Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1900, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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nm u m u n n u un n'- K n m n n ti ' n u m x 9 n n n u
"Lest You Forget," 'Lest You Forget"
mi cm Mi:.vri..
Davis cllfl rIrhs.
"Mr Itlley." 6-ce.nt dusr.
(an Mxturcs anci globes nt Hlxby's.
Kino A. II. C. beer, Nouiuayor's hotel.
Wullmnn. scientific optlclun. 4W H'd'y.
JI M. LefTert, expert optlclnn, 23t Bdy.
Bchmldl'H photos, now and latent styles.
Cub. photos $1.50 do Williams, Sit Rdy.
V J llostettcr. dentist. Baldwin IjIocIc.
lamp's beer, Kncnke Hoysen. solo aiti-iit.
3 C ft V Woodward, architects, 533 Ildy.
Drink Hudwdser b"cr. I.. RoMlifold, n.
It K White, umplnytnotit ngenry. 619 Ilily.
Horn, to Mr am) Mr. Willi. im Wallace f
Des Moines, n daughter.
Kxhlhlt uml etili- of Olbson pictures.
Alexander Ar '' . 'Kt llrondwuy.
Oi't tour work done nt the popular Kaule
launilrv. 721 Hroadwa) . 't'hune IB"
W K.iIhi undertaker, OT I Vat I street.
Tnlcpn.pties llln- !iT, residence. 33.
Mrs. Anna It Miller of KantM-. city !
the truest of ln-r nc;ilicw. I'. W. Mlllir.
V 5raff. undertaker and lln-nsed om
halmer, 101 South Main street. Thotie f.
E. A. Moorehuuso Is In I.okhii. la., on
Miss Sybil Cleveland left yesterday on a
visit to friends In Jacksonville. I'l.
A. C Hapulje, formerly of tills city, now
of Rochester, N Y , Is vlslsliii; frl-nds here.
I'rof Downs and wife of Harrison street
have Rono to Ncoln to make their homo.
Judge Mnrv on Hiljnuriimi-nt of i:ourt -
trrdHy iifterm ui unit t Hiirlun to spend
Dutlday with Ins rainm.
Mrs John Smith and family wIMt to ex
terd their think' t.i all thm- who us-lst-'l
tht in 'n iln lr Into I'l-ivnvi'incnt
It.iy Hklnm-r, !MJ Avmhio A repirted in
thn poll' I.isr t ftiitiK tint tils blcyt-.e
been nt ili-n from t h. front porch of lit
Mr hikI Mrs ! t. l.oapnr have returned
from 'Vdnr Rapid, whither thpy were
enilitl tiv tin1 death of Mrs. I.cnper's
N (' l'lillllt and family will movp tlrlr
rcehlei,. from the I'lillllps homestead on
Hluff street to tin- Kostrr Hats on l'lnt
Members Mf the Thensnphtriil society wdll
meet w . ilnosday nf termini at 2:' cln-k
Lt tin- ii'sldi'Mcc of Mrs. It. X. Merrintn, id
orhii street
1 phols:erlttK ih tie at Morton ,Sr Klein's
All kinds of muttrpsspM madp ovrr hy new
process better thuii new. 122 Houth Mufti
street Tilej'l.otio C4S.
Ullll.itn Arod A Son of South Main stPt
rrp'Ttpcl lo tin piilli'f ysti'rday tunr&lp
thp thi'lt of a si't of li.irncs from tin-It1
prpmlsi'" diirlnr. the protons nluhi
Tho m-nibi r of Coiini'il nimp No. II,
VooJnn n of the World, will iupp it illi'
liall this nflprni'on at I o'i Ioi 1 to attfiid tho
fnneril ' f 111.- lati- linns I' .lorai-ns u
Hp K Crfwdson pft ypstorday for
Kicsas i'lty to r.ttptnl lh" annun
niPpitnR -if tho christian i hiirch, with h .i
now In sisslmi. and will List until Oi'totu r
Marshall H.intiPt of Neoln dlPd yptTilav
a' Si ItTnard's hospital from lo -oni tor
n'axl-i nupd S7 yrars l(o was n ninny
pharRp but ha ndatlVPH in Ni'ola and Mar
Ian ThP haboas pornus prorppillnRs brought
nualnst Mr. O'ltrlpti to ri-covor po'r.-o'i
of a qlrl baby wi-ti- pontlniiPil In
the HUpiTlor pourt ypMttTiliiy' until HPXt I'M
dnj I.izzIh I. dsachtpr of ir and Mrs. J II.
Clpavrr. Co IMrst avftitip. dlt'd yostTlav
ini.rnltiK iiKi-il Is yours. Tin- fmiPl'ti,
which will bi hi'ld this altprnnon, will t
AM KiiIkIU of I'vthlas In thp i'lty arc !
qupstpd to mi'Pt this uml nlin; at V:M o'clock
at V F c.raffs undortiiklnn rootiH, I'd
Roiitp Main street, to attend the funeral -f
the late Prim Meyer.
ord wns teeelved hprr vrstit.ay that
Kred Hpurlltiir. the man anesteil at Avr.i
on nusplelo'i of beliiK ll'.i nils' I, in t.-.iln
rotiber had been ndPiisid. iih thPf were no
Krounds for Irililtiu; him.
Tim member- of l.odt;o No V. I ailUh
I rolborliood. ure rcijlieslil t'i trept ' till s
nflprxonn nl I o'clock al Mrand Arniy of
tl ItPiniblle hall to utfnU the funeral of
II I' .Inrspnson In a boily
f'liarlps I'lttltiKcr. a straiiKcr. was ar
rcned ii I)"teilivp Wei- last t Ii;li- n- i
si.spl'lous eh.iracler. When spurchp.l hr.
was ftpuod to be carryinn .1 watch an I a Id,'
r'tolver Hp was booked no account of the
In tier
During the temporary absence of Ma l.tuer
l.nop eNtcrdny niornlnt; a sneak thi f
i-'M-pcd Into the olllc" of the Iowa. Krilll ai'd
I'l itupe compauv. In thi' Masonic bl'ek,
im. i taliped the till. securltiK $7 and a timr
t In i-k for f2ii :.".
UOllam llranz. as iishIbiipp of ll-nrv
Hrauz. commenced suit In the district
coirl estcrdav acalnst William and Henry
DoiIkp to recover $7.1, the value of a horse
which was pastured with the defendant;)
and which either strined imny and wan
lout or was st"l"ii
The funeral ot thp latp Hans I'. Jori?.nson
be held nt 2 o'clock till J afternoon from
unkley'H uinlci taldiuT et ibllshment at iiii
Wi'M Ilrnadway Tho servlcea will be eon
ibipteil by ll"V It. K. Kntik. lector of
rluirih. and the funeral wdll be under tit
luisplces of the Panebo smluly.
TnnlKht 'Tallin Iteinnul" will be xbe p'.iy
at the liohativ theater. The popularity of
thn pla will doubtless brltnt out n crowded
house, as Is i.niallv Its reception In Coun
cil Hlurfs. It Will be ptcented With .ill the
uttentlon to iietatl as matked Its orljlnil
production In New York city. Now beenery
has been added for Hip present sensnn .ind
the realistic enrthquate scene In tile last
net Is soinethltiK well worih seelm?
Tho funeral ol the In.e 1 "rlt as Meyer w. I
bo held this mnrtilm ffnm the 11 d"ita'-ln
fooraa of WV K. Hraff, 101 Houtli Miln street.
Theso will act nr padbeirPi's: Kroin tho
Odd Ki'llowh. Charles Sell nor, Kred Itapp,
A Holier. I. K.rinn; from the K- ishts of
I'ythlas, .1. .1. Klein. J V S. h iem nn.
(leorKe Hill, Kred Shernviti. The hononitv
pilllbearetH will be: C. Oelso, John I.ltil-r,
Klrncht. K. J. Stemler. John Schleket.in3,
nr. K Hush, S. O. I'mlerwooil and I,. A.
.1 II Hawkins, the younir nun arrcsipd
Krldity nvenlliK while U'lnn to sell a
bicycle for $'.' at one of the paw'nsh"ps. Is
belm; held for InvestlKntlon. He e'alms to
bu from Ktneroti. la., whete he has been
wnrkltur ns a farm hand. When llrst ar
rPMted ho said he was a stnckmnu wlt't a
carload ot cattle on the Solith nmlia 'iilf
Uet and having tetnpnraillv run shnit f
ready rnsh was trying o ralso the wind hv
selling his wheel
N Y. rinmbltiK Co., telephone 250.
$1,000 worth of sample furs, comprlsttiR
ltoa anil Collarettes, to close out nt less
than manuMcturer's prices. Now on B.tle.
DoHton Store. Council Uluffs, la.
Tho KlnK Dec Is concetled to be the hot
blaat Dtovii without an equal on tho market.
Potprton A SchoenliiR sell them. '
HowcJl'a Antl-"Kawf" cttre3 courIis, coljs.
MnrrlOKC l.lccnnrs, s
IdcnnscH to wed were Issued yesterday to
tho following pursous
Name and Uesldence. Arc
M. K Anhlo). Macedonia. la 23
Ttlancho Hose. Council Hluffn 19
O. H l'eteruon. Council Uluffs v,
Itlllunl l.andou. Council Uluffs
I. trcHt Assort titciit
$1,25, $1,50, $1,75, $2,00
41'2 Urij.idw.iy.
Negotiate! In Eastern Nebraska
1 nd Iowa James N Casady, Jr.,
Ue M tlli St . Council Uluffs.
Save Your Money ufe
PAVI(i.t, 1,(A AM) III ll.UI.MJ ASS'X,
iit'd I'enrl Street, Council lllufla, Im.
Omaha's Late Carnival Recalled liy Two
Suits Just Started.
Creditors I itdertnKe to Secure Their
Claim mid th.- Itesnlt Is Vrrest
nil the Chnrue of Horse
A dispute m o the ok net ship of eleven
head of horses led 10 the arrest esterday
morning of William Maloney of Omaha.
Thomas Maloney of this city and James P.
falter, a trainer at the ilrUIng park, on
the chargo of horsestealing. The Information
was filed In Jiistbe Kerrler's court by 1). J.
Jarvls, who claimed to nun six of tho horses.
II. V.. Cullen. who claimed to he tho owner
of three of the animals, did not resort to
criminal proceedings, but commenced action
In the same court 10 recover his property.
Muring the recent In Out.iUa W.
II. Ctilleus had n do it and pony show on the
Midway that evident!' did not prove a very
paying Investmcn. "s i; wonu he was rum
I riled to borrow mnci 1 rom thp .Malotievs.
whu claim that li" guv thrm n hill of sale
on his entire on tilt, including the eleven
horses. Knlllng lo get their money the Mn
lottejs attached CiiIIcii'm property on the
other Hide of the rlvif. also the eleven head
of horses which were In Carter's rare, at
the driving park In this city. Carter stir
rrndired the animals on the representation
mndo to 1 1 1 1 11 by William Maloney that he
held a bill of sale for them.
W. H. Cullens denied that he gave Ma
loney any bill of sale, but says he simply
furnished him with a memorandum of thai
portion of the show thut was his persoual
property nnij that It did not Include theso
horses. Tho civil action brought by 11. '..
Cullens Is set for Monday morning and tho
hearing In the criminal proceedings for
Monday afternoon. The thtee defendants
promptly gave ball for their appearance.
Ladles' desks, renter tables and extension
tables. These tire elegant pieces of fur
niture. You can own either piece by pay
ing Keller & Hand, 107 llrniuhvay, $1 a week
until paid for.
Prtprson & Sclioenlng, Mcrrlam blo.'k. nre
gcncrnl house furnishers and will give jou
tho best In the land at prices thai will save
you tnonov from what the same goods will
cost you In other stores.
Notable W edition Add 11 Dnsli of
Color to (lie l'i occcdliiK".
Miss (leiievleve Cnhlwell and Mr. James
It. MrCnmb were married at high noon
Inst Wednesday at the homo of tho bride's j
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jestie ('a id well. 6'."i
Lincoln u venue. The wedding ceivmony '
was performul bv Hev. K. Allen Kuders.
naUor of the I'resbvterlan church in Ham- !
burg. la. The wedding mnrch from "Lo- I
hengrln" wuh played by Miss Nettle A I tin- '
worth as the bridal party entered the ,
narlora and took their places underneath ;
handsome decora Hons of smilax and car- 1
nations with n background of paltntt an. I
funis. The bride was elegantly gowned
In white allk nnd carried bride's roses.
Sh wan accompanied by her sister, Miss
Jessie Caldwell, an nuild of honor. Fol
lowing the wedding ceremony an elaborate
wedding dinner was served. Among thoso
nresent from out of town were: Mr. and
Mrs Thomas McCnmh, Cameron, Mo.,
parents df the groom; Mr. and .Mrs. Alex
tinder Caldwell. ISshcx, la.; Mr. ami Mrs.
William Toft. Omaha; Mr. John Toft nnd
Mlsa Mnrv Toft. Shenandoah. In.; Hov.
and Mrs. Allen Endera, Hamburg, la. They
will be at home to their friends In Hssex
after October ll.
Mr. Kav W. Hlxby nnd Miss Maude Mc
Donald were ninrrled Thursday evening
at the borne of tho bride's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs Charles W. McDonald, on South
Klchth street. The ceremony was con
ducted bv Hev. W. S. Darnes ot the First
I'resbvterlan church, only Immediate reln
tlvca being nresent. Mr. ami Mrs. llixby
havo gone to housekeeping at CflO Sauth
First street.
Mrs. Felt cave an elaborate card party
Thursday afternoon at tho Recline rcsl
deni'o 011 Fast I'lerce street. Thero were
twenty tables, tho prize falling to Mrs.
Oeoren Hrown, For those who did not
tdnv cards there was a guessing contest,
which resulted in Mrs. John Heno, Jr ,
rarrvinc off (he honors ami prize. Flegju.
refreshments wero nerved.
The Itoval Arcanum curd nnd dancing
partv Frldnv night brought out the swell
set In large numbers and the affair proved
one of the most enjoyable no far this sea
son One of the ulensunt entertainments of
tho week was the dnuclng party given lij
the women of tho Degree of Honor, Au
cltnt Order of Fulled Workmen, Frblny
evening at Knlglitr. of Pythias hall -In the
Merrlani block Light refreshmenta wero
served during the evening.
Mrs 1:. F. Watts W visiting with friends
at Jacksonville. 111.
Mrs. .Inlin .1. Cameron nnd daughter,
tlltulvs. of Lead Cltv. H. D., nro tho xurata
of Mts. Cameron's cousin, Mrs. J. M.
Jacob Neumaver and family nrrlvrd In
New York Cltv veatuday morning from
their Ihirotienn tour. Iv Is expected that
thev will reach home bv the middle of tho
Mrs. I. C. Ucuihnm and Mra. J. W. Mitchell
returned last evening from a threo weeks'
visit in Dcnvir. Colo.
Mrs. George L. Ktihle Is visiting frleuds
in Chicago for a week.
MIbs Pearl Vleu la visiting. friends In Liu
coin, Neb. Fhe, accompanied hy Miss
iiussie Stewart of Omaha.
I Ucv. John Asliln. I). D.. of Tabor, la.. 1c
tuo guest over Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 1
W. Host tit Willow avenue.
Hev and Mrs. J. W. Wilson and daughter
are spending Sunday In Tabor, la.
Mrs. Chamberlain of CIiIcoko. a former
resident of this city, has arrived to spend
I the winter with her graiiddaughtor, Mrs.
I Frank T True. Mm. Thorn of Valentine,
Neb., and Mrs. Hrown of Boston. Mass., aro
also guests at the True homo.
' Miss Kltznbcth Ilurt of Sioux City was
1 tho guest last week of c. w. McDonald and
t Miss Hella Cook of Hastings. Neb.. Is tho
guest of Mrs. W. S. Hcwotstm o: Park av
enue. I Mr and Mrs. J. H. Arthur have eone to
New York on a vit to their son.
William L. Thlokstun, teacher of piano,
802 Avenuo H. "Phone 51fi.
Destitute tVinnniu
A womati giving the namn of Mrs. F,. II.
Denny, having with her two children aRed
7 and 5 yeari, appllej at the police htntlon
lntt night for lodgfng, She said her homo
had been In Qulncy, ill., and sho was trying
to reach Colorado, Her hUBband had de
serted her and she had worked to support
herself and children until she become sick.
Her lungs were affected and the doctors
had told her the must seek n better climate
than Qtilney. With what little, money she
could scrape together fhe had purchased a
ticket ns far as Council Hlurfs, but was now
stranded with only ft In her possession.
Temporary accommodation for tho woman
and her children was provided at the
Woman's. Ciirlutlan Astoclnllon hospital
tl.000 worth of sample turn, comprising
Hobs and Collarettes, to close nut at less
than manufacturer's prices, commencing
than manufacturer's prices. Now on sale.
Hoiton Store, Council Hluffs, la.
A nicely furnished home Is one ot tho
pos'Ibllltles of today at a minimum cost and
at prices that nr? within the range ot all.
The best placn io go' to In order to gel the
best ami the most for your money is a'
Peterson .t S-borulng's, Mcrrlam block.
HISMIt III l,l.i: is TOO
IIIuITm 'renin lliiilite lo Itnlil (he
(ilnnts from 1 the lllec.
The Council Hluffs High school boys put
up a good game of foot ball yesterday
afternoon at the Driving park, but wero
not strong enough for the Missouri Valley
High school team, which cam" out of the
fray victor, by a score of 11 to 6. Oraham.
for the home team, did some p. 'client
voi-k. 1, ml twice prevented touchdowns bv
tho visitors bv fslling on the pigskin after
It had been fitmbl-d. Dlngmnn was also
In good fettle and scared tho only touch
down for the local High silmol. Cook nnd
llengle, fur the MIkmoiii'I Valley boys, did
lh" best work.
In the first half Missouri Valley kicked
otT and Council Hluffs lost the ball on
downs. After less than four minutes'
play Hlght Ciimrd Heagle of tho visitors
vrpt over the line for n touchdown, but
failed to kick goal. Cook, shortly nfter.
went through the line for another touch
down, but fumbled the ball and Ornham
fell on II. It was really a touchdow, but
the referee did not give It. The ball was
brought back to the If,. yard line, when
time was called.
In the second half Missouri Valley kept
the ball mest of the time In the Hluffa
territory. After a few ralnutcs' play Cook
was pushed over the Council Hluffs line.
1ml. like Heagle in tho ilrm half, fumbled
and Oraham ngaln prevented ti touchdown
by falling on Hip ball. This lima the
left ree ilc.-ldcd It wa:i a tnuchdewn and
the pigskin wns brought to the 2.1-y,ird
lino and kicked Cook got the ball ngaln.
after u few plays, and managed to cross
the line, securing t touchdown, nnd the
Goal wa. kicked This made the scorp
11 to 0 In favor of the visitor-. Council
Hluffs got the ball nnd made a
splendid 11111 around right end nnd safely
landed It behind the line of the Vnlleyltes
for a touchdown. Council Bluffs failed to
kick the goal, however. This brought the
score to 11 to " nnd time was called. In
the second half Knox had his left shoulder
dlilocuted. The lineup:
Co. HltifTx. Position. Mo. Vnllev.
Dlnzmati Left end Hrow n
''erron Left tackle Luhmun
Peterson Left guard Co'llthard
Cochran Center Smith
c.unpboll Right guard Lehman
Pilling Kl-;ht tackle Heagle
Kettrlug Hlght end ....McLaughlin
rteynor Quarterback Travis
Wheeler Hlght halfbnck Ollnger
r'iason Left halfback Conk
Knox Fullback Hogera
Substitutes: For Council HlulTs. Pilling
and Planner; for Missouri Valley, Carter.
Owens nnd Jackson. Referees: Harris. Mis
Hourl Va!lo . Hallock. Council Hluffs. Time
keepers: I)als. Mlsruirl Valley; Mitchell,
Council Hliiifd. Linemen: Frlnsler, Mis
souri Vnlb; Hicks, Council niurfs.
I'lir rlll'.
$1,000 worth of sample Furs, comprising
Hons and Collnrettes. to close out nt less
than manufacturer's prices, comtU'.nclnij
Saturday, October 1."..
Hoston Store, Council Hluffs, la.
Carpets, ni!s mattings, oilcloths and
linoleum nt Keller nnnd's, 107 Broadway.
You ran own either by paying $1 a week
until paid for.
Have you ever looked over the good points
of tho Radiant Homo bacburner? It Is the
test heating stove made In America. Sold
by Peterson & Schoenlng, Morrlam block,
and warranted not to crack.
Church VntPN,
St. Paul's Kplttopal church. Ilev. George
Edward Walk, rector. Eighteenth Sunday
after Trinity. Holy communion nt S o. in.;
morning prayer and sermon at 10:30 o'clock,
subject of sermon. "Avoiding Temptation;"
evening prayer and sermon nt 7 .10 o'clock.
subject of sermon. "Scinethtng About Churrh
History and the Anglo-catholic Reforma
tion." Hev. John Askln, O. D., of Tabor college,
Iowa, will preach al both services today at
the First Congregational church, exchang
ing pulpits with the pastor. Hov. J. W. Wil
son. Services at Ornec Kpluenpal church, Rev.
It. L. Knox, tcitcr, today will bo ns follows.
Sunday school at ! 45 n. m.-, mnrulng prnyer
and sermon ut 11 o'clork; evening prayer
and sermon at 7:,10 o'clock.
Elder Charles Deny of Woodbine, la.,
will pi each at the Latter Day Saints' church
on Pierce htreet nt 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.
111. tndny. Sunday school will bo held at
The Mount .Inn Hnpllst church will hold
hervlcis in Karnirn,' hall In the county
court houbc at 11 n. in. and 8 p. ni. The
pustor. Rex. K. D. Wilson, will preach In
the mcTnlng "Ml Rev. (Iretn of Omnha will
till the pulpit In the eenliig.
The Young People'.! Chrlnlan Temper
ance union w III hoi 1 n mcc'.lnn; this after
noon nt 3 n'rln.-l: at tho Hroadway Metho
dist church. The principal address will bo
delivered hy Arthur J. MrCo'.l of Dcb Molnrs,
state president of tho union.
District mil I Antes,,
Judge Macy In thi- district tourt yesterday
dlsmltsed the suit of John Crow against the
Pawnee Hill Wild West show, as Crow failed
to comply uhh the order of the court nnd
II In the additional Htlnchineut bond. Crow
brought suit ngalnst (he show to recover
damages In a cnnnlderahle inlin for nllcs-'d
breach of contract,
Mrs. Mary Smith has appealed to the su
preme court from the ri.llni; of Judge Mncy
III the district mutt In her.' divorce suit.
The court granted her the dlvo'rce prajrd
for, but refused her application for alimony.
The following final equity assignment for
the teim was made yesterday by Judge
.Monday. October 16 West against Short.
Tuesday, Octnlu r 10 Smith and others
ngalnst Hollow.iy and others; Sdtzer
against Limit and others,
Wednesday, October 17 lMwards agatnBt
C'araily and others.
Thursday, October IS-In the matter of
Wlgbtman cstnte.
Monday, October 22 Nush ngalnst Union
I.and ami Improvement company,
Wednesday, Octobtr 24. McKenzlo against
Commonwealth lO-eent cigar.
Davis sells' paint.
Ilncli mi Old ntti'iiilcr.
I Governor Shaw's parole for William E.
Hoch, who was sentenced to six months In
tho penitentiary for forging tho name of
tho Queal Lumber company to a check,
was received here yesterday afternoon, hut
It Is doubtful If It will be of much benrflt
to the prlioner. He Is still In custody at
tho county Jail, being held nt the rtqueat
ot the Otnulm authorities. Sines his con
rlctlon here It doTeloped that at tho time
Hoch committed tho forgery In this city
a suspended sentence of six tnoaths wai
hanging over his head for a similar oCTenst,
committed across the river.
In view of tho recent developments some
I of the oQlclals who signed the application
1 for 11 parole have since written to Oov
I ernor Shuw, withdrawing their names, and
It Is expected that the parole will bo
withdrawn and Hoch hare to serve out
his sentence, unless he Is turned over to
the Omaha authorities In the meantime.
Proprietor Merrltt of the Arcade hotel
of OmahB "vas victimized by Hoch to the
tune of $53 and he has decided to prose
cute him.
j SiiIIiikit'b NprnklliK Dutrs,
Hrnjainln I. Salinger of Carroll. Is.,
who has ben engaged by the ropitbllcnn
national committee for a number of
'specihes In Dakota and Indiana, was in
! tho city esterday on his way to Denlson,
where lie spoko last night. Friday night
he spoke at Atlantic, Cass county, to a
big meeting.
Talking about national politics, Mr. Sal
inger said: "Of eoutBO there Is no ques
tion about Iowa. It Is simply a question
of the slzo of thn majority It will roll up
for MrKlnley. My observations through
out tho state make me hnvo not tho
sllghtc't doubt but thnt the republican
party has made and Is dally making
steady gains. Tho democrats will realize
that there Is no apathy among tho repub
licans when It to voting next
Mr. SHllnger. who Is reporter of the Iowa
supreme court, will go to Dakota next
week and from there to Indiana.
It Is beautiful weather, but there Is no
telling when tin- change will come. Don't
let It cntch you without a good Btovo to
keep you wnrm. Look at the Itadlant Homo
hnseburner or the King Hee hotblnst bo
fore you buy. There Is no other niako on
the market tbat equals either of these stoves.
For Snip.
Just received, large (ample line of furs,
which we will close out nt less than manu
facturer's price. Now on sale.
Hoston Store. Council Hluffs, la.
Acorn bnseburners. ho' blasts, cooking
stoves, atrtlghts and steel ranges, tho best
stoves made Sold by Keller & Hand, 40"
Htoadway. You ran own one of these stoves
by paying $1 n week until paid fo
Kidnap Ills (iriinilclillil.
Fearing that his little fi-year-old grand
daughter, of whom be In passionately fond,
was about to be removed hy her parents to
Missouri, John F. Tbncker took the child
to his own home and refused to surrender
her to her father. Since the marriage of
his daughter with Phillip Hertes the rela
tions between Thackcr and his son-in-law
hnvo not ben. the pleasantest. When the
child's father learned that she was nt the
home of her grandfather and that the lat
ter had refused to surrender her, Hertes
went before Justice Vlen nnd filed an Infor
mation ngalnst his fnthrr-ln-law charging
him with kidnaping. Hertes accompanied
the constable to Thneker's residence, where,
after persuasion, the old man was finally
Induced to surrender the child. Ho gave
ball for his appearance and will have a
hearing on the kldnaptng charge Monday
afternoon before Justice Vln.
To those who think of furnishing their
homes an Invltntlnn Is uxtended to visit the
store of Peterson &. Schocnlng, Merrlam
block. They have everything you want and
will sell It to you at the lowest prices pre
vailing anywhere.
For finle.
Just received, large sample lino of furs,
which wo will close out at less than manu
facturer's price. Now on sale.
Roston Store. Council Uluffs, la.
Claims KiiliiKt '" IluaU.
Claims to the amount of $17,000 were
filed nualnst Olllcer & Pusey's bank yes
terdav with the clerk of tho district court
bv crrdltors. Six small claims aggregat
ing $1,200 were tiled against tho OUlcer
Hv order of court Receivers Hercshelm
nnd Murnhv were substituted as plaintiffs
in the several actions hrought ami pending
In the district court In the name of Olll
cer Pusev.
A number of the claims against tho bank
alreadv Hied wero nmended yesterdny so
ns to Include Interest at por cent from
the date of tiling.
Word wns received from Clnrlnda yester
day thnt W. H. M. Pussy's condition was
not lmnroved.
ICIUs l.ny Corner Stone.
The corner stone of the new Elks' club
house on First avenue will be laid next
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock with np
prourlate exercises. Dr. T. 11. Lacey, thj
exalted ruler, will lay tho stone, while
' F.mmnt Tlnlov will deliver the oration.
Tho Elks' duartet will furnish the music.
A number of members of the order from
Onmhn. Lincoln and Iowa towns aro ex
pected to be nresent on the occasion.
Don't burn vour old wool mattress.
Mcrean & Klein will do them over by thp
new nroeefcH better than uew122 S-ulh
Main street.
nintrlct Tcui-lirr' Mecllim.
ForU -three teuchors frum Garner, Kane
ami Lewis townships were present at the
district meeting held rslorday in County
Superintendent Mc.Mnnus' ottli-e. Tho sub
led dlKctic.-ud was "How to Lessen Tardl
nesn nnd Absence." District meetings
wero abai held in Cicsccnt, Oakland and
Macedonia vesterdur. Tno next moctiug
for this dlatrlct will ho held December 22.
Flvo meetings during the yetr will be
held In each district.
I 'hi- SiiI p.
Jusi received, large sample line of Furs,
which wo will close out at less than man
t.fecturer's prices, coiiimeiliinr; tomoirnw,
1 s-jttiiilty. October 13.
I Hcston Sti re. Council Hl'iffa. Is.
1 From one to a hnlf-dozou carloads of new
1 furniture received overy week at tho store
' of j'cteriou ib scnocning, .Mcriumi mut.
1 .
I Henl Kstule Trunfer.
I The following transfers were filed yestcr
' dny In the abstrnet, title and loan office of
J, W. Squire, 101 Pearl street:
1 Thomas Wilding to Jennie JI. fool;,
' iic.v4 eci 7 uml nw',4 swi4 S-77-H. ' d.$ 3..'00
County treasuier to John L Si-hroe-1
iler. lots 5 and . block Id. Hums'
add, t d :.' 0
Robert N Walle and wife et al to C.
L. Knight, lots 13 and 14, block 20,
Railroad add, w d "
County treasurer to Theodore Lawn,
lots 10, 11 and 12, block 3, Hunny
side mid, t d 4
Dnvld R, Lorlng and wife to Minerva
Hnrrold, lot 7. block 7. Pierce's Biib
dlv. s w d 70)
County treasurer to II. M. Hardin, lot
n, block 33, Mulltn's subdlv. t ... . 1
II. M. Hardin to EllZHbnth Hardin, lot
3, block 16, Hryant & Clark's subdlv.
lots IS and IS, Midland ndd: lot IS.
block 45, Ferry add, and lot 6, block
33. Mulltn's s.ibdlv, w d.. . 400
Huttle O. Hardin and husband to
Elizabeth Lumen, lot r, block 33,
Miillln'a rmbdlv, n c d M
Total eight transfers $4,413
e HATT1-HS. nnd ent ry tlie best nnd most up-to-dittc line In thin city, conslMlnp of the Miller
awes and Stetson -three of the best makes known. All .styles, all prlces-fiom $1 00 tip.
Phillip Sajg Iowa's. Second DiBtrict is Safo
in Line.
standard Oil Cnmiiniij lltijw I i tin
I, nut of the llltlrtii-iiilrlit Ice
I iiniiiinles In the Cltj nf
lrn Mollies.
DES MOINKS, la.. Oct. IS. -(Speciul Tel
egram.) Charles Phillips, member of the
state republican central committee from the
Second district, returned today from n visit
of several days In Mnquoketa and In other
parts of the district. After thoroughly In
vestigating the situation Phillips says he
would be willing; to watr almost any
amount within reason that Captain Rumple
will be elected to congress. lie did not de
pend altogether upon what his eyes saw, but
conversed with those who ulwnys keep In
close touch with the political situation, both
democratic and republican.
Harvey Ingham, Gardner Cowles and
Committeeman Drug of the Tenth district
nro lu conference with the republican con
tral committee today In relation to a list
of speakers for that section of the state. It
was decided to give them six speakers, but
tho list has not yet been made up. Hon. C.
O. Saunders of Council Hluffs will be one of
them, however.
Tho following opinions were handed jlown
by tho supreme court this morning'
Mary Yetzor against John L. Yotzer,
Laura. Yetzer and Mabel Yetzer, Cass dis
trict; reversed.
Robinson & Co. against John F. Larson,
Henton district; utllnned.
R W. Carraher acuinst R. H. Sheriff. N.
H. Frnnre, T. I). Hnstle and Allen. Hue
district, reversed.
A. It. Chadwlck Hgnlnst .lame Stnut.
sheriff. N. H. France. T. I) Hnate nnd
George F Thiers. Polk district . atllrmed.
It Is stated that the Htandard Oil com
pnny, which has been working to gain con
trol of all the Ire plants In the city, secured
the last one today. A week ago the Stand
ard's agent, A. L. Cllnlte. announced that
ho had five out of the six plants and, nfter
holding out a week, he now has the other
The six plants are valued at 11.,000.
"Drat People on ISnrtli" CJlve One of
Tlielr CluirHCterlstlr Funnies
at Atlantic.
ATLANTIC. Ia.. Oct. 13. (Special Tclo
Erum.) The InBt dav of the Atlantic car
nival closed with an Immense crowd 111
tho cltv and a day of enthusiasm. It wus
democratic dav and Klks' day and the
members of tho order were In attendance
from Council Hluffs. Omuha. Crcston and
nolnts of southwestern Iowa. They gave
a parade tonight, which caused no end ot
amusement. Many of thctn wero clad In
nlchtKowns and carried torches and others
wero dressed 110 In various fantastic
styles. Ono of the features was a "patrol"
wason Iraniovlsed from a butcher's cart.
In which thev gathered up Klks who were
still found In tho stores or on the streets.
After parading through tho streets for
half an hour they proceeded to tho Klks'
hull, whero a characteristic and Interest
ing program was carried out and a bau
uuet was bIvcd.
Tho tloral oarado was repeated today.
This afternoon during ono of the frt-o
performances a large crowd was standing
In front of ono of tho stores, when the
sl'downlk uavo way und precipitated about
thlrtv neonlo Into a bnsemcnt ten feet
below. No one was serloutdy Injured,
thbiich several sustained bad bruises. No
sooner had tho people been gotten out
than a stone step fell lu where they had
In a secern nt the opera hcuso this
aftrrnoon I. H. Gibson, candidate for stale
nudttor on the denuicrntlc ticket, pro
nounced President McKlnley and quite n
number of other republican lenders
traitors. Thin Indictment did not call
fcrth much enthusiasm among tho Cass
countv democrats.
AVIIIInni Till till I of Inrrn Is Kul.l
(o lie III Soldiers'
WATERLOO, la., Oct. 13. William Tut
hlll, mourned ns dead slnco October 18.
ll-SH, Is said to have been located nt tho
Soldiers' homo lu California. Tuthlll
formerly lived at New Albln, la., where
ho became a member of tho Ancient Order
of United Workmen of Iowa. Ho disap
peared at Ottawa, ICati., and sevoral yenrs
later his wife, Harriet A. Tuthlll of Du
buque, brought Htilt to recoer on a $2,M0
policy held In the order. The enso was
tried twice In the district court und is
now pending In the supremo court. Tut
hlll was located, It Is alleged, by an ap
plication his wife mnde for a pension. A
search of the records. It Is said, revealed
that a party of the same name, company
nnd regiment s being paid n pension In
the Soldiers' home of California.
Cull for Contribution.
SIOUX CITY. Ia Oct. 13 Commander
M. I). Pavls of the Department of Iowa,
Grand Army of the Republic, has sent to
his adjutant general a general order call
ing upon comrades In thin state for con
tributions to relieve botwren 150 and 200
families of old union soldiers who suffered
by tho Oalvestnn disaster.
Anything In the hardware line ran be
found at Peterson & Schoenlng's, Merrlam
Women's Hoard of Mission.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 13. This morning's
session of the Christian Women's nnard nf
Mlitslons meeting was taken up In listening
to aevernl addresses and In the submlislon
and dltcuBslon of reports of the committees
on India, Jamaica and Mexico. Miss Mary
Grayblol, a missionary In India, addressed
the gathering on the work In that country
and Mrs. Uathrop Coolley of Ohio spoko on
bible work Other addresses wero by Robert
This Is mil tincipccteil tic -t to us, nm nt- hrxrr ulnars mntntalnrit
that the WIT (JAHI.AMI IllSH lit It. VIC It H, ,,"'."
111 or bet li all ndils, Tliry linrt- niir-tlilrd larger ulr fltim nml
Ilie bnttCMt linse of lili llnril c.inl stnic ninile. Tlirj nre tlnest In
ileslmi. nml the nli-Ule U Kimi'sntrcil not to tnrnl.ti. U11 nlll koi.ii
lie nntliiK r stnt e, nml vrc niuil yoti to cum.- In mid rr Oils store
nml net our iirlcr brfnre yon bnr.
I oiilriietorx run sure lilnnr, l,r burluu thrlr liiilldlnir KsrJnar.
1 10 in nm.
H arc nKPllts for Ihr
Majestic Steel Ranges and Boynton and Monitor Furnaces.
P. C.
TUt Old
504 Broadway.
White snameled lino
ono quality In anything
Their J15C0 Cook Htovc Just s durable ns their $35 Range Plainer and
loss of It all the dffercui- ira and cheaper grades in all other Unci
mean poorer qunllty and less durability. Not so In Huck's. Ono quality--the
best. We sell the fuel savers of the country-Colo's Original Hot nUut,
for hard or soft coal. The Favorite Haso Burner two nnd one-half tons will
run It. The I'nderfecd Furnnco snves half the cost of hentlnir.
Council Bluffs,
0060e00000009000090090 oo
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In a body for sole t m Tory reasonable pries. Thus
lots are located In Omaha, addition an a It high and dry. Tbty
will make a rplondld location for soma faotorr. Bavtral other lets
suitable for building purposes oo of thorn especially will make
a fine location for a home, belnc within on block ot th motor
line and within two blocks of a school houi and churoa locaUa
la the weatern part ot the rftr.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
Do you know thnt DoLonp;, tho Printer, has n stationery dopnrtmont, where
evorythlnp lb sold ut ronHotmblo prices?
Good Pencils, 2 for Sc All lcinds of Pens, 10 for Sc. Letter Flies, 35c
Mielf Paper, 10 yards for fic. (Jood EnvclopcH, 25 for fie.
A Fino Lino of Uox Stationery nt Kasy Prioos.
m w4nm
1'se Hells Hbe imatn Cure, a sure and
prompt remedy .or rheumatism, neuralgia,
sclathu lutnlmso. gout. Has cured thous
nnda will are ou Price 50c a box; small
size 25c, at druggists or mailed.
niinell III 11 nn. lima, Anentn.
Itlsapniltim ewri. f'r c-jrHtwlj., caturr 1, nerynij
iriiuhl!-, lieaiUi Im ami "'"""'r,"1";";,,.,'. f !iil.
Otic n, u.. u.nUiieniuiirotlianH
7 Z iu'unerJ tiy'bealh. cut Suddenly Cured.
I - S T".it"-"d inn- -tilMlioo-l with a tliou
( T li,i .ifui.tintHibnriiifcntnrru, ner-
'J von INiiblei, tirjiUclie, couitlra lot)
rf snd errllclad, I tiwn n inr.j worn
V. 1 ticatuieut of iT. ilurklmrt' oiot4ble
StrAlA. I'.inipound wblrli radli-allr ciireil roe.
-"SP-1 Mnllle llilro-, Wilton, Me.
Fur Ml" by .ill driiKKMi. , Tlilrtr Uyf trMtmn
for si-i. ntr day' ireutioiTit M uuaittn'
tMtiuenl l ' "'lovi irratiiunlrN
In Jublet I iirm I'lramint to Take,
lilt. W. h. HLltKllAItr, UtKlruutl, Oh o.
Hopkins of Illinois and 1). IJ. Iinnncnberc of
Indian Terntory.
Tho llrst session of the American Christian
Missionary society, the secoud of tho three
ullled societies making up thn convention,
was hold this tuornliiK. presided over hy
Frank YV. Allen of Kentucky. This society
will bo In session until Wednesday noxt.
Tho morning's business waa purely routine.
Relief (ilvcn lo (Sill vi-slim,
OAI,VESTON, Tex. Oft. 13-Hnirart
Healy. treasurer rt itii Oa'vcatnn roll -f
fund. acknowledRe'i receipt of eonlrlbiul'ins
from Octnbcr t to II. inclusive, amountliM
tn 11DS.tii2. This Includes JIJ'.O'M receive 1
thrniiKn CJovernor fltyers and 121 K2I re
ceived through Mayor Joiks Thn arnnint
previously ucknowleda d was I7M,M3, ma(.
InB Hie total to date f,1j.
nellnlilr llnril rrnrr Mnn,
Tel. 87.
Hlscuit In 1-2 Minutes.
Ruck's Cast Cooks and Ranges,
called Ruck's
0 - -
Houso of 6 rooms, cellar, city water and
bath, 1 blocks ftom I'. 0 J1.100.
6-room houso on Mynstcr St., J 1.600.
g-room bouse, pantry, closets, city water,
cemented cellar, nice lot, fruit and shade
trees, blocks from I'. O., $1,600.
Good 5-rooni house, with bath and closet,
cellar, city water, cistern, goed barn; only
House of 1 rooms, pantry, cellar, coal
Iioubo, city -water; $S!iO. ?60 down, balance
C-room house and room to finish two more
rooms, city water, good repair; $1,100. $100
down, balanco monthly.
Kino houso of 10 rooms besides basement,
bath, rloset, kus, furnace, laundry room,
water on threo Moors, cbnlro location.
100-acro farm, nearly all In cultivation,
bouse, barn, well, etc., $25.00 per acre.
Johnston 6t Kerr
-.15 Broadway, Co Uluffs.
iDohapy Theater,..
Ml.MIAl il( TO lllill I I.
Twelfth yinr of Aldnn Henrdlct's
A romantic Melodrama of Hurpasst,K
hxci letiro,
Triers, '-!', tl.'n Hint r,Oo.