Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 07, 1900, Image 13

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
PAGES 13 TO 24.
The National Wall Paper Co., ono of the most gi.
frantic trusts of modern times lias yom to pieces,
with the result of a break in prices of Wall Paper
to one-half the trust prices. The Pig Store the tirst
to give its customers the benefit. The groat sale
begins .Monday. All qualities and designs at half
price and less.
Paper that was 2h: now 10c
Paper that was 15c now (5c
Paper that was Sc now lc
Paper that was L'Oo now Sc
Paper that was 10c now fie
Paper that was (ic now ',hi-
Great sale on Paints and .Molding during this
half trust price sale. Kemeinber this trust com
prised all the leading wall paper companies of the
country, which are now lighting each other, and
the public will get the benefit in (his great sale.
The Power of Cash
Shown in Ilayden's remarkable Carpet values. Inspect
their mammnioth line. The greatest variety in patterns ami
(stylos and the most astonishly low prices on the best goods the
market affords that cuir be secured by spot cash buying in tre
mendous quantities. 1
Fine All Wool Carpets, full standard, regularly retailed at
$1.00. on sale at (t)c and (inc.
Patent and fancy voa-e Ingrain Carpet, all best South
down wool, on special sale this week at 75c.
Velvet and Axminster Carpets, a large line of choice pat
terns, on sale at !)5c and 1.00.
Fine Mrusscls Carpet on sale at Hoc and Toe. '
We are lieiulquai lors on Oil Cloth and Linoleums; all sizes
Move rugs and bindings.
Pianos Sold on Easy Payments.
Agents for Btitterick Patterns.
Send your mail orders to Big- Store
Examples of the Bizm sss&
aren s uarments,
ore's Helpfulness
Last week the National Wall Paper Co. the biggest trust in the country went to
nieces: tomorrow the Pig Store sells wall paper at half tho trust prices.
Last week we succeeded in obtaining the western distributing agency for the famous Winslow Taieta and beginning
Monday we give our customers the benefit of the jobbing price. It is tho same in all departments. Our customers buy at
wholesale prices. 10 very advantage our tremendous spot cash buying can secure is shared with our patrons. '1 his Week's
extraordinary special sales afford the greatest bargain opportunity ever presented to Transmississippi
Winslow Taffetas $1 f f iThe Leading Dress Goods House
--black and all colors-for . . A XJ' 1 .eS$f$l5Sk ui- c-n n i iiJLii
HAY DEX 131 OS. have been appointed western distributors of
this famous silk and all merchants bundling or those thHt dcslro to handle tho
Winslow Taffeta can secure any and all shades through this agency. This very Im
portant transaction places us In the closest touch with the mills and tho advantage
of handling thousands of pieces of this wonderful tntfeta enables us to secure our
stock at a small margin above the ni lual cost of production. Wo supply dealers
Extraordinary value 200 pieces
27 inch wide Taffeta at
Drapery Sale.
In this department vou always find the exact thing you are
looking for. Our line this year is the most stylish and 'strong
est we have ever shown. The choicest things from the leading
mills of t lit country.
Jtopo Portieres, now line Just In
now line Just In, J1.C0 ' Tapestry Portieres, full line of colors
UP nil prices. $2.25 pair up.
Laco Curtains, tn Nottingham, 49e up. ( Our now Art Draperies arc now on sale.
Ilrusuels Curtains, $2.98 up.
China Department.
Tn out
more goods
China Department we carry
and occupy more space than
any crockery jobber in the west. Our China
department would make three regular sized
crockery stores.
A Real China Bargain Sale.
1,000 pieces of line Austrian China, di
rect from the factory in Austria to our de
partment. Pinto, nil sizes, line decorations, from 23c to $1.00 values
A'l pIzch Cups and Sujoers, from 25c to 76c values
H.i'ad Dishes, $1 j0 vnhtcs
Take Plates, CV to $1.00 value
Candlesticks, fOo value
Hpounlwldors, 30c value
Olive Dishes. 20e to 5ik values '."
Knit S.i ice from 2tv to r.uc value
I'p am Jugs, 2"o to Sue values
There arc II different tlnrorutiomi -our choice of any of them at
Over lo colors and blark In a heavy grade pure silk taffeta, full 27
inches wide- for extra value this beats the world We havo anything you want In
Talfcta Silks for we show the largest line In tho Tnltcd States.
The results of securing several lots of especially
good Black and colored Silks at New York auction
enables us to offer for Monday these remarkably
strong specials:
TAFFETAS -all colors -u gof PLAIN AND FANCY SILKS In every
CHINAS nil color3 Jf ZkC shade -elegant heavy silks of JJ jT
STRIPE SILKS JaajK all sorts the grandest lot OvC
li.AIi; you nave ever srru
wnrranted 3C-inch wide black pure silk Jap-both worth $1.25
on sale
' New Style Silks for Waists received during the week
original conceptions, pretty patterns, at 69c, 75c and 98c.
Big Bargains in Silks for Party Gowns, Evening
Waists, Reception Wear.
White and Colored Corded rjlBP White and Cream all pure y tjjj
Silks very flno Silk Liberty Satin
$2.00 SILKS FOR fiSC Lacey Silks Droende Silks Gros drains nnd Qftf
Imported Crepe de Chine worth $2.00 on sale ?Ow
Remember that we are Black Taffeta Headquarters
handle ovor 3'J dltTeront linos, ombrnoing- every well Icuowu t:itK-tn In tho
world. OurtalTctns uro tno boat because we linvo mtido a study of tho tulTe'ta
l'.i Inches wide 0"w 27 IncLes wide
We Sell Dress Goods at Wholesale
as well as Retail.
V-UWUllv-llv-llli ItlUIRlllJ' II'
fSinfv 7i vi h.iue thf nrcrftst:
We Dress Goods Sale that was
over inaugurated in Omaha. Owing to
tho hot wont her, nnd backward season
on I Mess Goods we will have to ini
media tel.v reduce stock, livery lady in
Omaha knows the high class goods
we carry and any lady who is contemp-
ating buying a dress should avail her
self of this grand opportunity. Here are
a few of the thousands of specials:
G4-lnch stmtly all wool homespuns. In all
the leading shades of gray, regular price
$l 25 per yard 48-inch extra heavy all wool
OUC 36 inches wide 0"t
Clip This Sample Silk Ticket, Mail to Us, and We Will Do the Rest.
20 inches wide
Q --
Write iiHine nnd aildrrn on linen IipIotv.
kind of nllk desired, un per B(t"""r" lieloir.
lnrU un , next the
Silk !
C j Ticket
"I ritnitiinus
Huyden Bros., Omaha.
Fflen's Furnishings Sale
Man's 15c Four-Ply Linen
Collars, 5c.
It won't always bo summer and you will coo ,i0,en iatest stvle men's Collars,
wako up some morning and It will be cold standing or turn-down- -clean, new, perfect
Special Sale of Stoves.
Do You Need a Heater ?
Leaders in
Sheet Klusic
and you want a stove up
Wo havo tho Itegal Universal next thins
to a furnacu. This s tho greatest heater
made. Tho handsomest tho best mado
the llnest casting tho only mirror nickel
plating rotating flrepot will last ten
times as long ns any stationery flrepot
made double heating draws tho cold air
from the floor and heats It going up
through the flues, to which n pipe can bo
connoced to carry tho heat upstairs a reg
ular Jf.0.00 stove. ThU week $39.00.
Wo have something like this, only not so
much nickel, with a 16-Inch flrepot a very
handsomo doublo-heatlng base burner a
regular $40.00 stove. This week, $33.00.
Cycloso Hot lllast, this weok $S.49.
Modern Oak. 15-inch, this week $9.95.
Wood Alr-Tlgbt. 21-lnch wood this
week $1.95.
No. S Laundry Stovo, 2-holo this week
Standard Junior Oak Squaro tho best In
Omaha large lS.2l-lncb ovtn high warm
ing closot duplex grate for coal or wood
usbostos lined throughout cheap at $38
this week, $29.95.
The modolllon a very handsome smooth cast Cook Stove large 20-lnch oven
with white enameled reservoir very nicely nickel plated would bo cheap at $23.00
this week, $17 60.
Tho Myrtle, a very nlco plain No. S Cook lS-Inch oven 4-holo top this Is a very
flno baker und would bo cheap at $14.00 this weok at $10.95. 1
Tho Banker weighs over 200 pounds nlco plain No. S cook our old standby al
ways a very tine baker worth $12.00 this week $8.95.
Hanlsuod Stovo I'lpe, 27c.
I'laiu Iron I'lpe, 9c.
Stovo Hoards. 69c.
Coal Hods. 13c.
four-ply linen told everywhere
for 15c on Bale at
Men's Medium Weight Me
rino Un:!erwear, 25c.
Two cases men's fine merino wool Un
derwearmedium weight all sizes shirts
and drawers made to sell for 50c a gar
ment on sale
Men's $1.50 medium weght all
wool Underwear all sizes
Ono lot samples of men's flno wool Un
dernear that wetc made to sell up to $2.50
per garment all In one lot
Men's 25c Hose in blacks, tans and fancy
colors guaranteed absolutely fast
on sale at per pair
Black Dress Goods
Priestley Sir 1 I'uh Salts. Arltlere Magnll
.mi! fill ftthir rpli'hmf nil mnnilf:irllirnra nr..
gr.u me n ... new , snaues. regular rcpn,s(mi ,a,ri. Lupln.8 ohuvlotSi Btrlclly
ut-iuvu IUIIU1 nillUUS, Bli It'll 1411
wool in 7 new full ebudes, "r r?f
all worth $1 2.1 per yard
reducing prlco will be, yard
40-lnch Kred Arnold's Henrietta in all col
ors, silk finished, extra weight tho finest
cloth In tbo mnrket. 40-Inch silk nnd wool
Ottoman plaids, flno colorings 50-Inch all
wool ladles' cloth, regular 75c goods 45-
Inih German vigorous, strictly nil wool
4S-lnch gray and black plaids
worth 9Sc, and 1,000 other
weaves, at
38-lnch all wool dress flannels 42-Inch
union novelties 36-lnch Bilk and wool
novelties 42-Inch in all wool plaids,
12-inch all wool checks, worth up to
70c per yard 36-lnch cashmeres 515
Inch all wool homespuns. In gray, brown.
bluo and green nnd 1,000 other weaves,
nnd as good values all
will go at
We will ocll on our front bargain square
250 dress patterns, worth $1.50. $125 and
$1.00 per yard for entire
pnttern on sale
250 patterns of 5 yards each, strictly all
wool 54-lnch wide, worth 9Sc per yard
cntlro pattern will go
Monday for
confined to us for Omaha
56-ounce extra heavy cheviot.
sponge und llnlshed ns good
as anything sold for $'.'
per yard In this town, at.. .
All our high grade novelties yV
that we sell for $3 50 pur J. f" 1 D
yard will go a '-
All our high gradp novelties that we
sell at $1.50 and $5.00 f - -v
5 O C at!! g!":T !'"r!,. 3.uU
For the fall of 1900 we show a magnifi
cent stock of ladles' tallormade suits, In
cluding tho equally popular styles of blouse
tight fitting and Jacket styles. It you
want real style, elegance, come to tho llig
Ladles' tailor-made Suits It the new
est materlnls nnd nil colors, regular
values, perfect lit and AQ
finish, nt 0"0
Ladles' tailor-made stilts, some full silk
lined throughout; Jacket In blouse stylo;
double breasted, tight lilting, tho new 6
and 7 goro flare skirts, sumo with llounce
elfects, tho new Inverted back and mudo
from tho newest pebble nnd plain cheviot
coverts nnd o her Into mate- (lLyf
rials, on salo it July tpVS
than ever. Ve hnvo them In nil the nowest
-lylrs nnd prices, tho lowest $3 9S, $4. OS,
$U.9S nnd up to $16.50.
L.tdtes' sample high grade taffeta silk
skirts, more elaborate than eer and mado
In tho ery latest fashion at $12 00, $15.00.
$20.00. $30.00 und $15.00. Seo thorn.
Our stock of Indies' dress skirts la
complete tu the very latest fall doslgni.
Hare skirt, Inverted pleat back, soma
flounced, some stitched In silk nnd satin
folds or ery handsomely braided In all
the latest materials at $4.00, $5.00. $6.00.
$S.0O, $10.00 and up Co $25 00. Do sura nnd
seo them They nro beauties, every one
of them.
KUUS We can save you money o furs.
We carry nstrachans, beavers, minks, Per
sians, near sear, electric and every popu
lar fur on the mnrket.
SPECIALS- Seo our magnificent showing
of new moreen nnd mercerized sateen
peltlcoath In black and colors, made with
deep nreordeon pleated flounces, niching
corded ruirtcs mid stitching, special prices
9Se. $1.50, $2.00. $3.00 and up to $7.00.
We carry more children's Jackets from 4
to 16, tlmii nny other house In tho west,
nnd at prices 25 to 50 per cent less than
nny roirpctltor. IJnn't forget to see our
wool waists In all the new styles from $1.50
up to $7.00.
I.ndies' Wrappers nt 25c.
Ladles' Kldordown Pressing Sncqucs In all
pretty shades, at 59c.
Ladles' petticoats with flounce nt 35c.
Ladles' Fur Collarettes, at 95c.
i:qi isiti; .MII.MMCU Y.
rgaln square
50. $1.25 and
i, strictly all
sc per yard
All our 1.98 and $2.25 black
cheviots will go, per
yard, at
All our $3.50, $1.50 and $5.00
Venetians anil fur-hair
cheviots, will go at, yard ..
A new lino of FRENCH FLANNELS Just
arrived. Wo aro heademarters for French
challls nnd French flnnnels. French (lan
nels, 3Sc. 55c. C5c,
98c up to $3.00
per yard
Cheap Dress Goods Dept.
Half wool plaids, per yard. 5c
Half wool cashmeres, per yard, 5c.
Hulf wool novelties, per yard. 5c.
Half wool novelties, per yard, 12V4c.
Hnlf wool novelties, per yard, lue.
Half wool novelties, per yard, 19c.
Silk and wool novelties, per yard 25c.
38c to 3.00
m mi. nnnnn DEPARTMENT Our dress goods samples are now ready, send In ad-
on.i .L-n win Kpnil vou a naikage of fall dress goods sumples frco. We
guarantee every dress we bell to be exactly as represented or money refunded.
Men's Shirts.
Letting Down Furniture
What does Harden sell it for' This Is the Important
qucstton with both ojatomer aud dialer alike when 1' enm to
furniture pricing. For years now we have regulated the prU'O
on furniture. Should we put a ro ker on sale ai 1 U" down
conies tho prlco on tJls rockor elsewhere. S' . aid we mako ti
deal and placo eltho- bldeboards or extension tables on tale at
lower prices than su h goods were ever offered for. you can de
pend on It. down wo ild go tho prices everywhere. We only ask
a living profit, and y n can bank on It when you buy hero you
nro buying as low a such goods can be bought anywhere, east
or west. In proof o this the public buy here more and more.
Our eule3 are on the upgrade nnd you are safe here.
We had a desk a tie not long ago and sold every ofllce desk
we had on hand. Now It Is a couch. We have Just received
60 couches, new styl frames, selected coverings, nnd In order
to tnerest you will give 15 per cent discount on nny couch
bought this week. W. guaranteed every couch sold and posi
tively assure you thry uro of the best.
Now and deslRns In China Closets, rich golden
oak, bent glass side aud front. China Closets at $11.50. $12 50,
$14.00, $15,00 and J1S.C0.
Aro you Interest 1 In nookcasc and Desks' If so, be sure
nnd sec our 75 patts ns before you buy All golden quartered
sawed oak tho flnejt money can buy at $S b3 up to $46.00,
Ono lot men's Shirts collars and cuffs
Beparate or attached In French percales
mado to sell for $1.00 on salo
Men's $1.50 fine Linen Shirts In
all tho new styles at
Men's 5oc Ntckwear In all tho latest
styles four-in-hands, tecks, OK
etc. on baio ui
Ladies' $!.25
ftea! Kid Stoves 75c
Every pair warranted awl fitted, all
sizes, from 5-i to S, $1.25 qualll, ut 75c.
Ladles' Corsets, In black and drab, pink
and blue, all sizes from 18 to 30, every
corset warranted, on salo at 49c.
Special bargains in ladles' nnd children's
horlery, In all styles, at 10c, ln and 26c.
Ladies' bli ck Sill: HoSe, $1.00.
Hoys' Lion nrand Shirts, In all new
styles, 29c.
I Pauls, in tho medium and heavy weight,
, at 25c, :'5c and 50i.
Ladies' medium weight Silk and Llslo
Vests a $1 00.
Monday's special prices on the very latest
shee music of tho day. Such hits as
"Tho Tnlo of a Kangaroo," "Ma Tlgar
Lily, "Coon Han Contest Cako Walk
"Uolo, nolo," "Foolish William" (very
now), "Tho Girl 1 Loved in Old Virginia
"You Aro So Dear to Me," "Little Miss
Mignonette" (late song by composer of
"Just As tno Sun Went Down"), "She's a
Princess Just tho Same" and "Just Dry
Away Your Tears" (very late songs by
composiTS of "Ilecause" and "Always"),
"The Urldgo of Sighs" (new), "That's Why
I Love You." Tho abovo all day Monday
at only 23c per copy; by mall. 24c.
Call and seo tho nlco music wo can show
you at 15c per cony. Vocal and Instru
mental, cake walks, coon snigs.
Wo have Just put out .ho last lot of
music we sell nt lc per copy; by mall. 2c.
Plenty of vocal and instrumental, piano
duets, violin aud piano, cornet and piano,
guitar solos, mandolin solos, violin solos,
while It lasts .only le per copy. This Is
your last chance to got music like this for
a penny a copy.
Jewelry Dept.
Special for Monduy:
Roger Pros ' best 12 dwt. knives and
forks, $2.98 per set.
Teaspoons, odds and ends, 65c per set,
Tablespoons, odds and ends, $1.00 per sot.
This lot consists of Rogers and other good
makes and worth four times tho prices wo
advertise them at.
Merry spoons, 05c.
Silver plated napkin rings, 10c.
Fine glass ball and pepper shakers, silver
plated tops, 20c pelr.
Watches, 75c. 9Se, $2.93.
Good five vtar cases.
American movements, $5.95.
AlfencHhe Greatest ' Grocery Specials.
Oress Trimming Sale
Ever Held in the
Great Book Sale.
"The Master Christian." Marie Corelll's
new book. "The Reign of Law," "Tho Ro
dotnptlon of David Carson," "Joan of tho
Sword Hand." by S. R. Crockett. On snlo
at cut prices
Piano Sale.
Thousands of yards of the finest Domestic
Ilralds from the largest manufacturer In
tho United States. Theso goods aro In od.l
lengths, running from 3 to 24 yards to each
plete sold by tho pleco only ut lo PER YD.
This includes a grand assortment of ancy
Hack AU-SJlk Trlmmtnga, as well as a
completo lino of colors.
This Is tho finest lot of 75c to $1.00 Dress
Trimmings In tho city your cholco 25c per
Theso nre all bUils and very stylish.
This lot Is u beauty all the nowest edges
aud lino lubertlngs Just tho thing for line
dribs trinituiugs.
Tho best lino of line Fur Trimmings In
I tho city.
i All perfect Pearl Ruttons; Nps. 16 to 24,
worth lOo to 25c, Hayden's factory sala
price, per dozen, 3Vic.
One lot perfect hnnd-stltchcd Handker
chiefs, half-Inch hem, mill length salo
prlco 2c.
Mixed lot of Laces, Insertions, Embroid
eries and Fancy Edges, worth 15c, Hayden's
mill length salo price 2c.
25c All-Linen Handkerchiefs 5c.
Corduroy dress bindings on salo at 2',4e,
all colors.
25c fancy ribbons for lCc.
Best quality hump hooks nud eyes at 2c
25c hose supporters. 15c.
60c hoso supporters, 25c.
10c and 15c hose supportors, 6c.
A full line of now boleros from $1.00 up.
Watch for the grand handkerchief saU
V dnesday.
Granulated sugar. 17 lbs. for $1.00.
Jersey Cream flour, per sack. 95c.
2- lb. package self-raising pancake flour,
10-pound sack pure Graham, 19c.
10-pound sack beBt corn meal, 10c.
Fresh klln-drled oatmeal, 2c lb.
Fancy wholo Carolina rice, 5c lb.
Pearl Tapioca, worth 10c lb., 2 lbs. for 15c.
New Cape Cod cranberries, 7t,4c pound.
3- lb. can Golden Drip syrup, 9c can.
Economy cream. Sc.
3-lb. can baked beans, Sc can.
Early Juno pens, regular 20c can, 12Ue.
Fancy grated pineapple, 12t,.c can.
Tall can red Alaska salmon, 12 He can.
Cracker Dept.
Optica! Dept.
Chlckerlng. Fischer, Lester, Franklin,
Haines, Ilehr Dros., Jacob Doel and twent
one other makes are being sold in our
piano department nt very low prices. All
sold on easy terms if desired None
handled that we cannot guaranteo to give
excellent satisfaction. Pay us u vUlt .,iul
see tho best piano ever sold for Jits
Pianos stored, moved, tuned and repaired
Squaro pianos going at $20.00, $25. 00, $30. ou
and $35.00. Durdotto and Newman Uros.'
organs at wholesalo prices. Slightly used I We hac n largo aKortmeut of all styles
organs at $8.00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. Head- of framos nnd Uw finest quality of crystal
quarters for all tho latest sheet music. lenfes Our prices aro rnuc-h lower than
A complete line of mandolins nnd guitars others No charge for esamlnnilon by qujl
and musical merchandise. Telephone, 16S3. I Ifled optician.
Nlco fresh made ginger snaps, 5c,
A. U. C soda crackers, fresh and crisp, 5c.
A. P.. C. ojstcr rratkers, Cc.
Cheese straws, fresh nnd crisp, 12Vic.
Cheeso sandwich, fresh aud trlsp, 12Vic.
Shredded wheat biscuit, lie.
Graham and oatmeal crackers, Sc.
Kennedy's favorite milk biscuit, S'-c.
Kennedy's butter crackers, 6Hc
L'needa biscuit, 3Ve.
Rarrcl of ginger snaps, 22c.
Lemon and vanilla wafers. 15c.
Hrcmner's lunch biscuit, 9c.
Prctzelettcs, 10c.
Granoso biscuits, 12c.
Kennedy s afternoon tea, C2o.
Hrcmner's high tea, 22c.
Animal crackers, 8tc.
Ilrownles, 12'c.
Boston butter crackers, 9o,
Faust oyster crackers. 8c.
Nice mixed cookies, 10c. N
A great brIo on all that Is new nnd fnsh
lonnble In liidles Headgear, Tho most su
perb and Complete lino of ladles' beautifully
trimmed Hats over shown In Omahu.
Special cut prices on stylish street hats
In all tho new shapes.
Dig1 bargain sales In all departments.
Tin: me. cotton noons hai.k.
continues nil this weok with bargains big
ger and greater than ever.
Three caBes more of fleeco lined wrapper
cloths In full pieces, and nil now patterns,
per ynrd, Be.
1,000 pieces standard Apron Ginghams,
(Amoskeag) In every color nnd sized check,
4-c ynrd.
Four cases standard Dress Calicos, all de
Blrablo colors and patterns, worth 6c, at
30 yard.
Five cases of good fancy calicos for com
fort covers, etc. 3'ie.
10.000 yards of shirting Calicos In 2 to 10
yard pieces, tho 6c grade, at 2Hc.
Seo the new lines of Imitation French
"lannol, for waists, dresses, etc., nnd tho
heavy Rolo cloth for bath robes, etc., In
wash dress goods department.
Linen Department.
66-luch nil linen damask, 50c yard.
CS-itich all linen damask, (Irish), 59c yard.
72-lnch ull linen damask, 75c yard,
72-lnch nil linen dnmask, $1.00 yard.
size all linen napkins, $1.75 dozen.
slzo all linen napkins, $2.25 dozen.
18-Inch Uarnsley crash toweling, 9c yard.
lS-lnch glass checked crash toweling, 3!c
KSusIin and Sheeting.
30-Inch brown musllu. 1'sc ard.
30-Inch bleached musllu. 5hc ynrd.
?t)-inch fine bleached muslin, 7c yard.
8-4 unbleached sheeting, 14c ynrd.
8-4 bleached sheeting, ICo yard.
36-lnch cambric, 7',sc yard, 15 yards for
Bed Spreads.
11-4 crochet spreads at 98c each.
11-4 crochet spreads, (extra size), at $1.25
! each
j 11-4 flno satin quilt Monday only $2.98
i ench.
10-1 colored fringed spread, (fine), $1.25
I rai-b
Specials on
Teas and Coffees.
Special parched Rio coffee. 12 'sr.
No. 1 Golden Rio, 15r und 17'..c.
Good Java and Mothn, 22'si
French Java ,nd Mo. ha, .'lo.
Rest Highland Java and .Mocha, .'
lbs. for fl 00.
Choice new 1900 crop tea sittings only 20c.
Fancy tea blond only 3"c.
Moyune Gunpowder lea only 3fsc.
Fancy English Ilreukfast tea, 38c.
Dasket fired Japan Icholcu drink;, ISo
Coylon, oolong and Young Hyson. 5Sc
or 3
Flannel Dept.
Double faced clderdowu, 45c per yard,
worth 70c.
10 different patterns of embroidered Ann
uel, per yard 59c, cheap at 80c.
3 cases fancy outing llanncl, oxtra heavy,
regular 10c per yard, 476c.
3 cuse6 best grade 20-Inch wide outlug
flannel, per yard 7N.c cheap at 12Uc.
1 case 10c shaker flannel, per yard, 5c.
Dried Fruits.
Now fresh gofxls at less than cost.
Choice California prunes, 5u lb.
Fancy Santa Clara pruues, 7!4c lb.
Extra choice Italian prunes, SHc lb.
Yollow Crawford peaches, 914c lb.
Cholco Calfornta peaches, 10c lb.
Extra fancy Mulr peaches, 12V4o lb.
Monday's Prices
on Meats.
No 1 California Hams 7e
liood Salt Pork S1 j l
IluncleHs Ham He
Gorman Hummer tiauuge 16c
3 lbs. Wot Lard 2Sc
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams uVa
Rest liologua ,, On
Loin special Roast Reef
Solid packed Oysters , 2;,c
Butter and Cheese.
Choice Separator creamery butter, 19c and
Flno dairy butter. 17c und ISr
Good country butter. 12'4c nnl i
Plncapplo cheese, 45c
Wisconsin full cream, 12t.-c
Now York full cream, 14c,
Special Drugs
perfume, 10c an ounce.
Fountain Syringed, 2-quart, 65c.
Fountain Syringes, 3-quart, C5c.
Toilet Soups, 3 takes In box. 5e box.
Kirk's Juvenile .Soap, Sc cake.
Tooth Wash 1'jt per botllr
Tooth Paste, uc tube
N N KhiiTjpoo Powder t'Or
imported Aw