THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: s mhY, OCTOBER 7, 1000. CITIZEN'S ARE UF ONE MIND Anditorinm Demand! by Emiine and Artistic Interna Aiikt. With tli "Ve-itemc nf Ten Thnu.nnd Di'llnr l.ulil A xth y Jtiiltil 1-VttlVMl, Vmllttf rliiHi Projeel Ti!e. on -"ith.tinice. .8 tO me-lv.d ai mv 1e project urgaoiie a om;iv and Mil stock Konnii ( lljr lffer-i t4xnmile. W I Burgess I believe Omaha should havj .in aiifiitorlum. We could erect one on the Mine bams m the Kansas City struc tire. or possibly tood the city, a building , coating In i he neighborhood of JlaO.OOfl ts 1 MAYOR LAUNCHES HUNDRED-DOLLAR LIST Jg CrF ZZr" erect. , rraBK Murpoy There M bo doubt as to the urgent need of an auditorium. The pro ject should be taken In hand by an or ganised company and sufficient stock dla posed of to defray alt of the a.ipense. John A. Crelnhton An andliorlam law enough to accommodate all conventions ts the requirement tt ought to be located down tirwn. Chartea 9. Sherman An auditorium Id greatly needed In the city. It ought to be cuntiaitjr located. The fund for the pro mot. on of the project could be eoiletitett through a medium similar to that uiployed by the Kansas City people in erecting their bulldln;. Herman Bellstedt It la certainiy adv.a able tor Omaha to have an auditorium. A building that will teat about I.iMO persons t think plenty lare enough for all prac tical purhH)3. The coat of the building depend on whether it la to be one largo hall or a itor building. George Keliy I am in faror of an audi- i torium, of course-. I huvo not given the i matter particular con-iiderntl n. but le- n a i Mmes partm. i m - '.'reign .1 M Hi. 'o ard i .arge Wli' atterd lit Will T".t .')je. ' will ir- I d M 1 Hi' ri,.S"ii .tib r of o-her malia I ie irrent tor1' ;' next Tuesday at ; p atio.i Notes M" ie art .lei artment wt . meet .in Thtirda at l'i .Hi. The subject for me yar a work If German it t Italian Gothic Architecture M-? We-sr will lend. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. The merchants and profeaslons.1 men of the city view with a nnie eye the urgent need of an auditorium and a number hat aaown a reailineaa to aib..rlt to ineir aentlmenCi la dollars and cento. ntns men feel a personal losa in the enforced ahuenc of convention and other assem blies, white artlat people lament the fact no great operatic or theatrical pro duction la able to . wnl into the tramped quarters now available in the city. Mayor Moore has hwded a subscription itst. and with the jlO.oflo already on hand from tha muslenl fw-trval and tne J50.(W) auberribed by th-: Street Railway company the audi torium project haa advanced Tjeyond the etage of talk and apoviilatton. Tho preaalon of ituena on the matter are given below x . . - fi t. rt maiKi tt 0Mit hit. .7.1. ...... ith h.. .,.n,ihtu ' sar'' tns "reation cf obc aa tv rasa try. mil ution to me that Omaha has no suitable I , nm., - : hall to offer to large ronventiona and I am i , , A''n-pnHa i r ..t. .a w log T, I oneVf .-00 men who will Slve !' "f . u.lttorlttm. Th- orga.U n tm U There eorUtlnly are n0 PM- 1 r""1!. Tt' in Oraahu who are willing ,r; " ' . ' " ' "l laimuK am.iu roe location anil COB' until .1 MnDor.Mld of Lti ramie in in Omaha J Whit of Ottawa la stopping at tho Ih a patron piitron of GAMES plrittd rilUena to give thie. With $00.fin In 3lght It would ! be mut-h eaier to Ulk convention hall. I Thi) great aucceea of the Bellatedt con-1 certs ehowa that the ponple of the city aro billing 'o patronize meritorious attrac tionii and the .-rowda which attended h'o mimical festival are small aa compared with the number that would attend iuon entertainments in a commodloua hall, aiifh a.i Kanaaa City hint. We wilt probably not bo able to build aa protanttoua a hall na tho Kansas City atrur'ure. but a mucti mailer butldtng will auppty our present leodH. The arH egg of near y $10,001) furnished oy the musical festival will be the nucleus of a fund which muat bo swelled to SISU. 300 and t feel conSdent that in a a.tort time .ion prominent Omaha mou will ne found who ara willing to keep the pace set jy "Mogy" and aubarube 100. John Francla One of the great neceaai ilea of thin city fa to have an auditorium, tad the conaumiuatlon of the pinna uow under way toward securing auch a structuru will menu much to Omalhi. TUero are many gatherings, meetlnga and convention that we can't solicit nor se cure bocnuau '.ve have no hall adequate to their needs and consequently we are keeping thousands of pooplu away from thla city and tho business Interests are losing thousands of dollars. The moat re cent Instance that haa come under my no tice where Omaha haa suffered by reason of the abhence of an auditorium ts In the caao of the Orau Opera company. I was informed that this rreat collection of singers woiini amp o nun . "uim- bases bio place In which the operas could be uraw we have tho money will be. essential to any description. McKinley a el ctioa much entrpr:ae of D W Millard (.'. Frye of Cheyenne Is a patron of 'he Millard. ThomaJ g. McGran of KansMS city la in Omaha. Matt A. Zrteefc of Howell la at the Mer chants. U. Burrell nt Oroat Falla, Mont.. Is at the Merchants. Z. L, Smith of Sabula, la., oi tne .urrar. '. Moraeen of Tokamalt la a the Menhanu. G. R. floater of Kli.oln was at the Murray yesterday. J. J. &on!(mwr nf Itrtun uad nr fh 1 Her Grand yesterday. k B. F. Copeland of Lincoln registered ye9- is urlv at the Murrnv N t. H. Evans of Kenegaw waa a Sttturda' gueat at the tier Grand. Mrs. ott awingiey and daughter Oertruda are g-jeats of the Murray. J. J. Elkin and wife of Bancroft, Ni. are guests ot the Merchants. Bnrtvtt Richards, a banker and cattle mun of chadron. Is In the lty W. E. Decatur, head of a Boston boot and shoe house is at the tier OntnU James. VilWi.ll ami W A. Webster Sidney. la. are stopping at the .Merchant J. K. fell lop of Fort Dodge, accompanied by his ife ,md son. are stopping at the Murray. Nat Jncobsan of New York and William Mettenheimer of Chicago are staying at th ller Orund. Captain James M. Erwln has returned from t. Lnuis, where he uctsd aa Judge of tnu militia drills. Hon. Flalbert J dtrawn of Albion. III.. was an Omaha visitor on Friday, the guest OF NATIONAL LEAGUE i of hla couln- Jue stntwn Airs, w .lliam Aimersnu. wife I'llliliilrtt t'e nn rniy itt and tlll 1. 1 tii St. l.oul-., I'luyer PITTSHUKO, Pa., Oct. 5.-Ptit3liur3S flcld day yesterday evldjn'ly unflttel tue players for base ball toda The teat they oculd do wns to make , rr irs. Fourteen men were tried, but they ecu d nat sa o the day. Attendance, 3,Jt(0. So;re: I'lTTMItRil, Si lAjClS. M H B , . R.II.O.A.B. clarks, if... 9 Poole, If .... 4 Uneli, If . . a TanneMII .. Uea moni, cf t Rltchy, 3b. 1 Mct:rfry, rf 0 O'U ton. lb., a wmiuns, tb I Zlmmer. Rly, u Le. v-t. p.., ":hrivr 0 0 3 0 1 1 11 4 0 A I) i) 0 0 ) 0 McOrsw. Jb 0 0 : iiurkeit. If.. 4 0 i H'I.IMrk. cf. 1 HHMnuvan, rf. 1 ft Walla e, is. t J Urugir. 2b.. 1 0 0 i;onl:n. lb. .. t ill Ortitnr, a.... I 1 1 Powell, p.... ti I ti - J I, Total t 1 l i SI a ol 1 t 1 4 I I 1 1 t 2 1 t Il I .1 0 U of William Valltlng he. of Indian- I IT S 1 sung and the crowds accaramcuateu. .s i -it . . i . 1 n..n..UM T. . u ! f-l.w Tin. i coin and then skip right through Omaha to St. Taut. Not only does It seem a ahamu that Omaha can't enjoy such a greut attraction, but It also hurts the prido of many of us to see other cities no more progressive than is ours favored where we aro not. I think the business men who have taken up thla matter are inaugurating tt along tho right lines. A great thing Is monoy and It will bo the part of wisdom to have a good nestegg to start oft with before anything is done. We ought and Mil bo able to build an auditorium In Dmaha that will caver our needs for many rears to come and on such a basis, too. I believe, that the structure will be self jupportlng and pay a dividend to tho itockhulders. C. C. Dolden I Uellevu Omaha ought to lavo an auditorium centrally located, whoso irating capacity would readily accoramo latrt from 8,000 to 10,000 people. It should oat In tho neighborhood of $150,000. Mr. Brandels Omaha, Ilka every other epresentatlve city In tho United States, ihuutd havu an auditorium. It could be wilt by popular subscription, bonding the dty or organising a company. Its seating '.apaclty should be largo enough to accom nodate national conventions, or. In fact, any lathering that would tend to promote the dty's commercial interests. Fred E. Sanborn Thla city not only ought n but will have an auditorium. It will ost about $200,000, accommodate at least 1,000 persons and be located tn the most cntral part of the city. It will be erected Jetweon February and September, 1301. Rome Miller I have agitated tho necea illy of an auditorium for tho lust three rears, and' favor a building in the business llatrlct of the city capablo of holding 5,000 r 6,000 people. It should be so constructed hat when tho future demands and Increased population mnku It necessary It can bo en arged accordingly. Tho most practical Totals ... J 3 17 II Tt Batted for I.onch in the ninth. "Butted for Kly In the ninth. Buiud for Leever In the ninth. rittsburg o i o 0 2 o o o ) a St. Louis 0 o I 2 0 I ) 0 I Earned rung. PlttMhnrir. Tun-hiwo lilt.: Rltihv. O'Brien, Donlin. Three-hise lilt: Burlteu. riu.Ttrtco hit. Zlmmer S oiod Beiiunvnit. Rjtchoy. Williams. Mc Donovan, criger. First base on bail.-. Leaver. 2. off Powell. 2. S.rU'dt out Leever. 1. bv Powell. 4. Wild nltih. Leever. Time- 2.20. i miilre: Swartwucd. lirooUlyn'M rielillnu ... u. PHILADELPHIA. ct. h.-Brooklyn de feated I'lllluili li 1 1 1 uy wCtt r oi I lit g. Until pitchers weie mi hind, bi .iteoinmty was tho steadier it critical stages. A. tendance, 1.303. icore: HHuoivVN , PHILADELPHIA. R.H Il.H.O.A.E. Jonm, cf ... 9 Keler, rf... 0 Shpckard. If. 0 Keller, lb... 2 Cronn, 3U... . i Liuhien. . i Daly. a .. . 1 Fairwl!, c... 0 M'Glnnlty, p 0 I 0 i Z t l 2 ia l t : 4 S X 3 1 a i o Thnm.m. cf 0 Slale. If ... 0 0 Flick, rf 2 o Cnlls, lb. . . o u M'K'rlsnil. e i 0 Wu'v'tan. 3b l 0 Doian, 0 rrose. 0 Fnixer, !b.. 1 0 0 : io 1 t 3 3 t 2 0 1 . 6 n r, 0 0 0 o a o Cures Weak Free 3) en Totals S 17 J7 13 0 Totals Brooklyn 0 1 0 1 Philadelphia o 0 0 i Earned runs: Brooklyn, .1; Phlliideipli'a. 2. Two-basn tuts: Duhien, ShecKard, F.iok. Tlire-bax hits: Duiy. Flick. Dolan. Douli u plays: Farreil tc. Cross. Kelly to Dnhlun; Farrell to Daly Left on buses: Broomy.i, S; Philadelphia. I. First bn-e on eirors. HrooKlyn, 2. Flrtt base on Off M -tllnnltv 6, oft Fraser, 3. Siru. k out. Uv McGtnntty. J. Pas e. bnl.s. McFarland, i. Time. 2 oii. lmplre. Hurst. Mercer lln.i a Moiv Hull, NEW YORK. Oct. 6. In a pitchers' bat tle the New Vorks beat the Bostons at Polo grounds again thla afternoon. Mereor used a slow bad that was a puller. Tho Bostons escaped a whitewash by a raily In tho ninth Inning. Attendance, I.j-a). Score: EOSTO.V. i NEW TOHK. B.1I.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.U. Stahl, rf 0 Lons. a o Cnlllnn. 3b.. 0 Tenney, lb.. 4 Duffy, cf. .0 Fr"inun. cf-1 ') Dairy. If.... 0 Lae. 2b.... 0 Pulllvin. o..O NIcliuU. p. I O'VHalt'n. cfo 0 SPlbuch. If . 1 0 Hickman, 3b I) 0 Bernard, rf. I OjDoyle, lb.. .0 DuvtH, is I Murphy, 2b.. 1 Gridy, c 1 Mercer, p. ... a TitalH Boston ... Now Vork I 3 21 3 0 14 0 3 1 1 1 1 2 a T'Jl.llB 4 4 :i H 4 INSURES LOVE AND A HAPPY HOME l;Oll ALL, How any man may nulcmy cure nimsair ifter years of suiTerlng rrom sexuui wean . Inst vitality nluht losses, varicocele ila, and enlarge small weak urgans to full 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I 0 2 0 0 0 1 I First buao on errors: Boston, 4. L ft r.n bases: Boston, li: New York, 2. First base on balls: Off Nichols. J: oil Mercur. 2. Struck out: By Nichols, 2; by Mercer. I. Stolon bases: Davis, Jlercor. Sacrifice hU: Murphy. Double play: Dnyla (unassisted). Time: 1:13. Cmpire: Snyder. CHICAGO. Oct. . Tho Chicago-Cincinnati gamo was culled In the las half of the second Inning on account ot ru.n. Each team scored one run In the tint Innlnf. Batteries : Cincinnati. Newton and Kahoo; Chicago, Menefee and Donahue Umpire: O Day j t midlll If of the Trunin. Played. Won. Lost. Brooklyn 1."'! Pittsburg 1.12 Philadelphia 134 BoBton 131 Chicago 133 St. Louis 134 Cincinnati 11 New York . ... ta il 71 59 32 51 H2 CI P C .; fi!2 MS ISO . 171 .l2 1-44 .131 (,':W- If .51 VTA KN.VPP M D Simply send vour name and I B0NN1BERT GOES TO HEFFNER Fli'loubinnnns Sell Winner of .Vallitmtl Stallion fur N,.101. NEW YORK. Oct. 6.-A number of race h.irhes. In training, the property of C ly-l-dachmunn's souh and E. S. t 'raven, weio !old at auction today at .Morris park. Bonnlbert. winner of the Natl -nal StalllJn "takes, brought top price, R Heftner giving ji.&Hi for him. Those bringing $7d) or over were as fol lows Bonnlbert, ch. c 2-yeur-old, Albert Bonnie Ola. E. Hettnur. .3it Dulando. b. g.. 7-year-oId, Powhatan Barblche. J. J. McCaffery. f2.:C). Six Shooter, br. c. 2-vear-old. Sir Dixon Kentucky Belle II, A. L. Asle, 12,800. Margravtate. li. c . 2-yeur-o.d. Margrave. Mount Vernon, N. L. Mitchell. $750. Irritable, ch. c. 2-vear-old. Iroquois Tlnbera. Julius E. Flolschmann. fc'.a'i. Birbara Frletchlo, h. f, 2- ear-old, St. Maxim-Francis S. T. Welsh. 2.ikw. Phllao. br m., 5-year-old, Emperor-Phil-ippa. 1. V. Bell. JTiU Tj. W Sa and vliror uldrcss to Dr L.. v tvnapp. c null U.ds . ,I..eUer IVrUlus Sunt to IlenfU. aetrolt. .Men, ami '" K''v sen.i me LEXINGTON. Ky . Oct. il-Frank Per 2W1U1mL , -''his homo here tonight by Tom Christian. m vntt.ij r--" t - . i ., ritrmer uiinic flerK anil rnr K 'l "raves, the turfman. Chrtstian used a .vnoerson ni tne ii.-r uraml. is sister. Mrs Wl'.aam oiu. 1.1. M. llorton. representing the Messenger Paper compitn of i hicugo. is 111 at the tier Or i-io m- TT.-uon ,s .irominent in i the Knights nf Pyth'a,4 order. ' LOCAL BREVITIES. ! A case of scarlet fever ts under lu.irantlne at 17W Center street. The same old cause of gasoline and a i lighted mutch caused a fire in the Frum-K hotel at Sixteenth and Chicago streets at J.-O p. m. yesterday. Tho damage was J2f. The council's resolution eomploylng Hal. tj .v McCulloch to Collect dell.iiiueiit -peril. E! la.-tca Is stld In the hands of Mayor Moor.',,. K w nen arlied wnother he woulu approve t:ie resolution the mayor said that he had nt decided what action to take in tne matter The annual harvest home service will be held at Trinity cathedral next Sunduj. Oc tober 14. at 11 a. m. The offerings will be devoted to tho- Bishop ClnrKson Memorial Child's hosi Itnl. Tho Kt. Kev. A. L. Wil liams, bishop coadjutor, will preach the sermon. Dr. W. H. Hnnchett delivered a lecture beture the nurses of tho Child Saving In stitute on Saturday afternoon. His sub ject was "The Care and Treatment of Chil dren. 1 This Was the first or a series of lectures on this subject In this training crnnni ior nurses. I B. F. Warren. 3210 Grand avenue, com i plains to .he ponce that he lost twelve I ouff ccrh.n chickens Friday night, i me I fowl was found outride the hencoop, fjoni which It Is Inferred that thirteen w-r originally stolon, but that tho thief, being superstitious, released one of them to re duce the number to twelve. ' Explosloti of a gasoline stove resulted In ' a lire at lilt Smith Twelfth street yoster.iuy I morning, i he two-story trame and urlcit I dwelling it that number, occupied by II- iiuin etuiM-u ti. I. i.i.i.ii, Haa uiimugeu TO the extent of ubout J10O. Thu pruperty was Insured. Mayor Moorea and the building Inspector have not taaen any steps to stop the work on tho High school bul.dlrrg on aceuunt of I tho failure of the Bourd oi Education to , pay for the julidlng permit, but the mav r says that tho fee of 1U7 must bu paid, i Tho buildings and property committee of 1 tho Board of Education and the board's at. 1 torney maintain that they will not pay ihe ' inspector an.- monev ei!'e th.- boards! Judgment iiulnst tho city remains uu satlsrted. During tho last month the various ex press companies have missed a number of packages from their delivery wagons. No one theft was very valuable, but In the ag- ! gregate about $1j0 worth of goods were taken. The thief, who gave the name of C. I Clark, was arrested at the Central hotel . esterday afternoon bv Officer Baldwin, tie confessed and helped the officers In locating thu goods, all ot which were recovered. Among the stuff stolen was a valise from : the Roosevelt speclnl. At Its meeting hold in Lincoln the Ne braska Schoolmasters' club decided to h d ' Its next meeting In Urnaiu November iii The chief nuper nt the Lincoln meeting -."as by Prof. Luckey of the I nivepdiy of N - braska and treated the development of ir i -professional training of teachers in Ger many. Cnrroll G. Penrsc. suserlntendent if the Omaha jclioois. Principal A. H. Wu-r-hnuse of the High school and E. J. Bodwi-ll. , county superintendent of public Instmc tlon. aro the Omaha members of the club. Court .Not". Elizabeth S. S. Coombs has been awarded a decree of divorce from Henry W. Coombs on the ground of lack ot support. Eleazer Wakeley and Saolmi Wake'ey havo been granted restraining orders in three suits to prevent the collection of paving taxes In district No. 4S. In probate court Lyman Richardson, guardian for Dr George L. Miller, has been granted permission to lell personal prop erty of his ward's at Seymour Park farm to provide means tor the expense of keeping Dr Miller at St. Bernard's him. pltal una medical attendance. Judge Fawcett received Intelligence by wlru Friday evening that the condition of his sen, Ellsworth, who Is a sufferer from furaljsls on the Judge s farm near Galena. 11.. was growing worse and left at once to attend him. Business in hla court will therefore be suspended until October 17. Tho Injunction suit of the city against the Chicago, St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha road to prevent tho cutting of ths grade of Eighth street between Douglas street and Capitol avenue lor tho purpose of putting In .v side track and switch stand at Eighth and Dodge has been passed In Judge D.cklnson s court until the further order of the court nnd the temporary re straining order recently Issued continued In force Judge Dickinson has rendered a decree In the case of Jeremiah P Looney agalns jonn ti. .uacLoi., tne i.uxington statesman, awarding plaintiff Judgment for $4,012.), Plalnt.iT held a judgment against ui : Meridian Canal compaiv for the amou.i., which he has transferred against itact'oii on a, showing that the latter was a pur chaser of tlfty shares in the company ot tho value of J5,ia)0. upon which he had ne-ce mild anything. Nicholas Yager has filed suit iigtilnrft the i..m.ih.i Uai.-r eumpuaj to prevent us agents from shutting off the supply water at -his puico on Farnats street, near Twelfth, nending the ad mnvnt of a c i n of tho company for $170. Yaijer claims that tror.i j iru-. lolt, until .in.. IPuu. n pant monthly the bills rendered him by tho company for the consumption of water as shown by the meter, but that In July he was presented with an additional bid for tl70. which he wishes the court to puss upon, pending which action he does not want his supply denied him. Judue Vlnsonhalcr hus overruled the de murrer of defendants In the cuso of R. a Horton. trustee of the hnnkrupt Greater America Exposition company ngans- iveney. anger t-o , wu-rein tne piain:T , seeks to recover upon ihe stock suusi i . tton of defendant. It was alleged in tl,e demurrer that 'lie affairs of the expi . .-i 1 1 . . huiCjiHSHed into the bankrupt'- courts 'in I Judge V'lnsonhaler held that 'he sabscrtb r I cuilld be sued In a case where the cull f. r ' subscriptions had been made prior to ih. I bankruptcy proceedings. This derision af- I fecta a number of cases already rtled I Mr ollowtng extracts taken from his dally mall mow what men tninit or nis generosity "Dear Str Please accept my sincere Jaanks for yours of recont date. I have Sven your treatment a thorough teet and e benefit hns been extraordinary. It hus iompletely braced me up. 1 am Juht as rigorous as when a boy and you cannot "callus how happy I am. ' "Dear Sir Your method worked beuutl fully. Result were exactly what I needed, strength and vigor have completely re turned and enlargement Is entirely Mils. 'actary. I "Dour Sir Yours wan received and t had i to trouble In making use of the re elpt aa i Urected and .-an truttifull say tt la i boon :o w- ak men. I im greuil imprnt e l In me sip-egin nnu Mgor A ove and Carpet Sa Li 6 Our annua stove and carpet sale which b'an Iast eek 19 a FVetj0menal H"'cet!8- Tbifi week the great ?a!e will contintu many new bargains hav ng been adirl. Such values were never teen cr cllered before. Sieves in every imaginable style and eize are being shown, and at ridiculously low price.-. Such crowds as attended our Great Carpet Sale taxed our mammoth carpet department to its very limit. Many new bargains in carpets, rugs, draperies, etc.. go on sale tomorrow. f I r.rn 3r-!."T7:t ?.n 16Hi 5 ftRNArl STREETS. OMAHA. CrilE PEOI'LTS' FtllMTtRB VD t V It PUT CO.) BRIGHTEST A bet nil heatffi "Tin- R- iMlile" height :1U In clean. perfeot fotirnt-rs irlilch reiiiilr no more Httentlon tlinn an o?dln'y lnmp 1 gallon nf nil bnrns 10 hour, trill heat room 1U feet -ni nil re, tumor- i in roir .... ELKtSANT HTEGI. n M;K l-lTtrn nuulltr ninterlnl nnd niticli nlcUei In trlnntilniCK. li aibeitiin lined, hut lm lirored itrnft and U an eceptlonally kooiI baU er, potent halnneed 29.75 doors .ftl), DO mnvr nt An nnei-nnled .liorr Ins; nf Cook Stove., .Iron 7. dnrabte kind, targe oven fc rtre bix, 4 hole.. anarunted for bnLliitf this ante. . . 7.95 7 EASY TERMS Evsrvthln? sold for Gash or Credit. - J 10 CO firth goods. $1X0 a week. $ 1.00 a month 25. CO worth ecus. I 15 a week. S.C0 a ninnth 50.C0 wofih jrcrils. lEOaneik, ft.00 a mcnth 75. CO worth juxiis. 2X0 a week. S.COa IUO.C0viontijci.cs. 2.f()aweik. 0.C0 a mun'.h 2C0.C0 wt rth jjt tds. JC0actk. I2.C0 a muuth ELKC! lT CST n.t G1S. THE nevre.t Improved. with Inritr ii(n and Inde.truct Ible tire l. beuatlfally nickel trimmed, pill ent druft, eusllr reurulated. It I rrortll tl of .fUD.OO .n le price 19.50 si'lk.mdio iiise nun- en. .elf feeder. , pxtent draft, nnd e.peelnlly re. eouituended for fuel et'Oiiomy. plenty of nick el on dome, foot re.t. mid very oi'tin- meiititl, fully FIK O IK HE 1 rKlt like out burn coal nr wood. inlf r druft nickel trtininlnc A 1 I o.vr Hitil Urwf ortinmeiiinl urn a prellT Je.lun nil itIII atT trelleitc iittl. fnctlnn o ro Inr l .low- price only 7.98 uasli or Credit i Draperies, Curtains, Etc, 98c 98c 3i! w fur pair instead it SI TO -Notting lam I. ace. Curtalra .'-ellent vaiues we talk modestly but he curta.: i speak cn'r isread of St., -Kurt"!! jriinn iriains doweil and plain white, bands doa- jte Hutched, warranted to wash. - s each m.fend of ,5 3 3 hopo mm-' iers, ,i,r sin gle and do ible ii ors. of heavy twisted cord yard Instead of Stir -Art D-nim In various i olormgs. f pulr Intesd of .OU ' Noflng--J"-'u ham and Oil ,oire ijrtalns. In ali the lat- st patterns, special value. 1,49 125c Dt.r tnrtead of JJ HI Si'i t,-h (ul . ind Not- thigh im L.i. e i'iirains. giod t' iish rai lenis a m v rale ln- tead of 2. Tl I S" ) - imported i i vy SH m i.russela and P'-.lnt de Pii-ts Lace i'ur talns . that you should not fall to noii e. e-ich Instend of 17 .Hi (W-tn. Ori ental i" o u c h Covers. priect matches of tne rei! Kih Kellms, Bolt haras, etc r arrl Inst.-ud of rC Tupi-s ry Fur i ' ire Coverings, rlci. ..rte'itai . olor--. .r-v e insti a I of Sl.of 3 - f"f elegant Tap. 4.98 Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums GRADE 19c HI S- r V' RD FOit ci. f 1 V.J n P-'s 'he great s w wt le and rever parlors nun eHiry fortierei .'r'nge top and bottom. BP.I SSEI.S AGATE. COPIES OF THE HIG pro Brussels and cashmeri ,-arpet rrav be used on both slilee. uauernt wero never mcr-ntti-i. fi. fit;m .-it ihi Hho-vlnif nrlee. ard V VRD Flu cui.i jiuia um saiii.f .in fest weart"ir carpet made .i in rslble. Mne due of color w'th YARD FOR TAPESTRY bKl.riSELS CAK riP. P-ts. a larie coilr.tion ot the best patiern.i, mi..l.. lit rf.infnrd s. Smith's anil Dobson s. for hails and .tatrs. worth sic R STOVE SI US, UKKAVISSl VAH.1C.11 er shown In tnis style or rug, bhi im our own designs, best quality; worth SI 25 .. . I' :H S'I ARE VAKU bUK (LIJUB UIU anndest 1'ne ever shown. J Pl-.K J-IJI .IKS Y.KU "Ull l.l.lUl.r.1 IciC r,r,ini-"st lln'' ever shovn. newest patterns. KOR KYOTA SMYRNA Rl ",S. 1-V2 PI LL lire of or deslKns and co ors fur TOxtfii Smyrna for Art 1 'LJ Ruks. all 'he now. ,S Squares, size f - . ., , f . . i , . , - t r '. R ST Vj? C we lia - terned t worth 24c 48 13-50 Blankets Bedding. 69c I A cbanct.' to nutu'-ipnt(- your win or needs for littlu monev. tO-4 Heavv Cotton Fleeced Clank-et-.. In gray and tan. worth J1.0O 11-4 Extra Heavy and Larue Size Double Fleeced Blankets. Ill white, 4 -) tan ind silver gray, cheap at J . , ) Gray Wool-Mixed regular kind. 1.98 coloring". est eft fringed. nice, bright fre: fringed. h pat ns :.00 pair 10-4 Heavy Blankets, pair Blankets, full U)-4 size tine Caltiornlii Olan k-is In white or light shade pwm or sllvr grav. beautiful bor- ,', JT") ders. worth J3.50 pair - hi ri n zsim nrnni M&v;tMli CPU 5? 'v? I a- s gy er FANCY DESIGN LR.VS3 TRIM med iron Bed steel ddu ral-?M--fectly enameled and worth least double )ur o O-i rice only JVJ FANCY ."-" A 'loHdt. wlrh adj'ista l shcl'.ee. round ends la"ge glas iloors. special Q "TS sale only . . . lJ i J FANCY DRESSER -golden finish, brass trimmed, plate mirror. sale' 9.50 LA Ri E chiF fonler. well ma u of seasoned unit finished sto.-k- large drawers- carved top heavv brass mlngs. clieup at ml trim 4.98 Crockery and Glass 100 PIECE At'STRIAN CHIN V DINNER Sets handsome heliotrope spray decora tions r Imogea patterns. JQ worth J30 tomorrow JU 2T.II LAMPS Ji aT t'NP VCKED-VARIED ussunment of en ora and nar terne. north Vi jo romirmw on!v FANCY ROCKER oak ir mahogany rtnlsh frame lea'h. er seat, high arms, and high hand carved 1 Q(l back, only ..fyj 124 DINNER SETS ENGLISH PORCELAIN unde radmed decorut'on. In assorted colors. composed of ion piece-), worth S1J .O-Mondny PINNER rfKTS EV'i'.ISH Pi 1 RCELAiN - lflu pieces, in in.lergl.ized scenic decora.lons worth JiS- Monday 7.95 "ELAiN 9.90 We are agents for Peninsular Stoves & Ranges Ladies' woo Suits TAILOR MADE Ladies' black urn all wool serge suits, t u 1 1 taffeta trimmed jackets, tl;lH tit tin, worth li50 111, 7.98 Ladies' Black Pebble Cheviot, tight fitting -mits plain skirts, worth O.OO. for 13.98 ONLY $5s06 A MONTH. tarn a REGULAR GRADUATE ot two MEDICAL COLLEGES, My entire professional life haa been that of a SPECIALIST PRIVATE DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. Ten years in Omaha. ELECTRICITY and MEDICAL TREATMENT combined ia all cses where it ii advisable. Varicocele Stricture. Syphilis, in all its stages, Loss of Vigor and vitality caused from aome or excesses. Weakness and Disorders of Kidney and Bladder cured, and health and vigor and ambition fully restored. CURES GUARANTEED m all curable cases S5.00 A MONTH. CURES GUARANTEED. CHARCES LOW. HOME TREATMENT. Consultation and Examination FREE -.III dl . EBR- DR. SEARLES & SEARLES, 0ahX!4n Immediate and Lasting rine. lie nix-time enraged at Perkins re fusal to give him a match and won pat out of his house. He returned and killed Per kins as he sat on his porch. I.eliluh Score. Vulii..t Princeton. PRINCETON N J., Oct. .-Prlnceion was surprised by Lehigh today, whsu ths laimr scored a touchdown against them. Princeton, however, won ihe game by a core of 12 to 5 Woman's Club Note.. At the meeting of the Woman I :i on Mondin the following were elected dele gates to the state federation met'tnt; r f in. olr tills week MTies T,i-!n n imon All orrespi ad'-Mire -s strl. t Iv -..nddc;i':.i: Idle T wT.i'nd. F r . :m. M.-Ol!-in Ha.-'. nudeil l i . ,i:t sealed envelope The r ke' I'anient r and M'ss Fairhrnther Thu icin is fi-e ror tn and ho wants 1 al'arna.ea are Mmss, Oaait, Strawn. Met vf man to hav tt. Caif, Thompson. Fuller, Richardson. Jack- llallirnv Note, unit I'erinniiN, W F Van Berger. ticket auditor of 1 1" Northwestern, is 11 vislmr in the cltv from Chicago Arthur B. Smith, assfjtnnt gierl pa -songer agent of the Purungton. has i-e. turned from a trip to the Hiack Hills J. R. Clark, agent of tho Cr.lun Pacirt. at Central City is In the '.Ity In ccnsuit.i tlau with oltlclala at general headauarters General Superintendunt W. H. Stilweli .,f Topekn, tjuparlntandent J-ines of Horton and F H. Barnes, city passenger agen at Lincoln, are Rock Island oltlclais viho arc visitors tn the. city. Two big Improved, consolidated :, , motive, similar to the new ones reeemlv purchased by the I nton Pacific, ptissrd through the city enroot.- to Ogden. wh- r the w!V. he turned over t. ihe Houtlvr" Pa Irtc C M SeegriST rnlef erlt li' the gene; ,1 frelghr flJ.-e f Mic nlc P. UV. has be n i-a.led n his "Id h' me t I'.nols bcra is nt h ssrlom i.insss f his '-'lo'her Durt.:g his absence Howard Bruner la crSclatlng as HALF RATES I.MAIIIA.M lE , wnoin PAMfirs Tnvir Kansas City and return fcept uivLii i rv.iivyo lu.ut J'ith t. (Jet. 6 Prevents Waste, Aids Digestion. Braces Body, Brain and Nerves. t';pt. No other preparation has ever recelvsd so many . o Miitai-y testimonials from eminent peop'e a. the world-famous Marlanl Wine hold "y all druggist. Refuse substitute. Marlant A Co.. 52 W 13th nt Nw Yjrk. pi.bilsh a handsoms book of Indorasmsnls of Emperors, Empress, Princes, Cardinals, Archbishops and other d"-t !iulshed "sr jonar.i. It ts snt gratia said postpiUd ts ail who writs tor If. 6th. SI. Louis an(l retum- ;jnth to Oct. 6th. Indianapolis And return Oct. 1st and 2nd. To most all points south, Oct. '2nd and 16th. Trains leave t'nlon Station dally for KANSAS CITY Q.f "IN'""Y ST LOCI3 and a" pm its cast or south. AM f formation ar OTV TfKET OF. Firn. Uli F.VRNVM ST fPaxt .n Ho'r Block) or wrlta Harry 13 Moorus, C P X. A- . , gnu. isiwu;,i.iw. ii ill, 5BU'm!&T'J.Wl'm.'P!',''.V1Wm!. tv jrfrrf rnr " liiBf on its merits alone. It's not only our own opinion, but EM L that of everyone who smokes it, that it is the best cig-ar pil w tn the world for the money. iO It represents the acme of cigar achievement and Efl Bfc that's why you are aslced to smoke it. pg9 jl Call for it wherever cigars are sold. l WK PAXTON& GALLAGHER CO., Distributors, Omaha, fjl itSV 1 JOHN O. ROOT, Maker trM "Krug Cabinet" It not, you have mlsseu a good thing This e.trjulitto malt beverag stands on s unique Baals. It sells Itself. Its famn ana reputation ts ths envy of many. The ja.uta ths baneacial rfsults icblovsd "within" thi Inner man re the only and real Judges oi Its merits. Approved of by them. It tri umphantly enters Icnumerablo household. Where Casino enters, doctors and drut bills exit. DnalttKU nv l.'HEl) ICKCO UIIGWI-VO CO., rba4 420. 011111.1. .XKO :A Ground floor A. : Office With a Big Vault 9 V , I Located rlsht on Faruam Street, in gj FIRE PROOF building ts an oppor tunlty which may not soma again for y ysars There is another targe roam adjoining which you may have, If you E want tt. which opens an the court. luctrlc tight. hat and Janitor aerv H Ice are Included tn tho rnotal. , Besides, thsrs ts sn advantage t-i m bulag ia the bast building tn town R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. c