Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1900, Page 17, Image 17

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Practical Suggestions About Food and the Preparation of It.
......... .... . . e... ......
lllfiKlltiK nf Ingredient.
Mixing and combining material in proper
manner In of prime importance, after they
aro carefully measured. Hove all materials
to bo used near at hand anil measured.
Hate nil utensils reaily hefore lelmilnK op
e rati Vis. Thli save hlunders ami waste of
time. The Hour, unit. hntcltiK powder and (If lined I lhnuld bo thornuKhly sifted
r mixed toother In r bowl. If egg.i are to
te separated have a towl for the yolks and
a platter for the white, llreak each eiiK
separately, over a saucer, o that If the iKg
U not perfectly fresh or the yolk chould ho
broken and mixed with the white. It can he
aot al'li for another purpoo or thrown
away without spoiling the prs? already sep
arated. When ready to (otnblne the tnaterl
al there arc ttirr-o waVs l whlrh It may bp
done, as follow.
To Stir In.
This tneiitin to mix InKredletits thoroughly
by itnlnat u I'irinlar raoti'iti of the spoon or
puddle: widening the elreles ns you blend
materials In'o n smooth maun. Tills In em
ployed In all emitter.- and Is the first prin
ciple of mixing
This term a plied '" rimers, eggs or liquid
Pure Food t
6 None hut Advertising of Hiortughly Re
liable. Pure and Healthful roods Will
lie Accepted for These Columns.
preparation means to turn the lnsredlents
over ami over with a dirided and rapid mo
tion, allowing your mlxlnK ipoon or paddle
to brlns the under part to the surface with
a quirk downward and upward stroke. In
this way a conel lerable amount of air Is In
corporated Into the mixture and the batter
raado llxht and smeoth.
(uitlnu mill I'nlilliiit.
This method I employed when materials
suth as beaten whites nf tgs or shipped
cream aro to be added to a heavier mixture
In order to tirevent the eacane of tho air al
ready Introdured by heatlm? or whipping the.
ittx or creaui. dd the lighter niaiunui
gradually and with n wooden spoon or pad
dle cut down artitly through the mixture to
bottom of bowl. carvyltiK tho beaten minus
I or cream with tho utensil, and turn over,
Lrlnnlnn In surface npmltr. repeat this mo
tion until nil is thnmtmhly blended.
To Inture success, mueh deticnus on uio
little detail. Kven a little Knowledge
tjnineil in this direction Is of con
siderable belt.. es It show the
often troubled .md anxious hotuelteepor
thnt there Is n nuht way of dolliK thing,
and Immediately she reaolws to llnd out tho
ninny reasons -why women nru becoming
more and more widely awake to the fact that
thero Is an endless amount to learn In this
' broad field of domestic science, fo mucn
I Hint must come from tho actual putting Into
I everyday nrnetlee the many well conceived
! theories an I carrying them to u successful
issue under all conditions and surrounding.
it Is one thine to advance, from a
standpoint, a ralKully tested theory In re
nurd to the proper uvthod of dolna thu and
lies that make the problem of right living so
hard to solte
f renin of Wheat, Sjnar and Cream.
Bcrattibled Hrcs. Stew ml Potatoes.
White Corn Mullltis. Toffee.
Hralloped Halmon.
Plleed Tomatoes. Milk Biscuit.
Cream of I'otato Soup.
Urcaded Cutlets, Tomato f'auc;.
Teas. Strln.j Beam.
Cauliflower. Meet Salad.
Iced Cnntaloupe.
Oranoso niseutt lllackberrles, Cream.
Tomato Omelet. Fried KkB Want.
Quick Parker Mouse Holla.
Kifgs Canada. ltrown Dread.
Herry Frltturs. Ten,
Itlcc Soup.
Broiled Steak, Hot Horseradish Sauce.
1'rlen Unitarian. Corn. Hteweil Cucumbers.
Tomato Mayonnaise.
Currant Sponge, Vuiillln Sauce.
Farina. Stewed Fruit, Cream,
llrolled Chops. I Inched Potatoes.
Graham Mulling. Toast.
Fish Salnd. Health Ulead.
Cake. Fruit. leed Colfee.
Onion ami Cucumber Soup.
Chicken Pol Pie. Linked Potatoes.
Tomatoes mid Okra. Corn Fritter,
lettuce ."nliul.
Wafers. Cheese.
I'onch nnd Hlco Puddltigs, Fruit Sauce.
Corf oo.
Dyspopsla. Insomnia nnd the nltendant
evils resuUltiK therefrom have become so
pruvnletit .is to arouse tho feminine mind to
tho fact that lu v If .preservation it be
hoovis her to seek no longer tor remedies.
but for n nuilinl cure, a she does not llnd
or he human body, bin another i ,.,, n.,K the victims of sour, heavy
Gladstone Bros
& Co,
.Importer of.
Fancy Groceries,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
1308-1310 Douglas St..
'lelephono 'J.'iS.
No Imitation MaiKtku:.
anil mute difieretit pt" p 'Inn when It i nines
,, l hi ii iirm tl bv those tioi sulll-
i !"' .rsi l In a keowbil.' nf the ebiso
n leiioii'- exl ng lie'wecn food, occupation,
surro. ii Htm nnd tile miin physieal anoma-
and living well. Is In Judicious
marketing. Where you buy Is of
us much Important e as what you
buy and what you pay for It.
when it comes to food. You
wnnt to know the surroundings
of the things you aro going to
eat. Notice the cleanliness of
this store. Kverythlng Is fresh
nnd appetizing and attractive.
La a
to Hie making and handling or
all dalrv products. That Im the
iirgiiinent p nlTer you to une
our goods. Kvory housekeeper
wants C'lOd butter. There Is
encli a thing ns good butter and
better butter and then there Is
24th and Farnam Sts.
That'll "Ihgel.i- A great many
people know (bis lo be true. Oth
eis have not Vet round it out
We want ewrjone m know II
r von lire nk ptleiil eome down
lo our rriMiniT! and we will
how you llygela" butter Is
made from absolutely pure pas crenm. p Is the only
butter on this matket of which
Ibis ran lie said.
HyKeia Creamery Co.,
Telephone 719 W3 Jaekson St
Phone 151 1
I'm .Meats.
Q . - - .-
I'lmnc 15f.!
For (ifoccrlcs.
$1,000 DOLLARS
Is the amount ynu en get If you ran ,
prmo that th're are any other lngn-- I
d'ents used but pure malt and hops
In the mai.ufiu tiire of -
Gettelman's Beer
This beer Is well fermented, thor
bund tnugb struks and grenry fried foods
an i ei iipntlen mm Ii to her taete. And. In
fart, she might be much more agreeably em
ployed In learning how to make the bread
a more reliable staff of life, the same stouk
tender ond toothsome and the fried foods
less mischievous In their effect. Few
women, comparatively, have cooking schools
within their leach, but the kitchen Ii a uni
versal Institution, embracing a scientific
laboratory of no mean oenpe. wherein she
may tain knowledge of more things thnn
ever yet dreamed of lu her phllntophy or a
collegiate course. Hut for a strange and
unaccountable reason, the homely kitchen,
as an Institution of learning, Is rated bo
low the esteem of the average woman.
Wis aro led to wonder at tlinen whether
or not. cooking being a science of the
highest order, this may not be the reason
why women do not take to It morn readily.
The artistic features, such as beautiful china
and table decorations, nppeal at onco to
her mind, but tho plain realltle", the deep
investigation Into tho constituent principles
upon whli h everything depends In the way l
of health, do not eelte tho degree of In
terest In her inlnd Hit necessity of tho limes
Fried Spring Chicken (Southern Style.)
Cut a small chicken In four pieces; dip
each piece uulckly lu Ice-cold vmcr; sea
son with salt and pepper and cover well
with Hour. I In vi) bottom of frjlng pan well
covered with hot fat. l.ny the pieces of
thicken In this and fry a' deep rlcn brown
on both sides. When done, drain and ar
range on a hot platter; set where tho meat
will not get cold while you make tho dress
ing or Banco. Take two tabUspoonfuls of
tliu fat remaining In the pan, pluco In u
Hiiucepau with two tableapoonfuls of flour.
and stir to a smooth paste; then puur In
as it Is Much more delicate than when
boiled with the meat and rice as stewed
I'Hultllower; and nun h cheaper Select a
small, hard, white hewl. cut It In quarters
lay In cold water to soak for an hour
drain, cut oiT the hard part and chop rather
coarsely. Put In plenty of boiling, salted
water, leave Immersed and boll for twenty
minutes, or until tender; drain and turn
Into a heated dish; pour cream snucc orer
It and serve.
Snow Pudding Cover Unit a box of
gelatine with cold water and soak
ten minutes; pour over It two cups
of boiling water: add two cups of
sugar and stir until dissolved, then add
tho JuLo of three lemons; strain through
cheeso cloth or line slevo Into on ugate
basin (do not uso tin); set on Ice or in a
very cold place until perfectly cold nnd it
begins to stiffen, then beat with the egg
whip until ns whlto ns snow nnd stiff; beat
whites of four eggs to a froth ond stir Into
the pudding; wet n fancy mould In Ico
water, turn In the pudding nnd set In n
cold place to harden, servo with vanilla
sauce, mado by beating tho yolks of the
four eggs together with half cup of sugar,
mid n quart of hot milk: cook In a double
boiler until consistency of thick cream;
remove from the fire: add vanilla and set
away to cool This makes a large quantity.
PuMteiirlzInu Dairy Products,
This process waa named In honor of
Pasteur, who first used tho methods ex- i
cluslvoly In France In preserving liquors
from fermrntntlvo changes. Two condi
tions aro sought after In pasteurisation,
one, tho annihilation of growing bacteria;
the other, avoidance of a cooked flavor.
As applied to milk and cream It consists
simply in heating the product to ISO or 153
degrees F and then cooling as rapidly as
posslblo to CO degrees or lower. The de
struction of germ life Improves materially
the keeping qualities of tho product, and
nlso eliminates diseased bacteria. If
present. Practlrnlly nil the line butter
produced In Denmark at the present time.
Is mado ftom pasteurized cream. This
butter commands the very highest price In
the Kngllsh market and sells for .1 cents
per pound moro than the best butter ex
ported from tho United States.
While tho prorobs of pasteurization Is
very simple, yet, It Involves considerable
expense and special apparatus, and proba
bly for this reason It has not been gen
erally practiced In this country In the
mnnufacture of butter. As applied, how
ever, to milk and cream, It Is coming Into
very general use, nnd It Is probably safe
to say that lu a few years the law will
compel the sale of pasteurized milk and
cream to the exclusion of the raw product,
an n sanitary measure for tho protection
of the public health.
Kqinil Three Pounds of Href.
Those who deslro n tempting nnd nutri
tious meal that can be served In a second
at cost of 1 cent a per(.on should buy Oran
ola. It has a rich, nuttv flavor. Ono
round package coulaltH as much nutrition
ns three pounds of beef. It Is thoroughly
cooked nnd ready for Immediate, uso with
the addition of fruit Julie or milk.
Header of this paper who will send the
name of a grocer who does not sell firnn
ola to the Sanitarium Food Co., Battle
Creek, Mich., will receive a free sample.
In ordering of your grocer be sure that a
rh'ture of tho Ilattlo Creek San'tarlum Is
on each package. Tho genuine tlranoln
hears this picture.
inn c.vnnwi. xoti;.
oughlv aged by the old-fitshloned na- t
turiil process anil niinoieii m me mom t
J exp-ri and approved manner. T
A. .1 SHOUT. Manager Omaha f
i Street '
Drain b. 'KM '.''' Smith lutb Street
Princeton opened with a freshman elaas
of nearly 4"0, the largest In Its history.
The youngest of nil professors at tho uni
versities of (iermatiy Is Dr. Siegfried
I'letsehel, who was recently appointed to a
ono cup of good rich milk and stir con- i chnlr In the law department of Tubingen.
fctantly until It bolls; season with half a ,,H V"ly ,13 V'T - , .
....i i. i ... - , Tim London echoed board Is rei.ponslblo
Uaspooiitul salt and two dashes of white fol. ti,e education of a population more than
popper. Let boll three minutes, then puur double that ot Denmark or Oreece, larger
over tho chicken and Bprmklo a little ''l'"' ""i1 Scotland, ami only exceeded
. , , . , ..,,.... I slightly by that of Havarta and Holland.
White Multlna Sift one and one-hnlf cups
I ryiiaj
ass:?'.! .:irrmgg57v
I witli the I
l mil
IS THE ENGTN1ER. OF OCR FATE If ihr mei laid
we ie lible to be affet tr & by thr jjlmcnts to wh'rh the animals
whose fit i taken are lubjert.
If she utr
i"rMviTV,r-: "t
frl rt.irSfcf t.& we arc lUDie to or ancuru uT - y
3 xm& y
Wesson's Odorless
Cooking Oil
we are "itomach harpy " Thil
purrly vegetable product ii cleanly.
It is digestible, w hich lard is not.
Dyrpeptiis caa with impunity enjoy
1'ixiil cooked in it without sullering
afterwards. It is odorless, does not
taint the atmosphere of rooms aj
joining thr kitchen. It never be
comes lancid as dies lard and other
lats, but remains sweet and Clean un-
til the last drop dors Its appeuiing
work. Pound for pound it goe
twice at far and dnes twice the
work of lard or butter.
cm nfflfflM
W 1 wmv( &'n
7? MANm
.a -
A ;?S?,iftc7YvT "
Ths crisp, licht rIclfS set liRhtly on baby's little stomich, which Is W&
learninir its i limary lessons In activity. It's time to change tuby's fond l)
to SOllieillUis muiB auuaiaiiiiai iiuii l-.-.c i. h.i- hmis ojjh.hi
with its Rrowtin; needs cries nut for GRANOSE FLAKES, which are nude
of the entire wheat berry (Hull removed), thoroughly cooked and con
tains all tho nutritive clemen's reccssatv to a p-owirv; child, are steril
ized and parlly digested Avoid luirsh burned grain and white pasty foods.
.ti your proecr for "Ila'Mo Creole VNI"' U'.U'M FooiN," o.n
i ' c iu'P'eil upi a by t m mauv foods --cM -. r rtputatlon
'i 'tec cults furvr-.ta-n will brlbgyou asumplp ar.d lluoklota.
Iteltlc Creek Sanitarium Food Co., Battle creek, Mich.
of Hour, half cup sugar and one-halt cup
baklni; powder und half a teaspouiiful salt
tcKcihcr until thoroughly mixed. Tljen add
abeiit half a cup nf water and beat smooth.
Suften one tablcspoonful of buitor and tjtlx
well Into the battor. Olvo It a vlKoijfua
beatlnK: then fold In tho whites of twee
eiiHH beaten to a froth, llako in mulllii jiins
or rings.
Summer Srjuash (with Molted Buttor)
Two summer syuashes, peeled and cut Into
elithths, lemovinK seeds If they are larKo;
hull In salted water for twenty niluutes.
1 hen tender drain and arrange on a dlsn
of toast. Sprinkle with salt nnd popper
I and nrve with KiirIIsIi drawn butter,
i I'otatois an Oratln I'are and parboil
I six medium-sized potatoes. When (.old cut
Into ulU't'H nnd put luto a baking dlsn. Melt
two tablespuontuls butter in a saucepan;
odd sntno amount of flour and Etir tin. II
bmooth: let cook a few minutes, then add
a cup of milk or half a cupful of milk and
half a cupful of while stock. Stir nnd cook
mil 11 It bolls up well. Remove from the
lire; stir In tho beaten yolka of two eggs
and two heiiuiui: tahlesiioonfills urn led
cheese. Season to taste with salt and I
layeiiuc. rour this bunco over tnn pota
toes, cover top with thin layer of bread
ciiimbs nnd bako in a moderately hot oven
until the potatoes aro well douo and a nice
color on top. Servo from dish In which
tboy aro baked.
Frozen Fruit Pudding Add half a cupful
of sugar to one pint of raspberry Juice and
heat lu a double boiler until sugar is dis
solved. Moisten four level tnblespoonfiils
cornstarch In a little of tho cold fruli
Juice and stir Into tho hot syrup. Stir
constantly until It thlcl.i ns. Remove from
(he lire and when cool enough fold in the
whites of three eggs beaten to a btlff froth.
Fill a mould cover closely and pnek In Ice
and coarse salt for two huurs. Serve with
sugar aud cream or vanilla sauce.
Kggs Canada Select large, linn, rlpo to
matoes, remove tho sklnB without scalding,
t'ut n slice from the stem end and ruiuvo
the core and seeds. Set them on a hii.lered,
tlni baking dish. Ilreak an egg Into each
tomato: till up remnlntng space with cream
snore: spnnklo the top with grated cheeso;
pl.n o i lie pan on a mullln ring In a pan of
I hot water; set In the oven aud hake until
I the tomatoes aro lender, but not broken.
Teach aud Uleo Dumplings Wash a cup
' of rb e and sprinkle It into a kettle of
boiling water, keeping It boiling rapidly
nil the lime lint 11 rice Is teuder, but 110 L
1 brcki ii. Add a teaspoonful of salt after It
has been bulling some tlmo. When rice Is
' done pour Into a colander to drain; let cold
wuter run over It a few minutes to hlanrh
it Drain dry. Ilnvo pieces of muslin six
im hes wiunre, wrung from cold water. In
' i enn r of each pleco put a tahlchpuonful
of rice, spread It out, and In center place
half of n peach, pared and stone removed,
(1111 Hie hollow with rlco; placo other half
1 of pe,u h on top, then take up tho comers
i of tho muslin squares und draw tho rlru
' around the peach, covering it thoroughly,
! Tie up, nut too tightly, and placo tho
iiumpuiig in a steamer una cool nair an
hour. Serve with fruit sauce.
Mer Terrapin Cut beef liver Into slices
about one-quarter of nn Inch thick. Cover
with boiling water and simmer gently for
ten minutes uncovered. Then cut Into
dice. Ttke two level tcaspoonfuls butter
and two level tablcspoonfuls Hour nnd rub
together to n smooth paste. I'm In a
saucepan over the tiro and when melted
,add one cup of milk or half milk nnd halt
cream Stir nnd cook until it begins to
thicken. Mush the yolks of two hard
I boiled eggs, chop the whites of tho eggs
Into small cubes and add bath to tha
sauce with the liver and salt nnd cuyonne
to tnste Let come to a boiling point lli -movc
from the fire, add two mblespoon
fills of sherry and servo at once.
This ! a dainty way to sorvo cabbage,
Samuel Mather of Cleveland has offered
to give Kenyon college at Gambler. O.. $10.
iki for every l.'i.u"i secured from other
Hources. From this has resulted a gift of
?10,i"s from .1. 1. Stevens for h library fund.
flew Dyman Abbott, the editor of the Out
look, hits been chosen iigaln as one of the
preachers lo Harvard university, to serve
one vear. Dr. Abbott In very popular at tho
university and has been n preacher to It
probably more often thnn any other clergy
man. At the recent sesMon of th Protestant
Kplsi opal church nt Kmporln. Kan., an
nouncement was made, that the sum of
JM.iioi) hml been ilonultd to the college of the
Sisters of Uctlimr nt Topckn The innnoy
Is a legacy from the lute Felix It. Urunot
and Ills wife of Pittsburg. Pa.
Observation of T.iloO pupils by tho child
study department of the (iilncgo schools
has lesulted In the conclusion, embraced
in a report, that "the average large pupil
Is brighter than the small one," and "that
the larger, stronger nnd heavier the pupil
the higher will be his nt.indlng In Kiiool."
Dr. David P. Hut-rows of the San Diego
(Cnl Stato Normal school, has been ap
pointed assistant superintendent of imbllc
Instruction for the Philippines. lie Is
probably the oiiiigest man to bq appointed
to un administrative position In those
Inlands, but lias already won distinction us
an aiithmtiolngist.
The yule bos must be great letter
writers. A sub-station of the New Haven
postolllee has Just been established at the
university, and the postmaster estimates
that the mall of Vale C'lilents and profes
sors itlotie that will pass through it will
equal that snt tlitough oltlces In towns
of lL'.u.O to lfi.noo Inhabitants.
Max Schocnfeld, a former Phllndelphlun,
but now n resident of Ko'schaoh, Switzer
land, has given Jl".'""1 to the National Farm
M hool of Dovlestown, Pa., to be used In tlv j
pjchaso ot larms, which are to be rented lo
graduate of the school, therehy giving
them an opportunity of practically I
demonstrating the value of the Instruction I
they have rei elved and the capability of
the lleluew youth to support himself by I
means of nur'eulture. I
The last otllclal teport gives 111 public1
sihools in Hawaii, employing 314 teacher
and having It.Ot pu Us These are cup-
plemeiited by large and excellent private
schools forty-eight In number, employing ,
LiKi teachers, with I.I'M pupils enrolled, or
these 15,oiV ,md more students ubelll Vi 0
are Hawiulatis and nearly 3,'jiX) fractional
llnwallaiiH. The Portuguese eomo no.t,
with nearly I.ihmi. and then the Chinese and
Japanese, with oyer en h. Then come
the American children. (WO strong. Nine
nationalities are tabulated, and thu strag
glers from nil corners of the world are
placed under the heading "other foreign
lll':Mlllllllll!lli':llll!llllllllllHllll';,:' SMlM
iff f4l Jill wnP
" Change of climato is tho only tiling that will help your lungs." To many a side
man and woman thoso word. aro equivalent to a death sentence. Uo South?
How can thev when tho husband's watro is needed to supnort tho home? (o
South? How can the mother leave her babes alono and helpless? If change
Of climate is the only hope, then thero is no hope loft But is it tho only hope?
Thero aro thousands of people, sufferers from bronchitis, asthma, obstinate
deep seated coughs, bloeding from tho lungs, and other symptoms of pulmo
nary disease, who have found a cure at homo by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
.Medical Discovery. It would be impossible to exaggerate the wonderful character
of some of these cures. Take tho caso of Miss Rose Reed, given below. An
attack of pneumonia results in an abscess of tho left lung. In fivo weeks tho
physician gives her up, tells her she is going into consumption, and cannot live to
sco another spring. She is so weak she cannot lift her head from tho pillow; so
emaciated that she weighs only ninety-five pounds. Tho physician's diagnosis,
" Consumption," is borne out by tho conditions. But the forecast of the patient's
futuro was wrong. She got well, by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery. There are thousands of such cures on record at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. As chief physician to this great Institute, Dr.
R. V. Pierce, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of skilled specialists, has made
a record of ninety-eight per cent, of cures. This record covers over thirty years
of practice and tho treatment of hundreds of thousands of patients, it can be
confidently said of " Goldon Medical Discovery " that it always helps, and almost
always cures.
"I dcom it my duty to inform you concvrninn Uio
wonderful restoration of mv Mator'tt health," wriUiH
Miss Kato V. Hi-wl, OU Park Avimuo, Lafnyottc,
Indiana. "In February, lslN, slie was prostrated by
nn attack of pneumonia which (after Bovcral weeks)
resulted in an abseess of t lit lilt luup;. After the
disease had )ro;res?ctl about fivo weeks her phy
sician gavo her up, saying that nho was noing
into consumption, hut it might bo po-siblo that as
spring advanced she would improve, but with the
return of winter the disease would renew il;elf ami
slio could not po-'sibly boo another - pring time. At
this juncture another sister, resMini; several miles
distant, came to visit her, bringim; with her a bottlo
of Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. She had
great faith in the medicine and had hopes of its bene
fiting our sister, ltose. After writing to Dr. Pieroo
fur advieo we began using the medicine, and before
iniMiy doses had been taken wo noted an improvement
in her condition. After using ono bottle flic was able
to sit up in a chair for an hour or two at a time. Its
use was continued until flic had taken seven nnd a
half bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and
one of the ' Favorite Prescription,' when she declared
herself cured, giving all tho credit to Dr. Pierce's
medicines. And now when she hears anvone coin-
no difference what tho ailment, her advice
is, ' Jal:e nr. J'tcrce s uokien Medical Jtscovcry and
yon will goon lie all right. It cured me when other
remedies failed.'1
" At the timo sho commenced taking your medi
cines she wat so weak she conld not raise her head
from her pillow and she was no emaciated that her
weight was only ninely-llve pounds ; she now weighs
one hundred and twenty pounds, and she is able to
work steadily at her vocation dressmaking.
" We shall always fool grateful to you, believing that
your treatment saved her from an untimely grave."
You aro invited! to consult Qr. Pierce by Setter
FREE, If you aro suffering from dlseaso S
chronic farm GarrcsgtondettCQ strictly private
and confidential. Address u n. V. PJarco, Buffalo, N.Y.
A curd.
The manufacturers of llannor Salvo have ,
authorized tho undersigned to r,uarantee H 1
for hums, cuts, sores, ulcers, tetter, ec
zema and all sltln diseases. Vou have your
monoy bach If It doesn't do nil It claims.
Myorn-nillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's
Drug Store, South Omaha.
H riwri Svi- r )i 7
Ilili'CP Orders fur llnoje.
Hero nf" .'time orders recently received
Vy a ilrupelst In n Kansas city:
"Vou will "leas give the lettlc hoi Scents
wn-He i ! Au u.e Tuxvn tor to gurgle Unity's
throat, ami oblenge "
"Hear Duchter. pies glf hearer five cense
worth uf epei nc Inr to throw up in a fivo
months' old habe. ?C. II.-The Imbc has a
sore st immlek."
"I have n I'Ute pain in my child's dlngrum
I'lense give niv mm snmethlng to release
it "
"Mv little bahey has out up Us father's
parish plsathsr. Heil an anecdote iiulck iui
Iiosslh'e by the enclosed girl."
"I hnf a hot time In my Ineldes nnd wit h
I wood like to be extinguished. yVliat Is
good for to extinguish f Tho Inelnsed
nnev Is for the price of the extinguisher
II irry pleas."
Tills eiiild Is my little girl. send vou
live cents to buy two sltless powders for a
groan up adult who Is sllte "
Tin' .Nevs from Ailnnm' I'olnt.
Atlanta I'onstltutlon: The Adams' I'olnt
.luurmil Is n new eundldnto for public
favor. The following Items nre from lis
local columns.
"KeU." Hrown married fn ttn, ub
serlbe to this paper a'l In the same dav
"W'lll'am Jenkins had Ins lee em off bv
the railroad Tuesdm Spr.iwli- hupiend to the iieel.
dent of breiiklng Ills neck Wednehdav.
"Jeff Tomtners. who has one mother-ln-l
iw ii off that lady's left oar on Saturday
tie debiting flub broke up In h row
Thursday night We have not learned
whi' the damages wer
"Thero Is no news this week, for the ab
sence of whlrh wa aik thu Indulguiico of
our readers. '
I Thc Richard Cobden
cent Cigar -"
0, it itjiiuiitii, in
the memory tif it-, natne-sake the man who, Disraeli said, was
"an honor to Kngland."
Richard Cobden lcdm-ed the cost of bread in Kngland from
five pence to two pence a loof. The RiciiAKD Conur.N cigar re
duces the price of a ten cent domestic cigar to 5 cents.
Try ii and! you' El sac the point
Wholesnlo Blstrlhutnrt.. Mnhnr.
nnn- .
If not, you have mlssou a good thlnt,
This exqulclte mult hevorago stands on a
unique basis. It sells Itself. Its fama and
reputation Ii the envy of many. Tho palate,
the beneflclul results achieved "within" th
Inner tnun are tho only and real Judges ot
Its merits. Approved of by them. It trl
umpbantly entore Innumerable housoboldi.
Where Cabinet enters, doctor and drug
bills exit.
nimwidi IIY
IMII',11 uitio iminvivfi co
I'lin'le 4-211. .)MIIA. Null
A Ground floor
otFia With a Big
rapjs- Vault
Located right on Farnam Street, In a y
riUE rnonp bulldlnB Is un oppor y
tunltjr whlrh may not come again fur
years Thero Is another largo room a
B adjoinlug whl. h you may have, If you gg
want It, iTbloh opens on the court.
Electric light, hcut und janitor scrv- u
U ice are Included In thu rental.
llesldcs, there Is an advantign in a
H he I ur; In tho bMit biilldlni; In town.
Tiy 4iae b.txiit t.iotMi ot yeM
aiel D.iva cured tnieituiiDi -'
rcaKet of NVrvout Ducattt. ii h
21 Ucbilit) , Iiironeii. blf plr.
ntsiamlVarirocelr.Atrnpriy.f. .
'Iney i.ljr th Dram, nr'niithfa
the . r juur.n, pake tlure-'1 'n
peifc-1, anrt impart a i.-aiitif
. : ulnit.lA il,. Hl,'.tH k.l. All. J', I
vjvSw If.fc. "i"i ... .... "i. uiiii.i nn ' iiu . u iviti, tit vin .iirr.n.'.i r ..... . .,...v..
eifyWIVWl-K' are pr-pe iy jri ' t , f - in 'ttawon rthrmlntilnanily, I aniiimptioiier l)?iiti.
WL Mailed le led. Vi e i re 6 tsxes, wllb ironhd legal miaraiitee ti ur or r'fiindlfao
wtmH'y'-fy mtioey, . I if jow. Aot,I-ji, PfU Mr 1 ' TI" li" O.
Bold by Kuhn t Co. 15th and V uglas. and J, A. Fuller & Co.. th nnd Douclas,
o a
Ground Moor, Bee Building.
l C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents,
ifi'J . u-'d inoiillil) tijrcufr -0 - ludirn, 1'riee,
1 Ilv mail. 1 1. 1." Mend t eenls tar
ssiniil" anil purilriilaru Tlis f mk Co.,
W iO'.;r I nf , ne'rr t Ii
8cU ta Oiaatm by Kutiti Vti., IS & DouiUh