I THE OMAHA PATLi: BE E: UVrtTSTOAY, OCTOT5ET1 15, 1900. AUTDIX BRINGS REJOICING Harvest Homo Festival Celebrated at Trinity (Mbedrnl Yesterday. CHURCH BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED Jllpe Priills. ei'i-lnliles mill -rrnla .ilorn Mtnr nnd Cliiuieel it ml lle-spinl, I'ull liriiuiirles ti tut Tlinnliflll Hciirts. At Trinity cathedral Sunday tnornliiK n Bj.lrlt of rejoicing and prulso ilmiilnntoel the r.. rvhe. Imparling a fervor of thanliAi?lvltiK to snrni.in end prayer ami tending to th nntin tns of the rholr ti tender tiotr that bespoke Krai It tide because of h full har vest. Th" occasion wan the annual harvest homn Clival. Tho Interior of tho rnthe ilral won beautifully dee-orated with cereals uml fruit y of tho tree and vino. Upon iiltlmr side of the altar was a threat heap of voRi'toblcx, parti-colored orti. whips of golden nr.iln nnd clusters of grapes; fes tooti'd upon the columns were sheaves 01 barlrv mid wheat, wlillo the chancel was del.. 1 with rip1 trophies of the garden and thf Meld, all henpeuklilK full gruitarlob and ilu.ti' 'nl hcirts Thrre was a prodl I'alltv rif brown unci lusset shadi . s.vmbol.e of am nam's rbh ee.ntrnt. Jt wits .uiiiimti .mil IncfHUBtit , I'H 'd the emails from BliochB .-mil shoovos, Ar l Mki Hv iic, eon!, the apples H it l im.itiK the vvltherlnR leaves Tlio uiiiHif had been especially arranged. There ns nti organ prelude entitled ' J'ruvnr " fjy Lohengrin, followed by the choir In "Jubllantc.-' TIip Festival ""a IJi-.irn was In kM ping with the spirit of tho duv. as mm the nntlum, "On, Worship tho Lord.'' the Iuish solo part being suilR by tin' peerless Jutes I, .lull aril. "Comfort V.- Thy I'eople" was rendered tifl u H-pir solo b.v W II. WllUlns. the pro cram ponrltniitiK with nn organ postlutle, "Kcsth.il .Mrch," by J. B. Hutlor. or tanlm j ud cholrmatitor. Coadjutor nishop Wllllnms preached nn rpprnpri.ite sermon abe ut the bounty of Ood nnd Ills novor-lirol.cn promise to pro vide for Ills i hlldren. "'led promised thai seed tune and hnrvost nhill not censo," eald the bishop. "There hive been local famines, such us nceitrred this year In India, but Ood's word never spanned a derert of total desolation. The fa mine Kiourncd wore ever In reach of the bounty of those more favored. So loin; bus man nujoyi d thin lnrgess of the Creator th.it he has censed to marvel about It. we have come to regard it quite ok n matter of course 1 tint plowing, sowliic and cultiva tion will be followed by n harvest. "llnve you ever thought of the critical tlmo which Is upon the world ns each nurcesslvo harvest approaches? It has been said that then we nro within twenty-one days of starvation that the world has all but consumed the stores of the preceding year nnd should the hanest fall through out all the 1 :i ni 1 tliev would Inst but twenty-one days. All the works of man nro ns useless us the dust under our feet If tiod's covenant of grace should full. "Tho time was when men regarded the Bending of cereals as miraculous and there nro men now who have less religion than thoso ancient heathen!,. Thoy sen In u harvest Held only the smartness of man. excluding (lod from nature! Oh, my breth lon, let us look deeper Into the spirit of thoso things." At the con-luslon of Hie sermon an of fering was taken for the support of the Clurknon hospital, founded by IllHhop Clark eon of the Kplscopul i hurch. 'lti:i:il. OP MIVOII ONMIMCIt VTIOV Religion liiliilei'iiiicp Holds Too l.nrirr a I'lner In the Cli II ii'Iicn. Special musicul numbers were 1111 enjoy nblo feature of the nervines of All Saints' church yesterdny morning. Mrs. flollle Itathbun-Chesley nnd Mr. Oscar fiarelhsen vvcro the roIoIbIs. Mis. Chesley sang "The Vi'ay of I'eape." by Moyd, and Mr. Onrels Ecn sung Schubert's "Ave Maria." Relig ious Inloleranco was the theme of Hev. T. J. Mneka.-'s hcrmon nnd his text was as follows "And these things they do un'o t you because they have not known the i Kather or Me." I Tho wohIk of the text were spoken by ' Jesus tn Hit illiiclples after tluv li.iu been driven from the synngogue mid ncre perse cuted almost beyond endurance. In em bracing the lellglon of Christ they hud be come marked men and weio hunted out uml Insulted bv unbelievers. Tho depnlred of their tusk of converling men to .Icsus and nsked of what avail it was lo try 10 elevate tnen who would not heed their teachings "Hut no i.inn can see the result of his vorlt," kuid Itev. Mackaj. "If the minis ters of today wire to quit Ihelr work b causo they cannot see results there would be no pleaching nnd the churches would be ilesortud by faithful believers who work on without being ablo to know what has been uccompllHlied. The soli o." the Christian vsorlrt Is watered with the blood of martyrs. Today men and women nrc not slnln for religion, ns they were In the days of tho Inquisition, hut a ium;o polite punishment has beon devised. "We are living In the day of religious boycott; Men whose liellels do not coire Bpond exactly with those of the various dononilni'tions are barred out. Non-osnou-tlals In religion are emphasised and the papers arc filled with theological rontrQ vorslcs Many b"lltvcro IiiFlst thnt every thing nei iMsnr: to vnlvntloti enn be found In the bible, but thai It Is not neressiary to bellove everything In the bible to be saved Others would allow no until to enter heaven ho does not believe every word of gospel. "Instead of usk'lng the simple question. Is there a C!nd'" many denominations In sist on questioning men concerning a great variety of dogmas It Is a wonder that the Chinese did not drive Christian mif'omirUM nut of the empire long ago. when one con- Bldors the great variety of beliefs ihej dlffercm denominations have picsenled nnd tho strife there has been between th" men nnd women who protend to be teaching the simple faith of .lesus. "It may be more Importnm in Hie mo.1 ern churches that men be good Metbnillits. good l'plscopallans or good Presbyterian-, than that thry be good Christians, but Hie jalth which saves Is faith In Hod .ml .Icmis Christ and not faith In a church rr erced Men mint lovo Cod above overy thing else they must love their fellowmen and rhiinh orgutiti.nliui should be n third consideration. Tho true unity of nil Christendom will be found in lovo of Ood nnd fellow man." ;oi) stim'i "aviomj ins pnopi.n. lluto Knrllilv 'I'hlnuK IMV nn Much mm In lln j of Old. At tho First Methodist church flunday n)' ruing Chancellor Huntington of Un coln prencheil In the nbsencn of tho regular pastor, whv) has not yet arrived from Chi cago. Taking na his text part of the sev enth verse of the thirteenth chnpter of Kxodus. "Is the l.ord among us?" he said lu part : "Tho people who nsked this question ivero thoso who hail pa.ssed out of Kgypt nnd through the Ued Sea. Thoy had beon fed upon minimi and tho rock hail been riven to quench their thirst uud yet with tho watcra from that rock still upon their Hps they ask that question. There Is even umnng professed Christians n form of doubt which Is almost universal. In a gen oral way we will admit thai Ood created tho world and that He put therein certain forces and then weut away and let the resident forces govern Ills creation Ood might as well be uMeen so far as the uni verse Is con erncil This view would b jLCCty'i'd by Iho deists OuU U Itunilneut. Force In Its last, analysis Is the will. Physical for.-o In tho universe l Ood's i onriniirnn wt'l Takn (lod from nnt.!!'' and nothing will remain. "We think of a separate Ood. This Is unscrlpturul and unphllosophlral. We have a tendency, when discover n thing Is done, to thereafter fall to refer it to God at all. As long as a thlnn Is a mystery wo are willing to admit the presence of thu supernal ural, but when we understand It we exclude Ood. Since the theory of evolution Iirs become generally accepted and we believe thnt we can- trace In the life-cell the history of the universe from chaos to cosmos wo say that flod didn't do It at nil. This Is false. What wo have discovered Is tho means employed by Ood to accomplish the end. "Srletice is the realization of the work of Ood. Through It wo rend Ood's book of creation uml discover how Ho docs things. It does not touch the personality of Ood. It takes intelligence to rend It. If It takes ilitelllgcnc to roavl It. does It not take In telligence to innko It? Wo have a nils conception of natural law. We ascribe wonderful things to natural law and wrlto books to prove our theories. In Its last nimlysls natural law Is the rules laid down by (iod for tho government of the universe titid they are nothing separate from Ood. "Many of us will admit that lu tho days of the Old Testament Ood took n hand In the affairs of men, but no more so than He dues tcday. His hand was In the open ing of the lied sen. He was there that tilKht, but no more than lie wuh there last night, lu the battles of old He took no Kienter part than he did at Hampton Roads or nt Hound Top. We recognize? the hand of Ood In things which are unusunl, but while wo give men credit for being systematic In their nffnlts why not give Ood the same credit. Why reeognlzo Him In the unusual affairs of life and fall to see Him in the usual and the ordinary. In great events, the fall of iistlonn nnd the chnni'p of policies, we suy the people were guided by Ood, but I hey were no more guided than they nro In the usual affairs of the home. Ood works us hard lo keep you alive as Ho would to raise you from tho dead". There Is no life, natural or spiritual, separate from Ood-the Father, Son and Holy Ohost." New Oeemi Cr liouml. The famous Doutchlnnd cost RMS.OOO; displacement. iS.l'OO tens; accommodation. 1.P37 passengeis; crew, 62.L It Ins estab lished new record for ocean steamers. Among i he great remedies of the world Hostettei's Slomnch Hitters holds the record with Its llfty years of cures of con stipation, Indigestion and biliousness. It got nt the root of the disease and effects a cure. The genuine has our private rev enue slump over the neck of the bottle. OMAHA LOSES OLD RESIDENT Vlr. Hecllin t:ii;iille., fur 'llilrly Veitri One iif tin- Cltj'n VIciNt I'ritm lllcllt Hiinicn, I'mtsri miij. The death of Mrs. Ilertha Klgutler on Sunduv, October II, takes away a well known person from among the older citi zens pf this community. Coming tn Omaha In ISM, where she Joined her hiibband. the late Morris Klguttcr, she made this city her home for the last thirty vcars. She was married at Snn Francisco nnd after a resldonce In Salt Lake during the memor able and exciting yeurs of 1S07 and when Mormon domination was supremo i-ho returned to Snn Frnnclsco and soon alter made Hie long ocean voyage by way of the Nicaragua Isthmus to New York City, whet'ee she came to Omaha, meeting her hurband, who had preceded her by the ovcilund trail. Mrs. IClguttor was prominent in chari table nnd philanthropic circles for many year, but since the death of her husband In lviO her health became Impaired and she was obliged to abandon her work. For the last ten years she made her home with her son. Charles S. Klguttcr. She leaves surviving her a brother, Ferdinand !cnn of Chlco, Cnl. She will be motrned by a lurge i Ircle of friends and by her death the poor have lost one of their bene-fuetor-i. The funeral takes placo fro o Temple Israel. Twenty-fourth and Hnrncv, today nt 2 HO p m Williams & Smith Co. announc th ar thai of fall nnd winter woolen!. CONDITIONS IN PHILIPPINES J Sergeant Wood Writes an Interesting Letter Concerning the Natives. INFERNAL CUSSEDNESS OF INSURGENTS IJppcti of Treachery nml liileiicr thnt Would JlnUp mi Apuelu- lllnsli tor IIU Inciiiiiiietencp PeriiPtruteil li) Auuliildi' Mru. I.OS HANOS, I.aguna. P. I., Sept. C, 1000. To the Hdltor of The Uec: The account of the state of affairs In tho Philippines as published by tho World-Herald is so very Incorrect that nn explanation of tho true state of affairs seems to tue to be very much lu demand. It has been said that the soldiers here were very much against fighting nn Ignoran and "peaceful" people. There Is little doubt us to the Ignorunco of the masses here, but lu the Filipino army there arc olllcers that In strategy and good generalship equal any of our American of ficers; their drawback Is thai their troops lack tho courage nnd lack of fear of bul lets that predominate among the American Holdlers. In knowledge of woodcraft and a certain amount of crude cunning they equal the American Indian. The situation as It was In 1S!1, when It was real warfare, has developed Itself Into bushwhacking and while our casualties equal if not ex ceed those of last year It Is done almost entirely from nmbush and by treachery, such as was used to bring about the death of Cuptaln Murphy of the Thirty ninth Infant ry. V. S. V. A few days ago an operator (Sergeant North. Fulled Slates signal corps), with an escort of one officer and twenty-four men. was out repairing the lines that had been cut by insurgents near Hinung, nnd while doing so they were fired on from ambush and Ser geant North and three men were killed. The rest of the escort rotreuted to Illuntig for reinforcements nnd in the meantime the insurgents mutilated the bodies In a ter rible manner. The next day they opened up on Santa Cruz with a bamboo cannon filled with slugs and retreated before their llro had any bad effect, as owing to the alertness of the Americans they were able to kill two Insurgents and wound seven. Their retaliation came tho next day, when the vice president of Santa Cruz was mur dered and his corpse mutilated within 100 feel of military headquarters. They fol lowed this up by tiring on the gunboat (lent;., under command of Lieutenant Slvd ton, but fortunately no damage was done. On September 3, while enroute from Ca himbu to Los llanos, a mounted detachment of five men under command of Corporal Dowdy. Company O. Thlrty-nlntb Infantry, I'. S. V., was ambushed In n cut by about thirty Insurgents. Coporal Dowdy wns killed and one man wounded, one horse killed and two wounded. Ami still they lului that the Filipinos are a peaceful people. I could give hundreds of Instances like the nrccedlnn that would show von the nrlnclnles nnd tnctlcs used nenlnst u I They are particularly bad now. as It Is the rainy searon and it Is almost Impossible to follow them About Set f-O ii vp rii in put. They aek for self-government nnd claim they nro cnpnble of such; this, when there nro great numbers on the Island of Luzon who still retain their prlmitlveness In dress and weapons, wearing nothing but a breechclout and using bowa and nrrows. Of course this Is prevalent only In the mountnln tribes, but they would, of course, have a voice lu the government. There nre 1 also on one of the other Islands several tribes of primitives with cannibalistic ten demies. These are. of course, extreme ex amples, but tho ambition of the majority soars no higher than a Sunday cock fight. Still it Is claimed that they are capable of self-government. As to whether or not the Islands would make n desirable annexation, I think they would and that they would be one of the most deslrablo acquisitions of the Flitted States. Fnder proper manage ment the revenue would be enormous, nnd. unlike some troplcnl countries, the produce Is not restricted to any rertnln thing. Sugar cano grows to prodigious size and some of tho ftnrst corn 1 ever saw Is growing within 100 yards of the barracks. The cocoanut groves themselves create an Industry and the profit on tho copra is enormous pctiy load hells in Pay for J2nn gold. I no pounds, and can be sold In MutllU for $:n0 gold per I no. Oranges grow profusely, but lack proper cultivation. Hlce is also a great In dustry und Is rained in large quantities. Ilaillshes. SDanlah notatoer. carllc und iiovti:!i:r,K t:itr nvci hsio:v. Via VtlKxntirl I'nclllo Itnllvtn.v. Tuesday, October 10th. will be the next dnte on which the Missouri Pacific will sell round-trip tickets nt very low rates to points south, southeast and southwest. For further information cull or nddresj Com squash represent their garden produce and ,B,ly', offices. Sv i: Cor 11th nnd Douglas pineapples are raised in some parts. There strept!"- , ,? "?)ZX') ,1' J A . Is loom for great Improvement, for there Is' J' ' ' lnl'1''1 ' ' no nincblnery used except lu the city of Manila. Their tools are very crude and It Is really surprising what thoy accomplish with them. They nre great Imitators nnd a few yetirs of association with a civilized and enlightened peoplo would put them on nn altogether different footing, nnd If the present policy of our government Is pursued It will only lie a comparatively short time when tho momentous question will settle Itself, for the army of tho Filipinos Is composed at the piesent of bnnds of Iji drones and their Ill-treatment of their own peoplo will toon ndd greatly to our list of allies. Agulnnldn Is fast losing ground with his peoplo and could hardly get together 500 men from his once large nrniy. Lack of arms nnd ammunition will nlso have considerable weight lu the final settlement of affairs, which it Is to be hoped will be In tho near future, and thus dispense with tho majority of the troops now In service hero. Tho men with very few exceptions hnvo fought bravely and endured great hard ships with little or no complaint and while tho majority would willingly stay Just as long ns they are needed for the upholding of our countty's honor and the advance ment of her doctrines, the lime when the necessity no longer exists will be Joyfully hailed. The American soldier In tho Phil ippines regrets his Inability to transfer himself to tho Fnlted States long enough to put In a big ono for William McKlnley, our next president. Very respectfully. CHARLES n. WOOD. Sergeant Company D. Thirty-ninth In fantry, r. S. V . Manlln. P. I. Oniiibn 'I'm v pI I n a men's McK Intcj -ltiiiisct ell (iuli. An Invitation froift the Lincoln dub has been accepted by us lo go to t.tinoln Frl day evening. October 1. to participate in a demonstration In honor of Hon Mark Ilntina. Iteporl nt Burlington I :'' train or meet nt Lincoln hotel at 7 p. ni 1Y OltDFR OF i:Xi:CFTIVi: HOARD. .Xiitlee! There will be a meeting of the McKlnley Roosevelt Traveling Men's club at the Her Orond hotel Saturday, October in. at 7 p. tn. sharp. Lvery member Is requested to be present, as business of Importanco will come before the club rY oltnCR OF KXKCfTIVB HOARD. WHITE HOUSE COFFEE. In nlr-tigbt .mis rei o Mi table In pi rfpi'f enmlltl'"! mi h I . ( IpIiiihI A Siulili, Id) ,v Unuttlu, Oil All V. :rtt ks ar4 AND It IIpiiIs Mip I, onus. When suffering from a racking cough take n dose of Foley's Honey nnd Tar. Tho soreness will be relieved nnd n warm, grateful feeling and healing of lb" part affected will be experienced. Tulu xuh ttltute. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., aha, Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha Paints and Varnishes Sherwin-Williams tv - VAUNtHlinS llku their paints, nre of superiii ti .;iia. Itv. The are pat up tn SMM.I rm ;i Well us bnge nn x Tin n nr. .irriMies for FFKNITCItF. ami ntiiltd.. x "M i"ir poso for floors i heii tin re i On liein tiful "MAUD 1)11. FINISH. Half-pint can Fninllv Paint Half-pint i .in VarnlHli Si iln Half-pint inns Si ri en paint 1 IV GOSPEL TRUTH "When 1 buj drugs T want lo buy them of a druggist, then I know what I am get ting. ' said n customer of mine the other du I don't blume him. Your dnigslst's word is the only g inr.inteo von have nf lb.. putit and reliability of goods pur bused ()iil In I'kllled anil experienced druggists docs sufcti lie Cramer's Klilnej I'uro "f.e lloiid'u Sarsaparllla "u (lem Catarrh Powder !? Hlrnev Catarrh Cure l. Sure Death, for bugs , fi i. Ilnstetter's Hitters 7., Pnlne'M Celerv Compound Tur Carter's Liver Pills MentiPti s Talcum Powder S. S S ino of Cardul Plnkhain'H Compound P rntnld Pile- Cure Har-Hen AJux Tablets . Hcott'H Fniulslon llu-l'nn Hnlr T.mie r Duff's Mult x. btskey s ,. Forunn . ,i,i c:ut prick i) ru; gist Ultli nml Chlciiu". Ciinviis covcrctl ones tluv nrc ImhiihI with s1mc( iron, llic.v have center slice! . iron Imnth ilnv Imve four sl rent-ilitMiinn si nips on top 1 hey liiive ctti stmnj; strap hinges- they Imve extra strong corner protect iei. ( tf v hnve good loi-l.s iiml ever, lock lias a key - they are muslin linetl they are strongly riviteil they nre nicely iiniftin.,1 inside and outside--1 hey are $'..Tii) for the US-inch oti.. We'vo fifty different styles to show you. Would carry more if we failed to miss any sales in the present stock. We've the most complete line of. trunks, vvalises. tele scopes, etc, in Omaha. (Third floor.) As you enter tike store From Farnani street stop just a minute at the poockci book department. Many of you do not know we have tun-. Fvorylhing. or most every t-iTiiig, you might waul in thet-p hamlyy money-holders, are here in endless variety an. I and you save about one-half of what you usually pay for such trinkets. fJUfirter-pliit cms Knamel Paint.... Quartet -pint cans llb vi !. Ktiunel.. ll.iir-plnt euns Hisg.v Faint 2Cc Half-pint cans ll.ith Tn! Knnmel. ... iv Half pint cans nil Stnln 15c Olie-plnt cniiK Flue Varnish . .. Me one-quart bottle Sound' r x Hiibv F'oor nn rnv One-pound enns Sblnon Flour W'nx . ."ov Sherman & McConnsil Drug Co CALL FeUl coLult CARP New L'natloii. ( 'or bitli nnd 1). i'uo, OMAHA. XV . ( or. WE EXCURSION On I'ttclt t iicsJny in October and November the : umcm pacific : WILL SELL TICKETS 0WA1I V TO (IftDfiN AND SALT I.AKP CITY, ONH WAV. S2J.00 ' 1 OMMIx TO OOIII-.N AN l SALT I.AKf: CITY. ROUND TRIP, . . 40.00 0 0MAI1 TO IlLTft AND IILI.LNA, MONT.. ONI: WAY. 2i 00 OMAHA TO HUITI: AND llliLLNA, MONT.. ROUND TRIP, - 40.00 OMAHA TO SPOkANI AND PORTLAND, ONF: WAY, 2.00 O OMAHA TO SPOKAST. AND PORTLAND, ROUND TRIP, . . 45,00 1 OMAHA TO T A COMA AND SHATTLI!, ONI: WAY. 2.00 0MIU TO TACOMA AND SLAT rt.n. ROUND rRIP. . 45.00 A O Round Trip Tickets limited thirty days front date nf sale. ! New City Ticket Office, 1.124 Parnam St. Telephone 316. t j sV04sssssssss4ssssss44ssss X' X WW if'. . ft'S.v'trto-CSr; "1 ( .1 J V 1 J.1,LLLU, L JL J J..LLU.UXUJLT Uixsrw. I - i -1 1 1 J rr n i i - "Particu the Good Come So" I grV TW0 QUALITIES Jffigffll. iurpassisig issplef lay at HAYI LOTHBPdl tir Kisit i!3 Bo Men's and oys' New !900 and Fall and Win. ter Suits and Overcoats, at prices never he lore equaled in the history of the Great Clothing Business. Men's $15.00 to $18.00 Suits ami Overcoats -a f ff Saturday for 1UAU AleuV $',).00 jll-Vool Brown Ivlolton and i'ancv (ClH Worsted Suits at O.U Motiday, Octobe Or, 'iv-- , rvn. Xot sick, buL overstocked weather wai-m no re-orders nnd little business and badly in need of cash. That wan the condition our cloak buyer found the manufacture rs cf N YorK. Tlie were more than nnxloiiH to turn their surplus utocU into money and our buver bcitif? thero for thnt purpose was ejulck to take nil vantage, of it. Wo can truthfully say. with out fear of contradiction, that ho made Rome of tho most marvelouH purchases that ever enmo to any hound In ladles' Jackets. BUlts, furH, waists, skirts and wrapper. Seven manufacturers' utocks at DOo on tlio dollar on our counters open far your Inspection Monday. Como and seo for yourself. Look through tho stock and Ret prices. A few of the hundreds of barnnlns that we have to offer in this department: LOT ONK-A miraculous offer. Tour choice of f00 fjar ments, in automobiles, box coats, Jackets made of ker seys, plushes, whipcords, montennrs. fr'ees nnd a dozen other materials all lined throuRhnut v. itli the famous Skinner's satin, vhlrh Is guaranteed for two years' wear nil tho very nowest styles garments that nre sold olBewhere In this city today for $l".tt) your choice while this lot lasts for LOT TWO 37d .Indents the enttro line of a small manu facturer we bought them nt our own price they nro lined with silk and rntin made from kerscjs every thread wool with storm or sj limi .ijiini iii.-j iif. Willi choice for : IT T xi, n cif ;;s. ! Ill I' I.U1I1 $10 small manu ' they am js every snn-your4.50 LOT THREE 150 parments mado In thn long nnd grace ful automobile in tho new 26-lnc!i liox coat and In the now tight-fitting coats collcrs are mink, beaver nnd other furs and they are worth $30.00 and $40.nn b. surprise, for you at Women's Man Tailored Suits for less money than yuti can buy the mnte rials Come In do ible breasted tine niiei mouse ittyies in nomospiins. x enettnna nnd I'ro.iclelnths taffeta lined Jacltets Willi the imw Mare skirt nnd tliev were made to sell for Jli.tO nn sale at the mnrCliiK prlc nt Another lot of milts- marie of line Imported VenetlniiH anil oilier mate rials sonio all kIIIc llnrii thro i',-luMit the greatest vnrlrtv of sultH wi ever hail fur I .it 1 I IX I i i 1 Mill mtmf tiiiiei 'J M-A We j)laee on s.'ile about 000 Men's Suits and about 450 Men's Over coats, botiL'lit Jate of sueli well known manufacturers as Hart, il'J-i:. Schallner t iMnrx,ol Uliicago; Hack- ' ett, Carhart Co., of New York, and B. IJothseliild tfe Co., of Ro chester, N. Y., at (10 cents on tlio dollar. Suits and Overcoats worth up to ?.(). 00 on sale Monday for 12.50 and 15.00 Men's 812.50 Covert Overcoat at. . . Men's 12.00 Pure Worsted Suits nt . Boys' SS.50 All-Wool Cassimere Suits, sizes 1H to Hi, at $5.50 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, in donble-breasled sty hi and vesOO with knee pants at 05c to $5.50, worth double. V SWA ! ,$7tce. .$7.50 Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. tfght-nt- $8.98 $15.00 Lndles" Imported Model Suits en sale nt $30.00, JW.em. $,Vi.t1 and &M Specials for Monday $2.50 ladles' Uliiek Tuffotu Hllk WulatH worth Ji.no- tor $1.75 Ladles' Wool Waists elaborately trlminrd with braid -both back and front -wort n k.w -tor Ladles' Fur Collarettes (Si at Lndles' Halny Pnv Skirts- In tlio very newest Htvlea- with several roirs of Htltchlng other lioiihca ask I" R0- our prli Monday only Ladles' Flannelette Wrappers extra wide at the hips- extra waist lining -Ki-ln flounre- trimmed vvbh lruld a regular Jl r,o wrapper uu miI ..t .. .. $1.20 $3.00 75c n I t: LOW RATES BAY Only to Ooilen, Salt Lake City. Butte and Helena. Only 40 round trip. l iii,v -o 10 fpoivunc, rnoonm, Seattle, Portland and Vancouver. Only 4"i round trip. Better drop in and nsk about these uncommon! v low rates. fickot oino, 1 G02 Farnam St. Tal. 250. 1 eumngion siatton, t Oth and Mason Sis, Tel. I SR. r 'The cleanest of all coals" is SH ERjD A m best coal mined in Wyoming. This means much to the cleanly persons the ones who like ir the most. 'rn KiOS Furnnm VICTOR WHITE tel. 1'J7. $f y "ft has justly won its laurels. Soups, y Fish, Game, Jiot and Cold Meats, etc., are I -t I -V.-y .... I given a most delicious flavor by using Lea & Renins' SAUCE Wiwistrrrj iwi .-t-i.miil.twwimirnwwieMii l,i II m I & i i 1 if mm k fe fv m $ iim Iff (Mi 1 R Yl m$w mm h i rif l ml Ma The Irish Olrl Is U best thcro Is! it 1 B1SB We menu the IRISH fJIKL CHiAIt, HMU The Irish Olrl Is th best there Is! We mean the IRISH fJIKL CHiAIt, li Is Cuban Hand Matin. 'he tobaccos ubod are tho finest of Old Vculta Havana. Tli-"1" tobaccos were purchased bofnro tlto Spanish war and 5011 know thlB means superior to recent crops. It his been known as a brand for 20 years and the mut' ci'h have a reputation to sustain. That Is whv there Is no better 10c clear In tho world. McCORD-BRADY 6c CO. Distributors. Omaha, Neb. ionroCTEsajTSrtWn M'X VXJMLMiWUi. Thl tt1)4t iiC 1 THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE C&L as V&tr-ttxjJ WSrtiF.YfAKE OV lUlTATlOXH. JOHN HLOAN'ti tons, istatt, h'tiw Ycik, HOWF.MS Anti-K&wfv? t. i p i 'i -,., ,.. lll-.l 1 1 1 II i s a ! ii it till Tako i . substitute, Kidnoycuir'a. h vice, etc., of tTItKS all ifldney t)seuses. ta'k ii 'hr i'. At 1 r u(f . i;ist., or tiy taail, HI I'rn book, uii- Ur. II. 3, Kuy, Sura'ov, li, t,