THE OMAHA DAILY ItTCEt SATntDAV. OCTOHTJl , 1000. RTMENTSHAYOE C000 fino imported Flow blue Sfl tl1 VC S V the most astnuishiticr ha myitis in o-rhrJc ' 10 inch iu,nou , . . r ; r & .vuvuu nie Runaway oiri oaiaa oowls iawaia aum iiiiii2 auu itiuturica ui tne uoimiryw intmsaiias ot , i . .... . . i.STIGCiifll of f Pk.t ti O's; st t1ip usual niinac Ttta T-i-s Music on salo in our music du- llegular prico $1.00 lo $1.25, partmont. on sale Saturday at uaujlc uncicu &uun iine(juaiiea assori nents or sunn rnrp narrvHe n u 19c Shrewd and economical buyers save money b' keeping their eyes on Hayden's Special MMW J Jl 111 VII Attend the Greatest Dress Trimming Sale Ever Held in the Country. Ko DIIE3S TIU.MMI.VCiS If l'BR YAHD Thousands of yards of tho II nest Domestic 13 raids from tho largest manufacturer In the United States. Those Roods (fro In odd lengths, running from 3 to 24 yards to each piece sold by tlio piece only at lc I'lSR YD. 11.50 DltKSS TRIMMINGS 3So PER YARD This include u grand assortment of fancy black All-Silk Trimmings, as well us n coinpleto lino of colors. 11.00 DRESS TRIMMINGS 25c PER YD. TliU la tlio finest lot of 75c to $1.00 Dress Trimmings in tlio city your choice 25c per jard. 40c DRESS TRIMMINGS lCc PER YARD Theso nro all black and very stylish. J5c DRESS TRIMMINGS 10c This lot Is a beauty ull tho newrat edges and finu luaertlngs Just tlio thing for fins dress trimmings. FINE FUR TRIM MINUS Tho best lino of Dno Fur Trimmings In tho city. All perfect Pearl Iluttons, Nos. 1G to 21, orth 10c to 2."ic, Haydcu'3 factory sale jirlru. per dozen, 314c. Ono lot perfect hand-stltched Handkor chiefs, hair-ttich hem, mill length salo prico 2c. Mixed lot of Laces, Insertions, Embroid eries and Fancy Edges, worth 15j, Hayden's mill lutigtii nulo prico 2c. 25c AH -Linen llaudkorchlofs Cc. Bigger Wash Goods 'cystine C?a4ip.fJlon REGULAR FULL PIECE OOODS-ln tho best styles of FLANNELETTE, for wrappers, yard Co b'hlrtlng Calicos In 2 to 10 yard pieces, yard IVjo Regular FULL PIECES YARD WIDE DARK PERCALES, yard S, Host grade silver gray and black and wbltu Calicos, 2 to 10 yard pieces, yd. .314c FULL PIECES AM OS K 13 AG APRON GINGHAMS, all sized cUcks, blue, brown, green, etc, yard iftc J'ULL PIECES dark standard Calicos. yard ....20 Full pieces yard wide, 12'.4c Sllkollno yard 5.c Striped Mercerized Silk Moreen, worth Jl.OO yard,' on salo Saturday, yard 39c AGAINST COURT HOUSE BONDS Oontral Labor Union Will Have Oommitteo Thoro to Protest. FEDERAL UNION GETS ITS CHARTER BACK UlMT Of I.IIIIH StlllllllllK C'OIIII'H Mini la .Settled .liter it (ircat Drill if Drliutr llrtm'cn tlio llt-ll'Klltt'ft. Central Labor union will have a com tnltteo at the mooting of the county com missioners this morning to protcal against tho proposed issue of bauds fur a now court house. Georgo Kleffner of South Omaha brought tho subject up nt tho moot ing of tho Central union Friday evening, declaring his conviction that it would bo un unwlso movo for tunny reasons ho enumerated, chief among which was a probability that Omaha anil South Omaha will soon cousolldato and constitute n county by themselves and this Issue of bonds might luicrfero with tho issuo oi bonds for tho acquisition of tho water works. After discussion by several votes tho union expressed Its disapprobation of the proposition by a uunnimous rising vole nnd a commltteo was uppolnted comprising .Asa Taylor, Georgo Kloffner and Fred M. Youngs to present the protest to the com missioners. Tho controversy over the charter of fed- oral union 1.S91 came up on the applica tion of Otto Schsverln for recognition as a dclcgnto from that union, which Is an or ganization of unskilled labor, it appeared (rom tho discussion that ensued that there is dlssunslon In that union, arising from tho mysterious dlsappcarnuco of about $100 In fuudH realized from a picnic during tho j nuiutncr. Sotno eight or ten members, who nro accused of having been privy to the loss of tho treasure, have withdrawn from tho union. Schwerln appeared as a repro Bcntntlvo of tho remaining factlou In place! of ono of those who have retired. Tho claims of tho Schwerln faction were pro-1 dented by Georgo Mitchell, who. declare 1 ' that somo of tho retiring members had I dtolon tho charter and papers from the' union's desk lu Washington hull, nnd had' turned It over to C. E. Sparks, secretary of tho Central Labor union, who Is also organizer for tho American Federation of Labor, from which tho federation derived its charter. After a heated controversy Bchwerlu was admitted nud obligated as a ' delegato from the union and Secretary! Sparks was directed to return tho charter to tho remaining faction. J. Polllrnn nnd J. White wcro admitted ns delegates from the Uroommakers' union, Ed F. Kennedy from tho RotleruiaUcrs' to succeed John Madden. W. J. Htpo of tbo Bookbinders to succeed Georgo (es. Ed II Stophan of tho Clgnrmnkera to succeed H A. Nellson and 11. C Dodd of tho WaltcM". .vi ii v aw mi rMirA'' in mi There I j only ONE POND'S EXTRACT and eve rybody Imowi its purity, itrcngth and great medicinal value. Don't take the weak, watery Witch tlazcl preparation! represented to be "the same as" POND'S EXTRACT. They generally contain " wood alcohol," which Irritates .the skin, and, taken Internclly, Is a deadly poison. Oct POND'S EXTRACT, sold only In scrtled bottles In bull wrappers. lien's Furnishings Sale Mfin's 15c Four-Ply Linen Collars, 5ci f'OO cloicn latest style men's Collars, Rlandlng or lurn-donn -clean, new, pcrfoct four-ply linen cold everywhere K. for 15c -on b1o nt 53C Men's Medium Weight Me rino Underwear, 25c. Two cases men s line merino wool Un derwearmedium weight all sizes shirts and drawers made to eell for 50c a gar menton salo CftE at G Men's $1.50 medium wcght all Of) wool Underwear all sizes 5?(lC Ouo lot samples of men's ilno wool Un derwear that wore mado to sell up to $2.50 per garmonl all In ouo lot fPVO at S9$G Men's 25o Hos. In blacks, tana and fancy colors guaranteed absolutely fast 6ff$ on boIo at per pair l3Q Men's Shirts. Ono lot men's Shirts collars and cuffs separate or attached In Kronen percales mttde'to sell for Jl.OO on salo Q Men's 51.50 fino Linen Shirts In all tho now utylus at StJv .Men's 60c Neckwear In all the latest styles four-ln-handa, tecks, Jftjj? etc. on salo at..' hwG Gpifcai Dept. Wo have a largo assortment ol all styles of frames aud tho finest quality of crystal lenses. Our prices aro much lower than others. No chnrgo for examination by (iial tiled optlciun. fkvy Ung Prices Hood's Sarsaparllla f9o Palno's Celery Compound CDo Gailleld Tea zoe Pozzonl's Complexion Powder, per box.. 35c Swansdown Complexion Powder 15c Dr. Woodbury's Complexion Soap .... ISc Dr. Woodbury's Complexion Cream .. 18c to succeed Howard Hurvey. Tho Abovo del egates wero obligated. Tho names of W. J. Wales and Georgo E. Russell wcro submitted as selections of representatives of tho Electrical Workers' union. Action went over until the next meeting. A letter was read from Chnrlps R. Jones, who wrote from Hillings, Mont., asking the Central Labor union to warn nil men against listening to the Importunities of western rallrond labor iigents, who are hiring men Indiscriminately und bhipplug them to that country on tho pretense that they can se curo work on a railroad they represent as being built n short distance out of that place. Ho writes that tho agents charge theso men from $1 to $6, furnish them transportation anil keep their baggago checks until they have paid their fare. Thcro was no work there at any price, ho writes, nnd not enough room In the town to sleep the people now there. This communi cation wns referred to tho press commit tee. Iloycotts by tho Meat Cutters' union against flvo meat markets for differences with tho union wero endorsed and It np pcureil from tho discussion that one of those whoso place of business Is ntfected objecte 1 to the wording of tbo union card which hai been Miaponded In his shop. It is headed "Intercntlcmil Union Market," and the pro prietor complaltiiHl that mnny customers who did not read nil of tho card took It that this meant that the shop belonged. Io some combination for advancing prices of meat. Tho chair appointed Hollls Tyler of tho Waltera' union a member of tho organization committee, nnd William Schneider nnd F. II. Mnnn ns irembers of tho home in lustry nnd union labor rommltt'ee, while A. II. Schroeder of the Musicians' was named n3 fraternal delegato from South Omaha. CiiiiNuniiitloii Curt'il. An old physician, retired from practice, had placid In hi- hands by an East Indian mlssloi nry tho formula of n slmplovegr table remedy for tho speedy nnd permanent cure of Consumption, bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all Threat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for nervous debility nnd all nervous complaints. Hav lug tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of rases, and desiring to relievo human suffering, I will send freo of chargo to nil who wish It, this reclpo, In German, French or English, with full directions for preparing nnd using. Sent by mall by addressing with stamp, nnmlng this paper, W. A. Noycs, S35 Powers' block, Rochester, N. Y. I'nrli lliinril Work I'rum cixIiik, Much of the work outlined by the Hoard ot Park Commissioners .it lecont meotlnt.s has been completed. A driveway has bcmi graded through Kountxe park, east of the. Twentieth street bridge ('cross the lagooi. The approaches to thu hrldro have been (langoroin for some time and wire not us.l The drlvewav was bulit to open travel mi the street prior to the time when the Ingnon will bo tilled anil the park lent' red Grid crs will begin work on C'trtls Turner park next week The (.-round will be leveled and put In such cot dltl' n that nhrubs and tr i ninv be planted this winter In Hems park a drive Is completed which coure t tho boulevnr 1 with Thirty-seventh street i'i ntv j u.ii 1 4 I ) tjf. Vl'jr ItVJ. T ill 1 41 b. Lfl Kit Silks. Silks. Silks. 27-INCH WIDE HLACK AND COLORED TAKFETA. AT C9C. Tho best silk ever offered for tho price, In black and about 10 different colors. Thousands of pieces of Fancy Silks nt 69c -lhesi) nro elegant silks, very heavy mid all tho lutost stylos. MO SALE ON FINE 11LACIC SILKS AT 75C. Theuo you will find on main bargain square all kinds of weaves, tho regular skirt aud dress silk that sells up to $1.50. We show nn Immense lino of new silks for trlmmngs, In tucks, cords, hemstitch und shlrrod, all the prettty light shades. All day Saturday wo will sell a 24-lnch wide Frolu li foulard black dress silk, worth $1.25 or a ;iG-liicli wldo black Jnpauuic, worth $1.2. your cholco tlJc. When you read your Sunday morning's paper look for that Wlnslow Taffetu add. We lnivo something Important to toll you. Wlnslow Taffeta Is tho original wldo taf (eta. Wlnslow Taffeta Is the only wldu taffota that wears. Remember that Hay dens' is the place. Spcsiais for Saturday DO dozen Ladles' Wrappers, fleece lined, each C9c. 25 do7en Percale Wrappers, 39c. Ladles' Dressing Saccules, In blue, pink, cardinal nnd gray mado (rom wool elder down, wftrth $1.25, for 69c. Ladles' Perralu Underskirts, with llounco and rulllo, worth $1.00, for 39c. 1 table Ladles' Rainy-Day Skirts, with several rows of stitching, nt $3.75. Ladles' Illack Brocade Skirts, 93c. Ohildren's School SDresse 1 caso of silk tfool aud cotton, neat bright colors, good3 usually sold at 39c, on salo nt 25c. 1 caso all wool plaids, worth 59c, on sale 25c. 1 caso short lengths, in all sizes, from 1 to 0 yards to piece, on sale at per yurd 19c. NEIGHBORS EXCHANGE SHOTS i:neli .MlxtmiU the Oilier fur n t'hloLcil Tiller mill Until tint Hurt. C. S. Gago, who lives In a sparsely settled section a quarter of a mile cast of tho Country club house, heard a noise. In his chicken coop the other night, so, taking his trusty shotgun from Its hooks on tho wall, he sallied forth to inquire tho cause. Joel Hawkins, whese home adjoins that of Gago, also heard tho noise. Dressing hurriedly ho took his shotgun from behind tho hall door aud sauntered out. Now. It happens that both Hawkins and Gago are chicken fanciers, llehlnd the dwelling of each Is a largo yard enclosed with n picket fence, topped with wire screen, nnd tho yards aro separated by a chlclt uproot stockade. At tho rear of each paddock Is a house for tho fowls and still larther to tho rear, without the en closures, Is a clump of scrub timber and underbrush. Gago approached from the north nnd Hawkins from tho south. Tho dr,y twigs crackled under their feet. Through tho scant foliage tho moon cast a wan light and on" either hand wero eerlo shadows. It was Just such a scene as tho stage electrician would delight to create and had ho been thero ho would have bathed those two crouching figures In a flood of greou calcium. As It was each took tho other for tho chicken thief. For two hours, until tho break of the chill, gray dawn, they watched each othor, oaoh taking caro to keep under cover. Then Gngo .mmmoncd courage and mado n charjo. There were two Hashes of light, two explosions, two charges of tine bird shot found lodgment in humnn ller.h. two yells. Then, recognizing each other's voices, they compared notes and found that nelthor wns badly hurt. Hawkins told this story to tho cnptnln of police and Incidentally asked thu nld of tho department In protecting his avlnry. A' Tlioimnnil TitnKiieN, Could not express the rapturo of Annlo E. Sprlngor of Philadelphia when Dr. Klng'3 Now Discovery cured her of n hacking cough that for many years had mado life a burden. Sho says: "After all other rem edies and doctors failed It soon removed tho pain In my chest nnd I ran now sleep soundly, something 1 can scarcely remem ber doing before. I fenl like sounding Us praises throughout tho universe." Dr. King's New Discovery is guaranteed to euro alt troubles of the thront, chest or lungs. Price, 50e and $1.00. Trial bottles frco at Kuhn & Co.'b drug store. ASK CONCERNING ATTEBURY Alli-KiMl IlliplUt MillUfer olleltx A III for OiiiiiIiii (iinrltli'N In w. cm Icuwi Toiviik. A. W. Clark, superintendent of the Child Saving Institute, has received Inquiries from several towns In western Iowa dur ing the last ten days relative to n Rev. Mr. Attebury, who claims to bo a Dnptlst minister, and who represents himself ns the agent of certnln Omaha charities. Per sons connected with churches In various Iowa villages hnvo nsked If he Is author ized to solicit such aid. They say he claims to represent tho Young Women's Christian association, the Salvation Army Rescue home and another rescue home located 'at Eighth and Bancroft stroots. Mr. Clark has referred theso communi cations to ench of tho threo rtmrltlos named and each denier ill knowiedgo of such a pornon bb Rev. Mr. Attebury. None of them has employed nn outside agent. The Inquiries have been answered In ac cordance with these facts, When Inst heard from (October 4) the Exquisite Millinery A great sale on nil that Is now and fashionable In Ladles' Headgear. The most superb nnd complete lino of ladles' beautifully trimmed bats over shown In Omaha. Special cut. prices on stylish felt street hats, In all tho new shades. Linen ISept, A few of the good things: 4-4 Drown Muslins nt 3c, 10 yard llmt. 4-4 Pleached Muslins at 4Ve, io yds limit. 4-4 Atlantic Muslin ut 7c, 20 yards limit. 4-4 Cnrabrlc MUfdlu nt 7',fcc, 20 yards limit. 8-4 Drown Sheeting at 14c, no llmt. 8-4 Illeachcd Sheeting, 10-, no Unit. Speeial Clock Sale At $4.00 and $4.85 All our handsome largo Mantel Clocks. Theso clocks nro of the best muke, and guaranteed. A nice assortment to select from. Dlack Iron clocks with gilt mouldings. Alto marble, S-day, hour aud half hour strike, cathedral gong. Child's silver plated Cups 25c licit Ruckles 10c "reverend'' gontlemau was In Carroll, da , where ho was Interesting church peoplo In his enterprise and soliciting subscriptions for a little magazluo called "Vigilance." WIIICKLY rLH.Yltl.Mi HOlhi: TAIII.i;. AnKroKUte uf HunlneHH TriuiNiictt-il Iij the AnHticlutcil Illllll.N. NEW YORK. Oct. 5. Tho following table, compiled by Ilradstreet, shows tho bank clearings nt tho principal cities for tho week ended October 4, with the per cent of Increase and decrease ns compared with tho corresponding week last year: CITIES. Amount. I Inc. Dec New York Roston , Chlcugo Philadelphia Pittsburg St. Louis Snn Francisco Iinltlmore Cincinnati Knusas City Houston Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland Savannah OMAHA Detroit Louisville Providence Indianapolis Oalveston Milwaukee Murrain St. Paul Columbus, O Denver St. Joseph Richmond Seattle Ilfirtfnrd Memphis Augusta, Gn Peoria Portlnnd, Ore Salt Luko City Wnshlnuton Li s Angeles Atlanta Rochester N"W llnvcn Worcester , I'liiingllcld. Mass.. Ki rt Worth Portland. Mo Nnrrolk Syracuse Dch Moines Nashvlllo Wilmington, Del... Fall River Scrantnn. Orund Hnnlds Dayton, O Tncomn Spokane Sioux City Davenport Topeku Lowell New Medlord Knoxvllle. Tenn.... Illt'mlngham Wichita Mlnghiimton Lexlnglon, Ky Jacksonville, Fin.. KalHmar.oo Akron Chattanoogn Rockrord. Ill Canton, O Snrlnglle'd. O Fnrco. N. P $ 973,139,619 H9.Kil.SH 137 ."Sil,277 91,743,10:!, 2S.704,27i5 2l,(VO,9:o 21,72 ,0' 9 15.24S.3V) 24. b "4.3 4.2 8 1 2.9: 19.5! 1.7 14.5 'il2 13,1 '2 621 12,5S,324 11.372.0112 31.9 2L2 11.100,(62 1 8 (IM,3i:i fi.3'i 1.349 7.5t0.HI4! 7.7.".0 (H0;5.70O 6.16I.G;G 5.747 OCO 6.fi0t!,516! 5.5'i5(j2l 5 II7,2S1 S.27tl,70Oi 105.1 14.9 H.5 II 2 3.5 '47:0 ;.i 2.81 I C.0I 2.0 '12! i 'ih'.i 4 215.1M 3.777.721I "i'j 6.S 3,3IS,829I ?.92iJ.k2'i I 1.2', 12.5,, 141.2 , ).:!, 10.0 , '..KS.rii7,U10 3,S2I,?22 2,f3'5,71S 2.r5.01 2.1S3.127 27.1 22.31 oii': 13.7'. 2,im 7i5i 2,ffi.!lSfi 1.572 467 1.44l.7fi2 I.2l.7f0 l.r.,231 1.117 571 1,211,3 ft 1 0'2,!) J.C2i.8l'l 1 5 1.0 OO 1 IS 3 r.4 3 2 iii 1 ".f01,v;3 1,092X31 1,013.337 1.137.241 1. cm. If6 1.072.111 13.fil. Jfl (1 5 I 10.7 1 1 is c 4.1 l.tTij.lto 1.9'. I .... I 9.2'. 37. V 1 '2 LP I 1.2' I3.r, .TS.'i . Pi'i.SI 51.1 l.S. ii.s l,2H,30ii 1,V70,'0fi 1.230.S13 1 117,3i'.)l M7,S1I, en rrr.i Wl.0'151, Sld.472' 493 3101 m 3TI r.lS.1131 :'Ti.32l, 8k7.f.77l 16,0iV)l ?23.W,f, . Wl.WOI S3 Tfn) . mT.rii1 145 597I 260.1M r00,'25' OSI.OV) CI1.2I-RI KS.257I IIO,4fi9i 27S.1941 9D ran' . Ji.raaXTsTTr?'' fE9.r33.S9R1 Hastings, Neb. 13 4 17.5 Fremont, Neb. Toledo Helena Mucon Little Rock 42 7 33.2 ICvansvllio Rnrlngfleld, III. vnungstown Sioux Falls. 8. D.... Tntols. I'. 8 Totals, outside N. Y. DOMINION OF CANADA. I 1 Amount. I Inc 1 Pe CITIES. Mnntrenl i$ 14.510.9Ml. Torontn , 10.417.7771. Winnipeg 2,o5.H9' Ilnlirax l,732,finS Hnmllton 1 .7i7.(lSSl Rt. John, N. M .37.791 Vancouver ' l,3i7,: Victoria Ek9,070l Totals '...1$ 132,2751 9 e II 0 f.t. 2 tO.S ra 9 11 3 Children's Cloak Dept. After months of hard labor wo huvo gathered from the best manufacturers of tho country tho largest nnd most com plet Html; of children's goods of nny house In America. Saturday wo guarnnteo oery mother In Oninlm nnd tho surrounding country n saving of 25 to 50 per cent on children's garments. Wo mnko you n Ktnndiug proposition that If any house quotes you n prico 1 cent less than ours you enn return It nt our expense and get your money back. 500 Children's Jackets, ngos 4 to 14, ss a starter for $1.25. 2S5 Children's Jackets, In heavy mix tures, made up lit the very newest stylus, they nro worth $1.50 on sale Saturday nt $2 9S. Coo Children's Jackets, the grentest und grandest variety we ever had; they aro worth $7.60 to $10.00 on salo for, each $5. Still Louring Furniture Price Four cnrloads of our furniture, bought In July last, have Just cumo to bnnd It Is a little lato now to get tho usual prices for theso goods, so hnvo marked all these goods at a lower price. You will find lots of j r uiuu Hurunu mm mi WiIIKIIIiWMIII in now goods on our Moors now and wo can assure you a great saving. New Folding Reds, $10.50, $11.60, $12.50 and $11.00. Now Parlor Suits, flo pieces, $26.50, $28.00 aud $30.00. Hundreds of new fancy Odd Pieces and Fancy Settccfc. covered In new, up-to-date coverings. Ono if tho finest lines of now Extension Tables shown In tho city. -Tables raugo In prico from $3.r.O up to $15.00. Hcforo you buy furniture see us. SAYS BRICK TRUST EXISTS .John lliirte, n (outriii'tor, Ilelim Suit AkuIufiI llrlci.- CoMtrliet ui'n' Ammii'IiiI Inn, John II. Harte, contractor, has filed suit against tho Ilrlck Contractors' association of Omabn, which lucludes many of the brick contracting firms of tho city, ask ing Hint It bo declared a trust and be dissolved by order of tho- court. Plaintiff claims that these firms havo organized tho nstcclntlon named for tho purpose of controlling tho brick contracting trade In Omaha and freezing out all competition. Ho alleges that he Is putting up a number of buildings In various parts of tho city and that representatives of tho Arms con nected with this association have been threatening his employes, telling them that If thoy did not quit his employ they would bo unable to secure employment with nny of the other firms thereafter. He asked that an order bo Issued by tho court re straining tho Intruders from Interfering with or threatening bis employes pending the action of tho court on his application to havo the association dissolved ns a trust. Judge Dickinson Issued a temporary re straining order setting tho final hearing for October 12. .lull ( oiil'ln't Hhvp Stood It. If ho'd had Itching piles. They'ro ter ribly annoying; but Uucklen's Arnica Salvo will cure tho worst caso of piles on earth. It has ctued thousands. For Injuries, pains or bodily eruptions It's tho best salve In tho world. Price, 25c a box. Cure guarantied. Sold by Kuhn & Co., drug gists. LOCAL BREVITIES. Word has been received nt army head quarters that Siege Mattery O Is now on Its way to Foit Riley, where- It will arrive toda;'. iSugeno V. lubs, candidate- of the social dciiHicriK y foi pn slilcut, is luoked to open Ills 011 mi Micro In omnha .'t Washington ball tho evening ol' October 10. Smith Holton and Lottie Singleton, the couplo who lacked the means or procuring a murrlnne license, wero legally united yes terday. To secure the money $2.10 ror the permit the police matron solicited ulms from the byways and the knot wiui tied gratuitously by Police Judge tlordon. Tho bride expects her rather to arrive rrom DeSoto nnd tuke her home. Civil Hcrvtec examinations will be held In (Jmnlin October 10 ror ellglbles ror posi tions In the government printing ofllce and rir departmental clerks In the different brunches whore ellglbles nre lequlred October 23 to 25 examinations will be held for inecba '.ileal draughtsman and ror clerks ror registers and reeclvers ror the land olllees In several states nnd territories November l the lists will be open for the registration or persons desiring positions n '"killed ivTkinen in tho ant)iro:ologcnl department t tho HmMisonlan Institute BUFFET LIBRARY GARS Best Dining Gat Sniiti IS 1 fg 21 x I Special Saturday Bargains SBUS ON QUALITY Did you sco that double heating base burner, with a 16-lnch fire pot, a regular $41 heater, special $32.95. Cyclone hot blast 16-tnch, Saturday $S.25. 21-lnch air tight wood heater, $1.95. 16-Inch modern Oak Saturday $9.95. No. S laundry stovo Saturday $2.95. THE iTANDARI) STEEL RANGE, the Quest In Omaha, largo oven, 18x14x21; high warming closet, asbestos lined through out, a regular $37.50 range, our price Sat urday $29.95. No. S 4-holo cook, lS-Inch oven nnd very fino plain cook stove, warranted, a fine baker, cheap nt $15.00 Saturday $10.95. 6-holo range, with reservoir, 20-lneh oven, line baker, chenp at $18.00 Satur day $14.95. Wood-lined stove bonrds Saturday 69c. Polished iron pipe Saturday 27c. Plain iron plpo Saturday 10c. Coal hods Saturday 13c. Flro shovels Saturday 2c. M&XFZ 2 ADVANCE NOTICE AK-SAR-BEN CARPETS 6,000 y.trds Carpola and Mattings used at tho Don the night of tho ball. All go on salo Monday morning, Oct. 8th, at 8 o'clock. Soo Sunday papora for pricos. Ono.hnlf inch tubing, extends from 28 to fit inchos, for Laco Curtnlns Suturday each TABOURETS Mado of solid oak, choico dodigna, richly finishod in golden; throo j)at Kn terna. Spcciuls for Saturdry i)Oc, 75c and OUC "Walk in and Look Around. " Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Company 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street. ; MANHOOD RESTOED'Svell vvitK bin Vltullir,tlieprK:rlplliinoffiuout French iibyilclsn, will quickly cum you of all wS 'irrrouror (lli'u.aul Ilia ccnemtlrt ur(snii, aucu m l.o.i Manlioad, lnuinnl, CJA ,l in. In iha llnrk, Hrmlumt Kwliilnai, Nrrou Ueblllty, I'ltnplo uwa lurai lu nitrry, i;iunninK iirnin., mriciir.ii una ;on.iipniiaai. ' II atui'M Mil lnuft by lr or iiiihu I'lf vtntaulckncii4u( dttciiirr, which II not cbtcked lK'ls to Mef rniaiorrliim unit all th horror, ol Iropotrdcr, 'III,ll:NHclens th Uvpr. iIia Lttlnv. aud the uiinarr annua ol all lmsurlttea. :iriIii:NUfetrtiiiirLliaBai nd rcitormm!! wiat oreant , . 'Iliriaon ftunVrers are not eitifd hr Doctor I neana(0 per crntora troubltil with I'rnatatltlla, CITl'IPKNE the oniy know n remedy tu rur nltbont un operation, 000 llliiinU!. A wrlttea Etmrantesclreii and niou.-y remrni'il irhoie doeanot effect a, perisaneut curt. LWftboi,lor (J.0O, mall, fiend Inr kiick circular awl AJJiwplVfil, sir i'I Mc J. o. toi vnt, Kaa Franctmo, Cat. FOIl SAI.I3 IIV MVi:ilS-UII,LO. ..III tl CO.. JUT 11 AND rAIl.VAM. lK Ground floor ; Office With a Big ! r.. . ii s YUUll 7, Located rlh'ht on Karnum Street, In tg I'I UK I'HOOI' bullilInK Is an oppor- tunny which muy not coron again torM yearn. Thuro In unothsr larso room j adjoining v.hlch you may havo, If you want It, A'lilcU opona on tho court. Kloctrlo Debt, heat and Janitor nerv- Ico aro Included In thu rental. 4 ncBldea, there In an advantage InB being In tho host bulldlnR In town. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee liuildlng. Dress Goods Our extra heavy black $1.93 Cheviot will go on sale at Die. Our extra heavy Venetians, worth $1.75, will go on sale at ono prico only 9Sc. Extra heavy 6S-luch Homcspuus, worth up to $1 9S yard, will go at 9Sc. Extra heavy all wool Homespuns, worth 35c yard, will go on salo at 49c. French Flannels A new lino of French Flannels Just ar rived and now on salo at 3Sc, 65c, 65c, 75c, 9Sc. Extra fino embroidered, at $1.50, $1.76, $1 98 up to $3 00 per yard. Flannel Dept. Five cases 36-Inches wide best Outing Flannel, per yard 7V4c, worth 12V4c. Flvo cases extm heavy Shaker Flannel, per yard. (c, regulor prico 10c. All colors plain wool Eiderdown 19c per yard, regulur prico 40c. Grocery Specials Fresh bulk oysters, solid pack, quart 26c Now Capo Cod Cranberries, lb 7c Self-raising Paucnko Flour, 12-lb pkg. S'ic New Evaporated Yellow Peaches, lb.,12Hc Fancy Mocha nnd Java Coffee, lb.... 15c Whlto Russian Soap. 8 for 25c 3-lb. can (lolduii Drip Syrup 9c Economy Evaporated Cream, can, Sc Tall can Red Salmon, extra line, cau..l2tic Plut bottle Puro Tomato Catsup 12lfcc Sweet Pickles, bottle Sic White Onions, botttlo 8Hc Mix Pickles, bottlo 8e 2-lb. package Fresh Rolled Oats 6c Puro Corn Sturch, pur pnekago 6c linking Chocolate, largo cakes 17Hc Laundry Starch, 4 lbs. for 16c Jersey Cicam Flour, per sack 95c 10-lb. sack Whlto or Yellow Meal 10c 1 0-lb. sack pure Wheat Graham 19c Big Ham Sale Saturday Rest brand No. 1 Hams lHic Rest brand Picnic Hnms "Vic Uoneless Hams HHc German Summer Sausage 16c 10-lb. palls Rest Lard 88c Solid Pa. i.ed Oysters (per quart) 25c Donelcss Corned Reef 8o Fresh Spring Chickens. Screen Frames Liko tho Illustration, (12 Inch lilph, 55 inoh wldo, in either antique oak or white cnnmol finish, J QQ lllnck Cloth .Taponoso screens with frllt f) flK ombroiilory, 01 fect hii;h, ouch JO About 11 dozen aing-lo pnnol prnto Bcrcons, silk- ollno fUllnff. To close, onch wUC Brass Extension Poles 10c pimisiiV VKorrAiiMi. AoU m a Tonto and Stop Hair from Fallinx Out, Cure Dandruff, Drlttl Hair, Itch Inc and all Bcalp Traublea. Guaranteed to Cure When all other remedi$3 have faiUd or money refunded, Bali eYrywiier. Bate, Sure, TltltabK TrtatUe a Hair and Scalp trouble fre. JL. It. HUKSIEIX CO., . nkl0Ht.-t Far lila by filifrman & AlcConnell UrUB Cc, MVArn.Dlllnri llriiL. i 'r. I I t M. A. Utllon, South Otnaha. 'I'm ill huiiiillcil hy M. Monhelt Hair Iiaiaax. A. I Undeland, ItlchardMin Drue Co, uu