THE OMATTA DATLV -REE- FTUUAY. OCTOBER 12. 1000. n V ! CO T(i rn MV TIIK T f Ki T us '' ll'p reptiblleiiiis were very touch UAJlLj 1U uU Uii lllL llWlLl enthused over tho prospects of an in reasoj Cecretarj of State in Possesion of a Kow Official Eojter. CORRECT LIST OF THE STATE CANDIDATES All ininlnn(lon V-t Made Certlili'd I i to Mr. Porter nntl Ity Mini Scut Out lii llir Con-its' C'erU-i fur I ii To million! vote (bis fall A number or Germans or thli town-hip. who were for frco silver in tho presidential campaign four years age, are coming over, tome are. wearing Iilttrloh buttons and others have told their confidential friends that they are going to vote for M-Kmley. but do not care to hnvH It published or known, as the fusion committee of York county are setting j every friend or neighbor of a backslider , onto him In h'P-' of inducing him to come i HmimHuiIiI back CHOOSE MS, DRAPER SMITH Omaha Woman to Be Made President of State Federation. DELEGATES VOTE UNANIMOUSLY FOR HER Summit iinl lit llrt-rlry, ORniiUSY. Neb.. Oct. 11 (Special.) H',tt. W. S. Stinuirra. United States at- IJ VOLS'. Oct. lt.-IFpecial.i-Mnct- th luonduy Bitht and delivered no ,.f f'ciiiiiititli's' AiKoclntlim Formed I'ltrltig tin '" '1 Iiipi- t Ion of Hue Iriiin l.nonl Cllitm Settled I it r the cur. rtate ronvcntlons were new trcr" hare been oul'e a miBibec of rba-e th Biost clean, (.Blidnl and complete ad dress on tht Ia-.ues of this campaign that the dm rile here have heard frr some time. Oruha has been substituted as a cafdluaio t , fh ,.. - nr,,nv num. for elector on 'h fusion tlcao. for Frank lUnsom, roslRnn'. :n J lodaj Uie secretary of state wa-t no'.O"! that ,he r' I .lhllcan state central committee had dr. Mfl upon 311hc It. flu-ton of T'eumne'i tfi take the place of Judge Samuel P. I'a ber of fuli.-t.tii, who gsvo to the discus sion vtry icnsidi rate attention, and tburu have beet) man;- exprc; Mens cf rpproval of he mectlnii made by men of all parties. A number of old-llnu djinocnus, who have LINCOLN. Oct. 11. (Special.) Mrs Drapei smith of Uniaha was nominated loi prtsiuent of the Statu Federation of Woman's Clubs toJuy. She will be elected iornoi.o.v morning. Mrs. Apperson declined to serve a tecona term as pi evident of tho feuoiauon ani lit the instance of the Lin loin eiubs Mrs. Uraper Smith was given tii.anln.oUH nomination feel and will be one of the finest bisl nets blocks in the city A stock iom pany has agreed to take a Ove-year lease on the opera houso should the brewlu, company decide to chance Its plans inn l build one. Work on the building began this week. il.-3xa!ua'--- meeting and It I- predicted that the ca PI AW TO KFFP MANNA RIIRY I Ifcanil IVIIkakal I Mill 11(1 kVWWI OOlltll UlflQllil ilCWS . g, limn Nearly et.ryone In Soulh tuuaha v,.,.r,tinB t,i rriiiiKi-tiiriilo xrunlor 'r 1. n .. l.,.l.n II,. l . h r. n I nd I... .....,.1. rr4Iit32T-r?TTtIlJ, "l''fi i ah.- hi llnUr l lllrl t t en siirrelie- knowH JudRO link, r anj as he Is exceed ItiKly rotular voters from all Hurts of the All interesting meeting of tho oung Metis v.lty wm no doubt attend the meeting for j UemiLllcan .ail as held at Ilium a lull, tuircose of listening to the Judge's re- i last night President J A Heck occupied the i hair and after some routine business marks. This eveulng a rally will be held at lte hall. Thirty-third and L streets John 1'. Schultz U. K. Wilcox and other candidates will speak. Injured In Tlirenher. DONIl'HAN, Neb.. Oct. 11. (Special. ) Hurry Wilson of this place, while thresh ing, was attempting to oil the eng. tie. when he slipped and fell Into a flywheel. Though the iionilnatlni; committee has not 1 bjeaktni his arm and shoulder In three yet leoorted. the are the most ' i"Hcr8 " " . 1,11 "' '.u".s "'a, lB ",s 1'nlli tn Itrtiirn Tenin. ASHLAND. Neb., Oct. 11 (Spertal.) A hud been transiu-ted Congressman David H man registering at a local hotel Wednesday Mercer was Introduced Mr. Men it was morning as W. U. Stone, Kansas City, Mo., Riven a cordial reception, as he Is u went tn Calvert Ilroj.' livery barn and asked 1 favorite with South Omaha people After for a team, saying he wanted to go Into the ; ft few introductory remarks Mr Mercer Mid lllmuleil Muck Miles, country to make some collections He was , that South Omaha Is the best barometer of , " blooded stock are already accompanied bv a woman. The man has not 1 the political situation of any place In the i booked at the Hock yards oftlce and more relumed and Calvert Hros. have notified the 1 state. The magnificent stock yards bring are expected before the month Is over, olllccrs of all tho nelghlorlng towns to be hete people from all parts of the state. Ji-ry sale that has been held at the on the lookout for him. It was learned that 1 every county belli- represented almost dally. , yards recently has been a success and "These men." said the speaker, "are llilil- , on euers oi nne sioc are anucus to onng liirent nil, I nli.rliiL ami thev renort to ! ,,"'lr lieMs here ngaln. their correstondetits at the yards the no- ' o( the sales ntieady Stone was formerly connected with a tent show In Lincoln. to take the place or juuge b ' " ; made more In the past f,:r year8 in tho " ' " ' " Th " n;;;, ihead. He Is thought not to be In a dan vtd-on. who reslrned ,.vo? . .. - .n ( , buslllt, tlun tho. havc Ia aI1 tMr ; 1 of t s can l.dute If h y will n ,.cn condUon qtieation was talsed u to his .egi nini )vwJ bpfuCi haV(J nnouni.ej lnil, thny nri! the ofBco -Ahlle ho held tba l.ol..oti oi , aR.iBrit.(1 wtll present romlltlMis and that nd director. Andrew t. .hr ten-tn or . w, . f McKinloy and in hnd Mlndon was subst'tu'cl evrnl da- aso for L. W. Hnirtie, hIfo of Mlmlen, a a can dWute for o'ector. Kot owing Is a cirrcctcd Hat of the can- rtidnles 1 'or T ri-ldential flectori: .Tohn V- XvtWl. Jektn.-h. H.-rt H .vy-'-iiiam. ' ia;v tnoi.tli, Kdwurd Hnyne. Hr,l:-'n How. J"li" I. Jin olirei. nmniw; "". ni, i to itin I'lebl ient. Mrs. Draper Smith ot Omaha, vice prtsldent, Mrs. H. H. Wheeler , i.. .. -...ii.... . .. t. veto this year for McMliloy and , n nho . rrtii., -,,. ,ur uar morjBrMpr-rliy. Q of Vn.mouu trcasurer, Mrs. I'lislnti itnii.v m !-eiin Iit. lifted of I-'Urbury; club librarian, Mrs. Lam- SOHUYLKIt. Nob, 0 t. II. (S-eclal Tel- 1 bcrtwm of Lincoln, auditor. Mrs. Halner of Aurora. As It Is a rule that all amendments to the egram.) Governor roytiter and "Cyclona" I Davis nddreasid the fusion f .reea at i .laneek's opera house tonight, which was t consiluit.on of the fidtruttou be ma-jt a year full to r.virtlcwlng. fiovcrnor Poynter ! In advance ths committee on ameiiumeutu (MnaV'i Joevh Kandcr. Wliner; Aiuiew uencameii upen iiopinis noiieaiy. priue in ii.ei ii. i u nwn mm mut muh. mo. C ' lirif letinMi. Mlii'l' n. nnd W'!1,J,,, . maniiKemr-nt of stnt" Instliiitions, departure amendment was a proposed substitution of Jlartot. Tec..n.eb !i i p0ior hartlfriton ; ! of f ;-uUI"nnn frrn amdent moorings, ; the words "tuiee .lol.arn" for "two dollars" V Mltani'"! lHrr-tt '' 'Mrciin;' V. c (! I fearfuino-. nln ost to death of Imp -rlallsm ; ,ti article S. Tll.s Linendment Is pioposul as 'I . .urn-mil. I't-r l-'.ut-.... Hi. I'm jl; Ho aI iuted that he knew republicans to bo r.n nujustment to the question of club toxa fiberr Mer. . 1 N ';''. "J"; .right half of the time because th y had tion, an It was not considered wise to Intro- cii'.ir 4 "':! pVpIMi KhII Oni"-, alwaya bntl on both Bid s of all fir b , due llu propos tion of the 10 cents per finally nbou- capita tax at prehoni. i ins semes ine mat- statement nnditir of taxation for thts tar. The second , di tiled ever having said any thing that "1 P.. rteltli I'hIm i ltv; ji.n'l U"', uiwMyn oi-:i on uoiii biu m ('-tiuli.. charlen I.. i'iir)",i""- I'lelghtoii; nutstlnns. He was asked person i: '''raiv? ,.',,!.mmi.ri "a "JL- a month hireling" stnt m iifMim, .iti.1 11 A Shaffer St l.'ln irdr, preli'.i litun, jerome riiumi.. r( u.d be Ho criiintrueil. l.lri'Dln. A. . C'-rry, iirtinin. i . t,..vU ontnrt.i Inert with lnimirnii tull.-n on tho tarllf, coinage, mlllturism and ImiII Atlle.m; U. . llll'..nril-l. mi Om.ilin. Iifwltt Unner. nnnv.r criMlns. O WooIituiii. l-'illrfl'dd, Jumes Ht eh Jiatn. Ilrokfii How. ind Jiiin-i llrnoli . Htatiion pupullsln. Hny Ihi.klns. I.ln 1'iln. II. Alexander, nmiilm. '. ! r"der S ks. ronen; L. W. fharp Oiltner; Jnlili Imperialism. amendment was an entire substitution for article 7. It provided that tho nominating tommlttee bo composed of the presidents of tho clubs In the State Federation. 1 1. 1 II m eli 11 III I J.MIII II in 1 1 IV . Sntiioii Mt-n ' t'p, MKAD. Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.) Tho saloon case which has been tho leading excitement here for the last three monihJ camo to an end last night by the appli cant, H. H. Heed, giving up the light. This means no saloon this year. I)li urer Milt 1'lleil. NOHTH I'LATTB. Neb.. Oct. 11. (Spe cial.) An application was filed In the district court yesterday by Mrs. Hll.i Itennle asking .or -i dlorce rem Hugh C. Hennle and alimony. luteal and business situation in their lo calities. 1 flud from these reports that the change In Nebraska Is most remarkable. The most radical change Is In tho western portion of the state, and 1 have reason to telieve that the republicans will carry the state from one end to the other on election day. ' Mention was miulo by Mr. Mercer ot the conditions existing In Colorndo. Pros perity abounds there, and the people nre rapidly falling away from tho free silver Idea and are willing to continue the present Mo- nll' shorthorns booked October W. arntnllcli of l'ort Crook, twenty-five head of ah rtltorns. November tC. II. Hlmendorf, Lincoln, seventy Hercfords. November 1C Oldgell & Simpson and Cornish & Patten, Independence, Mo., 110 Hercfords. November 20 Charles Kscher & S.-n. Hotua, In., sixty Aberdeen-Angus. December 19-C. 1). llellows, Mnryvllle, condition of affairs. "Wo In Nebraska will be. sorry to see all of tho states surrounding us go republican nnd leave us alone on the shoals of populism. We should Join In with the rest and turn out a good republican ma jority. South Omaha people, said Mr. Mercer, are busy us compared with four years ago and ih'-ro Is an Indication that the laboring peo ple desire a continuance of the existing con ditions. Tor thli reason the vote for Me- January f V. II Hearne, Independence, Mo., seventy-five (lalloways, February 61'. It. Hearne, Independence, Mo., seventy-live Galloways. February 1"- George Anstey, Masscna, la., fifty Hereford-! March 12 13-T It. Westrope St Son, Har lan, la., 100 shorthorns. In I 'our Dili-.. CHICAGO. Oct. It According to arrange meats made by the committee Ilaniiu will have little more than time t. catch bis breath between speeches on tun northwestern tour. During four days of the trip he wilt make thirty-sot m specctu possibly more The senator and party will leave here noon October If', speaking at Waukesha .m i .Mndli-on. Wis., on that day. The p.tru will depart from Owntonna. Minn., On'-r 10, Mop at Waseca, Manknio. Trncj ..n I Marshall, arriving at Wntertown, fl. D . .n 6 p m. The following day idiort .pec In will be made at UrdiieM, H. It, North-!! Aberdeen. Uroton, Andover. Urlstol. Webster, llradley, I'lroy, ttrynnt. Presior Desmet. traquots nnd Huron. At thr lust named place an evening meeting will u held. The next dny's itlueinry Inclti li . Flandren.i. Lgim Madison. How.iM Artesian, Woot.socket. Fletcher. Mitchell Alexandria. Ilrldgewaler. Parker, Lennox. Caulon and Sioux Falls. At Sioux Falls an eenlng meeting will be addressed. Knn-iiiH lt lnn i-i I'renlilpiil. AHllt:VILLi:. N C . net 11. The Mlsl slppl Vulle soclett, linw 111 ses hlnli lnile, elected the following nil). ( r today for the i nmlng eur. President II i ordler, Kansas i'lt. first Nice r ill til. ". I. Mctliilmn ik. -i, Si', seioti.i Mce jireslilent. I' I, Minor villi'. N (' . secntart. lletir rownli. I,nuiil K l'ut-lti-lliiv, i. was si Ii i ti d ns it next meeting place FORECAST Of THE WEATHER Mirri llri'rlpt-i Citiitliuie llrn. Sheep receipts at the stock yards con- 1 Untie heavy. For the four davs of the i I'rliliij mill Snliit ilii. In I.ll.eli tu lie In I r i-ltli liuls f" AiMUSEiMENTS. The Houselald Kconomlc meeting was called at 9:30 o'clock, Mis. Pugh of (inuna in the chair. Of all the brancuea of c.uj l.lnilooil lteiiililloiiiis llri'lllile. LINWOOD. Nob., Oct. 11. (Special.) A Tolleti U'lleox; J. Cli. "tn. Kertrnev; .1. .In- ; McKlnley and Kooaovolt club was orgnn- robseii, 1'ldtttniKiiitJi. nun i. .. j-u ajcub. . ,2(Mj rrp iasfl ui(,Ui w 1 1 seventy-five work there Is probably nono that appeals n'r 'nern"i : ')mrlei II. lii'trl.'h, Mast-I mombeis, fiid there Is still moro yet to odd I tn all women as does that ot iIjiiusIic . Gerald I lolmes David', brother lugs, ii-piibll'-an. William A. pnvtiter, Al- to the Hat. Tho omcers elected were: science. The auditorium wuh tilled with lilon ii'slon; I.ikIuh Junes. Llneoln, pro- ' r-ecirsn Ulrliardson. president: Josolih I tniresti.rl women from ..II klml nf hi.naM. .Ibltl-m, T.l..r 1-ll-k. MroKen How. pop- ,, .1......, i iiuiun uiivi lino Duaoiuu UI14 uv.i . iiiiih i.i nfc' lill.l ill it; Thfodore KtmiiiH. Dmiib.i. soi'ellst. For HiMit'-niint governnr: K I'. Hnvilgn, lUrgent. rcp'ibhidii, I M ward A C,llbrt, fork, f'islonlst, I'lurlei It. Lnvvsoti. f-'n-'tee a'ii'. prolill Itloti; II. Heller. Pnili-le Center. popullBt ; David MeKlbben. Glltlier, POf'st K .r 'oor tnrv of state: Gforgo W. MnrMl, Ht I .ml, republican. C. '. Sxboiln. St. Paul, r isi.'iilst Pi'W") 1.. Wlrtr.oy. Heatrlie. ori -)ilitton. V. .'. StIIIKey, Violet, ilopulisl ; J-'iank N'Oirnnn. PlattHtiinnth. HuelnlHl '"or ,-illtor nf jiul'llc accounts: Clmrl'-s Westnn, llu Springs, republ nn; Tlieniloie ;r.-s. I'lav ivnter. fuH'.mi; Wilson Hroil e, jT'i'V", prohibition; C. V. Ault. Indlanola. ia'l-it. I'Vr treiiHiirer' William Steuffer. West 3'oint rcp.tlilli m; Samuel II. Howard. 0 Nelll. t ui-li 111 : . t' Crowoll. filar, pro Hblt'oti: Absolom Tiptop. Nebraska 'lt popudst, K. H. Johns. Nebraska City, so rlull.t. For s'llK-rlnti-lnlent nf inibllc Instruction' XAlll'.'im IC. I'owlrr. Dlttlr. repu'dlciti. Charles K. Heck. Lyons, fusion, Hartley llaln. Vittsc. prohibition; Mn. T. J. IVllle, lUrtwell, pripiillat; Mis?. Hurla Wllkle. lltoek. poelullit. For utioruey general: Frank N. Prout. Heatrlco. republican, Willis D Oldham, Kearney, fusion. Dunham M Strong. Noith Denrt. prohibition; John Stevens. Arapahoe, populist; Michael Prosier, Trumbull, so cialist For commissioner of nubile lands and linlMlntES. Gnrge I) Follmer, Oak, repub llrnn: P J. Carev. W'ahoo. fusion, Krast is lllckmnn. Seward, prohl1 Itlon , James Sal mon South ('"-alia, populist: W. II. Nyn, 1 eiidcr. socialist. Much enthusiasm prevails hero among I ira-'ted more women who had come . xpect the republican voters. Short addresses I tug and craving practical benellt than any wero made by HtiBenottu, Illair and others, other. They were the homomakers f No The club contains ten mombcrB who voted brn.ka. The papers wero of the highest for Iliyaii four cnrs ago. Llnwonu will l order and tho di3cuhlon from tin llojr bo a stronger repubMian stronghold than , which followed removed all doubt of the -1 $ -ti " lliu'lielor's lloinnnee" A comedy In four nets, by M'Tthu Morton, presented at Hoyd's theater utt nigh; liv Tim .Murphy . Dorothy Sherrod unit com pany. CAST OF ClIAHACTHUS David Holmes, editor and lit. rury critic or tne iteviev. 1 .in .Mi.rpny .Wll tain 11 Pas. e Martin Hcggs, David's secte ary uti I man Peri y Hro ik Harold Heyuolds, on the stuff of t:,o Kevlew 1. Lestr Wa.laex Archibald Lytton Suva e a in der 1 literary man Fred A. Tlnmps n Mr. Mulberry, an mituiue utetcrv mnn iirlnlile. WASHINGTON. Oct. Friday and Saturdny: For Nebraska. Iowa, 11. Forecast f. r North Dakot . Kmley and the republican ticket will un- , present week 47.74-J head have been mar-! uoiiiiieiiiy ue very large nerc. .-ome atten- . kt,tpl lu,r ,,m. tll(, ,m.look Is that all rer- 1 Hon was paid by tho speaker to the foreign or, broken by the end of the cement here and mention wns made of the ra.t tnat Chairman Jones of tlto national p,, to Wednesday night the Increase In detain nitic commlttco asserted that If It had 1 i,,. rPrPits. as comnared with the cor- not been for the foreign vote four years ago, restinndlni! nerlod of a vear auo amounted 1 South Dakota and Kansas Generally fan 1 free silver would have carried. These for- tn 110.574 head An Increase Is also shown Friday and Jsiturday. variable w.uds. I elgners, snld Mr. Mercer, understand what 1 in rattle and hog receipts. I l'"01' Indiana and Illinois Fair tn north It Is to have a dollar worth li.O cents and 1 - - - - lorn, rain in southern portion Friday and Petition Ciiiitltiliitex lor -eov. Saturday, fresh south to east winds. Two independent candidates for assessor i.or Oklahoma, Indian Territory and r In the Fourth ward have bobbed up one , Kansas Fair Friday nnd Saturday; nortli Is W. J. Ilroderlck and the other Is Henry ' wcsterlv winds ever after the votes are counted. WILL STAND BY PROSPERITY List of Men XVlio Voted for II r 11 11 nil Arc Xnn .le Kin ej. I)n WITT, Neb., Oct. 11. (Spoclal.) Th folUwing supii rters of Hryau fi ur yara ago have changed to McKinK-y In this (Di Witt) precinct: James Notion, farmer; L. J. Cross, doc tor; tietrge McUreg r, barbir; L. W. Hcuck. men haul, Ka.ns, farmer, Hoggs, farmer; J. W. Vand rpoo , foreman: C. H. Culdln, dentist, (leorg; Nici.o as. farmer; C. 11. Duel., farmei ; 11. J Harnes, farmer; Henjamln nr-.-wsicr, painter; William Sallic, agent Piano co.u-pnuy. ltrlley WorUs for Pi'iinnerlt y. ADAMS. Neb.. Oct. U. (Special Tele grum. 1 --Charles T. Kelley of Coxcy hrny fame addressed 11 lnrge and Interested rudlence from the republican standpoint of political tsstien nt this phice last night. C. H. Workman of Mansfield, O., had been advertised, but was called away. The next republican rally will occur here next Wfilnesday evening. On this ocrnsl n all ol the candidates for tho le--lslRture will bo present and will each address the meat, tng lllnshnw nt Itrml-iliu yt. IlKADSHAW, Nb Oct. 11. (Special.) Hen. E. II. Hlnshaw epnke at this place last night to a large audience. Mr. Hln shaw was In excellent spirits and in his usual pleasant, but earnest manner, dis cussed the. political Issues of the day and for about one hour and forty minutes In a most eloquent and logical manner ho upBCt every bugaboo theory that has been set up and christened an Issue. Repub licans are highly pleased with Mr. Hln shaw's effort. I'ljt llenrs Cnnnife. FKHMONT, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.) Kx-lioveruor Ciounse a! r' an ati-dl'-mc which filled to its fu.' apa.'liy tno dlsirlrt court room Inst tv. uing. Tho meeting was held under th . UHt Ices of the Fremont McKinloy and P.o s. vel 1. '. The speaker was at hla best i.nd his ad dress was a strong, I and o oqut'ii1 statement of the reasons why the pr aen udmtnlstratlcn should be c ntl tied In piwer. Ho cited many figures a .id facts to show tho great prosperity whl.h pro Mills In Nebraska and urg.'d upon lil3 hcurrrs th. Iiep. rtance cf tw : ru lie n United States senators b"lng elected. Th nieetluR was an enthusiastic 0110 and a comp'etn hui cess. National Committeeman Schneider Is nu thorltv for tho news that th- peoplo of tins Tlclnlty will have an oppi.itunl y i.f hinr log Chairman Mark Hunna of the uatlona. oommlttee In this city next Frld-y M. Hanna, arci rdlng to tho 1 rognim as now arranged, will atop eft In Fremont on h.- way tn Lincoln from 0"nha anil will bo bore about twenty minutes. Politico! M re llCK lit Hll'M"l1. ASHLAND. Neb.. Oct 11. (P. ill -This Is one of the live lest week- of the campaign here, the politicians of all partlo having arranged for meetings of tb'r owi bran'. Wolncs ay even'n Ml..s rh.rl y of Omnha ad'-ceil the 10; ullsta and demo orats at Sliu'ngton's opca house, spealt ng to a well -filled house. Tonight L. O. Jones of Lin o n piohlbltion nominee foi t,o.- Ilrr-itrr Now 11 Cand lilnte. LINCOLN. Oct. 11. (Spoclal Telegram.) As a result of a conference today be tween Auditor Cornell nnd Deputy Attor ney General Oldham, legal proceedings will be commenced In the name of the state against the olllccrs of the Oraln Growers' Mutual Hall Insurance company of Omaha, the object being to collect penalties for transacting Insurance business without a license. An attempt will be mndo to hold each ofllcer liable In the sum of JLO0O. X'rtl I'leiiHiil vrttli llitlinnii, NKHRAPKA CITY. N'b.. Oct. 11. (Spo clrl Telegram )--Hon. Charles L. Dobson. secretary rf state of Iowa, addressed a practicability of the methods advuented. Mrs. .Muc.Murphy of Omaha a rouadly applauded whin she rose to speak. She n.ado an earnest appeal for a re.lslon ot the statu puro food law. wiih un appr prla tion of funds to sustain It, und a commit tee, which ' should Include at least one woman, aa Inspectors. She urged a prac tical application of what the w .men lia.o been learning In their study and that the cooking school ot tho state fair be con tinued. Mrs. Susa Young Gates of Utah was a prominent figure of the session. She brought greetings from the National Household Economic annual convention re cently held In Toronto, Cannda, at which shu figured prominently. Her address and that of Mrs. Pugh were enthiiBlast.cally received. This department held an over flow meeting at 1 o'clock, which was largely attended. Tho organizing of a State Household Economic association was tho result, with tho following officers: President, Mrs. ilaker of Norfolk; vica president, Mrs. Steel of Falrbury; socro tur and treasurer, Mrs. Seymour of Nor folk. Ileport from tlie Hlrmtlnl, Mrs. Apperson presided ttt the opening of the aftoruouu meeting, Mrs. II cke.ts of Lincoln giving a report of the bleun.ul. Miss Haskell of Lincoln occupied tho chuir during the educational s sslun. She also gave a detailed report of the educa tional session at the Milwaukee biennial. All of the educatlonnl papers were espe cially strong. Mrs. Stoutcnbor ugh read hei paper on "A State Traveling Library" and ofiered a practlral plan for securing an appropriation from the legislature for the founding and sustaining of such an Institution. It was decided that a com mittee should bo appointed, Mrs. Stiuten- borough as chairman, with two o her mem- they do not propose to accept 50 cents worth of silver Just because It might bear a 1 stamp. Referring to four years ago Mr. Mercer said that hundreds of people were then otlt of employment and many wore objects of charity. Now there Is work for .all. The leiord of over COO houses built In a little over two years shows what McKlnley pros perity and conlldetico have done for the MceIo City. The price of live stock sold nt this market !!tiAjm"j.imIi ' "I's romlarcd with the prices of four years lirg- aim ph na,,- , , in . u ,e couri ber whlcn Mhe ,u ulll oh CBl, t0 h use tonight under the auspices of the ,hf, Mtt(r Rm, M,curc th( CIJ.opPral,on of Inral McKlnley and Rr-cevclt club. Tho bs aQ(j ,nflucuco lo BPCUre tnt. ut,slrt.d speniier iiis.'ii-.seu in" issuea 111 mo cam pnlrn In nn able and forcible manner, much to the delight and satisfaction of tho voters 1 end. present. Mrs. Apperson presided at the ovenlng session, the first papers being th repor.s of delegates. At S SO the Industrial com mittee met. Mrs, Harford In the chair. She gave the biennial report of that work. V.'nr'' 1111111 lli'im-in III IIIvit. NFHHAS-'KA CITY. N'eb.. Oct. 11. (Soe clsl Telegram.) Marshall C. Little, a young 1 Mrs. Sarah P. Decker delivered an ad man of 24 years, was drowned In the river , dress In her usual brilliant nnd enthu Sylvia Somers, David's ward .. ... 'ago and It was shown conclusively that the Mls lo-othv Sherp .1 , farmer and laboring men have been bene- ''''.'..'.'.'M'ilouVThrn'lkn n,1 by 11111 '"'''nco established by .1 re- Mts Clemei'tlnn Mri Fa..ny Addison p tt publican aduilnlHtratlon. Harriet Idcester.. .Miss Kthel Strlekli'id Continuing Congressman Mercer said that j the great icpuhllcan party stood upon a plat- In essny'ng the denotement of a charac- frm hlch could be discussed In any slate ter that was created especially for an- , th,, union. It has n purpose to solve, other, Tim Murphy has undertaken what. I pnij he. and it never shrinks from the re for most men. would have been a hazardous j sponslblllty. experiment. It Is well known that when t uiicliiHlon Mr. Mercer sold that he "A Ilachelor's Romance" was written, Miss 1 .0VPli to fCi, tbe ,u.mocrnts of South Omaha Morton, the nutnorcss, nan .Mr. Hoi itusseii ever before her mind's eye, and that tho role of David Holmes was drawn with a view of making the pnrt conform as far as possible to Mr. Russell's well knowu peculiarities of speech and action. In so dolne, she made It hard for others to tnko up the play, for It Is undeniable that many of the deftest touches of the piece were those which It had been anticipated would bo made prominent by Mr. Russell's pe culiar personality. The play has been seen In Omaha be fore, and consequently there seems to be no need to enter upon nn extended dis cussion of his merits nnd domerlta. It Is enough to say that It ts n wholesome, bright and altogether satisfying comedy, filled with quietly humorous situations, " 1,1 ... v ., . , . J lls lht- "" "aid. with cattlemen and lltlll- '.l l III 1 It luuiui-n iiiui II1IIIK III IISIJO tho great principle that even In this sel nh world there still remain honor and Join hands with the republicans and vote for a continuance of the prusent prosperous con ditions. He congratulated the Young Men's republican club on Its large membership and on the enthusiasm shown. At the conclusion ef Mr. Mercer's remarks, which we e txovjedingly well received, Presi dent Heck Introduced Hon. C. H Dietrich as the next governor of Nebraska. As Mr. Dietrich Btepped forward he was greeted with applause and at once proceeded to put his audience In good humor by telling a pleasing btory. Mr. Dietrich related how ho had spent the day at tho stock yards and had mot shippers frim all parts of the coun try. Tho sheepmen, he said, proposed to vote for McKlnlej and the republican ticket because now their sheep nnd wool were worth double whnt It wns four years ago. It Allx. limit are circulating petitions ntid ns soon as the requisite number of signa tures nre secured will (lie the documents with the proper authorities. There Is al ways n contest for this olllco In the Fourth ward, as It contains the most property of any ward In the city. MiikI.' I'lt Giimilit. Over sheen were marketed nt the yards here yesterday Mrs M I: Wilcox has about recovered from her recent severe Illness. The Order of the l-Iantern Star will meet In regular session Saturday evening. George II. Hrewer Is indisposed nntl 1 coiriiellcd to remain Indoors lor n day or two. A live pigeon nnd turkey shooting match win lie held at Sarpy Mills park on Sunday. October t The women of the Presbyterian church will give a ten at the home of Mrs. It. 1. heeler this afternoon Mr nnd Mrs George C. Hnsklns. Twenty tilth tin. I 11 striets, have gone to Adrian to attend the funeral of Mrs. Husklns' father. city Prosecutor Murphy says that pro prletorH of billiard and pool tanles nre step ping to the iront and paying the license tax witliotit any kicking Rev. George VaiiWInkle, pastor of the First llaptlst church, and Klmtr WUrs nr. attending the Ituptlst state convention at llrokell How this week. An entlusliiHttc meeting of the Nor wegian Republican clnh wr.s he.d at Fratiek's had la-it night. This club is rapidly growing In memoerHlnp and the meetings are a. ways well intended. TEXAS AFTER ROCKEFELLER llirort Mnile lu KitiuUtlr Miiiulliril (111 Mnunntr Iruui Mntr of Neiv InrU, For Missouri Generally fair: showers in southeast portion Friday. Saturday north westerly winds. For Colorado. Wyoming and .Montana Fair Frldny; variable winds. For New Mexico- Until Friday; Saturday fair; variable winds. I.tii'nl It.M'.irit. OFl'ICl OF TI1L W FAT 11 Kit Ht'UF.Al . OMAHA. Oct. 11 (initial reci'til of tr.-ipi 1 at nre nnd iireelpltiitloii. compared with the corrcspiindlti, day of the last three i:ir liilu. 1S.M. ISsWn Ki, Maximum temperature . . 7l 77 Cf. ;.l M tilmum temperature !. M Average teinperntiire. .. fS til Precipitation ' .00 Record ol tempertiture nnd precipitation at omuha for this day and since Murili. I l'.ie'i: Normal teinperntiire ift I'M'css for the da Total excess since March 1 i'.ii Normal plei'lpltatlon C!i In. Ii Iietliiency for the day C.i In. h 'n'lil rnltifiill since March 1 25.00 In. In m IWIiicncv since March I l.ll'linh lietleteney for cor pert. . 'VKi . fi in.-i . Dellcleticy for cor. period. lfis.,.. 3.1Slni he Itriinrlii froiu Miitlimn nt S P. l. r,c. .On friendship and love. Very charming, In deed, Is the brief ebullition of spirits that prompts the three old fellows to sing, in their thin and quavering voices, the songs they roared out tn their college days; very pathetic Is the poverty of the bibliophile, Mulberry, one of those rare spirits of whom Is the kingdom of heaven and for whom there seems to be so little place In the busy world a poverty so hard that It com pels him to part with the volumes which are as dear to him as life Itself; and very with tho farmers who raise nml market ALIIANY. N. Y., Oct 11 There was hogs. , qulto a gocd deal of a mix-up here today "I have been traveling all over tho state. " 'over an attempt to Htralh-iu out the po sald Mr. Dietrich, "nnd I nm convinced that sitlon of the requisition of Gowrnr Nebraska Is coming back Into the union for Snyers of Texas for tho person of Wll tho reason that good times prevail and the "i m Hoi kefellor and other members of people want a continuance." The policy of ' ,lll hoard of directors of the Standard the republican party, he said, was not to 011 company. Several statements wero open the mints to the free coinage of sliver. K'vcn out, variously alleging that Oov but to open factories and manufacturing einor Roosevelt or Acting Governor Wo Mi litants; to stamp out soup houses and Coxcy nifl had taken final action In the matter, armies. Since lSfe), said Mr. Dietrich, the l'"1 tonight It Is ascertained that the only republican party hns put tho stamp of em- "'Hon taken In the caso was by Judge ployment on over D.OCO.ono laborers who nre Hryce, the governor's pnrdon clerk, who Z I'".;. " -ia' .Ii: 'now re. eUlng the highest price ever raid for KU" to Governor Sajers' counsel an op.n- 1 s manuscript Is pronounced hopeless m ln,or ln tM ery- Ho you want to go "'ss " papers of r-qu.sltion tt' Tra'n h- to the soup house and the -ul.l state that the persons wanted had been In the state of lexas anil nad com- STATIONS AND BTATB OF WEATHER. l3 s. a I' ) iitr 3 P2 55 ? -1 3 Omaha, clear , North Platte, clear Cheyenne, clear Salt Liiko City, partly cloudy.. Rapid City, clear Huron, clear Wr'Ntoti, clear Chicago, clear St. l.oiils, 1 loudy St. Paul, clear Du'enport. clear Kansas City, clenr Helena, clear Havre, clear M imirck. clear Galveston, rienr T Indicates trace of tireclpltntlon. I. a WF.I.Sn. Local l'-orecast Ollliiul fi.' 7 Oi ('.ii. SO 0 1 fiS1 lis 0 1 M, ".; Oi til 01 6T 7S 0 1 co 01 01 r,x. hi G2 f.: a. C2I 70 Oi fiO M 0i iS i:s n.i 6! HJ "i fit ft I III tVH cs 1.0 721 iii 0 1 hero trday. He was omplrycd by the gov ernment upon the r!vr work and In some vay fell from the flntbnnt upon which he Blastlc manner on club evolution. Mrs Letton of Falrbury read a paper on In dustrial laws of Nebraska. A report of was wcrltlng. The h"dy wbb not recovered. I tho Industrial work of the clubs followed The oung ronn's partnts reside In 11am t.urs. Ia. I'ulli fit'inty 11111 Inn llon, OSCrOLA. Neb.. Ot. 11. (Sp-clal ) The repulili.-rns cf Polk cuin'y have nrmlnated Farvy C ltcebe as c- untv n'torney and A. C. Dmsldscn rf Stromsbur? as sta'e sennter. Nn better men ln the c unty c uld havc been nominated fi r those positions. and the prcgram concluded with dls us bkn on "What Can Wo Do to Retter In dustrlal Conditions?" Tho session largely nttonded. BURGLARS AT ARLINGTON ufc I' llrlllrd Open 11 nil A in 11 11 nt 11 f PI under la i'ul. en, I.nrKt ll-ni'-r"oii nt I'ltlrninii. F'I"wrN"r N"., Oct. 11. (Special.) t if p;ht Spent er IDiu'e'inn of Iowa ad ewa. 11 Inpirn nnd atteiitivn ntlillcnco nt .' p).,. Kor two hours the speiker held 1 B1'' was drilled open by an expert. About tt -""on of the pemdr nnd wns most , 175 In money, nil tholr watches, chatns aud ARLINGTON. Neb., Oct. 11. (Special Tel egram.) L. C. Weber & Co.'s Jewelry and drug stnro wns robbed last night Hurglara cnt red by prying open a back window. Tho e C 11 tustlcally cheered at his telling ro- fiar'ts. On ii e" I In llefrnn M I.iiiiIk, rl lr l 1-. . f,. 11 Onwentln'H llrH nlr ernor, spoke In tho build. ng formerly u-.'I team d.-'. nt- ' t 1 nuts today after an e- by the llaptlsls for a church Frldny irg"'t ' '' ' ' ''''' , ... E. Uo.owater of Omaha will speak at the r.UrrX, opera houso ftom a p pub'. I -an vl 'hoIt ' rcveritaln ti ii'i nninvi npe rnal bv be Chairman Horace (Mailt of the Sauod.'rn ' "T '" ' ''" ''i hH"ieii of the pln-crs on lu. county re:ubl.can central committee e. .Lm Ih'ree tTmesPfo? bring" forc-i phoned over from Wnhoi this af e noon ' Into piVit -ou-n ?fetv pluvs Ciitti-i that Senator Hanna of Ohio will nry.ik at 0"' a"o"H"ce m-.l neiialtv the Hint nlnre on l.'i i.liv i ,.rn n.,v , rt'inenred ernly mntch'-d and with a little Hint place on 1'il.lay ar.ernoon. October IS, 1 ,.Pr ,.r- pt I.00U nit-ht have made tne Bnd Assistant Secr'ta'y of War Me 1,1 'o'ui n-oe n ifber of rcnls n' (inwentsla. Hotb In tb even nt. Tl e eput 11 ..n ub nf a h ' ""m had eoil not" wido of the mark, but land will make at rangements to atiend both meetings In full force. 'riuei llnif l.ltllr Time, COLUMIH S. Neb., Oct 11. iSpe.-lal ) "Cycloue" Davis of T xas spi ko h re Inst eyenlng. He did not pr ve to be the draw. It l.n-pe"d that 'h-ee or tour madj bv i-t. f 1 l narrowly mls.ed going between the posts. niiulnrrr Killed In Colllaloii, DKNVKR. net 11 A hen '-end colll-on 1 ewp 11 t'ot. ri',o .t Southern -.a'-ienier train and a fre' ht occurred tonlrht nen- l,ii''on. ten miles -ninth of thw city W Ine card wli.ii as exi e.-ed. A fair-sized 1 J V n. engineer of the passenger' train audience (jreetul him, anwng which were , waw killed many republUans whr were attr..t'tid by I , , .1. . ... - n-i enients of Oi'i'iiti Vesen, Oct, n, tho cogm nien of tho Tho Flam- At,v Vnrl, nlv-d-C.. r -anl- f o-n beau dub turned out to bo Just thrte I lverpo.d and O ee- stown S rla f m amnky lonhcs held by kids for tho band !' h ,'r'"'"1, x"- from Gen.u R-II d to see Ihe.r music. Tl cyclone pounded ;n:,';ml"rl Jlr ,' O? ' ic'r'ir and propounded and exp-und d, but failed , for Hremen. via Cherbourg; La Touralne. to nr.-dnee nnvthlnc new ln the old straw "r n.ire rings that are lockul In tho safe every night were taken, besides fine dreBs goods and other goods In the store. Thrre Is no 1 lue only several strangers were around town for n few days and they are nil gnne today. Sherllf Mencko Is hero working on the ease. Action Kiilnst liiMiiriiui'P Coin pn 11 li, LINCOLN, Oct 11. 1 Special Telegram.) A petition naming George W. firewater of this city ns the candidate of the p. pn list party for congressman for the First district was filed with tho secretary of state tonight. At tho request of H. W. Davis of this city all of the Lan-aster county republican candidates for tho legislature have slsned nnd publlshrd a statement In which they ngreo If elected to go Into any republican caucus on the question of United States senators nnd stand by the result ot such caucus. the Inst ray of hope (hat Illumined his life fades out Into utter darkness. All these, taken In connection with much else of wnlch It would be n pleasure to speak, but which must bo passed over, mako "A Ilachelor's Romnnce" one of the most en joyable comedies now before the public. It has been Intimated already that Mr. Murphy's presentment of the part of David Holmes Is a satisfactory one. It Is more than that; It Is a finished, virile piece of acting, thorout'hly artistic and admirably wrought out ns to detail. His conception rf the part Is his own and It Is mu of which ho may well be proud. Nothing cleaner-cut has been seen on an Omaha was stago this season, nnd It marks for Mr. Murphy a tremendous so'de forward in his professional career. Indeed, so con siderable Is now his artistic stature that ho can hereafter afford to Ignore the sense- liss calls for n "spec, h" and In future refuse to break tho Illusion of his play by appearing In propria persrna before th" curtain In response to tho noisy clamor or an unthinking clientele which seems to be bent only on getting Its money's worth without reference to the effect t h c I , action mny have upon tho play Mr Murphy Is supported most admir ably by Dorothy Sherrod, the piquant daintiness of whose work shows tn better advantage than In anything In which she has been seen previously. Percy Ilronke Is wholly admirable as Martin Ileggs, Wil liam H. Pascoo Is quite satisfactory ns Gerald Holmes. Hqunlly ncceptablo is the Mr. Mulberry of J. R. Armstrong. Fanny Addison Pitt Is excellent ln her denote ment of Miss Clementina. The remain lug members of the company wero ade quate. The staging of the pleco waB effective and gowns worn by the women ore both rich and Handsome. Tho engagement ends Saturday Bight. which ho threshed over. Interest .was lack ing to a mnrked degree and the truth is that farmers are ton busy selling 5-rcut hogs ind "iO-cent wheat to be attracted by the glare of a piMer announcing a political meeting To it 11 b I p Ofllerm .Nominated. WACO, Nob.. Oct. tl (Special. 1 The re publicans of this township at Its caucus last evening aoralnatod the following officers- C F Gunlock. treasurer. Charles Btoll, assessor; John Llndell. clerk, F. J. F.dwards nnd Martin Green, Justices of the pvace. Thera was a large turnout at the At The Llz7nrd-Pnsed-La A'qtlltalne, from New Wr1-, for Muvr At Cherboui p Arrlv d "ohi"'! In, fropi New Y'-rk. via 1' ym uth. for Homl.'tri- n i "; S'-Hnidanv from Rotterdam. Sailed - U'er, from Hremen and Southnr p ton. tor New Vor'i t ir"'f-n r-al'eil- TrlT. for New York. At (51 isgow Arrived Purnca'n, from New York At I.-odnn Arrived Menominee, fram New "1 ork. At O'leonstown Arrived Penrla"d, f- m Ph'ladelPli'n. '-r I v r"o'. Silled Ma le-t'c for New vo-k; nptgnlnd. fer I'M n de phis both fr m LverpoM At P'ymomh Arrived -Col imbii. from New York, fee Cherbourg and Hamburg At Rotterdam Sailed Statenuam, via llouloicne. PI nil a for Cliurrh I'nlr, WYMORE. Neb.. Oct. 11. (Special.) Everything Is ln readiness for the annual held by the women of St. Mary's Catholic church, which opens at the opera houso In this city tonight. The Catholic fair Is one of the events largely looked for ward to by tho citizens of Wymore. and Is attended by large crowds, regardless of their reunions belief. Tho fair this year promises to be on a much more elaborate piano than ever before attomptcd It will continue for one week. (illrens Wiint Opera lloiiNe. WYMOUK. Neb. O-t 11 -iSpeclal.l A mass meeting of the business men of th s city was held Tuesday night for the pur Pobo of Inducing the AnheuHer-Rusrh Brewing company to erect an opera house In connection with the fine business block which they are to erect here. Thalr build ing U to be ot white pressed brick, 120x60 embolic Unit-fit tiMM'UiInn, nt'FFALO, Oct 11 -At todnj's renin df the Catholic Mutual Heuetlt ru- tail n tho question of rasing funds for th" In creasing of the membership of the nhfynla tlon was settled by the adopt'o'i .f ai amendment providing for nn lncrea"e of ih.. per capita tax from 60 o 75 n-rits, to ne collected annually bv 'he brunches, in ,1'u- - i. h " h" 'nn'' n the membership of each branch on Deeemn-r 31 previous. Anntlpr Importa-.t nmendni". t I rovldes that heteafler Ii'tieflts will be pill inly to b'noi) relative ft ine Insured 0- t rersons dependent upon nm. A ii-onos t' n to lnereuse the representation troni Ma e councils to the supremo body from thrte to live wus lost. John G. HuMien of Huffulo. urand chiin cellor of New York, was elei trd supreme president, to succeed Michael Hreiinan of Detroit. The other supreme nitli ers were re-elected, ns foiows. Vice provident, John xi Moiniiinnv. I'lusriurg; Feci ,m vice presi dent, William Metieh. Sinu-'tHe, recorder Joseph Cameron, iiorneiisvnie, treasurer, 'amen ,xi v et. n. U'tiu-uki uie . marahnl D D Hughes. Tltusvllle, minrd. .1. .1 Drouyn, Quebec J 1(. Hre,, of Detroit was eleeted to the board nf trustees and M J .Mc.Munon 01 -'manure elei-ted to th vneuticv on aw committee caused hv the n!e-tnn of Mr Hnvnes Bishop Qulgly of Hurrato win pronauiy ne namea as splrllua adviser by the hoard of trustees and Dr J C Kinsler of Omaha supreme med i-n.1 eiam Iner Pittsburg was selected as the next niace ot meeting ana tne convention au journed. Coxey army? If so vote for Ilrsan After paying his compliments to the fu- I mined a crime there they cctild not bo slori party Mr. Dietrich said: "I am going taken from this stnte. Judge Hryce gave to be the next governor of Nebraska; the ,hls Plnln to Cullen Ilryan of Governor fuslonlsts will not swallow us nor we them. ' Sav' counsel two weeks ago, when that There has been all the mismanagement In ' Rentleman came here looking for the g.n state affairs thnt there ts going to be." ' ornor, and It was glvm on the gn unds These remarks wero greeted with enthusl- i ot u decision of Governor Flower made In asttc cheers. IKd In the same case as now. Governor The meeting wns a decided success At l''l''r had refused extradition asked by the conclusion of the speaking the two can- I Governor Hogg on the decision of the dldates who spoke were presented to a large ' L'nl"-M s,alrli supreme ccurt, Judge Har- numtier or tne members of tho club. ". nai a person couiu not ne inKcn 10 a stato for trial unless hnvlng committed Itrpulilli'iin llend.iiiHrieis l :s t it It 1 1 s ii - , a crime In that state In person. Apartments in the Murphy block on I As fnr us Governor Roonnelt Is concerned Twenty-fourth street hnvi In en rented f r , he has not ncted ln the matter because of epuuiicnn Headquarters nU,i m he op 11 d abnencu from the state The position of Mr. to the public tiday. It Is the intention of Woodruff, who Is governor In Mr. Roose tho committee in charge to have a conip.-- ! wit's absence. Is explilncd In the following tent man on duty at the headquarters all 1 statement bv him tonight "I have not ren- of the tlmo In crder to furnish nerd.d dered any decision In the matter. It was information to callers. Miles Ml cbell, who presented to me Informally three weeks ago has charge of the arrangements, expo ts I by Interested persona and I than said that to pluce James V. Chlzek In charge of the j it did not seem proper for me, as acting headquarters, but ln case the services of governor, to dispose of such an Important Mr. ililzeK cannot be obtained some o. her . case, but, Inasmuch as but a few weeks at wen Known republican will bo delegated the most would elapse before Governor for tno work. It Is asserted that tho republicans aro growing in strength every day In Siulh Omaha and It Is possible that tho 1 democratic majority may bo wiped out entirely this fall. Conpreshmnn Mercer has taken up his resldem e In South Omaha for the tlmo being nnd Is making an active campal;;:i. not only for himself, but for the whole ticket. Mr. Mercer's presence In the Magi. City Is commented on favorably by vo crs and as he Is ono of the best campaigners knewn It is thought that his s'ay In the city will bo productive of much good. Jake Iileln returned yesterdny from an eastern trip. He said that coming over from Chlengo on the train ho met n num ber of New Yorkers, who asserted that within the last two or threo weeks a de cided change of sentiment In favor of Mi - Klnley hud occurred Several merchants from New York City asserted that Tam many had dropped Rryan nnd was do voting all Its energies to the election of tho local ticket, leaving the national por tion to take caro of Itself. You know the adage J about fools and their money. Fact is, fools j have very little monej . j The J 1 IrWES-S WISE'..Y is the man who has . money. One evidence 1 of wisdom or intelii- i ! Joint Cur Inspection MrelliiR. Tho semi-annual meeting of the South Omaha Joint Car Inspection association was held at I"x hangn hall yesterday after noon. All of the railroads In the nssocla tlon were represented. Only routine busi ness was transacted. All of tho mombers cf the association expressed themselves as being entirely satisfied with existing con ditions and credit for the manner In which tho work at this point Is hnndled was given to General Foreman W H Cressey and his able force of assistants. Roosevelt's return to the state, I thought It should be submitted to him. However, as It has run now over a period of six years, three weekB' delay, to my mind, would huvo but llttlo effect. ItnnU Looter (liven Ills (Inn Win. NICW YORK. Oct ll.-H-nry P. Vhj. man. coun-el for th" KHz il thim-t It n ll g company, i tnlenv re I I. dnv to r. . i rl some of tip. pronerty aP'g d to b im b n puniiiisert by William Hehr. lbe:, t -faulting ca hler, by su ic; out w ri ..f leplevln against Atlllle Ilirt, .1 I r 1 Ii r K- Sons, jewelers of Fifth ii . i I Ji-ronie and Marcus J. Mnriheln.. r. t 1 owners nf the Colorado dverv stable for f 15.(i The hank gave a bond of a Mir-lv company In JXoon. Ani-ordltiK in the Btnteni' nl of lmu Quieti. Ir , the son of one of the direct-. ri In the I.ll7.nhetliiinri linn If. the latter nuv known for about :i nv nil of the s'mrtag" nnd have been keeping the mntter u si cot. fearing to put the default '-r on Ills guard Mr Ileldrltter, the presld mt, Is positive thnt It was I'd nearly .is long nso tl;i: the directors were Informed ot the theft. lino linos Hleet Otlleers. DALLAS. Tex . Oct. 11. The ninth unnii'il meeting of the Conente-ate.i Order of H o Ho, n closed today with the elec Iti of ollicers and the tdoptlnri of res Ijtlo iH usiieetlng the Galveston disaster Tho following olllcrs were -leeted. Hnark .f the universe. William Hllllw-ell, Siivmoin. (la , senior uoo ho i A II Weir, LP .-..hi, Neb, junior boo luo W r M't"ui' Galveston, boium, II M Lunhcr, " " a, Pn; ncrlvemili r, J II H''r.t NalHlll-, Tetin . labb.rwoik. N II J.'julk. A ren. la (nl . .it Im ntlon. J H Wall. Itulfilr,. S' Y . .iri.iniper Charles W Go nlbind". Kansas lit, gurdnn. J R. Flolron, i.y toii. O fencc, is investing in a mm DIGTEOFiAnY i? it. ror m nv vt-'iiiM 11 i was an open question 1 as to which was the I t best Dictionary. The J I question has been set- tied. The best, the j newest atid most coin t plete is ; THE- STMflAllB ! KIIGi OKAHY Itepiilillenn Mrrtlnca. From present Indications Judge Ben S Daker will meet with a rousing reception at Kvans' hall. Twenty-eighth and R streeta, Saturday night noth of tho Third Ward Republican clubs will unite tt this It is complete because j no expense was spar- t ed by the publishers in securing the ablest j men to edit it. It con- J tains 300,000 words, a great many more than any other. Be-1 sides completeness it is cheapest in price, j ONLY $7.00. Ask iMcgeath Station- ; ery Co., 1309 Farnam j St., for particulars. J K'lormon miShODa' lllls kite i-u tu uie uf ; )im w wk icjirt ct ut Muoooa Ckuni io l. i. ..!. fwiuiu tuiet at . tu curi In oii i-t jcuiir t.oMr I'f -tu of ita-tuac, qiMMUii, tstriin, itrt, or littetu-n-Ali;. Ouroy Lcet. I.innhood, tm' pottnoy, t-ott Power. Nlcht-l-cwa. Bnarmi'torrlioen insoninia, Paine,' Kill petlrni. kttillt.O'U. tlmi, Iinc'' r4Brv.V"Jfir,.i" miityi Mnaacn,viniiinqiii 10 .-inrrt --v Funtuvn. tt tt. ft curs tnoes to Mtunfi Loxnat a i .iln-iilnn.' L.t.inai IH II 1 f? V rt rt tit LI!- wi wwj aiiu-suuMi tew vi r T . - V , -- ..... fa.,n.n. i.c.r ..t EtiMmt. fi curs U It fc-cd. C.H...I..A. . , . l.t. ..... - ,.P,.,a. .. . ... KI., tl Mil mil' et wu-iuM, uk Uiu. cucuim ttt. Add reea. Blihop Rented Co., San Francisco, Cau VOH SALIS BV MVKHS-UILLO.I OHtU CO., 10TII AMI l'AUNAM. hSii 1 Ph;iffi Stop Hon tttwn "mil, urirfff!pt LWeva-J A -a -a i-i ni. l'Lural