Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Little Credence is Given to Reported
Removal to Illinois.
J,ocnl Clrrxr HrlliMM H Morr Crol.H
lilf! thnt IIIhIioii Mi-ainu'lCn Clmrne
Will Hp llnl-.'.l In lllmill
of .rclilriUfiinl .
The rrjioriod aiipolnimont of llinliop Senn
ncll to ii nr.- lo Ik- cnmipiI nenr Chiceso,
given tiubllrlty in a Chi(f.o paper SilinUy.
Ih takon with n Inrn Kniln of nalt by those
clcrRymcn f tho Omaha ilKx-roe I.elleNe'l to
bo cognizant of th.i furtn.
Kor sotiip time Ihti- linn bev.n n rumor
current In rhki?o Hint the bishop of Omnlia
was to bt miiilc the runuwiir of Archbishop
Kcohun, whotn imu ami continued 111 health
caiiBo bin f rlcti.I to ftar nil parly ilemlar.
Kor Rvprl ypari h ha hud in. ntixlllary
blihop who has virtual dinrKc of the
archtllnciHe, but rerently this olllcpr hae bf
fomo Iticapn.'liaipO tor work, n ml Inst week
lllshop Srannpll wt'tit to ehlmiso, wlipre he
la now eim.tKtr'l in pastoral woili.
Thn rumor that he Ih to pu-reeil the arch
bishop bus been followed by a innro or less
well atithPtiilcatPi report 'hat a priest of
tho dlorpse of CIiIphro )M been nppoinlel
bishop coailjutor cf t!ir tuvhUu-cesc. The co
ndjutor bishop has the riKln 10 succession,
nnd this sots lit roM the rumor rrsarrtitiK
tho appointment of Ilishop Smnnell to tho
Tho reported rlnii.Ri i"t believed by the
clergymen of Hip dioerse of Omaha for the
rraton that a phaiiRe 10 n iipw Koe In Illinois
ivould not bo ponsideipd nn elevation, as was
tho chaiiRu from Coneonlla to Omaha. It Is
hold by then' priests tha' It Is fHr mote
probable that the see of Onialin will bo ele
vated to an Hrehlpplitpupfll sen and the pal
lium ronfp-reil upon Bishop Sciinnell.
It Is understood that the elevation of the
woo at Omnha would not be long delayed but
for opposition on the part of a bishop who
would become a suffragan of tho province of
Omnha. This bishop has been Installed in
Ills position loni r than Ulshop Scanned
has been In Omnha and feels that the eleva
tion of the seo of Omaha would dim thn
luster of his position. It Is said that he has
actively opposed ilm piopohed change at
Omnha and that at present he shows no In
tention of withdrawing hlr, opposition.
liiiclr .Sinn Cm l n Men KtpprltMicpil
In l.iintllliK lU-toti of lliirilen
Dciiiirtinentiil i..ssli.
Tho quartormiiHtcr of the Department of
tho Missouri hits received orders to employ
twelvo packers (or work In the Philippines
it nil must have them ready to leavo San
Kranclsco October IS on tho transport Wyn.
Hold. Twelve persons, many of them experi
enced packers, have applied for positions
imd they will be notified to report Immo
diutPly. Captain Qrote Htltchesou, former ntljutunt
Kenural of the Uerurtmnt of tho Missouri,
tan been appointed ndjutant Kcucrnl of the
division of the army under General Chaffeo
lu China.
Tho family of Major Wilson will arrive lu
Omaha today and will take temporary quar
ters nt the M lull so n.
Colonel W. II. Doyle, inspector general of
tho Departments of the Missouri nnd Colo
rado, Is In tho city from Denver on an olll
clal visit.
Tho commissar' of subsistence will open
hlds todny for potatoes and other sup
I piles which cannot be safely shipped In the
wlntor. Tho resulnr quarterly supplies for
tho coming quarter will bo ndvprtlsed this
Captain Wat C. Valentine of West I'olnt,
who Is In the United Statos from Mnnltn on
sick leave, was at headiuanerB this morning.
1'nlernl Court Dpenn ill Lincoln, It n t
llir .Miny l.ltlKntilx Prefer to I'oxt
Iionc Their t niu'iela.
United States circuit and district court
opened at Lincoln yesterday for what
promises to bo. nn uneventful session.
1'nlted Stntes Marshal Mntbaws nnd Deputy
James Walling Clerks Thummel und Hoyt
und Deputy I'nlted Stntes Attorney Rush
nro In tho capital city with Judge Munger.
It Is understood thnt no crlmiual cases will
bo tried nt this term of court, all such cases
going over until tho Noember term nt
Omaha. There nro ou the civil docket :i."
cases which may be tried nt Lincoln, but
because of the political campaign, In which
many of the nttorneys and some of the liti
gants nro involved, but few of them will bo
tried. There will be no grand Jury nt the
J.lncoln term of court und the petit Jury will
pot convene until October 15.
llurllntclnii Mini M. X O. MutiiHlly
Withdraw Their Ciimiilnlnts,
Ono of the kinks In tho tangled skein of
litigation between the Omnha Coal. Coke
and Lima company, the Ilurllngton und the
Minneapolis & Omaha was straightened out
Monday afternoon, when tho original cult
of tho coal and coke company against the
Ilurllngton wns dismissed at the request of
tha plaintiff nnd the defendant dlsmlsbed its
cross petition. Tills wns the suit wherein
tho Omnha Coal, Coke und Llmo company
ought to have the Hurllugtnu restrained
from interfering ttlih the construction by
tno cnicngo. St. I'huI. Minneapolis & Omnha
road of n sidetrack lo its property. The dis
missal of this hult does not dispose, how
aver, of the suit Instituted by tho city nt
torney to prevent a cut of Eighth street bo
low grade In putting in ihc RWtch.
I our! Nolr,
On nn order I ruin Judge Kevsor the
damage suit of Mildred Itroivn against the
l'lillmnn I'ulace Cur company hits been re
moved to tho federal court.
Thoma IJnkln lias brought uii ai;aliiBt
tho Omaha Street llnllwn compnny for
13.000 for injuries alleged to hav" 1,,'eii
ustntned while attemnlt'ig to beard a
moving ear oil SlMeentb Ktreet between
Plerco and William. September is.
Jennie l,i ndon Iuik been granted a decree
of divorce by Judge Dickinson upon
bowing that her husband. Percy p; ,nn.
tlon, has deserted her and failed to urn.
vlilo maintenance for the Inst two years
Tho plnlntln Is employed In one of tin- de
partment stores.
Judge Kstelln 'has sustained a motion i
plaintiff In the suit of c. Maunder, ax
administrator of the late Aln Saunders
ugnlnst Charles J. Ilarber. requiring ,,."
Xeudant to HUbnilt for inspection and ropv
nil papers connected with the sale of certain
tock In the Home Tire Insurance company
Xormorly held by deceased
Complaints have been tiled in county court
arising out of a brtt if kindred dis
turbances at Waterloo August m which
Lester Denton and A. '. I'ohb are charged
by Sidney Treimry with assault with Intent
to tlo great bodily InJurv. The defendants
were formerly arrested for complicity In the
nmo disturbance on a charge of lilgbwny
robbery, but were acquitted. II nppenrs that
the trouble wns renewed September S, as
a result of which tlrnce Houghton bring
an uctlon against Ciuy Cnnunrly on n charge
of nssault with Intent to do great bodlif
Injury, the nlleged victim of tlib nssault bo-let-
Albert Houghton
Job Couldn't Unyr Mood II,
If ho'd hnd Itching plies. They're ter
Hbly annoying; but Hucklon's Arnica Salvo
will euro the worst case of plies on earth.
U has cured thousands. Kor Injuries,
pains or bodily eruptions It's the best snlve.
In the world. Price, S5o n box, Cure
Juaranttod. Sold by Kuhn & Co., drug-glaU.
I.rntr Tlirlr llomm In onllirrn I Hill
for the JVrllle t'nllrjn of
IIIk Horn IIhkIm.
Information has been rereUed at Hur
llngton hendiiuarterN Hint a tralnload of
Mormon Immigrants is now ctirotite to tho
Ms Horn basin from their former locations
In southern Utah This party of Mormons
will Join the colony of 100 that settled
on tho Shoshone river last spring. Tho
first colony wan nn experiment, but tha
efforts of Its individual members were so
siictt.ssful and the returns from their crops
so large that this second movement Is the
The Interest taken by the tlurlltiRton
people In this emigration of the Mormons
from I'tnh to Wyoming ties In tho fact
that they arc settling In the territory
through which the Ilurllngton Is now ex
tending n new line of road. The comple
tion of this line will make tho Illg Horn
nnd Shoshone, river territories more ne.
.esslble and It Is expected that next ycjr
Severn I thousand Mormona will move from
I'tnh and Idaho to Wyoming
Trentc.l Itojiill- nt Mlnufc Cltj.
The party of loenl passenger agent who
went to Sioux City Saturday to elcrrono
the crowd of traveling men returned to
their worth yesterday nnd each Is loud
In his praise of the cordial greeting ex
tended them by tho Sioux City people. The
Omaha railroaders were feted, wined, dined j peddlers nnd green goods agents, so
and made to feel generally that they wore, when, leaving Wuyue on his wedding tour,
the gncits of honor of the occasion. It ; his friends warned him against sharpers
was with regret that tho jrrowd of rail- generally, he thought the admonition en
road men returned Saturday night and I tirely uncalled for He wns amply able to
George West was so well entertained that i tako earn of himself, lie said. If crooks
he remnlned over until Sunday morning.
It was because ho hnd Jo, however. In or
der lo look nfter some ' business matters
Saturday night und it wns by reason of
this condition that the other members
of the crowd permitted him to remain.
Ilnllmi)' .Note nun IVinnniilii.
'. P. Hnrrelt nf Chicago, traveling pns
senger agent of the Mexican National, nnd
C. C f'tiry. commercial ngent nt Kniuat
City for the riouthurn Pnelllc, are visitors
In tho c'.t;-.
George It. Ilnyiir, city passenger agent
of the .Milwaukee, is distributing xoinu
handy duplicate whist score cards among
tile devotees of that game. The score
cards tire of convenient size and each con
tains this mlinnnltloti: "WbWt players,
like i lilldreti, sliuuld be seen nnd not
A ThoiiHnnil Tonuca.
Could not express the rapture of Annlo
It, Springer of 1'lillnilelphln when Dr. King's
Now Discovery cured her of n hacking
cough that for many years had mndo life a
burden. She says: "After nil other rem
edies and doctors failed it soon removed
the pain in my uhest and I can now sleep
soundly, something I can scarcely remem
ber doing before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout tho universe." Dr.
King's New Discovery Is guaranteed to cure
all troubles of tho throat, chest or lungs.
Price, fiOc and M-00. Trial bottles free at
Kuhn & Co.'s dniE store.
AmioillU'cinctltn of tin Titrated..
On next Salur'dav the Orpheum will in
augurate a series of souvenir matinees to
tun all through the season. A very pretty
adjustable album cover will be given to
every lady who attends. To start the col
lection of Orpheum celebrities n flue hnlf-
tone picture and a short hlogruphlcal
skitch of our own little Francis Kcppler 1
who Ins scored a big success will bo given.
Pictures of such eminent artists ns Jessie
Hartlett Davis, Cumlllo D'Arvllle. and th
"Olrl with the Auburn Hair." nnd others.
have already been ordered and n splendid !
collection can lo secured by attending the
Orpheum souvenir matinees.
Tonight Is the last night of Herrmann
the Oreat engagement at the Uoyd. His
mystifying feats have drawn him Inge au
diences since he began his engagement.
Lost night's business was unusually Inrge.
Nothing so uncanny has ever been seen
here us his "Cremation" act In which n
young woman is burned nllve In full vlow
of tho audience.
Tomorrow night Stuart Robson will be
seen In "Oliver Goldsmith. " His engage
ment is but for oue night.
Williams & Smith Co. announce tb ar
tlval of fnll nnd winter woolens.
MnrrliiKe I.lceHNe.
The following mnrrlago licenses
Issued yesterday:
Nnmo nnd Residence.
ileury S. King. Clinton. In
riorenee Kosteri', Omaha
Frank Hi en, Omahn
, . . .
... '.t ;
Annie France, Onmlia
John A. Adams, South Omnha 'ii
Annie Krlh, youth Omaha
Uihtr.i Clotigh. South Omnhn '!0
Kmmu TVters. Council Hlufls 21
Peter II. Huiimui, Omaha
Diiinle Hevcrldge. Omaha It
I'oxtolllcc Illiniums l lllg;.
The quarterly report of the business of
the Omaha nostofllce was made public this
morning. Tlie report shows total receipts,
exeluMve of the money order department, of
$91, 390.12, made up of $M.flS9.20 from stamp
sales und box rents nnd $9.00.92 from news
paper and periodical postage. The receipts
for tho month of September were $.1l,61',
$3,238.21 representing newspaper postage and
the remainder stamp sales. The average
dally receipts for the quarter wi s In excesH
of l,noo.
Voiiiik Wnmun ti. MIkkIiik.
Miss Mabel C.eorge disappeared from her
home .it 1716 South Thirteenth street on
Tuesday and the pollen hnve ho far se
cured no trace of her She Is an Asfjrlan
by birth and Is IH years old When sIk
lift home lie curried n snteheltul of
oriental embroideries nnd draperies.
California and Oregon
Special Attention given to
Ladies and Children Travel- They nro well enred for by tho Conduc
illt; Alone. 'rs who accrmpany ench nf these excur
sions to California and Oregon, nnd passengers can depend upon receiv
ing tho most courteous treatment.
The Conductors nro all men of experienco in excursion travel, and will
see that tha comfort of all patrons is carefully attended to.
tine of tho Most Attractive
Features of thesis Excursions There Is n difference between iho first and
Is the Economy, second class passage In railroad nnd sleep
ing core tares of neurly $2.1 per passenger. This sum can bo saved by
pat'oulzlng the Union Pacific Personally Conducted Excursions.
The New Pullman Ordinary
Sleeping Cars assigned to this scrvlco were built expressly to accom
modate tho excursionists to California nnd Oregon.
All Are Lighted with tho famous PINTSCII UOHT, are well Ventilated,
have, separate lavatories for ladles and gentlemen, nnd all enrs are car
peted nnd upholstered, with movablo partitions separating tho sections
thus Insuring nil the utmost privacy. '
No Smoking la Allowed In the excursion cars, there being
A SmoKing Car provided for that purposo on tho train,
New City Ticket Office
Pawnbroker Fliinflnms Him Into Buying
Fouey Watch.
iilitltnlnn MIkIiI " llni" Hrrn
Notler.l hut for nn After
ThotiKlit of I lie I'm r
cliilNPr. Henry bought the watch for his brldo and
had 'Ttom Henry to Whin" engraved on tht'
Inside of tlm ense. And Whin was delighted
with it. No one lu their little country homo
at Wayne. Neb., sbo said, would have ono
hnlf as pretty. Then Henry, with careful
earilessnpss, let It be known that ho hnd
p.ild "thirty shining slmolponr." for tho
watch, whereupon Whin's delight was en
hanced, as it tteenud a very large sum to
pay, and attested Henry's lovo for her, his
generosity, the excellence of tho timepiece
it ml seernl other things.
Wlda la still disillusionized, but Henry
has hnd his eyes opened, ami would now
iJlndly accept $HS for the bauble.
Henry C. Wllklns, though but n plain
farmer lad, has read In tho newspapers about
"eon man," "lllmtlam artists, gold brick
could cheat him out of his money they were
wolrnmi' to It. Which opinion was shared
by Wlda.
Onn dny last week while his brldo wns
visiting with friends on the south side
Henry sauntered down town to see the
sights. He had a half-formed Idea, too, that
he might buy something for Wlda beforo
he returned. A lot of Hash Jewelry In a
pawnshop window cnught his eye. The
proprietor, seeing he wns Interested, In
vited him In.
"Something in the line of n lndy's
wntch? Certainly. Here Is n benuty for
$10 solid gold inse, Elgin works, full
Jeweled," nnd the rest of It.
Aftor the usual dickering nnd Irresolu
tion' Henry snld he'd tnke the wntch for
130. "Hut." he added, congratulating him
self on his shrewdness, "I want you to
come with tue to n Jewelry storo uptown
nnd If tho Jeweler snys t hut wntch Is nil
right tho bargain Is closed."
Henry and the pawnbroker watched tho
uptown Jeweler ns he scrutinized tho little
yellow chronometer nnd henrd his report
with satisfaction.
"This Is a rather old wntch." ho said.
"1'lve years ngo It would havo sold for
$t!0 nnd Its worth about $15 now."
And Henry wns getting It for $30! It
was Uko picking up $lt in tho road.
Ilrokrr Svl telle AVutelien,
Hut on the way back to the pawnshop
tho broker "switched" wntches, giving
Henry n cheap filled cnae nnd Inferior
The chnnces are thnt Henry would have
been slow In discovering tho cheat had It
not been that the notion struck him within
the next hour to hnve his nuine nnd Wlda's
engraved upon this token of his affection.
With this purpose in view he took It back
to tho uptown Jeweler. The work was or
dercd nnd the engraver begnn upon It
nt once.
"So you decided not to buy the watch you
showed me," observed the Jeweler.
"Why, yes; that's the one.'
"Not much! What did you pay for this
'Thirty dollars."
"Well, wntches like the one you Just
brought In ain't worth $30 a gross."
Tho noxt day Henry took the timcpieco
bark to the pawnbroker. There wns
anothet man behind the counter who do
llied nil knowledge of tho transaction and
said tho "ticker" didn't come from thnt
shop. This so confused Henry that he
wns not quite certain but that he had
mnde a mistake In the pawnshop there
are so many of them In that quarter of
the .dty. He appealed to the police to
help him out.
Patronize American goods, especially
when you know 'hey are the best, like
i Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chnmpagne.
Qeiiy 1m Enemies
Doe. th" plugger, nnd bugs of nil kinds
Doc hates us because we won't pay him a
commission and tho bugs hate uh because
our "Sure Death" knocks 'em "sallet
west." You can kill more bugs with one
bottle of our "Sure Death ' than nny other
preparation made.
miner's Kidney Cure "uc
Shuefer's Cough Hynu 2uc
Dr. Karl Kramer's: Pennyroyal Pills. .$1 .0)
Mennen'H Talcum Powder 12o
Ayer's Hair Vigor 7nc
Duffy's Malt Whiskey two
1 dox. 2-graln Quinine Cnpsules 7c,
1 doz. 3-graln Qulnlna Capsules lOt
I doz n-grulu Quinine Cnpsules 15c
S. S. S 76c
Syrup of Figs 9o
Miles' Nervlno 75c
Mnlted Milk We
Pierce's Prescription 7r.e
Doan'n Pills -Wo
I'nclo Sam's Tobncco Cure fWi
err prioh
. XV. Cor. Kltli mid hlcnjto.
The Popular
1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
I "ov,ON !m,,,M mvs !,,":" ""v'
tlnrr More W c .MnLc n tirent Mlior
llenl nn. I Hint it .nlr
j onep more circumstances throw Into our
I bunds very iieHtly H.O'irt p.ilr of
This shoe sale, which commences Wed
nesday nt Iloston Store will ngnlti show the
Immense difference betwepn tho Iloston
Store shoe sales nnd any other shoe sales.
In the first placo you will find everything
exactly ns we udvertlso It, and plenty of
Then the shoes In this sale are all of thn
latest and most tip-tti-dato stylos from the
best nnd finest factories In tho United
The women's shoes nro all either welt ol
turn soles.
Tho men's shoes nro Just ns good ns
money can buy.
Tho misses' nnd children's tihoea are all
celebrated Hochester nnd Cincinnati mndo
IN ADDITION to this sale, which will
tnke plnco on our main lloor, we will open
In our basement n purchnso of about .0.000
pair of men's, women's nnd children a
shoes, slippers, etc., which will go at
Watch tomorrow night's papers for full
particular!) and prices of this snle. Lot
nothing hinder you from attending it from
tho time It opens Wednesday morning un
til tho snlo closes.
N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Strt.
Willi on Voillli I, muled ultli lll-tiotlen
(in I in. I'm I In Into Hie HhiiiU
ol till' Police.
Joseph Sluodyncs, 11 years old nnd
nnxluus, stnrted from his home at Wnhoo,
Neb., Sunday, but was unable to petie
trnto further Into the grent unknown thnn
Omaha. Ho had $7C of Ill-gotten gains on
his person nnd his object wns to see the
trolley enrs nnd the tall buildings of great
As he left the train nt the Union depot
yesterday he wns mnde nn object of
survey by Olllcer McCarthy, who sized him
up ns a runaway boy. The fugitive was
searched nt the station nnd the 'money wns
found. Sluodyncs confessed thnt ho hud
robbed his father's till of $S.. nnd hnd left
homo suddenly. Ills father, J. W. SJno
dyties, n siiloon keeper, wns notified 'nnd
will tome to the city nt onco to tnke charge
of his prodigal sou.
Truel Via (hp l.eliluh Viille.v Itiill
rnnil If you nrc looking for speed nnd comfort
when going to New York or Philadelphia.
Uuxutlously furnished vcstlbulcd bleeping,
purlor enrs and tiny coaches. Dining cars,
a In enrtc nerWce.
Souvenir nf Carnival Wr-el..
b'red W. .McCitnuls. constable of .Itistlee
Crawford's court, has a little souvenir
thai will not permit him to forget the
confetti battles of Ak-Siir-lb-ii week, it
In the nature of an .ilcerated right eye.
A piece of colored paper lodged In the orb
one night during the carnival and almost
Immediately tho organ became Inlhimed.
All ulcer formed, and, though be has
doctored constantly. It Is feared the sight
of the eye will be destroyed. He attribute)
bis misfortune to tlie practice f Mnall
boys and mercenary tn'iidlerii of xcrn;dng
tho cimfcttl off the .Idcwa'ks and selling
It again. It Is probable, he thinks, thai
som poisonous matter gathered off tlie
pavement found Its way Into bis eve.
If they use the SHKHWIN-WILI.IAMS
PAINTS. Any one can use them. Stir
them up nnd brush, them on
It comes In
Half pint can Family l'alnt ....
Hulf pint cans Varnish Stains ..
Half pint can Screen Pal lit
Quarter pint can Ktininel Paint.
Quarter pint enn Hlcyclo Enamel
1 Sc
Hnlf pint can Buggy Pnint 40c
One ouurt can Floor Point 4Uc
(Covers 75 squnre feet, two coats.)
Hnlf pint can Path Tub Enamel G0r
Half pint can Oil Stain l.
Ono quart enn Wagon Pnint 50c
Ono quart can flloss White Paint 5Uc to J
Ono quart cm fine Varnish lo.
One quart bottle Saunders' Huby Floor
Oil (dustlcss) o
One pound can Shlnon Floor Wax .... Mr
Write for the New Catalogue.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go
New Store S. W. Cor. 10th nnd Dodge.
that Haydens show the greatest
variety in men's clothing and sell the
best clothing at lower prices
than any store in Omaha.
You are invited to inspect our Men's
Dress and Semi-Dress Suit Department.
Likewise the special offers herein made
for this week.
shades also lino Worsted Suits well inatlo ami per- K 8ff
feci titling- elsewhere at Hoyden's OnllW
MEN'S FINE J'UHF WOHSTFl) SUITS Neatest ami dressiest
of business suits single and double-breastod "J fj
vests actual .I2.r0 -our special price. D lUU
MEN'S FINE SI' ITS Made of high grade fancy worst etl and
Oxford vicuna in all the newest designs --sold elsewhere at
eighteen dollars special price at. Hayden's jJj jjjj
MEN'S SUITS Made of highest grade vicunas, Ihihets and
fancy worsteds in all the newest patterns and cuts the kind
for which merchant tailors ask you .f:h") and .?!;") jg 6Xff
special at llnydon's IS.00 and B-ykl
st vies well liued--silk sleeve linings elsewhere K flfl
.?io.OO at llayden's
EXT HA SPECIAL -.000 men's line Fancy Worsted
Trousers sold elsewhere at ."(I to $(.550 special Sf
price, ?:.7" and
Selling the Most
( oniiueielnl ( lull Will I. rnrn Conn If
I lt I'.nierlinrnt I n
I Secreiar J. K, I'll of the Comtncrrliil
club has returned from Ames, where he
spent Saturday ns the guest of President
l.eavltt of the beet sugar fnetory at that
place. Tho ttlp was made especially for
the purpose of gaining some Information
concerning the harvesting of beets. The
tracts of beets set out Hiljneent to Omaha
under the supervision of the Commercial
club are now about ready to harvest und
tho work will be done In ncrordance with
suggestions nuitle by President l.eavltt and
other experts, with whom Mr. t'tl con
ferred while in Ames. t
Tho Ames beet sugar plant wns put Into
operation for its fall run Saturday nnd Mr.
I tt hpenks enthtislnstlcully of the manner
In which the stnrt was made. "The great
factor) wns put Into operation," he snld,
"and nil of Its machinery went Into mo
tion without a single hitch. It will run
nt Its full capuclty of 600 tons per dny
until the supply of r0,000 tons of beets on
hand Is converted Into sugar. The beets
which were started through the factory
Saturday were onverted Into sugar, sacked
and npi cured on the Omnha market todny
ready for stile and consumption.''
(lecnillllitai of (hi. 1 1 ii 1 1 l t ii if I'onnlder
lllil) IvM'lteil, Itilt No IlllinnKC
Wtin Hone.
Considerable Ptlr wns rnused In the city
hull yesterday by a gns explosion. One
of the oleator conductors noticed thnt gas
wns escaping Homewhere on the llrst lloor
of the building und began an Investigation
of it large chandelier which stands nt the
foot of tlie main stairway. He lighted n
match to test the Joints In the plumbing
and the result wns an explosion that could
be heard in every part of tho building
The chandelier wns bent out of shnpo, hut
no serious dumngo wns done. A leak wns
discovered Inside the hollow iron stand -
j nrd which supports tho lamps. Tho gas
hnd collected In this cavity nnd was eoti-
lined to such u small place thnt It gave n
loud report when Ignited.
! (iiirlutiil Slut en and ItuiiKrn
were awarded highest prizes nt Tnrls Ex
I position, llioo.
Dull Razor
Ih a miserable thing to use. Next to a corn
or toothache, It Is about tho worst thing
you can huve. No need for It We can
sell you a OUNCINH YANKEE STItoi'
lor ZfiC that Is equal, and In some cases,
superior to many Me and $1.00 strops. Try
one beforo they nro all none.
Frog in the Throat ,
Jlromo Quinine
Drowii'x Troches
Hall's .Catarrh Cure
Koiidon's Cutuirli Jolly . . .
Ely's Cream Halm
.Marshall's Calurrh Srup.
Unllentlne's Catarrh Cure,
llumidircx'n Catarrh Cure
Svkes' Catarrh Cure w.-
Ozolelt 45 -
I'lso Catarrh Cure luo
1 1 T-ritM i: nut ;;ist.s.
KottrlfMiitli u lit -..uu.i Jilrccti.
Open All Mulil.
Aro enha'iied two-Mil by perfect teeth.
The naturalness, beaut) and perfo -tuess of
our AIl'l'li'lt'lAI. TKKT1I ure above iiic.i
tlon. (lood Teeth, per set J3 W
It. st Teeth per set ns.i. i
tlold Crow ns
Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms,
Dliuulll Mt.
Clothing in Omaha.
; :r.i
Men's Cover! Top Cosxts
With faney worne Hnliitf. reltifnired. piped mnuii!., eoi- 7
reotly. ntyloJ. creel ly constructed, correctly priced . ... '
Men's Oxford Gray Top Cotxts
All wool, lino qtinlity lininir. tailor Pitched plplnjr, volvot collar.
It's no tiM! for us to toll you the worth of this cent ns compared
with conts ltl oliewhero. You'll know Unit at n glance, f C(
Our price only ' .UU
Wo'vo other cnos nt S7.7S. SS.OO. SHOO, $10.00. SI l.OO, SI2 00,
und up. Y"0 enn uuujr,. y.-ue choice frtun the fniliiot, nf your
" r f
! II J j.l,' I ' j I I I M I I I I U I I 1 I I Lj. .!. I jl ;.l I I M I 1 I Tl
'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.20- I 1TVI! VfYHVT'S 1 nr VAIIWW V MMTnr V I
Five Years Ago
(lie Ibirliiigtoii was not (lie hesl
lint.' lo SI. Louis.
I Ms today.
Tlie St. Louis Flyer leaves tlie Ibir
linirtoii 'f nt ion every afternoon at 1 :;",'
o'clock It is due in St. Louis I lie next
iiiomiji;; at 7:151. It arrives there at 7:lt.
The Flyer carries thro' sleeping nnd
chair cars. It piakes good time and runs
over a smooth track all the wav.
rloket Otrius,
502 Farnam St
Tel. 250.
M the fewest Styles and Best Makes
of Shoes on Sa'e, for Ladies,
isns and Children.
5s. children.
shoes, with fine vici kid tops and single lloxiblo soles, AO
all sizes and widths, H to K, at A'aTU
Ladies' lino S2.C0 and !?.0U vici kid laco shoes, with f OA
single and double soles, all sizes, for BUif
Misses' lino vici kid
shoes, sizes 11 to 'J, for
Misses' Hnotfl..'i.r kid laco
ton shoos, with double stitched
soles, sizes 11 to L', for
Child's fine vici kid !?1.7f
shoes, sizes to 11, for
Child's d
on sale at .
Child's dongola kid school
.u'le, 75c
Smoke the best.
F. R. RICE N. C. CO., Alfrs, St. Louis. UNION MADE'
MeiVs Fedl
Top Gajts
Some things nro hunt to nn
tlurstand. One is tho abso
lute waste of money by those
who pay extravagant' price."?
for clothing. Wo sell tailor
made Suits and Coats for about
one-half and less than the
merchant tailor insists on
charging you, and you get no
better clothes, no hotter qual
ity, no belter style, no bet
ter lit
Our Top Cosvt and
Suit Stock
is trmipti'lu'iisivo. Includes ovory proper
sort in (lonitmd. Not only tho highest
irrntlt'.s, 'nit tlu lower (,'rndcs that nro
g-ood. TIip.v till liuvu individtmlltv -u
s.tyloof tht'ir own mid nro not liiiplni,.
ntd stutTs in tide morel v to soli.
Bunlnaton Station,
1 Oth and Mason Sts
i ci. iica. .
Big Sale of New
Fall Shoes this week
The "Ultra" and Brooks Bros, fine
Rochester made shoes for ladies.
The famous "Alerriam" make of
shoes for misses.
The "Pennant" school shoes for
Ladies' line hand turn and wol
shoos, worth $5 and o, A a()
for $3.00, $3.50 and T.UU
Ladies' line r0 patent calf lace
lace I J.J
and but
lace i )f
shoes ftQp
and J"
Ask your dealer for a