Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephones 613-634.
Walking Skirts
For Saturday's Sale
We have shown all season the correct shapes
in coats. Our garments aro all exclusivo styles
and the productions of only the best tailors.
Very stylish coat roado of flno kersey
In castor color all lined with Ilo
mnlno fancy collar and sleovs
three-quarter fitted back 26 Inches
long prlco $10.00.
Other swell coatH at $16.00, KO.OO,
$23.00 and up to $45.00.
Walking Skirts Special Somo very
flno brown mlxod cloth skirts re
ceived today mado with twenty
rows of flno tailor stitching C gored
with new hack Saturday's special
prlco $7.50.
W CImo Our Store Snturdajn at 6 P. M.
linn ron voiter kid gloves ajvc mocalx's pattbiuii.
Thompson, Beldem &Ca
flags ho had faith In Nebraska's ultimate
return to republicanism.
In Srnnlnr Alleiri County.
Mayor Hobcrtson presided over t)io
nutting n' Norfolk, which Senator Man
na's train reached nt 11:20, speechmaklng
being done from a platform on ono of tho
iraln streets of tho city, around which
assimbled at least 2,500 people. Victor
Dolllvcr opened nt this point for a few
minutes, wheti Senator llanna took tho
netting In hand and mado one of IiIh
characteristic speeches, arguing for tho
rr.otlnuance of tho material conditions
now existing. Somo ono In tho crowd
called out: "What nbout silver, Mark?"
"Why, It's a dead Ibbuc," Instantly re
plied tho senator. "Seo If Hryan says
anything nbout It In New York."
Tho shot went homo and after that
llanna was allowed -to purauo his subject
without nny Interruption.
At Madison, Senator Allen's home, Sen
ator Fryo made his first spoech In Ne
braska by Introducing Senator llanna In
a two minutes' talk as to what Senator
llanna hurt done for organized labor. Ho
told of tho relations between Hnnna and
his employes und said that during nil his
busy career ho had never had a strike
cn his hands. Senator llanna, without In
tho least referring to thu homo town of
W. V. Allen or to tho Junior souator from
Nebraska, at ohco began a short discus
sion of tho rights of labor and capital
and then gradually shitted to his Idea
of tho paramount Issue of tho campaign
prosperity nnd tho flag. A dashing escort
of Hough Iliders mot tho senatorial party
not only at Madison, but at Norfolk, and
they pilt n lot of ginger Into tho day's
(und Nature nt lliimnlirej-.
An Immcnso crowd turned out to hear
tho Issues discussed nt Humphrey. A
resident of tho place, who said ho was a
populist, remarked that tho cmwd was
twenty times as largo ns Governor Foyn
tor had ten days ago. Whllo In tho midst
of his speech tho englno sounded a warn
ing note, when Senator llanna said:
"That'a my notice to stop."
"do ahead, Mark, wo don't havo a
chance to seo you without your horns
often," said n voice, which alsed a great
laugh and permitted Senator Hanna to
board his train.
At l'latto 'Center the senator talked from
tho tall-cud of tho train to about 400
At Columbus ho .was given a splendid
reception, tho very best of tho day when
the complexion of tho place, politically, Is
taken Into consideration, Henry Hagatz,
ono of tho leading business men of the
state, acted as chairman, assisted by J.
1). Stlro. Tho crowd was Interested and
beforo Senator Hanna know It ho was
overstaying tho time allotted him on his
flying trip through tho Third congres
sional district. A,galu tho same old
whletlo blow. This tlmo Hanna got right
out und declared himself; that ho liked
tho pcoplo of Columbus and ho proposed
to ntay with them until ho had finished
what ho started out to say, engineer or
no engineer.
Ono of tho pleasing Incidents at tho
Columhus meeting was Senator Hanna's
warm greeting from Mrs. Schroeder, who
Salt Rheum
It may become chronic.
It may cover the body with large,
Inflamed, burning. Itching, scaling
patches and cause Intense suffering.
It has been known to do so.
Do not delay treatment.
Thoroughly cleanse the system of
the humors on which this ailment de
pends and prevent their return.
Tho medlclue titken by Mn. IU E. Ward,
Cove Point, Md.. was Hood's Sarsaparilla.
She writes: " I h&d a dlsncreeablo Itching on
my arms which 1 coucluded was salt rheum.
I began taklnc Hood's Sarsnparllla and In
two days felt better. It was not lone be for
I was cured, and I havo never had any skirt
disease since."
Hood's Sarsapariita
Promises to cure and keeps the
promise. It Is positively unequaled
for all cutaneous eruptions Take It.
rimniYV vegktahub.
AeU a a Tonlo ud Stop Hair from Falling
Out, Curea Dandruff, Brtttl Hair, Itch
lac and all Scalp Tmiblw.
Guaranteed to Cure
Whtn all other rtmtdits have ailed
or imnty rwndJ.
Sold everywhere. Bate, Sure, XaltabU
Treatise on Hair aod Scalp troubles tree.
Am U. CO., - ChteB
Far r
Sherman & .McConneti tiug cc,
MytrIlllon Xruir Co..
M. A. Dillon, South Omaha.
TrttUr hui.iulli.-d by
M.. Monrtelt Hair Uaiaar,
A. 1. UndeWnd,
KIchardkoa Drus Co.
Be, October 10. 1D00.
Suits and
Tallor-mado Suits We will show
many now styles which aro mado ex
clusively for US at $20.00, $25.00,
Flno Fi'M Wo suppose there aro
many iCdles who do not know that
wo handlti tho best lino of Fur Coats,
Storm Collars, Scarfs and Muffs In
tho city. Como In and see.
French Flannol Waists dainty pretty
things for Saturday's selling.
Wo shall bo very busy selling tomor
row. Harly In tho day will bo tho
best tlmo to trade.
years ago was connected with tho Hanna
household In Cleveland. Sbo met' him on
tho platform nnd thero was n happy ex
change of greetings bctoro tho train pulled
Srliujler llrnrn n flood One.
II. O. Russell presided over tho meet
Ing at Schuyler, which was a repetition
of tho Columbus meeting, only more so, If
anything. Mr. Kusscll Introduced Hanna
after Dolllver had said a few things, ns
a man wo "commands tho sun when ho
wants to," which brought out n tutnultu
ous round of applause. Nothing daunted
by this extravagant Introduction Senator
Hanna got back at tho chairman by re
marking that ho would llko to command
every son-of-n-gun of a populist In this
state nnd every honest democrat with htm
to voto for McKlnloy. Tho whlstlo again
warned, tho senator that ho wns over
staying his schedule, but ho went on to
finish, notwithstanding. Whllo tho party
of speakers wcro holding tho crowd In
tho public squaro with oratory and con
vlnclng reasons Senator Fryo spent tho
tlmo visiting with his niece, Mrs. Henry
W. Nleman, who resides thero
A brass band and flno team of horses
wcro in waiting for Senator Hnnna when
ho arrived at North Ilcnd. Ho was hur
ried to tho opera house, where 1,000 pcoplo
had been patiently awaiting his com
ing. Tho opera houso was very prettily
decorated with flags and ferns. The sen
ator was given an ovation as ho camo
upon the platform. He npoko for ten
minutes along the lines similar to other
Ill Greeting nt Fremont.
Senator Hanna wus lato going Into Fro
mont, his leugthened stops at Columbus
and Schuyler playing hob with his sched
ule, but, though lato, tho crowd was good
natured and when L. D. Itlchards of Fre
mont presented tho chairman of tho na
tional commltteo to tho audlcn'co ho looked
over 6,000 people, who wero Jammed In
front of the court house. Iargo yellow
badges with "Hanna" tn' blg black-lotters
wero worn by many men ahd they gave
touch of color to tho sceno that was
charming In tho .October sunshine,
But the biggest surprise of tho whole
lay was mot nt Wahoo, In Saunders
county, tho hotbed Of populism. A solid
maBS of people met the Hanna train as
It pulled into- the station and the western
wolcomo was given him. If there was any
doubt nbout tho general enthusiasm being
m tho saddle It was dissipated when Sen
ator Hanna, surrounded by members of tho
local committee, walked from tho train
through two blocks of shouting pcoplo to
tho stand erected at Linden avouuo and
Main street. Marching clubs of women,
marching clubs of men from miles around
lined tho way,, young women, mombors
of tho Ida McKinley and Eaith Koosovelt
clubs, cheered lustily, vicing with men
In a tribute to ono of tho plain people, as
Hanna loves to call himself.
Ovutlon nt Lincoln t
With tho booming of cannon, blowing
of whistles und shouts of thousands of
their fellovy cltlzons Senators Mark Hanna
and William A. Fryo wero welcomed to
Nebraska's capital city this evening
Even Governor Roosevelt's magnificent re
ception, which still lingers a plcdsant
memory in tho minds of Llncolnltes, must
glvo wny to tho demonstration that
marked tho presence In nryan'a homo
city of two of tho republic's foremost
representatives. Spontaneous ns was tho
wolcomo accorded Senator Hanna, when
ho alighted from his train to become tho
guest for a short whllo of Lincoln, It
was no more spontaneous than Hanna's
utterance when ho looked over tho mass
of people that crowded tho station nnd
pocked tho streots: "This is wonderful
wonderful. Who says Nebraska la no
standing' shoulder to shoulder wlth tho
cast jn our common battlo for tho best
in American manhood and womanhood!"
And oven an old voteran like Senator
Frye forgot his weariness In tho warmth
of the wolcomo accorded him and his
associate. It brought back to him cam
palgns in his old Mnlno Btato when Jus
entering political lire.
Two thousand marching men and women
acted as an escort to Hanna nnd Fryo
when they left tholr hotel to begin tho
rouua oi spoccnniauing arranged for thorn
By the stoto central commlttoo. Torchen
and fireworks mado tho night brllllan
nnd It has bocn years since Lincoln Baw
so well organized and so thoroughly
rounded a parade. Ana as for tho nu
dlonces nt tho several places where Sou
ators Hanna and Fryo appeared tho Au
nuorium, unver tneaicr anu mo open
nlr meeting In front of tho Lincoln hotel
they wcro aroused to tho highest pitch o
enthusiasm ns tho speakers mado their
appearance on tho stage.
Thirty Tliotiunl Heard Tliem,
It Is safo to say that 30,000 poonl
heard tho speakers ut tho thrco meetings
nud If there, Is anything In signs Lincoln
and Lancaster county will glvo an ua
precedented majority for the wholo ticket
Special trains from Ashland and Grand
Island brought over- 1,000 pooplo to tho
city nnd all tho regular Incoming trains
wero crowded to thoir utmost capacity,
i rom me orthweslorn depot Senato
Hanna aud purty wero tafcen to tho Lin
coin hotel for supper. A roceptlon fol
lowed, nt wnicii upwards of 2,000 peopl
were lnirouueoit to tno Ohio senator,
The parade, tvhlch precoded tho spoak
Ing, was almost as long as that of Hoose
veil day. Starting at Ninth and I street
at S o clock tno parado passed along
througn me densely crowded streets t
tho Auditorium. Following a squad of
mounted police, a band and the parad
marshal camo the carriage containing
senators uanna nno trye. victor Dolll
iver anu a. uounrane, cnairman of thed
county committee, followed by other c
' rlages containing candidates and prom
neut republicans,
i Senator Hanna began tho speaking of
the- evening at the Oliver theater and
cnator Fryo opened In the Auditorium.
rnm tho theater Senator Unnna was
taken to tho Lincoln hotel, whero ho
poko to an assemblage of 3,000 people,
and afterwards to the Auditorium for his
closing address. Senator Fryo followed
Senator Hanna at the Oliver theater.
nmntift Methodist lllslioo Drclnrci
for Multifile)-, Whom lie 1'tiM
lu Lincoln' C'lnSN,
CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Ut. Itcv. Hlshop
Fowler, 1J. D., L.L. D., of Buffalo, N. Y.,
spoko tonight to 0,000 persons In the Audi
torium under the auspices of tho Mnrquetta
club on "Lincoln nnd McKlnloy." Tho
meeting tB presided over uy uov. ur. j.
Wesley Hill of Hnrrlsburg, Fa., who, after
laying an eloquent tribute to tho "two
great prcsIdcntH," Introduced Hlshop
owlcr. Thd bishop spoko for two hours,
holding the rapt attention of Ills hearers.
t times tho applause was tremendous. Ho
snld In part;
I nm Invited hero to tnlk under tho aus
pices of tho Jlnrquotto club, upon two
irovidentiul men Lincoln unci aiciviniey.
n coupling- theso naino.1 in this order va
re follnwlntr tho loalcnl order, from knowl
edge lo faith, from that winch wo know to
that which wo bellevo. All men honor Lin
coln today. All men will honor McKinley
uod'H prophMs havo the rlgnt or way.
hpv ratlin liv illvttm nntinlntmcnt. They
open a now door, conquer now foes, plant
new republics and found n new civiliza
tion. Hurvinir most, tuny lira nraucn.
Mnnkltiil will nnr fnnot Abraham, or
Moses, or Porleles, or I'aul, or Hloholltit, or
uromweu, or wasnmgion. .mihikiiiu m
iinvnr rnrepr ttin rnmi or jvurnn 1111. uiu
leadership of Mosrs, tho HtatefmaiiHhlp of
l'orleles, tho masslvo Intellectual forco of
St. Pauf, tho sagacity of lllchelloii, tho In
tegrity of Cromwell nnd tho patriotism of
Washington. ,., , ,,,
in coupling tuo nnmo oi .ncivnncy
thnf nt T.llu.nttl tt'n urn oxnresslntT ll MRU
npprcclntinn of McKlnloy's achievement'!
nnd our faith In his future. , ,
if his second udministrauou sunn in ns
wlso hs his llrst has been, und hp Is
fnrltttmtn In Ma rionlll !in hn llUfl tlCOIl In
his life, mllllor.B of young-men who vote
for him next month will llvo to seo him
honored ubovo all other men of this, tlmo
and will rejoice that they luu a chiinco
to help him. I havo had no clmncu to voto
for mnny years. I havo voted for preaid'-iu
four times twice for Lincoln nnd twieo for
Grant. What I lack In quantity I nujlce up
In qunllty. 1 rm proud of tho votes I havo
cast. Ho millions will bo proud of voting
for McKinley. Tliougn ennnonaaeu io(
ho will no eunonizeu luramrun,
In conclusion tho bishop said:
i t-..- i ii im u'llt nnpk thn Itntne
11 1JIJUI1 la ci-u ..... - ,,..,1
dltito repeal of tho present tariff law and
secure freo trudo. TIiIh will stop our
spindles, fcloso our factories nnd cool pur
.'........., !!! frnllMfor OUT WOrlC 1)6-
yend the' nea to strangers nnd leave our
laborers Idlo and their f unilllfH hungo If
ltrvnit is ducted ho will call , back our
armies, turn over ull tlw tribes of tno
I'hlllpplno islands to bo robbed nnd mur
dered by tho Tngul. and pull down our Hub
from whero our heroes havo planted It.
Wo don't want that.
On the other hand what? If McKlnloy is
elected ho will continue- tho protectlvo
tariff, keeplnr our factories nnd furnaces
running nnd furnish work and high wages
to our lanorcrs. iiini is wiim u uu ".
it -vTot.-itiinv to rinrtcd ho will retain tho
gold standard, pres'ervo sound money nnd
mir unliiriPH nnd wucos In money
worth 100 cents to tho dollar. That is what
Wo do want.
If McKinley is elertcu no win Keep our
nnir noatinir over uu our ifiniuij, r
serving our national honor. That Is wha
wn .In wnnt.
If JIcKlnley is oiecieu no win uom ino
United States up to tho front aa a world
power, securo tho open door for trade nnd
tho gospel and help to perpotuato clvlllza
tlnn timet liMMiPtiltiL- the end of heathenism
nnd the Chrlstlanlzatlon of the world. That
Is what wo do want. ....
Thereforo let us send mm uac to nis jod
ItoiiiiMlcium Are Intliuslnntlc.
AUDUBON, la., Oct. 10. (Special.) Shir
ley nilllllaud of Glonwood addressed an en
thusiastic republican meeting at Klmballton,
lu this county, last night. Tho meeting
had hoen billed for Hon. II. W. Dyers of
Harlan, but owjng to sickness b9 was unable
to fill tho appointment ana Air. uiuuinna
was substituted. Tho speaker was accorded
good nttentlon and ho mado a clear, logical
l'reimrc for Hooievelt.
CHARLESTON, W. Vu.. Oct. 19. Exten
sive preparations havo been mado for the
reception of Governor Iloosovclt. Tho
city is filled with strangers and a groat
number of "rough riders" paraded tho
streets today, awaiting tho arrival of tho
Roosevelt train, which will reach hero at
3 o'clock from Huntington.
CoiiKreNNinnii Corllit Itoiioniliintei
DETROIT, Oct. 19. Congressman John
n. Corliss of Detroit was renominated by
acclamation today by the First district re
publican convention.
Majority for Itcpiilillcnnpi.
rLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Tho llrst day's registration in Plattsmouth
showed 359 names, a largo majority of which
wero marked "republican."
One In Kvery Three Affected.
Of tho 75,000,000 peoplo In America, It is
estimated that 25,000,000, or ono in every
threo, aro partially disabled from a broken
down nenoua system. America Is tho great
est consumer of coffeo In tho world. Can
you draw tho correct Infcrcnco from theso
two facts?
Many a person will exclaim, "Nonsense!'
It is easy for any thoughtless person to
Jump nt a conclusion that a philosopher
would study carofully over beforo reacning,
Think of tho members of your own family;
how many of them aro perfectly and 'com
plctely well in every respect? How many
of your friends aro perfectly neaitnyi in
qulro of them aud jou will bo surprised to
learn that tho average of ono in every threo
who aro 'sick, In tho main, stauds true,
Health dcpondB, primarily, upon a perfectly
poised nervous organization, and tho great
est known enemy to tho nervous organlza
tlon, nnd tho greatest known enemy to tho
nervous system la coffee. Its nctlvo prln
clpal Is caffeine,, which is a pronouncod
norvo destroyer. Tho action Is, first, to at
tack tho stomach, thon tho pneumogaatrlc
norvo which lies behind tho stomach and
which is directly connected with tho brain
Tho disordered condition passes thepco
from tho brain to all parts of tho body, and
In somo it will show In trepidation (well
known nervous condition) ; In others this Is
hidden, but tho work goes on from day to
day, until somo dny tho accumulation of
forces climaxes in some organic disease. It
may bo tho kldnoys become affected nnd
13rlght's disease sets up, l( may bo weak
oyes, may be ratarrh, stomach trouble, pal
pltation and heart falluro, (which is becora
ing more and raoro noticeablo among Amer
Somewhere, you may depend upon It, thi
work will Ehow forth la tho form of dls
ease. It may bccouio bo fixed and chronic
that It can not bo thrown off. It la hard to
lnduco a mau or a woman to glvo up coffeo
wheu they havo beconio addicted to Its ueo
but If such people can be given Fostum
Food Coffee, thoy will quickly chango for
tho better, for tho food drink, when proper
ly wade, has oven n more beautiful color
than tho ordinary coffee, and has tho doll
clous, toothsome flavor of old government
Java ot tho milder and higher priced grades
Tho work of reorganization begins at once,
for tho tearing down clement of coffeo has
becu eliminated, and in Its place tho
strong rebuilding effects of the clemouts
contained In tho food coffeo, go directly to
work to rebuild the brokou down dollcate
gray matter In tho nervo contors and brain
This Is Just plain, old-fashioned common
sense' that any thoughtful person can mak
use of; In fact, hundreds-ot thousands ot
brain workers lu America havo already
discovered the fact and are using Fotum
Food Coffee, to their very great benefit and
Governor Roosevelt (Notes His Tour of West
Virginia at Charleston.
Warm Hriono from l'eoilo Hverj-
Mlirre to Atipi'iit to Nlniul by the
1H- nnd I'ollry Wlileli llnve
lllven I'roiperlly.
CHARLESTON. W. Vn., Oct. 19. This
has been, politically speaking, the greatest
day In tho history of this city for years.
Early trains and steamers brought hun
dreds of people to hear Governor Roose
velt. From sections pf tho country con
tiguous whero no pther convcyancu could
be had, tho. pcoplo camo lo town afoot, on
horseback nnd In wagons, Women and
children were larcely Jn ovldcnce and thoy
camped out" until nearly 1,000 Horses and.
probably twlco ns many footmen began to
Governor .Roosevelt and party reached
hero at 3:45 p. m. ,nnd wcro met at the
depot by an escort. Governor Atklnion
was traveling with Governor Roosevelt and
they wont direct to tho "wigwam," wnicii
was so crowded that It required strong ef
forts to press through tho Immcnso throng
to tho speakers' stand. Governor Roose
velt spoko for twenty minutes.
Soon after ho started speaking a portion
of tho roof of tho wigwam gave way, caused
by tho great strain on It. No ono was hurt
and quiet was soon restored by Governor
Governor Roosevelt referred to Mr.
Urynn's connection with men who nre di
rectly lntorcstcd in trusts. Ho further re
ferred lo Mr. Ilrynn in his Now York trip
as teaching fallacies and David 11. Hill
camo In for a touchup on his connection
with corporations nnd trusts. Ho said,
after further referring to trusts, that the
republican party had mado promises rela
tive to tho matter of triiBts nnd would
keep Its- promises.
l'ree Soiiii nnl Free Silver.
"Six enrs ngo," ho said, "thero was freo
soup nnd now elect Bryan nnd you con
havo freo soup with freo silver." Ho
claimed that not one of Dryan's prophecies
mado four years ago had como true.
'Do not surrender, '' said Governor Roose
velt, "what you havo for that you know
not of. Look back four years and seo what
wo had. Tho farmers, minors nnd business
men nro now together and aro prosperous
Wo appeal not only to republicans hut to
General Joo Whdclcr was praised. Tho
speaker appealed to both tho old and young
men to remember tho flag nnd stand by
tho party that upheld It and held It a
sacred emblem of tho nation.
Governor Koosovelt began his tour of
this Btato early this morning, his train
departing from Farkersburg over tho Ohio
Itlvor railroad at 5 a. m. Tho republican
organization of tho stato was represented
on board tho train by William M. C. Daw
son, secretary of slato and chairman of
tho republican committee. H. C. Living
ston, secrotary pf Senator Elklus, wns also
on board. Tho first stop was at Ravens
wood and tho second at Mason City. At
each placo good-sized audlonccs hoard
brief speeches from tho rear, platform ut
tho train. Governor Hoosevolt spoko In his
accustomed strain, urging republicans to
help maintain prosperity nud ridiculing tho
democratic cry of jmperlullsm. Colonol
uuriis uuiiii, jr., -oc Aiassacnuscus spoko
nt each of tho morning stops and aroused
much enthusiasm.! .
At Point IJUaaant Govornor Roosevelt and
party left' tho,traln. to address a largo
crowd from a platform In tho town. At
Huntington thero wcro a largo demonstra
tlon and a street parade.
Drinbitat rntlon nt Hunt lup;ton.
HUNTINGTON, W. Vn., Oct. 19. Gov
ernor Roosevelt left Farkersburg over the
Ohio River railroad at S n. in. on u special
train. Thero wns a big crowd at tho
depot to seo htm off. Ho mado short
speeches all along tho lino. Huntington
was reached at 12:15 p. m. A reception
commlttoo had mot tho govornor on tho
way nud hero ho wbb Joined by members
of the Btato and local republican com
mlttces and driven to tho spenkors' stand,
around which a vast assomblago of peoplo
was awaiting his arrival. Tho demon
titration hero was the largest that has
been seen In this city. During tha nfter
noon Governor Roosovelt will mako stops
between this city and Charleston, and at
tho lattor placo another demonstration
awaits him.
Tho governor wns Introduced by J. L,
Cnldwcll, who, during tho last campaign,
wns a free silver republican. Roosovelt
was glvon a wonderful ovation here. Ho
was followed by Curtis II. Guild, Jr., of
Doston. Tho special departed over tho
Chesapeake & Ohio for tho east.
Jlrlef talks will bo mado at Hurrlcano,
Charleston nnd Hlnton. Moro than D,000
pcoplo from hero wont on to Charleston
to pnrtlclpato In tho rough rider parado
Croat GntlifrliiMT nt Hlnton.
HINTON, W. Va., Oct. 19. Govornor
Roosevelt and party arrived In this city at
7:30 this evening. They wero mot at tho
station by a crowd of 3,000, whllo that many
moro wore seated about tho speakers'
stand which had been orected In tho park.
Great preparations had been mado by tho
republicans of this place for tho Roosevelt
meeting and a reception commltteo ot about
100 of th local republicans met tho party
at tho train and an ovation was given tho
Cannon woro fired, torpedoes cxplodod
and at tho Chesapeako & Ohio shops nearby
many loccmctlvo whistles wero sounded on
tho arrival ot tho vice presidential train.
Roosevelt and Colonel Guild made ad
IMnnk In Ileiuourntla Platform nnd
,ot Cotton llnle Trust Suli.
Joel of HnmirkM,
HOSTON, Oct. J9. A letter from Senator
Joucs, chairman of tho national democratic
committee In answer to a query by a Doston
lawyer, as to "tho real meaning Intended to
bo convoyed by tho reference to tho 'su
promo court as It may hereafter bo consti
tuted,' M In tho Chicago platform, has been
rocelved. Senator Jones says.
Permit mo to suggest that the pnrugrnph
lu which theso words occur asserts that but
for tho decision of tho mniremo court lu
tho Income tax there would have beon no
deficiency. This question having been be
foro tho court as constituted nt thu tlmo
and tho decision having been rendered
against tho Income, tax by a slnglo voto It
wua not to ho supposed that tho court "aa
at present constituted" would over rcverso
Its decision. Hut If a vacancy could occur
and a Judgo uhould go on tho bench, who
coincides In his views, say with Justice
Harlan, then this action could bo had.
This was the contingency contemplated
by tho trainers of tho platform.
Prohibition Train at lliilllmnre.
HALTIMQRE, Oct. 19. Tho prohibition
special train arrived hero at 6:30 this even
ing, having mado flvo afternoon stops on
tho run from Jersey City, N, J. Over 1,000
persons attended the' ovonlng rally at
Hcptasoph's hall, it being nocejsary to open
au overflow meeting In tho lower ball ot tho
building. A torchlight parade by tho Young
Men's Prohibition league preceded the
Joshua Levering, prohibition candidate for
president In 1S9C, presided, Volnoy 11. dull
ing of Maine, was the first speaker, his ad
dress constating chiefly of an attack cu tho
cantoen policy of tho present administration. '
John G. Woolley, candidate for president,
was next presented nnd wns loudly cheered. 1
flo spoko for thirty minutes on tho evils
of thn liquor traffic. Oliver W. Stewart,
national chairman, gavo tho concluding ad-
After leaving Chester, I'a., at 2:15, stops
wero mado at Wilmington, Del.; Newark,
Del., nnd Elkton nnd Havro do Grace. Tho
special leaves at 11:35 tonight for Phila
delphia. Politic nt l.joim.
LYONS, Nob., Oct. 19. (Special,) Con
gressman John S. Robinson of Mndison
spoko In tho opera liouso Wednesday even
ing under the auspices of tho Ilrynn nnd
Stevenson club of this place. Tho Judge
was greeted by n fairly good audience aud
was listened to throughout.
Tho republicans will hold a meeting, with
Hon. A Rankin of Pittsburg ns thu
drawing card, nnd a general turnout of
tho Rough Riders of this country. A big
meeting is looked for.
Clilouuii Wi'liMinii's Hill.
CHICAGO, Oct. 19. An audlenco of 5,000
crowded tho Second Regiment armory to
night to llBteu to an address by former
Senator David II. Hill of Now York. A
great number were unable to get Into tho
armory and for tholr benefit several out
door speeches woro mado by tho local orn
tors. When Senator Hill arrived nt the
armory accompanied by Mayor Harrison
he wr.s given a magnificent ovation,
Herd GcIn Off Ticket.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 19 Mayor James A.
Reed of this city today declined tho Mis
souri democratic nomination for olcctor-at-largo,
nnd John L. Peako, formerly United
States minister to Switzerland, wns
promptly substituted. Mr. Reed resigned
at thn request of tho democratic stato com
mltteo, which feared that tho provision in
the federal constitution that certain otllco
holders two not eligible to tho electoral
collego might Invalidate Mr. Reed's voto.
I'linliiu SiieeclicK nt Geneva.
GENEVA, Neb., Oct. 19. (Special.) "Cy
clono" Davis spoko yesterday afternoon to
a mixed audlenco lu tho park. Considering
that tho Texan Is ono of tholr crack
speakers tho nudlenco was a small one.
Helen Gougar Bpoko for over two hours
to n crowded house. Sho started out by
saying sho was not going to abuse any ono,
but Bho forgot her protnlso beforo sho had
talked Jong.
Union Vclcriinn for McKinley.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Robert G. Dry
enforth, as commandcr-ln-chlof of tho
Union Veterans' lengue, today Issued un
ofliclal circular railing all membera of tho
order to voto for tho ro-clcctton ot Presi
dent McKinley. Thu circular states that
article xlll of tho constitution of tho order
makes It tho duty of tho commandor-ln-chlof
to ndvlso lu tho matters ot election.
Itnlly Well Attended.
ST. PAUL, Nob., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Hon. A. C. Rankin of Pennsylvania mudo
n splendid speech to tha pcoplo of
Dannebrog last night. Tho largo hall
was filled to Its full capacity, tho crowd
was enthusiastic nnd tho (JpcuVor was
frequently applauded.
Tako Laxatlvo nromo.Qulnlno Tnblots. All
druggllsts refund tho money If It fails to
cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each
bpx. 25c.
Party l.enilerN Concede Iloilfte of Ilcl-eiinti-
to IteiitiliUcann und Com
nilNNloncrslilit to Federali.
SAN JUAN, P. It., Oct. 19. Partial re
turns aa to tho registration for tho forth
coming election ludlcatq that nbout 50,000
voters registered throughout tho Island. In
the municipal elections laHt spring 51,59
votes wcro cast Next month's eW'tlou will
bo for tho choice of a Porto Rlcan com
missioner to the United States uua ihiriy
flvo members of tho house of delegates,
tho lower houso of the Insular legislature,
which will meet on January 1. Tho party.
leaders ngreo that tho republicans will havo
n majority in tho houso of delegates and
that tho "federals (democrats) will elect
their uomlnco, Senor Manuel Gasell, as
Yesterday was tho second anniversary of
Spain's evacuation of tHo Island. There
wero no olllclal observances, tho only in
dication that tho day was remembered be
ing tho decoration of tho city buildings In
San Juan nnd of certain public buildings
Miss Rertha Allen, daughter of Govornor
Allen, will bo married to Lieutenant Logan
at tho palac on October 25.
early symptoms of IJEART DISEASE are very misleading
and the patient usually suspects nervous trouble, stomach
trouble or some other disorder, when in reality it is most
serious heart disease that is slowly and surely approach
ing. This fatal error may be avoided by a careful study
of the following:
Early symptoms of heart disease are periodical lead
aches (Fig. ), flushing of cheeks or face upon slight exer
tion (Figs. 2-,'i), fluttering of heart palpitation (Fig. 4)
weakness of limbs at times (Fig. 5-5), shortness of breath
upon slight exertion, irregular pujse, smothering spells,
tendency to faint and pain in side.
It is gratifying to know that a positive and permanent
cure for heart disease has been found. The remedy is
Men and Women
Stomach and liver disorders often cauno functional heart disease. HUDYAN
promptly cures. HUDYAN cures are permanent. .
HUDYAN for sale by druggists 50c ft package, or six packages for t2.S0.
If your druggist does not keep HUDYAN, send direct to the HUDYAN REM
EDY COMPANY, Ban Francisco, California.
You may consult th HUD VAN Doctors about your. cas F'REK of CHARGE.
WR1TB. '
Druggists -Kuhn & Co., Shcrmin &
J. A. Fuller & Co., C'has. H. Schaefer,
Ulufrs, Dillon Drug Co., South Omaha
.Jury In Yontxey One l 14irttel (o
lletiirn erdlet Till .Morn
tit H.
GEORGETOWN, Ky., Oct. 19.-Thcre will
bo no crdlct In tho Youtscy cuo tonight.
When court met at 8:30 tonight tho case
was formally submitted to tho Jury. Tho
Judge told them they could uno tholr own
plcasuro nbout, considering tho enso to
night or tomorrow morning. They dccldid
to tako tho papers to their rooms tonight
and report back at 9 tomcriow morning and
they wcro sent to their hotel with that
Youtsey's condition tonight Is better than
yesterday. He has tnken nourishment to
day Without trouble and physicians say
that his temperature, pulso aud renpra-
ion nro uormal.
Colonel Nelson begnu his speech In tho
Youtsey trial at 0 o'clock today. Ho Bald
tho belief existed that Juries nro hclutf
"packed" In theso cases, for tho defendant
had been unable to secure n Juror of his
own political faith tb st lu the case.
Continuing Colonel Nelson asked tho com
monwealth's attorney whether he woull ask
that YoutBey bo tried for firing tho shot or
for aiding and abetting tho firlrg.
"I will lenvo that for the Jury to deter
mine," responded Frank! lu.
In referring to Youtsoy's present physical
condition ho said ho felt llko asking "Can a
dead man havo a fair trial as guaranteed by
tho constitution; that Youtscy to all Intents
and purposes of this trial Is a dead man."
Ho said Youtscy had a right to defend tha
executive building If It had been attacked
and his having a gun on January 27 wns not
suspicious because every other man lu that
building was armed at that time.
Continuing, ho said tho testimony plainly
showod that Youtscy was not oven lu con
templation of any rrlmo anil that John Rick
ctts' story that Youtsey took fifteen men
Into tho hall and stationed them shortly be
foro the shooting wns completely destroyed.
Youtecy slept and rested better last night
than for several nights nnd was nblo to tnko
nourishment this morning. Apparently his
condition was much Improved.
Commonwealth's Attorney Franklin be
gan his speech nt .1:35 this afternoon and
spoko till 7 o'clock. His eloquenco ut
times wao thrilling and ho brought sobs or
tears to nil, even Judge Cautrlll on tho
bench and Judgo Askow, for tho dofenso,
wero visibly affected. Ho scored ex-Governor
Taylor, saying If ho hud two sparks
ot courago ho would return hero and help
Youtscy out of this trouble, If nny of tho
witnesses hnd lied on Youtsey; that If Tay
lor had oven only ono spark of manhood
ho would now commit sulcido under tho
whip of his conscience. Ho fitted all the
testimony together nnd told tho Jury Hint
all those, things testified to could not huvc
been accidental, Ho snld If Arthur Gocbcl
had told nn untruth us to what Youtsey
told him, then Arthur Gocbcl was a worso
man than tho oue who nssusslnated Wil
liam Gocbcl. Ho cited many Incidents us
tpld by other witnesses that corroborated
what Yout3ey told Gocbel nud said
ex-Governor Dradley'a absence ns n witness
practically corroborated Culton's testl
moncy as to Youtsey, for if Culton did not
havo a talk with llradley, thon ho ought
to be willing to go 1,000 miles to confound
Culton and to save Youtsey from death.
At 8 1 30 o'clock tho casp was formally
given to tho Jury.
Ucienini No Cure, Pay.
Your druggist will, refund your money If
PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure ringworm,
tetter, old ulcers and sores, pimples nnd
blnckhenda on tho face and all skin dis
eases. CO cents.
illeWrt AVI 1 1 lie Slnile lu ICentneky
I,eKlIiitnre on a CoiiiiironilNC
Election I.nvr. '
FRANKFORT, Ky.. Oct. 19. Tho con
ference commltteo which has been consid
ering tho disagreement between the two
houses cf tho legislature, ard which has been
uuablo for tho last- few dayc in reach un
agreement, today ngrced on a teport which
foreshndows tho passage of nn election law
this week. A compromtso substltuto offered
by tho ontl-Goebel democrats was adopted
by tho conferonco commltteo 10 to 1, and It
Is nearly certain tho bill will now pass. Tho
bill gives tho republicans control of county
election boards In rcpubllcun counties and
tho democrats control in democratic coun
ties. Tho new law will not apply to tho No
vember election.
Hull lloxc Are Ilolibed.
FREMONT, O., Oct. 19. All tho street
mall boxes In the city wero broken o.ien
and rifled lost night. Loss not known yet.
Men and Women,
Young and Old,
Should Study
This Diagram.
For about one person out of
every live suffers from lieurt
trouble, functional or organic,
and nearly all wucb sufferers
are misled as to the true nature
of the malady until destructive
changes have taken place. The
HUD VAN corrects all the abovs
symptoms, for HUDYAN strength
ens the heart nnd rebuilds the
broken down tissues. Men and
women from all parts of the coun
try have told how HUDYAN saved
them from an early grave. HUD
YAN regulates tho heart's action.
HUDYAN gives ton to the heart
McConncll Drug C,o-r Mfcrn-Dillon Drug fo ,
J. 11. Schmidt, Omaha. Camp Ilroe. Council
all cell nud recommend Jludyuu,
Olfccr ) tlin S. 1 Hli Street.
S5.00 A MONTH,
(Dr. MuGre ill iiuv ("
Till! MOST .st;Ct'i:hM'UI,
In the treatment ol all form ot DIM.
HASr.S AM) IMhOltnivltS OK 31 K.N
U.VIiV, Ull enr' oMierleiiue. 15 jcnri
III Oniiiliii.
a PijftM A.MiS.vr etui: a,AiiA.vrni:n
I A !'-1jvV DAI tf without cutting, pain
or loss of time. Ths tltll KICSi' und HUNT
.N ATI HA I, lllllj Unit haa jot beeu dis
covered. CIIAItUtiS LOW.
KSP.'IIIK In all Htugc.3 and condltloni
on iiilio cured, una every trace of tha
dlxenso 'a thoroughly eliminated from tho
.No "WllJAKINO OJT" on tho Bkln or
faco or rny external appcuranccH of tho
dlBcnso uliatever. A treatment tliut Is
muro Biici':nijf ul nnd far more fcatlafaclory
than .ii. "Hot HprliiKH treatment nud at
UH8 than HALF Til 13 COST. A curu that
guaranteed to bo permanent for life.
liens, oi;n -(.nun i-am-.s t.Litiiii.
STRICll Rp quickly cured with a new
n, . . , tL "'"I infallible homo treat
.Vi11' J !""'' and Dhuldur Troubles, Oon
orrhoua, uu, t
t Lit ics :i.aua.ti:i:d.
CoiiHiilluilon Iri-e. Ti-eiiluient liy mull,
McdlclneM sent evorywhero freo from gui
or breakage, rtady for use.
Olllco hours; S n, m. to 8 p, m. Sundays
9 to IS. 1'. (J, Box 700. Onicu over 215 South
nth at,, butwveu Faruam and Douglaa Sta.,
OMAHA, M:il,
becomes languid, Irritable nnd de
spondent, through loss of nerve vigor.
Life geenu n mockery. The courage,
force, vigor nnd action which charac
terize fiill-blo-jjcd men, are lacking.
have kindled the light of hope In many
a man's fnce. They bring vigor to the
weak and ntubltlou to the dcsoiidcnt.
They permanently check the weak
ening drains, feed the nerves, enrich
the blood and make men over gener
ally. $100 per box: C boxes i.00. With n
S.1 00 order we Issue n written guaran
tee to refund tliciuoucy if no cure be
effected. Hook free, rx'.u. McmciKis
Co.. Cleveland. Ohio.
Bold by Kuhn & Co., ICth and Douglas,
and J. A. Fuller & Co., 11th and Douglas.
Oeo. ,0. Scully of T.ri Nassau St., New York,
says: "For years I havo been troubled with
rheumatism nnd dyspepsia nnd I camo to
tho conclusion to try your pills, I Inline
dUttly found great relief from their use:
I feel like a new man slnco I commenced
taking them, and would not now bo without
thorn, The drowry, sleepy feeling, I used to
have has entirely disappeared. Tho dys
pepsia has left me und my rheumatism Is
gone entirely. I nm satisfied If any one ho
afflicted will give Rndwny'n Tills a trlnl
they will surely euro thctn, for I bollnvo It
all comes from the Bj-sttm being out of
order the liver not doing Its worK."
cure all Dlcnrders of the Stomuch. Dowels,
Kidneys, Uludder, Dizziness, C'ostlveness,
Piles, Sick Headache, Female Complaints.
UlllouHiiffss, Indigestion, Constipation nud
all dlsoiders of the l.lver: 26c per hox. At
Druggists or by mall, llndwuy & Co.. f5
Elm Street, N Y Be wure to get "Had
way's" and see that the name U on what
you buy.
l.rrnt ttirnif lit v
regulator for wo-
uroi imut tlMi'liorn eni- reljrvnl In few ilttynt IJ
... .ur iii,,ii u jiit i, i in i it-1 in. i null tv v,o. nun in IIP r
linmaUUor riiHtlcl byl.ivn Drus Co.lluHalo, XV
Br, Kay's Eienovafor
Uiinrnuieed io euro thu very worst casoa
of dykticbaU, constipation, bilious heuik
ache, liver and kidneys, At druggists. 'Jki
and Si. Send for Free Samy'.s. freo IJooh
and IVrco Au..ce. Dr. 15. J, Kay, Suvatoga
N. T.
A.VIt MSAII'2. !'.
Big Souvenir Matinee
to nil iiiireliiisern of lleles
A IIA.MISU.1li: I'K'TI II1J (r
william Mckinley
AdiiiUoloii AdultN, lo nn j pint of
house, -.'e children, J lie, (iullery
J Or.
Daniels "Themeer"
Prices. Sue, c. !, Jl.Wi mut , Mo to J,
Men A time ln i
fiundiiy lint, mill .Mirht,
Fopulnr prices, We, 0w, 75c, mut., K0, fo.
225y. Bliaco's Trocadero
Tho Now Palace of liurlesqun,
.HATIM'.i: TODAY, lOo nnd ;Oe,
'Ilii; IIKill HOI, I, I3IIS,
okkit ma hpcchhh,
Matltifrs dully at 2:2l p, in , evenings, 8:15.
Night iirk-eH, P't, JK andiific.
Hmoko If you ilk"
Fred Itlder'H MfJUT OW1.B" next- wctk,
Scata now on tsulo.
iiouii, Ng,( i,0S!5e, Nervous Doblllty.
i-OHs of liruln nnd Nervo Fower. l.o of
igor and Vitality', l'lmples on tho Face,
1 .litis in ilin lii, i.-nrotfotiiKHH. llnflhful-