Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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TJTP2 OrAHA T)AH7r HTCEi "V AY, OCTOnfiTi 10, 1000.
Business Men Thing the Telegraph in Pref
eronw to the MniU.
0 Lnrgelr Increased business In railroad clr
cles has nrrcssltnted lm rmifl telegraph
ing ninl tl) In. In turn, Im made demand
for more operator nnd the telegrapher who
today Is out of work Is no becaitso of n
disinclination to incept one of the tinny
possibilities nl hlx rutnmnml.
l'ontnl unit Western I nlnn lillees In
UiiiiiIiii l)iln 'lllrn the Volnnir
of lliiRint'N They IH1 1'iiiir
Tho constant llrk of the telegraph In
trLmnit slim a song of prosperity whose
jiy cannot oo deputed. At times when
buslnc'is Ik tnguai.d ntiil thu meronani
UmIh It dlmrult so discount his bills, then
It In that, tho advantage of eluetrlu com
munication, swift nml iinciiinte, Riven w
to thu more economical uisiuiu of using the
mails. Tho managers of thu telegraph lines
In Omaha say that there wits never so mn. h
telegraphing iIoiih ns there 1h at the pres
ent time
Tho man who rive yenrs ngo would hav:
considered It a llagrntit dissipation of hit
fundi to send .1 telegram concerning
matter thai the malls tulKht ns well sirvt
now dnihc off hid telegraph messages
whenever there Is 111" sllgh.ost argumem
lu favor of linnte find counts not lit
coa as an tinn cossary expenditure. Ah ..
cnr.seiuelii r the volllhlO ol business 111 til"
lotul telegraph olllres 1ms more thai.
doubled In the post five years, n largei
force of telegraphers Is employed and sin h
conditions exist as to afford a striking ob
ject, lesson or prosperity.
"There has been u grent chango In tela
rrnph ntinlrs In Omaha In the last few
jenrs," hbIiI W W. Umstod. manner of
tho Western I'nlon. "Our business has
doubled In Hi volume in llvo years und
every day Is nn rvtmple of the prosperous
condition of the people. Thin Is furnished
by tho liberal use or the telegraph wIioh
hy the people of Omah.i ur business W
one of the tirnt Dial feels the etfeels ol
Btrlngenry in flnrinclal ulfnlrs. To most
pooplo tho teiec.Mpii Ih In tho naniro of a
luxury and when times arc hard tho malls
nro made to serve purposes very often
whlPh the telegraph assumes when tin con
ditions uie reversed.
IllM'euiil'il 'If ll -Word I, hull.
"No-Aaduys our customers use the wires
more freely than they have at uny tlmo
during tho tun scars 1 have been in Omaha.
Another uotlceable thing I that tho
uvcrugo ncndr of a telegram doesn't
bother himself about the ton-word limit
any more. If used to be that men would
como to the oftice and In preparing their
messages would write and pointer and pon
der and then write iiomo tnoie. They
were trying to Incorporate the message
within ten words. 1 have uotlcefl that
there Is not nearly so much of this done
nowadays The average man now writes
out his message, briefly and concisely, to
bo sure, but there Is little time lost In
writing out new messages and changing
phraseology In order to get Inside the
ten-word scope.
"A capable telegraph operator dots not
need to senrcli for a Job either nt Ibis
tlmo and that'll a condition that didn't
exist four yeara ago. Then there were
many good operators out of work, but
thoro wasn't the business to Justify the
lilrlng of men. Today a proficient oper
ator, whoso huhlts are good, can get a
position and nt n salury, too. that Is sat
lsractory, for you never hear of com
plaints arising from this profession on
iiccount of low wages. Kven during tho de
prcosiou previous to the last election,
-when tho very bottom seemed to have
fallen out of tho business, salaries were
not disturbed. While r.alarles have not
beon Increased with tho coming of better
tlmen the operating expenses of the com
panies have beon largely Increased because
of tho employment of so many additional
Operator In llciimml.
With the Postal Telegraph company n
condition of nffulrn akin to that or list
older competitor exists. .Manager C. O,
lfullcr asserts that business Is greater by
ono-thlrd nt this time than It was four
years ago. Tho Banie conditions of pros
perity are apparent in tho liberal support
necorded tho conveniences of this company
by tta patrons. There Is no dlspoHltlou to
carp anil cavil at the added expeiiBO of tho
telegrapli tolls over mall facilities when
the ndinntngn of tlmo weighs In the bal
mier "Our operators are hotter treated and
better paid now thau at any tlmo In a long
while," said Mr. Fuller. "Particularly
does their lot share up satisfactorily when
tho present time is compared with four
years ago. Shorter hours have boon suh
Btltuted and tho pay of telegraphers has
not been decreased, so from a financial
standpoint present conditions nro much
tho more desirable. With our company, as
with others, good, steady operators are ni
ls ays In deinnml. l'erhaps morn t,o now
than for some tlmo past, for there Is no
rainnnylng tho improvement In natural
conditions throughout thn entire country
and tho telegrnph companies feel nny surli
Improvement qulcher. I believe, than any
other Institution."
At the headquarters of the railroads
centering In Omaha the same tale of Im
proved telegraphic conditions Is told
i'i:( i.i, nv .x i. mu h t:.
Mii'tiin Store Hullo n Hrmnrl.tiltlr
I' it re li line nf DiiiiiiikpiI (ioniln.
We purchased a crgo of miscellaneous
freight, diimaged in transit. l-'or spot
cash we again en pi tired n big bargain.
These goods are all more or les-s damagd
and Imperfect, hut wo bought them so re
mnrkably cheap that we will be able to
give our patrons the biggest bargains li
has ever been our good fortuno to offer.
The cargo consists of what Is known as
mixed freight.
There are twelve enses of nil kinds of
lace rurtalns.
I'lve cases of nil kinds of crocheted and
Marseilles bedspreads.
ten ease of cotton hlunkets, more or
less damaged end Imperfect.
1'our cases of linens, consisting mostly
of nupltlns more or less Imperfect.
Kevoral cases of towels.
I'lve cases all kinds muslin underwear.
Six cnse.t nil kinds handkerchiefs, some
lightly mussed.
Three raseb hosiery, mostly In perfect
Se en cases ladles' and children's woolen
.nil htnvy coton underwear, some slightly
Twenty-two cases of miscellaneous mcr
handlse. nil In perfect condition, but what
it known ns' bad order," that Is the wrap
pers may he torn off, tho outside folds
mussed, etc., etc.
These good3 all go on sale Thursday
moinlug. Tomorrow night's papers will
tell you more about the sale. The goods
nro now Just arriving and have not all
been opened up.
N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas Sis.
riiim tiii: iton .m: iiikiin.
Ihi Trr niriiihuix Mine- nles mi Mnlu
floor In the lliiseini'til.
Hoth depnrimen.H are entirely IP-arranged
for this sale.
All very flue slioe-.i on the main floor.
Cheaper shoes In the bsseinent.
Tho high grade and II no o,uiillty of the
hoes olTred on sale on the main floor
will not allow of their being thrown on
bargain unrns as usual, but everything
Is so arrnnged that It Is very caity to pick
out what you want.
In the basement nearly all the shoes are
on bargain squaiea.
l'rlrea for today's opening range JOc,
l!p. Sue, 3hc, 6l"c. Trie, VJc, lSc, $1.25 nnd
Jl..'!i In the basement.
On tho main floor men's shoes start nt
$!.&;) ai.d run up to J 3. 10, regular prices and
values being up to (6.00 pair.
Women's shofs on tho main floor run
fronr $1.50 to 1J.60, also range In value
.from $3.00 to $6.00 pnlr.
There are some very excellent bargains
In high grade shoes for misses, boys nnd
children, prices range from 50c to $2. SO.
Once more we wish to ImprcBB upon you
that the shoes on the main floor for men
and women, as well as children, are of
mirh a hlgn order and such flno workman
ship and line quality that you cannot
help but be more than pleased with every
thlug lu this sale.
In the basement you will And all tho
goods which we will sell In this sale nt
$1.00 nnd less.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas Sts,
lliMouriiiirlini IIIiIIuimI In Ml I Mull!
Ill I iii-iillrlil III I I li I
r IMoreiifP.
Mri. Anns flui'iis, a llohcmlan woninn T'
years old, spent Monday n.ght aluiie In a
fornfleld n mile iouth of Klornc", an 1
when found itterday morning was nrlv
ilead of cold and imager. The police being
uotlfUd the patrol wagon ns sent for her
and she arrived nt tho station about lo
o clock, 81111 numb and almost specchhr.
Tony Vunur.x, Jail shortstop, who (an
speak llohemUn tluently, conversed with
her, but could make little of her story be
oud a few salient facts Her home is at
Mevtnth and William streetfc. tiling de-
uiiins rf pi, -King some sied mm she left
i in i ii y Mitidn . . ontriti i nig wl h two 1 ys
tn had a horse and lihl wngun lo drive
her lo some partlrn'ar eornfteld of whlih
they spuke In which the ears were espe- j
i tally large and fine. They were to have
Maltsd fur her while she ftllid her tmshet.
but liiHtead of doing so drove nwn' The
oi 10-cnarlan wnndiied aMutH until she be
pBtim hopelessly lout. As night came on
rhn built a fire, roasted some of the o.mi
and Hte It. With tho exception of this she
had had nothing to eat since breakfast
Monday morning.
, The old womnll was unable to d0Fcr,bt
the hovs or their rig. Her two sons railed
for her tedtiy and look her home.
f William & Smith Co. announce the ar
I llval of fall nnd winter woolens.
MS .Bjl
wmk, Shoe
I mm?
Oiiiiiliu llo Writes tluit 'I'lieri. Is
l.lltlc to Do in 1'lillliiiiitics
i:ieeit (iriri'ir.on liut,
"Since January 1 wo have had no trouble j
with thu Insurgent and our only duty I
now Is to garrison the city," are the ex- !
act words used by Louis Swartzlander in
a letter written from llaynmhnn, I'. I., to .
Superintendent I'earso of thu Omaha
schools. Swart7lander Is an Omnha boy, ,
who enlisted In Troop K of thu Koitrth
United States cavalry and has been Btn- 1
tloned In Luzon towns, nrnr Manila.
The entire letter Indicates that peace
prevails In the Island. Although Swurtz
laudcr expresses u dcnlro to return to
Bchool, lie says that hts lot Is an easy ono I
and that tho Kourth cavalry has little to :
do outside of tho routine work required j
of alt tiglmeuta in times of pence.
II A VIM; VN (ill M ll'DKIWICIIM' st.i;
(Iter .'!,MIO lloreii Iteunlur -"e lltiiul
kfrehlerN, IJ l-UV.
All perfect; all the very nowest designs:
on sale Wednesday at half price, lliic.
Xow la the time to buy your holiday hand
kerchiefs. The greatest handkerchief sale '
ever held In Omaha. See window. None
sold to dealers. I
Head clothing nnd shoo bargains. i
Announcement of the iiientrrs.
Tonight Stuart Hobcon will bo seen at
Iloyd's In Augustus Thomas' "Olher Gold
smith." one of tho most meritorious come
dies slnco Sheridan's time, lie will be sup
ported by a company which includes John
IJ. IlenBhaw, Maudo White, Jeffreys Lewis, j
Iltaumont Smith, Henry Weaker. Last sea
son Mr. Ilobson presented tho piece to a
crowded house and It was acknowledged In i
tho local pres to bo the best und iliont j
pleasing effort of tho season. '
OrKiiiilxntloii of (lit- Mil rl 1 11-Anderson
.Man ufni' tilling Company
In I't-rleetfil.
The organization of the Martln-Andcruon
iMnnufacturtng company has been perfecttd
and a now establishment, which prom.BOj
to take front rank In tho wholebalo and
manufuciurlug Itupiemetit buslms, has
been added to Omaha's commercial lu,er
ehU. The new liiuJtutlon will be in teadl
nebs by December 1 lo turn out hay rk.u
and fttuckera In iiiantltle commctiHurutu
with tho demnnds of the trade, nnd If con
ditions warrant mill other lines of imple
ments will bo mlded.
Tho Martin-Anderson Manufacturing
company Is the outgrowth of the Audeis. ti
Manufacturing compuny, which has lu tho
past been engaged In the manufacture of
these goods. Decause of Its past suc.-eas
nnd prospects of future growth litulld Mar
tin has Joined Issues with 13. O. Anderson
nnd others for the purpose of the
plant and placing the company on a .sutiuil
litnuclal basis. Mr. Martin Is the presi
dent of tho new Arm and Mr. AnderBou the
It is the purpose of this company to
either move lino or orcct a building sult
nble for the needs of the manufacturing
plant. All of the machinery necessary to
tho operation of the factory Is on the
ground ready to bo act up as soon- us th.
matter of a building Is decided upon, and
If. as acorns likely now, n lease Is taken on
Mome structure suitable for the purposes,
of tho establishment, the plant will he In
operation on or before December 1. Al
ready the Martin-Anderson company has
several traveling men on the road and the
number will likely bo Incrensrd as noon as
the factory- begins turning out lmplcmcn.B.
A large force will be given employment ut
the factory, the number to be much In ex
cess of the force formerly employed by the
Anderson Manufacturing company.
r i
Not Necessary
to Take a Sleeper
not if vou go oast on Hie Mnrlinpton's
l:tylijili speeinl.
Leaver. Oiiiului 7 a. in. Arrives Peoria
CcsiU p. ni. (Uiieao K::50 p. ni. (lie same
(ioo(i connections at Chicago for all
points east.
Library, dining, sleeping and chair
Ticket OfHcfc,
V GO 2 l-'arnam St.
Tel. 2Q0.
emTincton Station,
I Oth and Mason Sts,
Tol. 120.
Within it your leet are never
eased in i'aithleps leathor. all the ordinary use
lul arts, there lias been no
greater progress than in shoes. The
progress has been practical, hoes
are better, more scientlic in shape,
eheaper. The use-to-bo shoe mer
chant hasn t found this out, and
neither hae some wmihi-be moderns. Ignorance is in
the saddle in many, many shoe businesses. Plainly per
ceiving this, we pnl capital, brains and push in our shoe
business, and you lake out the best regular shoes for the
least money plus grac in shape and ease in service.
The remarkable character of these shoe bargains can
only he comprehended by examination- the more export
the critic, the greater the bargain will be. "We make a
specialty of giving the best values in women's shoes at
$1.90 $2.50 and $2.90
guarantee goes wilh over pair.
ANY SII, ami our
IfjllP Eighteen Thousand
I Fairs or Hoe Shoes
The Popular
llnil l'.ny Tukon llonii-. ,
Joseph Sltiodynes, the 11-year-old boy who
Htole $85 from his father In Waboo, Neb.,
and came to Omaha to Nee the sights, was
taken home Mommy night hy an elder
brother. Tho hoy had spent onh about i'J
ut the monej.
Tho advance Indications nre that the
popular Orphrum will be crowded with .
women and children nt the family matinee,
this afternoon. Interest Is mani
fested In Krancls K'ppler. tho talented
llttlo Omaha gill, and ns the entire bill Is
of unusual excellence nnd nicely calculated
for tho cntertatnment of women and chil
dren an enjoyable afternoon Is assured.
Mnrlnllty Stutintle .
The following deaths and births were re- i
ported to the city health enmmlMslonrr tor
the twenty-four hours enuing nt noon TmM- i
I'leaths Mrs. Helen U. Dresler. 2101 North
Twetitv-nlnth avenue, iiced ti'J; Mrs. Cirri"!
Hell, N'lntli and Kort, nged K: b'red i'.ire.
Thlrty-tlfth and l'o pletun, aged 11; Hui;oi'i
Armstrong, l.i07 .North Twrnty.-lgnlh.
ageil P
Hlt ths Hor.ii e Holmes. lo." South Six
teenth, girl; Fred .1. I'Hrfenrath, 1G South
Thirty-seventh, boy; Albert Nuns. 601
South eighteenth, boy; H. Kunkle. m
North Thirty-fourth, girl; Thomas Ho.i.
hir. North Kortv-eighth, boy; O. A. 1 louts,
L'llt Mntriey, uoj.
Don't be deceived or humbugged by peo
ple who claim the discovery of some hith
erto unknown herb or root In swamps, or
on some mountain or prairie, for tho cure
of Itldney and bladder troubles. Any doctor
or druggist will tell you that such claims
aro fraudulent. Foley's Kidney Cure sim
ply contains remedies that nro recognized
bv the most skilful physicians as best for
j thrpe complaints, so don't bo credulous or
I foollh. Myers-Plllon Drug Co., Omaha,
1)1, Inn's Drug Store. South Omaha.
There &1ver Was
nor ever wi 1 be a better preparation made
Egyptian LqIies Cream
for li.ii! fit htitids, tui. and Ipb Tij on,'
bottle Jiid . hi 11 UFe nu other 10 eVtitH.
Cramer's Kidney Cure 7:c
Hold's Snrsaparllla ,tc
lie-m Catarrh J'uwder ." i-
filrney t'utarrh cure :ti.
Sure Death, for bags :r
Jlostettcr's nitters 7.rc
I'aiiie'n i 'tilery fompound
Carter's Liver IMIln l ,.
Menneti s Taleuni I'nwder li'.-
8. H S 7n.
Wine of Cordui ;Sc
l'lnkhntn't Compound 75o
I'yramld Jile Cure iic
liar-Hen 40c
Ajax TubletH 40.'
Scott's KniulMlon 7."e
Hu-l'an Ilnlr Tonic 75c
DutTy H Malt Whiskey 85e
Teruna 7to
. Cor. Itltli itntl CIilcoKO.
Don't borrow trouble about hard coal
HV a porleel siibstitute at hall' tho cost and tho
host coal mined in Wyoming.
Art Needlework
Our department is loaded with
tho newest and prottiogt goods.
Pillow tops, in now poster de
signs, poetry, music, art, Gibson
etchings, floral, conventional and
Delays are
Surplus Over $61,000,000
Tho new Irish hand cmbrolderod pieces, all white, In doylies, centers, scarfs and
luncli cloths
l.incn.1 sinmpod for this embroidery If you wish to do It yourself. Stamped lin
ens for Ilatternburg and embroldeiV entirely new patterns. Everything that could
be whhed for In llattenburg and Ouchrsno" braids.
New draperies prettiest patterns lu denims, crotons, Hungarian cloth and ellko
lines ever Miami.
J'retty Swiss pillow Miauls nnd toilet sots scarfs, fiOc up; shams, 11.25 and up.
UI'IJCIAI.- A four-liu-b real nhell curved top side comb, 3&c.
BJIK pleating. 2's Inches wide, any color, 15o a yard regular prlco DOc.
Embrolilcred handkerchiefs, 2Sev.orth 40c.
A line iiu'ilty of 2.".c iliess Mtlelds for 10c. y '.
Infants' stockinet and rubb r cloth diapers, 25c worth 60c t
White and ''olored lace veilings, 10e yard told for If' i
White mital pockctbook lultlalu, 10c. a-
.Siimc ni' n put oft things until
iimu'F i . iim uiiititit?
but Iximiri'.nv iD.rtr nntnou I
is :i iiuriiht' nun retreats as wt
advancf. It (teems nl a little
bit ahead, luid yut wo iimtr
luaeh it. '
There nre thousands of men
who know they ought to lnn,iro
their lives. Th";- know life in
Huranco Is .ne of the nafeat
and miroBt ln entmrnt In tho
world. Hut they put if off They
hesitate. They ,alt tor liiuii.f
row.. All the time tht i,re pet
ting older. All the t'me the rato
for Insurance Is tjoitlui; higher
I hi truuli.e t hi' i ii ii,!t
start. Once started the tot It
eu 'lima;- is a booh titu,. t.
begin. I.ct us help jou t get
u . i ut iiinv ly sen.l ng .tn illus
tratlon for a policy nt our
age Uo not wait fui tunntinw
S'e Ishuo all kinds of i . i , ten -everj
thing that In ilt xirnhie
ami every ono as liherul m in
terms as Is safe to he o aim
for safety llrst then llheralltv.
fiur Hold Dehentures n an li.
vostmcnt. for absolute protec
tion or as negotiable securities
are tn tlm .
chil world. Tho wise man will
not laan uniieceasary mid
prontnblo risks
Califonnia said Oresron
Special Attention given to
l.uitlus and Clllltlrijll Travel- They ure well cared for by the Conduc
ing Alone. tors who accompany each of these excur
Flono to California and Oregon, and passengers can depend upon receiv
ing the most courteous treatment.
The Conductors are nil men of experience In excuirlon travel, and will
Bee that tho comfort of all patronn Is carefully attended to.
tine of tho Most Attractive
Features of these Kxcut shuts There Is n difference bntweeu the first and
is the liconotliv, second clam psesngo in railroad and sleep
ing care fares of nearly J2f per parsengcr. This sum can bn saved by
patroulzlng the Union l'aclflc Personally Conducted Kxcurfilon1.
The New Pullman Ordinary
bleeping Cars aesignefl to this service were built eipreerly to accom
modate the excursionists to California and Oregon.
All Are I.fRht'.'d with the famous PINTSfH LIOHT. are vcll ventllnted.
have separate lavatories for ladies and gentlemen, nnd oil cars nrJ car
peted nnd upholstered, with movable partitions separating the sections,
thus Insuring all the utmost prUscy.
No Smoking Is Allowed In the excursion cars, there bcini
A SmoKillS (ar provided for that purpose on the train.
mm imiii i .i ax hjhl.t xftnxwnKtiMTuuzsisi'n Tumi mu" wunjnini3B2J yT-tn. iifjumnj t .t vt UMHurirwa 1
How OiSy Ticket Office (324 Farnam Sf. Tel. 316.
Direct From the Factories.
ImnisnsB Spot Gasli Purchases of New Fall and
Winter Shoes Fron Africa's Foremost
Factories Wow on Sale.
All titu.' new Shoes, direct from Hie fnt'tory. rioorv of KiviU'li. Slirlner
A- riiir, IIoiik lh'iitli fo.. Ilnzcn II. ii'iiotlrltli V t'o., Myron K. 'I'limn-
I'lt'Stuii 11. Keith A. Co. it ii il A. Almrn .V .Soi, arc woll known mid if
IhiM" slitl' niinnifacliirci's. ('loncd
out to mill buyer I'm1 spot citsli nt a
fiiicllon of lliclr vnltio. Tlio.v will
po on '-alt' Wodni'.Mliiy mid nil this
vtcic al tlir-
Most Ridiculously Low Prices
liver Named on New, Styl
ish (itiaranteed Shoes.
'S line $3.00 Pat
,1'ather liress.
sole Shoes innd
ron !' Th"tnn,
i an.
Ot.m Ct?. '.5..?t?Ta. by My
1 tV81J".",rtM'' V'VM-IIV.HAwjtj.-. ,
I.ADIRK fine $210 hand turnfil Strap Slip
pers, ma de bv llozen H tloml- 41HC
rich A. (, on sab' nt
I.AtMKS' line JS.H0 Pntetit Leather Hress
HIio.-b. made by Hoag-lleatl. J 1 . 03 MEN'S tine Vl.-I M.1 mtmEMm
Co.. on sol.' nt. ... J3 M weltFOle SI riHJw'S
AIlIKS" line f 3 'bi Kid bnnd turneil made b Preston Ii tVfTvt?i:Vif
and welt l.nre HhnrR, mmte b sP.1 C) Keith & 'o , at SiffillsVXOTSj
Aliorn .V Sun on xab
Ml U1L
.tell M
How We Cut the
Price of Clothing
The warm we.uhcr t-o far this autumn lias made the fall
nnd winter hcimou baikwuid, no that se hiue conBldernble
more clothing than mi nhould havo at this time. You
must have a he.ivior suit of clothes and an CHcn-oat, and
to mako It an object for you, to buy Immediately we have
marked all our new fall nnd winter clothing for this
week's selling. Vou will savo from J4.00 to J10.00 by In
vesting enrly. Isn't that worth considering? Notice what
wo havo to give you
Men's Suits in All New Up-to-Date Fabrics
MISSRS' line Slmei SSe ard $1 in
CHILD'S ili'e Shoen Kir. 75r find 8Se
Wrrlh J1 ffl to J3 N
For a $9,00 Suit, For a $10.00 Top Coat,
For a $16,50 Suit,
For a $12,50 Suit.
For a $12,00 Overcoat, For a $15 Vicuna Overcoat,
Life Assurance Society
"Strongest In the World."
.Mjrr. l or ieb.
206-2U8 Rec lulldlnj;,
For a $18,00 Covert For a $5,00 Boys'
Overcoat, Top Coat,
try Eia ,
For a $12.50 Youths'
5c Per Box.
Thin iimioliiK ' l'"' on sale ...iikv
nik'-H of t.Mlet Hoap at W PKIt llllX.
r.nniinli-.i? I'lM Il rakes This W a elm,
of a Mfi tlnie to get ii gond toilet sini), fur .1
yrlcu next t" liutlllng. lIoxi'H ron, 1 .' A
ON K C.IKISH. $1 7&.
Wo sell Cc Society Hygleneriue Hoii .it
2'Ji' cake.
V sell 471 1 While. Hnn Soap nt 12e cake
n pell Woodbury's l-'aelal Soup at lSu
Wo sell Packer's Tor Soap at lfic cake.
Wo soil Jap Hose Soap at "e cake.
Wo sell Smnll Juvenile Soap nt Ge ealte
Wo sell Pears' 1'nscented Soap nt 12e
"w'i sell pig Par Imported Castile Snap at
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
t'-n 10TII ANP DCiKiirC. MM AHA.
Your Boy
Keep llim Off Hie Streets.
Nothing more Interesting, nothing
lore instructs ; nothing raorn last-
For an $25,00 Men's For a SI3.50 Frieze
Vicuna Suit, Ulster,
For a $4,00 Knee
Pants Suit,
Ask to see our nc Winter Overcoats, lu Kaglans. Kton. tho firent Coat. ol".
Those are styltbh and mnde by tho leading merchant tailors, On sale hero for les
than merchant tailor prlcci
Selling the Most Clolhlng In Onuilm
h i mr
O 20 Per Ct. Discount on all I'aslman Kodaks
O our finishing department u mulvr o
the management of llrsi-i 'nss work- -Cl
men nnd we give frfe liiMtru' tluii v
V h.'glnn- rf. O
m m iwi py rr& tw
Ei m omi li tm
2 The Robert Dempster Co.,;
12 1 o I'iirnam ht,
n KxeluBtvn lealerf. lo Phuo Hupplles
" Wholesale und Ite'all
at a moat market, nr you
can liirn othor poofilu to
think for you, or a nimble
fingered girl to write your
letters, but do you know a
good dictionary is a grent
help in writing or spoak
ing correctly?
Probably you havo a decrepit
old dictionary In your nflleo. It
In bo tattered and dirty that you
seldom um It. Throw it lu the
wastn bucket und get a
It If. tho latent nut and scholars
rucrywhero pronounce It the
host Containing over 300.000
words and having n corps of :io
editors, spoelnllblH and educated
then, costing nearly a million
dollars beforo placrd before the
public. It ought to bo a valuable
hook. It Is a Miluablo book- by
far tho best dictionary before
tho Kngllbh-spcaklug people.
IN I' U1) 'I'M II.
;, -..Ti. 1 sr, sfi u( .-
Kldneyci ojij
Tlce, etc., of Ur. j. J. Kajr, Srs..a, u, Y.
jCnitl' lUlMdney
i'1-run'i, nacic.
uche.rte. At lru.
elsts, or hy uall,
II Kre Look. A-