Tim OMAHA 'DAILY nun: vu i da y. ocTonni. 12, moo. GIANTS WARM UP DONOVAN One Inning's Hitting is Enough to Witt a Oume from Brooklyn. RUBE WADDELL MAKES A SEASON'S RECORD Strikes Out Tui'lii' of t ll (llli'nlto I'lnyrrs ami Win n ( lose llimir llir l'llllllll K IlllSttlll se cures 11 Gift. Urn lurk, 7 lli-iinkl) II, I. llOsttlll, ll I'lllllllll'lplllll, I. I'lltslmru, -I ( IiIciikii, I. IIHOOKLYN, (). t. 11.- New York won to day's game In tin! second Inning when, with two out, live singles, Uu doubles ulirt base on ball srorcd seven runs. Dono van settled down after that, but tho lead wus too imii'h for Hroaklyu to overcome. Hawlcy pit, lied well unci received splendid support. Tbe Mallors bud stored four more runs, mainly on errors In the ninth. whn I In1 game w.n raited, the icuro re Tuning Imik to the eighth. Attendance, I, :uO. Score: NKvV VOltK. I tlRfJUKl.TN ft It O ,1 I! ! J II O A K V'lUlt'n, rf I 2 10 Jones. .1. I I I 0 0 i.eh. If . I 3 0 0 Krekr. rf .1 10 0 0 III. kmm, 3b t t 0 0 l.h-'Knr l, in 2 I 0 llo'iiaril, rf. t 1 0 0 v Innn.ngi. I lj V 111 0 0 l'.,le. lb....O 110 I OCniM. SI... .40111 I'uli, . 0 0 J 6 i Daly, 81. .. .0 1 I S 0 M'iri.hv. 2b. I lit 1 Ifmotu, is.. 0 3521 H ni.in, o I S 1 I OtUeelnmn, r. 'i 0 I 9 II. ley, p. 1 12 2 1 Hunuvan, p.'l M t I Toliils .... J 5l ! Total.. .. t II 21 l 2 N w York n ; ii it o o o ; Hmnklyn '2 0 4 0 3 0 0 0-1 Lurned runs: New York. S. Twh-Ims' lots. VHiilliiliri.n. Hickman. Powermiin. Jones. First base nn i rrors. New York. 1, llioiiklyn. I. I.i'ft mi t.nnta; Now orK rt, Uruiiklyn, 7 Htruek out: ny Dnrtovnn, 4, I. v lluivli'j. Hucrlfice n't: llaw'ry. Stolen buses. Vmilliillren 12). Davis. Hheok urd Haste nn halls: My lu novaa. :l; l.v II. iwioy. i. Double plays: Mut pliv in D.tvi to liiijK., fi.ivli In li If. Mil hv pllthel I. ill H li imivHii. I Passed ball: Hiwl in hi T'm- 1 empire: tfu.vdor. U'liilili'll Makes it Itrenril. I'lTTHnl i.(l i ii T II War.u 11 made ill' uoiin'H record fur strike-oils hv mikln u f ttir i 'IiIimk.i'r tan in air. (I rg M ''ortnl.'lc nn. I Dnnohue tv . the oii'y 1. 1 tiers wh.i r fused lo In- di'r.'lviil (lar- Itis work wui also llrsl-e'ns. Pltlst.utr nils IihIiih badly scattered. Attendance, l.'.oe Brure: I'lTTHIHIIO. I rinCAOO. Ii H n u I It ll o a K. M.'-rery. If 0 it I) A 9 Strung, ...( 0 2 2 0 I' n in' lit. of I 2 0 0 OHolun. rf....O -0 i) 0 0 I' ' tiy. !b , I I I ! 1 M'Carthy, IfO 0 0 0 0 rllr. rf 0 0 2 o 0 il'i-.n. cf....fl 0 2 0 'iliiin. Hi i) u 11 0 ii ilnnl, lb. A 1 10 A a . Pi'im, tbn a t o OHntlli-y. il. t ( 1 S t ? 'otw, r . 0 ii II 2 0 M i' in k. :t. I I 1 1 I i." ... 12 I I n..n a ii". o.o t S S 1 Wu.liWII, p . 0 I It oilttn.n, p ... A 0 0 J 0 .'Dexter 0 0 0 0 0 T.'tal. S C 27 12 I I Totals 1 I SI 12 : Hat till for (lurvlti In tha ninth. l lit.-ilitirii o o 1 0 o 1 0 0 2 Iim'uho 0 0 0 "I 0 0 1 0 n 1 K.irmid run. t'lilinBo. Two-lmso hit. 1 niittu. Thrni-inui 'ill Ili'mdii!". Sarrl ll' llltM: IMtrtlto, Unnzrl. Hlulcli tnu"i: l.ly. Ali'l'arthy. Dn.ibli1 ;ilny: I)nnnll.i to l.rudli'y. I'liBl liimn on lid lis : HIT W.iJ o.'ll. 2; nlT (iiirvln, X lilt by piirhwl ball: SM'urthy. Tlmo: I. GO rmplrn: O'Uny. (lift for tin- llimlmirfir, lMIII.Ali:i.l'IIIA. flit, ll.-fonn was wllil mid IiIh Hupport w.m iiiIhituIiI)' A u ivhuIi H.islun won h.indily Atttilinanci', lS Sonro: l'lllLAUKU'IUA. I 1J03TON. It II O A K It It O . E Miniiiae, cf.. n ! 3 0 o'llnrry. If-8i 12 2 10 FlHKli', It.... 0 0 t. 1 0 Iins. nn .. i 0 0 1 0 Hick. rf.... 2 a t I llrnvmnn. "f I 0 S 0 n :tiilM, lb. . 0 5 7 I 0Ciiiiin, aii . i l j ? o Pmifclnm, c. 0 0 1 S 3 T.-nncy, lb..l 19)0 lolv'tnn. 3liD I I 1 0 Htahl, rf S 5 2 0 0 Iwlnn, 2b.... 0 0 t 2 0 Ivnv... 2b.... 1 3 3 10 l'ni, M....0 0 2 3 1 I'ulTy. cf-lf,. 1 3 10 0 Ccnn, p 2 2 2 U 1 Sullivan, c. I 0 2 0 1 .. -VIHI. p .... 0 10 2 0 Tiitalu t 10 27 lj 0 - 1 Totnln . . 3 13 V S 1 l'hllailolplllil 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 21 lloHlon 0 0 0 2 0 1 3 3 00 Karncil ruiiH: Phi ndolplilil. 3; Huston. 2 Two-ban hlt.s: 1'llck, Chlli'M. Wolvrrton. t'nnn. 8tolcn Iju.si'H- tjtiilil. I.owo. O i ibl piny: t'ross tn Dnlan to ( IiMi-m. '.oft on lia.st'H: I'htliidulplra. 10; HoHton. n. Klrat ban. on balls: (iff WIIIIh, I; off I'onn. 2. lilt by pltflii'd ball: llj Conn. alrufic mil: Hv Conn, 1; by Willis, 2. V)M pltpli: I 'mil. Tlnii': 2.0 V rmplrc: Hurst. SI It 11(1 II M III till' 'I'l'IIIIIM, IMiivpiI Willi I.nl PI itrniiKiyii i;w rittsbiirt; 137 Philadelphia Ill lioNton loil ( IiIi'hko I3S H. l.onls 131 i liii-lntmtl 137 Now York 131 'I Tkl . 1 7S r.:i fi 2 73 a r."7 Cll 70 4Sil l 71 43 75 .4'a f.2 73 131 r,:i 77 . m SCORE OMEFOR ALARD SCHECK lull it Si'lHirl's lifter Wfilfrn foil I'ruvfN .SuriirlNf nt Unrrh I'nrU. S'i:V Volt K , Hit 11 Tbf Vi'htbr.ator limli wi'IkIii bnnillnip wh thf f iittnv cf n Koinl d.iy'H nultiK il .MiiIm 'hi' i iy Al.ird Schi'iU. tho wi'Sttrn 2-jo.ir-uId, win li In (ioi'd Hlylf, Kivlnu wi-Ikih to .i ,.it ,.f k I uprlnwrn of t lu iIi'it iIivimIiiii A I a rrowil wns on hum), nttrnoto I by th .' ir wt-nlliir mid K".l mhiI. i:inht lior. h I... id tin- Htnrtrr In tl'f (it-.f racr of Ho lay and Mi'vIi.ium.i i IiisimI f 1 1 1 1 - at ,1 lo 1. wl'.b A In nl Srliffk, Mum tt. anu IP-lo of 1 1'xhiKton .ib ml I'lpial M"oi.d hnir'J. 'I'Iiith wuh a tlifHoiiu' dt'lity nt tho lo'i. I. it t lie burHi'H wi-rf llnallv nint n(T In fair order. Shaw ruilif.I MuhoHo nn m inakn Ihii rnnnliiK nnd w lid bv tho b'lik'ths armind tho fur inrii mid lilt i ihs Mrelfh, with .Mi'olwnus ami Ucl of I.ex liiBtoti next Tho fait pam told on nil three and they wolf pasiod In the H'ret-h by tho rear iIIvIhIoii, Alarl richoek ro i.l through with a wrrat Iiiiini ,.' hw ml wlnnltiK clfvcrly by a leiiKth from Tl. HukIi. In tho llrst ntee t'tiinnnkfil rnmo down the lam llvo and n ha" fic'im -h of he Kcllpso course In 1 OS.. ".Knin i fennd . tho world's record fir th d it m e i n fortuualoly, lifiry fulled M v rfl.i r. u'il, h WEARINESS AND LANGUOR Among the First Symptoms ol Ner vous D eel i no. A Terrible Affliction That In Averted and tin rod by II U I) VAN. TUB OAHH. WOHUY AND hAtlOIt THAT MKN and woumu of this busy ns rnufit endure makes llsrlf manifot In wear and toar upon the nurvous kyjium. M n and women grow old Ioiik before their tlinj im a insult of this ovcr-st;aln upon the nTVfs. ll'huustloii and tveuknens rtuit. The oreans f nutrition soon suiter from lai-k of nerte loiitrnl. Ihcri" Is Iobs of appe tite, drrunRed dlnfttioii. costltenesa and ;nacUtlon und paleness follow. The bloud becomes thin and water. It belUK deOclent In those elements that hupport tho strenfth cf tho body Headaches, sleeplessness, mental eonruslon, poor m mor are symp toms that soon follow. Complete proitra tlon ma bo the Hunt result. There Is no remedy nn earth that erjuala Hl'OYA.N In Its curative powers for such dlmiiders. Ill'DY AN stands at the head, for Ii Is n positive cure for all nervous dUvuees. If you suffer with any of tha ftbovo symptoms. I you led that your rifives are weak from .m cause whatever, by all means "lake III'DYAN " It wjl cure juii sound and well. III'DYAN will give you the strenath ou nceil, It will over come that tired and wornout feeling III'D YAN will enrlcli jour blood, it will Blv you a splendid appetite, It will Improve jour die tilnn If thut Is at fault. III'DYAN has suveil thousand), of men and women from hecomlnic nervous wrecks. III'DYAN Is safe, suro und cures perma nently. Hl'DYAN Is for sale by all dmjKUts-Mc a packur.ii or sl packutvs for JI..H). If your drtlKRlst does it keen 1IUDYAN send direct to the III'DYAN UKMISDY I'OMl'ANY, Sun Krauclsco California. You may consult the lll'uAN' doctor about your casu THKli of CIIAHHE. WHITE. DruBrlsts Kuhn A Co., Bherman & lc Connell DruK Co., V -eis. Dillon Drut Co., J, A. Kf'Vr A- Co. chits 11. Schaefer, J. 11. (Schmidt, Omaha, lamp Urns, Count 11 111 .Its. Dillon Dr . - Co South Omaha-all Mil and recommend lludyan. '1 i U'l". ill..' . - Wli V.H ' i. a a .i !.i j K t'-ir i,.i l. . h .. d . 1 e i . Ung. Hi ark wi.ii Hie seioiul rn o e.isllj at 4 "dd nnd lreuoi;k took the New tto' b selllr.n rare tt wns or.Iy a Ihrii'h nff.ilr, but they flnlshwl hads apart. He,. Hn II, t tank oufddur, took Iho last r.1 e ci vfi-iy. nummary . Klri rare, nv nnd a half furlonin: t n tna ktsl, 110 llemyi, 4 10 1. Won. Ia.ly I rn ay. m .Mltcheili. b lo 1 and 2 to 1. pee, rid: Slheidi'li Pl i Hums i. 18 lo 6, third Time l:ij I'lrearms. Hold La-" Ml, Ii lain Chimes. H"-iu lirm n in r.d Jt'ilT also run t'rmusk'd W dl-'iuilltl .1 for fnul and l h onVlals placed the horsot; Ihi1 t'neas, SIKerdale. Firearms Second rare, live and nnlf furlonirs, a"" Injr: Stuifk, inn f M tchn'li. 7 to 1. wnj: Anlmosl'y, Ud iShawi. 7 to 1, second: An le Ihuinn.on, im (He ry). C lo 1. I1 Ird. Tim 1:05. I.ewanni. ynlte Illtfh! Voi.h. or4 shire Hoy. Kducale, rtrecclt, Novelty and 1. nok nlao ran. . . Third race. New Itncholto stakes, on" mllf. s.lllnif: (In-enork, 101 (On em, R -o 2. won: Klmt Hnrloveorn, I'M iD'Cmtinn. - 10 orit(J, 103 (Medic i, 15 to 1. third. Tlmo: 1:M"4. , , , , , . handleaii, sW nnd ti hnlf furlonKs: Alavd 8-heek, 111 (IJvrns), !i to 2. W . . I i. . I.lo fOdotn). 7 lo 1 nnd 5 to 2, "' md . Kl" idklnnte. US iAicCiimi, i to I. thirl. Tim.'. I"2. Dr. Hnrlow. Musetlr. Meeluui'is. rhiirentiis and tlee of I .IrRtnn nlo rm Fifth rnce. one tnl'e. fl'inn' C ir-nnc o. )Afi (Mrt'im), eVfi. won; Armor ifl ill' .'V) Tin 3 ami 3 o S. er nd ; Una d too ( 11 '. SI to 1. third. Time; 1 :,;. Harry M Ho in also rnn. , Sixth race, oie ml'e and an elali'li: He' rrndr 10s iMIlrst. io to 1, won' o-nieiit-Mon. 113 (Hurrs) r. to 1 nnd 2 to I end: Ilnmtnoik. IK! iltenivi. !, to 1. third I' in": 1 :.fii Wulind. l'af,".r and Sydney Kti-as also rnn. VICTORY FOR CONTRALTO Ni-linihliii Ihti'f Wins Wfsl SlnUes ill l.i-x I iik Inn III Mriiluht Heats. I.KXINOTON'. Kv. Oct It When Hi bfil rniiB for tn tlnt heat In tlf 2:10 H'o toiinv i he v.iiiih-r wa raw und chilly, bu the w ud aiad.iully died nway and th h Mfrnoon coinpnrntlvely pli'iisatu There aus n large crowd 111 attendance no . tlv rui ln' was line over the beat condl Mi nert truck of the meetiiiK Th re wre fluht starters In the 2:10 tro d York Hoy. selllnK al 160 to $2 for Kain.i Cllrl. wa a big tnw.nte. He wmi the ri' In ilrulalit heals, but not. Uowivtr. untl' h hud lust the Ural two lo the (treat full foin.ii mure, Nercttn. who nlwn save h ni a ose race In tin; th rd. The other contend ing hoi -es veie Dnwu'il H Ivn and Kami, ftlrl. th" form r m.iklmr the winner st" the '..si hent In 2 :fiS'a. Thf rucc wits a koo i one ihioiihuul ( otitrrt lo. at I"0 to $30, WHS 111. Tavorll. Ill Hie West "lake nnd -he Instilled h -r backers hv laktnt; Hie rue rluht off the reel, h avion th,- IIkIK for aecolid place ln tween tin- irnillc Ao'iie tlirns Hr.l Hi amooth-volna Hblm. Horns lltinlly Betllna; Iho place. I.lln W made a Rood rtico In en. h heat, but ot otil fourth money. Th Tennessee oo'i, Kmplre Wilkes, wn' the fnvor tc for the l.extn.Hon for "-rear od trotlei-s. but he hcirnvi.l Hie conll.l r.c of his lun kers bv (lnlshliiR Ihlrd In lh flra heut and behind the distance l'ir In lb cold l..lr. uui, lilKh-bre flil v from lh Hatlerroot fiirm. was ilu- tvlninf ic slralpht heals over Melton, who tlnlshed sec. nil iah lime Many snld. however, that Yoitnr could have made the Mont a mi tills- ire m- eh faBter Jnv McMreBor. who vns well IhotKht of In the hooka before th" rnci.v acted Imtlly an t "ot onU fourth ni.tney. ftiimmurlea: West stukc, 2;2U oltiss trottlu.-, parse I2.W.I. c .".'i.i. ch. in., by The .f'onqueior (McCoy) I 1 1 Annie. Hums, nr. tn. (D Wilson) 2 2 0 Kbba, pr. m lnnlnts).. .4 i nn w ti tn. IMCKIIV) P nelo K. ch t. i I'.ushi Cnicl" Onwaid. ch m (Maopy)... D!l..ii';e. blk k. (Fuller) I'nrin 'tt!' s ch in. HH'ev) Qui" n MP uiKir. b m. Htlahnlght) ..3 ..r. ..i ..7 ..9 .S 'ntni : '.':i'2i4 v ii'j '.':iai. 2.10 trot, pursf il.BOO: Y rk ls.iv. b Ii l.v WllkfH Hoy (Ciitrni'f.ifs) 5 ll 1 1 1 Neeretla blk 111 I Ford i 1 1 2 7 G Onwnrd Hlcr. eh h (Oeeral..7 fi 3 2 2 I ump Oi'l h m (H-rrvi 2 2 S fi 7 Oreen III Ino. b. ll. (O'lbrrt )....' 4 r. 3 3 OeorRf Anna. b. m 'Voblp)....l S 7 I C May rVcnft. b. m iNllom S 7 4 R 1 Kdwln H. b ir. (VanMeiert 3 3 0 5 ilr Tim..- 2 ll'i. 2:11 1:10'.. 2:12. 2:fU. Tho I.etlnKton Rtake. $2,000, for 2-yenr-old trotters' pi-MMre. b. i". bv r'rndlital. dam I3tta tlaron. by Huron Wilkes (Ilea) 1 1 Mellon I. e lYo'tutr" 2 '.' Il.' 'row ti. b. f illukllll 4 3 Jnv M.OrTor, b c. (Soenrs) 3 I Koipl''" llkea lr f. (Stevens) " d" Time: 2:221-;. 2 21. MAY BEACH "FINISHES LAST I'lllnoiis Sprliitcc Mil lies SoriirlslliKl.' Illlil Slioiv In Itnce til llollein 'I'rncU. rillCAHO. net. II May IJeach, favorite In the third race nt Harlem today nnd v. h . hat) been looked jpon as one of the best sprinters In th" west, went down to luno mlnlollH defeat uml lltilMhed last In n Held of seven starters. The Itush look the l t I it the start and wan never headed. Thirteen hi.ri's that had not won a race this vear went to the post for tho llrst race. The winner turned up In Locust Hlossom. Fur Wine ran an.iln In the llfth race, mnk'n,' h"i third win w'thln ten dnvs. Weather clear and track fust. Summaries: First race, one ml'e: I.oc ist Hlossom, U'l (AlcNanderi. 4 to ." won- Den -ti'li ri in (Dei 'ni. 1(1 to 5. second; Chauncey Fisher. 101 (Narvaez). 10 to I. third. Time: I "! 1 lit till k li t XuiatiiH. Carrie Davis. I,ew lloii per. Sf'i'ban"on mid lli'i vanuah also ran Second race, sev n furloims: Al Hrown 1"'. 'KulKhti. 5 to 2. won: llarrv, pi" i Devlin. 14 I) 5, (iccoml; Hlrdlo D. 1.' (Hooker), 12 to i. third. Time: 1:27 4-3 M' Dinlel . A-tm 'Mnera, Van No III Fornnthe nnd Oulho also tan. Third race, six furloims: The Hush, 102 (Devlin, r.n to 1. won: Headwater 111 T K'nU'lit). 7 lo 1, second: l.ndv In Uhle. ll (Alexnndcr). pi to 1. third. Time: 1:13 3-5 Mav llcach also ran. Fourth rm e, ono mile nml n Klvlrenlh: Found. I on (Devlin, 4 to 5. won: The I'n kiioivn, 1'tl (Tullv). oven, second; Florlzar. 101 (Hanson), 11 to 6, third. Time: 1:102-5. No others. Fifth race, live nnd a half furlnnirs: For' Wine. 87 (.1. Martini. 17 to 10, won: llvlo, 9". (Tnllvl. 15 to 1 second; Hrown. fi" (T ICnleht). (1 to R third. Time: 1:172-3. Jlml tio-i. N'nliira' Oils. Kid Hampton uml Milt Camtd'ell also ran. Sixth race one mile, nnd llftv vnrds, roII Inu S r l-'lnustnn 101 (.1. Martin), 5 to w in: Veneta. in! (Wtirdi, 5 to 1. second: 11 . ivulr inderson Pi2 iD ipeel, 1 to 1, third " lme- 1 A i re, i Mitten. Nan (V..,.. Hi id. I'ralil" Dor. Frclinchuvsen. Sldl.ow in. Miss Conrad and Doc Fnrrlsh nUo ran. RIDES FOR PRINCE OF WALES Toil Moan Wins Three of Sit Knees nt Nfttinnrl.fi, li li '.or .locUejs TiikhiK Hie llulunce, I.(iVDCN. (HI. II At the third , y's nn". u of tti N'-wnuie'i it fecund o.-'oe.' meelltiit t,.i. th- I. w ber vfikes of twenty sovereign- e.u li for starters oiv 5mi sovere'Biis added, was won bv l.or.i WIHIam Heresfunl'B Jolly Tar ridden by Jehn-.y HeltT Ttio He up sla'ies (htndlcjn) of ten soy ere'irna rich for starters wl'It 2i ov en Ices added, was won bv Rdn-ard Corrl fan's Iloso Tree, fful-'ed bv C. Jeuklns fi Cotlrlll's Sheet A-'hoe. wlili St. Wn ut en no In secned neil Ho den I'ii was till d wl'ii Dnrnv M"or in 'no "ild'e Ti.c Ditch Ml'" Nnrserv !) n'lcipl of "0) lvere'i'us added o a s- cpstn'es of .to .. ere'ers each was won hv the nr'n"" ,,f W ii's" Lend Quos, on which S'oan had tlu. n ,r ot The I'-'t slakea. nt slv fnr'n-ion, was in by Prlnress Melton, Sioati li'Vlng tie IP't'ilt. Tiio I'reniiorirnst sta'-es of fl"y ov ..relwng each. wHl tn'eete r n.'errt''n nii.i.-ii tv n a won bv l. I. i'l"ad "l e'o wlt'i Mshnr "it Poeopd u'aee tv cao''!"1'! bv V. Piisiiei'e 0noe 'i ' 'er ll''" Ii por the m.'ioil l"ril Wl'linj Hr'fo-''a ehestpot colt choetnw, ridden by J. Hel'f, w'i- third The we'ler selllnjr R'nos v won )y tmini I'nii. bavlni' tho mount, makltiff I ns niir" tn rer ino nav. I Tlu. ci" ' leie Hn-eu ns won bv R. I 1'nt.ni'a Oo-.-ria r'l'ilw bv c Jo-kl boo'i"" Uie'.srd ( fiwerH Amerleus. with I. Tielff In Hi saddle. Tho Amertcin i.tp'ieys won every rare. Wns Hood Theory This Time MT l.')l"1 Oct M 'i',e eb'll;- ntino-"Ph-.ro kept the attendance nt '.'Inloel. nn'k todav down lo the dj-ed-lp-tho-vvoo1 regulars Two fnvnrlies. a h""vllv baeke ..opd i holce and beee nntslder won In ill.. shchi'I ' ent the talent mnneil Its fn'tb in il irrv l"ke, l.'it be eo"ii not get u decent Bra'lop. Tumlli'l Into the air "'' .',,. .- t (.fi (' enine avvnv ind wop bv eie'i" Vo.t,u l.'iplle 7o'n. a "nni "bof. eetipi he n'ace bv hnlf a Nneth from sjr f!nl.in In Hi" 'north race Mae D'"" wns made an ni'nii tnonev t'nvnrlle. but Flsle Rsmes was much fancied nnd recel-d n strong nlav a' "U 1 Tlie winner however turned no In Th irv W'bo bis beep In retirement fo onm.T "line Bli soread-enf led her 'leld mil w n In a canter by srven bn'iHis F's o Uarps lasting '. ng en ugh to b' see nd ti 1 th II. li. t . 1 , iv i.i .-h ... r; I i I u.l ti 'ii 'tn- I i' "i He I i o v b pi PiK Mulsh Tra. k fa-it famiimni -I'.rst r.c .-. silllim fne fr.ri.'rn; s.iri, -r . 'oin u k , 4 to ii, won. Miss tl l.ghtiy. I". (C.d.i rtll, 11 to i, sei ilid, Kisl' De . ! . iH luinsi, lo to I. third. Time: l.oj. I'Hii Htoiimouth, Mister Smith ami lied ner ulo ran. ..ud race, srlllm, fi.-n and u half fur lonKs: Four Deaf C, 119 iCoehrntn. 7 to I. won, Fmlle Zola. Ill) (Coburnt, 10 to 1, see. Sli 'Lilian. 113 i J Mathews1, In in l. third. Time: l:Ti. Silent Fr.end. Hemic Unite. Lady Car.i.n, Miss Lyiiuh. Dorlbe an I Harry Duk also ran. Third rare. soIMuk. stveii furlotins: Tlldv Ann. Wi (nansltigen to 5, won, Dn-ister-swivel, 17 (Ilol,. rtsotn, 20 lo I. second; In nueiido, 104 i Dale), 4o lo I, third. Time l:2m. HhlllliiBburn, Chirfnn. Morris V ' flier. Zanetto, Necklace and W. 11. dates also ran Fourth race, selllnK. six furlonas: Theorv. I'tr il "o. I to 1 won: Ulnle Ilarnes. pi'2 (Dolnlnlck). 24 to 1. second; May Dine, M7 (Unwell), even, third. Time. 1 .13. on Hunt do'dfti C. Tennlson, Knster Curd nn I ftrnyless also run. V tl- en. se'i'.iw. on mile, for 5-'ear-olds: Isabel, 103 (May), 2 lo 1, won: Vurro, W ( iVeiKierstrandi, h lo I, seiond, I'ovntz 101 fllasslnii-ei), even, third. Tme: l:42'4i. o1kirnn Heethlnp, Hecumlas anil Cttnl Ol -lock niso rdn. Sixth race, seWnR. one mile and three, sixteenths: Virule O I'M (W. Scott), 10 to 1 won: imp Kimtnaife. pn (I'obtinn. 4 to 1 . sfcond; Jlnip. IP) i Holn rl' n . "i to 1. th'rd Time: !i; I.i.. Mm N.ui Dora, (in.in- llne orri.t and (lre F irae also ran. RED DIAMOND IN THE LEAD Vebrnslia IIhk Wins First Fluff In i:cltlliK (oiirlii( Jli'i'l nt l.liicotn. LINCOLN, net 11 -(Spoclal TeteKram.) Anr d ferli of the mot seti'n'l a' rsces. Hcd I lamoi'd, owned by H v VI Ii of I tun. Neb., tiday won llio fl' iils of t e i fttlonnl coui-H nu meet nt the Capital Cltv courslns club. Dtirltn; the three das f tho tournament the dotr -.van pitted avitln-U the fnstest hounds of C'u'ltornla, Ooondi tind other str.tes, but none of them senfe-l n point nif l'it tho Nbr.iski dor T-e letorv today places l'e I Diamond mn inif tho most vs'nable hound or the ccr ti r . Jr the H'-t five weeks ll well Mrs- 1 1 e In eotiisinit meets at Btperior, Howard, l rleml and Clay Ce iter, Kan. Pummury of md iy's r.'C's; Nnenret bent Mvs'l' 'n H'aek 3 to 1 Nnrline bent Lndy Ollmr.ro C to 2; It d Dlirnond bent Jim lllver, S tn 0. Seml-Flenb - Niienrei bent Moulded HoM 5 to 3; Hod Diamond beat Nacaret. 4'4 to 0 Final Ued Diamond boat Nncaret. IS to 0. Nncaret of Llnc dn wo-i sec. nd m n y ar,d Motildel Hod of Bloux Pa IN .in 1 Nsdlite of Friend third "nppv stake-On O i he-it Arrlep, 1 to 2' I' ny Orcll bent Frmk Hreeii, 5 to 0 i Imil Orell bent on On, I to 2. TIIUV (UVi: llVlfl'M'.l. TO I1AHT. Ainerletiii I.enuui. MiiiciiiiIi'h Turn llntt n U nit. Ins for tin. Vntloiinl. CHICArjO, Od. ii .The Itartsel e'i. In which Mmi -w Wiitk'ui oi the In I mi -epulis club Is e..nt"t nt vie t. r mi b.. presenteil before Hi- ma ni'o "f de Atnerleiin Ieai;t'f at 'lulr tin' ti 1 tn et bi'f In ie ti dav Wn'ltP a wua as ii to statf Ills ens., and in ip.'ni -o tna.'' o ' 'lon that pe-'il tut be nrovd o- d"p-ov d bv the ib eptpi-nls I're-dd n' Ha-t .fie ( hlciiBo Nat ona I lcniiue club wns xiled Into the ropfeifpeo nnd ijlven u e'a t . statf his rid of the controversy Ti American liaptie mai'tinles lie If. e Hurts I beloni; to Hart. I'resui pi J.Pn-'on ud: "The li'ieue cannot nlTorJ to hav Its con tracts Iri or. d " Tho unesll.ie of folure expn"s'nn of tin? lecitue wni l'lirdly to'iched Willi Ibo e fptlen of K'tiilKpnuuh of Mlone.ip 'I.i i.ll Hi" mammies er In f"vor of tiiklinj In Iinlilmore nnd Wasiilni'ton. A shott buslnc's ses-l n of tho board of directors was he'd. Aeeonntsi of the tr.'th urrr and renrrts of the oTears were on proved and Hie chnmploushlp nwarded to CoipIfVov's teem. MiienltiK of Kansas Cltv nUI lo"ieht tint Hill Rverltt hud slKtied with htm for noxt year "Hverltt wl'l be captain of the t'fim n-'d wl'l piny first base" said the Kir pa cl'y miiunate. "He was reudv end willing tn p'ny and will appear anv time I semi for him." A vie wns tnken on possible iidmlsslivs to next year's circuit r.n I the r. suit was decldedlv In favor of til-lni; in th- cltl.-s of Wnslitr'toii and It ilt'more. I've of th" lu lit cliilu vo'ed for these el'les. Iv t M'nneiipells, Karsas City and Indlauapo D ! were not isvorriiue. A resolution was adopted leavln- the ln vesttK'iHon of the circuit In the hii"'a if a eomtnli tee of which President .Toh sin win made cha'rni'in. 'he (e)stntuj ju m hers to be appointed bv lilt". Mr. .lobuso i mimed MatipitiK of Kansas Cltv and Som r.4 of Milwaukee ns his aso.'lntC3. Seruli DlfVfit l)e'rnl 'Varslly, AMITS. la.. O.t Ml.-(Sp(rlan-List even ing nt the regn'nr foot ball prnct'co gnm? between the 'cri'bs and 'varsity teams th" S'T'dm senr-'l five toi'clidowns on th 'vnrsltv team In twenty m'n'ttes' pl.'v. M'tneHlIng which foot bill men el 'tn d f not occur oi'cn out of K) times ami which hns pot hapnetied at the Iowa State eol leire for years Tho 'virs'ty team suc ceeded In making one totielnt nvn Coa'di Woodruff savs tint f-oi halt mntert'l l (.ciirco at the on'lcire this f. II end tha 't is ap off year, but after he had nicked eleven men fr mi about thl-t v-flv or forty men who get out for iru"tico . verv even itur Foster Parker, wb Is co-c'ilni the send h. tdeked out n teem from the re tnn'rilor w.aeh promises In many tesp'ts to otitetess the first team Now th" on. Hon arises, has the tenni been pro- er'v h ...d'ed" tfter Hie M'nti'-sota rrnne las Saturday Woor'rnfT evldeotu- copelude ' o's team was pot beivv en -imh, and In M "i d.iy's practice rani" pin veil s-v r'l 'f lis heavier men of the line and back. a-. eliT'tred tbe po'l'lons of iiboiit half h plavers. hut It did not hav the deslr-d i fff.-t Severs! of the rt'--' nts tlo"lnen, in ntliletlcs favor the Ins nl'lnc of l'a Ic" ns reei'bir coach of the Hrst tc.T'i. Parke wns the Ht r lu'i'fhaek of the tpies t"i'n In IW atul 1-''7 mid ns bo con her he perm tonoi In l)!ej mid 1M0, he Is Ino iglble ns a player. '"h" Ames team has been n topnotcher for the last few years and It l raih"" n bitter pld to 'h" members of Hie Institution to take a position tn tho rear. Lose Some (Sum! Men. CJHIN'N'IM.L. la., Oct. 11 -fSp-claU-Font ball stock ut tcwa college line slumood stv eral points. Kelly of Colfx, who w-a.i hoked upon as a tower cf ct'ength for the Orlnnell tenm, has ben 'sken out of the grime bv nn attack of typhoid fever. Dy'ii who nlayed If ft end nt the Drake ume, bns irlven up bis school wniV mil will n't friTo In tho llne-un of fu'ure games. Th""t Helm's nre very d'sconrag'm: nnd Coach H-inls h is 1' st much of his rithos'n on fur Hie outlook . f the team T'- r s ' ike 'eam. b wever, lire In f"d sha' e n d thinks to Hi irm d work ftoe )-y Trnlo r Ynlsoii cinre oi't of the Pin''c ir-ime o l'h oot a scratch. Some row p'sv hive he-n deve'r.ped and tho team Is s''.-n''lie 'n'l ltM offcn-lve work. Cornell playa hero Sat- itr.lrt v Cornell bns not usuallv pnsiep,i ; te rn I of ex".-otlonnl strrpc'li. but tM vmr th -v I nre living forth ore"ni's iro'.i.f des ml there "q a w'e'l-foppded fear r""ong the Comrrea-atlomiUsts that Hie Methodh-ts reay cross their ironl line. The 'earn, however Is putting: forth Its host effort In t' c i' co o' dUfo-irc'lntr eropiritn'effi .villi the c'latomurv Hrlnnoll spirit s' A nisy he re"e,l upon to he It. Hie game wl'n H-Mr OomitUJ conterta with Minnesota and Wisconsin. We lu'il-fnr-ie liners, NKW YonK. Oct. It -fhe recu'ir in'' thly n'e. I'na t tbe J k. y e'nli e ii held this nftert'O' n J'usc Hr"'ii .tn -ch o-i'way. I'l.i-ri- P'lmoti' A"dr-w ,IH''r. F. R lllt'll'-ocV. V J. ).vvpe J f Je .'- shir. J (I ro'lnnslieo. II If '-'napn nl w i tvn'teey o-ere nr--sent P-ry ""' tnont orfcred 'ho fnllnvlns; resolution.' wli'eh wi ndenleil: "Tleso'v. d That o'l i s e-il ns eon,jot Inir rneo meetl-iii iirde- the In Ndletl ll if the J"r' ev e'l-h be reones'ert t tr'V i-t leest one 'etfb-for-nce r-e. nt eneh 'ne't lee. the rllsl'inre of "i'h races to b" 'it the oi.tlon of lb" Hsaee o'ton, but iif'er el"""" 1 not to be loss than ono mllo an I a half " Tl.o Corey Talnml Jne' ev c't'li has sp pointed a cornmHtee lo nrranso for 3-year-old welght-for-nire races. Oninbiis t in IkuIp, The Omnlui a"d ClsrVson team t'lav-l the oeeopd mutch for h ne k ..f Pinr'-'t Iv wlinT alb y Thursdiy p -h' ti wli'eh the Omaha we-e agn'n "leioHnus, 'Ills t'-ne bv for'y-clght pins To n r: O'tah.i 77 seii 7.V1 j,"-a C'lnrkaon 19 ro2 7:irr-3,lS3 tlel'le llnnil r,rM DeelNl'iu. PfTTStU'Hd Oct 11 -One of the e'eve--rat and fastest ntfhts seen he In m'nv moons wns that tneNht u ip" Mr'v.'e opera boose hteen thp ..'ai fc'th r weights, .Tnelr MeC'ellned nnd Vppii lien 'I ger. McClelland wns riven tho -"ecl-lo'i .it tho end of the twentieth rotird the limit. First Cnffe from nnir.lt Sloop I'liikriie. N'FW OHLi:va. net. ll -The st.am.r tltrabo with 3 Jmv bags of reff. e, dls. cha-ged Its caru-o bore tod'i" This Is -ho llrst coffee from Smto.s, P'azll, since Hm piaguo broko out there el"ht months :u . The plague Is be'l'wd to ba stamped ou. Its' Irr tn Crnnd Circuit. CINCINNATI. Oct. 11. It Is announcud that the Oakley treck, w-lch Is nre of (ho finest in tho country, will b in the grand circuit for trotting and pacing races next year. I IV Till. Id I." I I'l 1.7 TUH Tl' I li 1I1L 1 AA) Ul LUAIIVIUI 1 Recont DevelopincnW of the Subtle Power in Various DcpartmonU. ELECTRICAL PROGRESS IN THE PHILIPPINES Ail timer In Wireless Tf If rnihj -M-renil v Nov el llpc in I Ion I" Cul HilK (ill ilern lie t f lupine ills III Oilier Mill's. A correspondent of the Western Electric ian. wrltltiK from Manila. tsny the lack of communicntlon between the larer toivns has teen ono ot the draw bucks to their develop ment. There Is at proielit a telephone ny tern workltiR in Manila, and utcps havo been taken to establish syetems In Hollo and oihir places. The Manila uystoin, which Is Spsnlsh, Is defective In Its construction and is not en.mil to the demands upon tt. When the troops tlrut arilved In the city the wires were either down or in use, and little rnuld bo done with ti. The bad work of the Span Irh linemen has Ik on the chief trouble with tho system, hut that has been remedied to a en at extent and now tho lines nro nil overworked durlUK twenty-four hour of each day. The rensnns for tlio bad comlliion were tho had poles, which wcio too frail; imperfect Insulation nnd too small wires. All this will he overromo In u short time, for nn American system Is soon to be Intro duced. That tho lino wna allowed t KO to melt uml ruin wns due to the fact that 1111- dcr Simntsh rule no oho could do nnythlni; I ITof. Whit, In the belief that u stiuo to remedy It without rubmtttinK to all torts rarnt reRnrdlnK the procesa will bo of vit uo of tnxes. while now pnyono can build up n to tho cepper and allied Industries, fur business without gelling pounlsslon from u inlsbca an account of the pn.iess to the Kn doien or inoro omcers of tho Kovernmcnt. RineerlnK and Minim? J'urnul. The pro. Contluulnit, tha torrospomli nt says that cess, he states, Is essentially a method of 111 tho bis i Ittes tin- pe( pie ure uci ustcmed trcntliiR the c pper, after wh ch It Is to tho telephone und the w.res, but In the welded to Iron In tho ordinary bla ksml h a outlying districts only the wires of th'jforr;e. The process Is not one of eleel rio .1 army slpnal corps havo been so n. In ninny , weldint; or brazing, but ot simple weld nq nlnres tho natives are afraid of the wlr a. .with hrni and flux, ns Iron Is weldod. Tne but thus far they havo tint Int. rfered with tho lines, nlthoush th men have not darnl to leave anything movable nr. und, as It would disappear ns i.nn as the linemen's backs wire turned (inly tho army of tho Insurgents and the puerlllas touch th lines whin they are once In place. One ot , the reason, why the poles nre not ills- turbed is thai they nre well guarded ntld tho penalty for tampering with the poles. wires or fixings of a linn la death. Sn-ernt nnt Ives havo been scared off by the whiz zing of a bullet past their eara wlp n a I work cutting a wlro and nfter a few reasons iho otherc do not Interfere. Then, too, some havo boon shocked by the current : nnd a tcmperaturo of the uppir c tisul and havo concluded to let the tinknovvn crnbly below white heat Insured tho b st forco alone. The Insurgents hnvo tried many times to cut the communication be tween mll!tar pi litis by pulling down the poles, but they have let the wires olono, and au they will work as well 011 tho ground as on tho poles tho damage has boon slight. Wireless Trie Hrilpliy. When the Ilrltlsh Association for the Advancement of .Science was In session In lfc!2 Mr. William Preece, who wus then the chief of tho electrical servico of tho Ilrltlsh pustuHlce, began tho preliminary discussion of the problem ot teephouln; across spnee without Intervening wires. He had, ns had other electricians, through laboratory experience, noticed how npily the telephone wires picked up telegraphic messages from telegraphic circuits utl?n a t onsldcrnble distance away. These stolen currents reached the telephone wl.ts through the earth or water and by con duction. Uxpeiiments which Mr. Prccco, now Sir William, began then It seems havo now resulted eighteen years later tu u commercially Fticcessful system of tele phony without wires, which has Just b en described to tho Ilrltlsh association's ses sion of 1900. ' In all these eighteen years, from 1SS2 to 1900. Sir William stuck steadily ut experi menting and his long-distance tele graphing; without wires was practically ap plied In U'Jj, but ns his system was com paratively costly nnd cumbrous, the newer developments of elcrtrlcnl science repre sented In the Miinonl system, In which the etherlc electrical waves are used havo moro or less displaced It. If, however, the Ilrltlsh expert has Improved and cheapened his apparatus and ndapted it to telephony he muy even yet forge uhend of his younger rival from Italy, who bulldcd so trium phantly on tho discoveries of others. At till events, within certain limitations, It Is clear wo aro now In for a period of def inite advance In both long-distance tel ephony without wires nnd Iho so-called wireless telegraphy. In connection with this It Is Interesting to nolo that the Ilrltlsh ndmlrulty, after wasting money on au inferior system, has been obliged to turn to Marcunl. who now Hands lilesBages over a gap of eighty-live miles and has ordered of him tvveuty-tlvo sets for Its men-of-war. As Marconi Is to get a royalty of $'.00 n year for fifteen years on each set, a total sum of $157,500, somo Idea of how it pays to have a quick eye and a discerning mind when one Is at work In tho laboratory as u student Is given. The perfecting of tils system has been very rnpld, as three years ago ho could only telegraph nine miles, while now he expects to cross the gnp of ISO ml'es In a very short time. Sir William Prerce's telegraphic wireless system Is still eon llt.cd In Bhort distances nnd hln wireless tolephono Is limited to eight m jes. .Novel r.leclrlcnl (Ipr ration. Somo wrought-lron girders in a building lu Chicago had to be cut during repairs to mnko room for a hleel column and It wns decided to use electricity Instead of tho old method of snwlng. The girders to bo cut were six In number and fourlicn Inches docp, with a ono-lneh web. To accomplish the work It v.as necessary to molt about 225 holes lu the glrdrrj ami tho actual timu spent In cutting all was three and one-half tioun. Connection was mode by ineana of tlexlhlo cables with ono terminal of the smallest genorntur-n 110-volt, 400-umpero, shuni wound machine ln tho basement of tho building. A ono and one-half Inch liolld round rarbon connected with the cable was lastened to a wood handle by means of a brass ring or holder. As the steel col umn was grounded in the basement It "was only ueccsinry to uno ono carbon terminal. A water iluostnt was put in tho circuit. Tho operator worked tho rnrbon through a sheet-Iron box lined with asbestos mid hold In the loft hand, while tho right hand directed the mrbnu. Tho operation consisted ill first making n contact with the metal of tho girder 11 i.i then withdrawing the carbon to form nn urr, uhlch qultkly uieltol tho Iron. IIolci, ivero burned through the gird ers lu u line conforming to the direction ot tho dosirnl cm. Tho end of the girder stntos governinonl lo Denmnik for the p .i had been marlv cut ov.ay and wrb tocured by I chase of iho Danish West Indioi. Tim Inst a ropo while the metal still remaining In negotiations, which occurred In the la'.- the path of the cut wns molted away. In stead of the sheet-iron box ordinal lly used a piece of asbestos was utilized to shield tho nic. Hire Apparatus Hut of llntf. One of the leBsonn drawn by nn olectrlcnl Journal from tho Hoboken flro on tho Nor h river Is that tho present appliances fur coping with fire nro out of date und that electricity, lnutantnneous in Us operation, capable of transmitting great power ef fectively over long distances, will eventu ally bo universally uted for lighting llrei and will relegate our presint almost worthless flre-flghtlng apparatus to tho ecraphecp The electric current, which has been the means of meeting the la creased demands of lighting und of disin- fcctlug on a large scale, of supplying tho U'frr for tho transportation of the pei p e i f l.irR,- i una and of .ur.tirf dig a- a au.l prob tiding life, will yet be the uncut Used .ii ii.-.r i; i u. ll.iKr.it I' ii ,uid subdum. Hum when once under full headway. Its tpeiinl qualifications for fire fighting are that tt can be brought into servke from far-distant point and It ran be made in stantly effei ttvv. The Hoboken flic pre sented the lamentable spectacle of a vuat amount of valuable material being tun ruined by fire while surrounded on nearly all sides with water. There wns a whele river to draw on, but no means of rats ng the water. There were some small tiro engines In electrical communication with the wharves, but they were distant nnd atrlved too late. The powerful Mreboat.', which might have dealt effectively vvnh tho problem, were also at far-off stations nnd were slow to arrive. This old Idea of transporting heavy instruments over distances that take up precious time to be used for fighting conflagrations must shortly be banished in favor of nn elec trical system In which by the movemmt of u awlich I'tttitikh electrlc.il power vv.ll be tinned on instantly to disengage a boly of water equal to tho extinction of the deicest lire. I.lrhe I'rnui'ss of Coppec Welds, Copptr welds tnado by n process known ni .a,' "Lleoe' havo recently bom attracting considerable attention and the k.;:h hut. bum subjected to tests in t In laboraiot iei of the L'nl.erslty of Tonnes see The process, winch la tmmid after i s Intentur, has been developed by J. H. Me Call and Charles 12. Walt, n spectlvcly ,t -feasors of mechanical engineering nnd of chemistry In tho I'nlverslty if Tentusee. objects of tho Investigations tmulo In tbe colp(,o laboratories were to tlnd the condl tlr.ns for tho moat satisfactory welds nnd tho strength of stnh welds subject d m tensile tests. The welds woro mndo mostly with No. owl copper rods, i u irt-tn . Id rail bonds, this copper beln tho easiest to secure. The treatment ot the copper Is held a secret by tho company, tho patents not having yet been taken out. A stn.Rblo ilnx und end lap welds of live to four diameters lu length, with the tur f..c.'S .i ..do it nvex. so as to drive the i frcm the couter Drat, gave excellent unions. clean flro ot coko or choiioal I mieceas. A tetnpernture above this made the metal biittle In working, while uuo much below would not give sufllclottt liuidity 10 tho llux. Some of the sy .1 mens produred In the preliminary series of experiments stood very high tensllo tests. One so tuple broko In two places, not at tho weld, approximately under loads nf 23,000 and S.'i.COO pounds par square, lech respectively, before It iinull : broke at cne end of the weld, nt abjtu CS.COO pounds to tho square huh. F.lf e tl-lenl 11lfK, A novel trolley ear la In use In Hrlln. fumble the city It runs on tracks, with nn ovoiho.id trolley inntnct. Just us the ordl nuri iir In n the i llj lfnills are tcai bed extra sets of triuks nte lowered and tho car heroines an eleetromoblle omnibus pro pelled by storage battel les carried under th" side of the car. Photogtaphers aro achieving lemnrkabl,. resu'ts 'n ibe prodiiei ,ti of stei- opt'eon slides made from negatives which hnve bei n tul.en bj nu electric nparl: troin iv Iloltz machine. The negatives show a nun pletr picture of the objei t Illumined bv the spark, as well as tho electrical radiations around the olject photographed. The prei nrat'ons now being made for tho electrification of the llroadway cable line In New York City nttrnct llttln nttentlon, yet this Is the most Important and heavllv traveled street railway In the world and Its equipment with elei ttlclty would hnve been a virtual Im possibility five years ago and absolutely oat of the question ten years ao Great expectations are entertained and many plans nro being formed lu Porto Itlro for the Installation of ahort Inland electric rallwajH from tho central range to the coast. The power Is to bo developed through tho agency of many streams to be met with In eviry part of the mountain innge. which traverses the Island from end to end. If all that Is expected In th.. way of new roads mid other elect! leal works Is accomplished there will bo a Held In Porto l!Ko tor considerable electrical inauhlu. ry and material. The only road on the Island from the capital to Hlo Padres, some, nine miles lu length. Is shortly to bo equipped electrically Cal'-lum carbide, which Is ono of tho new materials due to the electric furiiHce, Is tn miliar to most blcvcllsts as the sub stance used In the bicycle khs lamp. It Ih a dark colored solid substance, looking like a dWeoloreil lava, and rapidly crumbles Into a white powder when exposed to the ulr Its prim l;ul and more ueelul property Is that when It Is niolMened with water It gives off acetylene gas. The method of Ita mttnufnctiitv is simple, around cuke and quicklime are mixed together mid ix nosed to n powerful electric am In nn iippr.ii.il.no furnace. I be lime seems to melt .mil di . solve the coke, or carbon, tho result be ing i-tilcUim c.irhtde. Ono of the most nstonl'ililng f.-n'ures f modern eluirhal mni h'oiry, s ,-cli as the dvnumo or motor, Is Its extraordinary . lli c ency In tro nsf inning median cal Into electrical onersy or vice versa. Tho equiva lent of either kind of eieri;y In t-rms cf tho other l known with great exnc nu 74f volt amperes or watts of cloo rlcal energy being equal to ono horsepower The modern dynamo or iik tor of iho ordinary commercial type will convert o-r kind of energy Into the other with a h.si of only ! per cent or even ns Iltt'e as 3 pr cert in Nr"" machine fully loided. No such perfection 1" ati.ilneii by miv otlur vatietj of marline ry. It It- s ild that the e'ectr c il efforts t lie exhlti.lid .K the forth, o'll'ng P.in A'poe' uin exp'.fdt'oi In Hulfalo N V wl'l e e ! 111 tilling of their kind ever shown hefo.e. ibo enormous eneigy of Hi. M.Kiira p w-r Plant will be available for (Ik c .utitiiid im I Ithiir.lniit'ops and this will mum th't a Hood of e ertrirnl energy will ho poured In to inahiialn Hie nally marvelous d solay 1 f f'Hi trle light Hint will be s ,wp. It li s 1 eon suggested (hit ail a-tl'lclnl sun sh i'l be shown, consl' tlnii of an Immense til 1 to of cai'tiim lie 1 teil to bhizl'u; inea'idi-sienio bv menus of r.000 or 10e"0 hol'Se-p. wer of electrical current. Km b an npp.rniii would develop many mllllan cand'o power and would really rl -ii the sun In It I. 'uml' atliig pfleet lu the ImmrdUto neigh borhood. "1 have always used !'-ioy 0 Honey and Tar cough mrdlclne 1, nil think It the best In the world," soya Chas. Ilender, a news dealer of Hrlo, l'a. Take no siibsiltuio My re-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha; Dil.ou's Drug Store. South OiiihIki. AS TO DANISH WEST INDIES Stole Department lleetiu-rs Thai No Oterliires fur I'lireliiise llute llccil Via lie lU-cciil I ,v . WASHINGTON. Oct. 11. -It was lrained nt the State department todny that no over tures bad been mnd" recently by the I'mied spring, wore suspended owing to the ill- rovory by Iho Danish oflicials of a feel iik of hostility on the rnrt of the DanUh pcii i" against the propood siilo. Whatever lis been accomplished since that tlmo has te, u In Denmark, nnd It lu Inferred from the tone of Iho pi ess dlipntehcs that the popular op position to the tranrfer Ib diminishing If this bo eo then tho United States govern ment would be ready ngnln to dlscum in subject at tho point where the nrR0tl.it. mis woro Interrupted. Tho editor of the Fcrdvillo, Ky., Miscel laneous writes as a postscript to a bus -ness letter: "I was cured of kidney tr' 11 lo by taking Foley's Kldnoy Cuio." Take 1 nothing rise Myers-Dinon liri.g to.' ( Omaha. Dillon's Drug Storo, Scuh umau VALIAIJLEAS MILITARY BASK Gonero! Davis of Department of Torto Rico IinpicMed with Island's Importance. STRONG ARMAMENT IS NEEDED THERE While the Hklnlillslinirtit iT (Itll Hot f liiliienl Will I'rrmll onir Ilr iliifl.mi lu Army, I.Mtlrr .Vlust VIlMljs Ilr ( olisldcriiblr. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11.- Tho War de part incut today made public the report of Brigadier General George W. Davis, com luiiudiag the Department of Porto ltlco. Il states that when the orsautiatlon of tho civil government shall have been com pleted and tho civil machinery Is work ing well theie will be no necessity of re taining lu the Island so largo a force in) l.t present. However, lieooral Davis can not ci.lK-elve It possible to limit the gar rison to a forco Just sulllrletil to take iare cf tho guns ul San Juan and he points out thut the Island must have lu the fu ture ns In the past great military iu,,nr tatu e. Spain cxpiiuPd up re man (,.e'i,eu on the lortlllcutlous ot San Juan and on their uui f cadi r the forts were found to he of great strength and tho armaments extensive. General Dnvl3 adds. "It Is Inconceivable that the l.'nltril .Suites will leave the Island without adequate protection ot men, bhips ' and guns, tho only land owned by the United States In tho West Indies." Laud for a naval station has been re served nnd 11 coaling and repair station probably will be erected at tfati uan. Gen iral Divls says tho armament should bo tncreasid and modernized and tho guns tared for by u stiillileiit force of urt!llor. Ho says tho experiment of utilizing the natives ns f-oldlers has proved 11 success, Judging from the appearance of iho or ganization ns seen on parade, In review and In 1 amp. In tin local election!) General Davis sa t there was nev. r present or hear a vuIiiil, place an united soldi. ir nnd "tin bayone. was consph m ns by Its absence." The main elrt tlen under the net estab ilshing an insular kglsiature has not yet been held. CONDITION OF THE BANKS Comptroller itf the lurrfiif) Itcpurls 1111 Nutloniil mid .11 ut mil Siu Iiiks Institution. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. The comptrollei of the currtny kns completed an nbilrn.-t of tho reports of tho conditions of all the national bunks of tho I'nlted Stales nt tlu ilofo ol business September 5, lDuO. Tho summary bhows that tho nggr. gale loans and dlscounU of the bankB we.r $2. -i.e'J,7i.y.OIO, nnd tho nggrcgatu luditldtial de posits $2,1.07,24?, f.r.7. A comparison of these ilgures with the condition June 2'J, l'.'tO, the dato of tho previous call, shuwa thai dur ing the period betweon June nnd September thoro wau an Increase of $ti3,247,43!i in loans and discounts and $4U,lui,7:iii ill Individual deposits. Hie number of banks reportlni- on June 2.1 was u.72, nnd the number tepor' Ing on Scp tcniliur .' vvub 3,i72, an Inert ate of 1 in. Tho work of compiling tint ruuin.-. from the mutual savings institutions of the coun try bus recently been completed, whb. h shows that dining tho year ended Juno "0, 1100, the aggregate resources of thete In stitutions has Increuscd $lSii,743,(33, the (k pofcits in tho banks have rltcn from $l,Oi;o, ti0'.l,13l on Juno 30, 1K09, to $2,134,471,130 on June SO of tho current year, an Increase ot J173.7e2.H!i!). Tho number nf depositors In these mutual savings banks Increased during the year from f',07P,7(2 to i,7;ii',10!i, nnd the average deposits from $3Sr.'j'J to $387.47. MAY CHANGE DATE OF MEETING Archbishop ol ( lllhollc ( hilieli Jin; Fix A ii 11 1 Gntlirrlnu for .Nlil fin her. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. Tho ar hbish ops of the Roman Catholic ihurch of Ameilcn held their annual meeting a the Catholic university today. Ecclrsli.i-tlciil matters principally wore considered and the conference adjourned in the 11 fn moon. Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore profiled, the ntchblshops present being Williams ot llrs'nn, Corrtgnn of New York, Hyan of Philadelphia, Klder of Cincinnati. Katzer of Mllwaukeo and Christie of Portland, Ore. Hlshup Hennessey of Wichita, Kan , represented Archbis-hop Knne of St. Louis, who was absent. The onl) subject of gen eral Interest discussed wns In nlutlon to a proposed change In tho dalo of tho an nual meeting Irom the second Thursday in October to the third Thurnlay in Novem ber. Such a rhango Beems probable, nu the dlHcUhSlon showed that It Is tUKl.ult fur tho archbishops to leave their dioceses during October. This Is especially tho case In the west. If tho November dato Is determined upon tho annual meeting of the trustees of tho unlvsrslty also will be held Just prtcedlnj the dato of tho meeting of tho archbishops. Tomorrow tho committee on India and negro schools will hold a meeting. EXPORTS HOLD THEIR OWN Doliieslle Products Shipped from t lilted States In sr tr inher Alio 11 1 (he Mime its One U'ur Ako. WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. The September monthly statement of tho expnr.s of do mctdlc products Issued by tho bureau of stntistlcs fchows the following: Hread stuffs, $21,3Gf,8fiO; decrease as oompur d with September. IMP, about 1S.7..0.000 Caltlo and hoga, $2.0ti5,:sr; Inereasn. JG"0, 000. Provisions, $14. 01)0.267; incrcast $'.ii;,.. 000. Cctton, $2n,ltB,C75: Inert aae, ! 1 C 000. Mineral nils. $r,.44r',612, d crease, $567,000. Tntnl, $Gu,O03,D7!), agalnsi $J4. 753,807 for tho Biimu period last year. t Export, Wiener Private tocK. Miieiiclicncr - - AM Till BR A NHS 01 I Uotllo BGerS Till. STP Mil W AIM I: 1 P)f' ' l,,tl "r"ll(i ls I'l llpt- t -mifbodv's ,.(- &Wi" :tVfUo.'e. Kan, un rjpi'cnn- tnti'.n ci Htisoiuto purity linre a n il creel I Blali Hilt - Vivine L':; r:":;:.., i lincluahUSummcrTonlc Al I. Illll'l f.lHTN VAL. BLATZ BREWINO CO., MILWAUKEE, O.MAHA 11KANCII. 1 112 Done us S root '1 el ldsl I m BLA I JtfUSiZ 5i.ICy NoPumIoii. TNI- WORUi'S r'AMOUS CONSU.MIMION CoRK litlf re'ilie t . . . siN(,inuiJ sum. nlr"mliii I.im) a bottlf w ,i. . f ,r,, f,M mj1M t,,.0l.i. -inrrr's malt wmim co., Rhe.ur, b.t. '. a I, '!' lj M ii Pionca Kklscy Cure Cnrs n't K" h 'V Si 'Mi I '?r Tr 'ub':s hoeoHi,. rot e I t .l.ieis 2V ind $1.00 a ox .I..I ir lr'i ti ea h Ii tfuoox puur.in no n 1 I h f The Mflililar M:Ji.'lc: it., c-U"'!.; Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Iti.nuiii lulij i uc-Mf.tlioKx.aaiKiiiils NiitiiiD In i re on' heiiitiK and lecon htrucLitiy M.o cxnsi'..-li'il lie.tivc or iritiis. It IbtliL- l.tt.'si (li.cnvriuliiii:cet iinl and tonic. No utlu i jircparai tun can Hi'iiroaeh It In iV"l'Mi.'.v. It. In sianil.r iL'iluvc.iiiiil poiiiiiir.i'iitlj ciirrs l)ysivtiM;i, lna;nt;.siiiii, Ili-art Inirn, .''I'iiu " 'p, iiiir S!"iiiai'li, Nausea, Siclt lli'iul.iclic. t:iFlr;!k'ia Ciaiiiprian'' all oilier ft siiiisnf ittipctft'ci iidji'stiou I'rlcofA; at. oil. Larc siteconttlos 5'4 times small tin. Hook aii about iiy ipepsi nialledtrot Frtpamd by E DeVlTT ' " "'icooo. ft-- V9K 1 k' . r v y u rj w-r- n -1 BUFFET LIB.1ARY GARS Best Dinirg Cat Service 1 do not Ijellete ther a enhf of dytptp. 1 Inilb-eRtlon or nuy utotnsch trouble that iiiunol b i I lieved lit onco nnd tx riii'in. n'l.T eured bv tr.) DYSPIiFSlA C'l'Hli. Ml'NTON. At all tlrufgist. 2,'ip a tlnl. tiuldt to IleaHh and medi cal ad rice free. 1508 Arch street. I'MIa. "Krug Cabinet" If not, you hnve mttEeu a good thing. This exqiiUtto mall beverage Hand on a unique basis. It tells Itself Its fame an reputanon Is tbe envy of many The pa ate, tbe bencOclul results achierwl "within" tb Inner man are the ouly and real Judget ol Its mriltj. Approved of by them. It in. umphantly enters Innumerable tounebobl. Where CablneJ entere. doctors and drug tills exit. nnuivi:ii nv rni:i) ivitt.ii iiiikwi.m; en., Ch. 'i- rju. oviviia. i;n sA Ground floor H : Office With a Big Vault- I.' rated rich! on I'iruam Street, la a I'iRK litooi.' building 1 un oppT- tunny wh.ih may not come aga'a for gg )ear- Tin n is another Inris room aljtiaiiig Ablch you may luvn, If you g want It -h,-h opens on the roitrt. Rloctrlc llisht, htat and .iinttor srrr bo kte tii'luded in :ur reutal llesldrs . there is an advantage bcln in Hie beat buddirift In town. tf M ll c. Pelcrs & Co., Rentdl Agents, urotinu 1 (our, ucr. iniiiunig. M w v Di " """i r" o f t -. ..... . . r.o'i't suffer frnni "V; "iV-" i.uii-n.viwi..A-A----ai: e-.f iCIIIIKS all Kidney - ) Or, K f. Kldneycurtxji lil-rasn. nviK. aehe, eln. Al Iriljp s. or by mull. . u.' its: :ts. or lv Lit L Vice, etc., of Ut. 11. J. Kn. Sara'otfa, N. T. 11.. Iff