1 0 Tin: M n niii.v nvv: si M)r, ocTonnn 1 1. moo. dRAXI) WORK BY KTIIKLIJIiRT EonofEothan Makw New World's Record in Municipal Handicap. GAME OLD IMP GETS EASY SECOND MONEY : I'lulii I nilurc Oclnlier 1 1 11 till I 11 l from Hie llni'lii'liir. While (lurry llcrriiuiii niiete tin' ( limn pnmic f t t. - . HKW VollK, on n. Ktbtlb it. the gal ltu hiiii of Koihun-.Morl, won the Munlc pal iiuniii'Hp at Morn park today, a bend bp-tor.- Imp. in i hp record time of 1 The iti nun at one mile ami thrpe-quartora, over tin' trying hill course, and ttve horaes (ulijI the Ktnrtpr. Ilthilbert us favorite, with J.i. k I'olnt nr-rond choice, tmii wan h' Id u I to 1 H i were m-nt off to a food nUrt, Jack rum' in front, Inn flurns quickly took Imp out in li'-r favorite tdare and ted punt the Ktmi'Mand the flint tlmp, with Jtich Point, l u.K i ii.it, Ilthillierl and Maid of Harlem oI'ovmi.k In the onlfr namPd an. I wtll ' uii hi .i. Imp, running with a muchlne-like u i lie drew n:iy rounding i hp firm turn mil -liownd thp way up the back Mrptrh ty a liimth and a half. She ittti tile RlX ftir'. i.i;. In I 15 and thp mtlp In I 12. At th. . i.iHt named l.olnt Pink ('out dropped In, h l . iiicn nml Kthclbert moved Into ser in I jil.iu', u length before Jack I'Oint. "toun hug the far turn, Imp drew pven ftir her a way mid led Into the stretch hy two 1 iit' It Ot'om item Kthelbrrt after tier, Uu u.'i- an. I from there home It wan a 'iel In t wpi n the t'.vo A ' the last forlorn ole Kthelbert had mox'l tip on even t. mm with tbo black nhirUlt.d Imp responded gamely under ivn n-i vigorous ride, but Hthelbprt bad tti.' most In ri'Hi'iM' mid won handily with out die iisu nf villi or spur. Maid of Harlem a. tiilnl, six leiiKtba I ehlnd Imp und live PtiK'li'i before Jack I'olnt, while I'lnk Toot v uu i.. iten off. All through the stretch the 1 Ig fi.ilf-htilldiiy erowd cht'erud the Btrug i;Iihk hm Ken Hllcl both Rot un ovation When tli - tune, which mititltuteii n .new re-ord t .' ill" iliRtunce. w.iH limiK up. and when tn . i amp back to weigh In. I'lato won the October atpppterhaup from Tli. Iini lielor, aftir a pretty race, In which li. to were no nucldeiitH. i.nrv llcrrman took the ('liaiiipnen.' i. , s fur H-yenr-oldF, but had to be. rbl.leii . ui io lieat Smile, mi added Hurler, u neck. out .mil Smile matle the tunning, with ' tr. Ilerrmnn nhviivH well up. Water 1 . v uh a distant third. :ii.' -e.ond race wmt to Swept Tooth, at inn mills, t'nmnsked won the third handily ii t i t time and Annoy look the last easily, 'i nr.. r.ivnrltex were Biicctmirul, two recond ii s mid ono outsider. Tiio weather was dull nnd cloudy, the track fa-1 ,iinl it blK hnir-holidny crowd was In i f- l.ince. Summary: I irvi rueP. October stcelilceliiine ,,..., t t A , 0 I ' ml nne halt niijex. Phitu. IV! iVcithi wiin; i lie iinchcior, 155 (llrpeni. 4 t 1 ..ml 7 to u Hei'iunl. 1 ild Tank. li ilmn. ti '. I to 1, third. Time: 1:39',. IVrlon, ' ni..r liudd and Walter ("learv alao ran .-'..tul race, tUe and nne-ba'f fitrlon---: .v..i Tuoih. ley (Wiilah), 15 to 1, won; ' " mi.i PHI (Iturimi. ii to 1 and 2 to 1, aec 1 II. I. n (IV. in; iMItcbelli, '. to 2, third line MW Lord Popper, l'''ept Wing, ' .'iii iii, Miiry, The (ioiileu Princ', M.itt I'li.il. M.irKuret Hoffman, Tour, Ko r 'in. Aiinii. Hollow wooil. Hunru. Ilu.iiiiier " 'l Crookweed alao ran. i'. '.I l ie.', Killpie cMnw: I'nnuiHked, ''I.nrv), 5 to I, wajii; Joe yr,.-- p,, 'I' h to I and .'! to I, aeeond; Hold 1 " . (Hhawi, 7 to 1. third. Time: l:iiM. 'tin. Iti'dpath. l.adv I'ncas, l,adv of '". .;"'l.r'1,',"' ,I'"ente, Toacii ij ' I Mihs Mllehell 11N0 run. r . ui Hi race, ('Iniini agne atnkea, aeven ' .ii.'iigi: (lurry ilerrmnn. 117 (Hullinani, n wmi: Sml'e, H7 (MeJoynti. It) to 1 1 : tu I. Hcciinil; Water Color, 125 il.ltil, t . Ii S to fi, third. Time. l:27i-. C nrov, k .1.1 tor, Handwork and Criterion uhto Fnib nice, .Municipal liamllcap, mile and thi" ri.irtci. Kthttbert, 12(1 (iMomi, 7 ' v ui; Imp. 120 (Hurnai. 4 (o 1 mid il to ml. .Maid of Harlem. p iHl.ieki, 7 o t third. Time: 2:5Mi. Jack point and I ' k ' ' i i.i ( almi ran -ili race, mile and nne-plghth, gelling: Pin iMIIIbi. 7 to l. wo,,; i, idle... ' It illinain. 7 to 1 and 2 to I, aecoud' ih" i 'h.iinherl.iln. luit (O'Connor), ,"i to I 'blr.l Tim,.: i r,T'i, fJm.ikc, Mi'l Mireani . I l.nmlu II iiNo ran. Will Hum Aivnlnsl Iteeoiit, 'I. Kill). ().. (let 1.1 - 1 1..,.-.,.. I i il.l'.IK). ().. (let. 13. (l,.,,ru,. iv I.. I'd. uu arrived home last night with his It impum amnion Creseeua aim una ten- i. l a nig reecptlon by the local hiirxi-mcii ii ifieri.niiii the Nialliiui will make an li i ini'i io bleak the local traik record of l i. field by liiimly .Mm It im a tin I f -' il' truck and the Htalltuti will he Hent ' ' h. .Ha ugalliat the lecnrd. I'mt llneei in i lium, I'n I r. I' WIU CII'V, Nel, . o,., i,tl , - I 'i- riecM at the HutUr r.iunlv fair were a 1 ' te.itiire ami the hi-st ttrre that w in .r m, nle on a om-hali mi,, icea In .. AUli ni.'ICK 'I'd s IS 15. ' 1 1 "'" to- (lulel. Io .pi. anil lileeiiile Ileal Merit in .e, Medl el nei. oiuri's Hyspi'pslu Tableta are a dlscov n of great value to the medlcnl prufes i..r ami tho public. They are nn unfall mg iiecle 111 all cases of ayapppHltt and ih i rdereil dlgcatloil. i must every body's dlgestlou is dlsor- n. nd morn or Ipsh, nml the cominouost 'nn). i hey do Ural is to tali ite miiiiy so-culleil blood purltlers, which in r ii) ci..oH are merely mrong enthurtips. f h thiiiKs ore not needed, if the organs nl" in a dogged condition they need only a little help aud they will right them- ili'U, Cathartic irritate the sensitive Iin , ' of the stomach nnd boweU and often .1. more harm (ban good, ruining is not what la needed. The tt .ni; to do Is to put tho food In condition v be readily digested and assimilated, b unri H dyspepa.u Tablctg do this perfectly. 'Hi.) partly dlgist wlmi n e.lvn amJ give th. Btnnmch Just the help it needs. Thoy m niulate the secretion and usumion nf tho ac tive tlulds ami relieve iu. congestud """" xu and immbrano. Il.es mil the whole digestive ytl.,n j ..i .'ii loii to do Its work W'lun Hint Is u. tie sou need take no more tabids, unless j. m cat what does not agree with you Thui tako ono or two tablet --g!Ve them ii't-bd help nnd you will have no trouble it's a common sonso medicine ami ,i leniuion bouho trcatmoiit nml it will euro otry time. Not only cure the dlseaie but cure the caue. tlocs obout it in n pirte.tly sonslblo and scientific way. We have tOBtlmonlnlH enctigh to flll 0 In eii. but wo don't publish many of thorn. However Mit 1!. M. Pulth of llyrd'a Crook. Wis., Knut I have tokon nil the tablets I got 0f Mm ami thoy lmvc ilono their work woll in in i i si', for I feol like u different persm, altogether. 1 don't doubt If I hud not got Hum I should havo been at rest by this tun. H K. Wlllurd. Onslow, In., says: Mr. While of Canton, wua telling nu of ycur 'i peiwiu Tablets curing him of Dyspopsla fr. m which he hud buffered for clsht years. 1 am n sufferer myself, wish you to p. u.l me a package by roturn mail. I till Hroflks, pDtrolt. Mich., snys: "Ymr in pepsin cure has worked wondcis In mi i I endured fur yours from dyspepsia but am now entirely cured and enjoy lift. ns 1 never have before. 1 gladly recom mend I hem. It will cost 50c to find out Just how much Hi'i..iTs Dyspepsia Tablet will help you. Trv them that's the best iay to decide. Ml druggists sell them, a little book on 'i niiii'h illscnus wllll be mailed free b jdilreHs.siug K. Stuart Co., Marshall. MUU. I f f m.i i . 1 1 . i i ' i. .i i n ' : Li' i ' i t. i i . t ,i,i . I. . , i . ' , h I'l" .It I be t.ile I ill ,11 l.l'.e . II '!! vara ii ii" t'h'iflu (mw.irl wmi the r e il the fri i-fiir-nll trot HVe-llPllf we Time, S ITU ' 1 i! I ''4 Muhle ui.W.iril mill I'lmebe imwai'l are full lter ntnl ire nwiie.l liv I 1: ti,' i f th!' city. Thv Vi re driven bv H II Htllltli The hbi'm-Irntni- I' iin run ne-h.il: hup iti " .".! tii the running r.n c Kirn mid Wmi In one mile beat nml r"n it In I MISS BENNETT iff FAST TIME peeil) l'lll II11I.P1 Her ppeu rijiH'e lit KIiiIiii'Ii I'm 1-It nml Willi t let er Knee, PT l.oriS. (let 1.! -niiirlniii weather, un entiling 1111M iiii'I the upiie.iruilce of Mlfii H. 'linett. the fleetelt iilh in the Wet. Were the IneentlM's which drew a big crowd to Klnloi h pi.ik tmlin It proved 11 bad day fur thi talent, as milv two fuMirltia acored, the other four race going to outsldera. The beat nice of tin- euM wan the tlfth, 11 five and one-hiiir fiirloiiKit diiKb. In which 11 iiilnlet of Kirlnter Joined Ikxiics. Mica Hennelt waa madi.' 1111 odd-on favorite and Was buivlly iiel I'VariU Hell, Doublet and W. ,1. linker did not lack friend, how ever, and Were all well backed. Hltill Waa tleglce teit In the betting oWlllg to her rect nt prior lierform.'itici n At the fall of the Hag Iiiimlnlek runheii MIhh Heimett to the fore and made ery piei a wlutiing one. the game ilaiighter of Ittipnell llaahlni? iat the JudgiK fn the fnnl lime of I leti'n. two letivtlm liefj.rc Frank t :!!. louliet and W. J. Hakcr, who tluMteil nosen apart after 11 hot tu.-fle through the ntretch. The Jiiduea pl.icul Hell nen.nl aiul Houblet thinf. The time la within half a rid of the world' record. Track I11M. Keaulta: Firm race, wveu furlonga. for 2-year-nUIs, purse. I'"armer llehtutt. Id! (WeddeiMtrnild), 5 to 1, wmi. drlrati:'. It" (J. Mathewat, ft to I, Ki'i nnili, Ton; l,eiiirig, n H'ohlimi. to ft, third. Time. i..ms. odtior, William Jtu.ver and Hcorioletie nlan ran. Heciind race, mti mile, Mplllng: Joe Ixiuglity, luti i.J. Mathewai, ) to I, won; fklllman, Pin tHaaaliiKcri, 1 to I. aeeond; Klght Iti IN, p I f Hal 1. Ki to 1, third. Time: t.tt'i. Tm Ullmore, TlcUful, Jimp ami Rll Value nil 11 ran Third rai , t furlonga: t'Vlls Hard, !7 ttiomliilcki, tfi 1, won, (to tint, 1u5 (Weil ilernir.i uh. .! to I, aeeond; l.ovlng Cup. b7 (K Mutbi wsi, third. Time: i;l:ltfc. Slr-Oa-tlan, Vli le Name, Kugenbt Wlekeg, Iron Chanci llor a 'id N d Wlckea ulao ran. l-'uurtb r.n '. one and une-iiuarter tnllea, over live hurdle: Willie Price, 125 (Hut- ten. f l.i I. won: l;va Mm., Uu (I'orteri, :i to ,"i, Hccoiui. imp. l.niiirir, i:' iHtuck), a to 1, third Time: ;: (iomei, folcy and My l.a'.t Hoie alao ran. I'lfth raci. ii v t and one-half furlong. iure: MIkh Heniiilt. ii (Uotnlnlclii, !i to e. won; Ktank I It'll, 11." 1 llaaMlngeri. 1:1 to ."1, s. 111111I, lioulihl, in.') iCiluillii, 5 to I, third. Time; l:i,ieV Hlnll and V. J. Uaker also ran Slvth lei i.tir.-." .Mi. Il.illanil. : , one mile nnd m vntv yards, T'll "ti r !'"' 1 1 i.llel. II to I'l. Won , ill M.iiheWMi, ,"1 to 1, miiuul: .lolltl C.llil H i 1 1 'oiulnli ki Ito 1, thlnl. Tlmi I 15 Itohull ,i n i Pinochle also i,m. OPENING DAY AT NEWPORT I. mm lnili anil I'moiKei DUIile lloiiori nl IvelilucK llnee Trill'!. CINCINNATI. Aug 1.1 -The fall nteetlng of the tiueen Cl Jockey dull iipened to day at Newport under numt favorable con illtloiia. The weather wan delightful utid the iittendaiici' large. Ten booka were In line and the belting war lively. The lln IhIus In tile majority of the eventa created gieat excitement among the appctuinra. Htarter Jake Holtinan did excellent Work with the Mag. Jackson smith acted as pre aUIIng Jude. Truck fat. Healths: l'Mrat rine. kIx furlongs: The Hush, luS (Wiliklleidi. u to 1, won; Joe Martin, l't'.i (Alter), S to 1, aeeond; The (leezer, liif Kl.irn. ri, 3 to I. third. Time: 1:14'4. Har bara .M, Prlneem.' 'I byra, Ir. Hluck, (HiuHh H, Albert H.ildwin, sr., ami L'ncle Slmim also run. S 'coimI race, sewn furlongs, selling: PiiiiHne J. lim i.Miivi. C to I, won; Calooc.ui, '''J Jl,l'. ' 1, s. nd; Trotlbuline, lutu (Slllleri, 7 to 2, third. Time: l:2Vb. I'i. sey. Charlton. W. O. Webb, II. 0. Kox, I'orbn.'b. Hlpiihelm, Hlchardsioii, Mzzlu Jackson and Hamiro II nlso ran. Third race, the furlongs: Kavorlla. PM (May), 0 to 1. won; Port Wlm . Mi (J. Wink lleld). H to 5, ".'iind, School for Scandal, pi. (MlehaelHi, , to I, third. Time: l:iili4. I he ( ovenanter, .Margaret F. The Itronze I lemon, Iteiigal, Johunv McCurtv, I.'ulrv I fay, hit nu (Ireen, Staff nnd Piiy Cherry ulao run. rourth race, one mile: John Yerkos. 110 (Michaels), 11 to n, won; John llalsev. U7 iM.iyi, In to 1. second; Wine Press. MU'iMc- iV'"'.!leVii "1 r',', T,'mt': . l I'-tightirat. I. i.ulsvllle Heiie. Hrlgadc, Curl C, Suubcr and (ireetlngs also ran. K'f rm',:'.,"n1i: 0,1,1 otn-MlxlPpiitli miles, s-lllii: N, tie Hegent. P i.l. Wlnltlleldi. s Joy. won; I he Sluggard, 115 ( Ileermani, K !'1,.','is'',.'.""1, VM4 t?"l' (Mllleri, 5 to 1, Bi'' l,., Vi1"4- '"''"W f Truce. Amelia firathii.nre. Heniu mla, Peter Durvea ,''5,V,,..f5"r"1"' J,eana and Jennnot a No 'ran! Sixth nice, kovi n furioiiKs: l.nikspur, lull .Michaels), a to 2. Won; Violet Pai'sims! p.2 (,M yi, i, in 1, seciuid; Marlon i.vneh, pi (a . rl.uni l t,. I. third Time; ib,i4. JJh'ter ( nil,, i t. SIki.t Alice, .Samovar, I n.t.v Uosle, limy iioiiing ami Suave also r.t ii. GOOD RACINGAT HARLEM III I.IIIIU Itll ,( (I,,. j Wiin I'oiinil. 1 1 1 1 1 ti (ieiN i'i 1'i'c 'I'i oiniclou. 'IIICACii, net. 1:1 -Ilirleins feature to il.ii was the mile and iuie-eghlh hamfiiaii with the starters. The Held ran true to li.riu. resulting In a illsasir.i is loss to tit bookmakers Found irud Van lloorebeke, in I pled, Were always favorites. Found Won by three lengths after a hard contest. (loi'bel, HeriiifiHa end ,11m Oore. three of llv 'ougem Hbots mi the bounl. In the tlrst laeo gave the talent u iievere jilow by run ning In the order mimed. Funcvwoo'd won the second race as she pleased. Hessle Muek'in won the llfth race al live fur longs, muklng It in ii. f.ii 2-5. a track reord. Ueiiiber clear and track fust. Summ.ii'v: I'lrst race, live nml onn.lmir i'n.,1..,..u. i (loebel. lux (Tullvi. X to 1. u,n.: I let'n..u.i' U'X I Alexanderi, 15 to 1, second; Jim (.lure! II. lu'l i'l' Knlehli I", t 1 n.l.-.l 'i'i..,.,; i ;" 2-5 Sill' I T,,-lul... ,'-!,, I,. IV... .. ... ; V, ,' .,,,,, ,,!.. UOIl ,iiiuieii ai-n ran. Hc otid race, sevi n furlongs: l.'aiicvwood. PC ( I. Knlgbli, 7 to 5. won: William Ack, l'ii i I'ullyi. ri m 1, second: WnP, ion u. Mtirtlni. i:; to . third. Time: l:2i'.-l-5. Howeii, Ilanilyman, Tyr ami Alm nlso ran llitnl race, mile and one-elghili. celling: 1'ouimI. lur, iDevini, ; to 5, won: Precursor. I'd (Martini. In 5. second; Knight Han neiit. i llkersoni, 5 to I, third. Time; l ..'.-. Flurlaar and Van iloorcbek also l"HM l o irlh race, live furlongs: bin Carbrv. ,'!," .'.;' .." l'".1"''' " " w"; Kobnwreath .'it i I Kn'iJiii, :i io 1 sicotul; Amoroso, 102 H.inel.i. i, t . third. Time: l:u 2-5. Nut iiial (las, Invletiis, ijulbii. llvlo, Aracliiii.. IWs.irt and Sh it I'p also ran. ui i "'!'' n.'l '''' hmgs: HcMKle Maeklln, A1. U'',"""1!.' 11 '" fl' '"n; Do'lle Welthoif .' ' i" ' feinnd; Sharp Hlrd, W i I' knlBlui 5 to I, third. Time; u;59 2-3. also ru'i.' ' l'"r,,le "lul Hcrrlboy Hlsih race, one mile. selllnB: Chimoiiu- i,in,'.-i I .' f.VVtV;;'' J ." -1' wn,,i Oogni.tlmey. '' K"hhti. k to 3, Mecon.l; Aureii. !H (liansonii. lSto 1. ihlrd. Time: 1:o. Wax Hood s lii lcide, nyy. iiHbom. Dissolute, Can dlebluck and Natbanson also ran Pnli'lien PreuUs Triiel.- Iteeoril, NKW YdHli, Oct. 13.- . lop Pat i hen In bis mile ag.lllisl tine at the Park w.i v ri 'e track, Uronliliii, rhls af erno... w in nu lUiifter In O.-.lft,, the balf In 1:0"' 111.' tlir." iiu.irters in I 3l'4 ami Hi. mile in 2;H;ia breaking the truck re. ird. let ( to lower his own ree -rd for the dlstai.ee Viiriliin lloienteil by Mebnlls, NHWTON. Mass.. Oct. 1 1 - For th,. seron.l time during bis stay tn this countrv Hnrrv urdon. winner of the 1'nlted Btat'ea oneii vi',,.!!'; V;hw 'Hed by Iterniird frWU il bi this nfleriKHin on the Hrnoburn Inks iiHVhi Newton. Nlchalls wiia on" up on V.ir.b.ii al thp close of the morning pluv and managed io keep ahead or even with hi opponent during tbo remainder of the Omuic (ini'diier Delcnleil, tMl'liU' V1'1' "-,1ciir Gardner wns deleated in a slx-rouiid contest t.mlirlit with el e ,'lnh" n '"' 'l"'' "', Hie Chicago At I lelli club. Oleson had the better of It all . ' "'""? '","' I" Hie fourth rou I the deiis1::!, 'iX!1;'1'1- (,lisuM wua ,vBn ,',",,5C,''.",,Ln!'1"" I5v"r l,"U il'Me-tnn. UAIA K8T(N. Tex , Oct 13 -The lur est beMev irr "l,,."f OHlviiton believed to le bireer than any previ u cargo from the gulf. ,.. (l( ,! ,.,' ' j t.amer Ira la. whb Ii clear,! " da" " l" ut on board In round nml wnmir,, bales or cotton the e.iulviilint of 2H.ti) square bales I talMi earrl.'.l "i.i.m bush. 1 of 'wheat and at ll 'l "!" ' " ''nrKn ' va,u"'1 ' ii - II renin n 111b, Harry Connelly, a blllnosler, fell from a adder last evening while working near Ivvilfth and Puiiglu sti ts nml broke a rib ,,.1 btK l.-n side He was attended bv p ll e surgeon Anns and taken to his linii ut 1 .U lliiiney atrcot, Kl V ILOMXi; lllEI.E.l,lhM-;S(IN ! Tiaul Qamw ia tho National Pkyed h) ; 1 Three Toaius Ywtc rday. j BROOKLYN MAINTAINS A NARROW LEAD Trollej iloilm'i i I IcL r ili'U In (lie Wlllllllll mill I'lll.lllll'e; I, I'M (to In ( lileumi, "iieuil lim (iili lluhll , (lie Hi noli I j ii, 1 1 Nimv Xiir'.t (I, Ctileiiuo. Ti I'll liliiii'ii. r.. 1 Plllliideliililii, si lliislnii, il. M. I. null, ill ( llll'ltiollti, SV.W Yolii;. Oct, 13. -Urooklyn I Pat New York In the final game of the season a' Hip Polo grounds this afternoon. The Chnmplotis had madp six runs In tho pluhth Inning when the game was called, tntii then Tnylor pitched good ball. Th- teams aro tied In the series, with win of ten Sanies each. Attendance. i.Sfln. Score: KltOOKI.VV NKW VnHK n ii ci vr it h ' a i: Mi flfn'ty, rf ii I :i il n ...mI n. .f n J I In Ke- ler. If .. n I ii i. .- n,,i ii, if. ..i H siiei knrd, If ii n t u n r. if., 'i ' t .l.'tin'M, lb. t I : ii p, liin'n, ;ii, n n n -, n rri., 3b.... il 1 I i' lli.'inrl. . t. 't n n " Usly, "l.... 0 1 I i ,i i th... .1 I I.' H i liptiionl, as. ii it I u f mvis ' . 0 ii .1 ., . Karrell, 0 0 T S Murphy. h. n " I .; I Ib'WPlI, p.. n t ii nu i.ii, n ii ) n ii - Taylor, p ... fi 'i 'i ' Ii Totals . . I Hit 9 i I T t.ils .. I SI II I Hrooltlyn a o a a o 1 n; New York a o o o o o -) First base on errors: Hrookl.Mi, 1; N 'W ork, I. I.efl on baeo: Hronkl.vii, ."; Si w Wk, I Fir.t base on ln!U: on Howe I, 1: off Taylor, .:. Struck our ty li,..l,. I, Paerlllce hit: lia s. Houble play: Ih.N itiniiSMlslo.il, Two-biife bits, Jeli:ilu.H. Vatillaltreii, Doyle. Tlm-j; 1:15. 1'mplre; Snyder. Meiiiifei" wiiiiii rp Well. PITTSHI tm. Oct 13. -Pltt-ditirg elid'i' the season a- It began, wit!) a .lei. at. T'i liitersiater, "Jigi'' ii.iiiobue. x ve.l a bm out by a thret -b.i'tger In th- eighth, witii Hip bii-es full. Men.ifep teheil u jr"'l game, live of Plltsbuig nils b I ii m. b I.i the eighth. Attendance, 2.4i. nl": PITT8HI ltd, I illli Atln. It II i) A tt I U II n A K MnVry, If. ) ii i l l strung, : . I I I :i S'irlver ) l) i) o (i'l ml.in, rf.., I .' II " II. .iiiiii't, pf 1 13 0 0 JLfi't'nrt'v. If 'I ! I 0 liltchry, tli. i) i) .' ij 1 1 1-,. en. if.... 1 II ii ii It Winner, rf. 1 2 n n o annuel, lb . I 1 x i' li i-n. lb. .1 n 12 1 l lluiil). y, 3b. ii i) 3 2 i WiU nin, Sli. 1 u ii r, Mi Oiir'k. , I I I I 1 i..'hV. e 1 4 a I T rn h"p. e I 1 4 I o My. I I I.M.mnfee. p. I 1 1 0 (I i'ann 'lilll, p i) 3 0 1 () - - Totals .. " 10 84 10 1 Totals ..8 7 24 15 P Halted for McCreery In the plgltth. Pittsburg o ooooon fi-r. Chicago 0 2 0 o 3 0 2 07 Famed runs: Pittsburg, :i: ('lib ago 3. Two-bao hit; Tnnnelilll. Three-las hi . ,T. lionohue. Slnlen bases: J. l iioIi.ip. Tnnnelilll, (Jrern. First base en b. lls: iff Tnnnelilll. 1, off M. i afec. . Hit In pi-'i d ball: Henutnnnt, o'Hrlen Williams, Hie u. Struck out: M- Tanpplilll, 3: by Mrnaf e .'. Passed bull: J. Don.. hue. Time: 1:15 I'm. plre: O'lbiy. dune called on m count or ilarkiie." Until Ton ion Knurr In (lull. PIIthAllFI.PlllA. Oct. 13 -The la e In rinson closed here today, Phi a b phl.i easiiy defeating Huston The mei.ib.' of both teams wire very anxious to -jet iw iy and eonseinu'iilly the pi i.v inni d with iiiniiii iitlalilo celerity. Aitendaiiie, 1.2 a. Score: PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON'. It II O A F. It II O V. Thnmns, cf. ! I a a Harry, If-.- I 'i 1 ii n 1 :: I ii 1 i i ii :i I n 1 :: I Single, If.... 2 i 1 Pllck. rf.... 1 1 2 I'llllra, lb... 1 I IS Juckl'si h, e 0 1 5 W'olv't'n. 3b 0 1 0 Pnlm. Hi .. I 0 0 I 'Mis. tt.... t 2 (I Heniharil, p 0 0 0 ii o Iauiv, ss . o u Collins. 3b u n Tenney, lb 0 nHtHhl. rf... 4 I Li we, 2b. .. il l) :i .1 I t 1 Puffy, c.... I t :i a 7 1 Sullivan, r. 0 " 0 I 1 0 Uwl, p.... 10 2 1 Totals .- S 10 21 1C 8' Totals .. 3 720 1" Two out when gumo was called. Phlladelpbln I I 0 0 I 0 2- Uoston 0 1 0 0 2 0. MariiPil run.i: Phlladeltibla. 3. Two-bi bin: SlnglP, Flick i2). chiles. Stub n b is 1-Tiek. Chiles. Double play: cro-.s Dolati to Chiles i2l. First ba i eir u - Pblladeli.hli. 2; Huston, 2. Flrt bus. on bulls: Off Lewis. 1, off H.-rnli ,rd, I. In on bases: Plilhiilelpbbi. 7; Huston, . Pas .1 ball: Hill 11 v . ii. Wll.l bitch: Hernli.ini Time: 1:'C. empire: Hurst. ( a nl i nn is vi i minim. ST l.Ol'IS, Oct. 13. Jon 's twirled l.i lln. form tod. iv. iilili'iugb h" wa- poulv 'm purled. The deals hit bard nnd al op. I- tune times. Attend.i'icc, 1 no. rtc in : ST. UO ;!.. CINCLN.V V'l'l ii ll n a f i it i j i ) a n Mi'Hniw. 3b 0 2 1 4 0 liarrett, rf. u - ' ' " Hnikll. If. t a I " ii llartl. If., i :: I " 'i ll l'lrl k, .f 1 II " noiler. rf.... 1 P.11..M111, rfO S ! 0 OlMkley, lb. n - 7 " " Wullace, . 8 a I 0 n Irwin, 3b. . " " - - " Kr. Hirer, 2b 0 I 2 2 2 Corcoran, n 1 12 4 I i..n'ln, Iti . 1 112 OH'elnf'dt, 2b I 0 1 " n Cils-. r, c ... 0 1 7 ii I Kahue. c... 0 ' I I .lone, p o 1 0 ;i 1 Pelt, c ii t 1 o ii Hahn. p 0 n u I Tutsi" .- a 10 27 r I Totals .. 3 l" 24 11 : St. Louis 2 " 0 0 0 ! 1 ?, Cincinnati On ) 0 I n 1 2 named runs: St. Loiil- 2. , Three-biis bit: lleldrlclt. Hasp on balls: (iff ll ibn. 1. Strike outs: Hy Jones. I: bj Jluhu, . Stolen bases: I lellriclt, I; Uelr-r. 1. Time; 1:25. 1'mplre; Hmslle. .stiiiiilluu nl' Hie Tennii, Played Woe Lo t Hrooklyn l''1 i- " Pittsburg 3!' ' . i.ii. ..I.. i. .un, :t 75 13 PC ..;u -,ti .-3 ! i : i en..... Host on 13 Chicago St. Louis bfJ Cincinnati Js New York I i;."i ii) ii.' on . 'in I VI i i::.-. FIGURES ON LEAGUE SEASON Siiiiie Inleresllim sliKlslIci In Inn Iieetlnu wild (be Heeords of ( lobs mill Pill) et s. C1IICAOO. Oct. 1.1.- The Niition.il b agin base ball season came to an end at sunsi l today. Cincinnati and St Louis will pluv a Biitne Siinibo afternoon, but for six iltbs the season Is dono. The result Ik .is lol- lows: Hrooklyn ... Pittsburg .. Philadelphia llostnn Chicugi) . ... St. Louis.... Cincinnati Wiin. i.osi. im . . Kl M .0"3 7 ll (ll .50H .513 .47V 40 1 .I0u .450 135 (R nt (12 (10 ! fl 7 New York,.- tik.,1. ,.i,i. ik,. moHt ninrlred feature of lln- vear has been the work or the pltiliers. W.iddell, the eccentric Pittsburg pit' her, has the strikeout record or the ienr, Inn ing twice struck out twelve I hi. ago bai ters, once In a fourteen Inning game and once In a iiiiie-ltinlug cotib si. Uuhn once let down Pblladeli hlu without a lilt on July 5 Nops blanked Cincinnati with but one hit nnd the m xt day Kltson duiillciite.l the real. Hans Wagner of Pittsburg Is the leading batsman "f the league with an n ernge of 4iKi. Wagner shook off all eom pelllorH quite early In the seanm. went to the front nml was never headed. .bssu Hurkett, who led the league two limes in previous venrs. Is second, Plbk third ami Keller fourth. The base running was poor, not a man stealing us mnn.v us W) cushions, liarrett and Donovan, with 45 nenls, lead the pro cession. ..... Klcldhu figures show thut Zliniiur of Pittsburg leads the catchers. Mcllanti of St Louis the tlrst basemen, l.nJnio of Philadel phia the second s.ii liers and Irwin of Cin cinnati tho third base tribe. D.ihlen lends at shortstop. Domnaii of St. Louis in right. Ileldrick of St. Louis In center und Kelly of Hrooklyn In left. The serb' between the rlub of tbo list nnd those of tile west show some uueer freaks. Por the tirst time In .w ars the w st ent clubs cu me near holding their own nirulnst the pattern, tho muni standing 151 vb torles and 1(17 defeats. Chicago and Pitts burg made the phenomenal rei ords of Hie year. Chicago making n stand on the home groundH when the pustern clubs made their second Invasion and winning 12 out ot 11 gomes. On the lust visit of thu western clubs to the east Pltttdurg con.Ueiei everything, winning 13 uml losing 3 games. IliiHton. from last place, iniule u rally un the dome groumltt In June and took 13 out of 15 games from the visiting westerners. Hrooklyn did not do mm b nuaiiist Hie west erners at dome, winning tu and losing 17 west of the mountains nml winning 21 ami lining 15 at home All the other eastern clubs did better than thut against the west erners at home e.cii t New York which won 21 and lust 17 Phllaili i hlu won ::i on i lost 11 and postun Won ?s ui.d list ll fall I ne down hard In tho lust dome serivti. hi EDITOR ATTACKS CANDIDATE 'lllebell (,ii, '(le (alii Hon n t pun Hi llrnil Hie Iteiii'iineli nf Hip I il III III II II II) . MITCHELL. S P.O.f 1.! (Special Tele- ' gram I The Mil. hell Utuelte. fusion organ i f tlm "mint), made an i "iwai riintitl attaik in Its Issue jc'tcrdny en the honpsty of Hporgp A. John-foil, tbo rem. 'Hem candi dal for stnto senator, inferring that during the spsslon of the last legMaturo ho m able to pay off hi obligations faster limn his salary as legislator would permit. Mr. Johnston madp a call on IMHor Whitclier last night and gavp hi in a most vigorous shaking up. not deigning to strike him. The article in question has cau-ed much ' i ncitement In the city and the rhiiirman of the populist county central committee has disclaimed nil connection with stirh tudics and slates that If such Is to be the ibnracter of the campaign he wilt resign bin position Il Is likely that criminal proceedings will he commencpd against Whltcher for mall clous publication of slander. I'OIIMIIilpllllil VlilllllU llltlllllli. YANKTON. 8. 1).. Oct. 13 (Special i Nnlbnti P. Johnson. I'liited States Indian agpni for the Plwton and Walipeton In dlnns, has preparpd the vital statistics of thrwr ItiillnriH fur the Inst year, and the 11k iirii I'pvcal an nlnrmllig state nf health amtmg them. There are 1 lino SNsetons and V.'ahpctoli: , !ll males and Wfi femnles. Last year there wire 45 births and ." de.ithi, the avrri'.gc age at dpath bplng 2o years; but 1 most alarming of all, im tcr cent of nil j deaths resulted from cotiumptlon. The starilltiK nature of this report will be bel ter understood when It N known thnt the tenth rntp In the state nt Inrgp Is S.22 per t.ooo. and the deaths from consumption tire but o.3 per l.oon. St i tlil' tu (iotil Mine-. BPNDANCK, Wyo.. Oct. 13. -(Special.)-Anothpr Impnrtaiit strlkp hns b-en made In th" gold mines nt Welcome, northeast of here, thp ore, It N s-ild, rlviltug In j rl'hni!- nnything lipreti f re found in th" ttlnek r;i'-. U U n h noil Me ore n-. '. thp owners have n lede four feet wide I rr mere of good commercial value, with ti streak two Inches In width tint v. ill run nw.iy up In the thousands of dollars in g( Id to the ton. Assays have bpen made showing values of from $."..ono to lio.iiu" to the ton. A. I). Tlckoor is the owner of the property Uiiiihiin Ittii'i- Win SMil.e. 1,KA VKN'tt iillTII, Kan., Oct. l;l The ellfPc lit v hi t w . . u tin- miners and otierntnrs. wbleb bin erlHi'd for the last six wetl.s. V 'l'l Settliil late lollll-'ht bv till lll"n III eepl- leg the del-Ion of ) II Tnyjor. wb. bil In en eho-i ii as iirbllrntor bv both s'deH. I'lle tertllf lli.'ll Willed tile lllell Will work uri at s . eiim p. r tmi. eight eo to hours to eonntlluti' a dai s work. I dN Is a v tnry for the mtm rs. iinlv one mine will ilal'l M'inii'll tn irulir: lb' "tin r two noi Peine feiiih I'll" I'l. n. In . I .ii.l lifts mini im ll le i to i l' . I', l.ls l nt tin will i'. turn as soon n- work M.irt1- X A. KERVAN Mr.MCIIANT TAll.OK. Ladies' and (ieiitlsruPn's Ilig-h-Class Tailoring at Mod erate Prices. TUL 305. ill SO. I5TII ST Plain Gold Wedding Rings Tiffany Shape at Copley's llrldal Presents Tiny Jew el Win dies StinbuiHt Pearl Hrnorhes, i tc. Wedding Presents - Sterling Stiver and Cut Olass Pino Clock. N H. -1 havo a bargain JI'ST NOW In n 2'i carat dla fond. Ho you want it? HENRY COPLEY, Wares of Hold and Sllvur. 215 S 16th St., Paxton Block Our Canr'y is Good Candy A Ito.X of our Hue I'fllldli'M mt'fllis pletistire uml griitlllcntloii to Hioko wlm HIV regllleil Willi cliolee IlflVol'S mid smooth, erelllliy, (lellelotis eollsf.telH'y of our eltneolntes, boa liolia. ereumH mid earniuplK eiimly to !' cood mtwt neces Hiirll.v lie l'resli nml ns we make our own pioda. It Ih no wonder thut our lillhlucNM crows -Hlli'll pel'feet enildlc n k we munttfiieluie nre n rovelniion to old people who rejoiced in linrher pules mid ciiiulv IhiIIh when tliey were chll dreii tnlie home ii 1 ii i.v wltli you today. W. 8. Baldttf?, !520 Faruam St. Dis Am 03 Way- Weil I'm m. 'Iii' dese nils fur do Nee - you see. my Iiiish lielleveN 111 luo belli' comfol'tulile- so lie pit mn (lis desk an' you bet w'en he ain't luukln' I'w rlirbt down here -but when lie ciiIIm Zeke, you bet I'se all nwtiko but dla ii In' t uuthiu' to do wltli my boss' stoves - Valine ho's cot de (,'fentest eol lectloii you ever seed -an' he sells 'em cheap, too de Favorite, base burner-do one dnt's so frond- he sells fur Slu.Mi -n c1Mid oiik Mnvo lie sells fur $1,118 -do FllVorit'' cook Nlnvu lie sells fur .$11. '.mi an' de I'livnriti' steel riiuge he sells fur .S'JPSI) -.Mill en ii buy stoves of idlll on do easy payment plan. too. A. C. Ray mei is 14 Farnam St., i m n l I 1 'ir' Js. I 1 z FOUND GUILTY OF HAZING t ililel ttnilforil nf mul enilpiny (men Flft) Mpinerll Mnrbi ti) ( oui'f-Miirllitl. ANNAPOLIS. Oct 13 My Hie provlslona of an order lued bv Stiperititendent libliurd Wnlnrlght of th Nnval academy, C.iurgi S. Itudford, a third-class cadet, ricelves llfty demerits and H to be de lalnid on the Santpe for thirty days, as the result of tile findings of the court martial, whb h, on Thursday, concluded his trial on the charge of hazing Cadet Isaac liortsch on the evening of October 3. Two hundred and fifty demerits Imposed upon I u FOB Four solid carloads of Iron Beds One carload Parlor and Library Tables One hundred aud twenty-four samples of Couches These Iron Beds are the last of a large spot cash pur chase, and this Is an opportunity to get a high grade bed at a lower price than the cheapest beds cost, Iron lied, nny size St. 00 Good woven wlro spring 1,45 Cotton top mattress 1.7(3 Complete outfit S4.20 3 i, 1 Hi 5 J :..l t- I 1 1 1 t w No. T4i;nnmt'led Iron bod, brass rail head nnd foot, best solid brass knobs and finest and finest fl p" f h::z 4Bou enamel llnlsh, alzu, nt No. 110 Iron beds, first quality an ntnpl nnd handsome brass trim mings oval lluted knobs oval de- rlgn castlncs and trimmings. n regular ?:o.OO. A Brpat bnr- giiln for 14.80 Wo make n line forty-pound hair mattress, to HI nny bed, either made In one or two A f pnrts, regular JlS.nO N M mattrcas, for i,gt Also many good bargains In dressers, ehiffonlers nnd dressing tables. Before purchasing any furniture BE SURE AND SEE US. r.rrr-T-aitr-g r-rjrrr rry - L I ,11, IW HI. , I of uir desrripliefiH. A complete stock at very low prices. ThlH Instrument, with two hard rubber pipes. fiUc postagp. loo. THE ALOE & PENimD CO., J Dcforiiillr llraoe Slniiufact urcr, I 1408 Fnrnum O.MAUA. 9 Op. l'uxton Hotel. toaiTOTiiJiilinrjiHBaaMuua. mn 11 mw i miiimi ff . S"""'" ' ' I..-' I AIT. u w 1 -lJ v pi J WW a ..let In abv mo ycur Is i 4 .a a 'u lii a tut JaJg'tig ' nib HaJf'.Js l t .li'tuirttLeuf he will cm up tlm s. ri n. .s puuKhmetif . as last year he reiched unly tlfiecii bad marks. The testimony against Had ford was not damaging to the extent of "hazing" that rails for thp severest penalty a dismissal from the servi.p. It Is thought that un less new phases of hail tig crop out during the Investigation the rpmalnlng cadets on trial will get off with equally light punish men i. The case of Cadpt John S. Abbott of ilip , first class was begun today on a similar (ibnrgp of having partbipati I in the tru ing or Cadet HortM, h 1.1. uti nant HooU- . tfhiimck Jtimilm la New fall dp-lRii parlor and library tnblps. bought at u Krent barRSln. a row descriptions will show bow they are going. No. 110 Vpry artistic dpslgn tablr ' 24x21 sUe. of top-solid oak golden flnisb, well finlshod nnd Hirougiy mane, l fhf a vi-) vniuo for No. 32lMahosany tnbl", famy Blmped top, sle 81x21, Preiich Ipks, largo lower sholf, fancy desUn. a very new pattern, rnme as those I generally sold for JS ftd, iu thu new lot ono 3,85 dozen of them to ko ut . No. ' 23i'l(lentilno mnhogany library table, size 24x3S. I wist le8 and twist trlmmiiiKs, Inrno drawer, scr. pentltip edKe, n rcKU Inr 13(1.00 table, for i4.si No !- Couches this Is the regular $Iiino conch, extra wide and long, well made, high grndo vebmr coi- erltiK, tn;i(le in nny ig, m;i(le In any f" ft ir. Fperlal t HH 3i uu eolor, for I'cgnmone leather rourh, ver large extra long, finely made. deep soft tuft itIK. special for LW1 'iiv - Tr - MHi - aiir.rTjynwrra - l'Miraf nwtm liere Are Some of I h' liiii'Kiiins wo offer ynu this week: A full sii'il vviilniit iiiso upright plutio, w Ith stiiol nml si'ini". $l.'is. Ti'i'ins .Sin cnsli uml per mnuth. (in- uprlKht pliiiin. (ink ensc. iliuililc vi'tii'i-ri'il, I'li'uiiiit loiii', for $iru". 'IVniix .'Slii cnsli uml Ml per month. A lmtiilMimi' full sized upright plutio. In wnltiut vi'iii'i'i'cil enso. Ivory Uc.vh, rich iiMio, for S177. Terms ?UI cnHli uml ?7 per month. An elegant iiuilmKnny ruse plnno, sUclitly tiM'il. stiiiiilnnl mitlic, for ifl.si!. Terms SUt i-itxli uml !?" n moiitli. As!; In see Hie soil' plnylng plnno nl lii' limi'iit "Tlie Apollo'" the wonder of the nge. A. K03PE, iluslc and Art. 1513 Dourly Shoes That's Our Biz- I We know where to lniy m ns to Ret ilie Iiest value must style mid 11I110 I lute coinfoi't you'll think so when you I see mid put on ymir feet ll pnlr of tin 'new enmuels fur men nt ifl.iK) - now, j think of n genuine French eiitlinel shoe j fur .Si. un these are eoiiuliie no IuikbJ' ' top lent her used 111 iliem und we know these eiiiiiueled shoes will went' longer nnd clve lietter HiitlBfneilnu tlmn uny shoe you ever paid $."i.oo for - look nt them In the window come in nnd feel of i hein nnd If you don't luiy, we miss our KticsH. Drexcl Shoe Co Onmhn's Up-lo-dntu Mho fleus 141U PAUNA.11 SlKlilil. Mr, Freder'ck, Hatter- Snys; "it's to the voiinir men In nnr- tlciilur Hint we wish tn speak and about hats no nuittof how Bond the clothes or Hlines-li'H the lint Mint adds tho tone -wo have been settlni; Hie puce fur stylish liendstonr for a riunrtcr of a cen. tnry and can say In this senson's stylts we are nhowliiK more cMdiiNlve sluipes than you will Uml elsewhere our &'l.()0 .speclal -sii iiopular for several M-asims past Is a crent value -all iho tone eol ors and slmpes of the high priced ones makes it a favorite but we are alwnys sellluir the famous riiinlnp nnd .Stetson a full line of Dent s. I'errln and other high grade gloves now on sale. FREDESICk. The Hatter, il" I end lll lim 11 mi nf Hid Went, li'O b 01111 FIFTUIJMTU T w.d'c v ' , r. -h- , i lug an . M , C . .. i , j, Kllie i .. , , ,,,, ,i,,, , , Their tiKtlnioiy w.m , r sluill.ir i.. given In the Itndlord case. Ciulil Hi t M said he sang a sntig, told a stury ,n,l stood upon his bead at the solbltnti' ratlnr than the importunity or demand of tho upper ilaesmcn who were In the to.uu Prnliil til Hie lliiitleililp. SAN FUANCIHCii (id t3-ll,e b. tl . slip WNciii-tti. hIi. i. iriii trip tn i unrnnra eiimnpi iimr-il iv iiemmr tn d lite fuel lb it Ii 1 the 1 1 SI biw - Ailiellciin ti.ivv, .nth. d in p .rt t .l.i ij , bulbil rs. the I'tili-ii I r. , works, at. , i dent that the liem .n will, uunr tn faVotatl" cindltliuii ban preiail ,1 rhu -day, belter Its ricerd of that daj . wxmawwvTw? sru mxma. m No. 212 Velour couch, .10 inches by 0 feet 4 Inches, made up with best springs, very handsome rococo frnmo, either mahogany or oak Ilulsh, n couch made to sell at J13.00; 23 of these to sell fur No. di -Mahognny tea table, fancy shnped top, size 211x20, I'ren. h leg', bnlest hand polish, graceful de sign; would retail ni 3 25; npeclal for No. 701 ?olld oak rocker, redded arms, leather seat, very large and comfortable, strong and durable; regular Jt 00 rocker, lor i Puf-l JiU No 420 Cnne seat chair, brace arms, well llnished, extra strong. a chnlr north $1 2.1; this week lOTaHJMXinBauaaaMi - CJJItrfSrcraMaaai:! nil - T' J ',71 ) W' ASP Couches 7,50 I a 85 rjE ml i'wm