charles H. Dietrich, a '
portion of which waB covered by W B. j
Price. Even when oven money la offered It I
Is hard to ilnd men who are willing to bet an ,
Poyater. I
Complaint haa been aied with tho au-1
thorlties charging J. E. Rlggs, owner of one
of tho principal drug stores, wtth selling
Uuuor without a license. The authorMos
say they mean to prosecuta all druggists
found violating the lluuor laws,
i-. V WHaon was seriously inlur-d In a
fall from a street car on O street this after- j
noon. He suffered a severe cut on tho head. ,
but will recover.
i 4inlan ir the Grnnd Lml' t York
j Come t an Kilil.
I YORK. Neb., Oct. 10. (Special.) Yes
' terday was tha third day of tha annual
meeting of the grand todgo of Independent
Order of Odd Fellows at York. Consid
erable bualnusH waa done at tho morning
j it-salon. The different commutes made
their reports at tho aftaroon si-sslou.
Thu following grand todgo officers were
' elncted for tho ensuing year- P C. John
' sen. grand maater. Holmea villa. C A.
I Randall, deputy grand maater. Nawmaa
Grove N. V. Harlua. grand war-Ian. York.
I. P Gage, grand aecretary. Fremont; T
' B. Bryant, grand treasurer. Omaha; O. O.
Snyder, grand representative. O'NuiU;
i Georga W. Morris, 'grand representative,
j McCoolt.
The Kearany "puah" was here and suc
CLeded tn having Kearney selected for tho
. nmnd Indue meeting. This closes
the vaoion of tho grand lodge meeting
of this year and tha delegates are leav
ing for their homos on today a trains.
At the Rebekah stato assembly the
mt-eun-; wno called at S 20 o'clock lu tho
merging, all oncers being present. Tha
annual roport of all tha states shuwed a
large ?aln of membership. At thu even
ing sasHtun a reception w.tb given to the
grand lodgo officers, delegates aad visit
ors by Evoning Star lodge No. 53. Tha
unwrtttaa work of tho degroe waa exem
plified by thiu lodge, much to tha gratl
ncntion ot tho visitors. There waa also
a 5no program of songs, recitationB and
pantomime. Afterwards refreshmunts and
punuh wore served to over S00 people.
Tha following officers wero elected Mrs.
Emma L. Talbot, president. South Omaha.
Mrs. Lucy J. Barger. vico president, Ho
bron. Mrs. Livingston, grind warden. Fre
mont. Mary A. faldwoll. grand secretary
Mrs. Stuht. grand treasurer. Omaha. Mrs.
Carrlck, grand marshal, Corad. Zae M.
Fisher, grand conductor. Plattamouth,
Mrs. Reynolita. grand chaplain; Mrs. Pat
ter, grand lnalda guard. Ord, Mrs. Crca
sick, grand outaldo guard.
.-nrei L'p a Huralar.
SEWARD, Neb., Oct. 19. (Special. I
Burglars mado an attempt to loot Goehnor
Bros, dry goods store laat alght and Fred
Ooehner Juat escaped being shot. Fred
forgot his overcoat when ha locked tho store
and went back after It about 10 o'clock and
while thero thought ho would go down (n
tha cellar and sea If thorn wore any rats in
'ha traps that hail been set. White he
was tn tha collar ho beard same gloss break
In the roar of tha atoro and want up to
investigate. On opening tha cellar door
ho pushed against a man who seemed aa
much startled as hlmnvlf and who, after tak
ing a hasty shot at Fred, lumped throng a
window and escaped.
Cannot stnad far Fnltun. ,
PAWNEE CITY. 'Neb.. Oct. 19 .Spe
cial. I Tho Pawnea Press, tha only demo
cratic paper in Pawnea county, asserts
editorially that It will not, cannot sup.
port E. T Fulton far state senator from
this i the First! district. Matt Goring ot
Plattamouth aud Fred Haaalar of tho
Press hero aro very elusa frtenda, politi
cally and otherwise. Tha republicans havo i
i walkaway with the state senatorshlp
wtth Francis Martin ot Falls City as thoir
candidate. Pawnee la coming all right-
Examine Ilnral Delivery Rontee.
TABLE ROCK. Nob., Oct. 19. (Special. i
C. E. Llewellyn of Omaha, special agent
of tha pastoiScB true rural delivery, waa
in town a day or two ago looking after
the establishment of a routo from this
place. Aa there have been two or more
proposed routes and there will havo'to be
mora preliminary work dona ha will re
turn a llttlo later to datermlna tha matter
and establish tho route selected.
Mercer Talka at Arlington.
ARLINGTON. Nab., Oct- 19. (Special.)
t Hon. David H. Mercer and W F Wapplch
' spoka tn Masonic hall here yesterday after
i noon to falr-stzed audience. A targe
number of women were preoent to hear tho
1 ipeaktng. There la no doubt but what
Mon-er will hold his awn In thia (Arlington)
inna for Largn Sam.
NIOBRARA, Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.) A
rune has been commenced in tha district
rottrt of Knox county by Mrs. Marl Randa,
administratrix at her lata husband's estate.
Vac Raada, who waa county eirk of this
county tor twelva yer, against Max Randa
Lad wlfo for KO.JOO,
Hcputjlfcan Daj at Saoade-a County Capital
Made x Ettnissr.
MelMeJohn and VnitrcTrs Iddresn Two
Lurwe Cruril lit tilt Bvenlmc
After n nrltllunt Street
Demon it rut Inn.
WAHOO Neb.. Ort. 19 Special Tele
gram, i Tha dny s republican political
demonstration, beginning wtth the speeeh of
Chulrman Ranna at 3 o'clock, continued to
night wtth all tha enthusiasm witnessed In
tha afternoon. The crowd did not diminish.
Tho people came to hear the evening
speeches as well. AMlatant Secretary of
War GeargB D. Melklt-john spoke at the
Wahoo opera house to a magnificent audi
ence, while a simitar meeting wa held In
'ho Winter opera house, addressed by ex
Oo'ngresamun W. E. Andrews, tha speakors
afterward exchanging audiences. Each ably
ilsruH'Hl 'ha vital political Issues of today
and worn frequently Interrupted with tho
most eilthualnstic applause.
Preceedlng tho speaking 'here was a grand
torchlight parade. In which mere were about
l.'KH) marchers la Una. composed of four
bnnda and republican clubs from Ashland,
fednr Bluffs. Mead. Weaton. -Wahoo. Mem
pbla and Malmo and other towns. It waa
one of 'he anest political demonstrationa
ever witnessed in ?aunders county Today's
great meetings havo sent a ehtll through tho
fusion, u-owd.
11iiter nIIy at I'.iJrliitry.
FVIRBCRT. Nob.. Ort. 19. Special, i
Vi-sterday waa a good tlma for republicans
and they gave Congressman Llttleacld and
P ". Hoana a hearty greeting. Every parr
if 'he county waa well represented in the
parado In 'ho afternoon, which waa led by
tho McKlnley Drum corps, followed by about
loo members of tho McKlnley and Roose
velt club of Falrbury. a number of vtaitlng
clubs from other towns and a company of
Rough Rlden and manv citizens in decoratad
cnrrtngH. In the afternoon a large crowd
In the public square woh addressed by Hon.
P Hunna and Mr. Rlnaker of Beatrice,
who made maaterl7 speeches and held tho
olostt attention ot their audience.
In ho evening 'ho McKlnley and Roose
velt club and Rough Riders hud a torchlight
parade, breaking ranks at the opera house,
which waa rtlled to the doors and hundreds
worn unabla to gain admission and turned
awny Oongreman Llttlefleld delivered ono
of the ablest speeches ever made In Falr
bury and which made every republican en
thusiastic for the success of 'he party and
badly demnrallied tho fUBlonlata.
Tunmrn WVImimi'i Hiltelilnrt.
TAMOR.X. Neb.. Oct, 13 -.Sperlal. i This
place had tho largest political meeting laat
night ever held hero. Seward sent Its FUim
beuu club and band, a glee club and a .:rowd
of leali'iia republicans. Tho candidates for
county attorney and representatives were
here and after tha band had plared and tho
glee club sang, to tha delight at rhe audi
ence, tho candidates mmlo very brief ad
dresses, and tha speaker of the evening.
Colonel Hutchens of Des Moines, was Intro
duced. Tho hall waa Ilturalty packed, the
additional ball was packed, tho stage and
standing room wen titled. Tha torchlight
parade bail been a success and the hall
waa so crowded that as many could not get
In aa wero m and 'ha 3tn;cta were tilled.
Tho colonel mado tho best speech ever heard
hero. Ha falriy begged to b-s corrected If
ha waa not right, but nobody attempted it.
Hla speech waa scintillating wdth truth and
it has donn groat good In this town.
Crrannj lr fr MoIClnley,
HOOPER, Neb.. Oct. 19. (Special.)
Oscar H. Kraft, aauoclata editor at tha
Illinois Stauta Zel-.ung. addresaed a lurgi
crowd of enthusiastic German farmora
at tho Hunting school houao. sis miles
east of Hooper, luat evening. Mr. Kraft
ha3 been doing aomo very effective work
for tho republican tlckot In this vtclnlty
and laat evoning for two hours the au
dience gavo vary oloso attention to his
remarks Tho Gormana of thu vicinity
do not belluvo In the frea silver policy
of Bryaa and will glvo tha nnmo united
support to Mr. McKlnloy that they dlu
four years ago.
Fuilon Meetlnic itt Harvard.
HARVARD. Neb., Oct. 19. (SeUI.
Stakes' opera houao waa well ailed laiit
ovonlng 'o listen 'o Elizabeth Shirley of
Omaha, tell why Bryan and Stevenson
should be elec'ed. Tho address gave evi
dence of having been carefull'' "reparl and
committed 'o memorv I defended 'ho acta
It is a well-kaown fact that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com
pound ha.4 cured more wemen than any other remedy. It therefore
must bo the best possible medicine for female ilia.
But some women make the mistake of thinking that they will try some
thing else simply because it is new Tbnt mistake la often a fatal one
fatal to the health and happines of the axperimenter.
Is it not foolish to risk thm mossiklm rmsutts of
such experiments 7 is it not mmttor to depanti upon
a medicine which has keen tried success fuHy for
thirty years, and which has mover keen found
wanting 9
Do not therefore let aay one persuade you to try something which
they say is just as good. It cannot be just as good. Mrs. Finkham's
Compound is the best, and there can be only ono best. This is not
mens assertion, but ia a positive fact, admitted by hundreds, of regular
Sely on your own common sense, and Mrs. Finkham's life-long
experience, and you w!l makn no mistake. Don't experiment wth your health,
hi good, and is backed by such letters as these to Mrs. Plnkham ;
Suppressed and Painful
Periods Cured by Lydia
Em Pinkham's Vegetable
" I waa thia, sallow and nervous. I
had not had my menses for over a
year and a half. Doctored with several
physicians ia town and one specialist,
but did not get aay better. I daally
decided to try your medicine, and
wrote to you After I hwl taken
three bottles of Lydia E. Blnkbnm's
Vegetable Compound and three of
Blood Purider. ray menses returned,
aad I feel as well and strong as I ever
did. and am raining deuli." fllss
Lena Gaines, VUaMu, Tulare Co., Col.
" Aiter following the directions
given ia your kind letter for the treat
ment of leuenrrhiBa,, I caa say that I
havo heea atirery cared by the use.
of Lydia E. Pialchnm's remedies, and
w'll "gladly reoomnvnd Them to my
f Heads." - Hiss A. B. Davids, Blng
hamton, N.Y,
The Medicine that hoSdm thm
Lydia Em Pinkhmm'm Vmgetmblo Compound,
adm'nlstration generall" mado a bid
ho German 'oto br parraytng ho Uage
nt mlli'artitm. tlffe;ted hnr T!r--i-
eleetefl wntllil ornrn fhrt rimm thrtf toulrt
lead tho Americas people a peace aad pros
perity and deplored tho fact that public
speakers and many in public office would
not toll tho truth.
Mre ?r t Rennard.
KENNARD. Neb.. Ocf. 13. apednl
Nover la tha hlBtory of Knnarl has It
witnessed such a rally as 'ia: which took
place at Metropolitan halt Inst evening.
Tha hall waa crowded tn orreraawtng. At
least 100 wern unable to gain admittance.
Tho apeaSera an this occasion wre Con
gr"ssmaa Dave Menrr. John L. Keoaedy and
William F Wapp'jrh. A gie-i ,;Hib com
posnt of women sang.
Tha Kcnnord fnrnet bond rendered a se
lection. William 3mlth. president of the Mc
Klniey Dlutrlch club. Introduced Mr Wap
' plch, who spoko for fifteen minutes. "Our
Dave" then stppped forward and received
' a tremendous ovation from -he lane audl
i enco. It waa sometime before 'he peopln
became quieted down so ha could talk. He
made a ffne address.
Dech CTiitllenices Ulen.
ITHACA. Nab.. Get. 17 Hon. W V Mien
Honored Sir- Believing 'hat rou are as
earnest In your endeavors m securing 'he
best possible government for all ho peoplo
as I am, and aa there are vir'ed opinions
as to what special taws would be 'he most
conducive in securing for 'ha peoplo 'he
gr-atest intellectual, social and iplrltual de
velopment, I aak that you allow me to divide
tlma with you. in your meetings now adver
tlsod and such other meetings that you may
Trusting that you wilt aecode to thus
Jointly discuss the merits of the varied
Issues presented to tha people for their In
telligent action In November. I await your
early reply. Kindly yours. W H. DECH.
niir Rntly nt On a.
ONO. Neb.. Oct. 13. (Special.) V most
enthusiastic republican rally wan held
hers, last alght. Charles Weston, candi
date for stata auditor: O. D. Follmer. I
candidate for commissioner of public
Innds and buildings. J. J Bonekemper .
candidate far state senator, and Hon. C.
H. Sloan of Geneva addressed tho people,
assisted by tha York Gtoo club.
Aa hour before tha meeting was to begin
the largest hall In the town was crowded
fo Its fullest capacity, when it became
nei.essary to have an outdoor meeting. .
The crowd present was estimated to be
at leaat 40(1 to 800. tho largest crowd ever 1
assembled here on any political occasion.
rtnlly itt Wtl.ionylll-.
WILSONVILLE. Neb.. Oct. 19. -.Special
Telegram.) Tha republicans held a
Ing rally hero today. A largo aad en
thusiastic crowd greeted Hon. G. M. Lam
bertaon and Stata Senator E. N. Allen, who
addressed the gathering. Mr Lambert -son
eiinnned hla remarks to tho money
question and exploded many af tho pet
theories advanced by Bryan in this, ,-ib tn
tho ISO'S campaign, catling attention 'i
tho prophecies mado by both parties 'hat
year and tha final outcome. Tho town
was profusely decorated with tings and
bunting and tho Onnbury band assisted
ia the rally.
I Mor- Votn for Prosperity.
BEI.DEN. Nab.. Oct. 19. (Special.) Hon.
Franklin (. Slatthews ot New York, a per
sonal friend of Theodoro Roosevelt, deliv
ered an address to a largo audience at fhla
pluce last evening. He spnka on Impetial
i Ism aad trusts, but ha dwelt especially an i
! Tammany hall and Bryan'i connection 1
j Those who heard the speech say It was I
1 ono of 'ho best heard In this section. Four
yenrrj ago this precinct gavo McKtnlny
j eighteen majority. This ytnr the repub-
Ilcar.a will carry tho precinct by at leaat
1 Aurora, nepnbll.rann Tinny.
i AURORA. Neb.. Oct. 19. (Special.) Yes
terday was a buay day far Hamilton county
republlcana. Hon. George D. Melklelohn
. and Hon. C. J. Greene at Omaha delivered
political addressee in tho opera house.
Mr. Greene spoke 'o aa afternoon audlenco
and Mr. Mellitejohn In '.ho evening. Both
i men mado ablo arguments In favor of tha
present administration and republican prin-
Tho republicans are enthusiastic and tha
tualonlsts dapreaaod by these splendid ra
! publican rallius.
Hnrkett ot strlln.
STELLA. Neb.. Oct. 19. (Special. )
Congressman Burkett spoke to 03 many
as could gain admission In the nuw opera
bcuso laat night. Tho hall haa over 100
opera chairs, but theso wero all 9lled
aad many could not and room.
of Agiilaaldo, condemned 'ho nol'cr of 'ho
A Grateful Woman Re
commends Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound to Every Wife and
" I have taken eight bottles of Lydia
E. Plakham's Vegetabls Compound
with moat gratifying results. I bad
beea married four years and hail two
children. I waa all run down, hail fail
iag of womb with all its distressing
symptoms. I had doctored with a good
physician, butl derived very little good
from his treatment. After taking a
few bottles of your medicine, I was
able to do my work and nurse my
seven-moatlw'-old babe. I rceoro"
mended your medicine to every wife
aad mother. Had I time, leould write
much more ia its praise. I bid you
God's speed ia your good work.
firs. L. A. norris, Welaka, Putnam
Co., Fla.
for thm largest mummer of Cures ia
Nouiiah. Wij..
'"I found three bot
tles of Peruna as s?ood
as a three weeks' va
cation." Miss Emma Henlger writes from Nenoh.
Wis., the following praise for Peruna. She
"I ttilic arat plon.stir In iicItniMV
Iciluinir tho curative ctrc.t.H of Per
unit. La.-t year my vstem was
completely run down ami our fam
ily rfiiiMttntcii T take
a trip to recuperate.
.My -fstcr-in- then asUeil me
to try i'eruna. Hrt teliinu me how
it li.iU helped her. I did xo.und founij
tliree hottlen a.- niud as a tliree
iveelJi' .le.itlon. I sh:ill ahvayx
-pea!t well of it in the future."
fc ni ma Herzier.
Peruna has been endorsed by over 50,000 prominent citizens of the United
States including the following prominent persons:
Senor Ouesada, of the Cuban Le
gation of Washington. D. C.
Booker T, Washington, of Tuskegee,
Beiva A. Lockwcod. 619 "F" street
N. W. Washington, D. C.
Senator Stephen R. Mallory, of
Pensacola, Fla.
Ex-Chief Justice William C. Cham
bers, of Washington, D. C.
Congressman H. W. Ogden, from
Benton, La.
Governor Joseph J. Johnston, of
Montgomery, Ala.
Major General Joseph Wheeler, of
Wheeler, Ala.
Governor G. W. Atkinson, of W. Va.
Mr Burltetr waa a' hla beat and delivered
ono of tha moat inBtrucrive and entorraln-
Ing addresses that a Stella audlenco had
ever heard. At least two mnro rallies 1
will be held tha republicans before
election. ,
Iloii.tlunii Interrupt Snalier. i
ELM CREEK. Nob.. Oct. VS. (Special.) '
Han. W. D. Pearno of Chicago discoursed
republican doctrine to a well-ailed house
here Wednesday night. A gang of haud
lums and rowdies attempted to break up
the meeting by continually breaking in an
the speaker with yelling and thraw'ng
showers of beans and other mlHBlles, dur
ing wbn h one of the lumps waa broken.
Will Co tn Hear Ilaiina.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Oct. 19 -(Special..
A largo number of citizens from this city
and vicinity will go to Omaha on tha excur
sion train next Saturday evening ia see and
hear oc.-or Mark M. Hunnn. The Plarta
niouth .Mi K.niov-RoosevRit Flumbeau club
and iand wi; nrohabi accompany 'ho
For a Cnlil In flu- Head.
but take a med.oiae that you know
Nei'vous Prostration and
lni ' lammalion of tho
Bladder Cured by Lydia
a Finkham's Vegciabio
' E kaji jIjw, Pinkiia.h I have used
your Vegetable Compound for female
weakness and it h:w done womhsrs for
me. I also bad nervous prohtration
was nut able to look after my house
work. A ttr taking one bottle I began
to improve. and am now better la every
way and feel like a different person.
flr3. Delia Keiser, furienville, Pa.
" Deaji Mm. PtSKirAM I cannot
praiw! your Vegetable Compound
enouc'i for the good it has done me.
I sunVrtsd frrna innammaoion of the
blndder. I tried doctors, but obtained
ao relii-f- A l 'ast I decided to wntu
tn "on. and now. thanks to mr reme
dies. I am -ntirely ruretl." Hr. K. S.
Urady. ni Lioit St.t High Bndse.
New Vork City.
arm t it v;
7 Mr-
Thousand of Chronic
Ailments of Women
Cured Every
Disguised Internal
Catarrh the Enemy
of Women.
Peruna the Only In
ternal Systemic Ca
tarrh Remedy
Yet Devised
Two Prominent Cases
in Illustration.
3yriads of Unpub
lished Testimo
nials on Pile.
Ail summer loag letters 'ram women tn
all parts of tie United States havo bin
pouring la. Dr Hartmnn'i Immense facil
ities for answering theso letters have been
taxed to tno utmost. A great multitude of
voraen have been mailt) well and happy
again. This correspondence la strictly con
adenttnt. but for magnitude bus never been
equalled in the world. Stilt thu lutturs
come. ?t'.lt 'ho treo counsel from Dr. Hart
man goes out in every mail b hundreds.
Write him. Tell him all about your ease.
Hn will answer prorantlv free of charge.
5end for free -apv of "Health and Beauty '
ddress Dr H.irman. Coiutnima. i.hio.
u i m
A Particular Good
A 3-pleco Bedroom Suit, muda of best select golden oak, ban hill swell, quar
ter sawed front, lresser top. 2?x45 inches, trimmings are all caat brajH,
band carving and highly hand
make, ilnlHh and design of tho $40.00 aulta, druaaer hua f m ((
n-a Via.inl 1(1." 1 n.,h..u " . . y, .... 1 .. W llSSk.Vy
iwii! SATtmriA v j-piicrra
Choosing an
Office Neighborhood
is quite aa Important as -housing a neighborhood In which to live. A
buaineas man cinun said 'hat tf tie wero going to start a new bualnusa
'ha ant thing ha would do would ba to buy some handsome atatlonery
Tha tmpresslon mudo by tha place whero your otflco Is tocated In
worth a good many dollars to yau. It wilt coat you no more to have
an office In THE BEE BUILDING than among ahuup droHsmaltors and
quack Joctors. Ton are known by tho company you keep. . . .
R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents.
SO Years
Every one
1 j
'YI rt
The Laadiac Stov Dwlers at tha United 5stM jell Charter Oaks.
If am D Ur hi ywr Tow Oue WWITl DINCCT TO US.
Chic.isu. II.L,
j "Peruna is of special
merit in the dis
t eases peculiar to o-
' men.''
Miss Carolina Wtnnln. 3R0 Blue talaait
avenue. Chicago, lit., writes.
"Health In Heaven's) choicest jritt
to humanity, anil vet but few are
in perfet hc' Suture 'a laws aro
not uniiei'Mtanil and doctor; do not
(id minister the Proper medicine to
these cases.
It i therefore a pleasure to find
a remedv tliat will do all it claimii.
Peruna is in mv opinion the finest
remedy for alfections of the kid
neys and other pelvic organs. nd
for women and their special diseas
es it Is of special merit.
Caroline Wlnnln.
Ex-Governor P. B. S. Pinchback, of
Senator W N. Roach, from North
Judson W. Lyons, Register of the U.
S. Treasury, Washington. D. C.
Hon. H. G. Worthington, ex-Minister
from Argsntine Republic, of Washing
ton, D. C.
Congressman Amos J- Cummings,
from New York.
Governer W. M. Lord, of Oregon.
Hon. S. Smithmeyer, architect of
the Congressional Library, Washing
ton, D. C.
Hal. P. Denton, Chief National Ex
port Exposition, of Philadelphia Pa.
g Rooms
Are only possible when
the furniture is grace
ful in design.
Ono wants tho slipping rotima
whether for them or for tho mem
bers of tho family, to bo dalatlly aad
handsomely Mrnlnhed waata plcaa
ant. airy apartments.
Our Bedroom Suits,
No matter haw low tho price, aro
always tha nnwest designs from tho
beBt mailers, and puuwd along at an
especial economy In price malting
possible the prettiest sleeping rooms
at aomlaol cost.
Value for selling.
pollahed, a suit with all the qualities af
strtT ' '
Ground floor, Bcc Bitildinu. -
the Lead.
All Sizes.
All Prices,
All Styles-
mmmamamtm. m