Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 06, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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MANUFACTLUEUS JIAKEMOXKY contractors keep at work
Only Two Houses in This Census District
Roport Low Last Year.
llornrnliorrn Arr tlic Want l'rnirriiiiii
Clan, of ArdnuiiN III City,
tilth "hiii'iiinliprn .ctt
In Orilrr.
The work of the epeclal agents charged
with ascertaining the conditions of tho
tnanufacturttiK and Industrial Interests at
Omaha 1b now practically complete, al
though It will tie a week or more before the
last Bcht'duleg arc sent In to the bureau at
Tho neentH nro under Instructions to make
known none of iie farts In reKnrd to manu
facturers which come to their knowledge by
reason of their official position, but, gener
ally, It can be said that the condition of
tho Omaha manufacturer, whether In large
or small business, wus nover better. In
speaking of his work one of the agents re
marked that out of tho entire number of
houses vlslled by him but two reported a
loss in buslnesH for the cm rent year and
that of these, two one was not certain, as ho
hud kept no books.
According tr this nKent the horseshoers
uro tho most prosperous class of pooole en
gaged In business In the city, not that their
jjurcoutoRe of prolltH is the greatest, but
because they have steadier work than any
other Close upon the horseshoers come
tho shoemakers- -these engaged In manu
facturing and rcp.ilnug. These show u re
markably Urge number and their days of
employment generally are only limited by
the number of tlayn In tho year.
The dressmakers are another large and
Important class uo arc generally regularly
employed, and nnllo the agent was not per
mitted to specify ho stilted that one of
tho women conducting such an establish
ment had Ui the bank $50,000, made In tho
business in Omaha In n comparatively few
years, and that on dresses made this year
her prolltb were something over 120,000.
Contrary to expectation the mllllnnru are
not so fortunate, for while the profits aro
good they are not what they bavo been In
times past and the seasons nro limited to
u few mouths each year.
t urMloiii Iti'iiillly A uin rrril.
While some of the owners of smaller
houses have objected to the questions pro
pounded by the ukcuib the larger establish
montn have without exception given them
nil of the nssistanco In their power. At
one manufactory the ploprletor devoted
half u day to lnvextigatlng his business
v. 1th the agi nt. The books were alt brought
Into the private olllee anil for that after
noon the door was locked to all visitors.
When tho books were completed It was
found that the exact amount of business In
tho manufacturing department could not
bo ascertained, an much of tho goods pur
chased was sold in uniuanufurtured form,
nnd no separate books were kept of these
dales. An estimate was made on the basis
of tho stock on hand, which vwis compared
with tho stcckman's Looks, showing n dif
ference between the two estimates of les
than $300 on u business of more than $200,
OOO per annum. Tho amount of work dono
by each oporatlo was taken anil compared
with un uvcragu of what could be done If
thu pooplo put in full time, tho result
Hhowlng that anions tho 200 odd persons
employed tho value of tho lost time In a
year amounted to less than $.1,000.
Among tho statistics to be secured Is
tho total amount of wages paid each year
nnd tho number of persons employed. This
Is ono of the delicate subjects touched upon
.by tho enumerator and tho one whero the
most troublo Is found In securing answers.
An agent having tho larger establishments
In charge speaking of this phase of tho
matter said: "These statistics aro the
hardest to got of any. Uomotlnics It Is
really Impossible, but usually a good esti
mate can bo made. Tho larger houses
niako tho least trouble. I havo visited and
examined the books of a dozen or more
housos employlig more than 100 men nnd
of tho entire list 1 find that Tho Ileo pays
tho best Vagea to Its employes of any es
tablishment in Omaha."
.No Mlrtilliin I'nlil to the Orilfr of tlir
IIiiIIiIIiik Iniiireliir I'ee In
Mill I iiiuihl.
Work on the new High school building
continues In spite of the lty building In
spector's order that operations should
cease until the Hoard of Education pays
tho fee of $117 duo on the permit. All
the contractors were notified that they
would be prosecuted for violating a city or
dinance if they did not quit work, but they
paid no attention to the threat and action
has not been taken to force them to leave
the building.
Mayor Moores says that the Hoard of
1'Mucatlon must pay tho fee nnd that no
effort will bo .lparod to mako It meet this
obligation, tic suys, further, thai ho has
not decided definitely what method of pro
cedure ho will adopt. It was rumored that
nil the membors of the board nnd the con
tractors would bo arrested, but no appli
cation has b"en made so far for warrants
The Hoard of Education feels no uneas
iness over the situation and the members
assert that, work will not bo stopped. City
Attorney Connell Is of the opinion that tho
city cantiot afford to bring action against
tho board, ns this would delay tho con
tractors, who would no doubt sue for dam
ages and might recover a much larger
amount than tho $117 Involved In the con
troversy. The contractors do not expect the city to
Interfere with the building and say that if
they nre delayed somebody has to p'iy
them damages. There Is such a demand
for labor at present that a slight delay
would cause the contractors to lose their
help nnd they say that this would work
u great hardship upon them.
AiiiioiliM'i-ninit of tlir 'l'lirntors.
This afternoon u matlneo performance
will be given of "A Runaway Girl" at
Iloyd's theater. Tonight tho compuuy will
conclude Its engagement. At every per
formance tho theater has been well tilled.
Tho pleco Is recplved better than any ono
that has played the theater this season.
Tomorrow nftornoon Herrmann, tho great
prestidigitator, will open for an engage
ment that will continue to Tuesday night.
Ho promises some weird and wonderful
transformations and trlckB, nil of which
ure now. The mysterious Tub of Neptuno
Is ono and l.a Suppllce do I.utuco Is an
other. Tho cremation Is his pleco do ro
ulstnncc. In It a beautiful woman Is burned
allvtf before the audience and then
brought Into being. Scats are now on
Tho Idoal Hon Ton llurlcsqucrn begin a
week's engagement at .Mlaco's Trocadero
with a matluoe Sunday afternoon. Here
after matinees will be given every after
noon, "Smoke If you like," Is now the
grcetlug at tho door. Tho Hon Ton Hur
lesquers come highly recommended and a
show of iUr.zllng brilliancy Is promised
Bella uro now on sale.
Smart women looking for bargains
idiould not fall to read our nil on pogo 7
nnd tbon visit our store. Haydon Bros.
Sam'l Hums 1318 Parnam, Is selling a
porcelain toilet set, $1.0.").
AuHrilril (inlil .llrilul.
WAUKKSHA, Wis., Oct. 5. Tho Whlto
Hock Mineral Spring company has Just
received word that tho gold medal nt tho
I'nris exposition was awarded Whlto Rock
Water over all competitors. They are also
Informed that tho French government
chemist pronounces Whlto Hock au abso
lutely perfect water from the standpoint
of purity, taste and mixing quality.
The method of making the award Is an
Interesting ono nnd Is told In a letter
from Carls to the Whlto Hock Mineral
Sprlug company as follows:
"Jurors selected from different countries
were appointed to Judgo American waters.
The French government chemist made an
analysis of each water, not knowing Its
name, but under a number. This analysis
was furnished each Juror, who In turn
tested each water under numbers corre
sponding with tho chemist's numbers.
Neither Juror nor chemist knew what
water he was testing. The Individual Jurors
marked their opinion of tho different waters
on a scale ringing from 1 to 20, but their
Judgment of them nil was based on
analysis, taste, mixing quality, etc.
"After each Juror had put down his
marks for each as ho thought they com
pared, the numbers so put down were
udded together and that sum was divided
by the number of Jurors as follows: Waters
falling between 1 and 4 by this division
were designated 'ordinary;' 4 to S, 'fair.'
S to 12, 'good;' 12 to lti, 'very good,' 1C
to 20. 'perfect.' Whlto Hock was tho
only water that fell between 1C and 20 out
of 21 competitors. It Is said to be un
heard of that ono should fall In the
charmed circle of 1C-20, and not another
reach 10."
Ilrlic I'oInoii from tlir lloily.
No matter where poison Is lodged In tho
body or how It got there, Cascarcts Candy
Cathartic will always find It and expel It.
Druggists, 10c, 25e, DOc.
lloclirntrr .Simp Co.
Successors to The Howe.
Clearing of The Howo stock wreckage
department. Mm's shoes, broken lines,
B9c, 78c, 08c, 1.1S; ladles' Bhoes, 39c, 4Sc,
01c; children's shoes, 12c, 19c, 29c; COO
palrn men's artlcs, worth 11.25, go at 59c.
Come Saturday.
Successors to The Howe,
1515 Douglas St.
Salesmen Hy au old established Chicago
ten, cigar and splec Jobbing house, a few
more first-class salesmen; stato age, terri
tory, expcrlenco, average sales, salary or
commission expected. Address C X 061,
Trlbuno ofllco, Chicago.
A triumph In trado Is reached when the
greatest values are sold for the smallest
prices. Wo believe wo have achieved it.
Wo nover lower quality to meet price.
Hnyden Hros., with an ad on page 7.
Did You See Teddy?
You bet wo did nnd howled a lung loose
nnd what a gang of rough riders paraded tho
streets! It was a grand sight and we'll
bot n can of sardines Teddy will never have
a grander reception.
Cramer's Kidney wire 750
Schnefer's Cough Syrup 20c
Dr. Karl Krumer's l'ennyroyal Iills..$l.O0
Mennen's Talcum I'owder i2o
Ayer's Hnlr Vigor ;s0
Buffy's Mult Whiskey s;0
1 Job. 2-gratn Quinine Capsules 70
1 iloz. 3-grnln Quinine Capsules 10c
i doz. D-gniln Qulnlno Capsules 15c
3. S 75o
Syrup of Figs 3ou
Miles' Nervine ?sr
Malted Milk oo
Hlerco's Prescription 7S0
noun's nils ;
I'ncle Sam's Tobacco Cure 50o
S. V. Cor. llllh nml L'hloiiRo. U .I,lJJJJ,JlJJJrajJL4-LJLL03
Kansas City and rot urn, ?.").S0, October
r and 15. Hot urn limit, October S.
Trains leave Burlington Station nt
S:f0 a. m. and 10:15 p. m.
St. Louis and return, $11. r0, October 5.
Upturn limit, October S.
St. Louis Flyer leaves Burlington Sta
tion ! :rn p. m.
Ticket Oltlct,
1502 Farnam St.
Tol, 250.
Burtlnoion Station,
10th and Mason Sta,
Tel. 12 a.
DnHna, iTn, itntl Hrtiirii flit I. SO Vln
Itnek Inlnuil Itonte.
Tickets on sale Oct. 7 nnd S. Pinal re
turn limit 30 days. Kast train leaves
Omaha 5 55 p. m. and arrives Dallas fol
lowing evening
City ticket offlre. 1323 Far nam st.
Look on page 7
tiros, have to say.
and read what Hayden
Baby Trusses
Wo havo n nlco assortment of trusses
for babies and young children. Some In
tended for ut.iblllenl (naval rupture, and
somo for tngelnal f groin) rupturo. I'rlco
$1.00 nnd $1.25 each.
We havo a very large nssortment of
trusses, In hard rubber with steel springs
and clastic for youths and adults, men and
for truss and shoulder brace catnloguc.
Sherman & McCoiinell Drug Go
New Btoro S. W. Cor. ICtli and Dodgo.
f ml ) Eouitable
VMHi I jfn
F L lib.
Policies Arc Sight Drafts
nt Maturity.
Surplus Fund (from which
dividends are to bo paid)
Over $61,000,000.
For Protection or Employment ap
ply to
200:208 Hoc HuiUliiiK - O.MAI1A'
S p.'GTOrV
Popular Excursions
The Union Pacific to
Osiifornia and Oregon
Extracts from numerous letters:
Norn A. Miller of I.os Angeles, Cnl.,
writes. "I have token tho trip many
tlmen by different routes. I can say
your Personally Conducted Incursions
excel nil. I found everything clean
and comfortable, and received ns much
attention as 1 did going east in tho
Mr. Rzra W. Decoto of Chicago, 111.,
writes: "I wish to thank thn Union
Pacific for the way In which they ar
ranged our ontlro trip, and for tho
way In which they made us nil com
Mrs. George Montgomery of I.o.i
Angeles, writes: "I have traveled n
great deal, but never used tourist curs
before, nnd wo had not thought It
possible for a Journey to bo made so
comfortable. Tho Union Pnclllc cars
aro a rcvlntlou. '
Mr. Gorge Chadley of Soneca Falls,'
X. Y., writes: "Everything that could
bo dono lor the comfort of passen
gers nil tho way was done, nnd will
recommend your excursions to all our
friends, feeling assured that the ar
rangement Is the best for the pu 1 c."
These Personally Conducted Excursions
Leave Omaha Every Friday.
For full Information call at
New City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. Tel. 316.
Read Hayden's Bargains on Page Seven.
All the Latest Styles in Ladies' Patent
Leather and Vici Kid Shoes.
in the Ultra" and Brooks Brother's makes. The newest up-to-date
shoes for men, in valour calf, box calf and patent
leather, tho "Stetson" and French-Shriner &, Urnor hand
made shoes.
CHILDREN'S $1 kid lace
shoes, Bizes 8 to 104
CHILDREN'S 81. i5 dongola kid,
lace and button shoes,
sizes 8 to 11, for vPfJlp
MISSES' $1,50 kid lace spring
liewl shoes, sips 1 1 iS
to 2, for
MISSES' tine $2 vici kid "Pen
nant" school shoes, rtfl
sizes 11 to 2, for $EBLlfiJ
LITTLE GENT'S $1.35 dongola
kid, lace, spring heel
shoes, sizes 9 to 13 ... .
BOYS' fine $1.75 satin calf lace
Klines, sizes 12 tn 2. 3i (PiS
f or . . .
BOYS' fine $2.00 satin calf lace
shoes, sizes 2 A to f.J,
Mru'H A ret leu,
iTorth Ijl
I.iullen' It illibrrx,
rorth 7Bt
Snip 1'rlee
Jlen'n Hublicrx,
1 Ill-Ill 1,0(1,
Silc I'rlee
I.mlli'N' Arrtles,
north !!.",
Mil' I'rlee
Clillilrrii'n SlioeH
red nml tun,
J to r.,
s noi:s
I.iiillrn' OxfnrilN,
i ii r(h up ia
Saturday Only
Introducing Hochcster'H IHchcst (Irado
1'ootwear at Halt Trice.
UTZ & DUNN'S I-adiuH' SbooJ, Ideal kid,
swell bhocs, worth J6, Salo I'rlco $:.9S.
LADIES' SHOES, welts and turns, tho
newest toes, worth $j, Salo Price $2.60.'
QUUEX QUAMTY, conipleto lines, worth
a, Sale I'rlco J1.S9.
SOHOSIS Kor ono day, all Blzes and
widths. Sale I'rlco J2.29.
Stror.R & Oarlleld Men's Shoes, worth $3,
Sale I'rlco $2.78.
Dalanco ot HeRcnts, the Ronulno nrtlclo,
Men's Shoes, 300 pairs, tans only, worth
up to $4.50. Salo Price $1.C9.
60 different lines Men's Shoes Just opened.
The Rochester Shoe Co.,
Successors to Till: HOWE.
1515 Douglas St, 1515
Jlrn'H Slini'H,
I'lioli'f nf
un in i If line
niiy' SUiipm,
lirnUi'ii 1 1 n I'M,
Iloyn' Hiiblirrii,
l.nillPH' Straii
SIIpihtm, Miirtli
jjia, Snle I'rle
Litillm' Sliorn,
li nil; rn Hum,
Sit 1 1 II
I.lltlp Gent
Miocx, irnrth
$U.7r, Sulr price
l.nillPH' .slio""!
liroUcii lliipx.
This store is admitted
Everywhere as leading in the quality of its merchandise and its
business methods, making permanent impressions on this entire
business community by sending out quality that is absolutely correct
in every way, and by making right every wrong or appearance of wrong.
Wonen9s Fir$
A1 1 women look well In fur
nml tho day li;n (joiio by
wtlen only roynltv coulil
n4timo them. Our Knr
dopai'tmont olTors you annn
very Hiicelul thlttfjs In
line, nml ymi ttilto no
ehuncos In buyinp horc, in
only jooiJ rolliiblo furs aro
Hold at Tho Nebraska.
Women's Fur Scnrfs,
$1 75 to S2S.00
Womon'a Fur CollnrottoH,
$2.90 to $45.00
Women's Fur fYlutfa,
. SI. 25 to SI 0.00
Women's Fur Onpas,
,SI4.75,to 5.413.00
Women a, Fur JncUotH
SI9.75 to $55.00
vSKirts r Sat'dey
iImwtwwbH nnHraMnSl
iMett's I'iincy Cotoro.l
Shifts, bodv and bostitn of
same, attached collars and
culTs, full lino pat- .-.A.,
terns and siivs... tVJL'
iMon'.s 1-aiicy (.'dlorcil
Slut ts, with "or without
detachable collars, full line
of patterns and Tw
Men's Fancy Colorjd
Shirts. 'J'lioro i no batter
sliirt, no better line of pat
term, nono bcuor for a
third inoro than I (f
we asK I .vH
AU the now thinpa for
men to tie around their
necks. We make a Hiieei-
alty of out-doinp all cm-
If you comparo our olfors
in men's clothing with tho
goods nnd qualituM HtHv
whoro, yon will morn fully
undorst.'ind why this do
jKirttnont is so busy on
Aon's All Wool Suits
newest plTuutti in Kti lpo?. checks
and the nobny ovorluld platdnjevory
... i :.. i l,n -...i.. i.. ..ft
HUlt 1M UUUI UlilUUll 1" IV .! 1111
v;o l and are all cut, i
petition in neckwear, nnd ehallonpo eoniparl- A x
son in iiuality, style and price. Joe, ."ie, D.joand iC
you one of them,
l'rom the top
aown wo fur
nisli every
thinn to wear
for mon and
Olir Xebras
ka ri poo Jul
Hut at $1..iU
is tho best
hat in Amer
ica for tho
money. Let
list start, you
by selling
Any color, and in all tho latent
made m.d tlnishcd in the'
vorv latt tvlos
Men's All Wool Suits
mti(U of tho lluediquiilltv nfhtnek
nnd blue winter weight chevlotn -Miln
liiinir filiillL'l. lined With
d-uliki warp I'nlimi cloth -tho Nebraska 7fc
price with a guarantee J)1 J
oys' Ciothirg
llcapa of olotlilnj; walt-
ItiK to bo old, your In
terest is looked attur
hero. What buslucan
huvo wo luimlllng rlothva
nt all uiilosa your intor
vHt In nt BtuUo? If ltn
ijuallty - - good, honest,
uuprctiitidliiK (tuallty that
you want In thu yuiiUK
Btor's clotlicH, Ihto'h tho
Etoro to llutl just whiit
you want.
Boys' 2-piecc Suits
In n full lino ot pattcrna,
every tiult til ions nml
durable S to 15 yearn, nt
J1.C0, $2.C0. J2.25, $2.50,
n75, ?3.00. $3.25, J3.60,
j:i.7o, 4.00 and up.
Hoys' Vestce Suits
with detnrliod venta
some with pearl nnd
others with brass nml
ornamental buttons ves-
S' tees tnmo nintcrial na
coat others with faney
silk vest InRs they come In plain dlnRonals and in n
prrnt variety of faney suitlnns 1 to S years $1.50, J1.75,
J2.00, J2.50, $3 00, $3.50, $3.75. $1.00 and up.
Hoys' Blouse Suits
Mays' Mine Scree Mlousc siiitSf., -.. ri tp
-i to s years. anil $3.75
Mays' Blouse suits . c-t r-n
at $3.25 and $3.50
Mays' Kiisslnii Mlatisc suits f1 ,
at. $3.75 and up
4RMk Capes
Wm a,,d
mm waists
ties in
JJend Hayden's l?a rjain Sales on I 'age 7
I (V FJ rarv r7 ramus at
HlYnFIK Men's
Fall and Winter
Reliable Garments at
Lowest Prices.
15 U) nautilus St
Dull Razor
1h a r.ilsi nilile tluiiK to Next to n corn
nr tijolliiuhi', it I.h about t ho worst tiling
uu can have. Nu in oil for It. We can
h. II you a GKN'l'l.S'K VA.S'KKH STIKJI
f'r 25i! that Is iMjiiul, and In Hum caseH,
Hiiperlnr to many 53c ami $1.00 strops. Try
one tiuioro they aro all sono.
I'roa in the Thront 10:
ilruino gulnlnu 15c
Krown'H TroehcH -0.-
Hull's Catarrh Cure U'Jc
Kundon's ('uturrh Jelly i 2Je
Iily'H Cream Halm 0i'
.MarHhall'.s t'ntartli Syrup 10c
Hiillentlne H t'ainrrli Cure 20u
lluniphroy h Ciiarrh Cure EOi:
rilua' Catarrh Cure fcUu
J.vjtc'l 15c
I'lso Catarrh Cure tjo
( i T-i'im i: nut taasTM.
I'ourlrrnlh mit -outrinn htiucti.
Ojien All Melil,
Sn) AIR.....
Kor painless extruetlnn, leuves no after
'ffei'tii and ean he taken by any ono. .Mauu
fresh In our olllco every monuni;.
Vitalised Air K5
KuraWliiB 2"
Heht Teeth, a set
Tail's Philadelpliia Dental Romos
:r, i'j i)iut;iu st.
un uut .ml rumrii an.
w will irnil )ou tills M it
irr.Jc high mrm, UO.itar MPlf Init Mmt lllnC
by rriKtii,(' O. 1i..uIiJm t (ammnt
r.A(l..n f Hi... I, lrl. l-tlV B.t
'a urclo'rT,riltii' lilknii.'"
lK u.tbla.a i.U .urj.k.r. l IIU.IHI
-1 ta fllllMl. ... Ih. rr-fl f 1 1 OK
l..l llur Ki'.rUl VTrr rrK'i ( 1 1 1 w
n,lfleljlitl')i.rtl.. I..U. H.iklK If 4li.ill.lt4 I. hi .III rct.r.i..r
if. Come, eomulrta with bob
bmi, nMMlle., g.uve, oil con ana In.trucllou book,
lltul olia ok Mrr, drop IimiI lablnot, trttj
ImproTHuant. r.lf.t runnlni, b..l wortlnir ;jlr
aarklnoat.r alTrr.d. HUjr lul.Mililll'l b IHKOiH Mill
IIKIUIllir. rll. tir lr. H.lf .Ul.n.. Kdrr.i,
Merv's ClotKirvg S
You are invited to inspect our Mien's
Dress and Semi-Dress Suit Department.
Likewise the special offers herein made
for Saturday.
MISS'S (iOOl) AU. WOOL MRLTOX SUITS In brown and tan
shades also lino Worsted Suits well inado and per- K Ofl
feet lit tiny; elsewhere nt Hayden's Saturday SatS3
.M ION'S VISK VVU: WOKSTICI) SUITS Neatest, and dressiest
of business sails --single anil dtiuble-breasted ESSfi
vests actual .?lll.ri() our special price U nWla
M ION'S I'MNIO SUITS-.Made of liiyli Ri-ndo fancy worsted and
Oxford vicuna in ail the newest, designs sold elsewhere at.
eighteen dollars special price at Hayden's
M ION'S SUITS Made of highest grade vicunas, thibelH and
fancy worsteds in all the newest, patterns and cuts the kind
for which merchant, tailors ask you and .frJB AC rtra
special at, I layden's ftlS.OO and IwLUU
st, vies--well lined--silk sleeve liuings- elsewhero jnjjfi
10.00 nt Hayden's Saturday ViUy
IOXTRA SPECIAL FOl SATCWDAV- 2.000 men's line Fancy
Worsted Trousers sold elsewhere at .l.oO to .(i.nO - t f"'
snecial Saturdav. and
Selling the MosL Clothing in Omaha.
Selecting" a Wife.
...and n Stave or Range are quite alike.
The handsomest mny not he the
best, but when you do find hath
these qualities together...
It's an Awful Nice Combination.
TK;? W. Charter Oak Stove and Range.
nSBDc I MADE Charter Oak Stove &Range Co,
ucrtLtna BY maim & oabs ave ot louio. mo,