TJTE 0;M WTA TA TL"V TVETC- TIICKS17AT. OCTOKTflK 3 8. 1000. 1 GOOD TIDINGS COMING ' local political calendar BOSTON STORE'S BIG CROWD Visitors At State HwidquartPM Bring En couraging Report from Uountry FORMER FUFIONISTS DESERT MR. BRYAN Hitch- rnrmnro lime "''di oi.ilinrlim I'li-i-cut I'l Irfi "HI' 'I !- t I'i'iir lnir tun null WIN olf Hlulil. Vlrllorn wero at republican slut head quarter yesterday from counties where ra piMl.atm liavr scnrccly elected con ctaMt or road overseer since the dawn if populism. Thoy gave HihIi 'i"k Inn to tho eoininlttou based on personal uinvnus.". ami, while certain srctlsns In thr heart of tli- populist district will B-f.nil for llryati, the old-llmo tnnjotltlos will lie iiprn. lBbl "aton Into. Margin of 600 or 400 will dwindle to hnlf tliwt size or Ins, .u;l in hi m- eases the) will be overrun with votes to spnre. in the fui'i count leu of Hayo ccrlt. ''linn- ami Dundy I have n majority to comlmt of llm." rotiMied 1. W. dull of l'ayrh routiiy, rhiidldntn for thr iKinla lure, "but frotK the foelliiK I tlii'l ever-vlicr.- hm I have gone nbout among thn fiiritiT- I liHVi'n't Mm least doubt lint Hint ,,-ir ttikot will win. Tin- county car nrl for Hrymi by Hi- Mender margin nt forty Mm- mil of Win oto nnd four ye-iri sgo llrjun hsd IiIh nrnd nnd linnl op portunity among the fanners." Colfax coiinly l rottlod with Oenn.ins ami ItolicinlniiK mid they gave. Drynn a majority before of T,0 or fiiO," i j lil Colonel Russell, u prominent worker of Pchuylor. "They luno been thinking a f;ood deal, however, uh I bey havo followed tl.clr plnns around lhn Holds for four years and It will Hike morn Hum fevorlHh tnlk to hi Ir them this time. One proml rout (lermnn former told nin tbla week that 'under Cleveland 1 well 1,000 bushels of corn for 7 cents That inako $:0. 1 bnve blni now and lie bring me In $9'0.' Tim farmerH are willing to lenrn by hard experience like the rest of us, but when they learn they lenrn well. Tho crops thin fall are excellent nnd that Ik what Is keeping fanners lawny frim our meetings. They any. 'We'll vote nil right, but vie want to hunk 'our corn l'foro snow comes.' " (inlnx In IMiiKi- rminfj. J. T. Morns, a well known citizen of Crcaton, brought In t-nrouraglng reportH of ealiw In the populist stronghold of l'latto county. "Wo huvo a majority of 700 to overcome In the county and expect to cut It In linlf at tho very least. Thero waH only a republican vote of eighty in our township four yours ago and now we hnvo 305 In tho republican club. Jim North Is making a hard fight for the sanate and will win If anybody can. llo wan Interna! rovonuo o Hirer under Clovelnnd nnd had many frlonds ainonK tho democrats, before Ills conversion. He Isn't a bit daunted by tho adverse ninjorlty of 700 In l'lntto couuty und COO In Colfax county." Another populist county wns accounted for by J. M. KorrlHlnll, an attorney from Him. Crook. "Iluffalo kivo llryau u ma jority of COO," said Mr. Forrlstall, "nnd be will probably carry It ana In.. Ho will find, however, that ho enn count on no such majority as in the old dnys when farmers mid ntockmen wero Ke'ttlns: poor prices and iero looking for any sort of a political Mcxslan. Iln'll be lucky If ho leads b F.00. Thero was a hot diy spell In July hlch hurt the corn nnd small grain nnd no crops are tho host thin that can hap pen for tho populist cause. In Kim Creek wo wero beaten before by elRhty votes, but tho town will ko our way this limo easily." Hock county, a community which has had n uuiall balance of about 11!C on tho right tildo of tho ledRor, wns represented by J. A. DotiRlas 'nnd K. Myers, prominent mercantile men of HiiHsett nnd Newport. "Wo will do Just u llttlo betetr this tlmo than usual," said Mr. Douglas, "and will carry tho rounty for McKlnley by moro than 1D0 In a voto of nbout 700. Tho vot ers oro mostly republican, with a scatter Ins of (Ioniums anil these have not been nffoctod lu tho least by Imperialism, which they do not feel, compared with prosperity, which thoy feel most forcibly. Van llus- klrk has eighteen counties to cover In his Houatorlal district, but ho Is populnr. es pecially with tho cnttlomen. bocauso of his Hervlcoa as secretary of their stnto nHsocl atloti, and ho oiirIiI to win with hands down." Iteinilillenn MretliiH". Thursdaj, Oitobcr 18 Sixth Word Young Men's Ilepubllcan club, 1'llewlM hall. (lerinan-Ainerlciin Hepulillean club, Uer- manlu hell. I'rlday, Ortpbir 19- First Ward ncpulillcftn club, Forest hall. Sixth and I'lerco, O. C. Kedlck and J. V. Coy, speakers. Fifth Ward ItPpuhllcan club, Sixteenth nnd Locust DoiiKlas County Veterans' ltepuhllcan club, Washington hall. Saturday. October 20 Sinators M. A. Ilnnna of Ohio and Kryo of Maine and Tntrlck O'JJoiinell of Syra cuso. N. Y . At tho Musical pavilion, Omiihn: Ilium's, Koutsky's nnd the Woodman halls, South Omaha. Wednesday, October 17 - A. W. Jetlerls, SprliiR Grove sch6ol house, Douglas county, l'rlest's pjub house, South Omaha, can dldales mI'I speak. Ninth Ward ltepuhllcan club, Twenty ninth and I'nrn.ini, t.ymau Scarle nnl I. Zli'Rler, speakers, DeliliM'rilth' MfPlliiKS. T burriljy. October IS llohemlan Democratic rlub, South Omaha. Friday. October If South Omaha Demoi'rntlo clubs. llohemlan Democratic club, Voomackn halt. Sixth hiwI IMno. Coloied Hrjan club. C03 South Tenth, fatnrdny, October 20 North Side llryan club, 4101 North Twenty-fourth. Sunday, October 21 Danish-nierlcan Hryan and Stevenson club, Washington ball. The Notion Sale Draws tlio Biggest Oroml Wo Ever Had in Our Store. ONE-HALF THE STORE GIVEN UP TO SALE lloiiRlit II .litliticr'i Ilnllrp Stoi'W nt Miiiut tile on the llollnr lliir Mottu li WIipii Wf llii' I'lirnp v Will .pl CIipiiu. I HAVIIi:'.H l,o llv It m h m-w site wlthi"" three days More 1 than U" thlldn n at tlu l.nkr bulldlnK hip ' Pntif. hi. ...i,. .. - ..ri miiiiii. i nttiiulliiB school mil . one half u dnv on l.iitlre sioelij. of . rw I nrli miiiiii- ..,.,.... nf ,iu. rro.Vl ..rt condition of the fiiiMurepH ut nop on tlie llollnr. nn.m The new annex will contnln two Women's suits made of all wool chevlois, larwe rooms rapnblp of accoinmodatltiK the Venetians nnd mixtures, new IMro skirt, Kre.itly inireiifd nttendatue JackotB allk lined throUKhoul. worth Mo.Oo. for $, us nt half Women's FLEMING'S COSTLY DRINK Tried to Uvi I'.ven -ltli u Ilnrleniler noil Mni .rxeil 1'Ivp ' Hollo rx, Heinuie K. T. FlemlliK refused to pnv more than ft cents for n drink of whisky. Splko WHsrn, brrlender In the Orerti Front saloon on lower Douglas street, trained upon him a syphon of selUcr and so directed the stream that PletnlrK'fl ives were lllled with tho punKcnt fluid. Then, while Fleming wns clearing the mist from Ills orbn. Wilson emerged from behind tho bar and eni.r.gcd tin; customer In a rlug lcss battle, which is said to have been of pi: ! excellence. It wns not to a llnlrh, how ever. Oftlier Jerry Cnrroll nppcarcd In time to sepninte the combatants nnd arrest both for disturbing the peace. In police court yesterday Fleming ex plained that fi cents was all ho owed "the house." "Fifteen cents is tho regulation price of n drink of whisky In Omaha," he added, "and tho llttlo glnss thoy set out on the bar Is the Measure of tho drink. A glassful is worth 1ft certs. Of course few men fake n full gluss. Most of thorn tain nbout a third of a glass, nnd If the cus tomer Is very swell and not very thirsty he pours In only nbout enough to noil 'ho bottom. This custom is so general that the average bartender has got It Into his head that the customer Is entitled to only u third of a glass, hut In tills he's nils- taken. "Wqll, one day nbout a week ago I went luto this mnn's saloon and, throwing a quarter on the bar, abkeil for a drink. Now, I don't protend to be swell, but I was thirsty, and wanted a big drink, so I exercised my prlvllego of filling tho glass full. And then, what do you think he did? Kept the quarter! " 'Change, plense," I says. " 'Oh, that's all right," bo says. "Do you charge a quarter for a drink?' I says. " 'Yes, when they take a full glass, he says. " 'All right,' 1 says. "Hut as I walks out I hatched a scheme. I niado up my mind that I would cnll again in a few days, take another drink and pay him only n nickel for It. I wanted to make a test caso, you see. That would bo 30 cents for two drlnki Well, tho rest you know. I didn't llguro on the syphon bot tle." Euch man was fined $.1 nnd ennti. TODAY TIIK SAI.K CONTINUES. Hlg lot remnants af'3Vc, tc, lOo and 13c yard. All silk ribbon, No. S width, 10-yard holt, 2c bolt. Wire hairpins In fancy boxes, l',4c box. Silk eliixtle remnants, fie each. Fancy horn hairpins, le each. Illaek headed mourning pins, lc card. Long hat pins, lc card. Hrass drapery hooks, lc dozen. H. II. ft Urooks' crochot cotton, Jc ball. Sllknlino crochet cotton, 2c ball. Embroidery silk, .1c doien spools. It. II. embroidery cotton. .1 balls for tc. Darning cittton. 3 cards for lc. Urook's and 'King's much I no thread, lo spool y Sewli R silk, all colors, lo spool. ftOO yard bahtlng cotton. Hie spool. 3 spools New York mills busting cotton, le. Fancy box writing paper, 2'ji' box. All kinds of envelopes, 3 packages, lc; 715 envelopes, lc. JEWELRY HAIIOA1NS. I'ompadour combs with rliinestoties, 9c. flood heavy teaspoons, C for 6c. Tabk'spoona. 0 for 10c. Chlld'u sldo "lastlc, all colors, 5c pair. Fancy set beauty pins, ftc dozen. Child's 3-pln sets, 9c each. llest pearl buttons, 2'e dozen. Silk braid ornaments, le ench. Fancy ornaments, all colors, 1 jo each. All kinds fancy buttons, 2e dozen. Fancy buckles and slides, ftp each. All kinds of dress trimmings and brald.i worlh 2,"o, go ut lc and 2 '.4c yard. All silk fancy veiling, Ce ynrd. Fancy bordered handkerchiefs, le each. Plain and fancy hemstitched handker chiefs, 3Vic and ftc. I All silk ruchlng, 'Jt.Ac yard. Fine laeo and insertion, 3Uc nnd fto ynrd. All kinds embroidery nnd Insertion, ftc and 7'se. Infants' silk caps, 19c. Infants' nud child's saxony wool mittens, lie, 7c and Iftc. Ladles' lino kid gloves, 39c pair. Infants' all wool cashmere hose. 10c. Children's floeco lined hose, 10c and 12Uc. Ladles' 2."c hose, 10c pair. MILLINERY TRIMMINGS. 1.000 fancy feathers, In wing effects, In all tho new combinations of heliotrope nnd black, green and blnck, gold nnd hlnck, brown ur.d tan, etc., worth 2Se, In basement, ftc each. Illack and whlto mercury wings, worth flOc, in basement at 10c pair. COc fancy quills, lc each. Fancy buckles, lu gilt, steel and Jet ef fects, tie each. Chenllo and felt braid, variety 'of colors, worlh up to fiUc, In basement at 2c yard. 1,000 all wool flannel waists, In all col ors, braided, all sizes, nt 98c. $1.00 polka dot flarinel waists, nluo nnd whlto polka dots, all sizes, on second floor at 39c each. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA, N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas Sts. Women's blouse suits, bought by j nlf price, worth sas.fto, for $12.0o. Women's walklnz skirts. !. fleece lined wtappers for ft9c. l.ftOO ladles' I Jackets, plain, braided nnd fur trlmmrd, all I lined with the famous Skinner's satin. ( worth $13.00 to $26.00, for $10.00. 300 ladles' I Jackets, satin lined, worth' $12.ftn, for $7.30. 1IAYDEN I1ROS. Rend shoe nud stove sales. i NINE REGISTRARS WANTED City ClerL IIhvIiik Hunt Work to Se cure A0-.(tioce for lli'isl"-trillion. inter Cloaks The most handsome line of winter wraps over shown In Omaha tan the found at SCPFIELD'S ConlH, Capes, ITUbKD Collarettes, In spite ot the efforts of the city coun cil and the city clerk to fill the vacancies on tho board of registration, five republi can and four democratic registrars will be j.. j)( t)0!)llliir i'lll'S. i.itmui.. in uue uti mil-., ....... . . . v spent In trying to find n man who would fill a vacancy on the board, but without avail, "Pour years ago there were hundreds of men lu Omaha who were seeking to be registrars at $3 per day, but this fall wo have been compelled to beg men to ac cept tho places," said City Clerk W. II. Elbourn. "After special meetings and re pented nttempts on tho part of republican and democratic politicians we have been able to fill the board In nil the precincts but nlno. Wo have done all in our power to comply with the law and cannot secure men to serve In these precincts.'- Storm Collars and Scarfs New French Flannel Waists Just received rellablo garments lowest prices, 'SCOFELD cumsurrco. lnIO Doimla.HSt Men's Overc'ts Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne i Is the pure Juice of tho grnpo naturally i fermented, For hoquct It hns no superior. Gold Fads ... I If you don't attend to the broken and I cacked window PANES now you will have Hoard Mii.t Mimp Xhnp. tl it fnrtnr i.llv li:ltldltm ItlSIICPtOr. has decided lo utvn the Hoard of Education 'other PAINS to attend to that will rout you permission to retno.e inn cariienicr snop irom California nnd Nineteenth streets to the l.alto school site Tim building wl'l be taken along Eighteenth street to Lake and then west to the north end of the Lake school building. The contruetpr has Hip building lu readiness to move and will liavo Mnllce! There will be a meeting of tho McKlnley ItooRovelt Traveling Men's club nt the Ilor Orand hotel Saturday, October 20, at 7 p. in. sharp. Evory member Is requested to bo present, as business of Importance will como beforn the club. 11Y ORDER OF EXECUTIVE HOARD. I.MtVI.AMI WII.I, CO UKI'liltl.lC.l.V. Mr. A. AV. UostvUeL Nit) the Slnle U Safe lor MeKlnlrv. A. V. Ilostwlck, a largo Ilaltlmoro luanu facturcr, was In a position to be of pe- ullar benollt to the government in the trying years of 18C3-18CH and is taking tho i.amo loyal stand to this day. With (Joorgo P. Iletnls, ex-mayor of Omaha, Mr llostwlcl; was at tho head of tho only American federal newspaper In Europe during tho war, bis paper being tho Loudon American, published on Fleet street. Cot ton was king, Englaud was with tho south nnd tho young editors paBsed through aoiuo o.xcltlug times In their ell'ort to uphold the principles ot tho union. The two mon lind not mot for thirty-six years until their reunion In Omaha this week. "H Is absolutely certain that republicans will win in Maryland with a majority of nt least 16,000," said Mr Ilostwlck, "which ot courso In some falling dit over tour years ago. Imperialism bus had some llt tlo offcol among republicans and there are nonio local fontures which tend to affect tho result. I have lived In Dultltnoro for over twenty years nnd know that the city will make a good republican showing-. Ninety per cent of tho honest money demo emtio voto will be with us and that is a lionsiderablo element In Baltimore." Heart lo Heart Tnllis No, B. Tho llathery does not solicit or publish testimonials of marvelous cures tho pat ent medicine men do enough of that but sometimes wo got such remarkable en dorsements that we- repent them to a select clrclo of friends. Ono grateful soul writes- "Dear Pathery: 1 am so happy that I will not go homo to mother this winter. 1 ha j never tried your treatment but onco an 1 that has changed my whole life. Ilefore 1 took that treatment I was very miserable. My dearest friend had n piano which cost $100 n. oro thau mine and n diamond ring to wear on her big, red thumb; and these thlngB made llfo a burden to me. I tried many remedlos, but all failed until I tried the llathery. On that very day my friend's husband was sent to Jail for fighting In a saloon. It has been many years since I felt so well and happy." Such unsolicited testimonials make llfo worth living. Wo have never claimed that tho new Rcnstroni treatment was a cure all, but wo do know that It hs no equal ni a sure cure for rheumatlBiu and nervous trouble. We also know that It will de velop the figure and clear tho worst cora- plexlnu It's a health and beauty treat ment that's all. Aside from thlB treat ment The Hathery give the most delight ful and effective Turkish baths. Entirely new plan nothing like tho old style; every one Is pleased. Second floor Dee building Exclusively for ladles. A maid Is always at your service. Omiilin Trmellim Mpii'n .Mel lolry-lloo"i-velt t'lub. An Invitation from tho Lincoln club has been accepted by us to go to Lincoln Fri day evening, October 19, to partlclpnto In a demonstration In honor ot lion. Mark Hannn. Report at Ilurllngton 3 p. m. truin or meet at Lincoln hotel nt 7 p. m. HY ORDER OF EXECUTIVE IIOMM). I'tllHIflll Hilton. It Is renorted that Multhcw fl.-rlnir nf Plnttsmouth will speak in Omaha wltliln a ruw ilays lo hp i tortii mo reasons for Ills recent conversion to republicanism. The ntuto or couuty committees. Imwover, huvo lint hi'on consulted UH to thn uvifti.iv Senator J. M. Thurston Is . xpected lu Hut city wiiiuu u i"w oayn uiiti ins services will ut onco bo utilized by the stnto lepubllcan I'oiniulttoe. Mr. Thurston will moult :it Valentino. Chadron. Hiitto. Kluait. Ilattlu Crock ami wayno miring me six nays be tween October 2-' and 27. Tlio republican stnto committee has be eurod tho services of Hev Kdw.inl F. Trefy. ot Omaha for a week's tour of the stute lu tho Interest of tho republican ticket. In ii. urak nf October W-27 Mr. Trof. will npeak aP Weeping Water, Juniata. Edgun nupcrior, iiuoiieii, di, joe wiiMniiii. V, itl, mill ritfitnltteem:m H. Ii Schllel arrived In the city yeslenbi) tv. dUeun.x with thn statu committee the reception nt Senator Hnniin. .Mr. Schneider will so as tar as sioux i.ny i "; ; minim, itinivne in mi Immlrv Mr. Schneider marked that republican prospects out to ward Fremont wero looking "liner than Bilk." iifou-ninieh of this e i.v has re turned from a visit to Colorado, where, hi nLuonl .. iilurlt.wl 1 1 1 lTl-l IK'C OVlT UlO Ut- tltudo of four years ago. "There are mon? republican buttons seen on ibe streets. men are no lonuer afraid to elww tlnii po'.ors. Tho women are esieplnll active nud uro golni; to oxerilse their fi nicliiso wltli a vpiiKeance. They have several lieadquaiiei-H open In Denver and ore parry iiib on a wuriii campaign.- Annooiipi-i Hi nf Hip 't'hentprs Frank Daniels In his luteit coinlo opera hit, "The Ameer," will open at Doyd tonight for an engagement that will con rludo with the week. The company nura bers slxty-tlvp people, all of whom were especially selected. Tho prluctpnls are Helen Redmond. Rhys Thomas, Norma Kopp, Knto Vart, Owen Westford. The piece Is prettily staged and the costumes Bam'l Burns, 1318 Farnam, Is selling a new vaso lamp, $2.00. Williams tc Smith Co. announce tn ar rival ot tall ami winter woolen. These Are Cut Prices Hut remember It takes CAHII to buy at tlueo Mgurea-not PJIOMIBES, SIM Listciino (Lambert's) fi'ie f.0o Syrup of Figs (genuine) We r."o Morrow's Kld-ne-olds 40o Aline. VuloH j'roparauons uc Jl.(i l'eruiia. 11.00 ivvth' ltHpf. Iron nnd Wine 75c Sl.iu Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil.... 75c .Steam s wine or con i.iver uu.. io H.i) King's Now Discovery 7&o Jl.oo .liiyuc.V Expectorant Be $1.00 Hull's Hair Itennwer "ftc Jl.uo Wampolo'H (.'ml i.iver uu ioo Ivllmer'H Hu'iiiim-Kuot V.ic Wine of Curdul 75c II. (H) Pierpo's Favorite Prescrlotlon.... 75o JI.W Palue's Celery Compound 7ftu Si, 00 Miles' Nervlnii 7ue $1.00 Hood's Snrsaparllla 75c ;i ll Malted Milk 75 i,w i rurnrr s uiuney nemenj- uu Wilto for Catalosue. Shorman & McConneil DrugGo In New fitoro at lfith and Dodge. WBSKW Preferred by Uncle Sam For over fifteen years th Ilurllngton has carried tho transcontinental mall be tween Omaha nnd Chi cago. It has established a wonderful record for be ing on time nnd gives dally proof of Its excel lence. Flying trains for Chicago via the Fast Mall Route leave Omaha at 7:00 a. m., 4:00 p. ra. and 7:45 p. m. They are all fast. CHAPTER NO. 3 (Continued from Tuesday.) Then we worn asked by Hie Cramer Chemical Co.. Albany, N. Y . to accept the western agency for them which we did und advertised It In tho state of Nebraska. Two weeks ago we received n telegram to come to Albany at once. Wo went. Met tho Co. This story ends tomorrow night. Dr. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills Curler's Liver Pills .Stuart's Tabtetn King's New Discovery Wine of Cardul Iliidyau Shradcr'.H Fig Powder Out leu ru Kunp Cramer's Kidney Curo Pond's Extract Syrup of Figs Hlrney'n Catarrh Curo (loin Catarrh Cum Peruna Palno's Celery Compound Pierce's Prescription Packer's Tar Soap . ts. 1.1C Llstertne hc Malted Mlllc 40c. 73c. $3.1ft Cnlder's Dentine 20c CUT VRUZK DRUGGIST Cor. Kith anil ClilpnK". .$1.00 Iftc 40c 40e 7ftp Me 2. ;.c 20c 7.V 40c :me ::.' 3. -.P 75c 7."e 73c 15c SCH&EFEB .N. W. moro. Look up what you need In thr way of window glaps front door lights, nnd tell us. Wo will furnish the glass nt the lowest price, and also do tho glazing If you wish us to. Have a oompetent inun for that purpose. The use of a little varnish brightens the Inside of a homo wonderfully Wo have it for FLOORS. FURNITURE, AND WOODWORK. Telephone 349. J. A. FULLER & GO WIMKIW til.ASs-l'Alvr AltMSII. Mth noil Dnukia. Six. Open All Mullt. fiood Set Teeth . . $5.00 Best Set Teeth 8.00 Gold Crown . 5.00 Silver Fillings .... 75c Painless, Harmless and Expert Extract ing. One or all your teeth removed with out any pain by VITALIZED AIR. No sore gums, no after effects. Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, :r.n iiuticin. si. 'PICTOf MORE EXCURSIONS. On Each Tuesday In October nnd November the This house is pre-eml-ltently the overcoat center of this section. By no house within your reach has the overcoats been brought to such perfection. The "scep ter of supremacy" has been well earned by long years of scrupu.ous attention to every detail in the produc tion, buying and selling of these garments. Men's Bluc Kersey 0coats perl (jelly tailored, nicely liniyliefl, vclvcf collni'- usuiil price $7.r0 - C Ki(T otip price LytJ.KJJ Meis Oxford Gray Overcoats Fanner's wit in lined, piped senilis, velvet colliir. corretl I v I'onstt'iit'led, inside for The Nehriiskn. Ail nsiiiil price !i.."10. our price & . J J Men's Blue Kersey Overcoats nil wool, rnw etlge, velvet collar, fiirtner's satin lined, per feet lcnlli and style. 7 7 usual price .lO.OO. our price k9 J . A J Men's Black Kersey Overcoats box stvle, verv swell, nicelv tpiilted lininn. vchet cnllnr handsome in appearance, usual price $12..0, our price Men's Kersey Overcoats 8.0(1. .912.01). li.7:. !l !.."() and .?1S.00. Men's Oxford Gray Overcoats in box or rairlans, H), SI'J. H. Slfi, .'JHi.r.O, Sjni.T.'t, 1S. $20. 22. .'?22.'n(). The longer a job is postponed the lonor it seems to et in your mental vision. You'll need an overcoat soon don't put it off. $9.00 HAYDE PACIFIC w(ll sell tickets OMAHA TO 00DCN AND SALT LAKE CITY. ONE WAY. . J2J.00 OMAHA TO OGDEN AND SALT LAKE CITY. ROUND TRIP, . . 40.00 OMAHA TO BUTTE AND HELENA, MONT.. ONE WAY, .. . 23.00 OMAHA TO BUTTE AND HELENA, MONT.. ROUND TRIP, - . 40.00 OMAHA TO SPOKANE AND PORTLAND, ONE WAY. . . 2A00 OMAHA TO SPOKANE AND PORTLAND. ROUND TRIP, . . . 45.00 OMAHA TO TACOMA AND SEATTLE, ONE WAY. - . . 23.00 OMAHA TO TACOMA AND SEATTLE. ROUND TRIP. . . 45.00 found Trip Tickets limited thirty days from date nf sale. New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Telephone 316. :! S TICKI5T OFFICE), 1502 FARNAM STREET. TKii. ano. II II n I.IXfSTOX HTATIOt , IOTH AND MASON STS. 'rni,. ius. HAI UCNS Now is your time to buy Stoves, Don't wait until the Inst minute, buy now, nnd have It ready when you need It We are making sncclal prices. For this week 200 different Kinds to Beiect irom. Our best the Hoyal Universal i 0 ft (!) j it) 1 the finest nnd best doublo heating baHeburnor made In America. Come and nee. H Ib u beuut. The Kreatedt heater and the RreateBt fuel c.ivfr mni e. ao net inn euureiy ne- Would bo chenp at JI7.0U wo sell them nt Then wc havo somethlnR mado by the nauio factory on the fame style, only a lit tle less nleltel, with a lil-lnch flro pot- usually sold at 140.00 out prico . T Special Sale on Ladies', lien's and Children's Winter Underwear Children's heavy .lerse.v Kibbed l''leeced Lined Vests and Pants that were made to sell at LVe, on sale at 10c. Children's Hue wool 'ests and Pants at 2()c and uj to 7.1c. Children's extra heavy fleeced lined Vests and Pants at, 10c and uj) to oOc. Children's line all wool ribbed Vests and Pants at 20c and up to Toe. Ladies' heavy jersey ribbed Vests and Pants that are sold everywhere at HOc, on sale at 2"ic. Ladies' all wool Vests and Pants in jersey ribbed at HUc. Ladies' extra heavy all wool A'estH and Pants in camel's hair and natural wool, at Toe ami OSc, worth double. One lot of men's tine all wool shirts and drawers that were made to sell up lo $Ln(l, on sale at '.We. One lot. of men's tine samples it-, shirts and drawers that sold up lo .l.L'o, on sale at 4;"c. .Men's extra heavy jersey ribbed shirts and drawers, at ;.". The largest line of men's gloves and mittens in Omaha, from 2."c to 2.r0. GUTTSII PKS m IM SflQES All t!io latest fall styles from the largest and best manufacturers. Ladies' fins shoes made by Hoag-t3eath & Go. on sale. regular S3 patent leader shce for SI. 89. mm li.M'AI 1.89 1.98 $39 Open Sanitary Plumbing Founded on scientific principles, 'ins C conferred on humanity one of Its KrriueMi imihimkh. u in hip HuirKiiuiii - yi of henltli by bnnlshlne ewer Rim from,?1 r your divelflnK. rcnuTtliiK from Iwl ewiiRo und imperfect drainage. Our)r work In thin line is above competition . Wo III up your home with plumhliiK In tlttlnc. Our prlres rIvo eminent m-y i . , rz ini.ii-ti.iii. Free & Black, I I'honc 1010. . . 1800 Fnrnuiu. C1 rSELL9 ON QUALlTiT $33 Tho Cyclone Hot HUst, the best made, keeps ilro it hours, burns -4 r Q anything, usually sold at $15 1U.7L' Tho Coral Oak, burns everything 14-Inch fire pot, usually soils for k gf $10.50 our price JLZ7J Wood Air Tight burns All kinds 4 q u light fuel, a fireat heater 1. J D The Stewart Hot Illast A beaut. Did you lee It. It usiiully sells for 1 1 Q CC $16.00 our price 1 Tho brightest and best Oil Heater the bi-Ht on earth, perfectly clean and odor- lCSBWnuld bo cheap at 5l.D0 - our prlio .4.25 HEUK 13 ONH OF THR HKST CAST HANOKS MADI-: like cut extra liPavy, large 20-ln. cover, with enameled reservoir u very handsome design nUely nickel plated usually sell for $27.00 our price w-?V Tho Medallon a very handsome designed enst No. 8 stove, with largo '."O-ltich oven, with whlto enameled reservoir, usually sells for $23.00 our 50 Sniiin stvlo with nice largo IS-lnch oven no reservoir a very handsome heavy, first class stove, line baker our prlco No. 8 Cook The Danker an extra henvy medium sUo stove, plain but cood. would bo cheap at $12.00 our prlco If you want n steel rnngo wo havo tho best thing ot this kind In Omaha, an extra largo top, 30x39. oven 14x18x21. with a high warming closet, duplex grate, for wood or coal, lined throughout with extra hoavy nsbemos, warranted In every way, would bo cheap at $3S.00-wo sell them this week 29 95 11.95 .8.95 if von ennnnt come In nnd see our stoves send for catalogue, Wo hmo tho greatest variety of heating and rook stoves and ranges west. Come nnd sco them and get our prices In tho Mill A very lino patent leather shoo with vlcl Kid tops and single llexlblo roles. In nil sizes and widths U U and B, ut LADIES' flue vlcl kid lnco $3.S0 iiuallty shoes, with black olotli tops, for only MEN'S FINE $3.00 PATENT LEATHER SHOES, $1.93. Tho latest stylo patent leather congress shoes for ineu, made with line black sorgo tops and welt floIe a regular $3 shoo on sale for , MEN'S nun hlnck vlcl kid $3 50 Shoes ou salo for ,, , 1.93 ,2.00 MISSES' fine shoes on sale at SSc, $120 and $1 15. CUII.nitEN'S fine shoes, 69c, 75e, 9Sc and $125, H&YDEN BR0 Those Teeth Again Last tlmo they troubled, tho dentist was to bo consulted, but the pain fled and procrastination did tho rest. Don't neglect tho tocth, Appearance, com fort and health aro dependent upon them, (loot! teeth beautify tho mouth nnd mnko rating u pleasure. Wo put yours In perfect condition or supply perfect substitutes for those beyond ueofuliicHS, Takn laughing gas when having tooth extracted. BAILEY, the Dentist itoonin :irj-:ti:t ruiinn niocu. Kllli mni Kmi-hiii". I'hinic llisri, l.mly Altrnrtmit. HOWELL'S Anti-Kawf I liwillnif to tho thrx-it and bronchial tulH. II riire a run titi lun u r n I I i'Jku no ruhitllute. -I Br, Hif'iL Kidneycura. CT.'ItKH oil ICIdne y DlKrawK. IlikcU ai'hr ele. At true, or by mall, Jl IVfo book. ad ) vice. etc.. of I)r, II. J. Kur. tiira'"g. N. Y, Smoke the best. Ask your dealer for n IT COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS F. RICK N. C. CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE and jj'tnery arc elaborate, i