19 TIITC OfAnA DAILY BEE: SATTRDAY. OCTOBETl 20, 1000 READY TO WELCOME II ANN A Ohio Senator to Be Rncoived by Kopre tentative Republican Leaders. WILL SPEAK FIRST AT SOUTH OMAHA jTroop of HiiiikIi Hitler Will IJsenrI , DUIIiibiiIiIipiI HurM from Vfl, III llnti-l In MiikIo T vitr. Tho reception tendered to Senator M. A. llanna tonight while less elaborate than the Koosevclt ocenslon, will ho none tho leas tilncero and cordial. Mr llanna' comfort will be attended to during his pres ence In Omaha by a reception committee of 123 citizens tinder Chairman 11. V. Hlchnril Bon. Upon his arrival In tho city this afternoon nt 5:10 o'clock a portion of tho committee will rrort him and his aseoclatcs to tho Her (irand, whero a brief but formal reception will ho held. At Its conclusion Mayor Kelly and n South Omaha reception tommlttco will be In waltlnK to nttend Mr. llanna to the Maulc City, A sound of Hough Kldors will act as a Kti'ird of honor. It Is arranged that Mr. llanna shall ap pear at South Omaha first, where, If the weather Is mild, ho will mako three ad dresses. Otherwise tho open-air meeting near tho portolllrp, which It was hoped would iiccommodato tho thourands who could never ho contained In any of tho city's halls, will lio abandoned, l'atrlck O'Donnell of New York is assigned as an additional speaker nnd J. II. Van Dusen as chairman of tho opon-alr meeting. V P. Athcrton will prc dido at Ilium's hall, tho largest assembly room In the city, nnd H. Ilosowater will In troduce tho speaker at Koutsky's hall. Mr. llanna Is expected to conclude his visit to South Omaha by 10 o'clock, when ho will appenr nt the musical pavilion In this city. It. W. Itlcharctson, chairman of tho reception committee, will open the meeting and tho permanent chnlrmnn Is yet to bo selected. Tho time. heforn Mr. llnnna'3 nppearanco will bo occupied mnlnly by Senator Kryu of Malno. Short nddrcsscs will also bo made by W. I. Wil liams nsslntnnt treasurer of tho United States, nnd Samuel Allertnn. proprietor of a largo Chlcngo packing house. WorkliiK Hiirtl In cliritftkn. National Committeeman Schneider of Ne braska nnd other citizens mot the Hanna train at Sioux City Thursday and will ne company tho senator In his two days' tour of Nebraska. Mr. Hanna will not spare himself and today mailo fifteen speeches, tho high mark reached by Itoosoveit In Ne lirnska. Ills list of speeches In tho stato lias already been niado public Tho committee which has undertaken to nhow Mr. llanna tho meaning of Nebraska hospitality is as follows: J Ion. I.. Ttosewuter. Charles Leslie. . John 1.. Webster. Mel I loonier, riinrles J. Oreono. .'. K. Klvlng. l'. M. I.ltlillierg. .1. T, Ilelgrcn. .1. 12. Lupton. W. W. mngham. Kretl Krunlng. Charles A. Tracy. 1). II. Klrschner. John W. Hurst. John I.. Kennedy. Jacob li. Jaeobsen. llcrmnu Kountze. .1. II. Millard. Vrnnk Murphy. Henry W. Yutcs. Milton T. Hurlow. 1'. K. Her. Oeorgo W. Holdr.jge. Robert Cowles Victor Itosewator. W. It. Kelly. A. II. Del.ong. John II. Dnnlols. Joseph Hedman. A. II. Hunt. JS. M. l-'alrlleM. A. W. Jefferis. Jtomo Miller. .1. Ii. Houston. Dr. Hnnchott, It. V. Minkovsky. AV. H. Htruwn. 3. H. linker. 3cnrRfi H. Collins. J. O. I'hllllppl. 0. A. Munroo. K. C. Price. A. 13. Nov0. Jtobert (f. Howe. 1 V. Manchee. John C. Cowln. John C. Wharton. M. W. Konnard. W. 8. Summers. David II. Mercer. W. W. Keysor. W. W. Slabauglt. 1. co Kstello. Irving V. Uaxter. Jacob Faweott. James Allan. D, M. Vlnsonhaler. O. Wellcr. Vrcd Nnsli. Hen T. 'White. W. J. Connoll. Thonins M. Orr. (i. W. I.oomls. J. It. Ilahut. It. D. Uusch. Henry Hardy. II. N. Wood. II. 1 Stoddart. Ji'raJik Colpetzer. 13. M. Hartlett. W. V. Qurlov. John N. Westbern. H. T. Uavltt II. Muenteferlng. Henry Oslrom. 11, t". Jordan, (leorgo Helmrod. Paul Seward. It. C. Ilowley. I. J. Cononlinrve. A. II. IfennlngH. Cadet Taylor. J. 11. Illalr. A. J. Coleson. H. T. Furnsworth. S. A. Corneer. Frwl M. Youngs. .Mel Uhl. Vnclav Utiresh. John Steel. II. II, Schneider. .1. T. Mallalloil. 11. C. Mndsay. Charles M. ltlgg. August C. Ilarte. II. J. IVnfold. Harry Fischer. I. a. Uarlght. K. T. Hrnlley. Clydo Sunblad. W. K. Stockhnm. W. II. Klbourn. Myron I). Karr. lsanc Hascall. W. I), Whltehorn. 1). T. Mount. Simon Trostler. II. 11. tinman. 13. o. McUllton. Fred Huye. Curl 1'3. Herring. 1). H. Christie. . Charles H. Voungcrs. llryce Crawford. Silas Cobb. William A. Foster. J. M. McFarland. F. C. U'Halloren. Charles F. T'ultlo. . C. Wakeley. ticorgo C. Thompson. Frank II. Gaines. Hubert Smith. W. T. Orahnm, Clement Chase. II. K. Hurket. T. W. Hlacklmrn. l'3d Dickinson. 1 1. It. Iialdrlge. M. II. Collins. M. J. Kenuard. A. It. Kelly. W. V. Wedge. O. F. Wood. J j. 1). Holmes, (leorgo Marks. AS'. II. Rhodes. It. H. Wilcox. T. W. Taliaferro. 1i. N. Qondon. Thomas Crocker. D. M. Haverly. W. i. Klerstead. t O. Peurso. Hobert 11. Carter. AY. F. Schurlg. l' F, Iloosrt. Andrew Hosowatcr, J. A'. Craig. J. F. Uurgess. Dr. Oeorgo Tllden. .1. 11. Haynes. . David D. Shanahan. Dr. S. II. Smith. 13d ltlchllleu. W. A. AVntson. c H. Sparks. C. IS. WiUhoii. ISIlHworth Willis. S. K. C.reenleaf. I''rank HaHinusHcn. ThointiH AVhlto. William Arnold. John Kowaleskl, Fred Nelson. James Dusatko. Cal Hlchy. Dan Coy. Hurt llut.li. W. Harris. Kd Augustine. John ljUiulborg. Charles Four. John Hrlce. William Ullhert. T. 1). Stoney. J. A". Stevens. IS. K. Andrews. K13M,i:V, 5TICJHH A CO. .Aerr Hhom, .Tultnlilr for Fall and Winter AVrnr. Our new "Al'TOMOI31I,B" WINE SHOE for ladles is the very latest creation In footwear. Only $1.00, Our ladles' "STORM nOOT" Is Just the thing for golf Bklrts and rainy weather. Only $3.35. Our extension sole shoe, with cushion Insole, Is Just tho thing for tender feet; flexible as a hand turned shoo; an easy walker, and only $3.35. Our J3.15 extension sole, patent tip, but ton and laco shoo Is our "LEADER." It combines all the values of a J3.76 shoe. Only J3.15. Our ladles' velour calf shoe at $2,26 Is equal to any J2.7C shoe on the market a good school shoe for girls. Some bargnlns In boys, misses, and chil dren's shoes suitable for school wear. Children's bIiocs, 816 to 11, EOe. Children's shoes, S Vs to 11, P5c. Misses' shoes, ll'i to 2, H5c. Misses' shoes, 11 to 2, $1.25. Ilroken lines of boys' shoes. Usual price, $1.50, $2.00 nnd $2.75. Closed out at 08c and $1.0D. K ELLIS Y, STIOER & CO., Corner Fifteenth and Famam Streets. JG LEAVES DEJ Had Been Prominent Worker In Their Kanlcs for Years. CANNOT FOLLOW BRYAN'S LEADERSHIP Horn .Not Approve of tlir Fnslun Candidate's AltpenN to Mrn'fl I'mnnloiin mill Shs lie I a Di'mnauRDCi PYTHIANS WANT NEW HALL Additional Stor.v in He I'lncril on Cur tis' IlullilltiK nt IMtilitrcnth mill llnrne.T. The Knights of Pythias of Omaha are contemplating a union hall where nil lodges may bo brought together In a largo club. Negotiations arc pending wth S. S. Curtis for the addition of another story to his building at tho northwest corner of Harney nnd Eighteenth streets nnd plans havo beon submitted to tho building Inspector for tho quarters which would bo provided In enso this Improvement Is made. Tho additional story would afford almost a quarter of a block of Uoor space and would cost about $10,000. After making n careful Inspection of tho bulldlns Mr. Carter, thn city building In spector, consented to grant a permit for the addition, as tho building Is strong nnd has n foundation eapablo of bearing the ad ditional weight. Tho floor plans show Hint tho new quarters will contnln a lodge hall 3(1x50 feet, a ball room f.fixfil fcot and a dining room 33G4 feet. In addition to theso rooms thero aro several watting roomB, parlors nnd nnte-rooms, W&F. . For a Cold In tin. Mi-mi. LAXATIVE I1ROMO-CJNININE TABLETS. GOING AFTER WILD ANIMALS I. oral Itnllrnnd Men OIIIiir Tlirlr Flltitloi'kn I'rrpnrntory to .MitHltlllK I.Iiiim. Enthusiastic sportsmen among the local railroad men aro considerably Interested In tho announcements of tho annual lion hunt to bo held In Colorado during the first throo days of November. For several years past tho ranchers nnd stockmon of the western slopo havo hold an annual round-up for tho hunting of dostructlvo carnivorous animals, and this occasion Is tho great event of the soctlon and Is niado a general outing for those. Interested In sport. This year it comes at the height of tho hunting season, when deer and elk nre In season nnd at tho time when bear hunting la at Its best. As a result It affords an oppor tunity for big gamo hunting under the most fnvorablo circumstances. Joe Sykcs, "Duke" Buckingham nnd J. S. McNally are among tho local rnllroad men who are contemplat ing Joining tho hunt. The start will be mado from DeDeque, Colo., November 1. Never a belter dollar's worth than you get, at Haydcn Bros. with a big ad on page 7. Announce menu of the Theater. A mntlneo performance of "The Ameer," with Frank Daniels and his clever com pany, will bo given at Boyd's this after noon. This show has caught on wonder- fully with Omaha theater-goers nnd both tho Thursday and Friday night nudlences overflowed the theater. Sunday nftornoon and night "McFaddcn's How of Flats," a farco-comcdy, will be given. Tho two yellow kids are features. These roles are taken by Bobby Ralston and Jerry Sullivan. This Is souvenir mntlnee day" at the populnr Orpheum. Those who attend will be given a very handsome plcturo of Wil liam McKinley or W. J. Bryan. The plc turo Is no cheap affair and Is worthy of place In the household. Tho bill Is very pleasing and splendidly calculated to entertain tho women nnd children, Tho advance Indications nro that tho house will bo packed to its capacity. Mnrtnllty StutUtlr.. The following births and dmtlm wm . ported to the city health notnmtssloni-r for ine iweniy-iour noura enuiug nt noon Frl day: Hlrths Michael Jncobcrger. 1319 Onint avenue, boy; Jnmes Coffee, 6'i:t North Four- teiuuii, gin; w imam i-aner, y)tirace, ijoyj Michael Hortlleb, 27 South Twentv-tlrst, Klrl: A. X. Todd. Fifty-first and Pass. clrl. Deaths Theodore F. Wlrth. 2111 Orant. &ged 2Sj Mrs. Helmu Blaln, 301" llurdetto, tHxiiiurt'U'n I run nerve Was the result of his splendid health. inuomiiamo win aim ticmcnaous energy are not to bo found wnere stomach, liver, kldnsys and bowels nro out of order. If you want these qualities and the success thoy bring uso Dr. King's New Life Pills, Only 25u at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. VOHIIS OK 1MIA1HI3 FOH llllSTItlUII CaiiKri'SNiiinn llopUInN of Illinois llns Known Him .Since llo linoil. Congressman A. J. Hopkins of Aurora, 111., passed through Omaha Friday on Ills way homo from a speaking tour In Ne braska. Mr. Hopkins Is specially Inter ;8tod In C. H. Dietrich, who Is running for coventor oc the republican ticket, becauso Mr. Dietrich's family live In tho same town. "I've known Mr. Dietrich over sluco ho was a ltttlo barefooted boy," said Mr. Hopkins, "when he used to run In and out of our hoiiFe almost every day. I know his parents well nnd havo seen Mr. Dietrich oft and on since thnt tltno as he returned to tho city to visit with his folks. I'm thor uglily convinced that ho Is tho right mnn for governor of your state and In every way qualified for tho position. Although I've known him all these yearB, I've never heard a word against him either In his pri vate life or business career except some of tho campaign canards that havo como to my cars during this trip to Nebraska. If your pcoplo want n really good governor In ovory Bonse of tho word, they'll sea that Mr. Dietrich U elected." Congressman Hopkins will spend the re mainder of tho campaign in field work In tho state of Illinois, which he says is surely repuullrnn, becauso the tarmers aro more completely la line for McKlnloy than ever before. Matthow Oerlng of riattsmouth, whoso conversion to republicanism was recently an nounced, is In Omaha nnd expects to make his permanent residence here. Mr. Gerlng, who.has been known for years as ono cf tho democratic whcelhorses in Nebraska, gavo briefly to Tho Beo today his first explana tion of his withdrawal, from tho Bryan ranks. "I am prepared to havo my democratic friends accuse mo of being a sorehead poli tician nnd a mau of disappointed ambition," remarked Mr. tiering, "but I stumped tho state for tho party In 1S36 and 1898 when I felt that It was no longer tho democratic party; that It was wnndcrlng far from tho teachings of Sam Tllden nnd Jefferson. I have stayed with democracy for four years simply through my love of it In tha hope that It would co mo hack to Its old prin ciples. Now, when It takes a direct stand against tho government, I will support tho statesmen and patriots who nro nt the na tion's head. "I look upon Bryan as a pure-minded man of lovable personality, but he Is going about tho country a Hobosplerre and Danton rolled In ono. Ho Is using his oratory and mag netism to stir tip discord between employer and workmen. 1 In has such a grnsp on tho hearts of the pcoplo that clergymnn and courtesan allko will throw their dollars Into his cnmpalgn fund. But that Is not states manship. McKinley, too, is a pure-minded leader, and he does not rant nbout his pa triotism in public; It Is something which he cherishes In his heart. Bryan flourishes his patriotism; ho nppeuls to men's pnsslnns; ho Is developing Into tho moat colossal dema- goguo of tho ago. Ho Is urging men to op pose tho government; ho Is pretending to them that the Whlto House Is a rendezvous of traitors. "There Is no such thing as militarism In America and never can be. Every soldier In tho United States nrmy Is a volunteer; no mnn can bo prossed Into the service under tho army code. And If 100,000 troops main tained when outside hostilities exist are a menace to the nntlon, so also would 25,000 bo a menace; thero Is no lino of demnrka tlon. Jefferson, tho founder of democracy, did exactly what President McKinley Is do ing today. It was Dlx who said 'If any man haul down the American flag shoot him on tho spot,' and It Is Bryan who says, 'If any Filipino shoots on American soldier haul down tho American flag.' "As to tho money question, If tho repub lican party Is for a gold standard I am not with It. But neither am I for a single sliver standard. I am a bimetallism" win. We havo only n majority of sixty-' live to over.-omo In Fillmore iiunty and prosperity has been doing It without ntvy help from the outside." Stato Senatnr Ktpeln of Fnlrbtirv. can- dldato for re-election from Jefferson and Thayer counties, lives in no evenly balanced district, with tha advantage In favor of Hip republicans. "My own county of Jefferson." remarked Mr. Steele, "gave Ileese a majority of about a dozen. A moro fair Index, however, was th election four years ago when McKinley led by a margin of 150. Thnjrr county Is a little less promising, its republican majority being about loo, The campaign Is proceeding very quietly, but 1 am led to believe that wo will win with something like 200 or 300 votes to spnre." NI1W YOIIIC I1IU3SSMAK l. STOCK. Smith .t Dillon. 7 AVent -IRIli St.. 3tt York-, I3iillrc nrrnxniuUliiu; Stock. ON SALE AT BOSTON STORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22. Tho especial notlco of every lady In Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha Is called to this most Important salo, which will tako placo Monday, October 22. Messrs. Smith & Dillon have been consid ered In mnny respects tho greatest competi tion that Hedfern had In Now York. In buying this magnificent stock from the attornoy Messrs, J. L. Brnndcls & Sons will bo ablo to offer tho highest class Indies' sllk llncd tnllor mado suits, evening wraps, ovonlng gowns nnd costumes, ns well as the finest silks, satins, velvets nnd trimmings by the yard, that ever was seen In Omaha nt Just about one-fourth what they were sold for in New A'ork. Watch Sunday's papers for complete nnd most particular details and prices of this sale and come Mondny without fall. BOSTON STORE. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts. Pol! (lent Note. D. C. Howard haB returned from a cam paigning tour In northeastern Nebraska. r'armers aro aimosi too uusy 10 nwenu nicotines." said Mr. Howard, "but they know tho corn they nro husking will bring good republican prices and they glvo evidence everywhere of showing apprecia tion of their prosperity by their votes." 'I would have thought anybody moro en thusiastic than thoiiKhtful sixty days aco who would havo put his faith in Nebraska colng republican, romnrked II. C. Uruner of Geneva yesterday, "but the prospost is growing iingnier every uay ana wo navo a good deal moro thun an even chanco to fJfW!T.:U'1J t j l" 'MV ml N.IM.M I 'Ml iouQt ia f Ki"m" .H fjU ttWMKI rlC UMltUtUtl '' mi itcen W IT Mai NCVOLUTIONI I I O I 9 1 Uff AIIUfllNCC MtTMOOAANO yy rowwiof roucv contract. the'equitabilX L1FE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OI mOTICTION TMT fKOTCCTl. LOCAL POLITICAL CALENDAR llepntitlcnn Mrotlnuii. Saturday, October 20 Senators M. A. Hanna of Ohio and Fryo of Malno and Patrick O'Donnell of Syra cuse N. Y , at the Musical pavilion, Omaha; Blum's nnd Koutsky's halls, South Omaha. Democratic .Medina. Saturday, October 20 North Side Bryan club, 4101 North Twen ty-fourth. Sunday, October 21 Danish-American Bryan nnd Stevenson club, Washington hall. Dance Tonight. Washington hall, 18th and Harney sts. Jolly Eight's lively bnll this evening Btubbs' full orchestra. A grand good time for you. Yes, gents, 2Dc. Welcome. Real worth and real economy Is whnt you get at Haydcn Bros. Read their ad on page 7. Williams & Smith Co. announce tn ar rival of fall and winter woolens. Wi sites CSoaks Tho handsomest line of winter wraps ever shown In Omaha can be found at SCOFIELD'S PIPQ Coats, Capes, rUtia Collarettes, Storm Collars and Scarfs in all tho popular furs. New FrensEi Flannel Waists Just received reliable garments lowest prices. :SCQFIEL0 rMlffi.SUITCO. IS 10 Douglus tit. y Colorado Thro' To California. That Is the Interesting way to go. You see the grandest scenery' in America tho panorama of the Rockies. Begins at Denver. Ends at Salt Lake City. Thro" alaco sleeper from Burlington Station, 4; 25 p. m. dally. Thro' tourist sleeper 4:25 p. m. Thursdays. TICICKT OFI'ICn, 1502 FARNAM STREET. ti:i,. n.-.o. mlltMNfiTON STATION, (OTH AND MASON STS. ti;i t us. Good Set Teeth . . $5.00 Best Set Teeth 8.00 Gold Crown 5.00 Silver Fillings . . . . 75c Pa!nles3, Harmless nnd Expert Extract ing. Ono or nil your teeth removed with out any pain by VITALIZED AIR. No soro gums, no after effects. Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 3fil1 Donixln St. ' 1,700 Ladies' Tailor- Made Suits. H.D.NEEZUYT Wgr foii Nebraska bu lliillillnii Permit. The cltv lnsnector of tiullillnuq lm Uaim.l the following permits: O. II. Hotton, Thirty-second nnd Nicholas, frame dwell ing. (1,400; Anna Mankow-Jka, Twenty-fifth und Bancroft, addition, jlto. Card of Thnnkii. Mr. nnd Mrs. a. Snydor wish to extend heartfelt thanks to friends and neigh bors for many kind attentions during the Illness nnd death of their son, Gottfried. We prove our word with our goods Hayden Bros., with a big nd on page 7. ltnin. FRESH HERBS It Is quite u dlftlcult thing to obtain herbs for medical und culinary purposes which nro of prime quality. We have given this matter special attention nnd can offer a line of freshly gathered hfjrbs which we KNOW are l'HESH, Iionesot, Motherwort, Catnip. Mullein, Cleavers, Pennyroyal, Chestnut leaves, Princess Pine, i. !..,., . Tlnnnrrv. Elder Flowers, Ned Clover. Feverfew, Ii'nYi?lnvi. Gold Thread, 10c an ounce, y man i.c, Horehound, Hyssop, Hops, Johnswort, I.lfo Everlasting, Lire itooi, Liverwort, Lobelia leaves, All "of above Herbs 5c per ounce package, by mall 76 per ounce, Full pound (1C small packages) 50c; by mall, 67c. Sherman &MGGonnell Drug Go Corner 1UIU mid Doilice. Our clonk department is crowded to its very doors with bargains. The like of it was never known before. Rend carefully. THEY HAVE COME AT LAST What we havo been telling you nbout nnd waiting for. 1700 suits, made by four of the best manufacturers of Now York city. They wero moro than anxious to closo out theso entire lots to our buyer for spot cash. In Now York tho weather was warm, busi ness dull nnd our buyer secured theso at his own prices, which wo can assure you was cheaper than they wero over bought by any other Iioubo In America, and will bo sold to you nt prices lower than any houso in America dnre mention. The man ufacturers of theso nro well known through tho United States as tho best In New York: Conhclm & Co., 11th St.; Einstein & Schwartz, 19th St.; Jasper & Levi, Broadway. Ono lot of samrlo suits nt only 54.75. THE 11EST IN AMERICA FOR THE MONEY Suits In doublo breasted, tight fitting, bound with satin, with 16 rows of stitching; in homespuns and Venetians; flaro skirts, volvot bound; silk lined jacket; the Hello alcove; manufacturers cost price $15; our prlco CIh only jt?V 400 suit's in every stylo; very fnshlonnblo; cost to mako, 1S; our salo prlco TAFFETA SILK LINED THROUGHOUT Pebble Chev iot suits; flare siktrsj finished seams; silk velvet bind ing; Ilollc sleeve; tho greatest suit valuo ever offered; costing to make J2tf.OO; on sale A A AO Saturndy at lZO 7 MANUFACTURERS STOCKS OF LADIES JACKETS at prices never known before at this season of the yefir. 3,700 In all. r,00 Jackets In all bIzcs, and in all colors and blacks; silk llucd throughout, made by the manufac- A SZ( turers to sell for JS.50; our prlco TiiCv 700 Jackets In box coats, tight fittings, nutomoblles with tho shape and storm collar; a great many edged with fur and with fur collars; thoy aro mado 'rom the finest Imported kersoys nnd evoryono lined with Skin ners satin; guaranteed for two years; Jackets mado by OninJin TritvelliiK .Mm' McKlnley lloonnvelt t'luli. An Invitation from tho Lincoln club has beon accepted by tis to go to Lincoln Fri day nvenlnir, Octover 19, to partlclpate In li demonstration In honor of Hon, Mark Hanna. Report at Hurllngton 4:25 train or meet at Lincoln hotel at 7 p. m. 1)Y ORDER OF EXECUTIVE HOARD. Salesmen Ily an old established Chicago tea, cigar and spire jobbing house, n few mora Unit-clan salesmen: state age. terri tory, experience, average sales, salary or commission expected, Address u a toi, yrlbune office, Chicago. LANKTON P.yron I. at his residence, JfiI7 Dodge, October IS, nt 3:10 p. m., after r.n Illness of eleven mouths from npnplexy; ngo Kl years, STHRMAN Mrs, Delia, beloved wlfo of -MOBo Hturman, 8h leaves one daughter, Mrs, J, Mo Orath, nnd a sister, Mrs. S. F. Cole, Funeral Sunday at 2 p. in, from her Into residence, 1012 Cass street. Friends nro In vited. Interment Prospect 11111 cemetery. We're Going Back to Albany. Our Drug Store is For Sale. Do You Want to Buy li? SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGGIST . W. Cor. 10th nnd CUUmbo. Hue. Sage, i Havln, Hcullcap, Spearmint, Stramonium, Hwtet Fern, Hummer Savory, Wormwood, , Tansy, Thyme, Yarrow. $10 the manufacturers to sell nt ?18.00 to $25.00: your choice at $10 SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. In buying the stocks of Conhclm & Co, we were .compelled to close the deal to lncludo about 100 light-weight or fall Jackets. Theso nro nearly nil lined with taffeta silk; nn elegant lot of stylish garments and made to sell for up to $12, We havo divided them Into two lots for tomorrow, only nt Jl-98 and $2.03. The lin ings nlono cost more. i 300 Indies taffeta waists corded fronts and sleeves; thoy aro -4 no worth Jl.no, on sale Saturday for only l"u 100 children's Jackets, ages 4 to 12, at 91.50. 175 children's Jackets trimmed with braid, very heavy materials, ry QQ they are worth $4 00, for Infant's Eiderdown Cloaks at S5c. Ladles wool waists In all colors, worth $2.50, for 95c. 60 dozen ladleB' fleece lined wrappers, extra wide at the hips, body lined, worth $1.25, for 59c. See bargains on page 7. m I Children Shoes, soft soles, 16c Children's Shoes, 2 to 5, worth $1.00 39c Little Gent's Shoes worth $1.75, Balo prlco 69c Baby Moccasin, nil colors, 12c QUEEN QUALITY 50sfyi,flesr?,.,t$1.89 A STYLE DISTINGUISHMENT Altogether from the ordinary e,tra dis play and sale Saturday- Men's Shoes Stncv Adams, Stotsotis, O Hoydens, inoludlnn jmtonl leathers ).tJO 85 und $0 ehcos- -Suturduy iMcn's Shoes Plneioo & Smith, Dorsch f ti Son nnd other fH'nnd 51.50 sbecs Ys Saturday Ladles' Shoes Foster, Fnrdfr, Drew, L Scby .t Co., $4. CO und 50 shoes, Saturday w J z? Lndica' Shoes ljox Calf, Wcltn ml TnrnR nomo Kid lined 53.50 und $1 bhoes-Saturday SI.B8, THE ROCHESTER SHOE GO. Successors to Till? HOWL, 1515 Douglas Street, Omnlm. Boys' Shoes, Box Calf, $2 value, $1.39 Resent Shoes, entire new stock, $2.39 Men's and Ladies' Arties, 59c Men's and Women's Rubbers, 75 c quality, 29c Men's FtaJl Clothirvg The talk today is in regard to your fall suit, You expect to get one, don't you? You expect to get it where you can, accor ding to your judgment save the most money, taking quality, style, fit and construction into consideration, Nebraska customers ex pect to do bettor here than elsewhere. They do. Men's all wool striped Suits patin piping, extra good quality Hn. ing, perfect tailoring IQ QO DOLLARS. ' Men's all wool Fall Suits in a pood assortment of patterns, correctly HA constructed, pray, brown and blue Mr Men's Blue Serge Suits satin piped, serge lining, style, tit and tailor-3l(Q AA ing perfect in every particular Mr --'Vv Men's Fall Suits To show you in pattern after pattern, a full and com plete line of sizes. THIS STOKE IS WATCHED BY EVERYBODY CUS TOMERS FOR WHAT WE SELIj M ERCIIANTS FOR WHAT WE UNDERSELL. ifiW BMW raOfl Our Stock of ftfen's Fall and Winter tails HOIS SUITS AND OVERCOATS r2r, Is now at its best. Better, stronger, $i W'i7 "ire original than ever before, and My( TV at prices no other store can match jk and give as good value. Extra Special For Saturday Men's very Btylish Ci Suits and Overcoats kJJ at Every fjanneni thoroughly roHnblc Id every .lotall. Dopondablo trimmltiRa nnd poroct fit nBsured, Thev an; decidedly out of the ordinary, nnd fully worth $12.G0. Men's Fine Suits at $9. 50 Regular $15. 00 worsted suits, on salo for Sat urday only. Men's High Grade Suits $c- and Overcoats at $10 and Positively $15.00 to $22.50 values. Special Sale Saturday in Our Boys' and Children's Clothing Department. Boys' $3.00 Storm Heelers for only $1.50 Youth's $9.00 Long Pants Suits at $5.00 Youths' $12.50 Long Pants Suits for $7.50 Roys' $3.50 Knee Pants Suits at $1.75 Boys' $4.50 Chinchilla Reefers for $2.50 Boys' $5.00 Vestee Suits and J). B. Suits at $2.75 SEE BARGAINS ON PAGE 7. .'.-A. -j rr r J Selling the Most Clothing In Omaha. A Hot Blast is what you need to offset that cold wave coming down from tho north. Cole's Originai Hot Blast Stove will do tho work. Burns soft coal, hard coal, coke, wood and cobs. Uniformity of heat day and nlht. A ton of cheap soft coal does tho work of a ton of hard coal. For halo by Under Feed Furnace Co. 1218 Parnam Street, Omaha. Come In and Bee it operate.