' w. Ti "" 3V5EW3Jr5ri ? EDITORIAL SHEET. v. lj The unday EE. 3 PAGES 13 TO 24. KSTAliUSHHI) .Jt'NH lt, 1ST 1 OMAHA, SINDAV )KHIMMi, ()( TO 1$ K If t I, I !)0(). SI MS LIS COl'V FIVI3 cisvrs. Omaha 1ARFM Npw Yirt Aiifitmn Sik no Rr p irmrta at p IIIHII ULaQ iuw 1 UifoHiilmUil usfilUli OQIGIfiUiiUCIf 01 110 ill i r-k n r n rr" tl H a Vi H& Etf U up f M S H 3 4 i kissv SUN , Our New York buyer was the first on the grounds and got his pick of the whole lot. He expressed to us 358 bolts of ihc finest silks you ever saw, They were imported e.wpresslv for tin- swellesl New York t i-jmIc Kvety body knows the .Ic( 'leery Silks - in this ureal lot you will 11 ti 1 nil kinds of TnflVh's. nil kinds of tlnesi Wink Dress Silks. 1 . - handsomest evening silks yon over Ifieh ntiil eireiin' brocade novelties hoiiuht nt .i ride hIoiis price, and will be sold the same wny. These silks are all perfect, These silks arc all clean Winslow Taffeta World Famous Tim only ut- Inch colored Taffeta exhibited by tin American mnnufnoturui' lit 1'nrN I'xiK.sitli n, thnt va uwuided n pi i.o Wo are westorn Over 25,000 yards of the grandest silk bargains Omaha has ever known, These silks are all new, These silks are all in full pieces. The power of this great silk ileoarliiieni will be evidenced in (his. the greatest silk sale of modern limes. fT7 ll Aft Heavy 27-iiith W'du Black Pcau de Soie fpf VFJ&Sv M x. "XJ V'mcil imiioi' cd nnd wo defi nnv in inpoiltinn to snow u Hlnuk 3 C 200 Bolls 27-iinh Wide Black and Col ored Taffetas li'cinombor not ft few rid shade, b it over ill of tlio niMM'-t fali ml or this I- the biiruest tnlToiu bargain fcr i. tiered in tin- I'niftd State- plenty for nil while tlicv Inst on -ale finni ; his miction at Black Taffeta from Auction at less than manufacture price. Black Tndetn, U inches wide;, nt Black Tulleta. 'J7 inches wide, at lQc .Black Tall'eta, inches wide, a I 75c All from the great auction sale. distributor-! nnd have t ho exclusive saloon this renowned nIII; fop tho city of Omaha Fancy Silk for Waist, Dress or Lilting pus' Thiusutid- "f yard overy one a new pleco nil colors ln-av I'lio'U bn.ciido, yro rain. taliotim and Mitttis for Hkirt tti'' greatest lot of silk und all fi' in that bljr aui'tli.n r I cm di H( it nr wldt ai d a a i o for Ipb than S'J.fiO t li i Is from the bltf miction, and will Co Monday at Black China Silks A limit oT one dress pat tern ol K jards to cadi customer remember a pure black China Silk on sale Monday from the auction 100 TSis Leading Bs'ess ioods House $Bse Over 40, COO styles now in stock-more than all the other stores of Omaha combined, We wholesale dress goods as wall as retail them, jf?W$ cnrry Proc,uct iEiStlic leading mills in the CR9 VI r lit llli lig Here Sreafes! imM United States, Botony Wor- 'W0;WM I,ills ,,"sss,i'-x- i,",,h,1,s feK'-'JX,, ' I woolen mills, Snnford-.MncFnrns. S'ili'ViP '' worsted mills. Arkonin mills. P'ol ig'M' - -vi.l Mros.. Philadelphia; William V. fSWUwl l,'i''f'('ll'ia, etc. These are the '!i&vMlli,'s ,,i,ss ,,,illR nf A,n,,,,,, J,n,i 'SfeKt,,,H,'V ,,ol,,itl('(l (o "H lor Omaha. Thov wM?rM?4,,,,,ko ,m sl,,"', l,',,-,1,s' no mtitxmfiwxs woods 8 An offering of matchless bargains for Monday and all week, Special spot cash purchases on sale at ridiculously low prices, The greatest values in ladies garments ever offered, Attend the big auc tion sale of silks, (Pianos sold on easy payments,) Catalogues sent free, Mail orders promptly filled, Agents "for BottesicR Patterns, Black Dress Goads itinjr that the.v are selling these outside of ns are making mis statements. 1.25 55c, 65c, 75c, 85c 96c up to S3 2'Two rnnos of short IraRtha from the Ar lliiKton mills, run from 1 to 7 &h!F yum in piucc lor en Hx&fi I house In Oiuaha--no Jobs, no plus filyli-H 'no (lomosllo koo(1f In thi'in nrlre. vnn'l . oniinciii'iiiK .Moiiuay w o viu sen urom Ooi (Is rlii-npiT than othpr ran purdiaHt' robes, ctr. u plecea of black all wool DG-tncu Zlbelin- Cheviot the roKUlur price Ih tl SS per yard m Mon ilny It will kii for 25 plorrH of nil wool Cheviot, extra heavy regular price Is $L'.2.'i -this f.alo It will ko ii'. , 0 pieces of tho finest t'repnns that were over placed on the niarke' -tlUHe were nold In this town nt ?:i per yard ff -on Monday wo will Hell ' JM Illni'V i1reH lmhiiIk from 1iV In 110.0(1 vard. - pec yarn m 1 only t4-lnch strictly all wool SultliiRs In blue. : caBe "Imrt lenstlis In dreHH Koods brown, urny, ole Roods worth up to Jl no from 1 10 rt yards In piece- worth up to per yard -will bo sold Monday jj (Fftffft l'r uru-aii win no i mi ini suio ni per :4c Colored Dvsss Goods tire pleeo only I tasu of short lenKths from tho Atlantic nun RoooH pieri'R run rrom 1 t tf -J to I, nrdH nor vnrrl W Ii only I ' - cises of short lonfiths from the I'aclllc mills In nil wool, silk mid wool In lonrctliH from 1 to 0 yardsworth tip to Ji.OO y: rd win go on snie Monday nu l yards dress patterns-for rnllro pnttern, nl . ynr SJO dress pnttorns of nil wool, silk nnd i ' dreiiH patterns In Kreni h Koule Appll-v.-ool, crepons, Houlllcs, suitings all vnol 'led In tho very latest iIcsIkiih -worth lienrlettns, Berfies and noods worth from icm .u.uu to Jbu.un pur pat (fat! ?1 t $3 yiird all go on this f fh "'r" " UiIb sale they will Vkti enlo for rntlni pat- Jr K f"' I'Httern .W tern, nt 8W' Our sample lire now rendy and any l.id l'ltMNCIl KI.ANNKI.S Wo arc as In every- sending In her address we will send her thing elso, strlctlv hendo.ua rt em for I-'reucb n laekuo containing over 1;0 different KlonneU. Wo guarantee them to be per- simples of fall dress and If sho picks n fnrtly fnst colors mnde In l-'rance and to dress from these samples we will prepny bo from SO to 7.1 per cent below any other charges on same. glen's, Ladies' and Siultkesi's Winter SJndervjear Mnniifiu uiier'H hamples at lees than half tho regular price. Men's r.uc Merino fihlrts and 0 Hp Drawers at tJu Men's $1.25 Wool nnd Kleeeed Lined Shirts and Drawers, In enmcrri hair nnd natural , wool In all slr.es 45C i Men's line extra heavy all wool Shins nnd Drawers. In plain nnd fancy colors, thai were made to sell nt U'.O" nnd 12.G0, ali In this lot fill J .etfing (kftrn prises on iro gra mm Laundered Shirts. 49c nt Men's $1.00 Colored with separate cuffs, at 1 lot of Men's Phlrts nnd Drawers, heavy Jersey Ribbed and Kleercd Lined, worth up to $1.00, all In one lot 350 Mr'n's rinnnel Shirts, In blue nnd fancy colore, OPn Ht$l.!iS, $1.K0 and w Men's Sweaters nt $ I .r.0. t'3c and Men's COc Suspunders In all tho new styles at Men's 20o half hose, In plain nnd fancy colors, at J 1 1T7 TTrVl it wrmr-j i - J"UJULII 'if m .49g ,25g Our ClouU liujcr linH in t relnrnoil rrom tlio oust. e!I your Friend there are more HMUIAINS In UAYDKN'S COTTON (JOODS DLl'T. :hun were ever of fertd In the city before, and yen will hav snvtd ni'iney for nil I'HIJHS of l'KINTS, OINOIIAMS, KLANNKLI5TTES, etc. Aiiioskeng npron cheek glnglinin (full pieces, all colors), 4?;c. Indigo bluo f.nd fancy Hutu cd standard calico.), full pieces, 3'4c. 1'laniinlotle, In full pieces, In splendid Cress and wrapper styles, He yard. Krench Ilannel "Imitations" In I'L'LL riHCHS, very newest styles, SVic yard. Klnest grades (full plecehl of sateen for comforts, 'Jc yard. ltemunnls of 2 to 10 yards of I'.'tfce yard Vide dnrli dress percales, 5c yard. l'luln turkey red calico, yard wide, 8 t-3e yard. You will find In wii'ih goods department more goods In desirable styles, Kl'LL 1'IKCH.H, at a less prlre than any concern can afford tn sell roiniinnts for the reason Ve buy In large quantities mid our -"ready honey" saves all Jobbers' profits. Attend llnj ilen'n (ireat Cluuk Mnle Bluiiilny. Hayclesi s Big Mi nd.iy wo will sell nor burst and best Belling pupuhir oeieeUiii.H ai only l!ic per roy. by mall 20c; sin h big sellers us "lilrd In a tilldtd I'lig". ' "When the Har vest D.ia Are Over ' ' The Sentinel ABlecp." "Who ami the (!ru." "When Wealth and l'oierty Met." "Kor Old Titne'a Bake," "Without Your Love, Ah. Lei Me Die," "1 used to Know Her Years Ago," "What Is Homo Without Love." "The llrulge of Sighs," "Has Another Won Your Heari?" "You Broke My Heart," "The (llrl 1 Loved In Old Vlrgluln." "Kose, Sweet ltose." "My Heart's Delight." All tho Rbovo nil ilay Mondsy only lur per ropy; by mall, 20c. We also carry nn elegant bill of 10e sheet rnuclc; by ninll, lie Such noted selections is Liszt's "Second Ithapsody," Clctts tbalk's "Uist IIopo," Weber's "St'Tin." .etia'h's "Klfth Nocturne," Schubert's kSireuade," Thome's "Slmplo Confession.'1 Itulicnsteln's melody In K, Chopin's Crndlo Rnng. (Inilnrd'H Second and Fifth Waltzes, rtiamlnndos' Flatterer nnd Scarf Dance. Itemeuiocr tho above mid hundred of other celebrated compositions at only 10c per copy; by mull, 11c. Cull or send for catalogues, which (ire free. I. W. Smith Sons of Philadelphia closed out their entire huhoh's accumula tion of hlgh-grndo rugs. Wo secured the entire lot at our uwn price. Tho entlro lot on sale Monday at prices that make It the greatest opportunity ever offered to get a high-class rug at a fraction of Its renl value. I'xl2 Smyrna rugs, worth $30, $17.60. Itoynl Wlltoa rug. Pxl2 feet, worth $15 and $50, 31. o. 9x12 feel, one piece Serrabend Oriental rug, worth $3.r. to Jin. $2.Y All smaller sizes at a correspondingly re duced prlir. Heavy rnlon carpets. 25e. All-wool Ingrains. Il'.ic. Finest nil-wool Ingrains, COc and C3c. Hest grades Wilton mid Velvet earner all now, bright patteniB, sold everywhere at $1.25, 05c. Tapestry Hrussels carpet, regular S5e. enrpet, 65c. FLOOR OIL CLOTH 25c. quality. 1H yards wide, 15c per square yard. 20c qual ity. I'.i ynrds wldo, 20c per square yard. Oil Cloth stove rugs all sizes. Special Corset Sab Km dozen Indies' Corsets In black, blue nnd drub and pink. In all sizes, from 18 to :io, every corsot warranted, tho regular $1 ok Milues, on snlo at IQrt only HnU We hno added to our corset department n full line of W. n. "Krect Form" Corsets. Call und see them. See our special lino of Redfern Corsets; wnrranted whalebone. Tho eelebintod La Orecquo Luttlco Cor sets on sale nt $1.00, $1.60 und $2.50. A most complete showing of all the best lines of Corsets, Including tho W. O. C, Knbo, American Lady and Warner's. Kvory ludy should seo them. One Clonk liujor Iiiin Jnxt returned from (lie mil, Fiamtei BesS 25 doz. wool und all wool skirt patterns, er.ch. .We, 86c, !i.".c. $1.25 und $1.60. 2 cases wool Eiderdown, plain colors and fancy stripes, will go ut 26c per yard. v rth -15c. Huydesi Ilros. curry tho largest stoolt ol outing Ilannel; ovor tiO.ODO yardr to solret frnni Ilie, 54c S'ie nnd 10c per yard. The only store carrying tho 30-Inch citt(ng. one case 30-luch wido remimnt of cotton ilannel, ("jc per yurd. tteiul tin) den's lircul Clonic Nnle liiniliij , Blanket Mtcnil the IIIk Sale IiikIii). llayden Bros, can save you money on bed blankets over 5,000 pnlra to solect from 61x70 &;, lbs. Outarlo silver groy wool blankets, $1.75 a pair. ll- 5-lb. all wool grey mid fancy plaids, $3.0S a pair. 10-1 Jupltor white extra super wool bed blankets, fancy border, $2.50 a pair. 72S, extru heavy grey wool, funcy bor der, ut $3.25 a pair. 600 pairs sample blankets on salo Monday. Special sain on ladles' and children's Underwear and hosiery fn dozen children's fine fleece lined un derwear on sale at 15c. Hest grades at 20e and -'. Mi dozen children's line ciimcl's hair underwear on bulo at 25c. Best grades at 30c and 35c. Children's Jeisuy ribbed Vests, medium wolght, salo price only 10c. Spoctnl salo on children's heavy ribbed hoao at 10c, IGo and 25c; worth double. Ladles' fleece-lined hoso nt 10c, lEo and 25c Ladles' outing flannel night gowui on sale nt 60e nnd !'Sc. Misses' Shnw Unit hoho ut 35c pair; tlirco pair for $1. Ladies' flno Jersey Vosts nud runts' nt 26c, 35c and 50c . Ladles' Union Suits at 60c up to $5, Ladles' $1.25 Kid Cloves at 75c; every pair warranted and fitted. Ladles' extra heavy fleece lined vouts and punts nt 50c. Ladies' extra heavy all wool Vests and Pants at 7".c. $1 and $1 60 Isneai Department Monday wo will hae a lot of good things on sale In the linen department. Sumo of ihc best things that the market a'.fonU ut prl'-os that will sell the goods. Full slued fringed lied Spreads, at .... BOo Atlantic Mills Muslin. 3n-ln, bleached Ata '.(xtu-liich Turkish Towels, at 7'4e Cieponetto Table Covers, nt, each .... luo Blown Cotton Crash (25 yard bolts) bolt $1,00 01-Inch Cream Dauinak, pure linen nt, yard 47jo 06-Inch Bleached Damask, pure linen at. yard .. COc 72-Inch Cream Damask, pure llnon at, yard Sfic A fow hemstitched Damask Towels regular 76o and $1.00 values, Monday salo, nt, each 350 Fringed Sots of Damask (cloth and Napkins) nt $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $3.00 per set. Some fine Hemstitched sets (cloth and napkins) nt $1.60 and $5.00. Attend tlio lllu Snlr Monitor, A week nf bed celling Hint we Intend to surpass anything of Hie kind ever attempted before. Two carloads of high grade metal beds ordered at factory In July Iiiivm Just arrled They should have conui In August at tho outside. We nro. therefore overbtock cd, and will cut even our low prices to make them moe , These beds are not1 llie uiual cheap white enamel b'da nilvertljcrt at nil Itlndn of prices --Wo have a largo stock of theso always tin bund lu ;!, 3-0 nnd 4-6. Our prices on there goods have always been the lowest. The bods wo now place on sale are high grade beds, nrtlstte In design, fault lets In stylo and finish, nnd lire Just one-half what are asked for similar grades clrewhcre. Fnne Mi-oil beds. In white, black nnd ollvo, inamel, fancy scroll, brass work, lacquered with absolutely untarnUhuble lln Ish. Beds in white, groan and black and gold should be $!.60, now $5. v.'. Beds that should be .111.no, now $n.7S. Beds Hint should bo Sl'i.60. now $10.85. Beds that should be $21.r,o, now $12.60. Compare prices and you will find similar beds only among the highest priced else where. Just In, our of odd dressers, chiffoniers, sideboards, mantel foldles beds, hall trees. All rich gulden onk, flno enk mantel bed, $12.60. fiSiliiDtery ' - 5i I Special sale of all the newest fall stylcu In ladles' Trimmed Hats Monday. A splendid showing of all tho leading fashions from Parisian niodlBtes and cust om fnshlnn makers. Yon aro sure to And becoming hats In our great assortment. Seo the now full styles In ladles' street hats. Our prices are fully one-third ln-ror than tho usual quotntlonu. Corao In and visit our Millinery Department. Wall Papor Trust Bissted. The gliMiitlc wull paper trust has gono to pieces. Known an the National Wall Paper Co. It tinbraced all the leading firms of tho ctiunir.' Now they are lighting each otbei and tl.e rtlg Store glvr' Us customers th" benefit. The prices are cut tn two. Now , Ik the tlnm to buy. j Cr Paper for S'.jc l So Paper fur 4r 10c Paper for 6c l ir c Paper for 6c 20c Paper for He J 25c Paper for 10c :The World for'ZGo " i This Is a perfect globe, regular price, $1.00. on sale Saturday only 25 . 16c Tooth Brushes, 7',fco. I This Is tho greatest bargain tn lino too'b brushes ever offered. Uleg.int value only "He. ' Our Clunk buyer linn Jut returned from the ciiol. aroserses 17 lh tiriinulnted Sugar $1.00 2-M. psckage Superior Breakfast Food, made from best Pacific coast white wheat, package 12tc 2- lb. puckage whole wheat Crannies, made from the best Mlnnesotn hard wheat, puckage 124' J i-ioy croatn I'lour. sarh !5c 2 lb. package Solf-Rlstng Pancake Flour S l-8e 3- lb. can Sliver Drip Syrup, enn !e Columbia Cream, can 7V4c Imported Stella Marca Macaroni, per package 12 "jO Whlt Onions, per bottle I l-3r Sweet or Sour Plcklee, per bottle. .8 l-3c Condenpod Milk, can S 1-3c 3-lb. ran Grated Pineapple, per can..UM-e Tall can lied Alaska Salmon, can 12'se Fancy Oregon Prunes, per lb 6c Select. Sugar Prunes, per Ih 7'4c Kxtrii Fancy Washington Prunes, per ll lOo Yellow Crawford PeachtH, per lb tUdc Kviru Select Iarge Mu'lr Peaches, per lb...: '. lSHc Buffer ass&! OSseese Counlty Butter, per lb 12c Best Country Butter 16u nnd Kc C.ood Creamery Butter le and 20c Wlhcouslu Full Cream Cheese 12 e N"v York Full Cream Cheese 11- Sup Sago 7c lleinl IIii)doi'H (irrnt CI011U fnlo .llontln? . fats No. 1 hams H'.ic Best new bill nulla Gc I'JgHfect Be Fri sli purk sausngo S'fec Boneless corned beef 8c lhst bacon 12c Fancy cooked minced ham 12'.ic S.,1 ill packed oysters 25c 3-lb. W. W. Sausage 25c 3 lbs. boit lard 32c Ghana Depi Visit our china department, covering as much space as a ordinary crockery stores. Lighted with 25 largest size arc lights. Everything shows as bright ob In tho sun light there. You will seo tho brightest, Illicit and largest lino o( crockery, china and glusswaro In tho west. Quality tho very best and prices positively tho lowest. Heutiilful How blue 10-lnih salud bowl... these bowls were Imported din ct from Hu rope Into our dcpurmeiii; they aro ready $1.00 values, our p. Ice. lc. Splendid cups and saucers, decorated, 2 lie each. Docurated oyster or soup bowls, 5c. G-Plcco cream sets, 23c. Solid nickel nursery Inmps, with reflec tors. 16c. Art pottery, undorgluzed decoration and colors, cuspldoro, 21c. Fine line of decorated, fire-proof tea pals, from 29c up. loo-Piece decorated dinner sets In brown, blue and lavender, Fronch shapes; these seta are $12.00 values, our price, $6.03. French cabinet ornamonts, onyx nnd hose bisque flMiruti, '""'. Decuratid plates, oatmeal bowls, fruit sum ern. etc., fjc. Flue pollBhed Hint tumblors, 2o, imported Holland cream Jujjs, fie. Bosks Ml the new boolts at cut prices on Mon day. 1 l.udioi' Bell-, ioc 5 80s IM'm Po&keiboeks, !9c A beautiful line of real alligator, seal oud Mmroeo poekotbook8, purBes and com bination card cases, only 10c. 60c hand bags, only l!)c. Flno lino full sized hand hags, extra quulity. only inc. Brpan or Kcklnley which So Monday for 2"c photos of cither candidate quantity limited. Attend tlio lllrr Sale .11iimlii . GomJoders JeiveSry Specials B gi ntleuieu's ii sue gun ineial caso 1 Wo have 123 dozen homo-made bed torn--iilie line rigm or Waltham move. forts to select from, extra large sizes and ' -1 en s..le MemUy at $1 liO. 1 low -prices $1;.. 11 ',0. $15 $'00 and eiiing .-iHrr cuif buttons nt lfie. fit fiPSb rSELLS ON QUALITY. We have over L'OO difl'tM-ent kinds of stoves to select from The largest stove depart ment west of Chic.'igo. Our prices are all last year's price. If you know what that means. We can save you from 15 to 25 per oent. The Cyclone Hoi Blast, extra large lS-lnch lined all the way up with attol rtmihie oust Are pot would be cheap at Jlfi.Oi) only No. s Cook Stove four R Incl hole, nice large oven, extra heavy easting The greatest double healing Base Hurtle'- made In America Is the ltcg.il Inlxersul Come and see It. (would be dftt ffTk cheap at $tSi, wo sell ffi if n il them for Then we have n very line double heating Base Burner with lets nickel plating, with a 16-lnch lire pot, also tnndo bv tho t'ni vorsnl Co The tinost easting and general workinr.nshlp; would be cheap lu ffa ffd fpjj a regular way for $40 we SjfSp'j sell them for WWW Wood Air Tight 2-t-tnch fur only Modern oak, a very heavy nicely nlclde plated plain oak heater, hard jPfe g tP for W Tho Medallion, a very handsome largn I'ook, 20-luch oven, nicely nlckol phued e-trn line bukor, warranted, with eniimol-'il reservoir would be chcan ai B. "W a tr. on- we sell them for Wo are still selling that line steel range untiling l'ner or belter In Omaha. omo und see It. High warming closet, largo isx22-1nch oven, beautiful in design, cuui large top, 30x10, asbestos lined tbrour'i oat, would be cheap at $3S & f? ti fl we sell them for 0 2.IS fl Few Trimmings Coal Hods IV Plitiilshed Pipe 2" S.ie Beards, wood lined ."in. Fire Shovels 2i Plain Pipe -e Plain Flbnwn v, r AVe soil more etoves than any other house In the west. mvv zmm tfes.ti wwm The Greatest Bargains !n Fine Standard fflakes of Shoes. Pi l trt Mi 3 a n n Solllnjr ls.immi jmlrs lino kIihos tliroot from tlio lurgosl tiiiiiiiil'.-ii-iiirir.s nt wliiilosali' prices. Kvory pair llttoil by nn ('ipi'i-l shoo s.ilosinuii mill ovcry pair wnrrunlcil. ' All Ha- Inlost full slyli' hIioos for wo men, misses nnd children on sale .Mon day. v Axcntrt In Oiiinlm for - Tlio "ril'HA Shoos for women Tlio "STKTSON" Shoos for incn. Tho IlliiKiKS HHOS.' Shoo- I'm- umnoi). mm ) Wo:n38.'s Fine $3 Shoos Sl.89 Ail i hoso lino Mines lire inndo of vlcl kid und pnt out leather with hIiirIo iloxlblo hoIoh. A romilur ?' quulity Hindi) by Iloiitf-llonth & Co., of Lynn, Mnsn All sized nnd wIiUIih, (J. D. and K. on sale .Motidny at &ses9 Fine $150 Sacs 98e SI, i on tnndo of lino Uonoln hid with linlf donblo ioIos und hpi'ing hools sizes 11 to J on ?a lu ut Children's lino school nlioosU9o, 75o, liSc. Infant'ri lino shoes, II7o nnd -19o. K.-fl r?zi lrii til lillOS Inc 1 f5ew is ills Time to if you want to save money we have just received the first shipment of our fall stock. If you arc cspi'ding lo purcliase. you sliouhl not fail lo visit our piano depart incut. We show you the largest, line of slamlai'd pianos in I lie city. New pianos, $1 IS - from that price up to the price of the (Muckering, I'Msclier, Lester, Franklin, .la coh Doll, Haines and several oilier makes. Any piano sold guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. New pianos for rent. IManos sold oh monthly payments if desired. We handle Murdette and Newman Hros.' organs. Slightly used or guns a I SS. S 10. tflH.fiu, $l"i. i?U0 and -VJ.". IManos moved, stored, tuned and repaired. MVIcphoiio I lis.'!. Attend flit- "Ik Hule MoinJity. Optica! Dopt ' Atlonrt the lllu Sale .'Mnniliiy. j N Mil' IlKAIl i 'a few houii without fatigue'.' Our optical I department is in harce of un expel, re-! I fraciu.nl, i I1M.K ItUdl I.Alt PltP'K I.cnT-- c'-har,1i'i Attend Ilie lllu S,. Uiinilii, flew Brug Prices Beef, Iron and Wine, Jl slzo 20i Swift's Speilllc, Jl 25 and 7rc I'VIIow'h Syrup Hypophospliltes U.I' Scout's HmulHlnii Kllnu r a Swiiiiip Bout, 10c and 7", Cruuicr'i Kidney I'uio 7-, Bromo-tlulnlni) Tuhluu 1'., 2-gi-Kln Uulniuo i-,ipi-iilcs. per d').eii .. ,"n i gllllll yiUlllUO l'4P-Ulep, per (lijueu ., Si, Woodb'ir-';, Cm le I S .ip , i Wood l"iiy I'll- nl ' ri urn , l Pii'kor T'"- ' i U