12 TUB OMAHA 'DAILY 111315: Til TUSH r, OCTOUKI? 11, 1000. BOSTON STORE R.R. PURCHASE Today Wo Then on Sale Our Purchaee from tho Railroad Company. CAR LOAD OF DAMAGED FREIGHT All More or Less IJfttiinril unit Imper fect, lint Wr llmmbt TIhmii ! Jiiurknlil CIipmii Will 'Ilifiu Toil ii) ill Thi'ir I'rlces. BKMSPKKAU3. 2fic KACI1 I cases badly damaged hedsprends go nt tZa each, damaged by water plains only. 8 cases of tmarly sound ami perfect Mar seilles and rrocheteil. fringed and hemmed bedspread, worth up to U-60. go lit "Sc. 15.00 Marseilles, satin und dimity bed sproails, almost sound and perfect, go as lone as they last ut J1.26 each. 471.0 DAMAOKD CURTAINS. 39c KACII. All the slightly damaged Nottingham cur Ulns, worth up to $7.M) pnlr, In fact the i reported his loss to the clerk. Tho lat bcut curtnliiK manufactured, go at 80c each. I tcr ,PinR n master hand nt putting two All tho badly damuged tine Nnttlngliain Uco curtains, worth up to $5.00 pair, go at Xtc each. All the Nottingham curtain corners and badly damaged odd eurtattiB. go as long as they last at 15c each. DAM AOI'D MNi:NS All tbo more or less damaged napkins, no matter what the regular price, we put them In one lot at $I 0U dozen, many worth Utreo times the price. AIMIncn towels, damask, buck, fringed and not fringed, open work, etc., worth up to tOc each, go as long as they last at lie each. COTTON TOWKMNC All' tho regular 5c fancy twilled cotton towelltiK, almost sound nud perfect, some havo been wet, go t l',4c yard. All tho Turkish towels worth up to COc .ich, bleached and unbleached, large and mall Hlze, go as long us they lust nt 10c each. Most of these are slightly damaged. $1.00 iircn Hi.ANKirrs. s'.'c All kinds of bed blankets, some more or less damaged, all go In one lot, full size, at 33c pair. 2 cases American shirting prints, lu full ploces, slightly damaged, Hie yard, worth 7ic. 0 bales of unbleached muslin, worth 5c, go at 2c yard. 3 canes of standard apron gingham, worth 7c, go ill 2c yard. G cases of gobelin drapery denim, worth 15c, go at 2','jc yard. 3 bales of wool Smyrna rugs, 30x00 size, all sound aud perfect, go ut '.iSe each, worth $:.50. CHILDREN'S UNDKRWKAR. 5C KACII. 2 casta of children's part wool vests, pa n tn und drawers, small sizes, ut 5c each. o cases of misses', children's and boys' underwear, heavy ribbed, llooce-llned and camels hair effects, go at 10c, 19c and 25c. 6 cases Indies' wool and cotton ribbed, flceco-llned underwear, go In lots at le :i5c and 9c. VNKINIHI1KI) MUSLIN LNDKRWKAR. : cases line enmbrje corset covers, 5c. One case ladles and children's tine mus II no underskirts, alt made except the trim nilng. go ut 5c and 10c. 2 cases ladles' tine muslin and cambric drawers, all finished, go ut 12'jo and 19c pair. Ladles' line gowns, skirts, skirt chemise, etc., all well made, handsomely trimmed with laco and embroidery, some slightly soiled, go at 49o. CPc and 9Sc each. Onu caso ladles' aprons, all styles, go at 30c: each. 2 cases misses' and children's flno nprnns. Home trimmed with laco nud em hrldcry, some Hllghtly soiled, go at 25c. Men's fast full, seamless sox, go at 5c pair. 3 cases ladles' and children's fast black full seamless hosu ut (i'c pair. 2 cases ladles' and men's handkerchiefs, nomu with Rllght Imperfections, worth up to 25c, go at 22C and 5c. One caso ladles' pure linen handker chiefs, neatly hemstitched, go at 10c each. Ono caso of fine Swiss embroidered nnd drawn thread handkerchiefs, Includ ing sample handkerchiefs, worth up to 35c, go nt 10c each. Immense lot of embroidery and laces nt 3Vio and 6u jard. Knur cases of all kinds of dress trim mings. Including silk gulmp and braids, also Jet trimmings, worth up to f0e. go nt lc, 2V4o and 5c yard. 1.000 pair kid gloTcs. slightly mussed, worth $1.00. on sale at 39c pair. BOSTON STORK. OMAHA. N. W. Cor. 10th nnd Douglas Sts. CLERGYMENCrlANGE PULPITS Jlcv. Chnsc Will CHI Viienney l.pfl III ClilenKo hy It citing ill of )r. Hirst to TliU ( II)'. Rev. M. W. Chase, for tne last two years pastor of tho First MethodlBt Episcopal church In this city, bus accepted n call from Centenary church, Chicago, and will clone his pastoruto In this city with next Sunday's ticrvlccs. Hy this arrangement Dr. Hint, who has been secured iih pastor by tho first cliurcn m tins city, aim nr. i.nase make a change of pastorates, as Dr. Hirst has for tho last llvo years been the minister In charge of Centenary church As soon as III Chase made the announce ment a woeli ago that he Intended to resign his pastorate here Dr. Hirst wus Immedl utoly suggested as the nrallablo candidate for his successor and after Dr. Hirst's visit to tho city Sunday he wns selected by tho unanimous vote of the board of trustees, At that tlmo Dr. Chase did not know definitely to what charge he would be asslguod other than that It would be In the Rock River conference, considered the most desirable la Methodism nnd one of tho most dllllcult In which in obtain admission. I.aBt Sunday Dr. Chasr preached In Cell Unary church at Chicago, lie made i fnvornhlo liupreisloii and. even though an other preacher had been dei Idcd upon as I)r. Hirst's succeisnr. the Omaha mnn gained such favor that a call was tendered him. In accepting It Dr. ("has will enter the pastorate of one of the foremost churches of tho Methodist denomination In the coun try. Centenary church has had among Its pastors In the past such divines as lllnhop Fowler and others of eo,ual prominence Dr. Chiuo will ofllclate In First church next Sunday for the last time. In the morning he will conduct communion serv ices und preach his farewell sermon at night. Tho following Sunday Ur. Hirst will begin his pastorate. ItlMiiuircU'x Iron rric, Was tho result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy nro not to bo found whero stomuch, liver, kidneys nud bowels are out of order. If you want theso qualities and the success they hrlUR uso Dr. Klnii's Now I.lfo 1'IIIs. Only 25u nt Kuhti & Co.'s ilniR store. Mortality Mil t lt leu. Tho following deaths nud births were re ported to the elty health commissioner for the twimty-tour hours endliiK nt noon Wednesday. Deaths Albert T Stephens, iflfH Cbarle.i, iiifed 1 month; Clara H. Harlow, St. ,lo Heph'a I10sptt.1l, Jinepli Wnehtlcr, 1020 Atlas. UBed 0.1. HlrtllH C. J. Anderson, 2M4 Chlraito. u-lrl. Anton" .nunc, K32 South Twenty-tlfth, Klrl: T. Hodces, llrt South TwentiMlfth, boy; J. J. Furey. 2113 Indium avenue, boy, Ham WnteVs, 7ir. flouth Thirteenth, clrl; J. V Henman, Fifty-fourth and Center. Klrl. tSeorKO Lawrence, Thirty-first and Wool vortli uvenur. Klrl, TOO STRONG SARTORIALLY' WntnoM'K ltrlrnilrnt Army of tltrn I'MxIiliinnlile ltlrr MtiKKrslril (lint ' He Kuen of it I ertnln lloliln-r) James Watson, colored, h porter In the Millard hotel, blossomed forth Tuesdav ntteruoou In an entire new outfit, from silk tllo to patent leather "kicks " Ills suit, though iheap. whs spick and span jnd louder than the bag factory's siren. As to the vest, It uns one of those fancy pat terns, weirdly frescoed with a Chinese conception, and the shirt might have been designed by Aubrey Heardsley while In the I throes of a nightmare. Then there was n thlck-neckcd walking stick, n platcglass I sparkler tc set olf his red tic and a dash ' of hyacinth. He was an ebony edition of J. Wnldere Kirk. After putting the finishing totjeh to this marvelous toilet Watson strutted forth to "win himself u home." br he expressed It. About this time, however, a Chicago drummer, who, twelve hours before had gone up to his room In the Millard to sleep off a "tide," come to ami discovered that he hail been robbed of a $60 bill. Me and two together, nt once connected the stolen $50 bill with the porter's new outllt und tho police were notified. An hour later Watson's rcsplcndant pres ence dimmed tho electric lights nt the police station nnd he was required to ex plain the wherefor of all this sartorial peacockage. At first he was disposed to aver a lucky throw nt craps, hut later he confessed his guilt. Ho had stolen the Chicago drummer's $50 nnd had only $1(1 of It left, but the drummer could have this and the Hollies too, If they would only let hi in off easy. Watson will not be prosecuted. Tho drummer says he'd rather lose fifty times $50 than to have this affair gut Into the papers. CARROLL'S ROMANTIC CHASE Kinds Demented (ilrl for Whnni He l SenreliliiK Aftciut on I. like In lllliiseoin I'lirL. There was a glamour of romance about the experience of Officer Jerry Carroll at Hanscoiu park ut 2 a. m. yesterday, when, for the second time in a week, ho enptured Clara Alnsley, a demented girl, and restored her to her parents at 4212 i enter street. Tins time, However, biio was ' taken under unusual circumstances. The j patient had escaped from home In her night i clothes and had wandered Into the pnrk whero she was beset with tne Illusion that seme one was chasing her. Running to the lake she leaped Into the big Venetian goulnla and pushed It out free of tho lank. This was the startling apparition that met the gaze of Jerry us ho pushed his way Into the pleasure ground In quest of the runaway. There Is no doubt that tho craft appeared to htm ns It did onco to K. A. Poe, "like some huge, sable-feathered jscme business that ho did Inst season In cendor." with n single white feather ut Its "The Carpet Dagger." Mr. Murphy Is sur crest. ' rounded bv tbo same snlendlil nisi Ihnl Ho was compelled to wade. Into the pond almost to his chin to rescue the water nnlad. who did all in her power to frustrate his efforts. Sho didn't want to be rescued by n policeman, but by a prince or a satyr or something of that kind. Ho overpowere.1 her. however, and a few minutes later de livered her to her father and two brothers, who were assisting In tho search. Inniiiril on h Ten Trimy nll. The little daughter of Mr. J. N. Powell Jumped on nn inverted ruko made of ton penny nails and thrust one null entirely through her foot aud a second one half way through. Chamberlain's Pain Halm was promptly applied and five minutes later the pain had disappeared nnd no mOrc suffering wus experienced, in three days tho child was wearing her shoo as usual and with absolutely no discomfort. Mr. Powell Is n well Known merchant of Korkland, Va. Pain Halm Is an nntlsoptle and heals such Injuries without maturation and In ono- thlrd the time required by the usual treat ment. It is mcst widely known, howover. as a eur for sprulns and for the prompt relief It affords In cases of rheumatism. IIiiIIiIIiik I'ernill. The elty InsDcctor of bulldines has Issued tho following permits: 8. r. llumiud. Twenty-tlftli and Decatur, Irame dwelling, Jl.oco: v. Ij. l.oomls, Tniny-llrst and Pa cific, frame dwelling, $1,000; Atlantic Healty association. Thirty-third and Cumlnn. frame dwelllnr;. $1.5no: Thnnms Denntsoii. IMX'i Yates, frame burn, $.V, DIKD. CLAYTON- George N.. aged 53 years. Funeral from residence, 6:0 So. 2th Ave , Sntuuluy at 2 p. m. Interment, Prospect 1 1 111. Dull Razor Is a miserable thing to use. Next to a corn or toothuehe. It Is about the worst thing you ciiii have. No need for It. Wo can sell you a OKNUINK YANK K 15 STROP for 25o thnt Is equal, nnd In some cases, superior to many 60o nnd $1.00 strops. Try one tiefore they are all cone. Frog in tho Throat 10c lit omo Qulnlun 15c Ilrown'H Troches 20c Hull's Catarrh Cure 6)c Kandon'H Catarrh Jelly 20c Kly'a Cream Halm 40e Marsnau s i m.irrn oyrup .u Hallentltie'H Catarrh Cure 2Ue Humphrey's Catarrh Cure 20j Svkes' Catarrh Cure fOo Ozolell -t5c Piso Catarrh Cure I0o J. A, FULLER & CO. CtT-IMtlCn Illll fiOIRTS. I'ourlrrnlli nn '"iiiEtna ftlreetn. Open All MkIiI. L,i J J J-J X UXLUXU J.4JJ-L-U XI JJUJJI-1.L J.U . I I I I I.1JUJX1 No Extravagance to California - NOT in Murlington tourist cars. A ticket to San Francisco or bos Ange les costs only $-10 berth only ?r. Thro' tourist cars every Thursday. No changes nor delays nor bother about, tickets and baggage. Cars are clean and comfortable. Porters are polite. Excursion managers with each party are competent. flckot Ofllc, 1502 Farnam St, Tsl, 250. L MAYOR Will SIGN CHARGES Doubt Whether Judge Gordon is Suitable Man for Place Ho Holds. CASE MAY REACH COURT NEXT WEEK ('liiirxp nnil ircl!lenMiin Mini TriuiMi'rlliiMl Jlrlorr Doeiiinrnl ('mi lie I'rcirtitiMl to Mir Mil) or. He "It goes without saying that I will sign the Impeachment charges and speci fications brought against Judgo Oordoti," said Mayor .Moo res lu discussing the coun cil's action rolirllve to bringing the Judge of the police court before one of the ls trlct Judges, "I have no desire to Injure Judge Oordon, but for a long time I have believed thnt he Is not a suitable man I for tho olllce he holds. It Is evident that he has favored tho criminal classes and his statement that he would utlir tuko the word of thieves nnd thugs than that of officers are enough to convince law abiding citizens that ho should bo re moved." H Is not likely that Judge Gordon's ease will reach court before the first of next week. The charges and specifications eon slat of 114 pages of typewritten matter. All of this has to be tratiHcrlhed to the records of the city clerk before tho document enn be submitted to the limy or. I At one time It was suggested that Judge Oordon might make tho defenso that he Is h county officer nnd ennnot be called to nccount by the elty council. When th's j argument was advanced City Attorney Con noil suggested that It might be well for . tho Judgo to look to the county fir his I pay. In the general committee meeting of the council, held Monday afternoon, however, Judge Oordon declared that be would not set up the claim that ho Is not a city officer. Judge Gordon has threatened repeatedly to get out a search wurrant for the pur pose of recovering records and i npers from his court which aro In tho hamU of the elty nttomey, but has taken no action as yet. The city attorney Is looking for some move on the part of the Judge. In discussing the matter, he said: "I shall not be surprised If I am Mim- moned to appear In Judge Gordon's court ant 8now wl)V thn oocutnents which are t bt, U!u,j IlH evidence In his ..roKecutlon are not returned." A iiniiiiin'riiir utn of the Tlit-iili-m. Tim Murphy, who has succeeded Sol Smith Russell, will be Been In "A Uache lor'a Romance" at the lloyd tonight and for the remnlndor of the wed:. Mr. Mur phy la well known In Omaha as a star. He has been visiting the city for years nnd each succeeding year has Incrensed tho proplo's like for him. This year he will prolably more than duplicate tho haud supported Mr. Russell. The show given by the Hon Ton Uur- j lesquera ut Mluco's Trocadero will end its Omaha engagement with a matinee Satur day afternoon. There will bo no perform ance Saturduy night nnd If you desire to see this big burlesque attraction, which has set the wholo town talking, you'll have to hurry. Crowds aro turned away every night, ho order seats early. Mat inees every afternoon at 2'30 o'clock. Smoke If you like. Next week comes the High Rollers, a remarkably big burlesque show. Crowded houses are the rule at the Or pheum this week. Williams tc Smith Co. announce tba ar rival of fall and winter woolens. Only One Glistens has gone back on mo beeause Inaugurating the cash system of doing IiiisIuom I ir lused to make an exception of his can?. He will come back, linwevr. when he llnds that he can t get satltfuctiun elsewhere I treat all ullke I buy for cash nnd sell for cash. No books to keep. No winder, Is It, that I am able to do business on n smaller margin of profit '.' Cramer'H Kidney Cum 75c Shuefer's Cough Syrup 20c Dr. Karl Cramer'H Pennyroyal lills...$1.00 Mennen'H Talcum Powder 12c Aer Ilalr Vltor 75c Ouffyaf Malt Whiskey We 1 dor. 2-grnln Quinine Capsules 7c 1 doz. 3-Kre.ln Quinine Capsules ioc 1 dozen 6-graln Qulnlno Capsules...... lf.c R 8. S 75c Svrup o FIes )o Miles' Nenlno 76c Malted Milk (Do I'lerce'rf Prescription 7bc noun's Pills 4'ic I'ncio Sums Tobacco Cure 60o SGHAEFER c ::ut prick DKUGGIST W, Cor. Kith and ChlcHKn. WINNING SMILES Are enhanced two-fold hy perfect teeth The naturalness, beauty and pel C ctness i.f our HTlt'lClAl. THUTII ate above inten tion. Uood Teoth, per set J5.C0 Ilest Teeth, per sot S -.) Oold Crowns J3.W Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, imt diiuuImk it. oumngion simian, I Oth and Mason Sta. Tel. I2C. I iitisrov stoiii: mioi: stt.i:. Todn.v fremiti liny of lllu Slior Mnlr- Midi stilt dinner llnrfciilno. ON MAIN FLOOR AND IN HASKMKN'T, AT 110STON STORK. Infant's 60c soft sole shoes, 10c and 25c each. Odds and ends of shoes and slippers In basement, 25c. G.OOO house slippers, worth $1.00. at 59c. 400 pnlrs ladles' shoes, worth $2.00, 76e. COO pairs ladles' shoes, worth up to la.r.p, at $1.50. Men's $2 50 shoes nt it. DO. Little gents' shoes nt 79c. Children's $1.25 shoes. !e. Youths', little gents' and boys' shoes, worth up to $2.00, go nt 9Sc nnd $1.16. ON Till: MAIN FLOOR. Lndlcs' $5.00 shoes. $2.60. Men's $5.00 nnd $j.i)0 shoes, $1.93 and $.1.00. Money refunded nt once If you can dupli cate theso bnrsnln for twice the money we aslc. HOSTON STORK. OMAHA, N. W. Cor. Iflth nnd Douglas Sts. I'Vrneli Cruiser In Port, NEW YOllK, Oct. la-Tho French seeond clnss i rulser Ccellle, hnvlng on bonrd Hear Admiral Itburd, In charge of the Freticb SCOFIELD'S Something new to thow ou eien If you come overy day from now on during the season. Gloaks, Suits mi Furs Our styles you'll find to be in many In stances dlfferont from any shown else where. We invite you to look 1510 DounhisSt . TO. California IB 0.SGOFIELD I . . 14- -fcl Special Attention given to Ladies anil Children Travol- Thoy ar well cared for by the Conduc ing Alone. tors who accompany each of theee excur sions to California and Oregon, ted paoarnKsrs can depend upon receiv ing the most courteous treatment. The Conductors are all men of experience In excurstom travel, and will es that th comfort of all patrons Is carefully attended to. One of the Most Attractive Features of thcue Excursions Thore Is a difference bttwetn tho first and in the Economy, cecond class passage In railroad and sleep- lnc care fares of nearly !2! per passenger. This sum can bo tared by patronizing the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions. The New Pullman Orilinury Slccpltii; Cart slgned to this service wern built expressly to accom modate tLe excursionists to California and Oregon. All Are Lighted with the famous PINTSCH UOHT, are well ventilated, havo separate lavatories for ladles and gentlemen, and all cars are car peted and uphoUtered. with movable partitions separating the sections, thus Insurlug all the utmont prtvney. No Smoking; 1h Allowed In the oxeurtion cars, there being A SmoKlUR Car provided for that purpose on the train. THE ABOVE EXCURSIONS LEAVE OilSJIS EVERY FRIDAY How City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316. The Great Shoe Sale llaytlen Jbos. are now selling ! ho 1.0(I0 pairs finest new shoes bought by our eastern buyer for spot cash from the lead' ing factories of Amvrica. bargains you can't, afford to miss. The most ridiculously low prices ever named on shoes. All new fall ami winter goods. Carefully titled and every pair guaranteed. Men's fino $.3.00 Patent Leather Dress, welt rle shoos made by Myron F. Thomas at Men's fine vici kid :$.f)0 welt sole shoes, made by Preston H. Keith Ar Co., at ' $2.18 Boys' line School Shoes, $1.00 and $1.25 Worth $1.50 to f 2. ' naval dMs'.in In the Atlantl.- nrrlved litre t i.t.ij .in Hdni. Cnpe Iireton Th" tnUsfr is expect. d to remain In port till iviwnit i in .i insi. ami men proceed to Chesnpinke bay and remain there until November 12 5c Per Box. This morning wn place on sale B.COu lakes of toilet sonti at PC I'KH HOX. , ron,anmK punt cakes This Is a chance I of ,i lifetime i' get n good toilet soap for u price next to nothing. Iloxes containing ONK GROSS, $1.75. We sell .Vic Society Ilyglctlcque Soap at 29c rake. Wn sell 4711 White Rose Sonp at 12c enke. Wo sell Woodbury's Facial Soap nt ISc cake. Wo sell Pucker's Tar Soap at ISc cake. We sell Jup Rose Soup nt 7c cake. Wo fell Small Juvenile Soap at Gc enke. We sell Pours' I'lipcontcd Sonp at 12c cake. Wo'sell Itlg liar Imported Castile Soap nt 35c. WRIT'K FOR NHW CATALOat'K. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co COR 16TM ND noilGK, OMAHA. .; 111 i! !! B I flk 6 wun Hiiiiioiiery wnsn luns. u booh f. slnk and bol'er and hot water supply. )r und fine kitchen pltiiuhliiK lti i.-enend, yi Is Just iih Itntiortutit in the home 113. the sanitary plumbing of your bath i: room We will put Improved plumb- .-.ItiK In new IiiiIIiIImkh. or refit old ones " with the finest open plumbing, or do K any kind of plutnbiliK, steam nnd kum (llttliiK, on the best scientific methods, ut low prices 1 Free 6c Black, Phone lom . . 18(M Furiiain. i (V ' S3 t 'IV ! rt Ml A NEAT KITCHEN 5 - 11 The Popular Personally Conducted Excursions and Oregon LAD1US' One $2 no hand turned Strap Slip pers, iiijdc by Hazeii 11. flood Q ftf rich ft 'o . on sale at . . J O I.ADIKS' line J3..".u I'atent Leather Dress Shoes, made by IIoaK-IIcath & Co , on sale at LA M KB' line $100 Vict Kid hand turned nnd welt Lace Shoes, made by A Aborn Sop. on sale at . . a Misses line Shoes fiSc nnd $1 0 CHILD S lino Shoes titli 76c and !8r ffll sfes. IS 1.931 Ij 4 A 1 I C A Wil ' HOWELL'S -Jr" dressy, less burdensome, contribute to graceful fitting of a dress. Tho question is to get good silk cheap enough. We answer the question with 200 of thorn at $2.90 each. They come in all tho wantablo col ors, the price is only possible while tho present quan tity lasts. Women's Felt WsJkirvg Hets The very latest shapes, Cowboy and all other kinds Turban?, and oil the face Hats, with soft drapings of velvet, lucked silk, with breasts, and pompoms, and wings, and birds, and quills Hat ellocts, face hats, hats high at tho side all of them correct in style, and of excellent materials. Tho prices aro at least one-third under the usual milinery store prices. feta Bilk ties, hemstitched and corded, chokers in satin and plaited polka dots, velvets, etc. All the correct things for the neck. (First floor.) UAVnCU' The urn umi Hayden Hros. have been appointed 1 ho Western Distributing Agency for the Winslow TalTeta Silk. 10 very store from Omalia tf i ho coast will now be supplied through the Mig Store. This tremendous jobbing business enables us to own this celebrated Tall'eta at a lower price than formerly and we fjive our customers the benefit of the jobbers price and retail Winslow TalTeta Silk at SI. 00. Fhiimel Specials. THKKi: CASKS 30-1NCII WIOW K XT II A heavy remnuiits of cotton A 1 , riHiinel. at 2V O.N'i: CASH 13 XT HA rjOOU HUH DC TIckliiB. at 'AK1.' I.'.VTIIA lll'AVY. I.KillT' nnil (lurk OutltiK Flnniiel, 51 nt TWO CASKS 2? INCH WIDK SIIAK er Klnnnel, worth HV, at 5c jThe Right Kind of Silks I nt the Right Prices I brlliK crowds to the Wk Silk Department. I Dressmakers Attention- Winslow Tuffc- tii Jl mi In black and over Kn different shades. Tlicso silk magnets draw the lius- 'ness. mn sAi.ic on m.Acic takkkta, 2T-iticies wide 50c 59c 69c , ..$1 .. $1 Illll SAI.H ON $1.25 HI.ACIC KOt'I.- urds, for HKl SAI.IC ON 27-INCH HKAVV Colored Taffeta BIO SAI.I! ON $'.'.00 aitHNADINKS. for only HIO SAI.K ON .'W-1NCI1 CttbOUKD Satins, for , MCI SAI.K ON 1M MACK PKAir do Polo, for H1CI SAI.K ON 10O nOl.Tfl OK HUACIC Clilnn Silk and Colored 'China iCin nllk ut Jy Dress Goods Sale. OOI.F SAIiK TOMOUHOW -Oray. square Koif, extra hciny. tb- J.1 f.0 qunllij (ti,-. wtll ro at JO otlier urent laiunli.H in Rolf SI'K'IAl. ON KXTIIA PINK HI'llI Kiuile Mack Dress (5 .ds hIiwii oiH (U 1 1 ! r,. ' ple ch 1 ur idc Smoke the best. WBBm ' J'rlentiet 7 r, i ,h ao n i -'' i i IT COSTS YOU NO MORE THAN INFERIOR BRANDS. ; F. R. RICE N. C CO., Mfrs, St. Louis. UiNION AlADE Silk Ok Am. JL W w insior to walk in, entail no If laundry coBt, nioro Women's Neckwear A department whore the finish ing touches to ones wardrobe can be had at about one-half the prices charged elsewhere. Lace barbs, twice around, taf esfern Ois- fribyfing AgonGy TAII.OH St'ITINO IN UhACIC AND COI. ni b We have the most complete line of Tailor KultliiKH ever shown In tbo went ecr- tblnn innde for this fall 7c,. our line of Park SuIiIiiks, at Ofll bINU or KHOAlJCI.OTIt ANO VI. uetlans nt PSc are as iooil as OMr .-.""I"'.' i"k.i viwimi Ol'It VKNKTIANS. M-INCII, KXTft line tiniHiiure worm ueaterw ail eft vi:ni:tians, hhoadcloths a n i men n Clotll. nt TSc, Wc, Jl.::r, (C'V CJ J1..-.0 up to, yard r - " Linen Specials. I.AHOI-: lll'CK TOWHI.S, SI.IS 20. t04c on sale tuninrrnw nt, each IMNK I1HAVV TflllvlSH size 3ii.(i0- totnorrow nt, em li row i:i.s - 25c GO-INCH O HUMAN HM.VHII UM5ACIIHM Dnuiusk, warranted pure linen inc tomorrow, yard 3-1 SIZE riMUO PM. AX HI, KACII OS eel Danmsk NnpklnH, at, d". " UKMNANTS OF CIIASII TOWM.lN'l. AT half jirlce. TIIH HKlfi HST HAHOAINS HVHR OI tereil In Heil Siircads enn be found at Hayden'B tomorrow priced raiiK- tf)p ItiK Irotn tSW ibiwn t" tjj C.U.I. AND HK13 TIIIJ.M. In Wash Goods Dept. DOI'III.E FOLD NOVUI.TV WASH Al c goods-worth 15c, at vj)v' NRW I'ATTKIINS IMITATION l-'HRNCII Fliinnil. worth 2oc, tomorrow 11 If only HFMNANTS OF MiST 12' fr.iin i l 1" Mini lengths nt ptr Mini ci;iti u,i-.s 5c TANTHIJ Mi .Sl 'i K fj,. - .1 W Good Teeth mean health and reputntion, sinrn without them food ran t be ehew"! properly and this means Indication and ilvspcpHin. Avoid tbo harmful ofc t of decayed JjftSi Unsiffhlly and Neglected Teeth bv li ii v I n k us put you In poGsei.Hlon of wl.ai you need to k" throiiKb tin-' world properly. Our Mctlu-dj u. perfect. BAILEY, the Bcntisl ItoiiniN tll'.'-ilCt Cnxtoii lllocl. I'liimn 1(H,-5. l.iidy Attrndiint KURE YOURSELFK IIh Use fur unimtunl dlicharju. InlLiinmii i .ni, IrrlUlK.ii .r ul. crfilioni uf in ii . out I'jrmbraiiM IH.IKIIO, 1'Hinl'n, Mir. I "l iiaun.- tjiri.il!muiriir.n. K'"1 " puiioi-m. nr nit in lnin wrafpr ir piprem, iirpni'l. fo II i ur t, bottle .' .'V (.'iroiimr on& uu ivjiuuC S. A. r'on't sufler from Anti-Kawf a ri.tu or couku Antl - Kowf win si oj and cure hoth Only iur.. All driiB i;lsts. Ask your dealer for a 'mi If I- Mi'MitiiriftfcfclrtI in I ' i I 1 1 '" 1