8 THE fWATTA DATLV BET3: TRTDvVT, OCTO"BETC 12, 1000. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL Ml Mill MllVlillV D.ixlo of kmw Air P.lley, ' .',-ri nf ig.ir fins I! x t tirrs ami ulnties at Hib's. 1'lfn- A. H. C. beer, Nnumnyer s lintel Wor.irj' i-ifiitiiir uptlPl in. ftfH'd. )l M LifTerl. export uptlclnn. 25 1I(I. 8 timid s plintof, new and Interl styles. Cob photo-t Jl. SO doz. William, 'ilt Hdy. W J. II" teller. dentist. Ibllclwitl block. Lemp's beer. Paenko Iloyseh. side agent. J. i ' it W Woodward, nichltorts. G H! v. Drink l;imuir If" L. K-xeiifM. im". II K w ' ih. rniil.i nii'iit uKency, ill!) Hdy. W w Limits left Wi'Jn-iluy eveiii.ig n ii v ,Mlf in New Yolk !. Mr i.l Mrs Artnir I.. Hleven-a iif Fourth Sllei! lire llSltliHC III I'lllfllgll. ICxtitbtr ir.il tiili of Oihson pictures. Alex-tnm r en , .SB llromlwuy. (let ntr wntk done u( thi' popular Limb 'jiut. iiv ;;i jtrMiulwii . riioni' lf7. ' l-Xop. undertaker, :'S Pearl silent. I'nlrftioi,' . ulUce. H": residence, W i 'hIT, undertaker iiml llooii'fil om-Im.me- i nulh Main stre-M 'Phono fl1!. Airs. l-ni-nt llrown Is visiting with her ulster. Alts William llrown, at Walnut. Ih. Wiinti'l ilr for general housework. 35.1 North First street. Dr L. K. Itoi; Ih home from a vhlt with rol.ittvcs -it Atlantic, In. Airs A A. Louie left yesterday for Chi cuiro on ii lslt to Iter sister. .Mrs. At. Duquette John i human of chlengn Is t tit guest of his iI.iinrlii'T. Mm. ,M H. .Morgan nf SIS i n ir i'i Mr .in.l ,lr. S'nn I llmlnwny of South lt.it'-'i Mi h . are Mi liirts of Sheriff I.. Jl I 1. ( I nil. I I .ml'' A "Hi' ni ,.rl't tr-M-r wi.-t repotted ye ti M .i' i. Hi. Coord "f Jlf.ilth at tho home ol Nil -i. ii. Oos Avenue l'. I lip I'l.il of Hip ease of D. .1. FnipirH ii Kill ii-' Hum i (llini in Hip Htipeilnr point tin- i.i -ii M.iii.)n .ii until rtPM tpftn William I'.iimmi of l!i'iioii. Nub. fiat Cpiih I'i' iii nt Hmnhu wi'ti merrled li thin .if ti -u-nlny, Justlec Vluti ntlliintliui. Mr .in.l Mrs. It II. (.'ttrtrr li'ft lKl kvi-ii-Itil! fur It ii VI I'lty to atti-nil th' faii'r.il ( tin if n lilll'W. Willi llll'll In th I IllU'llll.lll I IllfllJ Mr ,ii... ,V'-i. W. Sli'inpri' of T'ltif III wi'i Ir tln ilt- yi"lci'ilu om Ih.i vo to Unix t'lly, tilnho, wln-iv thpv .i to vIhii friPii.li. 1 1- iii-aii ir lonipnnv had iniulp iirniti" nu'tiiH liiiiliy lln rars will In futuip tio In .mi I'litmtPtl at thi- poriipr of I'carl Mtrppt iiml lirn.ulWHV pIi"1n:i rmic ill. hp at Morgan A- Kl"ltr. All klfiild of inultri-HSPH niaili' ovi-r bv iipiv lnoii'HH lli'itrr than iipw l'.".' Honlli Main Hir-'p' ri'ipiil.oiiit MS .MptiilnTM of 'p KlilKhtM ami I.inlli'-i nf Bo urli an- ri'.iii'sh'il to tip-Pt In tp, ilil iipmmIiiii tiiiiinriow cvi-tilnK m o' topic at thr nlll- a.r Dr. KiOlpr. 1'llH.tn A DnlilKi't' nnil TUfn MhkuIp A. Kriiill-v lii'lli of iiiniiha. wcrr innrtlpil In ti si-il. Wt'iiiii'nilii I'vrnlnu nt SI. Itt-"tft p.irop'iln! ri'Hlili'iii'p, Itpv. RilhiT TIiiuii.ik olllplaltnt. All tin in horn or liazol ram; Moilprn A oodmi'ii nf Aniprlca. aro rtiiiHtfil to inipt hi their lull this iiftpriioon at 2:;:o o" lock to .itti'inl tho fuiipral of tin- Intp John So'lih 1 N furthpr iiippiIiii; of I,lly ('amp Ahl l"orlei will Iip In-Ill until October 23. All liimiiborH Hi'' rc'iniiHti-il to attPinl the fu Jicral of Nflijhbor John Smith, lssi Spvcnth BMmilP IIiIm .lltlTlluilll. T1k ailviuii i'il Kri'ni'h pIiihh of thp Couti cll IllurfH Wiiinan'H club will nippt th'a n fti'i noon hi i uYiock at tin- dub rooms. Tho ailvaiii-'il (icrman rliiH.ai will meet at thp roomH thin I'vi-nln;; at S n'plock. Trrasurpr I'hll W'irphain nf tin- Federal l.alinr iminn Imm ri'i'i'lvoil from thp boml InK companv n pheck for Hip ntnoiint that formpf Tnamirpr Cuv I" .iIIcrciI to have rinbczzlpil fox has not yi-t bci-n locntoil. Tho DcKrco of Honor. Anrlpnt Onlr of l iiltnil Wi rkmi'ii. will jjlvo a iIiiiicIiik party next Krlilut i'pnlnir. orlnlipr 1'.', at KulRhtn of 1'ythlnn bull. .Mi-trlani block Admin rlnti, 2fi ci-i tn WIihIpv'h ori'lipfti a. Michael Unnilulii, ir . wan relieved of a nold wati-h yi-Htprilay nftirnonn while crosHltii; from Omahn on a motor car. He mnpects Hi" men who Jostled him while he w.ih KPtilnt; off the car. The police have ii ilencrlnti'iii of thi' iiupposi'il pIckpncketM. Mini McAtpe. who was last week the vlitlm "f brutal and mvstprloiiH iiasnMlt In Dpiivpr. I'nlo., Im a HlHter of S. T AIc Atpo of HiIh ilty. He ban received wo-il that while oer Injurlen are scrloiiH and thp I'i HUffprliiK from the shork,' she will proli Hily reeoxer 1 awkevn lodge. No. 1M, Indopeuilent Order of odd l-YUmm, will entertain a num ber of -lnltliii; Odd I'YIIows anil their wives trom MImhiiiiiI Vnlley lonlKht. The decree stnlT In rpqiiestcd to bo present promptly at R o clock and the lncmbprs of the Indue aro Invited to lirlm? their wIph and women friends I'lty Huiilneer KttiMe has no tilled t'on tructnr Cauipbel' of his ncceptancp of the Bw bridge over Indian Creek at Fifth and I'lil'ili avenues. OnmpbpH'H bill for the lirldite was presented at the last meetlm; of the city eouncll, but was laid over until the structure, had been formally accepted l) the enBlnper. f'harles TIiton. a negro, was arrested last nlBht on Hiisplclon of belm; the person wlii ntole a set of harness a few weeks nno In Hill city and then sold It to a cnim of noma traders, who were NUbseiuientlj taken Into custod . but were ri-le.ised when they jirovcd thev had been Innocent puri ltatiers of tho stolen harness Tho defendants u the cusp of John Kindt niralnst AuRust I'hleln nun the richlltz nrowlnir company. In the supilor court, lmvo llli'd notice of appeal tj tho Hiipreme court. This Ih the suit In which Limit necured a JinlKincut for JX7IS 4a for rent of tho ImlldltiK ilurlm? the Mine he was kept out of possession by the litigation. The funeral of the late John Smith wl'l ho held this afternoon at !l nYlnck from tho family resilience 1MI Seventh avenue, under thi uusplcen of Hazol camp, Modern Woodmen of America. Interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. The followlm; members of Hazel camp will act as nall liearers .1 (' I'lenilliK. Charles OopV, K. Hoffer. John flllbert, A. MeMlllon and W A Ooehrln,;. Thomai It Drake of this city hns re ceived his otllclal ati)oliitmetit as organizer for the Ninth district for the International " J'poKraphlcul union. His territory will comprise the states of Iowa, Nebraska. annii-ni itansas aim northwestern MIs nourl. The Ninth district has been ror runKed so as to iiichnle Nebraska nntl east ein Kiinxns .iml .ul.s nfr ArkanKas anil Koutheastmn Mlsnuirl J V. Smith and T .1 Mv rs, who became Involved In a iluht v ,i,10k,1 ,y nliHn over politics were illseh irced p'ce ooUrt yesterday Smltb. who renubllcjli. rot tho W'oist of Hi.. .i,ti wh,, Myers who is a follower nl Hr.i'i. Kc,t the w'.iiHt of tho arKiiment, and .liuiK(. .vle-woi tli decided that mailers wi-re nbnui' even m released them on their prnmlslm; to eon iluct. their iirumentM In future with th-lr inoiitlia mil) Airs. Sophie "Wnrd will be railed upon to nnswer In Justice. Vl"n's court llili nfpr. noon why she did "un'.iwfnllv, mallelou lv mini criminally beat, strike, as-emli nn, wound" Mary Hokis as all-iieil iV (, . latter In un Informatlo i Hied N-st -ntii. Tho women had werdu over s m m.ntti nnil Mrs Waul Is iilYe-ed to !me smash' 0 the complalniiii; witness In the nasil nrnm. vhlcll was swollen doublo its lormii -iz. when she apiieareii to tile her compliim N V PlumbliiR Co teleplinne i.iu Rough Rider School Shoes EVERY PAIR WARRANTED hamTliws Shoe Store. Neaoilattj.l In l.aMrri Ncbruska und Iowa Jameu N Casndy. Jr.. LC Main St . CouiKli HiuiTs. Save Your ioneym in- luvt-stinc With thn HVIVtiS I.OVN tMI IH II. DIM. ASV.V, ia;i I'enrl !lri-et, niincH lllulTs, Ih. ma BLUFFS. ASKING FOR A NEW TRUSTEE Bond Oompauy Calls Oourt't Atteution to Incouipotcnce of W. II, M. Puaey. BANK'S AFFAIRS TAKE A BETTER TURN I'lilitle Coiillitriicr I'll it In 1 1 ItrMnrril til l.enxl nnil Itcporl or Coml 1 1 Ion Of "aaiaietl U I'll il'Ctei1 Hllllll. The Fidelity and Deposit company ot Muyland filed a petition in the district court yesterday nskltiK that K .1. Duj- be siit.slltuteil as trustee of the llallnrd irtlst fund In place of W. II. M. ruscy. The Isle Mrs. Sarah J. Milliard of this city, mi October 18. 1897, executed a deed of trust to Mr. I'usey, turulntz over to him the sum of $20,000 In ensli, to be held by him for the bctie.lt of O. It. Hallaid and other ot her heirs. Tho Kldcllty and Deposit company was bondsman for Mr. l'ttsuy nn such trustee nntl Its petition for tho appointment of l J. Da of this cltj In place of Mr. I'usey sets up that doubt exlRts as to the rohrtic) of Mr. I'usey und that for that reiisun aril that he has been declared incntiilb Incotnprteni the company does not care to be liable any lonRer on his bond. In Mie several applications filed In the district court in connection with the liquidation of the banking bURlness of Olllcer I'usey the .Maryland compiiny Is the first to take lcunl notice of the doubt of the sohotiey of either of tho partners. Claims lo the nmotittt of about $22,fM) aeiillist the bank were tiled yesterday -villi the ctetk of the district court, which brings the amount of claims so far listed up to about JSIil.noo. Claims to the nmount of about jn.udii were tiled yesterday analnst the estate of Thomus Olllcer and It Is expected that most of the creditors of tho haul: will now tile their claims also against the estate. ('inillileiicp III the I'trin. Confidence In the nhl'lty of the firm to pay out was restored somewhat yesterday when It became known that certain attor neys actltiK for a number of depositors had made an investigation of th proporty held by the haul;, which had proven satisfac tory. These attorneys stated that they believed Ihe assets of tho firm, when re alized upon, will enable tho receivers to pay dollar for dollar. nltliotiKli It will prob. nbly be some time before depositors will recplvo their money. Much of the anxiety felt by tho creditors Is due to tho fact that no report has been made by tho re ceivers, nlthough one has been promised almost dally for tho last week. Tho failure on tho part of Charles Olllcer to Mo an Inventory of tits father's rstnte has a dis quieting effect nnd until both tlieso reports are with tho court depositors arc naturally anxious over the outcome. The following notice was sent to tho recelNcrs yesterday by the First National bank: OOI Nt'lL ULI FFK, la.. Oct. 11. 1900. To John Hereshelm and Lewis P. Alurpliy, He celvers HauklnH' House of Officer .V I'usey, City Oeiitleineti Hclng advlspd that tbpre Is about ll.'ii'.etu cash on hand hclmmlng to the assets of the banking firm of Ottlcer & 1'iispy, and undprstaiiiltnK that It will be some little time before this Is paid out. In order Hint we may be of some asslstanre to tho creditors of tho bank In palng them something upon their funds wlilcli ar tied up we beg to offer you .'I tier lent Interest upon the dally balances or ii part or all of this deposit. Yo.irs respectfully. CIIAHLKS It. II ANNAN, Cashier. No reply to this notice had been received up to last night by tho First National bnnk. It was stated yesterday that the receivers nnd Cbnrlcs Officer hnd dropped all other work and were busy preparing the reports for the court. Davis sells paint. Home from the ItlnnillKr. It. K. Ingram, formerly connected with tho business department of a local news paper, returned yesterday from a three years' sojourn In tho Klondike. Ills wife and children hnd not heard from him for tho Inst two years nnd his return home jestorday morning enmo as a Joyful sur prise to them. After leaving here a few years ago ho wont to IMmonton, Alberta Territory, frcm whero in 1S0S he started overland for tho Klondike. Tho Journey occupied thirteen months nnd was wrought with considerable danger nnd hardship. He upent a considerable time in Dawson City and secured a good claim, but his ccr tlllcato ran out beforo he was aware and other parties Jumped tho holding. Ho said It ho had had a Winchester rlllo ho would have been nblo to have told a different story Slid would have mado somo money, as tho claim was a good ono. Mr. Ingram says tho hotter mining claims aro all nearly worked out nnd con sequently the mine owners are unable to pay the high wages they did formerly and a man working for wages Is better off In Iowa today than ho Is In the Klondike. There nre moro men looking for work than there Is it demand for und this tends to keep wages down. When ho tlrst renched tho Klondike living expenses were sky high, hut they have tumbled now. A meal that formerly cost $t.C0 can new be had for 75 cents, ulthough, as Mr. Ingram puts It, a better meal can ho hnd for 10 cents In Seattle than for $1 In the Klon dike. In his opinion Alaska will develop In a few years Into n very rich country, hut ho strongly ndvlscs any ono thinking of going there to stay nt home. Howell's Antl-"Kawf" cures coughs, colds. A run nielli ( iiiieliiileil, Tho arguments In tho Omaha Ilrldge nnd Terminal Itullwuy company right of way appeal were concluded beforo Judge Mncy In tho district court yesterday nfternoon nnd the Judge stated ho would hand down his drclslon this morning. Thn case has oc cupied the attention of the court the entlro week. Judge Macy. accompanied by the at torneys and other Interested parties In tho suit, went to Kast Omaha yesterday morn ing to view the ground In controversy, In the original condemnation proceedings hroiiEht by the Terminal company for Us right of way the sheriff's Jury awarded tho Detroit syndicate $1,000 aa acre for 3.M acres. The syndicate plnred the value of the land at M.500 an acre and appealed from the nward. Tho question of tin, ownership of tho railway embankment also enters Into tho case. Expert who testified as to the value of the land differed greatly In Ihelr estimates, their figures rnnging from 1100 to H,000 nn acre. Commonwealth 10-cent cigar IT lloiiil or Nn Cine. L'nlens John Crow flies tho additional bond us required In his suit in the 'iiutrit court against tho Pawnee Illtl W'ld West show by tomorrow morning Judge Macy has notified Ills attorneys that tho case will tie dlp.nltsed. The persons who signed the delivery bond In tho suit havo applied for their discharge on the grounds that Crow had failed to i-oniply with the orders of the court and HI" an additional attachment bond within the specified lime. JiiiIki Mncy has Issued a decrco confirm ing the claims of I'. C. and T. II. Ixiugee to certain portions of tho estnle of 'no late llenjamln Douglas and has ordered a sale of the property, as It cannot bo partitioned without great depreciation. K. II. I.ougce and F. J. Day have been appointed trustees to make the sale and have tiled "their bonds hs required I'liHHi-Nkiiiti or ii iinii.. A 2-year-old baby girl with tlnxen curls was the center figure In habeas corpus pro ceedings brought before Judge Aylesworth In tho suporlor court last evening. The proceedings were brought by John Johnston of Oninlni, who was appoint? I the child's guardian Inst Wednesday, against Mrs. Kate O'llrlen of this city, the baby's foster mother. Mrs. O'llrlen had t cared the child sluco It was 21 days old and recently placed It In Ihe care of n woman In Omaha who was to find a suitable home for It. Harry Smith, a plumber of this city, while working at this woman's house, saw tho baby and. learning the particulars, offered to adopt It ptovblcd his wife commuted. Mrs. Smith saw the Jinby and at once decided to take II and the child was given over to her. Last Sunday Mrs. O'llrlen Induced her Omaha friend to come to this stdo of the river and get tho baby, saying she wanted to sec it beforo it pnssod from her possession for ever. Tho wnmnn got tho baby, promising to return It, but as soon as Mrs. O'llrlen secured possession of It she refused to sur render It again. After a long senrch the baby was loentrd and Mrs. O'llrlen com pelled to surrender It until Judge Ayles worth decides the habeus corpus case today. Itrnl lltttnl" Transfers. The following transfers were tiled yester day In the abstract, title and loan office of J. W. Siulie, lui l'earl street: A. F. W. Fitch to J. C. Alurxen. part block Ii!, Allen A: Cook's add In Aviien, w. il $ 7i I. nrs I' Itnsimitsi'ii nnd wife tu the Danish Lutheran association, half ai re In nw'i tiw'4 :!S-77-J.1( w. d I Fatmlc Schmidt ami bii.ibuud to I. S. I. ldgett, lot :i, block i, Hogg's K tensliin. Council lllufTs. w. u 3' Suseit.i llnyer and husband to Itosa II. Ali'ldrutn, part lot J til sttbdlv or old plat lot Pi, Council llluffs. i. c. d 1 Knsii II. Meldrum unit htrdinnd to I'. J. Schnorr. Mime, i. c. d 1 M. II. Snyder and wifo to Samuel J. and Nancy C Huberts, nart lot 121, old plat or Council Illurfs. w. d ."0 It. II. lilllesple and wife to L. F. Pot ter, part ti"'i nw', 2-7S-41; lots 15 nnd IC. block 0. Oakland; lot ? find w1 lot 2. block 1. Hlg Drove. Oakland, and lot 4 and siibdlv of nw'l hwU I2-7S-ID, w. 1 1 5.010 Christiana Todd nnd husband to R. J. AlcPherrln. n4 nwl4 nnd sw1, sw'i fi-7fi-lt. w. il I ii7o Jennie White and huslinn.1 lo Antonio Florl, lot I. Auditor's stlbdlv of nwlt hwU 20-75-43, i i . il 1 Nine transfers, toiul 512,179 I'hvIiik WnsliliiKtoii Avenue. Contractor Wlckhnm has commenced tho paving on Washington avenue, beginning nt the eastern end of the street. This Is the contract which James Snguln brought pro ceedings In the district court to enjoin the fulfilling of. Contractor Wlckham stated yesterday that as soon ns tho block of pav ing on Tenth avouuo between Mnln and Sixth streetn Is completed ho will at onco placo a force of men to lay tho paving on Pierre street botween First nnd Stutsmnn streets. Work on tho Hroadwny paving has been nt a standstill for several days In or der to permit tho motor compnny to rnlse Its tracks. Tho sewer on Oraham nvonuo has been completed by Wlckham nud tho city engineer's forco measured it up yesterday, preparatory to making the assessment. AViiimiii on lillirary llnnril. Mnyor Jennings was called upon yester day morning by it commlttoo from the Council llluffs Woman's club, which urged the appointment of one of tho members of tho club on tho library board when a vacancy will occur by tho removal of Trustee Fdmundson to Des Moines. The committee presented tho names of Mrs. Hornro Krrott and Airs. Keys. Tho mayor notified the committee that as far as he was concerned ho was perfectly willing that a woman should bo placed on tho board, but declined to mnko any prom ise until ho had nscortalned tho wlBhes of tho citizens generally. If tho citizens desired It ho was willing to inako the appointment, ho said. Itnll.v nt MIlMten. The AlcKlnley (iuards nnd a number of lending republicans went last evening to Mlnden to attend tho meeting at which Hon. II. W. Dyers was tho principal speaker. Chairman Wright of tho republican central committee accompanied tho pnrty and held a confcrcnco with tho township committee of that district prior to tho rally, Alost of tho candidates on tho republican county ticket wero present nt tho meeting. Nenntiir Allison nt Mieiirtiiilon.li. Senator Allison left yesterday morning on the curly train for Shenandoah, whero ho was booked for a speech last night. Ho was ncrompanled from hero by Hon. 0. 11, Jen nings of Shcnnudoah. Tho senator Is ex pected to return horo today to go elthor to Denlson or to his homo In Dubuque, his pinns as to that not having been deter mined when ho left here. TiiiiiIncii In Nonilnnleil. The democratic Judicial committee of tho Fifteenth district has selected Frank Tnm Isea of Missouri Valley to fill tho vacancy on tho democratic Judicial ticket canned by Carl Ilolter of Logan declining the nomina tion for tho long term In opposition to Judge Mncy, the republican nominee. MnrrluKP l,l-cnsrs, ' Licenses to wed wero Issued yesterday to the following persons'. Name and Itesldence. Age. William llauniiin. Ilenson, Neb 1 (.Vila Jensen. Omaha IK Charles K. Robey, Council llluffs 21 Dora Mliolz. Council lliitffs in (iiruper lo I'lir Kurt-. OTTl'MWA. la., Oct. 11. (Special.) Three 'men wero robbed of HI and lit tho point of a revolver worn forced to Jump from u freight train running at full speed Just wcjt of Albla yesterday morning.' Tho holdup was tho work of tramps and their victims were men who wero humming their way oer tho road In an empty box car with tho desperadoes. Two of the, men are Will Doyer nnd a mun by th'o namo of Hurke of this city. Tho third man, who escaped Injury, Is unknown. Iloycr and Ilurko were seriously Injured, as tho train at tho tlmo they woro forced off It was running at tho rntp of thirty miles an hour. Tho man who was uninjured nq tlfled a farmer, who went to tho rescuo of tho former's companions, taking them to Albla, where niedlcnl nttendanco wns piocured. Tho two men who committed tho robbery boarded thn train ut Charlton. They got Into 'tho snmo car with tho Ot tumwa men, whom they had never seen before. Royer's chances for recovery aro doubtful. etlon of Speelni nrsmon, LANSINO. Mich.. Oct. 11. The resolution authorizing submission to the people at tho general election In November of a constitutional amendment permitting the taxation nf railroads and other corpora tions on tho rash value of tliolr property parted tho house at noon today. The re publican majority In the senute caucused early today and, decided to dispose, of the resolution this afternoon. MONEY AND ARTIST ARE CONE Dos Moititi Womeu Miss Coin Spent to Learn a Profession. PICTURE MAN AND WIFE NOT TO BE FOUND Victim- of the Sehrnir Irp To til Thnt They Will llri'i'hr six llotlnrs I'rr Werlt rirr Tliry lime I'nlfl for ii ( on rue of Inttriietltin. DKS AIOINUS, Oil. 11. (Special Tele gram.) Thirty women are after K. C I. vans for alleged swindling. Kvans skip ped out last night with $100 secured from the complainants by alleged fraudulent means. Kvans nnd his wife ran n plcturo shop that Is, they hired women to enlarge portraits. They agreed to give them 16 per week for Ihelr work after they had mas tered the art sufficiently to warrnnt his giving the portraits for finishing. All of the work wns to be done nt home and tho women wero to be confident there was no catch in tho scheme, because If they de sired to ceaso work he would give back their money. Kach woman advanced $2.G0 to learn tho art. This morning Air. and Mrs. Kvans left tho house. It Is supposed they went to Oninhn. It (s thought ho Is the O. Il llrown who wns In Davenport last week, whero the siitne kind of game was played. Supremo court decisions wore hnnded down todny as follows Iowa Stove Companv against W. I. Crlss iniin, Linn district Action on mechanics Hen. Reversed. Wllllnm II. Ltppntd et al, appellants, against F. W. Llppold. Pottnwattiimlc dis trict. Suit for partition of real estnte. DIs. missed and 'itllrmed. W. L. I Ii'ii ly. guardian, against Wood men, superior coirt. Cedar Rapids. Action on policy. Atlirtned. LIMiin K. Dudley against Alollle Forrest. Clinton district. Hubeas corpus proceeding Reversed. ' .ii i rawfnrd ngniust C. F. Crawford. Polk district. Action to set aside an as sessment. Alllrmed. AVorU lo Sn-iirr llnnnii. Ill spite of thn refusal of Chairman Hanna to como to Des Moines when tho matter was first broached to him, Chairman Orovcs of the county committee Is continuing his ef forts to got him In Des .Moines, and It Is re garded us very likely thnt he can be se cured. A charter wus Issued by the state auditor to tho Ringgold County Savings bank, with a capital of $10,000. An order was Issued from tho adjutnnt general's otllco that on nnd after January 1, 1301. no officer of the Iowa Natlonnl Ounrd. governor's staff oxcoptpd, will be commis sioned by tho cnmmnnder-ln-chlef until he hns been duly qualified for tho otllco bofore a board of not less than three or moro than flvn officers of tho guard, the board to bo appointed by the commandor-ln-chlcf. If the report Is adverse nnd Is approved by tho commnndcr-lii-chlcf no commission will bo issued. Tho Iowa State Association of Railway Surgeons met hero In seventh nnnual con vention today with some fifty present. The day wns devoted to pnperu and discussions. Today tho visitors were entertnlned nt a smoker. Whether or not tho disgrace of on unfor tunnto girl should, whero possible, be kept quiet, or should be common property for dis cussion In meetings of local unions was tho themo which presented Itself at the morning session of tho Woman's Christian Temper ntico union stnta convention today. Officers wero elected for tho ensuing yenr. Mrs, Oeorgln II. AlcClellnn of Denlson wns elected president and the former president, Airs. Etta R. Hurford of Indlnnoln. was elected corresponding secretary. Airs. Flora -I. Ale Achron nnd Mrs. Nnnnlo B. Howo of Des Alolnes, for recording secretary and treas urer, were rc-clocted. I,rnven Creill turn to Mount, KNOXVILLK, la.. Oct. 11. (Special.) Tho Lxpress, published last evening, says: Austin unrist, a, won Known young Knoxvlllo business man. got a team and buggy at Shlvc's livery barn Thursday rooming and started for Pella. Since that timo nothing has been seen of him. Ho has. In fact, absconded, leaving his busi ness and his creditors behind. "Since his abrupt lenvo It has been found that much of tho collateral put up at the hanks as security for loans Is merely copies of notes that he still had In his possession. In some cases ho had two or threo copies of tho same not deposited In different banks. In many Instances ho rollocted advanco payments on note not yet due, receipting tho makers of tho notes therofor and the makers of tho notcB will always havo theso receipts as souvenirs. They aro of no real value, as tho notes stand against him. "The whole affair wns a great sui'priso to tho business public. Ghrlst had a good business reputation and could have had al most unlimited credit a week ago. Now that ho Is gone It Is said that ho wns In reality a poor trader and probably kept a big losing business going In order to maintain a high credit at tho banks and among buslnoss mon. It Is thought that ho took with him probably $1,000 or $5,000. I.riulliiK ItjftiifH niscunKFtl. PANAAIA, la.. Oct. 11. (Special.) Judge Waltor I. Smith nf Council Rlufs npoko to a good audience hero last night upon the "pnrnmount" issues of tho political cam pnlgn. A life and drum corps from Sholby furnished tho music. The Judge mado a clean-cut and convincing speech. He showed up tho fallacies and hypocrisies of Uryanlsm In n plain, logical manner. While this county Is ordinarily demo cratic, tho republicans havo an even show of carrying It for AlcKlnley and Roosevelt. Much Interent Is being manifested all over the county. Mullein llriitlii-rlinml of A mrrleit. KANHAS liTy, Oct. 11 -The Alodern Brotherhood of America, a fraternal order whoso chief strength Is In Atltinesotu and Iowa, Is holdltiK Its first supreme convon tloti In this city and a lively tight ntno-ig various aspirants for ulllces was narrow y averted during tho election of officers to tiny, a circular had been sunt out to tho lodges of the order by the faction opposing tho supreme ofllcers. In which It was as. sorted that the constitution nf tho niiso -latino had 1101 be. n followed nnd that the ofllcers had t mployed ns clerks their own relatives. In an address (-'upreme Frodl detil T. II. llanley of Tlptnn. Ia.. took occasion to deny these charges la emphatic language. After the convention bad gone Into a committee of tlio whole to lnvetl gate tho chaiges, all differences were amicably settled and some of the old ottlcerM wero re-elected. The newly elected nftlcers are: Hupreme pnstdent, T U lliinlev. Tlnton. tu vice nrealilent. J. W. j Hose, t'edar ltapids, lu . supremo Kecro- lary. . i;uinit. Tipton, la.; treasurer. Virgil Oreen, Mlmore, Allnu. ; head phys ician, Dr. KT linker, Indlaiinlii, la. Melien In Temple nf I'hiiip, NI-JW YOHK, Oct. 11 As 11 result of to day's labor -if the committee of thn sen.ito of New York university, thirteen now mimes havo been added to those already selected for n place In the hall nf fame. Those counted today were In tlio following classes: I'reaUiers and theologians, musi cians, painters and sculptors, physlelans anil surgeons, soldiers and suitors. Fur In the lead of the men of letters, especi-illv Halph Waldo Emerson, who led yesterlav with elgbty-ilx votes, was Oeneral I' S tlraiit, who beads today's list with nlimtj two votes. The entire list It us followt: liysses Simpson flrant, M, John .Marshall. IH. Jonathan Kdwards, SI. David Qlnsvow rarrngut. 79. Ilobert K, Leo, 7, Henry Ward Heechr. 6, James Kent, 63, Joeph Htory, fH; John Jnmea Audubon, 62, Wil liam Kllery rhannlng, M; Gilbert Stuart. 19 Honice Ilushnell, 61 5 Asa dray, 61 WHITELA COUNCIL BLUM S, IOWA Special Prices for Friday Ladies' Jackets Ladles' Jackets In black only, mado of a good chev At $3.98 iot, with large appllqucd reveres, high storm collar, , full lined, coat buck, worth J." 00, our price this week only $3 98. 5 A fine Kersey At $5.75 I cioth Lndles' mmmmmmtmmmmm Jacket, ltl black, tans and castors, full lined, mado with largo roveres, high collar nnd boll shaped sleeve, with two rows of stitch ing, a garment worth 17.60, our price only $5.75 ouch. : A (Inn nil wool Kersey Jacket, nil sizes. In tnn nnd At $7.50 black, full satin lined, neatly stitched all around, truly a bnrgnln. only a few left, our price only $7.50. V r Lidles' nil wool Kersey Jackets, In tnn, brown nnd At $10 blnck, finished with six rows of stitch ing, a guaranteed satin lining, large whlto pearl buttons. This Is the best vnluo In our entlro line nnd worth $15 our prlco $10 00. Ladles' short tight fitting nnd Hot Coats In red, blue, blnck. tnn and cas tor, nt, each $12, SI5, $17,50, $19, $25 V : Ladies' Wrappers Good lino of Indies' wrappers iti Cttlico, porcalo nnd floeco lined, nt 89c, $1, $1.25 $1,50 and $1,75 Whitclaw & COLLEAGUE FOR HARRISON I'liicr on llnRitr llnnril of A r III t rn linn Ileellneil l- Clt-vnlniitl OITerril to Annllirr. WASHINC1TON, Oct. 11. Probably with a vlow to having the I'nltcd States repre sentation on Tho Hague board of arbitra tion complete) In enso thero should be oc caslon to refer to that body for settle ment some of tho Chinese Indotnnlty ques tions, as suggested by Ilussla, the presi dent Is making an effort to secure a sult ablo colleague for ex-l'rcsldent Harrison nnd In placo of ex-President Cleveland, who has been unable to nccept the post of arbitrator. Today tho tender was made to another person, but pending his uc ceptanco It was not deemed proper to mnke known his name. i'kxsio.vs of wi:sTi:it. virrnnAXS. AVnr Survivors Ileiuptntterrtl by Ilie tienernt (im eminent. WABllINOTON, Oct. 11.-(8peclal.)-The followinij pensions havo been granted: Issue of September 20: Nobraakii: Orlglnn' -Austin II. Triimnu, Superior, $S. Ilestoratlmi and reissue--AVU-llnm W. Hickman (deiirl), Omaha. $72. In creaseLewis Al. WIIIcojc, Heatrtcc, $S. Original widows, etc. Cinrlnda Huron, De catur, $S. War with Spain, original Hd wnrd Ilnydon (father), Kearney. J12. lown; Orlglnnl Jasper Hoblson, Web ster City, $S; Silas Suavely, AMscatlne, JS. Addltlonnl-Sctb It. -Merrill. Ida Grove, $S; Alexander H. Cutnnilngs, Dnnkerton, $. Supplemental! -('buries Anderson, Dubuque, $fl. Increase llenjamln Franklin Alarkln, Holfe, $S, Nntlianlel -S. Parks, JncksonvlMe, $12; Alojinnder Huyle, Scotch Orovet $10; James K. Llghtner. Outhrln Center, JS; Phillip Yates, Hlanchurd, $30; Harvey 11. Alooro, Albla. $24. II Id for .mt Itnldrslilps. WASHINGTON. Oct. H.Tho I3oard of Naval II u r can Chiefs decided today by a vote of 4 to 1 to postpone tho date of opening bids for the now battleships, sot for November 16, until December 7, when the bids for tho cruisers also will be opened. Hear Admiral Ilrndford dissented from tho postponement. Ho Is understood to desire tho muttor disposed of beforo congress meets. Tho postponement wns desired by some of the largo shipbuilders In order to give them tlmo to preparo In dividual plans, which havo been Invited. It also will permit navul officials to con sider several plans for changing tho bat teries heretofore agreed upon. Tho board took up n proposition by tho builders of tho submarine boat Plunger to furnish u now boat on Improved lines at a total cost of $170,000, what has been paid on the Plunger to bo npplled on tho now boat. A decision on the proposition waB deferred, although It Is doubted whether thoro Is authority to contract for n new boat. I'll I led .Sillies Loses limit Chrmlut, WASHINGTON. Oct. 11 Dr. Oscar Loow, for two years pnst connoctcd with tho Ag ricultural department as expert In phys iological chemistry, has resigned to ac cept a position ns lecturer In tho Agri cultural college of tho Imperial university of Toklo, Japan. Tho now position Is much moro remunerative than the Agri cultural department could offer, carrying a salary of $7,000 a year. Dr. Loew camo to this country from Munich, where ho bad an International reputation In organic chemistry, to enrry on a special line of original resjarch work for the department In connection with tho fermentation of tobneco. This work he successfully completed, developing several Important factors In connection with to. bncco curing, which the department feels will bo of great practical benefit to growers. Connection t Shorts Ineremr. WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. The population of the slate of Connecticut, as officially an nounced by the census bureau today. Is i'OS.Sj.'i. In 1SS0 tho population was T I . . -238. The census for this year shows n Increase during tho Inst decade cf i'i.' ' or 21.7 per rent. Deport lllelltul ,Nne. WASHINGTON, Oct 11. -(Special Tele gram.) Postmasters appointed- Iowa K, 0 W BOSTON STORE Good Values in Underwear I At 39c j Al t U's li e il v v At 39C I lli'vcod shirts anil drawers worth u'c for 3?i . I a .ien s I At $1.00 I shirts ' 11 ' " 1 "- ' ers. .Men's silk lleeeed nnd dr.iw- rs. well mnde nnd very durable price $1 00 worth $1 r.0, our I Ladles' Egyt, At 20C I cotton vesta Egyptian and pants, silk fin ished ves's and drawers, mado with French yoke bands, worth 33c. for 25c. heavy ' Ladles' Angorn Jersev At 50c fleeced, ribbed vests and pants, beautifully finished, worth 7oi . onlv r.Oc. Children's Heavy Wool Fleeced Vests and Pants at the Hollowing- Prices: I yenr 1 1 -li in 11 ypfirai ...... - 1- lo it yenrs It 1 -'- to ft f rar.i B t-2 lo 7 j i'n r 7 1 -'- In II yrnrn Ill to IS jenr in to It yen r .'tile a.'ti- iiaiu.vin i ni.vMcirrs ami ciniKoirrti. so.- Gardiner Boston store 401 to 405 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia. 0 Of 06 0oooeoioacosoeooootooeoe .BUCK'S Hake White ennmeled lino one quality In anything Their $lfi f'O Cook Stove Just as durable as their z: Hange. Plainer ..ml less of It all the difference. Aledlum and cheaper grades In all other line mean poorer qunllty and less durability. Not so In lluck's. One quality--the best. We sell the fuel savers of the country Cole's Orlglnnl Hot Ulust. for hnrd or soft coal. Tho Favorite Ilase Humor two nnd one-half tons nil! run It. Tho I'nderfectl Furnnce saves half thr cost of heating. M .MAIN Council Bluffs, noaoe oeoooaioo$Otooeoooooo eoo Good Property Is a Good Investment FlfUen lots In a. body for sals at a Tory rsaBonnble price, These lots are located In Omaha addition and lis high and dry. They will make a splendid location for soras factory. Several othtr lots aultabls for building purposes on ot thorn especially will make ' a tins location for a home, bslni within one block of ths motor line and within two blocks of a acliool bouae asd church located la the western part of the city. Apply at Bee Office, Council Bluffs. A. Dlngman, Freeman, Cerro flordo county. Wyoming J. A. Guild, llench, Uinta county. On October 15 rural freo delivery Is to bo established nt Liberty, Oago county. Neb., with ono carrier. Length of route, twenty seven miles; population served, 025; carrier, L. N. AtcAIurray. Tho order discontinuing the postofllce at Kddy, Hayes county. Nob., has been re scinded. ('insular unit liliilomiiMe Service, WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. -Tho auditor of tho Statu and other departments In his uti nual report to tho secretury of the treasury states that tho expenditures on account of tho diplomatic service during three years amounted to $511,731. The consular service rout during tho year $1,117,148, but tlio conbular fees received nmouutod to $1,011.(110. leaving an excrss of expenditures of $105, M7. llnillierlinod of SI. AiiUrrn, ItlCIIAlOND. Vii . 0; 11. -After the pi e llmlnary morning sesHnti tin national as semiTv of 1 the Hrotberhood of St. Andrew mei today at 2 'M p. til. More than 500 dele gates representing nearly cverj state In the union, were present. The report of the executive council disclosed a net ilecreuso Of fourteen in ine nuiiiuer in couplers. The chapters ti:i In forco number 1.172 Klght venrs ago the average membership whs fo.irteen. It Is now ten. The Junior department grows steadily. Thorn aro now annul ZXM boyii atul youths enrolled in the I3 chapters. ( rlttit Iii ChleiiRO (in it War. CHIOAOO, Oct. ll.-Th war for heup gas was brought to a ciils In thn urgi tnent beforo State's Attorn -v Deneen today Vcilpli Aloses. chairman of the citizens' -l ttee, cilleil upon tho state's at 'i -itart quo warrunto proceedings i i test Hie legality of the consolidation act of lKi". by which tlio People's (Una. Ltpht and Coke mmpany exists The People's company wa.s given until October 23 to show reason why proceedings should not be begjn Air Moses annniin 'eil that he would Pin a formal pntttlnn Monday GARDINER COlNCIl BLLIIS. U)V and Saturday Millinery L .idle ' f i n ' At $3.00 J trimmed ti.iis, m - blink only. all shapes, lu felt .mil elct shape, neni ly trimmed with silk eU.t .in.l feathers, styles that would rendlly t.p',1 at .5 00 our price todny. only J " " each . Ladles' trlmmM At a$4..50 I hats. In blmk '4 " miiiaMMMBa. n,j colors, I n Inrgn vnrlely of shapes and styles; elaborately trimmed In rivet, silk nnd tine felt: would easily bring JG.75; our price, only $4 50 each 1 !"""" Ladies' trimmed hati- In new an. I Hmcw nntiln I r 1 1' trimmed in black .iml Intent shttdes in colors; worth J7.TiO, our price, only $6.00 each. V J A Inrgo and well assorted lino of la dles' higher grade lints, ranging In price ns follow- $8, $9, $10, $12 and $15 to $25 each. A new and com plete line of In dies' cotton Man uel gowns, luce trimmed, extra full ami well made, for $1 on At $1.00 I See our new Irettslng -.fieipiPK In 11 I nf 1 01 1 on flannel, nen'li trimmi'l with l;.ee for $1 00 STEEL RANGES Itisctiit in .) -'2 Minutes. I C a o o e o o 9 O a o s o o o e o o o -1 Iiuek's (last Cooks and Hangcs. only callpd lluck's. STREKT. - - - Iowa. -a OVERWORKED MEN, DELICATE WOMEN, SICKLY CHILDREN, TAKE iviAK.A.! WlivH No other preparation has ovor reived si many voluntary testimonials from .roment people aa the world-famous Martanl V Mariani Wine WORKS WONDERS. Sold by all drucelsts. Ttafuse satwtltutee. Marlanl & Co.. i2 V. Iflth st . New York, publish a handsome book of indorsement!! of Binptrors. .impress. Princes, Cardlna.i, Archbishops, and other illntltinruishKl per aonairefl. It Is ti-nt gratis and po4tpulrt t ill who write for it WHITE HOUSE COFFEE. is thn very highest grade nf puro Ato clm und Java obtainable Oti wain by ( Irlnnil av Smith, Mill A DuiikIo. OM VII WOMESi ITMAIC I1EANS drpnl moathU rniuitiorforwu. 1 tiirnmfitr.ni-futl, urf mint .tulitKirii r.ifn rr IImhI In few ritrti j thhrnnand klrinnrllt, hntin (;. nit ntlifr dniirjlm ur mulled 1'rLloii lirur to. liuHavlu. KT t.-.,- At rpi.uu i