THE OMAHA DAILY HEJ3: TJtUHSDAV, OCTOBER 18, 1000. PIRATES PLAY A STAR CAME litttburg People See a Wonderful Base Ball Exhibition. BROOKLYN GIVEN A NEAT WHITEWASH I'lillllniil'i Splendid rltclilnu Cilvou Ilrllllnnt Support, White llimrll In Hulled llnril from First to Lust. l'lTTSnUHO, Oct. 17. ritteburg played ball In old-tlmo form anil did not Icavo Urooklyu a leg to stand on. Philllppl did excellent work In the box and was given gllt-edgo support, tbo only error or mis play being Williams' low throw to first lain In tho ninth Inning. Only ono Urook Ijnlto reached third and ho was killed nt tiio homo plate by a brilliant play of O'llrlcr. on Dahlcn's bunt. In co Innlns illil Ilrooklyn make moro than ono hit and thulr errors wero responsible for two runs, (ino of thu features was Tommy Loach's g ioiI work, lla rcachud flrat ove'ry time ho i-ame to bat, mado thrco hits, scored four limes, batted In n run and made three nlco cntrhes 'in left field. Attendance, 1.800. Score: PITTHUL'llO. I nUOOKI.TM. n.n.o.A t:.l n.u.o.A.u. 1 ii. If.... 4 3 10 0J"ni, cf.... 0 0 110 M .iimi'i, ct 1 3 1 0 OIOlr, rf.. 0 1 1 0 lutlixy. !b. 1 I 1 ! dinning!, lb 0 1 11 1 0 Viinr, If. 0 2 4 0 OKelby, It... 110 0 O'llriwi, Hi 0 0 S 2 OCtcws, 2b,... 0 1 C ( 1 U Ml' nut, 3b6 0 1 1 1I!)-. 2b..... 0 1 t 0 '.'mmr, v.. I 1 1 0 Dahlen, .. 0 0 2 4 0 i kh 12 12 0 Mtflulre, e.. 0 1 7 1 1 1, P- 1 0 1 0 Uowoll, p... 0 0 0 0 1 Totals ....10 13 27 11 1 TotiU t 111 II t Pittsburg 3 1 0 0 J'O 1 3 -10 Ilrooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Karned run.i : Pittsburg, 3, Threo-base lilt; .'rout. Harrtflce hit: flcatimont. Htolnti bn-Hcn: Kraumont, Wagner (2), Kly. Uinblo piny: Jones to Mcflulre, First bium on bulls: Off Philllppl, 2! off Howell, i!, lilt by pitched ball: Zlmmer. Struck out: Hy Philllppl, 5: by Howell, 3. Pained ball: .Immcr. Wild pitch: Howell. Tlmo: S W. empires; Hurst and flwartwood. BIG FIELD AT MORRIS PARK 'I'ltrntyOiK Horses Co to Pout lit Sec ond Uncc Whleli Clnrrr Hcr luunn Wins. NKW YORK, Oct. 17. Three consolation events mid three other fair nice mado up tlio curd nt Morris Purl: today. Tho Castle ton, u selling stake for 3-year-olds, was tho only flxturi) decided and that went to Templeton, who won the Ullver Rrook yes terday, She was at the lucrative price of 7 to 1, Ondurdls and Ashes being lieuvl'y played. Ondurdls was backed from 3 to 1 to c, to G, but ran a disappointing race, f'nndlo nnd Ashes mado tho running, but Mitchell kept Templeton well up and coming uwny In tho lust furlong she won, ridden out, by half a length. Ashes took tho plnco a length from Candle. A Hteeplrcliaso for non-winners this year was first on thu card. Sowers, nt tbo good odds of 20 to 1, oiitjumpcd nnd outlasted mid won. Muzn, tho favorite, wus prom inent to the Inst two Junius und then tired. Midsummer beat a big llcld of twenty-ono starters In tho second race and Oarry Her mann won tho fourth rnce easily from Roll ing Hoor, who In turn beat Doctor Harlow a head for the pluce. West linden graduated from the maiden class In the llfth race, beating Support u bead on the post. Support ran a good racu after lining almost left at tho post in n ntrngglltig ("tart. Th last ruco at ono mllo nnd a half went to tho second choice, Helgrnde, Maid of Harlem, the favorite, and McLeod of Daro madu tho running for a mllo nnd a quarter, with Andronlcus well up. I.lttlc Miles kept llelgrade In last place until well Into tho stretch, when he carnn up nnd won. Weather cool und track slow. Summaries: First race nteeplechnse, about two mlloa: Homes, 1MJ (Dayton), IN to 1, won; Zanzibar, 132 (Veltcb). 0 to 1 und 8 to S, second: Wal ter Cleary, 132 (Owens). -I to 1, third. Tlmo: 0:5D. M.izo. Captain Pearsal, Lady Linden and Lont Chord also ran. Second race, soiling. Ilvo nnd a half fur longs: Midsummer, 101 (Walsh), 5 to 1, won: Wax Taper, 102 (Hurns), 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, second: Fluke. 81 (Michaels), S to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:00. Hultzllupochtl, Ordeal, Ttlng leader. Miss Mitchell, Lanza, Prlnco Florist, Kllln Conlg. Ortruile, Monmouth Hoy, Mnglo Light, Hawk llagerdon. Hugged Sailor, Clarloba, Dick Furber, Mirluin Claro and Mordelmo also ran. Third rnce, CntUloton stakes, selling, flvo furlongs: Templeton, 101 (Mltcholl), r, to 1, won: AbIicm, 101 (O'Connor), 13 to 5 and oven, second: Candle. 99 (Huuscb), 7 to 1, third. Tlmo: 0:&S',4. Cherries, Onilurdls, Flora nnd Mauga also ran. Fourth race, ono mllo: Oarry Hermann, 110 (O'Connor), 4 to 5. won; Itolllng Hoer, 110 (Ilullman), 7 to 2 nnd 4 to 5, second: Doctor Harlow, 110 (Williams), 20 to 1. third. Time: IM Janlco and Frey also ran. Fifth rice, ono mile: West linden. 101 (Shaw), 4 to 5, won; Support, 103 (Walsh), 8 to B, second: Captain January. 101 (O'Hrlen). S) to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:434. Uollamy, lillen H. Llzln Recent. Luneowood, To Order, Wandering Minstrel und Lord Ogleby also rnn. Sixth race, ono mllo and a half: Holgrado. V. (Miles), fi to 2, won; I.ocochee, IC. (Daly). t?-,t,,,..,l,ul ?. 10 second; Mali! of Harlem, 10? (Mitchell), oven, third. Time: 2:37'-i. Andronlcuii nnd McLeod of Daro also run, SOLAR PLEXUS F0R RING Tnlent .In in pi on (he llnoUIca at .esv port nnd ItcHcvrn Them nf Their Coin. CINCINNATI. Oct. 17. Trinity Hell and King Hutno wero two hot tips nt Newport today on which the wise set swamped tho bookies. Nearly ovcry book In tho ring milt a heavy losor on tho day. Tomorrow m!6. ?Hf0iB?t0 ""'Pjs.wlll be donated to tho fund being raised for Harry Wnldon. the former sporting editor of the Clnclnnat Knqulrer. who Is now paralyzed. Weather pleasant, track, fust. Mummery; "vulmr First race, ilvo uml a half furlongs: Trln Itv Hell, 110 (T Kiilgnt). 13 to lo, won; Lenovii, 110 il'aretto), 8 to 1, sneond' Fi lift (J. Wlnklleld), 3 to 1. third.' Time, i:C9li' Ohum Skipper. Piralo Qucon, Hobert IS Leo. Mattlo llaln. Daisy Chain, Cresceit OiifPn Prlncesa Julian, Probably and Uuee.i I'Ulo uIbo ran, Second race, six nnd a half furlongs, sell ing: Nancy Till, 104 (Ciburn). 8 to i, 'won, Third race, mile and an eighth, selllngi If l.1 "5"'i lfl7 (J. AVInkfleld), 7 to 10. won; i'tor,.ury'. (Mler). JO to 1, second Woodtrfcn. 101 McQuado , 4 to 1, third Tlmos l:5l4. F.ttu. ICodait, Zzel, llalllo.l nnd Demosthenes also ran. won; IlruUiro. 105 (Miller), u to i. second Iris. 93 (W. Watson), SO to 1. third. Tlmo1 121W. Klennor Holmes. Mlnnlo 11. Fair De'. ei-lver, Water Bottle, Onoto, Dlvertlssmont Freo Hand, Llttlo Hegglo and HansfoiU iimu run, ENGLISH JOCKEYS NOT IN IT VaiiUrn Illdrrs Coudniin to Win on llrltlnh Conrsra Ilrsplte Lord Durham's Protest. LONDON. Oct. 17 Thft'rriiH nt tli'.n. c (id day's meeting of tho (latwick October uui'i aru noi cnii'iuaieu to ltsen the Hilt lull Irritation nt tho success of the Anr- nun jm-Kcvs on tnu itnitiin ttirr. The win ners of the first four rueoi on tndav's urogram wero rld.ltm Lv vltlor,! ImimriM from tho I'nlted States and one of the win ning norses is the property or an Arour- ttv v., ..,,. ,v , 1,1,1, ,1 Vtp,. I ItUMIMl ",'l was won by O. 8. Newton's Auu-ur, with lisntiy Mnhor In tho saddle, ThN race is : ' ,io sovereigns, illatauce, ono mllu an.l a 1 alf, '"ho Montetloro plate of 100 sovereigns re r ilted in a victory for John Smith's M.iun tuln lluok, ridden by Hlgby This ev.nt wan for 3-year-olds at ono mile. JUgliy also lltilidied tlrst on Mr. Dulto'j iihk 9 jtiurnin in mo LTawior fOlllU, haiidieiip of 2u) snverolmis Tho Mole pinto was won l-y Mr. Drnko's Irish Lass, with Lenter liclff In tho :idrtlo. This vent is of 10) Bovorelgns at five and one-linlf furlongs. Thero was no surprlto at Lord Durham's 1 'Hon yesterday protesting against the em nicviiioiit of American Jockevs. The stoim 1 id been gathering for ronie time. It Is jHiimcu out iiiui nis lormuip s aamission .As -mvi iu i. neL-uiiii: i.iaioocnn, (T. Knight). to 2. third. tW 1:21V4 Trouhalltie, Fd ltoth, Tho Tory. Wllkerson, 1'oxoy. Como Quick, Spaldy Y and Lord Fr.'izitr nlsn run n-'iV" ".,.l-V.u.nem"0- selling: Ir sh Jewe , ::i(K4A,fhlV 11 t0 2i "I?"'' Woon. 102 (Po' tJiV3V,,1'KBeo,.uL: "JHnch. (J. Wink, field), 3 to 5, third. Time: 1:4111 Wlno- '"iSf?.-! w,nter nni' I'!'" '1'czer also ran. Fifth raco, six furlongs: Klnir Italno ii i Coburn). 9 to 10. won; !tengal.K10 (Flick)! m iw oti utiu, ii nniiur. lid I .MCCJlinrlt! S to 1, third. Time: sir.. Whitfield Orrla tloiin. Joe.llattlo and Xanthos also ran Sixth nu'e, six nnd a half furloiins idl Imr: Marlon Lynch. 94 it. Tfhi .A" V ..f that thi Americans nre ousting the Un skilled Hrltlsh trnltiirs nr. l Jo keys fr ,m tho L'ngllsh ti.rf rleurly shows that the at tack on the Americans M be outeome of Jealousy. The fact that tho I'rlneo of Wales has rotalned the services of Tod Sloan .it perhaps tbo highest retainer ever given, to a Jockey Is reirarded ns a clear Indication that His Hlgbtirss docs not share the ! opinions or L,(-ra uurnnm nnu n reenrneu as A slgnlilcaiit refutation of tho charges against Mestr. Drake at"' Wlshird, pub llshed by the stewards of tho Jockey club. J. A. Drake In an Interview today said tho American Jockejs nre clearly tot .wanted hero anil the time will soon come when they will bo hand'cippcd off tho courees. Lester Rolff voiced the opinion of the Amcrlmn Jockeys when be said: "No ono outside would credit whnt the Amer ican Jockey lv compelled to put up with. Every obstnelo and petty annoyance Is re sorted to to defeat us ar.d It Is only bv tho exercise of the Greatest self-control that wo lire enabled to prevent an rp.tii mpturo with our ungllsh compeiitirs, which we nro noxious to avoid." HMiry Lnbouchere's Truth calls on tho J.icl'oy club to ndopt the rulo of the Ametlrm Jockey club prohibiting all "artificial uliM such as myst'rious drinks nnd hypodermic Injections whereby n horso can be Improved out of all recognition." Tho nrtielo continues: "Those knowing when a horso 1ms been treated to n Btlmu luti' nnd when n"t have a suro card up their sleeves. A great deal nf the rec nt form has been scandalously lrreconcl'able nnd takon In connection with the betting on tho races, tho question appears sus picious." STRANGE REVERSAL OF FORM S pec I II o nt Iliirlcm Turk Dump the "Wise Follis by L'nexiicclril Victory. CHICAGO, Oct. 17.-Quecr racing, flngrant reversal of form and tbo downfall of favorites wero clearly tbo features of to dnv'n nnnrt nt Iturletn. Tlio most liotlcabln of these was the victory of Specific In tho mllo and an eighth event, tliiru on tno pro gram. In tho last race run by Opeclllo he mado a miserable showing, with Tally up. Domlnlck bad the mount today und won easily with n length to simre. Knight llan nerct was tho favorite, with Cogmooslo sec ond choice. Tho Jockey on Cogmooslo did his best in n hard drive and bent out Knight Banneret for tho placo. It was a three-horse race, tho field never huvlug a show. Tho other reversal of form was What Next's victory over the Junipi, His racing of late has been a Joke, but be won as ho pleased from tho best field of timber-toppers at the local tracks. Weather clear nnd track fast. Summaries: First race, flvo furlongs: Shut Up. 101 (Devln), 9 to 2, won; El Orlente. 101 (Alex andar), 10 to 1, second: Light Hall, 103 (Tully), 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:00. Tub karosa, Tonlcum, Possart, Natural Gas, Proogravo, Kva Darling, Princess Otllllo and Water Plant also ran. Second ruco, etcoplechnE;, short course: What Next, 131 (It. Taylor), 15 to 1, won; Sallust, 132 (H. C. Wilson), 7 to 1, second; Uecky Itolfe, 103 (Jackson), 13 to 1, third, Time: 1:31 1-5. Alice, Arquebus and Negli gence also ran. Woodrnnger fell. Third race, one mile und an eighth: Sped flc, lol (Domlnlck), C to 1, won; Coariiooslo, H9 (Devln). 12 to 5, second; Knight Huu neret, ICS (Wilkinson). 11 to S, third Time: 1:501-5. Kbcrhart, ilanlsh and Mulalso also rnn. Fourth race, six furlongs: Hlgblnnd Lad, 1C0 (Itnusom). 8 to 1. won: Tnmn Irlxhiitnii. 10 (J. Martin). C to 1, sveond; Sharp Ultd, 100 1 11011111111, i 10 z, itiirii. Time: 1 :ai 1-0. Yel low Tall and John Welch nlso ran. Fifth race, ilvo furlongs: lidlth Q. 103 (Landry), Id to 1, won; Guesswork, 100 (.1, Martini. G to 2, second; Cora Goetz, li (Alexander), 12 to 1, third. Time: 1:14 1-3. Ada Carbry, Cofnpass and La Desirous also run. Sixth rnce, ono mile: Florlznr. 103 (Bo. lanili. 8 to 5, won; Chorus Hoy. 108 (Doml nlck). 10 to 1. second; Sly, 109 (Duiiee), 11 to 5. third. Time: 1:11 1-5. AVax, Maryland, Heserve, Kxpelled, Mark Miles and Norford nlso ran. WORLD'S RECORD FOR BUMMER Horse tvlth IllsreputnlilR No in o Mr-t l.'p Xcw .Murli for Sli l'lirlunus. ST. LOUIS, Octr"l7-Anothor excoliant card droW a big crowd to KInloch I'urk this nftornoon. Tho day was mado memor nblo by tho lowering of tho wotld's ix furlong circular track record, a uuar'ter of " second by tbo 4-year-old horso Hummer. tiiKiufiii, utcurrra in ino louriti cvont '. tho card. In which such good horse as Gold Or, Mngglo Davis and Miss Mao Dav wero Hummer's opponent.). Gold Or anil Mis Mao Day went to tho post eiunl first choices at 8 to li, and both woru hoavllv played, Hummer wai mado second choice at 22 to 1 and he. too, received llboral suo port. To a gtoil start Gold Or was Mrst away, with Hummer in mcoiuI position, and tho other:! closo up. On tho far turn Hummer assumed command nnd tinier Cochran's determined riding was never headed, winning in a hard drive b" half a length from Muggio Davis In 1:12 flat, a new world's record. Gold Or was a good third, but Miss Muo Day was nover prom inent. Sylvian wns tbo only winning favor ite, three second choices and two outsld?rs taking tho balnueo of tho card. Summary; blrst race, selling, ono mllo: Sylvian, 90 (Tnlly), 8 to D, won; Jim Turner, SS (Iteeder), C to 2, second. Hill .TncVmnn. 101 (Robertson), 10 to 1, third. Time: 1:43!;. nonnlvard, Miss Loretta. Fuclno, Hullo of St. Louis and Lurdan nlso ran. Second raep, six furlongs, purse, for 2-year-olds: Propellor, 103 (Hasslngor), 4 ti 1, won; Tony lapping. 101 (DnleO, 10 1 3 1, tecond; Dangerflold, 63 (Tnlley). S to 1, third. Tlmo: 1:144. Orleans, Patroclus anj Skfnwlth ulao ran. Third rnce, selling, ono mile: El Gbor, 1'5 (Ttobertsou), -4 to 1. won; John Morton, 92 (Tnlley), 3 to 1, second: Znnotto, 100 (Hno 4 to 1, third. Time: l:43f.. Sallle lvimar. Judge Steadman. I'apa Harry, Cuthcdril and Charlie Newleo also ran. Fourth rac. six furlongs, purse: Hum mer. SO (Cochran). C to 2. won; Msggln Davis, 70 (W. Waldo), 15 to 1, Kocond: Go'd Or. 93 (Weddorstrand). 8 to C, third. Tlmo; 1:12. Miss Mao Day also ton, Fifth ruco, selling, one mllo: Hlnsteln, ins (nasslnger), 4 to 1, won; Celtic Hard, 1(6 (Talley), 10 to 2, second: Grey Forgo, 10 (Wedderstrand), 15 to 1, third. Time. 1:IU4. Eight Hells, Jim AV tiud Two Annies also run. Sixth race. Belling, ono mllo nnd seventy yards: Hohul. 94 (R Mathews). 214 to 1, won: Jimp. 103 (Oasslnger), 5 to 1, second; Sktllman. 103 (WeddorEtrnud), 12 to 1. third. Time: 1:45. Rnster Cord, Joo Doughty and Capron also run. Crcseeiia Falls to Lower Ills Xnrli, TEHIHil HAUTE, Ind.. Oct. 17,-Crcsceus 2:01, tho king of all stallions, made an In effectual nttcmpt to lower his record over the Torre Hauto truck this afternoon. He went a very good mllo In 2:05(L but a light wind blowing down tho south stretch mado It Impossible for him to bent his Cleveland record. Ho wns driven by Ocoro II. Ket cham. Ho went tho tlrnt quarter in 0:29i, the second 0:3l'i, tho fourth In 0:32 flat, coming under the wlro in 2:03'i. Weather permitting the stnlllon will be given an other trial on Friday. Tertlman. a 2-year-old parnr by Jersey tikes, was driven by S. J. Fleming a mllo rourslnir llrNiiIti nt MiitiUntn. MANKATO, Kan., Oct. 17. The attend anco at today's session of tlio fall meeting of tho Central Coursing club was 3,000. Tho weather wus lino. In tho second round nf tho nll-ago stake lied Diamond beat Hortense June, Hullamy beat Mondnmln, Hummer beat Cuba, Uubv Uerylo bent Humboldt Girl, Lanley Siiulro beat Cotton Queen, Lady Gllmore beat Hlua Queen, Corbett beat Mlstrers Mildred. Na rarot beat Last Chance. Fleet beat Sailor. Hnrvest Mnld beat Italnbnw, Meg Merrlllrs beat Lady Hortense. Nadlra bent Cllffdalo. First round, puppy stake: Fanny O'ltell beat Arrla, On On bent Swirl, Seidell Queen beat Dolly Varden, Inshot a bye, Sliver Sioux bent Amoulde Gold, Fanny Floater beat Money Maker, Uneeda beat Highland Mary, Kunsas King beat Adellna Pattl, Scorbutus beat Donna Hita, Whirlpool bt'at Court lloauty. Lucy Leo bent JInJella, Joo Patchcn beat Hessle Fox, Whito Flyer beat Mankato, Gottlo Ingram bent llrothcr Hob, Merry Mont beat Cue Hall, Fnntenella beat iiiimii i.ny, i.uoy uay ocai lugnianil I.nd Captuln Eads a bye, Lucy Leo beat .White 1'lyer. Gottlo Ingram beat Joo Patchen, Merry Mont beat Von tenalla Uidy Gny bent Captain Ends. 'Iho finals will lio run oft tomorrow ClIIMIlUltll Ill-fl-MtN HoiiNlor. NEW VOIUC, Out 17. Leonard llowlson, tbo youtiB Caiiadlau, and Ora Mi.rnlnnstnr the Indiana player, met In the third match of tho pro'i ssionul handicap Millard tournu metit nt Maiirlco Daly's aendemy today nnd each worked hard to secure the J200 purso that had been hung up for tho winner. Hnwlsoit finally won. ilofeatlug Mornlhg star by a score of 200 to 2fi. The conditions lloison'l " Ciolf To 11 rn nine nt for Women. SHOUT HILLS. N. J.. Oct. 17.-Match p'ny wan tho order of the day at the tournn ment for women et the llaltusrol Golf club. The champion. Miss Frances c. Orlscom of the Merlon Cricket club. Philadelphia., won out her match with Miss Marlon Oliver of Albany In n very easy way. MUs Jleatrlx lloyt of New orlt, who has thrlco held the bcconn round, imppy stake: Fanny O'ltell boat On On, Incliot bent Selden Queen, Sil ver Sioux beat I'annv b'loater. Uneeda bent Klllimin KIiiit. Wl1lrlnn.1l lu.nt ,.,.,),.,, title of national champion, also won her match with tbo utmost ease. She beat our of the strongest players in the countri, Miss Eunleo Terry, of the Ardsley club, who won tho flrct cup nt this tournament hist year. Miss Klsle Cassatt of Philadelphia unex pectedly was beaten by Mrs. E. Manlce of Lenox, nnd another surprise wns tho defent of Miss Harriet Curtis of lloston bv Miss llerg of tho Yountah Country club of Nut ley, N. J by u narrow margin. .Nrtnoii Cut World's Hreord. CHICAGO, Oct. 17.--Johnny Nelson, the middle distance blcyclo chnmplon, cut 32 1-5 rccotids oft the world's Indoor, motor paced rornrd for fifteen miles nt the Coliseum tonight In bin match ruco with Fisher. Nelson went the distance in 27:01 1-5 nnd bent Fisher by over seven laps. Fisher caught his machine first nnd led up to live miles, but after that the puce became too hot for him and Nelson forged nhead. Slittr .Scores Aunlnst Penny. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. li.-Htate collego was defeated at foot ball by tho University of Pennsylvania, K to 5. Stato collego pre sented a crippled team and to equalize mat ters somewhat Conch Woodruff of Pennsyl vania laid off Captnln Ware and two tackles in the 11m half. It wns in this half the Stato eleven scored. Tho tackles wero put back In tho second half and State failed to bcore. Yale Defeat llomlilln. NEW HAVEN. Conn,, Oct. 17,-Ynlo this afternoon met In Howdoln the strongest foot bull team encountered this season, nnd in an interesting gunio overcame tho visi tors by the K-oro of 30 to 0. Ynle outplayed Howdoln in tho second hnlf and In tho fat ter part of tho first half had things Its own way, rushing nnd breaking through for dis tances of from flvo to fifteen yards repeat edly. 1'oot II nil ItesulU In llrlef. At Prlncoton Princeton, 43; Syracuse uni versity, 0. At Cambridge, Mass. Harvard, II; Hates college, 0. .More limn 11 (ininc of CliecUcrs. HOSTON. Oct. 17llnrker and Jordan fought through two moro drawn games today. FIRE RECORD, lllu Loss nt Pro-err. HASTINGS, Neb., Oct. 1". (Special Tel egram.) Prossor, fifteen mlloa northwest of Hastings, thu terminus of the Miss url Pacific railroad, lost three of lta prin cipal business houses by firo at nn early hour this morning. The lira broko out In E. L. Prlco's general store and spread to J. (1, Heartwell's drug store, nnd J. C. Pbllbrlck's blacksmith shop and tho three wero burned to the ground. Every citizen In tho llttlo village gavo his nsslstanco nnd did what ho could to protect tho sur rounding property. Tho wind wns blow ing qutto a gale and there was a perfect shower of Bparks. Tho hotel and livery stable were saved only by tho heroic work doiio by tho bucket brlcnde, which car ried water from tho town pump and kept certnln partB of tho buildings constantly covered with wet sheets and rags, The less caused by tho fire Is qulto large, ns thero was not n dollar's worth of in surnnco on any of the buildings. Ilarn mill Grnlii Kuril. SLOAN, la., Oct, 17. (Special.) A barn nud a valunblo stack of millet belonging to Mrs. J. J. Arnold of North Evans was burned to tho ground about 2 o'clock Mon day. Tho origin of tho Are Is unknown. HYMENEAL. WhltiTnrtli-Axtell. The marrlngo of Miss Maud Axtell and Mr. Arthur Whltworth occurred at tho Madison Wednesday night. Tho nuptials were attended by a largo number of in vited guests. Tho ceremony consisted of tho beautiful and ImpreBslvo Episcopal ring aervlco, which was rend by Dean Fair of Trinity cathedral, and during Its prog ress Mr. McConnell presided at tho piano, playing tho wedding march from Lohen grin. Miss Axtell entered tho parlor, whero tho aervlco wns performed, on the arm of her brother, Ouy Axtell. Miss Ethel Fens ler of Missouri Valley wts her bridesmaid nnd her sister, Miss Delia Axtell, wns tho muld of honor. Mr. Whltworth was at tended by Mr. D. Mclntyre. Little Ono Loavltt was tho ring bearer nnd tho ribbon benrors were Gladys Lenvltt nnd Arthur Fensler of Missouri Valley. Tho parlors and dining room were pro fusely decorated In colors of pink and red. After thu conclusion of tho servico tho guests partook of n sumptuous wedding dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Whltworth will mako a honeymoon tour through the wost ami niter tholr roturn will make their homo In thin city. Itnrnrd Offered lor Scott. DEADWOOD, S. I).. Oct. 17. (Special Telegram.) Tho sheriff of Lawrence county todny offered $1,000 reward for tho appre hension of Italph Lloyd Scott, suspected of hnvlnsc murdered his' sister. Mrs. Mnbol Herdnum, nt Garden City September 30. Tho roward with tho exception of $250 was raised by popular subscription of Lawrcnco county pooplo. A description of tho man Is ilB follows; About 25 yefcrs old, height flvo foot soven Inches, weight 150 pounds, corn pnctly built, shoulders not broud, black hair, cyelrows heavy nnd dnrk, color of skin, a modluir between light and dark; bluo eyos, itoman nose, with slight drop In point, general features symmetrical, rnthcr broad through upper purt of faco. May or may not wear dark muBtacho; Is quiet, reticent, not Incllrted to enter Into general conversation, talks In low tencs. lias habit of wearing hat low ovor his eyc3. A brother n tho murdored woman is now hero from Boone county, Iown, working up tho case. It is generally believed now that Lloyd Scott killed his slater in order to get possession of certain proporty In her name. Ho had mado threats upon her life. l'rolltM of Dlstllllnu Trust. NEW YOItK, Oct. 17. Tho iiuntml ro port of President S. M. nice for the year ending Juno 30 last, which was read at to day's meeting, Bhowcd tho net profits of tho DlBtllllng Company of America were $129,737. Tho net profltn of tho constitu ent companies wero $1,387,182. Tho not earnings of tho constituent companies was divided as follows: The Kentucky Distil leries and Warchouao company, $1,100,320, tho Standard Distilling and Distributing company, $141,11.'.; tho HarrlH Distilling company, $126,fi9S; tho Spirits Distributing company, $10,571. Tho llfth nnd only other company reported a loss of $22,208. Tho report gives the capital stock as $125,000;000, divided Into $70,000,000 of com mon Btock and $55,000,000 of preferred. l'iiiiIUt CnnitlditteH WltlidriMV. PIERItE, S. D., Oct. 17.-(Spcclnl Tele gram.) Tho tlmo for withdrawal of mimes from stnto tickets expired last night ami up to that time threo names had been with drawn from tho populist ticket, tho last to withdraw being Frank W. llallcy of Davison county, tho nomlneo for stato troasurer, the other withdrawals being j. j. gelt, ono of tho presidential electors, and Chauncey J. Maynnrd. tho nominee for lieutenant gov ernor, Tho names which remain all go be fore tho pcoplo at the polls. Saliiiiiiiii'in KhontN Farmer. SISSETON. S. P.. Oct. 17-CharlcB La mars, a farmer, at ono time a saloonkeeper at Waubay,. shot nnd probably fntnlly wounded Georgo Canfleld. a farmer, near SUaeton. Lamars wns arrested. Tho bnly witness, Chnrles Cnnfleld, refuses to give any facts. Lamars claims self defonso. Cb I en 1:0 hehuol IHxiiliiy u Winner. CHICAGO. Oct. 17-Accordliig to a letter received hero today from Howard J. lingers, director of education and social economy for the United States commission nt the Paris exposition. Chlcago'n public schoo exhibit carried off the honors at the oxpoi'ltion. The display lias been declared tho most complete and creditable made by tho schools of any city and educators of Europe nro neklng for portions of It to use us models. Instead of bringing the exhibit buck and preserving It according to tho original Intention tho board will distribute It In Europe. ., NOW NEGOTIATING FOR PEACE OhincflO Minister to Great Britain Assorts Conference Has Begun. SESSIONS HELD AT FOREIGN OFFICE WimliliiHtnu Advices Deelnre tlint AotuliiK nt All l Known There of I lie Mutters Heferreil to In Loudon Disputed, LONDON, Oct. 17. The Chinese minister, Sir (!ht Lo Feng Lull, inserts that peace negotiations havo actually begun at PckM between the Chinese plenipotentiaries nn.l the representatives of the powers in the Foreign oflleo buildings, which, he adiR havo becen given over to tho Chinese for that purprse. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. If nny pence ne gotiations have btcn begun In Pokln, us bj certcd by the Chinese minister nt London, thiy of only n preliminary character, conllned probably to tho examination of tho olllriuls nppolnled by tho emperor. Neither the Chlncso minister here nor the Stnto deportment havo any Information. Trinco LI Hung und Prince Chlng, two of the rcpicscntativos of tho Chlncso govern ment, uro In Peklu. PEK1N, Oct. 10. (Via Tlcn Tsln, Oct. 17. via Shanghai, Oct. 17.) Prince Chlng and LI Hung Chang havo addressed a Joint meeting of tho foreign envoys, fixing Saturday next for tho flrst meeting to discuss tbo condi tions of peace. MESSAGE FR0M"fHE EMPEROR .Minister Wu Culls nt the White House with a Dispatch fur the President. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Minister Wu called upon tho president this morning, On leaving tho White House tho minister said that ho had convoyed to tho president n messngo from tho emperor of China thanking President McKlnloy for tho con sideration shown by tho United States dur ing tho Chlncso trouble. Tho minister nlso brought a dispatch from Shanghai from the southern viceroys stating that tho Imperial party had reached Tung Kunn, only a few miles from Slnun Fu, tho new capital, on (ho 14th Inst. Referring to tho report from Pekln that tho edict for tho punishment of certnln Chlncso officials had been forged, Minister Wu said Buch a story was preposterous nnd should rocclvo no credence whatovor. If anyone should lsstio a falso decree of thnt character It would be very easy, he raid, to ascertain his Identity and he cer tainly would bo beheaded, Tho advices received by Minister Wu gives no lndlcntlon of n purposo on tho part of tho roynl family to return to Pokln, although thero is reason to believe thnt efforts continue to be mado to luduco tho emperor to return to tho capital. Tho emperor lias heretofore sent messages of thanks to tho czar of Russia and the em peror of Jnpan for the course tholr gov ernments have pursued and tho messages to the president is along tho same Hues, Secretary Hay npent some tlmo at tho War department today in conferenco with Secretary Root, after which ho wont to tho White House. From this it was In ferred that there wero some military de velopments In tho Chlnoso situation, al though no statement was mado from offi cials, Russia's determination to pursue a policy Independent' of tho other powers Is re garded by the ofllclals as a most Important development in tho oltuatlon. In tho ab senco of tho official details those In nuthorlty are In doubt as to whether this Russian stroke is designed to Insure Hus sin 11 occupation of Manchuria, or Is only a move In tho pacific tendencies which tho cznr's government has given expression to beginning with tho announcement of thu withdrawal of Russian troops from Pekln. As to Russian designs on Manchuria, it is being rccnlled that In the Russian note of August 2S that government Bpccltlcally stated: "KusBla will not fall to withdraw her troops from within the boundaries of tho adjacent emplro provided, however, that tho notion of other powers shall not stand In tho way." It Is a question, however, that tho pres ent aggresslvo course of Germany In open ing a military campaign Is not the "Action of other powers" which will "stand In tho way," Thero Is a strong impression In official quarters that tho entire trend of Russian action Is toward the ultlmato acquisition of Manchuria as part of tho Russian do main. It Is a very unusual thing for a minister to communicate directly with tho presi dent. Only an ambassador, according to diplomatic usago, can hold n personal audience with tho president for tho trans action of diplomatic business, but tho unusual character nf the message Minister Wu had to convey warranted tho depar ture. After dellvi rln(j this messago, for which the president expressed his grateful acknowledgments, Minister Wu nnd tho preatdent talked about tho situation for some time. CHINESE MAKE HARD FIGHT KiiFinlniis To he Mukden, hut Only After IlenlHtniice of the .Most Stub . horn Sort. ST. PHTERSllUIUI. Oct. 17. Detailed reports to tho War office of tho occupa tion of Mukden, Manchuria, iihow thnt the Russians met with strong opposition at Schacho, whero tho Chinese, with thirty battnllons, twenty field guns and Kiupps and Maxims, occupied tho railway em bankment and heights. Tho fighting continued from 9 o'clock In tho morning until I In tho ntfornoou. Tho Chinese cavalry enveloped tho Rus sian right flank nnd endeavored to tnko it in tho rear. They were repulsed, but returned repeatedly to the attack. Fi nally, after artillery preparations, tlio whole Russian column wits thrown against tho Chlnchc, who, by evening, wero iu full retreat. This result was only reached when General Fleischer s column, which bad been resting from the fatigue of a long march, wus called Into nctlon. Next day thu. Chlncso mado a less stub born stand In a strong position on the mountuln chain in front of I.lao Jnu. The position was captured at noon, but thu Russians wero unublo to pursue the Chi lli ne, on account of tho extreme fatigue and tho dlllU-ult nature of tho country. Another Russian column met with strong resistance uml only arrived at Lino Jptt at 5 o'clock in tho afternoon Tho Russians In tho course of the two days' operations lost fifty killed nnd wounded. They raptured several guns. ASK IMMEDIATE ACTION Fretted Ciiveriiiiieul !!ciilct Hint Pence, Neol lot Iiiiin 11III1 China lle 1)i-kiiii t Once. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17 The French cbnrgo d'affaires, M, Thlobaut, lud a con ferenco with Secretary Hny today. It Is understood ho presented a memorandum proposing the peaco negotiations with China begin Immediately. M. Thlebaut also made known tho satisfactory answers received from the several governments and pninttd our tho desirability of having nctlon taken at once to carry nut 'he sev points on whl"h the pn';r hnve been brought Into agreement. CANTON IN GREAT DANGER Capture of Hut Chow by Sun t Sen's llebeln lloilen III for the Greater Clt. HONG KONG, Oct. 17. Advices from Canton say It Is reported there that Sun Yat Sen, tho reformer, captured Hul Chow last Monday. The Cantonese ussert that If Hul Chow, which resisted tho Insurgents In tho Tat Ping rebellion, falls thus tho rebels will bo able to tnko Canton within a week. Admiral Ho, with the bulk of his forcci, left San Ghun this morning In pursuit of tho rebels, leaving 250 troops to protect San Ghun and sending 200 to garrison tho mandarin station st Nao Tati, the western nnu of Doek bay. The United States gunboat Marietta, from Shatow, arrived at Hong Kong, coaled and proceeded for Canton. lie (Her Ordered Hack to Peklu. BERLIN, Qct. 17.-M. dc Olers nnd tho Russian legation, according to a dispatch from Tien Tsln to tho Kolnlscho Zeltung, huve broil ordered to return to Pekln within a few days, FORGE AN IMPERIAL EDICT llellef Hint Order for Punishment of Princes Warn False 11 ml Cir culated for 1'Hl'ect, PEKIN, Monday, Oct. 10. It Is regarded tiH certain that the alleged imperial edict 01 dt ring tho punishment of high officials wim forged and was concocted with tho object of preventing the ndvanco of tho allies on Pao Ting Fit. Doth Prlnco Chlng und LI Hung Chang deny Its authenticity. Count vou Waldcrseo Is expected to ar rive hero October 17. Courtesy to the ItiiNNtaiis, WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Horace Allen, tho United States minister to Corca, has Informed tho Stnto department of an net of courtesy on tho part of a mining company which operates tbo mines In tho Unsan district of northern Corca. At tho request of tho Russian chargo d'affaires at Seoul the company placed Its steam launch Helen at tho disposal of a party of wounded Russians to convey them Jfroin a point near the northern border of Corea to the port ot Chtnampo. These refugees wero a portion of tho force of tho Russlun Rail wny company In Manchuria and had fouRht their way from tho neighborhood of Mukden to tho Corcan frontier, persistently at tacked the whllo by Chlncso regular troops and Iloxers. So fierce wero these assaults that they weio forced lo leave tho killed and badly wounded of their party behind. Tho courtesy of tho American company was much appreciated by tho Russian charge, A similar tender of services was mado to Japan nnd tho other allied powers. PHXSIOXS FOR WESTU1IS VKTIlllAXS. Wnr Survivors Henieniliered hy the General Government. WASHINGTON. D. C, Oct. 17.-Spfwial.) rlie following pensions have been granted; Issue of October 1, 1900: Nebraska: Additional William H. Thompson, Sutton, $12; Samuel Kelsey, Elk Creek, JO; Georgo A. Rosi, Hancroft, $10; lllluin Campbell, Central City. $S. Rei tnratlou and Increase Homnnzo M. Haven, Mi.'kerson. $10. Renewal and Increase John Doyle. Hebron. $10. Reissue Dnvld Xlegler, Itulo, $3. Increase Jacob Hnrsh, Eagle, $&; Hon.lamln Uurnlcu, SL Edward, $10: Jnmci E. Rurnett. Soldli-rti' nnd Snll ors' Home. Mllford, $s. Original Wldow.i. etc. Jerusha Haven. Nlckernoni $S; (sure al accrued, Oct. S). Mary J. Rlddler, Hlalr, Nuncy J. Graham, Edgar, $12; Martha Hanson, Hloomlngton, $S. Iowa: Original John A. Wise. Kldon. 10: James H. Woodwnrcl, Mltchellvillo. W. Orf,on T. Wndsworth, Carroll, $8. Addltioml Levi E. Hehel, Davenport, $8; Hugh Kel sey, Princeton, $12, William Makepeace, Soldiers' Home, Marsbulltow 11, $S. Supple mental John Zollcr, Waverly, $0. Restora tion und Reissue Sutton Reynolds, dead, Des Mofnos, $12. Increase Henry Moeller, Hello Plaine. $12; Jay W. lidding. Des Moines. $14: John H. 1. Shannon. Jefferson, $10: John 11. W'arner, Hancroft, $S; Matblus C. Mills, Cedar Falls, $8. Original Widowi; (special accrued Oct. 3), Rachel A. Rllev. Washington. $12; Mnllnda A. Griggs. Keo kuk. $12; Emclino Lines. Clarlndu, $12: Lu elnda Yordy. Riverton, $i; Lavlnu. S. Tom lln, Iowa City. $8. Hammond Compuny (Slvea Trust Deed. CHICAGO, Oct. 17. Tho G. II. Hammond company, a Michigan corporation, has exe cuted a trust deed to thu Central Trust company of New York nnd Thomas Ham mond of Hammond, Ind,, upon Its packing plants nnd depots In Chicago, Hammond, Ind., Bos-ton, New York and other eastern cities, Omaha. Detroit. Liverpool and Lon don, to Issuo $1,555,000 debenturo bonds, ma turing July 1, 1901, and bearing 6 per cent interest. Tho deed of trust, which wns filed here today, recites the fact that tho company has renrgunlzed and reduced Its capltul stock from 180,000, In addition to which tho debonturo bonds were Issued, Recovers Illir Humane. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. William O. Welg ley obtained a verdict for $00,500 nt tho hands of a Jury before Justice Gllderaleove In the supreme court today. The Judgment Is directed against Sylvester II. Kneeland. The suit grew out of u ralliond deal. In 1RSJ Welgley secured an option upon the Texas Trunk lallrond nnd offered to sell It to Mr. Kneeland. Subsequently Mr. Knee land purchased the road for $30O.mU Ac cording to Mr. Welgley Mr. Kneeland promised to tiny him $50,000 If the deal went through. Welgley received $10,000 on ac count. Then ho tiled Mr. Kncclund to re cover the remnlnlng $10,000 und Interest. Gas .Men Confer at Denver. DENVER. Oct. 17. The, twenty-eighth uniiunl meeting of the American Gnsllght association convened In tills city today, about 150 members being present. These officers wero elected: President, E. G. Pratt, Dei" Moines, la.; first vice president, William It. Heul, New York; second vice president, Alton S. Miller. Now York; third vlco president, Rollln Norrls, Philadelphia; Hccrctary-trcasurcr, A. E, Forstnll, New York. Members of the council: Charles F. Prltchurd. Lynn, Mass.; James Ferrler, Co liimbus, Ga, : Georgo McLean, Dubuque, la.; William A. Miller, Cincinnati. Papers on subjects of Interest to gns men wero read and discussed, Mice Case llenumeil, NEW YORK. Oct. 17-Albert T. Patrick nnd Charles F. Jones, counsel nnd servant for William J. Rice, wore again he ore Mnglstruto Urunn today for the continua tion of tnelr cxnmltiution on the charge of having forged tlio signature to a chec for $25,0iO drawn on the bunking firm of Swenson & Hons. A.V J.VGAM.M GEM. Recollections uml Impressions of 11 Ixlt to HIM Old Home. A few dayh ago, says tho Atchison Globe, tho following paper was found In the late John J. Ingalls' desk. It refers to 11 visit to tho site of his old homu on the river bluff, burned many years ago: "Was It 011 this planet wo lived alone and loved In youth's enchnntcd kingdom, amid tho forests and by tho grout lonely river,, looking with mingled gazo at the enstorn bluffs, purpled by the autumnal sunset, or ut the won face of tho moon climbing with sad steps tho midnight sky, or was It on somo remote stnr In some other life, recalled with rnpturo and long ing limit terabit! and unavailing? 'Oh, death In life; tho days that aru no more.' "Tho crumbling excavation scarce dis cernible nmong the vines and weeds and brambles, deserted nnd Inaccessible, an cient as Palmyra or Persepolis In scorning, wns this iho thenter whereon wns enacted the Inicxlcutlng drama, the sweet tragedy of human passion, grief, Joy und endless separation? Since then, what devious wan derings of tho soul; whut darkened vistas, what trepidation; what struggle nnd so Inco; what achievement and defeat; what spleitdor and what gloom. "Tho river flows and tho l.mdscapo Is unchanged. Nature mocks with her por nianenco tho mutability of man and In that steadfast presence, recalling life's van ished glory and bloom, and dew of morning, how worthless und empty appear nil that tlmo glvos compared with what It boars Insatiably away. How gladly would wo exchange tho prizes' of ambition and fame and wealth for tho splendid consecration ot youth'WIld with all regret, tho days thai nro no moro,' " FEVER RAGING IN HAVANA Yellow Jack Stalks Whero Ho Had Never Before Intruded. SCORES OF CASES UNDER TREATMENT Public Atithorltlro, Hotel Keepers nnd Other Interested Parties Accnifil of Misrepresent Inn the True Condition of Afliilm. NEW YORK, Oct. 17. The Evening Post prints today accounts received by mall ot yellow fever In Havana.- The Post's article says, In part, that the disclosures mado by mall ndvlces nhnu- n mnrtl tie condition of the henllh of Ilavnila and suburbs, nlso an apparently concerted nttcmpt of tho uuthortlca und hotel pro prietors to suppress tho facts. The facts nro that yellow fever Is now not only In tho districts where It Is yearly cxroctcd, but In places that have been considered snfo from Its raids. From seventy to ninety cases wero under trial ment on October 10, tho date on which the mail Just received left Cuba. While tho death rate has been comparatively low, tho fever having appeared for the most part in mild form, tho infection of those parts of tho town and the suburbs Is said to havo caused consternation. Letters nlso show thnt a faithful ac count given by the Associated Press rep resentative has been dented, but private persons Bay they are witling, it neces sary, thnt tholr names should be used to corroborate tho statement of tho per ilous condition of llavnua for visitors at this tlmo nnd add that the persons nro unwilling to glvo any permission to foreigners to enter the town before Feb ruary. CAREFUL ABOUT CONTRACTS General Wood Makes It eeominendn tlons ConccruliiK Havana Sriitrn and Puvlngr, HAVANA, Oct. 17. Governor Generul Wood suggests to tho special committee ot the Ayuntamlcnto dealing with the Daily project that, In fixing the conditions of tho Bubasta, or public letting of the contract, It should stipulate that the work of paving and sewering Havana must bu completed within two years, nnd that United States army engineers shall pass on thu ma terials and Inspect tho construction. As to tho other conditions, ho will Insist that these shall bo nf bucIi n nature as to luvlto competition. The special commltteo met today, but deferred action In tho mattei It lu expected that its report will bo presented nt next Friday's meeting of the Ayuntnmlcnto. General Wood has sailed for the United j States by the steamer Yucatan. Ho will go direct to Washington. Just before leav ing he signed un order authorizing the es tablishment of twenty-two schools In the provlnco ot Hnvuna. Tho executive commltteo of tho Pan American Medical congress, which will meet In this city In December, hns Issued a circular lo medical organizations In the United States, inviting them io send repre sentatives. Martin C. Fosnes, acting dlreetor gen eral of posts, who was removed eight days ago to Las Animas hospital sufTcrlng, It was then supposed, from yellow fever, was discharged from the hospital today. Thero uro two caees of yellow fever on the revenue cutter Ilaracou now In Havana harbor. General Maximo Gomez Is 111 at Cala- baar. Culiilim Object to l.uiHovr. HAVANA, Oct. 17. Rumors ore In circu lation that General Ludlow Is about to re- eelvn nn linnnrinnt nnst. In Cnhn. t.n l.liehn says: "General Ludlow's methods of deal- ing wiiu uuuans uro lUBumug, uuu iiib methods extravagant." C'nrmody Gains Time. FARGO, N. D., Oct. 17.-Thls afternoon ' United States Commlfiloner Montgomery (turtle,! -fl mntlnti flip the iltumlnHii 1 (if tint ' case against Frank Carmody, charged with robbing a safe In Mexico City last March of J10.000. A detective Is hero with extradition papers, but the official Interpreter was In competent to translate them, and nn ad journment was taken until November 2 for mat purpose. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Sam Deltlck of O'Neill Is Dt the Murray. J. 11. Jenkins of Schuyler Is ut the Mi lard. Mrs. I). F. MurtI hau returned from Chi- C820. H. Harris of Fullerton wns nt tho Her Grand Wednesday. H. Tweed of Davenport wus nt the llei Grand Wednesday, Mr. Isaac Hatten is lu Denver attending tho niiuunl meeting of thu American Gas light association. 11. G. Harratt of Ottawa. HI., is In the' city, the guest of How James linynes. Mr. jiurrnu is wen Known in nis m-cilon us it Politician. Hif'ls a llfe-lonir democrat. ci ho voted for McKlnley und will do ho again. .Mr. Harratt nays Illinois will go republlcun by at least 40.0W. Nebruskans nt the Mercnmits: Mr. and Mrs, T. U. Irwin, F. H. Hughes. (.. H. Mounter, Dan Hill. Joseph Mlclkl, Hob Dixon and G. II. Mills of Gordon, D. II. Hurber. W. C. Hurber, O. J. Hcrlbner and John Van Canin of Luella. D. L. Toof and J. II. Cnlr of Aurora. J. Klnsterman ot Duvtd City and It. K. Flecher of Pullman. i There is cause for anxiety when n cough haHK3 on for n year antl can't be shaken ofT. The quickest way to relieve that ntixicty is to benin at once the use of Dr. Pierce's Oolilcn Medical Discov ery. It is a cough remedy, hut it is nlso n great dent more. lit far advanced Ftngcs of disease, when hemorrhages have been ftemieut, nnd there have liecu emaciation ami weakness, "Golden Med ical Discovery'' has produced u tjorfect cure. It increases the supply of the life fluid blood. It cleanses the blood from impurities, and sends a current of rich, new blood to build up the weak places in the Ixxly with new life. The "Discovery" h strictly a temper ance medicine, non-alcoholic and non narcotic. Tor one year I wts troubled wllh a cough," writes Mr, H. It. Curtis, of fiumncr, nrrmer Co., Iowa, " As I continued to cough durln? the summer, my wife became anxious and wrote to Dr. R. V. Tierce for -iedlcal advice. It seemed to ut that wc could notco to a better source for advice, and to it proved, as the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' which was rrcommended, proved Just the medicine to effect a cure. I)r I'lerce and his medicines arc ' Aa good as wheat,' as the farmers used to My." Rail taste m the mouth is removed by using Dr. Pietcc's l'lcasant relicts. (mm Mfo'ii&lH AcsfeasiWtfy imdfivmptfy. Cleanses the System Gently and Effectually when bilious or costive. fvscttts in tho most acceptable brat the laxative principles of plants Anoiiut !n act most bcieticitiliyi TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS BUY THE GENUINE MANFD. DY CALIFORNIA FIG STRUPCO. SAN TRANCISCO, CAL. lOUISVIUE.KY Nf W YORK, NY. for sale by inffiin price SO per bottle. 5.00 A MONTH. SPECIALIST In All Private Diseases and Disorders of Men 12 Years In Omaha. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method now. never falls. J 4 , without rutting, palu 01 V P H li S 3 Qcured for Ufeund thepofsoa Y B ' ",s '-thoroughly elrauvii from the system. Soon every sign and symptom dHappearH completely nnd forever No "UltlJAK IN'G OUT" of tho disease on the skin or face. Treatment contains 20 dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines WEAK MEN ,jOKrt ,,K MA.vitooofroro cctviiai 1 v eessesor Victim to Nkkvocs stxunuLY lirciui.iTV or Exhaustion, Wastino Weaknkss Isvoi.i'ntakv Ixissrs, with Laiii.v Dkcav In Ynt Nii and Midulb AokI). Uek of vim, vigor and strength, with sexual organs In putrid und weak STRICTURE Radically mini with a new n,7 o r-CT"'"1 I"flll'le Home Trent onii ment. NolnKtrtinieniP.nopaln, no detention from ImMneM. Gonorrhoea, Kidney and Mliiilder Trouble. tit'KKs iuahanti:i:i. Conuiltatlon Tret. Treatnimt by Mill. Call on or address 0 S. 14th St. Dp. Seai'los&Searlas, Omaha, Nob. f37jpran NO CURE. NO PAY T?W' fl t?tF If you haTnvinall rule nnrint, ivVr $3 tfxF. ort l,owp or wi'ttLcnlnir drains, Vir ut E)?f our Wuuni Oririn Prtrloprrwlli lW RMV' rri't'ira jmi ultiirut dnur or UK U KO U U cKctn.-lt-, sveoo lii u0 tint nn fnllnrM nnt one rrtiiriir.l not O 1 fr.-tud write for p.iiii.'iilnr pur itrtt In pi .in env, LOCAL APPLIANCE CO.. Hi Cmnes iiiu.. Denver. Celt. STRENGTHENS SYSTEM BODY BRAIN and NERVES. I f rM'l V?" (.11 A III AM WISE) No other preparation has ever received so many voluntary testlrtionlnls from emi nent peoplo us i he w .rid famous Marian W'luo. Agreeable mid lasting. Heiorc AlouiH APPETIZER After Meals DIGESTIVE At-nil Times TONIC Sold by all drugrrlsts Hot 'se substitutes. Miuliuil .t Co., Vi W. 10th St., New York pubil.di a linudsnme book of endorsements1 of Kmporors, Kmpiess, Princes, Cardinals, Archbishops and other distinguished pr-souugi-s. it Is sent gratis una postpaid, to idl who write for It. BUFFET LIBRARY CARS Best Dining Gar Service Curc Dandruff. Falling Hair, Ilrlttle Half and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Ivczema, Krtiptlono, etc. Puroly Veietsblt, harmless and reliable. Cure Guaranteed tven oftir nil other remcdUs havtailei or money rrjumhd. A. It. IIIIHMEII CO., - Chiaaar. For Hale hr Sherman & M nn,, i I" .g Co., Mye, -I) In D- i n M. A. I'lllcti, HiMith Omaha. AJAXrAllLli'l i(ismVl:LV CllBl if '.. ftereoin 'U'ium rsillun Al.tu, Cy ZZ CI or' bl:ii.l"niii. hi .. ca'iw! liy otki. If .Tl orlt unit liiitiM rf'l . 'J'"V 'iiifeAlu A irv turolu rerfMiia ljti lUUty In oil ) or roi u,r unn Ir, inun fur sluilr.baal yt-Ji. ne or ln.'K. i'rotent Ip.nattr and Oi'fxXtuu'i'.ipfi..n il t .k-r lit limn. Thtlr tiMittiUivfl'inuiMjl ite iu j,l bdK:tn GUttll ntnrnnll bthars fnil, Hii.t uimlirinalttKnuln AJaxTliblms. 'liitjli .r cuiwl ll.ou.aaiU toil Kill run. jou. Wo itImh iimUl? nrition uuursnt to mU fwt a euro In rao or mfun.l tb inonrr, j'rlo Kfl fit? er ?. Hf ,1'uli true ui'i nxvdui olpTirr. '!rctilrfn. rwi AJAX RuMEDY CO.. ' For buIc in ennnnn, Neb. by Jut, Korsytn. t03 N. ICth, Kuhn V Co.. 16th nnd Douglta, and In Council muffs by J, C. DelUvoa, j Jf Ml 'I 1 ' ' i V ' ' .J i f