Til H OMAHA DAILY It HE: MOM) U'. OCTOBER !.". 1000. IM'iMMX lUHMfiVV 10 IMTVI'1'I ftn'' tpcnrn to hnvo memorized numerous M S A IIAUmlAl n 'ALMM.L tihrMi from reicnt twins made by Dtscord jU the Stato House Becomes the Noticeable Feature. EDMISTEN ABANDONS POYNTER CAMPAIGN Mnle ( iiiiiiiilltcoiiimi Devote 'MlllP til III" "WllltlllMl TIl'Ul'l II ml (he I'lrl'oillilrr llrlKinlr cillm mill Uminlile. LINCOLN. Ort. 1 1. (Special. )-Ono of the thief subjects of comment here at the capi tal Is 'ho very apparent lnrk of harmony r.ioo itie fuhlon rnmpfilRn manager. Then Is a wide illffcrencj between tin- cnmpalKn now helnK pursued by tbo fuslonlsts and the i ampnlgnR of four or flvo years past. The KUbcrnatorlal candidate ou the poporratle ticket In 1 la owii manager anil his own com mltteo and what little asalstanre he re eclvoa from the populist or democratic roni tnltteeH comes In such a roundabout and Indirect way that Its value Is seriously iinestloneil. Chairman J. II. IMmlston of the populist iato central committee Is takluK no In the dlreetlon of the slate rniiipnlRli. but Is deiotliiR his energies to the work of the national committee, of which he If vice chairman, Icnvlni; tie Interests of the htste eandlilates In the hands of volunteers and r ub-offlrerH.. many of whom arc secretly anxious to ace the head or their ticket do fented. Heualor Marlon Duller, chairman of the national committee, has not been seen nt the hendnua'ters hero uluce the Hryan. Ills talk was mostly on Imperialism and the awful trusts, for which the fuslon Irts Insist the republicans are responsible. At otiu point In his speech lie suld he did not believe the republicans wanted to es- , tnbllsh nit empire and crown Wlllllntn Mc- Klnley kin? and there were several voices ! In the audience said. Neither do vJc." 1 which went to show that his hearers were not nil of populist faith. T.io fuslonlsls UN i were very much disappointed In Mr. Kleli i ntty and In tho small crowd out to lieai ' him TIipv will mnke one more effort to 1 Ret the faithful enthused next Thurfcday ' nlbt, when Cyclone Davis will bo here, but as the neonlc from tho country are nil walllnK to hear Hanna their prospects for a crowd are somewhat slim. BREAKING AWAY FROM BRYAN llojil mint? Iliislness Mi ii H'lm Will nt i' fin JleKliilej at Hie t'oiuiiiK i:ipi'tiiui. UtTTK, Neb.. Oct. 14. (.pe?lal. J. H. Slelor of tho firm of Sleler Uros., tho larg est general merchants In Uoyd county, a life-long democrnt and an ardent supporter of llryan In Ut6, mnke the following state, ment : "you i a it put me down heart and soul for the re-election of McKlnlcy. I have been a democrat nil my life and In lSUfi voted anil worked for the ejection of W. J. Hrynn, thlnkliiK that by his election the hard times would disappear and nil the rcsc-colored prophecies ho mado would bo fulfilled. I also took stock In his calamity cry reKardlng the horrors of a gold standard, but tho events of the last threo years have convinced inc that he was wrotiK In his statements nnd that It would bo the rank- rsi nnd mos' ton.lnonK of any polniinl ar Ktimcllt ever made tn 'his colin'r I' was vastly different from some of the harangues of abuse which have heretofore been In flicted upon our people. The McKlnlcy and Hnosoclt club here has a membership of 160 and the .ondlllons In the county Indi cate n considerable Increase of the repub lican majority. NiiciiMiiK "t HiihIi vlllr. IUSUVlLLi:. Neb.. Oct. 11. (Special.) -rolonel Akers, receiver of the I'nltod Ktntofl land olllco nt Alliance, rhvc a very Interesting and straight tnlk Saturday nft cruoon at tho Chnrles Weston club rooms, which were comfortably filled. The gal lant -olonel had no words of abuso to offer to his audience and hardly presented ins BUbjecIs In n political guise at nil. Ilo asked his hearers to forget that they were populists, democrats or republicans and re member Mat they were American citleim who nro to Judge of the Illness of two very prominent men who are before tho people of tho United Slates askliiK their suffrage. lie then gave tho historic side of the topics of the day, reviewing protection, Imperial ism, tho money question and finally mili tarism. Here he tnado a very distinct Im pression by giving tho proportion of men under nrms In the military countries of the world. Ills speech was much nppre elnted and he sat down amidst great np plnuse. In tho evening Judge Westover addressed a meeting of tho llrynn club and gave the Issues frr.m the democratic stnndpolnl. The htlelidai'c e was not large and one-third of thoie presr,t were republicans. Tin) Ilryai club room Is two-thirds as large as tho re publican quarters hero and Is In the Me scrvy building. ...... . 'I'lin mittrrrAitittn 1 U n VtlMM II ri W f T" n III! tl-, tnkrn ii 'he Utilell hoi l wnrre no is .... v...,,.. .......... , at present U Mtes he v,,s beating hh 1'rtnc Inull) in the history of the way from Chicago to Sun iTnmHco and j had not slept sine he started on the I rip, but helm? overcome with sleep ut this place fell from the train. . . .... ....ii.. .., I n ni.ni-liiniin turn iiiwfc iv vsj ...v. ....... campaign be gun .and t Is nn uudlsp led fact ! f)f foJy (f) mw Mm BnJ (nkc that ho Is no more Interested In tho work of his committee than Mr. Edmlsten Is In tho work of the stato committee. Charles cj Do France of the stato treasurer's ofllre nnd Jim Whltakcr of tho auditor's ofllce nro working faithfully with tho state com mittee ami they nro practically the only natehnus'j men who nro giving all of their errors to the enilro fusion ticket. Among i lie reiinue of ol'.lceholdors and employes nt i lie uipltol nre many men who nro really anxious to yiu the whole ticket win at tho fortlTomlng election, but for vnrloui reas ons they nre tnling no nctlve part In the campaign. Sure on llilinlilcn. one of these men was recently questioned concerning the work of the ntnte committee nnd he replied, with a request thai his name be withheld from publication: i haven't been In tho olllce of the com mit leo hIiico It was opened. In past years 1 hnve been more or less Intimately asso i lated with KdmlKien nnd were It not for i hut fact 1 would probably be woiklng with the committee now. I want to see our ticket iiucceed. from the head of the ticket down, but my anxiety Is not so strong that I am willing to go back there and work under the unpleasant association with Kd mlsten." The exlsllng state of affairs in the popu list organization recalls an Incident which occurred early In the campaign, In fact a fow weeks before the fusion ticket was named. It wan nfter Chalrmun ICdmtste.i circulated the antl-l'oynter letter, in which ho urged the necessity of nominating n good man for governor. Charier, Q. Do Krauce, chairman of tho fusion press bureau, was In Oklahoma when tho letters were sent nut nnd ono of them was forwarded to him by n friend at the capital. Do France returned to Nebraska a few days later and he Im mediately Informed Kdmlsten thnt he would huve tn cut short his attacks on I'oynter or ho vyould resign from the committee. Kd mlsten had printed his letter on lie France's letter blanks, nnd although It was signed, somii people thought at the time that De Franco was tho author of It. In n subse quent letter De "Frnnro nnuounced that he was not responsible for the letter circu lated by Chairman Kdmlstan. Mrs. IlDllll Will Help Out. Mrs. V. J. llrynn la preparing to cuter ncilvely Into tho work of tho campaign. She will Join her husband nt New York on Octobei 27 and accompany him the re mainder of his spenklug tour, tho last lew days of which will bo In Nebraska terri tory. Mrs. Hryan had Intended to go with her husband when ho left the city at tho beginning of his present trip, but the ar rangements of tho national committee it -torfered with her plans, and although mak ing n vigorous protest she finally con sented to remain at home. Mrs. llryau is particularly well tilted for tho work to which she has been assigned. She will net ns chief sergeant-nt-arms In her hus bands private ear and to her all politi cians, from tho precinct committeeman to tho national party boss, must upply boforo they ran bo admitted to the popoer.itle lender's presence. Those who know soma thlng of Mrs. Hryan's peculiar abilities aro confident thnt nfltr she Joins tho train her husband will bo no lonper troubled by his porrtlsteut admirers who merely want to shake hla hands, touch his clothes nnd talk over political conditions. For a whllo the country town reception committees formed Mr. Hryan's chief course of amusement, but tho uovclty soon woro off and ho wns compelled to announce that they should bo dispensed with. Thoro are fow persons bolter qualified for handling Intruders and atto-jding to other details thnt are likely to annoy a traveling candidate than Mrs. llryan. This Is corroborated by a Btory minted by n correspondent for a New York republican newspaper, now traveling with Governor Hoosovolt. 'i wns In Chicago several weeks ago when Mr. Dryun started on ono of his 'am palgn trips," ho said. "I was asslwei to cn on thn llryan train and my instructions read- 'Join the llryan train aud stay on it until Mr. Dryan orders you off.' Aoll I'm now with Governor Itoosevelt, jou win draw your own conclusions. UtinUei-v' t ii In ii litre! Inn. TAUM: HOCK. Neb.. Oct. 14 -(Special.! On Wednesday evening n lodge of the Ilaukers t'nlon of tho World uis Instituted here by .State Deputy Ilondurnnt and the following nre the ofllcers elected for the ensuing venr: President, James Tlllolson. vice ptesldenl. Mrs. hou Parker; secretary. Mrs. Dora 12. llackett; bnnkcr. (?. 11. John son: overseer. J, H. Talbot: chaplain. Dr. J. F. llackett; guard, lsam llaln: sentinel. Wllllnm llanksm. Insurance Is a popu lar fe.it uro of this order. Ilmiiliii'l to (ii'iiiul Climii'i'llur. NOUTH IMiATTIO, Neb.. Oct. II. (Spe cial.) One of the most unique teceptlons nnd banquets ever held here was given by the local lodge Knight of I'ythlas Friday night nt their castle hall In honor of Clrnnd Chancellor Oeorco 12. French of this city. Mr. French was elected grand chancellor nt Lincoln last Wednesday nnd upon his return the local lodge had nrrnngements fully completed for n reception nnd ban quet In his houor. the fhnnces of n repetition of tho 'soup bouso decade' In our history. Slnco the election of McKlnley our business has In creased fully four-fold and wc now employ eight men, while In 1SD8 two men were em ployed lu our business. The cry of Im perialism and militarism does not alarm mo In tho least, although of (lermun ex traction and I find among the Hermann here the same feeling. Wo have confidence that tho Intelligence and common sense of the American people would call ti halt when ever uch questions menace them, which they certnlnly do not at the present time." Another former democrnt, who will sup port McKlnley nnd Itoosevelt Is M. 1'. Mcholln, president of the Dank of llutte. as will alco two other members of his family. Mr. Mcholln attributes the prosperous times of the past three yenrB In u great measure to tho wiso administration aud sound finan cial policy of Wllllnm McKlnley and says ho Is In favor of a contluuance of the same, hence will cast his ballot for McKlnley nnd Itoosevelt. Many others In this county nre changing to tho republican sldo and wo have yet to hear of one that has gone over to llryan. 'I'ei'iimseli Xr .Notex, T.-:Cl'.MSKH. Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special.) lion. 12. II. Hlushaw of Falrbury will speak In Tecmnseh next Wednesday evening. This will probably be tho last meeting the re publicans will have here this cumpalgu. Tho Nemaha precinct republicans will meet In caucus tomorrow night and nnmc a precinct ticket. Tho fuslonlsls of Cook had n rally there yesterday, llelng Saturday there were quite a number of farmers lu town and most of them listened to boiuo of the speaking. ' Cyclonn'" Davis was tho big toad aud he was preceded by a number of tho smaller fry In short addresses. The Tecumseh hand furnished the music, being rent up at the expense of soino of the Tecumseh populists. (Ji.orge Zlnsmastcr, io frequently In po llen court, Is under JiO bonda to uppjar bafore his houor. Judge l'erkltis, In the morning and explain why ho Insisted In disturbing the pence of a few pedestrians on the streets here yesterday by loud and bolstor ous language. It Is feared that George had been drinking. Joe Alcorn and Frank Wlgglnton of Ster ling aro In Jail here nwaltlng trial on the charge of being "holdups." Ono night re cently John Aden of that towu was waylaid and nn attempt made to rob him as he was on his way hoin" from his store. The would be thieves secured nothing. At the Instiga tion 01 Alien me men meniionen wore ar rested and locked up, he belleveng they nro the guilty ones. VleiliiiM of Hie Wreck I'l.ATTSMOL'TII. Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special.) Tho remains of Knglneer W. F. ltobtrls. who wbb killed yesterday In the collision of the Schuyler nnd KnnsnB City passenger trains, were taken' to his home in St. Joe today. Express Messenger Harry Kennard was ablo to return to St. Joe todny. Fireman Ilobblns on the Kansas City en gine and llaggageman llllllnger on tho Schuyler train, who are at the I'erkln3 hotel, have, rested comfortably today and they will probably recover. Tho engineer on the Schuyler Engine Is a brother of Will Tlppltm of this city. He had n leg broken In Jumping from the en gine. It Is generally belleied by the trainmen . - , I .1... .....II..1. ..fl..r mm me uniKcmau ciusc 1 uie in im.-i letting tho Schuyler train on the switch , nnd crossed the track, but when he saw the other train approaching ho went back nnd opened tho iiwitch nnd nfter the train passed closed it ngaln. He hnd only been braking nbout two months, it Is understood. Wi'st 1'olnt olcv WEST POINT. Neb.. Oct. 11. (Special. I Hev. M. Hermann, the popular pastor of the Germnn Methodist Episcopal church In this city, wns mnrrleil las; week In Junction City, Kan, to Miss I.jtllu llneffner of that place. The collection this morning at St. Mary's Catholic church was In nld of tho Galves ton sufferers nnd netted 50. The regulnr fall term of the district court of Cuming county will convene In this, city tomorrow morning, with Judge Guy C Graves of Pender on the bench. This will be a busy term of court ns quite a number of crlmlnala aro awaiting trial, some for very grave offenses, nt tempted murder ami rape. The petit Jury Is called for Tuesday morning. Tho real estate mortgages filed In the lili Suit 'litem 11 Itlile. WYMOItE. Nib.. Oct. 14. (Special.) - special train consisting of baggage car, chair car and sleeper passed through hero on the Ilurllngton today at 11 o'clock carry lug 11 theatrical company from Denver to Kansas city. The actual running time of the train wns nearly sixty miles an hour. MrKluli' jtiiln I'm mite. WYMOKE. Neb... Oct. 1 1. (Special.) Ilurllngton pnsscnger train No. PI, which arrives In Wymoro nt 8i p. in., was polled between here and Lincoln last night with the result that there were forty-five who decinred themselves for McKlnley nnd eighteen for llryan. Siitlierlmiil nt St. I'ltul. ST. PAU Nob.. Oct. 14. (Special.) Congressman Sutherland spoke hero yes terday afternoon In tho opein house ex pounding fusion doctrines to u falr-slzcd nudlence. nbout half of which were women Philippine war nnd the unholy nlllnnce en tered Into between our government and the sultnn of Sulu RETURN OF THE CENSUS MEN 1, 11 11 111 r rntut-M llecU 11 ml Vcxlim ltriurl ( lltltlltlllllN tlllll tills! XllltIK Cniii-r Itli or. M1NNF. POl.IS, Minn, Oct. 14 llull.v til '1'iiIiIp lliick, TAIILK HOCK. Neb.. Oct. 1 1. (Sptvlal. 1 Tho opera house was crowded to lis utmost , C t lMl, Times from Tncomn last night to hear republican doctrines ex pounded bi Prof. O. D. Howe, ox-county superintendent, nnd Dr. W. H. Wilson, both of this place. The llamheau club nnd Indies' Marching dub were out In full force, mnklin! 11 line display In their uni forms nnd with their torches. The music wns furnlJhed by the Table Hock quitet. Ciimllilitle nt 1'lnllniinnlli. PLATTSMOl.'TH. Neb.. Oct. 14. (Spe cial.) David ilrown nnd Vincent Straub, re publican nnd fusion candidates for float rep resentatives to the legislature tor 1 ass ami Otoe counties, were In tho city today from Otoe county, looking nfter their political fences. llrlRlit'n lllicnse. High Mixing. Intemperance, exposure nnd many other things bring on Wright's dis ease. Foley's Kiuncy uuro win iircvuuv Origin's dlienso and all other kidney or nothing else. Myers-Dillon Drug Co,, Omaha; Dillon's Drug Store. South Omaha. A spe. Wash.. , says: Census Enumerators Deck nnd Sexlon have reached Juneau from Copper river. where their summer's work resulted In the enumeration of S00 tndluus nnd OOO whites. The Itnllnun In that section have died this summer by dozens. This mortal ity results from the Influx of miners and tho destruction of tho salmon supply by canneries at tho mouths of the rivers. Mr. Heck reports that on July 4 gold wns found at Tcsllnii river. In three weeks four men took out J 1,000 In conrse gold. Mr. Sexton thinks the copper belt of Prince William sound will produce untold millions. Ho traveled several weeks with Government Geologist Schrnder, who ex pressed himself as believing that thn de posits of copper there are uncqtmled In the world. A railroad will be absolutely necessary to develop this rich country. Along the new government trail to tho ropper center some very rich ore has been taken out. The government telegraph line through the Copper river country cannot bo com pleted th's winter. Work has been ham pered by lack of horses. The linn Is so nearly completed that It can bo quickly finished In tho spring. Don't be deceived or humbugged by peo ple who claim I he discovery of some hith erto unknown herb or rcot In swninps, or on some mountain or praltle, for tho cure of kidney nnd bladder troubles. Any doctor or druggist will tell you that such claims nro fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure sim ply contains remedies that nro recognized iop Hie CuiirIi nml Work Off the by the most skilful physicians as best for Cold, theso complaints, so don't be credulous or Laxntlve Dromo-tjulnlno Tnblets cine n foolish. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, cold In otic day. No Cure, No Pay. Price Dillon's Drug Store, South Omaha. '.'5 cents. tlif lufl' Pure Malt WhUkfy In thtlrliomf, (tid say It Ii a blesilne to mankind Me de Ccntt r. Rutin. Mv Diux Pro Xour (.tier with the rncUurd slip l st hnj, The facts ie thcif My wife mi nn Invalid for snctal years snd.on our phvf Iciin's re commriKlallon. ticl a ccitaln pttpatatlc 11 wi h vtrv K"t benefit I am a ricbitftlari cleifivm.m .1 Doctor el Dlvltiltv, not of MntMtir. but 1 am not al aid to u that Daft For rj, .1 and Duties Pine Malt wh it a e ihc puitM anil mcit clTrrMvc ptepMattoni as tnftlliinf.1 I Lt,M ..f I ,, rtpftlencclialarnrone I amat'mptranccman, and ntv-rmrd, nmtwould iirtrraillican man or otnan tonic, any Intiulcant mabcvet.u- My rtcommendationof Durfy s Kotmu.a ami Vhlkey wai tiurte after n thotoueh ktiowlolur nl their preat value a medicine. The statement w.i made, deliberately and based upon (aits, and 1 do not hesitate to t land by It The many te mpe. mce men who have written me en this .ubieu l,. not eem to tcallie that I was 11 lempeiaiicc mti te fote many of them wetc bom. Slncetcly yours, B. MILLS, D 1). DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY IS Til 12 TUVK r.LIXtlt OF I.IIT.. 1! Aids l)lcrtlon, Htlniilliitrs the Ulnoit, IliTlgnriitrs Ibn llniln, H11II1U rr r lis- llc.'l lines up the Hear! mil I'mliiug l.lfe. It Cures Cttnituiuptltiu, Kt-ery nettle nf the tenulne hern miilirlne ree nue ma nip All iliucul'ts ami itrnrrm ..r ilireri n plain pnrliage. etpre lialil 11 Si a he'. lienaee tit Imiiallnn. thejr are Ili.Hirloii- m, ml (or rren Medical H okUl ,r lluiri Halt Wlil-tier l o., KoiheMrr, . Y. BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF Fl MANXJFACTUKBD BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C& HOTB TUB BAlUf. OIKi'c Die.- Uin M. Mill Street. $5.00 A IVBOftSTH, DR. HVIcGREW tlr. MeGreiT nt 11110 f-. Till? MOST SUCOllSSFLI. SPECIALIST In tin- Irentiiifiit of nil forms of Hlh- ea.m:s ami nisoitnr.iis or mi:n U.M.Y. 'M jetim' OMirrleiice. 13 cur. ill Oninlin. VARICOCELE AND HYDROCELE A l'i:illl..KXT CLIIIJ tiLAIlANTUUD I. A rj-;v UAVS without cutting, pain or loss of time. Thu ILI KKST unit MOST .NATL It Al, LI III; that has yet been Un covered, l iiaki;l;, low. mo rem ei m". ...v.. .. ' ' r v pil II I C in ull Hinges, nnd conditions ofllce of the clerk of finning county ior 011 iiilio cureu unu every t everv trace of the the weok ending October 13 were ?.T.00(. uiscusu is thoroughly eliminated from me while the mortgages released doling the ''''.mtlJAKINO OUT" on the skin or same period nggieutrd lu.H.i. inus me (ac or fny external appearances of the irood work eoi's on. complelely refuting the i.scnso whatever. A ireninicnt that Is ... ....... 1 i.uirn hiiit. Muftil 11 jiredlctliins or Air. nryan Flehnr!)- 11 1 Wymore. WYMOItE, Neb.. Oct. 1 1. (Special.) After much advertising and personal so llcttatlon nn the part of tho faithful the fuslonlsta woro nblo to get nut Just 183 people. Including women and children, to hear Hon. F. B. Fleharty discuss the Issues of tho eampalgn at tho llryan nnd Steven son headquarters last night. Mr. Fleharty. who hnlls from l.oxlugton. but who wns nd- Tertlscd as from Omaha, has a good volco ConstipniSon Headache, biliousness, heartburn, Indl pestloit, nnd all lircr Ills urn cured by EiM by all tlrugglsts. 'J5 cents. (mill MitIIiik, n! l'.liu ( reek. KI.M (MtEKK, Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.) Tho republican meeting billed for this pluce Saturday evening was a winner. The legis lative cundldalea were present, but confined themselves to a few remarks, pledging their loyalty to republican principles and the good of the stato. They were followed by N. P. McDonald, candidate for county attor ney, who discussed tho Philippine question at considerable length nnd strengthened the already favorable opinion In which ho Is held by the people of Kim Creek. Hon. Norrls Drown of Kearney addressed tho meeting and recited the fnlso propheclca of Dryan, reading from his own book, "The First llattle." Ho also showed up tho Inconsistencies of fusion congressmen and senators lu voting for one thing nnd now talking against tho same measures. His romarks were Interrupted by frequent ap plause. It was the most enthusiastic meet ing that haB heen hold here for years and the hall would not hold all who attended, many being compelled to stand outside. Ap propriate music was furnished by a local campaign quartet nnd their songs were ap preciated by tho crowd. Judging from tho vigorous npplause which they received. lillpliin Fultli lii ttiyiin. SFPEK10U, Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special. I "We blame much of the late activity among 1 tin natives to the fact that the'y firmly biilevo that If Dryan be elected the troops will be withdrawn. It Is needless to say In what light we consider American citi zens who will encournge them In this war for political cuds and so sell the lives of American soldiers." Tho above significant statement Is made In 11 private letter received hero todav from Second Lieutenant llert McConnell of the Thirty-ninth Fulled 'States infantry, slntloned nt the garrison nt I.on llanos, I.aguna, P. I. The remark followed an no count of thn ambushing of some nf bin com rades by the Filipinos. iiiuro uucc-.KHful anil fur more satlsfactoiy ilian th "Hot J3prlni;s treatment and ut loss than 1ALF TIIK COST. A cure that Is guaranteed to be permanent for llfo. VH A lJl s;i of young ami middle-aged men. l.ll o ' .MAN HOOD, Night Losses. A'ervous Debility. I.iiHs of Ilraln and Nervo Power. Loss of vigor and Vitality, Pimples cm tho Faco, rains in the liack, Forgotfulness. Hashful nesH. (i i;tt uu.tiiio l asi;.s o nun. STMrTlinr quickly cured with a new oillimuilL inl Infallible home trout mcnt Kidney nnd Iiludder Trouhlcs, Lion oirhoeii, Cileet lui'.s (;i viiAvrur.i). CHA&CES LOW. Coimiiltnlliiii lire. Treatment lij- mull. Medicines sent everywhere free from gaza or lireakne. icndy for use. Olllco hours: s a. in. to S p. ro. Sundays 9 to K. V. O. Hox 7G0. Office over 215 South 14th St., between Farnam and Douglas Sts., OMAHA, Mill. notice: OIi'miiii 11 St runt Mini. WKST POINT. Neb, Oct. H. (Speelul 1 A. H. Olcson, the nominee for senator cho sen by the republican senatorial committee to (111 the vacancy canted by the reslgua- to refund the money on a .Vi-eent bottle tlon of Hon. Itobert Kloke, is conceded ,. ,,... R1vir if it does not cure any We. the undersigned, do hereby ngrce iiilrvm I.oilnnl In .lull. OGALALLA. Neb., Oct. 14. -(Special ) Sheriff Patrick nrrlved Saturdny morning from Alllauco with Frank Slattenuan and placed him In the county Jail. Slatterman has confessed to breaking Into tho liouso of tho Wlor Bros, on the western edge of Lincoln cointy and robbing them nf $435 In jjoll and silver, which robbery was per petrated somo slc weeks ago, lu which tho suspicion was dlrectod toward somo emi grants, but there wno not sufficient proof to hold them Sin Herman's coufesslon of tho robbery InipllcnteH one flcorge (lus nieyer. who had left Paxtoti nud gone on u rnnch about forty miles south of Al liance. Patrick arrested Clusineyor and brought both tho men tn Sidney, where ho wns met by Shorlff Kelllher of Lincoln county and delivered Ousmeycr to Kelllher. llnliirr nl Himself. UA88ETT, Nob., Oct. 11. (Spoclal.) Ex rongrcesman Halner of Hamilton county tpoko nt tho court house here last night to n fair sliert audlenco. Ho made nn exceed ingly forcible, fnlr nnd convincing M'eech and If there wcro any fuslonlsts In tho audl enco who are susceptible of conversion surely tbey will heiltato before voting for Mr. llryan. The speech was tho nblest, fair- to be next to Mr. Kloke the strongeH man tho parly could put up for this olllce. He Is an exceedingly brainy young man. a thorough-going republican and nn aggres sive worker, lie was county attorney of Cuming county four yenrs ago, being elected by a largo majority over his democratic opponent, also a very able man. He will make an exceedingly actlvo and aggressive campaign and his work will help the rest of the ticket materially. IIiiIIIi'm a! Ilriiliiui'il. IlltAINAItD. Neb.. Oi l. I I. (Special Tele gnim.) Two republican rallies were held heir Saturday. At 3 o'clock Hon. .1. 1). Pope, republican candidate for congress from (his district, addressed a good-sled audleuce at tho opera house. Mr. Popo Is a good speakor and thin was admitted b thn most radical fuslonlsts. At s o'clock Hon. .1. J. Langer. republican candidate for elector, and P. Robert Uur lckn. editor of Pokrok Zapadu. spoke In lh Ilohemlar. language. Today Mr. Iluzlrka, headed by about fifty Hough Riders, went to Hruuo. where they had a big rail Hits afternoon. cough, cold, croup, whooplnc cough or threat trouble. We also guarantee Downs' Elixir to cure consumption, when used ac cording to directions, or money back. A full dose on going In bed nud small do sen during the day will euro tho most severe cold, and stop tho most distressing cough, SHERMAN MK'ONNELL DIU'O CO. AMI MMIISVI'S FREE SCHOLARSHIP VOTING COUPON. CUT IT OUT VOTE IT. Help somo deserving boy or girl get a practical education FREE. ONE VOTE FOR. iName) ADDRESS (St. and No.) (Town.) This coupon If accompanied by cash pnyment on mibjcrlptlon account for The Omaha Ileo counts 15 voteB for encli lfto paid, 100 votes for each (1 paid, etc. coupons with cash must bo countersigned by circulation department. 1 . ry -v a Deposit at Deo office or mall to "FREE LUt 1 lllS UUt SCHOLARSHIP DEPARTMENT," Omaha He, Omaha, Neb. Ili-liilillllirlero nt Went I'll 1 II C . WEST POINT. Neb., Oct. 14. (Special.) The republicans of this place huve organized and secured commodious headquarters where good, sound republican doctrine Is being preached dally. The defection f 10111 the Dryan ranks of thinking farmers will be something remarkable. A number of them havo changed their sentiments and the re sult nt tho polls will be surprising. Tho Ilryanltcs aro ranking despernto efforts to keep up their spirits claiming everything lu sight and offering odds on tholr favorite regardless of tho handwriting on the wall. Sutton II II J Slieeii, TAIILK ROCK. Nob.. Oct. 14. (Special ) -Hon. Wllllnm Sutton of this place has Hhowu his contldenco In tho re-election of Prosldent McKlnley by tho purchase of 1,000 head of sheep and lambs, which he has placed on his duo farm between here and Tecumseh. Doubtless he would not have had the nerve to do tills hud he thought thero was any show for the elec tion of tho "boy orator of tho Platte" Allen 11! II ut I r-. DUTTH, Nob.. Oct. 14. lSpeclal.)-Sen-ator Allen spoke hero yesteray afternoon to n falr-sbed nudlence, but thero wns a marked difference between tho enthusiasm today and four years ago, Then tho crowd went wild, while today It failed to en thuse In the least. With tho right kind of treatment from the state committee in the way of sending good speakers rioyd county will go republican this year. Tell from 11 Trnln. ELM CREEK, Neb.. Oct. 14. (Special. j A nejtro giving tho name of Hitchcock fell from a train here last night nnd sustained a broken nrra nnd several bruises of a more or less serious nature. He was found nbout 200 feet east nf the depot by n party goloc home from a political meeting and BOYD'S Tonight David liiffgins & Georgia Waldron "COURTING AT GRfiEN'S." Prb on :'."ii , ti 7.V 1 " tlrnrtlon FRANK DANIELS iiiui'Nilny, I'rliluj. Siiluriliij- .Mntlni-r nml Mitht. Heats on Snle Tuesday. BOYD'S Tl'ESDAV, WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY MATlNEi; The F.l.iborate operatic E.xtrnvnganzn, "ALICE IN WONDERLAND." t',0 local miiool children' KenefU Library Fund. Leavenworth. Mason. Cass, Fnr nam, Contnil ScIiooIh Pi-Ices- 25c 60i Muilnee. :'3e ORIiaHTOM mm a 1 m llri'iillilnu lloom llnlj llnnilreils Turnril Avitt)' Vesleriliiy The SIiost In 11 l'rin'U.ii-.In'K Don! Ml mi II. TONIGHT MIJ5. Tiillil-.lllile I 'll ill 1 1 (pi I null' MniiMllelil unit Cor I YvTllmr In "l Prospect street'" .IiiIiiihiiii unit llenn. Yiiiiiik AiniTlc-mi Itiilntetlr. Iluuiiril nml lllnnil. .1 nl In Kiiltliriin. Aiinllu. orii Iln e, Prices never changing: Evenings lie uArvnl Benin Mr nnd 50c- Bnllerv. 10c. Mat inees Any part of house. 25c; children, 10c; gallery, iuo. BIGGEST SHOW! BIGGEST CROWDS Miaco's Trocadero Till- 22511. Tho New Palace of Burlesque, HATIXIIi: TOD A . lOr nml SOr. Till'. IIKill IIOIil.KIt IJTIIAVAUA.7.A COMI'A.W. Forly Hriiiillful Women! I.lvlnB l'lo lureiil llurlcsqnp nnil Vuuilrvllle! Night prices, 10c. 20e and 30c Smoke If you like, Jilatlnces ery afternoon at 2;30 o'clock. This kind of thing would be reflection on vour intelligence were it not a crime! Of course you have had the druggist oiTer you something "just as good" when you called for Ayer's preparations. Now we'll tell you some thing about this "just as good" business. You call, sav, for a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The druggist says : " Yes, I have it, but here is something I prepared myself. I know exactly what this contains and so I can confidently recommend it to you. It is 'just as good ' as Ayer's, and will cost you less money." Let us see about this. Our business reputation is at stake. Not one. tlrtfggist in ten pre pares himself the "just as good" preparation. He may think he knows exactly what it contains, but he doesn't, because he did T 1 not make it. it was macie cheap to sell cheap. That preparation may cost you iess money, but the drug gist makes more money on it than he does on Ayer's, and that's whv he tries to sell it to you instead of Ayer's. Now, please remember the "just as good" product, the druggist says, costs you less money. If he had prepared it him self, and if it were as well made as Ayer's, it would cost you a great deal more money, because he can't buy drugs, bottles, corks, labels, wrappers, etc., as cheaply as we. The truth of this "just as good" business is this: There are several drug establishments that make a business of sup plying druggists with "just as good" preparations. These houses make up cheap sarsa parillas, cough mixtures, pills, hair preparations, etc. Then they say to the druggist some thing like this : "Why pay the J. C. Ayer Company $8.00 or more a dozen forWyer's Sarsaparilla when we will sell you a sarsaparilla 'just as good' as Ayer's for $4.00 a dozen ? We will bot tle it attractively, your name and address will appear on the wrapper as the manufacturer not ours and you can sub stitute it when Ayer's is called for and make a great deal more money. A nice little talk about it being your own product, that you know ex actly what it contains, and so can recommend it, etc., will make the sale, and you will be so much ahead." The druggist buys the "just as good " sarsaparilla, the "just Sar sa ;i, and Mexican S.ir The Honduras is by far the best. It costs ten times as much as the cheapest kind. Ov.r requirements con sume every pound that is ini- as good" cough cure, the "just I ported; consequentU , the "just as good pills. He now as good" houses can only use has his money tied up in the j the inferior grades. goods, and, as the ,kjust asi Take Ayer's Pills. The good " preparations arc never advertised, he must use every argument at his command to sell them when standard medi cines arc called for. Tiic druggist is not responsi ble for the failure to cure. You don't know who the maker is. So he is not respon sible. Your interests are not con sidered. The "just as good" sarsaparilla, or the "just as good" cough cure will proba bly do you no good whatso ever. Hut the druggist must get his money back on these "just as good " preparations, and he must do it when a standard preparation is called for, because he has no other opportunity to make the sale. There is published in New York a. book of some 600 pages, entitled "America's Ad- ingredient that is mainly re sponsible for their activity is one that it is almost impossible to purchase in an absolutelv pure, unadulterated state. We buy the crude drug, grind it in our own laboratorv , extract the active principle, purify it, ami so know that we give you a better pill than any one else. Not only do we sec to it that the active principles enter ing into each one of our med icines are possessed of strong medicinal virtue and absolutely pure, but even our flavorings are looked after with the same care. Take oil of wintergreen, for instance. Ninety-nine out of a hundred do not use (he true oil of wintergreen, but the oil of sweet birch, and to a great many it is hard to dis tinguish the sweet birch from the wintergreen. We are even these "just as good" houses: vertiscrs. 1 his work lias the charged with being foolish tor following to say about, one of! sticking to the oil of winter green, which is very much more expensive, while the oil of sweet birch is " just as good." Rut we want no "just as good" business in ours. "The piesidenl of this Institution is re-1 potted to have been a clerk in a drue es tablishment and conceived the idea, of i putting up a line of preparations which could oe ollereil as substitutes for adver tised articles.. "Tin rnnri.nlinn whirl-, leil In the MtnW. I llshmcnt of this enteiprtse w evidently' Wherever there is a "just as someiniug aucr 111c luiiuivuig urcicr; mere is a large demand for Scott's Emulsion. I ill put up a preparation called Our Own hmulston anu dispose oi It to the retail trade, printing the name of the retailer at the bottom of the package as though the article were prepared by the retail druggist in his own laborator). There is a big de mand for Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 will put up a Never I'ail Cold and Cough Cure. Druggists can sell it instead of Ayer's and make more money. There is a good demand for Warner's Safe Cure. I will put up a Sure Kidney Cure and sell it to the trade at such prices that they can dispose of it to advantage to the cus tomer who come into the store and ask for Warner's. "It is stated that this concern is doing a very large business in these 'just as good' preparations which are substituted whenever possible in pUce of the standard remedies. Such institutions are the nat ural, the legitimate foes of honest houses. They seek to reap the harvest which others have sown at great labor and much expense. Their plan is first to impose upon the cupidity of the dealer and then upon the credulity of the purchaser. They should be discredited by all honest people, and are unhesitatingly denounced by the editors of 'America's Advertisers.'" That these "just as good" products are cheap products in every sense of the word. For example, take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. There are three kinds of sarsaparilla, Hon duras Sarsaparilla, American good" there is a best. We shall stick to the best. There is no sarsaparilla "just as good " as Ayer's. No rem edy for coughs and colds "just as good " as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. No pill for the liver "just as good" as Ayer's Pills. No fever and ague cure "just as good" as Ayer's Malaria and Ague Cure. No prepara tion to restore color to gray hair "just as good" as Ayer's Hair Vigor. No preparation "just as good" for dandruff and falling hair as Ayer's Comatonc. The "just as good " prod ucts may cost you less, but they will not do for you what the Ayer preparations will do for you. In the long run "just as good " not only costs you more but "just as good" is "no good" for your case. every case where a "just as good" remedy is offered you in place of "Ayer's" send us your money. For one dollar we will Jend you, all charges paid, either a bottle of Sarsaparilla, Hair Vigor, large size Cherry J'ectoral, two bottles of Malaria 'and Ague Cure, or four boxes of Pill.1!. Give your nearest express office. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Aycr' Pills Ayer'i Ague Cure Ayer's Hair Vigor Ayer'i Cherrv 1'cctoul Ayer's Comatonc J. C. Ay kr Company, Practical Chemists, Lowell, Mass.