THE OM All DAILY HUE: MONUAV, OCTOBEI. lo. 11)00. r SPECIAL, NOTICES Ad rrtlirmrnti for these columns nlll he Inkrn until lit m. fur the riciiliiE edition u nil until H no p. tn. fur inoriilntc nnil Suniluy edition Itntea, 1 i-'lv n rord flrst Insertion, lc a word thereafter. .Nothing Inkrn far less tlifcn Vf.'o tor the first Imrr tlon. Thf mlrrrlltcincnti niit lir ran consecntlv ely. Ail rrtlsers, lis- reuuestlna nuin hered cheek, enn li nc nitrr ad dressed to n nnroherrd letter In enre of The lire. Answer n addressed trill lie delivered ui presenlatloa of the cheek onlj. sitlatio.ns w atbu. PRINTER, brst-ilasi Job ar newspaper man desires position In go"d ' o.mir otJl" e In Nebraska '.r Pilvta. experlemed In city and coutitr re s, single a -siy w aress i si, Hce. XV A M' 12 U 11 A I, lIKl.f. WANTED, e have steady work for a few good buntlers of Hood hublt"' and appear ance. C. F. Adamj Co.. 1 lio.vard St. IlARUEU trade tsutjht tnoruuxh'v In short time; catulosue and urt." uiurs free. Addredsi Western Uan-i 1 Htltuie. Omaha, Neb. B-471 WANTED, teams for K H woik In 1114- lslput. Ire tranjot.Ji. ' i-r outfits. AS'lckhum, l'helan c u . aiutl. street. Council Uluffs, Ij. WANTED, a flmt-ciass solicitor or runner for clothing store, ood pay. Apply at once to Coining Co., 28i& N ft , South Omaha. Q-M1M EXPEIIIEN ED solicitor, steady employ ment In clti . referent renulreJ. ' all UJl Bee Uldg U Ml 17 WKITK us for straight Triumph tn . DalUn. 'lx salaried Job b-m:ij i WANTED, men to urn barber trade. We teach the work In shortest time possible without limit to term, givlni constant fir.ntlco obtained by fre clinic, cxprrt ristructlonn by sktllel workmen and lec tures on skin diseases by doctors; two onrs sed, v." furnish free transporta tion to our '-ollege at I'hlcflgn. St ns or Minneapolis, an sufficient practice cjti not be hid here. We guarantee em:'l" ment In Ity and countr shops or travel ing with o ir demontttrnli'rs. meth'l of adi ttslr.g that offurs gratiiates guoi waires. nlensAnt work and valuable ex perienee, make appllcntlon a I once If ..mi want one of th poltotis when com petent, catalogue ami partli Jars mailed free Moler Barber i "ollege Representative, 1J3 Farn - s . Om.- hii ."eb ' "antlon : our success has iaused otheta to atopt our im itt Do ii'it -nnf'ie t'-, ..r eln.U Moler W-MAili" WANTED, good experienced clothing sales- Y i'J. Hec oitice. B-M392 15 WA.NTED-FKVlAl.i: HELP. TelS70l 617 ' WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dovlge. 5-i girls wanted. Canadian Oolce. 1622 Dougla C-02S GIRL tor general housework; must be good .ook. wages 94 week for competent girl. Call at onco 2020 Etnmett. C MSI v ANTED, good girl for general house work, family of three, witgeM 4; apply 'mmediuiely. 2t2 Poppleton live. C-MMS WANTED, ar. experienced kitchen git Call. 2X28 Farnum st. C M2JS Itl WANTED, cook, bent of wages. 3.'d ave. 110 So C-241 WANTED, good girl for general house work, small family, good wages, steady position. 13'i So 32d St. C 217 13 FOR RENT ll()lil;s. IF you want your houses well rented pU- e them with Benawa A: t'o. D-tiJO 1 CHAMPION Carpet Cleaning Wks., cleans and lays carpets right. 71b s. It. Tel. 63. D-ISI 02j ALWAYS moving H. 11. goods. Pianos. Oflice. 1511S Farnara St. Tel. 1530 or -est. D-U HOUSES for rent In all parts of the tiiy Bretinan-Luvf Co., 22J So 13th St. D-31 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D-61J CHAS. E WILLIAMSON. 1208 Farnam D HI FOR RENT, house S rooms, S W. Cur. Park ave. and Leavenworth. Modern jx cept funiacc. Key at cottage In rear D-1C5 COAL, best cooking, 14.23, delivered; noih tng better. Harmon & Weeth Co Tel 514. D-9s7 019 FOR RENT. October 1. to small family, a desirable seven-room collage. 22nd anil California street, water In kitchen; ?I2 nr month. Inquire at 07 N. 19th stre. t D-.MSC SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, Ml N. Y. LIFE. V',& HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 15?l Dougla.". D--C37 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Bik UZli HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker blk D-ijl 3217 CUMING St.. S rooms; modern except furnace, In good condition, 130.00. OMAHA LOAN Jfc TRUST CO.. 19th & Douglas St. ' D -6M l-ROOM. modern, and barn. 21th and Har ney, Cor. 25ih and Hamilton, modern ti room new house. F. D. Wead, 16th and Douglas. D-M3tS NICE 6-room modern cottage. 2110 Decatur 122. D-SIT.' 1S20 N. 27th. i rooms, bath. SIS to 1S02 Ohio, 9 room", buth. IJBW GARVIN BROS., 1513 FARNAM. D -M9W FIVE-ROOM modern cottage, barn. ll.SOO. 3409 N. 20th D-bS4- FOR RENT, line 6-room modern cottage in the Stanford circle llth and Vinton streets; convenient to South Omaha and uth street car lines, jib per month. Th Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. llth St. D-137 FURNISHED or unfurnished, my resi dence, 2117 Wirt street. J. J. Gibson, 506 First National bank. D M171 IS FIVE-ROOM cottage. 1KB S. llth D M30' 17 1241 LANPoN court, 10 rootn. modem. In tine condition, rent 45) OMAHA LOAN .t TRUST CO. Uth & Douglas St D-21S FOR RENT. 11-room modern house nnd barn, list and Davenport. M0. Modern 6-room furnished cottage, close In. 136. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S08 FARNAM ST. T)-m FOR RENT. S-room modern house, corner Uth and Vinton. Inquire Hi: Vinton. PMrs IS l-ROOM house, modern. Sit N. 16th. Monro . Co.. D-n 5-ROOM cottage, furnished. r26.t; unfur nlshed. 120.00. 1711 Musm &t. D-?'wj i I''OU RENT, tine S-romii m.nleru cotuiges In tho Stanford Circle, llth and Vinton streets, convenient to South Omaha and 13th street car lines. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. 14th st. D--J' Ft iR RENT, all modern brick house s toom 311 No. Siil st. D MJtH FOR HH.NT Fl RMJillEI) ROOMS, THREE room, housekeeping, 1112 S. llth. E-J7I HorSEKEBPlNO. pleasant warm rooms for winter, single or n.u!te. 51 N Istlt St. K- li' STEAM hatM rooms at The Thurston E-:45 FOR Ri:.NT. furtilehed front room In prl- ate family for gentleman on 25th street, near Farnam. -Address Y 41. Be. B-,M11 15 ITN'K south front rooms, desirable fur niVd. steam heat, tin Jern r.s(d -e bicakfast onlv ; references 4 S 2'tc't F. M i '. I-Oll KENT-Ft nM!"llRD ROOM-. N ! I ' .ri.lshij fr nt room, with r " an, a ler ritin1. modern. MS S il'ti axe K-MlCli BEAUTIFUL modern rooms. flrst flour, to is-keeplng Mt .V. IJth. H-MWl IJ Fit' "T parlor, modern, furnished, piano. : . tw m!i, reasonable. 114 North Uth. THi: KAHNA.M, l2l Farnam l . w opened, elegant room?, everything rew. suam heat, nfctrP Huh'., transient. II to 12 a day. European plan. Tel 1144. F.-M420 )i Ft lt.NIMIEU HUO.M.1 AMI HOARD, GLENCAIRN.tran.lsnt,ll.:5Jay. Doujr. . - - if CJOOD board, private family. W S. 25'h avtnue. F M65( UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. Y-Mi THE Merrtam, good lummcr resort. 26th A Dodtse. F-SIl ROOM, furnished or unfurnlihwl. with board. T N. SSd St. F-Mlw 15 TO RENT. lrnUhedT T" i room, with board, In private family, aulet nelghb rhood, near Hanscom park. wo-worth live F-M22? NICE warm room. cood bounl. reason ibl rate. The Ros, von Harney. F-2'-Ni: Fnn R:nT. furnlhel room, with board :i. Chicago st F-.M40U IS St'lTE of rooms. f.h or without board i Bentlemn. private family lt Harn-'V F-fi:t Fll HHM s i OltKS AMI OFFICII. FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rai.t reasonable Appiy It. C. Peters & Co., jruund Iloor. Bee bide 1Xi Foil RENT, th- l. uldlng f'.rmer'.v ocipled by Th- Be at aiS Farr.stn street It has four stories ami u basement which wai frmerl used as The Bee press room This will be rented er reasonably If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 1"', Be Building. A(ii:.NTi W A. NT El). WANTED, agents In every town and community to sill the "Best ni,ur Gasoline Lamps, most sticntltlc Lan.p made: two vears on the market: nbso. made; two years on the market; abso- I S.ffS l&.?aMX: iftT I OmahaNeb. J-MIC Wt i AGENTS Artk-1 of absolute necessity In every building, no competition; big nr - . ' . . . vv.u-i.c in, I.IIUIC lllll'U'-IUIQ Agen.y Dept. 312. 27 William at . N. Y. j MS2S Nil AGENTS our 9itli century holldav books are readv, rive Ix.oks in "ne sample cas..-. h ,n0"t rc mmiRkions exclusive terrltorv , Napervillr, 111 J -M3K 13 AVA.NTED TO RENT. WANTED, to rent one unfurnished room. AdJrt'" Y 15 u,, K-M5I5 15 OH 9-ROOM house for office and resldenct t pnysiclan. must h within two mil.- of business center Address Y 4K Bee. K-M312 IS STORAtiE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 312 ill Jones, general storage and forwarding. 12 On. Van Stor. Co., 13111 Faru. Tela. lilD-'tS til3 WANTED TO lit.. WANTED TO BUY A second hand cam era or kodak, must be In good condition and cheap. Address Y 53. Bee. N ;B4 ALL klna.s of household goods, hotels, eto.. in largo arn, mnail quantities. Liucago Furniture Co., 14'.s;-10 Dolce. Tel. 2GM. Tn ti4J WILL purchase a limited number of Omulta Savings bank accounts. Brennan- T At-. I i n 13rlt V I'll OLD stamp collections bought. 216 N. li:h N-Sj Oi9 FOR 5 A l.U llOHSKS VKHICI.KS, IJ'l C. NEW and 2dH. vehicle at marked dovvr. prices. Harry Frost, llth Lcavenwort i. P-6K FOR SALE, a horse and bugy cheap. In- (julre at 2132 St. Mar s ave. I1 .I79i I FCR SALE, semrd-hanii spring wagon and I harness, good as new. a snap. Inquire i lloman s oeuverv etanies. i:itn. Detween Howard and Harne P-M394 II FOR SALE MIM El. I, A.N Hot S. FINE Vose upright piano at great s.icruire, j part) leaving clt. Address Y M. Bee lce- Q-W N9 . HARD and toft foundation piling; hog fences and cribbing. Wl Douglas. Q647 CUTTERS of drug price. Sherman & Mc Connell Drus Co., Cor. 16th and Dodge.. Q )43 2CHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1116 Farnam y 4a SAFES; buy. sell, ex ge. Schwartz. 114 So 13. Q-050 I 2DHAND wheels, J5 to llu; now wheels, J15. Umaha Bicycle Co.. 16th & Chicago St. 361 SECOND-HAJJD Cullgruph (new) ror sale. r--l! of rtmne elerlf district court. Q-SS4 ELEGANT piano. UM." Address Y Bee Q M2i 15' DON'T miss the opportunity to tnspe t our stock. Wo carry the largest mid most completo line of 2ndhand stoves In It v , prices low. Don't forget the place Enterprise Furniture Co.. 102-4 So. llth. Q-2IG Nil SECONDHAND TYPEWRITERS. The following list ara In good londltlmi and are bargains for tho mone . Odell Ji 00 cailgraohs iio.i ami jis.oo Smith-Premier $3n."'"'" 3 Remlnctons 115il to illiil ' Rem Sho Won NEBRASKA CN'CLE CO.. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Sweets. Q- M267 16 FINE Decker piano; very reasonable. 2I N. 23d St Q-M317-16 SEWING machine. White cabinet, quarter tawed oak case, all attachments, runs perfect; almost new Address Y 50. Bee. n xt S.K.1K. FOR SALE. A No 7 Remington tvpewrltei nearly new, on' 17. Address H. LeFeber, Superior. Neb Q M342 IV i MIM El.l. VNEtll.s. NOTICE, country dealers. 2dhand furniture md stoves at lowist prices, carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co.. 1406-10 Dodge R--637 CI.A1RVOV 1.NT5. MRS. FRITZ. clalrvoaut. & North 16tl JtME-GYLMER genuine palmist. KMC Dod?o IM.U.t iilH; i IIF.A1 MEN I'. ELITE par'.urs. cli S. ioi!i. second floor T -M4-N-3 MME AMES. 1615 Howard, ivhiiii 1. 2d flvir; Mae Edgar, assistant. T-M3I !? MME. ADAMS, magnetic ircntment. M7 So. lStth. room 2 T-MII-i' PERNO.N 4.LS DR. ROY. chtrupodUt; corns and sunerflu- u hair ren.oved by el.ctriclt. R. '2. Frenzer block. U S VIA VI. woman's way to h"u!th. SI4 Ile bldg U-W TURKISH baths, massage baths, electric baths, for ludls only; skilled women inassugr operators: nneet equipped bathi In th city. Renstrom Bath Company. H'wuiin lU 4V 1 l.ltm. 1. RUPTURB cured; no knife, no pain, no danger; s-end for circular. Smulro Rup ture Our. 382 N. Y. Life bldg. CJmaha. UW PRI ATE hospital for ladles before & dur- Ing 1 oiit.i.epn'iit, babies adopted 1136 N 17 I'll IIXIN VI, PLEATING, battues to . ruor. r.r.krg Jtii;j'Utr(it, i 'tnahu 1 leul.tig i ' . l-4 i Douglas. I III ATK home before v.d during confine ment; b.iblM adopted. Mrs. Rurget. 250 Rurdette. . U-4 YOUR OLD SKIRT Can be aitered to look new and styUsn by using on? of our beautiful FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATED FLOUNCES Any kind complete from li.'O up AL TERATION PATTERNS AND INSTRUC TIONS FREE Accordion and side pleat ing by the varl fnd for circulars. M. GOLDMAN ii CO. i;0 Douglas Blk., 15'h or.d Dodfje. LADIE.S will r e!v drst-'-'.ajs tare before ml durln confln. mti.t ; lady physician. a n. ad st. u-i on SHAMPOO, 35c; halrdref. :ic; manicure, fcic: scalp trentment, )c; electric ma' sace or sealp treatment, 3Sc. K. M. Schadell t: Co., 15K Douslas. U-MKT O LADIES ;.ickets si d tjti r male suits al-, tered, cleaned, rci'jtre-l M. Fogel. JT 3 K U-!!S- SKWINO In private faml'.i.s tr; N Tfth. L-2U Nil MOMn io i oan hi: vi, f.tati;. LOANS on eatcrn Nebraska and western Iowa farms ut i per cent, borrowers can pay tVfJ or any multiple, uny Interest date; no delay. l)rtniian-Ix e Co., S.'j So. 13th St . Omaha. Neb. W-4T0 MONEY to lian on Improved Omaha real estate Urc:iuan-Lue C, M So. Ulii W-tfl J1.C-") and upward lo loan on Improved f ly property and farms. W. 1-arnam Smith v Co.. 1320 Farnani. W 71 WANTED, city loatM, botv'.s and warrarts! George i Company, ltWl Farnam St W-aTJ MU.Nhi In anv amount -it h. l.U. d nr . ei.t j. . i-."jul;i.3 a: uo, isvr farnam s i. W 671 : MONCt to loan on farm and city property; , lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., ISO! Farnam. i W- n H. loan at 5 and 14 per cent on ' vv i PRIVATE monev S SU i ner cent- nr. 4 ' Bml vlJr ' ,,1- t"rvln Bros., lt13 r arnam. W-,. ( WBAni?T,raC ""r? Vo i Farnam'st . iiee Bldg lt W-8.f ' PRIVATE money V D Vid l2t nonclnl ttl A 1 mo,iey- D. ead, 1.21 DouiaJ prvR n.e e.r.t n".T. L,7"iiT 1 .w..w. ivv MONEY to loan on flrst-elasu Improved city property or for building purposes Pavn. knox Co.. New York Life W-'6il PRIVATE monev to loan. J II. Sherwood, M9 N Y Life. W-21S MONEV TO LOAN I'll I'lTMJi, MONEY TO LOAN ON furniture, pianos, horsrs, cows, etc to keep the property. You to people permanently employed on their ! own names, without mloiser r mortgage, i b,Ulll l.U.l.VS We loan from ll" up We charge no:h Ing for making papem and we keep noth ing out of the amount you ask for. You , may repay the mot ey i.i one, month, or take 2. 3, 4, i. C months or more In which to repay It. our rates arc as low aa the lowest, our business is eonndentlal and wa iuwas try to piease. OMAHA AloRl'UAGn LOAN CO.. Established Is'JZ. !M t,. 16th St. X-M7l 1 MONEY MJNEY UVil.'ElU 0.U1.1II11.U I .11 No etidorsur ol mortcage required. ! LOWEST RA'.ES. EASY PAYMENTS and STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. OMAHA CREDIT CO.. ! Room 32i, tlllh tlooi. New orK Life PUg. MONEY loanol on plinos, furniture, Jew- t elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F Rccd, 310 s 13. ' X-63 I LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE. FOLLOW THE CROWD. Thev come lo us. II Vou can do better elsewhere don't come here (but you I can't). Come and let us prov, to you i that we give iitsi it,n.via in me ity and more tor your money than others I DARE. No mortgage, no indorier. no I publicity; simply a confidential business dea'" RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. I Room 3"3. Third Floor. Paxton Block. x-i ! MONEY loaned on Pianos, furniture, di. monds, watches, privately. Bcrger's Lian ' Co.. 1501 Farnam Si., upsttdrs. X 94) i MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horjes, cow, Jewelry. Durt Grten, H.s, Barker BU 1 v mJnt pos fon their own name. i Tlthout wirity payuitlits. Tolmati, 7 N. Y. L. BUg " MONEY loaned salaried people holding ,ir- . till SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS W. TAYLOE, 21 First Nat. Bank Bldg. -c ill MONEY loaned on furniture, diamonds, j watches, payments confidential. Omnia Challle Loan Bank, 220 S. loth, upstairs. PRIVATE LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE On their plain note without security No charges for papers. Lower rates. Easier pajmeiits connueniiai iraira-ni as sured. We want your trade. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Room 6ol Bee Bid.; X 742 IK'Sl.NEMs. (TIA.NL Ei, 1150 CASH or easy payments ouys 20 strictly lawful mlckd) slot machines for drinks, cigars or cash, will rani 12 an I upwaid weekly each. Earl. Clark t Co , Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, III Y-M7S4 FOR RENT, best business corner In I.o;an. la , two rooms suitable for dry goods ard restaurant, cheap rent .vdipess Van ScqyJBros , Logan, la Y M201 17 ONE of the best restaurants In the state of Nebraska. In a town of over 10.1"0. strictly first-class trade, will sell at a bargain Address branch othte Omaha Bee, Fremont. Neb Y M21"' 16 FOR SALE Neat little restaurant, con fecttoner and bakery combined In one of , the best towns In Nebraska, a snap for a bakr and wife. Good bakery trade Small capital required Have other business Adcress. Lock Box 14. Gothenburg Neb Y-MKI-15 FOR SALE, grocery and fixtures in S-uth Omaha . pood location and good trade Address, y 55, Bee. Y MS2S U FOR SALE or rent Muller's Bakerv and Contectloneo . 2Sth and Ijavenworth A harg-tln. Y MJOS J FOR 4.1. E 141! VI. ITITH. Kiwi CASH w'i buy a 15..i fruit farm of nine acres. Aodrcss D. oninha Bee. Coun cil Bluffs RE-M3&1 15 2,7)) ACRES land with 4 miles water front. Prl. l..5i" F D. Wead. 16:'4 Douglas. RE-.-l I)-ACRE farm in P'erce co'inty. Nebraska, small house and grove, acres culti vated, six miles from Pierce. Price, $i,6u .la acres, partly Improved. Dixon count v. Nebraska, four miles from rallronsj. I3,6X. :S' acres. Hi miles wrst of Sioux city, six miles from railroad, all under cultivation. orClnei Price, 12.0..V, one-third ash. 1?) acres In Antelope (ounty. Nehraska. seven miles from three railroad towns Clear title, Ui ash HILAND P. LOCKWOtD, SIOUX CITY IOWA. RE-M279-16 WB have a few pieces of Nebraska and South Dakota Utul upon which we ( an accept part cash, balance in other prop 'r,y. . .". yo'' have anything that ,)U would like tq turn In as partial payment on land, subject to the above conditions write us. giving mil particulars In first letter. Ro Jfj. Sioux City. Iowa - RE-M2si-16 FOR SALE cheap, large 0t and three cottage. J. A Lovetrn, 4'h floor Pax ton bluck. RB M.i6 AYNE XNOX CO.. HEADQUARTERS lor HEAL ESTATE BARGAINS. LOW K.sT RATES on LoANh, SuUND I.N. SURANCE; HOUSES. FLATS. STORE! for REN 1". F.rat floor. N. Y. Life Bldg RE tW DELIGHTFUL home In Hanscom Place for sale at a liberal discount 51 J Kennard & Son, suite 310-811 Brown Blk. RE U3 I'OII 5M.K nBtL FATVIK. RAN 'II AND FARM lands f. r sa,- h th. I rl' ii F.v lnc lUllrna l .- mfai:..- r A McAUaster land commissioner I'm n Pacific Headquarters. Omaha, Neb re-: HOUSES, lots, farms. Unds, loans; also fire insurance. Uemls, Pax ton blk. ltK-01 SSK HENRV It. PAYNE. A N. Y. LIFK HE- CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1N3 FarnnSt LANDS. C. R. Burrows, Norfolk. Nebraska. HB-mi Dec. r. LA ROB T-room. :-.tory house, gov-d barn. large lots, near pavetl street, s- hool. etc., $1.SX. C. F. Harrison. 912 N. Y. Life. KB-Mm i; 1.130 ACREo f v-ood furm or srang ltnd In central Nebraska for ral' cheap. Pet tcrson. m N. lith St., Omaha. Neb. UK-MS" OS FINE east front 'ot. three Wocks south de;ots, 10th st. Inquire HU Vinton. REM&3 1 A GREAT AROAVKSg IROI,KRTy Lot . block 2. Kountie & Ruth s addition, house number 17im Jackson, this, prop erty cost U.iuO by foreclosure and must be sold at once; we are instructed to take U.0UO and let It go. WHO WILL BE THE LUCKY MAN? PAYNE-KNOX CO. Main Floor New York Life Bldr RE M.j! IS c. n uuiiuiiia ivuivi. " " Falnnount I'lace, on easv terms write to F. H. Knppen, Milwaukee, Wis. I ' RE- Full SALE, J-acre nice garden land only J7& Hlrks. room KS Hoard of Trade. RE 2B-13 i . , SHORTHAND A.N I) 11 I'lIWHITi.iti, I A. C. VAN SANT'd School. 17 N. Y. Life, I 7wJ ' BOYLES' College, court repcirter principal Bee Bids. To i , i - " - - -'. - ; ! NEBRASKA Business and Shorthand fol- uge. Boyd's Theater. GKEOG Shorthand taugnt at the Omaha . Commercial College, mil anj Douglas S's. ! ;o Ith- lldg. Lessons In bookksetilng. penmanship, arlth mettc, day .t v'g. Itathh jn, j23 Bee Bldg, iw-- MEUlCAle Dlt.b out or health tinci p.-ompt reiiet. uox c, umana, ,eo. v.onnatntui. - LADIES troubled with Irregularities whltet, steillllv, painful or supptefcjed , menstruations find prompt relief and cure; quiet home bofore and during coPttnr-I Pries' IMs'noLet6 Omah!" Neb l 1,r 1 i ries. 113 uodge t . uman.i. . Jeu LADIES, Golden Seal Is a never falling regjlator; removes Irregularities frun any cause In five hours; sent secure iron Observation Louis. Mo. observation, ii Cattolu Medicine Co.. St '-AD1ES- Uure for WHITES rt,- . perfe. regulator, send Mox -t. "maha N. i SADIES. $1,000 for a case old Dr Jackson monthlv regulator falls to illeve tn hours, or money refunded, r. j eigo: ir tansy puis; many saved from sui. ,de B mall .(). Dr Jackaon Remeuy Co . Dept. y 2. 182 Dearborn St . Chicago. Ill -W6 NS GONOVA Is a French rcatineni for tnaV and female, fot the pos;tl- cure of Goncrrhoea. Gleet. Unnatural Discharges 'ntlanimattons. Irritations anu Uiceratn i a of the mucous membranes An Intern. i remedy with Injection combined, war ranted to cure worst caen In on" w"k $3 per package or 2 for IS Sent anv where on receipt of price. The Klild Dr.:e to. Lilgm in. American inice. retail wholesale. Myers-Dillon Dr ig Co . nmhj M. A. Dillon. South Omaha. Davis Dr ig t'o. Council Bluffs. Full of rubbet goods. OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute. 516 N. Y. L. t.i tri: Alice Jolfii'on. I) O dept.; Gld E. Johnaon. Osteopathlst. Mr 7iW M. E. DONOMUE, D. O.. of Still tch ,o:, Klrksvllle. Mo. M Paxton Blk. Tel. Iit7. 7iM FAYETTE COLE. D. O , room 413 Bee hide 975-N6 N. M. McMURRAY, D. O.. Mrs,. J. R. Mu stek. D. O . suite 5.16-3. Bee bldg. -1511 N7 UA.MI.Mi. NEW class" now forming at Morai.i this week. Tuesday and Friday. .. n m. . 12 lemons, ladies o. gentlemen Ji. sierla. P-1" c,ubs' "-'mbiles Wednesday -" -j ORE I.NTUIIED. HOUSES wintered at omaha Driving park. -155 NT WANTED, horses to winter, can take 5' head, all box stalls, tw j artestnn well.'. , price, from 14 to l! :er month, will cai! 1 for them anu ueuver in tne spring. At- dress H. & B Stoi k Farm. c. c Cole manager. Sprlngneid. ei. - jcti; i Fl" KMT LIU! REPAIR IN ti. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St -7U ACCOLNTA.NT. CHARLES E WALTERS. 326 Bee bldg -M76j nov 1 STOVE, furnace, range ri pairs, w a Ui con nections. Om Stov Rep U'ks . l.'uT Dojg Tel. &60 -711 WANTED II Oil! l!i Tfl IIRIlilv. WANTED, horses to break and train, wn' lake this work at reasonable rates, hav good winter quarters A.Ulrc.s Geoige Davis. Bee Bidg.. Omaha, Neb. -53 Nl MClvEL PLATINIi. STOVES, lamps and chandeliers replated. Om. Plating Co , Bee Bldg. Tel. 2U5 -716 Ml ML AL. INSTRUCTION In piano or oigar free o 1 limited number of murium, new plac. see me. Prof Bra -1.. 5i RimjT Blk Slo-OlS TAII.ORIM.. HIGH class tailoring, moderate prices, latest designs 5 J. Brcderlck, 1617 Farnam k9l ul HUH)) A.N II TV.MDU.KJM. STOCK'S Bird Store. Iw3 Lavenwi.rth -:t: CARPF.NTI!ll AND .lOBMERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly J T Ochiltree, '.nth and Lake Sts. -370 PIA.NO TIM.Mi, WE tune our piano f. r 1150 Rose's Art Store, 1521 Dodge Tel in: 3:- At ETYLE.NE. MONARCH Generators are bst. Carbna 14.50 per 100 lbs Agents wanted M V O Co.. 10S2 Douglas St -S77 OLI ENGINES, HOII.EHS, lyrC. U C Sharp Mach Wks ; motors, dynamos. -715 I.AL'.VnRV. C MAHA Steam Laundry, shirts. 7e; collars, 2c, cuffs, 4c. F50 Leavenworth. t1 547 -12 l-..l.e !j'i' i i ! VUIIIIOR FACTOR. I i Damaged looking glasses resiUered. T' N 1. sfrtll -711 1 ffWjJp i stovc KUP4.IIUNG. ' ' T MMEIU.f(i AAU STLTTEltl.NU ". 1L.V J.l 4Jgl,a' 4 lUtuge I 1IIKF,T IIIIOKEH. Ct T rnle t'-kets everywhere V bin. !S F.irr.a-n Telephone 7S4. l'.I.OI I I ION M) (IIIATIIU. ELLA DA 2-U Ramge b!dg ; reading, e o cjtlon, cratorv, Thursday nluht hoo.. -MTss ui: LOST. LOST. L.ks r.l-i. 3 P. O No.3 Renard for return to W J Shradcr. Losi-37 !.05T-I.a1ies- turtle pin with p.-arl K nii neaa nun logs or iimm'r.'s a om-eness r.nder will b rowal ls.l turn of same to T M Orr. l"r: . P. clrtv general office building, or N i Farnam street. lost-MI2S iJ PA W.N II It OK IJIl.S. 2AGLE Loan Offlw. reliable, accommoiat lug; all business contldeBtlal. 13J1 D .gl i - "0 LOANS. II. Marovvltz; low rates, m N li I - 1 I)IIF,.VI KINtl. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 215 S .;to St- -Mj Nl MH URN MUN I' NOTICE nn.,ii..9., . """'Mi.a mih h ;kk m tiijn- ini" -!il-f Vmmis.r of Subsist Omaha. Neb. !4th O.-tcbe'. I Sesle I i'""PO'ais. in tr tillrate. nil he re tiM ;'er until II .clock a tn central s !.,m. 1St1' N-v ember. r and pi'. "fly 'Pened for furiil.liln such freli b. ef ",nd mutton as may be required to :, Subsistence D. parttnent. U S Armv 'jinana. .en . r.-rt t'ronlc Ntb . .lT-rsi Barracks. Mo . Forts Leavenworth Ka J;"gKii II Root. Ark.. Niobrara. N ... 1 "'ley. Kani. Robins, n. n d "nd Sill. t T. during s.x month . m mencing January 1. t'01 h. --s rtt 11 H 1 1 1 J" U VHn n Ml III mountain standard time, at Fort Rcbi -s time, at Jefferson Tturrni V. r"nrt lai n. I c V?.rln. !-"sTn H Roots. Niobrara. R. -.1 ney ami MM ami opened at p tt b re . "pectlve fommls-arles. each receiving pr - ' .pal. f.,r hi. own pot on!- Proposal , I will also be rreived stating price at which , bidder will del.ver fresh beef or mutton of temperature not greater ihnn & degrees j Ihnn ' degrees furnished on up- umlssary at post jsals. U. S. r- t any or ail pr .- reof Env'op- p., ali for Frei , ram eiui-.n. ii-iormaii n iurnisnei r,n up- . plication nere or lo commis 1 aumorued to open propjs.i cre tne ngni to rejrr p.-ea s or any. part thereof snoutu o marged 'irop. user anil .Mutton nii.l nrtilresse.l ti, . derslcned or rv tnmlssarv a: post auttv rlt .1 to receive proposal.. D B WINon Major 25th Infantry. "ommtsary oc. 16-S-7-SNI3-14M i .- .. PHOPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE Store- j -niriee I'ur. inOnr i-mmi.urv f m,..,. Metence. Om-ha, Neb. October 15. 19 ' i-oaled proposals, subject to the usual ion dlttons. will be received at this ot!l e u- tr 10 o'clock a tn . Oetcber 2n. Wii at ah! h 'me,"",.piB,' th?.,1! " ''2 p.u.VL'Tiy ,'' 1 sugar, crnned eo Prefercn. e v. 11! be given to article of .' anestl. pro I lit ton Blank propo-a's .r .1 Hp. eiricHtlot s .tn l.e obt ili.ed at ttvs if- .i. D P v,"i;i,i,, Purha.-dtii C .mm s sary Oci. 1.1.6-7-5 M il VIl.W Y TIME T V II I. US. WzaJ&Z&ZP' OMAHA i ST LOUIS RAIL- ' ji i u j ''iii.iiiii i i.v - -1 A. I'.ilorM t.ll,.,j.1'"rl,4 J iln It iute" Ticket nf lUe H15 Farnum St. Tele phone. 32. Depot. Tenth nnd Many Streets. Tel . phone. 629 Leave. Arrive. M i.ouls niinon Hall Express a 8-05 pm a nm Kar.sis '! and cjuincy :00 am a 9:OQ pm ! ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad. City Ticket of fice. l'2 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 215. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Streets. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Expr. ss l 'hlorii?.. I.imiled all I" am n 4.06 pm .a ,:4j pm a s.ia nm Mir.neapoltH ar.d St. Paul kx !ei h 7:00 am b 9:45 pm Mlnnum,..!!, n ot St. 1 aul i.imlte.i ...i 7 13 pm a S.15 am ! Fort I' "1a- I " ji fr. m . I Cu'.t' P:..rTs . b 4 pm bin lu ..m x Dal'j b l air -cept siinda. FREMONT. ELKHORN Miss .url Val!e Railroad -'The Northwestern l.tne" General OlHces. Knlt,w,r,,'atII,eS Nc?,l?."!.1 Tw-elftn nmt Parnaro Sts. 1 Ticket Otll e "4" l Farnam St. Telcphoie, I itl. Depvt .''h and W -bster sts. Tele- , ptune, H's Leave. Arrl c. Black Hi, -. De.idwood, i Hot Sprliic, a T:W pm u.'X) p.n 2. c'Huar and iiViV.?'-a.s v'.i. n. "ii A pm 5 Pm I iiv'sL.H?hi'..,.l ' Wi: up.?E17lIj ",eVJ'w - ,. I Norfolk. V'erdlifre and Fremont . b 7:3") am bl0::5 am Lincoln Wanoo a.,d Fremont .b 7.30 am b!0:2i am Fremont c 7.S) am a Dall ! Dai! exci pt Sunday, c Sur aa only i naiiy except saiuruay. Daily i pt M .11. lay SIOUX CITY &. PACIFIC Rai. road Tho N irth western Line " tjener i omces. I nlted Slate) National Bark Building. S W Corner Twelfth and Farnam Sts. Ticket i.iflice l"i Kamim rit Teltnh 'no, 561. Lie- ,oi. icnii. auu .laaoil bis. leiepnoiie. M. i Leave. Arrtv. I j Twin City Expo-ss . t 6 5 am alO 25 pm 1 i Twin Cl'v l.lrrlte.l a 7. .a iim it b:la am i aioux Cm I.. t al a 5- v am a lirJ pm I a Dall.v CHICAGO A- NORTH- I wisieri Railway 'Tne N i ' hwetern Line" I it Tllket Olfice. 11011 Furnim St Telephono. ;i Tenth ar.d . .luS'-.:i sis. leiennone. v. , . . ; i.e-ave. .itiv- Uaylllt!.' 1 ..go clal i tiltiiK l's-s -g'I pe- a 7:' am all:3) pm a 4.15 pm a S:l') am ' Eastern De Molocs. M i rati, i .Itow n c( aar It.ii l is aii.i ( "lil -cag , a Eastern lain ted Chi 1 55 am a i 05 pm cago and EaM . ..a 1.53 pm 8 4:'.6 ptn Fast M i! i hi. u;.i to Omana a 2:15 pm vo, I -li I wmona-' m. ago npeciui a i :v pm a fa . . ,1.11 j.uvam -I. ;i, ISth and Webster St Citv TleUtt ottlee lfl : arnari S: ielepnone, 51. Depjt,' lit'i and Wniater Sis . Leave. Arrtce Twin 1 it) Pi'.nger a i.v am a 9:19 rm 'jmsn.i t'assengti alDIO nm Sioux ; & North I ejst N, brasaa 3.45 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. M" iN PCIFK -"THE OVER 1 r .1 R.-ute" General Offices, S E cor Ninth and Farnam .-ri cts City Ticket Olilce. 1314 Utrnam Street Telephone, 316 ll"t, 'j'enth and Masorr Sts. Telephotiu, 6lfc Ie?av Arrive. Th i"-iia' 1 Limited a S 20 am a 7:34 pm Ihe cm -ago. Portland . .... a S:!0 am a 7:3S pm The Fast Mall . a S:S0 am a 3:!6 pm The Colorado Special .ull:35 pm a 6: nm I II1? K-J ;?. Mail ... a 4:36 pm Beatrice and Stromsb.irg Express.. h 4.10 Din bl2:25 t.m The Pa If. Hxreas. ..a 4:24 pm Th A-..i: t - Express. a 0.50 am Grand !: 4 Local ..bJ.3Cpm b 9'3-i am a 1 ii. Dally except Sundnv. CHICAGO. ROCK isl and .t Pacific Railroad - ' The Great Rock (M. and Route" City Tick e Office 1323 Farfil-n Street Telephore. ;2s L'epot Tenth .t Marcy Sts Telephone. 60. Leave Arrive 1 Pes Molr.M and Davei . ) port Local a 7:28 am bll:3S am Chicago Express bU:lS am a .10 .un I Chicago Fas Kxprejj a pm a 1:25 pm Lincoln and Falrbury .a S.10 am a 7.00 pm l.incnin. C.010.-BU0 npg . Denver. Fuebu. and West a 1 JO pra a 4:15 pm lies .Moinei ji-vck l- and sr4 cceagn a 7 13 pm a 5 50 pm Co'orado A Texas Fiyer a 5 55 Dm iVlim J a Dal'y b Pa. j ex.ept Sunday. i .. .C.i I a Dally. a Dallv. eaCJ. -3 CHICAGO. RT. PAUL. ' MffSm RanwaTl' "North ' 'VtVrdAY At 1 a? m. for NEWFOUND we. ern I l.,e"rfe nVrai 1 LAND, per s. s. Corea.". from Phlladel mMf on? SI" Ne'brLkaCDl vll UV- ' PI. fi.. .'9-''NK if?- . 1 1U5 ,vr mm mm RAILWAY TIME T.VULUS. lU RLINOTcN A MH Svarl River Railroad The liurllngton Route General Otllres. N W I'urner Tenth and Farnun I St Ticket OCletf. Mi Farnam St. Telephone , Kui. s'atlot.. Tanth and Muson S's ieiCLhu. e. UJ I j.eave. rrive. I 't llast.ngs and Mc "ok a !:49 am a ' IS fm Unciti, Denver, Colo rado Utah. Calif onila a i. pm a 1 on pm Lincoln St Black Hills, .a . pm a i;v im Montana. Puet Sound k pm a "5:6 nm Line'.'. Fat Mall .. a it) pm a 19. 3 J am Derver ' v :irad. Utah ,iM rt l.i . . 5.11am a Dal s KANSAS CITY. ST Jo seph & Council Rltiffs Railroad-'The Rurllng i n Route" Ticket Ortlce, "v2 Farnam St. Tele pi. jne, an De;ot, Tenth r. 1 Mneon St. Tfl' ph tie, 121 ceave Arrive, Kansas "v l ay Uv a s.K am a C P pm Kansas Nig'i' V.x al' IS ptn a 6.15 am s I .its f-Uor f r Si. J scrl ar.J St Louis.. a 4 M pm alltlS am a Da i ritl' AOO, ItURLINUTriN A Qulncy Railroad 'Tne Burlington Route Ticket 'lllce, lfC Farnam St. Telephone KtO Vcy t Tenth and Mason sis Telephone. 123. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Oil ago Spe cial a 7:0 am Fc rl.i Express a 9 IS j m . I.. t-... r- 7i L" " '"i"' " , m Chi. ns - Local Express, a s am ilffiptn Chi. ago Limited ,.a.:pm a 7: am " J un. non i."iui . .aiv w nm P -eltt J ,t. ilon Extra. b 7:0rt pm a 2;45 rm Fast Mall a Daliy Missouri pacific rail- r ad General Offices and Tn ket Ofilces Southeast '"orner 14th and Dnuglits Sts Telephone. I'M Deot. I men Station. Leave. Arrive. . . i Kansas Lxpr , ...alftMam a Jo pm St I ilxprees . .1'J.1'J pm a 6.15 am 1 Lea e fro.,, i!th I W '.stur Streets: and "Tr i Nf"h1 dtter' ,S-P, V.1 5 ,? ,f., a ian i uaii Via V 4;l.'i pm aid IS am Dally except Sunday. , X' s- 1 ! "Siirn; JAlV -y V ' V - WABASH RAILROAD -Ticket Ofilce. 1M4 Farnam Street. Telephone iS. De pot. Itnth nnd Marcy Streets. Telephone, oTS. Leave. Arrive. S' Lo i is " Cannon Ball Express a 5 fiu pm a S.20 am a Daily CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket offlcc. 15"l Farnam Street. Telephone 2M. De. pot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 62V iA-ave. Arrive. e?ev. MiLWAUKL nil.Hgo Limited Ev ... a C.00 pm a 8:0i am Chicago & titnaha Ex b 7.15 am b 3:40 pm I'ovroiTK i: NO'i icn. .Should ! read DAILY b all Interested, as .-hangis mav occur at an) time t Foreign malls for the week ending October 2"V lr"". will t lose i PROMPTLY In all cascfl ut the General Post Olilce as fol lows PARCELS pi'ST MAILS close one hour earlier than i losing time shown be liw Parcels Post Malls for !ermin close at 3 p m Monday and Wednc?ds Triiiisiitliintlc Malls. TUESDAY-At 0.3"' a. in. for EUROPE. p?r s s Deutschland, via PIin'Uth. Ch"-.'-boutg and Hamburg, at 6 30 a m for EUROPE, per s. s. Kalserln Marli Theresla. via Cherbourg. Southampton and Bremen imall nut be directed "J or s. s. Kitlserln Maria Thettsla"i. at :3f a. tn. isuppletmntary 10 a. tn i for EUROPh. per s. s. Servla, via guecn'town (tn.ill must he directed "per s. s. Servla".). WEDNESDAY At 7 n m. isurplemontarv 9 a. m.i for EUROPE, per s. s. St Paul, vlu Southampton, at i a. in. isuiv.e nientarv 10.30 a. m i for EUROPE, pet e. s Germanic, via cjueenstown; at lo.So a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Vet ernland itnatl must be directed "per s. s westernland ). THURSDAY-At 0.30 a m for EUROPE per s s. Fuerst Bismarck, via piymouin and Hamburg imnll for France, nwitzer land, Italy. Spain. Portugal. Turaey, Egypt, British India and Lorenzo Mar que, via Cherbourg, must be directed "per s. s. Fuerst Bismarck" i. at 6 JO a m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, PORTI GAL. TURKEY. BRITISH INDIA utid LORENZO MAK yUEZ. per t. is La leirralnc. via Havre (mail fur other parts of Europe must be directed "per s. s. La Lorraine"! SATURDAY At S a i At Sam. for nktmkh- LANDS direct, per s Amsterdam imall must bo directed "per s s. Amsterdam . at 0-30 a. m (supplementary 11 a tn i for EUROPE, per s s. Lucanla. via Quen tovvn; at 1 a m for S"' TLA ND dire t. per s . Anihorla "mull must be dlrecti-j "pe: a Aiuhorla' i "PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls Heamer llc's Printed .Matter, Commercial Papers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless specially directed b her. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named ubove addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American. English. French nnd German steamers nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour 01 tailing ot steamer. Mnlls for outh 11 nil cnli-ul Vmerlcn, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:3o jc. m. (supplemental 10:30 a. m for CENTRAL AM ER1' 'A (except Costa Rlejj and SoUTH I'A CIFtC PORTS, per . ' Finance, via Colon (mall for Guatcniula niut be di rected "per s. s Flnanci"); at 11 a. m f. r BARBADOS direct nnd BRAZIL, p r s. s. Bellaglo, via Perr.mbuco and Rio de Janeiro imnll for Northern Brazil must bo directed "per . s Re agi.'i, at 12 Z't p. m (supplemental1. ' p. in 1 fee ,-iT THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEi.VARD and WINDWARD 1SI.ANDS and DEMER ARA, per s. s arlli'oie tn.-ll for Gr.-n-ada and Trinidad must be directed "tier s. s 1 itrlbbee 1; at tt p. in. for JAMAICA, per s Admual F.trrugut. from Bosto.i. ti'L.nvt-jrnv m m iinnri ,' .i.J.'i...'... k . ' m . .... ... I....' . 1 . EL and HAITI, per s c. Eufopa; at 1 p ci, 'supplementary 1.3ft p mi for TURKS ISLAND .rid DOMINICAN REPPBL'C. per s a New Y rk. at 1 p tn. for CUBA, CAM PEC HE. YUCATAN. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s h Orliba, via Havaia and Progr-s. imall for other parts of Mexico must be dlrect-d "per s Orizaba "1 THURSDAY At !30 a. tn. for JAMAICA. per s. h. Admiral ftchley. from Phi.adjl- rhla: at 'o;w a- fr HAITI, per . s. Prlns Wllhelra V. tmall for Curacao Venezuela. Trinidad. British and Dutch ouiana must ce directed per a. . pnns Wllhelm V"i; at 1 p. m. for SANTOS, c icniuegos. GENA. per a 1. Athos; at lo a m .sup plementary lu. 3o a. in 1 for INAGUA and HAITI, per s g. Adirondack at 1" a in supplementary 10 Jo a nr. 1 for poRr'J RK O. VENEZUELA aim CURACAO, per s. s Philadelphia fmnl! 'or So vanilla and Carthagena must be dirtcted "per Philadelphia"); at 10 a. n. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD. PT s Maraval; at Hi 30 a. m for BRAZIL direct, nnd ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, via Bio de Janeiro, per s h Flaxman (mail for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s s Flaxman" 1; at 1 p. m. for MATANZAS, CAIIURIEN, NUEVITAS. G I BAR A and BARACOA. per s. s curltyba (ordinary mall only which must be directed "per .s. Curltyba"). Malls for Newfo indland. by rail to North Sjdney, and thence hy steamer, close at this ijffi'ce dally at S:3o p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and SaturAjy). Malls for Mlquelon. bv rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this ortire dally .it 8:40 p tn Mnlls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa. Fia.. and thence by steamer, clone at this oftlce dally at "7 a. m. (the connecting closes are on Sunda) , Wednesday and Friday 1 Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless spclal!y addressed for dlsrat'-h by steamer, close at this outre dail at 2:3o a. in and 2.3") p. ill. Malls for Belize. Puerto cortez and Guatemala, by rati to New 1 irleans. and thence hy ste-mer, cloee at this oftlce dally at 3 p m 'con necting closes here Mondays for Belize. Puerto Cortez and Guatemala Malls lor Costa Rica, by rail to Mobile. Ala . and thence o steamer, close it this ottlee dally at 3 p. m. 'connecting closes here every Tuesday) Rtgls'ered mall 'loses at 6 p. m. previous day i'ruiispucltlc Mails, Malla for China. Japan and Ihlllpplne Islands, vlr. Tacoma clme here dallv at 6 3' p m .e n, October "H, for tMspateh ner s OVncele M.ili f,-,r itowa.i 1.1 a Jajv ari Fh rr're Is ar 's v' ' . i 11 r I POSTOFFH IJ MtTHIJ. San Frtti. U.x ,!j here dal y at t) .10 i m up to Octo'ocr 21. Irclusive. for dl patch Per s s City of Pekln Malls for Australia (except West Australia1 New Zealand. Hawaii. FIJI ai.d Barman Is lands, via San Francisco, close here dalH at S-JO p m after ictcber '14 and tip t October 27 Inclusive, or on i..rv of at rival of s Campania d'.ic at New Yor.j October 27, for dispute'! per s Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii. China J pai atid Philippine Islands, via Sar Frar cIsco, close here dally at 6 3" p n t.p October 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s . Gaelic Malls' for China ai.d Japan, v. a Vancouver, close here dally at C p m v,p to October SO. Inclusive, fur dlspatcl per s s Empress f Jiiwn ireglsti-red mall must bv dlreited "via Van. o nf Malls for Hawaii, via San Francl o o,e here dallv at t: p m up to Nov i rati" '. Incluslv,'. for dispatch per s Atr tralla Malls for AustrMlla teteept t es Australia, which goes via 12 .rope r l Ne Zealand which goe by S.m Fra" i Iscol. and Fin lsl.n d via Vane ,iv Close here dally at 10 p m up to N vember "10 nclc.'l". for d sra'o h le' Seattle, clotf r.t 6 m NovmbT ' Trans-P.ic'flc malls are forwarded to per jf nailing dally and the schedule of cine lug ts arranged on the presamt t!"" of their 'lnlnterr-ipte I overland transl" Registered maii closes at 6 p m. prrc ous day CORNELIl S VV i "TT P' 'f "" Pot Office. New tV.. N Y Oct 12 1 N SOMEONE TO SAVE PETTIGREW South Dakota Ptisloiilsts ppenl In VhIii fur Help In Their Distress. SIOUX FALLS. S D.Oct 14 -iSpe iai ' Since the republiian cotnmti'ee annoum.cif' that Senators H an na nnd Frye were to spend two or three days in South Dakota, winding up their tour of the s's'e with a great demonstration at Sioux Fal s uet Thurday evening, there has b. en ronsternatlon In the camp of the fus.rn Ists. The wires between this clt and democratic headquarters in Chicago were kept hot for several days tn the effort 'o get some demorrat of prominence to f. ' low Senators Hanna and Frye to offset the good R Is reroguljed they will do for the cause of republicanism. The call was sen forth for David B. Hill and a strong de mand was made on the democratic nation! committee: for this prominent democrn Tho local committee was repulsed and a few days ago a second demand tor Hill was made, the natlocal committee being in formed that It was necessary to have lutn In order to save Pettigrew. The New Yorl ex-setiator has no particular love for tho South Dakota senior senntor. If is rp membered that David B Hill, while In th. United States senate, tanned the hide of Pettlgrew tn 0 couple of oicaslons on the Iloor of the senate. A day or two ago, it is sitd. a square refusal waa received from the democratic national committee The message contained the Information that Mr Hill would come no further wost than ch' cagn. This last message Is Kald to hae caused considerable sorrow In the camp of the fuslonista and they have been a' work attempting to figure out some plan bv whhh they can repair their fences after being damaged by tho visit of Senators Hanna and Frye. It Is understood that arrangiments will be made to have Sena tor Pettlgrew "camp on the trail" of the senators from Ohio and Maine. In other words. Senator Pettlgrew Is to make a liv ing trip over the state and cover the barue territory covered by Senators Hannn and Fr.-r. For llnunn nnil I' HURON. S. D. Oct. 14. (Special i-.V a well attended meeting of the McKlnley club held last night, arrangements were out lined for a grand demonstration here on Wednesday. October 17. when Chairman Mark Hanna of the national republican rommlttee Is to deliver a speech He will bo accompanied by Senator Fryr of Maine, who will also discuss political from a republican standpoint. It is proposed to have a torchlight procession, transparro clcs. fireworks, etc, and make the O'cosion of his visit by these famous men a red letter dny for republloacs in this locality. A number of meeting advertised to bo held In different parts of the county on the. 17th have been called off In order to give speakers and people an opportunity to see and hear Chairman Hanna and Senator Frye. Their coming 1 the topic of discus slon 'n all quarters. Loth by republicans and those of the opposition and that a lug ' crowd will be here Is a settled fact, colo nel Oeddls, chairman of the county central j committee. Is In receipt of many lei'erj . saying delegations from neighboring towns . will be present and to make room for them j tn the big parade. Wool Clip nt Cnsper. CASPER. Wyo.. Oct. 14 -(Special 1 - The wool ell In this territory, known as the Casper country, during the year 1900 was 5.S05.637 pounds. Ot this amount -t.73C.9ia pounds have been shipped and 1.06S.719 pounds remain in storage hero. The wool, as produced by districts In the Casper country. Is as follows: Salt Creek. 355 613 I pounds; Wolton. 676,061 pounds. Lost Cabin. 837,139 pounds; Thermopolls, 164. lOd ' pounds; Buck Camp, 11.S43 pounds. Lan der, 650.SS6 pounds: Red Bank. 245.000 pounds; Muskrat, 235,465 pounds, points near Casper, 929,203 pounds; Casper. 1.751 462 pounds. The amount of wool produced In the Casper country In 1899 was 4.410 870 pounds. show-Ins an Increase for lion of 1.394,767 pounds. lllni-k Hills Women's 4 lulls. DEADWOOD. S D. Oct. 14 -(Special 1 -The annual meeting of the Black Hills Federation of Women s Clues wss held In this city Friday there being a large repre dentation of women from most nil of the Black Hills rifles The following officers were elected- President, Mrs W T. Coad of Rapid citv l"e president. Mrs. W W Stewart of turgls. corresponding secre tary, Mrs McDonald of Lead City: record ing secretary. Mlrs Gage of Rapid City treasurer. Mrs Catle. Dcad'.vood Friday evening an Interesting program was carried out In the Congregational church of this city Dukiite County Polities. SOUTH SIOUX CH Y. Neb Oct 14 -(Special. 1 The republicans of this precinct have named the following ticket Assessor, H. O. Darn; consable-b, Henry Pllgrotn aad J. W. Heath; Justice of the peace, I T Everett. The tepubllcan county convention at Da kota City yesterday nominated Fred A Wood for county attorney aad George R Hayes for commissioner. Congressman John S. Robinson spoke 10 Urge audience here las', night from a democratic standpoint. Went on li Visit lo Philadelphia. Last aprlng Mr G S. Wallaco made a trip to Philadelphia to visit his broiher-ln-law and took with htm .1 part of a bottle of Chamberlain's- Cough Remedy, which he I left there on his return home. During the summer his brother-in-law took a very se vere cold and used the Cough Remedy wt'h such good results that he wrote to know where totild get more. He was sir prlsed to learn that he could get It from any druggist there This remedy Is one. of the wgst staple articles that druggl't handlu Hnd one of tho most reliable Those who onre give it n trial are seldom satisfied with any other Mr. Wallace Is a well known citizen of Grand View. Ala ttenlloll. Knight of Ps-thlns! A special meeting of Triangle lodfcf No, 'i Is hereby called to meet at our Caatie hall lufsday evenln. October 16. at 7 10 o'clock, for the purpose of making neces sary arrangements for tho funeral of our late brother. II W. Snyder. All members and ex-members of th Uniform ra.'-k -ire cordially invited lo atctt v ih t.s JOHN J ni..KE, C. C J R STIN'E, K rt and S.