Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Ml. Mill M1J.NTIO.N.
t)R.Vtfl BfllS slB1.
".Mr. Hlley," 6-cfctit clear.
Oari fixtures and Klobcs nt Blxby s.
I.-lt0 a. u, c. ber, Ncumuycr's hotel.
Wollmnn, Fclentlllo optician, W '"''".
II M. l.tfTcrt, .-.xpert optician, 23', Hd.
Hrhtnldts photos, new and latest styles.
Ont. photos Jt to doz. Williams, .11 Udy.
W J lloslottrr, d'-ntlst. Baldwin block.
Ump'K beer. Hoenke Uoynen. sole uKcnt.
J C &W Woodward, architects, 63 Hd.
Drink lludwclser beer, I.. "'s,,"fc',i'1??ir
H. ii. White, employment i.Koney. 619 uU.
Kxhlblt and rule of Otbsoii pictures.
Alexander . Co . 333 llroadwnj.
Oet your work done at the popular Lagle
laundry. 721 llroadway. 'Phone K.7.
V C listen, undertaker. 2S IVnrl street.
Telephones: Offlre, 97; residence,
Don l forget the special H.ilt sale nt
SmM. & litudbys lodHj. tomorrow and
Saturday ....,
It M I'lumer, treasurer of the Nm
Plains HavlliKH hank of "".Chester, -N-Is
the Riiest of lirneHt K. Hart
Itiirmony cliaptor No. 23. Order of the.
lils 'In Sinn will hold Its regular monthly
ujeettnK tonight nt Masonic hall.
Woman Keller oorp-4 No. 10 will ho d
Us regular meeting tomorrow afternoon In
(Ira ml Army of tho Hepublle lin'l
Tho Owl elul) will celebrate the close of
tbe l.nse hall season with a smoker Hatur
l"v night at the club rooms In the Hrown
Judge ('. H. K'eennii and Attornev
JennlnBH of Shenandoah were In the city
jesterTay on business oomiecteil with the
ifi-dernl court ...
O II IV Mlkesell. blrteksmltll and prnc;
thl I borseshm r, has opened a shop at 1
Pent I street, telephone ,m Horses called
for find delivered
The Kcitiidlnnvlan-Amerlcan association
wl I hold a meeting tomorrow nig lit at re
publican headiiunrters, corner of I'lrst ae
him and HoJth Main street.
The sibscrlplton taken up among tlm
so.-ol children of the city 1" -veston
relief fund amounts to J1M.I,. home
of the, outlvlng schools nro to bo hoard
fr.f.raT IIart of Ite.l Cliff. Colo. Is In the
rltl Mr. Hart was Interested with the
late Thomas Olllecr In the Colorado min
ing companies, stock In which form part
of tho luttcr'a estate.
Charles Tlpiou, arrested about a week
ago on suspicion of having stolen a set
or harness, was released from tlm city Jail
yesterday, thero being no evidence to con
uect him with the then.
Clisr'es Wheeler, u negro, nrtested late
Tuesday night on complaint of his wife, a
white woman, who ehnrg-d hlni w th beat
Ing her. had his cae continued In police
court yesterday morning until today.
Abo Lincoln ennui. Orand Army of the
Republic, will give a cainpllru tomorrow
night at its hall on l'earl street, which
all veterans of the civil and Spanish wars
are Invited to attend with their families.
Ten hides stolen Monday night from the
jiremlses of a man named Mutton In Ran
dolph, In . were found yesterday morning
in tlie hid" house of MelJ.meld it Co. In this
city Thev had been sold vy a man giv
ing the name of .1. A. Johnson.
Rev. .1. O. l.eincn, manager of the Chris
tian Home orphanage, has declined to be
consldeied a candidate for the office of
county recorder on the prohibition ticket.
While appreciating the honor and believing
in tiw. unriv iu f.ivR lie ha consecrated
his life wholly to mission wcfVk.
Chairman Wtlght of the republican
county central committee left last evening
for Des Moines. Ills mission Is to confei
with Chnll man Weaver of the state centra
committee with n view to securing n num
ber of prominent speakers for this county
during the laat week of tho campaign.
Smith & llradley will hold a special suit
sale today, tomorrow and Saturday, at
which a special representative from A. K.
Anderson of Chicago will show a line of
sample.' for suits, overcoats and trousers
consisting of over two samples. Suits to
order from $13.M to J23.0O. Trousers from
tXW to J7nn. Call and look them over.
The case ngalnst Clarence Raph, tlm
youtiK lad charged with stealing a bicycle,
the property of Ray Skinner, was con
tinued Indefinitely yesterday by Judge
Aylesworth. The hoy was turned over to
Ills mother on condition that ho go to
school and behave himself. If he comes
beforo the attention of the court again, he
will b committed to the reform school.
N. Y. numbing Co.. telephono 250.
Vnti rr lnvlteil
To attend our opening candy sale Satur
day. Candy nt half our usual prices.
Yonkee peanut. 10c a lb.; butterscotch, 10c.
a lb.; Angel Pood taffy. 12Vie lb. Purity
Candy Kitchen, 23S Hrondwny.
Davis sells pnlnt.
Nimt ."Mills Commenced,
J P. Spinning commenced suit In tho
district court yesterday for divorce from
Jennie li. Spinning, whom he married Oc
tober It. 1891, In liaton county, Michigan,
and whom, he alleges, deserted him No
vember II, 1897. Ho asks that ho bo
awarded the custody of tholr 5-year-old
son, Oeorge.
Mrs. Cathcrlno Heaston filed her petition
for divorce from Jefferson Heaston, whom
sho married March 2fi, lRfiG. She allegcB
that nfter they had been married ten
years her husband deserted her and she
believed ho was now living somewhere In
Fremont Henjamln commenced suit
against W. II. Maker to set aside a tax
deed to a lot lu this city, tleujamln alleges
that J. W, Ferrler, to whom tho lot was
sold at tax sale, did not pay down the
purchaso money nt the tlmo as tho law
provides. This Is ono of several similar
suits brought by llenjamln to set asldu tax
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds.
MnrilMKe Mffiiscs,
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons:
Name nnd Residence. Age.
Kdwuril II. Mcllili, Missouri Valley, lu. 23
I.ona AsmuHseii, Council Uluffs 2J
Ira Nixon, Weston, lu 2H
T.lltln O'Donald, Weston, la 19
James Ci. Con!n. Kansas City, Mo 23
Harriott A. Prettymnn. Kansas City, Mo 18
Robert F. Stanley. Lincoln. Neb 21
Mary L. Anderson. Lincoln. Neb 29
Harry Miller, Oinah i 29
Magglo Vutluudlughum, Omaha 27
Ileal liitutr 'l'riuiKr r.
Tho following transfers were died yes
terday In tho abstract, title and loan oftlco
of J, W. Squire, 101 Pearl street
Mary U. Mnynartl et nl to Fred and
Mary li'sebuscli. lota 7 and 8, block
MviiBtcr'n rwld.. w. d a.ouo
K. 11. Loligeo and F J Hay. luferees,
to Franz Kruger, hw, and wi se'i
U-7C-R. referee's deed 13,200
Two transfers, total
. ,lli,200
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
uml lown James .. Cuxailv,
12t' Main St , Council Illuffs.
Save Your Money;
' With the
I'M I'cnrl Street, Council DluHi, la,
fl ' SHOES
Save you II WTry Tbom-Other
people have and they are
B lmoAnw vy. H
Explains in Court Its Relations
Officer & Pusey.
.Money on Deposit a Trnul I'll ml and
'.Mil I'nrt of tin" Assets of tilt?
I'l rni Other Claims
Are I'llril.
The Wbraskn National tuuk of Omaha
filed a potttiou lu the dUtrltt court yester
day nsklDR that Its claim of $1,322 Hgalust
the banking Arm of Olllecr & l'uscy be
made, a pufcrrod clnltn and that tbo re
ceivers be ordered to turn tho money over
to It. In Its petition tho Nebraska Na
tional bank sets up that It was tu tho habit
of sending claims of various kinds to Olllecr
&. Pusey for collection, tho account be
tween the two baLks being balanced uy
periodical deposits back and forth. At the
tlmo that Ofilcer & Puscy's business went
Into tho hands of receivers they were In
debted to the Omulia bank for moneys col
lected In tho amount named. Tho Nebraska
Natlonil bank asks that the court hold
that this money formed a trust fund und
not part of the assets of tho firm of
Odlcer S. Pusey.
Judge J. U. Reed was yesterday ap
nolntel by Judge Mary temporary guard
Inn of the estate of W. II. M. Pusey, ad
judged Insane.
Victor Jennings, I). W. Otis and W. P.
Cooper wero appointed by the court yes
terday to apprahm tho personal proporty
of the Thomas OUlcer estate.
The rlnlm.1 filed with tho clerk of tho
district court against Ofilcer & Pusoy yes
terday aggregated less than $0,000.
WICKHA.H'.H RKU'l"..Vr IM'T OA'Tilt.
Cnuiirllnipn .Not lleud- to Cliiuitfr the
I'orin of I'lijliis for PiivIiik,
Although tho meeting of tho city coun
cil Inst night was for tho special pur
pose of considering tho application of
Contractor Wlckham that ho be Issued
bonds In place of certificates for tho pav
ing contracted for by tho city this fall, no
nctlnn was taken nnd on Alderman
Lougec's motion the whole matter was
laid over for ono week. After It had
been decided to lay tho mattor over At
torney Organ, representing Contractor
Wlckham. was afforded an opportunity to
addreBS tho council and explain tho situa
tion, In connection with tho proposed
Issue a communlcnatlnn from City Au
ditor Evans, In which ho opposed tho
bonds, was rend. Tho city auditor based
his objections on tho provlous experience
of tho city In such matters, when the mu
nicipality was liable for tho bonds Issued
for special Improvements.
Mr. Organ corrected the auditor's state
ment nnd showed that tho proposed Issue
simply took tho place of the certificates
and did not become nn obligation of tho
city, being issued ngalnst tho assess
mcnts levied on tho abutting property
responsible for tho cost of the Improve
After a lengthy discussion It was de
cblcd to appropriate $200 from tho con
tingent fund to pay City Treasurer True
and City Auditor Kvnns for tho extra
work of preparing tho special assessment
bouk. This work heretofore has been done
by, tho llnanee clerk, but at tho com
menccment of this year tho council dls
pensed with tlm services of such an olll
clal. Aldermen Boycr nnd Hrown opposed
tho appropriation on tho grounds that tho
work should rightfully, In their opinion,
be done In tho county auditor's ofllco.
Tho city engineer was authorized to put
In two extra catch basins at First street
and Washington nvenue, the present out
lets for tho water that pours down from
the adjoining hill streets being Inade
quate. Tho city engineer was directed to
set the curb lines nt First street and
Washington avenue to conform with tho
ordinance. It Is contended that tho curb
nt the corner In front of tho Under prop
erty Is four feet out In tho street and
Contractor Wlckham desired tho matter
settled, as ho Is rendy to lay tho paving
there today.
The report of the official canvass ot tho
vote cast at Ihe speclnl election wns re
ceived and tho franchise declared granted
by tho voto of tho people.
Adjournment was taken to Monday, Oc
tober 29.
Major .lenolimo Ihmiiok (he Ofllelnl
Nollcv to the Public.
Mayor Jennings yesterday Issued his offi
cial' notice of registration for tho general
election to bo held Tuesday, November C.
Every citizen who desires to exorcise his
franchise and cast bin ballot must register
anew. Tlm former registration win not
sufllco nor will the registration for the re
cont special election bo of any avail. Thu
registrars will sit Thursday, Friday und
Saturday of next week nnd ngnln on No
vember 3, tho Snturday preceding tho olec
llon. They will bo In sehslon each of these
days from R a. m. to 9 p. m. Following Is
the list of places In tho several wards
whero tho registrars will sit;
First Wanl First nreclnct. V. Jennlncs'
hnrn, East llroadway; V. H. Lynchnrd and
r. "else, registrars, heconu precinct, i'ni
Green, registrars.
Second Ward First precinct, City build-
Itiir. Ilrvaut ptrrot: J. W. Illnnchard and II.
J. McPermott. registrars. Second precinct,
"Jo West llroadway; J. D. Johnson nnd W.
11. Knepnor, registrars,
mini warn r irsi precinci, t uiciiko
house, corner Willow avenue ami Main
street; Chirk Pettlt und J. U'Nell. regis
trars. Heeonu precinct, wa houiii .miiiu
street: Hugh M. aoeu ana J. it. nryant,
resist rain. . .
Fourth ward rirsi precinci, kh fioiiin
Main titreet; II. J. Chambers and J M Put
ton, registrars. Second precinct. Kelley
limixc. 12T' South Main street: 1). .1. Whit-
taker and Fritz Frohardt. registrar
F ft h Ward Klrst precinct, uoumy nmiu-
Ing, comer Fifth avenue and Twelfth
street; II, A. Mosher und John Urouh,
registrars, Second precinct, county build
ing, 1GH South Thirteenth street; Hans
Hanson and A. S. Whesley, registrars.
Sixth Ward First precinct, County build
ing, c.ornrr Avenuo II uml Twenty-fourth
stieef, N. A. Crawford and Clint Mercer.
registrars. Second precinct, residency of
I'MirirloU VAinttlutt, 1. .,,,.. ntrnn, i ! W
Cooper and Charles Negothon, registrars.
Drltrii Inauiir by I'liln.
John M. Caldwell, 51 years of age, living
at 101 Washington avenuo, wns adjudged
Insane yesterday and committed to the
stato asylum at Clarlnda,
Ho Is a tinner by trade and about four
week- ago wim taken 111 with violent ptili.s
in his head. His physicians decided that
tho optic nerve had become affected oy
tho rollectlcn of light from tin roofs on
which Caldwell had been working. The
pains In tho heed Increased nnd Anally
drovo the unfortunate man out of hli
mind. His physicians are hopeful thnt
Willi prope: treatment Hip eyesight can be
saved tnd that In time his reason will be
I.lnrmnn Sue for UnmaKc.
A TV Kengler, formerly lineman In the
employ of the Omaha S- St. t.ouls Railroad
company, commenced suit In the district
court yesterday to recover J20.000 damages
for personal Injuries sustained In a col
lision near Mlncola, ,u., June 29 last.
Fenglcr states In his petition that ho and
other workmen weru ordered by tho fore
man, Oeorge li. Sherwood, to tako a hand
car and proceed down the lino to a cer
tain point to work. A special train, of
which ho and his fellow workmen had no
notice, and which was running at a high
rate of speed, came upon them suddenly
In a cut on a curve, and ran Into them bo-
fore they had time to Ret oft the track.
As u result of the Injuries received
Fcngler states his right side Is paralyzed
and ho IB crippled for life, lie Is 2C years
of age.
Majority fur l.lglH I'rniicblsr.
The olhclal ennvass made yesterday by
Mayor Jennings and City Clerk Phillips
of the vote cast nt the special election
Tuesday, showed that tho proposition to
grant tho Uluff City lil'ectrlc Light and Gas
company a franchise for twenty-flvo years
carried by n majority of 167. The canvass
showed no alteration from the figures al
ready published beyond that tho voto enst
In the Second precinct of tho Sixth ward
lowered tho majority fifur votes. In this
precinct twelve votes wero cast against
the measure nnd eight for.
Tho plans of thu Incorporators of the
Uluff City niectrlu Mght nnd (las com
pany not yet fully matured. Mr.
Grcenshlclds said yesterday afternoon that
tho company would as soon as possible
make the necessary arrangements for
carrying out their contract with the city.
Whother they would purchaso tho electric
lighting plant of tho old company and
remodel It was not yet decided ho snld.
Tho new company has an option on tho
old company's plant, but It will take, ac
cording to Mr. Oreenshlleds' estimate, be
tween 50,000 nnd $7",000 to remodel It and
Install modern machinery.
Manager Nichols of tho Council Hluffs
Gas and Klcctrlc company admitted that
his company had tnado a proposition to
the new concern to sell out nnd that It
was at present under consideration by tho
Don't burn your old wool mattress. Mor
gan & Klein will do them over by tho new
process better than new 122 South Main
Ilrqlllftlt Ion for Smith.
Tho requisition from Governor Shaw on
Governor Poynter of Nebraska for tho re
turn to this stato of Mike Smith, under
arrest at Plattsmouth, was returned here
yestordny by Governor Poynter, as ho re
quired that It should bo accompanied by
a certificate showing that Judgo H. h
Aylesworth was tho duly elected and act
ing Judgo of tho superior court beforo
which the Information charging Smith with
larceny had been filet). This certificate
was attnehed and the requisition forwarded
again last night, to Governor Poynter. The
hearing In tho habeas corpus proceedings
Instituted by Smith to secure his liberty
Is set for today at Plattsmouth. Tho nu
thorltles hero will resist tho granting of
tho writ.
Motor Cur OfT TracL.
The carelessness ot a section hand In
leaving a shovel lying across the rails de
railed one of the largo motor cars on tho
Omaha line about 11 o'clock yeaterdny
morning. The accident occurred Just cast
ot tho long trestlo over tho slough be
tween tho track grado tho approach
to tho bridge. An castbound car round
ing tho curvo struck tho shovel, causing
the front trucks to Jump the track. Tho
pshscngeis wore moro or less shaken up
but not Injured, although considerably
scared for a moment or two. Traffic wns
delayed for about hnlf an hour before tho
wrecking crew had tho car on tho rails
Hall 111 AVvst I'.nd.
Ex-Alderman I.. M. Shubert, who has
been untiring lu his efforts to secure a
public hall In tho western part of tho
city, ban nl last been successful nnd tho
foundation for tho building has been put
In and work Is being pushed no ns to com
plete It for election use. Tho building
will have a capacity of sentlng nbout 300
persons and Is located on Avenue II, at
tho corner of Twenty-fourth street. Tho
lot was owned by tho county and wns do
nated for tho purpose, tho county con
tributing $200 for tho building. Tho city
nlso appropriated n Uko amount.
' Money .Mode nt Cnnilrnl.
SIOUX CITY. In.. Oct. 17. (Spoclal.)
Tho rnrnlval which was held In Sioux
City tho week of October 1;6 cleared
$2,000. Of this amount $1,100 will bo
divided among five charitable Institutions
of tho city, nnd a purt of tho rcmnlnder
will bo used to pay up a few unpaid bills
left over from tho carnival of 1899, which
was under a different management. Those
In charau of tho cnrnlval of 1900 are
oulto plensul over tho success of tho
nfalr. Tho association Is especially grate
ful to W. 11. Heck, president, nnd A. A.
Smith, secretary, and It has onlored that
resolutions bo prepared expressing tho
appreciation of tho association, which will
be precer.lcd to Messrs, Beck nnd Smith
at a mcctlnf. to be held within n fow dnys.
The total expenditures of the cnruivnl
amounted to $7,631.
Ames Hem I'nrli Prle.
AMES, la.. Oct. 17. (Special.) Tho Agri
cultural departmopt ot tho Iowa, State
collogo at Ames tins been notltled by tho
United States Department of Agriculture
that tho butter sent by the college cream
ery wns awnrded a gold medal at tho Pans
exposition. This Is a great honor, as only
six medtls were uwnrded and this depart
ment waR open to exhibits from all part.?
of the woild.
The crei merlf 5 competing from the
Culled Stutes woro selected by tho United
Slates Department of Agriculturo and out
of tho forty who sent In exhibits from this
coii"tr th college creamery at Ames was
one of the first selected.
Arm li Torn (I ft.
ATLANTIC. la.. Oct. 17. (Special.)
News readied this city of a frightful act!
dent will, l befell Frank Downey, nn lr.
plement man of Massenn. He wus at work
on the farm of Hert 'Sullivan, uear there,
when In anin unaccourtnblo manner be
got his arm caught In a corn shredder nnd
had It entirely tern olf. X'cdlcnl aid wns
summoned nnd tho nrm amputated. Ho is
reported as out of danger now.
Drlm SiienUn to (Million Croud.
CLINTON. Ia., Oct. 17 -Eugene V. Debs,
social democratic candidate for president.
spoko to a big nudlenco at tho People's then
tor tonight on tho labor question and ap
plied soclnllsm, arousing considerable eur
thtiHtasm, Charles Drecker, congressional
candidate, and Charles Lloyd, electoral can
didate, also spoke.
Wltlim cr Hallux Himself,
AMES, Ia Oct. 17. (Special.) Isaac
Carpenter of Story City, thirteen miles
north of Ames, hanged himself yesterday
Mr. Carpenter was a widower about CO
years of age,
Aoti't-hn ShoulH I'nsen,
CHICAGO. Oct. 17. Joe Pasen, proprietor
of tho Pasen Theatrical exchange, was shot
In tho abdomen today bv Zorah Card, an
actress. Paseu was taken to the county
hospital In a critical condition. The shoot
Inir occurred In Pasen's office In the ires-
nr nt twn or three nersons. Powell ran
Into an adjoining office. U ddtiiK his stomach
and calling for n d v uir. The two nro
thought to have uuajrreled otr some the
atrical engagement.
Charles Evanston Believed to Have Beeu in
tho Sheldahl Robbery.
lovrn Central ( ommlttce Ciiiniiletm
ArrniiKciucntu for .Mrrtlim; nt Cedar
ItMlilils, with Mriintor Thurston
ms the Principal SurUr,
DES MOINES, Oct. 17. (Speclnl Tele
gram.) After a search lasting two years
and extending all over tho country Deputy
Sheriff Clarke of Kalamazoo, Mich., has
succeeded In capturing ono of tho most
noted bank robbers In tho country and
lodged htm last night lu tho Polk county
Jail for safe keeping. Clarke was Hero
two weeks ago on the trail ol nis man,
Charles Evanston, and traced him to Lin
coln, Neb., whero ho was arrested yes-
terday. Evanston Is tho sixth memujr
of a gang which blow open a bank vault
at Richland, Mich., two years ngo and
secured $10,000. All tho gang Is now lu
custody, three having been sentenced to
tho penitentiary. According to Evanston a
confession ho has been operating through
out the states of tho middle west In
Michigan, Illinois. Nebraska nnd Iowa. The
belief is expressed In tho slierin a omce
hero that tho gang Is the ono robbed
tho safo of tlm Sheldahl Savings bank
somo months ago and escaped with all
tho contents thereof. Tho method of tho
Richland burglary was exactly blmllar to
tho Sheldahl affair. Evanston Is a young
man, only 28 yeur of age, of good ap
pearance, well dressed and well educated.
According to his own confession ho hns
several large burglaries to answer for,
although ho denied having dono ami Jobs
In this part of the stato. Ho and tho
deputy sheriff woro (accompanied by Mis.
EvntiBton, who la Journeying with her litis,
band back to Kalamazoo to await the re
sult ot his trial.
Miss Ruth 0. Howe of Des Moines and
hor brother, Fred Howo, nro winners of
$8,000 each In a case handed down by tho
supremo court this morning. The enso
has been pending for two years. Miss
Howo Is a Des Moines society girl. Sho
nnd her brother wero left homeless, tho
father leaving, his money to charitable
Institutions. Tho opinions handed down
In mntter of estate of Charles Howe, de
censed, Ruth O. Howe, R. Howe, contest
ants, against John W. Rlchatds, executor,
Clarkn district, alllrmed.
E. J. Rost ngalnst Pes Moines City Rail
way Company. Polk district, ruversed.
J. J. Flnnegan agaliiht Sioux City, Wood
bury district, otllrmcd.
J. I). Kdmuudson ngalnst O. Waldorf,
Sioux district, alllrmed.
Tho stato central committee today com
pleted arrangomonts for ft mass meeting at
Cedar Rapids Friday evening, securing Sen
ator Thurston of Nebraska as tho principal
Mason Welcome Pnrvln.
Tho principal featuro of today's conven
Hon of tho grand chapter of Royal Arch
Macons wan tho welcoming honor accorded
to Theodore Parvlu of Cedar Rapids, who
arrived In Des Moines this morning. Parvin
Is tho nestor of Iowa masonry anil a convo
cation of nny ot tho chapters ot tho order
without his attendance and fco-operatlon
would mark that meeting as a failure. Ho
Is now S3 years of ago and all his long llfo
has been a member of tho Masonic order,
holding nil tho positions nnd receiving nil
tho honors which It Is posslblo for the state
to confer upon hlra. At noon tho register
showed that 110 Royal Arch Masons from
all over tho state wero in attendanco upon
tho school and council. Iast year tho total
attendanco was 125. As the grnnd chapter
does not meet until tomorrow It Is believed
that tho total attendanco by Friday will bo
At today's session of the state convention
of woman suffragists Mrs. Evelyn Beldcn,
tho prosldont of tho stato organization, do
llvered her addrcps, Sho said that tho legls
laturo had boon fair, that no member should
bo criticized or abused, thnt tho press had
given the cnuse kind consideration and fair
treatment, that tho work should bo better
organized, that tho stato headquarters
should not bo closed. Sho expressed tho bo
lief that the next legislature would voto to
submit tho desired equal auffrago amend
ment to tho voters. Mrs. Carrlo Chupinan
Catt, tho national president, nnd Miss Mary
G. Hay, national organizer, made addresses
urging closer organization. Miss Hay urged
thnt $2,000 bo raised for tho work this year,
Mrs. Mnry Coggcahall, stato treasurer, said
that amount would be needed. Eight nun
dred and slxty-llvo dollaru wsb pledged on
tho spot. A largo number ot speeches were
mndo nlong advisory lines. A welcoming
meeting was held this evening, addresses bo
Ing mndo by many prominent people.
Tho Drake foot ball team leaves Friday
morning for Lincoln, whero on Saturday
they play the University of Nebraska, In
nsmuch as Amos wns last Saturday defeated
by tho Nebraskans all Interest Is centered
on tho result of the coming game. Cnptaln
llacon of Drake, who witnessed tho No
braska-Ames game, declares that Nebraska
Plays nothing but straight foot ball, but
plays that well. No fakes or trick plays, he
says, wero used In tho gamo witu Ames
Nebraska won from Drake last year by a
score of 12 to C and this fact Is an addrd
reason why every effort wlH be mndo by
tho lowas to win tho game.
rin.w .mit nr.Ai.i.v a xatiox.
Mi-ri'h n Number of Ololrlets ultli
DllVi'i'fiit Hiii'OH mill l.uniliiauc.
We a io accustomed to speak of "China
r.nd "tho Chinese people" as If they were
dlbtlnct entitles, says tho Nineteenth Cen
turv Kuvluw. This la an error nt the
bottom of many ot our mistakes and con
fusions. Wo may Ufeo the word China as a
roiivonlent expression to connote a cer
tain vuot portion of tho earth's surface,
but In no inoic exact sense. What figures
as China on the map Is n number of ills
trlcts often separated from each other
nnd from the center by immense distances
differing widely lu climate, resourceb and
configuration. Inhabited by peoplo of
largely varying raco, tuinporunH'Ut, habit
1-ellKlou and language.
The Mohammedans, of whom there are
iiO.OOO.OOO, regard tho Iluddhlsts as Irro
llglous foreigners, "Tho Inhabitants of
tho central and northern provinces," bayg
Mr ICeane, "tiarcely regard those of tho
extieme southeast districts as fellow
countrymen nt all." A native of Shanghai
was heard to say; "There wore Bevcn
Chinamen and two Cantonese." A mati
from Tien Tsln and a man from Canton
can no moro talk to each othor than can
a iFrenchmnn ami a Dutchman. Moreover,
thiro exists between them a virulent raco
hatred. I lost tho best Chinese servant I
over had becuiuc, being from tho uorth,
nothing would Induce blm to accompany
me In the south of China, where his speech
would have betrayed him, "Cantonese
velly bad man, master," he said to me;
"I go homo." This curious Interhatred Is
consplcuouu whero Chinese from different
parts of China meet together, as, for ex
ample. In Ihingkok, or on tho plantations
In Malaya or tho Dutch Indies. Savage
faction fights nro of constaut occurrence.
Consequently It la easy to raise a force
of Chinese In one plnco to fight Chinese
In another.
It Is because there Is no such thins as
"China" that tho military casto of the
Manchus, comparatively Influlteslnml In
numbers, havu been ablo to Impose their
rule upon the enormous massei of Chi
nese. Thus It Is ttuwiso to predicate any
thing of China as a whole, or to believe
thnt what suits ono part will necessarily
suit another.
Over tho heterogeneous and conflicting
masses of China there has never, been any
effective central control nnd whnt control
there has been has steadily grown weaker.
Thero Is, therefore, not tho slightest pos
sibility ot tho establishment by Chinese
nuthorlty of a national army or navy or
civil service. And the corruption which
Is tho fatal curse of China Is directly due
lo tho fact that there Is not nnd cannot
be any cenlrnl authority to exercise con
trol over locnl ofllclals, or, In tho absence
of this, to pay them, Tho Chinese people,
lu tho language of physics, Is n mechanical
mixture and uot n chemical compound nnd
thcreforo Is Is Irresponsive to the nrtlou
of nny single reagent and Incapable of ex
hibiting any common property.
Vullmt onirr lliillitlun In Hi" Wculn
(o He Hull! In -v Vork.
Higher than tho Pyramids! Tallest oflicw
building In thu world. To bo erected mid
ready for occupaucy lu Just twclvo mouths.
Those arc the striking features of tho obe
lisk nt Herald square, tu bo net tip nt the
southeast corner of llroadway and Thirty
third street, reports tho New York Herald.
The elovntor wells lu this building will
he 435 feet deep. Allowing fifteen feet clear
between tho axles of tho wheels supporting
tho elevator cables (the usual free space)
and tho roof and tho total height from
llroadway sidewalk to tho top la 450 feet.
Add the thickness of tho roof and railing
nnd ornaments thereon and a total height
of 455 foot Is secured. Old Cheops, might
iest of tho Pyramids of Egypt, was origi
nally somo 470 feot above tho bnnds ot the
desert, but latterly It has measured only
4ut feot from baso to topmost point.
Cheops' sides at the base are 73." feet
long, giving the ancient landmark an nrea
of 570,025 square feet. Tho plot of ground
on which the newest skyscraper In tho
world Is ,to bo built measures 92 feet on
llroadway nnd U9 feet on West Thirty-third
street, extending backward so as to form
nn Irregular parallologram, with an area of
about 7,000 Bquaro feet. Theroforo this
building will be less than oua-elghtlcth ns
broad as tho biggest Pyramid, but several
feet higher, and, owing to Its sUunicss, will
nppear to bo much loftier.
Nono can toll how long It tool; to pile up
the great oblong blocks of stono which form
Cheops, how many laborers worked on thu
tnsk, nor how much It all cost or was
worth, reckoned In money, but of this now
gigantic structnro wo know this. The land
on which It will stand is vnlued now nt
$1,500,000. Tho building will cost about
Rents thereabouts aro so high that va
cant lots cost a heap to tho owners, nnd
when a building Is torn down or altered the
utmost speed Is maintained In preparing
tho premises for tenants again. So It Is
planned to tour down tho buildings on the
slto of tho new obelisk of Herald square,
erect tho new structuio nnd have rent-
payers settled within ltu walls by ono year
Last to Leave ...
. . . First to Arrive
I.tsrr Oinnhic ...
Arrive St. I.oiiln..,
. .fltOrJ P. M.
, . .7i00 A. M.
Trains leavo Cnion Station dally for St.
Louis, Qulnoy, Kansas City nnd all points
East or South. '
Homeseekers' Exourslon on sule 1st and
3rd Tuesday of each month.
Steamship tickets to nil parts of the
For full Information call at O. & St. L
Ticket Office. 1115 Farnnm St. (Paxton
lilock), or write
Harry E. Moores,
C. 1 A T. A., OMAHA, NKil.
Weak Nerves
People cannot help worrying when
thilr nerves are weak. That feeling of
languor, dulliicits nnd exhaustion is
the fearful condition which often pre
cedes Insanity The power to work or
study diminishes mm despondency de
presses the iniiul night and day
If you are MifTering the tortures of
Nervous Debility, there Is no knowing
how soon you may decline to sometluug
more horrible. Hut you can get well
The youthful strength, buoyancy nnd
happiness can be restored by the use of
They have cured thousands, nnd we
have so much confidence lu them thu t
we give an iron clad guarantee with a
K 00 order.
Sent anywhere In plain package. J1.00
per Ikix, (1 boxes for MHO. Hook tree.
Address, Pual, Medicine Co., Clove
laud, Ohio.
Sold by Ivuhn & Co., 15th nnd Doughs,
nnd J. A. Fuller & Co., 11th and Douglas.
It not, you have mlsseu n good thing.
This exqultlte mult beverage stands on i
unique basis. It sells Itself. Its fame anl
reputation la the envy or many. The palate
the beneficial results achieved "witbln" the
Inner man are the only and real Judges ol
Its merits. Approved of by them, It 'tri
umphantly enters Innumerable households.
Where CablneJt enters, doctors and druj
bill exit.
nniuvi;n iiy
i iiiw) icuuu nuHWixt; co
Phone .mn. OMAIiA. Mill
( itr I. air, IfOfiy or tit hfj, (r cn ber
itorM to Itl nit'-irtl color 'iV it injury tohtt'tb
tit iIMy o ie appli nn oitht
(Safi Imperial Hair Regenerator
alnlut1y lurr .lew. Any jTdit4 Cui t
frtU'J MOST IIS, jdiiipti .fi rti ir otttcirrr
"r ISUKll ll MV hi ( vtti i'liln" " ivia
Bold by drugLists and hairdressers.
Dr, Kay's Renovator
MMacrvM iu i.u,v L . . J ..-
JyaoeuHl.1, consllpulluri, billouit had
e, liver and kidnejs. At Iruanlsti. J
II fiend for Free BatiOle. Free Hool
Free Au.,c. Dr K. J. Kny, Saratoga
(irrat monthly
I manmotonAlAtl.
lire I most stubborn rf rfllercit In ffw rttrsi IJ
tshrrminft Mr'nnnlli. Knbn A: Co. nd fiib'r
driuilui r niallcU by Lion !ruc Co. uurlslv, .N
from the day the last teuant moves out, I
Hteum drills, hydraulic power, electricity
and ovtry modern agont serving to speed
the work of builders and contractors must'
be employed lu order to accomplish this
llorculean tusk.
Cheops Is really only a slngle-storled af
fair. The obelisk ot Herald square will be
divided and subdivided horizontally by
thirty floors. Todav the tallest office build
lug In the world, tho Syndicate, or I'ark
How building, lu this city, 1b twenty-six
stories high, counting the four-storied tow
ThntS Whnl tinlimliiii Thinks of
Hnllrnnil I'roplr.
Tho chairman of t. Uaheslon relief
transportation committee pnyB this trib
ute to the railroads: "Tlm railroad peo
ple nro the best people on earth und may
bo depended upon in any emergency. They
cheerfully enmo to our assistance In this
matter and have carried people to all
parts of the Cnlted States tree of charge.
We sent some peoplo as far as New York
and tho railroads made ns great effort to
get these passengers and bundle them
promptly nnd comforlnhly as If they were
getting 3 cents a mile from each of tboui,,
nnd tho (ialvuston News ndds; '"Not only
tho Texas railways, but all the great rail
way systems of tho country woro llkewlso
generous and gave the tender of their fa
cilities to all who red to contribute
to tho relief of the storm sufferers. The
express companies, telegraph and telephono
companies wero likewise quick to donsto
their facilities nnd services without stint
to thu cause of the dlstressetl. There Is
no way to estimate the amount of freo scri
vlco given by these great corporations to
tho sufferers on the coast, nor to place a
cash value upon It. It Is sate to say, how
ever, that In tho nggregate. estimated ac
cording to current tnrlffs, they have given
to Galveston and the Btilrkon coast towns
tho equivalent of not less than $1,000,000."
.ienler In Dcliiyecl.
MADISON. Neb.. Oct. 17. (Special.)
l'lof. lloyce, a populist speaker, wns to
hr.vo nddrcssed tho peoplo of Madison at
the Grand Army of tho Republic hall last
night, hut his train wns several hours
lute, vthlch prevented tho meeting.
If You are Tired
QX$tesM$ Phosphate
It affords immediate relief in mental
and physical exhaustion and insomnia.
Genuine lorj nme IIoKsronn's on wrsppt r.
A Splendid
Wholesale Location
The building formerly occupied by The Bee at
016 Faruam street will be vacant November 1st.
It has four storieH and a bawement, which wn
formerly used as The Bee press room. This will
he rented very reasonably. If intereHted, apply
at once to O. O. Iloaewater, Secretary, Room 100
Bee Building.
Ready November First
The People
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Klfteen lots In a body for salo at a vory rsnaonabla price. Thes
loto aro located In Omaha addition and lto high ami dry. They
will male a splendid location for tomo factory. Se vernl other lots
suitable for building purposes one of them especially will makn
a fine location for a home, belnc within one block of the motor
line and within two blocks of a school bnuso and church located
In the western part of the city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
To those who aro afflicted with that dreaded dlecane- Ktdnci fonipinini -If
ibcy will but hub tho urcatcit medicine known-
1 CraLQierys Kidney Cure
tholr HUlfentiK will soon cease. Thousands of peoplo who have tried nil othor
mcdlrlnc-j and found no relief aro today well mid uwo tholr lues to ('rutner'a
t Kidney Cure.
Tlionulil H" Coiililii'l lie ( urr.l,
AI.UANY. t.N". Y., Nov. if, 1SSS.
I'ltAMKH CHKMli'Al, l'f.
I can freoly and with Joy recommeinl
your framer Kidney Cure as it com
pletely ( ured mo of kidney complaint
und that after I lud niado up my mind
that I cnuldn I bo cured. I had tried
f.very remedy I heard of without satin
fa;tor res.ilts. I tell you It Is Hie
best medicine on enrth as It inado a
well man of inn and 1 recommend It
ro u reliable medielno to bo depended
upon by a man suffering' ivh I did
1 I.A (lltAN'OK.
-! !
Clerk In Hecrctar.V of HtHto'M Uttlre
Manufactured by tho t, miner .,, AAauy, V.
-. .
Little Liver PiUs-
Mutt Bear Slgnntur of
Am Pc-51sb1I Wrapper Relow,
Tot sunjiU msA
in take sus caffus.
rarely TsffetaMovwS;
inn i Hw.n'jir
Coo It's thiehcfsTnbletBrsnccHsfnllT
used monthly tiyoTsr lO.OOOIadlfH. PrlM,
i j ny man, ji.on. sna cents for
wimple ami prtrilcilUrH. The Cook Co.,
.tH"l n . I let roll. Mich.
Bold In Omnhft bv Ku tin ft Co.. IS A t)Utl-
Ur 11141 far untinln,.!
i!liohnrct. ItifUmmtions
Irritations or ulrnrnllcnf
cf in ii rons r-mk'rntiM
l'lul'i. fix" r.nt sitrln.
ifHtEVflSUMtMICUCO. 'nl ur rol'iK.ll.
LCI1C!1NTI.'.rl5I y ,,r"ITir,,
or teai in nam wrsppor.
Jl.oo. or & bottln. j.7.
Cuciuar sons on reuura
Vao Iiell'ri Ithi'iiiiuitlc Cute, a HUre and
prompt remedy for rheuinntlnni, neuralgia,
sciatica, lumbago, gout. Han cureil IIiouh.
andH -will cum you. 1'iice Me a box; small
n7.e LTk at druggists or mulled.
Council IIIiiITh, lonn, Alien!.
A5V -r
Mww al i iiruior.
P-T Proton cvQ.Mlon.
wiv tr. s.i. jm
Who Sells OoSe's Original
Hot Blast iOouncji jjuffs?
for tho Inst six winters do tho selling--wo put thorn up.
Our references ou our guarautco to give CI.HANhlNKSrf
nnd RVI3N IIRAT equal to hard coal aro peoplo using
them. Son names below;
Mrs. HlacU, 119 I'icrco Streot.
Wo useil Ooiu'rt Hot Hliim nil Inst winter Heated four
rooms and h usn was perfoctly cointortablo night and day
Wo kept plants all winter and never hud to tako them from
windows. Our li uso alia and ceilings wero left cleaner
rind the Hot lllaat makes inucli less itlrt than any con I
Htnvo wo over used Tho evon, utendy beat with soft coal
was a great surprise to ns nnd wo only gavo the Htovo at
tentlon threu times dally It proved very Indeed.
MHS. lilOKKII". Ul.ACtv.
41 Main St.,
Council Bluffs, la.
.Sun'ei'i'd for Tnrnf ien.'.
VI. MAN V. N. V.. ! .V USA.
It.V.M I'.I'. ClilJ.MK AI. ', ,
I llrinly belle vii I owe mv Hf ' "ur
wonderful remedy. I'm" tv.entv yearn
I suffered with l.tdmy trouble and
could llnd no rollef anywhere I spoilt
hundreds of dollars on doctors und
inudlclncH and could oulj Kt tem
porary ro'lef. I finally decldid to try
(miner's Kldlloy Cure and It dldynoro
for in In one month than ll ItnvoU
blnex 1 had taken In tweiit yeius. I
m km i a hi, iimniNH.
Chief Alounj" 1'Mre Iepurtniiit
. -