Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1900, PART I, Page 6, Image 6

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Informality of Country Olub Superseded by
Conventionality of Drawing Room.
l'rrlly dull Honor (n lie llencrtc.1
Hut Ir h JoUrr
of the Sterner
Suolul 'nliMnlur.
MONDAV Mrs. i.rummer it luncheon and
whim party. ...
Miss liuna Martin s card I'artv.
'1 UiiSlJAV Wuluh-Kflley wedding.
WUDNHSIMY-W "'tworth-AxtPll wedding.
Uowllnt; narty at Metropolitan ciuti.
TIlUK"lu'v--Mr. J. 1. Manlflfll entertains
for Miss Uudd.
With the passing "t the nnul hop laat
evening tho Country club wcut Into hiber
nation until buds and birds again tempt
city folk to mako tho Journey alow? the
old overland trail. For several weeks po
plo of fashion have felt the chill of the
vcnlng air and have tnado up their minds
by decrees to surrender the informality
which comes with wide llelds and country
reads la favor of tho more precise hut
well-heated domain of tho drawing room.
Zcphyrus, tho west wind belying hlu gentle
name, and llorens, the northern blast,
buvo smitten them and last ulht they do
listed. The occasion last evening might easily
have boon u thanksgiving lor a most happy
first season from tho viewpoint of so
ciety, golf and llnaneo and the merry
makers were not without the fecllns of
mutual felicitation. Tho Interior of tho
club houso has been adorned by nccro
tlons until It Is it delightful den, pleasing
to tho eye of nil who havo tho heart of
a good fellow. Tho regular Saturday
night dunces havo been it bright spot In
tho summer lives of the Btayat-homos
and tho dining room, dancing lloor and
links havo offered all sorts of suggestions
to thoso whoso aim was to be dlvortcd.
U Is not meant to Imply that tho club
houso will wrap Itself In tho folds of Its
gravel walks and stand solltnry tbrousli
tho winter, for the golfor of tho sterner
sort will stand true to tho eighty acres.
Kclleved of the feminine- presence his will
bo tho privilege ft putting feet In high
nooks and spinning yarns over flowing
mugs In forbidden places.
There was lit t lo extra preparation for
tho last bull of the season, except that a
string orchestra was present and moro
elaborato refreshments were sorved. Tho
Informal spirit ruled to tho last nnd little
pretension was made in tho way of even
Ing dress. It was altogether a happy close
to a happy summer.
Even though tho m-ason Is scarcely con
ventional for such occurrences, tho list
of weddings again risen to its ubnormal
staturo of tho last few weeks. Cupid
seems to aim no less surely in ulster and
gauntlet than when attired In his more
Beauty springtime attire. Tho reversal of
the season during the last two weeks Into
April mildness may havo had Us moral
Inlluenco upon those who must pay rent
nnd coal bills or slay single. Somo of the
functions were in churches with tapers
nnd choir boys, but tho great majority,
following the simplicity of the day In such
things, were In homo parlors In tho pres
ence of choBen friends. There are other
similar events of Importance impending
and tho boom promises to last well on to
tho holidays.
In Honor of Dr. nniTHtm.
Ucv. C. N. Dawson was given a cordial
and enthusiastic reception by tho mem
bers of tho Soward Street Methodist Episco
pal church last Thursday evening. In
point of service, though not lu age. Dr.
Dawson Is tho oldest Protestant clergyman
in Omaha, having been pastor of tho Meth
odist church nt South Tenth street, South
Omaha, Walnut Hill nnd Is now entering
upon a now pastorate with tho Soward Street
people. A number of tho clergymen and
prominent laymen of the city wero pres
ent at tho reception.
E. C. Hodder, tho church treasurer, was
In chargo of tho program. T. F. Sturgess,
ns u represontatlvo of tho olllclury, aud
Mrs. II. S. Ilhondos, who spoke for tho
women of tho church, made tho welcoming
addresses, which were responded to by -Dr.
Dawson, who, whllo expressing regrof nt
having to say goodbyo to his old parish
ioners, was thankful that he had been sent
to a church where ho had bo many friends,
who had already mado him feel that ho was
at home.
Presiding Elder Jonnlngs reviewed tho
work of tho conference recently held at
Norfolk and said tho outlook for Metho
dism In Omaha was brighter than It had
ever been. He announced that ho had Just
rocolved a letter from Illshop McCabo, stat
ing ho will be lu Oniub.i early In December,
when tho bishop would Bpond threo months
In Nebraska and Kansas. The MIbscb Karr,
Oglo and Scorist delighted tho audience 'with
several selections on tho piano. Prof. J.
M. r.lllnn gavo two readings which were
highly appreciated. Tho Voting Men's
Christian Association malo quartot enllv
sned tbo occasion with somo soul-stlrrlng
Moelnl Clilt Chut.
Mr. E. E. Dalch Is ablo to bo up again.
Captain and Mrs. Erwln are at the Mil
lard for tho prcsont, but will occupy their
A .cv Cntiirrh Cure, Wlilnh l Hi
.jtldly Couiliiic to tin- I'Vonl.
For Boveral years, Eucalyptol, Gualcol
nnd llydrautln bavo been recognized na
standard remedies (or catarrhal troubles,
but they havo alwaya boeu given separately
nnd only very reoeutly on ingenious chem
ist succocded in combining them, together
-n 1th other nntlseptlcs Into u pleasant, ut
fcctlvo tablet. b sell tho remedy under the
namo of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets ami it
ban met with runinrkablo success lu tho
curoof nasal catarrh, bronchial and throat
catarrh and In catarrh of tho stomach.
Mr, V. N. Ilonton, whoso address Is caro
of Clark House, Troy, N. Y., says: When 1
run up agalust anything that is good I
llko to tell people of it. I have boeu
troubled with catarrh moro or less for some
time. Last winter moro than ever. Tried
nevoral so-called cures, but did not get
any benullt from them. About six weeks
ago I bought n GO-cont box of Stuart'B
Catarrh Tablets and 1 am glad to say that
they havo done wonders for mo and I do
not hcsltnto to lot all my friends know
that Btuart's Catarrh Tablets aro tho right
Mr. Geo. J. Casanova of Hotel Griffon,
West Oth street, New York City, writes: I
havo commenced using Stuart's Catarrh
Tablets and already they havo given me
hotter results thau any catarrrh euro I
have over tried.
A leading physician of Pittsburg advises
the uso of Btuart's Caturrrh Tablota In
preference to any other treatment for
cnlurr! of the head, thront er stomach.
Ho claims thoy are far superior to Inhal
nrs, salves, lotions or puwdor, and are
much moro convenient and pleasant to tnko
nod aro so harmless that llttlo ehttdron
tr.ko them with benellt, au they contain no
op'ote, cocaluo or uny poisonous drug.
All druggists sell Stuart's Catarrh Tab
let nt 60 cents for full sized package and
they are probably the safest and meat re
liable cui for uuy form of catarrh.
house at Fortieth aud Izard streets this
Miss Allen will remain In Chicago for
two weeks.
Mrs, Harry Hopkln Is slowly recovering
her health.
Mrs. Henry Meyers Is seriously ill nt
her father's home.
Mr. Pr!o Markoll is slowly Improving
from nn attack of typhoid fevor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Archie Love have taken
rooms nt the Madison for tho winter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hood are now lu their
home, 102 South Thirty-second avenue.
Mrs. J. L. Mnnlgal will entertain on
Thursday for Miss Ilubb of Port Sheridan.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Welch are settled In
their new home, lit South Thirty-eight
Mr. and Mrv Clnrks E. Clapp lire pi
home to their friends at 112S South Thirty
flrst street.
Mr. and Mr. Prank Ilarrctt nro now
occupying their new home nt lit North
Thirty-eighth street.
Miss Edna Mnrtln will entertain nt cards
on Monday iu honor of Miss Dorothy
Kctchum and Miss Leona Smith.
Mrs. L. H. Crummer will givo ,i luncheon
at the Omaha titib on Monday, followed
by u whist pirty at tho Merrlam.
Tho Omaha Guards have Issued Invita
tions for ti ball on Monday, October L'2,
that being tholr thirteenth anniversary.
Messrs. Love, Dickey nnd Kpraguo pro
pose tc build summer homes lu tho spring
and huve bought land In the vicinity of
tho Country club for that purpose.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Wnggattinn left
on Monday, after a week's stay with Judge
and Mrs. Wiikelcy. In token of their ap
preciation of the courtesies extended to
them by tho Country club, Mr. and Mrs.
Waggaman gavo an American Hag to the
club. It measuros 20x10 feet and Is to be
raised on the sixty-foot pole which Is al
ready placed Just east of the club house.
I'll-IINIII-fM I'llMt.
Mm. Charles Ogdcn gave a whist luncheon
on Thursday lu honor of Mrs. Clapp.
Miss Illanchc Howlund gavo a luncheon on
Saturday In honor of Miss Dorothy Kctchum.
Tho Mexican club had u most enjoyable
time on Friday at tho home of the Misses
Master Itonald narrows gave a birthday
party to several of his young friends lust
Mrs. Lake entertained informally at tea
on Friday in honor of her guest. Mrs. Mc
Cluro of Wisconsin.
Tuesday oventng the Et-a-Vlrp club gavo
Its opening assembly for tho season of lUOu
at Metropolitan hall.
Tho Men's club of the Church of tho Good
Shepherd mot for a social evening at the
home of Itcv. Percy Sliver on Monday even
ing. Mrs. Horaco G. Hurl gavo a white and
green luncheon on Saturday In honor of
Miss Kellcy, who Is to bo married on Tues
.Mi 6. Coutant entertained at a whist lun
cheon on Saturday In honor of her guest,
Mrs. Sylvester Smith of Chicago, and Mrs.
Clapp. v
Mrs. Aument of 4170 Cass street enter
tained nt luneheou last Wednesday In honor
of Miss Fischer of Llttlo Hock, who Is
visiting Mrs. Leu Eiitclle.
Mrs. A. G. Teriill entcrtainnd at cards on
Friday overling nt her home, 1122 North
Twenty-fourth street. Tho party was com
plimentary to her Bister, Mrs. G. N. Hilder
brant of St. Joseph.
Tho congregation of tho Trinity Methodist
church gave n reception on Tuesday ovon-
ing us a farewell to Dr. II. II. Mlllnrd nnd
his family and n welcome to their new pas
tor, Hev. D. K. Ttndall, from Grand Island.
Dr. Mlllnrd will go to that city to succeed
Dr. Tlndall.
Mr. Julius Meyer entertained a party of
frlonds nt the "Runaway Olrl" on Monday
evening In honor of Miss Jaeoby of Los
Angeles, Cal. His guests were: Mr. aud
Mrs. Hugo Hrnndcis, Miss ilchfeld and Miss
Jacoby. A Bupper was served after the per
formance nt tho Metropolitan club.
Tho hop at tho Country club last even
ing was tho last of thoso Informal affairs at
the club for the season. It was largely at
tended, many remaining from the after
noon game, in which the women strove for
supremacy. Tho music, furnished by a string
orchestra, waB unusually good and the even
ing thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Mrs. Harry Aument entertained at luuch
eon on Wednesday. Tho decorations wero
violets, tho place cards being painted in
violets. Covers wero laid for ten, tho
guosts being: Mrs, M. P. Funkhouser, Mrs.
Waltor Williams, Mrs. Ed It. Shaw, Mrs.
G, M. Weaver, Mrs. Judge Estcllr, Mrs. J. C.
Hodman, Mrs, Richard Pagan, Miss Fisher
of Kentucky, Mrs. Peuficld of Chicago and
Mrs. Aument.
Mrs. Wnggamnn gave a unique breakfast
at tho Country club on Monday to a party
consisting entirely of women. Tho tablo
was dressed with American Heauty roses,
nnd nfter the breakfast tho women wero In
vited out to the first tee and there, with the
exception of Mrs. Hnldrlge and Mrs. Dro
gan, who ncted na JudgeB, were given threo
chances to drive a ball. The prize, a hand
Borao silver croamladle, was won by Mrs.
llroatch for the longest drive.
In honor of Mrs. W. R. Watson, Mrs. H.
H. Coryell received nbout 100 friends be
tween 2 nnd 6 o'clock on Friday at her home
on Duuglas street. Tho rooms were deco
ratod with palms nnd tho dining room,
whoro tho eolfee and Ices were served, wos
dro sed with pink rcB'-s, Thoto assisting were
Mrs. Richard Metcalf, Mrs. W. G. Temple. on,
Mrs. J. L. Haker, Mrs. C. E. llluck. Mrs.
Fred Hartman, Mrs. O. II, Wlrth, Mrs. N.
A. Miller, Mrs. Arthur English, Mra. R. W.
Hnllny, Mrs. E. R. Perfect nnd Mrs. Platner.
In honor of their birthdays and crystal
anniversary, Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Wagner, 2119 Grant street, enter
tained their friends, Progressive high live
was tljo feature of the evening, after which
prizes wero awarded as follows: First
woman's prize, Mrs. F. A. Konnedy; consola
tion, Mrs. A. E. Hutler; first men's prize,
Mr. E. (1. Smith; consolation. Mr. A. E.
Uutlor. Tho house wna decorated In pink
and green, Miss Hazel Wagner prejldlng
over tho punch bowl. Mr. and Mrs. Wag
ner were tho recipients of many cut glusi
presents. Thoso preBent wero: Mr. nnd
MrB. O. W. Lancaster, W. C. Turner. A.
E. Hutler, E. G. Smith. W. J. Hun
ter. E. D. EvanB, F. A. Kennedy, C A.
Sherwood, and Messrs. S. O. Couch, M. 11.
Mclleath, Clarence Clarke. Mrs. Haldwin,
Misses Matttii Kclley, Clara Clarke and
Gertrude Smith.
Otit-or-Tim n (itit'Mn.
Mr. l.uclan Wnlteloy was In the city on
Miss Hudd of Fort Sheridan Is visiting
Mrs. J. L. Manlgal.
Miss ncsslo Cowies of Minneapolis Is
visiting Miss Arnold.
Miss Elizabeth Fenlon of Scdalia, .Mo., Is
Mrs. E. Riley's guest.
MIbs Wood, who Is visiting Mrs. Pease,
will leave for homo on Monday.
Mrs. Hurt Kimball leaves today for
her homo In Salt Lake City.
Mrs. Lnwson and daughter will spend the
wintor with Mrs. Martha Heth.
Miss Newton of Fremont, Neh., Is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Rood.
Mr. Shermau Canfleld returned to his
much near Sheridan, Wyo.. last week.
Mr. and Mrs, S. E. Wherrctt and little
daughter returned to Chicago on Tuesday,
Mrs. Adelo Lewis of New York has been
visiting Mrs, Portorfiold She left for
homo on Friday, accompanied by Mrs, Wll-
lam Deebe, who has been tno guest of her
daughter, Mrs, Porterfleld, for two weeks.
The Misses McCormlek of Charlton, la.,
wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. IJ.ntni
last week.
Mm. C. K. Coutant hn as hrr gueet
Mm. Sylvosfer Smith of Chicago, formerly
t Omaha.
Miss Lena Hunter of Guthrie, Old., left
for homo on Tuesday, after n visit with
Omaha friends.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. K, Dunn wero guests nf
Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Rogers on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Osborne of Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Is visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Palmer, 121S
Park Wild avenue.
Mrs. CInrk Duncan returned to Sioux
City on Thursday after spending a week
with Miss Woolworth.
Mr. Wilcox Stevens, who has been visit
ing his brother, Mr. Luclnn Stevens, has
returned to Mont Clair, N. J.
Mrs. II. llockenbergor of Columbus Is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. O. E. Hamil
ton, 120 South Thirty-sixth street.
The Misses Tlmberlalte, who havo been
guests of Mrs. Myron Learned, returned lo
their home In St. Paul nn Wednesday.
Mrs. Fred Nyo nnd dnughter, Gretehen, of
Fremont are guests of Miss Josephine
Thatcher on South Twenty-seventh street.
MHs lllanche Sorenson of Portland, Ore.,
who hm been the guest of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Sorenson, hns returned
Mm. Edwin R. Machett and children 'nf
Lincoln nro visiting Mrs. Machett's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, 2I2S Do
cntur street.
MIjs S. Mnrgaret Clarke of Indianapolis,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. II.
L. Krelder, for tho last threo months, re
turned homo last Monday.
.Movement unit Wlicri-uliou t.
Mrs. S. A. Rush Is in Lincoln.
Mr. Fred Nnsh has gnno to Australia.
Miss Swensburg is expected home today.
Mrs. W. A. Paxton H oxpocted home this
Charles Hebren returned from Sioux
City last week.
MIhh Winnie Dunn Is spending her vaca
tion In Chicago.
Mrs. Daughetl nnd dnughter are expected
homo this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Squire nnd son have
returned from Chicago.
Mr. Arthur llrandels Is expected homo
from tho cast this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Whttmorc have
returned from Now York.
Miss Agnes Welter Is visiting Miss Edna
Sanderson of Fremont, (Neb.
Mr. Charles II. Schnefer has returned
from a trip to Albany, N Y
Mr. J. H. Lenser and wife of KansaB City
nro visiting Mr. A. M. Lesser.
Messrs. Clark nnd Chat Redlck spent sev
eral days In Kearney last week.
Mrs. C. W. Lymnn left last week for Glen
Springs sanitarium nt Wntklnd, N. Y.
Mrs. A. E. Dryson nnd son. Albert, left
Friday for a month's visit in Chicago.
Mrs. J. E. Haunt has returned from the
east, where she placed her son In school.
MrB. Hutler left Wednesday for Gallatin.
Tenn., where sho will visit for a eouplo of
Th6 Misses Crounne have returned from
the east and are gue:,i of Miss Llndsey for
the present.
Mr. Dalton Rlsley left last night for Chi
cago, Washington and New York nnd other
eastern points.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hobble and Miss
Hobble nro at Hattle Creek, Mich, visiting
Mr. Hue Hobble.
Miss Helen S. Wnlnwright returned lafd
Monday from a three months' visit In
Heaver City, Neb.
Mrs. E. Parker returned Wednesday from
a summer spent on tho Hudson, Long
Island and Washington.
Miss McKcnna sailed for Manlln from
Japan Soptembcr 11. Sho will be In Omaha
about the last of October,
Misses Helen Iloagland nnd Holene Wy
raan havo returned to New York to con
tinue their vocal studies.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ilrnnton of this city
left l.iBt Sunday for England, where they
expect to stay for a year.
Miss Mabel Stephen left for Chicago on
Tucsdny to nttend tho wedding of Edward
I. Stephen and Miss Clover Wilson.
Mrs. Klnsler and daughter, Hlanche, aro
homo after a two months' visit at nig
Stono Inke nnd Minneapolis, Minn.
Mr. Will Kaiser nnd sister, Mrs. Joseph
Horger, left Tuesday on nn extended visit
to Chicago nnd other eastern points.
Mr. William Krug, nccompauled by his
fister and daughter, returned to Omaha on
Friday, after a six months' tour lu Europe.
Mrs. Thnmna Kllpatrlek and daughter
sailed for Now York on Friday. They will
visit In the east before returning to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mooro of Council
Muffs leavo Tuesday for an extended tour
of tho Paclllc const. They expect to be
gono bIx weeks or more.
Mrs. S. S. Curtis and Miss Curtis have
returned from tho east, bringing with them
Mrs. Curtlb' mother, Mrs. Hlrd. They havo
taken a houso on Half Howard street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. II. Hake leave for Chi
cago this morning to meet their daughter.
Miss Ruby Hake, who Is on her way homo
from a threo months' visit with friends lu
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Spratt loft Thurs
day for Galena, 111., where they will visit
Mr. Sprntt's father for several weeks.
From Galena thuy will go to Chicago, thon
to Florida to spend tbo winter.
Miss Tlllle Gunzenhauser of this city has
gene to Chicago, whero Bho will visit
friends. From thcro sho will go to Louis
ville, Ky., South Hcnd, Ind,, nnd Musca
tine, la. Sho will bo absent about two
AYi-iIiIIiikk n nil IhiRHKeiiK'Uln,
The engagement of Mr. Guy I). French
and Miss Leona Smith has been an
nounced. Tho marriage of Miss Maudo Axtell nnd
Mr. Arthur Whltworth will occur nt tho
Mndlsou on Wednesday.
Tho wedding of Miss Nellie Baird and
Mr. Paul Patton will tako placo on Tues
day, October 10, nt 8 o'clock.
Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Mctz announco the
engagement of their daughter, Miss Louise
Muz, to Mr. A. C. Funk of Illoomlngton,
Cards are out announcing tho wedding
of Miss Mabol Lee of Fremont nnd Mr.
Hal Stuutenborough of this city on Tues
day. Invitations have been rocolved in Omaha
to tho marrlago of Miss Mnmlo Genlns aud
M.r. Harry W. Stono of Chicago, which Is
to occur In that city on Thursday ovcnlng.
Miss Florontlno Kobicm and Mr. Henry
King were quietly married on Tuesday
morning at St. Peter's church. Only Im
tr.cdlato frlonds wero In nttondance, Mrs.
Hen P. I.urrabco acted ns matron of honor,
and Mr. Georgo King of Knusas City as
best man.
Tho marriage of Mls Ileatrlce Hall,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Hall, nnd
Mr. Arthur P. Karbach will occur next
Wednesday evening at S o'clock at 2227
Miami street, tho home of tho bride. The
young couple w'lll'mako theti home nt C22
South Nineteenth Btreet.
Tho marriage of Miss Laura Mead and
Mr John Scott of Chicago was solemnized
nt 4 o'clock oa Thursday by Rov. Percy
Silver nt the Church of tho Good Shepherd,
The bride was given away by bcr father
and Mr. Alfred Mead attended Mr Scott
A supper at the Her Grand followed, the
party consisting of twelve. Mr. and Mrs
Scott will Ilvo In Chicago.
At Des Moines, on Wednesday evening,
occurred the wedding of Miss Margaret
McKcll and Mr. Robert N. Logan, nt the
home of tho bride's parents, the bride's
uncle, Mr. William F. King of Cornell col
lege pet forming tho eeiemony. The house
was decorated with smllax, palms nnd
American lleautles. The brido was gowned
In white silk and duchesse lace, with tulle
veil and carrying a bouquet of swnnsonia
Her sister. Miss Emily McKell, was the
mnld of honor, wearing white organdlo nnd
carrying American Ueautics. Tho other
bridesmaid wns Miss Ethehvynne Kennedy
of this city, who also wore white organdie
with white roses. Mr. F. S. Reed of Fort
Smith, Ark., was best man. A large num
ber of gu'e3ts wero present nt tho recep
tion which followed from 7 30 till 10
o'clock, when Mr. and Mrs. Logan left for
Salt Lako. On their return they will make
their home In Omaha nt 1012 Georgia
Miss Julia Officer, piano, Km bach block.
OMAHA ,st Mill US.
L. A. Taylor was a business visitor to
Tekamah, Neb., Saturday.
Mrs. Kelp of Omnha spent Friday visiting
with the family of O, J. Hunt.
Mrs. Ida Kindred nnd daughter, Flora,
wero Omnhn visitors tn Omaha Saturday.
.Mrs. Whltted's Elster from Papllllon, Neb.,
rpent a couple of days of this week visiting
John Flnkenkeller went to Calhoun Mon
day, where ho will bo employed for scvernl
Tho Ludles' Aid society of tho Presby
terian church will glvo tin oyster supper nt
tho church October VJ.
Mm. O. J. Mnrcy of Hay Springs, Neb.,
was tho giieBt of Mrs. I,. A. Taylor a
eouplo of dnys of this week.
S. A. Goodell nnd Fred Elltnghusen went
to Decatur, Neb., on n business trip Thurs
day nnd will bo gone about four days.
Rev. Irving Johnson of South Omnhn oc
cupied tho pulpit ut the regular servico at
St. Mark's Episcopal church Wednesday
Cluus Anderson, who has been In Iowa for
tho past four months, returned hero Friday
nnd will remnln here nwhlle vlBltlng his
Mr. D. T. Tnylor, a banker nnd stock ship
per of Hay Springs, Neb., was visiting with
his brother, L. A. Taylor, a couple of days
of this week.
L. N. Warller went to Onawa, la., Monday.
where he nnd Dave Neat of Calhoun, Neb.,
will do some rlprnpplng on the Missouri
river nenr that place.
Mrs. Irving Johnson and sons, who are
spending tho summer and fall months at
tho home of Mrs. G. J. Hunt, were business
visitors In Omaha Friday.
Carl Taylor Is at home on a couple of
weeks' vacation. Uo Is employed by the
Minneapolis & Omaha railway as brakeman
on tho north end of tho division.
Services will bo held today at 11 a. m.
nt tho Methodist church, preaching by the
pastor, Rov. Mr. Mnrkley.
Mrs. E. O'Connor hns been confined to
her room a fow dnys of tho lust week with
illness, but Is now better.
Mrs. Jackson, who has been visiting with
her son, Mr. A. J. Rnsenbaum, nnd family,
left last week for Iowa, to visit with rela
tives. Mr. Williams and family of Irvlngton have
moved Into Henson. Mr. Wllllnms Is a
brother of G. R. Williams, formerly living
lu Hcnson.
Mrs. J. N. Hortcn and children returned
homo InBt Sunday morning, nfter a two
months' visit with friends and relutlvca In
Kansas City.
Mrs. Dr. McCoy returned home ou Inst i
Wednesday morning from San Diego, Cal.. 1
whero sho spent the Inst two months visit- I
lug with relatives.
A light frost, which did not do much
damage, was had hero last Sunday night
This was tho first anil only frost of the
season in the vicinity of Hensou.
Tho MethodlBt Sunday Bchool will bae
Sunday school rally day services next Sun
day morning, to be held at the hour of tho
rcgulur morning services, at 11 o'clock.
A number of tho youn, people of Hcnson
went to Omnha last Tuesday night to take
pnrt In a birthday surprise party given for
Miss Margaret Salford, at her homo, In
honor of her birthday.
Tho members of the Methodist church
gavo 11 leception to tho minister, Rev. A. J.
Marklcy, and family, nt the church last
Friday evening, which was Inrgely attended.
A Bhort program, consisting of music and
short talks, whs had, after which rcfroJi
mentB wbrc nerved.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Van Emburgh of
Pialnflcld, N. J., aro the guestb of their
cousin, .Mrs. W. L, Selby.
Mr. William Colfax, who has been visiting
his slBtor, Mrs. W. L. Selby, returned to
Chicago lant week.
Mr. nnd MrB. Frank Cnrmlchael havo re
turned from their wedding trip, having
visited Deuver and other western cities.
At tho Inst meeting of the Duiuleo
Woman'H club Mrs. H. C. Van (IIphoii mus
made an honorary member. The next meet
ing will bo held at tho hoifio of Mrs. llass.
Heart to llenrt i'nll.s Nil. I.
Of course this is strictly confidential,
but do you know that the great emotional
actress, tho divine Sarah, is such a strong
believer In massage treatment that she
Indulges In tho luxury every day aud has
an operator In constnnt attendance? It's
n fact; she could not stand tho nervous
strain without tho sustaining, invigorating
nnd soothing effects of massage treai-
ment. Tho Ilatliery offers you this treat
ment; It offers more. It Is not u "Sun
shlno club," but It has brightened 111"
lives of many women lifiht laro at homo
and dues not depend upon testimonials
from peoplo who nre dead or living In
Missouri. Kleclrlclty In the latest appli
ances known to tho mientlllo ami mcdlcnl
world Is utilized In tho Uenstrom trent-'j
ment and tho results obtained nro simply
wonderful. It's a youth and beauty treat
mentupbuilding, vitalizing, full of now
No trentment of drugs no fancy schemo
can tnko tho pluco of tinturo's own cura
tive forces, nnd these forces uro utilized
to the full In tho Ilatliery.
Hemembcr this treatment Is not a cure
nil, but for rheumatism and nervous
trouble, for beautifying tho complexion,
for removing wrinkles, for developing tbo
bust or restoring tho plumpness nnd grace
of youth to those who are too thin, it I
unsurpassed. A fow treatments will do
more to convince you than nny number of
"Heart to Heart Talks." Why not In
vestigate? Tho now stylo Turkish baths given at
tho Ilatliery are delightful. Nothing llko
tho old style, but a great Improvement, so
much bolter that you'll never gn back to
tho old, out-of-dato way. The Ilathory Is
exclusively for ladies and nothing has
been neglected which could add to their
comfort c r convenience. Expert women
give tho baths and treatments aud a maid
Ib at your iiervlco. llco building, second
Mrs. Hoht. Hunter Is now ready to re
ceive pupils tn cooking for tho fall term
Residence. 1607 Lothroo at. Telephone,
a :9.
We believe
i ft
Correctly tailored, an article that has come to stay. Neat,
well-hung skirts, and proper lengths. Ideal not only for rainy
day wear, but for golfing, walking, jaunts, cycling, and other out
door wear. Their cost is soon saved in the wear taken oil! of your
dress skirt.
$3.90, $4.90, $5.90, $6.75, $7.90.
Take one jacket out of the hundreds
here. There is thought in it points of
cliichess that escape the casual observer,
but not a merchant that has jacket, wit.
Ho in anyone you inifdit pick out, com
pare the style and the work. It is super
ior to any in the land. One lot at Jfti.7").
another at $7.50. aud then the JJS.75 ones.
The All-Wool Kersey one in black, blue
and cantor at SMJH is the favorite up to
of all descriptions.
1510 DotmlasSt
Mot Drfnk
,.r :
The HUT Srfl.i ,,,n.ii is i,ow
on nt our .Soil ii Foinituln ami
experts will servo delirious hot
drinks at nil hours, unuuig which
will lie
HOT OI,M-!'AMIIOi:i ;iM;i;it IIM
itoT FHi'.vrii corn;!:
( WKItm SI.1MJ
MOT CI, V M HOI 11,1, ON
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
iiomi: of um n
( orner Kltli mill DoiIkc
OITi-liilerM AVIio till i- llfi'ii Hound Owl'
Mui'f I.iihl Term Arrutmu'il mill
(It en I linnet' In I'lenil.
.ladgo IUki.i' bail hlu criminal nee Hon of
tho district court in full blast yesterday
for tho arraignment of offenders who have
been bound over since tho hist term and
tho following were arraigned nnd pleaded
uot guilty: Frank Murphy, daylight house
breaking; (Icorgo Sametz and Frank
Murphy, ibiyllght housebreaking; Ucn Mar
shall, felonious assault; Thomas White,
four charges of burglary; Aly (lillord,
robbery; S. Simon, receiving stolen goods;
Anton Mazlndkl, burglary; John Jlj.m, fel
onious nssault; Charles Frazler, grand lar
ceny; Daniel Murley, robbery; Frank Howe,
having burglar tools; Rasper Saltto, feloni
ous nssault: John OUbaugh and Melville
Dusanb'irry, burglary; ficorgo Hnrni.3, day
light housebreaking; I.en Coyne, Harry
Floth and Michael Mollner, murder. Au
gust Schermyer, felonious nhsault.
William Nightingale a Bmall boy no
riiscd of taking a horso and using It with
out authority of the owner, was discharged
and tho case against him dismissed, nn
wero Albert Kemp nnd Christ Ilcbuugh,
charged wiih burglary.
Kthel Cox, .i colored girl of 12 years, ac
cused of incorrigibility, was lienteneed to
tho reform .ichool at the romplalnt of her
mother nn her own testimony
To Stop a Cold.
After exposure or when you feel a cold
coming on, tako a doso of Foley's Honey
and Tar It never falls to stop a cold If
takeu In time. Myers-Dlllcn Drug ro
Omaha, Dillon's Drug Store, Couth Omatu,
Qn0 .0
and Mm SKIaTS.
all feminine minds
Will airroo 1 hat there is nolliing lo lukt- the pljicn
of the Silk Petticoat. It has drifted from a luxury
into a prime necessity my lady's wartliobe is no't
complete- without at least one of thee dainty,
rustl ng garments, and they are shown in such'a
bewildering array of styles from the most elabor
ate ereat.ons of the
French designer's
skill to tho ones
reasonable enough
in price to please
the most practical
economist that the
price can bo no bar
to their possest-ion.
f you would see
such a display of color and beauty as you have
never dreamed of, visit our Skirt "department to
ml mire, even if you do not care to. buy.
Complete line of
nP5 ?i
J land some applique trimmed Sacques from SL'.SO up.
Kamonas or Tokios, .'5.00 to $-1.50.
NEW WAISTS coming In everyday In silk, French flannels, nlbatross and
mercorlztd plain or fancy -open front or back prices $1.G0 up.
See the new styles iu DIlUSS DISTKNDDItS.
A Inrgo line of MHIM3ll!55KI) SKIKTS, prottleat nllk, in colors or black.
Sl'KCIAlr-IInnilBomo l.r,o Pocketbooks for real seal, nlllgutor un
dressed nnd burnt leather.
N.l! Pis sin BrsiBts I
, , , , , , , i nnno ionkini? fur . i...
in i
SELF. PLAYINO PIANOLAS, t ' nly h.-lf-plnyljig piano attachment In-doc-ed
by 1'aderewisUi, Itonnntlui Htuier nnd Moskowskl Sold on easy mnntlilv niv
inrnls. Don't fail to Me and liciir tli in Write for catalogues, tirleus ami turius or '
pay us a llt of inspection. It will pay y.iu
Old Reliable Pisno House,
James Richards, M. D.
Itoninn (I, 7, 8
i;VF, H'titAIN lim'H more rases nf h. nduche, BleoplesMnesH, extrmu nervous
licKH ami iienouM pruHtnitlun than all ntn ir ul'menm combined. This Is tlm per
sonal observation "t Fonii. of oar greate-t i v anil nervous dlscnso sin'cUllsts, such
an Or. lii.iluiiT I'rentlcf of Lnmlnfi. Knvl., nd ; Urn. Itennrv mid Htcpb.ns of Now
York City, and !r Allm of liilmgo. When tho ey Btrnin Is relieved tho diseased
eondllloiiH nro easily ami olfnlivriy iiuiii.
KVK STitAIN directly cuus.'n wore eyi f, pore lids, wcalt eves, ncblng eyes, grttn
ululwl lids, fntnrnctH, ibronle liiflamed condition on the inibk. of the eye. Dr. Itlch
nrdH tii'iitH and Buc.cHsfully cures the above, comlltlona lifter Itrst inning corrected
with Klassen tho vision, and musclo defect of tho eyes.
From Our Winery to Consumers
We wi'l send one case containing 12 hot
tlen assorted with excellent California
Wines nnd lirandles. Including i bottle
riiii'Vceniir Inim- JO-ycnr-old Itje, only 3.M);
ixnress charges piepabl
Huy from llrnt hnnds. eHpecliilly when
buying tiei t'BHltli i.f life, whole purity Is
ensenllnl Ivr ..uun IihIiIi
s.ks jom: wimjiiv .t mTii,i,i(i vn.
(Vntnil otlliTH, 131 fitn St , Kuusas
City. Mo.
ltuf , National. Ibink uf Commerce and
all express couivuuleu.
Shaped for satisfaction, sold for ser
vice. fUiaraiileed for goodness. You can
briny; 1.!I0 to this store anil jret a wom
an's Worthy Shoe, a faultless titter, a
shoe that brings !2.."() iu almost every
shoe store in the land. They are here lor
us to sell. We guarantee every pair and
you have assurance that they are not the
leavings of anybody's misfortunes or
bankrupt stocks. First floor, farnaiu
street entrance, to l lie ritiht as vou enter.
. mmi:ul; wxa ajou ,in .y r
-nrim n Trr imimii iiiimiij -1111,1,,,.. mam Ji
We are showing the finest line of
Dressing- Sncques ever seen in Omaha.
Nice quality of Uirlerdown Sacques
for .S,r)c red or gray, all sizes.
Fancy Eiderdown Sacques, $1.00,
$1.25, nil to S-j.fiO.
Hllr,l,l .1... .. '..,. .P."'"""- ."."t-.UIl
mr oek wo" "carry "KllT
Vohh rL 0 W i."1;.. Alr" ' celebrated
oso. Sieger, A. II. Chuse, KmerHou, Ivors,
A; I'ond nnd Packard Mutios. '
rv t ork Ijiirlxlit
imv niiKlunil I luiulil, only
Kllie .V Co., oiik i!iiHa( mil,,
I mm! Viiie A- SniiN, onlv..
.fit,'.. 0(1
if Kin.oo
If t I.S.OO
'I Siiuarc I'Iiiiiiin. uooil t'omllii,,,,
fjlir.,00 iiiul
oruiiitN tjiiii, .fiir,, yaa, ti;tn innl nn,
TJimy pnymi nln If di'Mrcil. New planrn for rent,
l ino tuulinr anil rennlrlng. Tel. ICIIS.
1:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. in.
Other Hours hy Appointment.
Opp, rmliin Hotl,
1 i' 'hly publication full of good thing'
I teifavb kold. That ycu irjay become ac
(jualnted, send a dime- -coin or Btampa -for
sample copy If you ye already seen It, you
, want it, you'll get It for a year If you HnJ
dollar to Ad Huse, S3 lltth Ave., Chicago
A d Sense