Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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31 1. Mill Mi:TIO..
Davis sells- Rlnss.
"Mr lll!e ." &-cmU cIsht.
Ohh Ilxturen niiil Klnbes at lllxby's.
Fine A II, C beer, Noumayer's hotoL
WotlinHti, 'l- ntim- opdolMli. 4'iH H'd'y.
II. M. ff. rl. expert optician, -W Bdy.
Bi htntdt'H photos, new and latest style.
Cub photos SI .V) duz. Williams. 511 I5dy.
W. J. Iiot-tirr, dftitlnt. Uiildwln block,
lamp's bc-r. Hfu-nkP Uoywn, sola axon!.
J. ' & W Woodward, atclilteetH, IBS lldy.
Drink Iinlwi'ler beer. . Hoienfeld, agt.
II. K Wlilie. emnlnvment Ken y. 13 Udy.
II II n Urint bus K'ii- to New York ;
on ii hiilites trip.
Horn, to Mr. iiml Mm Cut Schawl", a
dbiiKbtfr. ti rdn .
The t.Kulnr inert l.ig nt I'olin ul!I
br held tomorrow iveiilt'lt
Kxhlhlt iiml miI. of Ollnnii ph-lurcs.
Alexander & 'n . Ml Hrom1wa.
Oei (nut wiirk done at tin- popular Haute
la mdr. ?:l llriailvmv "Plion- l.n
W f ICntvp. umlrrliikir. 2 I'earl .treot.
Telr-iVines: Office 07; reslilene... J
Mr tieorui' T Hpurks of Sioux City Is
vlsltlm? ber mint, Mrs T. Wuolsey.
W ' 'Sniff, undertaker and licensed em
bRlinrr, lui H.mtli MhIii streot. Phono i.
Mr. Mini Mrs -I Hj r1 of YJ.X Wv"rtih.
Tex are tlir Kuests f Mr. ond Mri. N. 1.
Mine Htiibbs, who l rniielilim' In Wycitii
Ini. arrived In th. elty vesterday aftBrnooti
from Npivi'hsIIi.
Tim n-Kiibir montlilv ttieetltiK of the
Honrd r Kdmntlnii Is on the slatfl for to-
IT' .11 OV .'Venltllt
Mr J II nownliiK of Hnypsi t'ity. Kan ,
In tin- truest of her sister. Mr.. It. 11. Van
Tti"nt of Bluff street.
Til- Ladle.' ppit of tho Firm I'resby i liiin li will iiipp! this aftprnoon nt 2
o''loik in thp rliurrli parlor.
Mrs. K II. I'nriley left ynsterilny for
IIiihIIiich, N'pb . iitnl from there will K
to Jupliii. Mo., where she will upend the
v Ititpr
Mr urn! Mrs It .t Jokii.Ii. sr. are visit
Inn friend In flilcmro. Ilefore returning
home tlipy will hIho visit frleti'lH In I.ln
roln. Ill
MIkk Murv I). Wiill.ue. who It tPiirhluK
In Hip Hlvh p!ooI nt ttninh.irK. In.. Hpi-nl
Himilin with tier mother tit her hump mi
M'H Hired.
TIiptp will bp a Hpeclal rnnvoi-ntlon of
Si. n i luiplpr No. 17 Uoal Arch Miimuii, j
i lui pvi nliiB for work In Hip murk mus- t
ti r "Ipyree.
William 'ninp. a pioinlneiit liiislnen
in in ..f .Mlnneiipolts. Ii In the city vImIMiik i
bis lr-t tier, t'aplatn Oeorse f'nme.niu! fnm- i
II of "urk avonup. ' !
'IuiiIpm htrlef. who reei'ntU rcmovi'il to I
UiIh . It v from Slouv f'lty. lum been joliiPil 1
i. his wlfr ami r.itnlb ami will nuikf their
tnmip ill ."Ml llniH slroet.
lti-v John A-kln of Tabor Collw ui !
Kiipinl bv ii lnrKB ponKrg.itlon yestprd iv ,
iiK.rnlnK at tin t'onKH'Kational cliurpti. of
wiili Ii In- w.ik formerly pnatnr.
Mr iiml Mrn Samuel tliuliiway of .South
I lit ii. Mli'li., who have been InIIIiik Mrn.
llailiv.i'H brotlH-r. Shetlff I. II foiiln. ,
will b uve thin inornliiK for their home.
W S Shoemaker of Omahn N Imnkwl f- r 1
a Hppi't'li hclore the Br .in-t-tPveiion .-lull
tomorrow at tin tifjilen home A. J. Webb.
ii 'nmp.ili?n Incer. will nUo lie on 111'' p' 1
u cxploHloii of Kacolliie Rne the lire
Ippiirtinpiit u run Sutiirilav nlKht lo the
i.iilor :'hop of .liiluiKoii Co. on WphI
Kroailwiu . The lilaxe wuh eXtliiKUlwheil
with but little (lamaKP.
All meinber't ot Si. AlblH H loile No IV.
KnlKhtH 'iT l'ylbla". Ul liieiei to oe
present at the 1'netliiK tonight, w'ipii there
lll be work 111 the thlr.l rank aiul n
rrcihmelilH a III be M'rved.
The Commerlal I'llwrlniH of Atnerlea
CrlbliaK" 'llib ban elrrled the following
oilherH. ITPHldent, William Shep.ird; vice
pieHldent, fteorne c. Wine; feoretary and
trenHiirer, 1.. X.iiiniuehleii. Jr.
II. W. ltopp lerelved wont yeHterduy
afternoon nf he nulden death of IiIh H-year-old
Will, rharles, nt Manlllii. la.
YoiiiiK Uopp had been makliiR tiln home
with hlo KriindnarenlM at Manilla slnee the
diiitli of hlH moibcr.
The liulldliiK eiimmlttee of the Coiineil j
ItluffH Ilowlm; iisHiielatton wllll meet tn
"Uht to toiiHlder tin' MiU'Htlon ol erci'lliiK a
new and more eommodloiin club hoiiHe at .
I ake Manaua. Owhm to the InereaHed
I., i. Ui. II. 11. ... lu .l.....rt...1 '
lie III liei r 1 1 4 1 ill." i.-e.-it. u.iii..iii. ...-.u. ..
Inadequate. I
Wvliim Boberts. the Infant datiKhter of
-..inii Treanurer and Mrs. William Arnd.
tiled extort!! v morning frmn idi'iirUy, aKed
'.' iiionlhH The ftiueral, whleh will be prl
mil. will be lieTtl tills afteruoun at ::"a
.. . in. k from the famllv rt'Nldenfe on South
Madison avenue.
Tlie i It v .'ouneil will take up the matter
of I lie .ipsexHinent for the North Main Htnvt
ii!iii; at the meellni; Umlk'ht.
Si. me of the aldermen are iinltatllix ufretii
the iiuesllou of adding a mouilteil ottlt el'
in (lie pollee loree aid till matter may I.e
br.'iiKht up lolllKht.
I) A Wlrkhani Is home from (Iranadu,
Mls lie Maya ho will ruah the pavlni;
w In ! it the propert.v owners will mIkii
w.ilMT.t, but llltendt to lake no ehaiieeH
lt i untested eertlllrnte.M. A larue force
of men Ih at woik on tlm WaHliluifton ave
nue i.i1iik mid tho laving of brlrk will
unmeuee today.
Tho Sunday pIohIiik movement ainong the
i. lall hiiltheiH of MiIh elly 1st meeting with
Home opposition anil thosu favoring the plan
..le reported lo have threatened to prose
.111. thoMe bult'herti who ier."lsi In keeping
pen SiiihIhn murnliiKH. A light Mlmllar to
the one waged so lone In litis fit u!)io(i,r
the barbers It lonkitl for.
A moMMiient Is on foot among Hip whole
sale houses ol the elty to elose Ibelr plaees
tl business Saturday afternoon at 2 o'eloek
during Hie winter months. So far the fol
lowing ilrms have signed the agreement:
KnipklP-Shngnrt company, llroneweg
Si huentgon. Slewar.l Bros., I'eregoy X
Monro ami tlm Sandwich Manufacturing .
.Mr. ami Mr. W. A. Moore will leave to
morrow for an eMeiiilud trip lo I'acllb:
i nasi points. They will visit friends at
It.i'oma. Sea I tie and Portland and from
there go lo I,oh Angeles, t'nl., when- they
i peel lo make, .111 extended sojourn. They
will be at mpmiled as far as Denver by
Mr. Moore's sister. Mrs. .1. V. Coleman,
who has been visiting them for the last
cilv Attorney Wmlswoilh returned -tenia
v from Woodbine, where he spoke
Saturday night. He reports ,i ureal meet
ing, preceded by a toi cllltght parade The
democratic candidate lor congress was met
at llm depot U it fly .wemg women Irom
the normal Institute, garbed In red, wlilte
and blue, their dresses helnx covered with stsrs The ouitg women sang tlemo
n.itle campaign songp nt the meeting.
N. V. ritmililiig Co., telephane 2iO.
W'ooilliieii I in ell n lloillllilelll.
WATKItt.Ot), la, Oct (Special Tclo-
Rrnm l Tho Woodmen of the World un
veiled a monument this afternoon In Knlr
vluw cemetery elected In memory of Chris
tian P. Kicker. Hn oltlier of the order. Spe
cial trams from I . c Monies utul 1'ort podge
brought severul liumlrcd iiMiilng members.
, Itev 0 H Sthleh at iini.ih.i delnered the
principal ad 'rt -
Howell's Anti "Kaf ' .uie- . nughg oldi
Commonwealih l".eo' Ipar
l mu . Tq..T f in-.irii.i;
Slipper Solos
AI.I bll'S.
Shoe Store.
Negotiate 1 In Faster. Nebraska
n d low' Jamii N Cis.idy, Jr.,
I.e M tin SI co-ill' ll iduRs
Save Your MQiieyfe
lua l'rui'1 Street, Loiincll llltin., In,
Chairman Wright Well Pleased with the
Way Things Are Going.
i:ioilieitt eiinttir Will .iltlre. .Mou
nter Hull) In the Hiial Cod
of I'll I la t n ( In ill Ic
( oillily sunn,
Chairman ttenrgr S WrlKht of tlm repub
lliiin cotifly central committee. Iihs re
celled iiMurnnre from Chairman Weaver
of the iitiito central committee that Sena
tor Dolllver will be assigned for a speech
In thl county during tho lail week of the
catnpHlKli. AeeordltiK to present plans
Senator Dolllver will speak at Avoca In
tho east end of the county und arrnnKO
metits tire under wh' for a monster rally.
As many of tho republicans of this city
nnd vicinity are desirous of hearlin? Sen
ator Dolllver ClwlrinRii Wright hopes to
be able to arrange for a special on the
nlijlit of the meeting from here
W. II. Kmerson of Atlantic. In., will
apeak tonight before the McKlnley-Itoouu-vidt
club nt H-publlcan lunihiuartprs. cor
ner of First avenue and South Main street.
Mr. Kmerson served through the Philip
pine: cainpalKii with the Flfty-tlrst lotvu
volunliers and he will discuss the Phil
ippine nuestion from tli" standpoint, of
the common unldler. Ills exposition of thli
(piesllon Is said to ho tho best of any
speaker at present at work In Iowa.
Wherever Mr Kmerson has spoken during
this cnmpalqti he has beeu greeted with
largo iiudieneen and It Is said that everv
nuetlnn at which lie gave his lews of this
tiuestlon resulted In securing one or more
converts. He Is nn Interesting speaker and
with thu fund of Information received dur
ing tho campalun In the Philippines he
makes his exposition of the iiiestlon most
Chairman Wright has at present In hands
plans for meetings In every precinct of
the city. It Is proposed to hold at least
one big meeting In each precinct between
this and the end of the month. The list
of speakers for these meetings Is now
being prepared.
Tho llrst supply of the Fremont badges
was soon exhausted and Chairman Wright
was compelled to send In a requisition
for another lot. Tho demand hero was
greater than had been anticipated, but
Mr. Wright Is agttin prepared to supply
those who voted for John C. Fremont for
president with the badge signifying mem
bership In the Fremont roll of honor.
Reports received at county central coni
mltlee heHduuHrters Indicate that In dis
tricts of til county which hae been
tlrongly democratic the republicans have
mado such gains this year that where the
cause was formerly all but hopeless there
Is now considered lo be a good lighting
chance. The polling lists also show that
men who In the former canvass were classed
as doubtful have oponly declared for Mc
Klnley. Ileports from tho township com
mitteemen Indliato the election of the re
publican count' tlckot from lop to bottom.
UhvIs sells paint.
siMiciAi, nt wciiisi: i:i,i:t thin.
I'eoiile Will Voir on Hie ctv l.lulttliiu
I iiiiiiiiii)' I lutrler.
The spcilal election to bo held In thU
city tomorrow, at wtiLh the people will
bo called upon to ballot on the proposition
of granting to I ho Bluff city lib uric l.lglir
and (Ian con puny a franchise to do business
In Count II Bluffs for a period of twenty
live ear. Is cltruttlug hut very Utile In
tercut. Ah far as Is visible there is no or
ganized t.ppcsiilun lo the incisure nnd the
matter has been but little tllscin-seil by the
people generally.
The franchise is necessary for the com
pany t'i be able to carry out its contract
with the elty for the publh lighting. Fnder
this contract th city 'will pay but 1J9.'.0
for eeih electric light lamp In place of il,
the sum paid al present. This will mean a
saving of 51 S21 per annum to the eh'.
The contract for the street lighting Is for
a term nf five years.
In compliance with the law Mayor Jen
nings has Ibsued orders to the pollee to seo
that all saloons remain cloned Tuesday dur
ing the election. Tlm registrars will sit
tomorrow, but only for the purpose of reg
istering those voters who happened to be
out of the clly on the regular registration
The voting booths in the several pre
cincts of the city will bo located at the
following places:
First ward First precinct, 1W lia-tt
Broadway: Second precinct. 20 Fast Broad
way Second ward First precirel. irt Urvmt
street; Second precinct, ".It Wist Broad
way. Third wnr.l First precinct. Iff. Siiltll Main
rtreet; Second precinct. Pll South Main
Fourth ward First precinct, 2?! Houtlj
Main street; Second precinct. t!12 Twelfth
I n Veil lie
. I.Mr. I. r.i... ... , - ... ,...ii.i
i-iiiii niittt t iim inei'iiici, i-iniiiiv imiu.i
lug, mrner .if Fifth avenue and Tw dfili
street . Pecon I precinct, t ounty building,
1511 South Thlileenth street
SlMh ward First -precinct. JO'.'O AVet
Broadway; Second prcclrt. Bnnde build
Inir. corner Flftli ant) l.ocost street
The following have been appointed to act
a Judges nnd clerks for the special election
First ward, First prccliu t --,luiUr. I,ewh
Hammer C II. Iluber, Carl A Morgan;
clerks. W" Woodward I) A Siegfried
First ward. Second pre. tnet-.Indues. Ii.
B Ciitritner, John Bohn. V I,. Kellev ;
clerks, Ii c. Ilahlv A. 1, Bain.
Second ward. Flrt prcclnet-Judtres. R.
II. I.ougee, J I' Wlll'aios. f) 11. Iaiea".
clerks, M. F. Bohrer. J. Ii. Sweet.
Second ward. Second pie. din t -Judges,
ilvlde Vieii. .1 D Job-. son, John lllukel;
clerks. 1 I.. Boss. Ilnrrr t.ochow
Third ward First pret ii-ct- Judges, Old
Kno, W M Mct.'rarv J f Dafesm.iu;
i lerl's. A B Nleho'.i. James ,. Wesley
Tlilrd ward, Sec nul precinct -Judges F.
c Brown. It . Bonbsin, J B. Connor,
brks. J It. Taylor. B. II Stewart
Fourth ward. First precinct Judges, c
W Melionnlil.-JI. J. Chambers, I. II At
kins clerk.! W Morse. S. I,, lilnvre
IVeirlh "iird. Sec.'lid prtcinct Judge-t J
i: l-..r.l I M Bonbam. John T. Muhiuren.
1. r. ' , r H Snillli. I II fwan
Flf h w it-.l. First pretinel -Jutlges. D J.
l.i r' I'p'.t Smith, M. t 'albiKlian; rlerkt'.
t : ' U'iii,.i her. N Ii Tyrrell.
' I'"'1 w.trl Second precinct Judres D
I 1'iinie V c Bunyan. .1 II Nielsen;
n. .i II Strock. It. I "iailaitlier.
Sn'h nn id. l'lr"l iii-eclnci Judges. 1.
I I M Shubert W ' Byer; .e'erks,
p .1 fl,.ii,.rhuck. J N Wolff.
Six'h wurd. Second pr. clnct - Judges. W.
II MaiiWiiml, John IlHUHen, William Bod
ol. k .1. rk-. N B ShorniuNt. T. J. M.
' Troopk mr
Iion'i hum vour old wool mattrrrs.
j Moraan Klein will do them over by tho
new nroress -better than new 121 South
Main street
Holt s'eoll ns h .loiirnnllat.
( Bob Scott, who hs had n checkered
i career during which he has given the po
lice considerable, trouble, broke into Jour
nalism yesterday with the result that he
landed in Jail charged with larceny as
bailee. Scott was employed by a man
named Carter to sell Chlcngo papers on
the street corners Boh has powerful lungs
and the manner In whleh he yelled his
wnrrs attra-trd many mtoncr and the
nickels came In fast. This sudden touch of
prosperlt was too much for Scott and he
felt called upon to celebrate. When Car
tor got on his trail all his paper had been
sold, but of the proceeds, amounting to sev
eral dollars, less than 60 cents remained.
The balance had been spent by Scott for
liquor. Carter complained to the pollee
and Scott's arrest followed.
Ilcrlhlch ( lull's I'rouritiu.
Thi Dertblek club will make a new do
titriure from tho ordinary routine, this
season and devote especial study to the
works of some of tho leading American
composers. The first musicnle will be
held Monday evening, October 29, at Koyal
Arcanum hall. Tho program committee
has arranged the following course of study
for the fourteen meetings to he held this
1. D idle.' Buck, Moskowskl, Ilaberhler,
2 W. II. Neldllncer. Beethoven, Dellbos,
Bachmanlnofr. I teller.
.1 C B. Iliiwlev. Mendelssohn. Meyer
1 lolmund, Wolletihaupt.
I. Arthur Foote. Schubert, (lade, Bluineii
thal. Bohm.
.V Wilson O. Smith, llubenstelti, Francen
Allltsen, l.lza Dehmtitm.
ii. Homer N. Ilartlelt, Ids?.!. Dussek,
l.aek. Sullivan.
T Ii. A. MacDowell, flrlcg. Brahms, Jen
sen. S. Kthelbert Nevlu, Mozart, Itaff. Patter
ewskl, Chamlnatle.
P (1. W. rhatlwlck, Schumann, J. H.
Bach. Pachmann.
in. Mrs. Beach. Baff, Chopin. William
Sternilale Bennett.
II. William Mason, Weber. Tours, Xttvler
nnd Philip Schiirwenkn.
12. A. Ilyilisieil. C. P. Bach, Oounod,
111 Ii. It Kroger. Wagner, Sntnt Sa-ns,
Merkel. Kuhtati,
II. F.fKliinld Do Koven, HntiiM, Bos!nl.
Praldet Clyde II. Altchlsnn has an
nounced tho appointment of the following
Program Committee William D. Thick
stun, thairmaii: Charles F. Sieckelberg,
Miss Noru McCube.
i:.eeuilve Committee William S. Blgdon,
chairman: Oniric s. Tulleys. Hurry lis
tep. Secretary and treasurer pro tern, fvlce
Mrs B. W. Blxby, resigned!. Miss Cora K.
Librarian Mrs. B. i Perego.
Aliicrlcnii KHiielHllin MitUlllx A i -riltiHPOienlK
fur Hn ( oiillng Con
vention ut l'll.
KANSAS CITY. Oct'. 14. -T C Penulng
ton of Chicago, secretary and treasurer
of the American Street Hallway associa
tion, is in tho city to make the final ar
rangements fur tho nineteenth annual con
vention of that body, which will begin at
Convention hall next Tuesday. "Tho ex
hibits," said Mr. Pennington, "of elcc
trltal, manufacturing and .apply compa
nies will be moro varied than over before.
Twenty thousand feet of floor space will
he used for tilts purpose. It will be one
of tho largest meetings of the associa
tion ever held. There will bo about 400
active street railway men here from every
purt of tho country, as well as about 1,600
The exhibits are already In plate. A
bit, eastern contingent, headed by II. II.
Vreeland of New York, will arrive Mon
da nlgtn lu a magnificently appointed
special train.
The Streot Railway Accountants' Asso
ciation of America, made up of the audi
tors and chief accountants of the com
panies whose managers attend tho street
lallwny convention, will hold Its annual
meeting here at the same time.
I. it rue VoltiiKt- of lilrelrlelly I Cm r
l leil Tlirouuli nn t mler
uroiliiil Cnlile.
ST. PAl I Minn., Oct. 14. A remarkable
series of experiments was conducted here
today by Henry Floy of Now York, who
successfully accomplished the feat of car
rying 30.200 volts of electricity through an
ungrounded cable three miles long. The
highest voltngo hitherto attained with this
class of cenductor was 20.000 volts, which
wub secured al Niagara Falls, and electil
cal englnters have long been experimenting
with a view to attaining a maximum of
;,ii00 volts. Tho cable consists of three
copper wire, each the size of on ordinary
lead pencil, each being enclosed In a paper
tube and the whole encased In a load sheet
and drawn through vitrified clay conduits.
Tho cable Is part of the system by which
the S'. Paul (ins, Light and Power company
will utilize the water power at Apple
ltlver, Wis., the other twenty-four miles
of wire being ovorhead. As a result of this
experiment they will enrry an average
voltage ot 2S.000 volts, furnishing S.OIO
horse power for lighting and power pur
poses. I'liNMON. POIl WlisTlillV VliTDIIANS.
War Sun Ivor Renieiiilipreil by tlir
ieiiprnl ioi eritillenl.
WASHINGTON. Oct II (Spot lal. -Pen
sions grnntei sepiemner Ji. pnio, w-.-re:
Nebiaska Original- iSpn-lal act Octub r
1. John F. Johnson, Fullrrtoti. $!. Adil
tlonnl -William McFnrland. Beatrice, $"
Increase Jacob 11. sh. rt. Indlauoln.
Itobert T MtClellan. om.ihn, JIT: Wil l tin
J. Ble, cliff. IHiiIIp; M. Tlumnn. n.
Angus. 112. Bclssue Bnnomo KIK Pluli -view,
Ji original widows, etc. Sarah M.
Hiirtl. 0ceolu, fs: (special act October 1',
liilzabcth Portr. Humphrey, .
Iowa Additional-Oeorgc P Bevral.
filonwond, $1'); JameH A Noith, Center
Point. JS; Itutloltih Brager. Alia. t Ile-newai-Duvid
Hopkins. Soldiers' Hoo.,
Marshalltow n. $10, lnereits (.' n
nor, Muscntlne, t. Breton Tucker, Akron,
f-12; Bobert It. MeBetll. Fi.lrtleld, ii, lr,.n.
llle Priest, Imogene. U; Jiicob n, V.
Vaiulyke, Columbus Juiietlon, $12: Itobert
Wilson. Blakerburg. $10; John . Pe..
Waubeck. $; Jebne lilllotl. Bloomfleld, $il,
Stephen It League, Newmarket, $11. Ite
Issue Natlian I). Iialcs, Mllo. $.
South Dnkotu Additional William t'aB
niaii, Canton, $. John Christian. Iro
uuols, $12
Colorado Increase Thomas T. Bnrtlett,
l-'ort iltuiand, $lo. Howartl C. llorrlck.
(iiinnlson, $1.
Wyoming Increase John Townsend,
Bcckton, $.
Hit (iiltrue of Indian Missions,
VINITA. I T. Oct. 14.-Itev. Father W II
I'.un II Keti-ham of Antlers, I. T, '.ias
been nppoluted and will s mi take tha'g'
of the entire t'nthoili Indlin mlss'nns of
I be 1'nlled Slate, wit'j beadquirlera al
W.tshti glon. I f. li'iilhec Kett ham wis
for three vears tiastor of the Cntl'otli' .
cretatloti , t Muskogee and also had el'H'ue
of the mbisl 'ii work at this pla -o und ill
t.f the i h. nikf" i.a'ion and the t.iinf.-iw
First l)n tif (he Wrrk I'rtiiulne to
lie I'm I r In Till
WASHINGTON. Oct. 14 Forecast for
Montlnv and Tuesday:
For Nebraska, Iowa. Mlhsnurl and Kansas
Fair Monday and Tuesday; fresh south to
east winds.
For Illinois nnd Indiana Fair Monday
anil Tuesday; light north to east winds.
For Western Texas. New Mexico, Okla
homa, Indian Territory and Arkansas Fair
Mouday and probably Tuesday; southeast
irly winds.
For Eastern Texas Fair Monday nnd
probably Tuesday, light to frerh northerly
For Minnesota Bain In northern pari.
For North Dakota Fair Monday and
Tuesday; probably cooler Monday, north
westerly wicilf
For South Dakota Fair Monday and
Tuesday, probably cooler In northern por
tion Monday. .triable winds.
For Colorado and Wyoming Generally
fair Monday and TucsJay, variable in-l
Debs Farty Propofcs to Make a Lively Cam
paign ia Iowa.
Stntc t Ii ii 1 nil ii Mire of F.tei'tlnu line
Ctiiu;rt'iiiitii mitt May t nrr.v llio
tute for Free Mlicr Hint
DKS MOINKS, Oct. 1 1. (Special. )-Tho
social democratic party of Iowa opened up
Its state hcnthiuarters hero yesterday and
Chairman J. Jacobscti n.ade the ntinouuet!
ment that from this tltno on the committee
will tin tventhlng p .sslble to make tho
campaign ii lively one. Associated with
Mr. Jacobsen are Charles Day. Martin
Johnson ar.d I.. H. Patterson ami they arc
all busily engaRed Just now la fending out
campaign llternture. Oddly enough their
headquarters are located In tho Hodges
broom factory hero and the committee In
sists that It Is an omen that th" social tlem
ociata will sweep the slate clean. Chair
man Jacobsen says there Is now no doubt
but tlut Kugenn V. Debs, tho party"s nom
Ineo for the presidency, will come to town
for at least two speorhei and that Prof.
George D. Ilerron will spend the week
prior to the elettlon In Iowa.
Sure of Volliuri'' IJIrelliin,
Chairman Ilulfman of the democratic
atato centra tonimlttee sa)s ho feels
greatly encouraged oier the prospects
throughout tha stule, but ho still declines
to make any claims except In the Second
district. In regard to that he says: "Voll
mer will carry It by 2.000 majority. There
can be no doubt of this, for every report
that reaches us U encouraging. We have
made no estimates on the First and Klghth
districts as yet, but we shall carry them
without a doubt. When it grows nearer
election time we shall be obln to give out
some estlmutes of what the congressional
majorities will be and will also be able to
say what our state candidates will do. The
German voters of tho state are with us,
the prospects ore line and though we aro
making but little notso we have uomo sur
prises In store for the republicans."
The Stato Library rominltslun has de
cided to purchase 1,000 Juienllo books to
bo use lu tho county schools of the state.
The books will be divided into libraries of
from twenty-five to fifty volumes and will
then be used as traveling libraries to go
from one school to another throughout the
state. Tho list of books for tho libraries
will be selected by the commission during
the coming week.
Will I,or One Company.
Des Moines Is to lose one of her military
companies. She now has two, Companies
A and H of tho Flfty-tlrst Iowa, but Colonel
Olmsted, the Inspector general, 'has recom
mended Company H for mustering out aud
It Is likely that the organization will go out
of eslhtence within a few days. Both com
panies took a prominent part with the reg
iment in tho war In the Philippines and the
company to be mustered out has a glorious
The new city directory Is to be Issued
within two weeks. Tho directory com
pany unnounces that despite the fact that
the government census gavo tho city but
63.000 the city has a full 75.000, The com
pany will back up thia rtatement with
(Continued from lirt Page 1
lected tho things most needed by the
troop, fctirh as bedding, furniture, for camp
use, efe. Most of the soldiers on the
march to Pekln threw away their blankets
and other Impediments which rendered the
march under a burning sun unbearable. At
night now they would suffer from cold If
they had not been allowed to commandeer
th necessary covering. H Is only human
nature If the soldier boys in that duty
tihould pick robes of ermine, gray fox sklti3
aud oilier wurm furs rather than those of
a coarser and uglier appearance. Some of
tho most persistent looters have been the
missionaries. Itticontly. meeting one wit'i
five cartloads ot fins and antique furniture,
Major Waller asked tho missionary by
what right ho had taken the things and to
his astonishment was told by permission of
Major Waller He Informed tho missionary
ho war mistaken, as he himself was Major
Waller and ho should conflsca.o every bit
of it.
It takes, even for government messages,
from ten to fourteen days to get an an
swer to a cablo and privnto and press
messages, now that the go eminent telo-
graph line to Tien Tsln has been closed
npalnst them, are practically unknown.
I consequently the foreigners in Pekln aro
almost as badlv off for news of the out
side world as were those besieged in the
walls of tho British legation during tli
' siege.
! Kngllsh and American papers have jus'
'been received which mnlio Interest ng
reading for the ministers nnd their fam
ilies, telling, ns they do, all about thplr
supposed death and giving tragic detail
as to how tho men kfllcrt their women
folk, how members of certain legation
iwtrn boiled In oil and other harrowing
pltturcH ot the last tiny of the i .ege
( Thero Is a certain gentleman living In
I Shanghai, heller known to the world as
"Tho Shanghai Liar." who. If he were
'here, probably would meet a warm re
licptlon from some of his resuscitated
I victims.
Tho great question heard In Pekln I'
what the world U going to do with China,
.with so many nations having conlli'-ilnn
I Interests and opinions ns to what shrul t
be done. It Is also a mistaken idea to
suppose lliut tho Chlneso themselves have
been stilled with effectually yet, but it
Sir Itobert Hart proves n true prophet
there will lie a serious affair before the
beginning of November, by which time
i he numerous bands marching from the
south will hae romo together nnd be more
or less under central control. There will
probably be one battle with great loss to
he Chinese before they realize the liop.--
lessness ot further resistance.
I Another great question often asked here
Is. Will China prove a prcat battleground
on whlrh will be fought out the bupreina. y
!of BusHla or Japan in this part of th
world? Though the Japanese have the
general sympathy here na against Russia,
j still nearly all those who havo lived lont?
i enough In China say that they trust tha:
If the department of Cbl Li, in whbb
1 Pekln Is situated, has to bo controlled bv
Japan or Ittmla that Russia i gel it
I Tho reason for this Is that the religions
, of Jupan and China nro much alike, the
peoplo, If they had tholr queues cut olf
land allowed their hair to grow on tho
'frrnt of their heads, would not be distln
gulshable from the Japanese; that the yel
low peril would then become an assured
'reality, for with the modern Ideas of the
I Japanese engrafted In the Chinese, wph
.the wealth they could accumulate, tto
J largest trained army In tha world would
I be at their disposal and their navy would
be equally powerful nnd that combined
I the Chinese and Japanese would becomn
ho most powerful ta. e on sar'h VtiaMier
idea at present preiaient among army
uftlccrs here Is that nothing inn prevent
the partition of China and that Ii. each
"(phere of Influence" a Chinese army will
Le maintained to help protect it against
oilier foreign aggression and that thu
will nrntuallv be the means of brlnr.lns
about a mutiny whlrh would sink the In-
dlan nuitlnv into an apparently insignia
leant oe.-iirreme of small Important .
Miltliiilutl ( ot-reliiliilenl of n I. notion
I'liper l)efrllit' Four llUlloel
LONDON. Oct, 15 -The Shanghai corrr
spondent nf tho Morning Post, wiring Sat
urday, describes four distinct agitations In
Kwam Tung. Kwang SI, Sze Chuaii and the
Yang Tde region, all of which aro atitl
dynastlc rather than anti-foreign.
"If Sun Ynt Sen Is successful in the
south." snys the correspondent, "an.t bis
tebelllon spriad3 over the Yang Tse reg:ct:
he will prrbably be ahled by Prlng TIiik.
HsuiBti and the Mohammedan lenders in
tho northwest."
The Chinese Imperial troops, Bceordln,;
lo a dispatch to the Dally Chronicle from
Hons Kong, dt.tcd yesterday, have recap
tured Wei Chou on Fast river, where Sub
Yat Sen. the reformer, bud raised his ita.
und have scattered tho rebels.
The Standard publishes malt advltes from
Tleu Tsln giving a list of fifty-four docu
ments that were keized In Hie ysmeu of
the viceroy after the capiat o. of the city
and fII Into the hands of the corre
spondent before the military authorities
had slzed the yamen. These Include re
ceipts for money paid to Boxer generals
for supplies lo I heir troops of rvery kind,
actions and lists of raiualilcs and rewards
paid to generals, aud thn families hilled,
ieurly proving that the authorities main
tained the Boxer movement by lnvlh ex
pendl'MT. A sp.'. lsl dlsj-atch from Pektu. dated Oc
tober 12, says: At tho American legation
Ll IIuiik Chang exptessed regret for the
recent tint Hemes and thanked the Ameri
cans for their good treatment of the Chi
nese. He promised to request tlut ne
gollatloiM be begun at the tutig 11 yamen
two dHis hem e and to exclude Yung Lu
from them. i
"It Is asserted," says the Shanghai cor
rcspondeut of the Time, wiring yesterdav,
"that the Russians havo seized the Mu
Chwnng railway ut the terminus of the
Shan Hal Kwan line. This is the Orsi
ftep tin liiibsians havo taken on the light
lank of thu Amur. Tho Busslan southern
and northern armies havo Joined hands nt
Tohllng. north of Mukikn. thereby placing
nil of Mninhurla east of the river Llao and
a portion of thn westorn stream In tho
hand1) of Kussla."
Dr. Morrison in today's Times concludes
his dramatic description of the siege, of
Pel in. He expresses tie deep obligation
of Ihoso confined to the British legation fur
"tho splendid services of Itev. D Game
well, head of the Methodist mission, to
whom was due the designing aud construc
tion of all of our defenses and who rnr
rled out In the most admirable manner Sir
Claude Mai-Donald's suggestions." He also
refers to the "valuable services rendered
bv Mr. Siiuelrcs of tho American legation
Tho Times writing on Dr. Morrison's nar
rative suys:
"Tiio whole story Justified in tho fullest
manner Fmperor William's attitude toward
the Chinese authorities. It proves beyouJ
a reasonublo doubt the responsibility of
the higher ofilccrs of tho tsung 11 ya
Clearly I iitlerstiioil In Itoine tint!
iin it'll tleklrc A ninrli'ii n Utile
III 1'lilUppllic.
GENEVA, Oct. H. Bellamy Storer,
Tutted Stales minister to Spain. In the
course of a conversation hero todny re
garding his recent Interview with the pope,
said -
"Leo appeared to be in much better
health than when I saw lilm two years
ago. Ho Is full of life and has lost none
of the interest he has had from the firs'
In inattors relating lo the f hurt h o
Rome. ,
"Since Archbishop Ireland s lslt to the
Vatican It is clearly understood there that
Vfitl by ppujilo of refliipmoiifc
tor over a (i.iarti'r of :i ci-mury.
3Ir. 'lnio- ftutlita irrtip
Has been used for over FIFTY YKAI13 b;
ihi:n wmi'.i: tkkthino. with ran
B'lh-TLNS the t.r.M.l ALLAYS all I'ALV.
i l.'ltF,S WIND I i'l. C, and t- tho bekt ruin.
eJy for DIAI'.IUIvJF.A. Pold b Drupslsti
in "very oart ot the world He sure and
Rk for .Sirs Winsloiv's Soothlnit .Syrup."
i find take no otnet kind. Tweniy-llve cent
' bot'te
S5.00 A RflONTH.
All Prhalc Oiscises
and disorders of Men
i ' Ye.T' in Ural! a.
M-ihoii new. nvrr fail,
it.iboiit i uuiuc pain or
of 1 1 itn
'it. ttl f i r lite a nil t Ii.
'iiioioiiBhiy clfaiifij from
th'-syt. ni So.m
... ... ... f)lu UU n,. LlllllOIll
tllsipftr rnniiiletfly 1'inl fiiii-wr No
"llrth KINi; (IF' f thntlMrnst otithtl,ln
or r t mitiiueni i oniain nu
drugs or Injurlou inidlrnp
WEAK MEN or M,"'Hiifr.nn Lt-
mcvti.M i v '"'" r n iimsi.iNi nvois
... . T I'Ki'ii-irv or K.xiiAi vrto.v,
with l-.iiu.v IiKi-iv in ..I'Mi and Miiiulk
Aou Ink of rim. vlaor and htrt'i.iji. , ivih
fxnal 'irau lini.ali-to iiml ut'.ii;.
STRICTURE '"-'' Hy ' urod with a new
nnrl CLPFT InfslMl le Hume Treat
una tLtti i-.-nt. No Inurnment', tintinlij.
no .1. 'f-ntlon from hnsluesj, Uuiiiirruoea
- y aud 11' Troii'.ilfs
ct itr or.Mt.NTi:i:u.
CMiultatlM Trtf. tl Mi'l.
n n i" ".ai'lr,'s1 "0 S- I 1 1 - St.
UP. S8aPlffSfS:SGai1l8S, Omaha, Nob.
Jf T. ii uvo imill wall "-"..n.,
lost p .wit or ranin .Iri.i ,
mir iHctiuru OfJ4li li. 'IHTVtll
r"ior uh..ii' rtnii- or
f" 'ri T '1 till III Ii . , lint nn
fi ui. mil on tnurur i ii.. c I. Ii f.jii'i. vrltpfnr
10CAI AHPUtHCE CO , iU Cnints int.. Oenmr, Colt
l.i rs iriill.lillv
I regimturfurMO.
It..., ,.nM all.
urei innit tul.lH)rn m,i teutr nr.,',!..,. t
t blirrman A- McT onnll. k uliu 4 i o. and i.thir
ilru-i;iiut;rnitifa ii, l.ioa i'iui.u liuiTaln, N y
Or Lyoii's
' 'if
i i ir
ts llell ,s Ithe.ima'i' a ir. and
prompt rrmedi for nmiralKl.t,
silatlra, l'"nlB Kr n lln. . nre.l thn.i-ands-wlll
flint tot I'rlre fine it box; small
pIih Ur.e. nt ilr.iRKlsts or r-iaib d
Cuiinrll ll I ufT, Ion n, Aaent,
. tst ,n' rests of the Human r'athvl'
i ht.reh detimnd American rule in the Phil
Ipplnes. Thi tnlled State aud the Oath
idle church have thn same elms the"'
atwl hope i work together for order an 1
Mr. Storer asserted that the FH pmos
had niHilti three attempts to open negotia
tion with tho Vatican, all of which were
KlliK (ieorup VIH I'nrl.
PARIS, Oct. lt.- KIng George of dree. p.
arrompotileil by General Helneck. his aide-dt-cainp.
and Nicholas Thou, lnt-r.duut of
t'i" i Ml list, arrived this mornm i itit
the exposition.
High French ofllelnls met him at the
railway station, from which he was drlien
to the Hotel Bristol. No Itiiltlent of spe
cial Importance occurred.
Beliler lln I'lietiiiioiitn,
BFllLIN, Oct. 14. Lieutenant Comman
der William II. Beliler, naval attuthe of the
Fulled States embassy, Is suffering se
vetely from pneumonia.
Serlini IVrei'l. of I'rrluht.
VINCFNNIiS. llld , Ott. II. An Fums
vllle Term Haute southlm in. I freight
t nil n was wrei ked nt Purcell. sewn miles
Houtli of Ible elty, late this afternoon Four
men seriously hurt and one i inlssii
The train struck n cow, throwing the en
gine into a ditch und piling up eighteen
cars, four having oil tanks, whlih ignlt'd
and all burned In a heap. One cm- .on
tallied two race horses. II M c ami
limmH, la longliiK to Mr. MeKlnupy of
livaiisvUle. II. M. C. whh killed outright
and wn burned up. Ktnma hail a leg br
ken and huA to be shot. The men In lured
William Bock of Kvansvllbi, collnr bone
broken and Internal Injuries.
Thomas Fnrlght of Blchtuond, Ky., arm
James Alsep of New Harmony, lnd.. hurt
In breast.
Tho head brakeniRti I missing and I
thought to have been burned up
Mullein' BoiIIp IIimmix pred.
VPSII.ANTt. Mich., oc: u -Three thot
saiid person, students of the State Norm ll
college and citizen, engaged ir a s-nrch
along Huron river tndu for the bodies of
Mi Abblo ..'ronln of Iuw'oiion. Mich., nn I
Word Wood of Bangor, Mich., who iwru
drowned last night while canoeing on the
liver Thn bodies rpm rec. ver. d. Both
Mis- Cronln and Mr. Wood Wtr tudonts
at tho college.
Th- Star Mllkaukee
jF-viu-NtjH's! n a z Ma t - VivitiA
r? J4
N,,n '"'""leant
iVfTiT .fj5 InraluableSummerTonic
sn; ?--'
PJ All Drugglits.
UJ Done-las Streot. Tel. 1081
ood Property
Is a Good Investment
Flftn lots In a body for rsla at a vory reasonable price. Tha
lots are lo:atd In Ornnha addition and lie hitch and dry. They
will make a rplendld location for some factory. Several othrr lota
suitable for building purpoi on nt them ftprclally viW mk
a line loratleu for a homo, btlng within one block of the motor
line and within two blocks of a ichaol soma and church located
In the western part ot the city.
Apply nt
DAY H HESS, :' J'i'
j HlHI- fill' Mill' II lllTKI' 111 III' llllfOt I'll
V t-Kt'lltlllf llllltlMI lllll r'lllflll' Mini
itntl Oiiuilin. UVII. I'MIMSi
lo acn., Ilaztl Dell iwf... 11 mill's no C. II.,
Rood hnlldli.gH, Hr fi'
SO acres near Crescent, mil improved. Jt"
n.'i iirrs.
(,o art'' ml!. s east, cood bnlldloBS nnd
fruit $:.o per acre.
t0-iero fruit farm, elty, Rood Improve-
ments, $T'0 pel' ucie.
go-atn trult f..rm adjolnlnu elty, 15.000.
Tin. itlinie I ! ii miiiiiiIo nf our
tier t'fiit lulnrnl. 'IVIfjiliniir 'III.
4 Splendid
Wholesale Location
Tho liuildin; funnci ly occupiotl by Tho lleo at
1)10 Kaniaiu Htivot will he vttcauL Novembor 1st,
II has four storios ami a basoniont. whicli was
formerly used as Tin Bee pross room. This will
bo rented very reasonably. If interested, apply
nt once to ('. Iiosewator. Set-rotary, liooni 100
Moo Miiildin;.
Ready November First
Always Result When the Liver 3e
oomes Torpid,
' Hudyan Promptly Relieves and Perma
I nently Cures.
When the lire bcomm lnUr, th Ul
Instead of txlti tllsnhirit4 Into th nM
urs.1 chanels. It taken up by tli blood, and
, 1 diffused throughout tb tntlr cystim
The result Is to wtAkeu th body, to
cloud tha brain, to weaken the notion f
llm heart, to produc heAtUchn and cos
lhtiss, to elh down tho nnrsteJi. Tho
ntlrn system becomes poisoned and ills
tre must follow. Tho dlgtMtton I tlu
paired; there Is low of appeUU and pJn lu
stomach, right side and shoulder
Tin symptom relata to u torpid Urer,
liver complaint In ita flrst tr. If thi
I normal function of this mot tnvportntit
orirau Is not rrauirad, chronlo lnfdunnu
I tlou or enlargement of tha liver may result,
1 and thetMt lesion rwry of ton provo fatau
Aftuin, wo hare ulceration ot Ui stomach
i or bowale or Inflammation of the bovrols
I union are often due to torpid liver. The
entire dlgasllve ytem may be destroyed
i by an Inactive liver
, HUDYAX re.dlly arouses tha liver front
It Inaotlon. streiiiKthona nnd stimulate It
to nurmnl action. HUDYAN' divert tho
, bila from the blood to the IntoaUuas, Jiust
as nttturo Intanded It thould ro, una tha
i bowel are nt onca rwtlaved, VIUDYAM l
i thn best mtnodr on earth for oooitlpctton,
for It brlnfru Into harmonious action aH th
I organs concern.! In tha JUejtloti of food,
I lit DVAN performii Itn wvrk naturallr, and
i no wNvkenlug roaoUon follow. The wevaJc
eat stomach In thi world will toUrotet
! llt'OYAN.
HUDYAN Is for wO by all druntt
I Wo per paoh.i, or U package for JS.80,
I If your drumtet dosa not Itucn HUDYAN,
end direct to thn HUDYAN RilMKDY
. CtiMI'ANY, San rmnolHco. California,
I You may cnult th HUDYAN Doetgr
i fbout your iumm DTtltK of OUAKClD.
Druiults Kuhn A Co., Sherman A Mo.
Ponnuir Dm Co., Myera-DUion Druu Co.,
J. A. Fuller A Co , Cha. rt flctiaefar, J. H.
Bchmldt, Omaha. Camp tiro. Councxl
llluffs. Dillon Drug Co., South Omaha ali
ell and racomtOMid IluJyan.
It not, you have ml& a good thing.
This exqulilte malt beverage itanda on a
unique boats. It aella lUolt. Ita fume and
reputation ! the enry of many. The palate,
tha beneficial reiulta achieved "within" the
Inner man are tha only and teal Judzct ot
its merlti. Approved ot by them, It tri
umphantly enters Innumerable household.
Where Cabinet enters, doctor and druf
tllla Hit.
mtnWKl) iiy
have 4So. OMAHA. .IKIl
Or, Kay's Renovator
UuaHtueea to euro the very wot.11 ctutec
of uyruebuu, conallputlon, bilious bcada
ache, liver and kidney;. At druggists, j:
and tl Bend for Kreo Sample, Kre Uoah
and Free Au.ce. Dr. H. J. Kay, Saratoga,.
N. Y,
G BS Q9 3)
(f) -. .
uri is ini ;
- iiluuli u a. a. a.
B y
Before you
Have your teeth attended to call and
pet our prices and see for yourselves
how very reasonable they are. Komotn
ber it costs no more to havo good work
than it does to havo poor.
. ..Telephone: MR
H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs
0 180! B Oh Grand Hote I
Council Bluffs.
arl St , Council Bluffs,
fit rni. I'lili'Ueii rnni'lir, fruit nnd
hiiliies iirti.irrl) In ( tiiintrll lllulf
ICO-aeres Missouri bottom land, 8 miles bi
elty, $10 per arro.
! COO acre, stock farm near Karllng, Selby Co,
S20 acres In Sllvrr Cirek tp., $50 por acre;
well Improved.
213 acres lino bottom land In Ilockford twp.,
$12.60 pei acre; well Improved,
list. .IIU.M'.V i.oa.m:d o.v imiijis at