THE OMAHA DAXLT" JVEE FT? IT) AT. OCTOBET? If), 1900. BOSTON STOKE REUS AM SALE j X. Y. DRESSMAKING STOCK EemniinU Imported Sample Ends Dress ' Srriitli L D.'llcn, 7 Wnst 45 th Street, New Laddies Tailor-mde Suits Goods from Ouotomi Home, Gc, 10c, 25c. York, Entire CtorV, (?) 2.00 SILKS, 50C AND 6SC A YARD WILL BE SOLD IN OMAHA To go on Sale Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19 and 20, at 50c on the Dollar. Trpnieniliiiin .nli Mem mini In time- ! (iriintl lliiriinllr fur Hie I.uillr) of iiirnl I.IiiIiium. In 1 m il MtknlliHS a 1-Hr OiiIIiik I'lmtiiel. l-'-e 4i)K SiUeen, IIJc l.nillfn' f- (tliiulin In .'ccnCe llfi' (ilmili. SIIUo, -ln-l, ll.ilii-N. I'ImI.IiciI SiiIIm, Continue, nml THiiiiiiIiik. 12 600 SHOI-.S 7CC. AND OTHHtlR. FRIDAY 18 thi: IHO iikmnaxt day. Camhrlo dress lining, all colors .mil black, lc ynnl. llenvy black and white twilled shirting, 30 yard. Narrow striped euambray gingham, Cic raid. French llnnnel Imltntlcn, 10c ynrd. Vory wlili nml heavy l'crslnn French flnnnol, 12'ic yard. Mercerized sateen remnants, worth Vic, ut 15c yard Kxtra heavy awnnsdown flniinol. 10c yd. Drapery cretonne, dnnlm olid ticking, 10c yard. Drapery sllkollne, V.ic yard. Cxtru heavy and lino outing flannel, light anil dark colors, at M'fcc yald. Very heavy canton lannel remnants, yard 1'rlnt remnants. :i',4c yard. Hnlf wool dress goods romnnnts. 15c yd. Apron check Bingham remnanlH, 2Vie y.l. Very line unhlcnchcil 11111111111 romnantn, worth 7 '4c, at 3c. And hundreds of other rcmnantH In buBe mont ttnnoiiow. Thousand"! of yards of "iO-lncll Imported oorKos, French serges, cheviots, mitlnlshcd worsteds, clay worsteds, homespuns, mo hairs, Jnciin.irds. black nnd colors, worth up to Jl.OO. go 011 sale on fiont bargain B'liiari at 40e ynrd. $1.00 IIKNUIETTAS, 30C YD. Kxtrn wioe, silk Ilnlshril, all wool henrl eltas and (lormnn cashmeres, French Bergen, storm serges, cheviots and pru nellas, In ted, black, navy and all the new colors; they are Btrlctly nil wool. In all lengths, nnd nny number of pieces that match, go tomorrow at :10c yard. diikss (mora, 2G0 yd. A grand lot of Henriettas, cashmeres; also cheviots nnd Smteh plnlds, suitable for storm sklrtB; all ko tomorrow at 25c, yard. N DllKSS (1CODS PUOM THE CUSTOM HOVSK. Today we place 011 sale the finest lot of namplt er.di i.f Imptrtcd dress good that rr.utrh. irctt of them nenrly a yard In length, ut 25c yard. Smaller pieces thnt match, 10c each. Pieces that do not match, 0c each. 2.00 SILKS, HOC AND li'JC. All the silk remnants from 2 to 10 yurds, In plain rolirs, checks nnd plaids, Includ ing 27-Inch tnffctn silk, go at 50e nml C'.ic ynrd. An Immense lot of new silk remnants go Ut 5c, 10c, l.'c and 2fc for entire remnant. HOSTON STOHH. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. ICtli and Douglas Sts. at a nt actio?; or Til cm VALUE. Messrs. J. I Ilrnndels & f.oor, Proprietors of ilciton Store, purchate from tho attorney the entire New York dressmaking ctDl'llshmcnt of Smith & Dillon, 7 West 13th SI.. New York, nnd will place It ON SALE MONDAY, OCT. 22N1). Thi! Importance of this sale cannot be too strongly Impressed upon the ladlm of Omaha. Messrs. Smith & Dillon catered to the swell set of New Yurie City nnd their stock wns bought to suit their tastes and purses. It goes without sajlhg, therefore, thnt everything In the way of dress goods, silk, velvets, robes, finished buUh, costuinci, wraps and trimmings thnt come from Smith & Dillon are Just the finest that money enn buy. Still, this entire- stock having been sold by the attorney, Meters. J, I,. Ilran dels & Sons will be able to otfer these high class goods nt such avcrago low prices that It seems that every lady In Omaha will be sum to attend the sale, Monday, October 22nd. Further particulars In regnrd to prices and full description of the goods will nppcar In Sunday's papers. Whutever else you do, do not miss this great opportunity to pur chase the finest silks, velvets nnd costumes thn't were even seen In Omahn, DOSTON STORK, OMAHA, .V. W. Cor. leth nnd Douglas Sts. WESTERN ROADS BUY ENGINES I'll Inn I'nelfli nml IliirlliiKlou l.nru' inter rttli II11I1I trln Works. Ier PHILADELPHIA, Oct. IS. The Baldwin Locomotive works, whose shops have been exceedingly busy for several months, have booked two large domestic orders for en gines. One is for thirty freight locomo tives for the Chicago, llurllngton & Qulucy railroad, and the other Is for thirty two engines for the Union I'aclllc company. A member of tho firm states thnt the report, thnt nn order had been received for locomotives from the director ot tho South African railway Is not correct. Toiitivr 'in vvi:i, IS IIKAVV. DEPARTMENTS BEGIN WORK .Mcuilirrn or (lie Wiimiin'n Club I'.nlcr nil TlH'lr Vnir'n Study. 1 The Household Economics department ot tho Woman's club had Kb regular meetlug yesterday. As lendor. Mrs, Townsend re-t ported thi session nt Lincoln and Mrs, I'ugb 1 tho overflow meetlug which resulted In the, organizing of a Statu Household Economics association, j Tho lesson was then taken up. A chapter was road from Prof. Riddel's "Human Nnture Explained," by Mrs. Gault, and a papor 011 chemistry was presented by Mrs.! .Mau.Murpuy. It was decided to formulate a year hook, to contain nn outline of tho ten' sciences to be studied by the department) nnd applied to domestic science. These books will bo distributed and used for ref erence. It was definitely settled that Jenncis Miller should lecture under the auspices of tho department November 20 at 3:30 In tho auditorium of tho First Congregational church. Mrs. Tlldnn concluded the meeting with nn Interesting report of the domestic science session nt the biennial. At tho meeting of the English Literature department tho following papors were read: "Tho Itullan Influence of the Renaissance," by Mrs. Ilowman; "A llrlof Skotch of Ule Conditions, Doth Historic unrt ILternry, In Germany in the Time of Jonson and the Snnio Conditions In England nnd Franco at tho Samo Porlod," by Mrr. Colo! "Tho Life of Jonson," by Miss Falrbrother; "A Com parison of JntiHon and Other Dramatists ot His Time," by Mrs, Crowley. ' v Beaumont Masslnger, Fletcher, Drum mond, Ford, Iznuk Walton, Sir Thomas Ilrown nnd other authors wore assigned to various members for sketches later. IIiinIiii'n. to ('iillfoinlii liiillentrx tlint I'iMilr Are Ppnriiui, The spleudtd business which the railroads have been doing for tho past month or more Into California, the extent ot which Is at tributed wholly by railroad managers to tho prosperous conditions prevalent through out the country ut this time, has prompted the llurllngton to arrange for a new tourist car service from Chicago to California. "Travel (o California," said n llurllngton man today, "Is marvelous for this season of the year. Ordinarily business to tho Pacific coast doesn't begin until later than this, but this Reason It has already been almost as largo as during previous years when nt Its height, nnd this Is certainly remarkable for this season of tho year. It is a noticeable fact, too, that most of the pleasure seekers nnd tourists who are going to California to spend the winter or n part of It are men of modorate means, but who havo been able to snvo enough money out of their business the last two years or moro to tako a little trip now nnd enjoy life as thoroughly ns though they were millionaires." "Went nn 11 Vlnlt to l'hlliulrlililR, Laat spring Mr. O. 8. Wallaeo made a trip to Philadelphia to visit hta brother-in-law und took with him n part of h bottle of Chamburluln'H Cough Remedy, which he left Ihoro nn his return home. During tho summer his brother-ln-lnw took a very se vere cold and ut 'd tho Cough Remedy with such good results that ho wrote to know Whom could got more. He was sur prised to learn that he could get It from any druggist there. This remedy Is one of tho most staple articles thnt druggists liandln and one of the most rellnhle, Thoso ivhn once glvo It n trial nro seldom satisfied with any other. Mr. Vnllaco Is ft well known citizen of Grand Vlow, Aln. IVotlre, Notice Is hereby given to the policy holders of tho Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Now York and tho public that H. S. 'Winston's connection with said com pany and Fleming Hrothurs wns severed October 10th, 1900; said II. S. Winston be ing no longer In any capacity nesoclnteil with said company or Fleming llnithorn. FLEMING BROTHERS. Itallwity TeleKrapliem Ailjourn, ST. LOUIS, Oct. 18. Tho Order of Rail way Telegraphers, which has been In grand council for ten days, has adjourned to meet In San Francisco the second Monday of October, 1001. Tho work of revision of tho constitution wns completed nnd sovornl grand officers wero directed by the convention to romaln here until tho various modifications could bo printed and other details completed. Arrangements have been mndt to havo 0110 of tho representatives of tho Order of Railway Telegraphers co-operate with the Comnierrlal Telegraphers' nssoclntion nnd nsslst that body In Increasing Its membership. Unlit-nail Slant Pur Ntnte. INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 18. Judge Carter 111 the Biipreme court today handed down his opinion In tho suit by the state of In diana to recover nearly $3,000,000 from the Vundalla railroad. Ho holds that tho Btato Is entitled to rocovor ?745,lii4,65, In stead of nearly four times that sum, which was demanded. This action was based on tho provisions for n division of the profits undor a spe cial charter granted tho company, which built the Vandalla road froni'Terro Haute to Indianapolis. Mr, Merrliim Uniterm, L. n. Merrlam, who has liacm In charge of tho extensive engineering work being done by I ho Union Pacific In Wromlng, has re signed his position. Ills Biiceussor has been appointed In tho person of I). C. Dun Inp, who ban bjen engaged In tho work In Wyoming Blnce Its beginning. Mr. Dunlap will have his headquarters In Lnrnmle. num. IIOSPH Mrs. Trills, at Denver, Colo., of heart failure: formerly reside,! In Omiilin nnd Council lllufrs. Leaves husband nml five rhlldrdii, SIster-ln-law of A. Howe, of this city. nitlOIIT Herman, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. llrlght, Thursday, October 18, S 11 111 Funeral notice later. Lincoln Btato Jotir- nul nleane cony. LAN KTONliy ron F., nt his resilience, ir,n Dodge. October IS, nt 3:10 11. 111., after 111. Illness of eleven months from apoplexy: ago 63 yearn. MRS. J. BENSON. Fall nnd Winter Underwear, Now is a good time to bny, as our line in very complete Children's? Night Drawers in Outing Flannel, with feet, all Bizet, 2 to 0 yeara, 50c. v Arnold's Knit Night Drawers, with feet, 00c up. Children's Outing Flannel night dresses 40c up. Ladies' Outing Flannel Night Dresses, HOc, 75o and $1.00 the prettiest gownB you ever saw for $1.25 and $1.50. Ladies' high nock and long Sleeve Vests, 25c up. Knit Drawers, knee lengths, 25c up, ankle length 50c up Extra good quality Fleeced Verts or Pants, 50c. Fleece lined Union Suits, gray or ecru, 06o up. All kinds of garments in part or all wool. Ut V. l F7u N7-xM (0 ito ii l to l l 0 )i id to to to to to to to to to to ; to to to to to to to to to to to to to 125 Women's Tailor- Made Suits to in homespuns, cheviots to and serges, all new shapes, plain and trimmed, suits that cost to manufacture ( from $0 to $10, go at $ $4.90, $6.90, $7.90 to to to to to Creating the greatest suit stirring sale of the season, achieving a newer distinction ;Jv adding aiioino" oi inc dimy successive iniuii.ii8 mm. nave inurKed tiic great cloak nnd suit, department since il first opened. We have purchased the entire stock of ladies' Tailor made Suits from a well known manufacturer at less than fifty rents on the dollar. They are choice and authoritative models of the season. All are distinct, conceptions nnd no two alike. They are not sample suits that have been carried from city to city, handled and re-handled h.v men hauls throughout the country, hut clean, fresh, new garments, and, in accordance with our usual custom, we will give our patrons the benefit of the purchase by placing them on sale. Friday urvd Saturdy, Oct. 19tk arvd 20th w u rsr if Lot 1. Lot 2. 175 Women's Tailor Made Suits in Venetians, pebble chevi ots and broadcloths, new blouse and eton elfects, plain and trimmed suits that cost to manufacture from 12 to 15, goat $9.75, $10.75. $12.75 -S2'--auS'-5i -5i'-S'-S;'-2'-S'-5'.''-5'-S'-S Lot 3. 85 Women's Walking Suits iMado of heavy cheviots, plaid back, golfing materials and heavy pebble cheviots, jacket the new blouse or double breasted tight fitting effect, skirts made with new back, finished with from 10 to 14 rows of stitching at bottom, suits that cost to manufac ture from 12 to 18, go at ,75, $12,75, $14.75 Lot 4. 115 Women's Ta.ilor Sviits in fine Venetians, imported cheviots and broadcloths, all new and stylish, blouse and eton effect?, suits that cost to manufacture from 18 to 25, go at $I4.75,$16,75,$I8.75 Lot 5. (t iBBaBaHUauy.uu 100 Women's Tailor Made Suits in imported coverts, z'.bo- f) lines and fine broadcloths, f) every suit in this lot a copy ff of Paris and Berlin models, i and cost to manufacture f from 25 to $40, go at i $22.50,$24,75,S29.75 9) m INSPECTOR EXONERATES GREW .lien on .Im-iili ltlelitiiiiin nt Iti'xpun Mllile tor (lie .cililrnt I.iihI Jlunlli. copy of a letter from the local atenni bent liispectorg at St. LouIh to tl-e master of the Jacob Hlchtman may have somi) effect In ilamaRe suits penilltiK In the Omaha rourt apalnBt the owners of Unit oraft. These suits were started as a result of the acrlilcnt to the boat when tho boiler exploileil laat month, and several of the passenRcrs were scalded. The boat left the port before service could be had upon the master and the papers were forwarded to Kansas City, uhoro service wns had. Tho letter of the Inspctors say that from an examination of tho boiler crown and the statements of the firemen the Rovernment officers are of the opinion that the captain and crew exercised due caution and wero In no way responslhlo for tho accident. MONEY CONTINUES TO COME CoiilrllintloiiM for tin- Onlventoii Snf fcriTH Will AlireKH.l" Mm Tliotiminil Dollnrn. lecture for children In the First Methodist church the afternoon if Saturday, Novem ber 21. the date of his appearance In the course. Klbert Hubbard anil Krnest Seton Thompson will lerturo In Hie First Meth odist church, lla-nlllon W. Mnble, the Hos ton Ladles' Symphony orchestra and Miss Hunfey nppcar at the First ConBrcKiUlnmil ilhurch. Mayor Moores Is still recelvlnR contribu tions to the Oalveston relief fuud and estl tnati'S Hint the entire amount sent to the Hiifterers by November J. will bo J0.000. Most of the money has been sent direct to Oalveston. West Oalveston, Alvln and sovoral other sniall towns wero sent $100 each. An appeal has conio from Velnsco and the surrounding country, in which not a siiiRlo house escaped tho floods. The mayor -111 send $100 to K. I). Hoeble, chairman of tho Velaxco relief committee, and will alfo send JD0 to Areola. Williams & Smith Co. announce the ar tlval ot fall and winter woolen.. Senate's Cut Pries Drug Store For Sale I Sachet Powder for Christmas , All KIiiiIh of Snt'lict I'imi il;r. Uudnut'K Wood Violet Sachet Powder G0c per oz. Metcalfe's Violet Sachet Powder dOc per oz. Colgate's Caprice Sachet Pow ' der B()o per oz. Dabrook's Parisian Iloso Sachet Powder, fiOc per oz. I.undborK's Hello-Violet Sachet Powder, f0c per oz. Plvofs l.o Troflo Incamata Sachet Powder 7fic per oz. Lilac. Heliotrope. FranKlpannl and Jocky Club Sachet Powder 2."c per oz. Flitri'iitliit- (Irrln Ituol, This Is another article for which we are headquarters, having Just received nn Im port order In cranular form (for snchcts) -also In lino powder and the whole root, iic oz., tlOc pound. Ft in- KukIIkIi i'miIit Flmrrr. We are Just In receipt of a shipment of (laiden Cultivated Lavender Flowers, which are so much prized for their re freshing odor. 10c per oz., .1 os. for 23c. Write for catalogue. , Sherman & Mnnell Drug Go New Locution, Cor Kith nnd Dodge, OMAHA. Pnic lllouil Alpiiim I'orfriM llrnltli. Tho blood carries all material for repair ing the systom. Had blood means bad ropalrs. Cascarots mean pure, wholesome blood. Druggists, 10c, 25c, COc. I.ei'liirex il in ClinrcliN, Two of the lectures In the public school uachorK' lourse wll' be given In the First Methodist church nnd the other three will be In tin Firm Congregational church Hrncst Heton-Tliunipnin will give a special RAPID FIRE CAMERAS HIT THE MARK . EVERY TIME. , J.. is iisru IIIAIAI .Hl I 1 o a o o Daylight Loading from $1 up. J J Kodaks, Kodak Supplies. Kodak Information, o PRHC INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS. S The Robert Dempster Go,, 1215 l'ai iiam St. Exclusive Dealers In Photo Supplies, O 0000000000 The Rochester Shoe Company, SUCCRSSOUS TO TIIK HOWE. 1C15 nouglas Street. Kxtra special salo of boys', misses' and children's shoes, FIIIDAY. Children's shoes, soft cole, nil colors, lace and button, worth 60c and 75c. 6fcf Salo price IWi Children's shoes, 2 to red, tan. black, laco or button, worth $1. Salo price WG?W MIkecs' sbos, worth U-SO, I? On Sale price fJ3U Misses' shoes, extra fine, worth from 12.00 to 12.60- : 7Qr Sale price IWU Llttlo gent's shoes, worth $1.50, 5Qa Sale prico Hoys' shoes, worth J2.00,' Qi JSJ Salo prico ltiS SALE FRIDAY. THE ROCHESTER SHOE GO. LSI 5 Doiiiilus St. Say: "The Burlington" to tho street car man, nnd ho will know where to stop, He Is used to It. From tho Hurllngton Station Batls- fin lory trains leavo for St. Louis and tho Southeast. fc!5 p. M. Denver nnd tho West. 4:25 p. m. Molilalia and Iho Northwest, !i:30 p. in Kansas City nnd the South, S:50 a. in. and 10 Ki p. m. Chicago anil Iho Mast, 7:00 a. m 4 00 p. m. nnd 7.45 p. m. TICKr.T OFIMCO. 1502 FARMAM STREET. TlX. U.-.d. Ill HI,lf.T(l. yi'ATIO.V, IOTH AND MASON STS. I 11 MPIBV Clearing Out the U MV llbii Remainder of Those 111! I m . SILK From Uic groat auction salo. The biggest silk bargains Omaha has ovor known. A Avholo week of oagor silk buying. Koad Ihoso ricos and .von will not wonder whv. 27-ln. wide TalTctis In black nnd white and all colors a line grade of Oc1 silk, at only J Jf" All of tho best mako Cheney Ilros.' Foulard Silk from the auction sale fOf worth up to $1.60 In this salo nt Jz? Small and Inrgn Hlnck Hrocado Tnffeta nnd dros Ornlns pure silk CQ, and nil go In this sale KJ Illnck Tongco Silk a limit of one dress pattern to each customer -4 Cp on sale nt, per yard 1J.7W Polka Dot TnfTetBR for shirt waists in all shades nt 9QC WINSLOW TAFFKTA Is n taffeta with a reputation mado In over -4 if 100 shades ' liVU Dress Goods Sale COLF CLOTH. An entlro new line of thn most fashionable colors in golf Just rocolved Oftf all tho new colors In grny f.4-ln. wide tho J1.60 grade will go at, yard .. "Ov An entire new lino of Golf Cloth, In all the now shades extra line -4 zCS finish will go at 0 BS-lnch all wool, extra weight, the finest Scotch - Kxnuilne our line of new Cape Oolfs In nil the new shades of A Cj(f plaids, etc., at 2.08 to JltJJ sno Dress Palterna-slrlctly all wool In gray nnd brown homespun -4 fQ 6 yurds In pattern 60 Inches wldo lPQj FHKNCH FLANN12LS In all shades nnd colors, Persians, dots, stripes, plaids, silk stripes, etc. 3Sc, G5e, 85c I 0w TAILOIt SUITINOS extra heavy homespun 60 Inches wide strictly A Z-, all wool worth 08c yard The heaviest and widest HlaSck Cheviot In America SPKCIAIr One caBe pf Illack Cropons regular price $3.00 yard on Q r mile tomorrow i Ow 30c Worth of Dress Trimmings for a Nickel Olio of the lnrgest Philadelphia manufacturers cleared out to us his entlro stock of short lengths In dreHH trimmings worth 6c lo 26c ynrd. They nro tho very newest, bst nnd must popular trimmings of the seainn. Wo have put Ihom up g" In r. yard lengths and will sell this entire stock at the astonishingly CJC low price of f ynrds for Ilellllng llros.' best iiinllly pure dye Sewing Silk, per M spool Iw Ilcsl quality Ktnbroldery Silk nn sale nt lc for a dozen skeins. Choice lot of Volllngs on salo nt 6c. A good line of Umbrolderlps on sain a t lc yard. Velvet Illbbons on sale 10 yards for 16c. IMS. WE DOUBT VERY MUCH.... Whether you can find anything to com pare with SH.RID8N COAL if you search the world over. It's not only the best coal mined in Wyoming, but the best mined anywhere. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 FARNAM STREET. TELEPHONE, 127. HAIR ORNAMENTS Plain gold nnd fancy pins for tho bnck of tho hair -now designs smnll nnd large circles serpents and fancy colls, Step In nnd sen them, LOOK run thi; .ami:. LINDSAY, THE JEWELER, l.'.UI IMII.IiLAS. Dr. Kay's Renovator (iimruiiter J to euro the very worm eauei of ujateiisu. conbilpatluu, blljoua head ache, liver and kidneys. At druuglits. -j nd il Send for Free Hahip'.? Freo Uool nd Fre Dr. ii. A, Kay, Saratoga W, X. BUY THE QEMUIHl SYBOP OF FIGS UANUPACTURXO T CALIFORNIA FIG SYRU1 G