Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1900, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis cells glass.
"Mr Illley, ' 6-cent cigar.
a nxtures and globus nt Wxby's
rine A. II C. beer. Neumayer's hotel.
Schmidts photos, new and Inteit style.
H M I.effert. expert optician. 226 Hdy.
Cab. photos 11.60 dor. Williams, til Bdy.
Wollmnn. scientific optician. too Hd'y.
W J Hosteller, dentist, Baldwin block.
J. C. & W. Woodward, architects. C23 dy.
Vf. H. Lewis sells monuments. 301 Hway.
Lemps beer, Socnke Uoysen. sole agent.
Host beer. Uudwolser. U Itosonfeld. Agt.
Kxhlblt nnd unit) r Olbsoti pictures.
Alexander & f'o . :! Hrundwur.
Oot your work done nt the popular Kagio
laundry, 721 Ilroadway I'honc I5i.
W C Kstep. undertaker IS I'oftrt street.
Telephones. Olllce, 87; residence. 23
Tho I.niH Mneeiiliees wll' meet nt the
usual llmi ami 1I'" Tuesdny iiflornnnii
W r OralT. undertaker anil lleunfed cm
balmcr. M South Main street, Thono
A marring.- license was Issued yesterday
to l" V I r-.w.. "f this city nged 2. and
May Joi.'H .if Aoca, aited 2t.
Jchn Jin Krnlney will address l"' ?,pm"
ocruts at !. rooms of the llr nli-st'
nsoti club tomorrow evening.
Tho rp'ldcnre of M. (I. Saunders, I OC I
Third ntoiKK. was quarantined yesterday
on account of diphtheria In the family.
Abo Lincoln post, (irand Armv of the tie
public has changed Its meeting nights from
Saturdays t.. TrldayH until April I next.
Star of Jupiter lodge W III K' ""n,'p
t mdmen ..f the H.'Hd hall Thursday
evrmK "t "br II Admission, 2.i cents.
The l.ndv Highlanders of castle No. 13
win meet Wcrin.fdnv afternoon at the
home of Mis J r l-'l mine M Mtth
av njc.
Member ..f the Thc.xnphleal society will
meet UedtuxdHV afternoon at 2 o'clock lit
the rest. I. n. . ..f Mrs J. A. Mcrrlum, 201
l.( ' r. ' i
t phoi, i. ring in. iip at Morgan & Klein's.
All kli.-ls ,.f msttrcsses mnilu over by new
proce .s Hett. r than new. 122 houlh Main
street Ti l phone MS.
1'arUft Iiik lots to till can pet tfood
propoMtlcn fitn me, a 1 have 3.iJ yards
of dirt remove from new lllc"
Blto Oi'Ttir !' Hughes.
A nice "(, of the citizens of the western
part -f H v will be held Tuesday even
ing at ih nici of Twenty-third stree
and lip.udtt.iv to discuss the jirnposeo
clcetrU H'lit fiaiichlse.
The memlieni of the Eastern Star havo
dm Med t.. give a social Thursday evening
ut M'l-onle hall, the proceeds to go to th"
re i of the t'eulveslon sufferers of that
order All filmilH of the order Invited.
Tinman Patterson llowman died last
evening at the home of his aunt. Mrs. Car
oline H linwiimn, fdl South Sixth street,
of locomotor ataxia, ngud :ki years No
tlcc Of the ruiieiiil will be given later
The Diar 'f Honor, Ancient Order of
l"n ted Workmen, will Rive a dancing
party next Krlil.iv cxcnlng, October 12, at
KiilRhtii or I'ythlas hull. Merrlatn li nek
Admission 25 cents U'haley's orchestra.
Two tames of base ball are scheduled
for toda at the Thlrt -lourth street and
Ilroadway grounds In the morning nt ID
ocloik the fiw's will cross bats with tlr
Union l'.K llli tretubt house team and In
the uflernoon will try conclusions with the Hrowus.
Mike Smith, who. since being bound over
to tho grand Jury on the charge of steal
ing -oal has been Implicated with Archie
Walker In the theft of Jewelry, has been
uircsted at l'lattsmoulh. Smith left town
after the theft of the Jewelry and the
county applied to the court to have his
bull In the coal stealing case, raised from
$100 to Jl.tiOO.
Fred Matthews, an lS-yeur-old lad, was
arrested yesterday while In tho act of
stealing Hume bananas from In front of
Wllcoxs store on Hroadway. When
searched at the city Jail he was fojtld to
be carrying a large revolver. I In was
booked on the charge or carrying con
cealed weapons. Matthews said ho. was
from Dps Moines.
Tho Ktnwiith Hour.'' Lincoln ,1 Tar
tor a set nu i omedy drama, Is to be tho at
traction tonight ul the Dohauy theater.
Tho play is calculated to please every
body An especially tine feature of the
cecum Is that In the last act giving a
photographic reproduction of a well-known
millionaire s mansion on Michigan nve
niie. Chicago, In which the gorgeous draw
lngroom ts portrayed with all Its costly
brie a brae, tapestry and hangings. 'I In
cast of this play Is said to be tar superior
to .Mr Carter has ever sent out.
N. V Humblus Co., teleoaone 230.
C0.000 cakes Domestic soap used In Conn
ell Bluffs last month.
Does your neighbor use a Radiant Homo
heating stove? If ho does, ask him what
ho thinks of tt and If ho doesn't toll him
that It Is the best stovo ho over had. Call
at I'etersou & Schooling's and tell them
about It There Is no stovo on the mar
ket that can equal It as a heater and fuel
Wo will sell at special cash prices for
this week only, a $1G cook stovo for $10.
An $18 bedroom suit for $13.50. A combina
tion mnttress worth $3.!i0 for $3. Woven
wlro springs that sold for $1.7.1 for $1.23.
Keller .fe ltaud, 407 Ilroadway.
Ufo Domestic soap. It's the bosU
IIIkJi School l'rcurii4liMi.
Tho Hoard of Kducatlon held an lofornal
meeting yesterday morning at tin Stroat
Kilo, whoro It Is proposed to build tho
now High school, for tho purpeso of de
ciding Its exact location. City Knglncer
Ktnyre accompanied tho board and sot
tho stakes Tho board decided on a loca
tion with tho west front ct tlu build ng
standing about fifty feet from 11 uft street
nnd tho north side about tvi enty eight feet
from Fifth avenue. City Knglnorr Kinyro
will tako levels nnd measurements to com.
puto tho amount of excavation that will b
necessary for tho foundations. When this
Is determined tho board's architects,
Messrs. Cox & Schoentgen, will compleio
tho plans which they prepared of tho
building which the board contemplated
nbout a year ago erecting on the Oakland
avenuo slto. Work will bo commence 1
nt onco on tho necessary graaiug and tho
Tho board will meet Tuesday night to
rompleto the contract with George V.
Tho Radiant Homo base burner or the
King Ileo Hot lllnst will suit you. l'eter
son & Schoontug s611 them nnd tho prices
aro guaranteed to suit your pocketbook.
Hefo?o buying seo thorn.
Umirterly Water Illlls
Now due Pay before October 10 and savo
6 per cent Olllco open Wednesday evening.
Domestic soap soils on Its merits.
Davis sells paint.
$3.50 SHOES
You don't need
to watt till
they aro half
worn out to
havo comfort
In wearing
the in.
Negotiated in Hasten) Nebraska
ami luw.i James N Casady Jr .
KC Main SI . Council llluffs,
Save Your Money
With the
Uta I'ctirl Street, Louucll 11 1 nil., in.
Authorities Think Thoy Have a Line on
Train Bobbers' Identity.
Hundreds of People Cnll nt the Mnrmie
o re tile llody, Hut lis Vet
Ills Nome In .nt
K no vi ii.
The authorities yesterday procured a
clow which they are now fol.owin and
which they thluk will lead to the i(
ilcntlou of the two bandits uho
to hold up tho Kuubus Cliy train on
Wednesday night. It hns been le.irned
that two tnon answering the d Herlptlon
of the bandits called at an early h -ur nt
tho ofllce of the I'nlted States Lxpres cm
puny and each a allse whtoh lud
hecu consigned to him by ixpress. Ono of
the men lb said to answer the description
exactly of tho dead robber.
Tho strangers wero standing at tho corner
of Ilroadway and I'carl street nt t 3j
o'clock Wednesday morning, when ihcy ac
costed Henry Myers, Janitor of tho llald
win block, anil asked him the way 10 ,he
t'nlted Sintos express office. Myers
watched them go In and coino .U', lach
with a valise, and has Identified the ika.l
man as one of the two strangers.
The express ofllclnls admit that two va
lises wore given out ut tnnt tlmo In the
morning, but for the present decline to
glvo any information as to the pace from
which tho valises wero shipped or tho
names of tho parties who signed for Hum.
The men who aro engaged in t ylng to
tun down the bandit who escaped said last
evening that thoy bellecd thU was the
mtst tangible clew obtained jet and aro
now actively following It up.
I'p to last night tho dead bandit had
not been Identified, although the body was
ngaln viewed by hundreds yesterday. Tho
body was not sent to tho Sioux City Med
ical college yesterday, as Coroner Tionor
has decided to keep It as long n3 thero Is
any possible chance of Identlflcat.on.
Mrs. W. A. llarleff. living at Fifteenth
nnd Yates streets, Omaha, cn.led at tho
morguo yesterday afternoon with a small
baby in her arms nnd asked that sho bo
permitted to view the body. She fear d
It might bo that of her husband., who left
about a week ago. saying ho was gnlng
over Into Iowa. Sho appeared greatly re
lieved when she saw It was not her hus
band. .Mrs. Harleff stated that sho wa
positive sho had on more than ono occa
sion scon tho dead robber at the Oram
Street Christian church In Omaha, but did
not know his name.
W. W. McClaughry, record clerk at tin
military prison at Fort Leaicnw rth. ar
rived last night and took fresh mvartirc
mcnts of the dead man. according to the
Dertlllon system. He had with him sev
eral hundred photographs from tho
"rogucsV gallery." but failed to And ouo
that suited tho dead bandit. McClaughry
was formerly connected with tho ller
tillon bureau In Chicago.
Of all tho stoves that aro placed on
the market wo will stand on tho excellent
record of tho Itadlnnt Homo baso burner
as tho best heator made. Warranted not
to crnck. l'eterson & Schoenlng, Merrlatn
For rash only, limited to this week, wo
will sell enrpots at cost. Rood ingrains
at 21 cents yard. Excellent tapestry Drua
boIb, 42 cents, llest nxmlnstor, OS cents.
Velvets, 79 cents. Keller & Hand. 407
I'rcmluma siven with Domestic soap.
Commonwealth 10-cent cigar.
(luurti-rly Wntrr III I In
Now due. Pay before October 10 and save
5 per cent. Olllco opon Wednesday evening.
Howell's Antl-"Kawr- cures coughs, colds.
social uvnxT.s of tThTi.ast avi:i:ic.
"Allor III Wonderland" Iiy (lie Totn
Proves u Drelileil SueeesH,
One of tho most pleasant social events of
last week wus the presentation on Friday
nnd Saturday evenings at the Dohauy opera
house of "Allco In Wonderland," by Juven
ile taleut under the auspices of Unity guild
of Orace Kplscopal church. Crowded houses
greeted tho young people nt each produc
tion. The story of "Alice In Wonderland"
lost nothing of Its charm nt tho hands of
tbo young people who picturesquely por
trayed the different characters. Dainty lit
tle Hazel Cook, ns Allco, scored an unquall
lied success nnd displayed muro than or
dinary blslrlonlc ability, as did Uesslo
Crnno In tho character of Mother Ooose. The
grand ballet of nations was a very pretty
conceit and gnvo opportunity for tho dis
play of soroo very catchy dancing by a
number of young iiiisseB. daintily costumed
to represent tho different nationalities. The
ensemble tableaux at tho close of tho ballet
was picturesque in tho extreme. Miss Cora
Hitchcock with her specialty wa3 ono of
tho features of the entertainment and little
Wlllateno Handlett with her song and dance
enptured the audience. A very pretty turn
among the specialty olio was n skirt dance
by liter Lewis. Tho play was beautifully
costumed and mounted.
Mrs. S. T. McAtteo entertained Thursday
afternoon at euchro. Tho parlors were pret
tily decorated with roses and palms, and re
freshments wero served. Mrs. V, L. Douglas
captured tho fust prize, whllo the second
fell to Mrs. J. N. C.tsady. Jr.
Mrs. Louis Zurmuehlen, Jr., nnd the Misses
Oertrudo Hennott entertained nt cards
Thursday evening at tho homo of the lat
Tho Misses Farnsworth entertained Fri
day afternoon for Miss llubb, the guest of
Miss Dennett.
Misses Jessie nnd Stella HUbert enter
tained nt dinner Sunday evening for Miss
Kstcs of Glcuwood nnd Mr. Will Cllbert of
Sioux City. Covers wero laid for twelve.
The Whist club was entertained Tuesday
by Mrs. C. H Tyler of Sixth nwnue. Mrs.
W. W. Loomis will be tho hostess Tuesday
ovenlng next.
Miss Pile of Onawa Is the guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Pago U. Morrison on Mynster street.
Mrs. Howntd F. Stryker of South First
street Is homo from a three months' visit
with relntlves nt LYlo, Pa., and other east
ern points.
Miss Kltznbeth Hurt of Sioux City Is tho
guest of Miss Mnudo McDonald of South
Kighth street.
Mr. ond Mrs. V. E. Sllcott have returned
from a pleasure trip to tho Colorado moun
tains. Tho Council llluffs Woman's club held
an elaborate recoptlon yesterday afternoon
nt tho homo of Mrs. James McCube In
I Mornlngsldc. Following the recoptlon a
I short literary nnd musical program was
1 given Assisting Ilrs McCabo In rocelv
Inn wero Mesrtamea B, C Smith, Walter I.
Smith, John P Davis, Oeorge T Phelps,
J H. Cleaver, J. K Cooper, P J Montgom
ery and K, J Towslee. Tho refreshment
tablo was In charge of Mcsdainca J, L
Huntor and K. W. Miller. Tho handsonio
parlors were beautifully decorated with cut
(lowers, roses and ferns.
Mr. and Mrs. Nowton T. Harford and
daughter, Miss Maude, are homo from ft
month's visit nt Harlan and other Iowa
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Atkins had as their
guests last wcok Mr. and Mrs. R. I'edle of
Umtnctsburg, la.
Mrs. U. W. Colvllle of QalosburB, 111.,
was the guest last week of her daughtor,
Mrs. Victor K. Ilender.
Mrs. William Ualdwln of Durllngton is
visiting Mrs. C. S. l.olferts of First avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Carap returned Fri
day from a visit of several wceka In Wis
consin and Minnesota.
Mrs. Charles liono Is visiting In Dcs
Mrs. H. J. Chambers Is visiting friends at
Teknmah, Neb.
Miss Naomi Chllds of Seventh avenuo Is
visiting In Chicago nnd Wheaton, III.
Mr3. Oeorge Carson of Franklin avenuo
Is homo from nu extended visit with rel
atives In Chicago. Toledo, O., and Lansing,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlshton and daugh
ter, Corlnnc, left Friday for Los Angeles,
where they will spend the winter.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. W. Stjulre and faintly,
who havo been traveling In Kuropo for
tho last year, have announced their In
tention of spending tho winter In Kgypt.
They expect to return home next spring-
William L. Thlckstun, teacher of piano,
S.02 Avenue 11. M'hone G16.
Como In nnd look over our largo lino
of furniture. We ask an Inspection of our
goods nnd prices beforo buying elsewhere.
In favor of your own pocketbook. Peter
son & Schocnlng, Mcrrlum block.
woitK i p.wi.vti ii s iti;st Mi;n.
Co n I rue toe Wlcklinm MnUrn n .Start
o ii the Itroml wii y Section.
Work on tho paving of Ilroadway bo
tween the bridge over Indian creek and
Twelfth street una commenced yestcrdny
by Contractor Wlckham. Tho contractor
was prcpnred to begin tho work sometime
ngo, lut was compelled to wnlt until tho
motor company wan rendy to ralso Its
tracks to conform with tho paving. Tho
motor company In turn hnd to wnlt until
It secured new rails. Tho work of ro
plnclng nnd raising tho rails was started
yesterday morning nnd Contractor Wlck
ham at once put n forco of men to clean
oil tho old block paving and tho laying of
tho concreto baso for tho brick will bo
commenced early this week. This portion
of Ilrondway Is to bo paved with Dps
Molues brick on concrete base. For n
long tlmo tho street has been In n deplor
able condition nnd as n result tho city has
n number of damage suits for personal In
juries on Us hands, noticeably tho claims of
a party of Omaha peoplo who were over
turned at tlils point In a carryall last July.
Claim aggregating over $30,000 havo been
Died against tho city owing to this acci
dent. Tho prespects for more paving this fall
nrc blighter. It is understood that tho
council nt Its meeting 'omorrow night will
docido not to disturb tho curbing on
Plerco street between First and Stutsman
streetii and In this event the property
owners on that thoroughfaro will sign
waivers and Contractor Wlckham will he
ablo to proceed with tho paving of that
thoroughfaro, which at proscnt Is almost
Tho property owners on this portion of
Iiorco street have agreed if the city coun
cil will not disturb tho curb lino not only
to sign waivers nnd consent to tho paving
being laid nt onco, but will remove tholr
fences back to tho property lino so that
tho sidewalk can bo broadened. Tho prop
erty owners will also consent to tho pay
ment of tholr share of tho intersection pav
ing of Stutsman street between Ilroadway
nnd Plcrct street. With this street paved
much of tho traffic will bo dlvorted from
Plerco street botween First nnd Stutsmuu
streets, down Stutsman to Iirondway.
Tho city council Is anxious that this por
tion of Plerco street should bo paved this
year and lor this reason will, tt Is under
stood, concedo to tho wishes of tho prop
erly owners. Tho situation on Plerco
stroet ns to tho curb lino Is a somewhat
peculiar one. When Plerco street was
paved from Stutsman street to Oak street
with brick a number of years ago tho curb
wns moved back to make tho street wldor.
Tho block botween First and Stutsman
streets nt that time was paved with cedar
blocks nnd was In good condition, This
being the caso it was decided to leavo tho
curb lino us it then was, tho uudorstand
lug bolng, It Is claimed by tho city, that
when nt n future date this block should
bo repavud, tho curb lino wns to bo moved
back to conform with tho rest of tho
street. Property owners on tho block In
question deny that any such agreement
existed. In 1888 an ordlnanco waB passed
granting tho proporty owners on this block
the right to placo tho sidewalk next, tho
curb line, thus placing tho parking on tho
Inside. Orndually the property owners ex
tended their fences until all of tho park
ing hns been taken Insido tho fence lino,
Now tho proporty owners aro willing tO ro
movo tholr fences back to tho original
property lines.
It Is said that tho proporty owners ou
Fourth street uro anxious that tho paving
of their streets be laid this year and it
Is believed that waivers can ho secured
from suillclent number to warrant tho
contractor going ahead with tho work.
It is very doubtful, however, If any other
streets besides these mentioned will be
paved this year.
You can own any nrticlo in Keller &
Iland's store, 407 Ilroadway, by paying $1
a week until paid for,
Tho gunrds of tho L, O. T. M. will give
a iiacKwaru .Milkmaid drill and entertain
ment at Itoyal Arcanum hall Thursday
night, October 11. Adults. Co; children, lOo.
(iiuroli Note,
At morning worship at tho Congrega
tional church today tho pastor, Hov. J. v.
Wilson, will preach on "The Religion of
Handwashing nnd tho Religion of Clean
Heart." At tho cvenlnc wnruh'n t.u.i
c i, , , ou
o'clock the topic of bis short disccurse will
bo "Enthusiasm for Jesus." Sunday school
will be held at noon nnd Christ nn En
deavor society consecration service at
0:30 p. m. Today will bo tho tlmo for tak
ing up tho annual offerings for lnmo illu
sions. St. Paul's Episcopal church, Hov. Oeorg.o
Edward Walk, rector; seventeenth Sunday
after Trinity. Holy communlcn nnd ser
mon by tho rector ut 10:30 n. m.; ovenlng
prayer and sermon at 7:30 o'clock.
Tho services nt Oraco Episcopal churth
todny will bo as follows: Sunday schjol
at 9:IG a. m.; holy communion and sermon
at 11 n. in.; ovenlng prnyor and sermon at
7:30 o'clock.
Tho Mount 55lon llaptlst church will hold
a grand rally today In tho Farmers' hall
at tho county court house Service will
bo at 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m., conduetod by
tho pastor. Itcv. E. D. WlUon.
Hov. J. Knlckmnn will conduct services
today at the I'nlon mission at II a. m, nnd
7'30 p. m.
District Cinii-l .VotPR,
Judgo Macy left last evening for Har
land to spend Sunday with his family after
adjourning district court until 1 30 o'clock
Monday morning
Mrs. Emma J, Simpson tiled a. petition for
dlvorco from Andrew J. Simpson In the dis
trict court yesterday. Sho wus married
May 10. 1SS4, In Plnttsraouth, Neb., and
alleges that her husband desorted her last
April. She also bases her application on
alleged cruel treatment and failure to sup
port. The custody of the three minor chil
dren Is asked for by her.
The ruling of tho supreme court re
versing the decision of Judgo Oreeti In the
caso of tho State against Jack Shields
will not affect the defendant. He was con
victed on a charge of highway robbery and
Is now serving his sentence In the Fort
Madison penitentiary. Even If ho hnd not
been convicted on nnother charge ho could
not bo tried again on the charge of utter
ing a forged check, as tho declBlou of
Judgo drccn acquitted him. The caso wnB
taken to tho supreme court In order to ob
tain a ruling on the point.
Peterson & Sehoeulng have Just recolved
eleven carloads of furniture. For house
furnlshlng goods they Invite your Inspec
tion both nf quality of goods nnd prices.
rnrMovr wi.vs foot-hall ja.mi:.
Council 111 ii ft'N I iiililo to Son ic Aunlnxt
Hie Husky NcliruxUu I'mitrm.
With their team somewhat demoralized
through accidents In previous gnmes tho
Council Ululls High school hoys had to
go down In defeat yesterday afternoon at
tho Driving park before tho foot ball play
ers from tho Fremont. Neb., High school.
The Nehraskins proved to bo too much all
round for tho local team and won easily
with n scoro of IS to 0. Tho game waB
considered marred by tho crowd tres
passing over tho gridiron, which Interfered
with tho play. The game wns not marked
by any brilliant plajs on either sldo.
In the first half Fremont kicked off to
Council muffs' live-yard lino and the locals
lost tho ball on downs. McDonald scored
tho first touchdown for tho visitors and
Connull the second. No goal. Dlngman for
tho home team made a 'splendid thtrty-llvo
yard run around the right end, but the ball
was lost on downs. Fremont nfter n num
ber of runs was given five downs by Ref
eree McDonald of Omaha, which caused a
protest from the Council llluffs boys. Left
Half Havens for the visitors made n slxty
llvo yard run on the fifth down around
left und secured a touchdown. This tlmo
Fremont succeeded lu kicking goal. Dur
ing this half complaint was made that
Referoo McDonald persisted In coaching
tho visiting team.
The second half ended without any scor
ing. Council IJluffs did some hard play
ing and succeeded In keeping tho ball most
of tho time in Fremont's territory. Ayles
worth of tho home team did some line work
bucking the lino for nvo to ten-yard gains.
Mitchell took the plnco of Treynor In this
half. Tho lineup:
Co. muffs. Position. Fremont.
Kottrlng Right end Van Andn
I' erron Right tncklo llahn
Campbell Right gunrd Andrews, F
Cochran Center Mliliken
Peterson Left guard Connell
Hail lA-ft tackle Andrews, L
Dlngman Left end Schroedor
Treynor guarterback CJago
Ci. Pilling Loft half Havens
Aylcbwurth Fullback Mulllken
Orason Right halfback. . . .McDonald
Sjbstltutcs Fremont: Mowrcr, Johnson.
Council llluffs: C. Pilling. Warner. Grass.
The referees were McDonald of Omaha
and Dr. V. L, Treynor of Council Ulutls.
Carroll of Omaha and Illcks of Council
llluffs wore linemen anil Edgortou of
Omaha and Hickman of Council ILufls tlnio
keepcra. Tho King lice Hot Illast Is something
that will suit you. Peterson &. Schoeniug
sell them and guarantee satisfaction. Call
and sco them.
lnnrterly Wntrr 11111m
Now due. Pay beforo October 10 and savo
5 per cent. Olllco open' Wednesday eveninj.
llenl HntntP i'ruiiNferN.
Tho following transfers were filed yester-
dny In tho abstract, titlo and loan olllco of
J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street;
J. W. Ilemsted, referee, to II. II.
Hrynnt, w',4 of w4, nwi, 14, 74, 40.
rd $1,OC0.07
D. W. Morrow and wifo to Thomas
8. Robinson, lot ID, block C, Sack
ett'H add, swd 400.00
William Sledentopf and wife to J. R.
Mcpherson, lot 0, block 20, Central
subdivision, qcd 15,00
John U. Rudd to J. R. Mcl'herson,
lot 2ii, block 20, Central subdivi
sion, qcd 1.00
Margaret H. Ilryan to Mary E. Oul
lagher. w'-j lot 10, block 8, MyiiBter'H
ndd, wd 2,255
II. F Royce to Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific Hallway company, lots 11,
12 and 13, block 20, Riddle's subdi
vision, d 6.00
Six trnnsers, total $3,737.07
Jloro ClaliiiH l'lleil.
Claims to tho nmount of nbnut $4ri,r03
wero tiled yesterday by creditors of Olllcer
& Puscy's bank. Up to duto tha amuint
of claims tiled with tho clerk of iho dis
trict court Is about $200,000. Ono of tho
claims registered yesterday wus for 09
cents, whllo tho largest filed was for f 4.0G7.
A power of attorney from W. II. M. Pusey
to his son, Frank S. Pusey, was lllod for
record In the ofllce of tho county reo rder
yesterday. It gives Frank lU3oy pnver
to act for his father In all matters per
taining to his personal husln at, nn well
as tho matters connected with the business
of tho banking partnership.
Our hardwaro department was never
moro complete Como In and look over
our goods nnd compnro prices with other
houses. Potorson & Schocnlng, Moriiam
Domrette poap outlnsts cheap soap.
Six IIhjh of Frolic Arc FlnUlieil with
"Hot Time" on the
SIOUX CITY, Oct. 0. (Special Telegram.)
Tho big six days' carnival which has
mado things very lively In Sioux City
during tho week ennio to nn end tonight
with n "hot tlmo" celebration on tho
streets, lu which thousands of peoplo took
pnrt. Sioux City has nover seen such
crowds us camo to tho carnlvnl of 1900.
Tho sidewalks havo been so packed oven lu
the day tlmo Hint people took to Iho
streets to walk In comfort.
Thousands of peoplo lined tho street
each evening to witness tho parades, which
on tho wholo wero the best ever seen hero.
Woman's day Wednesday was the prlzo
winner. Today wns Trnvellug men's duy,
about 1.000 drummers being horo, Includ
ing a delegation from Omaha. Many other
out-of-town salesmen wero In line. One
disappointing featuro of tho colebratlon
was tho Midway, which was mado up In
largo part of Indecent shows.
Deolilen Aumliiftt Vincent.
ONAWA, In., Oct. 0. (Special.) Tho
Monona county district court has adjourned
and In tho cuso of Mitchell Vlucent of On
awn tigalust tho Monona county auditor,
Ellis, whereby Vincent sought by injunction
to prevent tho auditor from awarding tho
construction of the Monoua-Wpodbury county
ditch to tho Erio Cunul Construction com
pany, tho Judgo decided against Vincent and
gave him twenty days to apply to tho su
premo court for continuance of a tempo
rary Injunction, Vincent will appeul.
Stoi'Uhuyer ItoliheU.
SIOLX. CITY. Oct. 6,- (Special Tele
gram. I It wns discovered tonight that M
L. Hubbard of Mondamln, n capitalist uml
horsa dealer, was robbed this morning l
Greene's C. O, D.
JJ6-JJ8 Broadway, Phone 65.
We Want Your Trade
We aro making extraordinary prlcrs to In
duce a trial order-always bearing In mlml
that QUALITY as well as price must bo
considered. Prices nro good for MONDAY
GRANULATED SUOAH (best) 17 pounds
(with order for other groceries I (U)
amounting to $1) 1 ,v,u
JERSEY CREAM. No. 1 fnncy QQi-.
patent ,;Cn
WHITE HOSE-Old wheat Qtii.
Flour ''0t
ROYAL tho old tlmo favorite 1 , 1 ()
GOLD COIN the finest mado, no I I K
matter what the price 1 1
Hotter get your flour now, this is nbout
tho last call at these prices.
Good Laundry Soap, 14 bars !5p
Washing Soda, 4 lbs "p
Largo llottlo Hluolng "e
Household Ammonia, bottle e
Scrubbing Lye, 3 boxes
Lump Sutrch, 3 lbs lr
Three 5c Pkgs. Gold Dust JO'-
Good Country Hutter, lb 20.-
Good Creamery, lb "2c
Woodbine Creamery .', 23c
Very be3t. Fowler's or Magnolia 25c
Wisconsin Full Cream Cheeso 12V
N. Y. Full Cream lGc
N. Y. very finest, whlto 17 V
Mason half-gal. Jars, dozen 00c
Cider Vinegar, gallon 12c
Enamellne Polish, largest slzo ........ Cc
Rising Sun Polish, 10c size fie
Yeast Foam, pnekngo Sc
Lemon Extract, standard slzo and
quality 4c
Vanilla Extract, standard 4c
Shredded Coaconut, lb lee
Oxford Com Starch, 3 1-lb boxes 10c
Now Evapornted Peaches, bright aud
nice 10c
New Evaporated Peaches, very llnest..l2V
New Prunes, nice S'4c
New Prunes, (lno largo S 1 -3c
Cranberries, quart "V
Now Sorghum, In Mason quart Jars lfc
New Sorghum, In your Jug, gallon 3sc
New Navy Deans, 6 lbs 2.1c
New Ratslns, lb 10c
POTATOES, bushol 4Ce
TEA DUST, pound 20c
NEW SWEET CIDER, gallon 2.".c
N. Y. SWEET APPLES, for canning,
peck 35c
1Mb nnd Plato Roll nnd Mutton Stew
nt 4 and Cc
Sunday High!, Qci 7
A superbly staged splendidly cast first pro
duel. nil ilie i.i.iuiitl' i . i r.i- or .i Ker of
the era - Llneoili J. Carter's newest nnd
latest tuccess
s Eleventh Hour
A portraiture ol purpose, power and pa
thos A perlect picture of places and peo
ple. A story written in snub's as well as
Sco the wonderful millionaire's room.
Sco the startling mechanical effect the
railroad block tower.
a Sioux City hotel of $200 In ca3h, a flno
gold watch, $2,000 lp notes and a letter of
credit for $10,000 Issued by tho bank of
Mondamln. Owing to the crowds which
havo titled nil hotels here to merflowiug
during this (carnival) week Hubbard was
obliged to go to tho Arcado hotel and alt
he could get there was a cot In a dormi
tory with u score of other cots. In tho
morning ho left tho room for a moment
aud on returning found thut his coat
hud been rifled of the valuables In it. lie
left for Idaho to buy cattle, but reported
tho robbery by wire. Payments; on tho
notes and letter of credit was stopped.
DmnnKen Not (irniiteil.
OAKLAND, Ia Oct. C (Special.) Much
Interest lias been shown In tho slniu'or suit
of Mrs. Delia Powell, wife of William
Powell, against Myron Hough, In which
sho nought damages for defamation nf
character by reason of alleged derogatory
statements by Hough hiHt fait. Tho
Powells .worked for Hough and trouble
camo botween tho two men us a result of
which Powell was fined some $30 or $40 for
assault nnd battery. The next movo was
tho Institution of tho slander suit, Mra.
Powell claiming that Hough hnd called
her bad nnmes. The defendant denied over
uttering the statements. Vnst numbers of
witnessc s wero called by both sides. Tho
Jury returned a Judgment for tho de
fendant. Polities Nciir Atliilllle.
ATLANTIC. Ia.. Oct. 6. (Special.) Tho
political campaign 1h waxing warm In ill's
county, with speakurs for every Reality
some time during tho month. Thuisday
night Attorney J. 11. Hruff and W. A. D,s
brow spoko at Grovo City. Last night
Judge Smith, candidate for congress ad
dressed n largo and enthusiastic mco lug
at Lewis. He discussed the issues in his
ununl ahlo manner, showing tho uiciu
ststency of tho democratic party lu I's
nttcmpt to make two issues paramount.
W. II. Emerson spoke at Wlota last n ght,
dealing almost entirely with tho Philip
plno question. II. I. Snltlngrr has been
secured for an address next Friday own
ing during tho carnival.
(iiiirKeil with Hold Holilierj.
FORT DODGE, la.. Oct. C (Special
Telegram. ) Tom O'Hara and Petor Coyne,
two prominent young men about town, wero
arrested last night for tho holdup of tho
night agent of tho Minneapolis & St. Louis
rnllwny, which occurred nbout two weeks
ago. Tho robbers attneked tho agent and
after robbing the safo locked him In a
box car. Tho arrest was tho result of tho
work by lallway dotectlves. At a pre
liminary heating this nftornoon thoy wore
bound over to tho grand Jury In $1,000
ball. Tho arrest Iiuh created u sensa
tion, as tho men nro woll known.
Growth of I iilvcrslty.
IOWA CITY, la.. Oct. 0. iSpcclal.)
Today, tho third Saturday of tho university
year, tho day upon which annual compari
sons nro made, tho growth of the univer
sity Is marked by an increase of 14 per
cent over Inst yei.r's enrollment nt this
time, with an Increase In the faculty from
102 to 135. Tho total number of students
enrolled Is 1,280 and that In splto of Uio
fact that tho law courso has been extended
from two to throe years nnd tho medical
courM'3 extended from blx to nlno months
and with added requirements for admission
to tho college of liberal arts.
I'repnrp for CiirnUnl.
ATLANTIC, la.. Oct. 0. (Special. ) Tho
city Is beginning to put on Its hoi. day
nttlrn for tho coming carnival, which be
gins next Tuesday and lasts until Satur
day night. Iiooths aro being t ro ted in
the streets nnd the windows luvo been
quite generally decorated with the car
nival colors for tho occasion. Tho ex
ecutive commltteo has secured more free
attractions than has been offered any
whero In Iowa this year Romo of tho b st
attractions and plenty of thorn arc con
tracted for.
Clean Up Your
f Winter Clothes,
Wc can make your
Your last winter's overcoat
we ask is your work. We
g prices will surprise you.
Iowa Steam Dye Works,
M. DANIELSON, Proprietor,
300 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
'bobot. oBOBonEOHnEnraHEBHBnnnnnnniSEE
Don't or Plate fit?
I can make it stay. A guarantee on nil my work. Have
uio est i tun to your work.
Extract inur 2.V
Set of Teeth ?.".()!)
Rest Set of Teeth $S.OO
Silver Filling fiOc ami 1.00
(Soltl Filling $1.r( up
Crowns ?.r.)(l
F.ritlge, per tooth .".()()
W. J. Hostetter, D. O. S,
i?aldwin Block, ('or. I'earl and I.rondwa.v,
Council llluffs.
Good Property
Is a Good Investment
Fifteen lots In n, body for salo at a Very reasonable price Thcso
lots nro located In Omaha nddltlon nnd lie hlsh and dry. Thoy
will mnltc a splendid location for some factory. Several other lots
snltablo for building purposoB ono of thorn especially will miiKo
a flno location for n homo, bolns within ono block of tho motor
line and within two blocks of n school lioubo and church located
in tho western part of tho city.
Apply at
Bee Office,
Council Bluffs.
100 Visiting Cards
in the Latest Style 75c
Or Two Hundred for $1.00.
The Broadway Number is 307 aud the
Telephone is 252.
DAY & HESS, 80 Pearl St , Council Blutrs,
llnvr for mill' it lurr tint if Improved fanui, olilckrn riniclicn, fruit mid
M'KL'tnlilo lliucln iiIno rrilcli-liei- mill lunlnt-n iro,M'rly In Council Illult
mill OiiiiiIiii. M)Mi: IWItllSi
1C0 acres Hazel Hell twp., 11 miles nc C. D.,
good bulldliics, 45 per ncro.
SO acres near Crescent, well Improved, $13
per acre.
CO acies ." miles east, Rood buildings nnd
fruit, $r.O pel ncro.
CO-acro fruit farm, near city, good Improvo-
monts. Jino per acre.
30-iiert fruit f..rm adjolnlnc city. $6,000. l
Till- iiliovo In oiiI ii niiiiiiiIi- of our
ft lM'i' cent I nti'i'i'Nt. Telt'iilioiii' till.
House of .-i rooms, collar, city water aud
Imth. 4 blocks fiom I'. O.. J1.400.
6-room house on Mynster St., $1,600.
8-room house, pantry, closets, city water,
cemented collar, nlco lot. fruit and shndo
treos, ' blocks from 1. O., $1,600.
flood 5-room hoiiso, with bath and closet,
cellar, city water, cistern. Rood barn; only
Houso of I rooms, pantry, cellar, coal
bouKo, city water, SSS0. $30 down, balanco
5. room house nnd room to finish two moro
rooms, city water, Rood repair; $1,100. $100
dou, balanco monthly.
Tine houno of 10 rooms besides basement,
bath, closet, gas. furnace, laundry loom,
water on three lloors, cholco locution.
100-arre farm, nearly all In cultivation,
houfcp, barn, well etc , $23.00 per acic.
Johnston & Kerr
5(1 Broadway, Co Bluffs.
Before you
Havo your teeth attonrieel to call nnd
ot our prices and eee for yourselves
how very reasonable they are. Komoin
bor it coHts no more to havo good work
than it does to havo poor.
. ..Telephone 145
H, a. Woodbury, D. D. S-, Council Blulfj.
30 P83rl SL n'l Hotel
old suit look as good as new.
ought to be overhauled. All
guarantee satisfaction and the
ICO-acres Missouri bottom Innd, S mllo3 ti
city, Jio por ucro.
600 nrro stock farm near Marlins, Sclby Co,,
320 neres In Sliver Creek twp., J30 por acre;
noil Improved.
213 acres flno bottom land In flockford twp..
: pei n(.-e; wrn improved.
Hit. .MO.MJ I.OA.MU) oi
By Our New Plan
l I .-..(Ml, .HIS, (Ml mill Ml'.'.dO.
Full nlcki'l, with IiIkIi ii rm Tliey
Koort innt'hliit'M-nut clii'ii) tliltiKB.
Our HO, .'iri. 'Id anil no dollar Imll bnurr
Iiik. double fi'i'd "Saw Ilomt'H" aro iho
llni'bt you ever miw. Trial lioc.
If you would llkt to sec. try or buy
n M'wlns tutu'liliKt cull ou us, Wc rout
M'Wlllff IIKK'llllll'.S 7."C 11 VOf'k.
Kvorybody known Hint the "NJ3W
IIO.MIJ" Is all rlRlit. Vou tnl;o no
I'lmwos. Wo Ktiiirantco every ono ami
our pinrnntee jh ;oofl.
t nil on nt nnd -ur- tlip
iiiiii'lilni'M mill I'oiiiinare
,UU7 llioudtvMi. (on ii el I Iliad.