Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    TTT13 OMAHA DAILY IMIK: Vlll DAY, OCTO 15121? 12, 1000.
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if'niivrluM lOw. by 8 It. t'rorkett.)
iTho continuation o( the ad.etuurc of
M . Harry Wedderbum, culled ' Strong h-o'-Airm,'
wrtttm by himself and tran
ciibed by Aloxandir McQublrr, M. U. ('. M.)
This Ml out exceeding well nml the
fact was murh bruited abroad llir uh u
(be LuuJilutidK ol waiioway now th t
v.ith tho tram of u bier I convertlt thirty
threo men lp and about the klrkvalrd of
Kelts In one day. Dill the flrit man hit
t brsk the head of was Hoarln.: a f
l'rlngle of Kirk, hrlst-attd I mgaid
in the bands of affection with his '''
ltachel, tixpcrtlng to wed her with the
first falling of the leaf.
Now. Honrlng Half was so woishtpfully
emitted on the palo that before he cultl
It tin to hearken to the voice of ihO
Little I.nlr Man he had r.ddcn tiorthwu d
on his way nnd all his tola with 11 m- '
Now, when Half sat up and drew his hand
across his brow ho asked who ll d OOi.e
HiIh and when they told him t.itu it wll t
ftlcnd Harry Wedderourn of the Hl.ick
Crat who had lnoke Ii.b own I
henil with tho i r i of tbo dea i ho
-. uii.i ,.,,, .mi swore in .Is unli 1
lowed wrath to sb .' mo If ever J . am
anigh the In us "f Mri -hrUl m seo h.8
alfcter or for any other i
Now I wa ant anxious abut Ha"h 4
hctself. I knew tl.t whttl ll came to the
point hhe cared not a dolt U r Koarlng
Half or for Sice Tut l'i .tlftl-.-, he ctio
nltig falher She was a fell clover 88 nd
had always been a great toast am nt u .
tin. ugh ever urging mo to firswnr al tl.g
drinking nt the wine with wi d tuuaga o
i ,n ,.i,.. .....ii riifnee li tines. ,t I ,
i. i ....... .ii in w i.v.t. lint
on... havliK' been with her and Hoa in? ' unheard rf tlirt they should de
Half ut Dumfries, It was my got.d t r- I'" wl I. ut making ti erry In the h use
tune to carry her acrs ho ted n- Holy ! Place and drinking of the h .mebrewed al .
word when Nlth Water win rial Rt nd u I. n a lass of brandy to ear h tank-
and aim i' that tluy stimuli w h e bad at- ''
wuyH th' tipltt well ot me. i r we .eft
the Itcarmi; One on Ihe D'lnif s sioro,
bbnting like n mlf with f ar .nil lnU r.
"I will go over on I bring hi III or
on my back," sa'd 1. And tl d have
piling. .1 In ngnln to do It. For I th ug i
nothing f p. rl's of attr8, b in 'all nid
li get .1 wirniM.r, to bcot. Hut li a V.a he I
w nid lit permit. S c U-ll i.o
ly ih arm and wiu'd not 1 t tin go b. ck
r od will ou do somevhat less, Harry
VP .i. rtium? If Half ihlnks so little of his
ulster as to rotnoy her Immo disguised In
ll.itio . o'en let him stand tho o on tho slioie
biialu" till hu tire ot, -'.in take his way home
by the Hrlg of Dumfries."
And so I was very nmtcnt to do. deliv
ering llarhel In'o the hands of Iter Undo
Lancelot I'rlnxje of Quatrclwood In due
time, but n longer time mayhap than In
ordinary circumstances It took to traverse
the distance between tho fords of Holywnol
uur agaliiht Nelliorsolm und thu iiiausion
Iiouso of Qimrrelwood. I'or the pl"nure
thut I had In carrying of Haehcl rrlnglo
through tho water had gone to my h"ii 1
tomo little and I was perlipp.1 not so clear
ubout my way as I might have been.
So. mlf. ling me on that heartsome nnd
merroral b night. tneih'T with other things
more recent, I whs not peihi'ps very anx oui
alout Ihe nTeetlon of Knrhnel l'rlngle, for
I thought 'hat It would tube more than th.j
ord if Itoailng Half to change that little
Hacli-d, whom 1 had enrrbd In my armn
ocr tho swelling of Nlth water. I minded
me bow tight she had held me, nnd how,
when we got over, she whispered In my ear
bt ft r- I sol her duwii: "H..rry. 1 like Htronj
men!" Which s.ijitig .-o.mwhat delayed tn
putting her down, for thu ground grew In
continently bopgy and unstable Just at thai
So on tho evening of the lay aft;r I had
fortaken my 111 courses at tho bidding nt
tho Little Fair Man, I set out from the on
sleadlng of Ulack Crnlg of Dee, leaving all
thoro In the keeping of my brother John, a
stark upstanding lad, nnd Tiose of (J.lher
drier, my rh'ef hired herd. I told tnem not 1
whero I was going, but I think thiy knew
well enough. I'or John bp. light me my
father's bioadsword, which ho had sharp
ened, Instead of my own HLiallcr whlng. r,
and (lib. thu herd, took tin. pistols out ot
my bolt nnd fuw to their prlniinp anew.
They wero always very loyal and slh to my
heart, theso two, and sped tie on my love
adventure without a word.
Now tho turn or twist Ihat I gat at the
outdoor service nl the Kirk of Kelts was
strange enough. It may seem that a man
can only be turned by the application of
rtaion or argument, hut It was not so with
me. The Little Kalr Man crooked his linger
and snld. "Come"- and 1 came. Fo also was
It with tho others who wuru convertlt that
day, aided, maybe, somewhat by my black
quarter atari. Hut I have since read In tho
Hook that even so did Mr. Hutht'rfnrd'b
friend, when on the shores of the sea he
called His disciples, "Come!" he snld to the
fishermen, nnd forthwith they left all and
followed him.
Now, my call did no! cause me to follow
the Little Fair Man. It was not of Ihat
8ort. Ho did not bid mo to that of It. Hut
thoso who have been my neighbors will bear
me witness that I never was the samo man
ugaln, but through ninny shortcomings and
n,M, ...l.. .....I. ... ... .
'rr,'Ve,r.. hV''fl" ''.''ring !
....rf j..... nt.iiu
So, out I set on my road lo KirkchrUt
with a roso In my coat, the lovennnted work
ot reforn a ion in my heart-nnd my pistols frr th pll PrPnMv' , fo t m .sf
prUed. I knew I would need a I three to , ,,,. thruh , nJ .
win bonny Hachel 1, nglo out of ,he hand ; 0 , nrWsoino ,,eK , rePbmir(1 .
of the Slee Tod and his son Half, the Hoa.-jfrnm tr(ip trun,t myH,f
K nt'' against rocks Stones I hail str'ed span
Now, Klrkchrlst Is one of tho farm towns l whirring abmit my ears and I heard 'ho
of Oalloway. which In the ancient days have rip and rattle of shot fired af'er mo from
boon set like fotillacea high on a defended ho mareln "f the Hnn. Mv wiidol nrm
hill, indied, the nnelont towtir still stands sonmed ns If drawn from its sce''o . Then
at ono angle of tho squiiro of houses, where I foil tho cool plash of water and I knew
It Is used for a peat shed. Hut by an out- ' no more.
sld.i Htnlr It is possible to get on tho roof j , ,,, u,v r b(.Pn ,,,.,,,, p Klr,,.
and view tho country for miles around. On ,.hrl nn thnf ,,av. bm u not ,)P ,
ono tide the ( noraii bum runs down n deep j h. j.-or 1( P0 ,.hneoi that I fell Into the
ravtm. full of hazel copses feathering to the ,vrpr.t pnnl frr m!lo and was rnrrled do'vn
meadow ,.,Kl.s. here Hit. big bumblebees j ,,i bv the st-nngest current Inio the pben their bykes, and where I llrst courted , ,), t, . raiPI, ,ho ''Hnrn-s Jaws " T'is
Hachel sitting behind s cole of hay on tho , H ,t,ri.0mo spot, half cavern, hn'.f I rldgo
great day of tho Ingathering. On the othor i iUr the ploomv nr-h of whnh 'he brown
hrce sides the approach lo Klrkchrlst Is as ' wu water foams whl'e as fresh poured tile
bore us the palm of my tuiiid. nil short. I nnd the noo of Its thunnng deafens th"
BPiingy turf und not si. much as a daisy onr. When I came to mvelf I was Ivlng
on It, grazed uver hi Slee Tod's theep. anil half out of tbo water and half In. on the
cast up lu places by tonics, whoso whlto vrKn of a great fj.II. where tho burn tnl'ps a
tails aro forever to be seen bunting about ' icxp of thirtv or fnrtv feet Into a blacw pool
hero and there among iho narreny braes. , i imVed over and there henenth mo with one
Now, somehow. It neer struck mo that ' of my own p'stols In his hnnd was Hearing
Hoarlug Half w-ould bear malice. What ', .0f. n terrl'vlng
was it broken head that ho should tako ! -lout all nwrv about his head. Ho was' look,
offense at his ancient friend' Had I not ; .,,B at ll. dripping wet as Ii had gone over
had my own sconso broke a score of times, ' , M when I came down llko a runaway
sti.l eer loved the hreakor better, prnt- cartwheel Ip'o the Pun of Klrkchrlst.
tl. lug away with John and (lib till 1 could, "Ho's farther dnon the water, bnvs," I
t -eak his for him In return? Why not ,h.-i.r' Ms cry. "hero's the pistol he has left
thus Half I'rtngle? It was true Ihat ho , vMn Mm! S-nMer boys and o braw shel
hud gotten an uncouth clout from tho bier ' ti to -he man Hint first puts end Into him "
tram of Kells. hut I was willing to give pirn.enl, frrulvliig nature had thl
him his revenge any day In the week, and I Rnie nonrlng One And I r?olvcd thai
for my part bore no malice. though a converted man. I would dpi I with
So In this frame of Mind I strolled up 1 him accordingly when I got him Into my
toward Klrkchrlst when tho re.-k of thu clutches.
great peat Urea was Ju.U beginning to go j The pl.ico where I found myself was not
up Into a still heaven from thu cot houses uncnmmnlous To make the most of It I
In tho dell, and tho good cottier wives , crawled haM-i-nrd t It 1 I ennie to ih. end of
were putting on inoir pais to make their
four-hours. I wns nl peace with all the
world, for since the Kirk of Kells thero
had been a marvelous lightening of my
"Hachel Is yonder," I thimghl ns I went
up the hillside toward the low. four-square
homestead of Klrkchrlst "Her hand will
be lajing the peat aid blowing up tho
She will bo looking out for tnc
somewhere, most likely at yonder window
In the gablo end."
Yes. so she was. Tor as I came In view
of the yard gate I saw a white thing waved
mightily and then suddenly withdrawn.
"Dear lass!'' I thought, "she Is watching.
And thinks thus to bid mc welcome. She
has doubt less made my peuoo with the
Roaring One."
And 1 smiled within myself, like a vain
fool, well content and soiurc.
Also I iiuukcncd my steps a little so
dial I mlKht arrive In time for the meal,
bclnic hunser sharpened with my travel, and
having out of expectance and forgetfulness
taken but little notntng provender with
mo from the Black Craig of Dee.
I watched the window eagerly as I rami
nearer for another glint of the kerchief,
"tit nnl lhn beck of a head or the flutter
of n little, hand Intimated that one of the
bunnlost lasses In Oalloway v.aa waiting
within, lut It struck mc as strange mat
ih.rr, wt-ru no clamorous dogs about, or
any sound of 1 If e w hutevcr. And over and
anon 1 seemed to hear my tin mo called
but whi n 1 slopped and listened, all
war still ngntn -n tho moment.
Now the entrance Into the courtyard or
Inni r square, of Klrkfhtist was by a "yell
or sir ng gate, iloscd when any raiders or
iiub ful characters wero In the noighb.r
lioc.d, an well an In the night season. Hut
now thin yott stood wldo open and I could
see the yellow straw In tho yard all
freshly spread, tho stray ears yet upon It,
whuh lost. tcgeihir with empty look of
hi crofts, told mo that the outs had been
siith. r.-d 111 that lay vwuro
tin n. we.-o
he men wh-. had done the work? It was
The s'in wna low behind my back and
I wca lotting toward the onatead of Kirk-
hrlsi when Huddnly I saw Hometh.oB
rilsicn In one of the llttln thren-cornered
lrket wtndov.s of thn barn. It was brl?ht
i. nd Mb no like polish-d mct8l--n ntetal
pistol stock bellko. Hut nevertheless I
ent on In the samo dead, unoenny silinc).
fc'udd.pb, "blall! bluff! blnff!" Thr. e or
ft ur shots went off In front of mo and to i
the right. I beard Hie union! h liifcBing
aound of lend bullets and tho whistle of
sluss. Something atrtick me on the mui"
. le of the ferenrm, stunning me llkf a
Itb.w, then n kind of ragg.d tear or a sear
ing of tho He Kb, as villi a hoi iron I eaii
iii't describe- It better -not veiy painful at
first, but rather oiuerlng nnd making me.
but fur my recent conversion, a,ii to Btamp
and swear like a king's trooper.
This, hi wmer, 1 Had Ktnull time to do,
even if I had wish, d It, f r after onu gtamv
at the barn thnngh the threo-curncred
fticket. of which, ns thrtigh the portholes
of a ship In action, white wreaths of
irnoke of gunpowder was curling, my right
firm fell to my aide nnd I turned to run.
F. en aa I did no n llitlo cloud of men,
ptrhap half a doen, came rushing out
of the mlckle with a loud shout and
mado for mc across tho lovol sward. Fore
most of them was Hearing Half. So I
knew he had not forgotten the clout on
the head he had gotten. 1 knew him by
his height nnd by th- white clout that
wan bMind like a mulch nbut his brows.
"Harry," fald I to myself, when I saw
lu.m t litis inlce after me: ' tho U k f'ra g
will never heo you more. Ye aro as a i
tl.atl iran. You cannot run far wl h that
arm draining the Ufa from you, and th rc
ii no shelter within miles!"
Then I heard the bralngo of brckl'-g
elsss behind me and a voice. "Tho linn
the linn, Harry WeddTburn; Hon to the
Hun! It Is your only chance. Th?y aro
mad to kill you. Harry!"
And oven then I was glad to heir tho
voire of my lass, for to kii'-w tint her
heart and her prayers w-re wl h me. Si
, ,urn(,(1 at tho word and ran r.dwu I f-r
the linn of Klrkchrlst. n wild, steep plane,
all cliffs nnd srrec3 nnd sll'h'-ry up u s of
broken slate. I felt my strength fnst 1 av
ing mo as I ran, nnd ever tho ommy
slu ut"d nearer to my back.
"Kill him! Shoot him! Tut a bullet Into
Wmdrotis iitlmutatlng I found such re
marks nH these, made ICO or 2K) ycrdi lo
leewrrd. with an occasional pls'ol bullet
whistling by to mark the sense us In n
printed book. This mndo me run as I
tl.luk I never ran before. For th -u ii I
was a changed man. I did not want to tile
nnd go straight lo Ihat Abraham's b sum
rf whl.h the Little Fair Man had sp-iken
ns one that had lain there fnr a long sea
son I did not eurmlse that tho accom
modation wmild suit me. N- not yet
rwh'le. with I'n.-hel Hrlnele pray'ng ror tny
l'fe half a mile behind. So I ran and belt r
ran. till th" sweat of my brow ran into
l tny eyes and well-nigh blinded me. Now,
I in thoso davs I was very yung and llmh"r.
I I am none so stiff yet for mv age Hut
then 1 could well-nlch have taken my great
i too In my mouth like a baby.
At nil evonts, when I came to thn tak'ng
off of the linn I taw that there was noth
ing for tt but mv callant's monkey trick
"wsnif down llko a whet. I
hai, often pracMccd It on th- hea-hery
; slopes of the rilack Craig of D e so I
cnucht myself behind the knees nnd w'th
tt.v ltcf..t l.nlil 111.. l,nni, f1,.. n..,lf
'the rn?ks. I'ere wns n little str'n of snnd
and over thnt a dry recess almost large
enough for a cave. Pome light filtered In
from unseen crevices above, so that I think
It was not roofed with the solid ro-k over
head. Haher It was pome falling In of the
linn which had made th hiding place Hrr
I was safe enough so long as the burn did
not rise suddenly, for I knew well from the
glet on the tones an I the li .s of s'Uk
and dried ruahis that thi waters) tf 'In- atin
catuo up here in time of flood
Then I made what shift I ould to bind up
my arm. I was already faint from loss of
blood, but I bound a band tight about my
upper arm, twisting It with a stick till I
almost cried out with the greatness of the
pain. Then I Hod a rag torn from my shirt
about the wound Itself, which turned out to
bo In the fleshy part, very red and angry.
However, It had bled freely, which, though
It mado tue faint at the time, together with
tho wa.-hmg In the water of the I. nil, was
piobab.y the saving of me. There was a eoft
fanning air as the night drew on and In my
wet clothes 1 shivered, now hot, now cold.
Yet my bend was throbbing and overfull
and I began to fee strange lights as the
cuvo alternately grew wide and high as the
firmament, and anon contracted to the situ
of a hazelnut About me. That was the little
touch of feicr which always comes after a
gunshot wound.
So In a little fell thu darkness, or rather
If there had not been a full moon, the daik
neflM would hnvo fallen. Hut being thirsty
with nij wound, I raw-led down to tho
watel'3 edge and bent my h -ad to drink
with i he diummlng of the tall loud In my
eais And o! in the pool I bhw tho round
of tho moon tellccted I was nt the mouth
of the llit.e cavo and there to the north the
p ow liut.g updldo down ns fiom a nail in
tho August sky, whtlo a llitle higher I saw
one pioug of silvery Cassiopeia's broken
i.gsett "W."
The stars looked so remote and lonesome,
so eafu and cnrelcxs u, there, they mindeii
:0 little that 1 was wounded und helpless,
that tf I had not been a cnaugod mau I do
ciflte I could bavj curbed ihcni in my be.rt.
Hut suddenly from a. nvc enmo a sound
that mado all my bear Ka and quit or. It
v. as a women cry. All oii who have never
hei.rd how to.'t a wotuan can make her
uoi'da when ho fears for her true man's, take this word. The e Is no soun.l no
.ee., so low, to far-ke.trcbl ig In the world
'Larry! Hairy Wtddwbuin!" It aaid
And 1 knew that In tho midnight Ha h i
l'rlngle was searching fcr mo. Th .i
thoro might bo danger, I could not buar
that she Hhtuld pass nwny frcm me.
"I nm lure!" I answ.ud as softiy ns
t could. Hut the noise of the waterfall
drowned my voice, th ugh my ears, mure
accustomed to tho roar, had cnught hers
easily cm ugh.
So, sttad)lng mo on tho crtitih of a tree
that grew perilously over the fall, I wmt
ut nnd stood In tho full light of thu moon.
takii.g my life In my hand, If It had tw
chanced that any of my euemlva wcro In
ambush round about.
Hat ho saw mo Instantly, and I could ao
her clasp her hands ever her heart, as
bit" Rtnoil on the margin of tho cleiich,
black against the Indigo aky of night.
"Harry Harry Wcddcrburn1"
"Hero dear love here! Hy thu water
fall." In an Instant sho was flying down the
slcpo, having lifted her skirt, and as we
say, "killed" It ho that she might go down
the HghtT. She wore a white gown, und
I could ace her lilt like a moth tln-"u;h
tho covert of blrk and hazel to thu water
tdge. In another moment, without sup
ping either for diiectlon or to draw breath,
sho was coming toward me, her fate to
the precipice, swiftly, fearlessly clinging
to the little ragged rock rlfta from whl. h
scarce a wind-rafted seed would grow
or a tuft of gillyflower protrude about
whlih to clasp the finders. Hut Haclui
I'rlnglo enmo as lightly nnd easily as If
she had been ascending the steps of her
father'K hall.
(Jo back." sho whispered, "go back, dear
. ... .
love. They may see you. I am coining.
I know tho way!
And with that I stepped back out of the
mncnllght obedient to her word. Yet I
stood near enough to tho wall of tho cliff
to reach my arm over for her tq takn. so
that she might have something to hold by
during the Inst and most dimcult steps
tf the gnats' path, the roaring linn being
above, the pool, deep and black, below.
Now, cither by chance or berauso It was
the one which could reach farthest. I ten
dered Hachel my wounded arm and as soon
us she clasped my hand so rudo a stound
ran up my wrist Ihat It seemed ns though
pierced through ami through with n hot
Iron. So nt last when Hachel leaped
lightly on the wet rock I was ready to drop
like a blown windiest rao in n December
gale Into her nrms yes, 1, that was the
strong man. called Strenglh-'o-nlrm. laid
my head on her shoulder and she drew
mo within the shelter of tho cave's mouth,
tnolng ovor mo ns wood doves do their
mates nnd whispering soft words to me ns
a mother dnth to a bairn thnt hath fallen
down and hurt Itself.
Hut In n little whlln the stound of pain away, what with tho happiness of
her coming, tho plash of the nearer waters
and tho coolness of the night winds, whl. h
blew to and fro In our refuge place its
'hn ueh n tunnol.
Then Hachel told me thai sho had run
from the house whlln they wvro all seurth
Ing for inn everywhere, Hoaring Half and
In r brother I'eter, together with (Jib Max
well of Slagnaw, Haul Keddlck of tho
glen and Hlack-Hrnwed Mncclellnno of fire,
gorle, Will of Overlaw nnd Lmicalot Llnd
ray, thn tutor of Hascarrel as blood
thirsty a crow as ever raked the brim
stony byroads of hell.
Very well I knew that If they lighted
upon us together there was no hope for
me. Hut Hachel allayed my fear a little
by telling me she did not hellevo that any
in tho house knew of the cavo beneath the
tumble of rocks save only herself. It had
long been her custom to srek It f-ir quiet
when tho Hoarlng Ono brought his crew
about Ihe house nnd none had over traekod
her thither.
So she examined my wound In tho light
of tho moon, which shone In at one end as
wo sat on the Inmost crutth of tho trve.
Now, Rarhel hnd much skill In wouud3, fir.
Indeed, ner home was never free of them,
her br.-therc I'ctor nnd the Hearing Ono,
never being both skin whole at the same
time. And ho wltli a handsbreadth torn
from hr white underskirt sho bathed 'and
bandaged the wound, telling mo for my
comfort tint the shot appeared to have
gouo thrrugh Iho fleshy part wit hunt lodg
ing, so that moBt likely the wound would
enmo togother swoctly and heal hy tho
first intent i mi.
Then, after this was done, wo arrived
al our first difference. For Hachel vowed
Hint she would In no wise go back to the
.-nstood of Klrkchrlst, but would stop nnd
tiursti .ne ho.-e In the linn. Whbii thing,
Indeed, was mightily pleasant to the
natural man. Hut being mindful of that
which the Little Kalr Man hnd said, and
also of the censorious clntter of Ihe conn-
try side. I Judged this lo be Impossible.
and told Ilachel so, who In her turn re-
celved It by no means wl h . ekuess. but
rose nnd slumped her little fool and said
that she wt uld go and never return that
V. A af.nn.. n l.n I.hhm. . - i .
Hi' nun nl 1 ) . u lli-l 411-11 1 I nut' IIUII eiCC,
eomo where she was so Utile thousht of, I
wlttt innny other speecttes of that kind,
such as spirit)- mnlds make wli'ti they are
affronted nnu in danger of not getting
their own sweot way with tho men of t heir
Now, It went soro against tho grain
bus to ueai witn iiat-nei. And yet I could
thltiK ut uo way oi appeasing tier but to , ' rmeu. Liiariea ncrionrr a
feign a tiwnlin of falntness nnd pain fromiYoik. Price ?l.fiO.
my wound. Ho when I staggered and np-
pcarcd to h"ld myself up by thn roclt with
dimculty. ho sisynl in the full flood of her
reproaches anil faltered. "What Is tho mat-
ter, Harry?'
Then becnuso I made no answer, she
kneeled down Lesldo mc nnd, taking my
heid In both her hands, she kissed my
"I did not mean It Indeed, I did not,
Harry. rlo baid with 'hat dclii ious con
trtii. u whlih at all limes sat so welt on 1
her even after we were marrt. d which
Is a strange thing and erv uiu omtnoti.
So I touched her cheek with my lingers
nnd forgave her a a man who has been
In the wrong forgltcg n loving woman who
has not. There Is ever a touch of su
periority la n man's forgiving m a wo
man's there Is only love and the desire
for peace.
"Then I may stay with you?" she said.
And I will not deny but she tempted mu
Hut swift H8 tho sunbeam that strikes
from cloud to hilltop a thought came to
"Listen to me Hae," I said, "at tho break
of day or thereby nil will be quiet. The
Hoarlng One nnd all his crew will be snor
ing 111 bed."
"Or on the floor," said Hachel, with n
quick and dainty sniff of distaste.
"That will sufllte," I said, 'then will we
go down and call up the minister; wo
will cause him to marry us and then wo
will fear neither traitor nor slanderer."
"Hut he will no!," she cried; "Donald
Haln Is ti bishop's hliellng and our Half's
boon companion "
Then I druw my dirk nnd held It aloft,
so that tho moonlight ran llku molt.ii sil
ver i.o n tho blade.
"See," cnld 1. 'dear Hnchel, It this does
not gar the curate of Klrkchrlst marry us
to a galloping tune. Harry Wcddcrburn
knows not .he breed, that la i I!"
"Content," tald she; "t will do what you
tn, Harry, Only I will not go luck to
Kiiiichilst, nor will 1 part fiom you now
when I tiaxo gotten you."
Which thing 1 was most glad to hear
fiom her fair and lips. And 1
thought that Hnchcl's manner of speaking
them became her well.
.o there. In 'the 'tin of tho water cavern
and uuder the wheeling shafts of silver
light as the tin on swung overhead, we two
u.ond. well lOiitttit. wa lor the .lawn
And go. ti) this mati'.er. nnd for ail my
brnvo woids, the wl ch got her way
j Current Literature
Willis Hoid Allen, tho au-b.or of "Nav
Illue," "Cieaiod for Action," etc., has aided
mother work to his list. Th.s latest book
has for n tltlo "The Head of 1'nsht." It is a
hoit of a t.clettlie stoiy of mo.e than
int'-rcst nnd Is exceedingly well written
i he autho . x. els In his d' cript on of thril
ling slum .ons and has slice del in
a story full of Interest from I egmnitig to
end. It Is safe in say that there aro very
few readeis of Mellon who will not appre
ciate "The Head of Haohl." H. I'. Dutton
& Co., New Yoik. l'rlco J1.50. j
Marshnll Mentoe Klrkman has written nn
American novel, having for a title "Ho- ;
trance of Ollbert Holmes." It Is a thrilling '
story of early western life. The nuthor'B
home Is In Chicago and naturally enough ha j
has chosen for his hero an Illinois boy.
While the main current of the story deals
with the experiences of this boy, Ollbert'
Holmes, there are soveral real hls'orlcal
characters, Ulack Hawk, the famous Indlnn
chief, Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis and
other piotnlnent figures of the early days In
tho west. Tho scene shifts to the neighbor
bond of Hock Island and to other Miss ss'p
I Hver points and other charicers .-omo In to
occupy tho ntt.ntlon of C.llhcit Holmes. Th
"''s I" roues mm, in tne Kfnpe ot a
l.'iu-vnr .Irli'M Inn vnilth iphnnln tlv Ititn thr
lawyer, drives tho youth icpeatelly Into the
wilderness. Hut neither wild animals nor
moro dreaded human enemies can break Hi1
superb courago of the hero, nor can any
thing tomo lo ween h'ru and Ihe gentle Con
stance Seymour. The. strands of lovo an i
adventutc are woven'tojjether with supreme
skill Into a romanco of ourpasslng sweet
ness nnd power- In tho end tho vlllnlu
meets the fnto ho deserves and unexpected
good fortune' comes to tho brnvo hero und
bis sweetheart. The World Hallway Pub
lishing Co., Chicago. Trice $1.50.
The hero of John Huchan's story, "Tho
Half Hearted." Is a young S. otcliman of
excellent family who goes through Klmi
and Oxford nnd suffers from overtraining
Tho tltlo of the story Is suggestive, not hi
cownrdlce, but by Irresolution nnd lnd
clslnn In the hero, prcduced hy his educa
tion. In consequence of these ho loses In
lovn nnd In a Parliamentary election. Hu'
ho la thoroughly sound nt heart and he
enters tho service of his government in
India, whero he retrieves his character
and hy supreme sacrillcn saves the empire
The contrast between culture and ni'tbti
Is drawn In vivid lines by a well-trained
hand nnd the story Is ono of str ng In
tel eat. Houghton, M I tit I u & Co., Huston,
i'rlce. $1.C0.
W'.ii-Uj. of l'ltt'l.
Thero Is a good deal to Irani about books
besides their contents. How books are
made, how they should be handled, how as
sembled and arranged lu tint library arc
subjects very little understood by the aver
age reader of books. In this day of large
private nnd public libraries the carlug for
books Is a science by Itself, which Is most
e tertalnlngly written cf hy Alnaworth Hand
Spofford In his new work, "A Hook For All
Headers: Designed as nn Aid to tho Col
tccllon, Use nnd Preservation of Hooks and
ttin Formation of Public and Prlvato Ll-
brarles." It Is a book that should bo In the
hands of every person engaged in collecting
a private library ns well as In the pos cs
slon of every one connected with private
libraries. A very good Ideal of the charac
ter of tho work may be gained from the fol
lowing selected nt random from tbo table
of contents: The choice of l ooks, hook buy
ing, preparation for tho shelves, tho ene
mies ot books, tho art ot book binding, tho
art of reading, the history of libraries,
catalogues, bibliography, etc In nddlilon
(here nro a number of chapters devoted tn
llhrnrv tin I l.t I ,ifia nn.1 t ll rti I at, I ..a .........
- 4 ..... ..-; itiha, KiilllllKr-
mcnt, regulations, etc. As Indlrated abo.e
it is a most valuable uook for any person
hnvlng anything to do with libraries, n. V
Piitnnm'B Sons, Now York.
Imbcrt do Satnt-Amnnd 1b pr-.-nmln niv
i he historian of the rolgn t.f .Vnpoleo.i i I
u( I'laoie. At different perl da f ur . f h s
volumes have been translated nto .:ng hli
, "lAUls Nnpoie u and M.v.o uoUcllc In
' Mor.tejo," "Nnpoloon III and His C u -i "
! "Th" Cc"rl of 1110 Second Umpire' and,
"l-'iuneo and Italy." A flf Ii o iium lias
""n 1,,'tn published, whlih bears tho ti l',
IIIU 11 1' ,
ot Hi-
fo i wi g
Napoleon in at tno Height
l' wir." It records .ho ev nts
'he war with Austrln for tho liberal n of
''"' Tho purlod lr re rov red is ha a-
hlfh Napoleon touched llv i i,t . f b s
, "r or, both Initiated nnd c n rotol i o inni-nmnii I u nf t'nat m,,nn... , a .
'... iw.v,u.i., ... ,hwv .,( muni UII'l Ilg-
ured as ih. real arbiter of Curope 'j'he '
prsent volumo contains sonio of th most
Interesting events of modern Uuropi-an
niftory. uiu peace 01 vu a I'rnncn
l left
s fo'-
mt tf
i tn !" rtnnt questions unsettle), it wns
ivi nt ,1 w.Kpi lA'tuiiK 1 a.i usimcr.t ir
the map of Italy. Tho arlin ma s rr s
' mm tno war wun i nina ore vlv.dly de-
sops, Now
' "A Manual of Personal Hygl n,-' ,.( ed
! by Walter L. Pyle, has for t 3 object tha
j eating forth plainly of tho bes- means of
deieloplng nnd maintaining ih H cat an?
mental vigor. Throughout tho book ttier
Is concise but adequite. dlsctisslrn of the
anatomy and physiology of tho pans under
cor.hldera'lnn. Although each ipe 'at ,)i p.
ur la complote In Itself there haa bean
purposive rrpct Hon cf rr, trui til ll -u.
it it. s (,f u h neutral Itnerra' as latitig.
drinking, breathing bathing, sl.-ci
else etc. in order that tby m.o le ids
cussed more thoroughly from se erst uud-
pclnie. W. 11. Saunders H i . t'hliadel
phln. Price $1 :
liillilreii'K lltillility lltiiil.s.
Three very uttractlvo children's books
have, Just conn, to hand from the preM of
I'rcderlck A. Stokc-t lonmanv. "Little Con.
tlrentnls" Is n work of nrt. with ntitnarniH
full puge color plates after palming In
water colors by Maud Humphrey, und with
Illustrations Iti black nnd white, together
with new stories and verses, by Mabel Hum-
No less Interesting than the above Is
"Ooop8, nnd How to He Them," which Is
described In the subtitle as a manual of
manners for polite Infants. Inculcating
many Juvenile virtues both by precept and
example. There are nlnoty drawings, nnd
the drawings and accompanying verfo aro
very funny, as will be readily believed when
It Is ndded that they aro the oik of del-
etie Hurgess
Tho third book from the same publishing
houoe Is "More Hunny Stories." by Joh?
Howard Jewell. This Is quite a pro entlous
wdume of close to 200 pages, with forty
Illustrations by Culmer Harnes. It Is very
handsomely bound and l altogether tin at-
'rartlvo xolumc for young ptople. The
prlco of the first mentioned book Is $1.25.
and of tho last two $100.
"Creater America The La'esi Aqu'rel
Insular I'osBesslons." Is a profusely lllus-
it trcfiut'tiilv
eaten into
and ialvc-s
aimm is a constitutional or bioob m$mt9
and far heyond the reach of mere local tetnedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap
pointment "and allow the disease to lal firmer hold Onlv a real letncth can reach tins troublesome and dangerous disease.
S S S enrrs Catarrh 1 cause it lust cleanses and bi.ilds up the blood, purines it. makes it rich ami hrnlilii , stimulates and
puts new life into the sluggish worn-out organs, ami thus relieves the system ot all poisonous accumulations.
Mrs Josephine pntlnll. nf Due West. l' wrl'es " t had Catarrh which became so deep
se.xled ihat I was rut ii el v deaf 1" one cr ami .ill inl.le of tin nose in hiding pail of Hie houe
slouched oil When the .Incase li.ol gone iu nt the pliikian gave tne up uicutal te 1
determined I trv 8 S 8 as n U't tfwiv ami began to inipttive nt mire. It seemed lo grl at the
tent of the liea" and after a few weeks iiraliuent 1 waa entirely tilled, and for mote thau
evcn yeair haic had no sign of the dUcase "
S. S. S. is made of roots, hcrhs anil barks of wonderful tonical ami purifying
properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, ami a certain and safe
cure fur all blood troubles. Send for our Wk on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at
the siinc time write our iihvsicians ubout vour case Thev wiil cheerfully irivc vou
any information or advice wanted. We
The Bee has arranged willi Tliu International Correspondotieo Schools, of
Sjcranton, Pa., to pruyunt J'tjn Free Suhoilarsh pa to tho ten portfolio i-t'curiiig tho
largetst nnmboi'd ol voted between now and November 25, lyjU. !
1. Frc Seliolarablii lu Meeliuul
CRl IJniiluriiiitf.
Inel . i ,,i ; mi In arithmetic,
formulas, geomotrlcal drawing, me-
uiiuiiiun j , iiivuiiai.ici, IO -QibiiitcnaulcH,
u.Kuoru, lunrithmj,
plii-uiiiAlitu, lieul, btuuill una nuaul
cut ". trnt,wi of materia. s. apinlea
iiibcliunlca, steam UolUrs, mucinnc Ue
iii i nu u iiiunuc and motors.
St. A Fret- Si'tiuliirslilii lu Ulrc
trlvul L'.nuluerrluii.
lticludiu, .it ,i j i v.u.i .ii wi. I timet ir,
furmu.iua, Kiomutricul urunuio. iim driiwing, geomeiry and n.g-onom-itry,
tlemviitary inucliann-s, h -dromechanlcv
anfanra. okarith'iis,
jineuma tloa, bttat, ateam and steam in-fill-,,
irliill ol iiia.eiiai, up,. ...I
uvMh&iUoa, mtain boiicra, inuchiiie uc
ifln pflnelplwi of elrcir eit.i , r i .tri
ral rorurinnt, applltid eltctrlctty,
laivw.'U, t..m..rK u ...-iiiiitj..,u, I., , -Irlo
radlways, cUclrlc liKhimif. (Icy go
of ccnClnuoui-ciirrriit dj naiiiu-elci iru:
machinery, dttstn of tuiuinuoiik-rar-rent
motors, cr.iiclples ol uitcniailii,;
currmil design of uileinat-in--c..i
i r..i .ipjiatiin
'lli.s, Includes a frco nut
fit of o.ccirn a. uppatatus wlih which
lo do the wuik o. inu
3. A Free 5('linlurahl lu Arolil
trclnrj. lnri-jaing Instruction In arlthmetle,
fortnu ns, geometry and mctmui.stloii,
gecn-ntrical drawing, arrlt.tectural
tlrvinx. ornaini-iual drmv.iig, u.i-van.-rd
ureh.tet lural drnwine. mason
ry. 1 arptnt.-y, Joinery, sum build ng
orn.un .- Ironwork, rootling, shet
incul ivurk, nlertrn- llfclu wiung un.i
I '
i 'il
i Mi
y j
Eacli Gcurse in Bound Form.
Knch of these curses will in ludo the Instruction and
question pup.-rs an 1 drawing plates necesury to studv
with, and In udd.Hun u cruniiletf set nf the same papers
hanlsomely nnd d. rably bn .nd In b-'h-r. Iii.iiitlin;c n
boi.k of form ulna Keys . r ibe whole wotk of iho
course, fur use as rtiereiiLU bonks.
i JW
I 'A
Window Display
1 "th and Douglas Streets.
, W
How to Vote
"" iicsk ofllco of TUF. IlIMC.
ICnch coupon must hear tho niiiiio of tho person for whom j-ou
wish to vote.
The records of the competitors will ho shown lu wry Issue of
THn RHK. and votes lll lie recelvt'il until mliliilKlit of Nov. -T..
i-ut l J' i t,,i.c tclli-.g nl alcut the re tullv iii quirt d by 'bti t tilted
Sta The book Is designed for
'he use of )ming readers. The must of the
nter haa appeared, In one form or .ill-
other, In the Youth's Cmnpaulon which ot
Itself Is a good reromitiendatlon of the book,
, l'crry Miteou company, Hoatoti. Trice. 60
! -
"Baby llooso: Ills Adt!iitures," Is tho
title of a remarkably fine volume tor chii-
drell's enjoyment Just Issued by Lnlrd Si Lee.
It Is the Joint effort of Miss Tannic 13.
0trauder. a well known author of charm-
lug talent, and Mr. H. W. Hlrchert, a cloer
and witty artist. Our little tots seem to
be getting cxery car more dinicult to
please and It looks is If they also had
Inhaled the pregrcssle spirit of tho new
century. The old-fashioned baby hooka
vlth glaring lithographs or unlntoreatlng
word-cuts have to give way to brilliant
"J tasteful process engravings. whorln
the clcarnes of tho sketches vie with tho
delicate blending of tho colors, Among
theso new departures "Haby (loose" stands
""t ami foremost.
"A l'airy Night's Dream; or. tho Horn of
Oboron " Is by Katharine Kllso Chapman,
U contains ten full-page half-tone lllusira-
tlons, a number of exquisite tall-p.o o
and a frontispiece In colors bv (Iwynue
l'rl"r- The cover is a delicate gem In well
cho-cn tints. Till- volume, of large n.jal
quarto sire, will constitute a choice present
i t in.- i t. wren n te not exactly a book
for the b iblcs and entirely fit for the library
t.ih'o of the older members of tho family.
I-'ew realize what n -lceji-scatcl, olistitiate tltse.isc Catarrh is, reK'W''i"C tt as a simple inflaitiuiatioii of
the tio-c ami tin ".it. lit'ie no .itletutuii is f;iven it Hut, however itisiniti, ant it may m-cui nt lit. -it, it
is serious an. I Lit tea.' nij; m its tcsult!..
The foul semiuuis intiiinj; the circulatimi jioison the entile system. The stomach, kidneys in
fact all the .iru.ins It el the t fleet of tin., catarrhal poison, ami when the hiiis are reached its progress
is rapid and destructive, ami finally ends in consumption.
lia)vtis that the senses til Hearing .urn siticll
and tlestroietl, causitiL' intense suilerltii; ami
may ijiic temporary relief, no permanent
make no charge for tins.
a 11 IE IE
The person receiving the largest number of votes will have the choice of one of
the following ten scholarships.
The pursuit receding the next largest number of votes, the second choice.
The person receiving thr third largest number of votes, the third cln.icr, and so
on, uiiiii ilio ten pursuns rccuiilng Ihe largest number of voles have each suloctcd
a schu.urshlp.
butlwork, plumbing and gus llttlug.
heuting and iriil.iutton, painting uud
uii(...iiiis, estimating aiiu ca.uulat
line, Inoioij ot urcliiicuiiiru,
urchiluctuiHi Ui'Sigu, spec.iicailolis,
liuii.i.iiK vipci .iHLiiacucf , cuiui.iuu,
ptiuu.u, ci..., ui.u urLhiiecturui cntfl-
llcl .!!
t. A Krue .Setiulumlili In Civil
Itiulutimg niBiructiun lu arlthmctlr,
loinivi.jj, uouuioirlial druwinw. me
dian. -.a. uiar.ii, fcioiuciiy and trl(
..w.iiriiy, tjiuiiu-umi iiichaiilcs, ti
i,uuiu luaf.iii.UB, ii)'Uiuu,,u, pnou-iiuiitj-i,
eiuiuuiiKtry iUii.cj,
sueiiglli ol lualenuis, nnalynin ot
Kirioa.i, propoi uuiiiii ilia ina.irlal,
uuiuns of coiimr jciinn, uUu,, Dills
anu estiinuttts, auivruiK, mnJ aur
cjln, muppiiig, ra.irotul itxiUn,
ruiiiuuU cuiidlructlon, track wark,
ra,ioj.l airuclarea, nrslna, (i4rr
uc. uirnctu and hlgliwaya, TWftf,
nier-wlirrls, tiydramiu maclilutry,
wuui i ...p. ana ui iruutlen, irrirfa
nan, heat, steam nnd attain mlna,
siuain uoilers, iiK-oini.iveB, dyna.uta
I.i.iwun, ticscl'ip'.. e uiiuiium, -iti-li.'.iituo
t'lilu.j,.. j , gvuiuj, uiuirpip
!.. , ., in,. . ,uk).
r.. A Free S.-liolitllili In Matillnrj
I'llllilUiuia, itt'ullUK nn.l VrulN
lull. ,11.
Includlns Instruction In arlthmstlc,
kuu,., ... u, nil
i, .. ,. montiurtiiiun, inniunicii,
plumilnti ana Uiaiim.i, can a.iu t,us
rulii.9. wiling una uriiwoiK.
of Healing U''.1 vriitllntion. strain
healing, hot w-iter litutiii-,, furnactj
llt-alllig, vrlitlUuiun of bunuings.
On Exhibition at Continental Clothing Co.
The hound volumes containing the Inatruetlnn and quel
Hon papt-rs of t ht e courses, tht drafting outtlts. electri
cal oat, its and uonIkiiIuk rutin, to bo given with tlm
eoiirers. are t.n exhibition at Urn Continental i ..t)i'ng ft,,
and tlie pjblle Is cordially linlted to come and nee Hu m.
Cut out tho nttncliotl VotliiK Cou
pou, nntl mull or lirlni; It to the bust-
His dil'gk'f-il ci .fode Im i! . i.nrt t
uM of Uuccn Tltanla will p t i, ,k ! L ru
a!a; ' I for stun telling t, t' e l.itl.
Mother or elder Main will l.-id ,u
page the Inspiration thai Is fo ofien
lacking in to-called children's litei r
lniird & I.ce, Chicago. I'rlce, l 00
- . .
Miss Aiken. whot "Mrthods c' V
.Training" attracted such widespread ut .
Hon, has glieti In "Hxcckcs in Mind fr.
mg n series or wen grmicd exerciser wl
are dettgued to cultivate the pupil's
powers. They are tint experiments, but
drills In various branches of study wl- ti
have been formulated and used b i'i
author In her school with nidi mantle i
success nnd whl.h have prmcd effecthe '
dexeleplng thofe qualities of the mind must
needful In acquiring knowledge mater ni
American Hook company. Chicago, l'ri
In I'uper t'turm,
"Kvolutlon; An Kxposltlon of Christian
Dogmas and I'agan M.iths," by 1' J
Cooley, Is the title of the latest nddllln
to the Library of Liberal Classics, put
llabrd by I'eter Hckler, New York
(In. I (imlli'iiur la Ctiitilnu.
NllW YtHK. t.i 11 There weri-t-xpr.
Mens of sntlKfiii In the tiietnlient e( "ti"
New York Y ii lit . Iiib when It lietti'i...
known Hiiii Sir I homns l,ipt.m'n new t.a.
Iciigti was . .'inliig .mi Hi., (ierinuiilc.
.1 fre.l. rlik i'ii in a ttietubt'r of Hie . iv
Yrk anil Seawaiib.ll. . t'orliiHiinii Y.i In
clubs, sultl "I liale no ilnubt Sir Thot-uiH
I Ilumib t hit i-niif wl l t.rt.tnniu tu
I.ll'totiB t hill it'll ii,1 will .r.Mill
j epi.. Sir Tliiittias is erv popular w -th
'V.Tes mlo t'lur huT.-nV'the ruiV"''1'1'
ate in pat l ot eutmiv lost, tile solt bones ot
utcttlv ilihlu'imin' Hie tare lillc spr.ivs,
Icnclit can be expected from such treatment.
tl. A Frets icuolnralili lit Clirin-Utr-.
Inc.nuiiig tiistrui-tU.ii In nrllhimtl.-.
clhinoiu.ny altfeura anil trlsuiiuuiulrl.
fUliutiulis, phjan.n, tluurcl.i nl cheiiilM
try, Inoisaitti i nen.i.iti , nutwituuit;
ui.ulyt.iw, iheailjiry and qjun-tHMtii-t'
7. I'rr i Mi'lioiuralili) In Cuiii
lurrc.ul Lir unuli r-i.
Inciualnir iimti'uci.uii u. urltlimetlc,
svciillis, verliLal or Hi.iiiting peiimuii
snip, gritiuniMr, puiictuaiiun, letter
wruing, suuio en.i liuuliKcfpiiK
tlout.u entry bookKuepiiix, optumg,
ciOHiiiit and changiii-; noons nnd slen
oi.ri.phy ti. A Free Stthuluralilp In Slr
rkmiluHl JLlmtTliiK.
tuoluOn Instruction In arlthmutlc,
Icnasuiks, aatl mwwuratlori, Kruinetrl
oal 4fato atj mechanical diawlnc.
Tl r-hr,rhlp IrcuCff a i . rnp.olu
draftlnf outfit, retail price, tlZ.K.
A. A f'ren hchoixi ahl in Archl
Icrlarnl Lru i Iiik.
Including Inalriiit.un in arithmetic.
Ktinnrlry ami in. i,j m .on, gt.niiidtri
mi iiuwniK, ji.ii.. . i uian-iiig,
tn .in. mill advanced
itichltrctural drawing
, li. ' .. . i. ics n cnmpletc
uullil, l eli.i, pi . i. (.
lO. A t'rrr St' In tlrnii
n.rutul Ilrmluu.
Including Instruction in gromrtrlcal
drawing. frehnd drawing, h.storlc
ornammt comprtltlon nnd applied do-
B 12.11.
ihis schoUrshlp includes a complete
tlBsigning ouuii, rrinu firice, J9.00
For evory A)() paitl on sub
Fcription to Tho or Weokly
Heo, tho SubHcriber will ho unti
tled to 100 votes.
VotinK Coupon.
St. and No.